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Internet Tablet OS 2008 edition User Guide Nokia N800 Internet Tablet Nokia N8 1 0 Internet Tablet Issue 1 EN.
© 2007 Nokia. All rights reserved. Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Nseries , N800 and N810 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Nokia tune is a s ound mark of Nokia Corporation. Other product and compa ny nam es mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective owne rs.
Contents For your safety ...................................... ........... 5 Your device.... ........................... ......................... 7 Tou ch s creen ...... ..... .... ....... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ....... .... ..... ...... .....
Def ine bas ic e-ma il set ting s ....... .... ..... ....... .... ....... .... .... 32 Up dating pa ge. .... .... ....... ..... .... ....... .... ..... ...... ..... .... .... 32 Co mposi ng p age ..... ....... ..... .... ....... .... ..... ...... ....
5 For your safet y Read these simple guideline s. Not fo llowing them may be dangerou s or illega l. Read the complete user guide for furthe r infor mation. SWITCH ON SAFELY Do not s witch th e device on when wireless device use is prohibited or when it may cause interfer ence or dan ger.
6 BACK-U P COPIES Remember to make back-up copie s or keep a written record of all impo rtant information stored in your de vice. CONNECTING TO OTHER DEVICES When conn ecting to any othe r device, read its user guide for de tailed safe ty instr uctions.
Your device 7 Your device Your N okia Internet tablet pro vides easy broadband acce ss to the I nterne t thr ough a wirel ess ne twork c onnec tion (WLAN/ Wi-Fi) or Bluetooth connect ion with compatible mobile phon es.
Your device 8 Task navigator The task navigator ( 1) includes ic ons that you can tap to open new applications an d switch between running a pplication s. To select an option in a menu, tap it . To close the m enu, tap ano ther ar ea of the screen . The task navigator contains t he following it ems by defau lt.
Your device 9 The pre sence i con indic ates you r prese nce statu s and al lows you to a djust the presen ce setti ngs. The icon is visib le only after you have cr eated an account for Interne t call and instant messaging services. indicates t hat you a re online; that you are aw ay; that you are invi sible; or that you are o ffline.
Your device 10 If you ta p , the curre nt applicat ion or applic ation window close s. To close an application, you ca n also select Close from the application menu, pre ss the e scape key for a secon d, or tap the close button in the application switche r menu.
Your device 11 Text input metho ds You c an enter letters, n umbers , and spe cial chara cters in severa l different w ays. The virtual keyboards a llow you t o tap chara cters with th e stylus or your fin gers. Handw riting recognitio n allows y ou to writ e charact ers directly on to the scr een u sing th e sty lus as a pen.
Your device 12 Full-screen finger keyboard To begin text in put with the fin ger keyboard, tap the tex t input field with your finge rs. The finger k eyboard opens in the fu ll scree n mode . When using t he finger keyboard, us e only clean hands and regular ly clean t he touc h scree n by wiping the screen gently wit h a dry, soft cloth.
Your device 13 You can draw the following han dwriting gestures on t op of the on -screen keyb oard: 1 for a backspace 2 for a space 3 to sw itch a le tter betw een up percas e and lowercase 4 to ad d a lin e break Handwriting recognition You ca n use the st ylus as a p en to wr ite text.
Your device 14 Device lock To prevent unauthor ized use of your device, change the lock cod e, and set th e devi ce to autom aticall y lock af ter a certain tim e-out period. To lock the device, br iefly press the p ower key, select Lock d evice > OK .
Your device 15 Memory mana gement To view curre nt storage memory consumpt ion, tap , and select Sett ings > Control panel . In Control pan el , select Memory > St orage to displa y storage memory information of the device and memo ry cards. To view more deta iled information a bout the storage me mory cons umpti on , sele ct Det ails .
Your device 16 The supported memory card formats are as follows: • miniSD card • microSD card (with ada pter) You c an inser t and remo ve a memory ca rd when the Intern et ta blet is switched on (ho t swa p featu re), if the memory card is not being used by a n application.
Your device 17 Note t hat the following informat ion, for e xample, is not backed up: • contents of the n on-remo vable in ternal memory ca rd on Nokia N8 10 Inte rnet Table t • theme settings, wh.
Your device 18 Search for informat ion To search fo r item s on your d evice, do t he followin g: 1. Tap , and select U tilities > Sea rc h . 2. Enter a s earch w ord or mu ltiple s earch wo rds. Th e more search words you use, t he more accura te the sear ch re sult s.
Internet connections 19 Inter net co nnec tions Your devi ce allows you to access the Internet eit her through a wirele ss netw ork (WLAN /Wi-Fi) or a mo bile phone that supports Bluetooth w ireless techn ology.
Internet connections 20 1. In Conn ection se tup: Na me and t ype , de fine the following: Connecti on name —Enter a des criptive name for the con nect ion. Conne ction ty pe: —Selec t WLAN (wireless loca l ar ea net work). Select Next to proceed.
Internet connections 21 Impor tant: Alw ays ena ble one of the a vailable encryption me thods to increase the security of your w irel ess L AN conne cti on. Us ing e ncrypt ion reduces t he risk of unau thorized a ccess to your data. Select Next to proceed.
Internet connections 22 Features using Bluetoot h technology, or allowing such feature s to run in the ba ckgroun d while us ing other features, increase the demand on battery pow er and reduce the bat tery life.
Internet connections 23 Connecti on type : —Sel ect th e type o f the ne twor k ove r which you want to access the Inter net. To use a packet -switched da ta service in a ce llular network, su ch as GP RS (netw ork service ), select GPRS .
Browse the Web 24 Browse the Web To open the Web browser, ta p , and select Open ne w br owse r wind ow or a bookmark. Before you can connec t to the Internet , you must define the p roper In ternet con necti on se tting s. F or d etail ed instruction s, see "Connectivity settings ", p.
Browse the Web 25 Manag e bookm arks To manage th e bookmarks yo u have saved in the device , tap , and select Manage book mar ks . In the bookmark manager, you c an add, move, copy, rename, dele te, and open bookmar ks and folders. The bookmark folders are show n on the le ft, and the bookmarks in the selected folder on the right.
Internet communication 26 Internet communication To com munic ate ov er th e Int ernet , you must have an active ne twork connect ion and registered use r accounts and passwords for Internet call, instant messaging, and e - mail se rvices wit h service p roviders outside Nok ia.
Internet communication 27 User name —En ter th e user n ame for the acco unt. If you are defining a Google Talk user name, enter the full user nam e (e ver yth ing b efo re @gma il .c om). Password —Enter the password for the account. Verify passwo rd —Enter the password again.
Internet communication 28 The main view of the c ontacts appl ication displays cont act information in two panes : the left pane lists available groups, and the ri ght pa ne shows the cont acts i n the sel ecte d group and the ir presence status. To add a contact, select > Contact > N ew con tact.
Internet communication 29 If the chat r oom is pr otected by a passwor d, Enter password is displayed. To join the protec ted chat room, en ter the correct password, and select OK . To write and se nd a chat me ssage, tap the text fie ld in the chat toolbar, enter the me ssage, and tap .
Internet communication 30 E-mail To sen d and rec eive e-m ail message s, you must have an active I nternet co nnection a nd a regist ered e-ma il account with a service provide r. For appropriate settings, con tact the e-m ail service provider. Create an e-mail account To create an e-mai l acco unt, do th e foll owing: 1.
Internet communication 31 Use connect ion-speci fic SMTP ser vers: —Select thi s opt ion if yo u want to us e conn ect ion spec ifi c SMT P servers fo r sendin g e-mail m essage s. Tip: Th e SMT P host name o r IP address m ay be differe nt from th e host na me or IP address of the incomi ng serve r (POP3 or IMAP4).
Internet communication 32 Create and send e -mail messages To crea te a ne w e-mail m essa ge, do the f ollowing: 1. Tap , and select Compose e- mail me ssag e . 2. Write the r ecipient’s e-mail addre ss. Add a sem icolon (;) or a comma (,) to se parate mu ltiple recipien ts.
Internet communication 33 e-mail accou nt settin gs. The advanced se ttings dialog allows you to set i ncoming, ou tgoing, and othe r options for your e-mail ac count.
Internet communication 34 Using t his option requir es a certificat e that authe nticates your i denti ty and verif ies to the re cip ient th at the m essag e is fro m you. Displa y security in dica tion for: —Sele ct the s ituatio ns in which t he security indication is displayed.
Media applications 35 Media appli cations Media player With Media play er , you can l is ten t o mus ic a nd ot her audio files stored on your device or a compatible memo ry card ( if inser ted) a nd au dio stre ams from t he Inte rnet . You c an also watch video clips or watch st reaming videos from th e Inter net.
Media applications 36 2. In Add me dia book mark , enter the URL addr ess of the audio stream. If an audio stre am is pl aying, the dialog provides its URL address. 3. From the available types of media streams, select Internet radio , an d se lect OK to save th e chann el.
Media applications 37 Medi a pla yer does not necessarily support all features of a file format or all the va riations of file for mats. UPnP media servers Universal plug and play (UPnP) technol ogy a.
Media applications 38 To refresh all feeds or only t he selected one, tap , and select the d esired option. W hen refreshing a feed, the RSS feed reader updates it to conta in all content avai lable on the ser ver an d delete s auto matic ally c onten t no lon ger available on the s erver.
Positioning 39 Positioning The Global Positionin g System (GPS) is a w orldwide radio navigation sy stem that i ncludes 24 s atellites and thei r ground stations that monito r the operation of the satel lites.
Positioning 40 The intern al GPS receiver t akes its power f rom the devi ce battery. Using the GPS receiver may drain the battery faster. You c an also pa ir a compat ible GPS re ceiver with your device us ing Bluetooth wireless t echnology.
Positioning 41 When you open t he map ap plication, the m ap view is displayed. If you have not selected a n active map reg ion, a list of available map regions is opene d. To browse a map, pan it with the stylus, or tap [+] and [-] icons on t he screen to zoom in and out.
Positioning 42 Cit y —Enter the name of the de sired city or sub urban area. History — Select the desired locat ion from a list of t he most re cently us ed location s.
Settings 43 Settings Application manage r With Application manager , you can insta ll new appli cations and other extens ions from the applica tion catalogs (repositories) on the Internet and from the inbox, Web links, or File man ager . You can also view and update installed pack ages an d uninstall t hem.
Settings 44 GPS location —Configure items related to GPS functio nality, and view the details of your curren t location. Langua ge and regi on —Select your region and device langua ge. Mem or y —View the memory status of the device and the inse rt ed memo ry ca rd.
Utilities 45 Utilitie s Calculator To access the calculator , tap , an d select Utilitie s > Calc ula tor . Note: This calculat or has limit ed accur acy and is designed f or simple calculation s.
PC con nec tivity 46 PC connectivity You c an connect your device to a com patible PC wit h the supplied Noki a connectivity cable (USB). Use th e USB cable to trans fer files t o a compa tible me mory card and to update the latest soft ware on your device.
Battery information 47 Batter y info rmation Charging and dis charging Your device is powered by a rechargeable battery. The battery can be ch arged and discha rged hundreds of times, but i t will eventual ly wear out. When the operating and standby tim es are noti ceably shorte r than norm al, replace t he batte ry.
Battery information 48 Nokia battery au thentication guidelines Always use origina l Nokia batteries for your s afety. To ch eck that you are getting an origin al Nokia battery, purchase i t from an a.
Care and maintenance 49 Care and maintenance Your device is a product of supe rior design and c raftsmanship and should be tre ated with care. Th e following suggestions will help you protect yo ur warranty coverage.
Additional safety information 50 Additio nal safe ty informat ion Small chi ldren Your devic e and its e nhancem ents ma y contai n small parts . Keep them out of the reach of small c hildren. Oper ating envi ronme nt This devic e meets RF exp osure g uide lines when us ed eit her in the n ormal use pos ition or when pos itioned at leas t 1.
Open source software notice 51 Open source softwar e notice This product includes certain free / open source and other software orig inated from third parti es, that is subject to the GNU General Pub .
Open source software notice 52 • The XFree86 Project, Inc (htt p:// and its contributors • Paul macK erras (paulus@ • Purdue Research Foundation • Open Evide nce P rojec t for us e in t he Ope nEvi denc e Tool kit (http://www.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Nokia N810 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Nokia N810 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Nokia N810 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Nokia N810 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Nokia N810 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Nokia N810 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Nokia N810 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Nokia N810. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Nokia N810 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.