Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung VF-AS1 des Produzenten Toshiba
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E6581301 Ԝ Instruction Manual The new high-perf ormance in ver ter T OSVERT TM VF- AS1 200V class 0.4 㨪 75kW 400V class 0.75 㨪 500kW 1 Read first II Introduction I Safety precautions Contents 2 C.
! E6581301 ! 1 I I. Safet y preca utions The ite ms describe d in these i nstruc tions and on the i nverter i tself are ve ry impor tant so tha t you can u se the i nverter safely pr event in jury to yo urself and other pe ople around you as well as prevent d amage t o propert y in the are a.
! E6581301 2 I ■ ■ ■ ■ General Operatio n W arning Reference Disasse mbly prohib ited • Never disasse mble, modify or repair. This ca n resul t in el ectric shock, f ire and i njury . For repairs, cal l your sa les agenc y . 2. Prohibi ted • Never re move the fron t cover when po wer is o n or open doo r if en closed i n a cabin et.
! E6581301 ! 3 I ■ ■ ■ ■ T rans portation & ins tallation W arning Reference Prohibi ted • Do not install or opera te the i nverter i f it is damaged or a ny co mponent is missing. This can result i n electr ic shock or f ire. Please consul t your l ocal sal es agency f or repairs.
! E6581301 4 I ■ ■ ■ ■ Wiring W arning Reference Prohibi ted • Do not conn ect input power to the out put (mo tor side) terminals ( U/T1,V/T2,W /T3) of the inverter. Doing so will d estroy the i nverter and may re sult i n fire. • Do not conn ect resi stors to the DC ter minals ( e.
! E6581301 ! 5 I ■ ■ ■ ■ Operation s W arning Reference Prohibi ted • Do not tou ch inverter termina ls when electri cal power is a pplied to the i nverter eve n if the motor is stopped. T ouching th e inverter termina ls whil e power i s connected to it may resul t in el ectric sh ock.
! E6581301 6 I Maint enance and in spec tion W arning Reference Prohibi ted • Never repl ace any part by your self. This cou ld be a caus e of el ectric shoc k, fire and bodi ly i njury . T o repl ace parts, cal l the l ocal sales age ncy . 14.2 Mandatory • The equi pment must be inspe cted every day .
! E6581301 ! 7 II II. Intro duction Thank you fo r your p urchase of the T oshi ba “TOSVERT VF- AS1” indus trial inverter. This i nstructio n manual is intended fo r inverte rs with CPU versi on 154 or l ater. The CPU ver sion wil l be fr equently up graded.
! E6581301 ! i - Contents - I. Safety precautions ·················· ························ ························ ·······�.
! E6581301 ! ii 5.17 PWM carrier frequency ··············· ························ ························ ························ ························· ················· E-31 5.
! E6581301 ! iii 6.22 Setting motor constants ···································· ························· ························ ························ ·················· F-38 6.
! E6581301 ! iv 6.36.2 Displaying the rotational speed of the motor or the line speed ······· ························ ························ ······· F-7 4 6.
! E6581301 ! v 10.6 Connection of a DC power supply and other electric units ···················· ························· ························ ······ J-12 10.
! E6581301 ! A-1 1 1. Read f irst 1.1 Check the p roduct Before u sing the pr oduct you h ave purc hased , check to make sure t hat it is exactl y what yo u ordered. Cau tion Mandatory Use an inve rter tha t confor ms to the sp ecifi cations of the power supply an d three-p hase i nduction motor bei ng used.
! E6581301 ! A-2 1 1. 3 Structure of the main bod y 1.3.1 Names and functions 1) Outside view Be sure to close the cover before starting the operation to prevent persons from touching the terminal in error .
! E6581301 ! A-3 1 ■ Operati on panel RUN key lamp Lights when the RUN key is enabled. RUN key Pressing this key while the RUN key lamp is lit starts the operation. Pressi ng this key while the RUN key lamp i s lit causes the motor to make a deceleration stop.
! E6581301 ! A-4 1 2) M ain circuit terminal M4 screw Shorting-bar Grounding capacitor switch Groundi ng termin al (M5 scre w) Screw hole for EMC plate M4 screw Shorting-bar Ground.
! E6581301 ! A-5 1 M5 screw Shorting-bar Grounding capacitor switch ! Groun ding termin al (M5 screw ) Screw hole for EMC plate M6 screw Shorting-bar Grounding capacitor switch ! Groundin g te.
! E6581301 ! A-6 1 M8 screw Shorting-bar Grounding capacitor switch ! Groundin g termin al (M5 screw) ! Screw hole for EMC plate Groun ding termi n al (M8 screw) ! Use crimped ring lugs of appropriate size on input and output cables. Attach to the top side of t he terminal block onl y .
! E6581301 ! A-7 1 Grounding terminal(M 10 scr ew) ! M12 screw Grounding capacitor switching bar ! M10 screw ! M8 screw ! M4 screw ! Groundi ng termi nal(M10 scr ew) M12 screw ! Grounding capa.
! E6581301 ! A-8 1 Groundin g termin al (M12 scr ew) ! M12 screw ! Grounding capacitor switching screw ! M12 screw ! M4 screw ! Grounding terminal (M12 screw) M12 screw ! Grounding capacitor s.
! E6581301 ! A-9 1 3) Cont rol circuit terminal block The contro l circui t ter minal block i s common t o all equipment. ! ! ST -C C Sho rt in g bar (V FAS 1-** ** -H1, -H N, -W N) Co nt rol cir cuit te rm in al bl ock scre w si ze: M 3 4- wir e RS4 85 co nn ect or For detail s on all terminal fu nctions, re fer t o Section 2.
! E6581301 ! A-10 1 For 200V/0.4 kW to 200V/15kW models and 400 V/0.75kW to 400V/18.5 kW models, cut o ff the tabs (part A in the figure below) on t he main ci rcuit te rminal cov er if n ecessary fo r connecti ng the cables fro m the po wer suppl y .
! E6581301 ! A-1 1 1 ■ Charge l amp This l amp is lit when a hi gh voltage re mains in the inver ter . W hen removin g the mai n circui t terminal cover or opening th e front cove r , be sur e to check that thi s lamp i s off and fol lo w the instructi ons about wiring o n page 4.
! E6581301 ! A-12 1 1.3.3 Grounding capacitor s witching method The i nverter i s ground ed through a ca pacitor. The leakag e current from t he inver ter ca n be re duced usi ng the selector switch, s witchi ng bar o r switchi ng scr ew (dep endin g on the model).
! E6581301 ! A-13 1 200V ! 30kW # 45kW 400V ! 45kW # 75kW $%&'!(! $%&'!(! $%&'!(! 200V ! 18.5 # 22kW 400V ! 22kW 400V ! 30kW ) 37kW Groundi ng capacitor switch O.
! E6581301 ! A-14 1 ■ 200V/55kW models and lar ger 400 V/90kW, 1 10kW models: Gro unding ca pacitor s witchin g bar T o change the capacitance to Large, secure the upper end of the grounding capacitor switching bar to the inverter chassis with a screw .
! E6581301 ! A-15 1 «200kW ~280kW » T o change the capacitance to Large, fix to A with the grounding capacitor screw . T o change the capacitance to Small, fix to B with the grounding capacitor screw .
! E6581301 ! A-16 1 1.3.4 Installing t he DC reactor ! ! ! ! ■ How to i nstall (E xample: VF AS1-4160 KPC) (1) (2) ! ! ! ! ! ! Reactor unit ! Reactor case ! Front cover (3) (4) ! Cover Front panel T op panel *+, Connect the react or unit to the PO and P A/+ ter minals on the main -circui t terminal board.
! E6581301 ! A-17 1 ■ Exampl e of wiri ng of each model ! «VF AS1-2550P , 2750P» «VF AS1 -4160KPC~4280KPC» «VF AS1-4355KPC~4500KP C» ! P A /+ PO P A /+ Earth cable Earth cable ! PO.2 PO.1 PO P A /+ Earth cable ! «VF AS1-4900PC~4132 KPC» $- ! $(.
! E6581301 ! A-18 1 High-speed o peratio n at a nd above 50 Hz/60Hz ( rated freq uency) Operati ng at frequen cies g reater than 50Hz/6 0Hz wil l in crease nois e and vibr ation. There i s also a possibi lity tha t such operati on wil l exceed t he moto r's mecha nical strength unde r these co nditio ns and th e beari ng li mits.
! E6581301 ! A-19 1 In circui t config uration 1 , the bra ke is turne d on and off through MC2 and MC3. If the circui t is conf igured i n some other way , the overcurr ent tri p may be a ctivat ed because of the l ocked ro tor curr ent when the brake goes i nto operati on.
! E6581301 ! A-20 1 There i s no fuse i n the inver ter's main ci rcuit. Thus, as t he di agram above shows, when more than o ne inverte r is used on the same po wer li ne, you must selec t inter rupting characteri stics so that only th e MC CB2 wil l tri p and the MCCB1 will not trip when a short occu rs in the inver ter (INV1).
! E6581301 ! A-21 1 (2) A ff ects of leakage current ac ross suppl y lines Power supply inverter Thermal relay Leakage cur rent path acros s wires (1) Ther mal relays The hi gh frequency compone n.
! E6581301 ! A-22 1 1.4.4 Installation ■ ■ ■ ■ Installation environment The VF-A S1 Inverte r is an e lectroni c contr ol inst rument. T ake fu ll con siderati on to in stalling it in the proper operatin g enviro nment. W a rning Prohibi ted • Do not pl ace an y infl ammable subs tances n ear the VF- AS1 Inve rter.
! E6581301 ! A-23 1 • Do not i nstall i n any lo cation that is sub ject t o large amounts of vi bratio n. Note: If the VF-A S1 Invert er is i nstalled i n a loca tion that is sub ject to vib ration, a nti-vi bration measures are requir ed. Please cons ult with your T oshi ba di stributor about these measu res.
! E6581301 ! A-24 1 Install th e inverter in a well-venti lated indoor p lace and mount it o n a fl at metal pl ate in p ortrait o rientatio n. If y ou a re ins t a lli ng m ore t ha n on e in ve rt er , th e se p ar at ion be tw ee n inve rt er s sh ould be at lea st 5 cm, a nd t he y sh ou ld b e ar ran ged i n h or iz on ta l rows .
! E6581301 ! A-25 1 400V ! 7.5 ) 15 kW 4 See li nes shown in --- f or 7.5kW and 15kW 5 ! 200V ! 0.75 ) 2.2 ) 3.7 ) 15kW 4 See li nes shown in --- for 1 5kW 5 40 01 Wi th ou t to p co ve r F631=1 40 01.
! E6581301 ! A-26 1 200V ! 18.5kW 40 01 W ith to p co ve r F631=1 50 01 W ith to p co ve r (F631=0) 5 2 S tandard installa tion 100 3 90 3 80 3 70 3 60 3 50 3 Continuou s output cu rrent 4kHz 8kHz 12k.
! E6581301 ! A-27 1 2 S tandard installa tion Ambient t emperature 40 01 W ith to p co ve r F631=1 50 01 W ith to p co ve r (F631=0) 100 3 90 3 80 3 70 3 60 3 50 3 Continuou s output cu rrent 4kHz 8kH.
! E6581301 ! A-28 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ Calorific values o f the inverte r and the required ventilation The ener gy loss when the i nverter converts p ower fro m AC to D C and the n back to AC is about 5% .
! E6581301 ! A-29 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ Panel designing t aking into c onsideration the e ffects of noise The in verter gene rates hig h frequ ency noi se. W hen de signing the control panel setup, consi deration must be gi ven to that noi se. Exa mples of mea sures are give n bel ow .
E6581301 ! B-1 2 2 . Connectio n equipme nt W arning Di sa ss em b ly pro h ibi te d • Never di sassemble , modify or repair. This can result i n electri c shock, fi re and in jury . For repair s, call your sal es agency. Prohibi ted • Don't sti ck your fingers i nto openi ngs such a s cable wiring hole and co oling fan covers.
E6581301 B-2 2 Caution Prohibi ted • Do not at tach devi ces with b uilt- in capacitor s (such as n oise fil ters or sur ge absor ber) to the outp ut (motor si de) ter minal.
E6581301 ! B-3 2 • Refer to t he table i n Secti on 10.1 for wire si zes. • The leng th of the mai n circui t wire i n Sectio n 10.1 shoul d be no longer t han 30m. If the wire i s longer than 30m, the wire size ( diameter ) must be increased. • Tighten the scre ws on the te rminal board to specifi ed torque.
E6581301 B-4 2 [S tandard connection diagram – sink logic] The fig ure below shows an e xample of typical wirin g in the main circui t 200V 0.4- 45kW/4 00V 0.75-75 kW i nverter. *1: The inv erter is shipp ed with the t ermin als PO and P A/+ short ed wi th a bar ( 20 0V -45kW or small er, 400 V - 75kW or s mall er) .
E6581301 ! B-5 2 [S tandard connection diagram - sink logic] The fig ure below shows an e xample of typical wirin g in the main circui t 200V 55, 7 5kW /400V 90-280kW inverte r . *1: B e sur e to conn ect t he D C rea ctor. *2: T o suppl y a DC p ower, con nect the cable s to t he PA/+ and PC/ - ter minal s.
E6581301 B-6 2 [S tandard connection diagram - sink logic] The fig ure below shows an e xample of typical wirin g in the main circui t 400V 355-5 00kW inverter. *1: B e sur e to conn ect t he D C rea ctor. *2: T o suppl y a DC p ower, con nect the cable s to t he PA/+ and PC/ - ter minal s.
E6581301 ! B-7 2 [S tandard connection diagram - source logic] The fig ure below shows an e xample of typical wirin g in the main circui t 200V 0.4- 45kW/4 00V 0.75-75 kW i nverter. *1: T he i nve rter is s hippe d with the ter minal s PO and PA/+ sho rted with a bar (200 V -45k W or s maller, 4 00V -75 kW or s mall er).
E6581301 B-8 2 [S tandard connection diagram - source logic] The fig ure below shows an e xample of typical wirin g in the main circui t 200V 55, 7 5kW /400V 90-280kW inverte r . *1: B e sur e to conn ect t he D C rea ctor. *2: T o suppl y a DC p ower, con nect the cable s to t he PA/+ and PC/ - ter minal s.
E6581301 ! B-9 2 [S tandard connection diagram - source logic] The fig ure below shows an e xample of typical wirin g in the main circui t 400V 355-5 00kW inverter. *1: B e sur e to conn ect t he D C rea ctor. *2: T o suppl y a DC p ower, con nect the cable s to t he PA/+ and PC/ - ter minal s.
E6581301 B-10 2 2.3 Descripti on of term inals 2.3.1 Main circuit terminal s ! ! ! ! This di agram sho ws an exa mple of wiring of t he main ci rcuit. U se options if nece ssary .
E6581301 ! B-1 1 2 2.3.2 Control circui t terminal block The contro l circui t ter minal block i s common t o all equipment. ! ! ST -CC Shorting bar (VFAS1-****-WN, HN) ! How to set input ter minal f unction, re fer to section 7 .
E6581301 B-12 2 T e rmi n al sy m bol Input/ output Functi on (Sink Source l ogic) Electri cal specifi cations Inverter i nternal circui ts P24/ PLC Output 24Vdc po wer output ( when SW 1 is i n any p.
E6581301 ! B-13 2 T e rmi n al sy m bol Input/ output Functi on (Sink Source l ogic) Electr ical specifi cations Inverter inte rnal ci rcuits +SU Input DC power i nput ter minal for op erati ng the control circuit. Connect a co ntrol po wer back up device (o ptional ) between + SU and CC.
E6581301 B-14 2 ■ ■ ■ ■ Si n k log ic /s ou rc e l o gic (When inverter's internal power suppl y is u sed) Current fl owing out turns con trol i nput ter minals o n. These are called s ink logi c ter m inal s. The metho d general ly used i n Europe i s sour ce logi c in which curr ent fl owing in to the inpu t ter minal turns i t on.
E658 130 1 ! B-15 2 ■ ■ ■ ■ Sink logi c/source logic (W hen an external power suppl y is used) The P24/ PLC ter minal is used to conne ct to an external p ower supp ly or to i nsulate a ter minal fro m other in put or output ter minals. Use the sl ide s witch SW 1 to switch be tween si nk logi c and sour ce logi c confi gurations.
E658 130 1 B-16 2 2.3.3 RS485 communication connector The VF-A S1 is equi pped with t wo conn ectors: a t wo-wire RS485 connec tor (on the oper ation panel) and a fo ur- wire RS485 conne ctor. The two wire RS485 conne ctor is used to con nect an e xternal option ( such as re mote key pad or computer) to the i nverter.
! E6581301 C-1 3 3. Operat ions This secti on e xplains the ba sics of o peration of the i nverter. Check the following again befo re start ing opera tion.
! E6581301 C-2 3 3.1 Setting/mon itor mo des The VF-A S1 has the f oll owing three se tting/ monitor modes. S tandard monitor mode The standard inverter mode. This mode is enabled when inverter power goes on. ! Setting m onitor mode The mode for setting inverter parameters.
! E6581301 C-3 3 3.2 Simplified o perati on of the VF-AS1 On of three operati on modes can be selected : terminal board oper ation, o peratio n panel an d combina tion of both .
! E6581301 C-4 3 ■ ■ ■ ■ Frequency setting 1) Setti ng the fre quency us ing pote ntiomet er [Paramete r setti ng] Set the “basic parameter f requency setting mode select ion 1” parameter HOQF to . (There is no ne ed to set this para meter b efore the first use after purchase .
! E6581301 C-5 3 4) Setti ng the fre quency us ing input voltage (0~10 Vdc) [Paramete r setti ng] 5) Setti ng the fre quency us ing input voltage (0~±10 Vdc) The di rection can be chan ged by switch ing b etween po siti ve and neg ative si gnals.
! E6581301 C-6 3 Key opera ted LED di splay Operation H Press eit her th e key or the k ey to cha nge to the para meter group H . H Press th e ENTE R key to d isplay the fi rst exte nded para meter H .
! E6581301 C-7 3 3.2.2 Panel operation This s ection de scribes h ow to s tart/stop the motor, and set the opera tion fre quency with t he operati ng panel . " ! F o r co a s t sto p Change the setting of the parameter H . " The operation frequency can be changed anytime even during operation.
! E6581301 C-8 3 ■ Example of operat ion panel cont rol Key opera ted LED di splay O perat ion The runnin g fre quency is d ispla yed. (Whe n standard monitor di splay selecti on H = [Outp ut freque ncy]) Set the operat ion f reque ncy .
! ! E6581301 D-1 4 4. Searching and setting p arameters There are two types of setting mode quick mode and standard sett ing mode. Quick mode : EASY key: ON Eight frequently u sed basic para meters are just displayed (Factory de fault position).
! ! E6581301 D-2 4 4.1 How to set parameters This section explains how to set parameters, while showing how parameters are organized in each setting monitor mode. 4.1.1 Setting parameters in the selected quick m ode T o place the inverter in this mode, press the EASY key (the LED lights up), and then press the MO D E key .
! ! E6581301 D-3 4 4.1.2 Setting parameters in the standard setting mode Press the MO D E key to place t he inverter in this m ode. ■ How to set basic parameters (1) Selects param eter to be chan ged. (Press the o r key .) (2) Reads the programm ed parameter setti ng.
! ! E6581301 D-4 4 4.2 Function s usef ul in se arching f or a parame ter or ch anging a parameter setting This section explains functions useful in searching for a parameter or changing a parameter setting. T o use these functions, a parameter needs to be selected or set in advance.
E6581301 E-1 5 5. Basi c p aramet ers This para meter is a ba sic para meter for t he oper ation of th e inverter. Refer to Section 1 1, T able o f parameter s.
E6581301 E-2 5 5.2 Setting accele ration /deceler ation time CW CW CW CW : A utomatic acceleration/ deceleration CEE CEE CEE CEE : A cceleration time 1 FGE FGE FGE FGE : Deceleration tim e 1 5.
E6581301 E-3 5 5.2.2 Manuall y setting acceler ation/deceleration time Set accel eration time from 0 (Hz) opera tion f requency to ma ximum freque ncy HJ an d decel eratio n time as the ti me when operati on freque ncy goe s from maximum frequ ency HJ to 0 (Hz) .
E6581301 E-4 5 1) Increasing torque automaticall y according to the l oad Set the automatic to rque boost CW CW CW CW = (automatic torque bo ost+auto-tuning 1) Automatic to rque bo ost CW = detects l oad current in all speed rang es and au tomatical ly ad justs voltage outpu t from inverte r.
E6581301 E-5 5 5.4 Setting parameters by opera ting method CW CW CW CW : A utomatic function setting [Parameter setting ] Title Functio n Adjust ment range .
E6581301 E-6 5 Switching between r emote an d local (different fr equency co mmands) can be per formed by turni ng on or o ff the S3 ter minal. In that c ase, apply a voltage via the RR /S4 te rminal a nd a current via the VI/II te rminal. S3-CC OFF : The fr equency is set acc ording to the vol tage appli ed to the RR/ S4 termi nal.
E6581301 E-7 5 <Frequenc y setting mo de selection> [Parameter setting ] Title Functio n Adjust ment range Default set ting HOQF Fr equency set ting mode selecti on 1 :VI/II (vol tage/cur.
E6581301 E-8 5 ! The func tions assi gned to the foll owing con trol i nput ter minals (contac t input: Ref er to Section 7.2) are al ways activated regardle ss of the s ettings o f the co mmand mode selecti on EOQF an d freque ncy setti ng mode selecti on 1 HOQF .
E6581301 E-9 5 2) Setting the run and s top fre quencies (forw ard run, reve rse run a nd coast stop ) by mea ns of ext ernal signa ls and s etting the operatio n frequenc y with the operatio n panel .
E6581301 E-10 5 4) Setting the run, stop and op eration f requencies (forw ard run, reverse run and coa st stop) b y mea ns of ex ternal sig nals (de fault se tting) Title Funct ion Example of se ttin.
E6581301 E-1 1 5 5.6 Selecting con trol mo de RV RV RV RV : V/f control mode selection [Parameter setting ] Title Functio n A djust ment range Default set ting RV V/f contro l mode sel ection :.
E6581301 E-12 5 2) Decreasing o utput vo ltage Se tt in g o f V/ f c on tr ol m od e se le c t i o n RV RV RV RV = ( V ol t ag e de cr e a se c ur ve ) This i s appropri ate for l oad .
E6581301 E-13 5 4) V ector co ntrol–inc reasing s tarting torque an d achie ving hig h-precisi on operation. Setting of V/f cont rol mode selection R V RV RV RV = , (.
E6581301 E-14 5 Base frequency voltage 1 XN X Output voltage [V]/[%] Output frequency [Hz] X D XN Base frequency 1 0 H H H H H H .
E6581301 E-15 5 8) Performing s peed co ntrol/to rque cont rol with high accur ac y using the motor speed sensor Setting for V/f con trol mode selection R V RV RV RV = (PG feedback vector con trol) The torqu e produce d by the motor is con trol led by means of speci fied tor que command signal s.
E6581301 E-16 5 5.7 Manual torque boost–in crea sing torque boost a t low speeds XD XD XD XD : Manual torque boost 1 Output voltage Base frequency voltage 1 XNX [V]/[%] Output frequency [Hz] X D Bas.
E6581301 E-17 5 5.9 Maximum frequenc y HJ HJ HJ HJ : Maximum frequency Output frequency [Hz] In case of HJ HJ HJ HJ =80Hz In case of HJ HJ HJ HJ =60Hz 80Hz 60Hz 0 100 % F requency setting signal [%] • This function determines the maximum value in line with the ratings of the motor and load.
E6581301 E-18 5 5.1 1 Setting f requenc y com mand characteris tics H H H H ~ H H H H , C C C C K K K K H H H H .
E6581301 E-19 5 Example of preset spe ed con tact input signal : SW1 set to sink lo gic { : ON –: OFF (Speed co mmands oth er than pre set spe ed command s are val id when al l are OF F) T e rminal .
E6581301 E-20 5 Below is a n example of 7-step speed ope rati on. ST- CC F-CC S1-CC S2-CC S3-CC ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF UT T T T T T T .
E6581301 E-21 5 5.13 Selecting forw ard and re verse runs (op eration panel only) HT HT HT HT : Forward/reverse run selection [Parameter setting ] Title Functi on Adjust ment range Default set ting HT.
E6581301 E-22 5 5.14 Setting the elect ronic the rmal VJT VJT VJT VJT : Motor electronic th ermal protection lev el 1 QNO QNO QNO QNO : Electronic thermal protection ch.
E6581301 E-23 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Settin g of motor el ectroni c ther mal protecti on level 1 VJT If the ca pacity of the motor i s small er than the capacity o f the in verter, or the rate d curre nt o.
E6581301 E-24 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Settin g of motor el ectroni c ther mal protecti on level 1 VJ T If the ca pacity of the motor i s small er than the capacity o f the in verter, or the rate d curre nt .
E6581301 E-25 5 3) Inverter ove rload chara cteristic s Set to pr otect the i nverter un it. Can not be tur ned off b y parameter setting. The in verter has t wo overlo ad detecti ng functi ons, which can be switched from on e to anot her usi ng parameter H (te mperature de tectio n).
E6581301 E-26 5 5.15 Changing t he displa y unit % to A (am pere)/V ( volt) FURW FURW FURW FURW : Current/voltage unit selection ■ ■ ■ ■ Exampl e of settin g During th e operati on of the VF AS1-2037 PL (rated curre nt 17.
E6581301 E-27 5 5.16 Meter se tting and adjustme nt HOUN HOUN HOUN HOUN : FM terminal meter selection HO HO HO HO : FM termi nal met.
E6581301 E-28 5 [T erminal FM-related parameters] Title Functi on Adjust ment range A djust ment level Default setting HOUN FM termin al meter selecti on : Ou tput frequen cy :.
E6581301 E-29 5 [T erminal A M-related parameters] Title Function Adjustment range Default set ting COUN AM ter minal meter sel ection Same as HOUN ( : AM outpu t disabl ed) CO AM .
E6581301 E-30 5 [Example: Procedure o f cali bratin g the meter connected to the terminal AM to whi ch “outpu t current” is assi gned.] Key opera ted LED display Operation – Displ ays the operati on freque ncy . (Perf orm dur ing oper ation stopp ed.
E6581301 E-31 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Gradient bias ad justment of analog monitor output Here is an example o f the ad justment of outp ut from 0-20 mA → 20-0 mA, 4-20 mA using the FM ter minal.
E6581301 E-32 5 ! ! Note 2: I f EH is se t at 2.0k Hz or abo ve, it ca nnot be decr eased bel ow 2.0 kHz duri ng oper ation. Chang es made t o decrease E H belo w 2.0kHz take effect when operatio n is restarted after it i s stopped. Note 3: I f EH is 1 .
E6581301 E-33 5 ! ! 2) Restarting motor du ring coast ing (Mot or speed sea rch f unction) Motor speed " F-CC " ON " OFF " ST-CC " ON " OFF " # WXU = : This funct ion operat es af ter the ST -CC term inal conne ction has been opene d fir st a nd the n co nnec ted ag ain.
E6581301 E-34 5 ! ! [Parameter setting ] Title Functio n Adjust ment range Default set ting WXE Regenerati ve power ride-th rough control selectio n :Disabl ed :Power ri de-throu gh : Dece.
E6581301 E-35 5 ! ! ■ An exa mple of set ting when WXE = Motor s peed " Time " Input voltage " Deceleration stop " • Even after th e recover y fro m an input power failur e, the motor co ntinues slowing do wn to a stop.
E6581301 E-36 5 ! ! Motor speed " Time " Synchronized acceleration/dece leration signal " (S1 terminal) " H Inverter 1 " H Inverter 2 " ON H.
E6581301 E-37 5 ! ! All 200 V VF-AS1 and 400V VF-AS1 with r ating s of up to 160kW have bui lt-in dyna mic braking transistor s as standard eq uipment. If the rati ng of yo ur inver ter fall s within thi s range, connect t he resistor, as sho wn in Figur e a) belo w or Figure b) on the n ext page.
E6581301 E-38 5 ! ! b) When a using br aking resi stor without t herma l fuse Fuse " IM " Motor " TC " MC " R/L1 " S/L2 " T/L3 " P A /+ " FLB " PB &qu.
E6581301 E-39 5 ! ! c) Capacities of 400V -200 kW or more Fuse " IM " Motor " TC " MC " R/L1 " S/L2 " T/L3 " BU+ " FLB " BU- " FLC " FLA &qu.
E6581301 E-40 5 ! ! ■ ■ ■ ■ Selectio n of braki ng resisto r optio n and braking unit S tandard bra king re sistors are listed i n the ta ble bel ow .
E6581301 E-41 5 ! ! ■ ■ ■ ■ Minimu m resistance of c onnectable b raking resis tors The mini mum allo wable resi stance valu es of the e xternall y connectabl e braking resistors a re l isted in the table below . Do not co nnect bra king resi stors with small er resul tant resistance t han the l isted minimum allo wable resistance values.
E6581301 E-42 5 ! ! 5.20 St andard defa ult set ting V[R V[R V[R V[R : Factor y default setting Title F unction Adjustment ran ge Default set ting V[R Factory de fault setting : – :50Hz def .
E6581301 E-43 5 ! ! Default setting ( V[R V[R V[R V[R = ) Setting para meter V[R to re sets all parameters e xcept the fo llowing to their def ault se ttings. ★ Wh en this para meter is set to 3, KPKV is displ ayed for a while, then switches b ack to the ori ginal display ( QHH or ) .
E6581301 E-44 5 ! ! 5.21 Searching for al l reset parame ters and chan ging thei r se ttings ITW ITW ITW ITW : A utomatic edit function Note 1: If you re set a parameter to i ts factor y defaul t, the parameter will no longer appear i n ITW .
E6581301 E-45 5 ! ! 5.22 EASY key func tion RUGN RUGN RUGN RUGN : Registered parameter displa y selection H H H H : E A SY key function selec tion H H�.
E6581301 E-46 5 ! ! [How to sel ect para meters] Select the d esire d parameters as parameter s 1 to 32 ( H ~ H ). Not e that para meters sho uld be s pecifi ed by communi cation nu mber . For communi cation nu mbers, refer to T a ble of parameter s.
E6581301 F-1 6 6. Exte nded p aramet ers Extended para meters ar e provide d for sop histi cated opera tion, fi ne adjust ment and o ther s pecial purposes.
E6581301 F-2 6 6.1.2 Putting out signals o f ar bitrary frequencies ! ! ! ! H H H H : Speed reach setting fr equency H H H H : S.
E6581301 F-3 6 6.2 Input signa l selec tion 6.2.1 Priorit y when forward/reverse run commands are entered simultaneously ! ! ! ! H H H H : Priority when forward/rev.
E6581301 F-4 6 • Function This parameter is use d to give priority to certain external commands entered from the ter minal board in operation panel and operation mode.
E6581301 F-5 6 • Function These parameters are used to switch signals to be sent to the analog input term inal s VI/II and AI2 (optional). ST-C C " 3-CC (Jog run) ! Output frequency [Hz] ! Forward run ! Forward run ! # Set frequency Panel key ! RUN STOP RUN STOP RUN STOP 6.
E6581301 F-6 6 6.3 T erm inal func tion se lection 6.3.1 Keeping an input terminal function alw ays acti ve (ON) ! ! ! ! H H H H , H H H .
E6581301 F-7 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ Connect ion met hod 1) a-contact input 2) Connecti on with tr ansi stor output * Interfa ce bet ween prog rammabl e control ler and inverter Note: W hen u sing a pr ogra.
E6581301 F-8 6 6.3.3 Using the servo lock f unction ! ! ! ! H H H H : Input terminal function sele ction 3 (ST) H H H H : St art.
E6581301 F-9 6 6.3.5 Response time of input/ output t erminals ! ! ! ! H H H H : Input terminal 1 response time selection H H H H�.
E6581301 F-10 6 ■ Setti ng of switch ing ter minals The V/f1, V/f2, V/f3 and V/f4 swit ching functio n is not yet assi gned to a ny ter minal. Ther efore, i t is ne cessary to assign th em to un used ter minals. Ex.) Assigning the V/f s witching 1 functi on to S1 a nd the V /f swit ching 2 function to S2.
E6581301 F-1 1 6 6.5 V/f 5-poi nt settin g H H H H : V/f 5-point setting VF1 frequency H H H H : V/f 5-p o int s ett ing V F1 v .
E6581301 F-12 6 2) Automatic switching by means of switching freque ncies ( H H H H = ) A B Command selected with HOQF Command selected with H.
E6581301 F-13 6 6.7 Operat ion fr equen cy 6.7.1 Start frequenc y/Stop frequ ency ! ! ! ! H H H H : St art frequen cy setting ! ! ! ! H H H�.
E6581301 F-14 6 0 H + H H H – H HJ The inverter begins accelerating after the frequency command value has reached point B. Deceleration stop begins when the frequency command value decreases below point A.
E6581301 F-15 6 ON OFF T ime [s] DC braking start frequency H DC braking current H DC braking time H Output frequency [Hz] DC braking Operation signal (F- CC) (SW1 set to si.
E6581301 F-16 6 [P riorit y to DC bra king dur ing fo rward/ reve rse op erat ion] (Forw ard/r everse run D C br akin g prior ity contr ol H = [E nabled ]) ! ! T ime [s] H H�.
E6581301 F-17 6 T ime [s] DC braking start frequency H Output frequency [Hz] LED display Operation signal (F-CC) ON OFF Output current [A] 0 0 Set frequency Operation standby signal (ST- CC) (SW1 set to sink logic) ON OFF H 2 FD is displayed.
E6581301 F-18 6 6.9 Auto-stop in case o f low er-limit f requenc y continuo us opera tion (Sleep/Wake-up funct ion) H H H H : Time .
E6581301 F-19 6 6.10 Jog run mo de H H H H : Jog run frequenc y H H H H .
E6581301 F-20 6 [Setting of jog run setting termina l (S3-CC) ] Assign con trol te rminal S3 ( [ : pre set spe ed 3] i n defaul t setting) a s the jog run se tting t erminal .
E6581301 F-21 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ Adjustment wit h conti nuous sig nals (P aramete r setti ng example 1) Set para meters as fol lows to ad just th e output frequency up or do wn in pro portion to the fr.
E6581301 F-22 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ If two s ignals are input s imultaneo usly • If a clear single and an up or do wn signal are inpu t simultaneousl y , priori ty will be given t o the cl ear sign al.
E6581301 F-23 6 [Parameter setting ] Title Functio n Ad justment ran ge Defaul t settin g H Ju mp frequenc y 1 ~ HJ Hz H Ju mping frequ ency band width 1 �.
E6581301 F-24 6 6.14 T rip- less in tensificat ion 6.14.1 Retry function ! ! ! ! H H H H : Retry selection (selecting th e no.
E6581301 F-25 6 " The nu mb er of ret ries w ill be cl eare d i f t he i nv ert er i s not tri ppe d f or the sp eci fie d p eri od of ti me after a suc ces sf ul ret ry . “A succes sful retry” means t hat the i nverter o utput freq uency rea ches the command fr eque ncy without causing the inverter to re-tri p.
E6581301 F-26 6 { Supply vol tage corre ction ······· Maintains a co nstant V/f r atio, even when the i nput voltage fl uctuate s. { Output vol tage ad justment ······ Li mits the voltage a t freque ncies e xceeding the base frequen cy .
E6581301 F-27 6 XNX Rated voltage >1 the output voltage can be prevented from exceeding the input voltage. Note: Rat ed voltage is fixed for 200 V class a t 200V and 400 V class at 400V .
E6581301 F-28 6 Frequency ! Drooping gain Drooping insensitive torque ! Internal torque command ! Drooping gain ! H ! – H ! H ! – H H ! – H .
E6581301 F-29 6 6.16 Light-loa d high-sp eed ope ration func tion H H H H : Li ght -l oad hi gh-s peed oper ati on sel ect ion H H H H.
E6581301 F-30 6 ■ S tarting pr ocedur e At the ru n command, the in verter makes the motor pro duce th e torque specifi ed with parameter H . As soon as a torque output command is issue d, a bra ke rel ease reque st sign al is p ut out throug h th e brake outp ut ter minal.
E6581301 F-31 6 ■ T orqu e bias function Using thi s functio n, the l oad can be started smoothl y , by the motor produce s enough torque for loa d portio n before the brake i s relea sed, [Selecti on of ext ernal si gnals] 6.
E6581301 F-32 6 2) T o suspend a ccelerati on or dec elera tion by means of a signal from an e xternal contr ol devi ce Set for the desi red e xternal si gnal i nput ter minal. As long as O N signal s are i nputted, t he motor con tinues to rotate at a constant s peed.
E6581301 F-33 6 Title Functio n Adjust ment range Default se tting H Commerci al power/i nverter switchi ng output s electi on :Disabl ed :Automat ic switchi ng in the event of a .
E6581301 F-34 6 - Warning - • When switching to commercial power, make sure that the direction in which the motor rotates w hen operated on commercial power agrees with the forward direction when operated via the inverter.
E6581301 F-35 6 1) External connection 2) T y pes of PID con trol interfa ce Process val ue (freq uency) a nd feedb ack val ue can be combi ned as fol lows for t he PID c ontr ol of the VF-AS1.
E6581301 F-36 6 3) Setting the PID con trol In case o f control ling t he airfl ow , water flow a nd pressure, plea se set the parameter H to” ” (Proces s type PID contro l operati on) (1)Plea se set the parameter C EE (Acce lerati on ti me), FGE (decel eration time) to the sui table ti me for the syste m.
E6581301 F-37 6 H Differen tial (D) gain The di fferential (D) gain set with f366 is the differenti al (D) g ain obtaine d by PID control. The di fferential gain i ncreases the sp eed of r esponse t o rapi d changes in devi ation.
E6581301 F-38 6 The chara cteristi c of the f eedback va lue c an al so be reverse d by means of a si gnal fr om an external d evice. Example: T o use the S3 ter m inal as a PI D nor mal/reverse chara.
E6581301 F-39 6 Set H a t *2 (After execution, the setting returns to .) ! GVP is displayed. The base frequency or the rated rotational speed of the motor is not set correctly. Check their settings. ! Enter the correct value for XN or H , and then set H to again.
E65813 01 F-40 6 (1) Setting auto- tuning This au to tuning fu nction al lows you to set th e motor constant e asily , which ne eds to be set when opera ting in auto torque boo st mode or vector co ntrol mode ( R V = , , , or ). There ar e two para meters ( H and H described below) f or auto tu ning.
E65813 01 F-41 6 ■ Exampl es of setti ng the motor cons tants a) Combination with a T os hiba standard motor (4P mot or with the sam e capacity as the inverter) Inverter : VFAS1-2037PL Motor : 3.7kW -4P-60 Hz 1) Set th e V/f con trol mode selecti on RV at (Sensor less vect or control ).
E65813 01 F-42 6 6.23 Increasin g the mo tor outpu t torque furthe r in low speed range H H H H : Exciting strengthening coefficient H H.
E65813 01 F-43 6 6.24 T o rque cont rol For detail s, refer to Instructi on Manual (E65813 31) specifi ed in Section 6. 42. 6.24.1 Torque comm and ! ! ! ! RV RV RV RV : V/f control.
E65813 01 F-44 6 6.24.3 Selection of tension t orque bias input a nd load sharin g g ain input T orque reference T orque command + T ension torque bias Load sharing gain × + + [Pa.
E6581301 F-45 6 6.25 T o rque limi t 6.25.1 Torque limit switching H H H H : Power running torque li mit 1 selection H H H H : P.
E6581301 F-46 6 [Parameter setting ] Title Function Adjust ment range Default set ting H Po wer running tor que l imit 1 sel ection :VI/II (vol tage/curre nt input) :RR/S4 (po tent.
E6581301 F-47 6 0 4mA 20mA 0V -100% +10V -10V 0% 100% +100% 100% T orque produced by motor T orque produced by motor T orque produced by motor 0 0V 10V RX-CCA VI/II-CCA RR/S4 - CCA, VI/II-CCA [Paramet.
E6581301 F-48 6 Frequency [Hz] Tim e [s] T orque [N·m] Time [s] T orque limit level Actual speed If the torque limit function is not activated Operation frequency Time [s] Mechanical brake ON O FF (released) (2) H = (In sync with min.
E6581301 F-49 6 6.26 St all pre vention func tion 6.26.1 Power running sta ll c ontinuous trip detec tion time H H H H : Power runni ng st all continuo us trip detection time • Function A function for preventing lifting gear from failing accidentally .
E6581301 F-50 6 6.27 Current a nd speed control a djustme nt 6.27.1 Current and speed con trol gain H H H H ~ H H H H : Current and speed cont rol gain For detail s, refer to Instructi on Manual (E65813 33) specifi ed in Section 6.
E6581301 F-51 6 6.28 Fine adju stment o f frequenc y settin g signa l H H H H : VI/II input bias H H H H : VI/II input g.
E6581301 F-52 6 6.30 Acceleratio n/dece leration 2 6.30.1 Setting ac celeration/decel eration patterns and sw itching acceleration/decel eration patterns 1, 2, 3 and 4 " " " " H.
E6581301 F-53 6 2) Switchi ng by fr equencies - Automa ticall y switching ac c/dec ti mes at cer tain frequ encies Title Function Adjustment rang e Default sett ing H Accel eration/d ecele.
E6581301 F-54 6 ■ Setti ng parameters a) Operati ng method : T er minal i nput Set the co mmand mode selecti on EOQF t o . b) Use the S2 and S3 termin als for s witching.
E6581301 F-55 6 3) S-pattern accele ration/de celerati on 2 Select thi s pattern to obtain sl ow accel eration i n a de magnetizing region with a smal l motor accelerati on torque.
E6581301 F-56 6 <Basic op erating > S tep Setting Parameter 1 Set the pattern oper ation sel ection parameter at “Enabl ed.” H = (Disabl ed) (Patter n operati on enabl ed, setti ng in seconds) (Patter n operati on enabl ed, setti ng in minutes) 2 Set all necessary operati on frequen cies.
E6581301 F-57 6 ■ Pattern operati on swit ching outp ut (out put ter minal functi on: , ) If the patte rn opera tion s witching o utput fun ction is sele cted (acti vated), a signal is put ou t on co mpletio n of all the predeter mined patter ns of ope ration.
E6581301 F-58 6 6.33 Protecti on functi ons 6.33.1 Setting of stall prevention l evel H H H H : St al l prevention level W ar ning Prohibi ted • Do not set th e stall prevention level ( H ) e xtremely l ow .
E6581301 F-59 6 Be sure to select this setti ng if the main po wer suppl y is turned on and off endlessl y for rea sons of se quence, as shown belo w , in the event the control power supply backup devi ce fail s or not conn ected.
E6581301 F-60 6 3) Selecti ng the oper atio n of the FL relay Using the o utput ter minal sel ection pa rameter, you can spe cify whet her or n ot to ope rate th e FL relay . H (outp ut termi nal sel ection 3) = (d efault): Op erates th e FL relay in the event of an e mergency stop.
E6581301 F-61 6 6.33.5 OL reduction starting frequency H H H H : OL reduction st arting frequen cy For more details, re fer to Secti on 5.
E6581301 F-62 6 <Example of operation> Output terminal func tion: 26 (UC) Low current detection H = (No trip) Ex.) W hen ou tputting l ow current detection sign als throu gh output .
E6581301 F-63 6 • Function Trips the inverter or issues an alarm if the total time for which tor que is above the level set with H / H reaches the time set with H . Trip info rmation is displayed as “ QV .” H = (No trip) ·············· No tri pping ( FL is not active) .
E6581301 F-64 6 " The cool ing fan a utomatical ly oper ates wh enever the ambient t emperat ure is hi gh, even when the inverter is out of operati on. Title Function Ad justment ra nge De fault setti ng H Cool ing fan control sel ection :Auto, : Always O N 6.
E6581301 F-65 6 6.33.14 Overvoltage limi t op eration ! H H H H : Overvolt age limi t operation level For more detail s, refer to Secti on 6.
E6581301 F-66 6 6.33.18 VI/II analog input wire breakage detection lev el ! ! ! ! H H H H : VI/II analog inpu t wire breakage detection level • Function The inverter will trip if the VI/II value remains below the specified value for 0.
E6581301 F-67 6 DC voltage H ON Rush current suppression relay 6.33.21 Motor thermal protec tion H H H H ~ H H H H : PTC thermal selection For detai ls, refer to Instru ction Manual (E6 581339) spe cified in Section 6.
E6581301 F-68 6 6.33.24 Pr ote c tio n aga ins t a fa il ure o f the co ntr ol po w er bac k up d evi ce (o pt ion a l CP S 00 2 Z) ! ! ! ! H H H H : Control pow er.
E6581301 F-69 6 6.33.26 Dis c on nec ti on de te c tio n of r em ote k ey p ad H H H H : Disconnection dete ction of remote ke yp ad ! • Function Add ed the ope rat ion sel ecti on whe n t he ext ended pan el opt ion (R KP00 2Z ( LED), RKP 004 Z (L CD) ) c able is bro ken .
E6581301 F-70 6 Ex.1: H = (VI/I I input), H = ( disabl ed) Output frequenc y = Re ference frequenc y + Override (VI/II input [Hz]) Ex.
E6581301 F-71 6 6.35 Adjustment p aram eters 6.35.1 Pulse train output for mete rs H H H H : Logic output/pulse output sel ection (OUT1) H H H�.
E6581301 F-72 6 6.35.2 Setting of optional meter output s H H H H ~ H H H H , H H H H ~ H H H H : M eter output settings For detail s, refer to Instructi on Manual (E65813 41) specifi ed in Section 6.
E6581301 F-73 6 6.36 Operatio n panel p arame ter 6.36.1 Prohibition of ke y operations and paramete r set tings H H H H : Parameter write protect selec tion H�.
E6581301 F-74 6 6.36.2 Displa ying the rotational speed of the motor or t he line s peed H H H H : Frequency free unit displa y magnification H H .
E6581301 F-75 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ A n ex ample of se tting: W hen HJ HJ HJ HJ is , and H H H H is �.
E6581301 F-76 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ Example o f setting 1 Set H = [Hz]: Each ti me you pre ss the key , Each ti me the frequency settin g HE chan ges i n steps of 10.
E6581301 F-77 6 Title Funct ion Adjust ment range Default setti ng H Operati on panel stop pattern selecti on :Decelerati on stop :Coast st op 6.
E6581301 F-78 6 1) T o acquire trace da ta at the occurren ce of t ripp ing: H = (Example s of curr ent date output) ! :Trace data Trace data 1 Trip Failure FL signal Monitor value of output curre nt 2) T o acquire trace da ta at the time of triggeri ng: H = ! Trace data 1 Trigger input Ex.
E6581301 F-79 6 [Setup va lues of H ~ H ] Default s etting Co mmunication No. Trace (moni tor) functi on Co mmunicatio n unit at tracing FD00 Output frequen cy 0.01Hz FD02 Fre quency com mand val ue 0.01Hz FD03 Output curren t 0.
E6581301 F-80 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ Trace data commu nication number Communicati on No. Function Minimum set ting /readout u nit Setti ng/readout range Default setti ng E000 Trace data 1~4 poi nter / .
E6581301 F-81 6 6.39 Communica tion func tion 6.39.1 2-wire RS485/4-wire RS485 H H H H : Communication speed (2-wir e RS485) H H H H�.
E6581301 F-82 6 1) 2-wire RS485 The 2- wire RS485 de vice on t he operati on panel and the 4- wire RS485 d evice on the con trol circuit terminal block are intended for data co mmunicati ons b etween inver ters.
E6581301 F-83 6 Title Functio n Adjustment rang e Default setting H Communicati on1 ti me-out cond ition selecti on :Disconnec tion de tection :Wh en communicati on mode enable �.
E6581301 F-84 6 2) 4-wire RS485 The 4- wire RS485 de vice incl uded as s tandard equ ipment, a llows you to connec t the in verter to a higher -level system (ho st) and to set up a network f or data co mmunicati ons bet ween inver ters.
E6581301 F-85 6 <Broadcast > Whe n an operati on frequen cy command i s broadca sted fro m the host computer to inverte rs INV No.29 INV No.30 ~ ~ : Wiring : Data (host → ! INV) INV No.03 INV No.02 INV No.00 ! ! ! ! ! INV No.01 Host computer ! : Use the te rminal boa rd to br anch the cable.
E6581301 F-86 6 ■ Communi cation para meters (4- wire RS485 ) These para meters al low you to change the communi cation spe ed, parity, inverter nu mber , c ommunicati on error t rip timer setti ng, etc. f rom the operati on panel or an e xternal control device.
E6581301 F-87 6 Title Func tion Adjust ment range Defaul t setting H Block wri te data 1 :Disabl ed :Command i nformati on 1 :Command i nformati on 2 :Frequency com mand �.
E6581301 F-88 6 6.39.2 Open network opt ion H H H H ~ H H H H : For Ethernet Communication option H H H�.
E6581301 F-89 6 6.42 Instruction manuals for optional ly ava ilable dev ices and speci al functions For detail s, refer to the in struction manual for each opti onal d evice or fun ction.
! E6581301 ! G-1 7 7. Operat ion w ith exte rnal signal 7.1 External o peration The in verter can be f reel y controll ed external ly . Parameters must be di fferentl y set depe nding on th e operati on metho d.
! E6581301 G-2 7 7.2 Ap plie d op era tion with inp ut a nd o utpu t si gnal s (o pera tion b y term inal boa rd) 7.2.1 Functions of input te rmi nals (in case of sink logic) Use the a bove para meters to send signa ls fro m an external progra mmable con trolle r to vario us control input terminal s to operate and/or set the inverter.
! E6581301 ! G-3 7 3) Connecti on with tr ansisto r output ! The inver ter can be contro lled by connectin g the input t erminal with output (contactless switch) of a programmable c ontroller . Use this function to specify for ward/reverse run or a preset sp eed operation.
! E6581301 G-4 7 ■ T abl e of setti ng of co ntact inpu t terminal functi on Parameter se tting Functio n Parameter se tting Functio n Po si tiv e log ic Ne ga ti ve log ic Po si tiv e log ic Ne ga .
! E6581301 ! G-5 7 ■ Sink lo gic/source l ogic Switching between si nk logi c and sour ce logi c (inpu t/output te rminal l ogic) i s possibl e. For detail s, refer to the Sec tion 2.
! E6581301 G-6 7 ■ Output terminal fu nctio n (open col lector, relay outpu ts) setting and dete ction le vels For the op en connect or outpu t termina ls (OUT 1, OUT2) and the rel ay output terminal s (FLA, F LB and FLC) , functions can be sel ected f rom 0 to 255 functi ons.
! E6581301 ! G-7 7 Parameter se tting Functio n Operation ou tput speci ficati ons (in ca se of posi tive l ogic) Positive logi c Negative logi c Over -torque dete ction ON:Th e state tha t torque component is H , H set value or larger continued more than H set val ue.
! E6581301 G-8 7 Parameter se tting Functio n Operation ou tput speci ficati ons (in ca se of posi tive l ogic) Positive logi c Negative logi c Error code out put 6 Specified d ata output 1 Output of the desig nated data i n 7-bit.
! E6581301 ! G-9 7 7.2.3 Setup of input terminal o peration tim e ■ Setup of r esponse ti me Title Functi on Adjust ment range Defa ult setti ng H Input ter minal 1 re sponse t ime sel .
! E6581301 G-10 7 7.3 Setup of ex ternal s peed co mmand (a nalog signa l) Functio n of analog input ter minals ca n be sel ected fro m four fun ctions (e xternal potentio meter, 0 to 10Vdc, 4 (0) to 20mAdc, -1 0 to +10V dc). The sel ective fu nction of analog input ter minals gi ves syst em desi gn flexibi lity.
! E6581301 ! G-1 1 7 7.3.1 Setup b y analog input si gnals (RR/S4 terminal) If a poten tio meter (1~10k -1/ 4W ) for setti ng up frequ ency is co nnected with the RR/S4 ter minal, th e inver ter can b e run and stop ped with extern al comman ds.
! E6581301 G-12 7 7.3.2 Setup b y analog input si gnals (VI/II t erminal) Connect cu rrent sig nal (4 (0 ) to 20 mAdc) or v oltage sig nal (0 to 10Vdc) to th e ter minal II so that the i nverter can be run and stop ped with extern al comman ds.
! E6581301 ! G-13 7 7.3.3 Setup b y analog input si gnals (RX te rminal) Connect vo ltage signal (0 to ±10Vdc) to the ter minal RX so that the inverter can be ru n an d stopped with e xternal commands.
! E6581301 ! H-1 8 8. Monitor ing the operatio n status 8.1 Screen comp osition i n the s tatus monitor mo de The status monitor mode is used to moni tor the operatio n status of t he inverte r . For modes availa ble and i nstructio ns about h ow to s witch the m, refer to sectio n 3.
! E6581301 H-2 8 8.2 Monitoring the status 8.2.1 Status monitor under normal conditions In this mode, you ca n monitor the oper ation s tatus of the i nverter. T o monitor the inverte r when i t is nor mally r unning, p ress the k ey twic e and th e curren t status is i ndicated on the L ED display.
! E6581301 ! H-3 8 (Continu ed) Commun icati on No. Item disp layed Key operated LED displ ay Des crip tio n FE08 C P U 1 versi on X The versi on of the CPU1 is di splayed. FE73 C P U 2 versi on Y The versi on of the CPU2 is di splayed.
! E6581301 H-4 8 ■ Input terminal infor mation Input terminal 1 (F) : H : 0 Input terminal 2 (R) : H : 1 When there is signal input Input terminal 3 (ST) : H : 2 Input.
! E6581301 ! H-5 8 8.2.2 Displa y of detailed info rmation on a past trip Details o n a past tr ip (of trips 1 to 4) c an be di spl ayed, as s hown i n the tabl e bel ow , by pr essin g the ke y when the trip r ecord i s selecte d in th e status monito r mode.
! E6581301 H-6 8 8.3 Changing status m onitor fu nction ■ Changi ng the displ ay for mat whil e power i s on The i tem displ ayed in the stand ard moni tor mode (*1 o n the l eft si de of tabl e on .
! E6581301 ! H-7 8 [Setup values o f monit or indi catio n parameter s ( H ~ H )] Co mmu nica tio n No. Defaul t setting I tem dis played Marki ng U nit ( P a ne l) Un it ( Co mm un ic at i on ) FD00 Output frequen cy 0.
! E6581301 H-8 8 (Conti nued) Co mmu nica tio n No. Defaul t setting I tem dis played Marking U n it ( P a ne l) Un it ( Co mm un ic at i on ) FE56 RP 0.1% 0.01% FD85 COUNT1 1 1 FD86 COUNT2 1 1 FD52 PID resu lt freq uency 0.
! E6581301 ! H-9 8 8.4 Displa y of trip inf ormation 8.4.1 Trip code displa y If the i nverter t rips, an error c ode i s displ ayed to sugge st the cause. In the status mon itor mode, th e status when t he inver ter trip is hel d. ■ Displ ay of tri p info rmatio n Error cod e Descripti on Communica tion/ Error cod e Co m mu ni c ati on N o.
! E6581301 H-10 8 (Conti nued) Error cod e Descriptio n C ommunicati on/ Error code Co m mu ni c ati on N o. : FC 90 G S peed er ror (Over speed ) 45 G T e rminal input e r.
! E6581301 ! H-1 1 8 8.4.2 Monitor display at trippi ng At the occurren ce of a trip , the sa me info rmatio n as that d ispla yed in t he mode descri bed in 8.2.1, “Status monitor under n ormal conditi ons,” can be disp layed, as sho wn in the table be low, if the i nverter is no t turned off or rese t.
! E6581301 H-12 8 (Conti nued) Commun icati on No. Item di splaye d Key operate d LED displ ay Des cr ip t ion FE10 Past trip 1 E ⇔ Past tr ip 1 (d ispla yed alte rnately at 0.5-se c. int ervals) FE1 1 Past tri p 2 J ! ⇔ Past tr ip 2 (d ispla yed alte rnately at 0.
! E6581301 ! H-13 8 8.5 Displa y of a larm, p re-ala rm, etc. Wh en the i nverter a larm, pre-al ar m, etc. oc curr ed, the con tents a re disp layed. ( Some a re no t displ ayed.) Listed below o nes can be moni tored vi a com municati on (FC9 1). Ref er to 1 3.
E6581301 I-1 9 9. T aking m easures to satis fy the CE/UL /CSA st andards 9.1 How to cope w ith the CE standard In Europe , the E MC directive a nd the l ow-voltag e directi ve, which to ok effect i n.
E6581301 I-2 9 9.1.2 Measures to satisf y the E MC directive ! ! ! ! Concrete measures for EMC di rective of CE marki ngs are shown bel ow . ■ ■ ■ ■ Models w ith a b uilt-in E MC filte r (1) 200V class : VFAS1-2004PL~20 75PL 400V class : VFAS1-4007PL~45 00KPC The a bove mentioned models i nstall EMC noi se fi lter inside.
E6581301 I-3 9 (2) Use shiel ded po wer cables an d control signal cables f or the inp ut and ou tput l ines of the inver ter . Route th e cables an d wires so as to minimize th eir l engths. Keep a distance between the po wer cable an d the cont rol cabl e and bet ween the in put and o utput wires of th e power cabl e.
E6581301 I-4 9 ■ ■ ■ ■ W hen an extern al EMC fi lter i s added (1) Additio nal external EMC fil ters have t he furth er effect of suppressi ng condu ction and radia tion noi ses. Use the recommend ed EMC noi se fil ter specifi ed in T able 3.
E6581301 I-5 9 (Continu ed) Inverter typ e Require ments Conducted nois e IEC61800- 3 categor y C2 (EN5501 1 class A Group1 ) Applica ble fil ters Conducted noise IEC61800- 3 categor y C1 (EN5501 1 cl.
E6581301 I-6 9 [Ex. Cou ntermeasure - in verter wiring] EMC FIL TER Peel off the outer sheath of th e cable and fix the shielded part w ith a metal saddle.
E6581301 I-7 9 [Accessori es for c ountermeas ure] Ƒ Recomme nded shiel d cable : Sho wa electri c Wir e & Cable Co., L T D T ype : C V -S Rating : 600V or less Cross-se ctional area : 2~1000 mm 2 If it i s difficul t to procure sh ielded cables, pro tect cabl es with conduit tu bes.
E6581301 I-8 9 9.2 Measures to be taken to sa tisf y the UL/CSA st andards All VF- AS1 series i nverters ar e certi fied by U L and CSA, and ha ve na meplates with UL and CS A marking s. 9.2.1 Caution i n installin g the inverter ! ! ! ! A UL certificate was grante d on the assump tion that th e in verter woul d be instal led i n a cabine t.
E6581301 I-9 9 Table 5 !!! AIC, Fuse and Wire sizes Vo lta g e cla ss Ap pl ica bl e mo to r [kW] In ve rte r mo de l UL ou tpu t cu rre n t (A) * 2, *3 AIC ( A) (In ter r up tin g ca pa ci ty) Fu se cl as s and c ur re nt (A) In pu t w ire s ize s of po we r cir cu it *4 Ou tp ut wi re s ize s of po we r cir cu it *4 Ea rt h *4 200V class 0.
! E6581301 J-1 1 0 10. Sel ection of perip heral de vices W arning Mandatory • W hen using the invert er without th e front c over, be sure to pl ace the i nverter u nit insi de a cabinet. If they are us ed outsi de the cabi net, i t may cause electri c shock.
! E6581301 J-2 1 0 (*10): The in verter mai n circui t wiri ng of 355 - 5 00 kW should b e used the el ectric wire size s hown in t he table usi ng the terminal board. Th e e lec tric wi re w hi ch c an t urn o n th e in pu t cu rr en t sh ould be used be tw ee n th e so urce pow er an d a te r m ina l b oar d.
! E6581301 J-3 1 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ Selectio n of w iring equip ment Voltage class Applica ble motor [kW ] Invert er model Input curre nt[A] Molded Case Circu it B reaker (MCC B) Magnetic contactor (MC.
! E6581301 J-4 1 0 10.2 Installation of a magnetic con t actor If using t he inverter withou t install ing a magnetic contact or (MC) i n the pri mary circui t, use an MCC B (with a po wer cutoff devi ce) to open the pri mary circu it when the invert er prote ctive cir cuit is activated.
! E6581301 J-5 1 0 10.4 Application and func tions of options Separate type option s shown bel ow are pre pared fo r the inver ter VF-A S1 No-fuse breaker (MCCB) N.
! E6581301 J-6 1 0 No. O ption na me Function, p urpose. (7) LED Remote Keypad option (with para meter copy function) Extention op erati on panel uni t with para meter copy fun ction. Includes LED dis play , RUN/STOP key , UP/DOW N ke y , MOD E key , ENT key , EAS Y key , a nd COPY MO DE key .
! E6581301 J-7 1 0 Selectio n table of se parate-type options (1 /2) Voltage class Applica ble motor [kW] Inverter model EMC filt er (*1) DC reac tor (DCL) Dynamic brake drive circui t (GTR7) (*2) Control power supply backup 200V class 0.4 VF AS1-2004P L Bu ilt-i n Option Built -in Opti on 0.
! E6581301 J-8 1 0 Selectio n table of se parate-type options (2 /2) Voltage class Appli- cable motor [kW] Inverter model Input AC re actor (ACL) DC reacto r (DCL) (*6) Braking re sistor (*1) Motor end surge vol tage suppressi on filte r (*4) Control power supply backup 200V class 0.
! E6581301 J-9 1 0 10.5 Optional internal devices Here are the internal devices optio nally ava ilable. There are t wo types of o ptional devices: Add-on type and Plu g-in type.
! E6581301 J-10 1 0 (2) Expansi on I/O car d2 option (Function of o ptional card 1 + Analogue in put/outpu t + Puls e input) Functio n Descript ion Multifunct ion progr ammable contact input ( 4 point.
! E6581301 J-1 1 1 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ How to install Add-on t ype devices and inse rtion type devic es are i nstalled i n different ways. Instal l the m cor rectly , as sho wn in the figures below. Add-on type Plug-in type Up to two Add- on type devices and one Plug-in type device can be installed at the same time.
! E6581301 J-12 1 0 10.6 Connection of a DC powe r suppl y and o ther elec tric units Besides a three- phase co mmercia l power s uppl y , a si ngle- phase 200 V power s upply (5. 5kW or le ss) and a DC power supply ca n be con nected to the VFAS1 in verter.
! E6581301 J-13 1 0 VF AS1-2750 P , 4 1 10 KPC " 4160KP C ■ Power co nsumed b y the fa ns VF AS1 Power co nsumed b y the fa ns 2750P , 41 10KPC " 4160KP C 700V A 4200KPC " 4280KP C 13.
! E6581301 J-14 1 0 VF AS1-4200 KPC " 4280KP C VF AS1-4355 KPC, 44 00KPC, 4500KP C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !.
! K-1 ! ! E6581301 1 1 1 1. T able of parameter s 1. User parame ter *3 Sensorl ess vector/vecto r with se nsor ( Ɣ :E ffective, -:Ine ffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-2 2. Basic parame ter [2/4] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function Ad justment range Mi nim um set tin g uni t.
! K-3 ! ! E6581301 1 1 2. Basic parame ter [3/4] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function A djustmen t range Mi nim um set tin g uni t .
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-4 2. Basic parame ter [4/4] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function A djustmen t range Mi nim um set tin g uni .
! K-5 ! ! E6581301 1 1 3. Extended parameters [1] Frequen cy signal Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-6 [3] T er minal functi on selecti on Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! K-7 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [4] T er minal response ti me setup Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-8 [5] V/f 5-po int setti ng Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function Ad justment range Mi nim um set tin g uni t.
! K-9 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [6] Speed/torque refer ence gain/bi as setup [2/2] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-10 [8] DC braki ng Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function Ad justment range Mi nim um set tin g uni t ( Pan el.
! K-1 1 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [1 1] Pre set spee d operati on frequency (8~15) Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-12 [12] Tripless inten sificati on setup [2/2] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! K-13 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [14] Functi ons for li ft [1/2] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-14 [14] Functi ons for li ft [2/2] S ensorle ss vector/vec tor with sen sor ( Ɣ : Effective, -:Ineffecti ve) Title Communi cation No.
! K-15 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [16] PID contr ol [2/2] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function Ad justment range Mi nim um set tin g uni t ( .
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-16 [18] Motor con stant Sensorless ve ctor/vecto r with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Co m mu n i ca t i o n No .
! K-17 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [19] T or que contro l [2/2] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function Adjustment ra nge Mi nim um set tin g uni.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-18 [20] T or que li mit [2/2] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function Adjustment ra nge Mi nim um set tin g uni.
! K-19 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [21] Adjust ment parameters [2/2] Sensorless vector/vec tor with senso r ( Ɣ : Effective, -:Ineffecti ve) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-20 [22] Accele ration/decel eratio n 2 [2/2] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! K-21 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [23] Patter n operation [2/3] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function Adjustmen t range Mi nim um set tin g un.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-22 [23] Patter n operation [3/3] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! K-23 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [25] Protect ion functi ons [1/2] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-24 [25] Protect ion functi ons [2/2] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! K-25 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [26] Overri de Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No. Function Ad justment range Mi nim um set tin g uni t ( Pan el/ C.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-26 [27] Meter ou tput [2/2] Sensor less vector /vector with sensor ( Ɣ :Effective, -:Ineffective) Ti t le Communi cation No. Function Adjustment range Mi nim um set tin g uni t.
! K-27 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [28] Operati on panel parameter s [1/3] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-28 [28] Operati on panel parameter s [2/3] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! K-29 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [28] Operati on panel parameter s [3/3] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-30 [29] Communi cation funct ion [1/4] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! K-31 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [ 2 9 ] C o m m u n i c a ti o n f u n c t i o n [ 2 / 4 ] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-32 [ 2 9 ] C o m m u n i c a ti o n f u n c t i o n [ 3 / 4 ] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! K-33 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [29] Communi cation funct ion [4/4] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ :Effecti ve, -:Ineffective) Title Communi cation No.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-34 [30] My func tion [1/5] S ensorle ss vector/vec tor with sen sor ( Ɣ : Effective, -:Ineffecti ve) Title Communi cation No. Function Ad justment range Mi nim um set tin g uni.
! K-35 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [30] My func tion [2/5] S ensorle ss vector/vec tor with sen sor ( Ɣ : Effective, -:Ineffecti ve) Title Communi cation No. Function Adjustment range Mi nim um set tin g uni t .
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-36 [30] My func tion [3/5] S ensorle ss vector/vec tor with sen sor ( Ɣ : Effective, -:Ineffecti ve) Title Communi cation No. Function Adjustment range Mi nim um set tin g uni .
! K-37 ! ! E6581301 1 1 [30] My func tion [4/5] S ensorle ss vector/vec tor with sen sor ( Ɣ : Effective, -:Ineffecti ve) Title Communi cation No. Function Adjustmen t range Mi nim um set tin g uni t.
! ! ! E6581301 ! 1 1 K-38 [30] My func tion [5/5] S ensorle ss vector/vec tor with sen sor ( Ɣ : Effective, -:Ineffecti ve) Title Communi cation No. Function Adjustment range Mi nim um set tin g uni .
! K-39 E6581301 ! 1 1 [Contents of monitor disp lays] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ : vali d, -: in valid) Co mm un i cat io n N o. F un c ti o n Unit (Commun icatio n) Monitor outpu t s.
! K-40 E6581301 ! 1 1 [Monitor FM /AM/pulse out put funct ion select ion (1/3)] Sensorl ess vector/ve ctor with sensor Ɣ : val id, -: i nvali d) FM/AM/pul se ou t p u t M o n i to r ou t pu t F un c ti o n Unit (Communicat ion) Trip retentio n Speed control T o rque control P M control V/f Reference Op tio n No.
! K-41 E6581301 ! 1 1 [Monitor FM /AM/pulse out put funct ion select ion (2/3)] Sensorl ess vector/ve ctor with sensor ( Ɣ : va lid, -: invali d) FM/AM/pul se ou t p u t M o n i to r ou t pu t F un c ti o n Unit (Communicat ion) Trip retentio n Spee d con tr ol T orq ue co nt rol P M c ont rol V/f Re fe ren ce Op tio n No.
! K-42 E6581301 ! 1 1 [Monitor FM /AM/pulse out put funct ion select ion (3/3)] Sensorl ess vector/ve ctor with sensor ( Ɣ : va lid, -: invali d) FM/AM/pul se ou t p u t M o n i to r ou t pu t F un c ti o n Unit (Communicat ion) Trip retentio n Spee d con tr ol T orq ue co nt rol P M c ont rol V/f Re fe ren ce Op tio n No.
! K-43 E6581301 ! 1 1 [Input ter minal functio n settin g (1/2)] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ : vali d, -: in valid) Positive logi c Negative logi c F un c ti o n Speed control T o rque control PM control V/f EOQF = H = Reference 0 1 No function i s assigned Ɣ / Ɣ Ɣ / Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ - - 7.
! K-44 E6581301 ! 1 1 [Input ter minal functio n settin g (2/2)] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ : vali d, -: in valid) Positive logi c Negative logi c F u n c ti o n S pe ed control T o rque control P M control V/f EOQF = H = Reference 70 71 Servo lock signal Ɣ / Ɣ - Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ - 7.
! K-45 E6581301 ! 1 1 [Output ter minal funct ion settin g (1/3)] Sensorless ve ctor/vecto r with sensor ( Ɣ : vali d, -: inva lid) Positive logi c Negative logi c Function S peed control T orqu e control P M control V/f Refe rence 0 1 L L Ɣ / Ɣ Ɣ / Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 7.
! K-46 E6581301 ! 1 1 [Output ter minal funct ion settin g (2/3)] Sensorless ve ctor/vecto r with sensor ( Ɣ : vali d, -: inva lid) Positive logi c Negative logi c Function S peed control T orque control PM contro l V/f Refer ence 76 77 Inverte r healthy ou tput Ɣ / Ɣ Ɣ / Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 7.
! K-47 E6581301 ! 1 1 [Output ter minal funct ion settin g 3/3] Sensorless ve ctor/vect or with sensor ( Ɣ : vali d, -: in valid) Positive logi c Negative logi c Function S peed control T orqu e control P M control V/f Refe rence 240 241 M y f u n c t i o n o u t p u t 10 Ɣ / Ɣ Ɣ / Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 7.
! K-48 E6581301 ! 1 1 S tandard defaul t setti ngs classifi ed by in verter model (ca pacity) Inverter type T orque boost XD H H H Ba se f re q ue nc y v ol t ag e X.
! E6581301 L-1 1 2 12. Specificat ions 12.1 Models and their standard spec ifications 1) St andard specifi cations (s mall/ medium capaci ty types) Item Specificati on V oltage c lass 200V class Applicable motor ( kW) 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7/4.0 5.5 7.5 1 1 15 18.
! E6581301 ! L-2 1 2 2) St andard specifi cations (l arge capacity types) [No te 1] Item Sp ecifi cation V oltage c lass 200V class Applicable motor ( kW) 55 75 Applicable motor ( HP) 75 100 Rating Ty.
! E6581301 L-3 1 2 3) Com mon specifi cation Item Specificati on Control specific ation Control system Sinusoidal PW M control Output v oltage adjustment Main circuit voltage feedback control. (Switchable between aut omatic adju stment/fix/control off ) Output frequency r ange Setti ng between 0.
! E6581301 ! L-4 1 2 (Continu ed) Item Sp ecifi cation Display functio n 4-digit and 7-segme nt LED Alarms Stall prevention during op eration, ov erload limit, ov erload, undervoltage on power source side, DC circuit undervoltage, setting e rror , in retry, upper limi t, lower limit.
! E6581301 L-5 1 2 12.2 Outside dime nsions and weigh t ■ ■ ■ ■ Outside dimensio ns and w eight V o ltage class Applica ble motor (kW ) Applica ble motor (HP) Inverter typ e Dimensions (mm) Drawing Approx. weight (kg) W H D W1 H1 W2 H2 H3 H4 200V 0.
! E6581301 ! L-6 1 2 ■ ■ ■ ■ Outline d raw ing ( Installat ion dimension) ( Inst allation dime nsion) ( Installati on dimension) ( Installation dimension) Fig. A Fig. B (Installation dimension) ( Installati on dimension) ( Installation di mension) ( Installation dim ension) Fig.
! E6581301 L-7 1 2 ( Installation dimension) ( Installation di mension) ( Installation dimension) ( Installation dimension) Fig. G Fig. H ( Installation dimension) ( Inst allation dim ension) ( Installation di mension) ( Installation dim ension) DC reactor (DCL1 type) Fig.
! E6581301 ! L-8 1 2 ( Installation di mension) ( Installation dimens ion) ( Installation dime nsion) ( Installation dimens i on) DC reactor (DCL1 type) DC reactor ( DCL1 type) Fig.
! E6581301 L-9 1 2 ( Installation dimens ion) Braking unit (optional) DC reactor (DCL1 type) ( Installation dimension) ( Installation dimension) Cupper connecting bar Fig.
! E6581301 ! M-1 1 3 13. Before making a ser vice call - T rip in fo rm at io n an d re m ed i es 13.1 T rip causes/w arnings a nd reme dies Whe n a probl em arises, diagno se it i n accord ance with t he fol lowing table.
! E6581301 ! M-2 1 3 (Continu ed) Error code Descripti on Possibl e causes Remedi es QN Inverter overloa d •R apid accelera tion is operated . •The DC bra king a mount is to o large. •The V/f s etting i s improper. •A restart si gnal i s input to t he rotating motor after a momentary stop, et c.
! E6581301 ! M-3 1 3 (Continu ed) Error code Descripti on Possibl e causes Remedi es G Emergency stop •Inverter is stopped by panel operati on during automati c or remote ope ration. •A stop co mmand (in put termi nal function: or ) is issued by an external control device.
! E6581301 ! M-4 1 3 (Continu ed) Error code Descripti on Possibl e causes Remedies GVP Motor con stant setting e rror Som e it em s ind icat ed on th e m oto r nam ep late a re not ent er ed c orr ect ly .
! E6581301 ! M-5 1 3 (Continu ed) G Internal circui t error •Motor co ntrol CPU i s defe ctive. •The dr ive circu it board i n the inverter was damaged . •Power de vice is defective. •Using b raking funct ion in not RV = , , , , mode •Contact your T osh iba di stributor.
! E6581301 ! M-6 1 3 (Continu ed overlea f) (Continu ed) KPKV Parameters i n the proces s of initia lization •Parameter s are bei ng ini tiali zed to default values. •Normal i f the mes sage disapp ears after a whi le (several seconds to several tens of seconds).
! E6581301 ! M-7 1 3 13.2 Method o f resetting causes of trip Do not res et the inve rter when tri pped becau se of a fa ilure or error b efore eli minating the cause . Resetti ng the tr ipped inverter before el iminati ng the probl em cause s it to tr ip agai n.
! E6581301 ! M-8 1 3 13.3 If the moto r does n ot run while no tr ip messa ge is dis played... If the motor does no t run while no tri p messa ge is di splayed, fo llow the se steps to t rack do wn the ca use. The mot o r do e s no t ru n. Is t he 7- se gme n t LED ext in gu is he d? Ch eck t he p ow er s upp l y and t he M CC B.
! E6581301 ! M-9 1 3 13.4 How to check oth er troubles The fol lowing table p rovides a l istin g of other trouble s, their po ssible ca uses and r emedies. Troubles Causes and re medies The motor runs in th e wrong di rection. •Invert the phases o f the ou tput ter minals U, V and W.
! E6581301 ! N-1 1 4 14. Ins pection an d mainte nance W arning Mandatory • The equi pment must be inspe cted every day . If the equi pment is not i nspected an d maintaine d, errors an d malfunc tions may not be discover ed which could l ead to acci dents.
! E6581301 ! N-2 1 4 14.2 Periodical inspect ion Make a peri odical inspecti on at i ntervals of 3 or 6 months depe nding on t he oper ating cond iti ons. W arning Mandatory • Before inspe ction, perform the foll owing step s. (1) Shut o ff all i nput power to t he in verter .
! E6581301 ! N-3 1 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ Replaceme nt of ex pendabl e part s The in verte r i s co mpos ed o f a lar ge n umb er o f e lect roni c par ts i nclu din g se mico nduc tor dev ic es. Th e fo llo wing par ts dete rio rate wit h the pas sage o f ti me b ecau se of thei r co mpo siti on o r ph ysi cal prop erti es.
! E6581301 ! N-4 1 4 14.3 Making a call fo r servicin g For the T o shib a se rvi ce net work , ref er to th e b ack cov er o f thi s in stru cti on manu al. If de fe cti ve c ondi tio ns a re enco unte red , pl ease co ntac t th e T o shib a se rvi ce s ecti on i n ch arg e vi a yo ur T o shi ba d eal er.
! E6581301 ! O-1 1 5 15. W a rrant y Any part of the inver ter that proves def ective will be repaired a nd adjusted free of charge u nder the following conditi ons: 1.
! E6581301 ! P-1 1 6 16. Dis posal of t he inverte r ! ! Warning Mandatory • F or safety's sake, do n ot dispo se of the disus ed inverte r yourself b ut ask an industr ial wast e disposal agent (*).
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Toshiba VF-AS1 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Toshiba VF-AS1 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Toshiba VF-AS1 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Toshiba VF-AS1 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Toshiba VF-AS1 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Toshiba VF-AS1 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Toshiba VF-AS1 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Toshiba VF-AS1. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Toshiba VF-AS1 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.