Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung RDR-GXD455 des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 128
US ES 3-096-488- 11 (1) © 2007 Sony Corporation D VD Recorder Operatin g Instructi ons RDR-GXD455 Opera ting Ins tructions Manual de i nstrucciones.
2 WARNIN G To redu ce the ris k of fi re or electric shock, do n ot expo se this ap para tus t o rain o r moistur e. To avoid elect rical s hock, do not open th e cabi net. Ref er se rvicing to qua lifi ed pe rs onnel onl y. The A C powe r co rd m ust b e change d only a t a qua lified service shop .
3 • Do n ot place t he reco rder in a locati on near heat so urces, or in a place subj ect to direct su nlight, excessiv e dust , or me chanic al shock. • Do n ot place t he reco rder in a n inclined position . It is desi gned to be operate d in a horizonta l position on ly.
4 About thi s manual • Instruction s in th is manua l desc ribe th e controls on the remote . You can a lso use t he contr ols on th e recorder if they have the sa me or simi lar nam es as those on t he remote. • The on-scre en displa y illustrati ons used in thi s manual may not matc h the graphic s displaye d on your TV screen .
6 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 DV/D8 Dubbin g (DV/D8 t DVD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Before DV/D8 Dubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 Connecting a Dig ital Video Camera to the DV IN Jack .
8 Ways t o Use Y our DVD Re cord er Recording and timer re cording , Record TV programs o n a DVD, either manu ally or usin g the ti mer. Quick access to recorded titles – T itle Lis t , Display the Titl e List to view al l titles on a disc and selec t a title for pla yback or editin g (page 40).
9 One Touch Dubbing – DV/D8 Dubbing , Connect your digit al vide o camera to the DV IN jack and press the ONE TOUC H DUBBING button to dub a DV/D8 format tape ov er to a disc (page 7 1). Playing JPEG image fi les or MP3 audio file s , You can enjoy viewing JPEG images on your TV screen.
10 How to Use the O n-Scr een Menus The followi ng three disp lays are mai nly used to operate th is record er. Once yo u become familia r with th e basic op erati ons, you will fi nd the reco rder eas y to us e.
11 Sub-menu The su b-men u appear s when you sel ect an item from a l ist menu (e.g ., a tit le from the Title List menu), and pres s ENTER. The sub- menu d isplays opti on s ap pli cab le o nly to th e se lect ed item . Th e disp laye d opti ons dif fer de pend ing on th e situati on an d disc type.
12 Quic k Guid e to D isc Ty pes Recor dable and Play able Di scs Usable disc vers ions (a s of March 20 07) • 8 ×-spee d or slow er DV D+RW s • 6×-speed or slowe r DVD-RWs (Ver.1.1, Ver .1.2 with CPRM *1 ) • 16×-speed or slower DVD+Rs • 16×-speed or slower DVD-Rs (Ver.
13 Quick Gu ide to Disc Type s *1 CPRM ( Content P rotec tion for Re corda ble Medi a) is a coding technol ogy that protects copyright s for imag es. *2 Unused DVD-RWs are automa tically formatted according to the s etting of “Format DVD-RW” in “Featu res” setup (page 8 4).
14 12 cm/8 cm discs Discs tha t cannot be reco rded on •8 c m d i s c s • DVD-RAMs Disc Ty pe 12 cm 8 cm Playback Recording Playback Recording DVD+RW Yes Yes Yes No DVD-RW VR mode Yes Y es Yes No .
15 Quick Gu ide to Disc Type s Playa ble Disc s “DVD VIDEO” and “CD” logos a re trademarks. * A logical form at of files and folders on DATA-C Ds, defined by ISO ( Internati onal Or ganizatio n for Standardi zation).
16 Note o n playba ck oper atio ns of DVD V IDEOs / VIDE O CDs Some playback operations of DVD VIDEOs/ VIDE O CDs ma y be inte ntiona lly set by so ftwa re producers. S ince thi s recorder pl ays DVD VIDEOs/VIDEO CDs a ccording to t he disc cont ents the s oftw are produc ers desig ned, s ome playba ck fe atures may no t be availa ble.
17 Hookup s and Setti ngs Hookups and Settings Hookin g Up the Re cord er Follo w steps 1 t o 7 to hook up and adj ust th e settin gs of the recorder. Notes • Plug cords s ecurely t o prevent unwante d noise. • See the instruct ions sup plied wi th the componen ts to be connecte d.
18 A: Cable box or s atellite receiv er with a video/ audio output With this hookup, y ou can recor d any channel on the cable box or sate llite rec eiver. Be s ure that the cable box or sat ellite rec eiver is turned on. This connectio n is necess ary to use the Synchro-Rec function (pag e 53).
19 Hookup s and Setti ngs B: Cable box with a n antenna output only With this hookup, you can record any channe l on the sa tellite receiver or cable box .
20 C: Cable without cabl e box, or ant enna only (no cabl e TV) Use this hookup i f you wat ch cabl e chan nels witho ut a ca ble box. Also use t his hook up if you are usin g a VHF /UHF an tenna or separ ate VHF and UH F antenn as. With this hoo kup, you c an rec ord any ch annel by selec ting th e chan nel on th e record er.
21 Hookup s and Setti ngs Step 3 : Co nnecti ng t o Your TV Connect the supp lied audio/ video co rd to the LIN E OUT (V IDE O/A UDIO L/ R) jack s of the r ecord er. To enjoy highe r quality image s, conne ct an S vid eo cord (not sup plied) instea d of the ye llow (video) pl ug.
22 If your TV has an HDMI input jack Connect the HDMI* OUT jack usin g a certified HDMI cor d (not supplied ). You will enjoy high-qua lity pictu re and sou nd. The H DMI ind icator lights up on the fro nt panel when the r ecor der outp uts signa ls through th e HDMI OUT jack.
23 Hookup s and Setti ngs If your T V has component video i nput jacks Connect the COMP ONEN T VIDE O OU T jacks us ing a comp onent video co rd (not supplied) or three video cord s (not su pplied) of the same k ind and le ngth. You will enjoy accu rate color reproducti on and high qua lity imag es.
24 Step 4: Conne cting to Your AV Am plifi er (Recei ver) Select one of th e follo wing pa tterns A or B , accor ding to the in put jack on y our AV amplifie r (receiv er). This will enable you to l isten to DVD a udio tracks t hrough your AV amplifier (re ceiver).
25 Hookup s and Setti ngs A Connec ting to audi o L/R ja cks This conn ectio n uses a st ereo ampl ifier ’s (rece iver’ s) two fr ont sp eakers for so und. You ca n enjoy th e sur round fu nction that cre ates virtu al speak ers f rom two stereo speak ers.
26 Step 5 : Co nnec ting t he Power Co rd Plug th e reco rder and TV pow er cord s int o an AC outle t. After yo u conne ct the po wer co rd, yo u must wait for a short wh ile before operati ng the reco rder . You ca n opera te the recorder o nly after the front panel d isplay lights up and the r ecor der ente rs stan dby m ode.
27 Hookup s and Setti ngs Controlling TVs wi th the remote You ca n adju st the re mote contro l’s sign al to cont rol your TV. Notes • Depending on the TV, some or all of th e buttons be low ma y not wor k fo r th e TV. • If you enter a new code num ber, the code numbe r previousl y entered will be erased .
28 If you have a Sony DVD player or more than one Sony DVD recorde r If the supplied r emote inte rferes with your othe r Sony DVD recor der or pl ayer, s et the com mand mode number for this recorder and the supplied remote to one that d iffers f rom the ot her Sony DVD recorder or p layer after y ou have completed “Step 7: Eas y Set up.
29 Hookup s and Setti ngs B While holdin g down ENTER, enter the comm and mod e code n umber using the number button s. C Hold dow n both th e numbe r butto ns and ENTER at the same ti me for more th an three se cond s. To retu rn to the previo us displ ay Press O RETURN.
30 3 Switch th e input sele ctor o n you r TV s o that the s ignal from th e rec ord er appea rs on your TV screen. “Initia l settin g nece ssary t o operat e the DV D record er wil l be ma de.
31 Hookup s and Setti ngs 10 Selec t “Manua l,” an d pre ss ENTER . Press M / m to set th e month and pres s , . Set the da y, yea r, hour , minu tes, an d AM/PM in the sam e w ay, then press ENTE R. The day of the week is set automatical ly. • I f you u sed ante nna hooku p C (pag e 20), you can se lect “Auto .
32 Connec tin g a V CR or S imi lar De vice After d isconnecting the record er’s power c ord from a n AC outlet, connect a VCR or similar re cording device to the LI NE IN jacks of this recor der. See also the instruction manu al supplied with th e connected equipm ent.
33 Hookup s and Setti ngs Connecting to the LINE 1 IN jacks You can connect a VCR or similar device. z Hin ts • When the connected equipment outputs only monaural sound, connect an audio cord to the white LINE IN AUDIO L (mono) ja ck.
34 Watchi ng T V By conn ectin g yo ur TV to t his rec order, you can watch di gital and analog ch anne ls on your TV . 1 Turn on this recorder. 2 Turn on the TV and swi tch the TV's inpu t select or so that t he signa l from the reco rder a ppe ars on your TV s creen.
35 Hookup s and Setti ngs Enjoying Digi tal Broadcasts You ca n enjoy di gital br oadca sts. Digi tal broadc asts ar e bette r quality , more varied, and more contro llable th an analog broa dcasts.
36 Playback Play ing Disc s 1 Press Z OPEN/ CLOSE , and pla ce a disc on the disc tray . 2 Press Z OPEN/C LOSE to close the disc tray. Wait until “ LOAD” disappears from the front panel d isplay. 3 Press H PL AY. Playba ck s tarts. To stop playba ck Press x STOP .
37 Playba ck Play back Op tions Button Operation Disc Z OPEN/ CLOSE Stops playing a nd opens the di sc tray. All discs AUDIO Selects o ne of the aud io tracks recorde d on the disc when pressed re peate dly. : Selects t he main or sub sound. : Selects th e audio source.
38 To resum e norm al play back aft er play ing at va rious s peeds, press H PLAY . z Hints • You can change playback options, such as subtit le, audio tr ack, etc., us ing th e OPTIONS m enu (page 11). • During playbac k or pause mode, th e recorder’s m / M buttons and th e remote’s .
39 Playba ck Playing quickl y with sound ( Scan Audio) (DVDs with Dolby Digita l soundtrac ks only) You can play qui ckly wit h dialog or sound du ring FF1 fast-f orward of a DVD wi th Dolby Digital soundt rack s.
40 To stop timer record ing while the recorder is locked , press x twi ce. T he re cord ing st ops and the reco rder is u nlo cke d. Note The recorder will be unlocked whe n you stop timer recording by pres sing x . Playi ng a Titl e From the Titl e List The Title List menu d isplays the p rogram titles on the di sc.
41 Playba ck 3 Select the title , and pres s ENTE R. The su b-men u appear s. 4 Select “Play, ” and press ENTER. Playback starts fro m the sele cted title on the disc . About t he Title L ist for DVD-RW s (VR mode ) and DVD-Rs (VR mode) You ca n switch the Title Li st to sh ow an or iginal or Play list.
42 Notes • Depending o n the disc, yo u may not be able t o use the OPTIONS menu to sear ch for a t itle/chap ter/track , or enter the tim e code for a playba ck point. • When playi ng a Playlist ti tle, you may not be able to search fo r a scene using t he time c ode.
43 Playba ck If you inse rt a DATA CD/DATA DVD conta ining on ly MP3 au dio tra cks, the “Musi c” disp lay a ppears. Go to st ep 3. 2 Selec t “Mus ic,” an d press EN TER. The “Mu sic” di splay ap pear s. 3 Select an al bum, a nd pr ess EN TER.
44 Press OPTIONS to t urn on/off the menu icons. To play t he slide sh ow 1 Press < / , to s elec t “ ,” an d pr ess ENTER. The “S lideshow Speed” menu appears . “” : S l o w “” : N o r m a l “” : F a s t 2 Press < / , to sele ct th e des ired p lay spee d, and pres s ENTER.
45 Playba ck About MP3 audio tracks and JP EG image files MP3 is au dio co mpres sion te chnology that satisf ies the IS O/IEC MPEG regulatio ns. JPEG is image compressio n technolo gy.
46 Displ aying the Pl aying Time and Play Informa tio n You c an ch eck di sc i nforma tion, such as play ing time, re cording mode, and re maining disc space.
47 Reco rdin g Recording Before Recordi ng Before you start recording… • This re cord er can recor d on va rious di sc type s. Selec t the disc typ e acco rdin g to your n eeds (page 1 2). • C hec k that t he disc ha s enou gh ava ilable sp ace for the r ecording ( page 46).
48 Recording a stereo/ SAP program The re cord er can rec eive and re cord ste reo/SA P progra ms. When recordi ng a digital c hannel, only the select ed audi o can be recorde d. Wh en recor ding with the t imer, “Stre am 1” is u sually record ed (pag e 35).
49 Reco rdin g Record ing Withou t the Timer 1 Press Z OPEN/C LOSE, and plac e a recor dable disc on the dis c tra y. 2 Press Z OPEN/C LOSE t o close the d isc tray. Wait until “ LOAD” disappears from the fro nt panel disp lay. Unused discs ar e automatica lly formatted .
50 Notes • Recording may not start i mmedia tely af ter z REC is pressed. • You cannot change the recording m ode during recording or recordin g pause. • If there is a power fa ilure, the pro gram you are recording m ay be erased. • You cannot c hange the channel or input sou rce during recording.
51 Reco rdin g Timer Reco rding You can se t the t imer for a total of 12 progra ms, up to o ne mo nth i n adva nce. Note that the maximu m continuous recording time for a s ingle t itle is 12 hour s. Cont ents b eyond this time will n ot be re corded.
52 5 Pres s ENTER. The Tim er List m enu (p age 54) ap pear s. The c indic ator ligh ts up i n the fron t pa nel display, and the recorder is ready to s tart record ing. •I f t h e c indica tor flash es in the fr ont panel display, a record able disc is not inserted .
53 Reco rdin g Record ing Fr om Conn ected Equip ment With a Timer (Synch ro R ec) You can set the reco rder to aut omatically record pro grams from c onnec ted equi pment that has a timer funct ion (such as a satelli te tuner). Connect the equ ipmen t to the LI NE 1 IN jacks on the re ar of the r ecord er (page 18).
54 If the t im er settin gs of a Synchro -Recordi ng and anot her ti mer recordi ng ove rlap Regardl ess of w hethe r or not t he progr am is a Synchro-Rec progra m, the program that starts first has pri ority. Th e reco rder starts recordi ng the secon d prog ram about t en se conds afte r the fi rst program ha s finish ed.
55 Reco rdin g 5 Select on e of the opt ions, and press ENTE R. “Edit”: Changes the timer setting. Select an item using < / , and ad just us ing M / m . Press ENTER. “Erase”: Era ses the time r setting. Selec t “OK” an d press EN TER w hen a sked for confirma tion.
56 3 Press RE C MODE re peated ly to sele ct the recording mode. The disp lay ch anges on the TV sc reen as follows : For det ails ab out the r ecordi ng mode , see page 47. 4 Select the line input a udio. Set “Li ne Audio I nput” of “Audio ” setup to “St ereo” or “Ma in/S ub” in the “S etup ” display (pa ge 83) .
57 Editing Editing Before Editing This rec o rder offers variou s edit op tions for vario us dis c ty pes. Be fore you edit, c heck the di sc type in the front panel disp lay, and select the optio n availa ble for your dis c (pag e 12).
58 In this case, you can compile high light scene s as a Pla ylist titl e. Yo u can even r earrange th e sc ene order within the Playli st tit le. See “Edit ing a Playlis t” on page 64. The ad vanced e dit fu nction s ava ilable f or Play list titles ar e: – Renam ing a tit le (pag e 6 1).
59 Editing 3 Select an opti on, and pr ess EN TER. You ca n select from t he foll owing : “Title Era se”: Erases t he selected ti tle. Select “OK” when asked for confirma tion. “Chap ter Er ase” *1 : Allo ws you to select a chapter in the title and erase it (see belo w).
60 1 Press TITLE LI ST. When edi ting a DVD-RW (VR mode ) or DVD-R (VR mode), p ress ORIGINAL/ PLAYLIST to switch to the “Title List (Origi nal), ” if nece ssary. 2 Select a title, a nd press ENTER. The su b-men u appear s. 3 Selec t “A-B Er ase,” a nd pr ess ENTER .
61 Editing 4 Press ENTER at the poin t whe re you w ant t o divide the t itle. You ca n use H PLAY, , . / > , x STOP, a nd X PAUS E to find the point. “Div ide” i s sel ected . 5 Press ENTER . The display asks for confirmation . To rese t the divid ing poi nt, selec t “No” and pres s ENTE R, th en rep eat from s tep 4.
62 4 Selec t the cha racte r you wa nt to enter usin g M / m / < / , , and pre ss ENT ER. The sel ected ch aract er appe ars in th e input row. You ca n only en ter cha racte rs and symbol s that are disp laye d. • To chan ge th e curs or p ositi on, sel ect t he input row us ing M , and pr ess < / , .
63 Editing 2 Select “E dit,” an d press ENT E R. 3 Selec t “Cr eat e Play lis t,” a nd pre ss EN TER. The dis play for creatin g a Play list ap pears. “Start ” is selected. 4 Press ENT ER at the st art point . You ca n use H PLAY, , . / > and X PAUSE to find t he point.
64 Editin g a Playlis t You can edit Playlis t titles or scenes within them, withou t chan ging the actual re cording s. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU w hile t he rec order is in sto p mode. 2 Select “Edit,” an d press ENT ER. 3 Sele ct “Edit Play list ,” a nd p res s ENTE R.
65 Editing “Move ”: Allo ws you t o chang e scen e order (page 6 6). “Add ”: All ows yo u to add ot her scen es bef ore a sel ected scene (page 66). “Cop y”: Allo ws you t o copy a sc ene (page 6 7). To retu rn to the previo us displ ay Press O RETURN.
66 1 Follow ste ps 1 to 6 of “Editin g a P laylist” (page 64). The “E dit Scene” displa y appea rs. 2 Select the scene y ou wa nt to mo dify, and press ENT ER. 3 Selec t “Modi fy,” an d press EN TER. “Start ” is selected . 4 Press EN TER at the start poin t.
67 Editing 3 Select “A dd,” and press ENT E R. “Start ” is selected. 4 Press ENT ER at the st art point . You ca n use H PLAY, , . / > and X PAUSE to find t he point. At the po int you want t o selec t, press H PLAY or X PAUSE, and pr ess ENTER.
68 Forma tting/R enaming/ Prote ctin g a Disc The “Disc Setting” display all ows you to check the disc in forma tion or chang e the d isc name. Depe ndin g on t he di sc t ype, you ca n als o for mat or set pr otectio n. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU w hile t he rec order is in sto p mode.
69 Editing To retu rn to the previo us displ ay Press O RETURN. z Hin ts • You can set pr otectio n for indivi dual titles (p age 58). • B y reforma tting, yo u can chan ge the re cording format on DVD-RWs, or rec ord again on DVD-RWs (Video mode) t hat ha ve been finalized.
70 1 Insert a disc. 2 Press SYSTE M MENU w hile t he rec order is in sto p mode. The Sy stem Me nu appe ars. 3 Select “Disc Se tting,” a nd pres s ENTE R. The “Di sc Setti ng” disp lay ap pears. 4 Select “Disc Final ize,” and p ress EN TER.
71 DV/D8 Du bbing (DV/D8 t DVD) DV/D8 Dubbing (DV/D8 t DVD) Before DV/D8 Du bbing Thi s sec tion expl ains dubbi ng w ith a digi tal vide o camer a via the DV IN jack on the fr ont pa nel. If you wan t to dub by w ay of the LIN E IN jacks , see “Rec ording From Conn ected Eq uipme nt With a Timer (S ynchr o Rec)” on page 53 .
72 Dubbi ng Fr om a DV/D 8 Form at Tap e to a DVD You can re cord a DV/D 8 fo rma t tape onto a disc . The rec orde r cont rols th e digit al video cam era. You ca n fas t forw ard, rewi nd, p lay in slow moti on, and stop the tape to sele ct the sce nes using th e on- scre en m enu.
73 DV/D8 Du bbing (DV/D8 t DVD) 9 Selec t “DV/ D8 Audi o Inpu t,” and pres s ENTE R. “Ste reo 1”: Record s orig inal so und onl y. Normally select th is when dubbing a DV format t ape. “Ste reo 2”: Record s addi tion al audi o only . “Mix” : Record s orig inal an d addit ional sounds .
74 Dubbing an entire DV/D8 format tape to a DVD (One Touch Dubbing) You c an rec ord the en tire cont ents of a DV/D8 form at tape o nto a di sc wi th a sing le press of the ONE-TOUCH DUBBING button on the recorder. The rec orde r cont rols t he d igital video c ame ra for the wh ole proc ess, an d com pletes th e reco rding.
75 Settings and Adjustment s Settings and Ad justments Using the Setu p Disp lay s By usi ng the set up displa ys, yo u can make va rious adjust ment s to items such as pictur e and sound , as well as sele ct a langu age fo r the subtitl es. The set up displ ays are u sed in the follo wing w ay.
76 Some i tems dis play a dialog bo x that re quires additional settin gs. Examp le: Whe n “Paren tal” in “Option s” setup is select ed. 5 Selec t an op tion, and pre ss ENTER . The cu rrently selecte d optio n is disp layed next to the setu p item.
77 Settings and Adjustment s 3 Selec t “Auto Pr eset, ” and pres s ENTER . All rec eivabl e chan nels ar e preset in numer ical s equence . After sear ching for ana log ch annel s is complete, rec eivable digital cha nnels are then searche d for automatic ally.
78 Clock Sett ing (Clo ck Se t) The “Clock Set” s etup allows y ou to make cloc k settin gs for th e recorder . 1 Press SYSTEM MENU while the recorder is in sto p mode. 2 Selec t “Setu p,” and press EN TER. 3 Selec t “Cloc k Set ,” and pre ss ENT ER.
79 Settings and Adjustment s Video S ettings (Video ) The “Video” s etup allows you to adjust items related to the image, such as size and color. Choose t he settings accordi ng to the type of TV, tuner, or dec oder c onnecte d to th e reco rder. 1 Pres s SYSTE M MENU while the reco rder i s in stop mo de.
80 Black Leve l Sel ects t he bl ack l evel (set up le vel) for the video sign als output from the L INE OU T jack s (pag e 21). This settin g is not effective when the “PROGR ESSI VE” i ndicator lights up on the front panel displ ay and t he reco rder ou tputs progress ive signal s.
81 Settings and Adjustment s Audio Set ting s (Aud io) The “Audio” se tup allows y ou to adjust the sound accord ing t o the pla yback an d con nectio n conditions. 1 Pres s SYSTE M MENU while the reco rder i s in stop mo de. 2 Selec t “Set up,” an d press EN TER.
82 Note If the HDMI OUT jack i s connected to equi pment not compatibl e with DTS signals , no signal will be output, regardless o f the “DTS” setting. Downmix (DV Ds only) Switches the method f or mixing down t o two chan nels w hen you p lay a DV D w hich h as rea r soun d element s (chann els ) or is recor ded in D olby Digital format.
83 Settings and Adjustment s DV/D8 A udio I nput Note Select “Ste reo 2” or “Mix” if you hav e added a second audio channe l when recordi ng with your digi tal video camera. Line A udio In put When re cord ing fr om equi pment conn ecte d to th e LINE 1 IN or LINE 2 IN jacks to a DVD disc in this recorde r, select line input audio .
84 Format DV D-RW (DVD-RW s only) Selec ts the record ing format for an unused DVD- RW, when first inserted. Langua ge, P arental , Digit al broadc ast settings /Fact ory Setting s (Option s) The “ Options ” setup allow s you to se t up othe r operational s ettings.
85 Settings and Adjustment s Parenta l Digital progra ms with a digital rating or some DVD VIDEOs can be restric ted according to a predet ermin ed leve l. 1 After step 3 abov e, se lect “P arenta l,” and press EN TER. • I f you h ave not en tere d a pas sword , the displ ay fo r regis tering a new p assw ord appear s.
86 ◆ DVD VI DEO Playback of s ome DVD VIDEOs can be limit ed acco rding t o a pre deter mined level, such as the a ge of the us ers. Sc enes ma y be block ed, o r replac ed with d iff eren t sce nes. 1 Sel ect “DVD VI DEO,” an d pres s ENTER. 2 Press EN TER.
87 Settings and Adjustment s z Hin ts • When recor ding a digi tal prog ram with wid e signals on digital b roadcasts, refer to the table be low. • This setting is linked with the setting of “TV typ e” in the “Ea sy Setup” displa y.
88 Front D isplay Adjusts th e lighting of the fro nt panel d isplay. Command Mode Chang es th e comm and mo de of th is reco rder if other D VD equipm ent is as sig ned the sa me command mode. Be sure to matc h the command mode of t he supplied r emote to the setting made here.
89 Additi onal In formatio n Additional Inform ation Troubl eshooting If yo u expe rienc e any o f the f ollow ing di ffi culti es while u sing t he recor der, us e this tr oubles hooti ng guide t o help remed y the prob lem befo re reque sti ng rep airs .
90 The pict ure f rom equip ment connec ted to t he recorde r’s in put jack does n ot appea r on the scr een. , If the equi pment is connecte d to the LIN E 1 IN jack, selec t “LINE1” in th e fron t pane l disp lay by pressing INPUT.
91 Additi onal In formatio n The rec order starts pl aying the disc automatica lly. , The DVD VIDE O features an auto play back function. Playba ck stop s automatica lly. , If the disc h as an auto pause signal, the r ecorder stops playb ack at the au to pause signal .
92 Nothi ng was re cord ed even thou gh the t imer setting i s set co rrectly. , There was a powe r failure duri ng reco rding. , Discon nect the A C power co rd from the AC outlet , and connec t it again. , The p rogram conta ins cop y prot ection si gnals that rest rict copy ing.
93 Additi onal In formatio n Other Son y equip ment res ponds to the rem ote. , The same comman d mode is set for both the Sony DV D equi pmen t. Set a differ ent com mand mode fo r the recor der (pag e 28). Others The rec order does not operat e prope rly.
94 – A di sc that has a non -stan dard s hape (e. g., card, heart). – A di sc with a l abel or s ticke r on it . – A di sc that has cell ophane t ape or stic ker adhesi ve on it.
95 Additi onal In formatio n Input s and ou tputs LINE 1 IN and LINE 2 IN VIDEO IN, phono jack (1 eac h) Input sign al: 1 Vp-p, 75 o hms, unba lance d, sync ne gativ e AUDIO IN, phono ja cks (2 each) Input lev el: 327 m Vrms Input im pedance : more tha n 47 kilo hms LINE 2 IN S VIDE O, 4-pin , mini -DIN jack Y: 1.
96 Abou t i.LIN K The DV IN jack o n this re corder is a n i.LINK- compliant DV IN jack. This section describ es the i.LINK stand ard and its featur es. What is i.LINK? i.LINK is a digital s erial inte rface for handling dig ital vi deo, digit al audio and ot her data in two dire ctio ns b etwee n eq uipmen t ha ving the i.
97 Additi onal In formatio n Guide to Parts an d Cont rols For m ore in format ion, see t he pa ges i n pare nthe ses. Front panel Buttons on t he recorde r have the same functio n as the butt o ns on th e remote i f they have th e same or similar names .
98 Remote A Z OPEN/CL OSE butto n (36, 49, 72) B Numb er butto ns* ( 34, 37 ) SET butt on (34) · (dot) but ton (34) C TOP MENU butto n (36) MENU button (36) D DISPLAY button (46) E M / m / < / , /ENTER bu tton (29) F O RETU RN butt on (29) G .
99 Additi onal In formatio n Front panel dis play A Playin g/recording status B Timer indi cator C Disc type/rec ording forma t D (angle) indicator (39) E Audio sign al indi cators F STEREO indi c ato.
100 Glos sary Chapter (page 41) Secti ons of a pi cture or a m usic fe ature t hat are smaller than titles. A title is compose d of severa l chapt ers. Depe nding on the disc , no cha pters may be reco rded. Copy prot ectio n sig nals (pag e 48 ) Copy res trictio n set by co pyrigh t owne rs, etc .
101 Additi onal In formatio n HDMI (High-D efinition Mult imedia Interfa ce) (page 22) HDMI is an interf ace that suppor ts both video and audio on a singl e digital conne ction.
102 DVD Audi o/S ubtit le Langua ge When yo u play a DVD VIDE O, the languag e of the sele cted audio track or subtitle is abbrevia ted as follow s. See pag e 84 to chang e the aud io track or subt itle.
103 Index Words in quotations a ppear in the on -sc reen displa ys. Numerics 16:9 31 , 79 4:3 Letter Box 31 , 79 4:3 Pan Sc an 31 , 79 A “A-B Erase” 59 “Add” 65 , 66 ADVANCE 37 Angle 39 Ante n.
104 Menu Top menu 36 “Modify ” 65 “Move” 66 MP3 a udio trac ks 42 N NEXT 37 Number bu ttons 27 , 41 O One To uch D ubbing 74 On-screen d isplay OPTIONS menu 11 Setup Di splay 75 Sub-m enu 11 S.
2 ES Índice Este manu al mue stra la config uració n básica y el funci onami ento de l a grabad ora de DVD. Para obte ner más in formación, c onsulte el ma nual de ins trucciones en inglés. Conexi ones y ajus tes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 ES Conexio nes y ajustes Conexion es y ajuste s Cone xión de la grab ador a Siga lo s paso s del 1 al 6 para co nectar y reali zar los ajustes de la grabadora. Notas • Enchufe los cables firmemen te para preven ir per tur baci ones no de seadas .
4 ES A: Decodificador de c able o receptor vía saté lite con salida de video/audio Con esta conex ión, pue de graba r cual quier canal del decod ificado r de cab le o re ceptor vía saté lite. Asegú rese de q ue el rece ptor ví a satélite o decod ificad or de cabl e está e ncendid o.
5 ES Conexio nes y ajustes B: Decodificador de ca ble con sal ida de antena únicament e Con esta conex ión, pu ede graba r cualq uier canal del de codi ficado r de cab le o rece ptor ví a satél ite. Asegú rese de qu e el recep tor v ía sa télit e o decodi ficador d e ca ble es tá encen dido.
6 ES C: Cable sin decod ificador de c able o sólo antena (sin cable de tel evisión) Utilice esta cone xión si ve cana les de tel evisió n por c able sin dec odifi cador de cable . Asimis mo, uti lice esta co nexión s i utiliz a una ante na de VH F/UH F o ante nas de V HF y UHF indep endien tes.
7 ES Conexio nes y ajustes Paso 3 : Co nexión al telev isor Conect e el cabl e de aud io/vi deo sum inistra do a la s tomas LINE OU T (VID EO/A UDIO L/R) de la grabad ora. Para d isfru tar de una cal idad de imag en supe rior, cone cte u n cable de S vi deo (no sumin istr ado) e n lugar de la clav ija am arilla ( video) .
8 ES Si el telev isor dispone de una toma de entrada de HDMI Conect e la tom a de salida de HDM I* OUT medi ante un c able HD MI ce rtifica do (no suminis trado) .
9 ES Conexio nes y ajustes Si el televi sor tiene t omas de entrada de vi deo componente Conecte las to mas COMPONENT VIDEO OUT mediante un cable d e video componente (no sumin istra do) o tre s ca bles de vid eo (no su mini strado s) de l mism o ti po y lo ngitud.
10 ES Paso 4: Conexión del cable de alim entació n Enchufe los cabl es de ali mentac ión de la grabad ora y de l televis or a una t oma de ca . A conti nuación , debe espe rar unos inst antes antes de utilizar la grabadora .
11 ES Conexio nes y ajustes Paso 6: C onfigur ación fácil Siga l os paso s que se i ndi can a con tinu ación pa ra realizar el mínimo n úmero de aju stes bási cos necesa rios para uti lizar la graba dora. Si no comp leta la Configu ració n fáci l, apar ecer á cada vez que en cien da la gra badora.
12 ES 7 Selecc ione si di spone o n o de cone xión de cable. Si sólo uti liza una an tena (sin cab le de telev isión), sele ccione “Ant ena” . Para el res to de con exio nes, s elecci one “Cab le”.
13 ES Conexio nes y ajustes 12 Presio ne E NTER. Apar ece la pan talla de c onfigur ación p ara selec cionar el tipo de se ñal Do lby Di gital. 13 Seleccio ne el tipo de se ñal Dolby Digital que de sea envi ar al a mplificado r (receptor).
14 ES Ver la televi sión Mediante la conexión d el televisor a la grabad ora, es posi ble ver cana les d igitale s y ana lógico s en e l televi sor. 1 Encien da l a gr abad ora. 2 Encien da e l te leviso r y a juste el s elec tor de entr ada de éste de modo que la señ al proce dente d e la graba dora ap arez ca en l a pantal la del televiso r.
15 ES Reprod ucci ón Reproducción Repr oducci ón de d iscos 1 Presio ne Z OPEN /CLO SE y col oque un disco en la ba ndej a de disco s. 2 Presio ne Z OP EN/C LOSE pa ra cerr ar la bandej a d e disc os. Espere hasta qu e “LO AD” desa pare zca de la panta lla del pan el front al.
16 ES Opcio nes d e re produc ció n Botón Operación Disco Z OPEN/CL OSE Detiene la reproduc ción y abre la bande ja de di scos. Todos l os discos AUDIO Selecciona u na de las pist as de audio gr abadas en el disco cuan do se presiona varias vec es.
17 ES Reprod ucci ón Para re anuda r la repr oduc ción no rmal des pués de repro duci r a diferen tes vel ocid ades, pr esione H PLAY. (retroceso rá pido/ avan ce ráp ido) Avanza o retroc ede rá pida mente el d isco cuando s e presiona du rante la reprodu cción.
18 ES Reprod ucci ón de un t ítulo de la List a títul os El menú Lista tí tulos muestra los tít ulos de los progra mas del disc o. 1 Coloq ue un dis co en la bande ja de discos. 2 Presion e TITLE LIS T. Ejempl o: D VD-RW (mod o VR) A Tipo de disco: Muest ra el tipo de di sco.
19 ES Grabaci ón Graba ción Antes d e grab ar Modo de grabació n Esta grab adora dispone de ocho modos d e grabac ión dis tinto s, al igual que los m odos de grabac ión SP o EP de las vide ogra bador as. Selecc ione el modo de gr abac ión en fu nció n del tiem po y la cal idad de image n desead a.
20 ES Imágenes que no pu eden grabarse En esta g rabador a no pue den grab arse imágenes con prot ección contra copias. La gr abac ión se det iene cuando se de tecta una señ al de prot ección contra copi as. * El disco graba do sólo pue de reproduc irse en u n equipo compati ble con CPRM.
21 ES Grabaci ón 5 Presio ne REC MOD E varias vec es para selecc iona r el mod o de grab ación. La pantalla cambiará en la pantalla del televi sor del modo siguient e: Para obt ener m ás deta lles so bre el mod o de grabac ión, co nsulte la página 19 .
22 ES Grabac ión de dis cos con tempo rizador Pued e ajustar e l temp orizad or para un total d e 12 progra mas con un má ximo de un mes de ant icipa ción . Tenga en c uent a que el tiemp o de gr abación continua máximo de un único título es de 12 horas.
23 ES Grabaci ón E “Modo” : Sel ecciona el modo de grab ación (pá gina 19) . Para util izar la fu nción Ajustar mo do grab. (pági na 23) , sele ccio ne “A UTO” . Si se equ ivoca, selecc ione el elemen to y cambi e el ajus te. 5 Presio ne E NTER.
Sony Corporation Printed in China AK68-01329A.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony RDR-GXD455 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony RDR-GXD455 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony RDR-GXD455 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony RDR-GXD455 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony RDR-GXD455 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony RDR-GXD455 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony RDR-GXD455 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony RDR-GXD455. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony RDR-GXD455 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.