Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SPHA760 des Produzenten Samsung
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6XI30.07LM_a7 60_102804_F 9 Sprint PCS Vision SM Ready Link Phone RL-A760 by Samsung ®.
Sprint PCS Service www Copyright © 2004 Sprint Spectrum L.P . All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior written approval. Sprint, the diamond logo design, and all other Sprint marks referenced herein are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.
6XI30.07LM_a7 60_102804_F 9.
T able of Cont ents How to Use This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Getting Advanced Phone an d Service Information . . . . ii Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Basics of Your Sprint PCS Phone .
TTY Use With Sprint PCS Se rvice From Sprint . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 Sending and Receiving Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Setting Up Your Voicemail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Retrieving Your Voicemail Messages .
Safety and Terms & Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Performance and Sa fety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Getting the Most Out of Your Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Maintaining Safe Use of and Access to Your Phone .
i Ho w t o Use This Guide Thank y ou f o r c hoosing Spr int PCS Service Spri nt has the most complete, all-digital wir eless netw ork in the nation. Depend on it.
ii Get ting A dv anced Phone and Service Inf or mation This guide co v er s y our phone’ s basic featur es and ser vices. T o lear n how to use all the adv a nced f eatures of y our phone and ser vice, visit www . and sign on to y our account manag ement page wi th y o ur Sprint PCS Phone Number and pass wor d.
1 Get ting Star t ed Activating and Using Y o ur Sprint PCS Service.
2 1 Ha v e these things r eady bef or e y ou call t o activ at e your Spr int PCS Service •Y our Sprint PCS Phone (Mak e sur e it’ s fully c harg ed) •Y our Social Security number •Y our drive.
3 Getting Started 3 Y our Spr int PCS A ccount P assw or ds As a Sprint PCS customer , y ou enjo y unlimited acce ss to y our per sonal account inf or mation, your v oicemail account, and yo ur Spr int PCS V ision accoun t.
4 If y ou hav e a Spri nt PCS Visi on Phone, y ou can set up a Spri nt PCS V ision P assw ord. This optional pass w ord ma y be used to author ize purc ha se of premium conten t and to protect personal information on multi-phone accounts.
5 Getting Started 5 Spr int PCS Clear P a y SM Pr ogr am Check this box if you are on the Spr int PCS Clear Pay SM Prog ram. If yo u ar e not on th e Sprint PCS Clear P ay Prog ram, skip ahea d to step 6 on pa g e 7.
6 W ester n Union ® . Make a cash payment at an y W estern Union location simply by providing your Spri nt PCS Phone Num ber on the W estern Union Swiftpa y ® form . Press on y our Sprint PCS Phone or dial 1-800-32 5-6000 from any phone to find a location ne ar y ou.
7 Getting Started 6 Y our new Spr int PCS Phone Number and Spr int PCS V ision User Name Sprint PCS Phone Number Sprint PCS V ision User Name Y our user name (f or e xample, ), is also y our email address f or Spri nt PCS Mail. It is automatically assigned to y ou when you sign up f or Sprint PCS V ision.
8 7 Quic k, easy options to manag e y our account W ith Spr int Customer Service, ther e are tw o con v enient options f or mana ging your account. • Manage it online – visit www .
9 Getting Started • Use your Sp rint PCS Ph one – press Once connected , y ou can: Access a summar y of yo ur ser vice plan F ind out the nu mber of mi nutes rem aining i n yo ur plan f or.
11 Basics of Y our Spr int PCS Phone.
12 Y our New Spr int PCS Phone.
13 Basics Y our Pho ne ’ s F eat ur es 1. Speaker: The speaker allows y ou to hear the other caller and th e differ ent r ing tones and sounds offer ed by y ou r ph on e. 2. Signal Strength Ind icator: This icon repr esents the signal strength by displayi ng bar s.
14 call log. If you pr ess and hold the ke y down, you will initiate the V oice Recognition f eature. 11. V oicemail Key: Pr ess and hold to automaticall y dial your vo i c em a i l . 12. Numeric Keypad: Use th ese keys to enter numbers, letter s, and char acter s.
15 Basics 21. Right Softkey: This key is used to navigate th rough menus an d applications by sele cting the c hoice avail able in the ri ght softkey option. 22. Speaker Key: Pr ess and h old to launc h V oice Signal. Press on ce to displa y the recent call log.
16 V iewing the Display Sc reen This list identif ies the symbols y ou’ ll see on your main LCD screen . displa ys y our current signal stre ngth. The more lines you have, the stronger your signal. means y our phone cannot find a signal. tells y ou a call is in prog ress.
17 Basics indicates that ther e is an unr ead URL mes sage is in the inbox. indicate s there is a re ad URL me ssage in the inbox. indicates there is an urg ent unread URL messag e in the in box.(Icon i s or ang e indicates that ther e is a read urg ent URL message in the in box.
18 indicates that your phone is ro aming. indicates that your phone is loc ked. indicates that an alar m is set on y our phone. indicates that the ring er is set at a lev e l betw een 1-8 or that 1-Beep is selected. indicates that the r i nger is turned Of f .
19 Basics T ur ning Y our Phone On and Of f T ur ning Y o ur Phone On 1. Fully e xtend the antenna to receiv e the best reception. 2. Press . (The phone will displa y “Enter ing Spr int Ser vice Area” then it will automatically ente r standby mode — the phone’ s idle stat e.
20 Using the Bat t ery and Char g er Installing and Remo ving the Batt ery T o install, inser t the batter y into the opening on the back of the phone and g ently pr ess do wn until the latch snaps into place. T o remov e, make sure the pow er is of f .
21 Basics Char ging the Ba t tery T o use the travel charger: 1. Insert the end of the tra v el c harg er connector into the pow er interface connector . 2. Plug the other end into a stand ard w all outlet. When the T r avel Charg er is used to c harg e the batter y , a red light is di spla y ed when the f lip is c losed.
22 Making and Answ er ing Calls Making Calls 1. Make sure y our phone is on. 2. Enter a phone number . (If you make a mi stake while dialing, press to er ase one digit at a time or press and hold to erase the entir e number .) 3. Press to place the call.
23 Basics Ent er ing T ext Y our Sprint PCS Phon e provid es f our dif f erent wa ys to enter w ords, letters, punctu at ion, and numbers whenever y ou are requir ed to enter te xt (f or e xample, when enteri ng a Contact entr y or when using the phone’ s messag ing f e atures).
24 Contr olling Y our Roaming Exper ience Y our pho ne is dual ban d/tr i mode , whic h mean s y ou can make and receive calls while on the Spr int Nationwide PCS Netw ork and y ou can also ro am on other analog and 1900 and 800 MHz digital netw or ks where w e’ ve implemented roamin g agr eements with o ther carr ier s.
25 Basics Call Guar d Call Guar d remi nds yo u when y ou are m aking or rec eiving a roamin g call and requi res y ou to take additional steps bef ore placing or ans wering roaming calls.
26 Using Contacts Sa ving Phone Numbers 1. Fr om standby mo de, ente r a phone numb er and press . 2. Highligh t Add New Entry and pr ess . 3. Select a label by highlighting Home, W or k, Mobile, P age r , F ax or No Label and pr ess . 4. Enter a name for the entr y using the numer ic ke ys.
27 Basics Finding Phone Numbers This f eature allows you to sear ch f or phone numbers sav ed in y our contacts by enter ing the last f our digits of the phone number . When sear ch ing, y ou must enter the digits in sequential or der starting from the last number .
28 Changing Y our Phone ’ s Set tings Y ou can customize man y of y our phone’ s functions, from displa y and sounds to messaging and se cur ity , thr ough the Settings menu . Below are just a f ew e xa mples of how to navigate and use the Settings menu.
29 Basics Changing the Gr eeting 1. Press f or Menu . 2. Highligh t Settings and press . 3. Press f or Display . 4. Press f or Greeting . 5. Select Sprint PCS or Custom and pr ess . 6. If y ou selected Custom , press and hold to clear the name and then ente r a new n ame us ing the keypad.
30 T T Y Use With Spr int PCS Service F r om Spr int A TTY (also kno wn as a TDD or T e xt T elephone), is a telecommunications device that allows people who are deaf or har d of hearing, or wh o hav e speech or languag e disa bilities , to com municate b y tele phone.
31 Basics Sending and Receiv ing Messag es Set ting Up Y our V oicemail 1. Press and hold . 2. Follo w the system prompts to cr eate y our pass code and record your greet ing . Retr ie ving Y our V oicemail Messag es Press and hold . F ollow the system prompts.
32 Spr int PCS Service Feat ur es Call W aitin g T o r espond to an i ncoming call while y ou’ r e on a call: 1. The scre en displa ys the incoming call and a tone is heard. Press to accept the call and place y our e xisting call on hold. 2. T o sw i t ch be t wee n c a l l e r s , pr e s s .
33 Basics Thr ee-W ay Calling T alking with two differ ent people at the same time is made easy wi th Thr ee-W ay Calling. T o place a thr ee-w a y call: 1.
34 Spr int PCS V oice Command SM W ith Spr int PCS V oice Command, you can call a number just by sa ying a name. Get t ing star ted with S pr int PCS V oice Command Press to contact Sprint Customer Ser vice, activate the ser vice, and set up your account right from your S print PCS Phone.
35 Basics Spr int PCS Vi sion SM Get ting Star t ed With Spr int PCS V i sion T o access detailed instructions on using Sprint PCS V ision ser vices, visit www and download y our phone’ s complete U ser’ s Guide. T o launc h a Spr int PCS V ision connection: 1.
36 4. Use your navigation key to scroll around and select from a v ari ety of online s er vices. 5. End or e xit your br owser session by pr essing . Spr int PCS V ision Services W ith Spr int PCS V i.
37 Basics Screen Savers Download unique images to use as screen sav er s or make it easy to tell who’ s calling b y assigning speci fic ima ges to number s in y our cont acts. W eb Experience full-colo r g raphic v er sions of po pular W ebsites from your Spr int PCS Vision P hone.
38 Spr int PCS V ision S ymbols on Y our Scr een Phone is not currently able to access Sprint PCS V ision ser vice fe atur es. Connection is activ e (dat a is being transferre d). Outg oing calls can be made, but incom ing calls g o di r ec t ly t o yo u r voi c e m ai l .
39 Basics Y our Phone ’ s Special F eat ur es Ready Link Y our Spr int PCS Phone comes with t he Ready Link f eature, which allows y ou to instantly communicate with y our friends and f amil y using instant tw o-wa y communi cations. Below ar e some basic instructions to g et you started with Read y Link.
40 Managing Y our S pr int PCS Ready Link Contact Lists Sprint PCS Ready Link has its o wn separ ate addr ess book with tw o pr imar y lists: the Person al List/Personal Groups. , which contain y our per sonal Ready Link contact/group names and numbers, and the Company List/Company Groups.
41 Basics A dding a New Gr oup t o Y our P ersonal Gr oup List 1. Fr om the Sprint PCS Ready Link List (see step 1 in “ Adding a New Contact to Y our P er sonal List”), pre ss (Go to), highlig ht Personal Groups. , and press . 2. Highligh t New Group , and press .
42 Editing a Contact in Y our P ersonal List 1. Fr om standby mode, press f or R-Link or to acce ss the Sprint PCS Ready Lin k List. 2. Highlight the desired entr y and press f or Options . 3. Highligh t Edit and press . 4. Highlight the field y ou want to edit ( Name or R-Link Number ), and pre ss .
43 Basics Making a Ready Link Call Fr om Y our Ready Link Contacts Lists 1. Fr om standby mode, press f or R-Link or to access the Sprint PCS Read y Link List. 2. Press f or Go to and highli ght the des ired list ( Company List , Compan y Gr oups . , Personal List , Pe rsonal Groups.
44 Receiving a Ready Link Call 1. When a Read y Link call is receiv ed on y our phone, y ou will hear an incoming Ready Link tone and y ou will see Call and the caller’ s name and Spr int PCS Read y Link number on the sc reen. (Y ou do n ot need to take any action to ans w er the call.
45 Basics SMS V oice Messaging Y our new han dset inc ludes SMS V oice Messaging, a f eature that allows y ou to se nd instant v oice messag es to an y mobile phone or Email address. SMS V oice Messa ging can be used an ytime a phone call isn't ne eded or appropriate or when a te xt messag e isn't conv enient.
46 Pla ying an SMS V oice Messa g es When y ou receiv e an SMS V oice Messag e, the handset will displa y a notification messag e, pla y an alert, and displa y the messaging icon [ ]. Receiv ed messag es are stor ed on y our handset in a convenient inbox.
47 Basics 8. Press f or Next to rec ord your messa ge. 9. When fi nished, pr ess to end r ecording. 10. Press f or Send to send the messag e. A dditional F eatur es V oice Memo The V oice Memo feature allows y ou to re cord a nd save up to 10 one-minute long memos.
48 T ask Li st Allows y ou to create up to ni ne dif f erent tasks and assign eac h a pr ior ity le v el of low or high. Memo Pad Allows y ou to create up to nine, 64 c haracte r te xt memos to remind y our self of impor tant thoughts or ideas.
49 Basics A ccessor ies f o r Y our Phone Standard Battery Provides up to 3 hour s of cont inuous digi tal talk time (up to 1.7 h ours in analog) or up to 2.
50 times. N o complicated wi red in stallations – just plug and use from an y vehicl e pow e r outlet. T ravel Adapter This lightw eight, compact charg e r plugs directl y into your phone to c harg e the batter y while trav eling. It plugs into an y standard 110-22 0V 60 Hz outlet.
51 Saf ety and T er ms & Conditions.
52 P erf or mance and Saf ety Get ting the Most Out of Y our Reception Keeping T abs on Signal Strength The quality of each call y ou make or receiv e depends on the signal strength in y our area. Y our phone inf orms you of the current signal strength by displaying a number of bars next to the signal stren gth icon.
53 Safety / T erms & Conditions e xisting ANSI/ IEEE standard and th e guidelines published by the National Council of Radiation Protections and Measurements (NCRP). Maintaining Y our Phone’ s Peak Performance There are sev eral simple guidelines to operating y o ur phone properl y and maintaining saf e, satisfactor y ser vice.
54 Do not take notes or look up phone number s while driv ing. Dial sensibl y and assess the traf fi c; if possib le, place calls when stationar y or bef ore pulling into traffic. Do not engage in stressful or emotional conv ersations that may divert your attention from the road.
55 Safety / T erms & Conditions T urning Off Y our Phone Before Flying T urn of f yo ur phone bef ore boarding an y aircraft. T o prevent possible interf erence with air craft systems, the U.
56 Car ing for the Bat t ery Protecting Y our Battery The guidelines liste d below help you g et the most out of your batter y’ s performance. Use only Sprint-approv ed batter ies and desktop charg er s. These charg er s are designed to maximize batter y life.
57 Safety / T erms & Conditions A c knowledging Special Pr ecaution s and the FCC Notice FCC Notice This phone ma y cause TV or radio interf erence if used in close proximity to receiving equipment. The F CC can require you to stop using the phone if such inter fer ence cannot be eliminated.
58 Specific Absor ption Rates (SAR) f or Wir eless Phones The SAR is a value that corresponds to the relative amount of RF energ y absorbed in the h ead of a user of a wireless handset. The SAR valu e of a phon e is the re sult of an e xtensiv e testing, measuring and calculation process.
59 Safety / T erms & Conditions Owner ’ s Recor d The model number , regulator y number and s erial number are located on a nameplate inside the batter y compartment. Reco rd the serial numbe r in the space pro vided belo w . This will be helpfu l if yo u need to contact us about your phone in the f utur e.
60 T er ms and Conditions & W ar r anty Inf or mation T er ms an d Conditio ns of Services (Ef f ective J u ne 30, 2004) Thanks f or ch oosing Spr int. These terms and conditions are par t of your agreement with Spr int for Spr int PCS Ser vices. Please note these ter ms may not be the most cur ren t version.
61 Safety / T erms & Conditions c hange s go into ef f e ct. Y o u under stand and agree that taxes, Universal Ser vice f ees and other c harges imposed by the g overnment or based on go vernment .
62 T ermination of Services. Consistent with this Agreem ent: (a) we ma y terminate Ser vices at any time with notice to y ou and, in certain instances, without noti ce; and (b) yo u may terminate Ser vices at any time with prior notice to us.
63 Safety / T erms & Conditions Coverage is not available everywhe re, nor can we guarantee you will receive cove rage at all times, or wi th out interruptions or delay s (e. g., dropped calls, bloc ked calls, etc.) in th e coverage are as we identify .
64 session and is then c harg ed to you ba sed on the terms o f y our Ser vices. Depending on your Ser vices, usa g e may be c harged against an allowance or on a fixed price pe r kilobyte. Usag e charg es ma y be rounded up to the ne xt cent at mo nthly or other intervals.
65 Safety / T erms & Conditions responsib le f or all charg es associat ed with any device activ ated on your account, regardless of who used the device.
66 your deposit to any outstanding c harges. W e ma y send an y remaining deposit amounts to your last known addr ess within 75 days after account ter mination. If the funds are r eturned to us, you ma y claim these funds for one y e ar from the date of return.
67 Safety / T erms & Conditions Lost or Stolen E quipment. If yo ur device is lost or stolen, please notify us immediately by calling 1-888-211-4PCS.
68 (b) providing or failing to provide Ser v ices, including deficiencies or problems with y our wireless device, our networ k cover age or Serv ices (e.
70 Miscellaneous. Y ou ma y notify us b y calling us at 1-888-211-4P CS, or use that number to g et our cur rent address f or written notice. W e ma y send you notice to your last known address in our in vo icing recor ds, or by calling leaving y ou a v oice messa ge on y our wir eless device or home phone.
71 Safety / T erms & Conditions Manuf actur er ’ s W ar r anty ST AND ARD LIMITED W ARRANTY What is Co v ered and F or How Lon g? SAMSUNG TELECOMMUNICA TIONS AMERIC A, L.
72 peripheral equipment not furnished or approv ed b y SAMSUNG; (e) def ects or damag e fr om improper testin g, operatio n, maintenanc e, installation, or adjustment; (f) installation, mainte nance, and ser vice of Product, or ( g) Product used or pur chased outside the United States or Canada.
73 Safety / T erms & Conditions will be w arranted f or a period equal to the remainder of the original Limited W ar ranty on the original Product or f or 90 days, whic hever is long er . All replaced parts, compone nts, boards an d eq uipment shall become the property of SAMSUNG .
76 or written, do not constitute warranties by SAMSUNG and should not be r elied upon. Samsung T elecommunications America, L.P . 1301 E. Lookout Dri ve Richar dson, T e xas 75082 Phone: 1-800-SAMSUNG Phone: 1-888- 987-HE LP (4357) ©2004 Samsung T elecommunicat ions America.
Notes ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _______________________.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Samsung SPHA760 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Samsung SPHA760 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Samsung SPHA760 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Samsung SPHA760 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Samsung SPHA760 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Samsung SPHA760 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Samsung SPHA760 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Samsung SPHA760. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Samsung SPHA760 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.