Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung X203H des Produzenten Acer
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- 1 - P roduc t Service M anual – X 203 H Service Manual for acer: X203 H P/N : 9J.0VH14.T1K Applicable for All Regions Version : 001 Date : 2009/5/8 Noti ce: - For R O to input specific “Legal Requirem ent” in sp e cific NS regarding to responsibi lit y and liabi lity statem ents.
- 2 - Conte nt Index Abbreviat ions & A cro nyms ......... ......... ............ .............. ............ ......... ............ ...3 1. A bo ut This Ma nual ............ ......... ............ ............ ............ ........... ...........
- 3 - A bbreviati ons & Ac ron y ms 1. A bo ut T his Ma nual This manual co n tains inf o rmation about maintenance and service of acer products. Use this m a nual to perform diagnostics test s, troub leshoot problems, and al i gn the acer product.
- 4 - 2. Introduc tion This section contains general servi ce information, plea se rea d through ca refully . It should be stored for ea sy access place for qui c k reference. 2.1 RoHS (2 002 /95/E C) Requirem ents – Appli ed to al l countr ies require R oH S.
- 5 - 3. Pr oduct Over vi ew 3.1 Intro duct ion X203 H is def ine d as o ur new 20’W model in AC ER V seri es which w ill be t he A C E R p roj ect in Qisda. X203H is defined as 20’W L CD Monitor supports 1600(H) x 900(V) resolution w ith DPMS (Disp lay Power Man agement System) and ACER eColor function.
- 6 - Color at User pres e t A C po wer inpu t Ye s 90-264 V o lt s, 47-63 Hz. DC power input ( with AC p owe r a dapt e r) No DPMS supported Yes <1W L ED indi cator f or power status showed Yes Bl.
- 7 - I E C1000-4-5 (Surg e ) Common: 2KV, Differential: 1KV √ CCFL operation ra nge 90 ~ 264VAC LG D: 2. 5mA~8.0mA SE C: 3. 0mA~8.5mA √ Depends on panel source CCFL Freque ncy 90 ~ 264VAC 40 KHz ~ 70KHz √ Depends on panel source Powe r cord Color: Bl ack Length: 1800 +/- 50 mm √ 3.
- 8 - Pin Signal Assign ment Pin Sig nal Assign ment 1 Red v i deo 9 PC5V (+5 volt power) 2 Green video 10 Sy n c Groun d 3 Blue video 11 Ground 4 Ground 12 SDA 5 Cable Detected 13 H-Sy nc (or H+ V) 6.
- 9 - 3.2.4 Scan r ange It em Condi tion Spec OK N.A Rema r k Horizontal 31 -83 KH z √ Vertical 56 -76 Hz √ HDMI s upport s 5 0Hz 3.2.5 Plug & Play DDC2B DDC-CI Sup p ort It em Condi tion Spec OK N.A Rema r k DDC channel ty pe DDC2B √ EDID Ve r s ion 1.
- 10 - 1. Show “I nput Not Supported” w arning message. When V ertical Fr equency i s over 76Hz o r u nder 56H z, the display i s Black and s howing “I npu t Not Su pported” w arning me ss age. (HDMI sup p orts 50Hz for PAL vide o s ignal s.) 2.
- 1 1 - Brightnes s At R/G/B saturated conditio n 250 c d/m 2 (typ.),200 cd/m 2 (min) √ Test Condition: Set Cont rast at 50 , Brightne ss at 100, Color at User preset.
- 12 - 3.3.5 Transportat ion Item Conditi on S pec OK N.A Rema r k (1) Vib rat ion Pac k a ge, Non-O p er ating Test Specification: 1 . Frequen c y Hert z 5 ~ 2 50 HZ , P SD L evel 0 .005 4 (G2/Hz) 2 . Grms = 1 .146 3 . Sweep Time : 30 minutes per Axis 4 .
- 13 - 3.3.7 EM C Item Conditi on S pec OK N.A Rema r k Electric B and 1 < 10 V/m B and 2 < 1 V/m √ T CO03 Ma gnetic B and 1 < 200nT B and 2 < 25nT √ FCC part 15J clas s B E MI EN55022 cla ss B A fter M ass p ro duction u nder 1dBu v for constant measu r e .
- 14 - 3.4 L CD Ch aracteristic s 3.4.1 The Physical definition & Technology summary o f LCD panel SEC LTM200KT03 Item C on dition Spec OK N.A Remark L CD Pan el Supplier SEC √ P anel type of Supplier LT M20 0 KT03 √ Screen Dia gona l 20 . 0 ” Dia gonal √ Dis play area Un it=mm 442.
- 15 - 3.4.2 Optical characterist ics of LCD panel SEC LTM200KT03 It e m Unit Condi t i ons Min . T yp . Max. Remark [degree] [degree] Horizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left) 70 70 80 80 - - Viewing Angle [.
- 16 - 3.5 User Co ntrols 3.5.1 User’s ha rd w are control de finitio n It e m Co ndition Spec O K N.A Rema rk Powe r button √ Auto butto n (Exit butto n ) √ Right/ I nc. button √ Le f t/ De c. button √ Menu button √ Mode button √ Input Sele c t butto n √ E-Key button √ Mute button √ 3.
- 17 - Acer eColor Manag ement User/Te xt/St andard/Grap h i c/ M ovie √ Exit √ PS: “ E-key” +” Power” to e nter fac t ory mode The detailed firm ware f un c ti ons’ specifi ca tion, pl ease refer to C212 S/W s p ec. do c um en t . 3.6 Mec hanica l Charact erist ics 3.
- 18 - 3.7 Pallet & Shi pme nt 3.7.1 Container Specification Stowing Typ e Contai ner Quantity of products (sets) (Every container) Quantity of Products (sets) (Every Pallet) Quantity of pal let (.
- 19 - 3.8 Certi ficat ion It e m Co ndition Spec O K N.A Rema rk Green design API Doc. 715-C 49 √ ISO14000 Requ irem ent Blue Angel Ge rman Stand ard √ E-2000 Switzerland √ EPA USA Standard √ TCO’99 √ TCO’03 √ MPR2 √ Environment Green Mark √ Microsoft Win dows PC98/99 √ DPMS VESA √ DDC 2B Version 1.
- 20 - DHHS (21 CFR) U SA X- Ray Stan d ard √ DNHW √ X- Ray Requ irement PTB German X- Ray standard √ TUV / Ergo √ ISO 13406-2 √ Ergonomics prEN50279 √ 3.
- 21 - 4. Disass embly / A sse mbly 4.1 Explo ded V iew 1 2 3 1 8 9 8 14 4 5 19 6 21 20 13 12 17 11 7 15 10 16 22 23 24 25.
- 22 -.
- 23 - 4.2 Disass e mb l y /Asse mbl y 4.2.1 Assembly SOP Preparation before as semble 1. Clean the roo m for work 2. Identify the ar e a for m aterial 3.
- 24 - 4 Assem ble t he SPK to the ma in-SHD , the correct posit i on reference on the p icture, the n the lock 4 sc rews t o f asten it. Screw-driver K eep the wa r e in.
- 25 - 9 Scan for foolin g PC Card go with p anel. 1 0 Fasten the LVDS to p anel and fix the Main- BKT to C LM-F 1 1 Stick one Al foil on the right between pane l a nd Main-BTK only fo r SEC p anel 1 .
- 26 - 1 4 Assem ble t he L-SHD the co rre ct position reference on the pi cture 1 5 Ins ec t t h e i nverter wire o ne by one and insect the spea k er wire Ke ep a ll wires in.
- 27 - 1 8 Stick an aceti c tape to fix the wire one by one as t h e pi cture Not f ix the pa nel to the edge 1 9 Fix the b i g Al tape to p anel 2 0 Assem ble t he C/B wire to the C/B connect 2 1 Ass.
- 28 - 2 2 Fix the C/B wire to the BZL 2 3 Check and put CLM-F o n the Mai n-Chassis carefully. None hurt outsi de. 2 4 Assem ble t he Rear Cover. 2 5 Check and put CLM- a bs on wo rki ng table carefu.
- 29 - 2 6 Assem ble t he Hinge to the CL M- abs 2 7 L ock sc re ws * 6 onto the h inge wit h screw-dri ver Sc rew-dri ve r 2 8 L ock 4 sc re ws to RC.
- 30 - 4.2.2 Disassembly SO P Preparation before dis assemble 1. C lean the roo m for di sass em ble 2. I d en tify the a rea for monitor 3. C hec k t he position th at t h e monitors be place d and the quantity of t h e monitor ;prepar e the area or mate rial f low ; a ccording to the actual c ondition pla n the di s as semble layout 4.
- 31 - 4 Tear out the a cetic tape 5 Unlock the wi res. 6 Disasse mb l e d the SHD shielding : 5 sc rew Sc rew-dri v er 7 Tear down t h ree p ieces of A l foil.
- 32 - 8 Tear down t h e Mylar and the ta p 9 Disasse mb l e d the AC- so c shielding . 1 0 Unlock the LVDS wires. 1 1 Disasse mb l e d the PCBA shieldin g : 5 screws Screw-driver 1 2 Dis asse mbled t.
- 33 - 1 3 Get off the pa n el from the bezel 1 4 Get off the big t ap from the tape 1 5 Disasse mb l e the c ontrol board.
- 34 - 5. Level 1 Cosmetic / Appe arance / A lignme nt Ser vice 5.1 A li gn ment proced ure ( for f unc t io n adj ustment ) 5.1.1 Prep arat ion 1. S etup inp ut timing to any preset mod es o r pattern s . 2. E nter fa ct ory mode (pr ess “Empo wering ” & “Power” b uttons at t he sa me time to turn o n monitor).
- 35 - Figure -1: Preset Timi ng modes list 640x 480@ 60Hz 8 00 x 525 31.4 69 59 . 941 25.175 640x 480@ 72Hz 8 32 x 520 37.8 61 72 . 809 31.500 640x 480@ 75Hz 8 40 x 500 37.5 00 75 . 000 31.500 640 x 4 80@6 6.66Hz 864 x 525 35 66.66 30 . 24 720x 400@ 70Hz 900 x 449 31 .
- 36 - 5.1.3 ADC calibrati o n (Auto color balance adjustm e nt) ~~Analog o nly, it i s n ot req u ire d for DVI-D input source 1. S etup input timing ICL-6 05( 1 2 80x1024@75Hz ), pattern 42(5-Mosai c pattern with white color b l ock ) with Analog signal s f r om Chroma vide o pat t e rn generator.
- 37 - 5. Re peat st ep 4 an d write the digital EDI D data i nto EEPROM for D VI- D inp ut(ie. 24-pin DVI- D). 6. Re ad both EEPROM d ata and co n firm it t o match with t h e Q212 defin iti on . (Note : T he DVI-D i nput may not operat io n c orrectly i f the digi tal EDID data do not e xist.
- 38 - 5.2 Sof t war e / Fi r mwar e Upgr ade Process 5.2.1 Hardware prepared: Hardw are Requirement: 1. ISP board x 1 2. DSUB VGA cables x 2 3. Printe r cable ( w ith o n e male conn e c to r and anoth er female connector) x 1. 4. PC or N otebook with parall el (printer) p ort x 1.
- 39 - 5.2.2 Firm w are Upgrade Procedure Step 1: Un-zip Port95nt and in stall into your computer. Step 2: Un-zip I SP a ppli cation tool (R TDToo l) Step 3: P res s “RTD 21 20 I SP ” button to execut e fir mwa re progr am application.
- 40 - Step 4: P res s “64K” bu tton to load * series* . he x f ile and pres s “64~96” butto n to load *extend* .hex file from your computer. Step 5: Se lect “Era se” option a nd execute lightning but t on first, and then se lect “ Auto” option and execute lightni n g button t o start upgrade f irmw are to t he monitor.
- 41 - Note: you can cha nge pr ogram sp e ed bar to m eet your equi pment speed if pr og ram firmwa r e fail. 5.2.3 Turn Off Bur n In IF the monitor with ou t signal input h as Bur n In pa t tern.
- 42 - 5.3 EDI D Upgra de Procedure Step 1: Run the program “ Q-EDID- V0 12.exe”, when the U I popped up.
- 43 - Note: I f “VGA” choo s e 128by tes, and “DVI” ch oose 128bytes Step 2: Click “Open File” an d select “ VGA” or “DVI ” EDID f ile.
- 44 - Step 3: I f lo ad file is su ccessful, it sho ws “Open EDID Table OK..”. And the n , Click “ Wri t e EDI D” but ton to u pdat e EDI D Step 4: If write EDID is su ccessful, it shows” Write ED ID OK …” An d then, Click “Re a d EDID ” button to c h eck if succe ssful or not .
- 45 - Step 5: If read EDID is su ccessful, it shows” R ead EDID OK …”.
- 46 - 5.4 OS D Operati on G uide.
- 47 -.
- 48 -.
- 49 -.
- 50 -.
- 51 - 6. Level 2 Ci rc uit Boar d a nd S tandard Parts Repla ceme nt 6.1 T roub le Sho otin g G uide 6.1.1 No Display or display is unstable (I nterface Board) OSD sho wn when key pr ess ed? No Yes F oll ow instruct ions from OSD dialog Ke ypad OK? Yes No Screen is B lank and Power LE D is Wh i te.
- 52 - 6.1.2 Check Cont r ol Board Chec king Control B oard W or king ? Yes Yes No Replug the con trol w i re, then retry Traces OK ? Repla c e the Control Board, then retry Compone nts to Control boa.
- 53 - 6.1.3 Check Sc alar .
- 54 - 6.1.4 Check LCD Mo d ule LC D mo du le f ai l To d isp lay ima ge W hit e Sc ree n No Pict ur e NO NO YES Ba d C on ne ction or con ne ctor, LV DS ca ble NO LC M f ai led Ba d C on ne ction or .
- 55 - 6.1.5 Pow er Boar d no w ork troubleshooting.
- 56 - 6.1.6 Audio Function.
- 57 - 6.2 Circ uit Operatio n Th eor y I. In troduction The X2 03 H i s a 20” W ( 1 600x900), LCD type is TN+Film and Nor mally Wh ite, 16.7M co lors(R, G, B 6- bit data + Hi -FRC d ata) TFT LCD with HD CP support monitor.
- 58 - III . Circuit I mpleme ntati ons: A .) THE MA IN BODY : A -1.) Interface b oard bl ock diagram : I N T E R F A C E B O A R D S c a l a r R T D 2 5 4 5 L H ( S u p p o r t H D C P ) V G A D V I M C U R T D 2 1 2 0 L E E P R O M A T M E L 2 4 C 1 6 C T R L B D 1600x900 L C M D C + 3 .
- 59 - capab le o f e x panding any sou rc e resolution to a hi ghly unif o rm a n d sharp image or dow n scaling from 1980x102 0, combined with th e c ritica lly pro ven i ntegrated 8 bit tr ip le-ADC a nd p a t e nt e d Ra pid -lo c k digital clock rec overy syste m.
- 60 - #1 EMI Filter This c ir c uit (Fig.2) is designed to inh ibit ele c trical an d magnetic interference for meet ing FCC, V DE, VC CI standard requirem ent s .
- 61 - 6.3 Sp are Part s List Picture CA T EGORY DESCRI PT ION ACER PART NO. LC D CCFL L CD SAMS U NG 20"W HD+ None Glar e LT M 2 00KT03 TBD LF 250nit 5 m s 1 000:1 2 C CFL(acer B/ S) LK. 20 00 6.0 06 Board BOA RD CONTRO L B O AR D 55.
- 64 - Appendi x 1 – S crew Li st / T orq ue (A) S T A ND A R D SC REW TORQUE SP EC. I TEM P/N DESCRI PTION Color Mou n t i n g Materi al TO RQUE (KG- C M) HOLE SI ZE (MM ) Screw Head 1 8F .205B 4 .0 19 SCR W MA CH HEX # 4 - 40*0.3" N Ni Met a l ; D-SUB; DV I Co n ne c tor 5.
- 65 - M3*1.3 4 P* 8L B-Z N 5 14 8F .5A2 24.6R0 SCR W M A CH FLA T M3* 5L ZN ZN MET AL Side mount:3~ 4 Other: 4 ± 0 . 6 M3*0.5 #2 15 8 F .0 0010.1 61 SCR W TA PTILE TR S W /E X T M 4 *8L NI M ET AL 10±1 . 0 M 4*0 . 7 # 2 (B) SPECIA L S CR EW T OR QUE SPE C.
- 66 - Appendi x 2 – P hysical Dimens ion Fr ont View a nd Si de view Fig. 1 P hysical Dimensi on Fr ont Vi ew and Side vi ew.
- 67 - Fig. 2 Appearanc e Desc ri ption.
- 68 - Appendi x 3 – I nterface Boar d.
- 69 -.
- 70 -.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Acer X203H (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Acer X203H noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Acer X203H - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Acer X203H reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Acer X203H erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Acer X203H besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Acer X203H verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Acer X203H. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Acer X203H gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.