Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung C520 des Produzenten Pantech
Zur Seite of 94
Thank you for ch oosi ng th e Pan tech Breez e C52 0, our la test mobil e pho ne. The P antec h Bree ze C5 20 ha s man y fea tures desig ned to enha nce y our m obile expe rienc e. Fr om its E Z to r ead m enus, to i ts sl eek, styl ish de sign, we kno w you will enjo y the enti re Br eeze C520 experi ence.
2 Sp ec i fic a ti o ns Desig n Clamsh ell p hone with inter nal a nd e xtern al di splay Displ ays • 260k c olors TFT LCD w ith 2 .2 ” inter nal d ispla y • 65k co lors STN L CD wi th 1.
3 1 Address Book 2 Messaging 3 My Stuff 4 T ools 5 Settings 6 Phone Status Ph on e o v er v ie w Earpiece Internal display Navigation key Scroll through the menu options Left/Right Soft key Perform th.
4 Exampl e: Ac cessi ng th e Phone Mode menu . 1. Press the Menu . 2. Press the 5 for Settin gs . 3. Press the 1 for Phone Mode . 4. Press the U / D scrol l key to se lect the m ode. Numbe red m enu items , suc h as m enus, sub-m enus, and optio ns ca n be quick ly acces sed b y usi ng their shor tcut n umber s.
5 S SIM dependent N Network dependent Tools Phone Status ¦ P62 Camera ¦ P46 Alarm ¦ P58 Calendar ¦ P58 Notepad ¦ P60 Voice Memo ¦ P60 Calculator ¦ P59 Settings Phone Mode ¦ P18 Sounds & Al.
6 Recent Calls Missed Calls ¦ P26 Received Calls ¦ P26 Dialed Calls ¦ P26 Delete Call ¦ P26 Logs ¦ Call Time ¦ P26 GPRS Info ¦ P27 MEdia Net MEdia Net ¦ P68 Home ¦ Bookmarks ¦ P68 Go to URL .
7 S SIM dependent N Network dependent My Stuff Audio ¦ P72 Graphics ¦ P51 Photo Album ¦ P51 Video Album ¦ P52 Other Files ¦ P53 Tools Memory Info ¦ P53 Address Book Contact List ¦ P28 New Conta.
8 Qu ick & eas y Keys Fun ctions < > Perform t he function s shown at t he bottom l ine of the display by using these Soft keys. Scroll through th e menu opti ons in Menu mode.
9 Keys Fun ctions E Comple te the curr ent call. T urn on/off the phone if pressed an d held. Cancel user input and return to standby mode while in Menu mod e. 1 Quickl y connect t o the voice mail serve r if pressed and held i n standby m ode. 0 ~ 9 Ente rs numbers, letters or special ch aracters.
C o n t e n t s Specifi cations ...... .......... ........... .. 2 Phone overview ...... .......... .......... 3 Using Shortcuts ......... ........... ..... 4 Menu o verview ...... .......... ........... 4 Quick & easy ........ .......... ...... .
Video album ...... ........... .........52 Other files ........ ........... ..........53 Managi ng the mem ory .........53 Playin g games ........ ........... ..54 5. Useful feature s Calend ar ........ .......... ........... ..58 Alarm ..... .......
Bre eze 1 C52 0.
08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 Package contents SIM card and battery Turn on/off the phone Keypad lock Essential display indications Setting theme EZ quick call keys Updating software Get ting sta rted Getti.
14 Pa cka ge con tent s Phone Batte ry Travel charger User Manua l.
02 05 04 03 06 08 07 15 01 Getti ng Start ed SI M c ard an d ba tte ry About your SIM card When you su bscribe to your netw ork operat or, you r eceiv e a S IM (S ubscr iber Ident ity Mo dule) card c ontaining your regis tration in formation, PIN c ode, etc.
16 the u pper side of th e uni t, th en insert and press the bott om side of th e bat tery until you hear the “ click ”. 3. To remove the battery p ush the b ottom of t he bat tery to upwar ds (1 ) and remo ve (2 ) the b atter y. Pu sh th e SIM card in th e arr ow di recti on as shown .
02 05 04 03 06 08 07 17 01 Getti ng Start ed Es sen tia l d ispl ay ind ica tio ns Signal strength. The greater the number of bars, the stronge r the signa l. When net work is in sea rching mode is disp layed. Flight mode is ac tive. A call is being m ade.
18 < Bre eze Mode> <Advance d Mode> To ch ange the theme 1. Pre ss Menu > Settings > Phone Mod e . 2. Sel ect Breeze Mode or A dvanced Mo de . Assig ning the menu In Br eeze Mode , you can s et th e mos t com monly used m enu in Op tions in standb y mod e.
02 05 04 03 06 08 07 19 01 Getti ng Start ed EZ qu ick ca ll k eys Gettin g in touch with thos e you call most i s now as E Z as 1-2-3 . no te : The f ollowing d irection is an exampl e with using x key. The usage of y and z key w ill be sam e as the f ollowing.
Bre eze C52 0 2.
08 07 06 05 04 03 Getti ng st arted Calls & address book Messa ging Multim edia Useful features Connec tivity Setti ngs Append ix 02 01 Cal ls & add ress book Making, receiving and ending a ca.
22 Ma kin g, rec eivi ng and en din g a ca ll Makin g a call 1. Ent er the are a code and phone num ber. 2. Pre ss S . Answe ring a ca ll 1. Pre ss S . Endin g a call 1. Pre ss E . Once t he call is completed , a call s ummary is displa yed. Rejec ting a ca ll 1.
05 04 03 06 08 07 23 01 02 Calls & addre ss book Switc hing betw een two c alls 1. Pre ss Swap . Makin g an inte rnational call 1. Pre ss and hol d 0 key f or the int ernational prefix un til the ‘+’ char acter appear s. 2. Typ e the coun try code, area code, and phone number .
24 Talki ng on spe aker 1. Pr ess th e N key ab ove the se nd key. Putti ng a call on hold and retur n N Putti ng a call on hold 1. Pre ss Options > Hold or press S . Retur ning to a held cal l 1. Pre ss Retriev e or press S again . Multi -party ca lls N You c an tal k with mor e than one person or confe rence call.
05 04 03 06 08 07 25 01 02 Calls & addre ss book Searc hing a nu mber in a ddress bo ok durin g a call 1. Pre ss D or p ress Options > Contact Se arch . 2. Sel ect a numb er > S . Searc hing for a name or group in address book Enter the fi rst letter s of the n ame for Na me Searc h.
26 2. Sel ect Any Ke y . no te : You c an answer with any ke y except E and Re ject . Setti ng auto r edial ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > Settings > Call > Au to Redial . 2. Sel ect On or Off . Ch eck ing al l ca lls You c an vie w informat ion about all Recen t Calls .
05 04 03 06 08 07 27 01 02 Calls & addre ss book no te : The d efault pas sword is ‘1 234’. Viewi ng data t ransmitte d informa tion ADV 1. Pr ess M enu > Rece nt Calls > GPRS Info . • Current In fo : You ca n view tra nsmitted d ata in the c urrent session, in Kbytes.
28 Setti ng speed dial from address book 1. Pre ss Menu > Address Bo ok > Conta ct List . 2. Sel ect a pers on > Optio ns > Add t o Speed Dial . 3. Sel ect an ent ry and pre ss @ or S elect . Us ing ad dre ss b ook You c an sav e names, p hone numbe rs, and infor mation on the SI M or phone .
05 04 03 06 08 07 29 01 02 Calls & addre ss book Forwa rding con tact deta ils 1. Pre ss Menu > Address Bo ok > Conta ct List . 2. Sel ect a cont act > Opti ons > Forw ard Contac t Info . 3. You can send the inform ation Send as Multim edia Messa ge or Sen d via Blue tooth .
30 While the phon e is clos ed 1. Pre ss the but ton once t o receive a call. 2. Pre ss the but ton once t o end the call. Se rvi ce num ber and fix ed di ali ng Calli ng your s ervice nu mbers S ADV You c an see the servi ce number to reach t he servi ce pro vider.
05 04 03 06 08 07 31 01 02 Calls & addre ss book.
Bre eze C52 0 3.
08 07 06 05 04 02 01 Getti ng st arted Calls & address book Messag ing Multim edia Useful features Connec tivity Settin gs Append ix Mes sagi ng Entering text Messaging Receiving message Creating .
34 En ter ing te xt You c an ent er text wi th multi-t ap, predic tive, numer ic or symbol. Usefu l keys * Displa y and undis play symbol s 0 Adding space # Press to change c apital mode .
02 05 04 06 08 07 35 01 03 Messa ging Predi ctive mod e (T9) The p redict ive mode a utomatical ly compare s your keyst rokes with an in ternal lin guistic di ctionary t o deter mine t he correct word. The most comm only used word w ill appear first.
36 Manag ing memor y When the me ssage box is full th e messages full icon will a ppear. When It mea ns Text m essage is f ull Multim edia messag e is full Movin g a messa ge to SIM ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > Messaging > Inbox . 2. Sel ect a mess age > Opti ons > Move To SIM .
02 05 04 06 08 07 37 01 03 Messa ging 3. To reply pres s Reply . Savin g number or e-mail from rec eived messa ge 1. Pr ess M enu > Mess aging > In box . 2. Sel ect a rece ived messa ge > @ . 3. Pre ss Options > Save Nu mber & Ema il .
38 2. Pre ss Text Me ssage . 3. Wri te the mes sage. 4. Pre ss @ . 5. Ent er the pho ne number to send or press Option s > Conta ct Li st > find a pers on to send. 6. To send more then one p erson pres s @ to selec t. To unselect p ress @ . 7. To view sent message pr ess Menu > Messa ging > Sen t .
02 05 04 06 08 07 39 01 03 Messa ging Addin g new pic ture to t he messag e 1. Pr ess M enu > Mess aging > Wr ite New . 2. Se lect Multimedia Mess age . 3. Wri te a messa ge. 4. Pre ss Options > Add Obj ect > Add Image . 5. Sel ect Take a Photo > f ocus on th e object > @ .
40 2. Sel ect multim edia messa ge. 3. Wri te a messa ge. 4. Pre ss Options > Add Obj ect > Add Image . 5. To play press Options > Play . 6. Sel ect Video Album > se lect a vid eo > Optio ns > Selec t . 7. To preview wi th the tex t press Op tions > Previ ew .
02 05 04 06 08 07 41 01 03 Messa ging Me ssa ge tem plat e When you of ten use th e same phr ases, you can save the me ssage unde r template messages. Addin g to the existing template ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > Messaging > Write Ne w . 2. Sel ect Multim edia Messa ge .
42 4. Pre ss Select . Setti ng e-mail gateway ADV 5. Pre ss Menu > Messaging > Settings . 6. Pre ss Text Ma ssage > E- mail Gatew ay . 7. Ent er new gat eway for r eceiving e -mail. 8. Pre ss Select . Setti ng defaul t save pl ace ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > Messaging > Settings .
02 05 04 06 08 07 43 01 03 Messa ging Em ail You c an rec eive email from your service p rovider. Recei ving an e mail 1. [EZ ] Press Op tions > Mo bile Email or Menu > Messag ing > Mob ile E mail . [AD V] Press M enu > Emai l & IM > M obile Email .
Bre eze C52 0 4.
08 07 06 05 03 02 01 Getti ng st arted Calls & address book Messag ing Multim edia Useful features Connec tivity Settin gs Append ix 04 Mul time dia Camera Photo album Video album Other files Man.
46 Ca mer a You c an tak e pictures and recor d movies u sing the built -in ca mera. The photos and video cli ps can be saved and s ent via mu ltimedia m essage. [AD V] Press Q in s tandby mode or p ress Menu > My Stuff > Tools . Press Menu > My Stuf f > T ools .
02 05 03 06 08 07 47 01 04 Multi media White Balanc e Auto ( ), Sun light ( ), Cloudy ( ), Fluore scent ( ), Incand escent ( ) Multi-shot Off, 4 EA ( ) , 6EA ( ), 9EA ( ) Self Timer Off, 5Sec ( ), 10S.
48 Displa y Icons On , Off Icons for vide o camera Icon Name Descrip tion Bright ness -3, -2, -1 0 +1, +2 , +3 Zoom in and ou t 1. Pre ss U/D . Incre asing or decreasin g the bri ghtness 1. Pre ss L/R . Takin g a pictu re 1. [EZ ] Press Q in st andby mode or press Menu > Too ls .
02 05 03 06 08 07 49 01 04 Multi media 6. Pre ss @ to s ave. Viewi ng the ta ken pictu re Press Q in s tandby mode or p ress Menu > My Stuff > To ols > Came ra > Take a Photo . 2. Pre ss Options > View Ph otos . 3. Sel ect the pi cture > @ .
50 6. Pre ss @ to s ave. Chang ing to ca mera mode 1. [EZ ] Press Q in st andby mode or press Menu > Too ls > Camera > T ake a Vide o . [AD V] Press Q in st andby mode or press Menu > My Stuff > Tools > Camera > Take a Video . 2. Pre ss Options while vid eo camera mode is activa ted.
02 05 03 06 08 07 51 01 04 Multi media Durin g recordi ng a vide o To Press Receiv e an incomi ng call S Stop r ecording @ Save t he clip @ Ph oto al bum You c an vie w, send, s ave to you r phone or an exter nal me mory card and also d elete phot os.
52 5. Pre ss Delete . Sendi ng pictur es using multimedi a messa ge 1. Pre ss Q in st andby mode or press Menu > My Stu ff > Phot o Alb um . 2. Sel ect a pict ure. 3. Pre ss Options > Send as Multimedi a Messag e . Fo r det ai ls on cr ea tin g a m ul tim ed ia me ssa ge , se e pag e 38 .
02 05 03 06 08 07 53 01 04 Multi media Mute Mut e Contro l volume Side key u p or down Delet ing multi ple video clips 1. Pre ss Q in st andby mode or press Menu > My St uff > Video Alb um . 2. Pre ss Options > Multi-S elect . 3. Pre ss @ to s elect more than one video.
54 Pl ayi ng gam es You c an dow nload game s to play with. It i s easy to downl oad an d you can preview th em beforeh and. You w ill on ly be able to view g ames that are avail able o n your mob ile. Previ ewing gam es 1. [EZ ] Press Me nu > My St uff > Game s & Apps .
02 05 03 06 08 07 55 01 04 Multi media.
Bre eze C52 0 5.
08 07 06 04 03 02 01 Getti ng st arted Calls & address book Messag ing Multim edia Useful features Connec tivity Settin gs Append ix 05 Use ful feat ures Calendar Alarm Calculator, converter and s.
58 Ca len dar Calend ar helps y ou manage your sched ule includ ing your time f or calls o r special days. You can set a remind er on any given date with this function. Viewi ng calend ar 1. [EZ ] Press C in st andby mode or pre ss Menu > Tools > Cal endar .
02 04 03 06 08 07 59 01 Usefu l featur es 05 2. Pre ss Options > New > e dit a new alarm > Save . no te : The alarm will not ring i f you set the phone to Vib rate Only or Silent . To make it ring on vibrat e mode, pr ess Options > Wake-Up Call On .
60 Using the conv erter ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > My Stuff > Tool s > C onverter . 2. Sel ect the ca tegories 3. Sel ect curren t unit and enter figure. 4. Sel ect the un it to be c hanged. Using stopwatc h ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > My Stuff > Tools > St opwat ch .
02 04 03 06 08 07 61 01 Usefu l featur es 05 3. Pre ss @ to s top re cording. 4. Pre ss Re-rec to re-reco rd. Press Pause to pause recor ding. 5. Pre ss Play to listen. 6. Pre ss @ [ ] to save. Liste ning the recorded sound 1. [EZ ] Press Me nu > Tools > Voice M emo .
62 Updat ing infor mation 1. Pre ss Menu > Address Bo ok > My Bu siness Card . 2. Pre ss Options > Edit . 3. Upd ate inform ation. 4. Pre ss Options > Save . Ph one st atu s You c an vie w status o f your pho ne for My Phone Numbe r , Si gnal Stren gth , Battery Re maining , Sound s & A lerts , Alarm , a nd New Mes sages .
02 04 03 06 08 07 63 01 Usefu l featur es 05.
Bre eze C52 0 6.
08 07 05 04 03 02 01 06 Getti ng st arted Calls & ad dress book Messag ing Multi media Usefu l feat ures Connec tivity Settin gs Append ix Con nect ivit y Bluetooth Using the browser Profiles set.
66 Bl uet oot h Bluet ooth t echnology enables fr ee wireles s conne ctions between e lectronic devices wi thin a maximu m range of 33 feet ( 10 meters) . Bluetoot h conne ction can be use d to send images, te xt, busin ess ca rds, calen dar notes, or to con nect to compu ters u sing Bluet ooth techn ology.
02 05 04 03 08 07 67 01 06 Conne ctivity 2. Sel ect Headse t , Always Ask or Pho ne . Sendi ng an obj ect 1. Sel ect the fil e from Men u > My Stu ff > Photo Album , Vid eo Al bum , Audio , Gra phics or Other Files . 2. Pre ss Options > Send vi a Bluetoot h .
68 Us ing th e b rows er Acces sing brow ser 1. [EZ ] Press @ in st andby mode . [AD V] Press @ in st andby mode or press Menu > MEd ia Ne t > M Edia Net H ome . no te : It w ill access provider’s homepage. Setti ng new bo okmarks ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > MEdia Net > Bookmark s .
02 05 04 03 08 07 69 01 06 Conne ctivity Pr ofil es se tti ng ADV You c an set profile an d view Pr ofile Name , H ome URL , C onnection Type , Prox y Address , Pro xy Port , Proxy Logi n ID , Pro xy Pa sswor d and Data Bearer . Viewi ng defaul t profile 1.
Bre eze C52 0 7.
08 06 05 04 03 02 01 Getti ng st arted Calls & address book Messag ing Multim edia Useful features Connec tivity Settin gs Append ix 07 Set ting s Language Time and date Ringtones Decorating the d.
72 La ngu age ADV Setti ng up 1. Pre ss Menu > Settings > Phone > L anguage . Ti me and da te ADV Setti ng up 1. Pre ss Menu > Settings > Phone > T ime & Date . 2. Set each opti on > Save . Ri ngt one s Setti ng ringto nes 1. Pre ss Menu > My Stuff > Audio .
02 05 04 03 06 08 73 01 07 Setti ngs Enter ing greet ing messa ge ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > Settings > Display > Greeting . Setti ng the br ightness ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > Settings > Display > Brigh tness . no te : Modi fying brig htness may affect bat tery life.
74 3. Ent er PIN cod e > @ . no te : To ch ange the P IN code pre ss Menu > Settin gs > Secur ity > Chang e PIN1 . Chang ing PIN 2 ADV 1. Pre ss Menu > Settings > Security > Change PIN2 . To en abl e fi xed di ali ng Enabl ing ADV Press Menu > Setting s > S ecurity > Fixed Dialin g .
02 05 04 03 06 08 75 01 07 Setti ngs TT Y The t eletyp ewriter (T TY) is a t elecommuni cations devic e that allows pe ople who a re deaf or hard of hea ring, or w ho have sp eech or la nguage disab ilitie s, to comm unicate vi a a teleph one. Setti ng telety pewriter ADV 1.
Bre eze C52 0 8.
07 06 05 04 03 02 01 Getti ng st arted Calls & address book Messag ing Multim edia Useful features Connec tivity Settin gs Append ix 08 App endi x Alert message Troubleshooting checklist Safety in.
78 Al ert me ssa ge If you experience any proble m while usi ng your mobi le phone, please ref er to the f ollowing ch ecklist. If the proble m still per sists, cont act your se rvice provid er. When t he “Insert SIM Card” m essage appea rs: Make s ure the SIM card is co rrectly ins talled.
02 05 04 03 06 07 79 01 Appen dix 08 Tr oub les hoo ting ch eck lis t When a udio qualit y is poor: End a call and tr y again. When t he other pa rty cannot hear you sp eaking: Your p hone may be set to MUT E. Disable the MUTE functi on. Or your hand may b e covering the micropho ne locate d below the * key.
80 networ k service p rovider may be in an a rea where su ch servic e cannot be provided. Contact you r local serv ice provid er. S afe ty i nfo rma tio n The fo llowing lis t shows how to maintai n your mobil e phone, together w ith precaut ions to tak e.
02 05 04 03 06 07 81 01 Appen dix 08 Should you use yo ur phone in an emergen cy, either u se a hand s free devi ce built in to your car or pull ove r in a safe p lace first. Switch o ff in restr icted areas Always switch you r phone off in areas w here mobile phone use is rest ricted.
82 A bou t th e b att ery us age Your p hone is pow ered by a L ithium Ion (Li-Ion) batter y. This mea ns that, un like other forms of bat tery techno logy, you c an recharge your batte ry while some c harge remai ns without reducing yo ur phone’s autono my due to t he “battery memory eff ect” inheren t in those technologie s.
02 05 04 03 06 07 83 01 Appen dix 08 the us er suspects damage, ta ke it to a service cent er for in spection. – Use your ba ttery for th e specified purpose only. – The closer you are to y our network ’s base sta tion, the longer your phone usage time because le ss battery power is consumed for the co nnection.
84 device is the bes t way to ev aluate it f or your pers onal needs. M-Rati ngs: Phones rated M3 o r M4 meet F CC requir ements and are likely to generate less interf erence to hea ring device s than phon es that are not labeled . M4 is the better/hig her of the two ratings .
02 05 04 03 06 07 85 01 Appen dix 08 standa rds were ba sed on comp rehensive a nd periodic evalua tions of th e relevant scientific l iterature. T he design of your ph one complie s with the FCC guidelin es and ap plicable. Statem ent accordi ng to FCC p art 15.
86 Health and Safety Informatio n FCC This E UT has been shown to b e capable o f compliance for lo calized spe cific absorp tion rate ( SAR) for uncont rolled envi ronment/gen eral popula tion exposur e limits specified i n ANSI/IEEE Std.
02 05 04 03 06 07 87 01 Appen dix 08 Pantec h product a nd may dama ge the unit or cause it to malfun ction. If s ervice is r equired on your unit an d it is determ ined that a non-Pantec h accessory has created the pr oblem with your unit, the Warrant y will not a pply.
88 (e) Defects in appearance , cosmetic, decorative or struct ural items such as fra ming and no n-operative parts; (f) Product damaged fr om external causes suc h as fire, floo ding, dirt, san d, weather cond itions, batte ry leakag e, blown fu se, theft o r improper usage of any electr ical source .
02 05 04 03 06 07 89 01 Appen dix 08 SERVIC E UNDER THI S WARRANTY OR LOSS OF USE DU RING THE TI ME THE PROD UCT IS BEIN G REPAIR ED OR REPLA CED. No per son or repr esentative is authoriz ed to assume for th e Company a ny liabilit y other tha n expressed herein in connect ion with th e sale of t his product.
91 Memo.
93 Memo.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Pantech C520 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Pantech C520 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Pantech C520 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Pantech C520 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Pantech C520 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Pantech C520 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Pantech C520 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Pantech C520. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Pantech C520 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.