Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 200 Series des Produzenten Apple
Zur Seite of 88
P o w er B o o k Us e r ’ s Gu i de Includes setup and important health-related infor mation for P owerBook 200 Series computers.
K Apple Computer , Inc. © 1994 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement.
iii C ommunic ati ons re gu lat i on i nformati on v i 1 Ge tt i n g Sta r t ed 1 Plu g gi n g in the computer 1 Op ening t he displ a y 3 T ur ning on t he computer 4 Prob lems tur ni n g on y our co.
Ident ifying ob jects on the screen 2 4 Lear ning u sefu l shor tcuts 25 3 Co n nect i n g A dd i t i on a l Eq u i p men t 27 Th e P ow erB ook Duo Dock and Duo Doc k II 28 Th e P ow erB ook Duo Mini.
R emo v ing or rep lac i n g the battery 5 0 Dispos i ng o f dead batterie s 5 2 R epl acing t h e bac kup battery 5 2 R econdit ionin g the battery 5 3 Ma ximizin g w ork tim e 5 5 A ppe n d i x A He.
vi Communications Regulation Information C om m u nic atio n s r e gul atio n infor m a ti o n FCC statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules.
DOC statement DOC Class B Compliance This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus,” ICES-003 of the Department of Communications.
Speaker ¤ Brightness controls Trackball ¯ Power adapter port [ ⁄ W Printer/External modem port P Power On button Q Internal modem port (if a modem is installed).
Th e illu strati on on the f acing pa ge pr o v ide s an ov erv ie w o f y our P o werB ook computer . T o set up y our P o werB ook f or the first time , y ou need the pow er adapter and the pow er cor d that c ame with y our computer .
When y ou are ready t o b e gi n: 1 Plug one end of the power cord into the power adapter and the other end into a three- hole grounded outlet or power strip. 2 Plug the power adapter cable into the power adapter port (marked with the icon ¯ ) on the back panel of the computer.
O pen i n g the d i s p l a y 1 Slide the latch to the right and lift up the display. 2 Position the display at a comfortable viewing angle. Y ou c a n adju st the a n gle o f the disp la y at any t ime b y tiltin g it to w ards or a w a y from y ou.
T u rn i n g o n the co m pu t e r T o tur n on the computer f or the first tim e: m Press the Power On key above the keyboard. Y ou should hear a t one when y ou tur n on t h e computer .
Prob lems t urn i ng on y our c om puter? m The computer made a sound, but you can’t see anything on the screen. A d ju st the bri ghtn es s contro l butt ons until an ima g e app ears a nd t he screen is ea s y t o read. m Nothing happened when you pressed the Power On key.
m You see a picture of a disk with a blinking question mark on the screen. This pi cture m eans that y ou need to install s y stem so ft w are on the computer ’ s har d dis k . S y stem s of tw are i nc ludes t he program s the computer use s to start itself up .
W ha t ’ s ne xt? Y ou ’ v e no w finished sett i ng up y our Po werB ook. C ont i nue with one of the f ollo wi ng steps: m If y ou are n e w to t he Macint osh, tur n t o the n e xt sec ti on, “ Lear ning the Basi c s.
Learn i ng th e basics If y ou are n e w to t he Macint osh, y ou should begin b y looking at t he eas y-t o- use pr o gram c alled the Mac intosh T utori al.
2 Roll the trackball so that the tip of the arrow ( 8 ) points to the question mark in the upper- right portion of the screen. 3 With the tip of the arrow ( 8 ) on the question mark, press and hold down the trackball button. A list o f cho ice s (c alled a menu ) appears .
R e v ie w i n g t he ba s i cs Th e f oll o wi ng illu strati on s ummarize s ma ny o f the bas ic s kills and ter ms y ou lear ned from t h e tutori al. 10 Chapter 1 To throw away an item you no longer want, drag it to the Trash and choose Empty Trash from the Special menu.
T u rn i n g the co m pu t e r o ff T o tur n the computer o ff , y ou choose S hut Do wn fr om the S peci al menu . Detailed instr uct ions f oll ow .
P utt i n g t he com pu t er t o sl e ep S leep is a po wer c onserv ation f eature of P ow erBook c omputers , reducing t he amount o f po wer t he computer dra w s w hen it ’ s not b eing u sed. Wh en the P o werB ook is in sleep , it has a dark en ed screen a nd app ears to be of f .
R es ta r t i ng a co m p ut er t ha t ’ s a l rea d y on Y ou n eed to re star t y our computer—tur n it of f a nd bac k on a g ai n—when y ou w a n t to m a k e c e r t a i n ch a nges to settin gs , use a ne w l y i nstalled s y stem s of tw are file , or star t up the computer u s i ng a dif ferent di s k.
14 Chapter 1 W here t o fi nd a ns w er s When y ou ha v e que sti ons about us i ng y our P ow erBook , there are se v eral pl aces y ou c a n look f or a ns wers: In this book Use this book to set up and learn about your computer. In the Guide menu The Guide menu (marked with the h symbol) is your main source of information about the Macintosh.
Th e Gui de menu is y our main source o f informati on when y ou ’ re workin g with y our computer . Th e menu is i dentif ied by a que sti on mark ( h ) i n the upper -right c or n er of t h e screen. 15 2 Ge tt i n g He l p Use the instructions in this chapter to learn about the help available to you in the Guide menu.
Ge tt i ng a ns w er s t o y ou r q uest i on s When y ou ha v e a que sti on while w orki ng wit h y our computer , y ou c an get the ans wer b y choos ing Mac i ntosh G ui de from t h e Gui de menu . 1 Pull down the Application menu (in the upper-right corner of the screen) and choose Finder to make it the active application program.
3 Notice the three buttons at the top of the window: Topics, Index, and Look For. Mac i ntosh G ui de gi v es y ou three w a y s of f indi ng inf ormation: m Topics lets y ou choose from a li st of g eneral sub jects; it i s li ke t he table of contents in a book .
2 Click “Setting Options” in the list of topics. When y ou c lic k a ny t opic area, a li st o f rel ated que sti ons app ears on the right s ide o f the Mac i ntosh G ui de wi ndow. 3 Click the question “How do I set the time and date?” and then click OK.
Ge tt i n g a ns w er s w it h the I nde x bu tt o n 1 In the Macintosh Guide window, click the Index button. An alphabetic al list o f s ub jects app ears on the lef t si de o f the wi ndow . 2 Scroll through the alphabetical list until the phrase “background pattern” is visible.
4 Click the question “How do I change the background pattern?” and then click OK. Or double-click the question. A small window appears with instr ucti ons for y ou t o f oll ow . 5 Read and follow the instructions in the window. Mac i ntosh G ui de pro v ide s step-by-step instr ucti ons to ans wer t he quest ion y ou selected.
Ge tt i n g a ns w er s w it h the L oo k F o r bu tt on 1 In the Macintosh Guide window, click the Look For button. A small bo x app ears on the lef t si de o f the wi ndow , where y ou c an typ e tex t. 2 Click the arrow button to activate the text box.
4 Click the question “How do I change the beep sound?” and then click OK. Or double- click the question. A small window appears with instr ucti ons for y ou t o f oll ow . 5 Read and follow the instructions in the window. Mac i ntosh G ui de pro v ide s step-by-step instr ucti ons to ans wer t he quest ion y ou selected.
Ti p s f o r us i n g Mac i n t os h Gu i de Here are a f e w tips f or us i ng M acint osh Guide effecti vel y : m Mac i ntosh Gu ide i s a v ail able onl y when y ou are in the Finder—the de s kt op area w here you c an see the icons o f dis ks , fo lders , and file s .
Ide n t i fy i n g ob jec ts o n the s c reen Som etime s y ou ’ll see an unf amili ar item on the screen a nd as k y ourself , “What ’ s that?” Y ou c an get an ans wer b y us i ng a M acint osh feature kno wn a s B alloon He lp .
L e arnin g us e ful sh o r tcu t s Y ou c a n p erf or m ma ny ta s ks i n the Finder more qui ckl y if y ou use k e yboar d or mou se shor tcuts . For e xamp le , instead of c lic king an ic on a nd choos i ng Op en from the F ile menu, y ou can s impl y double-c lic k the icon t o op en it.
2 Click one of the category buttons. Another window appears , descri bing shortcuts f or that c ateg ory . 3 Read about the shortcuts available for the category you selected. Cli c k the ri ght ar ro w i n the lo w er -ri ght corn er of the window t o disp la y the nex t wi ndow (if t here is one) .
27 Read this chapter for information on expanding your computer system with additional hardware. Th e illustrat ion bel o w show s where equipm ent c an b e connected t o y our computer . R ef er to t he ma nual s that c ame with y our equipment f or instr ucti ons on connect i ng it.
In addition t o connect i ng certai n equipment direct l y to y our Po werB ook, y ou c an als o ex pa nd your s y stem with the f oll owin g acce s sorie s: m the P o werB ook Duo Dock and Duo Dock II m the P o werB ook Duo Mi niDock m the P o werB ook Duo Flopp y Adapter A brief o v erv iew o f these acce ss orie s is in thi s chapter .
Th e Duo Dock and Duo Doc k II come wit h many bu ilt-i n feature s; sev eral opti onal feature s are als o a v ailab le . Th ese f eature s i nc lude: m an i nter nal 1 .
The P o w erB oo k Du o Mi n iD oc k Th e Po werB ook Duo Mi niDock all o w s y ou t o connect a wi de v ariety of de v ice s to the P o w erBook . Li ke t h e Duo Dock , the mi nido ck wit h p eriph eral de v ice s connected t o it is not a c omputer—y ou n eed a Po werB ook 20 0 Serie s computer t o make t he s y stem work .
The P o w erB oo k Du o F l o pp y A da pt er Th e Po werB ook Duo Flopp y A dapter all ow s y ou t o connect an ex ter nal 1 . 4 MB flopp y dis k dri v e (HDI-20) and up t o three A pple De s k t op B us (AD B) de v ice s—suc h as a ke y board or m ouse—t o your c omputer .
Co n nec t i ng a m ode m A pple o f f ers opti onal, lo w-pow er , i nter nal f ax/data m odems f or y our P o werB ook. S ee the modem manual f or i nf or mation about y our modem .
7 Choose Control Panels from the Apple ( K ) menu and open the Express Modem control panel. 8 Choose Express Modem Settings from the pop-up menu. 9 Click Use External Modem to activate the external modem. Lea v e U se External Modem selected e v en when y ou use y our i nter nal modem .
Co n nec t i ng S CSI de v ices A SC S I de v ice i s a ny pr oduct—i nc ludi ng har d dis k dri v es , CD-R OM dri v es , sc ann ers, and printers—that connects wit h y our computer b y means of a standard elec troni c i nterf ace c alled S mall C omputer S y stem I nterf ace (SC SI) .
35 Connecting Additional Equipment W her e t o ad d ca b le t er m i na t o rs w hen co n nect i ng tw o o r mo re S CSI de v ices: U si ng y ou r P o w erB oo k as a S CSI d i sk If y ou ha v e a Po .
Co nnec t i ng y ou r com pu te r as a S CSI d i sk Be fore makin g a ny c onnecti ons, y ou need to a s s i gn a unique S C S I ID numb er t o the P ow erBook . (T h e unique ID numb er allo ws t he computer t o communi c ate with se v eral connected de v ice s .
R emo ve t he ter mi nator from t he la st de v ice bef ore connect ing the P o werB ook. (If t h e la st de v ice ha s an i nter nal termi nator , disc onn ect the de v ice and connect t he Po werB ook to t h e end of t h e SC S I chain. An A pple- authorized serv ice pr o v ider c an remo v e the termi nator .
S i mp l i fy in g the co n nec t i o n pr ocess If y ou reg ul ar l y pl an to u se y our P o werB ook as a S CS I dis k with t he same computer , y ou c an lea v e the SC SI di s k adapter c able attac hed to t he other computer or its S CS I c hai n.
Q u i tt i ng S CSI d i sk m ode 1 Shut down the computer your PowerBook is connected to. 2 Turn the PowerBook off by holding down the Command ( x ) key and the Power On ( P ) key at the same time. 3 Turn off any other SCSI devices in the chain. 4 Disconnect the PowerBook from the adapter cable.
Co n nec t i ng o the r de v ices F or instr ucti ons on connect i ng a de v ice not discu s sed in this c hapter—for ex ample , a n ex ter nal in put de v ice or netw orki ng har dw are—re f er to t he manuals t hat c ame wit h the de v ice .
Instal l i ng appl ic ati on pro gr ams Y our computer c ome s with se v eral appli c ati on pro grams already on t he hard dis k. Y ou ’ll find the se pro grams in eit h er the App lic ati ons f ol der or the A pple Ex tras f ol der on y our hard di s k.
W o rk i ng w i th se v era l pr og ra ms a t a t i me Y ou c a n op en as many app lic ati on pro grams and des k acce s s ories a s y our computer ’ s mem ory allo ws . All open pro grams are listed in the App lic ati on menu at the ri ght end of the menu b ar .
H id i ng a nd s h o w i ng w i nd o w s o n t he deskt o p Y ou c a n hide all window s ex cept those of t he acti v e program b y choos i ng Hide Others from t he App lic ati on menu. Th e other pro grams remain op en ev en thou gh their wi ndow s are hidden .
P o we r so u rces Y our computer c a n dra w its op erating po wer from t wo dif ferent s ources . m Main battery Y our computer ’ s mai n pow er source i s a nic k el-metal-h y dride (N iMH) battery .
W ha t y o u s ho u l d d o When y ou see a lo w-pow er me s sa ge , you shou ld do one o f the f oll o wing: m Plug in the power adapter, or m Save your work and put the computer to sleep. W ha t y o u s ho u l d k n o w Th e first lo w-po wer m es sa ge i s a remi nder that the battery will s oon r un out.
R ec ha r g i ng t he b a tt ery Th ere are tw o w a y s t o rec har ge a b attery: m Plu g in the pow er adapter t o rec har ge t he battery without rem o v i ng it from the computer . m R emo ve t he battery and rechar ge it in the (opti onal) rechar ger .
Rech arg ing in a r e ch arger Y ou c a n purcha se a battery rec harg er a nd additional b atterie s from y our A pple-aut horized dealer . If y ou ha v e a rechar g er a nd a n ex tra battery , you c an c har ge one b attery while y ou use another , s o y ou al w a y s ha v e a full y char ged battery on hand.
3 Place the battery in the recharger as shown. R echar ging begins immedi atel y . Y ou c an remo v e a battery fr om the rechar g er at any t ime . R ememb er , if y ou are char ging t w o batterie s , the y char ge one at a tim e . It tak es about t wo hours t o char ge eac h battery .
R ec ha rg i ng i n bo t h the co m pu t er a nd a r ech a r ge r Y ou c a n use a s ing le pow er adapter to run the Po werB ook a nd the battery rec har ger at t he same t ime . I f the P ow erB o o k i s o n and c ont ai ns a bat t ery t hat i s not ful ly c har g e d , th e computer c har ge s the i nter nal battery f i rst.
1 Save your work, and then choose Sleep from the Special menu. Y ou c a n choose S hut Do wn instead of S leep if you f eel more c omf or table w orking without t he 4-mi nute time limit. 2 Close the display. 3 Open the battery door by pressing the small button and sliding the door in the direction indicated by the arrow.
D i spo s i ng o f dead ba tt er ies IMPORTANT N ic kel-m etal-h ydri de batterie s contain metals t hat c an b e rec laimed and reu sed. I nstead of thr o wi ng a w a y dead batterie s , please di spose o f them as de scribed here .
R eco nd it i o n i ng t he ba tt ery T o max imize battery lif e , y ou should rec ondition t he battery once e v ery 30 da y s , us i ng t h e Battery R econditi oni ng pr ogram , whi c h is on t he s y stem s of tw are dis k l ab eled Dis k T o o ls .
4 Read the message on the screen and click OK. Th e f oll o wi ng appears: 5 Click Recondition if it has been more than 30 days since the last time you reconditioned the battery.
6 Click OK. While the recondit ioning c yc le i s taki ng p lace , the f oll o wi ng ic on app ears on the screen: Y ou c a n quit the B attery R econdit ioning pr o gram at a ny t ime b y pres s ing the period k e y and the x (C omma nd) ke y at the same t ime .
Hea l th-r e la t ed i n f o rma t i o n a bo ut co m p ut er u se Musc le s orenes s , e ye f at i gue , a nd other disc omforts a nd i njurie s somet ime s as soci ated with us i ng c omputers c a n o ccur from perf or mi ng an y numb er of act i v itie s .
Mus culoskele t al disc omfor t A s with any ac t i v ity that inv o l v es s itting f or lon g p eriods o f tim e , us i ng a computer c an make y our musc les s ore and stif f .
Eye f a ti gu e E y e f ati gue c an o ccur whene v er the e ye s are focused on a nearb y ob ject f or a lon g time . T his prob lem occurs b ecau se the e ye mu sc les mu st w ork harder t o v ie w an objec t that ’ s c loser t han about 20 feet (6 m eters) .
K eyb o ar d and tr a c k b all m When y ou use t h e ke yboar d a nd track b all, y our shoulders shou ld be rel ax ed. Y our upp er ar m a nd forearm shoul d f orm a n appro ximate ri ght ang le , with y our wrist and hand i n rou ghl y a straight line .
m Chang e hand posit ions o ften t o a v oi d f ati gue . m If y ou pref er , y ou can ad just t he a ng le of t he ke yboar d b y lo wering t he leg s until t he y snap into pos it ion . Th e bac k o f the ke y board i s s li ght l y ele v ated w h en the leg s are i n use .
A v oiding fa tigu e m Chang e y our seated posit ion, stand up , or stretch w hen ev er y ou star t to f eel tired. Frequent shor t breaks are helpful in reducing f ati gue . m All ow adequ ate w ork space so t hat y ou c an w ork comf or tabl y . Pl ace papers or other items s o you c an v ie w them eas il y w hile us i ng y our computer .
I m po r ta n t ca re a nd sa f e ty i n st r uc t i on s F or y our ow n sa fety and that o f y our equipment , read a nd f oll o w all the instr ucti ons in this sec ti on . K eep these instr ucti ons a v ail able f or ref erence b y y ou a nd others .
Caut ion m If y ou ha v e a problem wit h y our computer and nothing in the computer manuals s ol v es t he problem , take t he computer t o y our App le-authorized dealer or serv ice pro v ider . Attempt i ng t o repai r the computer y ourself ma y v oi d the limited w ar ranty .
Impor t ant m U se the computer onl y i n env i ronments w here the temp erature ra ng e > is betw een 50°F/1 0° C a nd 1 0 4° F/40°C . m Do not e x pose the computer t o v ery lo w (les s than –1 3° F/–25° C) or v ery hi gh (more t ha n 1 40° F/6 0°C) temperatures .
Ha nd l i ng f l o pp y d i s k s 125° F (52° C) 50° F (10° C) Keep disks dry. Do not use a pencil or an eraser on a disk or disk label. Store disks at temperatures between 50° F and 125° F. Do not touch the exposed part of the disk behind the metal shutter.
67 Health, Safety, and Maintenance Tips T ra v el i ng w i t h the P o w erB oo k Th e saf ety i nstr uct ions ear lier i n this appendix als o appl y when y ou are tra v eling . In additi on, note these prec auti ons: m Do not transpor t your P ow erBook w hile it is tur n ed on.
St o r i ng t he P o we rBo o k 1 Save your work on a hard disk or floppy disks. 2 Choose Shut Down from the Special menu. 3 Close the display. 4 Recharge the battery. Be s ure y our battery i s full y char ged if y ou are taki ng t he computer pl aces w h ere y ou c annot plu g it i n.
Th e Po werB ook 20 0 Serie s k e yboar d w orks in much t h e same w as as t he k e y boards on ot her computers and on electri c typ ewriters . How e ve r , there are a f e w speci al ke y s y ou should kno w about.
Special keys on the PowerBook 200 Series keyboard Arrow keys Move the insertion point, as an alternative to using the pointing device. In some programs, the arrow keys have other functions. Caps Lock key A locking Shift key for letters only (numbers and symbols aren’t affected).
A About this Macintosh (Apple menu) 40 activating the Finder 16, 23 active program 16, 42 Apple-authorized service providers disposing of dead batteries 52, 65 installing additional RAM 40 repairing t.
batteries avoiding damage to 46 backup battery 45, 50, 52 care of 63, 64, 65 damaged 51–52 disposing of dead batteries 52, 65 low-power messages 45–46 low-power warning, in SCSI disk mode 38 maxim.
D damaged batteries 51–52 damage to computer, avoiding 1, 40, 46 dead batteries, disposing of 52, 65 desk accessories, opening and switching 42 desktop, hiding and showing windows on 43 dimmed icons 42 disconnecting the PowerBook in SCSI disk mode 38, 39 Disk Tools disk 53 display.
G Guide menu Hide Balloons command 24 how to use 15–16 Macintosh Guide command 16 Macintosh Tutorial 9 overview 10, 14 Shortcuts command 25 Show Balloons command 24 H handling computer equipment.
75 Index K keyboard adjusting angle of 61 care of 64 correct posture for using 60–61 shortcuts for using 25–26 special keys 70 L liquid spills on the computer 64 Look For button (Macintosh Guide w.
O on-screen help. See Guide menu; Macintosh Guide opening applications and desk accessories 42 the display 3 icons 25 open programs, displaying 42 P plug adapters for overseas travel 67 plugging in th.
77 Index R RAM installing 40 protecting contents of 46 RAM disk 13 recharging batteries 1, 47–50 reconditioning batteries 53–55 removing or replacing batteries 50–51 repairing the computer 64 re.
Shortcuts command (Guide menu) 25 Show All command (Application menu) 43 Show Balloons command (Guide menu) 24 showing windows on the desktop 43 shrinking the Macintosh Guide window 23 Shut Down comma.
transferring information between computers 35 transporting batteries 63, 67 the computer 64, 67 Trash 10 traveling with the computer 63–67 troubleshooting.
Apple Computer , Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, California 95014-2084 408.996.1010 TLX 171-576 030-6074-A Printed in U.S.A. .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Apple 200 Series (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Apple 200 Series noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Apple 200 Series - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Apple 200 Series reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Apple 200 Series erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Apple 200 Series besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Apple 200 Series verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Apple 200 Series. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Apple 200 Series gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.