Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung RevolutionXP des Produzenten Bowflex
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B o w f l e x R e v o l ut i o n ® XP Ow n e r ’ s Ma n u a l a n d Fi tn e ss G u i d e S p e c i a l E d i t i o n I n c l u d e s: D r . E l l i n g t o n D a r d e n ’ s S i x W e e k F a s t.
Ow n e r ’ s Ma nu a l a n d F it n es s G u i de T a b l e of Co nte nts Product Specifications Dimensions (arms raised) 64.5” L x 37.8” W x 73” H (163.8cm x 98cm x 185.4cm) Dimensions with optional Lat T ower Attachment 64.5” L x 37.8” W x 83.
1 S af et y Pr e c a uti on s Indicat es a po ten t iall y haz ardous si t ua t ion w hich, i f n ot avoided, could r esul t in dea t h or ser ious injur y.
2 S af et y W ar n i ng Lab e l s H o m e G y m The fo llow ing saf ety wa rnin gs are loc ated on the Bo wflex Re volu tio n ® X P ex erc ise mac hine . P leas e r ead all saf ety pre cau tion s a nd warn ing inf orm atio n p rior to usi ng your pr oduc t.
3 S af et y W ar n i ng Lab e l s The fo llow ing saf ety wa rnin gs are loc ated in sit e s peci fic area s o n th e u nit. Pl ease re view an d un der stan d the sa fety wa rnin g l abe ls a nd thei r l ocat ion s on th e un it prio r t o us e.
4 Adj usta ble Sea t Ba ck Adj usta ble Sea t Cab le V ariab le Pul ley Sys tem Han d Gr ip Sta ndin g P latf orm Spr ing Loc k Sea t Pi n Leg Ext ens ion/ Leg Cur l Att achm ent Bowflex Rev olution .
5 SpiraFlex ® Resistance The Bowflex Revolution ® XP home gym features an ingenious patented technology called SpiraFlex ® . The Bowflex Revolution ® XP muscle-building resistance comes in the form of these cleverly designed resistance packs, each constructed with a heavy-duty elastic strap inside the pack.
6 U s i n g Y o u r B o w fl e x Re v o l ut i on ® XP H om e Gym Attaching SpiraFlex ® Resistance Packs During assembly , you attached 5-lb (2.27kg) SpiraFlex ® resistance packs to the machine. The 5-lb packs are permanently attached to the machine.
7 The Bowflex Revolution ® XP home gym offers one of the largest ranges of exercises ever offered by a Bowflex ® home gym. Preparing your machine for use and maintaining your machine are simple.
8 M a i nte na n c e T o store your machine, you can either leave the machine fully assembled, or you can remove the Leg Extension to make a smaller footprint for storing. It is advisable to raise the adjustable arms to the 0 position and make sure they are locked in place.
9 A d j ust i ng Ca b l e T en s i o n Pay close attention to maintenance of the cable tension. Over time and with heavy use, the cables are designed to give slightly . Located on the main engine housing is a tension control knob which allows you to increase the tension in the cables.
10 Ca b l e R out i n g a n d St o ra ge Squat Frame Pulley Cables T o in s tall th e Sq uat F ram e Pull ey ca bl es , r e m ov e th e b all e n d fr om th e r op e b y p re ss in g th e in se rt ou t o f th e bal l (Figure A), and slide the ball off the rope.
11 A t ta c h i n g Ac c es so ri e s Y our Bowflex Revolution ® XP home gym comes with a pair each of hand grips and foot harnesses, and a squat harness.
12 Th e ill us tra ti o ns on th e f o ll o win g p ag es s h ow h o w t o in s tall th e s ea t an d e ac h o f th e Bo w f l e x R ev o l u tio n ® XP a tta ch m e n ts.
13 I nst a l l i ng th e Se at an d A t ta ch me nts Leg Extension The Leg Extension is used when doing leg extension and leg curl exercises. T o attach the Leg Extension, pull down on the pop-pin under the seat and insert the leg extension into the mounting bracket.
14 Ab Attachment (ordered separately) Use the ab attachment when per forming ab crunch exercises. Remove the locking pin from the back of the seatback, and remove the seatback from the seat rail. Install the ab attachment in its place on the seat rail.
15 Co mp a n i on Eq u i pm en t Bowflex Revolution ® XP Accessory Rack (ordered separately) The Bowflex Revolution ® XP home gym comes with many accessories and attachments to provide you with a wide variety of exercises.
16 D ef i ni ng Y ou r G oa ls Muscl e Strengt h is t h e ma xi m um fo rc e yo u ca n ex ert aga inst res ista nc e at on e ti me . Y our m uscle stre ngth c om es in to pla y wh en yo u pi ck up a h eav y bag of groc eries or li ft a small child.
17 D ef i ni ng Y ou r G oa ls Reaching Y our Goals T o reac h yo ur goals yo u mus t fo llo w a co nsist en t , we l l de signe d pr ogr am that pr ovid es balanc ed de ve lo pm en t to all pa rt s of the body and in cl ud es both aer ob ic and stre ngth ex er cise.
18 Ex e rc is i ng Pro pe r ly W orking Out A wo rk ou t begins i n yo u r mind’ s ey e. W i t h co nc en tr atio n and v isuali zatio n yo u can ap pr oach yo u r wo rk ou t w ith a posi t ive , co nstr uctive atti tude .
19 Th e W or k ou ts 20 Minute Better Body W orkout Freq uen cy : 3 Da y s P er W eek (M-W-F) Time : Abo ut 20 Mi nu tes Star t by perf orming on e se t of eac h ex er cise. W a rm u p w i th a ligh t resis t anc e ex ercise that y ou can perfo r m easily f or 5 - 1 0 re ps w itho ut fatiguing .
20 Th e W or k ou ts 20 Minute Upper/Lower Body Freq uen cy : 4 Da y s P er W eek (M- T - T H- F) Time : Abo ut 20 Mi nu tes This pro g ra m pr ovid es yo u w ith a quic k and effe ctive wo rk ou t that co m bin es musc le co ndi t io ning with som e cardio va scular ben ef its.
21 Th e W or k ou ts Body Building Freq uen cy : 3 Da y s On, 1 Day Of f Time : Abo ut 45 - 60 Mi nu tes Body buildin g req ui res f ocused c on ce n tr atio n and de dicati on to tr aining, as we ll as pro per ea t ing hab i t s. T ra in each m uscl e g ro up to fai l ure bef or e mo v ing o n to t he ne xt ex er cise.
22 Th e W or k ou ts Circuit T raining – Anaerobic/Cardiovascular Freq uen cy : 2- 3 Times P er W eek Ti me: Abo ut 20 - 45 Minut es Circui t t ra ining is a g re at way to achi eve the ben ef i t s of stre ngth t r aining and cardio v a scular t ra ining in on e qui ck, chall en g ing ro u t ine .
23 Th e W or k ou ts Strength T raining Freq uen cy : 3 Da y s P er W eek (M-W-F) T i me: Abo ut 45 - 60 M inutes This pro g ra m is desi gned to em phasize o ve r all stre ngth dev el opm en t.
24 Ex e rc is es A Revolutionary W ay to Exercise The Bowf l ex Rev ol u t io n ® XP h om e g y m pr ovid es a mo re than 9 0 ex er cises and ov er 40 0 total var iatio ns. Y ou can sw itc h qui ckly betwee n hun d reds of e xe rcise s w i th le ss se tup ti m e t han mos t g y m machin es.
25 25 C he st Ex e rc i se s Benc h Press — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (and elbo w extension) Muscles work ed: Pectoralis Major; Deltoids; T riceps P osition: Seated—facing outward Accessor y: Long Hand Grips Adjustable Arm P osition: 5 or 6 Success Tips • Maintain a 90° angle between upper arms and torso throughout motion.
Decline Benc h Press — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (and elbo w extension) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp Hand Grips in both hands. • Cables travel beneath arms, forearms aligned with cables. • Bend your elbows, keeping your forearms at least 10° lower than when in the standard Bench Press Start position.
27 C he st Ex e rc i se s Decline Chest Fly — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (elbo w stabilized) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp Hand Grips in both hands. • Open your arms into a wide, “embrace” position, elbows slightly bent. Press your forearms downward.
28 C he st Ex e rc i se s Standing Chest Press — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (and elbo w extension) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp Hand Grips so the cables are in line close to the front of your forearms. • Stand with one foot for ward and one foot back for added stability .
29 C he st Ex e rc i se s Standing Incline Chest Press — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (and elbo w extension) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand with one foot for ward and one foot back for added stability . • Start with elbows bent to 90º and slightly behind or even with the shoulders.
30 C he st Ex e rc i se s Standing Decline Chest Press — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (and elbo w extension) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the handles so the cables travel under the forearm. • Keep your forearms in line with the cable at all times.
31 C he st Ex e rc i se s Standing Chest Fly — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (elbo w stabilization) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the handles so the cables lie close to the front of your forearms and palms facing forward. • Stand with one foot for ward and one foot back for added stability .
32 C he st Ex e rc i se s Standing Decline Chest Fly — Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (elbo w stabilization) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips so the cables lie close to the front of your forearms and palms face for ward. • Stand with one foot for ward and one foot back for added stability .
33 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Crosso ver Rear Delt Ro ws — Elbow Flexion ST ART FINISH ST ART • Cross your arms in front of you and grasp the Hand Grips (right Grip in left hand and vice versa), palms facing toward the floor , arms nearly straight.
34 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Bent Rear Delt Row ST ART FINISH ST ART • Pivot for ward from your hips, knees bent, spinal muscles tight. • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing backward. Keep hands shoulder -width apart. • Let your arms hang in the direction of the pulleys—do not lock your elbows.
35 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Rev er se Fly — Shoulder Hor izontal Abduction (elbows stabiliz ed in slight flexion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing floor , arms nearly straight. • Stand up straight and bend slightly forward from the hips until arms/cables are in front of body at a 90˚ angle from torso.
36 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Seated Shoulder P ress — Shoulder Adduction (and elbo w extension) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp Hand Grips, palms facing away from the engine. • Raise the Hand Grips to shoulder level. Keep your palms facing for ward.
37 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Lateral Shoulder Raise — Shoulder Abduction (elbows stabiliz ed) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing each other . • Let your arms hang at your sides, directly in line with the cables. • Keep your chest lifted, and a slight arch in your lower back.
38 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Shoulder Extension — (elbows stabiliz ed) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing down, arms straight and at approximately a 30° angle from torso. • Tighten your trunk muscles to stabilize your spine while maintaining a slight arch in the lower back.
39 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Scapular P rotraction — (elbo ws stabilized) ST ART FINISH • Reach behind your body , grasp the Hand Grips and straighten your arms in front of you at a 90° angle from torso. • Keep your arms in line with the cables, palms facing down and wrists straight.
40 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Shoulder Rotator Cuf f — Inter nal Rotation ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grip nearest you in the hand closest to the engine, and draw your upper arm into your torso. Keep your elbow bent and your forearm at a 90° angle from your torso.
41 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Scapular Retraction ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips, palmsfacing each other . • Extend arms toward the pulleys. • Keeping your arms straight, slowly pinch your shoulder blades together . • When shoulder blades are fully retracted, slowly return to the Start position.
42 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Standing Shoulder Press w/ Alternating Motion — Shoulder Abduction ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the handles so the cables are in line close to the front of your forearms and palms facing for ward. • Stand with feet flat on the platform, knees slightly bent.
43 S h o u l d e r E x e rc i se s Shoulder External Rotation with 90˚ of Abduction ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips and position your upper arm 90º away from your side. • Stand up straight with chest lifted, slight arch in the lower back and shoulder blades retracted.
44 B a c k E x e rc i se s Standing Low Bac k Extension — (hip extension) ST ART FINISH • Slide the handles on the Hand Grips to one side and slide the straps over your forearms, tightening near your elbows. • Bend your knees comfortably , arms crossed in front of chest.
45 B a c k E x e rc i se s Seated Lat Pulldo wns — Shoulder Adduction (with elbo w flexion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Lat Pulldown Bar at a comfortable, wide grip, then sit, with your arms extending upward. • Y ou may position your thighs directly beneath the pulleys, but lean back slightly from hips.
46 B a c k E x e rc i se s Crosso ver Narr ow P ulldowns — Shoulder Ext ension (with elbow flexion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Cross your arms and grasp the Hand Grips (right Grip in left hand and vice versa). • Sit, arms extending upward, muscles relaxed and ready .
47 B a c k E x e rc i se s Standing Shoulder Pullo ver with Hand Grips — Elbo w Stabilized ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing down, keeping hands shoulder -width apart. • Tighten your abdominals to stabilize your spine while maintaining a slight arch in your lower back.
48 B a c k E x e rc i se s Standing Lat Row Alternating Motion-Low P ulley — Shoulder extension (and elbo w flexion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on the platform facing the engine. • Grasp the handles with one arm hanging for ward toward the pulley and the other arm back with the elbow bent and forearm in line with the cable.
Arm E x e rc i se s 49 T riceps Pushdo wn w/ Handgrips — Elbow Ext ension ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp one or both of the Hand Grips, palms facing the floor . • Keep hands and elbows approximately shoulder -width apart. Bend your elbows until hands are near shoulders.
Arm E x e rc i se s 50 T riceps Extension — Elbow Ext ension ov er head ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp one or both of the Hand Grips, palms facing outward. • Draw arms up until elbows are pointing for ward, hands behind shoulders. • Keep your elbows “in line” with the cables throughout movement and your wrists straight.
Arm E x e rc i se s 51 “Rope” Pushdo wn — Elbow Ext ension ST ART FINISH ST ART • Distance yourself from the Lat T ower , but keep your feet on the Platform. • Cross your arms and grasp the Hand Grips (right Grip in left hand and vice versa), palms facing down.
52 Arm E x e rc i se s Concentration Biceps Curl — Flexion (in supination) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on the Platform, one side facing the engine. • With the inside hand, grasp the Hand Grip closest to you. • Keeping your back straight, bend at your hips and knees until your trunk is parallel to the floor .
53 Arm E x e rc i se s Barbell Biceps Curl — Elbow Flexion (in supination) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Lat Bar , palms facing forward. • Stand with your upper arms by your sides (not pressed tightly) and keep your elbows bent so that your forearms are at a 90° angle to your upper arms.
54 Arm E x e rc i se s Rev er se Curl — Elbow Flexion (in pr onation) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Reach down and grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing backward. • Straighten, keeping your upper arms and elbows by your sides, elbows loose. Bend your elbows until your forearms are between 45-90˚ angles with your upper arms.
55 Arm E x e rc i se s Wrist Extension ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips, palm facing down, keeping your elbows flared slightly to the side, elbows bent approximately 90°. • Slowly curl the back of your fists backward towards your forearms.
Arm E x e rc i se s 56 Resisted Dip — Elbow Extension • Reach up and grasp the Hand Grips, palms facing the floor , keeping your thumbs on the inside, toward your body . • Cable should be between your arms and your body . • Upper arms should be at a 90˚ angle from torso.
Arm E x e rc i se s 57 Upper Body Opposition Push-P ull ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Hand Grips, keeping the one attached to the Lat T ower in an over hand grip and the one attached to the Adjustable Arm Cable in an under hand grip. • Bend your forearms at a 90° angle from your upper arms, which should be at 90° angles from your torso.
Standing Biceps Curl — Elbow Flexion fr om a Shoulder Extended P osition ST ART FINISH ST ART • Reach back and grasp the Hand Grips with your arm extended backward. • Do not let your arm go completely straight; maintain tension on the biceps. • Keeping the upper arms stationary , slowly curl the handles up then inward toward the shoulders.
Ab do mi n a l E x er c is e s 59 T runk Rotation • Stand with one side toward the engine. Grasp the Hand Grip closest to you with both hands. • Raise both arms up near shoulder level, hands extended over the leg closest to the engine. • Keep your elbows slightly bent.
60 Ab do mi n a l E x er c is e s Standing Oblique Abdominal Crunc h ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand to one side, facing the seat rail, angled about 45º away from the platform. • Grasp the Hand Grip closest to you with the outside hand and position the handle webbing over your shoulder .
61 Ab do mi n a l E x er c is e s Kneeling Low to High T runk Rotation ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand off to one side of the platform and kneel down on the knee closest to the engine angled about 45º away from the platform. • Reach across and down, and grasp the Hand Grip closest to you with both hands.
62 Le g E x er c i s es Squat ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand with your feet about shoulder -width apart. • Squat down and place the Squat Harness across your shoulders— adjust the straps to make sure you have resistance from the start of the movement.
63 Le g E x er c i s es Single Leg Calf Raise — Ankle Plantarflexion (knee stabilized) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on one foot, with your toes/balls of feet on the Platform. • Use the Hand Grips in both hands as resistance and as a balance stabilizer .
Le g E x er c i s es 64 Standing Hip Extension — (knee stabilized) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Secure the Foot Harness on your foot. Keep this leg straight, but not locked at the knee. • Bend for ward 30-40° from your hips (not your waist) and very slightly bend the knee of your supporting leg.
65 Le g E x er c i s es Standing Hip Abduction ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on Platform. • Secure Foot Harness on the ankle furthest from the pulley . Keep leg straightened, but knee loose. • Adjust your position so that there is some tension in the cables at the start of this exercise.
66 Le g E x er c i s es Hip Flexion — (with Knee Flexion) ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on Platform. • Secure Foot Harness on the foot furthest from the engine. • Bend for ward 30-40° from your hips (not your waist) and very slightly bend the knee of your supporting leg.
67 Le g E x er c i s es Stif f Leg Dead Lif t ST ART FINISH ST ART • Grasp the Lat Bar with your palms facing downward. • Keep your legs bent slightly . • Bend over , approximately 90° from your hips (not your waist) • Initiate the movement by pushing your hips for ward.
Le g E x er c i s es Standing Hip Internal Rotation ST ART FINISH ST ART • Stand on the platform on one side of the seat rail facing sideways from the engine. • Attach one cable to the D ring on the foot closest to the pulley on the outside edge near the front of your foot.
69 Le g E x er c i s es L ying Hip Internal Rotation ST ART FINISH ST ART • Attach one cable to the D- ring on the foot closest to the pulley on the outside edge near the front of your foot. • Lie on your back with your hip and knee flexed to 90º.
70 Le g E x er c i s es Lunge — Single leg hip extension w/ knee ext ension ST ART FINISH • Stand facing the engine, with one foot for ward on the center of the platform and the other foot back behind you. • Attach the cables to the D-ring on the bottom strap of the Squat Harness.
71 Sternocleidomastoid Pectoralis Major Anterior Deltoid Medial Deltoid Biceps Brachialis External Obliques Brachioradialis Pronator T eres Flexor Carpi Radialis T ensor Fasciae Latae Iliopsoas Pectin.
Please feel free to make copies of this chart to continue your exercise log. EXERCISE D A TE D A TE D A TE D A TE D A TE DA TE Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps .
T h e B o w f l e x ® B o d y L e a n n e s s P r o g r a m By Ellin g t on Darde n, Ph.D. The f o l l owing pr ogram was crea te d b y Dr . Elli ngton Darde n. It co ntai ns a r ig or ous f i t ness and di etar y p ro g ram. Pl ease c onsult yo u r p hysici a n be f ore begin ning any fi t ness or d ie t a r y pr ogram.
76 T he Bow f lex ® Bod y L e a n ne s s P rog r a m Th is progr am is scien t i f ical ly desi g ned fo r ma xi ma l fat loss ov er six wee k s. It is impo rt ant t hat yo u pract ic e eve r y a spect of t he pla n to achiev e op t imum results. The pr og r am separates i n to t hree t wo - wee k st a ges.
77 Dear B owf le x ® E n t h usia st, I’ m ex cite d, real ly ex cited! I’ m elate d b ecause I’ ve dev el oped a n ex ercising a nd eat ing pr og r am that pr oduc es fat loss f a ster t ha n any plan I’ ve eve r tested. The me n inv olve d in m y research, fo r exa mp le , had an av erage fat loss of 27 .
78 I f yo u wo u ld l ike to measu re your p ersonal befo re- and- a f ter results , t he re are seve r a l steps yo u ne ed to t a k e. It i s import ant t hat yo u accur ate ly per fo r m each t a sk, t hen at t he en d of t he si x-we ek progr am, repe at t he proc es s in t he sa me ma nne r .
79 Sk i n f old Mea s u r ement s T o accur ately t r ack your pr og ress t hroug h t h is si x - wee k progr a m, it i s nec ess ar y to t ake sk in fo ld me a sureme n t s. By measur ing yourself in th is w ay , yo u w il l be abl e to de t ermi ne yo u r lean- body ma ss and yo ur body - fat perc en t age .
80 Us i n g C a l ip er s W hen Mea s u r i ng S k i n f old s The pr oced ure fo r measu r ing ski nfol d t hickness is to g r a sp f ir m ly w ith t he t h umb and f oref inge r a fo ld of ski n and sur f ace f at a nd pul l it away from t he unde rly ing m us cl e.
81 T o Use The Nomogram: 1 ) L ocate t he su m of your t hree sk in fo lds in t he r igh t co lumn a nd ma rk it. 2) Loc ate your age i n years on t he f ar left co lumn a nd ma rk it.
82 Before Body We igh t F at P ercen t a ge Body Fat W eigh t x = Body We igh t W eigh t of B ody Fa t Lea n - Body We igh t – = U se the Same Factors to Calculate A f te r S ix W ee ks.
83 Name Age Height W eight Loss W eight Before Muscle Gain W eight After Fat Loss Please follow the instructions in the “Measurements” section for measuring circumferences.
84 GU I DE L I N E S W eek 1& 2 A l l ex ercises sh ould be pr acticed w ith on e set of 8 to 12 repetitio ns. T he st yl e of per fo r ma nc e is ver y impo r t ant. T h e mo vem en t for each repetitio n sh ould be 4 seco nds in t he posi t ive phase a nd 4 seco nds in t he negat ive .
85 Y ou w il l be fo l lo w ing a redu ced- ca lorie nu t r itio n progr a m, which i s d iv id ed into t hree t wo - wee k seg me n t s. The pr og r am is a pro ve n me t hod fo r achiev ing ma x ima l f at los s ov er a si x-wee k per iod.
86 Dr ink i ng ple n t y of w ater i s essen t ia l to t he suc cess of t h is progr am. Dr i nk ing t he reco mmen ded amo u n t of water ca n seem l ike a cha llen ge at f i rst . St ick w ith it. C a r r y a lar ge sport bott le or simi la r i tem w ith you t hroug ho ut t he d ay .
87 The me n us in t he B owf le x ® eating plan a re desi g ned fo r ma x i m um fat-loss ef fec t iven e ss and n utr ition a l v a lu e. F or b est result s, fo llow t he m exact ly . E ver y attem pt ha s b een made to ut il ize cur ren t pop u lar br and names and accur ate c a lo r ie coun t s, whic h a re listed i n t he me nus.
88 Breakfast = 300 calories Choice of bagel, cereal or shake. Bagel 1 plain bagel, Sarah Lee ® (frozen) (210) 3/4 oz. light cream cheese (45) 1/2 C. orange juice, fresh or frozen (55) Any beverage without calories, caffeine, or sodium, such as decaffeinated coffee or tea.
89 Breakfast = 300 calories Choice of bagel, cereal or shake. Bagel 1 plain bagel, Sarah Lee ® (frozen) (210) 21 g light cream cheese (45) 120 ml orange juice, fresh or frozen (55) Any beverage without calories, caffeine, or sodium, such as decaffeinated coffee or tea.
90 Qu a n t ities need ed fo r li sted items w il l depe nd on yo u r specif ic sel ect ions. Rev i ew yo u r ch oic es and adj ust t he sho ppin g l ist acc ordingly . It may be he lpfu l fo r yo u to ph otoc op y t hi s li st each wee k befo re doing yo u r sh opp ing .
91 Q . I often get head a che s w hen I e at on ly 1 0 0 0 ca lor ie s a da y . W hat s hou ld I do ? A. Y our headaches may be caused by going longer than three hours between meals or snacks. T r y spacing your meals and snacks where there are fewer hours between them.
92 Q . W h y i s it so i mpor t a nt I pe rfor m t he Bow f lex ® exerc i s e s w it h a 4 - s econd cou nt on t he l if t i ng a nd lower i n g ? A. Because a slow , smooth 4-second lifting followed by a 4-second lowering involves more muscle fibers more thoroughly than faster speeds of movement.
93 Continue your Bowflex ® exercise routine at the highest level. Per form the same 10 exercises three times per week. T r y to get as strong as you can in each exercise, while always focusing on the 4-second count in both lifting and lowering. Q . I ’m ple a s ed t ha t I los t t he fat I w a nt ed to lo se.
94 6 -W ee k S at i sfac t ion Gu a r a ntee W e wa nt you to k now t hat t he B ow f le x Revolu t ion ® X P hom e g y m i s a superior product. Y our sat isf act ion is g u a r anteed.
©2007 . Nautilus, Inc. All rights reserved. Nautilus, Bowflex, the Bowflex logo, Bowflex Revolution and Power R od are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nautilus, Inc. All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies. Nautilus, Inc.
Please fold ov er and tape befor e mailing Please fold ov er and tape befor e mailing Place Stamp Her e Bowflex R evolution ® XP Home Gym 1640 0 SE Nautilus Dri ve V ancouver , W A 98683 What Is Covered Nautilus, Inc.
OFFICES IN THE UNITED ST A TES: E-m ail : custo mer servic e@na util us. com • TECHNICAL/CUSTOMER SERVICE Nautilus, Inc. W orld Headquarters 16400 SE Nautilus Drive V ancouver , Washington, USA 98683 Phone: 800-NAUTILUS (800-628-8458) Email: customerservice@nautilus.
©2007 Nautilus, Inc. All rights reserved. Nautilus, Bowflex, the Bowflex logo, and Bowflex Rev olution are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nautilus, Inc.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Bowflex RevolutionXP (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Bowflex RevolutionXP noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Bowflex RevolutionXP - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Bowflex RevolutionXP reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Bowflex RevolutionXP erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Bowflex RevolutionXP besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Bowflex RevolutionXP verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Bowflex RevolutionXP. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Bowflex RevolutionXP gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.