Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ZVC7611 des Produzenten Zonet
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Copyright State ment is the registered trademark of Z onet T echnol ogy Inc. All the products and product nam es mentioned herein are the tr ademarks or registered tr ademark s of their respectiv e holders. Copyri ght of the whol e product as i ntegration, incl uding its accessories a nd software, bel ongs to Z onet T echnology Inc.
T able of Contents 1. Introduction ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ..... 1 2. Package Content ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .
8.4 E-Mail and FTP ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 45 8.5 Motion Detection ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... 46 8.6 System ....
1 1. Introduction Thank you for choosing Zonet ZVC7 611/ZVC76 11W. ZVC7 611/ZVC7611W sends live video through 10/100Mbps wi red network to a web b rowser or camera viewer across Internet any where i n the w orld! Thi s compact, self-contai ned unit l ets you keep an eye on your home, your kids, and your workplace—whatever ’s important to you.
2 3. System Requirement LAN: 10/100Mbps F ast Ethernet WLAN: IEEE 80 2.11b/g OS System: Wi ndows 2000 /XP/Server 2003/Vista/7 IE Version: 6. 0.29 or above CPU: Intel Pentium III 750MHz abov e or Intel Celeron 1GHz above Memory Size: 1 28MB (256MB recommende d) DirectX 9.
3 4.2 Know your ZV C7611/ZVC761 1W Front View Bottom View Res et Button LAN P ort P ower Jack F ocus Ring LED Green: LAN Activi ty LED Orange: WLAN Acti vity (ZVC7611W Only) LED Blue: P ower On Wirele.
4 Port & Button Description Power Jack Where you can conn ect the power adapter LAN Port Where you can conn ect the RJ-45 Ethernet cab le Antenna Connector (ZVC7611W O nly) This is sta ndard Reverse SMA connector w here any antenna wi th Reverse SMA connector can connect to ZVC7611W Reset Button 1.
5 3. Y ou ha ve to connect the Wirel ess Antenna to ZVC76 11W if you’d like to use i t i n a wir eless network envi ronment. 4. Mak e sure that y ou hav e install ed correct VGA driv er and DirectX 9.
6 5. Software Installati on NOTE: Snap-shot screens of t h e followin g i nstallation procedure are base d on W indows XP. Installation proce dures will be similar for ot h er win d ows o perating systems. 1. Insert Installation C D to your CD-ROM dr iv e and the W el come screen appe ars.
7 3. Click Next to continue the install ation 4. If you want to chan ge the path, click Change ; otherwise just cl ick Next to continue. 5. Click Install t o start installing the program.
8 6. Click Finish to com plete Administrator Util ity install ation. 7. Go back to wi zard page and click I nstall 16 Chan camera viewer , the system will start running viewer install ation. 8. Administrator Util ity will run automati cally after viewer i nstallation.
9 9. Enter default password 1234 an d click OK to l ogin IP setup page. 10. The program will detect IP address status of your network automa tically. You can accept the sug gested value or enter the value manually . If you enter the value manually, please be aware that Subnet Mask must be the sa me for both camera and PC.
10 12. C lick System co nfigure button and a popup menu will appear . Select Configure Camera s to configur e ZVC7611/ZVC7 611W . 13. C hoose the camer a y ou want to connect in Camera Search list and click Select to a dd it into the chann el y ou want to view then click ok 14.
11 6. Using the Administrator Utili t y IPCam Admi n Utility allows users to search and setu p ZVC7611/ZVC7 611W located withi n Intranet or Internet. From the utili ty , users can view all the inform.
12 6.1 General Set ting Information of Cam era Camer a Informati on It displ ays MAC address, IP Addr ess, Camera Name a nd Model of the sel ected camera.
13 When you click Configure Came ra icon , a screen wil l pop up to enter User Nam e and P assword. The default v alue is as follows. User Name: Admi n P assword: 1234.
14 6.1.1 LAN Setting IP A ddress: Enter an IP Address withi n the IP addr ess ran ge on your LAN. Defaul t IP Address: http:/ /192.16 8.2.3 NetMask: Subnet Ma sk field m ust match the subnet setti ng on your LAN. Gateway: Gateway setting must be the sa me with the gateway used by the PC s on your LAN.
15 6.1.2 Security Camera Name: The defaul t camera name is I P Camera/Wireless IP Camera . New Password: Ent er the new pa ssword you want to use for ZVC761 1/ZVC7611 W.
16 7. Using the Viewer Utility Before you s tart : IPCam Surveill ance Software wil l only work whe n monitor’s resoluti on is 1024 x 768. Please must ch ange the res olution before using IPCam Surveillance Soft ware.
17 Item Description Video displ aying area The i mage of all connected cam eras wi ll be di splayed h ere. Language Select a la nguage from dropdown menu. Displa y layout Select a la yout i con to cha nge camer a display l ayou t. There are 8 kin ds of av ailable display layout s.
18 Close wind ow (stop surveil lance) T erminates IPCam surveillance softw are. Minimiz e window Minimiz es IPCam surveill ance softw are window . 7.1 Configure IP C amera Viewer 7.1.1 Configure Camera s Before usin g IPCam Surveillance Softw are, y ou must configure ZVC7611 /ZVC7611W(s) you wi sh to connect.
19 7.1. 1.1 Ca mera In Cam era tab you ca n c onfi gure all ZVC7611/ZVC7611W you wish to connect. Up to 16 camer as can be connected si multaneously . Channel: Select the channel n umber you wi sh to set.
20 After cli cking OK button to sav e setti ngs, you’ll see the i mage in IPCam Surveillance Software’ s m ain m enu:.
21 Schedu le Recording In Schedule Recording tab, you can se tup scheduled v ideo recording, so you can record the video captu red by all camera s you hav e by a pre -defined schedul e. Channel: Select the channel n umber you wi sh to set.
22 Weekly Schedule s: Check selected w eekday s, and set the start ti me in From . Y ou can set th e dur ation of vi deo recording in P eriod (HH:MM:SS), and end time will be displa yed in To automatically .
23 Audio Please note t hat ZVC7611 /ZVC7611W doesn’t support audi o function. Audio ta b is not working f or ZVC7611/ZVC7611 W ..
24 Motion R ecord With M oti on R ecord functi on activ ated, only motions captured by selected camera w ill be recorded. WARNING : For applications that security is highly concerned, it’s not recommend ed to use this function since some tiny changes may not be able to trig ger the c amera and the camera will not start recording.
25 7.1.2 Gener al Settings Genera l Data Directory: Assign a folder you wish to store the recorded video and captured imag e. Click Browse button to pi ck a directory i n your hard disk . Free Recording S pace: Displ ays remaining stor age space.
26 7.1. 2.2 E- Mail Sett ing If you w ant to g et an email that cont ains the image captured by ZVC7611 /ZVC7611W from moti on detection functi on, please setup y our email information here fir st. E-Mail S ubject: Specify the subject of sendi ng email.
27 SMTP Server: Speci fy the IP ad dress or host name of the S MTP ser ver y ou wi sh to use. SMTP Port: Speci fy the port number of the SMTP server y ou wish to use. Defaul t v alue is 25 . SMTP Auth: Sel ect Enable i f your SMTP serv er requires au thentication, select Disable i f it’ s not required.
28 About About tab shows the version number of the IPCam Sur veillance Software y ou a re using..
29 7.2 Change Disp lay Layout IPCam Surv eillance Softw are provi des 8 kinds of di splay layout: Every l ayout di splays diff erent number of camer a an d camer a arran gement, y ou can click t he icon that presents a speci fic kind of lay out, and the video di splaying a rea will change accordi ngly .
30 Style 1 . 1 Camer a only 01 Style 2 . 4 Camer as 01 02 03 04 Style 3 . 6 Camer as 02 01 03 04 05 06 Style 4 . 8 Camer as 02 03 01 04 05 06 07 08.
31 Style 5 . 9 Camer as 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Style 6 . 10 Cam eras 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Style 7 . 13 Cam eras 02 03 01 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Style 8 .
32 7.3 Full-screen mo de Click Full S creen button to switch displa y mode to full -screen mode. T o exit full -screen mode, press ESC k ey ..
33 7.4 Scan If y ou hav e more than one camer a config ured, you can click Sca n button to switch between all configured camer as as slide show functi on.
34 7.5 Zoo m-in / Zoom-out ZVC7611/ZVC7 611W doesn’ t su pport Z oom-i n / Z oom-out f unction..
35 7.6 PTZ ZVC7611/ZVC7 611W doesn’ t su pport PTZ f unction..
36 7.7 Snapshot Y ou can take a snapshot of sel ected camer a and sa ve i t to Snapshot sub-folder of pre-defined data directory . Click Snapshot button once to take a snapshot.
37 7.8 Record ing Y ou can start video recording of selected camer a manually by clicking Recording button: When recording starts, y ou’ll see a message i n Message Di splaying Box such as 1/1 10:00:00 , Camera 1 Start Manual , which means camer a 1 sta rts recording manually on 1/1 at 1 0:00:00.
38 7.9 Video Playba ck Y ou can pla yback all recorded vid eo by clicking Pl ayback button. A Play back window will app ear , search the vid eo file before y ou play it .
39 8. Web Connection and S etu p T o configure ZVC76 11/ZVC7611W wi th the W eb brows er , start the web browser and input the default IP address of ZVC7 611/ZVC761 1W http://192.16 8.2.3 i n address ba r . Input the User Na me and Pa ssword and click OK .
40 8.1 Camera Resolution: Defa ult resoluti on is 640 x 480 VGA format; 320 x 240 is CIF format. Image Qual ity: Adjust to control the video quality . Max Frame Rate: Z VC7611/ZVC7 611W supports at most 30 fra mes per second. Set the fr ame r ate higher can get video more smooth.
41 8.2 LAN LAN Network Type: Obtain IP via DHCP protocol or specified static IP Addr ess. IP Address: Enter an u nused IP Address wit hin the IP ad dress range used on your LAN. Subnet Mask: Subnet M ask field m ust match the subnet setting on your LAN.
42 PPPoE Enable PPP oE: Enable or D isable PPP oE functi on. User Name: Enter the User Name for t he PPP oE Connecti on. Password: Enter the P assword for the P PPoE C onnection.
43 8.3 WLAN (For ZV C7611W) Wireless connectio n: Default v a l ue is Disable. Network Type: Select Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc from dropdown menu. Availab le Networks: Select th e networks li sted below. SSID: T o connect y our ZVC76 11W to a specifi c access point, y ou hav e to set the corresponding access poin t SSID .
44 Key1 ~ Key4: Fi ll the text box b y following rules. Hex 64-bit: 1 0 char acters (use only A~F, a~f & 0~9 ) Hex 128-bit: 26 char acters (use only A~F, a~f & 0~9 ) ASCII 64-b it: 5 alphanumeri c characters ASCII 128 -bit: 13 alphanumeri c chara cters Apply: Cli ck Apply when fini shing WLAN setting.
45 8.4 E-Mail and F TP E-Mail & FTP pa ge l ets you setup E -Mail client and F TP c li ent that cam era can sent l ive video to y our e-mail ac count or FTP server w hen Motion ha s been detected. E-Mail Recipient E-Mail Address: Enter the E-Mail Account f or receiving the pictures recorded by Moti on Detection functi on.
46 8.5 Motion Detec tion Motion Detectio n Enable: Enabl e or Disable Motion Detection Funct ion. Motion Detectio n Interval: Setup t he interval betw een two events.
47 8.6 System System page all ows users to setup pa ram eters, fir mware up grade and reset tools. Camera Informati on Camera Name: Defa ult v alue is IP Camera / Wireless IP Cam era . Login Name: Defaul t v alue is a dmin . Password: Enter up to 4 digi ts password.
48 8.7 Status Status page shows the current i nformati on of ZVC7611/ZVC7 611W . 8.8 Users Users page al lows users to add f our user accounts whi ch are able to v iew video from Camer a Viewer and W eb Management. These users, unli ke Administr ator , a re not allowed to configure the camer a.
49 8.9 Log Log page all ows users to moni tor the device ev ent and ti me. Log screen: Di splay the event and event time of ZVC7611 /ZVC7611W . Refresh: Cli ck Refresh to refresh the l og screen.
50 9. Specifications Image Sensor Image Sensor 300K pix els 1/4” C olor CMOS Sensor Resol ution 640x480 Lens Aperture (F/No. ) 1.8 Focus L ength 4.8mm Image Processing Compression MJPEG Fra me r ate 20fps @VGA , 30fps @QVGA Image R esoluti on 176 x 14 4, 320 x 240, 64 0 x 480 System Browser Internet Expl ore 6.
51 10. Frequently Asked Questions Q1: What algo rithm is used to comp ress the digi tal imag e? A: ZVC761 1/ZVC7611W utiliz es MJPEG video compressi on technology to provide high quality i mages. MJPEG i s a stan dard for vi deo compressi on and c an be applied to various appli cation software.
52 11. A pp endix A View ing vi a UPnP in Windows XP When the UPnP function is enabl ed, ZVC7611/ZVC76 11W can b e detected by UPn P complia nt system such as Wi ndows XP.
53 Enable UPnP in Windows XP SP2 If you ca n’ t fi nd ZVC7611 /ZVC7611W in the Neighborhood of Windows XP SP2 or you have seen the foll owing message w hen you doub le click the camera icon. You have to check if UPnP function i s blocked by the firewall.
54 4. Windows Firewall will be popp ed up, select Exceptions tab. 5. Enable UPnP Framework from Program s and Service s list and cli ck OK ..
55 12. A pp endix B Confi gure Wind ows 2003 Server Graphics Har dware Acceleration and DirectX are Disabled by defa ult on a Server configur ation to ensure maximu m stability and upti me. But f or any reason you need t o enable them to use Di rectX enab led applications, followi ng will gui de y ou through on how you can do i t.
56 Enabling DirectX 5. Go to Start Run type dxdia g follow ed by enter . You will get a dialog box asking if you want to allow dxdiag to access the i nternet to check for valid WHQL certificat es, click Yes . 6. Select Displ ay tab, and click on all three boxes to E nabl e DirectDraw, Direct3D and AGP Texture Acceleration.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Zonet ZVC7611 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Zonet ZVC7611 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Zonet ZVC7611 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Zonet ZVC7611 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Zonet ZVC7611 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Zonet ZVC7611 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Zonet ZVC7611 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Zonet ZVC7611. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Zonet ZVC7611 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.