Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ShareCenter DNS-320L des Produzenten D-Link
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i D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual T able of Con tents T able of C onten ts Product Overview .............................................................. 1 Introduction .........................................................................
ii D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual T able of Con tents iT unes Ser ver ........................................................................ 64 AFP Ser vice ........................................................................... 65 NFS Ser vice .
1 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view The D-Link ShareC enter® DNS-320 2-Ba y Network Storage , when used with internal SA T A drives, enables you to share documents, les , and digital media such as music, photos , and video with ev er yone on the home or oce network.
2 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view • D -Link ShareC enter® DNS-320 • CD -ROM with Manual and Sof tware • Quick I nstallation Guide • Po wer A dapter �.
3 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view F eatur es • T wo Hard Drive Bay s for 3.5” SA T A Hard Drives • Gigabit Ethernet Connectivity • Simplied Hard Dr.
4 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view Har dwar e O v er view F r ont P anel C OMPONENT DESCRIPTION HDD1/HDD2 LED These lights will be solid BL UE when drives are connected but inactive The lights will blink when the drives are being accessed , formatted or synchr onized.
5 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view Rear P anel ( C onnections) C OMPONENT DESCRIPTION Cov er Lock This lock is used to r emove the co ver when unlocked . Locking it will restrict the removal of the top co ver .
6 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Getting Started T o get star ted with the ShareCen ter® Setup W izard , inser t the supplied CD into y our CD-ROM drive: Getting Star ted Shar eC en ter Sof tware CD Cl ick the Ins ta ll but t on to st art the Sh ar e C en te r® Setup W izard .
7 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation The Setup wizard will walk y ou through the c onguration of your Shar eCen ter® device . Installation Setup W izard Note: T he comput er used to ac cess the ShareCenter® web-based c onguration manager must be on the same subnet as the ShareC enter .
8 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation Install the Hard Driv es This step shows you how to open your ShareCen ter so that you can install one or two hard drives . Click Next to continue . Slide either one or t wo hard drives into the open hard drive bays of your device.
9 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation Once the hard driv es are installed , you can attach the top cover . Click Ne xt to continue. A s tandard CA T5E Et hernet cable with a RJ-45 connec tor i s need ed to connec t your ShareC enter® to y our network .
10 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation P o w er and Device Selection Connect the pow er adapter to the power receptor on the back of the device . Pr ess the power button located un der the faceplate L EDs to turn on the device.
11 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation A dmin passwor d This window r equests the Admin (administrat or) password . If this is the rst installation of this device then the passwor d will be blank. Click Next to continue.
12 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation Network Setup Y o u ma y u se e it he r St at i c I P or D HC P to co n fi gu re t he I P n et wo r k se t ti ng s o f t h e ShareC enter®. If you selec t Static IP then input the IP net work settings.
13 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation Dynamic DNS C li ck o n t he Y e s ra d io b ut t on i f yo u a lr ea d y h a ve a D DN S ac co u nt to u s e fo r t he ShareC enter® DDNS settings. If you do not have a DDNS account or do not want to use one, click on the No Radio button.
14 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation DDNS A cc ount and S y stem T ime If y ou want a DDNS ac count to use with your ShareCenter®, D -Link provides a free DDNS account b y clicking on the web link shown. Y ou will need to do the follo wing: • Create an ac count with a username and passwor d.
15 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation E-mail Settings and V olume I nf ormation Y ou can congure messages to be sent aler ting you to c er tain operational conditions and drive status conditions to your e -mail account.
16 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation RAID Congur ation and Driv e Mapping Select one of the Vo lume F ile Syst ems type.
17 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation C ongura tion Summar y and Drive F ormatting Revi ew y our volum e co ngu ra tion summ ary detai ls her e be fo re clic king next and startin g the drive f ormat. If nec essar y use the PREV button to go back and rec ongure the RAID conguration of the v olume(s).
18 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation F ormat Complet e The wizard will show this window if the hard drive format(s) are successful.
19 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation The nal window of the installation wizard shows succ essful completion. Y our de vice is now i nstal led an d re ady for us e. Y our dr ives are ne twor k mapped fr om using the wizard so you will be able to acc ess them under you My Computer icon.
20 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Getting Started When rst pow ered on, during the initial boot sequence , the device will wait to be assig ned an IP address via DHCP . If it does not receive a DHCP assigned IP address the A uto-IP process will assig n a 169.
21 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Getting Started Selec t the device from the list and click the Congur ation button. This will launch the computer ’ s default web browser and direct it to the IP address listed for the device.
22 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration The L ogin screen will appear: Sel ect Sy st em A dmi nis tr a to r an d ent er the pas sword yo u crea ted d uri ng th e Setup Wizar d. Click Login Note: The computer , used to acc ess the web-based c ongur ation, manager must be on the same subnet as the ShareC enter .
23 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration If a hard disk volume has not been created , then the ShareCenter W eb UI defaults to the Management tab. Once a volume is created , then the web UI defaults to the My F avorites tab .
24 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Management Th is tab co nt ain s the Setup W iza rd , Di sk Manag em ent , Ac c oun t Manag eme nt , Netw ork Man ag eme nt , Appl ica ti on Man age men t, Syst em Management and Status Icons .
25 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Setup W izard ( W eb UI) Click the Run W izard button to star t the setup wizar d. Click Next to con tinue. The ShareCent er® has a System Wizar d that allow s you to quickly congure some of the basic device settings.
26 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration It is recommended you set an admin password here . Enter the ne w passw o rd an d re- en te r it f or co nr ma tio n. Clic k N ext to continue . Set the appropriate Time Zone for your location.
27 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Enter your workgr oup , name and descr iption, or leave the default values and click Ne xt to continue. Edit or change the LAN settings. Selecting DHCP Client will cause the device to obtain an IP addr ess fro m the local DHCP ser ver such as a router .
28 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Se le c t Acco unt a nd e nte r yo ur e -m ail p ara me ter s i n th e box es to send event aler ts from the device. Click Next to continue . Click Finish to sav e y our settings and complete the wizard .
29 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Disk Management Hard Driv e C ongur ation T o setup the Har d Driv e RAID con gura tion of you r Shar eC ent er®, click on the Managem ent tab and then the Disk Manag ement icon.
30 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Hard Driv e C ongur ation W izar d When you click the Set RAID type and Re -F ormat button in the Disk Management-Har d Driv e C onguration menu, a wizard will launch allowing you to f ormat your drives and cr eate the RAID f ormat.
31 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Select the forma t desired by click ing on the RAID type bo x to highlight it in blue. In this example the maxi mum data prot ection option of RAID 1 is selected. Click Next to con tinue.
32 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration If you sel ect a RAID 0 or 1 optio n then yo u need to determ ine the siz e of the RAID v olume.
33 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration During the formatting proc ess a progr ess bar is displayed . When the formatting is completed the wizard displays the nished V olume Congur ation table. Click F inish to end the wizar d.
34 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration S.M.A.R.T T est S.M.A.R.T stands for “Self-Monitoring, A nalysis, and Reporting T echnology” . This is a system on a hard driv e used to monitor and repor t on the health of the drive.
35 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Schedule: By click ing the Crea te Schedule button the user can create a S.M.A.R.T . test schedule where this test will run automatically at the congur ed time. S ele c t t he fre qu en c y ( Da il y , Week l y , M on th ly ) a nd the Time here.
36 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Scan Disk Scan disk provides a method to t est the disk ’ s le syst em in your ShareC enter . Scan Disk: Scan Disk will scan your disks le system for errors and /or c orru ptio n.
37 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A c coun t Management Users / Gr oups The Users / Groups menu is used to crea te and manage user and group acc ounts.
38 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dding New Users Wizar d Here you can enter the User Name and P asswor d f or the new user account. The passwor d needs to be c onrmed by r e -entering the password in the C onrm P asswor d eld.
39 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Here the user can congure the appropriate Network Acc ess settings for the user by simply selec ting one of the follo wing options: Read Only , Read/W rite or Den y Acc ess . Cli ck on the Pr ev ious butt on to ret urn to the previ ous wind ow .
40 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Here the user can congur e the application privileges assigned to this user . Selec t FTP . CIFs and AFP is set as default. • CIFS is short for Common Internet F ile S ystem.
41 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Here you can congur e the Quotas settings for the user accoun t. Enter the quota amount in the block(s) indicated in M egabytes . By entering 0Mb the quota will be set to unlimited .
42 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dding New Groups W izar d The follo wing section will describe how to add a new group on this device .
43 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Select the users you would like to add to your new group by checking the box. Cli ck on the Pre vi ou s bu tt on to r et urn to the pr ev iou s w ind ow . Click on the Next button to accept the change and c ontinue to the next window .
44 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration S e le c t t h e a pp l i ca t i on p r i v il e g es a s s ig n e d t o t hi s g ro u p. Options to select are FTP . CIFS and AFP is set as default. • CIFS is short for Common Internet F ile S ystem.
45 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A nal messag e app ears indicati ng th e group was created successfully and added to the Shar eCent er® conguration. Success: V erify the settings and click F inish . Cli ck on the Pre vi ou s bu tt on to r et urn to the pr ev iou s w ind ow .
46 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Click the Enabled button to enfor ce the quotas that are se t in the Users / G roups mana gement o r the tables below . Quotas The Shar eCe nter® suppo r ts stor age quotas fo r both groups and individual users .
47 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration The Net work Shares page allows the user to congure shared folders and rights to specic users and groups. T o be able to create new network access rules, the default rule must rst be remo ved by simply selecting it and clicking on the Delet e butt on.
48 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dding New Network Shar es W izar d The f ollowing section will describe how to add a new Network Share on the ShareCen ter .
49 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Se lec t wh ich u ser a ccount s or gro up are a llowed t o acces s thi s folder (s). Sel ect All Account to al low all account s a ccess to this folder . Selec t Specic User/Group to only allow certain users or groups ac cess to this f older .
50 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration If you select Specic U ser/Group in Step 2, then this step allows yo u to set the ac ce ss rig ht s fo r ea ch U ser con gu re d on the dev ic e. Click on the Pre vious button to return t o the previous window .
51 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration This step allow s you to assig n privileges to this share. Op p or t u ni st ic l oc ks ( op lo ck s ) a re a c ha ra c te r is ti c of t he LA N Mana ger ne twor king pr oto col imple men ted in the 32bit Win dow s fa mil y .
52 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Select the FTP settings for this share. FTP ac cess can be: 1) FTP Anonymous None (No A ccess). 2) FTP Anonymous Read Only (Limited A ccess). 3) FTP Anonymous Read/W rite (F ull A ccess).
53 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Click Finish t o save y our settings. Click on the Pre vious button to return t o the previous window . Click on the Finish button to accept the change and complete the wizard. Click on the Exit button t o discard the changes made and return to the Network Shares P age .
54 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Setup: A dding New ISO Mount Shares Wizar d The following section will descr ibe how to add a new ISO mount on the ShareC enter . T o add an ISO M ount click on the New button. A wizard will launch as shown below: This wizard will guide the user thr ough the steps of setup .
55 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Assign acc ess privileges to this ISO Mount share. • Select All Acc ount s to ass ign the ISO Mount share read /den y privi leges to all use rs. • Selec t Specic User/Group in order to assign read/den y privileges to individual users and groups .
56 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Y ou may add a c omment that describes the ISO Mount Share . Click on the Pre vious button to return t o the previous window . Click on the Next button to accept the change and continue to the next window .
57 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Click Finish t o save y our settings. Click on the Pre vious button to return t o the previous window . Click on the Finish button to accept the change and complete the wizard. Click on the Exit button t o discard the changes made and return to the Network Shares P age .
58 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dmin P assw ord Username: T he administrator user name is admin , and this cannot be changed. P assword: Ent er the cu rre nt pa ssw or d. (L ea ve this blank if y ou have not set a passw ord y et.
59 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Network Management LAN Setup The LAN Settings allows y ou to enable LL TD and to congure the Link Speed and the IP addr ess as a DHCP client or Static IP . DHCP Client: Selec ting DHCP Client will cause the DNS-320 to obtain an IP addr ess from the local DHCP server .
60 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Link Speed and LL TD Settings Speed: Displays the current Ethernet bit r ate in Megabits per second. Link Speed: S e le c t e i th er Au to (Au to - Ne g ot ia te ), 10 0 M b ps, o r 1000 Mbps by clicking the appropriate radio button.
61 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Dynamic DNS T h e D D N S fe a t u r e a l l o w s t h e u s e r t o h o s t a s e r v e r ( We b , F T P , G a m e S e r ve r, e t c … ) u s i n g a d o m a i n n a m e t h a t yo u h a v e p u r c h a s e d (www .
62 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration FTP Ser ver The device is equipped with a built in FTP Server . The server is easy t o c ongure and allows users acc ess t o impor tant data whether they are on the local network or at a r emote location.
63 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration UPnP A V Ser ver The device features a UP nP A V Ser ver . T his ser ver provides the ability to stream photos, music and videos to UPnP A V compatible network media players .
64 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration iT unes S er v er The DNS-320 f eatures an iT unes S erver . This ser ver provides the abilit y to shar e music and videos t o computers on the local network running iT unes.
65 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration AFP Ser vice The Shar eC ent er sup ports Appl e F ilin g Service f or co nnectiv ity with MA C OS bas ed co mput ers . If you need t o use AFP service ena ble it here otherwise leave it disabled t o reduce CPU r esource o verhead.
66 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration NFS Ser vice The device suppor ts Network File System (NFS) ser vice . T o enable this multi-platform le system on your device enable it here. Other wise disable the option to prev ent unnecessary CPU overhead.
67 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Language This menu item allows you to install language pack ages onto your system.
68 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration T ime and Dat e The Time and Dat e page con tains several dierent options f or setting the device’ s internal clock. I t is impor tant to set an accur ate time so that backups and downloads can be accurat ely scheduled.
69 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration W orkg roup: Ente r your Workgroup nam e he re. The workgrou p name should be the same as the computers on the ne two rk. Devi ce s us in g th e s ame w ork gr o up will ha v e additional le sharing methods available.
70 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Sy st em Settings Restar t: Click ing to reboot the devic e. Default: C l i c k t o r e s t o r e t h e d e v i c e b a c k t o t h e f a c t o r y default settings. All previous settings that hav e been congured will be er ased.
71 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Congur ation Settings: Click on the S a ve button to sav e the current c o n f i g u r a t i o n s e t t i n g s t o a f i l e o n y o u r comp uter .
72 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration P o w er Management The device P ower M anagement f eature allows you to congure the drives to shut down while power remains constant to the device. The dr ives will power up again when da ta is accessed.
73 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Y ou can also cont rol the speed of the fan us ing three dier ent settings and you can pow er o the device at scheduled times for each day of the week. F an C ontrol: The s pee d of t he f an c an b e con trol led f rom t his section.
74 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Notications Email Settings With E-Mail Alerts, you can congur e e -mails to be sent to you that alert you to certain operational conditions and drive status conditions. These aler ts can pro ve helpful with the management and saf eguarding of important data.
75 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration SMS Settings The same aler ts of syst em conditions that can be sent to an email box can also be sent to a mobile phone or by SMS text messages. Y ou need to have an agreement with a SMS ser vice gateway that the device can then be congured to send the aler ts to .
76 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Adding an SMS Ser vic e Pr ovider Once you hav e a SMS Ser vice provide y ou with a HT TP API URL, enter it int o the Add SMS Ser vice P rovider wizar d. Enter the URL in the rst window with an appropriate Pro vider Name.
77 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Ev ent Settings Y ou can limit which ev ents are sent as alerts to the Email or SMS settings by checking the events here .
78 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Logs Within the L ogs menu item you can setup your devic e t o r eceive Log Events from other ShareC enters or send the log events to another ShareCent er or SysL og ser ver . Y ou can also view the NAS system logs and the FTP logs here .
79 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration F irm w are Upgr ade The Firm ware Upgrade Page makes it simple to check for new rm ware releases and upload them t o the device. This section provides a link to check for new rm ware on the D-Link suppor t website .
80 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Sy st em Info Here you can view v arious system information some of which is sta tic and others dynamic. Sta tus LAN Information: Displays the local network settings of y our device.
81 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Hard Driv e Info This section will disp lay a summ ar y of the har d driv e(s) curr ent ly instal led. The summ ary wi ll includ e info rmatio n such as the har d driv e manufactur er , model, serial number , tempera ture, total capacity siz e, and status.
82 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration FTP/HT TP Downloads Schedule le and f older backups from an FTP ser ver , w eb server , or local network shar e. Always test the URL bef ore applying changes . This will help to ensure a suc cessful download.
83 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Save T o: Enter the specic destination on the internal dr ives for the downloaded les or folders to be saved to .
84 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Remote Backups Remote Backups allow s you to back up y our device t o another ShareC enter or Linux S erver or vice versa from a remote ShareC enter or Linux S erver to your devic e.
85 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Remote Backups - Crea te wizar d When you click the Cr eate Button abo ve the Remote Backup list this wizard will launch allo wing you to c ongure a new Remote Backup job . W ec ome: Displays the st eps of the wizard.
86 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Local Settings: T ask (Name): The name used to refer to the backup jo b wh ic h will be li st ed la te r in th e Remot e Bac ku p l ist . F old er P ath: Select a loc al netw ork sha re f old er or le as the target or sourc e for the backup job .
87 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Remote Settings: Remote P ath : Using the dr op- down menu, selec t the le sy stem (fol der) pat h to the r emot e targ et or sour ce system f or backup.
88 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration F inished: Click on F inish if you are satised with all the settings of the Back up job created . Other wise click on the Previous button to go back and make changes. Alternatively click on Exit to end the congura tion without adding a Remote Backup job .
89 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Local Backups Schedule local le and folder backups fr om the local network share of the device or from the local computer . Alway s test the URL bef ore applying changes. This will help to ensure a succ essful download.
90 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Local Backups - Time Machine This section allows the user to congure the device so that it becomes a backup destination in the Mac OS X Time Machine. I n order to use this function, the AFP ser vice is required .
91 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration P2P Downloads - Settings Within this menu y ou can congure the P2P do wnload management settings. P2P: Selec t Enable or Disable . Disable: I n the block provided the user can congure the runni ng sched ule f or P2P do wnload s.
92 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration P2P Downloads - Do wnloads Congur e the Peer -to-Peer do wnload manager settings. Add T orrent fr om URL: I n the eld provided you can copy and paste a link to a torrent le hosted on the I nternet.
93 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration W eb F ile Ser ver Whenever you cannot mount the network shares of your NAS, use the W eb File Ser ver to access the les using a bro wser over the Internet.
94 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base AjaXplor er This section allow s y ou to congure the AjaXplorer function. AjaXplorer is a le explor er that allows you to remot ely manage the les stor ed under the AjaXplorer f older by using a web br owser .
95 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration My F av orites The M y F a vorites tab allows you to add any icon you routinely access from the Applications or Management T ab in one con venient location f or easy and quick access .
96 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dd an Icon to My F av orites There are two methods t o add an icon alias to My F avorites . Y ou can either right-click the icon and select A dd to My F a vorites or use the Drag and Drop method as per item 2 belo w .
97 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Remov e an Icon fr om My F a vorit es T o remove an icon alias from the My F avorites tab simply right-click on it and selec t Remo ve From My F a vorite in the context selection that appears.
98 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Wha t is RAID? RAID , short for Redundant Arra y of I ndepende nt Disks, is a com bination of two or more disks with the aim of provid ing fault toleranc e and improv ing per formanc e.
99 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Mapping a Drive Y ou can use the D-Link Storage Utility to map drives to y our computer . Inser t the ShareCen ter® CD into y our CD-ROM dr ive . The Stor age Utility will load and detec t any Shar eCent er® devices that are on the local network.
100 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Once connected, y our mapped drive(s) will appear in My Computer . Highlight an available device . Av a i l a b l e v o l u m e s w i l l b e d i s p l a y e d u n d e r D r i v e M a p p i n g .
101 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Dou ble - cl ick t he My Compu ter icon on your deskt op. Doubl e -cl ick t he ma pped drive to access the les and f olders.
102 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Mapping the Rec ycle Bin If you ha ve turned on the Recycle Bin option with any of your Net work Shares created , then y ou can map the r ecycle bin as a Net work Driv e to ha ve access to it .
103 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base USB P rint Ser ver The device featur es a built-in USB print server , giving users the ability to share a printer on their local network. Connect a USB pr inter to the USB por t on the back of the devic e.
104 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base S e l e c t t h e p r i n t e r d r i v e r f r o m t h e i n s t a l l e d Manufacturer list or use the Ha ve Disk button to brow se for the printer driv er le. The Windows ® Add P rinter Wizar d will launch: Click OK to continue .
105 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base On ce you h ave se lec te d the prop er d rive r as shown in the brow se list then click OK t o install the printer . The pr inter is n ow i nstal led an d the printer queue will appear .
106 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Y ahoo! W idget I nstallation D-Link provides an added featur e called a Y ahoo! Widget. What is a Y ahoo Widget? Y ahoo! W idg ets are fr ee appli ca tio n pla tf or ms th at can be use d in Micr oso ft Win do ws and Mac OS X.
107 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Y ahoo! W idget D ispla y The D-Link Widget is mainly used f or monitoring the activities tak ing place .
108 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base USB C op y F unc tion The DNS-320 suppor ts on option where the user can enter a USB st orage medium in to the USB por t and wit.
109 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Appendix A - C ontacting T echnical Support C ontac ting T echnical Suppor t U .S. and Canadian customers can c ontact D -Link technical support through our web site or b y phone. Befor e you contact technical support, please have the f ollowing ready: • Model number of the produc t (e .
110 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Appendix B - W arranty W arran t y Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link ”) pr ovides this Limited Warranty: • Only to the person or entity that originally purchased the pr oduct from D-Link or its author ized r eseller or distributor .
111 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Appendix B - W arranty Limited Soft war e W arranty: D-Link warrants that the soft ware portion of the product (“Soft war e ”) will substantially conf o.
112 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Appendix B - W arranty • After an RMA numb er is issued, the def ective product must be packaged securel y in the original or other suitab le shipping package to ensur e that it will not be damaged in transit, and the RMA number must be prominently marked on the outside of the package.
114 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Appendix B - W arranty CE Mark W arning: This is a Class A produc t. In a domestic environment , this product may cause radio inter fer ence, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures .
115 D-Link ShareCent er DNS-320 User Manual Appendix C - Registra tion V ersion 1.0 Januar y 14, 2011 Pr oduct registration is en tirely volun tar y and failure to c omplete or return this f orm will not diminish your warran ty rights. Registr ation Register y our product at http://registr ation.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320L gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.