Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung HP 8568B des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Performance Tests and Adjustments Manual HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer HEWLETT PACKARD HP Part No. 08568-90118 Printed in USA September 1993.
@Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1993 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
Certification Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard further certifies that its calibration meas.
Assistance Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are available for Hewlett-Rwkard products. Fbr any assistance, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service OJke.
Safety Symbols Caution Warning The following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize yourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating this instrument.
HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer Documentation Outline HP 8568B Installation and Verification Manual HP 8568B Operating and Programming Manual HP 8568B Performance Tests and Adjustments Manual HP 85680B RF .
Contents 1. General Information Introduction ..................... Instruments Covered by this Manual ......... Operation Verification ................ Option 462 Instruments ............... Option 857 Instruments ............... 2. Performance Tests Introduction .
3. Test 11. Log Scale Switching Uncertainty Test .... Test 12. Amplitude Fidelity Test ........... Test 13. Average Noise Level Test .......... Test 14. Residual Responses Test ........... Test 15. Spurious Responses Test .......... Test 16. Residual FM Test .
Crystal Filter Bypass Network Configuration . . . . . 3-151 4. Option 462 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-l 4. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test . . . . . 4-2 4. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test . 4-4 5. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test .
Figures l-l. Service Accessories, HP Part Number 08568-60001 . . 2-l. Center Frequency Accuracy Test Setup ........ 2-2. Center Frequency Readout Error Measurement .... 2-3. Frequency Span Accuracy Test Setup ........ 2-4. Sweep Time Accuracy Test Setup .
3-8. Location of AlA Components ........... 3-9. CRT Cut-Off Voltage 3-10. Waveform at AlA3TP5’ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3-11. Discharging the CRT Post-Accelerator Cable ..... 3-12. High Voltage Adjustment Setup ........... 3-13. Location of High Voltage Adjustments .
3-56. 20 MHz Reference Adjustments Setup ........ 3-57. Location of 20 MHz Reference Adjustments ..... 3-58. Typical Signal at A16TP3 .............. 3-59. 249 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustments Setup . . 3-60. Location of 249 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustments 3-61.
6-7. IF Section, Bottom View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 Contents-7.
lhbles 2-l. Performance Test Cross-Reference .......... 2-2. Center Frequency Readout Error Test Record ..... 2-3. Wide Span Error .................. 2-4. Span Error ..................... 2-5. Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times 220 ms ..... 2-6. Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times ~20 s .
1 General Information Introduction Warning Instruments Covered by this Manual This HP 8568B Tests and Adjustments Manual contains two sections: Performance Tests and Adjustments Procedures. The Performance Tests provided should be performed for the following reasons: w If the test equipment for the Operation Verification Program is not available.
Operation Verification A high confidence level in the instrument’s operation can be achieved by running only the Operation Verification Program, since it tests most of the instrument’s specifications.
‘Ihble l-l. Recommended Test Equipment (1 of 5) Critical Specifications for Equipment Substitution Zecommended Model Frequency: 10 MHz to 1500 MHz Output Power: + 10 dBm maximum (leveled) Aging Rate.
‘Ihble l-l. Recommended Test Equipment (2 of 5) Instrument ANALYZERS Spectrum Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer AC Probe Scalar Network Analyzer Detector (2 required) COUNTERS Frequency Counter Electronic Counter j = Universal Counter OSCILLOSCOPE Oscilloscope Probe Critical Specifications for Equipment Substitution Frequency: 100 Hz to 2.
‘Ihble l-l. Recommended Test Equipment (4 of 5) Instrument ATTENUATORS (Cont’d) 20 dB Attenuator TERMINATIONS Termination FIWERS Low-Pass Filter Low-Pass Filter Low-Pass Filter MISCELLANEOUS DEVIC.
‘Ihble l-l. Recommended Test Equipment (5 of 5) Instrument Critical Specifications for Recommended Perf. Adj a Equipment Substitution Model Test CABLES Cable Assembly Frequency Range: 200 Hz to 22 GHz HP 8120-4921 X X APC 3.5 Male Connectors Length: 91 cm (36 inches) SWR: cl.
Description Extende r Board : 2 0 contacts ; 2 row s o f 10 Cable: 4-foot long; BNC to SMB snap-on PC Board: Display Adjustment Test Extende r Board : 3 0 contacts ; 2 row s o f 15 Extende r Board : 1.
2 Performance Tksts Introduction The procedures in this section test the instrument’s electrical performance using the Specifications in the Installation and Verification Manual as the performance standards. None of the tests require access to the interior of the instrument.
Equipment Required Equipment required for the manual performance tests and adjustments is listed in ‘Ihble 2-1, Recommended Test Equipment, at the beginning of this manual. Any equipment that satisfies the critical specifications given in the list may be substituted for the recommended model.
1. Center Frequency Readout Accuracy Test 1. Center Frequency Readout Accuracy ‘I&t Related Adjustments Specification (uncorrected) Description Frequency Control Adjustments Time Base Adjustment Step Gain and 18.
1. Center Frequency Readout Accuracy Test Equipment Synthesized Sweeper . . . . . . . . . HP 8340A Frequency Standard . 10 MHz standard, accy within + 1 part in lOlo, e.g. HP 5061A Adapter, Type N (m) to SMA (f) . . . HP1250-1250 61 cm (24 in.) Cable Assembly, SMA Male Connectors HP 5061-1086 Procedure 1.
1. Center Frequency Readout Accuracy Test Note Spectrum analyzer center frequency readout can fall outside of specified limits if 10 MHz frequency reference has not been calibrated within the past year.
2. Frequency Span Accuracy lkst Related Adjustments Frequency Control Adjustments 50 MHz Voltage-Tuned Oscillator Adjustments Specification Span >l MHz 51 MHz Uncertainty f(2% of the actual frequency separation between two points +0.5% of span setting) 445% of the actual frequency separation between two points +0.
Equipment Procedure Spectrun Frequent y &an 200Hz IOOkHz 100.1 kHz 1MHz 1.01 MHz 20MHz 20.1 MHz 1.5 GHz Analyzer Center Frequent y 10 0 MHz 100MHz 10 0 MHz 10 0 MHz 10 0 MHz 10 0 MHz 10 0 MHz 90 0 MHz 2. Frequency Span Accuracy Test Synthesized Sweepe r .
2. Frequency Span Accuracy Test Freq Span r- 1 1.5 GHz -34,500.OOO Hz ] 34,500O.OOO Hz ‘Ihble 2-4. Span Error -I- SDan Error ADUT-ASyn from ‘Ihble 2-3 -I Spec.
3. Sweep Time Accuracy Test (220 ms) 3. Sweep Time Accuracy Test (220 ms) Related Adjustment Frequency Control Adjustments Specification *lo% for sweep times 5100 seconds &20% for sweep times >lOO seconds Description Preferred Procedure This test is for sweep times 220 ms.
3. Sweep Time Accuracy Test (220 ms) Equipment Universal Counter .......................................... HP 5316A Digital Voltmeter ........................................... HP 3456A Procedure Sweep Times 220 ms 1. Connect equipment as shown in Figure 2-4.
3. Sweep Time Accuracy Test (220 ms) NOTE:PULSE WIDTH APPROXIMATE +15v -r-l t-SWEEP RETRACE rl JI t-ACTIVE SNEEP + ov- --- 1 L --- START+TI”E STOPhE INTERVAL INTERVAL MEASUREMENT MEASUREMENT Figure 2-5. Penlift Output Signal 6. Note the measured sweep time on the universal counter and record this value in Table 2-5.
3. Sweep Time Accuracy Test (220 ms) ‘Ihble 2-6. Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times 220 s [ SWEEP TIME ) Marker A Time Min Measured Max 20 s 3.6 s 4.4 s 200 s 32 s 48 s Sweep Times 220 ms 14. Sweep times 220 ms are tested without external test equipment (Alternate Procedure) by the following procedure.
4. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test 4. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test Related Adjustment Specification Description Equipment Procedure (For instruments with Option 462, refer to Chapter 4.
4. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test Figure 2-6. Resolution Bandwidth Measurement 8. Vary spectrum analyzer settings according to ‘fable 2-8. Measure the 3 dB bandwidth for each resolution bandwidth setting by the procedure of steps 6 and 7 and record the value in ‘Ihble 2-8.
5. Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test 6. Read the 60 dB bandwidth for the 3 MHz resolution bandwidth setting from the MARKER A frequency readout (see Figure 2-7) and record the value in Table 2-9. 7. Vary spectrum analyzer settings according to Table 2-9.
5. Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test ‘lhble 2-9. Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Spectrum Analyzer Measured Measured Bandwidth Maximum RES] ( FREQUEN C Y SPAN ) @iiFSE] 6OdB 3 dB Selectivity Se.
6. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Test Related Adjustments Specification Description Equipment Procedure (For instruments with Option 462, refer to Chapter 4.
6. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Test Figure 2-8. Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Measurement ‘Ihble 2-10. Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty 1 MHz 5 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 300 kHz 5 MHz 100 kHz .
7. Input Attenuator Switching Uncertainty Test 6. Press MARKER CPEAK SEARCH),(KJ 7. Set [~~J’JREFERENCE LEVEL ], and frequency synthesizer amplitude according to Table 2-l 1. At each setting, press MARKER ( PEAK SEARCH ) and record the deviation from the 10 dB setting from the MARKER A amplitude readout (see Figure 2-10).
8. Frequency Response Test Related Adjustment Specification Description SYNTHESIZED SWEEPER Slope Compensation Adjustment SIGNAL INPUT 1 ~tl.5 dB, 100 Hz to 1.
8. Frequency Response Test Note Equipment listed is for three test setups, Figure 2-11, Figure 2-13, and Figure 2-15. Equipment Synthesized Sweeper ....................................... HP 8340A Power Meter ..........................................
8. Frequency Response Test 7. 8. 9 . Key in the following spectrum analyzer settings: 10 . Press TRACE A [MAX) on the analyzer. 11 . Press SWEEP SINGLE on the synthesized sweeper. Adjust POWER LEVEL on synthesized sweeper (using data knob) to place peak of 20 MHz signal near reference level (top) graticule line.
8. Frequency Response Test Option 001: Set [ REFERENCE LEVEL ] TO -6.0 dBm. 15. Repeat steps 6 through 11. Press DISPLAY LINE [ENTER) on the spectrum analyzer. Use the Display Line to measure the maximum and minimum points on the trace. Record measurements below.
8. Frequency Response Test 25. After completion of sweep, press DISPLAY LINE (j?KiK] on the spectrum analyzer. Use the Display Line to measure the maximum and minimum points on the trace. Record the measurements below. SIGNAL INPUT 1 (100 kHz to 20 MHz) Maximum dBm Minimum dBm 26.
8. Frequency Response Test 100Hzt o 100 kHz 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Press (INSTR PRESET ) on the spectrum analyzer. Activate SIGNAL INPUT 1. Key in the following spectrum analyzer settings: START FREQ) . . . . .._......................
8. Frequency Response Test 42. Press DISPLAY LINE [ENTER] on the spectrum analyzer. Use the Display Line to measure the maximum and minimum points on the trace. (Disregard LO Feedthrough at 1 kHz.) Record the measurements below. SIGNAL INPUT 1 (1 kHz to 100 kHz) Maximum dBm Minimum dBm 43.
8. Frequency Response Test 49. For each input, subtract the lowest minimum level (greatest negative) from the highest maximum (least negative) measurement recorded in steps indicated.
9. RF Gain Uncertainty Test h /I 1 I I I - Figure 2-16. RF Gain Uncertainty Measurement 2-32 Performance Tests.
10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test 10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test Related Adjustments Step Gain and 18.4 MHz Local Oscillator Adjustments 21.4 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments Specification Assuming the inter.
10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test Equipment Frequency Synthesize r .................................... . HP 3335A Adapter, Type N (m) to BNC (f ) ....................... . HP 1250-0780 Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 10 dB Gain Steps 5. 6. 7. 8 9 10. 11. 12. Press ( INSTR pfwm-).
10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test ‘Ihble 2-12. IF Gain Uncertainty, 10 dB Steps [ REFERENCE LEVEL ) Pm) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -32 -90 -42 -100 -52 -110 -62 -120 -72 Frequency Synthesizer Amplitude Pm) -2 -12 -22 -32 -42 -52 -62 -72 v 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 10 100 100 10 10 10 Deviation (Marker A Amplitude WV 0 (ref.
10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test 2 dB Gain Steps 13. Press QNSTR pREsETj,(jRECALL) 7. 14. Set [ REFERENCE LEVEL] to -1.9 dBm. 15. Press MARKER (OFF). Set CVlDEo] to 100 Hz. 16. Set the frequency synthesizer for an output power level of -3.9 dBm. Set the amplitude increment for 2 dB steps.
10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test 0.1 dB Gain Steps 19. Set [ REFERENCE LEVEL) to 0 dB. 20. Set the frequency synthesizer for an output power level of -2.00 dBm. Set the amplitude increment for 0.1 dB steps. 21. Press MARKER [ PEAK SEARCH),@. 22. Set the analyzer and the frequency synthesizer amplitude according to lkble 2-14.
10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test ‘Ihble 2-14. IF Gain Uncertainty, 0.1 dB Steps [ REFERENCE LEVEL ) Frequency Deviation Pm) Synthesizer (MKR A Amplitude Amplitude (am) PI 0.0 -2.00 0 (ref) -0.1 -2.10 -0.2 -2.20 -0.3 -2.30 -0.4 -2.40 -0.5 -2.50 -0.6 -2.60 -0.
11. Log Scale Switching Uncertainty Test HKA 100.001 B MHZ HKA 100.001 B MHZ b b REP -9.8 dml REP -9.8 dml ATTEN 10 de ATTEN 10 dB -a.a2 *em -a.a2 *em 2 dB/ 2 dB/ / / I I CENTER 100.000 MHZ CENTER 100.000 MHZ SPAN 100 kHZ SPAN 100 kHZ RES BW 30 kliz RES BW 30 kHz VBW 100 kHz VBW 100 kHz SWP 20.
12. Amplitude Fidelity Test 12. Amplitude Fidelity Test (For instruments with Option 857, refer to Chapter 5.) Related Adjustment Log Amplifier Adjustments Specification Log: Incremental ho.1 dB/dB over 0 to 80 dB display Cumulative 3 MHz to 30 Hz Resolution Bandwidth <kl.
12. Amplitude Fidelity Test Equipment Frequency Synthesizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HP 3335A Adapter, Type N (m) to BNC (f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HP 1250-0780 Procedure Log Fidelity 1. Set the frequency synthesizer for an output frequency of 20.
12. Amplitude Fidelity Test 8. The fidelity error for amplitude steps from -10 dB to -80 dB should be <& 1.0 dB. 9. The fidelity error at the -90 dB setting should be s&l.5 dB. YKR A 4J REF 9.7 d&n ATTEN 20 dB 10 d0/ L 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 CENTER 20.
12. Amplitude Fidelity Test ‘Ihble 2-17. Linear Amplitude Fidelity Frequency MARKER A Allowable Range Synthesizer Amplitude (f3 % of Reference Level) Amplitude (dB) (W 1 MW 1 Min Max I I I I I I I 0 -10.
13. Average Noise Level Test 13. Average Noise Level Tkst Specification Description Equipment Procedure c-135 dBm for frequencies >I MHz, c-112 dBm for frequencies <l MHz but >500 Hz with 10 Hz resolution bandwidth, 0 dB input attenuation, 1 Hz video filter.
13. Average Noise Level Test Figure 2-23. Average Noise Level Measurement 9. Read the average noise level from the DISPLAY LINE readout. The value should be c-112 dBm. dBm 10. Change [ CENTER FREQUENCY ) to 1.001 MHz. Follow the procedure to steps 7 through 9 to determine the average noise level.
14. Residual Responses Test 14. Residual Responses Test Specification Description Equipment Procedure c-105 dBm for frequencies >500 Hz with 0 dB input attenuation (no signal present at input) Option 100: c-99 dBm for frequencies >500 Hz with 0 dB input attenuation (SIGNAL INPUT 1 only).
14. Residual Responses Test 9. 10. 11. Figure 2-24. Residual Responses Measurement Press SWEEP [SINGLE_) and wait for completion of sweep. Look for any residual responses at or above the display line. If a residual is suspected, press SWEEP CRINGLE) again and see if the response persists.
15. Spurious Responses Test 15. Spurious Responses Test Related Adjustment Second Converter Adjustments Specification For total signal power of c-40 dBm at the input mixer of the analyzer, all image a.
15. Spurious Responses Test SPECTRUM ANALYZER SYNTHESIZED SMEEPEA 10 DB ATTENUATOR 300 MHZ LPF J Figure 2-25. Harmonic Distortion Test Setup Note Equipment listed is for two test setups, Figure 2-25 and Figure 2-26. Equipment Synthesized Sweeper .....
15. Spurious Responses Test signal for a marker indication of -20.00 dBm (-30.0 dBm at the input mixer with 10 dBm of input attenuation). 6 On the spectrum analyzer, key in MARKER @, CCENTER FREQUENCY ) 560 MHz, MARKER CPEAK SEARCH ) to position a second marker on the peak of the second harmonic distortion product of the 280 MHz input signal.
15. Spurious Responses Test Intermodulation Distortion SPECTRUM ANALYZER ATTENUATOR ATTENUATOR DIRECTIONAL 50 MHz LON PASS FILTER Figure 2-26. Intermodulation Distortion Test Setup 11. Connect equipment as shown in Figure 2-26. 12. Set the controls of the spectrum analyzer as follows: CENTER FREQUENCY .
15. Spurious Responses Test -0 -10 -20 z E i.i -30 z 3 -40 Q 2 -50 -60 -70 Note If unable to locate intermodulation distortion products, temporarily increase output power level of frequency synthesizer and synthesized sweeper by + 10 dB.
15. Spurious Responses Test 24. On the frequency synthesizer, readjust the signal amplitude as necessary to position the peak of the displayed 29.99 MHz signal at the top CRT graticule line. 25. On the spectrum analyzer, key in MARKER @, (CENTER FR E QUENCY ) 30.
15. Spurious Responses Test 35. On the spectrum analyzer, key in [ CENTER FREQUENCY ] 59 MHz, MARKER [ PEAK SEARCH ) to position a second marker at the peak of the 59 MHz second-order intermodulation distortion product. The response should be below the display line (>75 dB below the total input power).
16. Residual FM Test Specification <3 Hz peak-to-peak in 110 s; frequency span ~100 kHz, resolution bandwidth 530 Hz, video bandwidth 530 Hz. Description The spectrum analyzer CAL OUTPUT is used to supply a stable 20 MHz signal to the analyzer.
16. Residual FM Test hr RF -I... L 1u Figure 2-28. Bandwidth Filter Slope Measurement 8. Compute the detection slope of the 30 Hz filter between the markers by dividing the MARKER A amplitude by the MARKER A frequency: filter slope = MARKER A amplitude/MARKER Afrequency = dB/Hz 9.
16. Residual FM Test Figure 2-29. Slope Detected Residual FM 11. Press SWEEP CRINGLE) and wait for completion of the sweep. 12. Press MARKER [ PEAK SEARCH _). Press DISPLAY LINE (m’ and position the display line at the lowest point on the trace. Figure 2-30.
16. Residual FM Test 13. Press MARKER Ia] and position movable marker at the lowest point on the trace (see Figure 2-30). Read the MARKER A amplitude from the display and record its absolute value.
17. Line-Related Sidebands Tests Specification 95 dB below the peak of a CW signal. Option $00: >75 dB below the peak of a CW signal. Description The spectrally pure calibrator signal of the spectrum analyzer is applied to the analyzer input and the line related sidebands near the signal are measured.
Option 400 1. 2. 3. Press ONSTR PRESET). 4. Key in the following analyzer settings: 5. 6. 7. 17. Line-Related Sidebands Tests Figure 2-31. Line Related Sidebands Measurement Press ~NSTR PRESET ]. Connect CAL OUTPUT to SIGNAL INPUT 2. Press (ml 8 and adjust AMPTD CAL for a MARKER amplitude of -10.
18. Calibrator Amplitude Accuracy Test Related Adjustment 20 MHz Reference Adjustments Specification -10 dBm f0.3 dB Description The output level of the calibrator signal is measured with a power meter. SPECTRUW ANILYZER Figure 2-32. Calibrator Amplitude Accuracy Test Setup Equipment Power Meter .
19. Fast Sweep Time Accuracy Test (~20 ms) 19. Fast Sweep Time Accuracy Test (430 ms) Related Adjustment None Specification &lo% for sweep times 5100 seconds Description The triangular wave output of a function generator is used to modulate a 500 MHz signal which is applied to the spectrum analyzer SIGNAL INPUT.
19. Fast Sweep Time Accuracy Test (~20 ms) 5. Press MARKER ( PEAK SEARCHJ@~EFZF),~. 6. Set [ FREQUENCY SPAN ) to 0 Hz, (j-1 to 3 MHz, [VlDEoBW) to 3 MHz, and press TRIGGER Cm]. 7. Set synthesized sweeper for an amplitude-modulated output. 8. Set function generator controls as follows: FUNCTION .
19. Fast Sweep Time Accuracy Test (~20 ms) ‘able 2-18. Fast Sweep Time Accuracy (~20 ms) [ SWEEP TIME ] Function Generator Frequency Sweep Time Error ww (divisions) 5 ms 2.
20. 1st LO Output Amplitude Test Specification >+4 dBm from 2.0 GHz to 3.7 GHz Description The power level at the 1ST LO OUTPUT connected is measured as the first L.O. is swept over its 2.0 GHz to 3.1 GHz range. SPECTRUM ANALYZER POWER METER Figure 2-35.
21. Frequency Reference Error Test 21. Frequency Reference Error Test Related Adjustment Time Base Adjustment Specification Aging Rate <l x 10eg/day and ~2.5 x 10m7 year; attained after 30 days warmup from cold start at 25°C. Temperature Stability <7 x lo-’ 0” to 5E9’C.
‘lhble 2-19. Performance Tkst Record Hewlett-Packard Company Model HP 8568B Serial No. IF-Display Section RF Section Tested by Report No. Date Performance Tests 2-69.
Tkst 1. Center Frequency Readout Accuracy Test Step 8. Center Frequency Readout Error Test Record Comb Spectrum Analyzer Generator Comb Frequency WW [FREQUENCY SPAN) [ CENT ER FREQUENCY) ww 100 MC EXT.
Test 2. Frequency Span Accuracy Test ‘I&t 2. Frequency Span Accuracy Test r n, 1 Spectrum kequency Span 200 Hz 100kHz 100.1 kHz IMHz 1.01 MHz 20 MHz 20.1 MHz 1.5 GHz Steps 7, 9, and 11. Wide Span Error F Analyzer Synthesized Sweeper DUT Measured Center Freq.
Test 3. Sweep Time Accuracy Step 6. Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times 220 ms [ SWEEP TIME ) Marker A Time Min Measured Max 20 ms 18 ms 22 ms 50 ms 45 ms 55 ms 100 ms 90 ms 110 ms 500 ms 450 ms 550 ms 1s 900 ms 1.10 s Step 12. Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times 220 s 21 Step 19.
Test 4. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy ‘I&t 4. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Step 8. Bandwidth Accuracy / [REW- 3MHz 1MHz 300kHz 100kHz 30kHz 10kHz 3kHz 1kHz 300Hz 100Hz 30Hz 10Hz [ FREQUENCY SPAN ) 5MHz 2 MHz 500kHz 200kHz 50kHz 20kHz 5kHz 2 kHz 500 Hz 200Hz 100Hz 100Hz MARKER A Readout of 3 ( Min Measured 2.
Test 5. Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Steps 7, 8 and 9. Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Spectrum Analyl er Measured ( RES] [FREQUHKYWAN J (VIDEOBW] 60 dB Bandwidth Measured Bandwidth Maximum 3 dB .
Test 6. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Test lkst 6. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Test Step 6. Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty 1 MHz 3 MHz 300 kHz 100 kHz 30 kHz 10 kHz 3 kHz .
Test 7. Input Attenuator Switching Uncertainty Test 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Step 7. Input Attenuator Switching Uncertainty ( REFERENCE LEVEL ] ww -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 +lO Frequency Synthesizer Amplitude.
Test 8. Frequency Response Test Test 8. Frequency Respons g& kep 12 15 16 25 26 31 42 48 49 50 Signal Input SIGNAL INPUT 2 (20 MHz to 1.5 GHz) SIGNAL INPUT 1 (20 MHz to 1.
Test 9. RF Gain Uncertainty Test Step 6. 2nd LO Shift Min Measured Max -1.0 dB + 1.0 dB 2-78 Performance Tests.
Test 10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test Test 10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test Step 12. Step IF Gain Uncertainty, 10 dB Steps [REFERENCELEVEL] Wm) 0 -2 -10 -12 -20 -22 -30 -32 -40 -42 -50 -52 -60 -62 -70 -72 [SH.
Test 10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test [ REFERENCE LEVEL- Wm) Deviation (MKR A Amplitude WV 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1.0 -1.1 -1.2 -1.3 -1.4 -1.5 -1.6 -1.7 -1.8 -1.9 Step 22. IF Gain Uncertainty, 0.1 dB Steps Frequency Synthesizer Amplitude VW -2.
Test 10. IF Gain Uncertainty Test Step 23. Recorded deviations from Step 12. A B Reference Level Range: 0 to -70 dBm -80 to -120 dBm Largest Positive Deviation: dB dB Largest Negative Deviation: dB dB Step 24. Recorded deviations from Steps 18 and 22.
YLkst 11. Log Scale Switching Uncertainty Tkst Step 6. Log Scale Switching Uncertainty SCALE MKR Amplitude (dB/DIV) PW 1 2 5 10 Deviation Allowable (W Deviation (W 0 (ref) 0 (ref) xto.
Test 12. Amplitude Fidelity Test Test 12. Amplitude Fidelity ‘I&t Step 6. Log Amplitude Fidelity , Frequency 1 2 Fidelity Error Synthesizer Calibrated MARKER A Amplitude (Column 2 - Column 1: Amplitude Amplitude W) W) Wm) Step +lO 0 (ref) 0 (ref) 0 (ref) 0 -10 -10 -20 -20 -30 -30 -40 -40 -50 -50 -60 -60 -70 -70 -80 -80 -90 Step 14.
Test 13. Average Noise Level Test 2-84 Performance Tests.
Test 14. Residual Responses Test Test 14. Residual Responses Test Step 11. Maximum Residual Response Frequency Range 500 Hz to 1500 MHz Option 400: 500 Hz to 2.
Tkst 15. Spurious Responses Tkst 21 25 26 34 35 Description Second Harmonic Third Harmonic Third Order Intermodulation Distortion 30 MHz input signals, 1 MHz separation Third Order Intermodulation Dis.
Test 16. Residual FM Test Test 16. Residual FM Test Step 14. Residual FM IMinIMeasuredIrax] Performance Tests 2-87.
Tkst 17. Line-Related Sidebands Test Step 7 120 Hz (100 Hz) 180 Hz (150 Hz) 240 Hz (200 Hz) 7. Option 400 400 Hz 800 Hz 1200 Hz Min 1 Measured Max 1 -85 dB -85 dB -85 dB -75 dB -75 dB -75 dB 2-88 Perf.
Test 18. Calibrator Amplitude Accuracy Test Test 18. Calibrator Amplitude Accuracy ‘I&t Step 2. CAL OUTPUT Amplitude Min Measured Max -10.3 dBm -9.
Test 19. Fast Sweep Time Accuracy Test (~20 ms) Step 11. F&t Sweep Time Accuracy (~20 ms) [ SWEEP TIME) Function Generator Frequency (kW 5 ms 2.00 kO.
Test 20. 1st LO Output Amplitude Test Test 20. 1st LO Output Amplitude Test Step 4. 1st LO Output Level Performance Tests 2-91.
Test 21. Frequency Reference Error Test ISteD DescriDtion 1 Min 1 Measured 1 Max 1 4. Frequency (initial) 10. MHz 5. Frequency (after 24 hours) 10. MHz 6.
3 Adjustments Introduction The procedures in this section are for the adjustment of the instrument’s electrical performance characteristics. Warning The procedures require access to the interior of the instrument and therefore should only be performed by qualified service personnel.
Safety Considerations Although this instrument has been designed in accordance with international safety standards, this manual contains information, cautions, and warnings which must be followed to ensure safe operations and to retain the instrument in safe condition.
‘able 3-l. Adjustment Cross Reference Function Adjusted Low Voltage High Voltage CRT Display (Standard) CRT Display (Digital Storage) IF Gains Log Scales Bandwidth Amplitudes 3 dB Bandwidth 10 MHz Internal Time Base CAL OUTPUT Level Phase Lock Loops Adjustment Procedure 1.
Related Adjustments Any adjustments which interact with, or are related to, other adjustments are indicated in the adjustments procedures. It is important that adjustments so noted are performed in the order indicated to ensure that the instrument meets specifications.
‘Ihble 3-2. Adjustable Components Reference Designator AlA2C308 AlA2R308 AlA2R319 AlA2R409 AlA2R426 AlA2R427 AlA2R437 AlA2R440 AlA2R512 AlA2R513 AlA2R515 AlA2R517 AlA3R14 AlA4C204 AlA4C209 AlA4R227 .
‘Ihble 3-2. Adjustable Components (continued) Reference Designator A3AlR34 Adjustment Name SWEEP OFFSET Adjustment Number 25 Adjustment Function Adjusts digital sweep to begin at left edge of graticule. A3A2R12 LL THRESH 25 Adjusts point at which graticule lines switch from short to long lines.
‘able 3-2. Adjustable Components (continued) Reference Designator A4A4C9 Adjustment Name SYM Adjustment Number 8 Adjustment Function A4A4C19 LC CTR 8 A4A4C20 CTR 8 A4A4C39 SYM 8 A4A4C4 1 LC DIP 8 A4A4C43 LC DIP 8 A4A4C65 SYM 8 Centers A4A4 bandwidth filter crystal pole #l symmetry.
Table 3-2. Adjustable Components (continued) Reference Designator A4A7C42 A4A7R30 Adjustment Name CTR 10 Hz AMPTD Adjustment Number 7 7 Adjustment Function Centers 3 MHz bandwidth filter pole #5. Adjusts 3 MHz bandwidth filter 10 Hz bandwidth amplitude.
‘Ih.ble 3-2. Adjustable Components (continued) Reference Designator AGAlORl A6AlOR9 A6AlOR12 A6AlOR15 A6AlOR18 A6AlOR21 A6AlOR23 A6AlOR25 A6AlOR27 A6AlOR29 A6AlOR31 A6AlOR34 A6AlOR37 A6AlOR40 A6AlOR.
‘Ihble 3-2. Adjustable Components (continued) Reference Designator A6A12R82 A6A12R83 A6A12R84 A6A12R85 A6A12R98 A6A12R113 A7A2C 1 A7A2C2 A7A2C3 A7A2C4 A7A4AlAlCl A7A4AlAlC5 A8R2 AlOAlL7 A10AlL8 AlOA.
‘lhble 3-2. Adjustable Components (continued) Reference Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Function Designator Name Number AllA5Cl IMPEDANCE 16 Optimizes sampler output. MATCH Al lA5C2 IMPEDANCE 16 Optimizes sampler output. MATCH Al lA5Rl IF GAIN 13 Adjusts level of 30 MHz output.
‘Ihble 3-2. Adjustable Components (continued) Reference Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Function Designator Name Number AlA2R31 ORTHO 3 Sets orthogonality of CRT. AlA2R32 PATTERN 3 Adjusts for optimum rectangular shape of CRT display. AlA2R35 INTENSITY 3 Sets adjustment range of front-panel INTENSITY control.
‘Ihble 3-3. Factory-Selected Components Reference Designator AlA2R9 A3AlR72 A3A2R17 A3A2R2 1 A3A3C27 A3A3C32 A3A3R47 A3A3R48 A4AlRlO A4A 1 R67 A4A2R18 A4A2R22 A4A2R24 A4A2R36 A4A2R62 A4A2R86 A4A2R88.
l’hble 3-3. Factory-Selected Components (continued) Reference Designator A4A3R74 A4A3R79 A4A3R80 A4A3R8 1 A4A4ClO A4A4C17 A4A4C38 A4A4C66 A4A4C70 A4A4C92 A4A4C97 A4A4C99 A4A4ClOO A4A4ClOl A4A4R3 A4A.
‘Ihble 3-3. Factory-Selected Components (continued) Reference Designator A4A7R13 A4A7R23 A4A7R24 A4A7R34 A4A7R35 A4A7R45 A4A7R46 A4A7R56 A4A7R57 A4A7R60 A4A7R66 A4A7R68 A4A7R70 A4A7R72 A4A7R74 A4A7R.
Ifable 3-3. Fhctory-Selected Components (continued) Reference Designator A4A8R19 A4A8R24 A4A8R26 A4A8R29 A4A8R30 A4A8R34 A4A8R36 A4A8R36 A4A8R52 A4A8R55 A4A9R3 A4A9R6 A4A9R7 A4A9RlO A4A9R 11 A4A9R46 A.
‘Ihble 3-3. Factory-Selected Components (continued) Reference Designator A6A9AlR5 AGASAlRlC A6A9AlR27 A6AlOR86 A6AlOR87 A6AlOR88 A6AlOR89 A6AlOR90 A6AlOR91 A6Al lR2 ABAlBCl A6A12C2 A6A12C3 A6A12Cll .
‘able 3-3. Factory-Selected Components (continued) Reference Adjustment Range of Values Function of Component Designator Procedure (0 or PF) Al lA4R24 348 to 562 Sets YTO loop gain crossover to 20 &2 kHz. Al lA5C22 16 130 to 220 pF Sets YTO loop response ~20 MHz.
‘able 3-3. Factory-Selected Components (continued) Reference Adjustment Range of Values Designator Procedure (0 or PF) Function of Component Option 462 A4A7R12 5.62 K to 7.5 K A4A7R13 5.62 K to 7.5 K A4A7R23 5.62 K to 7.5 K A4A7R24 5.62 K to 7.5 K A4A7R34 5.
‘lkble 3-4. Standard Value Replacement Capacitors r apa Type: Tubular Range: 1 to 24 pF filerance: 1 to 9.1 pF = f0.25 pF ors Type: Dipped Mica Range: 27 to 680 pF Tolerance: *5% Value (pF) 1 BP Fart Number CD - 1.0 0160-2236 8 1.2 0160-2237 9 1.5 0150-0091 8 1.
‘lhble 3-5. Standard Value Replacement 0.125 Resistors Resistors Type: Fixed-Film Range: 10 to 46413 Ohms Wattage: 0.125 at 125’C Tolerance: fl.O% Value (n) EP Fart Number 10.0 0757-0346 11.0 0757-0378 12.1 0757-0379 13.3 0698-3427 14.7 0698-3428 16.
‘Ihble 3-5. Standard Value Replacement 0.125 Resistors (continued) Resistors Type: Fixed-Film Range: 10 to 464K Ohms Wattage: 0.125 at 125°C Value (0) To1 BP Part Number ‘an co - 17.8K 0698-3136 8 19.6K 0698-3157 3 21.5K 0757-0199 3 23.7K 0698-3158 4 26.
Table 3-6. Standard Value Replacement 0.5 Resistors Resistors Type: Fixed-Film Range: 10 to 1.47M Ohms Wattage: 0.5 at 125’C Value (fl) BP Part Number ‘ant 56 - 31.0% Value (0) EIP Fart Number 5 - 10.0 0757-0984 4 383 0698-3404 3 11.0 0575-0985 5 422 0698-3405 4 12.
Ihble 3-6. Standard Value Replacement 0.5 Resistors (continued) Resistors Value (0) 16.2K 17.8K 19.6K 21.5K 23.7K 26.lK 28.7K 31.6K 34.8K 38.313 42.2K 46.413 51.1K 56.2K 61.9K 68.1K 75.OK 82.5K 90.9K 1OOK 110K 121K 133K 147K Type: Fixed-Film Range: 10 to 1.
1. Low-Voltage Power Supply Adjustments 1. Low-Voltage Power Supply Adjustments Reference IF-Display Section: AlA f15 V Regulator AlA + 120 V, +5.2 V Regulator (Serial Number Prefix 3004A and above) AlA + 100 V, +5.
1. Low-Voltage Power Supply Adjustments 4. Connect the DVM to AlA6TP3 on the IF-Display Section. DVM indication should be + 15.000 fO.O1O V dc. If the voltage is out of tolerance, adjust AlA6R9 + 15 V ADJ for the specified voltage. , AlA71P2 AlA6DS2 AlA6TP4 5 Figure 3-2.
1. Low-Voltage Power Supply Adjustments 7. Verify that the + 120 V indicator AlA7DS2 (yellow LED) is lit. Note On IF-Display Sections serial prefixed 3001A and below, indicator AlA7DS2 is a + 100 V indicator. 8. Connect the DVM to AlA7TP3. DVM indication should be + 120.
1. Low-Voltage Power Supply Adjustments supply, therefore, if the +5V supply is out of tolerance, a circuit malfunction is indicated. 17. The -5V indicator A24DS6 (yellow LED) should be lit. 18. Connect the DVM to A24TP7. The DVM indication should be -5.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) 2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) Note Note Reference Description Warning This procedure is for IF-Display Sections with serial number prefixes 3001A and below. The procedure for serial prefixes 3004A and above is located immediately after this procedure.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) DIGITIZING OSCILLOSCOPE HI-VOLTAGE SIGNAL ANALYZER Figure 3-5. High Voltage Adjustment Setup Equipment Digital Voltmeter (DVM) ................................... .HP 3456A DC High-Voltage Probe (1000: 1 divider) .
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) Note The accuracy of the high-voltage probe is specified for a probe connected to a dc voltmeter with 10 M62 input resistance. HP 3456A and HP 3455A digital voltmeters have a 10 MQ input resistance on the 100 V and 1000 V ranges.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) Warning With the protective cover removed in the following step, do not place hands near the AlA High-Voltage assembly. High voltage (approximately -4000 V dc) can be present even when the ac line cord is disconnected.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) If the calibration factor calculated in step 8 is 0.00099, and AlA3Tl is labeled for -3875 V, then adjust AlA6R32 HV ADJ for a DVM indication of: 0.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) 27. On the oscilloscope press [SHOW]. 28. Connect the oscilloscope channel 1 probe to AlA3TP5 using a long probe extension. See Figure 3-7 for the location of AlA3TP5. 29. Reconnect the ac line cords to each instrument section.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) 34. On the oscilloscope, adjust the channel 1 offset voltage as necessary to measure the peak-to-peak CRT cut-off voltage, V,,, at AlA3TP5. See Figure 3-9. This peak-to-peak voltage should be between 45-75 V,.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) 39. Slowly adjust the front-panel INTENSITY control through its entire range while monitoring the peak-to-peak voltage at AlA3TP5. As the INTENSITY control is turned clockwise, the peak-to-peak voltage at AlA3TP5 will drop.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) AlA4, and AlA assemblies function properly and do not require compensation, proceed directly to adjustment procedure 4, “Final Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below)“.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3001A and Below) 5. While holding the insulated handle of the screwdriver, touch the grounded blade to the following connections: a. Both brown wires going to the rear of the CRT from AlA via cable harness W21. b. The yellow, blue, and orange wires in the same cable as “a.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3004A and Above) 2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3004A and Above) Note This procedure is for IF-Display Sections with serial number prefixes 3004A and above. The procedure for serial prefixes 3001A and below is located immediately before this procedure.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3004A and Above) Equipment High-Voltage Adjustment Procedure Warning Warning Digital Voltmeter (DVM) ...................
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3004A and Above) AlA HIGH / VOLTAGE REGULATOR / AlABOSl - AlA7TP3 - AlA6R103 Figure 3-13. Location of High Voltage Adjustments 4. Set the LINE switch to ON. Set the front-panel INTENSITY control fully counterclockwise (CRT beam at cut-off) to prevent possible damage to the CRT.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3004A and Above) 11. Remove the protective cover from the AlA High-Voltage Regulator Assembly. A label should be visible on the AlA3Al High Voltage Assembly. (AlASAl is mounted on the non-component side of the High-Voltage Regulator Assembly as shown in Figure 3-14.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3004A and Above) 16. With the front-panel INTENSITY control fully counter clockwise, wait approximately 10 minutes to allow the high-voltage supply to stabilize and the CRT to normalize. This sofl turn-on will extend CRT life expectancy, particularly if a new CRT has just been installed.
2. High-Voltage Adjustment (SN 3004A and Above) 3. Connect one end of a jumper wire (made of insulated wire and two alligator clips) to the blade of the screwdriver. Connect the other end of the jumper wire to the metal chassis of the IF Display Section.
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) 3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) Reference AlAl Keyboard AlA Z-Axis Amplifier A1 A4 X-Deflection Amplifier AlA Y-Deflection Amplifier Note Note Adjustment 2, “High-Voltage Adjustment,” should be performed before performing the following adjustment procedure.
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) Procedure X and Y Deflection 1. Connect a 10:1 (10 MQ) divider probe to the oscilloscope’s channel Amplifier Pulse 1 input and a 10: 1 divider probe to the channel 4 input. Response Adjustments 2.
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) A1A5, AlA4- AlA2’ - A3A2 Figure 3-17. Location of AlA2, AlA4, AlA5, and A3A2 R22 HF G(lN f f$ GA I id “1: Ry R28 HF GAI N , ~000uu000000u00ur AlA AlA4/AlA5 Figure 3-18. AlA2, AlA4, and AlA Adjustment Locations 10.
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) 16. Three waveforms should be displayed on the oscilloscope, as shown in Figure 3-20. The lower composite waveform represents the combined X deflection voltage applied to the CRT.
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) 19. Connect the oscilloscope’s channel 1 probe to AlA5El and the channel 4 probe to AlA5E2. See Figure 3-18 for the location of the test points. Connect the output of the pulse/function generator to 52 (Y input) on the Display Adjustment PC board in the A3A2 slot.
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) 28. Set the oscilloscope controls as follows: Press @iK]: Channel 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on amplitude scale . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) Reference AlAl Keyboard Al A2 X, Y, Z Axis Amplifier Note Adjustment Procedure 2, “High-Voltage Adjustment,” should be performed before performing the following adjustment procedure.
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) Procedure X and Y Deflection 1. Connect a 1O:l (10 MQ) divider probe to the oscilloscope’s channel Amplifier Pulse 1 input and a 1O:l divider probe to the channel 4 input. Response Adjustments 2.
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) AlA A3A2 A3Al Figure 3-24. Location of AlA and A3A2 TP5Ol R127 P120 Cl09 TP105 R227 c204 R220 R217 J5 GEID c307 Figure 3-25. AlA Adjustment Locations 10. Set the Pulse/Function Generator controls as follows: MODE .
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) 12. Set the oscilloscope controls as follows: Press [CHAN]: Channel 1 ................................................... . on amplitude scale ...................................... 10.0 V/div offse t .
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) the combined X deflection voltage applied to the CRT. Use the oscilloscope’s front-panel knob to adjust waveform fl sensitivity for approximately 8 vertical divisions. hp running .I : 1 20.0 V/div offset: 25.
19. 20. Pulse Response of 21. Control Gate Z Amplifier to BLANK Input 22. 23. 24 . Set the oscilloscope controls as follows: Note 25. 3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) Connect the oscilloscope’s channel 1 probe to AlA2TP104 and the channel 4 probe to AlA2TP105.
3. Preliminary Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) 29. Set the oscilloscope controls as follows: Press (CHAN]: Channel 1 . . . . . . . . . . on amplitude scale . . . . . . . .8.00 V/div Press @KiX-]. 30. Adjust the spectrum analyzer’s front-panel INTENSITY control for 50V peak-to-peak (8 divisions) as indicated on the oscilloscope.
4. Final Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) 4. Final Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) Reference Description Note Procedure Note AlAl Keyboard AlA Z Axis Amplifier AlA X Deflection Amplif.
4. Final Display Adjustments (SN 3001A and Below) 5. For best overall focusing of the display, adjust the following potentiometers in the sequence listed below: a. AlA3R14 FOCUS LIMIT for best focus of graticule lines (long vectors) b. AlA2R36 ASTIG c.
4. Final Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) 4. Final Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) Reference Description Equipment Procedure Note AlAl Keyboard AlA X, Y, Z Axis Amplifiers This procedure is used to optimize the appearance of the CRT display during routine maintenance or after CRT replacement or minor repairs.
4. Final Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) RI20 R220 R512 R513 R319 R426 R437 Figure 3-32. Location of Final Display Adjustments on AlA ‘Ihble 3-6.
8. 9. 10. 11. 4. Final Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) For an initial coarse focus, adjust the following potentiometers in the sequence listed: AlA3R14 FOCUS LIMIT AlA2R517 ASTIG AlA2R513 3D AlA2R409 FOCUS COMP Press QNSTR PRESET ), then adjust the reference level to bring the displayed noise to the top division of the graticule.
4. Final Display Adjustments (SN 3004A and Above) 17. Adjust AlA2R512 ORTHO and the front-panel ALIGN control to optimize the orientation and appearance of the rectangular graticule pattern on the CRT display. 18. Repeat steps 13 through 17 as needed to optimize overall display focus and appearance.
5. Log Amplifier Adjustments 5. Log Amplifier Adjustments Reference Related Performance Tests Note IF-Display Section A4A3 Log Amplifier-Filter A4A2 Log Amplifier-Detector Scale Fidelity Test The A4A3 Log Amplifier-Filter and A4A2 Log Amplifier Detector are temperature compensated as a matched set at the factory.
5. Log Amplifier Adjustments 4. Connect DVM to A4AlTPl and DVM ground to the IF casting. Connect the frequency synthesizer to the RF INPUT. Key in CFREQUENCY) 80 MHz and [ AMPLITUDE ) -86.98 dBm. The frequency synthesizer will now provide a 5OfI load.
5. Log Amplifier Adjustments Bandpass Filter Amplitude Adjustment 9. Connect one end of a jumper wire to A4A3TP8. Connect the other end of the jumper to A4A3TP7 (+ 15V). Connecting the jumper to A4A3TP8 first reduces the chance of shorting the + 15V to ground.
5. Log Amplifier Adjustments 23. Decrease the frequency synthesizer’s output level 10 dB. Press CREFERENCE LEVEL ) 0 dBm, and adjust the frequency synthesizer’s output level for a DVM indication of + 1.00 k.001 Vdc. 24. Verify that attenuator is set at 10 dB.
6. Video Processor Adjustments 6. Video Processor Adjustments Reference Related Performance Test Description IF-Display Section A4A 1 Video Processor Log Scale Switching Uncertainty Test The CAL OUTPUT signal is connected to the RF INPUT through a step attenuator.
6. Video Processor Adjustments 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Set step attenuator to 120 dB. DVM indication should be 0.000 *0.0005 V dc. (If DVM indication is out of tolerance, adjust A4A2R79 ZERO on the log amplifier-detector board..) Set step attenuator to 0 dB.
6. Video Processor Adjustments 22. Decrease reference level to -70 dBm using the step key. 23. DVM indication should be +0.200 l 0.002 V dc greater than the indication recorded in step 19. If not, readjust A4AlR2 LG OS. 24. Decrease reference level to -90 dBm using the step key.
7. 3 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments Reference IF-Display Section A4A7 3 MHz Bandwidth Filter Related Performance Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Test Test Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test Description With the CAL OUTPUT signal connected to the RF INPUT, the 18.
Procedure 1. Position instrument upright as shown in Figure 3-37 and remove top cover. 2. Set LINE switch to ON and press ~NSTR PRESET ). 7. 3 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments Frequency Zero Check 3. Connect CAL OUTPUT signal to RF INPUT 4. Key in IRECALL) @.
7. 3 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 10. Adjust A4A7C15 CTR for minimum amplitude of signal peak. Adjust A4A7C14 SYM for best symmetry. Repeat adjustments to ensure that the signal is nulled and adjusted for best symmetry. See Figure 3-38 for location of adjustments.
7. 3 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 25. Adjust A4A7C13 PK for maximum peak-to-peak signal on Channel 2 display. See Figure 3-39 for location of adjustment. If unable to achieve a “peak” in signal amplitude, increase or decrease value of A4A7C12.
7. 3 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 10 Hz Amplitude Adjustments 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Connect CAL OUTPUT to RF INPUT. Key in [INSTR PRESET ), [mj 9, (jEEki-- 10 Hz. Adjust the instrument front panel FREQ ZERO control for maximum signal amplitude on the CRT display.
8. 21.4 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 8. 21.4 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments Reference Related Performance Tests Description IF-Display Section A4A4 Bandwidth Filter A4A8 Attenuator-Bandwidth Fil.
8. 21.4 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments Equipment Digital Voltmeter (DVM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HP 3456A 10 dB Step Attenuato r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HP 355D, Option H89 1 dB Step Attenuato r . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. 21.4 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 10. Key in CRESBW_) 1 MHz, and ISPAN) 1 MHz. 11. Press MARKER CPEAK SEARCH ], MARKER a. 12. Key in CREsBW) 100 kHz, [-SPAN) 200 kHz, and MARKER [ PEAK SEARCH). 13. Adjust A4A4R43 LC to align markers on display.
8. 21.4 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 22. Adjust A4A4C73 CTR to center signal on center graticule line. Adjust A4A4C65 SYM for best symmetry of signal. See Figure 3-42 for location of adjustments. If unable to adjust A4A4C65 SYM for satisfactory signal symmetry, increase or decrease value of A4A4C66.
8. 21.4 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 33. Key in t-1 100 kHz, C-1 200 kHz, and MARKER [ PEAK SEARCH]. 34. Adjust A4A8R35 LC to align makers on display. MARKER A level should indicate 1.00 X. See Figure 3-43 for location of adjustment. 35. Repeat steps 31 through 34 until no further adjustment is necessary.
8. 21.4 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 45. LC 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. Adjust A4ABR40 XTAL to align markers on display.
62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 8. 21.4 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments approximately -17 kHz (to the left). If unable to achieve a “dip” in signal amplitude, increase or decrease value of A4ABR30. Refer to ‘&ble 3-3 for range of values. Remove short from A4ABTP6 and short A4ABTP3 to ground.
9. 3 dB Bandwidth Adjustments Reference Related Performance Test Description IF-Display Section A4A9 IF Control Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test The CAL OUTPUT signal is connected to the RF INPUT. Each of the adjustable resolution bandwidths is selected and adjusted for the proper bandwidth at the 3 dB point.
9. 3 dB Bandwidth Adjustments A4A9 IF CONTROL Figure 3-45. Locatio n of 3 dB Bandwidth Adjustments A4A3 9. Press MARKER a. Adjust marker to 3 dB point on opposite side of signal (CRT MKR A annotation indicates 1.00 X). There are now two markers; one on each side of the signal at the 3 dB points.
9. 3 dB Bandwidth Adjustments 22. CRT MKR A annotation now indicates the 3 dB bandwidth of the 300 kHz bandwidth. 3 dB bandwidth should be 300.0 f30.0 kHz.
10. Step Gain and 18.4 MHz Local Oscillator Adjustments 10. Step Gain and 18.4 MHz Local Oscillator Adjustments Reference Related Performance Tests Description IF-Display Section A4A7 3 MHz Bandwidth .
10. Step Gain and 18.4 MHz Local Oscillator Adjustments Equipment Digital Voltmeter (DVM) ........................ HP 3456A Power Meter ................................. ..HP436 A Power Sensor .................................. HP 8481A 10 dB Step Attenuator .
10. Step Gain and 18.4 MHz Local Oscillator Adjustments 10. If A4A5R33 CAL adjustment does not have sufficient range to adjust trace to the top CRT graticule line, increase or decrease the value of A4A7R60 as necessary to achieve the proper adjustment range of A4A5 CAL adjustment.
10. Step Gain and 18.4 MHz Local Oscillator Adjustments 1 dB Gain Step Checks 22. Key in [ REFERENCE LEVEL ) -19.9 dBm. Set step attenuators to 15 dB. Press MARKER @ twice to establish a new reference. 23. Key in ( REFERENCE LEVEL ) -17.9 dBm. Set step attenuators to 13 dB.
10. Step Gain and 18.4 MHz Local Oscillator Adjustments A4A5 STEP GAIN R2 Cl0 FREO R51 +lOV ADJ RlO ZERO COARSE C9 “R A4A5 Figure 3-49. Location of .l dB Gain Step, 18.4 MHz LO, and + 1OV Adjustments 36. Key in [ FREQUENCY SPAN] 1 kHz, [REs] 100 Hz, and [ PEAK SEARCH] a].
11. Down/Up Converter Adjustments Reference Related Performance Test Description Equipment Procedure IF-Display Section A4A6 Down/Up Converter Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Test The CAL OUTPUT signal is connected to the RF INPUT connector of the instrument and controls are set to display the signal in a narrow bandwidth.
11. Down/Up Converter Adjustments 6. Adjust A4A6AlR29 WIDE GAIN to align markers on CRT display. MKR A level should indicate 1.00 X. See Figure 3-51 for location of adjustment. 7. Disconnect CAL OUTPUT from RF INPUT. Optional Note Perform the following procedure if the A4A6Al assembly is replaced or the A4A6Al 21.
11. Down/Up Converter Adjustments Down Converter Gain Adjustment Note If a gain problem is suspected in the 10 Hz to 1 kHz resolution bandwidths, perform the following procedure to test and adjust the gain through A4A6A2. 1. Place A4A6 on extender boards.
12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2840A and Below, also 3217A05568 and Above) 12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2840A and Below, also 3217AO5568 and Above) Reference Related Performance Test Description Equipme.
12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2840A and Below, also 3217A05568 and Above) Procedure Note The spectrum analyzer must be ON continuously (not in STANDBY) for at least 72 hours immediately prior to oscillator adjustment to allow both the temperature and frequency of the 10 MHz Quartz Crystal Oscillator to stabilize.
12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2840A and Below, also 3217A05568 and Above) 6. Set the Frequency Counter controls as follows: INPU T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ATTENUATION . . . . . . . . . . .
12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2840A and Below, also 3217A05568 and Above) 14. 15. 16. Reading 11: mHz Subtract the shifted frequency reading in step 11 from the last recorded frequency in step 10. This gives the frequency correction factor needed to adjust the A27 10 MHz Frequency Standard.
12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2848A to 3217A05567) 12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2848A to 3217A05567) Reference Related Performance Test Description Equipment Procedure Note RF Section: A27Al Frequency .
12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2848A to 3217A05567) The A27A2 10 MHz Quartz Crystal Oscillator (HP P/N 1081 l-601 11) typically reaches its specified aging rate again within 72 hours after being switched off for a period of up to 30 days, and within 24 hours after being switched off for a period less than 24 hours.
12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2848A to 3217A05567) INT/EXT switch (rear panel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXT 7. On the Frequency Counter, select a 10 second gate time by pressing, (GATETIME_) 10 (GATE]. 8. Offset the displayed frequency by -10.
12. Time Base Adjustment (SN 2848A to 3217A05567) 15. On the Frequency Counter, select a 1 second gate time by pressing, t-1 1 @Y%YiK]. The Frequency Counter should now display the difference between the frequency of the INPUT A signal and 10.0 MHz with a resolution of 0.
13. 20 MHz Reference Adjustments 13. 20 MHz Reference Adjustments Reference Related Performance Test Description Equipment RF Section: Al6 20 MHz Reference Calibrator Amplitude Accuracy Test The 20 MHz output is peaked and amplitude checked for proper level.
13. 20 MHz Reference Adjustments Procedure 1. Position instrument on right side as shown in Figure 3-56 and remove bottom cover. Remove Al6 20 MHz Reference and install on extenders. See Figure 3-57 for the location of Al6 components. 2. Set LINE switch to ON and press (INSTR PRESET ).
13. 20 MHz Reference Adjustments 8566AB Spectrum Analyzer ( CENTER FREQUENCY _) to 20.34 MHz and SCALE to 10 dB/division. 10. Adjust Al6 20.34 MHz NULL A16C12 for minimum 20.
13. 20 MHz Reference Adjustments Press &K?@ Press CnTavj: AVmarkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..on Vmarker 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800mv Vmarker2 . . . . . . . . .
14. 249 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustments 14. 249 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustments Reference Description Equipment RF Section: A7 249 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Two center frequencies are chosen: one which will tune the 249 MHz Oscillator to its low-end frequency and one which will tune the 249 MHz Oscillator to the high-end frequency.
14. 249 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustments Procedure 1. Place instrument on right side with IF-Display Section facing right as shown in Figure 3-59. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Key in [=J 2 and adjust A7C3 for + 13.0 fO.l V dc at A7Pl. 12. 13. 14.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 14. 249 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustments Set LINE switch to STANDBY. Adjust A7L2 one-half turn counterclockwise before placing A7 249 MHz PLO in HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer without extender. (Leave DVM connected to A7TPl). Set LINE switch to ON and key in @KKK) 1.
15. 275 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustment A18 275 MHz PHASE LOCK OSCILLATOR - 1 0 - U I 1 C8 PLO,ADJUST A18 Figure 3-62. Location of 275 MHz PLO Adjustment 7.
16. Second IF Amplifier and Third Converter Adjustment Reference RF Section: A19 Second IF Amplifier A20 Third Converter Description A synthesized sweeper is used to inject a signal of 301.4 MHz at -20 dBm in to the A19 Second IF Amplifier. The output of the amplifier is displayed on a scalar network analyzer.
Procedure Second IF Amplifier Adjustments 16. Second IF Amplifier and Third Converter Adjustment Adapters: Type N (f) to APC-3.5 (f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1250-1745 Type N (m) to BNC (f) (2 required) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1250-0780 Type N (f) to BNC (f) (2 required) .
16. Second IF Amplifier and Third Converter Adjustment 14. 15. 16. 17. See Figure 3-65 for the typical response when the bandpass filter is properly adjusted. On the scalar network analyzer, press @CEEQ MAX. Press cursor A, ON and set the cursor to the -3 dB point on the low side of the filter response (ho.
16. Second IF Amplifier and Third Converter Adjustment Note Place the Markers as accurately as possible within the cursor markers for maximum frequency accuracy. Note Third Converter Adjustment 18. On the synthesized sweeper, press @G-X-n). M3 - M4 should read between 7 and 14 MHz.
16. Second IF Amplifier and Third Converter Adjustment 17. Pilot Second IF Amplif’ier Adjustments Reference RF Section: A9 Pilot Second IF Amplifier A10 Pilot Third Converter Description A synthesized sweeper is used to inject a signal of 269 MHz at -20 dBm into the A9 Pilot Second IF Amplifier.
17. Pilot Second IF Amplifier Adjustments Procedure 1. Position instrument on right side as shown in Figure 3-67, with bottom cover removed. 2. Set LINE switch to ON and press GNST PRESET ) on HP 8568B (DUT), HP 8757A, and HP 8340A/B. 3. Connect 20 dB Attenuator and power splitter to RF OUTPUT of synthesized sweeper.
17. Pilot Second IF Amplifier Adjustments A9 PILOT A10 PILOT 2ND IF AMPLIFIER 3RD CONVERTER I / 269MHz BANDPASS FILTER Figure 3-68. Location of 269 MHz Bandpass Filter Adjustments 3 dB Point > 21 MHz -4 Figure 3-69. 269 MHz Bandpass Filter Adjustments Waveforms 15.
18. Frequency Control Adjustments 18. Frequency Control Adjustments Reference Related Performance Tests Description Equipment Procedure RF Section: A22 Frequency Control Sweep Time Accuracy Test Frequ.
18. Frequency Control Adjustments A22 FREOUENCY CONTROL START FM SPAN STOP TILT YTO -SD VT0 TlJNE REF REF FAST A22 Figure 3-71. Location of Frequency Control Adjustments 5. Connect DVM to A22TP13 and ground to A22TP12. 6. Adjust A22 TUNE REF A22R17 for DVM indication of -10.
18. Frequency Control Adjustments Full Sweep 11. Repeat Start-Up Time Measurement procedure in step 8 and step 9 Adjustment for ( SWEEP TIME ) of 20 ms. Note value of measurement. 20 ms start-up time: 12. Key in [Shift_) CREssWr three times and note the CRT annotation.
18. Frequency Control Adjustments START and STOP Adjustments FM SPAN Adjustment 30. 22. 23. Key in (ml [CF STEP SIZE) J 1023 Hz. Adjust A22 LSD VT0 A22R7 for DVM indication of +0.0218 f0.0001 V dc. If not using an HP 3455A DVM, adjust for specified voltage plus the DVM indication in step 20.
19. Second Converter Adjustments 19. Second Converter Adjustments Reference RF Section: A23 RF Converter Related Performance RF Gain Uncertainty Test Test Spurious Responses Test Description First, the second LO frequency is adjusted for proper frequency and then the LO shift is adjusted by using the front-panel keys to shift the LO up and down.
19. Second Converter Adjustments Procedure Second LO Frequency 3. Set HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer LINE to ON and press and Shift Adjustments (JNSTR PRESET].
19. Second Converter Adjustments 9. Readjust A23A3 2ND MIXER A23A3Z4 for maximum power indication. 10. Disconnect the amplifier’s input from A23A3J3 and connect to A23A3J4. 11. Adjust A23A3 PILOT 2ND MIXER A23A3Z8 for maximum power meter indication.
19. Second Converter Adjustments Second Converter 27. Key in m (JJ) T, [ FREQUENCY SPAN ] 0 Hz. Bandpass Filter Adjustments 28. On the synthesized sweeper, key in ICF) 240 MHz, a 50 MHz, and CPowerLeVel] - 10 dBm.
19. Second Converter Adjustments Figure 3-74. Typical PILOT 2ND IF Bandpass (SHIFT t) Figure 3-75. Typical PILOT 2ND IF Bandpass (SHIFT 1) 42. Key in [*] 0) u and note amplitude of signal. Key in ISHIFT) @a T and note amplitude of the bandpass signal peak.
19. Second Converter Adjustments 48. Disconnect cable connected to A23A3J2 and connect to A23A3Jl (1ST IF IN). Reconnect semi-rigid cable to A23A3J2 that was disconnected in step 36. 49. Set the synthesized sweeper’s a for 2052.5 MHz ho.1 MHz. Adjust a to center the bandpass signal.
19. Second Converter Adjustments Second Converter 53. Repeat steps 14 through 19 to ensure that Second LO frequency Final Adjustments and shift are still properly adjusted. 54. Check the bandpass at the 3 dB points for both the 2ND LO T and 1. On the scalar network analyzer, press [%i?%@ Max.
20. 50 MHz Voltage-Tuned Oscillator Adjustments Reference Related Performance Test Description Equipment Procedure RF Section: All 50 MHz Voltage-Tuned Oscillator (VTO) Frequency Span Accuracy Test Ce.
20. 50 MHz Voltage-Tuned Oscillator Adjustments DACS Accuracy Check 3. Connect DVM to A22TP9 and ground lead to A22TP12. 4. Key in [SHIFT) [CF STEP SIZE] J 0 Hz. If using an HP3456A DVM, pressISTORE_)aZ, way, a, (STORE)@JY, then @El 0 (X-Z)/Y. If not using an HP 3456A DVM, note voltage indication for reference later.
20. 50 MHz Voltage-Tuned Oscillator Adjustments 14. Adjust All POS SUPPLY AllR6 for a DVM indication the same as that noted in step 12. See Figure 3-79 for location of adjustment. VT0 High-Frequency 15. Key in LSHIFT) (CF STEP SIZE ] J 112 kHz and Cm) I-1 N.
2 1. Slope Compensation Adjustments 21. Slope Compensation Adjustments Reference RF Section: A22 Frequency Control Related Performance Test Frequency Response Test Description The HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer is swept between 10 MHz and 1500 MHz, using a synthesized sweeper which has been power-meter leveled.
2 1. Slope Compensation Adjustments Procedure 1. Place instrument on right side as show in Figure 3-80, and remove bottom cover. 2. Connect equipment as shown in Figure 3-80 with power splitter connected to the output of the synthesized sweeper with a cable.
21. Slope Compensation Adjustments Note At this sweep time, some trace discontinuities are common. 14. Adjust A22R66 TILT for best flatness (clockwise rotation increases the power slope), and trigger two sweeps on the synthesized sweeper. See Figure 3-81 for the location of A22R66.
22. Comb Generator Adjustments Reference RF Section: A23 RF Converter Al6 20 MHz Reference Description The output of the Pilot First Converter is connected to the signal input of the Second Converter. This allows the comb teeth from the A23A6 Comb Generator to be displayed on the CRT display.
22. Comb Generator Adjustments Equipment Cable, SMA (m) to SMA (m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HP 85680-20094 Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Set instrument LINE switch to ON and press ~NSTR PRESET ). Connect CAL OUTPUT to SIGNAL INPUT 2.
22. Comb Generator Adjustments a typical comb tooth display. See Figure 3-83 for location of adjustments. 14. The majority of the comb teeth should be above the -30 dBm Display Line. No comb teeth should exceed -22 dBm, and no comb teeth should be less than -36 dBm.
23. Analog-To-Digital Converter Adjustments 23. Analog-To-Digital Converter Adjustments Reference Description Equipment A3A8 Analog-to-Digital Converter The Analog-to-Digital Ramp Converter is adjuste.
23. Analog-To-Digital Converter Adjustments Procedure 1. Position instrument upright as shown in Figure 3-85 and remove top cover. 2. Set LINE switch to ON and press ~NSTR PRESET ). Standard Procedure 3. Procedure using Low-Noise DC Supply is illustrated in Figure 3-93.
23. Analog-To-Digital Converter Adjustments 1. Adjust A3A8R5 GAIN for a square wave displayed on the oscilloscope. The square wave should be approximately 4 V,,. See Figure 3-86 for location of adjustment. Alternate Procedure 4. Procedure without using Low-Noise DC Supply: a.
24. Track and Hold Adjustments Reference A3A9 Track and Hold Description The CAL OUTPUT signal is connected to the RF INPUT. The instrument is placed in zero frequency span to produce a dc level output from the IF-Video section and this dc level is regulated by adjusting the reference level.
24. Track and Hold Adjustments A6 AS ~EOM4LR ES A6A9AlRll CAL ADJ I I 10. 11. TRIF c29 RI1 ‘LER MATCH CAL OUTPUT RlO A6A9Al Figure 3-88. Location of Track and Hold Adjustments Key in m TRACE A [-HOLD]. b Adjust A3A9R44 OFFS POS until MARKER A level indication as indicated by CRT annotation flickers back and forth between .
24. Track and Hold Adjustments 24. Adjust A3A9R52 GNEG for MARKER A level indication as indicated by CRT annotation of 100 ho.1 dB. 25. Repeat steps 4 through 24 until no further adjustments are required.
25. Digital Storage Display Adjustments 25. Digital Storage Display Adjustments Reference Description Equipment Procedure Preliminary Graticule Adjustments A3A 1 Trigger A3A2 Intensity Control A3A3 Line Generator First, preliminary CRT graticule adjustments are performed to position the graticule on the CRT.
25. Digital Storage Display Adjustments A-IA? A3A3 A3Al INTENSITY LINE TRIGGER CONTROL GENERATOR !12 R51 R50 -HRESH Y 8 & H BAL X S & H BAI A3A2 A3A3 R34 SWP OFFSET A3Al Figure 3-90. Location of Digital Storage Display Adjustments 5. Adjust A3A2R12 LL THRESH fully clockwise.
25. Digital Storage Display Adjustments Sample and Hold 13. Set LINE switch to STANDBY. Balance Adjustments 14. Place A3A3 Line Generator on extender boards. 15. Set LINE switch to ON. Press QNSTR PRESET ]. 16. Key in C-1 0 ’ (RECORDER LOWER LEFT) 0 [Hz).
25. Digital Storage Display Adjustments 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 . Set LINE switch to ON. X and Y Offset and 25. Gain Adjustments 26, 27. Press (INSTR PRESET).
25. Digital Storage Display Adjustments 41. Adjust A3A3R5 Y GAIN to align the top graticule line with the fast sweep signal trace. Final Graticule 42. Press QNSTR PRESET ], TRACE A @iZQ.
Low-Noise DC The Low-Noise DC Supply shown in Figure 3-93 can be constructed SUPPlY using the parts listed in ‘Ikble 3-7. Figure 3-93. Low-Noise DC Supply ‘Ihble 3-7.
Crystal Filter Bypass Network Configuration Crystal Filter Bypass Network Configuration The Crystal Filter Bypass Network Configuration shown in Figure 3-94 can be constructed using the parts listed in Iable 3-8 and Table 3-9. Table 3-8 list the parts required for the construction of 21.
Option 462 Introduction This chapter contains modified performance tests and adjustment procedures for Option 462 instruments. When working on Option 462 instruments, substitute the procedures in this chapter for the standard versions contained in chapters two and three.
4. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test Related Adjustment Specification Description Equipment Procedure 6 dB Bandwidth Adjustments &20%, 3 MHz bandwidth &lo%, 30 Hz to 1 MHz bandwidths + 50%, -0%, 10 Hz bandwidth 30 kHz and 100 kHz bandwidth accuracy figures only applicable 590% Relative Humidity, 540” C.
4. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test Related Adjustment Impulse Bandwidth Adjustments Specification *20%, 3 MHz bandwidth flO%, 1 MHz to 1 kHz bandwidths -0, +50%, 300 H z to 10 Hz (6 dB bandwidths) Description A frequency synthesizer and pulse/function generator are used to input pulses to the spectrum analyzer.
4. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Tl to 30 kHz. On th e Set the frequency synthesizer (FREQUENC‘ spectrum analyzer key in [ FREQUENCY SPP 0.5 seconds, SWEEP (SINGLEI), MA MARKER amplitude in Table 4 3011 [ Z, SWEEP TIME] RKER ( PEAK SEARCH ).
4. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test Note 6 dB resolution bandwidth measurements are used in Performance Test 5, Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test. HKR A 3.103 MHZ b REF -9.0 dBm ATTEN 10 129 0.00 dB LINEAR Figure 4-3. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Measurement 46.
4. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test ‘Ihble 4-3. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Res BW 3 MHz (i) 1 MHz (i) 300 kHz (i) 100 kHz (i) 30 kHz (i) 10 kHz (i) 3 kHz (i) 1 kHz (i) 300 Hz (.
5. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test Related Adjustments Specification Description Equipment Note Procedure 3 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 21.
7. 8. 9. 10. rp 10 5. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test Vary spectrum analyzer settings according to Table 4-4. Press SWEEP @KZF] and measure the 60 dB bandwidth for each resolution bandwidth setting by the procedure of steps 4 through 6. Record the value in Table 4-4.
5. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test ‘Ikble 4-4. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity r 3 MHz 1 MHz 300 kHz 100 kHz 30 kHz 10 kHz 3 kHz 1 kHz 300 Hz 100 Hz 30 Hz 10 Hz Spectrum Analyzer 20.
5. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test HKR P i e REF 0.0 aBm Al-TEN 10 d0 -0. 10 aw 4.04 HHZ 30 a0 / / I. Figure 4-5. 60 dB Bandwidth Measurement 4. Press MARKER In] and position the positive movable marker 60 dB down from the signal peak on the negative-going edge of the signal trace (the MARKER @J amplitude readout should be 0.
5. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test ‘Ihble 4-5. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Spectrum Analyzer Measured Measured Bandwidth Maximum Res 60 dB 6 dB Selectivity Selecti.
6. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Tkst Related Adjustment Specification Description Equipment Procedure 3 MHz Bandwidth Filter Adjustments 21.4 Bandwidth Filter Adjustments Down/Up Converter Adjustments f2.0 dB, 10 Hz bandwidth f0.
6. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Test MKR A 0 HZ rp REF 53.0 d0m ATTEN 10 d8 0.00 dB I I I I I I I I I I I ldB’ t-H+ I I I I I I I MAR <ER rl 0 iz / Figure 4-6. Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Measurement T&ble 4-6.
Test 4. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test (p/o ‘lhble 2-19, Performance Test Record) ‘RES) 3MHz 1MHz 300kHz 100kHz 30kHz 10kHz 3kHz 1kHz 300Hz 100Hz 30Hz 10Hz Step 8. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy FREQUENCY SPAN) Readout of 3 dB Bandwidth 5MHz 2.
@ai-- 3 MH z (i) 1 MH z (i) 300 kH z (i) 100 kH z (i) 30 kH z (i) 10 kH z (i) 3 kH z (i) 1 kH z (i) 3 MHz 3 MHz 3 MHz 1 MHz 300 kHz 100 kHz 30 kHz 10 kHz Test 4. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test (p/o ‘Ihble 2-19, Performance Test Record) Test 4.
Test 4. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test (p/o ‘Ihble 2-19, Performance Test Record) Steps 39 through 46. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Res BW 3 MHz (i) 1 MHz (i) 300 kHz (i) 100 k.
Test 5. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity (p/o lkble 2-19, Performance Test Record) Test 5. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity (p/o ‘lhble 2-19, Performance lkst Record) Step 9.
Test 5. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity (p/o I)dble 2-19, Performance T&t Record) Steps 5 through 9. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Spectrum Analyzer Measured Measured B.
Test 6. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty (p/o ‘Ikble 2-19, Performace Test Record) - ‘l&t 6. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty (p/o Table 2-19, Performace lkst Record) Step 5.
9. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Adjustments Reference Related Performance Test Description Equipment Procedure IF-Display Section A4A9 IF Control 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test The CAL OUTPUT signal is connected to the RF INPUT. Each of the adjustable resolution bandwidths is selected and adjusted for the proper bandwidth.
9. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Adjustments 13. Using the DATA knob, adjust the marker down one side of the display signal to the 6 dB point; CRT MKR A annotation indicates .500 x. A4A9 N f’ ,I I 1 N N IF CONTROL 5 s x : 2 VI-m-m ~000000000000000000 n 000000000000000000 r A4A9 Figure 4-7.
9. 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Adjustments 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Press MARKER IOFF), then MARKER In]. Using the DATA knob, adjust the marker down one side of the displayed signal to the 6 dB point; CRT MKR annotation indicates .500 x.
9. Impulse Bandwidth Adjustments 9. Impulse Bandwidth Adjustments Reference Related Performance Test Description Equipment Procedure IF-Display Section A4A9 IF Control Impulse Bandwidth Accuracy Test The CAL OUTPUT signal is connected to the SIGNAL INPUT 1.
9. Impulse Bandwidth Adjustments 13. Using the DATA knob, adjust the marker down one side of the display signal to the 7.3 dB point; CRT MKR A annotation indicates 0.430 X. A4A9 IF CONTROL 1 1 Figure 4-8. Location of Bandwidth Adjustments 14. Adjust A4A9R61 1 MHz for MKR A indication of 500 kHz while maintaining the marker at 0.
9. Impulse Bandwidth Adjustments [ REFERENCE LEVEL ] and using the DATA knob to place the signal peak near the top of the graticule. 24. Press MARKER IOFF), then MARKER (al. 25. Using the DATA knob, adjust the marker down one side of the displayed signal to the 7.
5 Option 857 Introduction This chapter contains a modified performance test for Option 857 instruments. When working on Option 857 instruments, substitute the procedure in this chapter for the standard version contained in Chapter 2. The procedure included in this chapter is listed below: Performance Tests Test 12, Amplitude Fidelity Test.
12. Option 857 Amplitude Fidelity Test Related Adjustment Log Amplifier Adjustments Specification Log: Incremental fO.l dB/dB over 0 to 80 dB display Cumulative 3 MHz to 30 Hz Resolution Bandwidth: 54~0.6 dB max over 0 to 70 dB display (20 - 30°C). sf1.
12. Option 857 Amplitude Fidelity Test Equipment Frequency Synthesizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HP 3335A Adapter, Type N (m) to BNC (f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HP 1250-0780 (2) BNC to BNC cable .
12. Option 857 Amplitud e Fidelity Test ‘Ikble 5-1. Log Amplitude Fidelity (10 Hz RBW; Option 857) Frequency 1 2 Fidelity Error Cumulativ e Cumulative Synthesizer Calibrated MARKER A Amplitude (Colu.
12. Option 857 Amplitude Fidelity Test Frequency 1 Synthesizer Calibrated Amplitude Amplitude (dBm) Step +lO 0 (ref) 0 -10 -10 -20 -20 -30 -30 -40 -40 -50 -50 -60 -60 -70 -70 -80 -80 -90 20. Subtract the greatest negative fidelity error from the greatest positive fidelity error for calibrated amplitude steps from -10 dB to -70 dB.
12. Option 857 Amplitude Fidelity Test ‘lhble 5-3. Linear Amplitude Fidelity Frequency MARKER A Allowable Range Synthesizer Amplitude (413% of Reference Level) Amplitude (-1 WV 1 (dBm) ( .
Performance Test Record Hewlett-Packard Company Model HP 8568B Serial No. IF-Display Section RF Section Tested by Report No. Date Option 857 5-7.
Test 12. Option 857 Amplitude Fidelity Test Step 9. Log Amplitude Fidelity (10 Bz RBW; Option 857) Frequency 1 Synthesizer Calibrated Amplitude Amplitude WW Step +lO 1 (ref) 0 -10 -10 -20 -20 -30 -30 -40 -40 -50 -50 -60 -60 -70 -70 -80 -80 -90 Step 18.
Test 12. Option 857 Amplitude Fidelity Test Step 26. Linear Amplitude Fidelity Frequency MARKER A Allowable Range Synthesizer Amplitude (1t3% of Reference Level) Amplitude (dB) W) WW Min Max 0 - 10.
6 Major Assembly and Component Locations IF-Display Section Figure Index Assembly See Figure AlAl ............................................... 6-6 AlA ........................................... 6-4, 6-5 AlA ........................................
W24 ................................................ 6-7 W25 ................................................ 6-7 W26 ................................................ 6-7 W27 ................................................ 6-7 W28 ...................
A26F2 .............................................. 6-3 A26F3 .............................................. 6-3 A26F4 .............................................. 6-3 A26F5 .............................................. 6-3 A26Ql .................
w43 / c c5 c4 c3 c2 Figure 6-l. RF Section, Top View A26 6-4 Major Assembly and Component locations.
423A2 w14 w3 w43 w31 427 ASA A543 W2 45A2 A5A 1 A5AlJl W42 A5Rl ( INPUT SELECT) (KEYBOARD) Figure 6-2. RF Section, Front View Major Assembly and Component locations 6-5.
A26 Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 -15v -5v +2ov +5v 1 5A 3A 1 .5A 6A +;I$ 01 020403 05 Ul I WI4 A5i4 A?4 A533 Ai Al 1 d9 A5’J 1 AiSl Figure 6-3. RF Section, Bottom View 6-6 Major Assembly and Component locations.
AlAlOC2 AlAlOC3 AlA W7 w21 AlA AIAI 1 W6 w21 AlA AlVl AlA Figure 6-4. IF Section, Top View (SN 3001A and Below) AlAlOCl AlAlOC4 AlA AlA A . I ‘i r8 AlA FLi AITI A4A9 A4A8 A4A7 A4A6 A4A5 A4A4 A4A3 .
AlAlOCl AlAlOC4 AlAlOC2 AlAlOC3 w21 AlA AlVl AlA AlA AlA Al AlAS Fl 1 AITI A4A3 A4A8 A4A7 A4A6 A4A5 A4A4 A4A3 A4A2 A4Al i ‘A3Al 0 > 0 0 Figure 6-5.
AlVl Figure 6-6. IF Section, Front View ,w3 w9 Major Assembly and Component locations 6-9.
AlAlO I /’ AA A4AlO W8 A3AlO / I W24 w23 Figure 6-7. IF Section, Bottom View /w2g /W24 / W28 ‘W23 ‘W32 (SN 3004A and above) AlVl 6-10 Major Assembly and Component locations.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 8568B (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 8568B noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 8568B - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 8568B reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 8568B erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 8568B besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 8568B verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 8568B. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 8568B gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.