Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Xceed des Produzenten Bowflex
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T h e B o wf l e x X ce e d ™ H om e Gy m O wn e r ’ s M a nu a l a nd F it n e s s G u id e PN 0 01- 6 9 0 6 Re v .
CON GRA TUL A TIONS on you r comm itm ent to imp rov ing you r heal th an d fitn ess! Wi th the Bowf lex Xceed ™ hom e gym , you have ev eryth ing you nee d to exc eed all of you r phy sical fitn es.
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 1 Spe c if i cat ions / A pp rova ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I mpor t a nt Sa fet y P re ca ut ion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sa fet y War ni n g L a bel s . .
Regula tor y Ap prov als : Product W eight 157 lbs. (71 kg) Product Dimensions 53" (135 cm) long x 49" (124 cm) wide x 82" (208 cm) high W orkout Area 96" (244 cm) long x 78" (198 cm) wide Number of Exercises Over 60 Power Rod ® Resistance 210 lbs.
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 3 I m p o r t a n t S a f e t y P r e c a u t i o n s • R ead a nd und erstand the O w ne r s Man ual prio r to using this mac hine . • R ead a nd und erstand all W ar ning Labe ls on t his mac hine . • Kee p C hildr en away fro m t his machin e.
4 Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual H o m e G y m The fol low ing sa fety wa rni ngs are lo cat ed on t he Bow flex Xce ed™ ex erc ise mac hin e. Plea se rea d all saf ety pr eca utio ns and wa rnin g i nfo rma tion pr ior to usi ng you r p rodu ct.
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 5 The fol low ing sa fety wa rni ngs are lo cat ed in s ite sp eci fic a rea s o n t he u nit . P lea se r evi ew and und erst and th e s afet y w arn ing lab els an d t heir lo cat ion s on th e u nit pri or to use .
6 Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual G e t t o K n o w Y o u r M a c h i n e P ower Rod ® Resist a nce Rods Rod Hoo k U pper L at T ow er Seat Back Pad Seat Ba se Fra me Plat fo r m Rod C aps Cable.
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 7 P o wer Rod ® Resist ance Pow er Rod ® resist ance rods are mad e fro m a spec ial com posit e mat eri al. Y ou r rods are she ath ed with a pro tecti ve blac k rubb er coat ing . Each rod is ma rke d wit h its weig ht rat ing on the “Rod Ca p.
8 Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual The Bow flex Xceed ™ Home Gym Pulley P ositions Wit h the vers ati lit y to perform over 65 diffe rent exe rcise s, the Bow fle x Xce ed ™ home gy m easi ly tra nsiti ons fro m one ex erc ise to anot her .
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 9 Maintenance and Care of Y our Bo w f lex X ceed ® Home Gym Ins pect yo ur mac hine fo r any wo rn or lo ose compo nents prio r to use . Tig hte n or rep lace an y worn or loo se com ponen ts prio r to use . Pay cl ose atten tion to cable s, stra ps, or harn ess and the ir con necti ons.
10 Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual Hand Grips and Straps The han d grip s fit snug ly ar oun d your wris t, an kle , or in ste p. Att ach gri ps to ca ble s by sna ppi ng th e cab le clip onto th e D-ri ng. Sta ndar d Gri p: Gras p the han dle and cuff to get her to for m a gri p with out inse rti ng you r han d thr oug h the cu ff por tion.
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 11 Y ou r bod y wil l do wha t you tr ain it to do. Th at’ s why it’ s im por tan t to def ine your go als and foc us the m. Here are some fitn ess compo nents that will help you def ine your go als and cho ose your fi tne ss pro gram.
12 Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual Design Y our O wn Progra m Und erst a n d f it nes s a nd it s compon ents . Im pr ope rly des ign ed p ro gr ams can be dang er ous. T a k e so m e t ime to revie w this manual as we l l as o the r f i tness gu i de s.
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 13 W orking Out A wor kou t begi ns in your mind ’ s eye . With con centr ation and vis ualiz ation you ca n appr oach you r wor kou t wit h a posi tiv e, cons tru cti ve att itude .
14 Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 20 Minute Bet ter Body W orko ut Fre quenc y: 3 Days Per W eek (M- W -F) Time : Abo ut 20 Minu tes Start by per formin g one set of each exercise. W arm up with a light resistanc e that you can per form easily for 5 -10 reps withou t fatiguing .
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 15 Bod y Par t Chest Back Shoulders A r m s Exerci se Bench Pre ss Se ated L at Rows Cro ss over Rea r Deltoid Row s Biceps Cu rl T r iceps E xten sion Set s 1-3 1.
16 Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual Body Building Fre quenc y: 3 Days On, 1 Day Of f Ti me: Abou t 45- 60 Minu tes Body buildi ng requires focus ed concentra tion and dedicati on to train ing, as well as proper eatin g habits. T rain each muscle group to failure befor e moving on to the next exercise .
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 17 Circui t T raining – Anaerobic /Cardiov asc ular Fre quenc y: 2-3 Ti mes Per W eek Ti me: Abou t 20- 45 Minu tes Circui t training is a great way to achieve the benefit s of streng th training and cardio vascula r training in one quick, challe nging routi ne.
18 Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual T rue Aerobic Circ uit T rainin g Fre quenc y: 2-3 Ti mes Per W eek Ti me: Abou t 20- 60 Minu tes Circui t training is a great way to achieve the benefit s of streng th training and cardio vascula r training in one quick, challe nging routi ne.
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 19 Strength T rainin g F re qu en c y: 3 Days P er W ee k (M-W - F) Tim e : Abo ut 45 - 60 Minu tes Th is progr am is designed to em phasi ze ov era ll st rength deve lop men t.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH C h e s t E x e r c i s e s Be nc h P re ss – Shoulder Hor izontal A dduction (and Elbow Ext ension) ST ART FINISH • Sit and gra sp ha nd g rips. • Strai ght en arms to fr ont. • Be su re arm s ar e d ire ctly in lin e w ith cable s, p alms faci ng dow n a nd w rists str aight .
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH C h e s t E x e r c i s e s De cli ne B enc h P re ss – Shoulder Hor izontal A dduction (and Elbow Ext ension) Muscles work ed: Chest muscles (pectoralis major). Also involves front shoulder muscles (anterior deltoid) and triceps.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH FI NI SH S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s Re v erse F ly – Shoulder Hor izontal Abduction (Elbo ws Stabilized) Muscles work ed: Back portion of shoulder muscles (rear deltoids, rear portion of middle deltoids).
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s Cr os so v er R ea r D elto id R o ws – Elbo w Flexion Muscles work ed: Back portion of shoulder muscles (rear deltoids, rear portion of middle deltoids).
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s Late ral Sho ulde r Ra is e – Shoulder Abduction (Elbo ws Stabilized) Muscles work ed: Side shoulder muscles (middle deltoids), top muscle of rotator cuff (supraspinatus) and upper trapezius muscles.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s F r ont Sho ulde r Rai se – Shoulder Flexion (Elbo w Stabilized) Muscles work ed: Front part of shoulder muscles (front deltoids) and front part of middle deltoids.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s Sh oul der Rota tor Cu f f – Int er nal Rotation Muscles work ed: Front rotator cuff muscle (subscapularis).
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH Sh oul der Exte nsio n – Elbo ws Stabilized S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s Muscles work ed: Upper back (latissimus dorsi, teres major , rear deltoid muscles), muscles between shoulder blades (middle trapezius, r homboid muscles) and triceps.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s S cap ula r P r ot rac tion – Elbows Stabilized Muscles work ed: Serratus anterior muscles, the muscles on the side of the rib cage.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s S cap ula r Re trac ti on Muscles work ed: Develops muscles between shoulder blades (trapezius and r homboids).
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH B a c k E x e r c i s e s St and ing Shou lder P ull ov er – with Bent Lat Bar (Elbows Stabiliz ed) Muscles work ed: Upper back (latissimus dorsi, teres major , rear deltoid muscles). Also involves chest (pectoralis major muscles) and triceps.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH B a c k E x e r c i s e s Na rr o w P ull do wns wit h Be nt Lat Bar – Shoulder Extension (with Elbo w Flexion) Muscles work ed: Latissimus dorsi, teres major and rear deltoid, which make up the large pulling muscles of upper back.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH B a c k E x e r c i s e s Be nt Ov er R ow Muscles work ed: Latissimus dorsi, teres major and rear deltoid, which make up the large pulling muscles of upper back.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH B a c k E x e r c i s e s S eat ed L at Ro ws – Shoulder Extension (and Elbo w Flexion) Muscles work ed: Latissimus dorsi, teres major and rear deltoid muscles, which make up the large pulling muscles of upper back.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH B a c k E x e r c i s e s St and ing Lo w Ba c k E xte nsio n – with Hip Extension Muscles work ed: Muscles in lower back (erector spinae, deep spinal muscles), lower back muscles, gluteus maximus and hamstrings.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH B a c k E x e r c i s e s Cr os so v er Wide P ulld o wns – Shoulder Ext ension (with Elbow Flexion) Muscles work ed: Latissimus dorsi, teres major and rear deltoid. Also involves chest (pectoralis major) muscles and triceps muscles.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH B a c k E x e r c i s e s S eat ed L at Pu ll do wns – Shoulder A dduction (with Elbow Flexion) Muscles work ed: Latissimus dorsi, teres major and rear deltoid.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH A r m E x e r c i s e s T rice ps P us hdo wn – Elbo w Extension Muscles work ed: T riceps muscles. P osition: Standing – facing machine Accessor y: Hand Grips Pulle ys: Lat T ower Before Y ou Begin: Remove Seat and Leg Extension K e y P oints: • Ke ep u pper arms mo tio nles s.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH A r m E x e r c i s e s T rice ps P us hdo wn – with Bent Lat Bar (Elbo w Extension) Muscles work ed: T riceps muscles.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH A r m E x e r c i s e s Ha mme r T ric eps Ext en sio n – Elbow Ext ension ST ART FINISH Muscles work ed: T riceps muscles.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH A r m E x e r c i s e s T rice ps K ic kbac k Muscles work ed: T riceps muscles. P osition: Standing – facing machine Accessor y: Hand Grips Pulle ys: Center Cross Bar – narrow position Before Y ou Begin: Remove Seat and Leg Extension K e y P oints: • Ma inta in sp inal al ign ment .
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH A r m E x e r c i s e s Re sis ted Dip – Elbo w Extension Muscles work ed: T riceps muscles.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH A r m E x e r c i s e s Co nce ntra tion Bic ep s C url – Elbo w Flexion (in Supination) Muscles work ed: Biceps muscles.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART FINISH ST ART FINISH A r m E x e r c i s e s Ba rbe ll B icep s Cu rl – Elbow Ext ension Muscles work ed: Biceps muscles.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH A r m E x e r c i s e s S eat ed Bice ps C ur l – Elbo w Flexion (in Supination) Muscles work ed: Biceps muscles.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH W ris t C url – with Wr ist Flexion Muscles work ed: Front part of forearms. Also increases the strength of grip and isometrically challenges biceps muscles.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH T runk Rot atio n Muscles work ed: Most of trunk muscles. Note: rotation is limited in the spine and should be per formed with minimal resistance, in proper alignment.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH A b d o m i n a l E x e r c i s e s S eat ed (Res iste d) A bdo mina l Cr unc h – Spinal Flexion Muscles work ed: Abdominal area including upper and lower front abs (rectus abdominus) and side abs (obliques).
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH L e g E x e r c i s e s Le g E xten sion Muscles work ed: All muscles on front of upper thigh (quadriceps muscle group).
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART FINISH Muscles work ed: Buttocks area (gluteus maximus). P osition: Standing – facing machine Accessor y: Hand Grip on arch Pulle ys:.
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH L e g E x e r c i s e s Le g K ic kbac k – Hip and Knee Ext ension Muscles work ed: Buttocks area (gluteus maximus).
ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART A CTION ST ART FINISH ST ART FINISH De ad Lif t L e g E x e r c i s e s St if f Le g De ad L if t Muscles work ed: Buttocks area (gluteus maximus) and hamstrings.
ST ART A CTION ST ART A CTION L e g E x e r c i s e s St and ing Hip A dduc tion ST ART FINISH ST ART FINISH St and ing Hip Abd ucti on Muscles work ed: Sides of hips (gluteus medius), especially on the standing/support side.
ST ART A CTION L e g E x e r c i s e s Ca lf Rais e – Ankle Plantarflexion (Knee Stabilized) Muscles work ed: Lower leg or calf (gastrocnemius, soleus).
Sternocleidomastoid Pectoralis Major Anterior Deltoid Medial Deltoid Biceps Brachialis External Obliques Brachioradialis Pronator T eres Flexor Carpi Radialis T ensor Fasciae Latae Iliopsoas Pectineus.
Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 55 E x e r c i s e L o g Please feel free to make copies of this chart to continue your exercise log. EXERCISE D A TE D A TE D A TE D A TE D A TE D A TE Sets Reps .
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Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 57 T h e B o w f l e x ® B o d y L e a n n e s s P r o g r a m By E ll ington D arden , Ph.D . The f ollowi ng progra m wa s created by Dr . Ell i ng ton Da rden. It conta i ns a rigorous fitnes s and diet ar y progra m.
58 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program Costco_BFX_Xceed_OM_FINAL_print.indd 60 8/16/2006 3:41:41 PM.
A p e r s o n a l g u a r a n t e e f r o m D r . E l l i n g t o n D a r d e n Dear Bow f le x ® En thusiast, I’ m ex cited, really ex cited! I’ m ela ted because I’ ve research ed a nd dev elo ped an ex ercise a nd eating progr am t hat prod uces fat loss fa ster t han any plan I’ ve eve r tested.
60 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program I n t r o d u c t i o n T he B ow f lex ® B od y L ea n ne s s Prog r a m Thi s pro gra m is sc ien tif ica lly desi gne d for ma xim al fat loss over a per iod of six we eks . It is imp ort ant tha t you prac tic e every as pec t of the plan to ach ieve op tim um res ults.
Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 W omen Measur e: Su pr ail ium, tri cep s, and th ig h. Men Measur e: Ch es t, ab dom en, an d thi gh . M e a s u r e m e n t s If yo u woul d lik e to mea sur e you r per son al bef ore-a nd- aft er resu lts , ther e are seve ral step s you need to ta ke.
62 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program S ki nf ol d Me asu rem en ts T o ac cu rat el y t ra ck you r p ro gr es s th ro ug h t hi s si x- we ek pr og ra m, it i s n ec es sary to ta ke sk in fo ld mea su rem en ts .
Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 63 Using Caliper s When Meas urin g Skinfolds The proc edu re for mea sur ing ski nfo ld thi cknes s is to gr asp firml y wit h the thumb and for efing er a fo ld of ski n and sur fac e fat and pul l it awa y from the und erl ying mu scl e.
64 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 130 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 1 4 12 1 0 3 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 5 7 9 1 1 13 15 17 1 9 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 125 120 1 15 1 1 0 1 05 1 0 0 95 .
Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 65 Now that you kno w you r body -fat pe rce nta ge, you can calc ula te you r lea n-b ody per cen tag e. Th is wil l eve ntual ly show you how many po und s of mus cle were ad ded to your body , af ter compl eting the pr ogr am.
66 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program Name Age Height W eight Loss W eight Before Muscle Gain W eight After Fat Loss Please follow the instructions in the “Measurements” section for measuring circumferences.
Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 67 GU I DE L I N E S W eek 1 & 2 A l l exe rc ises should b e pract iced w i t h one s et of 8 to 12 repetit ions. T he st yle of p er fo r mance is ver y import a nt. The mo vem en t for each repetit ion sho u ld be 4 seconds i n t he po sitive phas e and 4 secon d s i n t he negat ive.
68 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program Y ou w ill b e follo w ing a reduced- ca lor ie nu t r ition prog r am, which is d iv i ded i n to t hree t wo -wee k s eg men t s. T he progr a m is a prov en me t hod for achiev i ng m a x ima l f at loss over a si x-wee k p eriod.
Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 69 Dr in k ing plen t y of w ater is es sen t ia l to t he success of t hi s progr a m. D r ink ing t he recommen ded a mo unt of w ater ca n seem l ike a cha l len ge at f ir st. St ick w it h it. Ca r r y a l ar ge spor t s bott le or si mi la r item w i t h you t hrough out t he day .
70 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program The men u s in t he Bow f lex ® eat i ng pla n a re designed fo r ma x imum f at-los s ef fectiveness a nd nu t r i t ional va lue.
Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 71 Breakfast = 300 calories Choice of bagel, cereal or shake. Bagel 1 plain bagel (frozen) (210) 3/4 oz. light cream cheese (45) 1/2 C. orange juice, fresh or frozen (55) Any beverage without calories, caffeine, or sodium, such as decaffeinated coffee or tea.
72 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program Breakfast = 300 calories Choice of bagel, cereal or shake. Bagel 1 plain bagel (frozen) (210) 21 g light cream cheese (45) 120 ml orange juice, fresh or frozen (55) Any beverage without calories, caffeine, or sodium, such as decaffeinated coffee or tea.
Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 73 S h o p p i n g L i s t Qu an t i t ies n eed ed fo r listed ite m s w i ll de pen d on yo ur specif i c sel ections. Review yo u r cho ices and adj u st t he sh op ping list acc ording ly . It may be h el pfu l fo r you to ph otoc opy th is list each wee k bef ore do ing yo u r sh op ping .
74 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program Q. I ofte n get he ad a che s w hen I ea t on l y 1 0 00 ca lor ie s a d a y . W ha t shou ld I do ? A. Y our headaches may be caused by going longer than three hours between meals or snacks. T ry spacing your meals and snacks where there are fewer hours between them.
Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program 75 Q. W hy i s it so i mpor t a nt I p er for m t he B ow f lex ® exerc i s e s w ith a 4 - se con d cou nt on th e l if t in g a n d lower i ng ? A. Because a slow , smooth 4-second lifting followed by a 4-second lowering involves more muscle fibers more thoroughly than faster speeds of movement.
76 Bowflex ® Body Leanness Program Continue your Bowflex ® exercise routine at the highest level. Per form the same 10 exercises three times per week. T ry to get as strong as you can in each exercise, while always focusing on the 4- second count in both lifting and lowering.
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Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual 79 W a r r a n t y I n f o r m a t i o n (K e e p F o r Y o u r R e c o r d s) W e want you to know that the Bowflex Xceed ™ home gym is a superi or product.
80 Bowflex Xceed ™ Owner’ s Manual I m p o r t a n t C o n t a c t N u m b e r s OFFICES IN THE UNITED ST A TES: E-m ail: cu sto mer servi ce@ nau til us.
Costco_BFX_Xceed_OM_FINAL_print.indd 83 8/16/2006 3:41:49 PM.
© 20 06 Nautilus, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nautilus, Inc. World Headquarters, 1640 0 S.E. Nautilus Dri ve, V ancouver , Washington, USA 98683 1-800-NAUTILUS Nautilus, Bowflex, Bowflex Xceed, Power Rod and the Bowflex and Nautilus logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nautilus, Inc.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Bowflex Xceed (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Bowflex Xceed noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Bowflex Xceed - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Bowflex Xceed reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Bowflex Xceed erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Bowflex Xceed besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Bowflex Xceed verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Bowflex Xceed. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Bowflex Xceed gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.