Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung AV-28T77SK des Produzenten JVC
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AV-32/28 T77SK / L CT157 0-001A-U / A ll Cover Cover01 COLOUR TELEVISION INSTRUCTIONS AV-32T77SK AV-28T77SK AV-32&28T77SK_Eng. book Page 1 Thursday, January 22, 2004 10: 16 AM.
2 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Warning DO NOT cut off the mains pl ug from this equi pme nt. If the plug fitted is not suitable for the power points in your ho me or the cable is too short to re ach a pow er point, then o btain an appropr iate safety appr oved exte nsion lead or adaptor or cons ult your dealer.
3 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Thank you for buyi ng th is JVC colou r televi sion . To make su re you un derstand how to use y our new TV, please read t his manu al thoro ughly bef ore you begin. Avoid i mprope r instal latio n and never pu t the unit where goo d ventilati on is not possible.
4 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001B-U / ENGL ISH CONTENTS Setting up your TV ............. ............ ..........5 Connecting the aerial and vide o cassette recorder ( VCR) .............. ............... .......... 5 Connecting the power cord to the AC outlet.
5 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Setting up your TV Caution • Turn o ff all the equ ipmen t includi ng the TV befor e conn ecting anythin g. Connecting the ae rial and video cassette recorder (VCR) • The conn ecting cable s are not provid ed.
6 Settin g up your T V AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Connecting the power cord to the AC outlet Caution • Operat e only from th e pow er so urce spec ified (AC 22 0 – 240 V , 50 Hz) on the un it. Putting the bat teries into the remote control Use two AA/R6 d ry cell batteries .
Setting up y our TV 7 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH 3 Pre ss th e a a a a button t o start the AUTO PROGRAM function The AUTO PROGRAM menu ap pears and received TV channels are automatic ally st ored in the program me numbers ( PR). • To canc el the AUTO PROGRAM function: Press t he b button.
8 Settin g up your T V AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH • In s ome a reas you m ay ge t TV recep tion from more tha n one transmitte r, for example different ITV regions. In this case each TV ch annel coul d be set twice. If this happens, th e first set of channels will have the stron ger signal.
Setting up y our TV 9 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Pre-set down load The VCR will au tomatica lly downl oad the registered data on the TV chan nels from the TV. This mea ns you do not need to set up the progra m cha nnels on your VCR m anuall y.
10 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH TV buttons and fu nctio ns See the pages in parenthe ses for details. 1 Remote c ontrol sens or 2 Power lamp (page s 6, 10) 3 Main power but ton (pages 6, 1.
11 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Remote control buttons and functions 1 Muting bu tton 2 Number b uttons 3 c bu tton 4 i (Virtu al Dolby Su rround) b utton 5 Informatio n butto n 6 b button.
12 Remote control b uttons and functions AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001B-U / ENGL ISH Choose a TV channel and watch images from external devices • If the pictu re is tilt ed, correct i t. See “PICTURE TILT (Only for AV- 32T77SK)” on page 33. Use the number buttons: Enter the programme number (PR) of the channe l using the number buttons.
Remote control buttons and functions 13 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001B-U / ENGL ISH Information function You can see the current ti me or the PR LIST. From the PR LIST, you can choose a channel or EXT terminal. Press the h h h h (Information) button to display the information you want to see.
14 Remote c ontrol b uttons an d func tions AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH 16:9 ZOOM: Thi s zooms up the wid e pictu re (16:9 as pect ratio) to the full screen. 16:9 ZOOM SUBTI TLE: Thi s zooms up the wid e pictu re (16:9 as pect ratio) with subtitles to the full scre en.
Remote co ntrol b uttons and fu nctions 15 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Return to TV channel insta ntly You ca n return to a TV channel instantly. Pr ess the b b b b button The TV retu rns to the TV mode and a T V channe l appears. Operating a JVC brand VCR or DVD player These bu ttons will operate a JVC bran d VCR or DVD player.
16 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001B-U / ENGL ISH Teletext function Basic operation You can view two types of teletext broadcasts on the TV: FLOF (Fastext) and WST.
Teletext func tion 17 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH To call up a stored page: 1 Pre ss th e B B B B button to enter the List mo de 2 Press a colo ur button ha ving a stored p age To exit the List mod e: Press the B button ag ain.
18 Telet ext functi on AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Cancel You can sea rch for a te letext page whil e watc hing TV . 1 Press the n umber bu tton to enter a page numb er, or press a colou r button The TV searches for a teletex t page. 2P r e s s H H H H (Cancel) button The TV programm e appears.
19 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Using th e TV’s menu Thi s TV has a number of function s you can operate u sing men us. To fully u tilize al l your TV’s functi ons, you need to und erstand the basic me nu operating t echniques ful ly.
20 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH PICTURE menu • While th e PICTURE m enu is displ ayed, pressing the blue butto n will set the CONTRAST, BRIGHT, SHARP, COLOUR, HUE settings t o their de fault settings. PICT URE MODE You ca n choose one of three P ICTURE MODEs to adjust the pictur e sett ings automatically .
PICTURE menu 21 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH FEATURES Choose F EATURES and pr ess the a or 3 button t o display th e sub- menu. AUTO V NR VNR Stands for “v ideo noise reductio n”. AUT O: This mod e reduces any “n oise” (interferenc e or snow ing ) in th e cu rrent pictu re.
22 PICTURE menu AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH 4:3 AUTO ASPE CT You ca n choose one of three Z OOM modes, REGULAR, PANORAMIC or 14:9 ZOOM, as the ZOOM mode fo r the normal picture (4:3 aspect ratio).
23 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH SOUND menu STEREO / I • I I When you are viewin g a bili ngual br oadc ast prog ramme, y ou can choo se the sound from Bilingual I (Sub I) or Bilingu al II (Sub II).
24 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH FEATURES menu SLEEP TIME R You can set th e TV to au tomatically turn off aft er a set pe rio d of t ime. 1 Choose SLEEP TIMER. Then press the a a a a or 3 3 3 3 button A Sub-menu of the SLEEP TIMER functio n app ears.
FEATURES menu 25 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH 3 Pre ss th e a a a a button The Su b-menu of C HILD LOCK appe ars. 4 Pre ss th e 6 6 6 6 buttons to cho ose a TV channel Ever y time you pr e.
26 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH SET UP menu AUTO PROGRAM You ca n again perfo rm the AUTO PRO GRAM f uncti on TV c hanne l aut omati c registration which was performed in the “Initial sett ings” (pag e 6). To re ceive S KY 1 y ou need a sa tellite tuner .
SET UP menu 27 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Basic operati on 1 Choose EDIT/MANUAL, then pre ss the a a a a or 3 3 3 3 button The EDIT menu app ears. 2 Follow the description fo r the function you want to use 3 Pre ss th e a a a a button t o complete the settings The T-V LINK menu appears.
28 SET UP menu AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH ID 1 Pre ss th e 6 6 6 6 buttons to cho ose a TV channel Ever y time you pr ess the 6 buttons, the programme numb er (PR) changes and t he pictur e of the TV channe l stored in the programme numb er (PR) appears on the screen.
SET UP menu 29 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH 3 Press the num ber button s to ente r the remainin g CH number • You ca nnot ente r CC numbe rs. The TV shifts to registratio n mode. When the re gistration is completed , the pictur e of the TV cha nnel appe ars on the screen.
30 SET UP menu AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1 Choose LANGUAGE, th en pr ess the a a a a or 3 3 3 3 button A sub-menu of the LANG UAGE function appear s.
SET UP menu 31 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH EXT SETTI NG 1 Choose EXT SETTING, then pres s the a a a a or 3 3 3 3 button The EXT SETTING menu appears. 2 Follow the instructions fo r the function you want to use and operate the function y y y y : You c an en joy the h igh-q ualit y pic ture of the 2 S-VIDEO signal (Y/C signal).
32 SET UP menu AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH ID LIST You can store a nam e for each of th e device s connec ted to each EXT termi nal. Giving a name to an EXT term inal make s the EXT termi nal number app ear on the screen, together wit h its name.
SET UP menu 33 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001B-U / ENGL ISH PICTURE TILT (Only for AV- 32T77SK) There are cases where the Earth’s magnetic field may make the picture tilt or make unnatural colours appear in the corner of the screen. If this happens, you can correct it.
34 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Additi onal prep aration Connecting external equipment Connect the equipment to the TV, makin g the corre ct rear pan el and front panel conn ect ions . Before connecti ng anything: • Read t he manual s that came with the equipm ent.
Additiona l prepa ration 35 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Equipment which can output the S-VID EO signal (Y/C signal) s uch as a n S-VH S VCR Connect t he equipment t o an EXT terminal (but not the EXT-1 terminal ). You c an choose b etween an S-VI DEO signal (Y/C signal) and a regular video signal (composite sig nal).
36 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Troubles hootin g If a problem arises while yo u are using the TV, please read thi s troublesh ooting gui de carefully befo re you a sk to have th e TV re paired. You may be able to fix it easil y by you rself.
Troubleshooting 37 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001B-U / ENGL ISH • When viewing images from commercially available video software products, or videos from videotapes which have been recorded improperly, the top of the image may be distorted. This is due to the condition of the video signal.
38 AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-001A-U / ENGLISH Specifications We may cha nge the d esign a nd spec ifications without noti ce. Pictures disp layed on th e scre en us ing thi s TV ’s ZOOM func tions s hou ld not be sh own f or any commerci al or demonst ration purpos e in public pla ces (cafes, hotel s, etc.
AV-32/28 T77SK / L CT157 0-001A-U / A ll Cover Cover03 AV-32&28T77SK_Eng. book Page 1 Thursday, January 22, 2004 10: 16 AM.
© 2004 VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LIMITED AV-32/28T77SK / LCT1570-00 1B-U / All Cover Cover04 LCT1570-00 1B-U 0304-T-CR-JMU K Page 2 Friday, Feb ruary 27, 2004 10:17 AM.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts JVC AV-28T77SK (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie JVC AV-28T77SK noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für JVC AV-28T77SK - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von JVC AV-28T77SK reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über JVC AV-28T77SK erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon JVC AV-28T77SK besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von JVC AV-28T77SK verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit JVC AV-28T77SK. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei JVC AV-28T77SK gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.