Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Pre P100EWW des Produzenten Palm
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User Guide.
Intellectual property notices © 2010 P alm, Inc. All rights re served. P alm, Pr e, S yner gy , webOS , and the Palm and Pr e logos are among the trademarks or register ed trademark s owned by or licensed to Palm, Inc. Micr o soft and O utlook ar e tr ademar ks of the Micr o soft gr oup of comp anies.
Contents 3 Con te nts Chapter 1 Welcome 6Y o u r P a l m ® Pre™ phone 7W h a t ’ s i n t h e b o x ? 7 Where can I learn more? Chapter 2 Basics 10 Get to know your phone 14 Set up your phone 15 C.
4C o n t e n t s 104 Memos 106 Clock 107 Calculator 108 Facebook Chapter 7 Photos, videos, and music 110 Camera 110 Photos 115 Videos 117 YouTube 118 Music Chapter 8 Web and wireless connections 124 W.
Chapter 1 : Welcome 5 We l c o m e Congr atulations on the purchas e of y our Palm ® Pre™ phone. In this chapter 6Y o u r P a l m ® Pre™ ph on e 7 What’ s in the box? 7 Where can I lear n more.
6C h a p t e r 1 : W e l c o m e Yo u r P a l m ® Pre™ p ho n e In one compact and indispensable devic e , you now ha ve all of the f ollowing: • An advanced wir eless phone r unning the Palm ® .
Chapter 1 : Welcome 7 WARN IN G Please re fer to R egulatory and safet y infor m ation for infor mation that helps you saf ely use your phone. F ailure to read and follo w the important safety infor mation in this guide may resul t in pr operty damage, ser ious bodily injury, or death.
8C h a p t e r 1 : W e l c o m e.
Chapter 2 : Basics 9 Ba s i cs Y ou’ re about to dis cover th e many things about your Pa l m ® Pr e™ phone that will help you bet ter manage your lif e and hav e fun, too. As y ou become mor e familiar wi th your phone, y ou’ll want to per sonalize the set tings and add applications to make i t uniquely yo ur s.
10 Chapter 2 : Basics Get to kno w your phone Slide out the k eyboard • Hold the phone as shown below and gently push up . Fron t v i e w 1 Earpiece 2 T ouchscr een: T ap and ma ke other gestures dir e ctly on the sc reen. See To u c h s c r e e n .
Chapter 2 : Basics 11 Key b oa rd 1 Orange k ey: Press to enter numbers, punctuation, and symbols that appear above the letter s on the keys ( see Enter alternate ke yboard characters ), o r to move t he c urso r (se e Te x t selection gestures ). 2 Shift: See Ent er uppercase let ters and T ext selection gestures .
12 Chapter 2 : Basics Ic ons in the title bar Y ou can monitor the status of sev eral i tems using icons at the top o f the phone scr een. T able 1. Title b ar icons and des criptions Ite m Des cri pt i on The bat tery is being char ged. The bat tery is fully char ged.
Chapter 2 : Basics 13 Bac k vi ew 1 Cam er a fl ash 2 Cam er a le ns 3 Speak er To p v i e w 1 Pow e r : Press to wake up or tur n off the screen. Pr ess and ho ld to turn wireless services on and off , replace the bat ter y , or turn your device completely on and off.
14 Chapter 2 : Basics Set u p yo ur pho ne 1 Pr ess and hold the power butt on on the u pper-r i ght corner of y o ur phone until you see a logo on the scr een (appro ximately five sec onds). Please be pa tient while your phone starts up . 2 F ollow the onscr een instructions to co mplete setup .
Chapter 2 : Basics 15 Although y ou create a P alm pr ofile by enter ing a valid email addres s, set ting up a P alm profile is differ ent from s ett ing up email on your phone . T o set up email, see Set up em ail . T o change your P alm pr ofile information after y ou have se t it u p, see Update your P alm pr ofile settings .
16 Chapte r 2 : Basics Maxi mizi ng battery l ife Bat tery lif e depends on how y ou use y o ur phone. Y ou can maximize the lif e of y our batt ery by following a f ew eas y guidelines: • Char ge your phone whenev er you can. Char ge it ov ernight.
Chapter 2 : Basics 17 • Slide out the ke yboard. • Press Center . This wak es up the screen only when the k eyboar d is slid out. T o turn the scr een off , pres s power . T o save powe r , the screen dims automatic ally after a period of inactivi ty , then turns of f.
18 Chapter 2 : Basics When your phone loc ates a signal, your wir eless service pr ovider appear s in the upper-le ft of the screen in the Launcher , Card view , and Phone, and the signal-str ength icon appears at the to p of the scr een. When you ar e inside a cov erage ar ea, the bar s of the signal-strength icon ar e filled in.
Chapter 2 : Basics 19 Use ge stur es: tap , swipe , dr ag, flick, pinch Gestur es are an import ant , basic part of y our phone. They’ re eas y to learn, and they mak e working with the phone f ast. Y ou mak e most gestur es with one finger . For a few , you need tw o.
20 Chap ter 2 : Basics In W eb, the back ge sture perfor ms the same function as the back butt on on the br owser , allowing you to mov e back through pr eviously viewed pages. The for wa rd gestur e, av ailable in W eb only, is a s wipe from le ft to right anywher e in the gesture ar ea.
Chapter 2 : Basics 21 Scr oll ges tur es Scr oll a specific amount: Dr ag the screen in the desir ed direction. Scroll fast: Flick the scr een in the desir ed direction.
22 Chapter 2 : Basics Z oom out/ pinch in to decrease the size of it ems on the screen in Email, W eb, Photos, Doc View , PDF View , Google Ma ps: Place tw o fingers on the scr een and bring them t ogether . Z oom in or out a fixed amount (W eb , Photos ): Double-tap the scr een.
Chapter 2 : Basics 23 Select t ext when y ou can see a curs or: T ap the location to ins ert the cursor . Pr ess and hold Shift . Place your finger anywhe re ons creen and dr ag your finger in the direction you w an t to select text. T ap the hi ghlighted text to desel ect it.
24 C hapter 2 : Basics Open applica tions Y ou can have as man y applications open at one time as you lik e, limited only by the amount of memory av aila ble on your phone at the time. Open an applicat ion in Quick Launch Quick Launch is the bar o f fiv e icons that is alw ays av ailable at the bot tom of Card view and the Launcher .
Chapter 2 : Basics 25 1 Press Center , and tap . 2 T o find the app you want, s wipe up or down t o see all the icons on a page. S wipe left or right to s ee other pages. 1 Arr ow indicate s that you c an swipe up to see partially or fully hidden icons .
26 Chapter 2 : Basics T o make the back ge sture , swipe right to left an yw here in the ge stur e area. Display all op en applica tions (Card view ) Card view display s open applications as sma ll ca rds, so th at you can ea sil y scr oll thr ough them and drag them to change their or der .
Chapter 2 : Basics 27 2 T ap and hold a car d , and after the car d becomes tr ansparent, dr ag it to another position. Close an applica tion • In Card view ( see Display all open applications ( C ard view) ), thr ow the card off the top o f the screen.
28 Chap ter 2 : Basics R eor der Launcher icons 1 In the Launcher , tap and hold an icon . 2 After the halo appe ars ar ound the icon, dr ag it to another loc ation. 3 T o move the icon t o another page, dr ag it to the left or right edge of the scr een.
Chapter 2 : Basics 29 Enter upper case let ters By def ault, the first let ter of e ach sentence or field is capitaliz ed and the remaining t ext you ent er is lower case . T o enter other upper case let ters, do one of the follo wing: • Press Shift and pres s the letter k ey .
30 Chap ter 2 : Basics Enter inf ormation in a field Y ou can enter infor mation in a field by typing or by pasting previously copied inf ormation ( see Cut, copy , and paste inf ormation ). Applications with text fields support the auto-corr ect feat ure .
Chapter 2 : Basics 31 2 Ta p t h e l i s t i t e m y o u w a n t . Cut, copy , and paste inf ormation Y ou can copy any selectable text, and you c an cut any selectable text that you y ourself enter ed, for ex ample, in a memo or an email.
32 Chapter 2 : Basics Us e the menus Mos t applications have an applic ation menu hidden in the upper-left cor ner , which pr ovides acces s to additional featur es. Ther e is also a connection menu hidden in the upper-r ight corner , which pr ovides acce ss to wir eless ser vices.
Chapter 2 : Basics 33 Open the connection menu The connection menu lets y ou manage wireles s services—the phone, Bluetooth ® wir eless technology , and Wi-F i. 1 Do one of the f ollowing: • T ap the upper-ri ght corner o f the screen. • Dr ag down fr om the upper-right cor ner of the phone (above the scr een) onto the scr een.
34 Ch apter 2 : Basics 3 Do one of the f ollowing: • T o look up or get in t ouch wi th someone: T ap a contact name to open the pers on’ s contact infor m ation. T ap a phone number to dial it, an email addr ess to send a message , and so on. If only the contact name is display ed, tap the name to display w ays to get in to uch.
Chapter 2 : Basics 35 V iew and r espond to notific ations R espond to a notification Notifications show up at the bot tom of the screen t o notify you of new voic email and messages , up coming appointments , missed calls , and mor e. Do one of the f ollowing: • T ap the notification to act on it.
36 Chapter 2 : Basics R eor der notifications and other dashbo ar d items The are a that displays all of y our notifications (s ee Vi ew al l yo ur notifications ) is called the dashboar d. • T ap and hold a dashboard i tem, and then dr ag it t o a diff erent location.
Chapter 2 : Basics 37 • T o avoi d r oaming char ges, updat es are not downloaded if y our phone is in ro a m i n g c ov e r a g e. • If you do not install an upda te immediately afte r downloading it, y ou are pr ompted to install the updat e the next time you char ge your phone .
38 Chapter 2 : Basics Us e App catalog t o shop for new applic ations Br owse applications in App Catalog Use App Catalog t o br owse and do wnload any of the many applica tions available f or your phone. App Catalog contains both fr ee apps and apps you can b uy.
Chapter 2 : Basics 39 6 On the app details scr een, do any of the following: • T ap a screenshot to see a lar ger view . • Ta p Rev ie w s to read all r eviews. • Ta p Shar e and then tap Emai l or Te x t M e s s a g e to shar e info about an app with a f riend.
40 Chapter 2 : Basics 7 T o open a downloaded app , tap Ta p t o L a u n c h . The app also no w appears as an ic on on the first page of the Launcher , so you c an open it fr om the Launcher as well. Manage applications 1 Open App Catalog . 2 T ap and tap Applications .
Chapter 2 : Basics 41 Upd ate or de lete a bi lli ng a ccoun t 1 Open App Catalog . 2 Open the application menu and tap Pr efer ences & Account s .
42 Chapter 2 : Basics 1 Connect your phone to y o ur computer using the US B ca ble . 2 On y our phone, tap USB Dri ve . On your computer , your phone appears as a r emovable dr ive. 3 On a Windows c o mputer , if the Found Ne w Hardw are wizar d opens, click Can cel to close the wizard.
Chapter 3 : Data transfer 43 Da ta tr ansf er I f y o u h av e d a t a s u c h a s co nt a c t s o r ca le n d a r e ve n t s i n a desk top organiz er such as Palm ® Desk top softwar e by A CCESS or Micr oso ft Outlook ® , y ou can tr ansfer that data to y our P a lm ® Pr e™ phone.
44 Chapter 3 : Data transfer Data tr ansfer o vervie w While you hav e many options for trans ferring data, P alm recommends that you t ake advantage o f the P alm ® Syner gy™ feature by put ting y.
Chapter 3 : Data transfer 45 to y our phone, and then if y ou choose t o, sync the data t o Google or Exch an g e. 1 On your c omputer , set up an account on the Google websit e (go to ) or with Micr osoft Ex c hange (speak to an IT person at y our compa ny).
46 Chapter 3 : Data transfer I’ m alre ady using Google, F acebook, Y ahoo! and/ or Micr osof t Ex change. Ho w do I sync data? If you ar e alre ady using Google, F acebook, Y ahoo!, and/ or Ex chan.
Chapter 3 : Data transfer 47 2 Open Contacts on your P r e phone. 3 Enter the acc ount credentials for y our Google account. NOTE Y ou don’t hav e to go to C alendar to set up your account there—that’ s done automatically using the username and pass word you enter in Con tacts.
48 Chapter 3 : Data transfer.
Chapter 4 : Phone 49 Phone Y ou can ef fectively manage mul tiple calls. Y ou can answer a sec ond call, swap between calls , and set up a three- way confer ence call. Y ou c a n also wor k with other applications while on a call. Y our Palm ® Pre™ phone helps y ou to do all these tasks wi th ease.
50 Chapter 4 : Phone Make cal ls F or information on tur ning the phone off and back on, see T urn the phone on/ off . Dial using the onscr een dial pad The onscr een dial pad is useful when y ou need to dial numbers that ar e expr essed as let ters and when y ou need lar ge, br ightly lit numbers that you can t ap.
Chapter 4 : Phone 51 Dial using the k eyboar d 1 In the Launcher , C ard view , or Phone, use the keyboar d to enter the number . Y ou do not need to pr ess the oran ge to e nter nu mbe rs, * , or #. 2 When you finish ent ering the number , tap it to dial.
52 Chapter 4 : Phone R edial the last number dialed 1 Open Phone . 2 T ap . When the contact name or number appears a t the top of the scr een, tap again to dial. Dial yo ur national emer gency number 1 Press power to wak e up the scr een. 2 Press Center to display Card vie w.
Chapter 4 : Phone 53 Answer a c all Do one of the f ollowing: • If the scr een is on when th e phone starts r i nging, tap . • If the scr een is off , drag up to unlock the scr een and answer the call.
54 Chapter 4 : Phone Listen t o voic email messages 1 Do one of the f ollowing: • In the Launcher , C ard view , or Phone, pr ess and hold 1 . • T ap a voicemail notification at the bot tom of the scr een. • Open Phone . Then tap . • Open Phone .
Chapter 4 : Phone 55 • Adjust call v olume: Pr ess Vo l u m e . * Vo l u m e End a cal l Do one of the f ollowing: • Ta p . • If a headset is at tached, pre ss the heads et but ton.
56 Chapter 4 : Phone Swit ch b et we en two ca l ls • T ap to put the activ e call on ho ld and swit ch to the other caller . Mak e a conf erence c all When you’ re on a call, y ou can make a sec ond call and crea te a three-w ay conf erenc e call, pr ovided that the s ervice is av ailable in your ar ea.
Chapter 4 : Phone 57 What’ s my number? 1 Open Phone . 2 Open the applica tion menu and tap P re fer ences . Y our phone number appears a t the top of the Phone Pr efer ences screen.
58 Chapter 4 : Phone Sav e a phone number to Contacts Y ou can sav e the number fr om an incoming or outgoing call to an exis ting contact, or cr eate a new contact f or the number . If an incoming c all uses caller ID blocking, y ou cannot save the number .
Chapter 4 : Phone 59 After y ou set up a connection wi th a Bl uetooth headset or hands-fr ee car kit, you can communica te using that device whenev er it is within r ange and the Bluetooth f eatur e on your phone is turned on. The r ange var ies gr eatly , depending on envir onmental factor s.
60 Chapter 4 : Phone Use dialing tone s Dialing tones , also kno wn as D TMF tones , are the tones that pla y when you pre ss a key t o dial. A short tone plays br iefly and then stops, no mat ter how long you press the ke y. A long tone play s until you rele ase the ke y.
Chapter 4 : Phone 61 Y ou can connect a TT Y /TDD machine to y our phone using the headset jack. Check with the manuf acturer of y our T T Y device f o r connectivit y infor m ation. Be sur e that the T TY device supports digi tal wireless tr ansm ission.
62 Chapter 4 : Phone.
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 63 Email, t ext, mul t imedia, and instant me ssaging Enjoy the e ase and speed of keeping in t ouch with friends, f amily , and colleagues anywhere y ou can access th e you r wi reless ser vi ce provide r data ne twork or a Wi-F i network.
64 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging Emai l How do I s end and receiv e email on my phone? Use the Email applic ation on y our phon e to acce ss the many email accounts you ha ve: company (lik e Exchange ), ISP (like Earthlink and C omcast), and web-bas ed (like Gmail).
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 65 • Make sur e your phone is on and you’ re inside a cover age area bef ore y ou send or receive messages.
66 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 2 The firs t time you open Email, do one of the f ollowing: • If this is the first email ac count you set up: The email addr ess you used for y our Palm pr ofile is entered by de faul t .
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 67 3 The firs t time you open Email, do one of the f ollowing: • If this is the first email acc ount you ar e setting up: The email addr ess you used for y our Palm pr ofile is enter ed by default.
68 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging Vib rate: S et whether your phone vibr ates when a new mess age arr ives. Signatur e: T ap to c reate a sig natu re that’ s added to outg oing messages ( see Add a signature to outgoing messages for m o re infor mation).
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 69 3 Ta p . 4 (Op t io n al ) T a p Fro m to cha nge the email account y ou are using to send the me ssage. This option appe ar s on l y if yo u ha ve m o re th a n o n e email account set up on y our phone.
70 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging R eceiv e and r ead email messages The Email application s ynchroniz es messages anytime y ou open a mail folder .
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 71 Save or share an inline image If a message contains an inline imag e—an image insert ed right into the body text —you can shar e the image wi th someone els e via email. If you choose this option, a new blank email me ssage opens with the image file as an at tachment.
72 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging T o open a saved a t tachment on your phone, open the applica t ion that can display the at tachment.
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 73 Flag or unflag a message When you f l ag a message , a is placed beside the message in y our Inbox. Y ou might flag a message t o highlight it as something that y ou need to ret u r n to. 1 Open a mes sage.
74 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 2 Do any of th e follow in g: • Vie w all folder s for an account: T ap . • Open a fo lder: T ap the folder name. • View f older information such as las t sync and number of messages: Open the f older , and then tap the f o lder header .
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 75 Re o rd e r a cc o u n t s Y ou can change the or der of the accounts in Ac count List view . 1 Open Emai l . 2 Open the application menu and tap Pr efer ences & Account s . 3 T ap and hold the account name , wai t for the visual cue, and then dr ag the account up or do wn.
76 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging W ork with con versa tions When y ou exchange mor e than one message wi th a person, the mes sages are gr ouped into a conv ersation. A si ngle conv ersation can contain te xt, multimedia, and IM me ssages .
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 77 1 Open Messagin g . 2 Fo r C o n ve r s a t i o n s v i e w, t a p Conversations . F or Buddies view , tap Buddies . 3 In Buddies view , tap to expand a buddy lis t. T ap a buddy name to contact that pers on .
78 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging • If you alr eady enter ed the message text: Open the application menu and tap Add P ictu re . T ap the album containing the pictur e you want and tap the pictur e, or tap New Photo and tak e the picture.
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 79 R eceiv e and view text and mul timedia messages Y ou can view pictur es and videos and listen to music file s included in a multimedia mes sage. Y ou can save pictur es in JPG format t o your phone fo r viewing in the Photo s application.
80 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging Set up an instant mes saging (IM) account T o use an IM account on y o ur phone, such as a GoogleT alk IM account, y ou must alr eady have the ac count online.
Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 81 1 Open Messagin g . 2 Do one of the f ollowing to start or continue a c onver sation: • In Conver sations or Buddies view, tap to start a new conversat ion . • In Conv ersations view , tap an exis ting conver sation and enter a new message.
82 Chapter 5 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging T urn messaging notifications on or of f Y ou can set y our phone to show a notification and/ or play a s o und when a new mes s age arr ives. The se set tings apply to all y our Mes s aging accounts .
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 83 Cont acts, Calendar , and other per sonal inf or mation Yo u r P a l m ® Pr e™ phone is all you need to or ganiz e your per sonal informa tion and k eep it wi th you wher ever you go .
84 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information Con tac ts How do I add names and other inf o into Contacts? Y ou have a f ew options for get ting contact information to sho w up in Contac ts.
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 85 How can y ou tell if a contact is link ed? Look in the upper- right cor ner of the contact scr een. If you s ee a stack of phot os and a number , that means that you'r e looking at a link ed contact, with co mbined info fr om contacts y ou’r e storin g in sepa rate accou nts.
86 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information Cr eate a contact If you are using Contacts f or the first time , you go thr ough a fe w differ ent step s to add or acces s the contacts on your phone (s ee Use Contact s for the first time ).
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 87 • Company • Nickname 3 F or more se arch options, tap Global Addr ess L ookup . (This option is available if y ou are using M icros oft Exchange wi th a Global Addres s List.) 4 Ta p t h e c o n t a c t .
88 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information • T o copy a contact: Open the application menu , tap Edit , and tap Selec t Al l . The contents o f the contact entry ar e copied as plain text, with car riage r eturns betw een each element.
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 89 Assign a speed dial to a contact Y ou can assign a speed dial to an y co ntact phone number . Y ou can as sign up to 26 speed dials. 1 Open Contacts . 2 Search for a cont act (see F ind a contact ), and tap the contact name.
90 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 3 In the open entry , tap the contact name in the header , and tap Link mor e pro files .
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 91 2 T ap the contact name. 3 Do any of th e follow in g: • T ap the appropr iate field to call or send an email or instant mes sage to that contact. F or example, tap a phone number to c all the contact.
92 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 2 Open the application menu and tap Pr efer ences & Account s . 3 Set the following options: List Or der: T ap to select the crit eria by which the contact list is sort ed.
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 93 Send Contacts Y ou can send all contacts t o a hands-free car ki t (with Bluetooth), or send a contact wi th multimedia mes saging (MMS) or email.
94 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information NOTE See Online accounts availa ble for w e bOS phones for t he c urre nt l is t of online accounts that you can s e t up on your phone, fr om which you can access contac ts.
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 95 Create a n event If you are using Calendar f or the first time, y ou go through a f ew differ ent step s to add or acc ess the calendar ev ents on your phone ( see Use Calendar for t he first ti me ).
96 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 2 Ta p No Repe at and then tap a repea t interval, or Cust om to define a r epeat interv al and set the end date . Add an alarm t o an event 1 While cre ating an event ( see Create a n even t ), tap to the right of the ev ent name.
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 97 Cr eate an all-day (untimed) ev ent An all-day ev ent such as a birthday appear s in your calendar wi thout a specific time sl ot. 1 Open Cal end ar . 2 Go to the day y ou want, open the application menu and tap New > All Day E vent .
98 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information Quickl y glimpse y our schedule • In Day or W eek view , slightly drag le ft or right to peek at the ne xt/ pre vious day or week without changing the cur rent view . • In Month view , slightly dr ag up or down to peek at the next/ previous month.
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 99 Contact meeting attendees: This opens an email message with the participa nts’ addr esses adde d to the T o field. The def ault mes sage text is “Running late , on my way ... ”—you can edi t the text befor e sending the message.
100 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information Def ault E vent Dur ation The defau lt e vent dur ation is set to one hour . T a p to cha nge t his to 3 0 min utes or 2 hours . Account s: F or all calendar accounts, tap an acc ount to change login set tings or r emov e the account.
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 101 1 Open T asks . 2 Ta p . 3 Enter the list name in the List Name field and pr ess Enter . 4 Cre ate a task (see Cr eate a task ). Cr eate a task 1 Open T asks . 2 T ap the list you w ant to assign the task to .
102 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 3 T ap to the right of the task name. 4 Set any of the f ollowing: Prio rity : High priori ty tasks appear in r ed. Normal priori ty tasks appear in bold text, and low pr iorit y tasks appear in gr ay text.
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 103 2 T ap a task list name to view tasks tha t are due today or over due. Re n a m e a t a s k 1 On the task list, tap the task name .
104 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information Set due dates f or all tasks in a list 1 Open T asks . 2 T ap the list containing the tasks. 3 Open the application menu and tap Set Du e Date For All . 4 T ap the month, date, and y ear , and then tap Set Due Da te .
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 105 Cr eate a memo 1 Open Memos . 2 Do one of the f ollowing: • Ta p New Memo . • Open the application menu and tap Add A Memo .
106 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 3 T ap the lower -right corner of the scr een, and tap the new color . Delete a memo 1 In an open memo, open the application menu and tap Del ete . 2 Ta p Delete to confi rm. Email a memo 1 In an open memo, open the application menu and tap Em ai l Mem o .
Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information 107 2 T ap , and then tap . 3 Set the following options: Alar m Pr ef er ences: Ta p Off in the upper ri ght to turn the alar m on. When an alarm is tur ned on, the alarm icon is displayed in the lowe r-r ight corner of the phone screen.
108 Chapter 6 : Contacts, Calendar, and other personal information Pe r f o r m c a l c u l a t i o n s 1 Open Cal cul at or . 2 Enter numbers and perf orm calculations.
Chapter 7 : Photos, videos, and music 109 Photo s, videos , and music There’ s no need to carry a sep ar ate media player; y ou can play music and videos , and view photos, on your Pa l m ® Pr e™ phone. Listen to music thr ough the built-in speak er or thr ough a headset or headphone s (sold separately).
110 Cha pter 7 : Photos, vide os, and m usic Cam er a Ta k e a p i c t u r e Y our phone comes with an eas y-to-use, 3-megapix el camera wi th an LED flash. Y ou can use the camer a to tak e pictures, and then us e the Photos app to view them and send them to y our friends and f amily (see Share a pictur e ).
Chapter 7 : Photos, videos, and music 111 • Rec eive pictures a s part of a mul timedia message (s ee Rec eive and view text and mul timedia messages ). Y ou can view a pictur e as an email at tachment in JPG , GIF , BMP , or PNG for mat. Y ou can view a pictur e as pa rt of a mul timedia message in JPG format.
112 Chapter 7 : Photos, vi deos, and m usic 1 Connect y our phone and your computer using the USB cab le . 2 On y our phone, tap USB Dri ve . If pr om pted, tap OK . On your computer , your phone appe ars as a remo vable driv e. NOTE On a Windows c omputer , if the F ound New Hardw are wizar d opens, click Canc el t o close the wizar d.
Chapter 7 : Photos, videos, and music 113 5 (Op tional) Do either or both o f the follo wing: • T o zoom out or in on part of the pictur e: Pinch in or out on the picture .
114 Cha pter 7 : Photos, videos , and musi c 1 T ap a picture thumbnail t o view i t full-screen. 2 If is not visible, tap the screen t o di splay it. 3 T ap and tap Upload . 4 Do one of the f ollowing: • If y ou hav e already s et up your pictur e web servic e on your phone, tap the name of the service y ou want to us e.
Chapter 7 : Photos, videos, and music 115 Vi d e os Rec o rd a v i d e o 1 Open Cam er a . 2 If is hidden, tap to display it. 3 T ap to begin recording. 4 (Op tional) T o recor d a video in la ndscape view , turn y our phone 90 degree s. 5 Ta p t o s t o p r e c o r d i n g .
116 Chapter 7 : Photos, videos , and musi c Wa t c h a v i d e o T o get videos on your phone, y ou can do any of the fo llowing: • Rec ord a video (s ee Re co rd a v id e o ). • Copy videos fr om your computer (s ee Copy files betwee n your phone and you r co m p u te r ).
Chapter 7 : Photos, videos, and music 117 Delete a vid eo 1 Open Vid eos . 2 T ap the album containing the video. 3 Thr ow the video off the side of the scr een, and tap Delete . Y ouT ube Wa t c h a Y o u T u b e v i d e o The Y ouT ube application on your phone lets y ou watch videos av ailable online at the Y ouT ube website .
118 Cha pter 7 : Photos, vide os, and m usic Use vid eo p laybac k con tr ols Playback c ontr ols automatically appear when y ou start a Y ouT ube video. They disappear aft er a few s econds. T ap the video to manually display or dismiss the contr ols.
Chapter 7 : Photos, videos, and music 119 1 Open Music . 2 Do one of the f ollowing: • Listen to a ll song s on your ph one: T ap Shuffle All . • Listen to a specif ic song: T ap Artists , Albums , Song s , Genre s , or Playlist s to se arch that c ategory.
120 Cha pter 7 : Photos, vide os, and mu sic Swi tch the Now Playing displa y Y ou can swit ch the display to sho w the songs y ou are listening t o by name or by album co ver art. • While you ar e listening to a s o ng, tap the header at the top o f the application to s w itch bet ween Playlist view and Album Art view .
Chapter 7 : Photos, videos, and music 121 3 Open My Computer (Windows XP), Computer (Windows V ista), or the Fin de r (Mac), and double-click the driv e repr esenting your phone. 4 Delete the song using your computer’ s controls . 5 End the connection saf ely .
122 Chapt er 7 : Pho tos, videos , and musi c.
Chapter 8 : Web and wireless co nnections 1 23 W eb and wir eless c onnections Wi th yo ur wir eless service pr ovider’ s network and your phone’ s web br ow ser , you can tak e the web with you almo st anywher e you go . Y ou can us e yo ur phone’ s Wi-F i featur e to connect to a public, wor k, or home networ k.
124 Chapter 8 : Web and wireless connections Wi-F i What is a Wi-F i connection? Many en vir onments, such as cor porate o ffices, c offee shops , airports, and libr aries, of fer access t o a Wi-F i network. A W i -F i netw ork is a wireless local are a networ k (WLAN).
Chapter 8 : Web and wireless conne ctions 1 25 • F rom any s creen: Open the connection menu , tap Wi-Fi , and tap Tu r n o n Wi-Fi or Tu r n o f f W i - F i . If your phone finds the net work y ou want, tap the networ k name to connect to it. Otherwise , see Connect to a new open netw ork and Connect to a new sec ure ne twork .
126 Chapter 8 : Web and wireless connections • If the networ k you want is not display ed: T a p Join networ k an d enter the netw ork name. F ollow steps 4 to 7 . 4 Ta p t h e Secu rity field, and then tap the networ k type: Open , WP A-per sonal , WEP , or Ente rpris e .
Chapter 8 : Web and wireless conne ctions 127 4 If you turned automatic IP set tings off , enter any o f the follo wing: IP Addr ess Subnet Addr ess Gateway DNS Server: addr esses (#1 and #2) 5 Ta p Done .
128 Chapter 8 : Web and wireless connections 5 T o choose how y ou want to be located, open applic ation menu , tap Loc at e Me U si n g , and choose one or both of the f ollowing: GPS Google Service We b Go to a web site The web brow ser on your phone is capable of displaying mos t web content.
Chapter 8 : Web and wireless co nnections 129 Open another br ow ser If you ar e looking at one w eb page and need to check something on a diff erent one, simply open another b r owser . • Open the application menu and tap New car d . Enter the addre ss or sear ch term f or the second web page .
130 Chapter 8 : Web and wireless connections The page now appe ars as an icon on the Launcher . T ap the icon to open the page. T o delete the page fr om the launcher , see Delete an application . Cr eate a bookmark 1 Open the page y ou want to bookmar k.
Chapter 8 : Web and w ireless connec tions 131 Edi t, reorder , or delete a bookmark 1 Open We b . 2 Open the application menu and tap Bookma rks . 3 Do one of the f ollowing: • Edi t: T ap to the right of the bookmark name. Enter the new icon, title , or URL and tap Sav e Bookmar k .
132 Chapter 8 : Web and wireless connections • T o share a link to a phot o with someone via email: Pr ess and hold the orange key and tap the photo. T ap Shar e Image . • T o copy the URL for a link: Pr ess and hold the or ange key and tap the link.
Chapter 8 : Web and w ireless connec tions 133 Google Maps 1 Open Google Maps . 2 Ta p Menu i n th e l owe r- ri gh t co rn e r . In Google Maps, us e these icons t o do the following: Bluetooth ® wi.
134 Chapter 8 : Web and wireless connections Mak e a pairing r equest t o another device BEFORE Y OU BEGIN The other devic e must be discov erable to appear on your phone’ s Devices list. Check the documenta tion that came with the other device f or information on making i t discov erable.
Chapter 8 : Web and w ireless connec tions 135 • The scr een displays a pass ke y generat ed by your phone: Enter the displayed pas s ke y on the ot her device . • The scr een prompt s y ou to enter a pas skey: Check the documentation that came wi th the other device to see if ther e's a r equir ed passk ey .
136 Chapter 8 : Web and wireless connections Us e y our phone as a modem Y ou can use your phone as a modem by set ting up a personal ar ea networ k (P AN ). Using your phone as a modem l ets you acce ss the In ternet fr om your computer anywher e you can connect t o your wir eless service pr ovider’ s netw ork.
Chapter 9 : Documents 137 Doc u me n ts Yo u r P a l m ® Pr e™ phone enables you to tak e your of fice with y ou—including your Micr osoft Of fice files. Y ou can vie w and se arch Micr osoft W ord, E xcel ® , and Po w e r Po i n t ® fi les on y our phone.
138 Chapter 9 : Documents Doc View With Doc View , you can view Micros oft Wor d, Excel ® , and P owerP oint ® files on your phone. Open a file BEFORE Y OU BEGIN B efo re you p u t f i l es o n yo u r p h o ne , m ake s ure yo u hav e enough stor age space on your phone to fi t the file.
Chapter 9 : Documents 139 3 Do one of the f ollowing: • F ind the next instance: T ap . • F ind the preceding instanc e: T ap . 4 T o exit s ear ch, open the application menu and tap Fi n d . Save a file wi th a new name 1 With the file open, open the application menu and tap Save As .
140 Chapter 9 : Documents 1 T a p the text or footno te ind icator to open the comment, endnote, or foo t n ot e. 2 T o close the comment, endnote , or footnote , tap outside i t . Select a r ow or column in an E xcel ® spr eadsheet • T ap the ro w header or column header .
Chapter 9 : Documents 141 Swi tch among sheets Do one of the f ollowing: • T ap or to mo ve t o the next or pr evious sheet. • Open the application menu and tap W orksheets . T ap the sheet. • T ap the current sheet number in the lower -left cor ner of the screen.
142 Chapter 9 : Documents 2 T o search f or a file, begin typing th e name . T ap the file when it appe ars. If the PDF file was cr eated with a p asswor d, enter the pass word to open the file. 3 T o open a second file: Open the applic ation menu and tap Open .
Chapter 9 : Documents 143 Vie w bookmarks If a PDF file was created wi th bookmarks, y ou can see the bookmar ks on you r p ho n e . 1 With the file open, open the application menu and tap Bookmarks . 2 T o sear ch for a specific bookmar k, type the bookmark name .
144 Chapter 9 : Documents.
Chapter 10 : Preferences 145 P r ef er ence s There ar e lots of way s to make y our Palm ® Pr e™ phone wor k better f or you. P ersonaliz e your phone to mak e it match your lif estyle. Y ou can easily customiz e many featur es of your phone lik e the wallpaper , scr een brightne ss, ringtone for incoming calls , and more.
146 Chapter 10 : Pre ferences Ba c ku p Back up y our infor mation A Palm profile conne cts your ph one to Palm to get autom atic u pdates, ba ck up your data, and mor e.
Chapter 10 : Preferences 147 Calendar Event s in your P alm pr ofile account. User name for accounts lik e Google that sync calendar events onl in e. Pr efer ences ( see Customiz e Cal end ar ). E vents in online accounts . Pas sword for online accou nts.
148 Cha pter 10 : Prefe rences Update y our Palm pr ofile set tings IMPORTANT T o ensure that the data on your phone is consistent with that stor ed on your P alm pr ofile, i t is r ecommende d that you perf orm a manual bac kup of y our data after changing any of your P alm pr ofile set tings (see Back up y our infor mation ).
Chapter 10 : Preferences 149 Er ase your P alm pr ofile data In the event that your phone is lost or st o le n , yo u c a n go t o you r Pa lm p rof il e on your c omputer and fr om there, er ase the dat a on your phone . 1 On y our computer , go to palm .
150 Chapt er 10 : Prefere nces 2 T o view more detailed s ystem infor mation, tap More Info , and tap Software or Har dwar e . R ename y our phone 1 Open Device Info . 2 Ta p t h e Name field and enter the new name . Res t a r t yo u r p h o n e If an application free zes, first try r estarting your phone.
Chapter 10 : Preferences 151 delete all the apps you ins talled, because they ar e automatically reins talled on your phone after a full er ase (see D elete an application ). After ei ther type of full eras e, you ca n sign in to y our Palm pr ofile either on a new webO S phone or the same phone you just er ased.
152 Chapter 1 0 : Preferences Install a certific ate fr om USB Driv e stor age Y ou can install a certifica te that is loc ated in the USB driv e stor age on your phone. F or infor m ation on copying a certific ate into USB dr ive stor age, see Copy files bet ween your phone and y our computer .
Chapter 10 : Preferences 153 NOTE If you’ ve alr eady trans ferr ed media files using Media S ync mode—or if the Media Sync but ton appear s when you connect y our phone to a comp uter with the USB cable—then media sync is alre ady enabled on your phone.
154 Chapt er 10 : Preference s 2 In Tu r n o f f a f t e r , tap the interv al shown, then tap the number of seconds or minute s. Set options for unlock ing the screen 1 Open Screen & Lock .
Chapter 10 : Preferences 155 T urn adv anced gestur es on/ off T urning on adv anced gestur es give s you tw o additional ge stures , previous and next, and also changes the wa y you mak e the back gesture and the forw ard gest ure in W eb.
156 Chapter 10 : Pre ferences Sounds & Ringtones Manage sy stem sounds and notifica tions Y o u can tu rn system sou nd s, su ch a s transi tion sounds, and notific ation alerts, on or of f. Y ou can also s et the volume f or system sounds . 1 Open Sounds & Ringto nes .
Chapter 10 : Preferences 157 The ringtone y ou select here applies globally to all inc oming calls. Y ou can also set a unique r ingtone for a contact ( see Add a ringtone to a contact ). 1 Open Sounds & Ringto nes . 2 T ap the displayed ringtone .
158 Chapt er 10 : Prefere nces.
Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 159 T r oubleshooting Although w e can’ t anticipate all the ques tions you might have , this chapter pr ovides answ ers to some o f the most commonly ask ed questions. F or additional infor mation and answer s to other common ques tions, visit palm.
160 Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting Fo r u s e r s o f o t h e r P a l m ® device s I want t o tr ansfer my dat a fr om my computer If y ou pr eviously synchr oniz ed data fr om a Palm ® smartphone—s.
Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 161 4 Pr ess and r elease the back cover relea se . 5 Slide your thumbnail or a credi t card betw een the back cov er and the phone, starting at the bot tom and moving halfway up one side until you hear the clasp (x) r elease.
162 Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 10 P osition the back c over o ver the phone and gently pre ss the top two clasps (a), locat ed at the top corner s. Then press the t wo clasps (b) halfway down ei ther side of the phone. 11 Slide out the ke yb oar d (see Slide out the k eyboard ), and then pr ess the two clasp s (c ) at the bottom cor ners.
Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 163 4 Pr ess and r elease the back cover relea se . 5 Slide your thumbnail or a credi t card betw een the back cov er and the phone, starting at the bot tom and moving halfway up one side until you hear the clasp (x) r elease.
164 Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 2 Slide out the ke yb oar d (see Slide out the k eyboard ), and then pr ess the two clasp s (c ) at the bottom cor ners.
Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 165 Applications ar e running slo wer than usual 1 Press Center to display Card view . 2 Scr oll through the car ds and note how man y applications ar e open. 3 Close any applic ation you ar e not using by thro wing its c ard off the top of the scr een.
166 Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting My phone won’ t connect to the mobile netw ork • T ry the su ggestions in Signal str ength is weak for w eak signals. • T urn of f your phone and tur n it on again (see T urn the phone on/ off ). • Re start your phone ( see Rest ar t yo ur p h o ne ).
Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 167 • Y ou are aw ay fr om other device s using the 2. 4GHz radio fr equency, such as co rdless pho nes a nd m icrowaves. If this is impossible , move the phone closer to the hands-fr ee device. • The hands-free de vice is compatible wi th your phone.
168 Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting See Online accounts available f or webOS phones for th e c urre n t li st o f online accounts tha t synchr onize y our info and those tha t do a one-way tr ansfer of inf o either fr om the web to y our phone, or fr om your phone to the web .
Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 169 A notification tells me tha t Activ eSync encounter ed a pr oblem on the server There is a temporary pr oblem with the s erver , or the serv er may be tempor arily ov erloaded. T ry again later , and if the pr oblem persist s, contact your s ystem administr ator .
170 Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting Emai l I hav e pr oblems using my email acc ount Occasionally you may e xperience pr oblems using an email account after you s et it up.
Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 171 After I r eceive mes s ages, older mes sag es disappear fr om my Inbox When email sync tak es place, the las t three da ys’ worth o f email messages are do wnloaded fr om your mail serv er to your Inbo x.
172 Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting • If your phone is connect ed to your comput er in USB Dr ive mode, disconnect y our phone fr om your computer ( see Copy files bet ween your phone and your c omputer ). • If you are in roaming c over age, check to see if y ou have data roaming enabled.
Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 173 My pers onal and work contact and c alendar information is get ting merged int o a single view—I’ d ra ther keep them separate The Syner gy™ fea tur e on your ph.
174 Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting When I open the P alm Pre dr ive f older on my computer , I see subf olders. Do I need to mo ve my files int o these f olders? The defaul t folders ar e there to help y ou organiz e files you c o py to and fr om your c omputer .
Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting 175 follo w ing conditions ar e true: the phone is char ging and idle, and the ba ttery has at least a 30% char ge. My phone fr oz e while I was downlo ading or installing.
176 Chapter 11 : Troubleshooting Making r oom on y our phone If you stor e a large number of file s, or inst all many third-party applic ations, the internal memory on y our phone may fill up. Her e are some way s to clear space on y our phone: • Ph oto s, Vi de os, Mu s ic, Do c Vi ew, PD F Vi ew : Large media files tak e up a lot of memory .
Terms 177 Te r m s airplane mode A mode in which all the wir eless services on y our phone are tur ned off . Wir e less s ervices include the phone used f or making and receiving calls, the Wi-F i featur e, and Bluetooth ® wir eless technology . See Tu r n w i r e l e s s ser vices off ( airp lan e m ode) .
178 Terms dashboar d A list of all your not ificati ons. When one or mor e notification ic ons appear at the bot tom of the scr een, tap the icons to open the dashboar d.
Terms 179 Palm profile accou nt An account that is automatic ally set up for y ou when you crea te your Palm pr ofile. Y ou can assign contacts and c alendar event s to it. Palm pr ofile items are included in the daily backup of in f ormation to your P alm pr ofile but do not synchr onize wi th any of y our online account s.
180 Terms.
Online accounts available for webOS phones 181 Online ac counts a v ailable f or w ebOS phones T able 1. Online accounts a vailable f or webOS phone s Account/Behavior Applications that display data f.
182 Online accounts available for webOS phones *Sync : A tw o-way e xchange and update o f your data. What you add or ch ange in one loc ation is aut o matic ally added or chang ed in the o ther . Tr a n s f e r : A one-wa y update of y our data. Y ou can add or change da ta only in one loca tion; the data is then copied to the other location .
Specifications 183 Specifications T able 1. Specifications Cat ego ry De sc ri pt ion Radi o • CDMA2000 digital dual band • Ev DO Re v A a n d 1 x RT T Fe a t u r e s • Speakerp hone • Hands-free headset jack (3.
184 Specifications Connectivit y • Wi-Fi 802. 1 1 b / g with WP A , WP A2, WEP , 802. 1x authentication • Bluetooth ® wireless techn olog y 2. 1 + EDR w ith A2D P (stereo Bluetoo th) s uppo rt Display • 3 .
Specifications 185 Included thir d-party appl ications (at time of purchas e) • Google Maps • Y ouT ube Oper ating temper ature r ange • 32°F to 1 13°F (0°C to 45 °C) • 5% to 90% RH T able 1.
186 Specifications.
Regulatory and safety information 187 R egulatory and saf ety inf orma tion FCC Statements This equipment has been t ested and found to comply with the limits f or a Class B digital de vice , pursuant t o part 15 of th e FCC Rules .
188 Regulatory and sa fety information Cet app areil numéri que de la class e [*] est conf orme à la nor me NMB-003 du Canada. Radi o Frequenc y (RF ) S afety Exp osure General statement on Radio Fr eq uency (RF) energy: Y our phone con tains a tr ansmit ter and a receiv er.
Regulatory and safety information 189 phones. Ask y our hearing heal th care pr ofessiona l for the r ating of your he aring aid. Add the r ating of y our hearing aid and y o ur phone to deter mine probable usability: • Any combined rating equal to or greater than six offers the best use .
190 Regulatory and safety inform ation P ower Specifications Use only P alm-appro ved power ac cessori es such as AC-pow er adapters and ba tt eries. Unauthorized and non-appro ved batter ies will NOT oper ate with the Palm phone.
Regulatory and safety information 191 Audi o Safe ty: This phone is capable of pr oducing loud noises which may dama ge your hearin g. When using the speak erphone fea ture , it is recommen ded that y ou place yo ur phone at a safe distance from y our ear .
192 Regulatory an d safety informatio n Email: info@audiology .or g Internet: www .audiology .or g National Insti tute on Deafness and Other Communica tion Disorder s National Institutes of Health 31 Center Dr ive, MSC 2320 Bethesda , MD USA 208 92-2320 V oice: (301) 496- 7243 Email: nidcd info@nih.
Regulatory and safety information 193 7 Do not engage in stress ful or emotional con ver sations that ma y divert your a ttention fr om the ro ad. 8 Dial your na tional emergency number t o report serio us emer gencies. This is a free c all from you r p h on e .
194 Regulatory and safety inform ation.
Index 195 Inde x NUMERICS 1xRTT data networks 12 , 169 3G2 files 116 3GP files 116 3GP2 files 116 3GPP files 116 A AAC files 157 AAC+ files 157 AC charger 7 accented characters 29 Accept Cookies option 132 accounts See also speci fic types contacts synchronization 84 , 85 online 167 , 168 Palm profile 47 , 146 pictures and 114 active calls.
196 Index Backup application 44 , 146 – 148 See also Palm profile basic gestures 19 – 20 battery caring for 189 charger for 7 charging 15 , 16 , 160 icons 12 , 15 life 16 purchasing 16 replacing 1.
Index 197 copying calendars 44 contacts 44 files 41 text 31 corporate accounts 65 – 66 , 168 coupling 166 coverage areas 124 , 165 creating bookmarks 130 contacts 86 email 68 – 69 events 97 files .
198 Index files 141 instant messages accou nts 81 memos 105 Palm profile 146 tasks 103 text 22 – 23 , 31 email 64 – 75 See also email addresses; Email application advanced settings 67 alerts for 6.
Index 199 text selection 22 – 23 zoom 21 Get email option 68 GIF files 111 Global Address Lists 51 , 84 Gmail 64 , 84 , 93 Google accounts availability 181 phone setup 64 , 84 , 93 phone synchroniza.
200 Index meeting invitations . See meeting requests meeting requests 75 , 99 memory 176 , 184 Memos application 104 – 106 , 147 menus 177 merged views 64 , 73 , 178 message headers 73 messages.
Index 201 preferences for 59 redialing 52 restarting 150 , 164 , 166 safety information 58 , 192 setting up 14 silencing ringer for 53 specifications 183 status 12 stolen 149 troubleshooting 151 , 165.
202 Index screen brightness 153 caring for 11 troubleshooting 162 , 164 turning on and off 16 , 153 unlocking 155 Screen & Lock application 147 , 153 – 155 screen captures 110 screens 154 scroll.
Index 203 making phone calls and 52 notifications for 82 phone calls and 55 roaming and 60 sending 76 , 77 , 78 troubleshooting 171 text selection gestures 22 – 23 text telephones.
204 Index internal memory and 176 JavaScript for 132 popups from 132 searching for 128 second browsers for 129 secure 128 , 172 troubleshooting connectio ns to 171 uploading to 113 – 114 videos from.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Palm Pre P100EWW (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Palm Pre P100EWW noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Palm Pre P100EWW - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Palm Pre P100EWW reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Palm Pre P100EWW erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Palm Pre P100EWW besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Palm Pre P100EWW verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Palm Pre P100EWW. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Palm Pre P100EWW gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.