Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung P505R des Produzenten LG Electronics
Zur Seite of 142
User Guid e L G -P505R P /N : MFL6 7200202 (1.0) www .lg. com EN G L I S H.
This handset is not reco mmende d for the vi sually imp aired be cause of its touc h-scr een keyp ad. • Copy right ©2 011 LG Ele ctroni cs, Inc. All rig hts rese rved. LG and the LG log o are regis tered trad emark s of LG Gr oup and its related ent ities.
2 C on te nt s Important notice ........................ 5 Understanding Y our Phone ...... 14 Front View .............................. 14 Rear View ............................... 16 Installing the SIM card and battery ..............................
3 Sending a message ................ 56 Threaded box ........................ 57 Using smilies .......................... 57 Changing your message settings .................................. 57 Opening Email and the Accounts Screen ...................
4 C on te nt s Market™ ............................... 80 Google mail™ ........................ 80 Google T alk™ ........................ 81 Utilities ..................................... 82 Setting your alarm .................. 82 Using your calculator .
5 I mp or ta nt n ot ic e Ple ase chec k to see if any pro blems yo u have enc ounter ed wit h your pho ne are des cribed in thi s secti on, before tak ing the pho ne in for servi ce or call ing a servi ce repre senta tive.
6 T o che ck the bat tery cha rge lev el On the hom e screen , tou ch App licati on Laun cher ic on and sele ct Sett ings > Abou t pho ne > Stat us . The batt ery status (chargi ng, not char ging) and leve l (as a per centag e of fully char ged) are disp layed at the top of the scr een.
7 4. Usi ng Unl oc k pa tt ern Set unlo ck patte rn to secu re your pho ne. Opens a set of scre ens that gui de you thr ough dra wing a scr een unlo ck patte rn. W ARNIN G: Pr ecautio ns to t ake w hen us ing t he Patt ern Loc k, It is ve ry impo rtant that you r emem ber the unloc k patt ern you set.
8 hol d the Menu key du ring And roid Log o is displ ayed. Y our phon e will boo t all the way to the main screen and dis play "sa fe mode" in low er lef t corner . Sel ect Sett ings > App licati ons > M anage app licati ons , and choo se the appl icatio n then sel ect an Uni nstall icon.
9 T o turn Wi-F i on and con nect to a Wi-Fi networ k On the hom e screen , tou ch App licati on Laun cher ico n and sele ct Setti ngs > Wir eless & netw orks . T ouc h Wi-Fi to turn on WI FI and open WI -FI sett ings to sca n for avail able WI-F I net works.
10 8. Op en in g a nd Swi tc hi ng Ap pl ic ati on s Mu lti- tas king is ea sy wit h Andr oid bec ause ope n applic ations keep run ning eve n when you ope n ano ther app licati on. T here’ s no nee d to qu it an appli cati on be fore ope ning ano ther .
11 • T rans fer mul timed ia files (ph otos, vid eos, musi c) con venien tly with a sim ple drag & dro p betwee n a PC and pho ne • T rans fer the mes sages fr om a pho ne to a PC • Use yo u.
12 10 . Co nn ec tin g y our ph on e to a co mp ute r vi a US B NO TE: T o synchr oniz e you r phon e via USB c able w ith y our PC , you need to i nstall the LG PC suite pr ogram on yo ur PC . Y ou can down load this p rog ram fr om t he LG w ebsit e (www .
13 Not e: W hen unin stall ing PC Sui te IV , USB an d Blueto oth Dri vers are not aut omatic ally rem oved. The refore , they must be uni nstal led manu ally . Ti p! T o use a mic roSD car d on you phon e aga in, yo u nee d to o pen the Notifi cation draw er and touc h "T u rn off USB storag e".
14 Fr ont Vie w Pro ximity and Light Sensor s senses proxim ity towa rds oth er obj ects (su ch as your hea d) so that to uch comm ands ar e not acc identa lly acti vated dur ing a call . The Li ght Sens ors sen se amb ient lig ht and adj ust the sc reen bac kligh t accor dingly (if Aut omatic bri ghtne ss is acti vated) .
15 the pr otec tive film on the LCD ’ s pr oxim ity senso r . This can cau se the se nsor to malf uncti on. Pho ne icon ac cesses phone, Call log, Contac ts, and Favo rites . Men u Key open s a con text men u with opt ions th at affec t the cur rent scr een of an app licat ion.
16 Re ar Vie w Hea dset Jac k allow s you to plu g in an optio nal hea dset for con venien t, hands- free co nvers ations . The 3.5m m jack al so all ows you to plug in headph ones to lis ten to mus ic. Cam era Len s use for tak ing pict ures an d record ing vid eos.
17 Vo lume Ke ys allow you to adju st the rin ger , media vol umes and the in-c all vol ume duri ng a call. Bac k Cover enc loses the batt ery compa rtmen t. Acc essory/ Charg er Port al lows you to connec t the pho ne cha rger , USB cab le, or other compat ible acc essor ies.
18 In st al lin g t he S IM c ar d an d ba tt er y Befo re you can sta rt explo ring you r new phon e, you ’ll need to set it up. T o ins ert the SIM ca rd and batt ery: Hol d the phon e with bot h han ds and use the fi ngern ail cut out at the to p of the phon e to pul l open the bat tery cover (as show n below ).
19 Rep lace the batt ery cover ove r the back of the pho ne (as demo nstra ted belo w). App ly a steady dow nward pre ssure un til the ba ttery cov er click s into pla ce. Ch ar gi ng y ou r ph one Y our LG-P 505R co mes with a wal l adapte r and a USB cabl e whi ch conne ct toget her to cha rge your pho ne.
20 Bat tery tempe ratu re pro tectio n Tho ugh extr emely ra re, if the batt ery becom es overh eated , th e pho ne will au tomati cally tu rn off. Bat tery char ge leve l Y ou can fin d the batt ery charge lev el at the top rig ht of the scr een. When the batt ery level bec omes low , the pho ne will not ify you.
21 NO TES : Low- power USB port s are not su pporte d, such as the USB po rt on your keyb oard or bus -power ed USB hub . • T urn ing the Ph one On an d Of f T urni ng the pho ne on Pre ss and hol d the Powe r/Loc k Key for a coup le of sec onds. NO TE: The batt ery must be ful ly charg ed init ially to imp rove bat tery lifet ime.
22 T o inse rt a memory ca rd: T urn the ph one off be fore ins erting or removi ng the mem ory card. Rem ove the bac k cover . Sli de the slo t protec tion upw ards to un lock it an d flip it up to ope n it. Th en inser t the memo ry card int o the slot , mak ing sure the gol d contac t are a is facin g downwa rds.
23 Sli de the slo t protec tion dow nwards to lock it an d rep lace the batt ery cover . W ARNIN G! Do n ot in sert or r emove t he me mory car d wh en the phon e is o n. Othe rwise , it m ay da mage t he memo ry ca rd a s wel l as y our phon e, an d the data stor ed on t he me mory c ard may b e corr upted .
24 NO TE: If the re is cont ent on you r memory car d, the folde r str ucture may be diffe rent aft er format ting si nce all th e fil es will be dele ted. TIP : If your mem ory card is alr eady un mounte d, you can us e the foll owing ste p to format it.
25 Ge tt in g to Kno w th e H ome Sc re en The Home screen is you r start ing poin t to acces s all the fe atures on you r phone . It dis plays app licat ion shor tcuts , ic ons, widg ets, and oth er featu res. Quic k Icons Prov ide easy , one- touch acc ess to func tions.
26 wit h your fri ends, fam ily , an d acquai ntanc es. : ope ns the Lau nch scre en whic h displa ys phone opt ions and appl icati ons. : ope ns the Mes sagin g applic ation. : ope n the brow ser to sta rt surfi ng the web . T o ret urn to the Hom e scree n Pre ss the Hom e Key at any tim e, fro m any appli catio n.
27 T ouc h sc r ee n ti ps Her e are some tips on how to navi gate aro und you r phone. T ouc h - T o ch oose a men u/ opt ion or ope n an applic ation , tou ch it. T ouc h and hold - T o ope n an opt ions men u or grab an obj ect you want to move, tou ch and hol d it.
28 save s battery po wer . Als o, if yo u do not use th e phone for a whi le, the Hom e screen or cur rent scr een you ar e viewin g, is rep laced wit h the lock scr een to con serve batt ery life. If the re are any pr ograms runn ing when you lock th e phon e, they may be st ill runn ing in loc k mode.
29 T o wake up yo ur phone , pres s the Menu , Hom e , Back, Sea rch or Po wer keys . The lo ck scree n wil l appear . T ouc h the lock icon and drag you r finger to the righ t to unl ock you r Home scr een. The las t screen you wer e workin g on ope ns.
30 On the Add to Hom e scree n men u, tou ch the typ e of item you want to add. Fo r exampl e, touch Fo lders fro m the list to add a spec ific fold er to your Hom e screen . The n browse and cho ose the spec ific fol der you wan t to add . Y ou will se e a new folde r’ s ico n on the Home scr een.
31 Ap pl ic ati on s: How to Vi ew , Ope n a nd S wit ch All of the appl icati ons on you r phone, includ ing any app licat ions that you dow nload ed and ins talled from Andro id Marke t TM or oth er sou rces, are grou ped tog ether on one Lau nch scre en that yo u can acc ess from you r Home scr een.
32 Ope ning a nd Cl osing the Lau nch s creen Ope ning the Lau nch scr een Wit h your LG- P505R, it’ s easy to acc ess the Laun ch scre en no mat ter what feat ure you ’re cur rently usi ng. Simply press the Hom e key , then tou ch the App licati on Laun cher ic on .
33 Ent er the cate gory name , th en tou ch OK . Ope ning and Swi tchin g App licati ons Mul ti-tas king is eas y with And roid TM beca use ope n appl icati ons keep run ning eve n when you open anothe r appl icati on. Th ere’ s no need to qui t an appli cation before ope ning ano ther .
34 T ouc h the icon for th e other appl icati on you wan t to open. Swi tchin g betwee n multi ple app licati ons Pre ss and hol d the Home Key . A wi ndow ope ns wit h icons of appl icatio ns that you ’ve used rec ently . T ouc h the appli catio n icon you want to open.
35 Key on a scree n that has no Opt ions me nu, nothi ng will happ en. Som e applic ations have more Opt ions men u items th an can fit in the opt ions men u; touc h More to ope n the addi tiona l items. T ouch to open mo re menu it ems. Optio ns menus con tain items that apply to the curre nt screen or to the appli cation as a who le.
36 T o o pen th e Not ificat ions pan el T ouch and drag the Stat us bar to the bot tom of the sc reen. OR From the Home sc reen, pres s the Me nu Key and tou ch Noti ficat ions . The No tifica tions pane l displa ys your wireles s provi der and a list of your cur rent not ificat ions, orga nized int o ongoin g and even t-bas ed notif icatio ns.
37 Box or Goo gle sear ch. Some appl icati ons, such as Goo gle mai l, Con tacts , an d Browse r have the abil ity to sea rch con tents wi thin tho se spec ific appl icati ons. Alo ng with be ing able to sea rch by typ ing in sea rch term s, you are also able to sea rch by voic e.
38 Set ting a Loc k Pat tern fo r the Fir st Ti me Pre ss the Hom e Key , then tou ch the App licat i on Lau ncher ico n . T ouc h Settin gs g Lo catio n & secu rity . T ouc h Set up scr een loc k (un der the Sc reen unl ock sec tion). T ouc h Pattern .
39 T ouc h Pattern to chang e it (or tou ch None to remo ve it). Draw the patt ern you wis h to use and to uch Cont inue . Red raw the pat tern and touch Con firm . Usi ng a P IN or Pass word to Loc k the Scre en Pre ss the Hom e Key , then tou ch the App licat i on Lau ncher ico n .
40 ( Ca ution : If you per form a fact ory reset , al l user appl icati ons and us er data wil l be delet ed. Pleas e rem ember to bac k up any im porta nt data bef ore per formin g a factory re set.) T urn the po wer off. Pre ss and hol d the follo wing keys for 5 seco nds: Pow er/ Loc k Key + Home Key + Up Vol ume Key .
41 Y ou can add the foll owing typ es of ite ms to the Ho me scree n: Sho rtcuts : A dd short cuts to appl icati ons, a bookm arked web page, a favo rite con tact, a dest inati on in Goog le Maps, a Goog le mail labe l, a mus ic play list, and more . The sh ortcu ts avai lable depe nd on the appl icati ons you hav e insta lled.
42 T o c hange the Home scree n wa llpap er Pre ss the Hom e Key , then pre ss the Men u Key and tou ch Wal lpape r . Y ou can als o touch an d hol d an empty spot on the Hom e screen , then touch Wa llpap ers in the menu that ope ns. T ouc h Gallery , Liv e wa llpap ers, or Wal lpaper gal lery .
43 TIP : Y ou cann ot dele te the pre loaded applica tions . (O nly the ir icons can be del eted fro m the scre en.) The foll owin g applic ation s are av ailab le: We b Ope n the brow ser to sta rt sur fing the web .
44 Con tacts Use the Co ntact s applic ation to add , vi ew , and comm unica te wit h your fri ends, fam ily , an d acq uainta nces. Gal lery Gal lery allow s you to vie w photos and play vid eos.
45 Mus ic Mus ic allow s you to play music fil es that you hav e stored on you r microS D card. Y ou can als o cre ate playl ists. Set tings Thi s menu inc ludes se tting s for yo ur displ ay , sec urity , mem ory , and any ext ra setti ngs ass ociate d with you r phone.
46 No ti fi cat io ns pan el The Noti ficat ions pan el runs acr oss the to p of your scr een. Ring Airpl ane Mode GPS Bluet ooth Wi- Fi T ouc h and slid e the Noti ficati ons pan el down wi th your fi nger . Or , from the Hom e screen , pre ss the Men u Key and tou ch Not ificat ions .
47 Ico n Descri ption Pho ne micro phone is mut ed Mis sed call Blu etooth is on Con nected to a Blu etooth device Sys tem warn ing Ala rm is set New voic email Air plane mo de is set Sil ent mode is .
48 Qwe rty Keyp ad (Phon e Key pad) Shi ft Key - T ouch once to cap itali se the nex t letter you typ e. Dou ble-t ap for all cap s. XT9 Key - T ur n on or off XT9 Mod e. Set ting ke y Num ber and Sy mbols Ke y - T ouc h to chang e input to numb er and symb ol entry .
49 En te ri ng a cc ent ed let te rs Whe n you sele ct Frenc h or Spa nish as th e text ent ry lan guage, you can ent er spec ial Fre nch or Spa nish cha racte rs (e. g., “a ”). Aft er the cor respon ding le tter cha racter disappe ars, pre ss the sam e key repea tedly un til you see the sp ecial cha racter you wan t.
50 G oo gl e Ac co un t S et - up The firs t time you open a Goog le appl icati on on your phon e, you wil l be requi red to sig n in with you r existi ng Googl e accou nt.
51 Dow nload ap plicat ions fro m And roid Mar ket™; bac k up your set tings to Goo gle server s; and tak e advant age of oth er Googl e servi ces on you r phone. IMP ORT ANT Some applica tions, such as Cale ndar , work on ly with the firs t Google Acc ount you add.
52 C al l Ma ki ng a c al l Fro m the Home scre en, touch to ope n the dial pad. Enter the numbe r on the dia lpad. T o del ete a digit , tou ch the Cle ar icon . T ouc h the Call icon to mak e a cal l. T o end a cal l, touch th e End ico n . TIP : T o ent er “ +” to make int ernati onal cal ls, touch and hol d down .
53 Ad ju st ing ca ll v olu me T o adju st the In- call vo lume dur ing a call , pr ess the vo lume keys on th e right si de of the pho ne. Ma ki ng a s ec ond ca ll Du rin g y our ini ti al c all , to uch . Dia l the numb er , or se arch you r contac ts to sele ct the num ber you wa nt to call .
54 C on ta ct s Y ou can add con tacts on you r pho ne and syn chroni ze them wit h the cont acts in yo ur Googl e Acc ount or ot her acco unts tha t sup port syn cing con tacts . Se ar chi ng for a co nt act Fro m the Home scre en, tou ch to ope n your con tact lis t.
55 T ouc h the gold star to the rig ht of the con tact’ s nam e. The star turns gre y and the con tact is re moved fr om your favo rites . 3.
56 M es sa gi ng / E- ma i l Me ss ag ing Y our LG-P 505R co mbine s SMS and MMS in to one int uitiv e, eas y-to-u se menu . Se nd in g a me ss ag e T ouc h the Mess aging ico n on the Hom e scree n, and tou ch New mes sage to op en a blan k messag e.
57 NO TE: W hen you get an SMS mes sage dur ing a call , you will hear a ring not ificat ion. Th r ead ed box Mes sages (S MS, MMS) exc hanged with anot her par ty can be dis playe d in chron ologic al ord er so that yo u can con venien tly see an ove rview of you r conver sation .
58 Ope n the Emai l applic ation. If you ’re not on the Acc ount scr een, pres s the Menu Key and touc h Accou nts . - T ou ch to ope n your Com bined In box, with mes sages sen t to all of you r accoun ts. - T ou ch to ope n a lis t of your sta rred mes sages.
59 Re sp on din g t o a Me ss ag e Y ou can rep ly to, forwa rd, or del ete mess ages. T o mark a mes sage as un read Y ou can set a mess age to appe ar as tho ugh it has not been rea d – for exam ple, to rem ind you rself to rea d it again la ter .
60 Co mp os ing an d Se ndi ng Em ai l T o comp ose and send a mes sage While in the Emai l appl icati on, press the Me nu Key and to uch Comp ose . Ent er an addr ess for the mes sage’ s inte nded rec ipien t. As you ent er text, matchi ng add resses are offer ed from you r Contac ts.
61 (or with the Sent la bel), you wil l oft en need to open the Sent fold er/la bel and se lect Ref resh fro m the opti ons menu . W or kin g w ith Ac cou nt Fo ld er s Eac h accoun t has Inbo x, Out box, Sent , an d Drafts folders .
62 So ci al Ne tw or kin g Wit h your pho ne, you can en joy soc ial netw orkin g and manag e you r micro- blog in on line com muniti es. Y ou ca n update you r curren t status , uplo ad pho tos and vi ew your fr iends’ stat us updat es in real -time .
63 TIP : Y ou can us e inform ation abou t frien ds in SNS onl y or syn c all data to you r Con tacts. Re mo vi ng a cc oun ts on yo ur pho ne Pre ss the Men u Key and tou ch Set tings g Acc ounts & sy nc g Choos e an accou nt you wan t to del ete g Rem ove acc ount .
64 C am er a Ge tt in g to kno w th e v iew fi nd er Zoo m Zoo m in or zoom ou t. Alt ernat ively , you can us e the side vol ume keys . Bri ghtnes s Thi s define s and cont rols the amount of sun light ent ering th e image.
65 TIP : Y ou can cl ose all th e sho rtcut op tions to giv e a cle arer vie wfind er scree n. Jus t touch th e center of the vie wfinde r once. T o rec all the opt ions, tou ch the scr een agai n. Us in g th e fo cu s mo de Y ou can cho ose from the foll owing focu s modes : Aut o Focus – Set the cam era to focu s autom atical ly .
66 On ce you ’v e ta ke n th e ph ot o Y our capt ured pho to will appe ar on the scr een. Sha re T ouc h to share you r pho to via Blu etooth , Ema il , Faceb ook, Gma il , Messa ging , Pic asa or T witte r . NO TE: Add itiona l charg es may app ly when MM S mes sages ar e used whi le roa ming.
67 Whi te balan ce – Choos e from Aut o , Inc andes cent , Sun ny , Flu oresc ent , and Cl oudy . Col or effec t – Choose a colo r effe ct for you r new phot o. Onc e you’ve mad e your sel ection s, use the Ba ck Key to clo se the men u. Y ou are th en rea dy to take a pict ure.
68 – T ou ch when ever you wan t to know how thi s functi on ope rates. Th is provi des you wi th a quic k guide . TIP : W hen you exit the cam era, all set tings wil l ret urn to the ir defau lts, exc ept imag e size and imag e qua lity . Any non defau lt set tings mu st be rese t, such as Col or effec t and ISO.
69 V id eo c am er a Ge tt in g to kno w th e v iew fi nd er Zoo m Zoo m in or zoom ou t. Alt ernat ively , you can us e the side vol ume keys . Ma ke sure to set the zo om funct ion befo re reco rding bec ause you can not cont rol it whi le reco rding .
70 Sh oo ti ng a qui ck vid eo Sli de the cam era mode but ton dow n. The icon will change to . The vide o camer a’ s vie wfind er wil l appear on the scr een. Hol ding th e phon e hori zonta lly , poi nt the len s toward s the sub ject of th e video.
71 Whi te balan ce – T he white bal ance ens ures any of the white are as in your vide o are real istic . T o enab le your ca mera to ad just the whit e balan ce corre ctly , you may ne ed to dete rmine th e lig ht condi tions . Ch oose fro m Aut o , Inc andes cent , Sun ny , Flu oresc ent , and Cl oudy .
72 W atc hi ng you r sa ve d vi de os In the vie wfind er , touch . Y our gall ery will app ear on the scr een. T ouc h a vid eo to start play ing it aut omati cally . Ad ju st ing th e vo lum e wh en vie wi ng a v id eo T o adju st the vol ume of a vid eo whi le it is play ing, use th e vol ume keys on the rig ht hand sid e of the phon e.
73 Se tt in g a ph ot o as wa ll pa per T ouc h the phot o you want to set as wal lpaper to open it. T ouc h the scre en to open the opt ions men u, then tou ch Men u .
74 Y ou can sto re m ul tim edi a f ile s to a me mor y ca rd t o ha ve e as y ac ces s to all you r i mag e an d vi de o fi les . T ouc h th e Ap pl ica tio n L aun ch er ic on the n select Gal lery .
75 Se nd in g a vi de o T o send a vid eo, touch and hol d the vide o you want . Sel ect Shar e . Choos e from Ema il, Bluet ooth, Y ouT ube , Mes saging , or Go ogle mai l. Wh en y ou cho ose Ema il , Go ogl e m ail or M ess ag ing , yo ur v id eo w ill be a tt ach ed to a me ssa ge .
76 Onc e you are con necte d to you r PC via mass sto rage, you can view the conte nts of SD car d and tran sfer fil e from it by usi ng your PC . NO TE: Y ou need to ins tall an SD car d first . With out an SD car d, you can not use US B mas s storag e.
77 NO TE: Mus ic file copy right s may be prot ected by int ernati onal tr eaties and nati onal co pyrigh t laws. The refore , it may be nec essary to ob tain per missio n or a licen ce to rep roduce or copy mus ic. In som e count ries, nati onal laws pro hibit pri vate copy ing of cop yrigh ted mate rial.
78 NO TE: Y ou can als o manual ly tun e in to a statio n using the dis played whe el. Re se tt ing ch ann el s Pre ss the Men u Key and cho ose Rese t Channe l to res et the cur rent cha nnel, or cho ose Rese t all cha nnels to res et all the chan nels.
79 Fir st, set up a Goog le acc ount. Ent er your us er nam e and pass word. Aft er signi ng in, your con tacts, ema il, and cale ndar in you r Google acc ount wil l aut omatic ally sy nchron ize wit h you r LG-P50 5R. Go og le Ma ps ™ Che ck your cu rrent lo cation and tra ffic and rece ive dir ectio ns to you r destin ation.
80 Ma rk et ™ And roid Mar ket™ let s you dow nload us eful ap plicat ions an d gam es. If you ins tall app licati ons and game s from Andr oid Mar ket™, they appear in the appl icati ons menu . Y ou can che ck downl oaded appl icati on by pre ssing the Me nu Key and tou ching th e Downl oads tab .
81 Pre ss the Men u Key , the n touch Ref resh to send or receiv e new emai ls and to sy nchro nize you r emails wit h your Goo gle Mai l™ accou nt on the we b. Pre ssing th e Menu Ke y , you can com pose an em ail, view you r Acc ounts, Go to labe ls , Sear ch and Mor e .
82 Se tt in g yo ur al ar m Fro m the Home scre en, touch the App licat ion Laun cher ico n and sele ct Cloc k . If you wan t to add a new ala rm, touch . T ouc h Add alarm and se t the time . The n touch to tur n on the alar m. Af ter you set the ti me, the LG- P505R wil l let you kno w how much tim e is left bef ore the al arm sou nds.
83 I f y ou w ou ld l ik e to ad d a n ot e t o yo ur e ve nt , to u ch th e D es cr ip ti on fi e ld an d en te r t he d et ai ls . - If you hav e more tha n one cal endar , you can choo se the cale ndar to whi ch to add the even t. - In the Gue sts fie ld, enter th e ema il addre sses of ev eryone you want to invite to the eve nt.
84 Usi ng opt ions Pre ss the Men u Key to use th e foll owing opt ions: New – Add a new Doc ument, Spread sheet , Pre sentat ion or Fol der . Refr esh – Refr esh data . Sort – Sor t by Name, Date or Siz e. Pref erenc es – A djust Thi nkFree Office se tting s.
85 Br ows er Bro wser giv es you a fast , ful l- col or world of gam es, music , new s, spo rts, ente rtain ment, and muc h more, righ t on your mo bile pho ne, where ver you ar e and what ever yo u’re int o. NO TE: Add itiona l charg es appl y when con necti ng to the se servic es and dow nloadi ng cont ent.
86 Sett ings – Set the bro wser sett ings. TIP : T o ret urn the pre vious web page , pres s the Bac k Key . Ad di ng an d a cce ss in g bo ok ma rks Pre ss the Men u Key , then tou ch Bookm arks . T ouc h Add and ent er a name foll owed by it s URL.
87 S et ti ng s Wi r ele ss & ne tw ork s All ows you to mana ge W i-Fi an d Blu etooth connec tions . Y ou can als o set Mobi le netwo rks and Air plane mo de. Air plane mo de – W hen Airpl ane mod e is activ ated, all wi reles s com munica tions are disa bled.
88 patt ern to unl ock the scre en. Set up Sim car d lock – Se t up a PIN to be req uired for ph one use or cha nge the SI M PIN. Vis ible pas swor ds – Selec t to sho w passw ords as yo u typ e them or des elect to hid e pas swords . Sel ect devi ce admin istr ators – Add devi ce admi nistr ators.
89 T ouc h Format th e SD card if you want to delete all data fr om the SD car d. Se ar ch T ouc h Google sea rch to ad just Goo gle sear ch setti ngs. T ouc h Searc hable ite ms to adj ust the se ttings in order to get nec essary inf ormati on effec tivel y .
90 W i- F i Wit h Wi -Fi, you can use high- spe ed Inter net acce ss with in the cov erage of the wi reles s access poi nt (AP). Y ou can enj oy wirel ess Int ernet wit h Wi -Fi with out ext ra charg es. T urn on Wi -Fi Fro m the Home Scre en , open the Noti ficat ion Bar an d touch on.
91 Sh ar in g yo ur ph on e’ s mo bi le da ta con ne ct ion Y ou can sha re your ph one’ s mob ile data conn ectio n with a sing le comp uter via a USB cabl e: USB teth ering . Y ou can als o share yo ur phone ’ s data con nectio n with up to fiv e dev ices at onc e, by turnin g your pho ne into a por table Wi- Fi hot spot.
92 TIP : T o use USB T e theri ng, you need to instal l PC Suite on to yo ur PC firs t. Por table Wi- Fi hotsp ot – Check to sha re your phon e’ s mobile net work dat a connec tion as a por table Wi-F i hotsp ot.
93 Unc heck USB tet herin g to sto p shari ng your dat a con nectio n. Or just di sconne ct the USB ca ble. NO TE: Whe n using th e USB tet hering , you r phone ca n be con necte d to 3G netw ork only . Under the statu s of the USB teth ering , Wi- Fi netwo rk con nectio n will be di sabled .
94 T o re na me or s ecu r e yo ur po rt ab le h ot spo t Y ou can cha nge the na me of you r phone’ s Wi-Fi networ k nam e (SSID) and sec ure its Wi-F i net work. On the hom e screen , tou ch App licati on Laun cher ic on and sele ct Sett ings . T ouc h Wirel ess & netw orks and sele ct T ethe ring &po rtabl e hot spot .
95 A TTENT ION! If you set the sec urity op tion as Ope n , you can not preven t una uthori sed usi ng onlin e servi ces by othe r peopl e and addi tiona l charg es can be inc urred . T o avoi d una uthori sed use , yo u will be bet ter to kee p the secu rity opt ion.
96 Ph on e So ft wa re upd at e LG Mob ile Pho ne Softw are upd ate from int ernet For more informa tion on ins tallin g and usin g this pro gram, ple ase visi t LG Home (h ttp:// ww w .l g.c om ) an d go to S upp or t > Mob ile Phon e Suppor t with you r PC.
97 The re are a vari ety of acc essor ies avai lable fo r your mob ile phon e, whi ch may be sol d separa tely . Y ou can sel ect the se optio ns acc ording to your per sonal com munica tion re quirem ents. Consul t you r local de aler for avai labili ty .
98 B ef or e us in g th e mo b il e ph on e, pl ea se r e ad fi r st ! Ho w to sa ve m us ic/ vi de o fi le s to the ph one Con nect y our p hone to th e PC usi ng the USB cable . T ouc h and drag do wn the Not ificat ion Bar on the Hom e scr een. T ouch USB con necte d > T urn on USB storag e > Ope n folder to vie w files .
99 Expo rting con tacts: Run the Cont acts app licati on. T ou ch the ad dress yo u want to exp ort to. T ouch Men u and selec t Shar e g Blue tooth g Check If Blu etooth is turned on and sele ct Scan fo r device s g Choo se the dev ice you wa nt to send data to from the list.
100 Ple ase chec k to see if any pro blems yo u have enc ounte red with you r pho ne are des cribed in this sec tion, before ta king the phone in fo r servi ce or call ing a servic e repres entat ive.
101 Cate gory Sub- Category Qu estion An swer Goog le TM Serv ice Goog le mail Log- In Shou ld I have to log int o Google ma il when ever I want to acce ss Google ma il? Once you lo g into Googl e mail, you do n’t need to log in Goog le mail aga in.
102 Cate gory Sub- Category Qu estion An swer Phon e Func tion Navi gation Is it pos sible to ins tall anot her naviga tion appl ication on my phon e? Any app licatio n that is ava ilable on Andr oid Market TM and is comp atible wi th the har dware can be install ed and used.
103 Cate gory Sub- Category Qu estion An swer Phon e Func tion Unlo ck Patt ern What shou ld I do if I forgo t the Unloc k Patt ern and I didn ’t crea te the Googl e acco unt on the pho ne? With out enteri ng the Unlo ck Patter n, you will not be able to acc ess your pho ne.
104 Cate gory Sub- Category Qu estion An swer Phon e Func tion Memo ry Is it pos sible to sav e a pict ure to the int ernal memo ry after tak ing a pict ure? Pict ures, alo ng with Mus ic and Video files, can onl y be saved to ex ternal me mory. Emai l and Applic ations ca n be saved to the int ernal mem ory.
105 Cate gory Sub- Category Qu estion An swer Phon e Func tion Tact ile feedba ck I’ve turn ed off hapti c feed back on my pho ne. Howe ver, when I di al a numb er, the phon e still vibr ates. How do I turn this off? 1. Fr om the Home sc reen, pres s the Menu Key .
106 Cate gory Sub- Category Qu estion An swer Phon e Func tion Came ra My phon e’s camer a does not ta ke picture s and say s “No SD Card or SD car d is not read y!”. Why doe sn’t it work ? A micro SD card mus t be inserte d in order to use th e phone’s came ra.
107 Cate gory Sub- Category Qu estion An swer Phon e Spec Batt ery Time What is the maxi mum amou nt of time my phon e’s batter y will last befo re I need to rech arge it? Talk time : Appr ox.
108 Cate gory Sub- Category Qu estion An swer Reco very Solu tion Fact ory Reset How can I perf orm a fact ory reset if I can’ t acce ss the phone ’s sett ing menu? How to pe rform a fact ory reset : 1. Turn the power off . 2. Pr ess and hold : Power/L ock Key + Home Key + Up Vo lume Key.
109 Im po rt ant In for ma ti on Thi s user gui de conta ins imp ortant informa tion on th e use and op eratio n of this ph one. Ple ase read all the info rmati on car efully for op timal per forman ce and to pre vent any dam age to or mis use of the pho ne.
110 T urn off yo ur phone in a med ical fac ility or at a gas stat ion. Neve r pla ce your ph one in a micr owave ove n as this wil l cause the batt ery to explo de. IMP ORT ANT! Please rea d the TIA SAFE TY INFO RMA TION on page 116 befo re usin g your pho ne.
111 • Do not use a han d-hel d phone whi le drivi ng. • Do not use th e phone in are as whe re its use is pro hibit ed. (Fo r exampl e: aircra ft). • Do not expo se the bat tery cha rger or ad apter to dire ct sun light or use it in pl aces wit h high hum idity , such as a bath room.
112 • Only use th e batter ies, ant ennas, and char gers pro vided by LG. The warr anty wi ll not be appl ied to pro ducts pro vided by oth er suppl iers. • Only auth orize d person nel sho uld servic e the phon e and its ac cesso ries. Fau lty ins tallat ion or servi ce may res ult in acc idents and con sequen tly inva lidat e the war ranty .
113 FC C RF Ex pos ur e In fo rm ati on W AR NIN G Rea d this inf ormati on befo re ope rating the pho ne. In Augu st 1996, the Fede ral Com munica tions Com missio n (FC C) of the Uni ted Stat es, wi.
114 acc essori es cont ainin g metall ic com ponent s shoul d not be used . Bod y-worn access ories that can not main tain 2cm (0.79 inc hes) sep aratio n dista nce bet ween the use r's body and .
115 Ba tt er y Di sp osa l • Please dis pose of yo ur batte ry pro perly or brin g to your lo cal wir eless ca rrier for re cycli ng. • Do not disp ose in fir e or with haz ardous or flamma ble mate rials . Ad ap te r (C ha rge r) Ca ut io ns • Using the wrong bat tery cha rger cou ld damag e your pho ne and voi d your war ranty .
116 TI A Sa fe ty Inf or mat io n Pro vided he rein is th e comple te TIA Safe ty Infor matio n for Wir eless Ha ndhel d phones . Inc lusion of the text cov ering Pac emaker s, Hearin g Ai ds, and Othe r Medic al Devic es is req uired in the own er’ s manual for CT IA Certi ficat ion.
117 An te nn a Ca re Use only the sup plied or an appr oved re placem ent ant enna. Una uthori zed ant ennas , mod ificat ions, or attach ments cou ld damag e the phon e and may vi olate FC C regula tions .
118 Pa ce ma ker s The Heal th Indu stry Man ufactu rers Asso ciati on rec ommend s that a min imum sep aratio n of six (6” ) inches be mai ntaine d betwe en a handh eld wir eless ph one and a pa cemake r to avo id poten tial in terfer ence wit h the pace maker .
119 use equi pment that coul d be sen sitive to extern al RF ener gy . V eh ic le s RF sig nals may aff ect impr operly ins talled or inadeq uately shi elded el ectro nic syst ems in mot or vehi cles. Che ck wit h the manu factur er or its rep resent ative reg arding your veh icle.
120 the air co ntain s chemic als or par ticles (such as gr ain, dust , or met al powde rs); and any other are a where yo u would no rmally be adv ised to turn off your veh icle eng ine. Fo r V eh ic le s Eq ui ppe d wi th an A ir B ag An air bag infl ates wit h great forc e.
121 • Replac e the batt ery when it no lon ger pro vides ac ceptab le per forman ce. T he batte ry can be rec harge d severa l hundr ed tim es befor e replac ement . • Rechar ge the bat tery after lon g period s of non-u se to max imize ba ttery life .
122 • Do not shor t-cir cuit the battery . Met alli c artic les su ch as a co in, pape rclip or pen in your poc ket or bag may sh ort-c ircuit the + and – term inals of the battery (me tal stri ps on the bat tery) upo n moving . Shor t-cir cuit of the ter minal may da mage the batt ery and caus e an exp losion .
123 • Do not pain t your pho ne. • Th e data save d in your pho ne mig ht be dele ted due to car eless us e, repair of the pho ne, or upgra de of the sof tware. Please backup you r imp ortant phone num bers. (Ri ng tones , text message s, voi ce messa ges, pict ures, and vid eos coul d also be de leted.
124 res earch. In some ca ses, othe r res earche rs have ha d diffic ulty in rep roduc ing thos e studi es, or in de termi ning the rea sons for in consi stent re sults .
125 fed eral lev el. T he follo wing agen cies be long to th is wor king gro up: • Nationa l Insti tute for Occ upatio nal Safe ty and Hea lth • Enviro nment al Prote ction Age ncy • Occupat ion.
126 ’, ‘mob ile’, or ‘P CS’ pho nes. The se types of wir eless pho nes can ex pose the use r to mea surab le radio frequ ency ene rgy (RF) beca use of the sho rt dista nce betw een the phon e and the us er’ s hea d.
127 exp osed the ani mals to RF for up to 22 ho urs per day . The se condi tions are not sim ilar to th e condit ions und er which peo ple use wir eless ph ones, so we don ’t kno w with cer taint y what the resu lts of suc h studi es mea n for human hea lth.
128 Thi s is becau se the int erval bet ween the tim e of expos ure to a can cer -cau sing age nt and the time tumors dev elop - if they do may be ma ny , many yea rs. Th e inter pretat ion of epi demiol ogica l studie s is ham pered by diff icult ies in mea suring actual RF exp osure dur ing day- to-day use of wir eless ph ones.
129 fun ded rese arch is co nduct ed thr ough con tract s with ind epende nt inve stigat ors. The ini tial res earch wil l includ e bot h laborat ory studi es and stu dies of wi reless phone use rs.
130 exp osure le vel in the onl ine lis ting. 8. What has the FDA don e to mea sure th e radio frequ enc y ene rgy com ing from wir eless pho nes? The Ins titut e of Elect rical and Ele ctroni c Engin.
131 eve n potent ial risk s, you can tak e a few sim ple step s to min imize yo ur expos ure to rad iofreq uency energy (R F). Sin ce time is a key fac tor in how muc h exposu re a per son rece ives, reduci ng the amo unt of tim e spent us ing a wir eless ph one will reduce RF exp osure.
132 exa mple, the gov ernmen t in the Uni ted King dom dis tri bute d lea flet s cont ain ing suc h a rec ommen dation in Dec ember 200 0. The y not ed that no ev idenc e exi sts that usin g a wirele ss pho ne cause s brain tum ors or oth er ill effe cts.
133 that no in terfer ence oc curs whe n a per son uses a ‘ com patibl e’ phone and a ‘ com patibl e’ heari ng aid at the same t ime. Th is sta ndar d was appr oved by th e IEEE in 200 0. Th e FDA cont inues to mon itor th e use of wir eless ph ones for pos sible int eracti ons wit h other med ical dev ices.
134 1. Get to kn ow your wire less pho ne and its feat ures suc h as spe ed dial and re dial. Car efully rea d your ins truct ion man ual and le arn to tak e adv antag e of val uable featu res mos t phones offe r , inc ludin g aut omatic red ial and me mory .
135 sit uation bec ause you are rea ding or wr iting an d not payi ng atten tion to the ro ad or nea rby vehi cles. 6. Dial sen sibly an d assess the tra ffic; if poss ible, place ca lls whe n you are not mov ing or befo re pull ing into tra ffic.
136 or oth er seri ous emer gency whe re lives are in dan ger , call 911 or oth er local emerge ncy num ber , as you wou ld want oth ers to do for you . 10. Call ro adsid e assist ance or a spe cial wir eless non emerge ncy ass istan ce num ber when nec essary .
137 of sci entif ic studi es. T he sta ndards includ e a substa ntial saf ety marg in desig ned to ass ure the sa fety of al l person s, reg ardles s of age and heal th. The expo sure st andar d for wir eless mo bile pho nes emp loys a unit of me asurem ent kno wn as the Spe cific Abs orpti on Rate, or SAR .
138 the gove rnmen t requi rement for saf e exposu re. The FCC ha s grante d an Equ ipment Au thoriz ation for thi s model ph one with all rep orted SA R levels evaluat ed as in co mplia nce with the FCC RF emi ssion gui delin es.
LIMITED WARRANTY ST A TEMENT 1. WHA T THIS WARRANTY COVERS: LG offers you a limited warranty that the enclosed subscriber unit and its enclosed accessories will be free from defects in material and workmanship, according to the following terms and conditions: 1.
8. Products serviced by non-authorized persons or companies. Notes: 1. This limited warranty supersedes all other warranties, expressed or implied either in fact or by opera- tions of law , statutory or otherwise, including, but not limited to any implied warranty of merchant- ability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts LG Electronics P505R (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie LG Electronics P505R noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für LG Electronics P505R - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von LG Electronics P505R reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über LG Electronics P505R erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon LG Electronics P505R besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von LG Electronics P505R verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit LG Electronics P505R. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei LG Electronics P505R gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.