Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung CT-400 des Produzenten Radio Shack
Zur Seite of 64
Cat. N o. 1 7-110 1 OWNER’S MANUAL Pleas e read b efore usin g this eq uipment. CT-400 Hand held Ce llular Ph one 17-1 101. fm Page 1 We dnesd ay, Ju ly 21 , 1 999 9:57 AM.
2 FEATURES Your Rad ioShack CT-400 Hand held Cellu l ar Phone co mbines adv anced tec hnology and desi gn simpl ici ty. To com plement its sm all si ze and easy- to- use desig n, the CT-400 pr ovides a ful l range of feat ures.
3 Securit y Features — t o prevent un authorized phone use, you can set up to three di fferent l evels of c all restricti ons ( to all ow only incoming call s, for example) wh i le sti ll allo wi ng calls to t he prepr o- gramme d emergen cy number .
4 CONTEN TS A Look at the Display . .. ....... ..... .. ..... .. .. . ..... .. ..... . 6 Pre pa rat ion ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. .. ..... ... .. ..... 8 Ins tal lin g th e Ba tte ry . .. .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. .
5 Ba ckl ig ht C on t rol ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ... ... 3 4 Keypad T ones . ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... 35 Rin g V ol um e . ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. . 3 6 Rin g T y p e .
6 AB Indi cates the typ e of net work selected : A ..... . ..... ...... . .. A system onl y B ..... . ..... ...... . .. B system onl y AB .... .. ..... ..... .. Both syst ems No I ndicat or .... . Ho me a r ea onl y See “Sett ing the Cell ular Syst em Type” on Page 26.
7 ON Appears when t he phone is on. See “ Turni ng t he Phone On/Off ” on Page 13. Appears whe n you roam usi ng your home syst em. Fl ashes when you ro am using a non- home system. See “Roa m ing” on Page 28. IN USE Appears dur ing a call. See “Maki ng a Call ” on Page 1 3 or “Re c eivi ng a Call” on Page 15.
8 PREPARATION INSTALLING THE BATTERY To i nstal l the bat tery, p lace it fla t against th e back of the p hone wit h the tab f ac- ing up and towar d the top of t he phone. Th en slide the bat tery toward the t op of t he phone until i t snap s in to pl ac e .
9 • When the ba ttery i s not in us e, sto r e it un- charged in a cool and d ark place . • The battery is a sealed unit with no servi ce- able parts. Do not tr y to open the ca se. • Y ou can purchase add i ti onal stand ar d or ex- tended cap acity batt eries thr ough your local RadioShac k store.
10 • Do not short circui t t he batter y . Acci dental short circui ting ca n occur when a me tal object (coi n, pape r clip, pen, or similar ) dir ectly con- nects the batt ery’ s + and – terminal s (the met- al st rips on the back of the bat tery) , such as whe n you car ry a spa re batter y in you r pocket or purs e.
11 Notes: • Y o u can us e your phone du ring char ging, but c hargin g take s lon ger . • For the fas test chargi ng, be sure the phone is t urned off, if you are not expect ing a call. • If t he bat t ery i s too hot or co l d, c harging stops un til the bat tery temper ature r eturns to no rmal.
12 You can r ec harge the b atter y (as descr ibed i n “Chargin g the Battery” on Page 10) at an y time. However , when your phone gi ves you t hese low- batt ery indi cati ons, rechar ge t he bat.
13 BASIC O PERATION T URNING THE PHONE ON/OFF Note: Extend the antenn a fully . Avoid touchi ng the antenna with the phone turn ed on. The phone must be t urned on before yo u can make or answer cal ls. To turn on t he phone, ho l d do w n (abov e and to the upper r ight of t he dis pl ay) un- til t h e phone beeps .
14 Notes: • PIN CALL appears if PI N code dial ing is set t o ON (see “PIN Code Dial ing” on Pa ge 46 ) . • (no s ervic e) appears and thr ee beeps sound i f you a r e outsi de the cel lular serv ice ar ea.
15 RECEIVING A CALL When t he phon e receives an in coming c all, i t rings and fl ashes CALL . To a nswer a cal l, press a ny key except . Notes: • Af ter the firs t ring, i f you s ubscribe t o ca.
16 If y ou do not a nswer a call , the p hone disp lays NN CALLS MISSED ( wher e NN is the number of c alls) unti l you press any key (excep t ). It al so st ores the calle r’s number (if ava i labl e) in t he miss ed call regi ster. See “Usi ng the Call Regi ste r” on Page 3 9.
17 To quick ly dial the emergen cy number , hold do w n unti l the p hone displ ays EMERG. CALL TRY . Notes: • The emer gency number progr ammed int o your phone might n ot be valid in all ar eas.
18 LAST 10 NUMBER REDIAL Foll ow thes e steps t o vie w and di al the last 10 phone num ber s calle d. 1. Hold down t o c l ea r t h e di s play (if neces- s ary). 2. Press . The pho ne disp lays the l ast n um - ber di aled. 3. T o scroll t hrough the last 10 n umbers d ialed, repeat edly pr ess or .
19 ME NU O V ER VI EW This sect ion list s your phone’ s m enu functi ons, the short cut keys (if any) you can use to acc ess the funct ions, and the pages in this manual where you can fin d ful l descript ions of the fu nction s. To select a specif ic menu funct i on , press t hat fu nc- tion ’s shortcut keys (if any).
20 LIGHTS S ets t he di sp la y an d ke y- pad ba ckligh ts 34 KEYPAD TONES Turns keypad ton es o n/off 35 RINGING VO LU ME Sele cts the rin g volu me 36 RINGING TYPE Sel ect s th e r ing t yp e 37 EM.
21 SECURITY F EATURES SELECTING A CALL RESTRICTION LEVEL Your ph one is preset to let you (or an yone else) dial any t yp e of number ( local or long di st ance) and freel y acce ss any i nfor mation st ored in its memor y.
22 Im portant: You can dial the pr e-programm ed emergenc y number and the num ber s tored in Memory 40 regar dless of which call rest rict i on level you s elect. Fo ll ow the se steps to se lec t a call re st rict io n le ve l. 1. Press . The phone displ ays th e cur- rent setti ng.
23 T URNING ONE-T OUCH EMERGENCY DIALING ON /OFF One-tou ch emerge ncy di aling lets you call t he pri - mary em ergency num ber p rogrammed into your phone, by hol ding down for about 2 seconds . One-tou ch emergency dialing i s prese t to OFF. To turn it o n or back of f at any time, follow these steps.
24 T URNING KEYG UARD ON/OFF You can use keyg uard t o disable the ph one’s key- pad and pr e vent ac cidental key pre sses (whe n the phone is in a purs e or pock et, for exampl e). To turn on keyguard , press or hold down for about 2 s econds ( this is handy when y ou are endi ng a call, for exam pl e).
25 CELLUL AR SYSTEMS SELECTING THE ACTIVE PHONE NUMBER Every cel lular t elephone ha s at least one NAM (Numb er Assignment Modul e), which is used to store its p hone number .
26 • If y ou want to rece ive cal ls on both numbe rs at the sa me time and you sub scribe to c all f or- wardi ng th rough y our cell ular s ervic e provid- ers, you can set bot h numbers on y our pho ne to f orward to the other numbe r if not an- swe red.
27 • Usually , it is less expe nsive to use the same provi der t ype for cel lular servi ce when you are in your hom e ci ty and when you roam . T o do this , you need to know whet her your c el lul ar servi ce pr ovider i s ty pe A or B in your home city and i n eac h city where y ou pla n to tr avel.
28 Foll ow the se ste ps to set the c ellular syst em type. 1. Press . The phone displays t he cur- rent setti ng. 2. Repeat edly pr ess or un til you see t he sett ing yo u want to us e, then pr ess to stor e that setti ng. ROAMING Using the pho ne in a city wher e you do not sub- scri be to a cellu lar servi ce is referr ed to as ro am- ing .
29 SID SCREENING If two dif ferent cellular ma rket areas ar e loc ated close to one ano ther, a cal l des ign ated fo r t he A (or B) car rier i n one mar ket can someti m es be placed using t he A (or B) ca rrier loc ated in the other ma r- ket ar ea.
30 Foll ow the se steps to turn SID scre ening on or off. 1. Press , then repeate dly press or unti l the phone displ ays SID SCREEN . 2. Press . The phone displ ays t he current s et- ti ng ( SID SCRN ON or SID SCRN OFF ).
31 SPECIAL PHONE SERVIC ES Calling Line ID If you subs cribe to calli ng line ident ificat ion service with you r cellul ar carrier , your phone is prese t to automat ically di splay t he caller’ s phone number (if avail able) each t ime it recei ves a call.
32 When y our phone is tu rned on and r eceives voi ce ma il no tifi ca tio n fr o m y our ce llula r c arri e r, it di s- play s to no tify you that you have one or mor e mes sages wait ing in your mail box. When you ca ll your mailbox and l i s ten to yo ur messag e(s), disa ppears.
33 SPECIAL F EATURES CALL TIMERS Your phone h as four cal l timers t hat let you check the length of your cal ls in mi nutes and seconds (for example, 12345: 12 equal s 12,3 45 minutes a nd 12 seconds) . You can vi ew th e timers at an y ti m e (even dur ing a call), a nd you can r e set all the call timer s (ex cept one).
34 CLEAR TIMERS — Re set s al l ca ll tim ers ex - cept f or LI FE. 3. T o clear the ti mers, pr ess when the pho ne disp lays CLEAR TIMERS . The phone prom pts you to ent er your 4- digit l ock code ( LOCKCODE? ). Ent er your l ock code an d press .
35 When you sel ect the settin g LIGH TS ON : • and the phone i s used as a por table phone or connect ed to a ch arger , the l ights tur n on for 15 seconds when you press a key or rece i ve a ca ll. • and the phone i s connect ed t o a handsf ree car kit, the lights remai n on c ontinu ously .
36 RING V OLUME You ca n select one of these t hree ring volumes for the phone : • RINGING LOW — the ring i s qui et. • RINGING HIGH — the rin g is l oud.
37 RING T Y PE Foll ow these s teps to sel ect from f ive di fferent ring patte rns that your phone can so und when it re- ceives a ca l l. 1. Press , then rep eatedly pre ss or unti l t h e phone di splays RINGING TYPE . 2. Press . The ph one displ ays the cur rent se t- tin g ( RINGING TYPE 1 to 5 ).
38 2. Press . The ph one pro m pts you for y our 4- digi t lock code ( LOCKCODE? ). 3. Enter your 4-di git lock cod e, then pre ss . The phon e prompts for the ne w l o ck code ( NEW CODE? ). Note: If yo u enter the wron g lock code, the phone di splays CODE ERROR .
39 USING THE CALL REGIST ER Your phone a utomatical ly stores calls in t hese t hr e e li st s: •* MISSED CALLS — lists th e cal ler’s phone number f or up to th e last 10 call s you did not ans.
40 To quic kly st ore the displ ayed number into the fi rst empty speed-dial memory , hol d down for about 2 s econds (see “Using Number Quick Store” on Page 51). No te: If a li st is empty, th e phone bri efly dis- play s LOCATION EMPTY then clea rs the dis- play .
41 USING CALLING CARD DIAL ING Storing/Cle aring a Cal ling Card Number The call ing card fea ture lets yo u store a long- dist ance cal li ng c ard number i n t he phone’ s memo- ry, so yo u can place l ong-dist ance call s from this phone u sing that number .
42 The phone pr ompts you for that carri er ’s net- work acc ess number ( ACCESS NUMBER? ). 5. If you mus t dial a number (suc h a s an 800 numb er) to access the carrier , enter that num- ber . Th en pres s . (If you d o not have t o dial an access number , simpl y pr ess .
43 Note: T o e xit without changi ng th e calli ng card sett ings (if you are cha nging onl y the ac cess number , for ex amp le ), press . 6. Enter t he card nu mb er , then press . The phone bri efly dis plays STORED to co nfir m that t he selected car d inform at ion i s activated and stor ed.
44 2. When y ou hear the car rier’s cal ling car d tone or voi ce prompt, pres s . CARD CALL ap- pears on t he di splay , t hen t he phone prompt s you to wai t for anoth er tone or voic e prompt ( WAIT FOR PROMPT ). 3. When you hear the n ext tone or prompt (if any), press again, the n conti nue with the call as you nor mally woul d.
45 Adding a Pause Some servi ces, su ch as voicem ail, re quire you to enter an acces s code t hen pause befor e entering addit ional dig its. To i nclude a pa use in a sequence when stor ing it in memor y, press . The phone di splays p . W hen you send the sequence, the ph one pause s for 2 1 / 2 s econds whe re you en- tered a paus e.
46 PIN CODE DIALING Fo r securi ty, s ome cel lul ar se rvice c arri ers requ ire you t o dial a p ersonal i dentifi catio n numbe r (P IN) in addit ion to the p hone number ea ch time you place a cal l. Th is is som eti me s refe r red to as “P IN c ode dial ing.
47 T o turn o ff PIN code dialing, simply pres s withou t enterin g a num ber . PIN CALL OFF appears bri efly . When PIN cod e dia ling is set to ON , th e phone di s- plays PIN CALL aft er you press to place a call . When y ou hear the tone, pres s aga in to automat ically di al your stor ed PIN code.
48 MEMORY FEATURE S STORING A NUMBER AND NAME IN MEMORY Your phone has 40 sp eed-dial memory l ocations. Each lo catio n can ho ld a phone nu mber of up t o 32 digi t s a nd a name of up to 16 char act ers. Foll ow thes e steps to store a phone nu m b er and na me in me mo ry.
49 Notes: • Withi n about 2 second s after y ou stop pressi ng a key , th e curs or automati cally moves t o the n ext pos it ion. T o move it s oon- er , press . • If yo u make a mistake, press to er ase each wrong l etter , then try agai n. • Press t o ente r a space or to en- ter punc tuation ( – , & , .
50 • If t he selected mem ory is ful l , the pho ne prompt s you t o rep lace the content s ( RE- PLACE CONTENT? ). T o replace the contents, press .
51 level , store a frequen tly call ed telepho ne num- ber (s uch as your hom e num ber or some ot her “pri ority” number) in m emory locat ion 40. Using Number Quic k Store To qui ckly s tore a ph one number i n the f i rst unused speed-d ial memory , enter the phone nu m b er, then hold down for about 2 second s.
52 MEMORY SCROLLING To sc r oll f orward or back ward th rough all names or numb ers stored in memory (beginn in g with the first or las t memory locati on), press ( if you want to view names) , then repeatedl y press ( forward) or (back ward). The phone dis plays the stor ed name or phone number and its corr espondi ng memor y num ber .
53 If you s tored only a nu mber in th e m e m o ry lo- cati on you want t o clear , p ress so disapp ears. The phone displ ays LOCATION? Enter the memor y number , or rep eate dly pr ess or , to reca ll the n umber you want to clear . ERASE? and the s tor ed n umber appear .
54 USING SCRATCHPAD MEMORY Your phone ’s scratch pad memory lets you tempo- rari ly store a phon e numb er duri ng a call . Th is is usefu l, for exampl e, when you do n’t have a pencil and paper handy ! Follow these st eps to store a numb er i n the scr atchpa d memor y.
55 ACC ESSORIE S A new, ex tensi ve range of accessor ies is a v ai lable for you r phone th rough your lo cal RadioShack store . You can selec t t h e acces sories that best meet your nee ds. Importa nt: Use only access ories approved by the phone manu facturer .
56 SAFETY INFORMAT ION T RAFFIC SAFETY • Do no t use a handheld pho ne while drivi ng a vehi cle. If using a handhel d phone, par k the vehi cle be fore taking o r maki ng a c all. • Always secur e the phone i n i t s holder; do not plac e the phone on the passeng er seat or wh ere it ca n br eak lo os e in a co llisio n o r su d- den s t op.
57 • Turn o ff the phone while get ting gasol ine ( at a filli ng sta tion ). Obs erve r e s t rict ion s on th e use of radi o equipment in fuel depot s (fuel sto rage and di stribut ion ar eas), ch emical plants, or around bl asting opera tions .
58 EMERGENCY CALLS IMPORTANT! This phone , like any cel lular phone, operat es usin g radio sign als, cell ular, and l and line networ ks, a s well a s user -progr amm ed f uncti ons. These f actor s m ak e it impossi bl e to gu arantee con- necti on i n all condit i o ns.
59 T ROUBLESH OOTING If the power does not com e on or stay on: • Make sure the batter y is prop erly ins talled and charged . • Be sure that the cont acts on the batt ery and the char ging s tand are cl ean. If t hey are not , clean t hem wit h a soft clot h or pen cil eraser .
60 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Yo ur Rad ioSha ck CT -400 H andh eld C ell ula r Phon e is a n ex ampl e of sup erior des ign an d craft smans hip an d shou ld be treat ed w ith c are. Th ese sugg esti ons all ow you to enjo y thi s ph one for m an y year s.
61 SPECIFICATIONS Dim en sio ns . .. .. ..... ... .. ... .... .. Wi dth : 2 1 / 8 in (54 mm) Height ( wit hout antenna) : 6 in (152.4 mm) Depth: 1 7 / 16 in ( 37 mm) Weight .. ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... .. 7.6 oz. ( 215 g) wit h Supplie d Battery Tr ansmit ti ng Power .
62 NOTES 17-1 101. fm Page 6 2 We dnes day, J uly 21, 1999 9: 5 7 AM.
63 17-1 101. fm Page 6 3 We dnes day, J uly 21, 1999 9: 5 7 AM.
RadioSha ck A Divi sion of Ta ndy Corporat ion Fort Wor th, T exas 76102 93 5141 0 10/ 97 P rin ted i n Ca nada Limi te d O ne- Y ear W ar ran t y This pr oduc t is warranted b y RadioShac k a g ainst.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Radio Shack CT-400 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Radio Shack CT-400 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Radio Shack CT-400 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Radio Shack CT-400 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Radio Shack CT-400 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Radio Shack CT-400 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Radio Shack CT-400 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Radio Shack CT-400. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Radio Shack CT-400 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.