Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DUAL 824 des Produzenten Linear
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SUPER VISED WIRELESS SECURIT Y CONTROL P ANEL DUAL 824 USA & Canada (800) 421-1587 & (800) 392-0123 (760) 438-7000 - T oll Free FAX (800) 468-1340 www Installation & P rogramming Instructions PRINTER’S INSTRUCTIONS: INSTR,INSTL,DUAL 824 - LINEAR P/N: 217703 D - INK: BLACK - MA TERIAL: 20 LB.
CONGRA TULA TIONS f or selecting Linear's DU AL 824 Security System. The Model DU AL 824P Control P anel and the Model DU AL 824KP Ke ypad incor porate man y advanced and sophisticated f eatures. The system can be expanded and customized to fi t the installation's specifi c needs.
1 1. THE DU AL 824 SECURITY SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CONTROL P ANEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DOOR/WINDOW SENSORS .
2 CONTROL P ANEL The DU AL 824P Control Panel is the heart of the system. It monitors all of the system's wireless sensors, hardwired loops, and controls the alarm sirens and Model DU AL 824KP hardwired ke ypads.
3 DOOR/WINDOW SENSORS The DXS-31 and DXS-32 sensors monitor doors and windows . They send radio signals to the Control P anel. One type of signal is sent when the door or window is opened, and a diff erent type of signal is sent when the door or window is closed.
4 E X AMPLE SY S TEM ✦ The e xample shows a typical DU AL 824 system. ✦ Any or all of the accessories shown can be used. ✦ A total of 24 sensors can be used with each Control P anel. Each wireless sensor , hardwired loop , and wireless ke ypad used occupies a sensor location.
5 HARDWIRED KE YP AD ✦ One or two hardwired k eypads can be used f or controlling the system. ✦ Three system status indicators: READ Y , ARMED , & TROUBLE ✦ Three system super visor y indicators: PO WER , BA TTERIES , & RADIO ✦ Five system mode indicators: OFF , CHIME , HOME , AWA Y & TEST ✦ 24 system sensor indicators.
6 1 BE AUTY COVER ★ The beauty cov er snaps open and shut to hide the keypad’ s keys, mode and supervisor y indicators, and the sensor location labeling area. 2 KE YP AD ★ Backlit k eys for easy vie wing in low light conditions. ★ For entering the user's user code (numerically or alphabetically).
7 1 BA TTER Y FUSE ★ T ype 2A G, 3-amp fuse for the backup battery . ★ If the ke ypad's POWER light is fl ashing and the optional bac kup batter y is installed and charged, check this fuse. ✎ WARNING: For continued protection against the risk of fi re, replace only with the same type and rating of fuse.
8 S Y S TEM LOCA TION ✎ NO TE: Wireless sensor signals must be ab le to reach the Contr ol Panel. ✔ T r y to centrally locate the Control P anel. ✔ Keep Control P anel aw ay from large metal appliances. ✔ Maximum recommended sensor range is 400 f eet (system tested at 1000 feet).
9 HARDWIRED KE YP AD INS T ALL A TION ✦ One or two Model DU AL 824KP ke ypads can be used with the DU AL 824P Control Panel (one ke ypad is included in the DUAL 824 system package). ✦ The ke ypad is supplied with a shor t wiring har ness and connector .
10 HARDWIRED L OOP WIRING ✦ The DU AL 824 suppor ts up to eight normally open/closed hardwired loops each with 2.2K end-of-line resistor super vision. ✦ Each hardwired loop that is wired and programmed uses one sensor location. ✦ Each hardwired loop can be programmed to an y sensor number .
11 E X TERNAL AL ARM SIREN CONNEC TION ✦ An e xter nal siren aler ts occupants and neighbors with a loud siren during alar m. ✦ Use a 12 volt, 1 amp maxim um rated weather- resistant hor n speak er with a built-in siren driver . Do not use a plain speaker without a siren driv er .
12 AUT OMA TION OUTPUT CONNEC TION ✦ The Control P anel provides a Automation Output to control lights, de vices and appliances. ✦ A utomation Output can connect to most popular home automation de vices and other simple electronic de vices (see fi gure).
13 CONTROL P ANEL POWER CONNECTION ✦ The Control P anel is powered by a lo w voltage plug-in transf or mer . ✦ Use up to 25 f eet of 20 A WG or larger 2-conductor wire to connect the transf or mer to the Control P anel. 1. Route the power wires from the plug-in transf or mer to the Control Panel.
14 ✦ In a new installation, when po wer is fi rst applied the system's master user code is “1234” . CRE A TE THE MAS TER USER CODE ✎ NO TE: Local programming m ust be entered on the system's hard wired keypad, not on a wireless keypad.
15 PROGRAM THE HARDWIRED L OOPS ✦ Each hardwired loop used must be progr ammed into the Control P anel's memor y . ✦ Each hardwired loop programmed uses one of the twenty f our availab le sensor locations. 1. Start with the system in T est Mode (enter the master user code and press TEST ).
16 PROGRAMMING DIFFERENT SENSOR TYPES ✦ F ollow the instructions on the previous page to select a sensor number to progr am the sensor into . ✎ NO TE: A sensor can be programmed into more than one location. Be sure to choose an UNUSED sensor number .
17 PROGRAMMING DIFFERENT SENSOR TYPES (CONT.) ✦ F or DXT -61, DXT -21, DXS-21, DXT -41, & DXS-62A single-button remotes , simply press the unit's button. ✎ NO TE: After the Control P anel recogniz es the transmitter , single-button remotes m ust be re-programmed as “panic buttons” or home automation controller s.
18 ✦ Each accessor y sensor is packaged with its own set of installation instructions specifi c to the model of sensor . ✦ Refer to the sensor's instructions f or details on installing, operating, and testing of the sensor .
19 D XS-3 1 & D XS-3 2 DOOR/WINDOW SENSORS ✦ The DXS-31 and DXS-32 sensors can be used to monitor doors, windo ws, cabinets, cr awl space doors, gates , freezer doors, and man y other moving objects that could be used f or intr usion or need to be monitored.
20 ✦ The system can be customized f or the specifi c installation. ✦ A label sheet with sensor location names is provided with DU AL 824KP ke ypads.
21 OFF MODE ✦ Use this mode to disarm the burglar y por tion of the system. ✦ The 24-hour functions are still active in Off Mode and can be triggered with wireless or hardwired sensors, or b y pressing the FIRE or EMERGENCY on the ke ypad(s). 1. Switch to Off Mode by entering the user code, and pressing OFF .
22 HOME MODE ✦ Use this mode when sleeping or when any one is sta ying inside. ✦ Home Mode causes an instant alarm when any perimeter sensor is tr iggered. ✦ Home Mode causes a dela yed alarm when any e xit/entr y sensor is triggered (except in Home Instant Mode when they are instant).
23 A W A Y MODE ✦ Use this mode when no one will be sta ying home. ✦ A way Mode causes an instant alarm when any perimeter sensor is tr iggered. ✦ A way Mode causes a dela yed alar m when any e xit/entr y sensor is triggered. ✦ A way Mode causes an instant alarm when any interior sensors (motion detectors, etc.
24 TES T MODE ✦ Ev en though this is a self-monitor ing super vised system, the National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association recommends that all security systems be tested manually on a regular basis . 1. The system must be in Off Mode bef ore s witching to T est Mode.
25 ✦ The DU AL 824P Control Panel is a self- monitoring super vised wireless system. If the Control P anel detects a problem with any of the super vised system sensors or with its pow er , it will d.
26 ✦ Adding additional sensors will increase the protection provided b y the system. ✦ All ground-le vel perimeter openings and accessible upper-story openings need protection. ✦ Motion detectors can protect interior areas and areas where valuab les are kept.
27 MAKING A SENSOR A 24-HOUR DOOR CHIME ✦ Sensors can be programmed to cause the ke ypad(s) to chime any time they're activ ated. ✦ Chime-only sensors will not be able to trigger the alar m in any system mode . ✦ The sensor must ha ve already been prog rammed into the Control P anel (see “Adding Sensors to the System” for details).
28 MAKING A SENSOR PERFORM A DIFFERENT FUNC TION ✦ Sensors can be reprogrammed to perf or m diff erent sensor functions. ✦ The sensor must ha ve already been prog rammed into the Control P anel (see “Adding sensors to the System” for details).
29 ✦ T o perform any of the adv anced programming steps, the system must be in the Setup Mode . ✦ Each programming function is perf or med with similar ke ystrokes. After the system is in Setup Mode, enter the progr amming step or sensor number and press HOME , then enter the ne w value and press AWA Y .
30 CHANGING A SENSORS SUPERVISION ✦ When a wireless sensor is programmed, the Control P anel automatically sets it to super vised or non-super vised. The hardwire loops are alwa ys super vised f or end-of-line resistor ter mination. ✦ The Control P anel expects hourly status transmissions from any wireless sensor programmed as supervised.
31 FIRE SIREN TIME ✦ The f actor y-set fi re siren time is fi v e minutes (UL installation maximum). STEP #32 The fi re siren time can be adjusted from one to 30 minutes using this step . AUT OMA TION OUTPUT TIME ✦ The f actor y setting causes the Automation Output to toggle between on and off with each activ ation.
32 SILENT BURGL ARY AL ARMS ✦ The f actor y setting causes audible b urglar y alarms. STEP #63 The Control P anel can be programmed f or silent burglary alar ms using this step . SILENT EMERGENC Y AL ARMS ✦ The f actor y setting causes audible emergency alar ms.
33 AUT OMA TION OUTPUT MODE DURING AL ARM ✦ The f actor y setting causes the Automation Output to fl ash if it is progr ammed to activate during or after an alar m. ✎ NO TE: For the Automation Output to activ ate during or after an alarm, that function must be enabled with Pr ogramming Step 71 or 72.
34 AUT OMA TION OUTPUT WHILE ARMED ✦ The f actor y setting causes the Control P anel's A utomation Output to activate when pressing the ke y , or when it's triggered with a two-b utton remote control.
35 ADDING ADDITIONAL USER CODES ✦ The Control P anel can be programmed with fi ve restricted user codes and one page aler t user code. ✦ The restricted user codes operate the system as usual, but cannot access Setup Mode .
36 ✦ T o perform any of the adv anced programming steps, the system must be in the Setup Mode . ✦ Each programming function is perf or med with similar ke ystrokes. After the system is in Setup Mode, enter the progr amming step number and press HOME , then enter the new v alue and press AWA Y .
37 GENERAL COMMUNICA T OR OPTIONS COMMUNICA T OR ENABLE ✦ The f actor y setting for the Control P anel disables the communicator . If the system is going to be a non-monitored, local alarm only , lea ve the communicator disab led.
38 CALL LIMITER ✦ The f actor y setting for the call limiter is OFF . This allows the comm unicator to repor t burglar y alarms, once for each sensor , as many times as they are triggered. STEP #101 The Control P anel can be programmed to only allow fi ve b urglar y repor ts total per ar ming period using this step .
39 COMMUNICA T OR REPORTING OPTIONS REPORTING F ORMA T ✦ The f actor y setting causes the communicator to repor t using the 4 BY 2 FORMA T . This format allows f our-digit account numbers from 0000 to 9999 and provides tw o-digit alar m codes. STEP #105 ADEMCO CONT A CT ID can be chosen as a repor ting format using this step .
40 ACCOUNT NUMBER ✦ The account number entered f or the communicator must be 4-digits long. ✦ The f actor y setting for the account n umber is 0000. STEP #88 Enter an account number from 0000 to 9999 using this step . PRIMAR Y TELEPHONE NUMBER ✦ The primar y Central Station telephone number can be up to 20-digits long.
41 REPORT CONTROL P ANEL TROUBLE ✦ The f actor y setting does not repor t Control P anel trouble e vents to the Central Station. STEP #108 The communicator can be progr ammed to repor t Control P anel trouble e vents using this step . These include all conditions that light the ke ypad(s) BA TTERIES or TR OUBLE indicator .
42 COMMUNICA T OR REPORTING CODES ✦ The 4 by 2 tw o-digit communicator repor ting code f or each ev ent has a factory set value. These v alues may be customiz ed to fi t the specifi c installation and the repor ting requirements of the Central Station monitoring the system.
43 S Y S TEM REPORTING CODES ✦ Ref er to the System Repor ting Codes table to view/edit the reporting codes for the k eypad FIRE and EMERGENCY buttons and f or each of the three Control P anel conditions. The f actor y settings are listed, along with a blank area to write in the new installation v alues.
44 4 BY 2 F ORMA T POINT ID REPORTING CODES 4 BY 2 F ORMA T POINT ID AL ARM REPOR T CODES ✦ Ref er to the 4 by 2 F or mat P oint ID Repor ting Code table to vie w/edit the alar m repor ting codes f or each of the 24 sensors. The communicator will send these codes if P oint ID is enabled and any sensor triggers an alar m.
LINE AR LIMITED W ARRANT Y This Linear product is warranted against def ects in mater ial and workmanship for tw elve (12) months. This warranty extends onl y to wholesale customers who b uy direct from Linear or through Linear's normal distr ibution channels .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Linear DUAL 824 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Linear DUAL 824 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Linear DUAL 824 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Linear DUAL 824 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Linear DUAL 824 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Linear DUAL 824 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Linear DUAL 824 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Linear DUAL 824. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Linear DUAL 824 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.