Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Medalist 17242 des Produzenten Seagate
Zur Seite of 42
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 17 242, Medalis t 13032 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 10 232, Medalis t 8422 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 17 242, Medalis t 13032 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 10 232, Medalis t 8422 . . . . . . . . . .
1999 Se agate Tec hnolo gy, Inc. A ll rights reserve d Public ation Numbe r: 204 00143-00 1, Rev. A, Mar ch 1999 Seagate, Seagate T echnology, the Seagat e logo, Medalist and the Medalist logo are register ed trademarks of Seagate Technology, Inc.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A v Conten ts 1.0 Drive s pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1 Formatted capac ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A 2.1 Handli ng and static-disc harge precau tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 2.2 Jumpe r settin gs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 2.2.1 M aster/slav e co nfiguration .
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A vii Figures Figure 1. Typical start up and o peration curre nt prof ile . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 2. Alternat e capa city ju mper and master /slave jumper . . . . . 19 Figure 3. Mounti ng dimens ions—top , side and en d view .
viii Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 1 Introduction This manual describes the func tional, mec hanic al and interf ace specif i- cations for the Me dalist 1 7242 (ST317242A) , Medalist 13032 (ST313032A), Medalist 10232 (ST310232A), Medalist 8422 (ST38422A ) and the Me dalist 43 12 (ST3 4312A).
2 Medalist 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 a nd 4312 , Rev. A Specificati on summary table The specif icati ons liste d in this table are for quick referen ce. For de tails on spec ifica tion m easurem ent or defin ition, see t he approp riate sect ion of this m anual.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 3 Length (mm max) 147.00 Weight (grams typical) 558 T rack-to-trac k seek time (msec ty pical) 1.3 (read), 2.1 (write) A v er age seek time (msec typical) 9.0 (read), 10.5 (write) Full-stroke seek time (msec typical) 18 (read), 20 (write) A v er age latency (msec) 5.
4 Medalist 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 a nd 4312 , Rev. A Relativ e humidity gradient 10% per hour max Wet b ulb temperature (max) 29.4°C (op.), 29.4°C (nonop .) Altitude (meters below mean sea le vel, max) –122 to 3, 048 (op.) –122 to 12,192 (nonop .
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 5 1.0 Driv e specifications Unless othe rwise n oted, all sp ecifica tions are measu red unde r ambient conditio ns , a t 25 °C, and nomin al pow er.
6 Medalist 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 a nd 4312 , Rev. A 1.1.2 Supported CHS translation geometries These drive s suppor t any transl ation ge ometry th at satis fies all of the following conditi ons: • Sec tors per t rack ≤ 63 • Cylinders ≤ 16,383 (for dr ives ov er 8.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 7 1.4 Phy sic al charac ter istic s 1.5 Se ek t i me The measur ements ar e taken with nominal power at 25° C ambien t temperatu re.
8 Medalist 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 a nd 4312 , Rev. A Note. These dr ives a re des igned to cons isten tly meet the seek ti mes represent ed in th is m anu al. Ph ysi ca l se eks, rega r dle ss of mod e (such as track-to -track and aver age) ar e expec ted to m eet or exceed t he noted value s.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 9 Operating power and cu rrent are m easured using 40 perc ent random seeks, 40 p ercent read /write m ode ( 1 write f or eac h 10 reads) , and 20 percent drive i nactive .
10 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A 1.7.2 Conducted noise Input n ois e rippl e i s mea su re d a t the ho st sy s tem powe r su ppl y ac ro ss an equiv alent 80-oh m resist ive lo ad on the +1 2 vol t line or an e quiva lent 15-ohm res istive load o n the +5 v olt li ne.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 11 Sleep mode . The drive ente rs Slee p mode a fter recei ving a Sl eep command from the ho st. The heads are par ked and the s pindle i s at r est. The drive le aves Sleep mod e after it receives a Har d Reset or Sof t Reset from the h ost.
12 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A 1.8.4 A ltitude 1.8. 5 Shock During sho ck te sts, the driv e was mo unted s ecurel y with th e inp ut shock applied at the dri ve m ountin g scre ws. S hock m ay be appl ied i n the X, Y or Z axis.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 13 Nonoperating vibration The followi ng tabl e lists the maxi mum non operatin g vibra tion tha t the drive m ay exper ienc e without in cu rring ph ysica l damag e or degr adatio n in perfo rmance w hen su bseque ntly put i nto ope ration.
14 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A 1.11 Rel iability 1.12 Agency c e rtification 1.12.1 Safety c e rtification The drives are rec ognized in accor dance wi th UL 19 50 and CS A C22. 2 (950) and meet all applic able se ction s of IEC950 and EN 6095 0 as tested by TUV North A meric a.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 15 1.12.3 FCC verifica t ion These drives are intende d to be conta ined so lely within a per sonal computer or si milar e nclosur e (not a ttache d as a n exte rnal dev ice). As suc h, each dr ive is cons idered t o be a subasse mbly even when it i s indivi dually marke ted to th e cus tomer.
16 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 17 2.0 Drive mounting and configuration 2.1 Handling and static-discharge precautions After unpacking, and before installation, the drive may be exposed to potential handling and electrostatic dis charge (ESD) hazards.
18 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A be config ured for cabl e select. To con figure this dr ive for cable s elect, install a jump er as shown in Fig ure 2.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 19 Figure 2. Alternate capaci ty jumper and mas ter/slave jumpe r 2.4 Drive mounting You can mount the dr ive in an y orien tation usin g four s cre ws in the si de- mounting holes or four screws in th e botto m-mounti ng hol es.
20 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A Figure 3. M ounting dimensions— top, side and end view BOTH SIDES [5.787] 147.00 MAX [1.098 ± 0.011] 27.90 ± 0.27 [1.638 ± 0.013] 41.60 ± 0.33 [4.000 ± 0.013] 101.60 ± 0.33 [1.750 ± 0.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 21.
22 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A 3.0 ATA i nterface These drive s use the i ndustry -standa rd ATA t ask file interfac e that support s 16-bit data transfe rs. It supports ATA prog rammed inp ut/outpu t (PIO) mo des 0, 1, 2 , 3 and 4; mult iword DMA mo des 0, 1 an d 2; an d Ultra DMA mo des 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 23 Figure 4. I/ O pins and supported ATA signals Reset – Ground DD7 DD8 DD6 DD9 DD5 DD10 DD4 DD11 DD3 DD12 DD2 DD13 DD1 DD14 DD0 DD15 Ground (.
24 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A 3.2 A TA Interface c ommands 3.2.1 Supported ATA commands The followin g table li sts A TA-st andar d comma nds that th e drive s up- ports. For a de tailed des cripti on of the ATA comma nds, refe r to the Draf t ATA-4 Standa rd.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 25 Write DM A CA H, CB H Yes Write M ult iple C5 H Yes Write S ectors 30 H, 31 H Yes ATA-standard power-manageme nt commands Check Power Mode 98.
26 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A The followin g comm ands conta in driv e-speci fic featur es that may not be describe d in the Draft AT A-4 Sta ndard . 3.2.2 I dentify Drive command The Identify Drive comm and (co mmand code EC H ) tran sfers info rmation about the dr ive to the hos t foll owing po wer up.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 27 20 Ret ired 0000 H 21 Ret ired 0400 H 22 Obsol ete 0000 H 23–26 Firmwa re revis ion (8 ASCI I character string, padded with blank s to e nd of string) x.
28 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A 60–61 Total numbe r of user- addres sable LBA sec tors av aila ble: 33,683, 328 (ST31724 2A) 25,434, 228 (ST31303 2A) 20,005, 650 (ST3102.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 29 86 Command s ets enabl ed 00 01 H 87 Command s ets enabl e exte nsion 4000 H 88 Ultra DMA supp ort an d current mode xx 1F H 89 Secu rity era.
30 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A 3.2.3 S et Features command This comm and co ntrol s th e im pl eme ntati on of v ariou s f eatu re s th at th e drive su pports. Wh en the drive receiv es this comma nd, it sets BSY , checks the conte nts of the Featur es reg ister, cle ars BS Y and g enerates an interrup t.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 31 At pow er-on, o r after a h ardwa re reset, the defa ult v alues of the fea tures are as indica ted abov e. A softwa re reset also changes the fea tures to default v alues. 3.2.4 S.M.A.R.T. commands S.
32 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A Note. If an appr opriate code is not written t o the Fe atures R egist er, th e comma nd is abo rted an d 0 x 04 (abort) is wri tten to the Error registe r. D3 H S.M.A.R.T . Save A ttribute Value s Yes D4 H S.
Medalis t 17242 , 13032, 10232, 8422 an d 4312, Rev . A 33.
34 Medalis t 1724 2, 13032 , 10232 , 8422 and 4 312, Rev . A Seagate T echnology , Inc. 920 Disc Dr ive, Scotts V alley , California 95 066, USA Publication Number: 20400143-001, Rev .
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Seagate Medalist 17242. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Seagate Medalist 17242 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.