Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung TRM 800 des Produzenten Precor
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As sembling and Maintaining TRM 800-Series T r eadmills Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 7 202 W oodinville, W A USA 98072-400 2 TRM 800-Series P AG/ OM 300713-341 r ev G W arran.
Edition Informa tion ASSEMBL ING AND MAI NTAININ G TRM 800 - SERIES TREADMI LLS P/N 30 0713 - 3 41 rev G Copyrig ht © Febru ary 2 011 P recor In corpo rate d. Al l rig hts reserved. Specifications subject to change without no tice. Trademark Not e Precor, AMT, and EFX are registered trademarks and Preva is a trademark of Precor Incorporate d.
Important Sa f ety Instructions Read the following precaut ions thoroughly before you begin assembly, and save them afterward fo r future r eference. Safety Precautions Always follow basic safety precautions when using this equipment to reduce the chance of injury, fire, or damage.
4 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Use the power adapter provided with the equipment. Plug the power adapte r into an appropriat e, grounded po wer outlet as ma rked on the equipmen t. Care should be taken whe n mounting or dismounting the equipmen t.
Important Safe ty Instructions 5 When using the tr eadmill, always attach the sa fety clip to your clothing before begin ning your workout. Failure to use the safety clip may pose a greater risk of injury in the event of a fal l. Also, verify that the running belts on treadmills are clean and running smoothly.
6 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Educatin g U sers Take time to edu cate users ab out th e Imp ortant Safety Instructions found in both the User Reference Manual and Product Owne r ’ s Ma nu al .
Important Safe ty Instructions 7 Product Recyclin g and Disposal This equipment must be re cycled or discarded accordi ng to applicable local and nation al regulations.
8 Assembling and Mainta ining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Ra dio Fr equency Interf erence ( RFI) The RFID module conforms to the following national standards defining acceptable limit s for radio frequency interference (RFI).
Important Safe ty Instructions 9 European Applications CE compliance is claimed t o the following directives: 1999/ 5/EC R&TTE Dire ctive 2006/9 5/EC LVD Dir ective 2002/95/EC RoHS Directive Directive compliance has been verifie d to the following standard s: EN 55022 EN 300 330 - 1 V1.
10 Assembling and Maintainin g TRM 800 - Seri es Treadmills Radio F requenc y Inter ference ( RFI) This Precor exercise equip ment conforms to the follo wing national standards defining acceptable limits for radio frequency interference (RFI).
Important Safe ty Instructions 11 Treadmill Grounding Instructions The tread mill must be grounde d. If the equip ment malfunctions or breaks do wn, grounding draws off elect ric curren t and reduces the risk of electric shock. The power co rd on the treadmill is equippe d with a grounding conduc tor and a three - pin grounding plug.
12 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Seri es Treadmills Impo rtan t : An indivi dual branch c ircuit prov ides a hot c ond uctor and neutr al conductor to a receptac le. The co nductors m ust not be looped, "dai sy - chained", or connec ted to any o ther condu ctors.
T able of Cont ents Import ant Safety Instr uctio ns ................................................... 3 Safety Pr ecautions ................................................................................. 3 Safety Code ............................
14 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Seri es Treadmills Maintena nce ............................................................................ 45 Daily Cleaning ....................................................................................
Chapter 1 As sem bling the T r eadmill Import ant: The instructi ons in the following procedures are described from the perspecti ve of a person standing directly in front of the equipment (that is, on the oppo site side of the control cons ole from a per son usi ng the equ ipmen t).
16 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Seri es Treadmi lls 5. Remove the shipping fasteners from the front panel using a ¹₄ - inch hex key and a ¹⁄₂ – i nch box - end wrench. 6. Remove any tape or wire ties securing the console cable to the side of the uni t.
Assembling the Trea dmill 17 Hardware Kit (not to scale) The hardware kit shi pped with this equipment contains the fasteners and other hardw are components shown in the following table. Before you begin assembly, make sure that your hardware kit is comp lete.
18 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Seri es Treadmi lls Unpacking the Cables To connect the console to the base unit, you may nee d up to five cables, as follows: Ethernet ( P80 only) Tele.
Assembling the Trea dmill 19 3. Remove the seven screws holding the back cover in place. Snap the back cover loose and set it aside, along wit h the seven screws.
20 Assembling and Main taining TRM 800 - Series Treadmi lls 6. Remove any tape or ties that secure the cables, then unwind them and remove any kinks. Gather the cables into a single bundle (referred to later as the cab le assembly ).
Assembling the Trea dmill 21 3. Se cure the right - hand upri ght support to the side bra cket using four socket head scr ews, four black washers, a nd two locknuts. Partially tighten t he fasteners. Figure 7 : Upright s upport attac hment, right side 4.
22 Assembling an d Maintaining T RM 800 - Series Trea dmi lls To thread c ables through the fram e: 1. Feed the cable assembly downward through the left - hand upright support and out through the opening i n the lower end of the support.
Assembling the Trea dmill 23 Component Appearanc e Lower connection point Televi sion c able R ound with b lack insula tion Conso le po wer cable Dual le ads with r ed and black insu lation Auto St op.
24 Assembling and Mainta ining TRM 800 - Series Treadmi lls 7. Route the cable assemb ly through the cable guides i n th e fairing, then wrap the guid es around the cable assem bly to secure it.
Assembling the Trea dmill 25 Comple ting As sembl y After the upright supports and the f airing are in place, rep lace the hood on the treadmil l base and finish securing t he fasteners. CAUTION : Be a ware o f the handrail ext ensions when yo u are working around the front of the unit.
26 Assembling an d Maintaining T RM 800 - Series Trea dmi lls Note: Using a hex wrench, reach through the opening s in the outer sides of the hood to tighten the side screws.
Assembling the Trea dmill 27 2. Insert the serrated portion of the clip into the hole locat ed under the front of the unit on either side of the power switch. Figure 13 : Power cord placement unde r front of treadmill 3. Place the clips along the length of the powe r cord as needed while you direct the cord to the power outlet.
28 Assembling and Mainta ining TRM 800 - Series Treadmi lls Leveling the U nit The treadmill deck must be absolutely level from side to side to keep the belt in alignm ent and ensure proper operation. If the load is not equally dist ributed across the treadmill deck, users may feel excessive vibration or observe it at the console.
Assembling the Trea dmill 29 4. Adjust the rear feet as nee ded. Figure 16 : Level ing foo t adju s tment 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until the treadmill is level. 6. If necessary, adjust the rear feet so that the user’s weight is distributed evenly on the treadmill.
30 Assembling and Mainta ining TRM 800 - Series Treadmi lls.
Chapter 2 Installing the Console To make installation easier, all Precor Experience Series consoles use the same mo unting hardware and connect or locations whenever possible.
32 Assembling and Maintainin g TRM 800 - Seri es Treadmills Impo rtan t : Before yo u begin the followin g procedure, re move the rear cover fr om the con trol console . To remove the cover, use your fingernails to pry th e l ower edge lo ose, then sw ing the co ver up and out as sh own in the following i llustration .
Installing the Con sole 33 4. Tilt t he console forward un til it stops. Use one hand t o steady the console in this position, or ask your assist ant to do so. 5. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the two #8 - 32 x ¹₂ ” pan - head machi ne screws securing the upper back cover of the fairing, as shown in the previous figure.
34 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Cable Conne ctor Type Circu it Conne ctor Location TV in F- type c oax ial Power Two - c ontac t plug, polari zed a nd la tche d Data fro m b.
Installing the Con sole 35 The following illustration s hows how the cable is posi tioned once i t is install ed. Figure 20 : Connecting the television cable Connecting the Ethernet and Base Unit Data.
36 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Connectin g th e Heart Rate Sensor Cable The heart rate sensor cable passe s through the cutaway opening at the upper left corner of the back plate, the n down to the small circuit board at the lower left of the cons ole.
Installing the Con sole 37 Completing the Console Installati on (P80) Before you complete the f inal installation steps, doub le - check the connections you have made. Make sure that a ll cables are fully and securely connected, and that any unneeded cab les are tied back properly.
38 Assembling and Mainta ining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Threadin g the Cable A sse mbly (P30 a nd P20) Earl ier in the install ation, you threaded the necessary cab les through the frame of the base unit and out the pass through opening in the console mount .
Installing the Con sole 39 Connecting Cables (P30) After the console has been seated, se parate the individua l cables out of the end of th e cable assembly and atta ch them to the appropriate circuit connect ors inside the console. Refer to the following diagram and tab le to identify the cables and connectors.
40 Assembling and Mainta ining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Connecting Cables (P20) After the console has been seated, separate the individual cables out of the end of th e cable assembly a nd attach them to the appropriate circuit connect ors inside the console.
Installing the Con sole 41 Completing the Console Installati on (P30 and P20) Before you complete the f inal installation steps, doub le - check the connections you have made. Make sure that a ll cables are fully and securely connected, and that any unneeded cab les are tied back properly.
42 Assembling and Maintaining TRM 800 - Seri es Treadmills Reassembling th e Treadmill Fair ing After the console is in plac e, reattach the two cove r panels of the tread mill fairing. Import ant: In the following procedur e, do not allow the fasteners to break or p inch any c ables.
Installing the Con sole 43 Verifying Th at the Heart Rate Display Is Operational To verify that the hear t rate displ ay is o per ationa l: 1. Begin exercising on the equipment. 2. Grasp both touch - sensitive handlebars. Note: The heart rate is read within ten seconds.
44 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills.
Chapter 3 Maintenanc e To keep the equipment f unctioning properly, per form the minor maintenance tasks in t his section at the int ervals shown on the maintenanc e checklist. Failure to main tain the equipment as described in t his section could void the Precor Limited War ranty.
46 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Alternatively, you can clean the equipment wit h Athletix fitness equipment cleaning wipes (for more information, vi sit www.
Maintenance 47 Weekly Mainte nance Perform the following maintenance tasks every week: 1. Elevate the tr ead to maximum incl ine, then tur n off the power switch or circuit breaker and unplug the unit f rom the wall o utlet. 2. Clean the floor under the e quipment using a vacuum cleaner or a damp mop.
48 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills 5. Check the belt tensi on of the step - up and dr ive belts. 6. Clean and lubricate the lif t motor screw with an approv ed grease such as SuperLube® wi th Teflon® or Mobil 1® synthetic grease (adjustable- ram p mod el s o nly ).
Maintenance 49 If the bel t trac ks off ce nter ... Then loosen ... To the le ft The righ t adj usti ng bol t To the r igh t The le ft a djust ing b olt 3. Recheck the belt position a s described under Checking the Alignment of the Running Belt . Note: If slip page occurs, tighten both adjusting bolts evenly until it stops.
50 Assembling and Mainta ining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills 6. Observe the belt from the rear of the treadmill for a few minutes. The belt should rem ain centered along the running b ed. If it drifts off center, ad just it. Refer to Treadmill : Adjusting t he Running Be lt .
Maintenance 51 Long - Term Sto rage If you do not expect anyon e to use the equipment for a long time, perfor m the follow ing tasks to prepar e it for storage: Turn it O FF. If it has a power cord, disconnect the cord. If it has an optional power adapter, connect the adapt er to prevent damage to the inter nal batter y.
52 Assembling an d Maintaining TRM 800 - Series Treadmills.
Chapter 4 T r eadmill Saf ety F eatur es Before allowing users on Precor equipment, review the Important Safety Instruction s in this manual. You should also teach your patrons how to use the equipment safely, according to the guidelines on .
54 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Using the Trea dmill Sa fety Clip The treadmill is equipped with two different stop funct ions, which behave as follows: If the us er … The.
Treadmill Safety Fea tures 55 If the restar t switc h trips during exercis e, perform the following steps: 1. Reattach the safety clip if necessary. 2. Press the restart switch do wn until it clicks , returning it to its normal position. Note: If th e restart s witch trips, all in formation ab out the current workout is deleted.
56 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills.
58 Assembling and Maintain ing TRM 800 - Series Treadmills Options / Accessori es Many op tions or a ccess ories h ave c omponents that are conn ected interna lly or mou nted inside the elec tronic co nsole . The f ollowing guide lines d eterm ine the wa rranty f or the se componen ts.
Commercial Cardiovascular Equipment Limited W arran ty 59 This Lim i ted Warran ty sh all not ap ply to: 1. So ftware versi on upgrad es. 2. Softwa re def ects t hat do not ma terially a nd ne gatively aff ect the norm al perf orma nce of the pr oduct und er norm al co nditions of use .
As sembling and Maintaining TRM 800-Series T r eadmills Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 7 202 W oodinville, W A USA 98072-400 2 TRM 800-Series P AG/ OM 300713-341 r ev G W arran.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Precor TRM 800 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Precor TRM 800 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Precor TRM 800 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Precor TRM 800 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Precor TRM 800 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Precor TRM 800 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Precor TRM 800 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Precor TRM 800. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Precor TRM 800 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.