Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung A620 Series des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Photosmart A620 Series - Help.
Contents 1 HP Photosmart A62 0 series Help . ........................... ...................................... ..........................5 2 Get started How do I? ................. ............... ............. ............... ................ ......
Get creative ............................................................ ...................................................... . ..........27 Draw on photos ............................................................................. ..............
6 Maintenance Toolbox dialog box ............................................................................................................ ......53 Open the Toolbox ............................................... ...................................
1 HP Photosmart A620 series Help Welcome to the HP Pho tosmart A620 series Hel p! For more information about the HP Photosmart prin ter, see: • “ Get started” on page 7 • “ Paper basics” o.
Chapter 1 6 HP Photosmart A620 series Help.
2 Get started This section provides introduct ory information about the HP Photosmart A620 series printer. This section cont ains the following t opics: • How do I? • Find more info rmation • Th.
Find more information Your new HP Phot osmart A620 series printer co mes with the foll owing document ation: Setup instructions : The setup instructions explain how to set up the printer, install the HP Photosmart software, and print a photo. Read this document first.
The HP Photosma rt at a glance Figure 2-1 Fro nt and rear views Label Description 1 Input tray : Load paper here. Open the output tray first. The input tray opens automatically when you open the output tray. To close the input tray you must close the output tray first.
Figure 2-2 In ternal battery compartment Label Description 1 Battery compartment cover : Open this cover on the bottom of the printer to insert the optio nal HP Photosmart Internal Battery. 2 Internal battery : The HP Pho tosmart Internal Battery. You must purchase the battery separately.
The touch screen and stylus This section descri bes how to use the touch screen and stylus to inte ract with t he printer. • Use the touch screen • Use the stylus Use the touch sc reen Use your fi.
Table 2-1 Printer statu s bar icons Printer status icon Description Ink level : Indicates the amount of ink estimated to be remaining in the print cart ridge. Estimated time remaining : Indicates estimated print time remaining in the print queue. Battery status : Indicates h ow much charge remains on the optional printer battery, if installed.
Related topics “ View estimat ed ink levels” on page 54 Use the stylus Use the stylus to draw on a phot o or to enter a caption for a photo through the touch screen keyboard.
How to use the printer menus The printer menus conta in many features for prin ting photos, changin g print settings, and more. Label Description 1 Menu name : The name of the current menu. 2 Menu option : The options available in the curr ent menu. 3 Menu scroll arrows : Touch to scroll through menus or menu options.
The menus Specialty Printing Projects Some printer functions ma y be unavailable and graye d out in the printer menus when a selected specialty print ing project mode is turned on. • Panoramic photos : Tou ch to turn panoramic pri nting On or Off (d efault).
• Security level : Select Low (default) or Hi gh . The Low setting do es not require users of other devices w ith Bluetooth wireless t echnology to enter the printer passkey. High requires users of othe r devices with Bl uetooth wirele ss technology to enter the prin ter passkey.
• Print quality : Touch to change the print quali ty. Choose between Best , Normal , or Fast Norm al print quality. • Paper type : Touch to chan ge the type of pa per on which to print. Choose between HP Advance d , HP Premium , Other, Plain , or Other, Photo .
Chapter 2 18 Get started.
3 Paper basics Learn how to choose t he right paper for your pri nt job and how t o load it into the in put tray for printing. • Choose the best pape r for the job • Load your p aper Choose the best paper for the job Use HP Advanced Photo Pap er. It is especially desi gned to work with the in ks in your printer to create beaut iful photos.
To load pa per 1. Open the outpu t tray. The input tray opens automa tically. 2. Load up to 20 sheets of pho to paper with the print side or glossy side facing the front of the print er. If you are using tabbed paper, load the paper so tab feeds in last.
4 Print without a computer This section contai ns the following topi cs: • Print from a PictBridge-cer tified camera or device • Print from a me mory card • Print from a Bluetoot h device • Pr.
• Print photos from a memory card • Save photos f rom a memory card to ano ther device • Remove a memory card Label Description 1 xD-Picture Card 2 Compact Flash I and II 3 Memory Stick 4 Secure Digital, MultiMediaCard (MMC) Supported memory c ards The HP Photosmart print er can read a variety of memory cards.
Memory card How to insert the memory card MultiMediaCard • Angled corner is on the right • Metal contacts face do wn Secure Dig ital • Angled corner is on the right • Metal contacts face do wn.
3. If you want several copies of the sa me photo, touch the Copies icon on the pho to, set the number of copies to be printed, and then to uch OK . 4. Touch the arrow keys to browse through p hotos and select other ph otos you want to print. To return to th e thumbnai l view, to uch .
To cancel printi ng 1. Touch Cancel on the quick touch fram e when viewing a photo in 1-up view. If the current photo is not in the print queue ▲ Click Yes in the Cancel All Prin ting dialog bo x. If there is only one photo in the print queue ▲ The print is ca ncelled without displaying a di alog box.
Configure Blue tooth To access the full conf iguration optio ns for Bluetooth wireless technolog y, you need t o configure both t he printer and your comput er. The way you access the se settings depends on the Bl uetooth soft ware you use. This sect ion provides Blue tooth instruction s using the Widcom m software.
Print photos from an iPod If you have an iPod t hat can store phot os, you can connect your iPod to the printer and print the photos. Before you begin Check that the images you co py to the iPod are in JPEG form at. NOTE: iPods might not b e available in your cou ntry/region.
To access creativ e options 1. View a photo in 1-up view. 2. Touch Get Creati ve . 3. In the Get Creative Menu , touch the desired creat ive option. Use t he onscreen arrows to navigat e through all th e creative optio ns available. Draw on ph otos The Scribble creative opt ion lets you draw on t he current photo with t he stylus.
for the text. The keyb oard is in the language set f or the printer, so long as th e language uses roman characters. For no n-roman lang uages, t he English keyboard is displaye d. To use the Caption cr eative option 1. Touch Get Creative when viewing a pho to in 1-up view.
To use the Frame s creative option 1. Touch Get Creati ve when viewin g a photo in 1-up view. 2. Touch the Fr ames creative option. Use the onscre en arrows to navigate to thi s option if it is not visible. 3. Touch the desired ca tegory to view the fra mes available in that category.
Create a lbums The Albums creative opt ion lets you add pho tos to photo al bum books. Yo u can select from several categ ories, includin g: Seasonal, Kids, Ge neral, and Special . To use the Albums crea tive option 1. Touch Get Creative when viewing a pho to in 1-up view.
Use Design Gallery The Design Gallery crea tive option lets you apply special effect s. You can modify t he effect by changing the settings available fo r that effect . To use the Design Galley creative o ption 1. Touch Get Creati ve when viewin g a photo in 1-up view.
To print from a slide show 1. When the photo you w ant to print is displ ayed, touch anywhere on t he touch screen to pause the slide show. 2. Touch the Print icon t o print the photo.
5. Touch the Print icon on the quick touch frame. The print ed sheet contain s 16 copies of a single pho to. 6. If you are finished printing in Photo Stickers mode, touch Yes at the prompt to exit Photo Stickers mode. Passport photos To use Passport Photos mode 1.
Enhance or edit your photos You can enhance or edit your p hotos in various ways, as e xplained in the f ollowing: • Use Photo Fix • Crop a pho to • Remove red-eye from you r photos • Adjust p.
Remove red-eye fr om your photos The printer pr ovides a way to reduce red-eye that ca n occur in phot os taken wit h a flash. To remove re d-eye 1. Touch Edit Photo when view ing a photo with re d-eye in 1-up view. 2. Touch Remo ve Red-Eye . The Red-eye icon flashes and then d isplays continuously af ter red-eye removal.
Delete a photo You can delete a photo or video clip from a me mory card or storage device usin g the printer. To delete a photo 1. View the ph oto or video cl ip in 1-up vi ew. 2. Touch Edit and touch Dele te . Follow the prompt s on the touch screen.
Chapter 4 38 Print without a computer.
5 Print from a computer This section describes how to pri nt photos when the HP Pho tosmart A620 series p rinter is connected to a computer, an d you want to print an ima ge from an imaging appl ication such as Photos mart Essen tial.
What's This? help Use What's Thi s? help to learn more about the avai lable print ing options. To use What's Thi s? help 1. Move the cursor over the feat ure that you want t o learn more about. 2. Click the right mouse button. The What's This box is displayed.
printer must be connected to your computer with an a ppropriate USB cable. In addition you must have install ed the HP Photosma rt software. You n eed to transfer the p hotos to your computer to use them in image editing software, in cluding the HP Photosmart software tha t came with th e printer.
NOTE: You can also use Window s Explorer to copy files from th e computer to the memory card. Delete photos and other files from a memory card Follow these steps to d elete photos and oth er files from a memory card. To delete photos or fi les from a memory card 1.
To change the HP Real Life technologi es setting 1. Open the Printer Prop erties dialog box. Fo r more information, see “ Printer Properties dialog box” on page 3 9 . 2. Click the Features tab. 3. In the HP Real L ife technologies Photo fix drop -down list, select the appropria te setting for the ph oto you are printi ng.
Change the prin t quality Choose the prin t quality and speed to optimize your photo printi ng. To select a print qual ity and speed 1. Open the Printer Prop erties dialog box. For more in formation, see “ Printer Properties dialog box” on p age 39 .
Change the pape r size Use the Printer Properties di alog box instead of the software appl ication's Page Set up dialog box to sele ct a paper size. Some softw are applications d o not list all the paper sizes the printer supp orts. To select a paper s ize 1.
3. You can adjust the f ollowing sett ings: • Adjust the Brightness , Saturation , and Color Tone to af fect how overall colors are printed. • Adjust the Cyan , Magenta , Yellow , and Black sliders to specif y the level of each color that is use d in printing.
Print preview You can preview a docum ent on the compu ter before printin g it. If the p rint preview does not look the way you wa nt it to, close the preview window and make the necessary adjustments t o the document or to t he print settings.
Print NOTE: If your softw are program includes a ph oto printing fe ature, follow the instructions that ar e provided with the sof tware program. Ot herwise, foll ow these inst ructi ons. 1. Open the photo in a softwa re program that allo ws editing, such as HP Phot osmart software.
Print photos with a borde r Guidelines • To learn how to use the p hoto printing fe atures, see the “ photo enhancing” on page 42 page . • Verify the photo pa per you are using is not rippl ed or curled. • Do not exceed the pap er tray capacity when loading m edia.
Print postcards Guidelin es • Use only cards and sm all media that m eet the printer p aper-size specificati ons. For more information, se e “ Printer sp ecifications” on page 81 . • Do not exce ed the paper tray c apacity when l oading media.
Print panoramic photos For true panoramic pri nting, you must have taken a pa noramic photo. Also, use HP panorama paper 10 x 30 cm (4 x 12 inch ). To create a panorami c print from a non-pano ramic photo, see t he panorama photo s section of “ Specialty pri nting projects” on page 33 .
Print on inde x cards and other small media Guidelin es • Use only cards and sm all media that me et the printer pape r-size specifications. • Do not exce ed the paper tray c apacity when l oading media. Fo r more informatio n, see “ Printer specifications” o n page 81 .
6 Maintenance This section cont ains basic maintenance proc edures that can help keep your printer performing well and producing top-quali ty photos. • Toolbox dialog b ox • Align the print cartri.
you need to alig n the print cartridge m anually include docume nts that pri nt at an angl e, colors not printing satisfactorily, or poor print qu ality. To align the print cartr idge from the printer 1. Load a sheet of HP Advanced Photo Paper in th e input tray.
NOTE: Ink from the cartri dges is used in the printing process in a number of dif ferent ways, including i n the initi alization process, which prepares t he device and cart ridges for printing, and in printhead servic ing, which keep s print nozzles cle ar and ink flow ing smoothly.
To insert or repl ace a print cartridge 1. Make sure the powe r is on and you have remo ved the cardboard from i nside the printer. 2. Open the print cart ridge door of the printer. 3. Remove the brigh t pink tape from the cartridge. NOTE: Do not touch the cop per-colored contacts on the print cartri dge.
To order HP papers and o ther supplies, go to w m/buy/supplies . If prompted, choose your country/region, fol low the prompts to select your product, and th en click one of the shopping l inks on the page. Print a test page The information on a te st page can be helpfu l if you need to contact H P support.
The HP Digital Imaging Monitor i con shows the stat us of the printer: The HP Digital Imaging Monitor icon has a gr een check mark when the printer is in an idle state. The HP Digital Imaging Monitor icon has an excl amation mark when there is an error.
7 Troubleshooting Before contacting HP support, read this section for troub leshooting tips or go t o the online support services at . Before you b egin , make sure: • All the cable conne ctions between th e printer and com puter are secure.
One or mo re system components d id not meet minim um system re quirements Cause: A component of the computer system does no t meet the minimum or recommended system re quirements. Solution: • A red circle on the System Requirements dialog box indicates which part of the system does not meet the mi nimum requirements for soft ware installa tion.
• Try inserting a CD that you know autopla ys. If that CD doe s not autoplay, you may need to service the CD-ROM drive . • If other CDs work but the HP Photosm art CD does not work, you may have a damaged CD. You ca n download the printer software fro m www.
Printing and hardware issues • The printou t did not ap pear • The computer and printer lost communicati on • The Found Ne w Hardware Wizard did not recogni ze the printer w hen it was connected.
The computer and prin ter lost communication Cause: • The computer mi ght not be connecte d to the printer. • The printer might be turned off. • The printer might not be connected to a power source. • You might be using a USB hub or docking stati on that has mult iple devices connected to i t.
The New Hardware Wi zard did not appear w hen the prin ter and computer were connected with a USB cable Cause: You may not be using the proper version o f Windows, or there may be something wron g with the USB ca ble or the USB cable connection.
A small red circle app eared on the HP Digita l Imaging Monitor icon in the Windows taskbar Cause: There is a conn ection or communicati on problem betw een the printe r and the computer. Solution: 1. Connect the print er directly to a USB port on th e computer.
Solution: From t he software applica tion's File menu, selec t Print , then click Propert ies and choose the desired print se ttings. The printer does not pr int borderless photos when printing wi thout a computer. Cause: The borderless printing optio n may be turned off .
To improve the system resour ces, close all open program s except Windows Explorer and Systray, then try printi ng again: To improve system resources 1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete . 2. Select all programs except Wind ows Explorer and Syst ray. Hold Ctrl or Shift to select multip le programs.
Solution: • Make sure you have select ed the correct orient ation on the Features tab of the Printer Properties dialog box. • Make sure you have selected t he correct paper size . For more informati on, see “ Change the pa per size” on p age 45 .
The printout does n ot appear as it shoul d Cause: The paper m ay be marked, scratched, or w rinkled, or the p aper may be dark in color or contain m etallic fibers. Solution: If the paper i s damaged, dark in color, or contains meta llic fibers, t he sensor may not detect pap er type and size accurat ely.
• The passkey (PIN) that the device with Bl uetooth wireless te chnology is using for the printer may be incorrect. Make sure the correct passkey for the printer is entered in the device with Blueto oth wireless techno logy. • You may be too far from the printer.
• The print carriag e has stalled • The printer is out of paper • There is a paper jam • The paper loa ded does not match th e paper size sel ected • The memory card has been inserte d upsid.
3. Make sure the cartridge is compatible with the p rinter. 4. If this does no t work, replace the ca rtridge. The print carri age has stalled Solution: There is an obstruction bloc king the path of the print carriage or the cartridge servi ce station.
The memory car d has been inserted upside down Solution: The memory card has been inserte d upside down. Remove the memory card and reinsert it w ith the gold contacts facin g down. The memory card is no t inserted properly Solution: The printer can dete ct the memory card but cannot read it.
Chapter 7 74 Troubleshooting.
8 Shop for ink supplies To find the print cartri dge reorder number, see the p rinted docume ntation that cam e with the HP Photosmart. You can also use th e software that came with t he HP Photosmart to find out the reord er number for the print ca rtridge.
Chapter 8 76 Shop for ink supplies.
9 HP support and warranty This section contai ns the following topi cs: • Check the HP support Web sit e first • HP support b y phone • HP Warranty • Additional w arranty op tions Check the HP support Web site first Check the documentat ion that came wit h the printer.
Placing a call Call HP support while you ar e in front of the comput er and the HP Phot osmart. Be prepared to pro vide the followi ng information: • Device model num ber (located on the label on th.
HP Warranty Additional warranty options Extended servi ce plans are av ailable for th e printer at additi onal costs. Go to , select your cou ntry/region and languag e, then explor e the services and warranty area for inf ormation about the extended service plans.
Chapter 9 80 HP support and warranty.
10 Specifications This section lists the minimu m system requirements for in stalling the HP Photosmart software, and provides selected pri nter specifications.
MPEG-1 Margins Top 0.0 mm (0.0 inches) ; Bottom 0.0 mm (0.0 inches) ; Left/right 0.0 mm (0.0 inches) Media Sizes Photo paper 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inches) , 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inches) Photo paper with tab 10 x 15 cm with 1.25 cm tab (4 x 6 inches with 0.5 inch tab) Index cards 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inche s) A6 cards 105 x 148 mm (4.
11 Regulatory and environmental information The following reg ulatory and environ mental informa tion applies t o the HP Photosm art A620 series print ers. • Regulatory not ices • Environmental produ ct stewardship program Regulatory notices The following reg ulatory notices apply t o the HP Photosmart A6 20 series printers.
FCC statement LED indica tor statement VCCI (Class B) compliance st atement for u sers in Japa n Chapter 11 84 Regulatory and environmental in formation.
Notice to users in Japan about powe r cord Notice to users in Korea European Union Regulatory Notice Environmental product stewardship program Hewlett-Pa ckard is committed to providing qu ality products in an environmental ly sound manner. Design for recycling ha s been incorporated into th is product.
For more information , visit HP’s Commitme nt to the Environment Web site at: www.hp .com/hpinfo /globalciti zenship/env ironment/ index.html This secti on contains the fo llowing topic s: • Paper.
Disposal of Waste Eq uipment by Users in Private Hous eholds in the European Union Environmental product stewardship p rogram 87.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) A620 Series (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) A620 Series noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) A620 Series - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) A620 Series reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) A620 Series erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) A620 Series besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) A620 Series verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) A620 Series. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) A620 Series gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.