Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Flat Screen TV des Produzenten Panasonic
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) T H E VI E R A M I SS IO N 200 8 . T H I S YEA R VI E R A H AS E V O L V E D E V E N F U R T H E R , P U S H I N G T H E L I M I TS O F D E S I G N A N D T E C H N O L O G Y , R E D E F I N I N G T H E C O N C E P T S O F P E R F OR MANC E AN D V AL U E.
) VIERA TECHNOL OGY – PL A SMA TELEVISIONS SUPERIOR PICTURE 04 > Al l VIE RA T Vs ar e equi ppe d wi th th e Pana son ic aw ar d-w innin g V-Re al picture techn ology which perfectly optimises th.
11 TH GENERA TION P ANELS 100 Hz DOUBLE SCAN INTELLIGENT FRAME CREA TION 1,000,000 : 1 CONTRAST RA TIO Plasma T Vs DIGIT AL CINEMA COL OUR > Al l 20 08 V IER A pl as ma T V s fe atu re Pan aso nic 11 t h ge ner ati on p anel s – th e re sult o f se ve ral y ea rs o f re sea rch and de vel opm ent .
VIERA TECHNOL OGY – L CD TELEVISIONS SUPERIOR PICTURE 06 ) Man y L CDs su ffer fr om col our was h-ou t w hen not view ed fr om dir ect ly in fro nt – a big pro blem if you hav e a larg e fam ily trying to watch a film together .
100 Hz MOTION PICTURE PRO CLEAR P ANEL 100 H z MO TION PICTURE PRO 2 > Wh en w atc hing fas t mo vin g spo rt ing e ve nts or mo vie s on T V, y ou wa nt t o enj oy al l the a cti on w ith out m oti on bl ur .
VIERA outs t A nd I ng dE s I gn tEchnIcAll y AdV AncEd And pREcIsEl y mAnuf ActuREd 08 ) 08_09_VieraAu08_Design.indd 1 7/10/08 16:55:53.
A SINGLE SHEET OF GL ASS In 2008, the VIERA design retains its consistency throughout the range, from the smaller-sized L CDs to the largest plasma T Vs.
) ECO W ORLD REDUCE, RE-USE, RECYCLE COEXISTENCE WITH THE GL OBAL ENVIRONMENT 10 Panas onic produ cts pr ovide con venienc e and com for t to pe oples’ liv es, thou gh the manu fact uring, us e, and dispo sal of the se pro duct s has an impac t on the env ironmen t.
> L O W POWER CONSUMPTION THE POWER CONSUMED BY A PLASMA DISPL A Y VARIES ACC ORDING TO THE BR IGHTN ESS OF EACH SCENE . THAT’S WHY IT IS SO ENERGY -EFFICIENT . The amount of elec tric al power consumed by a plas ma TV varie s co nst ant ly an d dep end s on t he im age d ispl ay ed.
) VIERA EA SY OPERA TION ONE REMO TE, TO T AL CONTROL: VIERA LINK EXPERIENCE Panason ic engineers devote a l ot of time to improving ways to make it easier for you to enjoy your Panaso nic comp onent s. A gre at ex ample of their innovat ion is V IERA Link.
> DIRECT TV RECORDING DIGA DVD Recor der with the VIERA Remote Control – Suppos e that while you are watching one T V programme you decide that you want to play a pr eviously recorded programme, or set the unit to record a future broadcast.
Boasting a Full HD panel and packed with all our latest vision enhancing technologies, the PZ800 series is our fl agship model especially designed for people who don’t want to compromise on quality .
TH-58PZ800B • Same as TH-65PZ800B, but 58 Inches (147 cm) • Pedestal included or Wall Hanging Bracket optional TH-50PZ800B • Same as TH-65PZ800B, but 50 Inches (127 cm) • Pedestal included, Vi.
) ) y > 8 æ ; J Â # TH-50PZ81B VIERA 50 INCH (127cm) FULL -HD WIDE PL ASMA T V WITH FREESA T HD • freesat HD* and F reeview Integrated Digital T uners (freesat requires connection to suitable s.
) y > 8 æ J Â # TH-46PZ85B HIGH-END VIERA 46 INCH (116 cm) FULL -HD WIDE PL ASMA T V • F ull HD Plasma G11 Panel 1920 x 1080 pixels • 100Hz Double Scan • Intelligent F rame Creation • V-r eal PRO 3 T echnology • 5,120 Equivalent Steps of Gradation • 1,000,000:1 Dynamic Contrast 30,000:1 Native • 0.
) TH-50PZ80B VIERA 50 INCH (127 cm) FULL -HD WIDE PL ASMA T V • F ull HD Plasma G11 Panel 1920 x 1080 pixels • 100Hz Double Scan • V-r eal PRO 3 T echnology • 5,120 Equivalent Steps of Gradation • 1,000,000:1 Dynamic Contrast 30,000:1 Native • x.
TH-46PZ8B VIERA 46 INCH (116cm) FULL -HD PL ASMA T V • 100Hz Double Scan • V-r eal PRO 2 T echnology • 24p Playback • F ull HD 1920 x 1080p • 20,000:1 High Contrast Native • 4,096 Equivale.
TH-42PX80B VIERA 42 INCH (106 cm) HD-READY WIDE PL ASMA T V • HD ready G11 Plasma Panel • 100Hz Double Scan • V-r eal 3 T echnology • 4,096 Equivalent Steps of Gradation • 15,000:1 Native Contrast • 0.
TH-50PX8B VIERA 50 INCH (127 cm) HD-READY WIDE PL ASMA T V • HD ready G11 Plasma Panel • 100Hz Double Scan • V-r eal 2 T echnology • 3,072 Equivalent Steps of Gradation • 10,000:1 Native Contrast • 0.
THE VI E RA – FULL - H D L I NE- U P BRILLIANT IMAGES WITH EX QUISITE DET AIL 22 ) VIERA T Vs featur e Panasonic’ s image-enhancing system “ V-r eal PRO 3” te ch nology , which applies full-digital processing to the 1920 x 1080 high- definition video signals received from HD broadcasts and Blu-ray discs.
> V -AUDIO Panasonic VIERA televisions deliver the best of Sound with V-AUDIO surround and V-AUDIO technologies. V-AUDIO surround features Panasonic‘ s unique digital amplifi er , carbon speaker and slim side speaker design as well as featuring SRS tru surround XT or BBE ViVA HD3D Sound.
The LZD800 series comes with our largest e ver 37-inch IPS-alpha panel and is the pinnacle VIERA Full HD LCD T V . Packed with picture enhancing technologies like 100Hz Motion Picture Pro 2 for beauti.
TX -37LZD800 PREMIUM VIERA 37 INCH (94 cm V Wide) FULL -HD LCD T V • IPS-Alpha F ull HD Panel 1920 x 1080 pixels • Ultra Wide 178° Viewing Angle Horizontally & Vertically • 100Hz Motion Picture Pro 2 with Motion Focus T echnology • V-r eal PRO 3 T echnology • 10,000:1 Contrast • Intelligent Scene Controller • x.
TX -37LZD81 VIERA 37 INCH (94 cm V Wide) FULL -HD L CD T V WITH FREESA T HD • freesat HD* Integrated Digital T uner (fr eesat requires connection to suitable satellite dish) • IPS-Alpha F ull HD P.
TX -37LZD85 HIGH-END VIERA 37 INCH (94 cm V Wide) FULL -HD LCD T V • IPS-Alpha F ull HD Panel 1920 x 1080 pixels • Ultra Wide 178° Viewing Angle Horizontally & Vertically • 100Hz Motion Picture Pro 2 with Motion Focus T echnology • V-r eal PRO 3 T echnology • 10,000:1 Contrast • Intelligent Scene Controller • x.
) TX -37LZD80 VIERA 37 INCH (94 cm V Wide) FULL -HD LCD T V • IPS-Alpha F ull HD Panel 1920 x 1080 pixels • Ultra Wide 178° Viewing Angle Horizontally & Vertically • V-r eal PRO 3 T echnology • 10,000:1 Contrast • Intelligent Scene Controller • x.
TX -32LXD85 VIERA 32 INCH (80cm V Wide) HD-READY L CD T V • IPS-Alpha HD ready Panel • Ultra Wide 178° Viewing Angle Horizontally & Vertically • 100Hz Motion Picture Pro • V-r eal 3 T ech.
TX -32LXD80 VIERA 32 INCH (80 cm V Wide) HD-READY LCD T V TX -26LXD80 VIERA 26 INCH (66cm V Wide) HD-READY LCD T V • IPS HD ready Panel • Ultra Wide 178° Viewing Angle Horizontally • V-r eal 3 .
) ” 8 æ J ) ) ” ” 8 8 æ æ æ J J TX -32LXD8 VIERA 32 INCH (80 cm V Wide) HD-READY LCD T V TX -26LXD8 VIERA 26 INCH (66cm V Wide) HD-READY LCD T V TX -19LXD8 VIERA 19 INCH (48cm V Wide) HD-REA.
32_VieraAu08.indd 1 15/10/08 13:52:04.
Plasma T elevision - Full HD Specifi cations MODEL Tuner Integr ated DVB Digital Tuner Tuning System CATV Compatibility Broadcast Stereo Reception T eletext Reception Receiving System Receiving Syste.
Plasma T elevision - Full HD Specifi cations MODEL Tuner Integr ated DVB Digital Tuner Tuning System CATV Compatibility Broadcast Stereo Reception T eletext Reception Receiving System Receiving Syste.
Plasma T elevision - HD Ready Specifi cations MODEL Tuner Integr ated DVB Digital Tuner Tuning System CATV Compatibility Broadcast Stereo Reception T eletext Reception Receiving System Receiving Syst.
Plasma T elevision - HD Ready Specifi cations MODEL Tuner Integr ated DVB Digital Tuner Tuning System CATV Compatibility Broadcast Stereo Reception T eletext Reception Receiving System Receiving Syst.
LCD T elevision - F ull HD Specifi cations MODEL Tuner Integr ated DVB Digital Tuner Tuning System CATV Compatibility Broadcast Stereo Reception T eletext Reception Receiving System Receiving System .
LCD T elevision - HD R eady Specifi cations MODEL Tuner Integr ated DVB Digital Tuner Tuning System CATV Compatibility Broadcast Stereo Reception T eletext Reception Receiving System Receiving System.
39_VieraAu08_ISBC.indd 1 15/10/08 13:53:03. AUTUMN VIERA A408 01_40_VieraAu08_Cover.indd 1 7/10/08 16:51:39.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Panasonic Flat Screen TV (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Panasonic Flat Screen TV noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Panasonic Flat Screen TV - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Panasonic Flat Screen TV reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Panasonic Flat Screen TV erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Panasonic Flat Screen TV besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Panasonic Flat Screen TV verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Panasonic Flat Screen TV. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Panasonic Flat Screen TV gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.