Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung IRC5LX des Produzenten Invacare
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Dealer: This m anual MUST be giv en to the end user. User: Before using this product, read this manual and save for future reference. Operator’s Manual For m ore i nformat ion r egardi ng In va ca re pro du cts , pa rts, and services, pleas e vis it www .
TABLE OF CONTEN TS Part No 1118353 3 Pl atinum ™ Series ACCE SS O RIE S ..... ....... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ... 2 SPE CI AL NO TES ........... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... . 5 SE CTI ON 1— GEN ER AL GUI DE LI NES ...
TABLE OF CONTEN TS Platinum ™ Series 4 Part No 1118353 SE CTI ON 6— MAIN TEN ANCE .. ...... ...... ....... ..... 32 Routine Maintenance ........................ .................................... ............ 32 SECTION 7—TROUBLESH OOTING GUIDE .
SPECIAL NOTES Part No 1118353 5 Pl atinum ™ Series SPECIAL NOTES Signal words are used in thi s manual and app ly to hazards or unsafe practices whi ch could result i n personal injury or property dam age.
SECTION 1—GENERAL GUIDELINES Platinum ™ Series 6 Part No 1118353 SECT ION 1—GE NERAL GUIDELINE S In order to ens ure the safe installation, assembly and operation of the Platinum concentrator these instructions MUST be follow ed.
SECTION 1—GENERAL GUIDELINES Part No 1118353 7 Pl atinum ™ Series WARNING The use o f oxygen therapy requires t hat special care be taken to reduce the risk of fire. Any materials that will burn i n air , and some t hat will not, ar e easily igni ted and burn rapidly in high concentrations of oxygen.
SECTION 1—GENERAL GUIDELINES Platinum ™ Series 8 Part No 1118353 WARNING NEVER block the air openings of the product or place it on a soft surface, such as a bed or couch, where the air openi ng may b e blocked. Keep the openings free from lint, hai r and the like.
SECTION 1—GENERAL GUIDELINES Part No 1118353 9 Pl atinum ™ Series WARNING To Red uce The Ris k Of Bu rns, Electrocuti on, Fire Or Injury To Person s. A void us ing whi le bathi ng. If conti nuous usage is required by the physician’ s prescrip tion: The concentrator MUS T b e located in another ro om at least seven (7) feet fro m the bath.
SECTION 1—GENERAL GUIDELINES Platinum ™ Series 10 Part No 1118353 WARNING Use of some admini stration access ories or certain hum idifi ers not speci fied for use wi th oxygen concen trat or may i mpair the performance. In certain circumstances oxygen ther apy can b e hazardous.
SECTION 2—FEATURES Part No 1118353 11 Platinum ™ Series SECTIO N 2— FEATU RES Oxygen Outlet Flowmet er Oxygen P urity Indicato r Lights (Se nsO 2 model only)/ Fault and Pow er Indicat or Lights .
SECTION 3—HANDLING Platinum ™ Series 12 Part No 1118353 SECT ION 3—H ANDLING The concentrator should AL W A YS be kept i n the upright position to preve n t cabinet damage while bei ng transpor ted. The shippi ng container has been desi gned to assure maximum protection of the concentrator .
SECTION 4—SPECIFICATIONS Part No 1118353 13 Platinum ™ Series SECTI ON 4— SPECIFI CATI ONS *NOTE: S tated concentration levels achieved after initial warm-up period (approximately 30 minu tes). Electrical Requirements: 120 VAC ± 10% (132 VAC/108 VAC), 60 Hz Rated Current Input: Platinum 5 and XL: 4.
SECTION 4—SPECIFICATIONS Platinum ™ Series 14 Part No 1118353 5LXO 2 INDICATORS: 5LX INDI CATO RS: Flow Range: Pl atinum 5 and XL - 0.5 to 5 L/min. For flowrates less than 1 L/min., we re commend the use of the Invacare Pediatric Fl owmeter IRC PF16 Acces sory.
SECTION 4—SPECIFICATIONS Part No 1118353 15 Platinum ™ Series Filters: Cabinet (2), Outlet HEPA and Compressor Inlet. Safety System: Current overload or line surge shutdown. High temperature compressor shutdown. High Pressure Alarm w/c ompressor shut- down.
SECTION 4—SPECIFICATIONS Platinum ™ Series 16 Part No 1118353 Placement: No closer than three inches from any wall, furniture, draperies, or similar surfaces. Tubing: 7 ft cannula with a maximum 50 ft of Crush-Proof Tubing (DO NOT pinch). Platinum 10: Recommended use up to 50 ft high flow tubin g with high flow cannula at all flow rates.
NOTES Part No 1118353 17 Platinum ™ Series NOT ES.
NOTES Platinum ™ Series 18 Part No 1118353 NOT ES.
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1. Method of purchase: (check all that apply) ❏ Medicare ❏ Insurance ❏ Medicaid ❏ Other 2. This product was purchased for use by: (check one) ❏ Self ❏ Parent ❏ Spouse ❏ Other 3. Product was purchased for use at: ❏ Home ❏ Facility ❏ Other 4.
SECTION 5—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Part No 1118353 23 Platinum ™ Series SECTI ON 5— OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Introdu ction Y our oxyg en concentrator i s intended for i ndividual use in the home. It is an electronically operated device that separates oxygen fro m roo m air .
SECTION 5—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Platinum ™ Series 24 Part No 1118353 Recommen ded Guid elines for Op timu m Performa nce NOTE: Ensure th at yo ur concentrator is at lea st three inches aw ay from walls, draperies or furnitur e to assure sufficient air flow .
SECTION 5—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Part No 1118353 25 Platinum ™ Series Connect H um idifier ( If So Pre scribed) NOTE: For this procedur e, ref er to FIGURE 5.1 - FIGURE 5.4. NOTE: F ill humidif ier with di st illed water to the level in dicated by the manu facturer .
SECTION 5—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Platinum ™ Series 26 Part No 1118353 3. Remov e the fi lter access door locat ed on the si de of the concentrator . Insert a flathead screwdriver in the plate groov e on t he to p edge of the filter access do or and gently pry the filter acc ess door open.
SECTION 5—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Part No 1118353 27 Platinum ™ Series 6. Attach oxyg en tubi ng from the humidi fier bottle to oxygen outle t connector on the oxygen concentr ator (FIGURE 5.4). 7. Attach the cannula/patient supply tubing to the humidi fier bottle outlet (FIGURE 5.
SECTION 5—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Platinum ™ Series 28 Part No 1118353 FIGURE 5.5 Power Switch Flow rate NOTE: For this procedur e, ref er to FIGURE 5.6 on page 29. 1. T urn the flowrate knob to the setting prescri bed by y our physici an or therapist.
SECTION 5—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Part No 1118353 29 Platinum ™ Series FIGURE 5.6 Flo wra te SensO 2 Oxygen Pur ity Indica tor (If Your Unit F eatures the O 2 Sen sor Fea ture) This feature monitors the purity of oxygen generat ed b y the oxygen concentrat or .
SECTION 5—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Platinum ™ Series 30 Part No 1118353 YELLOW light ( ) - Call suppli er I MMEDIA TEL Y . Y ou may continue to use the concentrator unless instructed otherwise by y our suppli er . Be certain that backup oxygen is nearby .
SECTION 5—OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Part No 1118353 31 Platinum ™ Series FIGURE 5.8 Indicators (If Your U nit Does Not Feature the O 2 Sensor) Call Supplier Normal RED GREEN A ut o S hu t - Do w n Us.
SECTION 6—MAINTENANCE Platinum ™ Series 32 Part No 1118353 SECT ION 6—MAIN TENANC E NOTE: The Invacare concen trators a re s pecifically designed to minimize routine pr eventive mainten a nce. In places with high d ust or soot levels, maintenance may need to be performed mor e often.
SECTION 6—MAINTENANCE Part No 1118353 33 Platinum ™ Series CAUTION DO NOT operate the concentrator wit h out the filters installed. FIGURE 6.1 Cleaning the Cabinet Filter Cabinet WARNING UNPLUG the concentrator when cleaning. To avoid electrical shock, DO NOT remove cabinet.
SECTION 6—MAINTENANCE Platinum ™ Series 34 Part No 1118353 WARNING DO NOT overfill humidifier bottle. FIGURE 6.2 Preventive Maintenance Record ON EACH INSPECTION MODEL NO.
SECTION 7—TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Part No 1118353 35 Platinum ™ Series SECT ION 7—TROUBL ESHOOTI NG GUIDE SYMPTOM: PROBABLE CAUSE: SOLUTION: Alarm: Main Po wer Loss: 1. Insert plug into outlet. SHORT BEEPS, LONG PAUSE 1. Power cord NO T plugged in.
SECTION 7—TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Platinum ™ Series 36 Part No 1118353 YELLOW or RED LIGHT Illumi- nat ed. Alarm: CONTINUOUS On red light only. * Only applies to 5LXO 2 and 10LX O 2 SensO 2 models. 1. Low oxygen purity.* 2. Kinked or blocked tub- ing, cannula or humid i- fier.
SECTION 7—TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Part No 1118353 37 Platinum ™ Series Alarm: RAPID Beep....Beep... Beep...Beep LOW FLOW ALARM 1a. Kinked or blocked tubing, cannula or humid- ifie r. 1b. Flowmeter set at 0.5 L/min. for Platinum 5 and 1 L/min. for Platinum 10 or less.
LIMITED WARRANTY Part No 1118353 39 Platinum ™ Series For warr anty service, please con t act Invac are Corporation's Service Department at the toll free number on the back cover. Upon rec eiving notice of an alleged defect in a product, Invaca re Corporation will issue a serialized return authorization.
Invacare Corporation www.i nvacare. com USA One Invaca re Way Elyria , Ohio U SA 44036-2125 800-333-6900 Techni cal Se rvices 800-832-4707 Invacare, Yes, you can. , Se nsO 2 , and t he Medal lion Desig n are regist ered tradema rks of I nvacare C orporati on.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Invacare IRC5LX (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Invacare IRC5LX noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Invacare IRC5LX - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Invacare IRC5LX reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Invacare IRC5LX erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Invacare IRC5LX besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Invacare IRC5LX verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Invacare IRC5LX. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Invacare IRC5LX gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.