Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DKT3000 des Produzenten Toshiba
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Telecommunication Systems Division May 2002 DKT3000/2000-Series Digital T elephone User Guide Digital Business T elephone Systems.
Publ icat ion In forma tion T oshiba Ameri ca I nformat ion Sys tem s, Inc. , T elecommun ica tion Sys t ems Divis i on, rese rves the r ig ht , wit hout p rior n otice , to r evis e this infor mation.
T oshiba America Information Systems, Inc. T elecommunication Systems Division Limite d W arranty T os h iba Am eri ca Inform at ion Syst ems, Inc. , ( “ TA I S ” ) warrant s that this teleph one .
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05 /02 i Contents Introduction Organizati on ............................... ........................... .................. ........................... ............ ... vi i How to Use This Guide.............
Contents Chapte r 3 – Advan ced Operati on ii Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Handset .......................... .................. ........................... ........................... .................. ....... 10 Speaker .......
Contents Chapter 3 – Advan ced Opera tion Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05 /02 iii Call Forward Set tings ............................... .................. ........................... .........................29 Call History ..........
Contents Chapte r 4 – DKT3 014 LCD F eatures iv Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Voice Mail - Di rect Transfer............... ........................... .................. ........................... ....... 51 Voice Mail Soft Ke ys.
Contents Appendix A – Centre x Applica tion Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05 /02 v Paging ................... ........................... .................. ........................... ........................... ....... 80 Call Forward Over ride (DSS Override ) .
Contents Appendix A – Centr ex Ap pl icat ion vi Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02.
Strata CTX DKT2000/3000-Series T el ephone 05 /02 vii Introduction This use r guide describes ho w to use the 3000-s eries and 2000-seri es digit al phones for Str ata CTX syst ems. Also dis cussed are Dig ital Add- on Modules (DADMs) and the Dire ct S tation Sel ection ( DSS) Console.
Introduction How to Use This Guide viii Strata CTX DKT2000/3000-Series T elepho ne 05/02 How to Use Thi s Guid e This gui de provide s in-dept h instruc tions fo r the DKT3000- and DKT2000-se ries digita l teleph ones and th eir feat ures.
Introduction Related Do cu me nts /M edi a Strata CTX DKT2000/3000-Series T el ephone 05 /02 ix Related Documents/Media Note Some document s liste d here may app ear in dif feren t versio ns on the CD-R OM or i n prin t.
Introduction Related Documents/Media x Strata CTX DKT2000/3000-Series T elephone 05/02.
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 1 The Grand T our 1 This chap ter famil iarize s you with DKT300 0-series an d DKT2000-s eries digit al speaker phones (m odel numbers appear on the bot tom of your telephone ).
The Grand T our DKT300 0-series T elephones 2 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 DKT3020-SD T elephon e Fixed Butt ons The fixe d buttons o n your di al pad ena ble you to perform stand ard fu nctions qu ickly and easi ly . Thes e buttons are descr ibed in Cha pter 2 – The Basics .
The Grand T our DKT300 0-s erie s T elephones Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 3 Flexible Buttons Y our telephone c an have 10, 1 4, or 20 Flex ible Butt ons (shown i n the illus tration on the pre vious page) that can be progra mmed to do man y button fu nctions, i ncluding: • Line is u sed to acc ess an outs ide line .
The Grand T our DKT200 0-series T elephones 4 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 • 0RGH is genera lly us ed as a S oft K ey . • Pressin g 3D J H switches you from t he Call Fo rward (CF) display t o the Use r Name display . • Pressin g 6FU ROO advanc es you thr ough infor mation.
The Grand T our DKT200 0-s erie s T elephones Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 5 DKT2020-SD T elephon e Fixed Butt ons The fix ed but tons on y our t elepho ne ena ble yo u to perfor m sta ndard functi ons qu ickly and easi ly . Thes e buttons are descr ibed in Cha pter 2 – The Basics .
The Grand T our DKT200 0-series T elephones 6 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Flexible Buttons All Flex ibl e Buttons must be pr ogr ammed f or your t el epho ne in syst em programmin g and vary for in dividual telephone s.
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 7 The Basics 2 This chap ter s hows you the b asic oper ation of your DKT3000-se ries or DKT2000- series telephon e. Important! The t ext in th is chap ter appli es to both the DKT300 0-series and DKT2000-ser ies tele phones, unl ess other wise not ed.
The Basics Importan t - Read Firs t 8 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Which Outgoing/Inc oming Call Featur es Do I Hav e? Check mark h ere which ou tgoing/i ncoming fea tures you have on your system.
The Basics Maki ng a Call Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 9 Making a Cal l There ar e three way s to orig inate a c all from yo ur digit al telep hone: Hot Dialing 1. T o make a c all usin g Hot Diali ng, dial the nu mber . When you sta rt to di al, the ext ension bu tton, Spkr and Mi c LEDs light .
The Basics Answer ing a Ca ll 10 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Answe ri n g a Cal l There ar e several ways to ans wer a ca ll: Handset ➤ If your tel ep hone is pro gra mme d for Ringi ng Line Pref er enc e, pic k up the hands et and the t elephone a utomatica lly answer s the ri nging lin e.
The Basics Messa ge Wai ting Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 11 Mess age W ait ing Use your 0VJ LED/b utton and L C D to s ee /retr ieve m essa ge(s) . An extens ion can re ceive up t o four s imultaneous Mes sage W aiting indica tions and LCD messages.
The Basics Microp hone 12 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 T urnin g On/Off Messa ge W aiting LED on Anot her Extens ion If you ca ll an ext ension and it ’ s busy or th ere is no answer , you can ligh t that exten sion ’ s Message W aiting LED and enable tha t extens ion to cal l you back.
The Basics Call T ransfer Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 13 Call T ran sfer 1. While on a call, press & QI7U Q . Y our Line LED flashe s green and you hear in ternal dial t one. 2. D ial th e exte ns ion w h ere th e call w ill be trans ferre d.
The Basics Confere nce Calls 14 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Confer ence Call s Y ou can confe rence toge ther up t o eight par ties (i ncluding your own) - wit h up to six partie s being ext ernal ne twork lin es.
The Basics Confe renc e Ca ll s Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 15 Adding Vo ice Mail to a Co nferen ce The Confer ence Master can add voi ce mail t o a confer ence. This f eature enabl es partic ipants i n a confer ence to li sten to o r leave a voice mail message during one telep hone ca ll.
The Basics Hold 16 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Hold 1. T o place a call o n hold, press +ROG . Y our LCD shows the line on hold. The held Line ’ s LED flas hes gr een w hile a ppea r a nces o f the l ine at other stat ions f l a sh red .
The Basics Vo l u m e C on t r o l Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 17 Vo l u m e C o n t r o l ➤ T o adjust the hands et volume ➤ Press t he 9RO ▲ to increas e volum e and 9R O ▼ to de creas e vo lume du ring t he ca ll . When you hang up, the v olume retu rns to the defau lt setting .
The Basics LCD Contra st Adjust me nts 18 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02.
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 19 Advanced Operation 3 This chap ter gi ves you more details abo ut your DKT3000-seri es or DKT2000- series telepho ne ’ s advanced fun ctions. Using Y o ur LCD If your telephone has an LCD, use this section to l earn more a bout its f unctions .
Advanced Operation Soft Keys 20 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Soft Keys When Sof t Keys are o n, they rep lace the functions on the 0RGH , 3D J H , 6FUROO and )HD WX U H but tons below t he LCD. ( )HD WX U H is a future f eature f or DKT3000-se ries phones onl y .
Advanced Ope rat ion Soft Keys Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 21 Soft Key Example When the Sof t Key prompts appear on the LCD, the LCD Con trol Button j ust below the prompt off ers access to that f eature. He re ’ s an example of how So ft Keys work .
Advanced Operation Advi sory Mes sages 22 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Advisory Message s Advisory m essag ing enabl es you to st ore an in for mative messag e for LCD tele phones that ca ll your t elephone. Th e messages c an be up to 16 charact ers long.
Advanced Ope rat ion Account Co de Call s Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 23 Account Co de Calls Account Cod es (Forced or V oluntar y) can be u sed for a variety o f reasons includin g billi ng, tracking, a nd line r estrict ion appli cations.
Advanced Operation Account Code Cal ls 24 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 V olunt ary Acc ount C odes (V eri fied/ Non-V erified) V oluntar y Account Codes are opti onal. They ca n be enter ed during a call and are used for tra ckin g sele ct ed cal ls usi ng Station Me ssag e Detail Repo r t (SMD R) cal l d etail recordi ng option.
Advanced Ope rat ion Automat ic Bus y Redia l Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 25 Automati c Busy Redial After re aching a busy outsid e number , you can activ ate Automati c Busy Redial s o that the syst em auto maticall y redials the nu mber at reg ular i nterval s.
Advanced Operation Automati c Callbac k 26 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Automati c Callb ack When you rea ch a busy st ation, you can set Aut omatic Callba ck to have the syste m monitor t he busy ext ension an d notify yo u when it becomes id le.
Advanced Ope rat ion Backgrou nd Mu sic Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 27 Background Mu sic Y ou can se t b ack ground mus ic ove r y our te lep hone speake r o r o ver external speak ers .
Advanced Operation Call F orward 28 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Call Forward System System Call Forwar d (which i s set in Pr ogramming ) automati cally di rects ca lls to a predefi ned locat ion, such a s V oice Mail .
Advanced Ope rat ion Call Fo rwa rd Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 29 • Call Forwar d - External Location – Fo rwards inc oming line calls th at ring direct ly to your extensio n to a d estinati on outsid e the syst em. Y ou can change your fo rwarding dest ination from outsi de the sys tem using t he DISA featur e.
Advanced Operation Call F orward 30 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 ➤ T o use the Call Fo rward button sequen ce ➤ Follow th e instru ctions in the f ollowing tabl e, shown u nder “ Button Se quence.
Advanced Ope rat ion Call Fo rwa rd Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 31 Call Forward Any C all - Set for Another Station: Enab le s yo u to forward all ca lls for anoth er te lepho ne within yo ur telepho ne s ystem. All Calls Ext. button + (T on e) + ext.
Advanced Operation Call History 32 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Call History Incom ing ca lls wi th Call er ID o r ANI in forma tion c an be op tiona lly re corde d into a rollin g list for th e stati on whe re the call is ringi ng.
Advanced Ope rat ion Call Pickup Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 33 ➤ To p a r k a c a l l 1. While on a call, press 3 DUNLQ2 UELW .
Advanced Operation Call Pi ckup 34 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Page/Inte rnal Call Pickup This fea ture p icks up I nter nal (s tati on to st ation ), Group P age, and Al l Call Page cal ls.
Advanced Ope rat ion Call W ai ting Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 35 Notes • The Primar y extens ion number is the director y number by which the telephon e set is defi ned. Oth er , non-p rimary extensio n numbers may al so appear on the telepho ne.
Advanced Operation Direct Inward Sy stem Access (DISA) 36 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Direct Inwa rd System Access ( DISA) Outs ide ca l l ers wi th tou ch to ne telep hone s can c.
Advanced Ope rat ion Distin ctive Ringin g Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 37 Distinctive Ringing 1. Press to enter Use r Programming Mode. 2. Press a /L QH bu tton. The Li ne LED is steady gr een. 3. Enter t he ringin g pitch numbe r: = Low , = Mi ddle, = High, = Comb ination 4.
Advanced Operation Door Lo ck(s) 38 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Setting DN D for Anot her Exte ns ion ➤ T o activate DND for another ext ension ➤ Ente r (hear Entry T one) + the Primary ex tensi on of the remote ex tensi on + the pass code + (hear Succ ess T one).
Advanced Ope rat ion Door P hone (s) Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 39 Door Pho ne(s) Door phones ca n be used to call phon es selected in syst em programming. When a door phone cal ls, you hea r a disti nctive r inging to ne, one or f ive times (s et in s ystem programmin g).
Advanced Operation Emergenc y Ring dow n 40 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 ➤ T o call/monitor a do or phone 1. W it h the hands et of f-hook, pr ess a ext ension. Y ou hear dial tone and t he LED flashe s green (i n-use). 2. Press + extension for the d oor locat ion.
Advanced Ope rat ion Off-hook Call Annou nce Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 41 Off-hook Call Anno unce Off -hook Call Announce (OCA) e nables you to complet e a call t o a busy digi tal telepho ne. Y o ur telephone must be programmed t o either anno unce automatical ly or to announce a fter you pres s a but ton on your di al pad .
Advanced Operation Override Calls 42 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Override Calls The availab le override fea tures are: Busy Override Ring Over Bus y Override en ables you t o send a mute d ring ton e to a busy station to indicat e a call is waiting.
Advanced Ope rat ion Overri de Call s Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 43 Execut ive Over ride Executi ve Override enables y ou to ente r an esta blished co nversati on. Y our telep hone can als o be progra mmed to blo ck Executi ve Overrid e from other t elephones .
Advanced Operation Paging 44 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Class of Se rvice Overr i de By diali ng a Class of Servi ce (COS) Over ride cod e, a user can change a stati on ’ s set of privi leges to one a ssoci ated w i th the overr ide co d e.
Advanced Ope rat ion Paging Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 45 ➤ T o make a Group Pag e ➤ Press *URXS3D JH and ente r the Group number (01~ 16) .
Advanced Operation Privacy 46 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Privacy Privacy controls the ab ility of more than o ne person t o use the s ame extensi on or CO line at the same ti me. Privac y ap pli es to mul ti pl e ap pearan ces of e xte nsi ons , Phantom extensi ons, outsi de Lines a nd outside Line Gro up buttons .
Advanced Ope rat ion Speed D ial Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 47 Speed Di al Speed Dial enables you to dial a sequenc e of up to 32 di gits with a shorter code. Dial sequence s can incl ude tele phone numbers , authoriz ation cod es, password s featur e activa tion codes and pauses .
Advanced Operation Speed Dia l 48 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Storing a Sta tio n Spe ed Dial Number There ar e three way s to stor e a St ation Spe ed Dial numbe r , in cluding Progr amming Mode, Access Codes and th rough syst em programming by your CTX Syst em Admin istra tor .
Advanced Ope rat ion Speed D ial Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 49 Note Selecte d telepho nes may have t he abili ty to chan ge System Spe ed Dial numbers. Fol low this procedu re but speci fy a System Sp eed Dial nu mber (200~999 ) instea d.
Advanced Operation T o ne/Pulse Di aling 50 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 The numbers are defi ned in Ta b l e 4 : T one/Pulse Dialing W it h some older Central Of fices, you may have t o make call s on outsi de lines programmed f or rotar y dial pu lses.
Advanced Ope rat ion V oice Mail - Direct T ransf er Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 51 V oic e Mail - Di rect T ransfer The Strat a CTX enabl es you to transfe r a cal l di re ct ly to a voice ma il box witho ut fi rst ringi ng t ha t pe rs on ’ s telephone.
Advanced Operation V oice Mail Soft Keys 52 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 T able 6 Sof t Keys for CTX Digit al T ele phones DKT 301 4 SDL DKT 3010 SD DKT 3020 SD DKT 2010 SD DKT 2020.
Advanced Ope rat ion V oice Mail Soft Key s Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 53 DES TINA TION Enter automatic copy de stination DIRECTOR Y DIR DIR Directory plus name DND DND DND Chang.
Advanced Operation V oice Mail Soft Keys 54 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 P AUSE P AUS P AUS Pause rec ording P AUSE PLA Y Pause pl ayback PER DST LST LIST LIST Manage Personal Di st.
Advanced Ope rat ion Call Recording Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 55 Call Recording Whil e on a n a ctive call, a stati on us er can recor d the c onve rs ati on and s tore it in a S tratagy ES voice mai lbox. Record ings can al so be p aused or rest arted.
Advanced Operation Call Re cordin g 56 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Important! S tratagy ES mailboxes hav e a definable limi t on the length one mess age can be. I f you plan o n making lengthy recordi ngs, see your System Administr ator so y our message record ing time ca n be proper ly defin ed.
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 57 DKT3014 LCD Features 4 This chap ter s hows how to use the DKT3014-SDL ( shown below) lar ge scree n direct ory displ ay and indi vidual na me searches . DKT3014-SDL T elepho ne 5908 Msg Mic Redial Spdial Spkr Cnf/Trn Hold Vol Feature Scroll Mode Page FEB 19 MONDAY 12:00 FRED S NO.
DKT3014 LCD Features Direct ory and Spe ed Dial Li stings 58 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Directory and Spe ed Dial Listings The dire ctory me nu (idle sta te) is s hown below . Direct Station Se lection This opt ion dis plays all na med stati ons in alp habetical order .
DKT3014 LCD Features Direct ory and Speed Dial Li stings Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 59 System S peed Dial and Per sonal Speed Dial Using Syst em Speed Dial and Person al Speed Dia l is very similar to u sing Direc t S tation Sel ection, de scribed a bove.
DKT3014 LCD Features Direct ory and Spe ed Dial Li stings 60 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Alphanu meric En try Y ou can ent er alphanumer ic charact ers fro m the dia l pad to refi ne a nam e sear ch in the Intern al or Externa l Direc tor y (see ex amp le below and Ta b l e 7 ).
DKT3014 LCD Features Direct ory and Speed Dial Li stings Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 61 ➤ T o ad d a space or move one char acter t o the rig ht, press the RIGHT Soft Key . ➤ T o ba ckspace (d elete pr evious cha racter) , press th e LEF T Soft Ke y .
DKT3014 LCD Features Direct ory and Spe ed Dial Li stings 62 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02.
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 63 User Programming 5 User prog ramming e nables you to c hange your t elephone ’ s layout/r egi st ration and other s ettings. W ith user programming you can re- define Fl exible Button s to perf orm other f unctions.
User Programming Flexibl e Button Cod es 64 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 • Call Forward – Use rs can se t the Call For ward (CF) de stinati on and CF-No Answer T imer for t he CF butto ns. • One T ouch – Users can set s peed dial and custom f eature ac cess code sequence s for On e T ouch buttons.
User Programming Flexible Button Co des Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 65 Setting/Ch anging a Flexib le Button ’ s Function 1. Press to enter Use r Programming Mode. 2. Press +ROG . 3. P ress th e Flex ible B u tton to set or chan ge .
User Programming One T ouc h Butto ns 66 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 One T ouch Buttons One T ouch bu ttons can be used for storing fr equently us ed feature s or dialed numbe rs, such as Speed Dial num bers (us e Spee d Di al C odes to st ore addi tiona l num bers ).
User Programming One T ouch Button s Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 67 T o Use a One T ouc h Button ➤ Press t he One T o uch button. Setting/Ch an ging a Persona l Speed Dial Code See “ S tori ng a S tation Speed Dial Number ” on page 48 .
User Programming Featur e Codes 68 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Feature Codes Feature Access Codes are en tered as a sequence on your tel ephone to use a pa rticula r featur e.
User Programming Feat ure Code s Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 69 Call Forward Any Call - Set for Another Station All Call Ext. button + + ext. no. + Pa ss Co de + + Dest. No. + Busy E xt. butt on + + ex t. no. + Pas s Cod e + + De st.
User Programming Featur e Codes 70 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Incomi ng - Directed Exte ns io n Pi ck up E xt. b ut ton + + Ext. Number On hold - Local Retrieve Ext. butt on + On hold - Remote Retrieve Ext. button + + Remote Ext.
User Programming Feat ure Code s Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 71 Activate M W at anoth er Station without Ri nging + Ext. no . Cancel MW at ano ther Station without Ri nging + Ext. no . Messagin g - Adviso ry Advis ory Mess ag e - Activat io n + Messag e No.
User Programming Featur e Codes 72 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Spee d Dial Regi st er Statio n (0 0~9 9) + Ind ex Num ber (00~ 99) Syst em + Inde x N umber (000~ 0 99) .
User Programming LED Indicato r Details Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 73 LED Indicator Det ails Each line a nd fea ture butto n has a LED n ext to it whi ch ind icate s the s tat us of th e line or featu re associate d with the but ton.
User Programming LED Indic ator Details 74 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02.
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 75 DADM/DSS Console 6 This chap ter pr ovides an overview of th e followi ng two opt ional unit s and descr ibes the fea tures, but tons and a ssociate d LEDs. There ’ s a 3000 -series and 2000-se ries model for each of t hese unit s.
DADM/DSS Console DADM 76 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 DADM Digital a dd-o n Modules ( DADM) can be con nected t o bo th the 300 0- and 2000-s er ies telepho nes to pro vide ad ditional buttons.Th e 3000-ser ies telepho ne requir es a 300 0- series DADM; the 2000-s eries t elephone requ ires a 200 0-series DADM.
DADM/DSS Console DSS Consol e Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 77 DSS Console The Direc t St ation Sel ection (DSS) console operates alongside of a digi tal telepho ne to provide 60 additi onal buttons . The 3000-se ries telep hone requir es a 3000-s eries DSS; the 2000- series tele phone requi res a 2000 -series DSS.
DADM/DSS Console DSS Cons ole 78 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Calling a Station ➤ T o cal l a stati on ’ s extensi on from either a DSS console or a DADM, press th e DSS associa ted with t he stati on. A station cal l with a DSS button can be made on-h ook or of f-h ook, and with V oice First o r T one si gnaling.
DADM/DSS Console DSS Consol e Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 79 Call T ran sfer with Camp-o n Y ou can tran sfer a ca ll to a busy stat ion from ei ther a DSS console or an DADM. Use the DSS to t ransf er th e call , even t hough th e DSS LED a ssoci ated wit h the s tati on you are “ tr ansferr ing to ” is red.
DADM/DSS Console DSS Cons ole 80 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Paging Y ou can make an a nnounceme nt page to a group of telephone speakers selected in system pr ogramming wit h $OO&DOO3DJH on the DSS con sole. 6' (if pr ogrammed) on eithe r the DSS con sole or the DADM can be used for page annou ncements.
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 81 Centrex Application A Y our system may be equipped with the Centr ex Applica tion, which enhances its featur e capabilit y when instal led behind a Centrex o r PBX system.
Centrex Applicat ion Delayed Rin gi n g 82 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Delayed Ringing Outside line or Cen trex lin e(s) can be programmed for a 12-s econd and/o r 24-seco nd ring del ay at st ations t o permit al ternate answering condition s.
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 83 Button Labels B All Flex ibl e Buttons must be pr ogr ammed f or your t el epho ne in syst em programmin g and vary for in dividual telephone s. If a but ton does no t appear o n your d isplay or telepho ne keystr ip label, see you r CTX System Admini strator for butt on assign ments.
Button Labels Delayed Rin gi n g 84 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 Call Forward-No Answer – Press to forward c alls to a nother st atio n or voice ma il devic e when you r st ation is not answ ered af ter 8~60 se conds (s et at your st ation).
Button Labels Del ayed R ingi ng Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05/02 85 Pause/Resum e – Press to p ause or resume rec ording a c onversati on to a vo ice mailbo x or whe n playing back th e recordin g. Record to V oice Mail – Press to record curre nt con versatio n to voic e mailbo x.
Button Labels Delayed Rin gi n g 86 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02.
Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05 /02 87 Index A aban done d call n u mbe rs (see C all History ), 32 about th is book conventi ons, viii how to use this gu ide, vi ii organiz ation, vi i .
Index D ~ L 88 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 call tr ansfe r, 13 call w aitin g, 35 , 43 centr ex applica tion, 81 featur e buttons , 81 change pa ss code, 29 CO line que uing, 36 co.
Ind ex M ~ S Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T el ephone 05 /02 89 LCR dialin g out, 70 LED indica tors, 73 line access, 7 auto matic sel ectio n, 8 buttons , 7 ringin g prefe rence, 8 M message wai ti.
Index T ~ V 90 Strata CTX DKT3000/2000-Series T elephone 05/02 star t a pplic ation , 72 system sp eed dial, 59 T tone ⁄ pu lse dial ing, 50 tone si gnaling, 8 trans fer, 13 travel ling cla ss overr.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Toshiba DKT3000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Toshiba DKT3000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Toshiba DKT3000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Toshiba DKT3000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Toshiba DKT3000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Toshiba DKT3000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Toshiba DKT3000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Toshiba DKT3000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Toshiba DKT3000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.