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User Manual Software version F1 D13357.01 This document is not to be repr oduced in whole or in part without pe rmission in w riting from:.
ii Table Of Conte nts User Manual ............................. ................................ ................................ ................................ . 1 Trademark s and Copyright ............................. ............................
Table Of Contents iii 3.12.3 Term inal Names .............. ................................. ................................ ..................... 49 3.12.4 Chair Contro l ........... ................................. ...............................
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual iv 4.5.5 Audio Lev eling (AGC) .................................... ................................ .......................... 83 4.5.6 Alert Tones a nd Volu me .................................... ....................
1 T rademarks and Copyright All rights reserv ed. This do cument contains inform ation that is proprie tary to TAN DBERG. No part of this publica tion m ay be reproduced, stored in a retrie val system.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 2 Environment al Issues Thank you for buying a product, which contrib utes to a reducti on in pollutio n, and thereb y helps save the en vironm ent. Our products r educe the n eed for travel an d transport and thereby reduce p ollution.
User Manual 3 Operator Safety Summary For your protect ion, please read th ese safet y instructions c ompletel y before operating the equipment and k eep this m anual for f uture reference. The inform ation in this summ ary is intended for opera tors.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 4 Servicing - Do not attem pt to service the ap paratus yourself as opening or rem oving covers m ay expose you to dang erous voltages or other ha zards, and wil l void the warrant y. Refer all servicin g to qualified serv ice personne l.
5 1 Introduction The T ANDBERG 3000 MX P system off ers superior audio and video qua lity in a f ully featured unit. MXP stands f or Media Experience and indicates t he new T ANDBERG platfor m . Main F eatures: Supports videoconf erencin g via both IP and ISDN net works .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 6 1.1 At a Glance Camera The Main Cam era is m ounted on top of the m onitor. The Main Cam era incl udes a high qualit y color cam era with a fast pa n/tilt/zoom action. The Main Cam era is c ontrolled b y the system ’ s infra-red rem ote control and op erates pan/til t, focus a nd zoom.
1 Introduction 7 Remote Control The remote control is used to control all funct ions of the s ystem. If the screen saver is activated (black monitor), touchi ng the rem ote control will a utomaticall y wake up the s ystem. The remote control uses 4 AAA b atteries.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 8 1.2 Menu Structure The menu struc ture is divided in t wo. The Main Menu is available for al l users and contains all functionalit y of the system. T he Administrator M enu contains al l the settings of the s ystem. Enter Administrat or Setting s from Main Menu - Control Panel.
1 Introduction 9.
10 2 Inst allation Precautions: Never install com m unication wiring during a lightning s torm . Never install jac ks for comm unication cables in wet lo cations unless the jack is specificall y designed for wet locat ions.
2 Installation 11 2.1 Unpacking and Mounting Unpacking To avoid dam age to the uni t during transporta tion the s ystem is deliv ered as separ ate components: Cabinet Top plate ( when using two monitors) High quality m onitor (one o r two, depend ing on config uration).
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 12 2.2 Connecting Cables Connect cables as shown on the figure belo w:.
2 Installation 13 2.3 Monitor Configuration Power on Power on the m onitor and use the monitor rem ote control to select the Audio/V ideo input used (refer to your monitor manu al). If you are us ing S-video f rom the s ystem, rem ember to select S-Video input to avoid a black and white pictur e.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 14 2.4 System Configuration The s y stem must be config ured for each installation. C onfiguratio n settings can be m ade via the system menu. Navigate throug h the m enu system using the arr ow keys and O K. Rem ember to pres s the Save button on th e bottom of each m enu to save your changes.
2 Installation 15 6. Screen Settings W hen using wide screen (16:9) m onitors, set T V Monitor Form at to W ide (16:9). TANDBERG also rec omm ends setting Pictur e La yout to Picture outside Picture when using 16:9 m onitors. Picture outside P icture provides a displa y layout optimized for wid e screen m onitors.
16 3 General Use Wake up the system W hen the system is not in use, it is in standb y mode and the s creens are bl ack . Wake up the system by picking up the re mote control. An i ncom ing call or pressing any ke y on the rem ote will also wake up the s ystem.
3 General Use 17 3.1 The Welcome Screen W hen the system is switched o n, you will see the welc om e screen. The welcom e screen presents the Main Menu an d displays your M ain Cam era image in the bac kground (Main Camera is s ystem default). Your dial in num bers and system nam e are displayed in the upper right corner.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 18 3.2 Using the Remote Control The s y stem is controlled with a remote contro l. Think of the remote control as a mobile pho ne with number k e y s and call ke ys.
3 General Use 19 3.2.1 Navigation Arrow keys and O K Navigate in the m enu with ar row ke ys. The yellow selector on sc reen shows the selecte d item . Press OK to select. Cancel key In the m ain menu, pressing Cance l (X) will h ide the m enu. If the menu is hidden, bring it back with OK.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 20 How to use Layout with Picture in Picture: 1. Press La yout once to bring up a picture i n picture. 2. Press La yout three mor e times to m ove it around in the corners of the screen . 3. The fourth tim e you press La yout, it will disappear.
3 General Use 21 Example of Side b y Side 3.2.4 Mic Off To mute your microphone dur ing a call, press Mic off. An on- screen ind icator appears when the microphone is of f. In a c all, if audio is detec ted, the on-sc reen s ymbol will start to flash.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 22 3.2.6 Number and Letter keys Pressing a num ber ke y when you are outsid e a call will tak e you to the ca ll menu. W hen you are in a call, the num ber k eys are used for Cam era Presets. Pres s a num ber and you go to the corresponding Cam era Preset (see chapt er 3.
3 General Use 23 3.3 On Screen Indicators The system has a number of icon s signaling dif feren t settings: Volume Off This indicator is sho wn whe n the volume is turn ed off. Pres s Volum e + to turn the volum e back on. Microph one Off This indicator is sho wn whe n the m icrophone is turned off.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 24 3.4 Using the Menu Main menu out side a call and in a call. The menu is the Int erface you will use to contr ol the s ystem . The main m enu contains: Make a Call, Sta ndby, Pho ne Book, Mo ve Cam era, Presentation, MultiS ite Services and Control Panel.
3 General Use 25 3.5 Make a Call To mak e a call, choose Ma ke a Call from the m ain menu. If you are alr eady in a call, c hoose Add another Cal l from the main menu to ca ll another partici pant (if your system has MultiSite capabilities). Press ing the gr een ke y on the remote has the same ef fect as pr essing the green button in the m enu.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 26 3.5.2 Telephone Call The T ANDBERG system has great audio- as wel l as video perf orm ance. Use the s ystem both as a videophon e and a tele phone! How to make a telephone call: 1. Press the green k ey on the r emote or choos e Make a Call f rom the Main Men u to open the Call m enu.
3 General Use 27 2. Choose Add Vid eo Call or Add T elephone Ca ll from the menu line. An extra num ber field appears. Press the Ad d button until you have the desired num ber of participa nts (press Cancel insi de an em pty input field to d elete the field) .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 28 Call Type Call T ype can be set to Video Ca ll (default) or Telepho ne Call. Using Video, the s ystem will tr y to connect as a video call. So m e network configurations will cause th e fallback to a telephone ca ll to fail.
3 General Use 29 Type of calls* Auto: 384 k bps on ISDN/768 kbps on L AN Max: 512 k bps on ISDN- BRI 2Mbps (19 20 kbps, IP only) 1472 kbps = 23 B, IP onl y 1152 kbps = 18 B, IP onl y 768 kbps = 12 B, IP onl y 512 kbps = 8B 384 kbps = 6B 320 kbps = 5B 256 kbps = 4B 192 kbps = 3B 128 kbps = 2B, B onding/H .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 30 3.6 Answer an incoming Call You can receive c alls an ytim e, even when the s y stem is in standb y mode. But re m ember to switch the s ystem on using the On/O ff s witch located a t the rear of the s ystem as described in chapter 3 Gener al Use.
3 General Use 31 3.7 End Call The remote control works much like a m obile/cellular phone. Press End Call fr om the m ain menu or the red k ey on the r emote control. In the End Cal l dialog box, press End Call agai n. Press Cancel (x ) to continue the c all.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 32 3.8 Standby The s y stem will autom atically go to Standb y mode when it is not in use. You can als o choose Standby from the main m enu (outside a call) to put the s ystem to standb y. In standb y mode, the screen(s) are b lack.
3 General Use 33 End Do Not Distur b by press ing any key on the rem ote c ontrol. The indicat or will d isappear. 3.9 Phone Book The local Phone Book s tores up to 200 contacts including th e last num bers dialed. Usin g the Phone Book is tim e saving and m ak es sure you do not inadver tentl y call the wrong num ber.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 34 3.9.1 Global Phone Book If your system is connected to an external m anagemen t system like the TANDB ERG Management S uite (TMS), i t is possible to us e a centra l contact list f rom the m anagement system . These contacts ca n not be chang ed locall y by the s y stem , only from the managem ent system .
3 General Use 35 3.9.3 MultiSite (optional feature) It is possible to pr e-define MultiSite m eetings using th e phone book. You can hav e up to 6 video participants (including yourself) and 5 te lephone partici pants in a m eeting. Al l sites will then be connecte d autom atically instead of having to a dd sites one b y one.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 36 Bandwid th for a Mult iSite entry A MultiSite entr y will add the band widths from all the particip ants and tr y to connec t. If this bandwidth excee ds your s ystems m aximum bandwidth , the system will downspeed an d distribute the av ailable band width equall y on the participants .
3 General Use 37 3.9.4 Edit To edit a contact, highlight the cont act and press arrow left. Press arrow k ey down to select the Edit button. In the edit wind ow you can edi t Name, Cal l Type, Num ber, Network , Bandwidth and Res trict (56 k). Press O K to save.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 38 3.10 Move Camera There are sever al ways to move th e camera: Choose Move Cam era f rom the main m enu. Use the arrow ke ys to pan and tilt the camera. Press O K when done. W hen the menu is hidden, t he arrow ke ys will work on the cam era.
3 General Use 39 Example: You can not see w hat the far end is wr iting on their wh iteboard. Choose Move Cam era f rom the main m enu. Choose Far End from the dialog bo x. Use Zoom and arro w keys to m ove the far end camera. Pr ess OK when done to go b ack to normal.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 40 Saving Presets f or the T ANDBERG Tracker: (s ee se parate TANDBERG Track er instructions inc luded with the tr acker) : 1. Select which C amera Preset to be used on th e TAND BERG Track er. 2. Move the cam era to the pos ition you want to sa ve on the track er.
3 General Use 41 3.11 Presentation The Presentatio n Functionalit y in the s y stem enables you to show PC, D ocum ent Camer a, VCR, AUX and VNC in addition t o your Main Cam era. T his is perfect f or meetings where you would like to sho w a PowerPoint pr esentation f or instance.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 42 3.11.2 Presentation Menu The Presentatio n menu offers you all availab le video sourc es; Main Cam era, PC, Doc ument Camera, VCR, AUX and VNC. A ll these sourc es can be use d as Main Vide o or Present ation (Duo Video).
3 General Use 43 How to stop a Presentation ( Duo Video): 1. Choose Stop Presentation fr om the Presentat ion menu. 2. Press OK to stop t he prese ntation. 3.11.3 PC Presenter (DVI/XG A Input) (Optional feature) Users often ha ve their pres entations on a laptop that is brought into the m eeting room .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 44 VGA-formats supported on 'DVI-I i n'. (VESA com pliant) SVGA 800X600 60,72,75,8 5 Hz XGA 1024X768 60,70,7 5 Hz SXGA 1280x102 4 60 Hz 3.11.4 PC Soft Presenter and VNC (Optional feature) PC SoftPresenter is used to disp lay PC im ages on yo ur system without using a V GA cable (PC Presenter).
3 General Use 45 3.11.5 Duo VideoTF/H.239 (Optional feature) W ith Duo Video you have t he opportunit y to show two different live v ideo stream s simultaneousl y, main video and Duo Vide o. This is hand y when showin g a prese ntation. You see the live prese ntation and the live video of th e presenter s imultaneousl y.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 46 3.11.6 Take New Snapshot The s y stem can take a sna pshot of your li ve video. Sn apshot is hand y when you are in a call with a system that does not support Duo Video . Use S napshot to sho w a snapsho t of your presentation and c ontinue the m eeting with m ain cam era.
3 General Use 47 3.12 MultiSite Services A Multipoint Con trol Unit (M CU) enables s everal sites t o participate in t he same c onference. See chapter 3.5.3 Add Call f or how to m ake a MultiSite c all. In TANDBERG's em bedded MCU, MultiSite, you can ha ve a m aximum of 4 video- and 3 telephone-part icipants including yourself (the host).
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 48 View Participan t/End Vie w Chair Control If you take Chair c ontrol, you get the following ser vices: Release Chair Assign Floor To P ar.
3 General Use 49 Continuous Presen ce layout 4 spli t Advanced continuou s Precense L ayout (3+1) Voice Switched m ode 3.12.3 Terminal Names Choose Term inal Names to s ee a list of the p articipants of the mulitpoint conf erenc e. Press Cancel to go bac k.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 50 3.12.5 Assign Floor and Release Floor from Participant Assign Floor al lows the chairm an to select which of the c onference particip ants that is to be broadcasted to al l other par ticipants.
3 General Use 51 The MultiSite has s pecific num bers for eac h call that particip ates in the conf erence. To find the dial-in numbers for the MultiSite, ch oose Inf orm ation from the m ain menu and open S ystem Inform ation from the bottom menu line.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 52 By connecting Mu ltiSite s ystems together, it is p ossible to con nect even m ore sites in a cascaded MultiS ite (see ex ample below). All connections c an use an y combination of ISDN/IP. The hos t can con nect up to 5 ot her video s ystems with Multi Site function ality.
3 General Use 53 3.13 Control Panel The Cont rol Panel contai ns the features: User Guide Streaming Far End Control Camera Pres et Camera T racking Text Chat System Inform ation Administrator Settings Restart 3.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 54 3.13.2 Streaming Streaming lets you broadca st your m eeting to particip ants on web. T he web partici pants can listen to the m eeting, see snapsho ts, but not part icipate them selves. Sn apshots o f current stream (if MultiSite), selfview, far e nd and Duo Video stream s are acc essible via http.
3 General Use 55 Allow Remote Start On: Stream ing can be started f rom external user interfac es like the W eb-browser or Tel net session. Off: Streaming can onl y be started from the Video Conferencing S ystem using the rem ote contro l, or by us ing the Data port.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 56 Far End Cam era Presets wor ks just lik e your own camera pres ets. W hen Far End is on, use the num ber keys to activate f ar end cam era presets.
3 General Use 57 The cam era position stored at Preset 7 m ust be related to Microphone 1. T herefor e all participants who are located closes t to Mic1 sho uld be include d in the Prese t 7 cam era position etc. W hen cam era track ing is activated and a person close to Mic1 speak s, Preset 7 will be autom aticall y selected.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 58 3.13.7 System Information In System Inf ormation you find al l information abo ut the s ystem. The most u seful informati on for users is listed first: System.
59 4 Administrator Settings Administrator Sett ings cont ain all the settings of the s ystem. Making chan ges to Adm inistrator Settings will ch ange the behavior of the s ystem. It is recomm ended to pass word pr otect the access to Adm inistrator Settings t o prevent occas ional us ers from making cruc ial changes to the system , see chapter 4.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 60 4.1 General Settings W hen installing the s y stem , go through the Gen eral Settings menu to ensure that you ha ve the right settings f or your system , see chapter 2.
4 Administrator S ettings 61 4.1.2 System Name System Name ident ifies t he system: on the welcom e page. during an MCU c onference call. when using the W eb-interface. when the codec is acting as an SNMP Agent . towards a DHC P server.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 62 4.1.5 Max Call Length This feature will a utomatica lly end both incom ing and o utgoing cal ls when the cal l time exceeds the spec ified Max Cal l Length. Max Ca ll Leng th can have the f ollowing valu es: 0-999 (minutes), wher e 0 means off.
4 Administrator S ettings 63 Far End Control On The far end will be able to: • Control your camer a • Select your video sources • Activate your camera presets • Request snaps hots Off The far end can acc ess none of the four f eatures above on the local s ystem.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 64 (POP) view. Pressing the La yout button on the rem ote will result in one large im age and one or two s m aller pictures placed outsid e the big picture. Press Layout once m ore to get a side b y side view. Pres s Layout ag ain to go back to norm al full screen vie w.
4 Administrator S ettings 65 VGA Mo nitor Format To fully leverage your wide s creen displa y, activate the Native 16:9 form at by setting the VG A Monitor Form at to W ide. Note that you should only change th is setting if your VGA m onitor is a wide screen (1 6:9) monitor or projector.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 66 Auto VGA output form at will be optim ized dependant of the video so urce format, ref resh and of the EDID i nformation avail able.
4 Administrator S ettings 67 4.1.9 Software Options The s y stem requires a valid option ke y to activate Multi Site and/or Present er functi onality. In order to activate ad ditional bandwidth, you need to ent er a bandwidt h ke y. A restart of the system is required after enter ing a new option and/or band width ke ys.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 68 4.2 Menu Settings Menu Settings contain the sett ings: Menu Tim eout In Call W elcome Menu W elcome Picture Logo Menu on TV Menu on PC Display W elcome T ext W elcome Text Administrator Password 4.
4 Administrator S ettings 69 4.2.2 Welcome Menu The W elcome Menu contains the Main Menu, S ystem Stat us, your S ystem Nam e and dial in numbers . On The W elcome Menu is sho wn when the s ystem wakes up from standby mode. Off The W elcome Menu is not s hown when the s ystem wak es up fr om standby mode.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 70 4.2.5 Menu on TV The Menu on T V setting dec ides if the m enu shall be displa yed on the T V screen or not. For optimal layout of the menu, 'Menu on T V' should be Of f if 'Menu on PC' is On and vice versa.
4 Administrator S ettings 71 4.2.9 Administrator Pass w ord It is recomm ended to put a n Administrator P assword o n the system . The Adm inistrator Password can be m axim um 5 digits long. T he Administr ator Password di alog box will pop up when you choos e Adm inistrator Settings fr om the Contr ol Panel.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 72 4.3 Presentation Settings Presentation Settings cont ain: Presentation Start H.239 Startup Video Source Presentation Sourc e Snapshot Sourc e Auto-Displa y Snapshot PIP Appearance PIP Placing VNC Settings 4.
4 Administrator S ettings 73 Manu al W hen starting a presentation, a dialog box app ears asking if you want to s tart Duo Video. In this way you can choose m anually if you want to use Duo V ideo or not. 4.3.2 H.239 H.239 supports transm ission of two video stre am s.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 74 You can change the Snaps hot Source to a ny video so urce. In this way you can program the snapshot ke y to apply onl y for PC for instance. Press Sna pshot and you will take a PC snapshot regard less of what video source that is currentl y active.
4 Administrator S ettings 75 Top Left PIP is placed in the Top Left c orner. 4.3.9 VNC Settings VNC Settings is neces sar y when using a VNC presentatio n. See chapter 3.11.4 PC Sof t Presenter and VN C for m ore about how to use VNC. Address The IP-address of the PC with the VNC software installed.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 76 4.4 Call Quality Call Quality contain s the settings: Video Algorithm Audio Algorithm AAC-LD 128k bps Natural Video Video Qualit y Default Call Sett ings 4.
4 Administrator S ettings 77 4.4.2 Audio Algorithm The s y stem will autom atically select the bes t audio alg orithm based o n the call rate an d the capabilities of the remote system .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 78 4.4.3 AAC-LD 128kbps (stereo audio) Specify a call rat e for 128kbps AAC-LD. From this call r ate and above, "1 28kbps AAC-LD " is available. On lower call rates "64k bps AAC-LD " is availabl e. Stereo audio req uires twice the bandwidth as m ono CD-quality audio.
4 Administrator S ettings 79 4.4.6 Default Call Settings Default Call Sett ings are co nnected with C all Settings i n the call m enu. If you leave Call Settings unchange d when m aking a call, the s ystem will use t he Default Cal l Settings in the call.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 80 4.5 Audio Audio contains the settings: Inputs Outputs Echo Control Stereo Settings Audio Leveling (AGC ) Alert Tones and Volume 4.5.1 Inputs Mic 1- 2 and Audio input 3-4 By default, all in puts are enabled.
4 Administrator S ettings 81 Mix Mode Auto The adjustm ent of each m icrophone signal is d one autom aticall y to obtain the best possible au dio and m inimize the back ground nois e. Fixed Fixed will m aintain a consta nt weighting of al l micropho nes.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 82 If Out 1 Mode is set to Auto , the system will select anal og or digital (S PDIF) m ode dependent on the detected A udio Module. If a TANDB ERG Digital NAM is d etected, SPDIF m ode w ill be selected, other wise analog mode will be se lected.
4 Administrator S ettings 83 Place all m icrophones as f ar as possible fr om the loudspeak er. Minim um loudspeaker-m icrophone dis tance should be 2 meters . It is recomm ended to place the micr ophones between 1 and 2 m eters awa y from the persons speak ing.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 84 Example: In most c onferences, the particip ants will spe ak at different levels, and be at different distances from the microphones.
4 Administrator S ettings 85 4.6 Video Video contains th e settings: Camera T racking Mode MCU Status Line Floor to Full Scr een W eb Snapshots MultiSite Picture Mode Picture Control Video Nam e 4.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 86 4.6.2 MCU Status Line On The MultiSite/MCU/ DuoVid eo indicators will be displa yed and prov ide inform ation about the conf erence. Off The MultiSite/MCU/ DuoVid eo indicators will not be dis played. Auto The MultiSite/MCU/ DuoVid eo indicators will be displa yed for a few s econds and then tim ed out.
4 Administrator S ettings 87 4.6.5 MultiSite Picture Mode MultiSite Picture Mode deci des the defau lt layout of a m ultipoint call. Choose between the layouts: Auto Split, Voice S witched, 4 Spli t and 3 +1 S plit. You can cha nge the layout dur ing a call using the la yout option in Mult ipoint Serv ices.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 88 4.6.6 Picture Control Focus, Brightnes s and W hite balance are set for auto focus , auto brightness and auto white balance b y default. If you need t o set focus, bri ghtness and w hite balance m anually, go to Picture Control in Video Se ttings.
4 Administrator S ettings 89 4.7 Security Security contain s the setting s: Encryption Encryption Mode Passwords 4.7.1 Encryption (Countr y specific) Auto The s y stem will try to set u p calls using encr yption. Point to point cal ls: If the fa r end system supports encr yption (AES or DE S), the call will be encr ypted.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 90 On The s y stem will onl y send and receive encr ypted data. T he call will not b e established if not all participants sup port encr yption.
4 Administrator S ettings 91 4.8 Network The netw ork menu contain : ISDN-BRI Settings LAN Settings Network Prof iles Data Port 4.8.1 ISDN-BRI Settings To make sure you r system w ill work properly usin g ISDN-BRI , make the foll ow ing settings: 1.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 92 Example: Numbers SPIDS ISDN BRI 1: 67838498 67838498 016783849800 016783849810 ISDN BRI 2: 23478060 23478070 012347806000 012347807000 ISDN BRI 3: 23478420 23478430 012347842000 012347843000 ISDN BRI 4: 23478520 23478530 012347852000 012347853000 4.
4 Administrator S ettings 93 Sending Complet e On The s y stem will send the ISDN mes sage information elem ent Sending Com plete. Off The s y stem will not send Send ing Com plete. 4.8.2 LAN Settings LAN Settings con tain: IP Settings H.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 94 Ethernet Speed Auto The codec will auto-detect the spe ed/duplex o n the LAN. 10/Half The codec will co nnect to the L AN using 10 Mbps spe ed/Half Duplex. 10/Full 10 Mbps speed/Fu ll Duplex . 100/Half 100 Mbps speed/ Half Duplex .
4 Administrator S ettings 95 Manu al The system will use a s pecific gatek eeper identified b y Gatek eeper IP-address . 4 Gate keeper IP-address This is the gatek eeper IP-addr ess that is use d if you s pecify H.323 Cal l Setup: Gatek eeper and Gatekeeper D iscover y: Manual.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 96 RSVP Auto Res ource Reser vation Prot ocol enables t he system s to request the opt imal amount of band width for th e duration of an I P videoconf erence. Off Resource Reser vation Prot ocol is switche d off. QoS Type Off No QoS is used.
4 Administrator S ettings 97 Diffserv Video Used to define which priority Aud io, Video, Dat a and Signa ling pack ets should have in an IP network. T he priority ranges from 0 to 63 for each type of pack ets. Diffserv T elephony Used to define which priority Aud io pack ets should hav e in an IP net work for telephone calls.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 98 Using the three last profiles you can enter the nam e of a profile, pref ix and net work selection. This is usef ul if you have a f ixed prefix f or your service prov ider.
4 Administrator S ettings 99 4.9 Diagnostics Diagnostics allo ws testing of individual s ystem com ponents and disp lays the current s ystem settings. Diagnostics cont ain: System Inform ation .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 100 Comprehensive i nformation about the call is available t hrough the Ca ll Status wind ow. The menu has two co lumns , one for transm itted and one for r eceived audio/video /data inform ation. If Duo Video or Multi Site is used, pr essing the UP/DOW N keys will show one page per connecte d site.
4 Administrator S ettings 101 Red alarm or Loss of signal (LO S) means that t here is no signa l and thus no fr aming inf o received (this has sam e ef fect as pulling out the PRI cable) .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 102 Screen Settings TV Monitor Form at Picture La yout VGA Monitor Form at VGA Out Qualit y PC Picture Form at Allow VGA 50Hz Software Op tions Options Installed Hardwa.
4 Administrator S ettings 103 Audio4 Audio Leveling ( AGC) Mic1-3, Audio4 Audio5 (AUX) Audio6 (VCR) Received Audio Alert Tones & Volume Video Call Alert T one Telephone Alert Tone Alert Speaker Ke.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 104 NSF Code Telepho ne Call Leased E1/T1 Set tings Call Control Network Interf ace Max Channels Start Channels T1 Line Coding Line Settings External netw ork configu ration Call Control RS 66 RS449/V.35 Com patible IP Settings IP assignm ent IP address IP subnet m ask Gateway Ethernet Speed H.
4 Administrator S ettings 105 Parity Databits Stopbits Mode 4.9.6 Restore Default Settings Restore Def ault Settings will restore all adm inistrator s ettings. Note that t his will not af fect your Call Director y inform ation, Network T y pe, Line S etup num bers or your SPID num bers.
106 5 Peripheral Equipment Using the option al peripheral d evices outline d in this chapt er and the m any others avai lable, you will be able to build your own applications f or use with the s ystem , thereby better integrating the s ystem into your business en vironm ent.
5 Peripheral Equi pment 107 5.1 Interfaces 5 Video Inputs 1 video input used b y the camera. 1 video input supp orting S-Video t hrough a M ini-DIN c onnector. 2 video inputs s upporting com posite signals thro ugh RCA con nectors.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 108 5.2 Document Camera A document cam era can be us ed for show ing text, diag rams and a vari ety of graphical material as well as sm all three-dimens ional objects. How to use a document cam era wit h your system: 1.
5 Peripheral Equi pment 109 5.3 Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) VCR/DVD - Pla yback Mono For playback , connect a cable between Vide o Out on the VCR a nd Video In ( VCR) on the system . Connect a cable bet ween Audio Ou t on the VCR an d the Audio I n (VCR) on the system .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 110 5.4 Telephone Add-On The s y stem have a built in aud io bridge* that c an bring in Vo ice over IP (V oIP) telephon y or normal telephone s ites usin g ISDN.
5 Peripheral Equi pment 111 5.5 Additional Cameras Extra fixed Came ras You can connect extr a fixed c ameras to your system , for example, a whitebo ard cam era. Connect the vide o output of the additional cam era to one of the available V ideo inputs on the system .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 112 5.6 Additional Microphones If your environm ent is such that you require m ore than one microphon e for your ro om , e.g. you have a white board at a distance fr om your table m icrophone; it is poss ible to c onnect additional m icrophones to your system .
5 Peripheral Equi pment 113 5.7 Web Interface It is possible to ac cess and m aintain the s ystem rem otely via a local area net work (LAN) using a standard W eb-br owser. Connect your system to a L AN with a Net work cable. How to configure your system f or web int erface: 1.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 114 5.8 Dual Monitor It is possible to insta ll the system in a Dual Mo nitor conf iguration. The D ual Monit or can be used to show ful l screen self view, still im ages and Duo Video. To use the s ystem in the Dual Mo nitor configuratio n: 1.
5 Peripheral Equi pment 115 5.9 XGA Monitors and Projectors (Optional) The s y stem can be delivere d with optiona l single or du al TV/XGA m onitors. It can also be connected to an y DVI/VGA/PA L or NTSC displ ay. Note that the un it supports VESA Displa y Power Mana gement on the D VI/VGA ou tput (see chapter 5.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 116 5.10 VESA Display Power Management Because of the trem endous am ount of energ y consumed b y monitors when operating, th e system will reduce power c onsum ption and extend m onitor lifecycle b y suspend (s witch off) monitors and projec tors wh en the s ystem goes into s leep/standb y.
5 Peripheral Equi pment 117 5.11 Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) Extended Disp lay Identification Dat a (EDID) is a VESA s tandard data f orm at that will allow the system to communicate i.
118 6 Appendix Appendixes: Appendix 1: Con necting th e system to ISDN using NT 1 network adapters Appendix 2: Con necting th e system to the Switched 5 6 network Appendix 3: Con .
6 Appendix 119 6.1 Appendix 1 Connecting the s ystem to ISDN using NT1 ne twork adapters Connecting Connect the f irst ISDN cable f rom ISDN 1 on th e system to the S-interface on your first NT1 network adapter. Conn ect the other ISDN cables t o the appropri ate NT 1 network adapters .
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 120 6.2 Appendix 2 Connecting the s ystem to the S w itched 56 network Using Teles ync TS-256 S W56/ISDN adapte r Connecting the s ystem to t he SW56 net work using a Teles ync Adapter is descr ibed below. There are diff erent Teles ync Adapters f or different con figurations of SW 56 networks.
6 Appendix 121 6.3 Appendix 3 Connecting the s ystem to PRI/T 1 Using CSU adapte r Connecting the s ystem to t he ISDN network via the E1/T1- interface using an Adtran T 1 ESF CSU ACE or e quivale nt CSU, will allo w up to 1.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 122 6.4 Appendix 4 Environmental considerations This section exp lains how t o carry out basic adjustm ents and simple tes ts to ensure that you send and receiv e the best possible im age and audio q ualit y when using your s ystem .
6 Appendix 123 6.5 Appendix 5 Guidelines fo r setting up v ideoconferencing rooms The following ar e a set of g uidelines to cons ider when either building a videoconfe rencing room, or us ing an existing room for videoconf erencing. Lighting: Low Contrast des ired for light intensity.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 124 The micr ophone should be placed at the front of the table to e nsure that al l speech will be detected. The best position for the m icrophone is at le ast 2 meters (6.5 feet) in front of th e system on a plain, flat table with at least 0.
6 Appendix 125 6.6 Appendix 6 Using the file s ystem It is possible to ac cess a file system w ithin the T ANDBERG system by using ft p: DOS- window: ftp <IP-address of system >, or W eb- browser: ftp:// <IP-addres s of s ystem> Description of t he different files: all.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 126 Enter pass word: <Release Key of far end s ystem > Go to the rem ote folder, t ype “ cd remote ” Upload the soft ware file, t ype put <s0xxx g> W ait until the following is sho wn: 226 Closing data connection.
6 Appendix 127 6.7 Appendix 7 Securit y The s y stem has several fea tures both to protec t from unauthorized us e and s ystem access: Access Code: W hen Access Code is enabled, th e user will be as ked to enter a n access c ode bef ore he/she is able to m ake a call.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 128 To rem ove this password, use the comm and: "ippassword ” . From telnet, this is onl y possible by first entering th e correct password. Services The diff erent IP services on the s ystem - FTP, Telnet, T elnet Challenge, HT TP, HTT PS, SNMP and H.
6 Appendix 129 The T ANDBERG AES impl ementation is validated as conform ing to the Advanced Encr yption Standard (AES) A lgorithm, as specified in F ederal Inform ation Process ing Standa rd Publication 197, Advanced Encryption Stan dard, by The Nation al Institute of Standards an d Technolog y (NIST).
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 130 6.8 Appendix 8 (Not for set top s ystems ) Pinouts and Co nnectors WAVE II Camera: 8-PIN RJ (shielded m odular jack) : This connector is use d for t he power and co ntrol signal s to the main cam era.
6 Appendix 131 Multiple Camera sup port: The figure belo w is an exa mple of how m ultiple cam eras should be connec ted: Ethernet: To connect the s ystem to a LAN, use the Ethernet cabl e provided b y TANDBERG (or a standard Etherne t cable). If no L AN is availabl e and the codec is connected d irectly to a computer, use a c rossover c able.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 132 To connect the s ystem to P RI, use the ISDN ca ble provided by TANDB ERG (or a standard PRI cable). The pinout of the E 1/T1 interf ace is: Pin-1 TIP RX Pin-2 RING.
6 Appendix 133 6.9 Appendix 9 Cisco CallMana ger regis tration Configuring an H .323 client on t he CallManag er 4.0 The registration of a H.323 client in CallMan ager is sup ported on the Cal lManager (CCM) 4.0 software and for ward. 1. To conf igure the CallManager with an H.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 134 6.10 Appendix 10 Diagnostic Tool s for IP To use these tools, will req uire using a PC and setting up a telnet s ession toward s the system . Q.931 To show Q.931 tr ace during a ca ll you need t o issue the c omm and ‘ syslog on ’ .
6 Appendix 135 (*) Note: W hile using MultiS ite, if a site is d isconnected and reconnected without te rminating the entire confer ence, the n ext site to be c onnected wi ll have a H.245 p ort outside of the specified range. If this funct ionality is req uired through a firewall, t he range of TCP ports can be extended pas t 5564.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 136 6.11 Appendix 11 Declaration of C onformit y Contact your T ANDBERG r epresentative f or a Declara tion of Conf orm ity.
137 Glossary # 199 AV1: Externa l input for the T ANDBERG/LO EW E monitor. 2nd monitor: T he second m onitor of your videoconferenc ing system . The second m onitor is normally placed o n the righ t side of the f irst m onitor.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 138 Call control Data T riggere d: Uses Tx Data, RxData and clock signals on ly. Use Data Triggered when no handshak e signal is avail able. Call control Lea sed Line: Is a non-dialing protoc ol and s hould be used when t wo systems are connected in a point-to- point connecti on.
Glossary 139 Disconnect site: As a Cha irman, you get the option Di sconnect site. Disc onnect s ite allows you to disconnec t any partic ipant in the confer ence. Do Not Disturb: W hen Do Not Disturb is acti ve the s ystem will not accept an y incoming calls.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 140 Gateway: T he gatewa y enables sites on IP and sites on I SDN to particip ate in meetings with each other. Global Phone Boo k: A phone book provided b y TMS. H H.261: Video algori thm for legacy video com pression and d ecom pression.
Glossary 141 Modem mod e: (Dataport) Supports external co ntrol of the s ystem via a PC as in Contro l Mode. Once a c all is establis hed, Dataport 1 will autom atically switch to D ata mod e. W hen the call disconnects, Datap ort 1 switches b ack to Control Mode.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 142 Parallel dial: Chan nels will be dialed and con nected in paralle l when setti ng up a bonding call. PC PresenterTF : An easil y accessible PC connec tion plug. W hen connected the PC im age is displayed on the m onitor.
Glossary 143 SNMP traps: Gen erated by th e agent to inf orm the manager about im portant events. SoftMux: Ensur es high reliabilit y and includ es the uni que Downspeed ing feature.
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 144 TM S: TANDBERG Managem ent Suite Touch T ones: To dial extension numbers ect. during a cal l, use touch ton es in order to get tones instead of pr eset on the n umber k eys. Tracker: The track er is a sm all infrared rem ote control de vice made to steer th e cam era to any desired locat ion within the room.
145 Index A Access Code ......................................... .. 62 Add Another Ca ll................................... .. 26 Administrator Pass word ..........................70 Alert Tones and Vo lume .........................84 Allowance .....
TANDBERG 300 0 MXP User Man ual 146 Volume + and - ................................. ...... 21 W W AVE-camera ............................. ............. 6 W eb Snapshots ................................... ... 86 W elcome menu .......................
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Tandberg Data 3000MXP (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Tandberg Data 3000MXP noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Tandberg Data 3000MXP - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Tandberg Data 3000MXP reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Tandberg Data 3000MXP erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Tandberg Data 3000MXP besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Tandberg Data 3000MXP verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Tandberg Data 3000MXP. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Tandberg Data 3000MXP gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.