Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 2009 MariStar X-Series des Produzenten MasterCraft
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20 0 9 MasterCraft Owner ’ s Manual 20 0 9 MasterCraft Owner ’ s Manual ProS tar MariS tar X-Series Saltwat er Series.
w elcome a boar d Congratulations on your bo ating choice! MasterCra is the recog nized world leader for inboard bo ats today and has b een for over forty (40 ) years. e qua lity , innovation, sel ecti on and value of MasterCra b oats are unmatched in t he industr y .
d a n g e r s , w a r n i n g s a n d c a u t i o n s rougho ut this man ual the terms “Dang er , ” “W arning, ” and “ Cautio n ” a ppear , alerting the b oat o wner and/o r operato r to danger ous o r potentially dang erous si tuatio ns that ma y arise.
Carbon mono xide is a colo rless, tasteless, odorles s and poison- ous gas tha t accumulat es rapidly a nd can cau se s erious in jury or death. Exposure t o carbon mono xide can be fatal in a ma tter of min utes.
char ge or even an exp losion of the ba ttery , which could result in death or serious in jury . (Pa ge 16-2, 16-4, and 19-2) e engine box serves as a machinery gu ar d. e engine m ust be OFF whenever the box is open. Clothing o r body parts c an get caugh t in movin g parts, causing death o r serious injury .
Some engine parts become very hot during opera tion. is in- spection must be com pleted whi le the engine is cool to p revent burns to y our skin. P erform this task befor e starting the boat. (Pa ge 16-2, 16-5, an d 16-6) T owers sho uld never have a t otal aggregat e weight of acces sories exceeding 85 lbs.
Crossin g cables o r jum per cables m ay result in damage to the electrical com- ponen ts due to inco rrect ba ttery connec- tions. Suc h damages ma y not be covered by yo ur warran ty . (Pa ge 16-4) A ttention m ust be paid to an y le akage occurr ing in the pr opeller sha log ar ea.
ta b le of contents W elcome A b oard ............................................................... i Danger s, W arnings & Cautio ns ...................................... ii Bo a ting Safety ....................................................
boa ting saf ety Y our safety , as well as the saf ety of others wi th and aro und you, is a direct resul t of how y ou opera te and main t ain yo ur boat.
Safety Equipment Federal law requires certain safety equi pment t o be on-bo ard your boat at all times. Responsi ble bo at ers carr y additional equipmen t in cas e of emergency .
• N ever operate the boat while under the inuence o f alcohol or drugs. • Never s tand or allow passeng ers to stand in the boat o r sit on the moto r box or to wer (where equi pped) while under way . Y ou or others ma y be thrown within o r from the boat, which could resul t in serious injury or death.
Do not tow more than two (2) persons at one time on a tow tower . The tow tower approved for use on your boat should be used only for water skis, wakeboards or recreational towables, and not for parasailing, kite ying or towing other boats. Do not add any attachments that are not approved for use on your MasterCraft boat.
common sense a ppr oac h is Owne r’ s M an ual has been dev el oped to he lp en sur e a n en jo yab le expe rien ce a s yo u bo at , w ake boar d a nd s ki wi th a f ab u- lo us Ma st erCr a boa t. As sta ted ear lier , thi s in fo rma tion is no t al l-in cl us ive .
r ules of the open w a ter J ust as there a re rules that ap ply when driving a ve hicle on the street, there a re wat er way rules that a pply when y ou ar e driving a boat on the wa ter . ese rules are used interna tionally , an d they are enfo rced by the U nited Sta tes Coast Guar d and local agencies.
Overtak ing If yo u are passin g another v essel, you a re the give-wa y vessel. is means tha t the other vessel is expected to main tain its course and s pee d. Y ou mus t stay ou t of its wa y as you c lear it, altering co urse and speed as necessar y .
guide to individual models Pr oStar 190 Battery (and ON-OFF Switch) Blower Exhaust Bow Light Circuit Breakers Center Drain Plug Engine Compartment Fuel T ank Filler Glove Box Instrument Panel Throttle.
Pr oStar 214 X-14 Fuel T ank Filler Blower Exhaust Center Drain Plug Glove Box Bow Light Circuit Breakers Instrument Panel Engine Compartment Throttle/ Shift Control X-1 Fuel T ank Filler Blower Exhau.
MariStar 215 X-15 Fuel T ank Filler Blower Exhaust Engine Compartment Center Drain Plug Glove Box Bow Light Circuit Breakers (additional breakers may be near battery box) Instrument Panel Throttle/Shi.
MariStar 230 X-30 Fuel T ank Filler Blower Exhaust Engine Compartment Center Drain Plug Glove Box Circuit Breakers (additional breakers may be near battery box) Instrument Panel Throttle/ Shift Contro.
MariStar 280 X-80 Fuel T ank Filler Blower Exhaust Engine Compartment Center Drain Plug Glove Box Circuit Breakers (additional breakers may be near battery box) Instrument Panel Throttle/ Shift Contro.
CSX 220 Fuel T ank Filler Blower Exhaust Engine Compartment & Seacock Access Center Drain Plug Circuit Breakers (additional breakers may be near battery box) Instrument Panel Throttle/ Shift Contr.
MariS tar 200, MariS tar 215, MariS tar 230, MariS tar 245, X-2, X-15,X-30, X-45 T op row of gauges from left: Oil pressure gauge Engine temperature gauge Video display gauge Speedometer Perfect Pass .
measur ements ProS tar 190 Length of Boat 19’8” Width Amidship 91” Boat Weight 2,620 lbs. Length of Boat w/Platform 21’6” T owing Length 22” T owing Width 100” Fuel Capacity 28 gallons T otal W eight Capacity 7 people or 1,087 lbs. ProS tar 197, X-7 Length of Boat 19’8” Width Amidship 91” Boat Weight 2,800-3,070 lbs.
instr ument g aug es & s witc hes Pro per contr ol of M asterCra boats extends beyond the st eering wheel. Each boat is equip ped with multip le gauges that p rovide inf ormatio n to guide the operat or in main taining con t rol .
e ster eo and com ponents co me with a separate m anual explaining o peration o f the devices. Pleas e review and become familiar with the equi pmen t. Attitude Adjustment or T rim T ab Switch (MariStar 230, X-30, MariStar 245, X-45, MariStar 280, X-80) Mast erCra utilizes Lenco at titude adj ust- ment p late kits o n several models.
When in following seas or when running an inlet, the plates should be fully retracted. This will allow for optimal performance. ELECTRO-MECHANICAL ACTUA TORS PROVIDE AN INST ANT RESPONSE. WHEN MAKING ADJUSTMENTS, USE SHORT MO- MENT AR Y T APS OF THE SWITCH.
harness(es) verify that the wiring has been ret urned to its origi- nal position and tha t all harnesses are r out ed correctly before at temp ting to use the boat again.
e lan yard is eq uipped with a hook on o ne end that sho uld be at tached to your clo thing or PFD , and the op posite end has a slide that ts over the igni tion switch. Be sure tha t the slide is rmly at tached to the ignition switc h before starting.
Fuel Gaug e (All Models) Fuel ga uge readings are o nly ap- pro ximate. is ga uge is activat ed with the ignition swit ch. e rocking motion o f the boat during no rmal operatio n will cause the fuel gauge to uctua te. F or a mor e accurate r ead- ing, make sur e that the boat is level and with li ttle or no mo tion presen t.
Multi-Function Gaug e (ProStar 190, ProStar 197, X-7, X-1 models only) is gaug e pro vides several func- tions o f inter est and su pport to the boater . A s a tachometer , i t indicates the engine speed in cranksha revo- lutio ns per minu te (RPM).
Shift/Thr ottle Contr ol (All Models) W ith the excep tion of the Ma riStar 280, X-80 and CSX-265, a on e-hand, single-lever con trol opera tes as both a gear shier a nd a throt tle. e lever au toma tically locks in the neu- tral position (straight u p and do wn) for saf ety .
that yo ur speed has reduced during normal opera tion, but y ou ha ve not ma nually slow ed the throttle, moni tor yo ur tempera ture ga uge. I f the gau ge indica tes excessive tem- peratur es during opera tion, slow down immediat ely a nd turn o the engine.
Select ing the TRIM tab goes to one o f the screens illustrat ed below . ese screens di splay the position of the in stalled single- trim tab or dual-trim tabs.
V oltmeter (All Models) e vol tmeter register s the electr ical activity necessary to operate yo ur boat. If the ba ttery (or batt eries, in boat models req uiring two [2]) is low o r non-functiona.
using car e when fueling Mast erCra boats ar e equipped with a highly inno vative fuel system. is system i s designed to pro vide years of tr ouble-free ser vice. Some of the la test innova t ions r elat ed to fuel handling safety ar e also incorporated in to the fuel delivery system.
fu el i njec tors and in take valves. Others can build u p deposits in comb ustion cha mbers and ma y lead to intake valv es sticking. ese lower level s of additiv es can have a n egative im p act on engine performance a nd vehicle r esponsiv eness.
Ste p 1: Ensure the seacock is open. Step 2: Ensure tha t there is diesel fuel in the tank. Full is better than partial, but if pa rti al is all, the tank should be at least one-q uarter or mor e full. Step 3: Ensure the 12-vo lt batt er y is fully charged .
saf ety c hec k s and ser vices e follo wing checks and services are essential to safe boa ting and m ust be performed. Get in the habi t of perform- ing these checks in the same o rder each outin g so that it becomes r outine. DO NOT launch or operate the boat if any problem is found during the Safety Check.
ne w boa t br eak-in e rst y (50) ho urs of opera tion are the m ost importan t for the boat. Pro per break-in will ensure maxim um p erformance and the lon gest possible pow er-train lif e. e br eak-in p eriod al- lows mo ving parts within the engine and tran smission to w ear- in pro perly .
See the S che duled M ain tena nce Che cks and Services section for mo re details. Failure to follow the engine oil recom- mendations listed in the engine manual can cause additional engine wear and increase the possibility of engine compo- nent failure.
star ting and basic oper a tion NO TE: If you a re operating this boat for the rs t time, you mus t follow the engine and drive train b reak-in procedures as describe d in the previous sec tion and the en gine manual.
Reverse: Raise the lier ball under the le ver knob a nd briskly pull the con trol lever back in to the forty-ve (45) degr ees of travel . rot tle movem ent will begin aer fo rty-ve (45) degrees. Once the shi has been com pleted, con tinue to m ove the con t rol lever slowly in the desir ed direction to increase speed.
oper a tional hints Mast erCra urges all who will be operating the boat to seek certied instruc tion from the local boating a uthorities. is sec- tion is designed to pr esent the most basic o perational princi ples. I t is NOT in tended to co ver all conditio ns encoun tered during operatio n.
W ith both steering an d pro pulsion a t the rear of the boat, the initiatio n of a turn pus hes the stern of the boat a way fro m the direction of the t urn. e stern follows a la rger turning cir cle than the bow . is i s especia lly impo rtant to rem ember when making maneuv ers within close quarters.
Engines should always be operated within engine manufacturer guidelines. Failure to do so may cause signicant damage to the engine and drive train and is not covered under warranty! Elev ati on an d w ea the r al so h av e a v ery no tice ab le e ect o n th e wi de- open -thr ot- tle po wer of a n en gin e.
lifting the boa t When the boat is h oisted fro m the water , pro per use of the stern eyes or a sling system is r equired fo r all MasterCra models. ough stern eyes ar e designed to li a boat fro m the water , car e must be taken to ensur e you do no t damage yo ur boat.
cor r osion pr e v ention NO TE: D AMAGE DUE T O C ORR OSIO N IS NOT CO VERED UNDER W ARRANT Y! Galvanic Cor r osion Gal va nic co rro sio n ( elect ro lys is) to the boa t is the deco mpos iti on of me tal d ue t o th e e ects o f e lectr olyt ic a ctio n.
c leaning the boa t P eriodic cleaning is the best way to k eep your boat looking like new . Regular washing a nd waxing keep dirt and build-u p from deteriora ting the nish. K eeping your boa t in a showr oom-new condi tion results in perso nal satisfaction and higher resale value.
Failure t o follow these instructions in the proper care of up- holstery may cause your warranty t o be voided! e cleaning tab le presen ted in this sec tion is o ered only as a suggestion a nd as an aid in a ttem pting to deal with stain s. W e do not guara ntee tha t the cleaning methods will work.
In most en vironmen ts, a thoro ugh clean- ing will be neede d a ppr oxima tely every two (2) years. e fabric can be clean ed whi le still in the boat. When clea ning, it is im portant to obser ve the fo llowing: • Always use a na tural soap—never detergen t.
Son of a Gun Orange 88 Degreaser Roll Off Bleach/Baking Soda T urtle W ax/T ar Remover APCO T annery Harbor Master Any product not listed above in the list of Acceptable Upholstery Cleaners! Do not use any silicone-based protectants because they will ex- tract the plasticizers, leaving the vinyl hard and brittle.
m a s t e r cr a f t b o a t ca r e pr o du ct s A t MasterCra we h ave made v er y eort to pro duce t he m ost environm enta lly fr ien dly produ cts avai lable for our bo at care lin e. W e u nders tand th at as lovers of t he outdo ors, we sh ould do our par t to pre se r ve ou r e nvironme nt for the next genera tion of boat ers.
MasterCr aft Micr ofiber Detailing Cloths Mast erCra Micro ber Detailing Cloths are the p roduct of recen t developmen ts in t he man ufacture a nd make-up o f ne- quality detailing to wels. ey fea ture a so surface that is ideal for high-quali ty cleaning and detailin g.
sc heduled maintenance c hec k s and ser vices F requenc y and Scheduled Maintenance Pro per care, ma intena nce and adj ustment will con tribute t o the peak p erforman ce of the Mas terCra boat, while also extending the overall serv ice life an d the resale value.
Quarterly (Every F ifty [50] Hour s) No te: M asterCra r ecommends tha t the following functions be per formed by auth oriz ed MasterC ra tec hnicians a t an aut ho- riz ed Mast erCra dea ler . Befor e the en gine has been s tarted o r aer i t has cool ed: • Lub ricate the engine s tarter gear and sha .
sc heduled maintenance Befor e Eac h Use Review t he Saf ety Checks a nd Serv ices section of this Owner’ s Ma nual. ere a re im portant functions tha t must be fo llowed before , during and a �.
the b ox wit h the water-and -b aki ng-s o da solut ion a s i s us ed in cleaning the terminals. Rinse with fresh wa ter and dr y wit h a clot h. • Reconnect the positive terminal rst, then the nega tive. Tigh ten the terminals. Coat both terminals comp letely with a thin covering o f marine grease.
The engine box serves as a machinery guard. The engine must be OFF whenever the box is open. Clothing or body parts can get caught in moving parts, causing death or serious injury . Keep away from moving parts! Attention must be paid to any leakage occurring in the propeller shaft log area.
Step 3: If leakage is a pparent, tigh ten the hose clamps, being careful to a void crim ping the hose. I f the leakage is signicant, o r is occurr ing a t a location other than the join ts (such as a spli t in a hose), see your au thorized Mast erCra dealer’ s ser vice dep artment f or parts and ser vice.
Quarterly (Every F ifty [50] Hour s) Mast erCra r ecommends that you r quarterly—or y (50) hour —main tenanc e requir ements be per formed by an au tho- riz ed Mast erCra dea ler . e sta there has th e proper equip - ment an d techn ical tra inin g to best meet your ser vice needs.
Some engine parts become very hot during operation. This inspection must be completed while the engine is cool to prevent burns to your skin. Perform this task before starting the boat. Step 1: Ensur e the engine is OFF and disco nnect the engine safety starting switc h.
Lubrica te the Shift and Thr ottle System Beca use this pr oces s shou ld be com plet ed whil e all mo vab le com- ponen ts of the driv e tra in a re NO T in motio n, Mas terCr a reco m- mends th is be done wh ile the boa t is out o f the wa ter . Step 1: Ensur e the engine is OFF and disco nnect the engine safety starting switc h.
Step 1: Run the b ilge blow er for a t least four (4) min utes t o ven tilate the bilge a rea each time before sta rting the engine. Step 2: Ins pec t the boat bilge a rea under the engine fo r the evidence of oil an d gasoline—or an y gasoline odor .
stor ag e and winteriza tion Sto rage or win ter lay-u p requir es special preparatio n to pr event damage t o the boat. Since wint er storag e is an ann ual event, it presen ts an excellen t opportuni ty to perform the ann ual mainte- nance a t this time, depending upon the a mount o f usage.
bein g r e-in stall ed i n th e boa t. N ever st or e ba t te ries clos e t o h eat, spa rk or am e-p rod ucin g device s. Step 3: Leave the engine bo x cover p ropped open abou t two inches (2”) to v entilate the en gine compa rtment.
Step 9: Cover the boat with a boat co ver or tarp . No te: If t he boat is to be stor ed outside an d subject to accum u- lations of sno w , water and ice, a sup port should be made for the boat cover so tha t it will not sag, rip or t ear , thereb y allowing water to en ter the boat.
pr opeller maintenance Pro peller damage is ca used by striking solid objects. If the pr o- peller is not ro tating a t the time it strikes a solid object, the dam- age is usually co nned to just o ne blade and ma y be dicult to see.
comf or t and con v enience Mast erCra o ers signicant stan dard and o ptional i tems to make the boating experience mor e enjoya ble. Some of these item s come with their own in struc tions a nd informa tion from the original man ufacturer .
lights, which ar e moun ted on the char ger face, indica te when the unit is r echarging a nd mainta ining the batt eries. Before cha rging a bat ter y , do no t operate the ch arger if the ca- bles or a n LED is damaged. Be sure tha t all accessories are OFF .
e U . S. Coa st Gu ar d r equir es a meth od o f r e s up p res sio n on ev- ery boa t ope ra tin g wi thin U .S . wa terwa ys. M ast erC ra ha s m ade thi s a n o pt ion al i ns talla tion beca use o f th e r ecogni tion tha t need s ca n va ry co ns ider ab ly .
On the CSX 265 head, the f ollowing instruc tions should be fol- lowed: Befor e operation: Step 1: Fill the fresh wat er tank and add deodoran t to the hold- ing tank through the to ilet bowl. Step 2: T urn on the inlet water su pply . Step 3 : T ur n on the electrical power to the system.
item s in front o f the ven ts, partic ularly when the hea ter is in use. e heat ed air coming o ut could cau se damage. Never run the hea ter in a conned space, suc h as a garage o r shop .
under the seat that a re immediat ely a o f the steering helm. ese large sta inless steel plat es attach t o the wall inside the stor - age bin, thr ough which coolant cir culates, similar to the o pera- tion of a r egular refrigerat or . No te that the r efrigerato r and the cold pla tes function o the boat ’ s e lectr ical system.
for O FF . T urn to the o ther direction to turn ON the Slic k B oot. Return to cen ter for O FF . ese instruc tions w ork whether the boat is equip ped with one (1) or both of the o ptions, b ut will not be found in boats tha t are n ot equip ped with either option.
Some platf orms fea ture a b racket, which allows the pla tform to fold do wn, reducing the a moun t of room r equired fo r storag e. No te that the platfo rms themselves a re fairly heavy , and r eleasing the bracket m ay res ult in the platfo rm falling down and striking the transom with ex cessive fo rce.
T ow ers Ma ny M asterCra models a re no w equipped with a to wer , whether as part of a standar d package or a s an optio nal addi- tion. Aga in, MasterCra stron gly encourages the occupan ts .
guide to tr oub leshooting MasterCraft 2009 Owner’ s Manual - Pa ge 20-1 e follo wing chart will assist yo u in nding and co rrecting minor mecha nical and electric al pr oblems with yo ur Mast erCra boat. Engine man uals include tr oubleshootin g suggestions r egarding driv e train issues.
limited w ar r anty sta tement 1. Limited W a rranty and T erm. Mast erCra Boat Compan y , LLC. (“ MasterCra ”) wa rrants to the o rigi- nal retail pur chaser that the fo llowing com ponents.
(a) damag e caused by misuse, n egligence, accident; co lli- sion or im p act with an y object; (b) d amag e caused by a ny im pro per alteratio n or modi- cation t o the boat or an y of its com po.
RIGHTS. Y OU MA Y H A VE OTHER RI GHTS WHICH V AR Y FROM S T A TE TO ST A TE. 5. L imitat ion of Liability . 5.1 L iability Limitat ion: Exclusion of Consequential Damages. is Limited W arran ty is for the benet o f the owner a nd Mast erCra, and shall not cr eate o r evidence an y right in an y third party .
dealer’ ser vice department, or to M asterCra ’ s facto r y at the below address, with in the applicable warranty peri od. For questions regarding warran ty s er vice or to obtain i nforma- tio.
w arr anty r e gistr a tion and tr ansf er Fo r the rst pur chase of a specic Mast erCra boat, the boat m ust be register ed. Y ou sho uld be aware tha t under federal law , comple- tion of the r egistration p rocess is a requir ement a nd should be com pleted as fo llows: 1.
ser vice log MasterCraft 2009 Owner’ s Manual - Pa ge 23-1 As Needed Date Date Date Date Replace raw water impeller Add/change oil and lter Replace battery Every 50 Hours Date Date Date Date Lubr.
inde x 12-V olt Receptacle ......................................................................5-1 A ccessor y Swi tch ........................................................................5-1 A ccessor y W eight on T owers .......................
Fuel Ga uge ...................................................................................5-6 Fuel Level R uns Out or T oo L ow (V olkswagen) .....................6-2 Fuel Level T oo Low (General) .................................................
Platf orms, Swim/Boarding ..................................................... 19-7 Preca utions, General ..................................................................1-1 Pro peller Main tenance ..................................................
W akeboard Safety , S kiing & ..............1-3 W arning Plates a nd Labels ................1-4 W arnings and Cau tions, Dang ers ....... ii W arranty Registra tion & T ra nsfer........................................ 22-1 W arranty S tatemen t, Limited .
World Headquarters MasterCraft Boat Company 100 Cherokee Cove Drive V onore TN 37885 U.S.A. 423•884•2221 423•884•2295 fax www ProStar MariStar X-Series Saltwater Series.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts MasterCraft 2009 MariStar X-Series (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie MasterCraft 2009 MariStar X-Series noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für MasterCraft 2009 MariStar X-Series - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von MasterCraft 2009 MariStar X-Series reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über MasterCraft 2009 MariStar X-Series erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon MasterCraft 2009 MariStar X-Series besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von MasterCraft 2009 MariStar X-Series verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit MasterCraft 2009 MariStar X-Series. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei MasterCraft 2009 MariStar X-Series gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.