Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SNC-RZ25N des Produzenten Sony
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3-869-486- 11 (1) Netw ork Camera © 2005 Sony Corporation SNC-RZ25N/RZ25P User’ s Guid e Software V ersion 1.0.
2 Owner's Recor d The model and serial nu mbers are located on th e bottom. Record the serial nu mber in the spa ce provided b elo w . Refer to these numb ers whene ver you ca ll upon y our Sony d ealer re gardi ng this prod uct. Model No . _____________ _______ Serial No.
3 NO TICE TO USERS © 2005 Son y Corporation. All rights re serv ed. This manual or the sof tware descr ibed herein, in whol e or in part, may not be reproduc ed, transl ated or reduced to any mach ine readable form withou t prior written appro v al from S on y Corporat ion.
T able of Content s 4 T able of Cont ents Overvie w Fea tures .. .................. ........................... .................. . 6 How to Use Thi s User’ s Guide ........... .................. . 7 Prec autions ...... ........................... .
T able of Cont ents 5 Downloadi ng Images f rom th e Camera — FTP serv er setting Menu ................................. ............ 55 Sett ing th e Alar m Outp ut — Alarm output se tting Menu ........................ ... 56 Alarm output 1, 2 T ab .
Over vi ew F eatures 6 Overvie w Featu res High-quality monitoring via the netw ork Y ou can monitor a high-qual ity li ve image f rom the camera using the W eb bro wser on the c omputer connected t o the 10B ASE-T or 100B ASE-TX networ k. The maximum frame rate is 30 FPS for the SNC-RZ2 5N and 25 FPS f or the SNC-RZ25P .
Over vi ew How to Use Th is User’ s Guide / P recautions 7 How to Use This User’ s Guide This User’ s Guide e xplains ho w to operate the SNC - RZ25N and SN C-RZ25P Netw ork Camera fr om a computer . The User’ s Guide is written t o be read on th e computer display .
Over vi ew System Re quirements 8 System Require ments These are the requi rements for the comput er that displays the image or controls th e camera. Processor Pentium III 1 GHz or higher (Pentium 4, 2 GHz or higher rec ommended) RAM 256 MB or mor e OS W indo ws 2000/ XP We b b ro w s e r Internet Ex plorer V er .
Prepar ation Assignin g the IP Addre ss to the Camera 9 Preparation The Preparation secti on expl ains what the administrator has to prepare for moni toring the images after installati on and connecti on of the camera.
Prepar ation Assign ing the IP Addr ess to th e Camera 10 T o specify the IP ad dress ma nually: Select Use the f ollo wing IP ad dress , and t ype th e IP address, Subnet mask and Def ault gat ew ay in the rele v ant bo xes. 8 Set the DNS serv er address.
Prepar ation Accessin g the Camer a Using the W eb Browser 11 Accessing the Camera Using the W eb Br o wser When the IP address has bee n assigned to th e camera, check tha t you can actually access t he camera usin g the W eb br owser installe d in your computer .
Prepar ation Accessing t he Camera Using the W eb Brows er 12 When usi ng antivirus s oftware i n the computer • When y ou use anti virus softw are in your computer , the camera performance may be reduced, for exampl e, the frame rate for displaying the image may be lower .
Prepar ation Basic Con figurat ion by the Ad ministra tor 13 Basic Configuration b y the Administrator Y ou can monit or the image of the camera by logg ing in with the initi al condit ion of thi s netw ork camera. Y ou can also set v arious fu nctions according to t he install position, ne twor k condit ion or pur pose of the camer a.
Operat ing the Camera Administra tor a nd User 14 Operating the Camera The Operating the Camera se ction exp lains ho w to monitor the image from t he camera using th e W eb bro wser . Use Interne t Explorer a s the W eb brow ser . The functi ons of th e camera shoul d be set b y th e Administrator .
Operat ing the Camera Logging in to Homepage — W elcome P age 15 Logging in to Homepa ge — W elcome P age Logging in as a User 1 Start the web b ro wser on the co mputer and type the IP address of t he camera you want to moni tor . Th e wel come pa ge of Netw ork Camera SNC- RZ25 N or Network Camera SNC-RZ25P is displa yed.
Operat ing the Camera Logging i n to Homepage — W elcome P age 16 Note If the W elco me page does not acti v ate correctly , the security level of the Inte rnet Explor er may be se t to Medi um or higher . See “T o display the W elcome page correctly” on page 11 a nd check the security le vel.
Operat ing the Camera Configura tion of Main Vie wer 17 Tip Ever y page o f this so ftware i s optimiz ed to displ ay character Medium size for Internet Explorer . Configuratio n of Main Vie wer This secti on exp lains the f unctions of the parts and controls o f the mai n vie wer .
Operat ing the Camera Configur ation of Main Vie wer 18 Hom e Displa ys th e W elcome page . Pla yer Click to do wnload the “SNC video pl ayer” applicati on program b uilt in the ca mera. The SNC video player allo ws you to play video /audio da ta recor ded on the camera with your computer .
Operat ing the Camera Configura tion of Main Vie wer 19 Note T o co ntrol the focu s manual ly , set “F ocus mode” of the camera setting men u to Manua l . (page 36) Tr i g g e r (Displayed only when the camera V ie wer mode (page 44) is se t to Full and one or more tri ggers are enable d on the T rigger Set ting menu (page 5 7).
Operat ing the Camera Controlling the Monitor Image 20 Contr olling the Monitor Image Y ou can monitor the camera image on the moni tor windo w of the main vi ew er . Monitoring the camera ima ge 1 Log in to the home pag e to display th e main vie wer .
Operat ing the Camera Capturing a Monitor Image 21 Capturing a Monit or Image Y ou ca n capture a monitoring image as a st ill image and save it in the computer . Capturing a m onitor im age 1 Monitor the came ra image in the mon itor windo w . 2 Click Capture ic on.
Operat ing the Camera Oper ating the camer a 22 Opera ting th e camera Y ou can operat e the camera from the mai n vie wer . When you clic k control icon, the displ ay switches to control panel icon . P anT ilt mark and P reset li st box are di splayed on t he uppe r right o f the win do w .
Operat ing the Camera Operat ing the camera 23 watc h, the direct ion and the zo om positio n of the camer a move to suit to the re d frame. Zoom an image by the camera zoom bar When you can control t his funct ion, the zoom b ar is displayed bel o w the windo w .
Operat ing the Camera Controlling the c amera on a p anora ma image 24 Cont r o lling th e camera on a panorama ima g e When you can cont rol the camera, the panorama wido w is displa yed under t he normal camera windo w . In the panorama wi ndo w , an im age of 360° ar ound the camera is displaye d as a panorama image.
Operat ing the Camera Sending an Ima ge File / Recording a S till Imag e in the Memory of the Came ra 25 Sending an Ima ge File Y ou can send a captured stil l image with an at tached mail o r to the FTP se rv er .
Operat ing the Camera Controlling Alarm output 1 , 2 / Controlling Da y/Night Function 26 Contr olling Alarm output 1, 2 Y ou can con trol the Alar m output 1, 2 On ( short-ci rcuit) and Off (open).
Operat ing the Camera Switchi ng TCP/UDP T ransmission Mode 27 Switch ing TCP/UDP T rans mission Mode Y ou can sel ect the commun ication port of the video/ audi o data as TC P or UD P . This fu nction can be u sed when th e V ideo mode (page 34) is set to MPE G4 and the Acti v eX vie wer is used.
Administ rating the Came ra Basic Op erations of Administ rator Men u 28 Administrating the Camera The Administrat ing the Camera secti on expla ins how to set the functions o f the camera b y the Administrator . For monit oring the camera image, see “Operating the Camera” on page 14.
Administ rating the Came ra Basic O perat ions of Admi nistra tor Menu 29 Example: Syst em setting menu 4 Select the t ab abov e the setting menu, and set ea ch setting optio n in the tab. Example: “System” sett ing menu “Date & time” tab See page 29 t o 62 for detai ls of setting menu tabs and setting op tion s.
Administ rating the Came ra Basic Op erations of Administ rator Men u 30 FTP client Displays the FTP cli ent sett ing menu for sending an imag e file to FT P server.
Administ rating the Came ra Configuring the System — System se tting menu 31 Configuring the Syst em — System setting m enu When you click System on the Administ rator menu, the System setti ng menu appears. Use this men u to perform the princ ipal setti ngs of the software.
Administ rating the Came ra Con figur in g the Sy stem — Syst em se tting me nu 32 Maxim um wait number Sets the numbe r of users who can wait for their turn for control aut horit y durin g operati on by one user . Selectable numb er is from 0 to 10.
Administ rating the Came ra Configuring the System — System se tting menu 33 Initi alize T ab Reboot Reboots the c amera. Click Reboot , and the message “T he SNC-RZ25N/ RZ25P will be rebooted. Are you sure? ” appears. Click OK to re boot the c amera.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Camera I mage a nd A udio — Camera s etting Menu 34 Access log tab Access log The access record o f the camera is displ ayed.
Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the Camera Ima ge and A udio — Camer a setting Menu 35 When select On , set Mu lticast ad dress , Mu lticas t video p ort nu mber and Multi cast audio port number proper ly . Multic ast addr ess: T ype the multicast address used on the Multicast streaming.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Camera I mage a nd A udio — Camera s etting Menu 36 when Optical is selected, an image can be zoomed up to 18X optical zo om. Focus mode Selects F ocus mode. When Au t o is selected, t he focus is automatically adjusted.
Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the Camera Ima ge and A udio — Camer a setting Menu 37 Iris priority : Gain and Shutter speed of the camera can be adjusted automat ically , and Iri s can be selected. When it is se lected, Iris and Slow shu tter ar e displayed and the y can be set.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Camera I mage a nd A udio — Camera s etting Menu 38 Manua l Switch the da y/night mode manuall y . When you select Manual , On and Off a re displayed. When you select On , the camera works i n night mode. When you select Off , it wo rks in day mo de.
Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the Camera Ima ge and A udio — Camer a setting Menu 39 Frame ra te Set the maximum fra me rate of JPEG image that can be monitored o n the computer .
Administ rating the Came ra Con figur in g the Ne twor k — Netw ork settin g Menu 40 Configuring the Netw ork — Netw ork setting Menu When yo u click Network on the Admi nistrato r menu, the Netwo rk setting menu appears. Use this menu t o conf ig ure the netw ork to conn ect the camera and the c omputer .
Administ rating the Came ra Confi guring the Netw ork — Network sett ing Menu 41 Wireless T ab — Setting of Wirel ess Connection Insert the specif ied wireless LAN card into the CF card slot of the camera , and set the matters t o connect to the wir eless netwo rk.
Administ rating the Came ra Con figur in g the Ne twor k — Netw ork settin g Menu 42 Wireless authentication T ab - Setting the Wirel ess A uthentication Set the authent ication necessa ry for the wireless connectio n. SSID T ype the ID to iden tify the wi reless network you want to access using up to 32 ASCII characters (alphanume ric).
Administ rating the Came ra Confi guring the Netw ork — Network sett ing Menu 43 Prima ry DNS ser ver T ype t he IP addre ss of the primar y DNS serv er . Secondary DNS server T ype t he IP address of the secondary DNS server . OK/Cancel See “Butt ons common to e v ery setting menu” on page 29.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the User — User setting Men u 44 :port: Specify the p ort number t o which you want to connect. If you want to use the well -kno wn port number 80, y ou do not ne ed to inpu t this v alue. path: T ype the command name.
Administ rating the Came ra Sett ing t he Se curit y — S ecuri ty se tting Me nu 45 View er a uthe ntica tion Set whethe r the user is authen ticated or not when the main vie wer is displaye d. When you select On , the main v iewer is displayed t o suit the authent icated user .
Administ rating the Came ra Sending an Ima ge via mail — e-Mail (SMTP ) setting Men u 46 Note Y ou can acc ess the camera e ven from a comp uter ha ving an IP address whose acc ess right is set to Deny , if you enter the u ser name and passw ord set for th e Admini strator boxe s in the Us er setting m enu.
Administ rating the Came ra Sending an I mage via mail — e-Mail (SMTP) setting Menu 47 SMTP server name T ype t he SMTP serv er name up to 64 charact ers, or the IP address of the SMTP serv er . A uthenti cation Select the a uthenticat ion required when yo u send an e- Mail.
Administ rating the Came ra Sending an Ima ge via mail — e-Mail (SMTP ) setting Men u 48 The date /time su f fix consists of lower two-digits o f year (2 digits ), month (2 digits ), date (2 digits) , hour (2 digits) , minute (2 digi ts), second (2 digit s), and consecuti v e number ( 2 digi ts), thus 14-digit number is adde d to the f ile name.
Administ rating the Came ra Sending Image s to FTP Server — FTP cl ient sett ing Menu 49 Effec tive period Set the period when the periodical sending is ef fective .
Administ rating the Came ra Send ing Im ages to FTP Ser ver — FTP cli ent se tting M enu 50 Pa s sw o rd T ype the password for the FTP server . Re-type pa ssw ord T o conf irm the password, type the same characters as you typed i n the P assw ord box.
Administ rating the Came ra Sending Image s to FTP Server — FTP cl ient sett ing Menu 51 For detai ls, see “Setting the Alarm Buf fer — Alarm buf fer setting Menu” on page 60. OK/Cancel See “Butt ons common to e v ery setting menu” on page 29.
Administ rating the Came ra Recording Im ages in Memory — Image memory setting Menu 52 Recor ding Images in Memory — Image memor y setting Menu When you click Im age memory o n the Adva nced mode menu, the Image memo ry setting menu a ppears.
Administ rating the Came ra Recording Images in Memory — Image memory setting Menu 53 POP server na me This is necessary whe n POP bef ore SMTP is select ed in A uthenticati on . T ype P OP (recei ving mail) serv er name up to 64 characters. Otherwise t ype the IP addre ss of POP server .
Administ rating the Came ra Recording Im ages in Memory — Image memory setting Menu 54 Alarm b uff er Select Use alarm b uffer when you forw ard the image/ aud io of befo re an d af ter th e alarm detecti on (pre-alarm, post-alarm). If you do not select it, only the image of the moment of the alarm detecti on is forwarded.
Administ rating the Came ra Download ing Images f rom the Camer a — FTP ser ve r setting Menu 55 Directory Struct ure of I mage Memory The images are recorded in the memory wit h the follo win g director y structure. A represents a direct ory created automat ically .
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Alarm Output — Alarm output setting Menu 56 Note Note the fo llowings when log in to FTP server of the camera using the FT P client soft ware on the computer . • The frame rate an d the operati vity o f the monitor window in the mai n vie wer will de clime.
Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the Operat ions from t he Viewe r P age — T rigger setting Menu 57 Motion detecti on: T o set the motion detecti on function, click Motion detection .
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Oper ations f rom the Vie wer P age — T r igger setting Men u 58 FTP c lient By checki ng this bo x, it will allow you to sele ct FTP client in the T rigger setting menu. Y ou can send an image f ile to FTP serv er by selecting FTP and cli cking the Trigger ico n.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting th e Schedule — Schedu le setting Menu 59 OK/Cancel See “Butt ons common to e v ery setting menu” on page 29. Setting the Sc hedu le — Schedu le setting Menu When yo u click Schedu le on the Administr ator menu, the Schedule se tting men u appears.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Alarm Buff er — Alarm b uff er s etting Menu 60 OK/Cancel See “Buttons common to e v ery setting menu” on page 29. Setting the Alarm Buffer — Alarm buffer setting Men u When you click Alarm buffer on the Ad ministrato r menu, the Alar m bu f fer Sett ing menu appea rs.
Administ rating the Came ra Settin g the Moti on Detection Fu nction — Motion det ection se tting Menu 61 Note The v alue of Recording capacity d iff ers depending on Image siz e, Bit rate (for M PEG4) and Im age quality (fo r JPEG) in the camera se tting menu.
Administ rating the Came ra Setting the Motion De tection Funct ion — Motion detect ion set ting Menu 62 Motion detection indicator The movin g le vel of the present shoot ing image inside the specif ied W indo w is show n in the gr aph.
Administ rating the Came ra Sav ing the Came ra P osition and Actio n — Preset posi tion sett ing Menu 63 Sa ving th e Camera P osition an d Action — Preset position setting Menu When you cl ick Preset Position of the administrator setting menu, the preset position set ting menu is displayed .
Administ rating the Came ra Sav ing the Camer a P osition and Action — Preset posit ion sett ing Menu 64 T our T ab — Setting a T our Up to 16 positions can be p rogrammed, and the camera mov es to the programmed posi tions seque ntiall y (T our).
Administ rating the Came ra T ransmittin g with External Equipment Using t he Ext ernal Serial T erminal — Seri al sett ing Menu 65 T rans mitting wit h External Equipment Using the Exte rnal Seria l Te r m i n a l — Serial setting Menu When you cl ick Se rial o f th e admi nist rato r se tti ng menu, Serial setting menu i s displayed .
Other s Using the Sup plied Setup Pr ogr am 66 Other s Thi s sect ion ex plai ns how to u se the appl icatio n software and commands, including t he supplie d CD- RO M . Using the Supplie d Setup Pr ogram Explain s the f unctions e xcep t the Netw ork tab in t he Setup Program.
Other s Us ing t he S uppl ied Setup Pr ogram 67 Date time T ab Y ou can set the date an d time on t he camera. 1 Click the Date time tab to d isplay the da te/time setting windo w . 2 Click to select the camera you want to set the date and time for .
Other s Using the SNC aud io upload tool — T ransmitti ng A udio to Camera 68 6 Retype the passw ord fo r the us er ID in t he Re-type password box. 7 Set the DNS serv er address. T o obtain the DNS server addr esses auto mat ical ly: Select Obtain DNS serv er addr ess automa tically .
Other s Using t he SNC au dio up load tool — T rans mitting A udio to Camera 69 Connecting the Camera to the Comput er 1 Connect a speak er to the 5 (li ne output ) jack on the camera. 2 Connect a microphone t o the mi crophone input j ack on the comput er .
Other s Using the SNC video pl a yer — Pl ayi ng Video/A udio File Recorded on Camera 70 Setting tab User Set the User ID and P assword for the admi nistrator . The def ault setti ng of the User I D for the Admi nistrator is “admin, ” and the Passw ord is “admin.
Other s Using the SNC pa norama c reator — Creatin g a P anorama Image 71 Information box es on the selected fi le are displayed on the left si de of the wind ow as f ollo ws: Each clic k on the (informat ion) icon switch es between “displ ay” and “Not to displ ay” of the fi le informa tion.
Other s Using the SNC pan orama creat or — Creating a P anor ama Image 72 The created panorama image is di splayed in the upper vie wer . Angle setting Set the vie w angle wi thin the created 3 60-de gree panorama image. Select the an gle (de grees) from among “90, ” “180, ” “270” or “3 60.
Other s Using the Custom Home page Installe r 73 Creating and transmitting a panorama image 1 Click the Make butt on to sta rt shoot ing. A panorama image will be created in ab out two min ute s. Note Do not make settings of the camera o r mov e the camera during shooting.
Other s Using the Custo m Homepage Install er 74 4 Read th e notes ca refully , a nd click Next . The Softwa re License Agreement is displayed . 5 Read the agreement carefully , select Ag ree if you accept i t, then cli ck Next . 6 T ype the IP address of the camera to be uploade d in the IP add ress box.
Other s Assigni ng the IP Addre ss to the Camera Using ARP Comman ds 75 Note Do not turn of f the camera u ntil the camera is rebooted after upl oading th e homepage f ile. The f ollo wing p age will a ppear aft er a while. After displayi ng th is page, the camera will be adjusted and reboo ted automati cally in two min ute s.
Other s Using the SNMP 76 Using the SNMP This uni t supports SNMP (Simple Net work Management P rotocol) . Y ou can read MIB-2 o bjects and write some M IB-2 objects usi ng softwar e such as SNMP manager software.
Other s Using the SNMP 77 3) sysName=<string> Set the c ase of “ stem.sysNam e.0” in the <string> position. T he maximum len gth of <string> is 255 c haracters. 4) enaAuthT raps=<val ue> Set the case v alue of “mib-2.
Other s Specifications 78 Specifi cations Network Protoco l TCP/IP , ARP , ICMP , HTTP , FTP (server/client), SMTP (client), DHCP (client), DNS (client), NT P (client), SNMP (MIB-2 ), R TP/ R TCP , PPPoE Compression V ideo compression f ormat MPEG4/JPEG (sel ectable) Audio compression format G.
Other s Specifications 79 not inc ludi ng the pr oj ectin g part s, len s and tripod adapter Mass Approx. 1 .3 kg (2 lb 14 oz) Supplie d accessories CD-R OM (setup program and User’ s Guide) (1) Cei.
Other s Inde x 80 Inde x A Access log ............................. ......... 34 access right ...................... ........... .... 45 Activ eX vie wer...................... ......... 16 acti vity detection function .............. 61 Administrator .
Schedule setting Menu ................ ... 59 Security ................ ........... ............... 2 9 security ....................... ........... ......... 29 security setting ........... ........... ......... 45 Security setting Menu .............
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony SNC-RZ25N (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony SNC-RZ25N noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony SNC-RZ25N - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony SNC-RZ25N reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony SNC-RZ25N erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony SNC-RZ25N besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony SNC-RZ25N verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony SNC-RZ25N. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony SNC-RZ25N gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.