Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung C6 des Produzenten Mitsubishi Electronics
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Introduction This manual is a guide of the parameter s used with the CNC MELDAS C6/C64/C64T. This manual is written on the assumption t hat all machine parameters of the MELDAS C6/C64/C64T are provided. However, the CNC may not necessarily be provided with all of the options.
Precautions for Safety Always read the Specifications Manual issued by the machine maker, this manual, related manuals and attached documents before inst allation, operation, programming, maintenance or inspection to ens ur e c or r ect use. Understand this numerical controller, safety items and cautions before using the unit.
CAUTION 2. Items related to servo/spindle parameters To change the control mode to the High-gain amp (MDS-B-V14/V24) mode after replacement of the Standard amp (MDS-B-V1/V2), it is need to change the parameters and to adjust the servo parameters to fit to the High-gain amp.
CONTENTS 1. Parame ter Sc reens .......................................................................................................... ........................ 1 2. Machini ng Parame ters ...........................................................
1. Parameter Screens 1 1. Parameter Screens The parameter input setting units are as follow. Linear axis " #1017 rot " =0 Input unit " #1003 iunit " Machine constant:mm " #1040 M_inch " =0 Machine constant:inch " #1040 M_inch " =1 Rotary axis " #1017 rot " =1 B 0.
1. Parameter Screens 2 (2) Setup Parameters The following menus can be selected when SETUP is selected. (Refer to the section "4. Setup Parameters" for details. Menu Details Reference Section BASE The BASE SPEC. PARAM screen will open. 5. Base Specifications Parameters AXIS SPEC The AXIS SPEC PARAM screen will open.
2. Machining Parameters 2.1 Workpiece Coordinate Offset 3 2. Machining Parameters 2.1 Workpiece Coordinate Offset # Parameter Explanation Setting range (unit) 54 G54 offset 55 G55 offset 56 G56 offset.
2. Machining Parameters 2.2 Process Parameters 4 2.2 Process Parameters <WRK COUNT> (No. of workpieces machined) # Item Contents Setting range (unit) 8001 WRK COUNT M Set the M code that counts the No. of workpiece repeated machining. The No. will not be counted when set to 0.
2. Machining Parameters 2.2 Process Parameters 5 <FIXED C.> (Fixed cycle) # Item Contents Setting range (unit) 8012 G73 n (For M system only) Set the return amount for G73 (step cycle). 0 to 99999.999 (mm) 8013 G83 n Set the return amount for G83 (deep hole drilling cycle).
2. Machining Parameters 2.3 Control Parameters 6 2.3 Control Parameters # Item Contents Setting range (unit) 8101 MACRO SINGLE Select the contro l of the blocks where the user macro command continues. 0: Do not stop while macro block continues. 1: Stop every block duri ng signal block operation.
2. Machining Parameters 2.4 Axis Parameters 7 2.4 Axis Parameters # Item Contents Setting range (unit) 8201 AX. RELEASE Select the function to remove the control axis from the control target. 0: Control as normal 1: Remove from control target 0/1 8202 OT-CHECK OFF Select the stored stroke limit function set in #8204 and #8205.
2. Machining Parameters 2.5 Barrier Data 8 # Item Contents Setting range (unit) 8208 G76/87 (–) (For M system only) Specify the shift direction at G76 and G87.
3. I/O Parameters 3.1 Base Parameters 9 3. I/O Parameters 3.1 Base Parameters <I/O> # <PORT No.> # < DEV. No.> <DEV. NAME> Specify the board No. to which the serial input/output device is connected to each application. Set the input/output device No.
3. I/O Parameters 3.2 I/O Device Parameters 10 3.2 I/O Device Parameters Parameters for up to five types of input/out put devices can be set in DEV <0> to <4>. (Note) The parameters are set for each device. 9101 ~ Set the same settings for device 0.
3. I/O Parameters 3.2 I/O Device Parameters 11 # Item Contents Setting range (unit) 9107 9207 9307 9407 9507 TERMINATOR TYPE The code to terminate data reading can be selected. 0 and 3: EOR 1 and 2: EOB or EOR 9108 9208 9308 9408 9508 HAND SHAKE Specify the transmission control method.
3. I/O Parameters 3.2 I/O Device Parameters 12 # Item Contents Setting range (unit) 9116 9216 9316 9416 9516 TIME-OUT (s) Set the time out time to detect an interruption in communication. The time out is not checked when 0 is set, so the waiting time will be infinite.
3. I/O Parameters 3.2 I/O Device Parameters 13 # Item Contents Setting range (unit) 9125 9225 9325 9425 9525 = 9126 9226 9326 9426 9526 : 9127 9227 9327 9427 9527 $ 9128 9228 9328 9428 9528 ! (Continued from the previous page.
4. Setup Parameters 14 4. Setup Parameters Pressing the menu key SE TU P displays the OPEN SETUP PARAM screen. The system’s basic parameters are normally hi dden as setup parameters to prevent mistaken operations and to simplify the display.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 15 5. Base Specifications Parameters After setting up the parameter (PR) listed in the table, turn off the NC power. To validate the parameter, turn on the power again.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 16 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1017 (PR) rot Rotational axis Specify whether the axis is a rotary axis or linear axis. For the rotary axis‚ the position display will be 360 degrees‚ and the axis will return to 0 degrees.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 17 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1025 l_plane Initial plane selection Specify the plane to be selected when the power is turned on or reset.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 18 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1037 cmdtyp Command type Specify the program G code series and compensation type.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 19 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1039 spinno Number of spindles Specify the existence of a spindle. 0: No spindle 4: Four spindles 1: One spindle 5: Five spind.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 20 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1060 SETUP Activate setup processing Execute the functions required for initializing the system. INPUT INPUT Y INPUT N INPUT Y INPUT N (Note) Most setup parameters will be initialized with one-touch setup‚ so confirm the data before executing.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 21 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1062 T_cmp Tool offset function Specify whether the tool length offset and wear compensation is valid during T command execution.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 22 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1066 JOG_HP Select JOG activation (+) device Specify the number of t he device that inputs +JOG activation signals. The device type is specified by "#1071 JOG_D". The effective range of set values vary depending on the device type.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 23 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1073 I_Absm Initial absolute value Specify the absolute value/incremental value mode for when the power is turned on or reset.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 24 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1080 Dril_Z (For M system only) Specify boring axis Specify a fixed-cycle boring axis. 0: Uses an axis perpendicular to the selected plane as the boring axis. 1: Uses the Z axis as the boring axis regardless of the selected plane.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 25 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1088 G30SL Disable G30 soft limit Specify how to handle the soft limit during G30 (2nd reference point return) movement.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 26 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1095 T0tfof TF output Select how to handle TF for T00 command. 0: TF is output. 1: TF is not output 0/1 1096 T_Ltyp (For L system only) Tool life management type Specify the tool life management type.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 27 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1100 Tmove Tool wear compen- sation Specify the period to perform tool length offset and wear compensation. 0: Compensate when T command is executed. 1: Superimpose and compensate with the movement command in the block where the T command is located.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 28 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1105 T_Sel2 Tool selection method 2 Select the tool selection method for when "#1103 T_Life" is set to 1. 0: Select in order of registered No. from the tools used in the same group.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 29 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1114 mcrint Macro argument initialization Select whether to clear statements other than specified arguments by macro call. Also, select whether to clear local variables by power-on and resetting.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 30 # Items Details Setting r ange (unit) 1121 edlk_c Edit lock C Specify whether to prohibit editing of program Nos. 9000 to 9999. 0: Editing possible 1: Editing prohibited 1122 (PR) pglk_c Program display lock The display and search of program Nos.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 31 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1128 RstVCI Clear variables by resetting Specify how to handle the common variables when resetting.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 32 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1133 ofsmem Select how to set up tool wear compensa- tion screen Select the number stored by previous setup when selecting the tool wear compensation screen. 0: Does not display the number when selecting the screen.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 33 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1145 I_abs Manual ABS parameter Specify how to handle the absolute position data during automatic handle interrupt. 0: Absolute position data is renewed if manual ABS switch is on.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 34 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1152 I_G20 Initial command unit Specify whether the default mode after power-on or resetting, inch command or metric command mode. 0: Metric command (G21 command state) 1: Inch command (G20 command state) Valid when reset input is made.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 35 # Items Details Setting r ange (unit) 1155 DOOR_m Signal input device 1 for door interlock II Set up a fixed device number (X??) for door interlock II signal input. A device number from X001 to X3FF can be set up. Device number 000 is invalid.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 36 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1169 system name Part system name Set the name of each part system. This must be set when using the multiple part system. This name is displayed on the screen only when the part systems must be identified.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 37 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 skip1 1f 2 2f 3 3f G31.1 skip condition G31.1 skip speed G31.2 skip condition G31.2 skip speed G31.3 skip condition G31.3 skip speed Specify the skip signal in the G31.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 38 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1181 G96_ax Constant surface speed control Specify the axis to be tar geted for constant surface speed control. 0: Program specification will be invalidated‚ and the axis will always be fixed to the 1st axis.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 39 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1193 inpos Validate in-position check Specify the deceleration confirmation method for the positioning command. 0: Command deceleration check (Positioning is completed when the deceleration is completed with the acceleration/deceleration speed issued from the control unit.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 40 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1203 TmirS1 (For L system only) Select turrets for double-turret mirror image with T command Set up turrets for double-turret mirror image with the T command that corresponds to tool numbers 1 to 32.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 41 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1210 RstGmd Modal G code reset Specify whether to initialize each G code group modal and the H and D codes when the system is reset. Specify the initialization items in bit correspondence.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 42 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1210 RstGmd Modal G code reset L system Specify a hexadecimal number. 1211 FHtyp Feed hold stop type Specify the type of the ex ternal signal used for feed hold. 0: Disable the external signal.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 43 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1218 aux02 (bit3) Parameter input/output format Specify a parameter input/output format.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 44 # Items Details Setting range (unit) aux03 (bit7) Time constant setting changeover for software acceleration/ deceleration 0: Accelerating time is G0tL(G1tL).
5. Base Specifications Parameters 45 # Items Details Setting range (unit) (Continued from the previous page) 1: Accelerating time is obtained by G0tL+G0t1 (G1tL+G1t1).
5. Base Specifications Parameters 46 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1220 aux04 (bit1) Validity of space code in comment Validate or invalidate the space code described in the comment statements in the machining program in edit operation with the custom display.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 47 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1226 aux10 (bit0) Tool compen- sation data for external workpiece coordinate offset measurement Select the tool offset data to be used for external workpiece coordinate offset measurement.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 48 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1226 aux10 (bit6) Setup and display unit Specify the unit to be used as the setup/display unit or handle feed unit, the command unit or internal unit.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 49 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1227 aux11 (bit2) Measures against tool setter chattering Select a condition where a relieving operation completes after measurement with tools. 0: Sensor signals have stopped for 500 ms or longer.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 50 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1228 aux12 (bit0) Switc h coordinate value screen Set up this option to switch the coordinate value screen.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 51 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1229 set01 (bit2) Radius compen- sation type B (For M system only) 0: When the start-up and cancel commands are operated durin.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 52 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1234 set06 Not used. 1235 set07 Not used. 1236 set08 (bit0) Manual rotation axis feedrate unit Select the unit of manual rotation axis feedrate.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 53 # Items Details Setting r ange (unit) 1265 (PR) ext01 (bit0) Command format Select the command format. 0: Conventional format 0 1266 (PR) ext02 Not used. 1267 (PR) ext03 (bit0) G code type Select the G code type. This parameter is valid when 1 is set in "#1265 ext01 bit 0 (command format)".
5. Base Specifications Parameters 54 # Items Details Setting r ange (unit) ext07 (bit3) G-code group for unidirectiona l positioning (for M system only) Specify the G-code group for uni directional positioning.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 55 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1271 (PR) ext07 (bit7) Cut amount (For L system only) Specify the operation to be performed when the program-specified cut amount exceeds the cut amount of the final shaping program.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 56 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1286 (PR) ext22 Not used. 1287 (PR) ext23 (bit0) Workpiece coordinate display Select the mode of displaying the workpiece coordinate counter. 0: Does not update the display immediately after workpiece coordinate data is changed.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 57 # Items Details Setting range (unit) ext23 (bit7) Absolute coordinate display (M system) 0: Displays the actual position including tool radius compensation. 1: Displays the machining position in terms of a program command excluding tool radius compen- sation.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 58 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1301 nrfchk Origin neighboring check method Select the high-speed check method of the origin neighboring signal.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 59 # Items Details S etting range (unit) 1801 Hacc_c Arc radius clam acceleration -99999999 to +99999999 1802 Macc_c Acceleration check at middle speed -99999999 to +.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 60 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1901 (PR) station addr Set up a station addr ess number (the NC is the n-th slave station). 1 to 7 1902 (PR) Din size Set up the size of the data to be transferred from the PC to the NC (from the mast er station to the slave station) in bytes (8 points).
5. Base Specifications Parameters 61 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 1929 (PR) Port number Set the HMI connection port No. (Set the default value 64758 unless particularly required.) 0 to 65535 1930 (PR) Speed 10M/auto Set the communication rate.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 62 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 21025 S m p D el a y S et u p a s a mp l i n g t im e a f t er a n a l a r m o c c u r s . 0 t o 3000 (ms) 21028 ed_mess Set up an edit type. 0: Displays messages with state. 1: Displays operation message equivalent to M50.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 63 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 21101 add01 (bit0) PLC axis rapid traverse mode acceleration/ deceleration type Select the PLC axis rapid traverse mode acceleration/ deceleration type. (This is compatible from software version C0 and higher.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 64 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 21102 add02 (bit0) Servo parameter 100-point compliance 0: The number of servo parameters is set to 64 points. 1: The number of servo parameters is set to 100 points when using the 100- point servo parameter compliant amplifier.
5. Base Specifications Parameters 65 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 21105 add05 Not used. 0 21106 add06 21107 add07 21108 add08 21109 add09 21110 add10 21111 add11 21112 add12 21113 add13 21114 .
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.1 Axis Specifications Parameters 66 6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.1 Axis Specifications Parameters After setting up the parameter (PR) listed in the table, turn off the NC power. To validate the parameter, turn on the power again.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.1 Axis Specifications Parameters 67 # Items Details Setting range (unit) (Continued from the previous page) Cutting feed acceleration and deceleration types LC: Lin.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.1 Axis Specifications Parameters 68 # Items Details Setting range (unit) (Continued from the previous page) G0 t 1 S t r ok e en d si gnal Spe ed G0 t 1 (0 T 1 =0 ).
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.1 Axis Specifications Parameters 69 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 2005 G0t1 G0 time constant (primary delay) Second-step time constant for acceleration and deceleration by software Set up a primary-delay time c onstant for rapid traverse acceleration and deceleration.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.1 Axis Specifications Parameters 70 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 2007 G1tL G1 time constant (linear) Set up a linear control time constant for cutting acceleration and deceleration.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.1 Axis Specifications Parameters 71 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 2010 fwd _ g Feed forward gain Set up a feed forward gain for pre-interpolation acceleration and deceleration. The larger the set value, the smaller the theoretical control error will be.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.1 Axis Specifications Parameters 72 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 2017 tap _ g Axis servo gain Set the position loop gain in the synchronous tap cycle. The setting range is 0.25 to 200.00rad/s‚ in 0.25 increment units.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.2 Zero Point Return Parameters 73 6.2 Zero Point Return Parameters After setting up the parameter (PR) listed in the table, turn off the NC power.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.2 Zero Point Return Parameters 74 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 2030 (PR) dir ( − ) Reference point direction ( − ) Set which side of the near-point dog the reference point is at during reference point return.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.3 Absolute Position Parameters 75 6.3 Absolute Position Parameters # Items Details Setting range (unit) 2049 (PR) type Abso lute position detection method Specify the absolute position zero point alignment method.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.3 Absolute Position Parameters 76 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 2054 clpush Current limit (%) Set up the current limit value for the initial setting when detecting an absolute position with a dog-less system.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.4 Axis Specifications Parameters 2 77 6.4 Axis Specifications Parameters 2 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 2061 OT _ 1B − Soft limit IB − Set up the coordinates of the lower limit of the inhibited area of stored stroke limit IB.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.4 Axis Specifications Parameters 2 78 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 2073 zrn_dog Origin dog Random assignment device When it is desired to assign the origin dog signal to a position other than the fixed device, specify the input device in this parameter.
6. Axis Specifications Parameters 6.4 Axis Specifications Parameters 2 79 # Items Details Setting range (unit) 22011 bscmp − Offset compensa- tion position Specify the coordinates on the machine basic coordinates where the compensation is carried out by the offset amount.
7. Servo Parameters 80 7. Servo Parameters The parameters can be changed from any screen. The valid servo parameters will differ according to the motor type. The setting values and meanings may also differ. Follow the correspondence table gi ven below, and set the correct parameters.
7. Servo Parameters 81 Corresponding model Parameter MDS-B-SVJ2 MDS-C1-Vx (High-gain) (MDS-B-Vx4) MDS-C1-Vx (Standard) (MDS-B-Vx) SV033 Servo function selection 2 SV034 Servo function selection 3 SV03.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 82 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 (1) Details for servo parameters For parameters marked with a (PR) in the table, turn the NC power OFF after setting. After the power is turned ON again, the parameter is validated. ! CAUTION ! In the explanation on bits, set all bits not used, including blank bits, to “0”.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 83 No. Items Details Setting range 2213 SV013 ILMT Current limit value Set the normal current (torque) limit value. (Limit values for both + and - direction.) When the value is “500” (a standard setting), the maximum torque is determined by the specification of the motor.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 84 No. Items Details Setting range 2217 (PR) SV017 SPEC Servo specification selection F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 abs vdir mc dmk bit Meaning when “0” is set.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 85 No. Items Details Setting range 2221 SV021 OLT Overload detection time constant Set the detection time constant of Overload 1 (Alarm 50).
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 86 No. Items Details Setting range 2225 (PR) SV025 MTYP Motor/ Detector type F E D C B A 9 8 pen ent 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 mtyp bit Explanation 0 Set the motor type.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 87 No. Items Details Setting range (Continued from the previous page) bit Explanation 8 9 A B ent Set the speed detector type.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 88 No. Items Details Setting range 2228 SV028 Not used. Set to “0”. 0 2229 SV029 Not used. Set to “0”. 0 2230 SV030 IVC Voltage dead time compensa- tion When 100% is set, the voltage equivalent to the logical non-energized time will be compensated.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 89 No. Items Details Setting range 2233 SV033 SSF2 Servo function selection 2 F E D C B A 9 8 a f s 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 fhz2 nfd bit Meaning when “0” is set Meaning when “1” is set 0 Set the filter depth for Notch filter (SV038: FHz1).
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 90 No. Items Details Setting range 2234 SV034 SSF3 Servo function selection 3 F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 daf2 daf1 dac2 dac1 mon bit Meaning w hen “0” is set Meaning when “1” is set 0 NC servo monitor MAX current display data changeover 1 Set- ting MAX current 1 MAX current 2 2 0 Max.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 91 No. Items Details Setting range 2235 SV035 SSF4 Servo function selection 4 F E D C B A 9 8 cl2n clG1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 bit Meaning w hen “0” is set Meaning w hen “1” is set 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E clG1 Collision detection method 1 Set the collision detection level during cutting feed (G1).
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 92 No. Items Details Setting range 2236 (PR) SV036 PTYP Regenera- tive resistor type F E D C B A 9 8 amp rtyp 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 emgx bit Explanation 0 1 2 3 Always set to “0(0000)”. 4 Set the external emergency stop function.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 93 No. Items Details Setting range Set “the motor inertia + motor axis conversion load inertia” in respect to the motor inertia.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 94 No. Items Details Setting range 2249 SV049 PGN1sp Position loop gain 1 in spindle synchronous control Set the position loop gain during the spindle synchronous control (synchronous tapping, synchronous control with spindle/C axis).
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 95 No. Items Details Setting range 2261 SV061 DA1NO D/A output channel 1 data No. 2262 SV062 DA2NO D/A output channel 2 data No.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 96 (2) Initial setting value (a) HC**/HC**R series Motor HC 52 HC 102* HC 102 HC 152* HC 152 HC 202* HC 202 HC 352* Drive unit capacity 06 07 10 10 20 10 20 20 SV001.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 97 Motor HC 52 HC 102* HC 102 HC 152* HC 152 HC 202* HC 202 HC 352* Drive unit capacity 06 07 10 10 20 10 20 20 SV033 SSF2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SV034 SSF3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 98 Motor HC 53 HC 103 HC 153 HC 203* HC 103R HC 153R HC 203R Drive unit capacity 06 10 20 20 10 10 20 SV001 PC1 - - - - - - - SV002 PC2 - - - - - - - SV003 PGN1 33 3.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 99 Motor HC 53 HC 103 HC 153 HC 203* HC 103R HC 153R HC 203R Drive unit capacity 06 10 20 20 10 10 20 SV033 SSF2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SV034 SSF3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SV035 SSF4 0 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 100 (b) HA**N series Motor HA 40N HA 80N HA 100N HA 200N* HA 053N HA 13N HA 23N HA 33N HA 43N HA 83N HA 103N* Drive unit capacity 06 10 20 20 01 01 03 03 06 10 20 SV.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 101 Motor HA 40N HA 80N HA 100N HA 200N* HA 053N HA 13N HA 23N HA 33N HA 43N HA 83N HA 103N* Drive unit capacity 06 10 20 20 01 01 03 03 06 10 20 SV033 SSF2 0 0 0 0 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 102 (c) HC-SF series Motor HC-SF 52 HC-SF 102 HC-SF 152 HC-SF 202 HC-SF 352 HC-SF 53 HC-SF 103 HC-SF 153 HC-SF 203 HC-SF 353 Drive unit capacity 06 07 10 10 20 06 07.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 103 Motor HC-SF 52 HC-SF 102 HC-SF 152 HC-SF 202 HC-SF 352 HC-SF 53 HC-SF 103 HC-SF 153 HC-SF 203 HC-SF 353 Drive unit capacity 06 07 10 10 20 06 07 10 10 20 SV033 S.
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 104 (d) HC-RF/HA-FF series Motor HC-RF 103 HC-RF 153 HC-RF 203 HA-FF 053 HA-FF 13 HA-FF 23 HA-FF 33 HA-FF 43 HA-FF 63 Drive unit capacity 10 10 20 01 01 03 03 04 06 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 105 Motor HC-RF 103 HC-RF 153 HC-RF 203 HA-FF 053 HA-FF 13 HA-FF 23 HA-FF 33 HA-FF 43 HA-FF 63 Drive unit capacity 10 10 20 01 01 03 03 04 06 SV033 SSF2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 106 (e) HC-MF series Motor HC-MF 053 HC-MF 13 HC-MF 23 HC-MF 43 HC-MF 73 Drive unit capacity 01 01 03 04 07 SV001 PC1 - - - - - SV002 PC2 - - - - - SV003 PGN1 33 33 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.1 MDS-B-SVJ2 107 Motor HC-MF 053 HC-MF 13 HC-MF 23 HC-MF 43 HC-MF 73 Drive unit capacity 01 01 03 04 07 SV033 SSF2 0 0 0 0 0 SV034 SSF3 0 0 0 0 0 SV035 SSF4 0 0 0 0 0 SV036 PTYP .
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 108 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) (1) Details for servo parameters For parameters marked with a (PR) in the table, turn the NC power OFF after setting. After the power is turned ON again, the parameter is validated.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 109 No. Items Details Setting range Set this when the limit cycle occurs in the full-closed loop, or overshooting occurs in positioning. Select the control method with SV027 (SSF1)/bit1, 0 (vcnt).
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 110 No. Items Details Setting range 2215 SV015 FFC Acceleration rate feed forward gain When a relative error in the synchronous control is large, apply this parameter to the axis that is delaying.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 111 No. Items Details Setting range 2217 (PR) SV017 SPEC Servo specification selection F E D C B A 9 8 spm drvall drvup mpt3 mp 7 6 5.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 112 No. Items Details Setting range 2218 (PR) SV018 PIT Ball screw pitch Set the ball screw pitch.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 113 No. Items Details Setting range 2221 SV021 OLT Overload detection time constant Set the detection time constant of Overload 1 (Alarm 50). Set to “60” as a standard. (For machine tool builder adjustment.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 114 No. Items Details Setting range 2225 (PR) SV025 MTYP Motor /Detector type F E D C B A 9 8 pen ent 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 mtyp bit Explanation 0 Set the motor type. 1 Set this along with SV017 (SPEC)/spm.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 115 No. Items Details Setting range (Continued from the previous page) bit Explanation 2) When SV017/spm=1 (S type drive unit) Set- ting 8x 9x Ax Bx Cx Dx Ex Fx x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 HC353 x5 HC452 HC453 x6 HC702 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF 8 Set the detector type.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 116 No. Items Details Setting range 2226 SV026 OD2 Excessive error detection width during servo OFF Set the excessive error detection width when servo ON. For the standard setting, refer to the explanation of SV023 (OD1).
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 117 No. Items Details Setting range The higher order 8bits and lower order 8bi ts are used for different functions.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 118 No. Items Details Setting range 2233 SV033 SSF2 Servo function selection 2 F E D C B A 9 8 dos hvx svx 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 nfd2 nf3 n.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 119 No. Items Details Setting range 2234 SV034 SSF3 Servo function selection 3 F E D C B A 9 8 ovsn 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 os2 zeg mohn has2.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 120 No. Items Details Setting range 2235 SV035 SSF4 Servo function selection 4 F E D C B A 9 8 clt clG1 cl2n clet cltq 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ckab iup tdt bit Meaning w hen “0” is set Meaning w hen “1” is set 0 1 2 3 4 5 tdt Td creation time setting Set to “0”.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 121 No. Items Details Setting range 2236 (PR) SV036 PTYP Power supply type F E D C B A 9 8 amp rtyp 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ptyp bit Explanation 0 1 2 When the CN4 connector of the drive unit and the power supply are connected, setting below is necessary.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 122 No. Items Details Setting range 2239 SV039 LMCD Lost motion compensation timing Set this when the lost motion compensation timing doest not match. Adjust by increasing the value by 10 at a time.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 123 No. Items Details Setting range 2249 SV049 PGN1sp Position loop gain 1 in spindle synchronous control Set the position loop gain during the spindle synchronous control (synchronous tapping, synchronous control with spindle/C axis).
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 124 No. Items Details Setting range When SV035 (SSF4)/ bitF (ckab)=0 SV054 ORE Overrun detection width in closed loop control Set the overrun detection width in the full-closed loop control.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 125 No. Items Details Setting range 2258 SV058 SHGCsp SHG control gain in spindle synchronous control Set this with SV049 (PGN1sp) an.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 126 (2) Initial setting value (a) HC**/HC**R series Motor HC 52 HC 102 HC 152 HC 202 HC 352 HC 452 HC 702 HC 902 Drive unit capacity .
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 127 Motor HC 52 HC 102 HC 152 HC 202 HC 352 HC 452 HC 702 HC 902 Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 20 35 45s 45 70s 70 90 SV033 SSF2 0000 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 128 Motor HC 53 HC 103 HC 153 HC 203 HC 353 HC 453 HC 703 Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45s 45 70s 70 90 SV001 PC1 - - - - - - - - .
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 129 Motor HC 53 HC 103 HC 153 HC 203 HC 353 HC 453 HC 703 Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45s 45 70s 70 90 SV033 SSF2 0000 0000 0000 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 130 Motor HC 103R HC 153R HC 203R HC 353R Drive unit capacity 10 10 20 35 SV001 PC1 - - - - SV002 PC2 - - - - SV003 PGN1 33 33 33 33 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 131 Motor HC 103R HC 153R HC 203R HC 353R Drive unit capacity 10 10 20 35 SV033 SSF2 0200 0200 0200 0200 SV034 SSF3 0000 0000 0000 00.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 132 (b) HA**N series Motor HA 40N HA 80N HA 100N HA 200N HA 300N HA 700N HA 900N Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45 70 90 SV001 PC1 -.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 133 Motor HA 40N HA 80N HA 100N HA 200N HA 300N HA 700N HA 900N Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45 70 90 SV033 SSF2 0000 0000 0000 00.
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 134 Motor HA 43N HA 83N HA 93N HA 103N HA 203N HA 303N HA 703N HA 053N HA 13N HA 23N HA 33N Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45 70 90 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.2 MDS-C1-Vx High-gain (MDS-B-Vx4 Compatible) 135 Motor HA 43N HA 83N HA 93N HA 103N HA 203N HA 303N HA 703N HA 053N HA 13N HA 23N HA 33N Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45 70 90 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 136 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) (1) Details for servo parameters For parameters marked with a (PR) in the table, turn the NC power OFF after setting.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 137 No. Items Details Setting range Set this when the limit cycle occurs in the full-closed loop, or overshooting occurs in positioning. Select the control method with SV027 (SSF1)/bit1, 0 (vcnt).
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 138 No. Items Details Setting range 2213 SV013 ILMT Current limit value Set the normal current (torque) limit value.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 139 No. Items Details Setting range 2217 (PR) SV017 SPEC Servo specification selection F E D C B A 9 8 m p t 3 m p 7 6 5.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 140 No. Items Details Setting range 2219 (PR) SV019 RNG1 Position detector resolution In the case of the semi-closed loop control Set the same value as SV020 (RNG2). (Refer to the explanation of SV020.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 141 No. Items Details Setting range 2224 SV024 INP In-position detection width Set the in-position detection width.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 142 No. Items Details Setting range (Continued from the previous page) bit Explanation 8 9 A B ent Set the detector type. Set position detector type for “pen”, and speed detector type for “ent”.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 143 No. Items Details Setting range 2227 SV027 SSF1 Servo function selection 1 F E D C B A 9 8 aflt zrn2 afse ovs lmc 7 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 144 No. Items Details Setting range The higher order 8bits and lower order 8bi ts are used for different functions.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 145 No. Items Details Setting range 2232 SV032 TOF Torque offset Set the unbalance torque of vertical axis and inclined axis.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 146 No. Items Details Setting range 2234 SV034 SSF3 Servo function selection 3 F E D C B A 9 8 ovsn 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 o s .
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 147 No. Items Details Setting range 2235 SV035 SSF4 Servo function selection4 F E D C B A 9 8 clt clG1 cl2n clet cltq 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 iup tdt bit Meaning w hen “0” is set Meaning when “1” is set 0 Td creation time setting 1 Set to “0”.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 148 No. Items Details Setting range 2236 (PR) SV036 PTYP Power supply type F E D C B A 9 8 amp rtyp 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ptyp bit Explanation 0 1 2 When the CN4 connector of the drive unit and the power supply are connected, setting below is necessary.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 149 No. Items Details Setting range Set “the motor inertia + motor axis conversion load inertia” in respect to the motor inertia.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 150 No. Items Details Setting range 2246 SV046 Not used. Set to “0”. 0 2247 SV047 EC Inductive voltage compensation gain Set the inductive voltage compensation gain. Set to “100” as a standard.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 151 No. Items Details Setting range 2255 SV055 EMGx Max. gate off delay time after emergency stop Set a length of time from the point when the emergency stop is input to the point when READY OFF is compulsorily executed.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 152 (2) Initial setting value (a) HC**/HC**R series Motor HC 52 HC 102 HC 152 HC 202 HC 352 HC 452 HC 702 HC 902 Drive u.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 153 Motor HC 52 HC 102 HC 152 HC 202 HC 352 HC 452 HC 702 HC 902 Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 20 35 45 70 90 SV033 SSF2 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 154 Motor HC 53 HC 103 HC 153 HC 203 HC 353 HC 453 HC 703 HC 103R HC 153R HC 203R HC 353R Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 3.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 155 Motor HC 53 HC 103 HC 153 HC 203 HC 353 HC 453 HC 703 HC 103R HC 153R HC 203R HC 353R Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 3.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 156 (b) HA**N series Motor HA 40N HA 80N HA 100N HA 200N HA 300N HA 700N HA 900N Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45 70 9.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 157 Motor HA 40N HA 80N HA 100N HA 200N HA 300N HA 700N HA 900N Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45 70 90 SV033 SSF2 0000.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 158 Motor HA 43N HA 83N HA 93N HA 103N HA 203N HA 303N HA 703N Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45 70 90 SV001 PC1 - - - .
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 159 Motor HA 43N HA 83N HA 93N HA 103N HA 203N HA 303N HA 703N Drive unit capacity 05 10 20 35 45 70 90 SV033 SSF2 0000 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 160 Motor HA 053 HA 13 HA 053N HA 13N HA 23N HA 33N Drive unit capacity 01 01 01 01 03 03 SV001 PC1 - - - - - - SV002 PC.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 161 Motor HA 053 HA 13 HA 053N HA 13N HA 23N HA 33N Drive unit capacity 01 01 01 01 03 03 SV033 SSF2 0000 0000 0000 0000.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 162 (c) HA**L series Motor HA 50L HA 100L HA 150L HA 200L HA 300L HA 500L HA- A11KL HA- A15KL Drive unit capacity 05 10 .
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 163 Motor HA 50L HA 100L HA 150L HA 200L HA 300L HA 500L HA- A11KL HA- A15KL Drive unit capacity 05 10 10 20 35 45 110 1.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 164 Motor HA 53L HA 103L HA 153L HA 203L HA 303L HA 503L Drive unit capacity 10 20 20 35 45 70 SV001 PC1 - - - - - - SV0.
7. Servo Parameters 7.3 MDS-C1-Vx Standard Speci fication (MDS-B-Vx Compatible) 165 Motor HA 53L HA 103L HA 153L HA 203L HA 303L HA 503L Drive unit capacity 10 20 20 35 45 70 SV034 SSF3 0000 0000 0000.
7. Servo Parameters 7.4 Supplement 166 7.4 Supplement 7.4.1 D/A Output Specifications (1) MDS-B-SVJ2 (a) D/A output specifications Item Explanation No.
7. Servo Parameters 7.4 Supplement 167 (b) Setting the output data Set the No. of the data to be outputted to each D/A output channel. # No. Abbrev Parameter name 2261 SV061 DA1NO D/A output channel 1 data No. 2262 SV062 DA2NO D/A output channel 2 data No.
7. Servo Parameters 7.4 Supplement 168 (c) Setting the output scale When “0“ is set, the output will be made with the standard output unit. To change the output unit, set a value other than “0”. The scale is set with a 1/256 unit. When 256 is set, the unit will be the same as the standard output.
7. Servo Parameters 7.4 Supplement 169 (2) MDS-C1-Vx, MDS-B-Vx, MDS-B-Vx4 (a) D/A Output specifications Item Explanation No. of channels 2ch Output cycle 888µs (min.
7. Servo Parameters 7.4 Supplement 170 (b) Setting the output data Set the No. of the data to be outpu tted to each data D/A output channel. # No. Abbrev Parameter name 2261 SV061 DA1NO D/A output channel 1 data No. 2262 SV062 DA2NO D/A output channel 2 data No.
7. Servo Parameters 7.4 Supplement 171 (Continued from the previous page) No. Output data Standard output unit Standard setting value of output scale (Setting values in SV063, SV064) Standard output u.
7. Servo Parameters 7.4 Supplement 172 7.4.2 Electronic Gears The servo drive unit has internal electronic gears. The command value from the NC is converted into a detector resolution unit to carry out position cont rol. The electronic gears are single gear ratios calculated from multiple parameters as shown below .
7. Servo Parameters 7.4 Supplement 173 7.4.3 Lost Motion Compensation When the motor is to rotate in the clockwise direction (looking from the load side) at the command for the + direction, the command direction is CW. C onversely, when the motor is to rotate in the counterclockwise direction, the command direction is CCW.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.1 Spindle Base Specifications Parameters 174 8. Spindle Parameters 8.1 Spindle Base Specifications Parameters For parameters indicated with a (PR) in the table, turn the NC power OFF after setting. The setting is validated after the power is turned ON again.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.1 Spindle Base Specifications Parameters 175 Relationship betw een spindle limit rotation speed and maximum spindle rotation speed 10V 0 sm ax1 slimt1 s max2 slim t2 sm ax ( n ) slimt ( n ) Output volt age (V ) Maximum rot at ion speed of gear 1 (Param eter s et t ing) Set "0" f or any unused gears.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.1 Spindle Base Specifications Parameters 176 # Items Details Setting range (Unit) 3021 sori Orientation rotation speed Set the spindle orientation rotation speed. Set the rotation speed for when the spindle rotates at the constant rotation speed.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.1 Spindle Base Specifications Parameters 177 # Items Details Setting range (Unit) 3037 3038 3039 3040 tapt 21 22 23 24 Synchronized tapping Switching spindle rota- tion speed 2 Set the spindle rotation speed at which the step-2 acceleration/deceleration time constant is to be switched at gear 00, 01, 10, or 11.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.1 Spindle Base Specifications Parameters 178 # Items Details Setting range (Unit) 3054 sptc1 Spindle synchroniza- tion multi-step acceleration/ deceleration changeover speed 1 Set the spindle speed for changing the 1st step's acceleration/deceleration time constant.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.1 Spindle Base Specifications Parameters 179 # Items Details Setting range (Unit) 3060 sptc7 Spindle synchroniza- tion multi-step acceleration/ deceleration changeover speed 7 Set the spindle speed for changing the 7th step's acceleration/deceleration time constant.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.1 Spindle Base Specifications Parameters 180 # Items Details Setting range (Unit) 3066 spdiv6 Magnification for time constant changeover speed 6 Set the acceleration/decelerati.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 181 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 For parameters marked with a (PR) in the tables, turn the NC power OFF after setting. The parameters will be valid after the power is turned ON again. The valid spindle parameters will differ accordi ng to the motor and amplifier type.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 182 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3210 SP010 PGS Spindle synchronous position loop gain Set the spindle position loop gain in spindle synchronization mode. 1 to 100 (1/s) 15 3211 to 3216 SP011 to SP016 Use not possible.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 183 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3233 (PR) SP033 SFNC1 Spindle function 1 Set the spindle function 1 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 3234 (PR) SP034 SFNC2 Spindle function 2 Set the spindle function 2 in bit units.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 184 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3235 (PR) SP035 SFNC3 Spindle function3 Set the spindle function 3 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 3236 (PR) SP036 SFNC4 Spindle function 4 Set the spindle function 4 in bit units.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 185 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3237 (PR) SP037 SFNC5 Spindle function 5 Set the spindle function 5 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 3238 (PR) SP038 SFNC6 Spindle function 6 Set the spindle function 6 in bit units.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 186 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3239 (PR) SP039 ATYP Amplifier type Set the amplifier type. Set each amplifier type or "0".
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 187 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3241 (PR) SP041 PTYP Power supply type When this unit is a signal connection axis with power supply unit, set this parameter. Set "0" for this parameter for the unit which is not a signal connection axis.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 188 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3248 (PR) SP048 SUT Speed reach range Set the speed deviation rate with respect to the commanded speed for output of the speed reach signal. 0 to 100 (%) 15 3249 SP049 TLM2 Torque limit 2 Set the torque limit rate for the torque limit signal 010.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 189 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3267 (PR) SP067 VIGWA Change starting speed of variable current loop gain Set the speed for starting change of current loop gain.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 190 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3276 SP076 Not used. Set to “0”. 0 0 3277 SP077 TDSL Fixed control constant Set by Mitsubish i.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 191 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3296 (PR) SP096 EGAR Encoder gear ratio Set the gear ratio between the spindle end and the encoder end (except for the motor-built-in encoder) as indicated below.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 192 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3301 (PR) SP101 DINP Orientation advance in-position width When using the orientation in-position advance function, set the in-position width that is larger than the normal in-position width defined in SP004 (OINP).
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 193 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3313 (PR) SP113 WINP Turret index in-position width The position error range is set in which an orientation (indexing) completed signal is output during turret indexing.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 194 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3377 (PR) SP177 SPECS Spindle synchronous specifica- tions Set the spindle synchronous specifications in bit units.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 195 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3382 (PR) SP182 VCSS Change starting speed of variable speed loop proportional gain at spindle synchroniza-ti on Set the speed for starting change of speed loop proportional gain at spindle synchronization.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 196 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3393 (PR) SP193 SPECT Synchronous tapping specifications Set the synchronous tapping specifications in bit units.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 197 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3399 (PR) SP199 VCST Change starting speed of variable speed loop proportional gain at synchronous tapping Set the speed for starting change of speed loop proportional gain at synchronous tapping.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 198 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3417 SP217 TINP Synchronous tapping in-position width Set the position error range in which in-position signal is output during synchronize tapping.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 199 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3434 (PR) SP234 OBS1 Disturbanc e observer low path filter frequency Set the frequency of the low path filter for when the disturbance observer is valid. Setting (1/s) = 2 π f f: Approx.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.2 MDS-B-SPJ2 200 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3457 (PR) to 3520 (PR) SP257 to SP320 RPM BSD Motor constant (H coil) This parameter is valid only in the foll.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 201 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH, MDS-C1-SP/SPH The spindle parameter setting and display method will di ffer according to the NC being used, so refer to Instruction Manual for each NC and the following spindles.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 202 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3207 SP007 OPST In-position shift amount for orientation Set the stop position for orientation. (i)Motor built-in encoder, encoder: Set the value by dividing 360° by 4096.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 203 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3224 SP024 Use not possible. 0 0 3225 (PR) SP025 GRA1 Spindle gear teeth count 1 Set the number of gear teeth of the spindle corresponding to gear 000.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 204 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3233 (PR) SP033 SFNC1 Spindle function 1 Set the spindle function 1 in bit units.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 205 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3234 (PR) SP034 SFNC2 Spindle function 2 Set the spindle function 2 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 000C 3235 (PR) SP035 SFNC3 Spindle function 3 Set the spindle function 3 in bit units.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 206 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3236 (PR) SP036 SFNC4 Spindle function 4 Set the spindle function 4 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 3237 (PR) SP037 SFNC5 Spindle function 5 Set the spindle function 5 in bit units.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 207 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3238 (PR) SP038 SFNC6 Spindle function 6 Set the spindle function 6 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 (Note) Always s et "0" for the empty bits.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 208 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3239 (PR) SP039 ATYP Amplifier type Set the amplifier type.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 209 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3240 (PR) SP040 MTYP Motor type This parameter is valid when SP034 (SFNC2) bit0 is set to "0". Set the appropriate motor number from the standard motors listed below.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 210 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3241 (PR) SP041 PTYP Power supply type Power supply type 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 3242 (PR) SP042 CRNG C-axis detector range This parameter is used to set the C-axis detector range.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 211 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3243 (PR) SP043 TRNG Synchro- nous tapping, spindle synchro- nous detector range This parameter is used to set the synchronous tapping or spindle synchronous detector range.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 212 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3255 (PR) SP055 SETM Excessive speed deviation timer Set the timer value until the excessive speed deviation alarm is output. The value of this parameter should be longer than the acceleration/deceleration time.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 213 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3263 (PR) SP063 OLT Overload alarm detection time Set the time constant for detection of the motor overload alarm. 0 to 1000 (s) 60 3264 (PR) SP064 OLL Ov erl oad alarm detection level Set the detection level of the motor overload alarm.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 214 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3270 SP070 FHz Machine resonance suppressio n filter frequency When machine vibration occurs in speed and position control, set the frequency of the required vibration suppression.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 215 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3280 SP080 Use not possible. 0 0 3281 SP081 LMCA 3282 SP082 LMCB 3283 SP083 Fixed control constant This is used by Mitsubishi. Set to "0" unless particularly designated.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 216 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3296 (PR) SP096 EGAR Encoder gear ratio Set the gear ratio between the spindle end and the encoder end (except for the motor-built-in encoder) as indicated below.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 217 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3298 (PR) SP098 VGOP Speed loop gain propor- tional term in orientation mode Set the speed loop proportional gain in orientation mode.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 218 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3308 SP108 CSP3 Deceleration rate 3 in orientation mode Set the deceleration rate in orientation mode corresponding to the gear 010. When this parameter is set to "0", same as SP006 (CSP).
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 219 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3320 SP120 MPGL Orientation position gain L winding compensa- tion magnifi- cation Set the compensation magnification of the orientation position loop gain for the L winding.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 220 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3325 SP125 MGD2 Magnetic sensor switching point This parameter is used for adjustment of orientation operation of the magnetic sensor.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 221 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3332 SP132 PGC3 Third position loop gain for cutting on C-axis Set the position loop gain when the third gain is selected for C-axis cutting.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 222 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3341 (PR) SP141 VGCI2 Second speed loop gain integral item for cutting on C-axis Set the speed loop integral gain when the second gain is selected for C-axis cutting.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 223 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3349 SP149 CZRN C-axis zero point return speed This parameter is valid when SP129 (SPECC) bitE is set to "0". Set the zero point return speed used when the speed loop changes to the position loop.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 224 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3361 (PR) SP161 IQGC0 Current loop gain magnifi- cation 1 for non-cutting on C-axis Set the magnification of current loop gain (torque component) for C-axis non-cutting.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 225 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3370 (PR) SP170 V G U D Speed loop gain delay advance item for increased spindle holding force Set the speed loop gain delay advance item for when the disturbance observer is valid.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 226 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3380 (PR) SP180 VGSD Spindle synchronous speed loop gain delay advance term Set the speed loop delay advance gain in spindle synchronous mode. When this parameter is se t to "0", PI control is applied.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 227 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3388 (PR) SP188 IDGS Spindle synchronous Current loop gain magnifi- cation 2 Set the magnification of current loop gain (excitation component) in the spindle synchronous mode.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 228 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3394 (PR) SP194 VGTP Synchronized tapping speed loop gain proportional term Set the speed loop proportional gain in synchronized tapping mode.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 229 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3403 (PR) SP203 FFC4 Synchronized tapping acceleration feed forward gain (gear 4) Set the acceleration feed forward gain for selection of gear 011 during synchronized tapping.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 230 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3421 SP221 PG2T Synchronized tapping position loop gain 2 Set the second position loop gain when high-gain control is applied during synchronized tapping.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 231 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3433 (PR) SP233 JL Disturbance observer general inertia scale Set the ratio of the motor inertia + load inertia and motor inertia. = ×10 0 Motor inertia + load inertia Motor inertia Setting value (Normally, set "100" or more.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 232 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3453 SP253 DA1NO D/A output channel 1 data number Set the output data number for channel 1 of the D/A output function. When set to "0", the output is speedometer.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.3 MDS-B-SP/SPH , MDS-C1-SP/SPH 233 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3457 (PR) to 3520 (PR) SP257 to SP320 RPM BSD Motor constant (H coil) This parameter is vali.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 234 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM The spindle parameter setting and display method will di ffer according to the NC being used, so refer to Instruction Manual for each NC and the following spindles. MELDAS AC Servo and Spindle MDS-C1 Seri es Specifications Manual .
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 235 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3209 SP009 PGT Synchronized tapping Position loop gain Set the spindle position loop gain in synchronized tapping mode. 1 to 200 (1/s) 15 3210 SP010 PGS Spindle synchronous position loop gain Set the spindle position loop gain in spindle synchronization mode.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 236 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3230 (PR) SP030 GRB2 Motor shaft gear teeth count 2 Set the number of gear teeth of the motor shaft corresponding to gear 001.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 237 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3234 (PR) SP034 SFNC2 Spindle function 2 Set the spindle function 2 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 000C F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 mkc2 mkch Mk3c mts1 (Note) Alway s set "0" for the empty bits.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 238 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3235 (PR) SP035 SFNC3 Spindle function 3 Set the spindle function 3 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 mwid lwid hwid (Note) Alway s set "0" for the empty bits.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 239 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3236 SP036 Not used. Set to "0". 3237 (PR) SP037 SFNC5 Spindle function 5 Set the spindle function 5 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 F E D C B A 9 8 nsno nosg 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 plgo enco (Note) Alway s set "0" for the empty bits.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 240 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3238 (PR) SP038 SFNC6 Spindle function 6 Set the spindle function 6 in bit units. 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 F E D C B A 9 8 XFzs pl80 sdt2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 hzrn orm tdn plg2 pftm alty (Note) Alway s set "0" for the empty bits.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 241 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3239 (PR) SP039 ATYP Amplifier type Set the amplifier type. Set each amplifier type or "0" Parameter.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 242 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3241 (PR) SP041 PTYP Power supply type Power supply type 0000 to FFFF HEX setting 0000 3242 (PR) SP042 CRNG C-axis detector range This parameter is used to set the C-axis detector range.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 243 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3243 (PR) SP043 TRNG Synchronous tapping, spindle synchronous detector range This parameter is used to set the synchronous tapping or spindle synchronous detector range.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 244 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3256 SP056 Use not possible. 0 0 3257 (PR) SP057 STOD Constant → excessive judgment value Set the value for judging when changing from a constant to excessive speed command.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 245 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3266 (PR) SP066 VCSN1 Change starting speed of variable speed loop proportional gain Set the speed when the speed loop proportional gain change starts.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 246 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3276 SP076 FONS Machine resonance suppression filter operation speed When the vibration increases in motor stop (ex.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 247 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3296 (PR) SP096 EGAR Encoder gear ratio Set the gear ratio between the spindle end and the encoder end (except for the motor-built-in encoder) as indicated below.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 248 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3298 (PR) SP098 VGOP Speed loop gain propor- tional term in orientation mode Set the speed loop proportional gain in orientation mode. When the gain is increased, rigidity is improved in the orientation stop but vibration and sound become larger.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 249 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3309 SP109 CSP4 Deceleration rate 4 in orientation mode Set the deceleration rate in orientation mode corresponding to the gear 011. When this parameter is set to "0", same as SP006 (CSP).
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 250 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3321 SP121 MPCSH Orientation deceleration rate H winding compensa- tion magnifi- cation Set the compensation magnification of the orientation deceleration rate for the H winding.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 251 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3329 (PR) SP129 SPECC C-axis specifica- tions Set the C-axis specific ations in bit units. 0000 3330 SP130 PGC1 First position loop gain for cutting on C-axis Set the position loop gain when the first gain is selected for C axis cutting.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 252 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3331 SP131 PGC2 Second position loop gain for cutting on C-axis Set the position loop gain when the second gain is selected for C axis cutting.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 253 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3343 (PR) SP143 VGCP3 Third speed loop gain proportional item for cutting on C-axis Set the speed loop proportional gain when the third gain is selected for C-axis cutting.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 254 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3353 SP153 CINP C-axis in-position width Set the position error range in which the in-position signal is output on the C-axis.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 255 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3366 SP166 PG3C C-axis position loop gain 3 Set the third position loop gain when high-gain control is carried out for control of the C-axis. This parameter is applied to all the operation modes of C-axis control.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 256 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3377 (PR) SP177 SPECS Spindle synchronous specifica- tions Set the spindle synchronous specifications in bit units.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 257 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3382 (PR) SP182 VCSS Spindle synchronous Change starting speed of variable speed loop proportional gain Set the speed when the speed loop proportional gain change starts in the spindle synchronous mode.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 258 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3390 SP190 PG3S Spindle synchronous Position loop gain 3 Set the third position loop gain when high-gain control is carried out in the spindle synchronous mode. When this parameter function is not used, set to "0".
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 259 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3394 (PR) SP194 VGTP Synchronized tapping speed loop gain proportional term Set the speed loop proportional gain in synchronized tapping mode.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 260 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3400 (PR) SP200 FFC1 Synchronized tapping acceleration feed forward gain (gear 1) Set the acceleration feed forward gain for selection of gear 000 during synchronized tapping.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 261 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3407 SP207 GDL Sequential mode startup timing To carry out spindle synchronization or C-axis control in the bo.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 262 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3417 SP217 TINP Synchronized tapping in-position width Set the position error range for output of the in-position during synchronized tapping.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 263 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3425 SP225 OXKPH Position loop gain magni- fication after orientation gain changeover (H coil) 0 to 2560 (1/25.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 264 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3435 (PR) SP235 OBS2 Disturbance observer gain Set the gain for the disturbance observer. 0 to 500 (%) 0 3436 SP236 OBS3 Fixed control constant This is used by Mitsubishi.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.4 MDS-C1-SPM 265 No. Items Details Setting range Standard setting 3453 SP253 DA1NO D/A output channel 1 data number Set the output data number for channel 1 of the D/A output function. When set to "0", the output is speedometer.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.5 Supplement 266 8.5 Supplement 8.5.1 D/A Output Specifications (1) D/A output specifications Item Explanation No. of channels 2ch Output cycle 444µs (min.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.5 Supplement 267 (2) Setting the output data Input the No. of the data to be output to each D/A output channel. # No. Abbrev Parameter name 3453 SP253 DA1NO D/A output channel 1 data No. 3454 SP254 DA2NO D/A output channel 2 data No.
8. Spindle Parameters 8.5 Supplement 268 (3) Setting the output scale # No. Abbrev Parameter name 3455 SP255 DA1MPY D/A output channel 1 magnification 3456 SP256 DA2MPY D/A output channel 2 magnification Usually, the standard setting value is set for the output scale (SV063, SV 064).
9. Machine Error Compensation 9.1 Function Outline 269 9. Machine Error Compensation 9.1 Function Outline Machine error compensation includes two independent functions: memorized pitch error compensation and memorized relative position compensation.
9. Machine Error Compensation 9.1 Function Outline 270 (2) Memorized relative position compensation This method‚ according to the parameters specifi ed in advance‚ compensates the relative position error between two orthogonal axes caused by deflection of the moving stand.
9. Machine Error Compensation 9.1 Function Outline 271 # Item Details Setting range 4000 (PR) Pinc Machine error offset increment method Specify whether the incremental volume method or absolute volume method is to be used to set machine error offset data.
9. Machine Error Compensation 9.1 Function Outline 272 # Item Details Setting range 4101 y y y 5124 Set the compensation amount for each axis. –128 to 127 The actual compensation amount will be the value obtained by multiplying the setting value with the compensation scale.
9. Machine Error Compensation 9.2 Setting Compensation Data 273 9.2 Setting Compensation Data Compensation data can be set according to either absolute or incremental system.
9. Machine Error Compensation 9.2 Setting Compensation Data 274 (2) Incremental system The following figure (left) contains a machine position that is placed in the positive direction with respect to the reference point. Assume that f eed from division n–1 to n (division interval) is executed.
9. Machine Error Compensation 9.3 Example in Using a Linear Axis as the Base Axis 275 9.3 Example in Using a Linear Axis as the Base Axis (1) When "mdvno" or "pdv no" exists at both ends of "rdvno": Division point number #4101 #4102 #4103 #4104 #4105 #4106 rdvno 4103 Specified machine position − 300.
9. Machine Error Compensation 9.3 Example in Using a Linear Axis as the Base Axis 276 (3) When the range compensated is only the negative range: Division point number #4125 #4126 #4127 #4128 #4129 #41.
9. Machine Error Compensation 9.4 Example in Using a Rotation Axis as the Base Axis 277 9.4 Example in Using a Rotation Axis as the Base Axis Division point number #4123 #4124 #4125 #4126 #4127 #4128 .
10. PLC Constants 10.1 PLC Timer 278 10. PLC Constants 10.1 PLC Timer (SETUP PARAM 6. 1/6) to (SETUP PARAM 6. 2/6) # PLC device Item Details Setting range 6000 6015 T000 T015 10ms adding timer <10ms> Set the time for the timer used in the PLC program (ladder).
10. PLC Constants 10.3 PLC Constants 279 10.3 PLC Constants (SETUP PARAM 6. 4/6) # PLC device Item Details Setting range 6301 6348 R4500,4501 R4594,4595 PLC c ons ta nt Set the value to be set in the data type R register used in the PLC program (ladder).
10. PLC Constants 10. 4 PLC Bit Selection 280 10.4 PLC Bit Selection (SETUP PARAM 6. 5/6) to (SETUP PARAM 6. 6/6) # PLC device Item Details Setting range 6401 6402 6495 6496 R4600-Low R4600-High R4647-Low R4647-High Bit selection This is the bit type parameter used in the PLC program (ladder).
10. PLC Constants 10. 4 PLC Bit Selection 281 Table: "Contents of bit sele ction parameters #6449 to #6496" Symbol name 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 #6449 R2924 L NC card Controller thermal alarm disab.
10. PLC Constants 10. 4 PLC Bit Selection 282 Symbol name 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 #6465 R2932 L - - - - - - - - 1 #6466 R2932 H - - - - - - - - 2 #6467 R2933 L - - - - - - - - 3 #6468 R2933 H 4 #6469 R2934 .
11. Macro List 283 11. Macro List # Item Details Setting range (unit) 7001 to 7091 M [01] to M [10] <Code> Set the M code used for calling out the macro with the M command. This is valid when "#1195 Mmac" is set to 1. 1 to 9999 7002 to 7092 <Type> Set the macro call out type.
12. Position Sw itch 12.1 Outline of Function 284 12. Position Switch 12.1 Outline of Function The position switch (PSW) is used as an im aginary dog switch by assigning an axis name and coordinate values that indicate the imaginary dog position to be used instead of the dog switch on the machine axis.
12. Position Sw itch 12.1 Outline of Function 285 Position switch numbers of PSW1 to PSW16 and signal devices <axis> <dog1> <dog2> 1st part system 2nd part system 3rd part system 4th.
12. Position Sw itch 12.2 Canceling the Position Sw itch 286 Rotary axis Setting of dog1 and dog2 Operation Description dog1 < dog2 A signal is output between dog1 and dog2. A signal is also output when dog1 is negative. dog1 > dog2 A signal is output between dog2 and dog1.
13. Indexing Axis Parameters 287 13. Indexing Axis Parameters (Note) These parameters are used only with the G64T. # Item Details Setting range (unit) 26251 METHOD Select the index command method.
13. Indexing Axis Parameters 288 # Item Details Setting range (unit) 26256 CURRENT LIMIT Set current limit value when current limit value command signal is ON.
14. Indexing Axis Position Sw itch 14.1 Outline of Function 289 14. Indexing Axis Position Switch 14.1 Outline of Function (Note) These parameters are used only with the G64T.
15. Indexing Axis Commands 290 15. Indexing Axis Commands (Note) These parameters are used only with the G64T. Item Details Setting range (unit) POSITION Command the i ndexing position. –99999.999 to 99999.999 (0.001mm/0.001°, 0.0001mm/0.0001°) SPEED Set the indexing speed.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 291 16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters Turn the NC power OFF after setting parameters indica ted with a (PR) in the table. The setting will be validated after the power is turned ON again. No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 1 (PR) MSR Motor series Set the motor series.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 292 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 7 ATU Auto-tuning Set the adjustment of the auto-t uning. Do not set values without a description.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 293 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 14 NCH Notch filter No. Set the frequency of the machine resonance suppression filter. Do not set values without a description. Setting value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency (Hz) No start 1125 563 375 282 225 188 161 15 (Not used.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 294 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 50 MD1 D/A output channel 1 data No. Set the Nos. of the data to be output on D/A output channel 1.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 295 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 101 (PR) Cont1 Control parameter 1 This is a HEX setting parameter. Set bits without a description to their default values.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 296 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 102 (PR) Cont2 Control parameter 2 This is a HEX setting parameter. Set bits without a description to their default values.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 297 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 104 (PR) tleng Linear axis stroke length Set the movement stroke length for linear axes. This is meaningless when setting non-uniform assignments or commanding random positions.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 298 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 120 ABS Type Absolute position detection parameter This parameter is set as a hexadecimal.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 299 < Operation parameter group 1 > No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 150 Aspeed1 Operation parameter group 1 Automatic operation speed Set the feedrate during automatic operation when operation parameter group 1 is selected.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 300 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 154 TL1 Operation parameter group 1 Torque limit value Set the motor output torque limit value when operation parameter group 1 is selected. At the default value, the torque is limited at the maximum torque of the motor specifications.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 301 < Operation parameter group 2 > No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 158 Aspeed2 Operation parameter group 2 Automatic operation speed Set the feedrate during automatic operation when operation parameter group 2 is selected.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 302 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 162 TL2 Operation parameter group 2 Torque limit value Set the motor output torque limit value when operation parameter group 2 is selected. At the default value, the torque is limited at the maximum torque of the motor specifications.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 303 < Operation parameter group 3 > No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 166 Aspeed3 Operation parameter group 3 Automatic operation speed Set the feedrate during automatic operation when operation parameter group 3 is selected.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 304 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 170 TL3 Operation parameter group 3 Torque limit value Set the motor output torque limit value when operation parameter group 3 is selected. At the default value, the torque is limited at the maximum torque of the motor specifications.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 305 < Operation parameter group 4 > No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 174 Aspeed4 Operation parameter group 4 Automatic operation speed Set the feedrate during automatic operation when operation parameter group 4 is selected.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 306 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 178 TL4 Operation parameter group 4 Torque limit value Set the motor output torque limit value when operation parameter group 4 is selected. At the default value, the torque is limited at the maximum torque of the motor specifications.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 307 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 190 stpos2 Station 2 coordinate value 191 stpos3 Station 3 coordinate value 192 stpos4 Station 4 coordinate value 193 st.
16. Auxiliary Axis Parameters 308 No. Name Details Setting range Default valu e 201 202 PSW1dog1 PSW1dog2 PSW1 area setting 1 PSW1 area setting 2 203 204 PSW2dog1 PSW2dog2 PSW2 area setting 1 PSW2 are.
Revision History Date of revision Manual No. Revision details Dec. 2000 BNP-B2267* First edition created. Sep. 2003 BNP-B2267A • The cover (front, spine, back covers) design was changed. • "Type", "Independent Product Code" and "Reference No.
Notice Every effort has been made to keep up with software and hardware revisions in the contents described in this manual. However, please understand that in some unavoidable cases simultaneous revision is not possible. Please contact your Mitsubishi Electric dealer with any questions or comments regarding the use of this product.
BNP-B2267C(ENG) MC6/C64/C64T 008-046 (0403) MEE Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in Japan on recycled paper. MODEL Manual No. MODEL CODE MITSUBISHI ELEC T R IC CO R PO R A T ION HEAD OFFICE : MITSUBISHI DENKI BLDG.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Mitsubishi Electronics C6 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
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Wenn Sie aber schon Mitsubishi Electronics C6 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Mitsubishi Electronics C6 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Mitsubishi Electronics C6. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Mitsubishi Electronics C6 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.