Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung GH68-09490A des Produzenten Samsung
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SGH- d407 S eries P OR T ABLE QUA D-BAND MO BI L E PH ON E User Guide Please read this manual before ope rating your phone, and keep it for future reference.
Intelle ctual P ropert y All Intellectual Property , as defined below, owned by or which is otherwise the property of Samsung or its respective supplie rs relating to the SAMSUNG Phone, inclu ding but.
i Ta bl e of Conte nts I mpo rtan t Safe t y Pre ca u ti o ns... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... .. 1 Your Phone . .. ... ... .. ...... .. ... ..... ... ... .. ...... .. ... ..... .. . ..... ... .. 3 F eatur es of Your Phone . .. . .
ii Menus . ... ... .. ... ..... .. . ..... .. . ..... .. . ..... .. . ... .. ... ..... .. . ..... .. . 33 L i s t o f Me nu F unc ti on s. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. 3 4 Recen t Call s .
ii i O the r fi les .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. 92 M em o ry St atu s.. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .
iv FC C N ot ic e . .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. 1 38 A p pen d ix A : C E RT IF IC AT ION I N FO RM AT IO N (S AR ).. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ..
I mpor tant S a fety P reca utions 1 Important Safety Precautions Please read these guidelines b efore using your wireless phone. Failure to comply with them may be dangerous or illegal. Roa d Safe ty at A l l Tim e s Do n ot use a ha nd-h eld ph one w h ile dr i ving ; par k t he veh icle f ir st.
Imp or ta nt Safet y P r ecaut i o ns 2 Sensible U se Use the phone only in the normal position (held to the ear). A void unnecessary co ntact with the antenna when the phone is switched on. E mer ge ncy Ca ll Ensure the phone is switched on a nd in ser vice.
Y our P h one 3 Y our Phone Y our Phone Features of Y our Phone Y our phone is lightweight, easy-to-use and offers many exciting features. The following list outlines a few of the features included in.
Y our P h one 4 P hone La y out Cl os ed View o f yo ur Pho ne The following illustrations show the main elements of your phone: 1. Headset Connector : Allows you to plug in a headset for safe, convenient, hands-free convers ations. 2. Record Audio key: Allows you to record voice memos using the Record Audio menu.
Y our P h one 5 Y our Phone message. It also displays date, t ime, reception, batter y power , and any icons associated with alerts, su ch as messages, or a set alarm . 6. Camera key : The external camera key used to launch the camera and take a photo or video.
Y our P h one 6 O p en Vie w of Y o ur Ph one 1. Display : This screen displays al l the information needed to operate your phone. 2. Soft key : Performs the functions indicated by the screen text on the bottom of the display . 3. Send key : Allows you to place or receive a call.
Y our P h one 7 Y our Phone hold the key down, you will initiate the most recent call from the Recent Call log. 4. Clear key : Deletes characters fro m the display when you are in text entry mode. Wh en in a main menu, press to return to the previous menu.
Y our P h one 8 13. Navigation key : This key allows you to scroll through phone menu options and provides a shor tcut to phone functions from standby mode. In Idle mode, the navigation keys a ct as shortcuts, allowing you to access other menus directly .
Y our P h one 9 Y our Phone Ic ons Shows the received signal strength. The greater the number of bars, the stronger the sig nal. Appears when a new text message has been received. Appears when a new voice mail has been received. Appears when a new multimedia mes sage has been received.
Y our P h one 10 Shows the level of your battery . The more bars you see, the more power you have remaining. Appears when Bluetooth wireless technology is active.
G etti ng St art ed 11 Get ting Started Getting Started I n st al li n g t he S IM C ar d When you subscribe to a cellular network, you are provided with a plug-in SIM card loaded with your subscription deta ils, such as your PIN, any optional services, and other information.
Gettin g St ar te d 12 2. Remove the batter y by lifting up, as shown. 3. Slide the SIM card into the SIM card socket so that the card locks into place. Make sure the gold co ntacts of the card face into the phone. Not e: If y ou n eed t o r em ove t he S IM car d , s lid e it , as s ho wn, an d t ake it o ut of th e soc ket.
G etti ng St art ed 13 Get ting Started 5. Replace the battery cover by sliding it until it snaps into pla ce. C har g in g a B att ery Y our phone is powered by a recha rgeable Li-ion batter y . A travel adapter comes with your phone for charging the batter y .
Gettin g St ar te d 14 1. With the batter y in p osition in the phone, plug the connector of the travel adapter into the jack at the bottom of the phone. 2. Plug the adapter into a sta ndard AC wall outlet. When charging is finished, unplug the adaptor from the power outlet.
G etti ng St art ed 15 Get ting Started Not e: F or con ne ction to an e lec trical s upply not loca te d in Canada or the U.S., y ou mu s t use a n a daptor of the pr ope r configuration for the power out le t. U se of the wrong adapte r could dama ge your phone and void y our wa rranty .
Call F unctio ns 16 Call Functions S e lecting F unc tions a nd Opt i ons The roles of the soft keys vary depending on the function you are currently using. The labels on th e bottom line of the display just above each key indicate their current role.
Call F unctio ns 17 Call Function s ♦ When using other fe atures, such as the web browser , the right soft key per forms a context-sensitive action. This action is shown in the bottom right corner of the Display Screen. Not e: Whe n yo u acce ss a l is t of op ti on s, y our phone highl ights the curren t option.
Call F unctio ns 18 C o rre c t in g th e N um b er En di ng a C al l When you want to end your call, b riefly press the key or close the phone. Rediallin g the Last Nu mbe r The phone stores the numbers you have dia led, received or missed if the caller is identified.
Call F unctio ns 19 Call Function s 3. Use the Up and Down keys to scro ll through the numbers until the number you want is highlighted. Makin g a Call f rom Cont act l ist Y ou can store the phone numbers th at you use regularly in the SIM card or the phone’ s memory , which are collectively called Contact list .
Call F unctio ns 20 A nswe r in g a C al l When somebody calls you, the p hone rings and displays the incoming call image. When the c aller can be identified, the caller’ s phone number or name, if stored in your Contact list, displays. T o an sw er a c al l 1.
Call F unctio ns 21 Call Function s 2. Press the View soft key . Th e nu mb er f or th e mos t rec en t mi sse d c all d isp lay s, if av ail abl e. Savi n g a Miss ed Call Nu m ber Not e: Whe n th e numbe r fo r the m is sed c all is n ot avail abl e, t he E dit op ti on doe s n ot disp lay.
Call F unctio ns 22 Dele tin g a Misse d Call T o delete a missed call that appears on-scr een: 1. Press the View soft key . 2. Highlight the call that you wish to de lete. The most recent call is highlighted by default. 3. Press the Options soft ke y and select Delete .
Op tions Dur ing a Ca l l 23 O ptions Dur ing Options During a Call Y our phone provides a number of fe atures that you can use during a call. P utting a Call on Hold Y ou can place the current call on hold whenever you want. Y ou can make another call while you have a call in progress if your network supports this service.
Opti on s Duri ng a Call 24 Not e: P l ease co ntact you r ser v ice provi d er to det e r m ine if mu lti- p ar ty c alling is supported. Settin g up the M ul ti-p art y Ca ll 1. Call the first participant in the normal way . 2. Call the second participant in the normal way .
Op tions Dur ing a Ca l l 25 O ptions Dur ing Dr op pi n g On e Pa rti c ipa nt 1. Press the Options soft key and select Select One , and press the OK soft key . 2. Highlight the desired partipant and press . 3. Select Remove and press . Th e call en ds w ith tha t partic ip a n t , b u t yo u c a n con tinue to talk to t h e ot he r s.
Opti on s Duri ng a Call 26 Not e: T o communica t e wi th answering machine s or c omput e rized t e lephone syst ems using D TMF tones, the Send DTMF op tio n mu st be sel ected. S e nding a S equence of D TM F T ones Y ou can send the DTMF tones after entering the entire number you need to send.
Op tions Dur ing a Ca l l 27 O ptions Dur ing 5. T o view the highlighted entry , press the key . For further details about the Contact list feature, see “Contacts” on page 94. Usi n g T ext M es sa g es If you receive a text message d uring a call, the Message icon ( ) flashes on the display .
Enterin g T e xt 28 Entering T ext When using your phone, you will often need to enter text, such as when storing a name in the Contact list, creating your personal greeting or scheduling events on your calendar . Y ou can enter alphanumeric characters by using your phone’ s keypad.
Enter i n g T e xt 29 Ente ring Text built-in dictionar y . Y o ur phone will select the most likely word based on your keystroke combinations. T o ent er a w o r d in T 9 mod e: 1. When you are in T9 mode, start entering a word by pressing the 2 to 9 keys.
Enterin g T e xt 30 Th e wo rd i s ad ded to th e T9 dic tio na ry an d be co m e s th e fir st w or d for t he a ss oci ate d ke y pr es ses . ♦ T o enter periods or hyphens, press the key . T9 mode applies grammar rules to ensure that the correct punctuation is used.
Enter i n g T e xt 31 Ente ring Text Refer to the following table for furthe r details about the characters available: ♦ T o shift the case in Alphabet mode, use the key . ♦ Y ou can move the cursor by using the Left and Right keys. T o delete letters, press .
Enterin g T e xt 32 Using Number Mode Number mode enables you to enter numbers into a text message. Press the keys corresponding t o the digits you want to enter . Using Symbol Mode Symbol mode enables you to insert symbols into a text message. To P re ss th e select a sym bol cor responding numbe r key .
Men us 33 Menus Menus The navigation key on your phone allows you to scroll through menus quickly and easily . The s croll bar at the right of the menu keeps track of your position in th e menu at all times. ♦ T o navigate through a menu, simply press the navigation key up or down.
M enus 34 List of Menu Functions The following list shows the menu s tructure available and indicates the number assigned to each option and the page where you can find a description of each feature. 1 . R ece nt C a lls (See page 4 2) 1. A ll C a l ls 2.
Men us 35 Menus 2. Me ssages (See pa ge 46) 1. IM 1. S ign In 2. S a ve d C onve rsa t i ons 3. O ffl i ne Conversa t i ons 4. S e tt ings (See below for ex pande d me nu t re e ) 5. H elp 1 .Se rvi ce Pr ov ide r I nfo . 2. About MSN M essenge r/Help Te x t 2.
M enus 36 • M a x i m u m • 1 Hour • 12 Hours • 1 D a y • 1 W e e k • D eli v ery T im e • I m m e d i a t e l y • 1 Hour Later • 12 Hours Late r • 1 Day Lat e r • 1 Week Late r 2.Re cei ve Se ttin g s • Anonym ous Reject • ADS Al lo we d • Informa t ion Allow ed • R eport A ll owe d • Au to D ow nloa d 3.
Men us 37 Menus 2. Fav o r ites 3. Go to U RL 4. Br ows er Prof iles • FI D O W A P • FI D O MM S 5 . Cl ea r Ca ch e 6. Me dia ( See pa ge 76) 1. Camera 2. Voic e Rec ognition 3. Record A udio 7. FUN & Tu nes ( S ee pa ge 87) 1. Audio 1. G et Ring T ones 2.
M enus 38 • Se t D a te • Date Form at • MM/ DD/ YY YY • YY YY/ MM / DD • DD/ MM/ YY YY • S t art ing Day of Cale nda r • St art w i t h S unda y • St art w i t h Monday • A uto U pd a te • On • Off • Con firm First 2. Phone Sett ings 1.
Men us 39 Menus 1. I ncom i ng C all • G e t Ring T unes • R ingT one • R ingV ol um e • Ale rt T y pe • M elody • V i b r a t i o n • Vibrat ion the n Melody • Vibrat ion & me l ody 2. K e ypa d T one • T on e • O f f • D T M F • B e e p • D r u m • R ain Drop • V o i c e • Xylophone • Vo lum e 3.
M enus 40 5.Re cei vi ng W hi le Abr oa d 1 .Vo ic e Ca lls 2.D ata Ca lls 6. Cancel A ll 7. Change Bar ring Password 3. C a l l Wait ing 1 .Vo i ce Ca ll s • A c t i v a t e • De act iv ate 2.Da ta Cal ls • A c t i v a t e • De act iv ate 3. Cancel A ll 4.
Men us 41 Menus 2.Re set Dig i t s 4. S ound 1.Prompts • O n • O f f 2.Digit s • O n • O f f 3 . N a m e s • O n • O f f 4. Name Settings 1 . S p e e d • F a s t e r • R e c o m m e n d e d • S l o w e r 2 . V o l u m e • Louder • R e c o m m e n d e d • S o f t e r 5.
Rece nt Calls 42 Recent Calls In this menu, you can: ♦ view calls you missed, received or made ♦ view the length of calls made and rec eived Not e: Y o u ca n acc ess th e mo st re cent n um ber s in t he t hr ee t y pes of call r ecor d s by pr essin g t he key in I d l e mo de.
Re c e nt C a ll s 43 Recent Calls ♦ call the number back. Y ou can also dial the number by pressing the key . ♦ save the number to your Contact list. ♦ send a message to the number . ♦ delete the call from the list. Calls Made This menu ( Menu 1.
Rece nt Calls 44 Delete A ll This menu ( Menu 1.5 ) allows you to delete all of the records in each call record type. Y ou can also delete all of your call records at one time. When a confirming message dis plays, press the Ye s soft key to confirm. Call T im er s This menu ( Menu 1.
Re c e nt C a ll s 45 Recent Calls T o reset a timer , hig hlight the desired timer and press the Res et soft key . Y ou must first enter the phone p assword and then press the OK soft key . Not e: The pa ssw or d is pres et to “00000000” a t t he factory .
Mes sages 46 Messages Y ou can send and receive a ran ge of different message types from your mobile phone, including: ♦ Instant Messaging allows you to send and receive instant messages over a variety of different IM clients.
Me ssages 47 Me ssages 4. Enter the required sign on information such as ID an d password and press the OK soft key . Not e: The information required for sign on wi ll va ry depe nding on the ins t a nt messa gin g p r ovid er y ou ar e u sing . 5. Follow the on-screen instructions to read, reply to, compose, send, and manage your IM account.
Mes sages 48 Cr eat i ng a T ext M es sag e 1. Press Menu 2.2.1 for T ext Message . 2. Create your message. For further details about entering characters, see “Entering T ext” on page 28. 3. When you finish entering your mes sage, press the Options soft key and select Send Message , or press the key .
Me ssages 49 Me ssages T ex t Me ssa ge O pt ion s While you are composing your text mes sage, press the Options soft key to select from the following: ♦ Send Message : allows you to send the message.
Mes sages 50 Depending on your service provider , the maximum number of characters may vary . Cre atin g and Sen ding a Mu l timed i a Mess age 1. Press Menu 2.2.2 for Multimedia mes sage . The media types screen is displayed. 2. Add the message content by selec ting the following media types: ♦ Subject : allows you to enter text for the subject.
Me ssages 51 Me ssages • Save to: save the message to your Drafts or other folder . • Language Select : allows you to set the language to English or Français. • Input Method : allows you to select the T ext entr y me thod. For more inforation, see “Entering T ext” on page 28.
Mes sages 52 My Mess age s The My Messages screen ( Men u 2.3 ) provides 4 message folders: ♦ Inbox : stores incoming text and multimedia messages ♦ Sent : stores the messages your phone has successfully sent. ♦ Outbox : stores the messages your phone is attempting to send temporarily .
Me ssages 53 Me ssages Us i ng Me ssa ge O pti ons While viewing a message, press the Options soft key to access the following options: Options for T ext Messages ♦ Reply : allows you to reply to the message received via a Te x t Message . ♦ Call Back : allows you to dial the number th at the message has listed.
Mes sages 54 ♦ Properties : shows you information abou t the message. Te m p l a t e s Using this menu ( Menu 2.4 ), you can preset the messages that you use most frequently . Select the message template you want and press the Options soft key . The following options are availab le: ♦ Edit : allows you to edit the currently-highlighted message.
Me ssages 55 Me ssages 2. Select the type of messages for which you want to delete. When a confirming message dis plays, press the Ye s soft key to confirm. S e tt i ngs Y ou can set up various options for using text and multimedia messaging ser vi ces ( Menu 2.
Mes sages 56 Co mm u ni ty Set t in gs This menu allows you to adjust your IM client’ s behavior . Please note that the menu options change slightly , depending on your IM community . Y ou can adjust the followin g settings: ♦ Sounds : adjusts how your phone indicates a Receive message , Contact alert or System message .
Me ssages 57 Me ssages T ex t Me ssa ge P ro fi le The Profile settings menu allows you to modify the settings for each profile. Highlight the profile you wis h to modify and press the Edit soft key: ♦ Ser vice Center : allows the recipient of your message to send you a reply through your m essage center , if your network supports this service.
Mes sages 58 ♦ Information Allowed: allows messages with the category of ♦ information. ♦ Report allowed : when this option is enabl ed, the sender of an incoming message re ceives a deliver y report from the network. ♦ Auto Download : when this option is enable d, all multimedia messages will be autoamtically dowloaded to your phone.
Me ssages 59 Me ssages 1. From the Idle menu, select Menu 2. 8 for Memor y Status . 2. The screen displays the amount o f memory being used by your text messages. Press the left and right soft keys to view the memor y usage of multimedia, broadcast and push messages.
Gam es 60 Games Y ou can download and play games already stored on your phone. Get Ga m e s Y ou can download more games from the network. A charge may apply . Once you have downloaded games, they are added to your phone’ s list of games. Not e: Game ser v ices may not be availa bl e de pen din g upon your se r v ice pr ovi der .
Ga m e s 61 Games Viewi ng Ga me Infor mat ion 1. In Idle mode, select Menu 3 for Games . 2. Highlight My Games and press the key . 3. Scroll to the game you want, press the Options soft key and select Properties . Th e d isp la y s ho ws in fo rm ati on ab ou t t he ga m e, s uch a s the fi le siz e, app li c ati on v er sio n an d its ven do r .
Applic at ions 62 Applications Applications enable you to: ♦ set an alarm so that the phone rings at a specific time, such as to remind you of an appoin tment. ♦ view the calendar and organize you r schedule. ♦ use the phone as a calculator for ba sic mathematical equations or currency exchange operations.
Ap pli cations 63 Applicat ions T o set an ala rm o r w a ke- up call: 1. Choose the type of alarm to be set and press the Select soft key . 2. Enable or disable the Alarm by pressing the Left or Right navigation keys. 3. Press the Down navigation key to select Alarm Tim e .
Applic at ions 64 C a lendar With the Calendar feature ( Menu 4.2 ), you can: ♦ consult the calendar to check your memos. ♦ write memos to keep track of your sc hedule.
Ap pli cations 65 Applicat ions Writing a Calendar E ntr y Y ou can crea te up to 100 calendar entries. T o write or edi t a calendar entry on a specifi c date: 1. Select a timeslot on the current view (month, week or day), using the Navigation keys and press th e key .
Applic at ions 66 ♦ Repeat : Press the key to enable or di sable the repeat. Depending on the type of entry , you can configure th e repeat period by pressing the Left or Right navigation key . ♦ Until : Enter the date when the entry is no longer repeated.
Ap pli cations 67 Applicat ions Ta s k Y ou can use the T ask function to in the same way you would use a to- do list. When the task has been c ompleted, you can check it off as done. T o enter tasks into your Organizer , follow these steps: 1. In Idle mode, press Menu 4.
Applic at ions 68 Note Y ou can use the Note function to in the same way you would use a to- do list. T o enter notes into your Organizer , follow these steps: 1. In Idle mode, press Menu 4.4 to start the Note feature 2. The first time you enter the task menu, it wi ll be empty .
Ap pli cations 69 Applicat ions 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 as many times as required. Con ver te r Using the Converter application ( Menu 4.5.2 ), you can easily determine many unit conversions (length, weight, volume, area, temperature) as well as curren cy conversions.
Applic at ions 70 2. Using the numeric keys, enter the amount of time that you wish to countdown from and press the OK so ft key . Press the key to start timer . 3. Press the key to stop or restart timer . Stop w at ch The Stopwatch application ( Menu 4.
Fido Inte rnet 71 Launchin g the Fido I nt ernet Y our phone is equipped with a W AP (Wireless Application Protocol) browser which allows you to access Internet site s specified for mobile phones. This section explains how to access the WAP ser vices of your service provide r and navigate the WAP browser .
Fido Internet 72 Navi gati ng the Int er net Browser • T o sc ro ll thr ou gh bro w ser ite m s , p re ss th e Up o r Do w n na vig at ion ke ys . • T o se lec t a b row se r it em , p re ss th e ke y . • T o se lec t a n umbe re d ite m, p res s th e co rr es po nd ing num e ric k ey .
Fido Inte rnet 73 Favorite s Accessing a Int er net Site Using Fav or i tes 1. In Idle mode, pres s the Menu soft key to access Menu mode. 2. Highlight Fido Internet and press the Select soft key or the key . 3. Select Favorites . 4. Select a bookmark item from the Favorite list and press the key .
Fido Internet 74 Deleting a Bookmark 1. From the Favorite s list, select the bookmark you want to delete. 2. Press the Options soft key and select Delete . T o delete the current bookmar k, highlight Selected and press . T o delete all your personal bookmarks, select All and press .
Fido Inte rnet 75 Bro wser Browser Prof i les Y ou can set up multiple server profiles for the Internet browse r . 1. In Idle mode, pres s the Menu soft key to access menu mode and selec t Fido Internet and press the Select soft key or the key .
Med ia 76 Media The Media menu ( Menu 6 ) provides access to the following features: ♦ take pictures and video clips using the Camera. ♦ use the hands-free V oice Recognition feature. ♦ record audio clips Ca m er a Using the camera menu ( Menu 6.
M edia 77 Media 4. Press the Camera key ( ) on the right side of the phone or the key to take the photo. ♦ T o discard the photo and return to the capture mode, p ress the Options sof t key and select Delete . ♦ T o return to the capture mode, press the Pr eview sof t key .
Med ia 78 ♦ Frames : allows you to use a d ecorated frame. Select a frame from the list using the Navig ation keys and press the View soft key . If you wish to keep the selected frame press the Select soft key . T o return to the list, press the Back soft key .
M edia 79 Media 4. Press the Camera key ( ) to take the photo. The image is saved in the default storage location. O p tion s aft er t a k in g yo ur ph ot o When you press the Options soft k ey after saving a photo, the following options are available: ♦ T ake Anothe r allows you to take another photo immedi ately .
Med ia 80 The video clip is saved in the Vide os folder . Us i ng the V i de o Op t io ns In Record mode, you can use various options for the camera by pressing the left soft key . The following options are available: ♦ T ake Photo : switches your phone to Camera mode.
M edia 81 Media ♦ Delete : deletes the video. ♦ Rename : allows you to change the name of the video. ♦ Go to Video : views the video album in the handset. ♦ Protection : prevents a video in your video album from being accidentally deleted. Y ou must unprotect a video before it can be deleted.
Med ia 82 ♦ Say “Call” followed by a valid telephone number , or… ♦ Say “Call” by itself to be prompted for a name or number . Examples : Call Angela Martinez Call T om Stewart at Office Call Donna Harper' s Mobile Call 781-555-5200 3.
M edia 83 Media Digit Dialing’ s Adapt Digits from the Voice Recognition Settings menu. Lo ok i ng U p a C on ta c t Use the Lookup command to look up contact information for any person stored in your contact list. 1. Start Voic e Recognition ( Menu 6.
Med ia 84 Hi nts f or us ing Go T o Wait for the beep before saying the command. ♦ T o see a list of applications/me nu items you can open, say “Go T o” but do not specify a destination. Voice Recognition displays a list of valid destinations and prompts you with “Please Choose.
M edia 85 Media When Voice Recognition rejects an utterance, it displays a message such as “Please repeat…” or “No match found.” If you frequently experience these messages, you might be able to get better recognition by adjusting the Sensi tivity setting toward Reject Less .
Med ia 86 Record Audio Y ou can record audio clips ( Menu 6.3 ). After recording, you can send the audio clip to other people usin g Multimedia Messaging. T o r eco rd an audio cl ip 1. Press Menu 6.3 . 2. T o start recording, pr ess the Op tions soft key followed by Record or press the key.
F UN & T unes 87 FUN & Tunes FUN & T unes The FUN & T unes menu ( Menu 7 ) is used to manage your collection of audio clips, graphics, download ed video, and other files. A udi o In this menu ( Menu 7.1 ), you can s elect a new ringtone from your collection of pre-provided and do wnloaded ring tunes.
F UN & Tun e s 88 ♦ Properties : displays information about the sound, such as Name, Date, Format, Size, and Protection. Reco r ded Au d io The Recorded Audio contains your recorded audio clips. Highlight an item in the Recorded Audio menu and press the Options soft key .
F UN & T unes 89 FUN & Tunes ♦ Properties : displays audio clip inform ation, such as Name, Date, Format, Size, and Protection. Graphics In this menu ( Menu 7.2 ), you can s elect a new wallpaper image from your collection of pre-provi ded and downloaded pictures.
F UN & Tun e s 90 ♦ Send via : allows you to send the image via Multimedia mess age or Bluetooth. ♦ Set as : allows you to set the image as Wallpaper or as a Caller ID. ♦ Delete : allows you to delete the image. ♦ Rename: allows you to change the name of the item.
F UN & T unes 91 FUN & Tunes V i deo In this menu ( Menu 7.3 ), you can view videos downloaded from the web ser ver or re ceived in multimedia messages. The following options are available: G e t Vi deos Using the Get Videos option, you can access your Ser vice Provider’ s site where you can download new videos.
F UN & Tun e s 92 ♦ Move to Favorite Video : moves the file to your Favorite Video folder . ♦ Share for Bluetooth : allows the video to be shared or released for the use of another Blueto oth device. ♦ Protection : allows you to lock the video to protect it from deletion.
F UN & T unes 93 FUN & Tunes Me mor y St a tus This menu ( Menu 7.5 ) shows the a mount of memor y for My Files , Games and Applications . The display shows you the total, free and used space including the number of multimedia files you recorded and the total number of multimedia files you can additiona lly create.
Cont acts 94 Contacts Y ou can store phone numbers and th eir corresponding names in both your SIM card and phone’ s mem or y . They are physically separate but are used as a sin gle entity , called your Contact List ( Menu 8 ).
Cont acts 95 Co ntacts 4. Enter a name and press the Save soft key . For further details about entering characters, see “ Entering T ext ” on page 28. Sto rin g a Num ber Usin g the Con ta cts Men u 1. In Idle mode, press the Menu soft key to access the menu.
Cont acts 96 When viewing a contact, the follow ing Options are available: ♦ Edit : allows you to edit the name and co ntact information. ♦ Send message : allows you to send a text message or Multimedia message to the currently selected contact.
Cont acts 97 Co ntacts 4. Enter the first few letters of the name that you want to find. The Phone Book entries are listed, starting with the first entry matching your input. 5. Once you have found the entry , press the key to d ial the number , or press the Options soft key to access the Phone Book entr y options.
Cont acts 98 Add ing a c on ta ct to th e Gro up 1. In Idle mode, press the Menu soft key to access the menu. 2. Select Contacts and press the Sele ct soft key or key . 3. Scroll to Group by pressing the Up o r Down navigation key and press the key . 4.
Cont acts 99 Co ntacts ♦ T o add a custom ringtone to the group, press Down to Ringtone and press . 6. When you are finished, press the Save soft key .
Cont acts 100 T o e dit the number use the following options by pressing the Options soft key: ♦ View : allows you to view the number ass igned to the key . Y ou can dial the number by pressing the key . ♦ Change : allows you to assign a different number to the key .
Cont acts 101 Co ntacts 2. Select Contacts and press the Sele ct soft key or key . 3. Scroll to Own Number by pressing the Up or Down navigation ke y and press the Select soft key or key . 4. Highlight the number you want to view by pressing the Up or Down navigation key .
Cont acts 102 5. After receiving the “Copy All to Phone?” confirmation message, press the Ye s soft key . Not e: O pt ions are a vailable for entries stor ed to your phone that are not av ailabl e whe n stored to the SIM ca rd. F or details , s ee the note on page 94.
Cont acts 103 Co ntacts Not e: Once co nt ac t en tr i es have been delet ed , t hey ca nnot be rec ove r ed. Memor y st atus Y ou can check how many names a nd numbers are stored in the Phonebook, in both SIM card and the phone memory . Y ou can also see the cap acity of both memories.
Setti n gs 104 Settings Many different features of your phone can be customize d to s uit your preferences. All of these features are accessed in the Settings menu ( Menu 9) . Ti me & D a t e Use this menu ( Menu 9.1 ) to config ure the settings for the time and date display .
Setti n gs 105 Se ttings Not e: A utomatic updates of t ime and date does not change the time you h ave set fo r alar m s et ti ngs o r calend ar m e mo s. P hone S e t t i ngs Use this menu ( Menu 9.2 ) to config ure the settings for how the phone operates.
Setti n gs 106 Sh o r t C ut Y ou can use the Navigation keys as shortcut keys to access specific menus directly from Idle mode. Us e this menu to change these shortcut assignments. T o assign a shortcut to a key: 1. Highlight the naviation key that you wish to assign a function to.
Setti n gs 107 Se ttings ♦ Anykey Answer : when this option is chec ked, you can answer an incoming call by pressing any key , except the key and the Reject soft key . T o reject the call, pre ss the key or the Reject soft key . When this option is unchecked, you can only press the key or Accept soft key .
Setti n gs 108 In fo disp l ay This menu allows you to change th e background image or the color of the text to be displayed in Idle m ode. The following options are availab le: ♦ T ext Posit ion: you can specify the location of the text on the screen ( To p , Bottom or Off ).
Setti n gs 109 Se ttings Backl igh t Y ou can select the length of time the backlight is on. The backlight turns on when you press a key or receive a call or message and remains on for the specified length of time.
Setti n gs 11 0 S ound s e ttings Y ou can use the Sound Settings menu ( Menu 9.4 ) to customize various settings, such as the: ♦ ring melody , volume and type. ♦ sounds made when you press a key , receive a message, open/ close the folder or swi tch your phone on or off.
Setti n gs 111 Se ttings Keyp ad T o ne This menu allows you to select the tone that the phone sounds when you press a key . Press Up or Do wn to select an option and press Right or Left to scroll through the choices. When you are finished, press the Save soft key or .
Setti n gs 11 2 Po w er On/O f f This menu allows you to select the melody that the phone sounds when it is switched o n and off. Select either T one 1 or T one 2 . To t u r n the sound off, select Off . When yo u are finished, press the Select soft key or .
Setti n gs 11 3 Se ttings N e two r k S ervi c es Use this menu ( Menu 9.5 ) to custo mize the settings for network features, such as call forwarding, call barring, and call w aiting. Cal l Fo r war d i ng Call for warding enables incoming calls to be rerouted to a n umber that you spec ify .
Setti n gs 11 4 3. In the Forward to field, enter the number to which the calls are to be forwarded and press the Select soft key . T o ente r an international code, press the key until the + sign displays. The phone sends your settings to the network and the network’ s acknowledgement displays.
Setti n gs 11 5 Se ttings 2. Select whether you want to bar Voice Calls or Data Calls , and then press the Select soft key . T he s cr e en i nf o rm s y o u w he t he r ca l l ba rr i ng i s ac t i va te d or dea ct iva ted . 3. Activate or deactivate the call ba rring feature as necessary by selecting either Activate or Deactivate .
Setti n gs 11 6 Net wo rk Sele ctio n The Network Selection feature ena bles you to automatically or manually select the network use d when roaming outside of your home area. Not e: Y ou ca n sel ect a network ot her than your home ne twork only if the r e is a v alid r oam ing agr eem e nt bet we en th em.
Setti n gs 11 7 Se ttings Clos ed Use r Grou p This network service allows incoming and outgoing calls to be restricted to a selected user group. Y ou can create up to ten user groups. For details on how to create and use a closed user group, contact your service provider .
Setti n gs 11 8 Secu r e M o de Secure mode provides the ability to monitor data stored on the handset. When Secure mode is s et as On, whenever another person trys to access your phone' s dat a, the phone will always promt you to allow access. When Secure mode is set as Off, other people can access your phone`s data witho ut permission.
Setti n gs 11 9 Se ttings PIN Check When the PIN check feature is enabled, you must enter your PIN each time you switch the phone on. Consequently , any person who does not have your PIN cannot use your phone without your approval. Not e: B e f ore d isabl i ng t he PIN C heck feat ur e, you m ust e nt e r yo ur P I N.
Setti n gs 120 ♦ Enable : you are required to enter the phone password when you switch the phone on. Ch ange Pass w ord The Change Password feature allo ws you to change your current phone password to a new one. Y ou must enter the current password before you can specify a new on e.
Setti n gs 121 Se ttings ♦ T o unlock your SIM card, you must re-enter the SIM lock code. FDN Mode FDN (Fixed Dial Number) Mode, if supported by your SIM card, allows you to restrict your outgoing calls to a limited set of phone numbers. The following options are availab le: ♦ Disable : you can call any number .
Setti n gs 122 Not e: Y our phone c onnects to the netw ork by default. If you change the multimedia settings without f i rs t check ing wi t h your se rvice prov ider , t he Internet a n d multimedia features may not work pr operly .
Setti n gs 123 Se ttings • GSM • Dial Number: en ter the serv er p h o ne nu m b er . • Login ID: e n te r the Lo gin I D re q u ired to co n n e c t to th e G S M ne tw ork . • Passwo rd: en te r th e pa ss wo rd r eq ui re d to c o n ne ct t o t h e G S M ne tw ork .
Setti n gs 124 Re set Se ttings Y ou can easily reset your phone to its default settings. T o reset your phone: 1. Select one or more of the following re set options: ♦ All : resets all configuration options to th eir default values. ♦ Phone Settings : resets only phone options to their default values.
Acce ss C odes 125 Ac cess Codes Access Codes There are several access c odes that are used by your phone and its SIM card. These codes help you protect the phone against unauthorized use. When requested for any of the co des explained below, enter the appropriate code (displayed as asterisks) and press the OK soft key .
Access Code s 126 PI N The Personal Identification Number or PIN (4 to 8 digits) protects your SIM card against unauthorize d use. It is usually supplied with the SIM card. If you enter an incorrect PIN three times in succession, the code is disabled and cannot be used until you re-enable it by entering the PUK (see below).
Solvin g Problem s 127 Solvin g Solving Problems If you are experiencing problem s with your phone, perform the following simple checks before c ontacting a ser vice professional.
S olv ing Prob lems 128 “No se r vice,” “Ne t work f ailure” or “No t d o n e” di spla ys ♦ The network connection was lost. Y ou may be in a weak signal area (in a tunnel or surroun ded by buildings).
Solvin g Problem s 129 Solvin g The au dio qu ali t y o f t he ca ll is po or ♦ Check the signal strength indicator o n the display ( ); the number of bars indicates the signal strength from strong ( ) to weak ( ). ♦ T ry moving the phone slightly or move closer to a window if you are in a building.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 130 Health and Safety Information Exposure t o Ra dio Freque ncy ( RF) S ignals Y our wireless phone is a radio transmitter and r eceiver . It is desi gned and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy s et by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the U.
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 131 general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output of the phone. Before a new model phone is avai lable for sale to the pu.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 132 •h ttp : / /w ww .fd a.go v / cdr h /c o n s u m e r ♦ World Hea lth Organization (WHO) •h ttp : / /w ww . w h o . i nt/ p eh-e m f /en P r ecautions When Us ing B a t t e ri e s ♦ Never use any charger or battery that is damaged in any wa y .
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 133 ♦ Dispose of used batteries in accor dance with local regulations. Always recycle. Do n ot dispose of batteries in a fire.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 134 ♦ should use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize potential interference. If you have any reason to suspe ct that inter ference is taking place, switch your phone off immediately . He ar i n g A ids Some digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids.
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 135 P ot e nt i all y Ex pl osi v e Envi ronments Switch your phone off when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere and obey all signs and instructions. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 136 2. Key in the emergency number for your present location (for example, 911 or other official emergency number).
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 137 C a re and Ma inte nanc e Y our phone is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. The suggestions help you fulfill any warranty obligations and allow en joy this product for many years: ♦ Keep the phone and all its parts and accessories out of reach of small children.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 138 FC C N oti ce C aut i o ns Modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. FCC Compli ance I nf or mat ion This device complies with Par t 15 of FCC Rules.
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 139 ♦ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiv er is connected. ♦ Consult the dealer or an experience d radio/ TV technician for help.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 140 only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base sta tion antenna, the lower the power output.
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 141 the power ful ability to communicate by voice-almost anywhere, anytime with the boss, with a client, with the kids, with emergency personnel or even with the police. Each year , North Americans make billions of calls from their wireless phones, and the numbers are rapidly growing.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 142 including automatic redial and memory . Also, work to memorize the phone keypad so you ca n use the speed dial function without taking your attention off the road. 2. When available, use a hands free device. A number of hands free wireless phone accessories a re readily available today .
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 143 this simple tip-dial only a few numbers, check the road and your mirrors, then continue. 7. Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations that may be distracting.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 144 T elec ommunications Industry Ass ociation and the wireless industry have conducted an educational o utreach program to inform wireless phone users of their responsibil ities as safe drivers and good citizens.
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 145 The available scientific evidence does not show that any health problems are associated with us ing wireless phones. There is no proof, however , that wireless phones are absolutely safe. Wireless phones emit low levels of radio fr equency energy (RF) in the microwave range while being used.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 146 FDA belongs to an interagency working group of the federal agencies that have responsibility for differ ent aspects of RF safety to ensure coordinated effor ts at the federal level.
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 147 establishment of new research programs a round the world. The Project has also helped develop a series of public information documents on EMF issues.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 148 6. What about children using wireless phones? The scientific evidence does n ot show a danger to users of wireless phones, including children and teenagers.
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 149 8. Do wireless phone accessories that claim to shield the head from RF radiation work? Since there are no known risks f rom exposure to RF emissions from wireless phones, there is no re ason to believe that accessories that claim to shield the head from thos e emissions reduce risks.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 150 aids and wireless phones so that no interference occurs when a person uses a compatible phone and a compatible hearing aid at the same time. This standard was ap proved by the IEEE in 2000. FDA continues to monitor the use of wireless phones for possible interactions with other medical de vices.
Hea lth and S a fety In formation 151 11. What resear ch is needed to decide whether RF exposure from wireless phones poses a health risk? A combination of laboratory studies and epidemiological studies of people actually using wireless phones would provide some of the data that are needed.
Heal th and Safe ty Info r m a tion 152 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection: http://www. icnirp. de National Radiation Protection Board (UK): http://www. nrpb. Updated 4/3/2002: US Food and Drug A dminis t ration ht tp: //www .
S T A NDARD LIMIT ED WARRA NTY 153 ST ANDARD LIMITED W ARRANTY What is Covered and For How Lon g? SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CANADA INC. (SAMSUNG) warrants to the original purchaser (" Purchaser") .
ST ANDA RD L I MI T ED WARRA NT Y 154 This Limited W arranty covers batteries only if batter y capacity falls below 80% of rated capacity or th e battery leaks, and this Limited Warra nty does not cov.
S T A NDARD LIMIT ED WARRA NTY 157 This Limited W arranty allocates risk of Product failure between Purc haser and SAMSUNG, and SAMSUNG’ s Product p ricing reflects this allocation of risk and the lim itations of liability contained in this Limited Warranty .
15 8 Index A Alar m • , 62 Aler t ty p e , 11 0 Alpha bet m ode, te xt input • , 30 Ans w eri ng ca l l • , 20 se con d c al l • , 27 A n yke y ans we r • , 10 7 Aut o re di al • , 10 6 B .
159 dele t i ng , 61 Ga mes • , 60 Grap hi c logo • , 110 H H ea l th and sa fety • , 13 0 Hi F i R i n g e r s , 11 0 H o ldi ng, c alls • , 23 I I co ns, de sc rip tio n • , 9 IM Se tti ng.
16 0 PIN ch a n ging • , 11 9 descri p ti o n • , 12 6 PIN 2 de scri p ti o n • , 12 6 P ow e r o n/ off t o ne • , 11 2 Pr iva cy • , 12 0 PU K • , 12 6 P u sh M e ss age Se tti ngs , 58 .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Samsung GH68-09490A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
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Wenn Sie aber schon Samsung GH68-09490A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Samsung GH68-09490A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Samsung GH68-09490A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Samsung GH68-09490A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.