Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 009 des Produzenten Stihl
Zur Seite of 53
Instruction Ma nual Warning! To reduce the risk of kickback injury use STIHL reduced kickback bar and STIHL PM 1 (3/8" Picco), RM 2 (0.3 25") or PM 2 (3/8") chain depending on sprocket pit ch or other available low kickback components.
continued on the back inside cover A. A Summary of W arnings on kickbac k and oth er Select ed Risks – T aken Primarily f rom ANSI B 175. 1 (See al so “Safety Precautions“ sect ion of this Owner.
Part s of t he Ch ain S aw 2 Safet y Prec auti ons 4 - The Ope rator 4 - The Saw 6 - The Use of t he Sa w 6 - Mainte nanc e, Repa ir and Storin g 23 Mount ing the Bar an d Chain 25 Fuel 28 Fuel ing 28.
1 = Spar k plug boot 2 = Chain brake 3 = Oilom atic s aw chain 4 = Guide bar 5 = Chain tensi oner 6 = Chain catch er 7 = Chain sprock et 8 = Chain spro cket cov er 9 = Bumpe r spi ke 10 = M uffler 11 .
6SDUN3O XJ%RRW Conn ects t he spa rk pl ug with the igni tion w ire. &KDLQ %UDNH A devi ce t o stop the rotati on of the chain if activat ed in a kick back situat ion by the op erato r ’ s ha nd or by i nerti a.
The us e of any c hainsa w may be haz ardou s. The saw chai n has ma ny sharp cu tters . If the cutt ers cont act yo ur flesh, they will cut y ou, even if th e chai n is not moving .
reduc e the ha nd ’ s abil ity to feel and regul ate temp eratu re, pr oduce nu mb- ness and b urnin g sens atio ns and may caus e ner ve and circ ulat ion da mage and tiss ue nec ros is.
Wear an approved safety hard hat to protect your head. Chainsaw noise may damage your hearing. Always wear so und barriers (ear plugs or ear muf flers) to prote ct y our h earin g. Co ntinua l an d regul ar user s sho uld have their he aring checke d regul arly.
STIHL Oil omatic chain , guide ba r and sprock et must ma tch ea ch other in gaug e and pitc h. Befor e re placin g an y bar and c hain , see the se ctio ns on “ Spec ificat ions ” , " K i c k b a c k " a n d t h e " A N S I B 1 7 5 .
To d o this wi th thi s S TIHL cap, ra ise th e grip on the top of the cap un til it is up- right at a 90 ° an gle. Ins ert the cap an d the fu el tank openin g with the triangul ar marks on the grip of the cap and on the fuel tank op ening li ning up.
:DUQLQ J Be sur e that the guide bar and chai n are clear of you and al l other obstru ctions and ob ject s, inc ludi ng the grou nd. Wh en the engi ne is st arted , the en gine spe ed with t h.
elim inated , th e oper ator and a ny b y- stande rs shou ld alwa ys wear a respi rator appro ved by NI OSH / M SHA for the type subs tance at issue . :DUQLQ J Brea thing as best os dus t is dange rous and can ca use se vere or fatal in jury, re- spirat ory ill ness o r cance r.
&XWWLQJ ,QVWUXFWL RQV Grip : Always hold th e saw fir mly with bot h hands whe n the en gine is run ning. Place yo ur left hand on fron t handle bar and your right hand on rear hand le and thrott le t rigger. Left -handers s hould foll ow thes e instr uction s too.
Posit ion th e chains aw in s uch a way that your bo dy is cl ear of th e cuttin g attach - ment wh enev er the en gine is r unni ng. Stan d to t he lef t of cut while buck ing.
It ma y also occ ur durin g limbin g. The gre ater th e force of the ki ckback reacti on, the mo re diff icult it becomes for the op era tor t o cont rol t he s aw.
'HYLFH VIRUUHG XFLQ JWKHUL VNR I NLFNED FNL QMXU STIHL recommends the use of the S TIHL Quic kstop ch ain bra ke on your po wer- head w ith gree n labe led reduc ed k ick- back ba rs and lo w kickbac k chains .
:DUQLQ J An impr oper ly mai ntaine d chai n brake may i ncrea se the tim e need ed t o st op the ch ain after act ivatio n, o r may not acti vate a t al l. :DUQLQ J Neve r run the chai nsaw ab ove idle speed fo r more than 3 seco nds whe n the chai n bra ke is enga ged or the chai n is pinc hed or othe rwise ca ught in the cut.
/RZ NL FNEDFN FKD LQ Some ty pes of saw chai n have s pecial ly design ed c ompo nents to re duce the force of nose co ntact ki ckback . STIHL has deve lope d low kic kbac k chain fo r your po werh ead. “ L ow kick back saw chain ” is a chain whic h has met th e kick back perf orman ce r e q u i r e m e n ts o f § 5 .
$ 3XO O L Q Pull- in occu rs whe n the ch ain on the bottom of the ba r is sudd enly stopp ed when it is pinc hed, cau ght or en coun ters a fore ign object in the woo d. T he reac tion of th e chain pu lls the sa w forwa rd and may caus e the op erato r to lose c ontrol.
)HOOLQ J,Q VWUX FWL RQV Whe n fellin g, main tain a di stan ce of at leas t 2 1 / 2 tree le ngths fro m the neare st perso n. When fe llin g in the vic inity of roads, railw ays and po wer lines, etc., take extra preca utio ns. Info rm th e police , util ity compan y or rai lway au thori ty before begi nning to cut.
*XQQLQ JVL JKW When makin g the fell ing no tch, use the gunnin g si ght on the shro ud a nd hou sing to ch eck the req uired directio n of fal l: • Posi tion the s aw so tha t the gunnin g sigh t poin ts exac tly in th e direct ion yo u want the tre e to fall.
0DNLQJ VDS ZRRGFX WV • For medi um si zed o r lar ger tre es make cu ts at both sides of the tru nk, • at sam e he ight a s su bseque nt fellin g cut. • Cut to no more than wi dth of gui de bar. This is es peci ally imp ortan t in s oft wood in summer - it he lps pre vent sapw ood sp lint ering w hen t he t ree falls.
:DUQLQ J Be e xtremel y ca reful with part ially fall en tree s which are poorly su pport ed. When th e tree hang s or for some ot her reaso n does not fall co mple tely, se t the saw aside and pu ll t he tr ee down with a cable w inch , block an d tack le or trac tor .
First , cut a la rge, wid e fell ing notc h. Make a pl unge cut in the ce nter of the notc h. The pl unge cut is ma de wi th t he gui de bar n ose. Begi n th e plun ge c ut by applyi ng t he low er p ortio n of t he gui de bar nose to the tre e at an angl e.
2. C ut only on e log at a time. 3. Shatte red wo od sho uld be cut very care full y. Sh arp s live rs of w ood m ay be caught and flung in the di r ec t i o n of th e operato r of the sa w. 4. Whe n cuttin g smal l logs, pl ace log thro ugh “V” - shape d support s on top of a s awhorse.
changi ng the saw chai n or clea ning the saw. Do no t attemp t any ma intena nce or repair work not descri bed in your Owner ’ s Manu al. Hav e such wo rk perfo r- med at you r ST IHL s ervic e sh op onl y.
0RXQWLQJWKH%DU DQG&KD LQ Chain brake disengaged Top: Unscrewing collar nut Center: Removing pan head screw (on machines without chain brake) Bottom: Backing off tensioning nut 125BA002.
Locating the guide bar Top: Fitting the chain Center: Peg in fixing hole - cutting edges point toward bar nose Bottom: Drive link tang 125BA006 LA 4 79 8 125BA005 LA 7 6 125BA004 LA 10 125BA007 LA Sta.
Fitting the sprocket cover Top: Tensioning the chain Center: Holding bar nose and tightening t he hexagon nut Bottom: Checking chain tension Fit coll ar nut on the stu d bolt . On ma chin es witho ut a chai n br ake, al so fi t the pa n head s cre w (2).
)XHO This en gine is certifi ed to opera te on unlead ed gas olin e and oil w ith the mix ra tio 50 :1. Your two -stroke en gine requ ires a mixtu re of bran d-name ga soli ne and qualit y two -str oke engine oil with the FODVVL ILF DWLRQ 7& Use r egula r b rande d unle aded gasol ine with a mi nimum oc tane rating of 90 ROZ (U.
Chan ge t he fue l pi ck up body every year. Before storin g your ma chin e for a lon g perio d, drai n and cl ean the fu el tan k and run en gine u ntil c arbureto r is dry .
&KDLQ%U DNH 125BA032 LA 125BA031 LA /RFNLQ JFK DLQZLWK FKD LQEU DNH - in an emerge ncy - when starti ng - at idl ing spee d. • The cha in is st opped an d locked when the hand guard i s pu shed toward the bar nose by the left hand - or whe n brake is acti vate d by ine rtia in c ertain kick back s itua tions.
'XULQJ%UHDN LQ3HULRG 'XULQJ2S HUDWLRQ A fact ory new ma chin e shou ld not be run at hi gh revs (ful l throt tle off lo ad) for the fi rst thre e tank filli ngs. Thi s avoids unnece ssar y high lo ads dur ing the brea k-in perio d.
6WDUWLQJ Chain brake engaged Top: Stop switch away from Center: Choke slide on - cold start Bottom: Starting throttle position 3 125BA014 LA 2 125BA013 LA 1 125BA012 LA 125BA016 LA 6 5 4 Befo re sta rting your s aw, mak e sure yo u have a fir m foot- hold an d che ck that the sa w cha in is not to uching the grou nd or a ny oth er ob stac les.
Top: Starting (saw on ground) Bottom: Idle position 125BA019 LA 6 125BA018 LA 8 7 125BA017 LA 8 7 7. Pull s tarter ro pe t hree or four times, then move choke slide aw ay from I . If the engi ne fir es w hile y ou a re cran king it ov er, i mmed iately ope n the chok e.
Top: Chain brake disengaged Bottom: Stop switch in posit ion 2 125BA021 LA 2WKHU SRLQWV WRRE VHUYHZ KHQ VWDUWL QJWKH HQJLQH The choke lev er is mech anical ly co nnecte d to t he ca rbure- tor’ s choke valv e.
Checking chain lubrication %UHD NLQJL Q2 LORPDW LF& KDLQ Every ne w chain h as to be broken i n for about 2 to 3 minut es. Ample ch ain lubri cati on is essent ial d uring th is perio d. Aft er break ing i n, stop the eng ine, ch eck c hain te nsio n and adju st if ne cessar y.
Worn chain sprocket &KDLQ 6SURFN HW The st ress and strai n on t he c hain s prock et are parti cula rly high. I f the wear ma rks on the te eth are very pronou nced (about 0.5 m m/0.02 in deep ), t he sp rocket shoul d be replac ed. A worn sprocket reduces the s ervice li fe of the saw cha in.
7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ RQ&KDLQ 2LOLQJ6 VWHP Removing oil pump Component parts of oil pum p in correct sequence &OHD QLQJWK H2LO 3XPS Drai n the chai n oil ta nk. Rem ove th e fasten ing sc rews and wit hdraw th e oil pu mp.
Top: Unscrewing the flat head screw Bottom: Filter cover removed The air fil ter ’ s func tion is to ho ld back dust and dir t in th e intak e air and thus reduce wear on engine co mponen ts to a mini mum. Dirty a ir filte rs redu ce engi ne po wer, incre ase fuel c on- sumpti on and make start ing mo re diffic ult.
• Check the air fi lter an d clea n it if nece ssary. • Warm up th e engine . • Turn s crews only very sligh tly an d caref ully - even min or changes hav e a notice able effect on the engine ’s running beha vior.
&KHFNLQJ6SDUN3OX J 000BA036 TR 1 Wron g fuel mix (t oo muc h engi ne oil in the gaso line ), a dir ty air fi lter an d unfavo rab le ru nning condit ions (mos tly at part th rottle etc. ) affect the cond ition of the spark plug . These fa ctors cause depos its to form on th e insu lator nose whic h may resul t in trou ble in operat ion.
5HSODFLQJ WKH&KDLQ6SURFNH W Top: Locking screw in position Center: Removing the clutch Bottom: Parts in correct order 125BA029 LA 3 2 125BA028 LA 1 125BA030 LA 4 5 6 7 First diseng age t he chai n brak e (pull h and g uard back towa rd fron t hand le) and then rem ove th e chain sp rocke t cov er, g uide b ar an d chai n.
42 Correctly sharpened chain A prope rly sharpe ned chai n slices through w ood ef fortless ly and re quires very little fee d pressure . Do not wo rk with a dull or d amaged chain as it wil l increas e the p hysical effort required, produ ce unsa tisfactory result s and a h igher rate of wea r .
43 Further more, th e angles must be the same on all cutters. If a ngles are uneven: Chain wil l run rough ly , not in a stra igh t line , wea r qui ckly and fi nal ly break.
44 : Ho ld th e fil e horizont ally for all chain ty pes (at righ t angle to side of guide b ar) and file acco rding t o the angles marke d on the fi ling tool . : Avoid t ouching the tie straps and driv e links wi th the file. : Rotate the file at reg u lar in tervals while filing to avoid on e-sided wear .
45 Sharpenin g Tools (spe cial acc essories) Chain p itch Round file Ø Round file File ho lder Filing gauge Flat fil e Sharpenin g kit 1) Inch (mm) mm (inch) Pa rt No.
Please note that the following maintenance intervals apply for normal operating conditions only. If your dail y working time is l onger than normal or cutting conditions are difficult (very dusty work area t ropical wood etc.) shorten t he specified intervals accordingly.
Specifications Engine The "E mis sion C ompli ance P erio d" referred to on the Emission s Compl ianc e Label in dicate s the nu mber of opera ting hours fo r which the en gine has been show n to mee t Feder al emis sion r equir ement s.
Model Machin e number Guide bar part numb er Chai n part numb er Sprocke t part numb er Ordering Spare Parts Warra nty cl aims fol lowing r epair s can be ac cepted onl y if t he re pair has been pe rfor med by an author ize d STIHL Service Sho p using ori ginal STI HL spare parts.
:DUUDQW3HULRG The wa rranty peri ods wil l begin on the dat e the util ity eq uipmen t engine is purch ased by the in itial pu rchas er and you have signe d and sent back th e warr anty ca rd to ST IHL. If any emi ssio n relat ed par t on your engi ne is defe ctive, the par t will be repl aced by STIHL Incorp orate d at no cost to the own er.
! WARNING! The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other r e productive harm. ! WARNING! The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other r e productive harm.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Stihl 009 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Stihl 009 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Stihl 009 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Stihl 009 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Stihl 009 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Stihl 009 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Stihl 009 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Stihl 009. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Stihl 009 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.