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3Com ® Corporation PathBuilder ™ S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Installation Manual.
Notice © 1998 3Com Corpor ation 5400 B ayfro nt Plaz a Santa Cl ara, CA 95052 -8145 (408) 32 6-5000 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Portions reprinted with th e permission of Motoro la, Inc. Restricted Rights Notificat ion for U.S. Go vernment Users The software (including firmware) addr essed in thi s m a nu al is provided to the U.
Notice (contin ued) Proprietar y Material Information and soft ware in th is document are propriet ary to 3Com (or its Suppliers) and without t he express prior per mission o f an of ficer of 3Com, ma.
Conten ts v Chapter 1. About the Pat hBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch Applicatio ns .......................... .................................... ........................... ......... 1-3 Feature s and Protocol s .......... .................. ....
vi Contents ( continued) Chapter 4. Maintenance Removing/Repla cing T op Cover ..................... .................................... ......... 4-3 Removing/Repla cing Front Panel Cover ......... .................. .................. ......... 4-5 Removing/Repla cing Power Su pply .
vii About This Manual Overview Introduct ion This ma nual descr ibes features , hardware, specif icatio ns, and applicati ons fo r the 3Com Path Builder S24 x, 26x and 27x switch. Audience This manual i s intende d for op erators of the 3Com PathBuild er S24x, 26x and 27x sw itch.
viii About Th is Manual (cont inued) Vo r s i c h t Ein V or sichtshinweis macht Sie darauf aufmer ksam, daß N ic htbefol gung zu Software -, Hardware- oder D atensc häden f ühren kann. Wa r n i n g W arning i s the most serio us notice, indic ating that you c an be physi cally hurt.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-1 Chapter 1 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch Overview What is the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch? The PathBui lder S24x, 26x,.
1-2 About the PathBui lder S 24x, 26x, an d 27x switch Meshed Cluster Application Support A unique f eature of the Pa thBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch is i ts ab ility t o support full me shed clust e r applicati ons. This f unctional ity provides hos t site resil iency , port co unt extension, an d multi ple LAN connect ivity .
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-3 Applications Applications Introduct ion This section briefl y descri bes seve ral applicat ion exampl es for the Pat hBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch.
1-4 About the PathBui lder S 24x, 26x, an d 27x switch Applications Regional Concentrator I n Figure 1-3, the publ ic net work (Frame Re lay/X.25) is per f orming the branc h concentr atio n functio n with the PathBuil der S24 x, 26x, and 27x switch routing t he traf fic to the appr opriate end poin t.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-5 Applications Figure 1-4. Regiona l Concentrator Exampl e Cluster Appl ication An importa nt new feature av ailab le with th e PathBu ilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swit ch is its use in a c luster .
1-6 About the PathBui lder S 24x, 26x, an d 27x switch Applications Figure 1-5. PathBuilde r S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Cluster Example PB S2 0 0 16 Access Ports PB S2 0 0 PB S2 0 0 PB S200 16 Access P.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-7 Features and Protocols Features and Protocols Description Fo r a complete lis ting of t he featur es and p rotocols supported by your PathBuilder S24x, 26x, an d 27x switch, refe r to the Software Release Not ice that came wit h the operati ng sof tware.
1-8 About the PathBui lder S 24x, 26x, an d 27x switch Hardware Components Hardware Components PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Configurati on The PathBui lder S24x, 26x, and 2 7x switch comes in a rack- mountable configurat ion.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-9 Hardware Components Hardware Components This table li sts and briefl y describ es the hardware c omponents that make u p the PathBuil der S24x, 26x, and 27x s witch. More deta iled des criptions of t hese components follow .
1-10 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components Ethernet Port 4 Limita tions Consid er these limit ations when using the Ethern et Port 4: • The port does not support Br idgin g (refer to the Bridging Op tion , Part No. T00 08-16).
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-1 1 Hardware Components Enclosure Introduct ion This sec tion provides de tailed i nformation about the part s of the PathBuil der S24x , 26x, and 27x switch enclosur e.
1-12 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components Mother board Parts of the Motherboard Thi s secti on desc ribes some of the components t hat make up t he PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch motherboard.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-13 Hardware Components FLASH SIMM The FLASH Single In-li ne Memory Module ( SIMM) holds a c ompressed image of the oper ating software. This module is ele ctrical ly erasa ble and reprogra mmable. An optiona l F LA SH SIMM can be i ns tal l ed f or bac kup.
1-14 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components Figure 1-9. CMEM SIMM Expansion Port I/O Slo ts The PathBui lder S24x, 26x, and 2 7x switch motherboa rd has eight ful l-size expansio n card slots (s ee Figu re 1-6). Expansion I/O ca rds have I /O connec tors tha t exte nd through t he rear pane l.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-15 Hardware Components How Ports Are Used The foll owing table descr ibes how the port s are used. DIMs without a Cable Adapter Port s 1 and 2 supp ort a DSU DIM without t he use of ca ble adapters .
1-16 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components Back P anel Back Panel Components The co mponents of the back panel are: • Serial/ Network I/O Por ts . Ports 1, 2, 3, an d 6 are DB-25 connect ors. Port 4 is a DB 15 c onnector .
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-17 Hardware Components TI Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card Introduct ion The T1 d ual port d igital P BX interface c ard suppor ts dig ital voi ce communicat ions, providi ng integr ated ne twork acce ss.
1-18 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components Slot Restricti on The T1 dual p ort dig ital PBX interface c ard occ upies slot 8 in the Pat hBui lde r S2 4x, 26x, and 27x switch chassis.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-19 Hardware Components LED Status Indica tors The T1 d ual port digita l PBX int erface c ard contains fo ur LEDs th at can be viewed thro ugh the re ar bracket.
1-20 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components E1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card Introduct ion The E1 d ual port d igital P BX interface c ard suppor ts dig ital voi ce communicat ions, providi ng integr ated ne twork acce ss (see Figure 1- 12).
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-21 Hardware Components E1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card Illus trati on Figure 1- 12 shows an exa mple of the E1 dual port digital PBX i nterfac e card.
1-22 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components Required cables The following ca bl es, i ncl udi ng two pi gt ai l cab les, ship with the E1 dual port digi t al PBX interf ace card and are require d to cable the E1 c ard to the DSPM/SM ca rds in the Path Builder S24x, 26x, an d 27x switch node.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-23 Hardware Components DSPM/SM C ard Introduct ion The Dig ital Sig nal Proces sing Module/Server Module (DSPM/SM) s upports T1 or E1 du al po rt di gi tal P BX i nt erf ace ca rds .
1-24 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components DSPM/ SM Card Illus trati on Figure 1- 13 sh ows an exa mple of the DSPM/SM card. Figure 1- 13. DSPM/SM Card Jumper Location s Figure 1- 13 shows the l ocation of jumper s on the DSPM/S M card that ter minate the Multi-V endor Integ ration Pr otocol cl ock.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-25 Hardware Components Cables Required No cables ship with the DSPM/SM ca rd; however , the DSPM/SM card must b e cabled t o the T 1 or E1 dual port digital i nterfac e using a Multi-V endor In tegration Protocol 40-pin r i bbon cable, as Fi gure 1- 14 sho ws.
1-26 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components DSPM Card with Analog E &M Interface Introduct ion The DSPM/E&M card s upports two analo g E&M inter face voic e channels.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-27 Hardware Components DSPM/E&M Card Illus trati on Figure 1- 15 sh ows an exa mple of the DSPM card wi th an a nalog E&M inter f ace.
1-28 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components LEDs The card c ontains four LEDs that can b e viewed through t he rear bracket .
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-29 Hardware Components Setting Jumpers for DS PM Card with Analog E&M Interface Introduct ion The DSPM/EM card h as a total of 12 jumpers that .
1-30 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components Complex Impedance for UK and Germany Setting jumpers for tw o-wire UK compl e x and two-wire Ger many compl ex impeda nce as not ed in t he “Jumper Def initio ns” section above , matches the impeda nce requi red in each co untry , respec tively .
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-31 Hardware Components Jumper Location s Set the jumpers to the pos itions as shown i n Figure 1- 18. Figure 1- 18 . Jumper Locations for DSPM E&M Card Installing Jumpers Figure 1- 19 illust rates how to i nstall two- or four -wire jump ers into proper posit ion.
1-32 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components DSPM Card with FXS Analog Interface Introduct ion The Analog D SPM/FXS (F oreign Exchange Sta t ion) card supp orts tw o analog FXS interf aces.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-33 Hardware Components DSPM/FXS Card Illus trati on Figure 1-20 shows an e xample of t he DSPM card with an analog FXS i nterf ace.
1-34 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components LEDs The card c ontains four LEDs that can b e viewed through t he rear bracket . Jumper Location s The DS PM/ F XS inte rfa ce car d has n o jump ers th at must be s et . For Austral ian Users Only 3Co m approve d engineer ing staff can in stall an d program this car d.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-35 Hardware Components DSPM Host Ca rd with F XO Analo g Int erface Introduct ion The Analog D SPM/HC (ho st card) supports one anal og FXO (For eign Exchange Off ice) int erface. The FXO i s a daughtercard t hat is mount ed onto th e DSPM/HC.
1-36 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components DSPM/HC with FXO Card Il lustr a ti o n Figure 1-21 shows an e xample of the DSP M /HC with an analog FXO daughtercard . Figure 1-21. DSPM/HC Card with Analog FXO Daughtercard LEDs The card contai ns four LEDs that can be viewed throug h the rear brack et.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-37 Hardware Components Jumper Location s The DSPM/HC with F XO daughte rcard has no jumpers t hat must be se t.
1-38 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components -48V Ringer/Power Supply Card and Enclosur e Introduct ion One -48V r inger/power su pply car d and enclosure is required per.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-39 Hardware Components Cables Required The -4 8V ringe r/power s upply ca rd is shi pped with one cabl e with six connectors.
1-40 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Hardware Components Figure 1-23. Enhanced -48 V RIn ger/ Power Supply Card and Enclosure J1 1 Jumper Set for 25 Hz Ring Frequency J1 1 Jumper Set.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-41 Hardware Components 10BaseT T ransceiver Description Thi s trans ceive r is des igned to pr ovide Eth ernet 10base T s upport for the Pa thBui lder S24x, 26x, an d 27x switch.
1-42 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch Radio Frequency Interfer ence Regulations Radio Frequency Interference Regulations Introduct ion This sec tion explains t he radio f requency i nterference r egulati ons.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-43 T elec ommunications Regulations T elecom munications Regulations In the Unit ed S ta tes , FCC r ule s P art 68 req u ire t hat t h e fol lowi .
1-44 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch T elec ommunications Regulations In Canada , the following equipment at tachment l imitations and information m ust be provided in the user instr.
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-45 FCC and T e lephone Company Procedures a nd Requirements FCC and T elephone C ompany Procedures and Requireme nts Introduct ion The fo llowin g .
1-46 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch FCC Information FCC Information Customer-Provid ed T elephone Equipment FCC regulat ions a nd teleph one compan y procedur es proh ibit conn ection of customer -provided equipment t o telephon e company-provided coin service (c entral of fice-implemente d system s).
About the Pat hBuilder S24x , 26x, and 2 7x switch 1-47 FCC Information Regulations Concerning Electroma gnetic Radiation The Federa l Communications Commission ( FCC) of th e United St ates of Americ.
1-48 About the PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x swi tch FCC Information.
Preparation and Un packing 2-1 Chapter 2 Preparation and Unpacking Overview Introduct ion This chapter s umm arizes infor mation you need and activitie s you must complet e before i nstalling your PathBui lder S24x, 26x, and 2 7x switch s ystem. It desc ribes how to sele ct an o perating envir onment and how t o unpac k the enclosur e.
2-2 Preparation and Unpacking Before Inst alling Your PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x S witch Before Installing Y our PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Introduct ion Before i nstalli ng your PathBu.
Preparation and Un packing 2-3 Before Inst alling Y our PathBuilde r S24x, 26 x, and 27x Swit ch Caution T o avoid overheati ng the unit’ s circuitr y , you shoul d never pl ace anything on to p of the uni t, wit hin one inch (2 .5 cm) of the venti lati on slo ts on the f ront panel, or wit hin 12 inches (30.
2-4 Preparation and Unpacking Unpacking Unpacking Introduct ion The Path B uilder S24x, 26x, an d 27x sw it ch’ s printed ci rc uit car ds and ot her int ern al compone nts a re installed i n the enclo sur e b efore the uni t is shipped fr om t he fa ctory .
Preparation and Un packing 2-5 The PathBuilder S24x , 26x, an d 27x Switch R ackmount Kit The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Ra ckmount Kit Introduct ion Y ou can inst all the Pa thBuil der S24 x, 26x, and 27x switch in a standard Ele ctronic s Industr y Associ ation (EI A) 19-i nch eq uipment rac k.
2-6 Preparation and Unpacking The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Rack mount Kit Rackmount Kit Parts Figure 2-1 shows the component s of the rackmount ki t.
Preparation and Un packing 2-7 The PathBuilder S24x , 26x, an d 27x Switch R ackmount Kit.
2-8 Preparation and Unpacking Installing the PathBuilder S 24x, 26x, a nd 27x Swit ch in a n Equipment Rack Installing the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch in an Equipme nt Rack How to.
Preparation and Un packing 2-9 Installing the P athBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27 x Switch in an Equipment Rack 6 Remove the l ong (#6) screws. Then, slid e the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x s witch flush agai nst the rear flan ge of the Moun ting Shel f an d r ein sert th e sc re ws through t he flange and int o the unit ’ s ca se.
2-10 Preparation and Unpacking Installing the PathBuilder S 24x, 26x, a nd 27x Swit ch in a n Equipment Rack Removing the Pedestal Base Figure 2-2 shows how t o remove the pedest al bas e from the P athBuil der S24x, 26 x, and 27x swi tch. Figure 2-2.
Preparation and Un packing 2-1 1 Installing the P athBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27 x Switch in an Equipment Rack Steps for Rackmount Assembly Figure 2-3 shows the steps for rack mount ass embly . Figure 2-3. PathBuilde r S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Rackmount Assem- bly 10-32 x .
2-12 Preparation and Unpacking Installing the PathBuilder S 24x, 26x, a nd 27x Swit ch in a n Equipment Rack Install ing the Pat hBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Figure 2-4 shows the i nstallat ion of the P athBuilder S24x, 26x, and 2 7x switch i n the rackmo unt assembl y .
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3-1 Chapter 3 PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installatio n Overview Introduct ion This chap ter contains pr ocedur es for in stalling PathBu ilder S24x , 26x, and 27x switc h har dwar e c ompon ents .
3-2 P athBuil der S24x, 26x, and 27x Swi tch Hardwar e Install ation A vertissement Seules de s pers onnes qual ifiées peuvent mettre en prati que les procédur es décrit es dans cette se ction.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3-3 Setting DI P Switc hes Setting DIP Switches Introduct ion This se cti on explains how t o s et th e DIP switches for t he motherboard and the Serial Data Board (SDB) card.
3-4 P athBuil der S24x, 26x, and 27x Swi tch Hardwar e Install ation Installing the DSU DIM Installing the DSU DIM Introduct ion Y ou can inst all up to two DSUs for each Path Builder S24x, 26x, an d 27x switch platfo rm using both Ports 1 and 2. DSU DIM Example Figur e 3-2 shows how to inst all the DSU DI M.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3-5 Installing the DSU DIM Install t he DSU DIM Perform thes e steps t o install the DSU DIM: Caution Be sure t hat th e telepho ne company plug is di sconne cted befo re you disconnect the EIM from the PathBuild er S24x, 26x, a nd 27x switch.
3-6 P athBuil der S24x, 26x, and 27x Swi tch Hardwar e Install ation Installing the DSU DIM Switch Blocks 1 and 2 The PathBui lder S24x, 26x, and 2 7x switch Integr al DSU opt ion requires th at you set the same switches in t he swi tch blocks as you d o for the V .
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3-7 Configuring the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, a nd 27x Switch for DSU Operation Configuring the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch for DSU.
3-8 P athBuil der S24x, 26x, and 27x Swi tch Hardwar e Install ation DSU Input and Output Signaling DSU Input and Output Signaling Introduct ion Input and ou tpu t signa ling in form ation is usefu l as a debuggin g too l and rep laces t he EIA summary i nformat ion assoc i ated with other DIM types .
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3-9 DSU Input and Output Signaling Y ou can view these signals using t he contro l terminal Monito r menu i tem on the Main menu.
3-10 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n DSU Input and Output Signaling Control T er minal Loopback Options These are the c ontrol terminal loopback o ptions.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3-1 1 Tr oubleshooting DSU Installation T roubleshooting DSU Installation Introduct ion Some pot ential DSU i nstall ation problems are: • Improp er port c onnecti on of the EIM. • Improp er te lephone company i nterfac e connection.
3-12 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n Installing DIMs Installing DIMs Introduct ion There ar e two Dat a Interf ace Modules (DIMs) on both the Pa thBuilder S24x, 26x , and 27x swi t ch motherboard.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3- 13 Installing DIMs Installing a DIM T o in sta ll the DIM , i nsert it in to the des ired D TE or DCE lo cat ion.
3-14 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n Installing SIMMs Installing SIMMs Introduct ion This sec tion explains ho w to ins tall di ffe r ent types of SI MMs on the mot herboard.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3- 15 Inst alling SIM Ms SIMM Location Figure 3-5 s hows the location of the Single In-line Memor y Module ( SIMM) slo ts on the Path Builder S24x, 26x, an d 27x switch mothe rboard. Figure 3- 5.
3-16 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n Installing I/O Car ds Installing I/O Cards Introduct ion These Pat hBuilder S24x, 26x, a nd 27x swi tch I/O ca rds are i nstalled into slots 1 thro ugh 8: • Serial Data Board (SDB) • BRI •H u b The Modem card can only be insta lled int o slot 1.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3- 17 Installing a T1 or E1 Dual Po rt Digital PBX Interface Ca rd Installing a T1 or E1 Dual Port Digita l PBX Interface Card Introduct i.
3-18 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n Installing a T1 or E1 Dual Port Digital PB X Interface Card Step Action 1 Place the inte rface car d on an antistat ic mat. 2 Set the I /O base addr ess for the ca rd usin g the DIP swi tches at SW1.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3- 19 Installing a T1 or E1 Dual Po rt Digital PBX Interface Ca rd Installing the T1/CSU Daughter Card Introduct ion This sec tion explains ho w to ins tall a T1 /CSU Daught er Card onto a T1 Dual Port Card.
3-20 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n Installing a T1 or E1 Dual Port Digital PB X Interface Card Install ation Procedure Foll ow these steps to install the T1/ CSU Daughte r card. Step Action 1 Power down the PathBuild er S200 ser ies switch by unplugging the AC power plug.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3- 21 Installing a T1 or E1 Dual Po rt Digital PBX Interface Ca rd Figure 3-6. Inst al ling T1/CSU Daughter Cards Remove Jumpe r from Socke t 1 Carefully instal l Daught ercard Pins into T1 Dual Port Interface Connector .
3-22 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n Cabling the P athBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x S witch Cabling the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Introduct ion This sectio.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3- 23 Installing the Transceive r Installing the T ransceiver Introduct ion The tra nsceiv er mounts to the DB-15 AUI c onnector of th e Ethernet LAN ca rd or to the DB-15 AUI con nector on the bac k panel .
3-24 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n Power-Up Diagnostics/V e rifica tion Power-Up Diagnostics/V erification Introduct ion Diagnost ics run when a node i s powered up. Basic tests ar e run from PROM and more exte nsive diagnos tics are run during st artup.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3- 25 Power-Up Dia gnostics/V e rification Default Nod e Command A defa ult nod e comman d is th e sa me as a war mst art, ex cep t it i s only initi ated b y th e operato r .
3-26 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n Installing Software Options Installing Software Options Introduct ion The PathBui l der S24x, 26x, and 2 7x switch contains al l the so ftware options availa ble fo r the curr ent release of the produ ct.
PathBuilder S24x , 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installat ion 3- 27 Full Mesh Cluster Cabling Full Mesh Cluster Cabling Introduct ion This sec tion explains s ome of th e important points to keep in mind whe n using your PathBuil der S24x, 26x, and 27x s witches in a ful l mesh cluster c onfigurat ion.
3-28 PathBui lder S2 4x, 26x , and 27x S witch Hard ware Inst allatio n Full Mesh Cluster Cabling Mesh Diagram Figure 3-8 shows how a full mesh a pplicati on is cabl ed.
Maintenance 4-1 Chapter 4 Maintenance Overview Introduct ion This chap ter contains pr ocedur es to remov e /replace the P athBuil der S24x, 26 x, and 27x switc h componen t s. Wa r n i n g Only tra ined, quali fied technici ans shoul d perform procedur es outli ned in t his manual.
4-2 Maintenance Vo r s i c h t Einige i m PathBuil der S24x, 26 x, and 27x s witch verwendete n Komponenten sollte n keinen e l ektrostatis chen Entla dungen a usgesetzt werden, dur ch die interne Bauteile beschädi gt wer den kön nen.
Maintenance 4- 3 Removing/Replacing Top Cover Removing/Replacing T op Cover Introduct ion Y ou must remove t he top cover to a ccess the motherb oard an d all I/ O cards, the power supp ly , and the fan.
4-4 Maintenance Removing/Replac ing T op Cover Example Figur e 4-1 shows an example of removi ng the top c over of the Path B uilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch. Figure 4-1. Removing the T op Cover Replace the Cover T o replace the t op cover , reverse the steps just det ailed in “Removing the Cover.
Maintenance 4- 5 Removing/Replacing Front Panel Cover Removing/Replacing Front Panel Cover Introduct ion This sec tion describes how to remove the front panel cover .
4-6 Maintenance Removing/Replacing Front Panel Cove r Example Figure 4-2 shows an e xample of disconnec ting the front panel cove r . Figure 4-2. Removing the Front Panel Cover Thumb screw LED Display.
Maintenance 4- 7 Removing/Replacing Power Supply Removing/Replacing Power Supply Introduct ion This sec tion describes how to remove the power supply .
4-8 Maintenance Removing/Replacing Power Supply Example Figure 4- 3 shows an example of removing t he power supply . Figure 4-3. Removing the Power Supply Remo ve the Four Holding S crews on the Re ar.
Maintenance 4- 9 Removing/Replacing P athBuilder S2 4x, 26x, and 2 7x Switch Card s Removing/Replacing PathBuilder S24x, 26x, a nd 27x Switch Cards Introduct ion This sec tion describes how to remove the PathBuilder S 24x, 26x, a nd 27x switc h cards.
4-10 Maintenance Removing/Replac ing PathBuilde r S24x, 26x, a nd 27x Switch Ca rds Example Figure 4-4 shows an e xample of removing t he suppo rt bar .
Maintenance 4-1 1 Removing/Replacing P athBuilder S2 4x, 26x, and 2 7x Switch Card s Example Figur e 4-5 shows an example of removi ng an expans ion card. Figure 4-5. Removing an Expansion Card Replacing a Card T o repla ce an expan sion car d, rever se the ste ps just deta iled i n “Removing a n Expan - sion Card .
4-12 Maintenance Replacing PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Motherboar d Replacing PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Mothe rboard Introduct ion Y ou must fi rst rem ove al l the exp ansion cards in orde r to gain access to th e motherboa rd.
Maintenance 4-13 Replacing P athBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x S witch Motherboard Example Figur e 4-6 shows an example of removi ng the mother board . Figure 4-6. Removing the Motherboard Install the Motherboard T o r eplace th e motherboard, reve rse the s teps jus t detailed in “ Removing t he Mothe rboard .
4-14 Maintenance Removing/Replacing the Lithium Battery Removing/Replacing the Lithium Battery Introduct ion The 3-vol t lithium battery on the CMEM car d maintai ns the node ’ s configurati on memory in the ev ent o f a powe r f ailur e. Wa r n i n g Only qual ified service personnel should perform th e procedure desc ribed in t his sectio n.
Maintenance 4-15 Removing/Replacing the Lithium Battery Example Figur e 4-7 shows an example of removi ng the lit hium batt ery . Figure 4-7. Removing the Li thium Battery.
4-16 Maintenance Removing/Replacing the Lithium Battery.
Channelized Data 5-1 Chapter 5 Channelized Data Overview What Is It? The Channelized Data option provid es an alt ernative to using Serial Data Boa rds (SDB) to con cent rate d ata tra ffic fro m remot e node s atta ched to the PathB uild er S24x, 26x, an d 27x switch throu gh a multiplexer .
5-2 Channelized Data Application Example Application Example Overview Figur e 5-1 shows a typical Channel ized Data application wher e multipl e remote LAN sites f eed into a cluster of Pat hBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch Regio nal Concentr ators .
Channelized Data 5-3 Configuring Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Overview Befor e you can use the Channeliz ed Data option on your PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switc h, you must configur e the node for Chan nelized Da ta operation.
5-4 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data.
Channelized Data 5-5 Configuring Channelized Data Configuri ng T1 and E1 Physical Ports Introduct ion Y ou have to co nfigure t he physi cal port s for th e T1/E1 connections between the remote nodes and the PathBuilder S2 4x, 26x, a nd 27x switc h.
5-6 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Port Record Figure 5-2 shows the naviga tional path to the T1 a nd E1 config uration paramete rs. ‘ Figure 5-2. Example of the Port Record for the Physical Port for T1 and E1 Connections Node: nodename Address: (blank) Date: ___________Time:__________ Menu: Configure Path: (Main.
Channelized Data 5-7 Configuring Channelized Data T1 Port Parameters Overview This section de scribes the T1 p ort parameters in de tail. Configurati on Guidelines Con figure a T1 P ort b efore c onfigu ring a V irtual P ort Mappin g Record, which m aps a log ical ti m eslot channel (a virt ual port) to t hat port.
5-8 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Descript ion: Selec ts typ e of zero s uppressi on used on the T1 li nk. • B8ZS: Consecu tive 8 zero suppr essio n (clear channel) • B7ZS: Stuf fi.
Channelized Data 5-9 Configuring Channelized Data Threshold V alue LES Range: 1 to 255 Default: 10 Descript ion: Specif ies the number of errors t hat must oc cur withi n a fixed 15- minute window before an al arm is d eclared.
5-10 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Threshold V alue-ES Range: 1 to 255 Default: 10 Descript ion: Specif ies the number of errors t hat must oc cur withi n a fixed 15- minute window before an al arm is d eclared.
Channelized Data 5-1 1 Configuring Channelized Data Threshold V alue-SES Range: 1 to 255 Default: 10 Descript ion: Specif ies the number of errors t hat must oc cur withi n a fixed 15- minute window before an al arm is d eclared. This is based on the th reshold v alue for Seve rely Erro r Seconds.
5-12 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Threshold V alue UAS Range: 1 to 255 Default: 1 Descript ion: Specif ies the number of errors t hat must oc cur withi n a fixed 15- minute window before an al arm is d eclared. This is based on the thre sho ld value for Unava il abl e Se con ds.
Channelized Data 5-13 Configuring Channelized Data E1 Port Parameters Introduct ion This sect io n des cribes the E1 port pa ra me te rs i n det ai l. The E1 Por t Rec ord cont ai ns parame ter va lues t hat you us e to define op erating characterist ics for an E1 d ual por t digita l interface ca rd.
5-14 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Line Impedance Range: 75, 120 Ω Default: 120 Ω Descript ion: Define s the li ne impeda nce as 75 Ω or 120 Ω T ransmit Clock Range: INT , REC Default: INT Desc rip ti on: Sele cts t h e so ur ce o f tra n smit c loc k .
Channelized Data 5-15 Configuring Channelized Data Threshold V alue-CSS Range: 1 to 255 Default: 10 Descript ion: Specif ies the number of errors t hat must oc cur withi n a fixed 15- minute window before an al arm is d eclared.
5-16 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Threshold V alue-SES Range: 1 to 255 Default: 10 Descript ion: Specif ies the number of errors t hat must oc cur withi n a fixed 15- minute window before an al arm is d eclared. This is based on the th reshold v alue for Seve rely Erro r Seconds.
Channelized Data 5-17 Configuring Channelized Data Threshold V alue UAS Range: 1 to 255 Default: 1 Descript ion: Specif ies the number of errors t hat must oc cur withi n a fixed 15- minute window before an al arm is d eclared. This is based on the thre sho ld value for Unava il abl e Se con ds.
5-18 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Configurin g V irtual Po rts on the PathBuil der S24x, 26x, and 27x S witch Introduct ion Y ou have to co nfigure a virtual port for each co nnection b etween the remote nodes and the Pa thBuil der S24 x, 26x, and 27x switch.
Channelized Data 5-19 Configuring Channelized Data V irtual Port Record Figure 5-3 shows how t o navigate the CTP hi erarchy to the Port reco rd. The Po rt Numb er and Po rt T yp e parame ters ar e alwa ys th e fi rst two param eter s that ap pear in the Port record.
5-20 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Configuri ng Virt ual Port Mapping T able Introduct ion A T1 or E1 digital port compr ises multiple logi cal data channel s. These ch annels, known as vir tual ports, are not associ ated with a ny physi cal sl ot number and have no physical I/O of t heir own.
Channelized Data 5-21 Configuring Channelized Data Configuring the V irtual Mapping T able Perform t his proce dure to configur e the V irtual Port Mapping T able. Virtua l P o rt Mapping T able Parameters This sectio n des cribe s para meters for th e V irtu al Po rt Mapp i ng T able .
5-22 Channelized Data Configuring Channelized Data Ti me S l o ts Range: 1 to 31 Default: 1 Descript ion: Each t ime slot pr ovides a 64k channe l to pass traf fic.
Cables A-1 Appendix A Cables Overview Introduct ion The tabl es in this append ix des cribe the pinouts f or ports on the P athBuil der S24x, 26x, and 27x switch. Cable pino uts fo r Etherne t and LAN ca bles are also p rovided. The foll owing table shows EI A 232-D signa ls with V .
A-2 Ca bles The foll owing table shows V .35/V .36 signal s with V .35/V .36 DIMs o n the motherboa rd. V.35/V.36 (Mothe rboard) Pin DCE Position Funct ion/ Signal Name Pin DTE Position Function / Sig.
Cables A-3 The follo wing table shows V .35/V .36 signals wi th V .35/V .36 DIMs on the SDB card. V.35/V.36 (SDB) Pin DCE Position Funct ion/ Signal Name Pin DTE Position Functi on/Si gnal Name 1 - --.
A-4 Ca bles The foll owing table shows V .1 1 signals with V .1 1 DIMs on the mother board. V1 1 Signals (Motherboar d) Pin DCE Position V .1 1 Function/ Signal Name Pin DTE Position Function / Signal.
Cables A-5 The foll owing table shows V .1 1 signals with V .1 1 DIMs on the SDB card . V1 1 Signals (SDB) Pin DCE Position V .1 1 Function/ Signal Name Pin DTE Position Function / Signal Name 1 -----.
A-6 Ca bles Ethernet Cable Pinouts Ethernet C able Pinout s Introduct ion This cabl e may have a m aximum length of up to 100m and must conf orm to the 802.3 10Bas eT speci fica tion, with a nominal impedan ce of 1 00 ohms. Ca tegory 3, 4, or 5 cabl e may be u sed.
Cables A-7 Ethernet Cable Pinouts 12 Receiv e- 13 +12V 14 Sh ield Pin Signal.
A-8 Ca bles Ethernet Cable Pinouts.
PathBuilder S24x, 26x , and 27x Switch Specifications B-1 Appendix B PathBuild e r S24x, 26x, and 27x Switc h Specifications Overview The fo llowing se ctions list t he physical, electri cal, and environm enta l spec ificati ons for the PathBuilder S24x, 2 6x, and 27 x switch.
B-2 PathBuilder S2 4x, 26x, and 27x S witch S pecifications.
PathBui lder S24x, 26x, and 27x Swi tch Error C odes C-1 Appendix C PathBuilde r S24x, 26 x, and 27x Switch Err or Code s Overview Numeric LED Display The 2- characte r numeric LED dis play provi des sy stem dia gnostic c odes to assist in trouble shooti ng.
C-2 PathBui lder S24x, 2 6x, and 27x Swit ch Erro r Codes Note During a wa rm start, display sequenci ng sta rts with the “L2” cod e. 48 OFF ON FLASH write fa ilure 49 OFF ON Read error on Port 6 60 OFF ON Local DRAM exhaus ted 8.8. ON OFF PBIST (~ 3 seconds) (Blank) OFF OFF PBIST lamp-of f test (~.
T echnical Support D-1 Appendix D T echnical Support 3Com prov ides easy access to techni cal s upport in formation throug h a variety of serv ices. This appendix desc ribes the se services. Info rmat io n cont ained in this appe ndix is correct a t time of publicati on.
D-2 T echnical Supp ort 3Com Bulletin Board Service The 3Com BBS cont ains patc hes, software, and dri v ers for 3Com product s. This servic e is avail able th rough analog modem or di gital modem (ISDN) 24 hours a day , 7 days a we ek.
T echnical Support D-3 If you are unable to contact y our n etwork su pplier , see the following sec tion on how to conta ct 3Com. Support from 3Com If you ar e unabl e to obta in ass istan ce from the 3Com onli ne techni cal re sources o r from your network suppli er , 3Com off ers technical telephone support servic es.
D-4 T echnical Supp ort Retur ning Products for Repair Before y ou send a produc t dir ectly t o 3C om for repai r , you must firs t obt ain a Return Materials Au thorizat ion (RMA) number . Products se nt to 3Com wit hout RMA numbers will be r eturn ed to the s ender unopened, at the sender ’ s expense.
Index Index-1 Numerics 10 Base 2 Tr ansceiver 1- 9 10 Base T Tr ansceiver 1-41 3Com bull etin boa rd service (3Com BBS) D-2 3Com URL D-1 3ComFacts D- 2 -48V Ringer /Power Suppl y Card and En closure c.
Index-2 cables req uired 1-26 descri ption 1-10 , 1-26 example of (figur e) 1-27 functi ons provided 1-2 6 jumpers default s 1-29 defini tions 1-29 for UK and Ge rmany two- wire complex impeda nce 1-3.
Index-3 transc eiver 3-23 Instal ling T1 du al por t di gita l P BX i nterf ace c ard 3- 17 INT provi ding cloc k to the network 3-7 J Jump ers on -48V ri nger/power suppl y card defini tions 1-38 ins.
Index-4 Power S upply 1-11 removing/ replaci ng 4- 7 R Rack-Mount configu ration 1-8 instal lation 2-5 , 2-8 parts 2-6 Radio Fre quency Interfer ence Regula tions 1-42 RAM 1-12 instal lation 3-1 4 Reg.
Index-5 disabli ng 5-18 W Warm Rest ar t 3-2 4 World Wide Web (WW W) D-1.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts 3Com S26x (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie 3Com S26x noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für 3Com S26x - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von 3Com S26x reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über 3Com S26x erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon 3Com S26x besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von 3Com S26x verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit 3Com S26x. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei 3Com S26x gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.