Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung VN-V686WPU des Produzenten JVC
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OUTDOOR PTZ I P DOME CAMERA VN-V686WPU INSTR UCTIONS (A) For Customer Use: Enter below the Serial No . which is l ocated on the body . Retain this inf ormation f or futur e ref erenc e. Model No . VN-V686WPU Seria l No . Thank you f or purchasing this product.
3 ● This installation should be m ade by a qualified ser vice person and sho uld conform to all local codes. ● This installation shall be in ac cordance with the National Electric al Code, ANSI/NFP A 70. ● The unit is to be powered by an AC 24 V power supply .
4 Getting S tarted These are g eneral IMPORT ANT SAFEGUARDS and cer tain items may not apply to all appliances. 1. Read all of these instructions. 2. Save these instructions for later use. 3. All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.
5 Getting S tarted Saf ety Precau tions ..... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... . 2 Contents ......... .... .... .... ..... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... ... 5 Fe atures ..... ...... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... ...... .... . 6 Saf ety prec autions.
6 Getting S tar ted W a terproof and weat her-re sista nt chas sis The anti-d ust and dr ip-proof struct ure will shie ld the unit from rain, thus en abling it to be installed ou tdoors directl y .
7 ● Before starting an impor tant recording, be sure to perform a test recording in order to confirm that a nor mal recording is possible. ● We do not accept liab ility for the loss of a recording in the case of it becoming impossible to record due to a prob lem in the video camera, VTR, hard disk rec order or video tape.
8 Getting S tar ted Recommend ed Computer Specificatio ns OS : Windows XP (Professional or Home Edition) (SP2) CPU : P ent ium4 1.5 GHz or higher Memor y capacity: 1 GB and abov e F ree hard disk spac.
9 Others 䢇 Do no t subject t he lens to s trong light source suc h as sun rays. This may cause the equ ipment to malf unction. 䢇 This came ra comes with a built-in A GC cir cuit. The sensit ivity incr eases autom atically at a dark place and the sc reen may appe ar grainy .
10 Getting S tar ted T ransporting the unit 䢇 Remove the connecting cables when transpor ting the unit. 䢇 When transporting the uni t, tur n of f the p ower of the system. 䢇 P ack the unit with cushioning mater ial so as to av oid shock when tr ans por ting.
11 䡵 Consumab le parts The follo wing ar e consuma b le par ts. They must be replaced onc e they reach their lif etime. The lifet im e is only an estimation and dif fers according to the usage environment and conditions. Replacement of consumable par t s is chargeable within t he guarantee period.
12 Getting S tar ted Camera A Camera se curing hole (4 locations) This hole is used f or mounting the camera on the wall. B Cable connecting hole, cap Remov e the cap and pull out th e cables from t his hole for connection. ( A P age 17) C Fall P reven tion Wir e Connects the cam era to the wall.
13 I Heater ON/ OFF Switch This is the automatic control ON/OFF swi tch of the built-in heater . The b uilt-in heater pre vents the dome cover fr om foggi ng and snow or f ros t from at taching to the dome cover . W hen installing the heater at an unrequired location, tur n off the switch of the heater .
14 Getting S tar ted Surveillance Usi ng Built-in View er VN-V686WP U comes with a Built-in ActiveX JPEG Viewer and MPEG4 Viewer . JPEG images and MPEG4 images of VN- V686WPU can be m onitored using the computer by i n stalling this Built-in Vie wer on the computer .
15 Alarm VN-V686WP U comes with a motion detection feat ure and dual alar m input. By motion detection or alarm input , actions such as mail deliv er y , message transmission via TCP/ UDP , alarm output, turning to preset position, changing B&W mode can be tr iggered.
16 Connection/Installation Setting Up the Wall 1 Make hol es in the wall Make holes ( R 45 mm) f or the connecting cables to pass through. Note : ● Check the strength of the wall. A less firm wall may cause the unit to f all. 2 Install the anchor bolts f or mounting the camera Install 4 anchor bolts (M8 ⳯ 35 mm and above) to mount the camera.
17 2 Remo ve the cushionin g material, lens cap and ta pe used during transporting When installing the he ater at an unrequired location, turn off the switch of the heater . 3 Mount the dome cove r to the camera Use the screws (x4) to m ount the dome cover to the camera.
18 Connection/Installation Mounting th e Camera 1 Mounting th e fall prevention wire ● Mount the fall pre vention wire of the camera to the fall pre vention wire anchor bolt that was installed ear lier . ● Secure the f al l prevent io n wire tigh tly with a nut and washer.
19 3 Connect ing the alarm cab le ( A Pa g e 2 2 ) Connect the alarm cable and wind the waterproof t ape (adhesive). After connecting, push the cable into the ar m of the camera. Note : ● For cab l es that are not used, be sure to wrap the ends individually with insulating tape.
20 Connection/Installation Note : ● Be sure to use an AC 24 V supply that is isolated from the pr imar y power supply circuit . Using a variable v oltage power supply will cause the camera and system t o malfunction or breakdown. ● The unit is to be powered b y an AC 24 V power supply .
21 Note : ● If thin cables are used, the resistance of the cables will be high and a significant voltage drop will occur when the camera is at its maximum power consumption (when pan, t ilt and zoom operates at the s ame time).
22 Connection/Installation Connect the camera to a h ub or computer using a LAN cable. 䢇 When connecting to a hub Make use of a strai ght cabl e. 䢇 When connecting to a computer Make use of a cross cable . Note : ● Howe ver , cross cables cannot be used with some computer models.
23 Alarm inp ut signal Connects to sensors such as infrared sensors, door sensors, metal sensors and m anual s witches. ● T o prevent nois e from entering the inter nal circuit, supply non-voltage contact signal to the alar m input signal. ● Do not s upply voltage.
24 Connection/Installation ● Ensur e that there is s uffi cient n etwor k bandwidt h for the data volume t o be se nt out by VN- V686WPU. Do not se nd multi cast s tream t hat exceeds t he bandwi dth. If t he ent ire ban dwidt h is used by t he multi cast s tream, contr ol of this camera via t he network m ay f ai l.
25 When only MPE G4 images are di stributed, the maximum number of distr ibutions is deter mined by the preset bit rate . When a dis tribution request that exceeds the maximum number of distributions is rec eived, this request is denied.
26 Netw ork Settings Setting th e IP addr ess for VN-V6 86WPU There are two methods to set the IP address f or VN-V686WP U as follo w s. (A) Assigning an IP address to VN-V686WPU from the DHCP server .
27 䢇 IP address setting at the computer Set the computer to an IP address that enab les com munication with VN-V686WPU. 1 Click [Star t] ● Select in the sequence of [Control P anel] - [Network Connection] - [Local Area].
28 Netw ork Settings 䢇 Changing the IP address using the Interne t Expl orer 1 Launch the Internet Explorer on the computer 2 When pr oxy settin gs are enabled in t he Internet Explorer, f ollow the.
29 4 Launch the Internet Explorer M emo : ● If the proxy server settings f or ac cess to the Internet via the Inter net Explorer is enabled, you ma y not be able to specify the IP address directly . In this case, c hange the proxy settings of the Internet Explorer.
30 Netw ork Settings 䢇 Changing th e IP address using the Internet Explo rer (continued) 6 The top pa ge of VN-V686WPU appear s 7 The [Basic] page with the IP address settin gs appears A confir mation screen appears. Press the [O K] butt on. VN-V686WPU restar ts using the ne w IP address.
31 When the I P addres s of VN-V686 WPU is known When the I P address of VN-V686WPU is kno wn, it can be changed b y accessing the built-in web page of VN-V686WPU via the Internet Explorer on the computer . Refer t o [Setting Using Internet Explorer] ( A P age 32).
32 Setting Using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer Setup 1 Launch the Internet Explorer on the computer 2 When pr oxy settin gs are enabled in t he Internet Explorer, f ollow the steps bel ow to dis.
33 3 If A ctiveX cont rols and plug -ins of th e In ternet Expl orer is di sabled, follow the step s below to enable it ● Click [T rusted sites] under [T ool] - [Internet Options] - [Security]. Click on the [Sites…] butt on directly belo w , foll owed b y deselecting the chec k [in the displa yed window].
34 Setting Using Internet Explorer Enter user nam e and pass wor d User name and passw ord entr y will be required at the beginning. There are three access authorization le vels to VN-V686WP U. The f act ory settings are as fol low s . 䢇 Pa g es that u sers have access to Restrictions are placed on the pages that users hav e access to.
35 ● user M emo : ● Security Information window ma y appear before the top page is displayed. Press the [OK] b ut ton to proceed. If you do not want this warning screen to be display ed, change the Inter net Explorer settings as f ollows. ● Open [T ool] - [Inter net O ptions] - [Security] and sel ect the [T rusted sites] i con.
36 Setting Using Internet Explorer View P age This top page is displa yed upon access using any of the user names A admin B , A operator B or A user B . The current ima ge is display ed as a still image. Links to each page are f ound at the left end. The links displa yed v ar y according to the user name.
37 A Re load S till Image Press this b ut ton to refresh t he displa yed still image. Clic k ing [View] or re-entering t he Internet Explorer address will only display the page that is temporarily stored in the Internet Explorer, and still images ma y not be refreshed.
38 Setting Using Internet Explorer Camera P ag e This page is f or setting the camera’ s parameters. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B .
39 C Black L evel For adj us ting the b lack le vel. Low er ing the v alue darkens the video image. Increasing the value br ightens the image. [Setting rang e : 0 to 2] M emo : ● If the black lev el is set to A 0 B , this may be to o low depending on t he connected device, or dark area will become complete b la ck.
40 Setting Using Internet Explorer Camera P age (continue d) Setting (continued) A B C D E F G H I J K M L H Stabil izer This function prev ents image s haking caused by vibration. Set this fun ction to A On B to c ontrol image shaking. Off : Disabled.
41 I Stabilizer Level This item allows y o u to se t the ad justment l ev el o f the [S tabilizer] it em H in 3 st eps. The adjus tment volume is larg er if the value is set to A High B rath er than A Mid B . When it is set to A Low B , the adjust ment volume is lesser than comp ared to when it is set t o A Mid B .
42 Setting Using Internet Explorer Camera P age (continue d) Setting (continued) A B C D E F G H I J K M L.
43 L Shutter Speed This item sets the speed of the electronic shutter . When [Sense Up ] item K is set t o A x2 B or above, a vailable setti ng v alue is A 1/60 B or A 1/100 B only .
44 Setting Using Internet Explorer Encoding P age This page is f or setting JPEG and MPEG4 encoding parameters. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B .
45 JPEG B Quality/Size For specifying the rate control mode and target file size f o r JPEG. When A VFS1 B to A VFS7 B is selected, t he quant ization tab le dur ing JPEG encoding will be maintained and t he file size will inc rease/decrease according to the i npu t signals.
46 Setting Using Internet Explorer Alarm P age This page is f or setting actions w hen there is an alar m. Up to 5 actions (No . 01 to No . 05) may be set. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B . ● Press th e [OK] button to enable th e new settings.
47 A Action F or specifying the type of action. Disable : Doe s not trigger any action. Mail : Sends out e-mail. Specify the recipient’ s mail address. The title of the mail w ill appear as [Alarm from VN-V686] and the sender as [Camera ID]. Enter the message to send in [Mail T ext].
48 Setting Using Internet Explorer Alarm P age (continu ed) Setting (continued) E G H I J AB C D F B 1st T rigger This item specifies the f irst trigger to the operation set in [Action] A .
49 C Max. Inter v al Enabled when both the first and second triggers are specified. Specify the maximum interval between the f i rst and second triggers. An action will be i nvok ed only if the interval bet ween the first and second triggers is within the maximum int erval.
50 Setting Using Internet Explorer Alarm En vironment P age This page is f or setting alar m-related environments. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B .
51 A Mail F or setting the mail envi ronment when A Mail B is specified as an [Action] A on the Alarm page. [SMTP] and [ POP] can be used. Configure only the [SMT P] settings under usual circumstances. Enter the camera’s mail address as the [ Send Mail Addre ss].
52 Setting Using Internet Explorer Alarm En viron ment Page (c ontinued) Setting (continued) B C.
53 B FTP (c ontinued) Time Filt er : F or specifyi ng the per iodic F TP transfer acti on with resp ect to eac h day of the week and setting the corresp onding time of the day .
54 Setting Using Internet Explorer PTZ P age Setting (continued) A D E F B C A Auto Return If the camera is not operated ov er the duration that w a s set in A Retur n Time B , it will automatically retur n to the state that was set in A Mode B . Mode This item sets the operation af te r A uto Retur n.
55 B Auto T r acking/ Intell igent T racking This item sets the A uto T racking and Int elligent T racking settings. Auto T racking: Mov e s to the home pos ition when Auto Return star ts. This function automatically tracks and shoots moving objects when motion is detected from the image at the home posi tion.
56 Setting Using Internet Explorer PTZ P age (continue d) Setting (continued) B Au to Tra cki n g/ Intell igent T racking (continued) Note : ● The Auto T racki ng funct ion of thi s camera det ect s changes in br ight ness.
57 D Limit EZoom Li mit When the zoom lens is operate d to TELE side, optical zoom works and electronic zoom works after optical zoom becomes ful l. This item sets the maximum value of the electronic zoom function .
58 Setting Using Internet Explorer PTZ P age (continue d) Setting (continued) C Limit (c ontinued) Tilt Limi t This item sets the mov able range of the tilt (v er tical) operation during manual operation. When this item is set to 10, the movabl e range of the tilt operation is from 10 to 90 degrees.
59 F Au to F li p Set this item when shooting objects that pas s right u nder the camera. Otherwise, f ollowing operations are neces sary to shoot objects that pass right under the camera.
60 Setting Using Internet Explorer A uto Patr ol Pa g e This function sets th e Aut o P a trol operation which patro ls multiple positions at specified time intervals.
61 There are three screens in A ut o P atrol. A B C D A No This is sequence number of the mode of Auto Pat rol. B Title T his displays the title of the position. C Pos i t i o n This sets the position n um ber to be mo ved in sequence. [Setting values : 0 to 99] D Time This sets the duration of stayi ng at the pos ition.
62 Setting Using Internet Explorer Priv acy Mask P age Privacy Mask is a f eature that enables masking of a portion of the image. Y ou can set 8 rectangular pr iv acy masks for VN-V 686WPU. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B .
63 Note : ● The tilt angle where mask can be set is within 40 degrees from the horizontal position. ● T o c hange the pr ivacy mask position to upper area from horizontal d irection, press t he up button until the end of t he horizontal pos ition, release the button, an d press it again.
64 Setting Using Internet Explorer Motion Detec tion Pa ge This page is f or setting motion detection. ● The area valid f or mot ion detection is displa yed in b lue.
65 M emo : ● The area display position serves as a reference . Make sure to perform operation check. ● The screen is divided into blocks of 96 (12 ho rizontal x 8 ver tical). Set the angle of v ie w such that th e size of the object for w h ich motion is to be detected is larger than the size of m ultiple blocks.
66 Setting Using Internet Explorer Basic P ag e This page is f or performing basic setting related to the network. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B .
67 A IP S etti ng F or setting the DHCP c lient function. Connect VN-V686WPU to a network en v ironment with a DHCP ser ver when DHCP is to be enabled. If the DH CP server does not e xist when DHCP is set to A Enable B , VN- V686WPU will start running with the 192.
68 Setting Using Internet Explorer Details P age This page is f or performing detailed network setting. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B . ● Press the [OK] button to enable the new s ettings. ● If the [OK] button is pressed upon enter ing an inv alid value, a warning message will appear and th e entry will be denied.
69 Proto col Page This page is f or chang ing the HTTP server port nu mber , VSIP server status, and VSIP server por t number . This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B . ● Press the [OK] button to enable the new s ettings. ● After changing, you will need to re-establish the connection if you are using t he Internet Explorer.
70 Setting Using Internet Explorer Streaming P age This page is f or setting manual multicast transmission. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B .
71 M emo : ● When the power of VN -V686WPU shuts down accidentally during multicast transmission, multicast transmission will re star t automatic ally after VN-V686WPU is rebooted.
72 Setting Using Internet Explorer Access Restriction s Pa g e This page is f or setting client restrict ions. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B . ● Press the [OK] button to enable the new s ettings. ● If the [OK] button is pressed upon enter ing an inv alid value, a warning message will appear and th e entry will be denied.
73 Note : ● Note that when A allow B is selected and all IP address fields are left b lank, JPEG/ MPEG4 acquisition by all IP addresses will be denied.
74 Setting Using Internet Explorer Time P age This page is f or setting time. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B . ● Press the [OK] button to enable the new s ettings. ● If the [OK] button is pressed upon enter ing an inv alid value, a warning message will appear and th e entry will be denied.
75 Pas swo r d Pag e This page is f or setting the password. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B . ● Press the [OK] button to enable the new s ettings. Note : ● Be sure to handle the passw o rd carefully in case you forget it. ● If you have f orgot ten the pass word, please consult your nearest JVC dealer.
76 Setting Using Internet Explorer Maintenan ce Page This page is f or ma intenance purposes. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B . Setting (continued) B C E D A.
77 A Restart Reboot s the camera. (It tak es a fe w minutes for the camera t o reboot .) B All Settings [Initial ize] Restores all setting s to their default v alues and reboots the unit . (It takes about one minute for the camera to initialize and reboot.
78 Setting Using Internet Explorer List of F actory Settings of Eac h Pa ge 䡵 Cam era Pa ge 䡵 Encoding P age 䡵 Alarm P age Setting (continued) Item Factory Settings Camera ID VN-V686 Monitor T y.
79 䡵 Alarm En vironment P age 䡵 PTZ P age Item F actor y Settings SMTP Ser ver 0.0. 0.0 P or t Nu mber 25 Send Mail A ddress ^ POP before SMTP Off POP Ser ver 0.
80 Setting Using Internet Explorer List of F actory Settings of Eac h Pa ge (Cont’ d) 䡵 A uto Patr ol Page 䡵 Pr ivacy Mask P ag e 䡵 Motion Detecti on Pa g e 䡵 Bas ic Pa ge 䡵 Details P age .
81 䡵 Access Re strictions P age 䡵 Time P age 䡵 P a ss word P age Item Factory S ettings Access Rest rictions deny IP Address — Item Factory Settings SNTP Off NTP Ser ver 192.
82 Setting Using Internet Explorer Miscella neous page This page is f or acquiring information. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B , A operator B and A user B . Setting (continued) A A Open Source Software Press the [Show] but ton to display information of the software used by VN- V686WPU.
83 Operation P age Display s the operating status of VN-V686W PU. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B . A B C A T otal Sen ding Bitrate Display s the total TCP/UDP bit r at e sent b y V N-V686WPU as well as the individual bit rates.
84 Setting Using Internet Explorer Settings P age This page displays the version information and settings of VN-V686WPU . This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B .
86 Setting Using Internet Explorer Settings P age (contin ued) Setting (continued).
87 P osition List P age This page displays information on preset positions. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B ..
88 Setting Using Internet Explorer P osition List P age (contin ued) Setting (continued).
89 P atrol Settin gs P age This page displays the information and set tings of Auto P atrol. This page can be used dur ing access us ing A admin B or A oper at or B .
90 Setting Using Internet Explorer P atrol Settings P age (continue d) Setting (continued).
91 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer This product com es with a JPE G Viewer and an MPEG4 Viewer . Each of these viewers functions separately . 䡵 Using the JPEG Viewer enab les display of a series of still images as well as saving of still images.
92 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer Internet Explorer Setup 1 Launch the Internet Explorer on the comp uter 2 When pr oxy settin gs are enabled in t he Internet Explorer, f ollow the steps b.
93 3 If A ctiveX cont rols and plug -ins of th e In ternet Expl orer is di sabled, follow the step s below to enable it ● Click [T rusted sites] under [T ool] - [Internet Options] - [Secur ity]. Upon doing so , the [Sites…] button direc tly below becomes activ e.
94 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer Installing Bu ilt-in Viewer 1 Enter the URL of Bu ilt-in Viewer in the ad dress field of In ternet Explorer For e xample, if the I P address of VN-V686WPU is, ent e r as f ollows: 䡵 JPEG Vi ewer http://192.
95 Screen Configu r ation of JPEG Viewer ● When the JPEG Viewer is first installed, it is set to pla y back a t 15 fps b y def ault. JP EG Viewe r A B C E D A DisplaySize Switches the displa y size. (V G A or QV GA ) Note : ● When the V GA JPEG is reduced to QVGA and when QV GA JPEG is enlarged to VGA, the l oad on the computer will increase.
96 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer Exiting t he JPEG Viewer (conti nued) JPEG Viewer Con figuration The viewer setting window appears upon clicking the [Setup] button of Built-in Viewer . JPEG Viewer (continued) D PTZ Open the [PTZ Controller] screen.
97 A On Screen Display Setti ngs For setting displa y items on the vie wer screen. For the JPEG Viewer , characters are displayed as ov e rlay on the video image. Camera ID Selec t A On B to display [Camera ID]. (U p to 16 alphan um eric characters will be displa yed.
98 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer JPEG Vie wer Configuration (conti nued) M emo : ● The sett ings of Built- in Viewer are stored in the file nam ed Cookie.
99 Exiting t he JPEG Viewer T o exi t , press the [close] [ X ] b utt on at the top right of the windo w . ● During the ne x t star tup of Built-in View er, launch the Internet Explorer and ente r the URL of Built-in Viewer in the a ddress field. For e xample, if the I P address of VN-V686WPU is 192.
100 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer Screen Configu r ation of MPEG4 Viewer MPEG4 Vie wer A B D C A DisplaySize Switches the displa y size. (V G A or QV GA ) Note : ● When the V GA JPEG is reduced to QVGA and when QV GA JPEG is enlarged to VGA, the l oad on the computer will increase.
101 M emo : ● T o us e Built-in MPEG4 Viewer of VN-V686WPU, install “f fdshow” that is open source codec . Y o u can download “ffdshow” from the Inter net. MPEG4 Vie w er Config uration The MPEG4 V ie wer’ s settings window appears upon clicking the [Setup] button of the viewer .
102 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer MPEG4 Vie w er Config uration (continue d) MPEG4 Viewer (continued) A Title Bar Display Setti ngs For setting displa y items on the vie wer screen. For t he MPEG4 Viewer , characters are display ed in the title bar of t he window .
103 M emo : ● T o us e Built-in MPEG4 Viewer of VN-V686WPU, install “f fdshow” that is open source codec . Y o u can download “ffdshow” from the Inter net.
104 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer Exiting t he MPEG4 Viewer T o exi t , press the [close] [ X ] b utt on at the top right of the windo w . ● During the ne x t star tup of Built-in View er, launch the Internet Explorer and ente r the URL of Built-in Viewer in the a ddress field.
105 Creating a shor tcut for Built-in Viewer on the Desktop screen of the computer sav es you t he trouble of ha ving to enter the URL in the Internet Explorer.
106 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer Operatio n The [PTZ Controller] window appears upon clicking the [PTZ] button of Built-in View er. Configure settings for the camera manual operation, preset position registration and A uto P an/Auto T race operation in the [PTZ Controller] screen.
107 B A uto Function Function F or selecting the operation. Click [S tar t] to star t the selected Auto function. Click [S top] to s top the running Auto f unction. A list of patrol modes a ppears when A Au t o Pat r o l B is sele cted . A list of targets appears whe n A Intelligent T rac k ing B is selected.
108 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer Operati on (cont inued) PTZ Controller Operation (continued) D Zoom This item sets the z oom operation of the lens when clic king the button. + : Z oom is set to TELE and the object becomes bigger . - : Zoom is set to WIDE and the object becomes smaller .
109 H B/W Mode This sets the fun ction to switch fro m Colo r to B &W mod e. Color : A lwa ys be in Color mode. Black & White : Always be in B& W mode. A uto Low,A uto Mid, Auto High : This item automatically swi t ches between Color Mode and B&W Mode when t he luminance meets defined c onditions ov er 30 seconds.
110 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer Operati on (cont inued) PTZ Controller Operation (continued) K White Balance (continued) R Gai n Adjusts the R (red) h ue during AWC. + : I ncreases the redness or red le vel. - : D ecreases the redness or red le vel.
111 Intelligent T racki ng (Manual Mode ) This function allows y ou to track and shoot t he color inform ation o f an object, which w as select ed b y clicking on the viewer screen. M emo : ● Y ou can change the tracking target an y time by cli cking the object while A Locke d B or A Losing B is display ed.
112 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer Registeri ng Preset P ositions The [PTZ Controller] window appears upon clicking the [PTZ] button. Click the [P os ition Memor y] tab of the [PTZ Controller] screen and register the preset positions in the [P osition Memor y] screen.
113 A uto Pan Setti ng This item set s the Auto P an operation which moves at a cer tain speed from the configured [Star t Po s i t i o n ] . Click the [Auto P an] tab on the [PTZ C ontroller] scr een and configure settings at the [A uto P an] setting screen.
114 Settings and operation of Built-in Vie wer A uto P an Settin g (contin ued) PTZ Controller Operation (continued) C A B E D Select the [ Mode] of t he Auto P an operation. Right : This rotates the camera horizontally in the right d irection fro m the [Star t Position].
115 A uto T race Setting This item stores and r eproduces manual operation. Click the [A uto T race] tab on the [P TZ Controller] screen and configure settings at the [Auto T race] setting screen. Note : ● As Auto T race perform s simple saving of manual o peration, the position may be shifted during playback.
116 Other s T roub lesho oting Symptom Causes and Count ermeasures Reference Pag e Video image does not appear P ower does not turn on. ● Is there a problem with the power cable connecting this unit and the power unit ? (If the power cable is too long or thin, the cable resis tance will be h igh and the correct voltage ma y not be supplied.
117 Symptom Cau ses and Countermeasures Referen ce Page Multicast images cannot be play ed back ● Star t multicast transmission manually from the [Streaming] page of VN-V686WPU.
118 Other s T roub lesho oting (continued) Symptom Causes and Count ermeasures Reference Pag e TCP image s cannot be play ed back The maximum number of images that can be sent by VN-V686WPU via TCP is 20, and up to 20 B uilt- in Viewers can be connected to each VN-V686WPU unit.
119 䡵 Cam era Head Image pi cku p devi ce : 1 /4 typ e, Interl ine T r ansfer CCD 768 (H) x 494 (V) Mini mum object i lluminat ion Color : 1.0 lx (50 % out p ut, AGC Supe r, WIDE ed ge, Monit or T yp e CR T , Black L ev el 2) 0.5 lx (2 5 % output, A GC Super , WIDE ed ge, Monit or T yp e CR T , Black L ev el 2) During B&W : 0.
120 Other s 䡵 Accessori es :Start-up Gui de ........ ........ ........ ......... ..... 1 CD-ROM .... ........... ........ ........ ......... ..... 1 W arranty Car d (F or USA)......... ...... ..... 1 Ser vice Information Card (For USA) ... 1 RJ-45 Conversion Connector .
© 2008 Victor Company of J apan, Limited LST067 7-001C VN-V686 WPU OUTDOOR PTZ IP DOME CAMERA.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts JVC VN-V686WPU (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie JVC VN-V686WPU noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für JVC VN-V686WPU - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von JVC VN-V686WPU reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über JVC VN-V686WPU erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon JVC VN-V686WPU besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von JVC VN-V686WPU verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit JVC VN-V686WPU. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei JVC VN-V686WPU gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.