Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung XHD3000 des Produzenten Gateway
Zur Seite of 92
® XHD30 00 30 -inc h W i desc r een L CD M onit or USER GUIDE 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page a Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page b Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
i Chapter 1: Checking Out Your Monitor . . . . . . 1 Package contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Monitor fe atures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Front .
Contents ii Chapter 4: Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Troublesho oting gui delines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Troublesho oting symp toms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 No power .
www.gatewa iii Appendix A: Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Monitor s pecific ations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Video mo des . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents iv 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page iv Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
CHAP TER 1 1 Checking Out Y our Monit or • Pa c ka ge c o n t e n t s • Monit or f eatures • R emote contr ol f eatur es 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Gde.
CHAPTER 1: Checking Out Your Moni tor 2 P ac k age cont ents Y our m oni tor’ s box should contain the f ollowing it ems: AC po we r c o rd A C powe r ad apt er DVI vi de o c ab le T wo AA bat t eri.
www.gatewa 3 Monit or f eatur e s Fr o n t Menu t ouch b utt on* P ower touc h but ton*/P ower LE D IR remote sensor * For instr uctions on u sing t he tou ch bu tt ons, see “Using t he EzT ouc h menu” on pag e 29 .
CHAPTER 1: Checking Out Your Moni tor 4 Back P orts and ja cks (u nderneath) Cable lo ck slot 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page 4 Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
www.gatewa 5 Monit or connec tions Al th ou gh th is g ui de cov er s b as ic set up, re fer to t he foll owi n g illustr ation f or adv anced a udio and video setup help. Connec tor Use S/PDI F co axia l ou tpu t Con nect t o the S/P DIF (digital) co axial in jac ks on a de vi ce t o pla y the a udio on t hat de vice .
CHAPTER 1: Checking Out Your Moni tor 6 Speak er bar audio Connec t to t he optional spea k er bar . VGA mo de au di o Connect t o the hea dphone/speakers jack on y o ur comput er f or th e VG A displa y mode’ s audio source . IR bl as ter Co nn ect to th e I R b la ste r se n sor.
www.gatewa 7 R emot e cont r ol f eatur es Po w e r Open W indo ws Media Cent er Select L CD rem o t e m od e Playbac k contr ols Displ a y on-scr een inf ormation Menu contr ols Clear/exit/ can.
CHAPTER 1: Checking Out Your Moni tor 8 Important Y our remot e contr ol works f or you r monit or , but y ou mus t pro gram it t o work f or y our ot her dev ices (suc h as c able or s a t ellit e set -top b ox es an d D VD pla yers). For more inf ormation, see “Pr ogramming t he univ ersal r e mo te contr ol” on pa ge 54 .
www.gatewa 9 Cha nnel/ski p chapt er/tune (depen ds on mode) Press to chan g e the cha nn el or s ki p ch ap ter s. ( Funct io n depe nds on t he current m ode.
CHAPTER 1: Checking Out Your Moni tor 10 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page 10 Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
CHAP TER 2 11 Set ting Up Y our Monit or • C onnec ting the monitor • Set ting up the optional sp eak er bar • Po s i t i o n i n g t h e m o n i t o r 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Gde.
CHAPTER 2: Setting Up Your Mo nitor 12 C onnec ting the monit or C onnec ting video inputs T o co nne ct your co mputer an d othe r video sources to you r m oni tor: 1 P osition y our computer and the monit or so y ou can re ach t he bac k o f ea ch.
www.gatewa 13 3 Connec t the other end of the v i deo cable to the mat ching v ideo port on the back of your monitor . 4 Connec t other video source s (such as a D VD play er , vi deo camera , or video r eceiv er) to th e appropr iate vi deo jack s on the back of the monit or .
CHAPTER 2: Setting Up Your Mo nitor 14 5 Connec t the audio inputs that corre spond t o the video inpu ts. For m ore in f orma tion , see “Connec ting audio inputs and outputs” on page 1 4 .
www.gatewa 15 2 Connec t the ster eo patc h c able to your computer’s headphone jack (green) and y our monitor’s D V I audio or V GA audio jac k. This is th e most basic audio connec tion f or y o ur computer . DVI aud io jack VG A a udi o jack Ster eo patch cable 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Gde.
CHAPTER 2: Setting Up Your Mo nitor 16 3 Connec t other audio sour ces (suc h as a DVD pla yer or audio rece iv er) to t he appropriat e audio jacks on the ba ck o f th e m on itor. • For basic audio quality , connect your audio sour ce to the L/R (two -c hannel s t ereo) audio in jac ks for the de vice .
www.gatewa 17 T o c o n n e c t y o u r m o n i t o r t o a r e c e i v e r o r o t h e r a u d i o device: • For basic audio quality , connect y our audio devi ce to the L/R (tw o-channel st ereo) audio out jacks on t he bac k of the m onitor .
CHAPTER 2: Setting Up Your Mo nitor 18 3 Plu g th e AC p o wer c o rd i nto th e AC p ow er a da p te r , t he n plug the A C power cor d int o a pow er outlet. W e recommend using a surge pr otec tor t o prot ect your mo ni tor from vol ta ge sp ikes .
www.gatewa 19 2 T o uch ( Main M enu ), ( Advanced ), ( Int egrat ed Product T our ), t h e n t ou c h ( Disable ). The pr oduct tour is disabled. Aft er the tour is disabled, you can vie w i t again at any time b y pre ssing and holding the pow e r but ton f or fiv e seconds.
CHAPTER 2: Setting Up Your Mo nitor 20 4 P lug th e spe ak er bar’ s po wer an d audio plu gs i nt o the appropri ate c onnect ors underneath the monit or . For inf ormation on using the speaker bar , see “Using t he speak er bar” on page 40 . C onnec ting the U SB hub Y our monitor ha s a bu ilt -in, pow ered, USB 2 .
www.gatewa 21 3 Connec t the inc luded USB cable t o the U SB-B por t on the back of the monitor , then connect the ot her en d of the cable to a U SB-A (standard) port on your comput e r . Additional USB jacks Additional U SB jacks ar e locat e d on the lef t side of the monit or .
CHAPTER 2: Setting Up Your Mo nitor 22 C onnec ting a sec urity ca ble Y ou can secur e your monitor and speak er bar to y our d esk (or to a no the r h eavy o bje ct) with a c abl e l ock, su ch as a K ensingt on ™ loc k.
www.gatewa 23 T o i nsta ll b a tter ie s into the rem ote con tr ol: 1 Rem ove th e ba tte r y c o mp art m e nt c ove r o n th e ba ck o f the rem ote co ntrol .
CHAPTER 2: Setting Up Your Mo nitor 24 2 Insert the bat terie s while matching the + and - s ymbols on the diagram inside the batt er y compartment, then clo se the batt er y compartment cove r .
www.gatewa 25 P ositioning t he monit or Y ou c an adjust t he monitor f or left and right pan and up and dow n tilt angle. 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Gde.
CHAPTER 2: Setting Up Your Mo nitor 26 Ergono mic guideline s T he r ecomme nded sc reen po siti oning is ba sed u pon t he f ollow ing gu ideline s. T hese g uidelin es ar e bas ed on a vai lable sc ientific li te ratur e and published stan dards.
CHAP TER 3 27 Using Y our Monit or • Starting t he monitor • Us ing the EzT ouc h menu • Adjusting monitor s ettings • C hanging Windo ws s c reen s et tings • Using t he speak er bar • P ow er management • Maintaining 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Gde.
CHAPTER 3: Using Your Mon itor 28 Starting t he monit or T ur ning on the m onit or To s t a rt t h e m o n i t o r : 1 T o uch the pow e r bu tt on on t he fr ont of monitor . T he pow er LED on th e power butt on change s from purple (off) t o blue (on ) , then turns amb er/ orange (standby) if no video source is det ect ed.
www.gatewa 29 • Amber—T he monit or is not det ecting a v ideo sour ce . C heck the video input connections and mak e sure that the computer is turned on and connect e d c orr ect ly to th e m oni tor . • Blue—T he monito r is det ecting a v ideo sour ce.
CHAPTER 3: Using Your Mon itor 30 U sing the shor t cut menu T o us e the shortcut men u: 1 T o uch ( Menu ) on the f r ont of your monitor . The re st of the butt ons light up and the shortc ut me nu opens. (The menu’ s appearance and choices v ar y , de pending on the cur rently ac tiv e video input and whether t he speaker bar is at tached.
www.gatewa 31 • T o uch ( PIP On ) t o turn on P ictur e -in-Pic ture , and pre ss ( PIP Settings ) to ad jus t th e PI P pos it io n , siz e, and other ad vanced PI P set tings. PIP adjustments ma y also be made using the included EzT une sof tw are .
CHAPTER 3: Using Your Mon itor 32 U sing the main menu T o us e the ma in menu: 1 T o uch ( Menu ) on the f r ont of your monitor . The re st of the butt ons light up and the shortc ut me nu opens.
www.gatewa 33 • PIP Settings —L ets y ou chang e the P IP positi on, siz e , and other adv anced PIP s ettin gs. • Vid eo Ad ju st —Le ts you chan ge Theme Mode , Color T emp , and Vid eo Sc a li ng settings. • Geom etr y —L ets y ou c hange Hor izontal P osition , Ve r t ic al P o s i ti on , Clock , and Phase settings.
CHAPTER 3: Using Your Mon itor 34 U sing monit or menu s Us e the monitor’s on-sc reen display (OSD) menus t o change settings a nd select in puts. OSD Me nu Descr iption Main m enu Auto —A ut omaticall y adjust s y our monit or to it s optimum se tting s.
www.gatewa 35 PIP Settings menu PIP Display —T og gles th e di spl a y o f the PI P wind ow . PIP Source —Sets the source of the video us ed in the PIP window. PIP Position —Sets the position of the PIP window on the main screen. PIP Size —Sets the siz e of the PIP window .
CHAPTER 3: Using Your Mon itor 36 Video Adjust menu ( cont) Video Scaling —Sets v ideo a spect ratio s and scaling betw een Wide, Zoom, an d 1 : 1 modes. PC in put: sets resoluti on aspect ratio s a nd scaling be tween Wi de , Z oom, and 1 : 1 . Wide m ode stret che s a standa rd broa dcast o r full-f rame image to f ill the entire screen.
www.gatewa 37 Geometry menu Hor izon tal P osition —Mo ve s the d ispla y imag e lef t and righ t. Y ou can als o pre ss the Auto but ton t o configure t he v ertic al and hor iz ontal pos ition a uto maticall y . Impor tant: Auto only works wit h VGA input.
CHAPTER 3: Using Your Mon itor 38 C h anging W indow s sc reen se ttings Color depth and sc reen resolution ar e two of the most basic mo ni tor setti ng s yo u m ay n ee d to cha ng e to su it you r n ee ds . Col or de pt h is the number of colors y our computer use s to d i s p l a y i m a g e s o n y o ur m o n i t o r .
www.gatewa 39 Screen resolu tio n i s the numb er of pix e l s (individu al colo red dot s) y our comp uter u ses t o di spla y imag e s on y our monit or . The higher the resolution, the more inf ormation a nd sc reen components (such as icons and menu b a rs) can be display ed on the monit or .
CHAPTER 3: Using Your Mon itor 40 T o change t he color depth and screen reso lution in Win d ows X P: 1 C lick Start , the n clic k Control Pa nel . Th e Control P anel opens. If y our Contr ol Panel is i n Cate gory Vie w , cli ck Appearan ce and T hemes .
www.gatewa 41 T o use h ead pho nes : • Plug headphones int o either of the speak er bar’ s headphone ja cks. T h e speaker bar’s volume is muted, and sound is play ed thr ough the connected headphones. Y ou c an conn ect headphones t o both headphone jacks, and sound play s out of b oth se ts of h e adphones.
CHAPTER 3: Using Your Mon itor 42 T o “wak e” the monit or when it is in Sta ndby/Ac tiv e Off mode , mov e the mouse or pre ss any k ey b oard k ey . Y ou can change the monit or’s pow er management sett ings using the W indow s Contr ol Panel.
CHAP TER 4 43 T r oubleshooting • T r oubleshooting guidelines • T r oubleshooting s ympt oms • HDCP F AQs • Vi d eo FAQs 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Gde.
CHAPTER 4: Troublesho oting 44 T rouble shooting guideline s • If you ha ve problems wit h the moni tor , the inf o rmation in th is ch apter m ay help you so lv e th em witho ut nee din g to c al l Cus tom er Ca re. • Mak e sure t hat the monitor ha s w armed up f or about 30 minute s bef ore making an y judgme nts about the picture quality .
www.gatewa 45 • If the pow e r LED is or ange , it means t hat the mon itor i s not detec ting a v ideo s ou r ce or i nput detec tion is disabled. Complete the f ol lowing step s: • Mov e the mouse or pre ss an y k e y on the k eyb oard to bri ng the computer monitor out of sleep mod e .
CHAPTER 4: Troublesho oting 46 Displa y colors are w rong • T o uch ( Men u ), ( Ma in Menu ), t he n ( Aut o ) t o au tom at ic al ly a d just th e d isp lay im ag e to the ideal se ttings. (VG A input only .) • R estar t your computer wit h the monit or turned on.
www.gatewa 47 Image is no t siz ed or ce nt er ed corr ectl y • T o uch ( Men u ), ( Ma in Menu ), t he n ( Aut o ) t o au tom at ic al ly a d just th e d isp lay im ag e to the ideal se ttings. (VG A input only .) • Us e the position controls t o adjust the image.
CHAPTER 4: Troublesho oting 48 • This ma y be caus ed by older v ideo driv ers on your computer . See the Gate wa y support Web sit e at www .gat ew ay .com f or updated v ideo driv ers f or y our computer . Y ou can also go directl y t o your v ideo card’ s support W eb site f or the mo st up- to-date v ideo driv ers.
www.gatewa 49 T he monit or has pix els that are alw a ys dark or t oo bright • This condition is normal and inherent in t he TFT tec hn ology used in ac tiv e -m atrix L CD screens. Gate wa y ’s inspection standar ds k eep these t o a minimum.
CHAPTER 4: Troublesho oting 50 Y ou w ant t o plug in y our headphones, but there is a headph one jac k on both side s of the spe aker bar . • Y o u can use either jack or bot h jacks at the same time . When headphones ar e connect ed, no sound comes out of the s peaker bar’s speak ers .
www.gatewa 51 How does HD CP wo rk? • Implementation of HDCP require s a license obtainable fr om the Digital Cont ent P rot ection, LL C, whic h then issue s a s et of unique se cr et de vi ce k e ys to all aut hori zed de vice s. During a uthenticati on, the r ecei ving de vi ce only accepts cont ent aft er it ackno wledge s the k ey s.
CHAPTER 4: Troublesho oting 52 V ide o F A Qs When I display vid eo from S -V i deo, com pos ite , or component , why doe s t he vid eo look o verl y compressed ? • See your video de vice user manual to adjust the video or TV f ormat output t o 1 6:9 .
CHAP TER 5 53 Using the Uni versal Re m o te C o n t r o l • Progr amming the uni vers al remot e contro l • Usi n g th e IR B la ster • R emote contr ol progr ammi ng code s 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Gde.
CHAPTER 5: U sing the Univers al Remote Cont rol 54 Pr ogramming t he uni v ersal re m o t e co n t ro l Y ou c an pr ogram the remot e contr ol directl y (b y ente ring a fi ve-digit code) or by brow sing codes.
www.gatewa 55 3 Pr ess th e c on tro l b utto ns (po wer , Vo l + , play , stop , and Mute ) t o t e s t w h e t h e r t h e c u r r e n t c o d e i s v a l i d . I f t h e bu tto n s wo rk as t hey s h o ul d , p ress th e m o de b u tto n you pres sed in step 1 once to s a ve t he code .
CHAPTER 5: U sing the Univers al Remote Cont rol 56 T o te st your re mote c on tr ol’s ba tte ri es : • Pres s and releas e an y button on the r emote contro l.
www.gatewa 57 R emot e contr ol pr ogramming code s Def ault de v ice ID cod es Y o ur remot e control has the f ollowi ng codes progra mmed into it fro m th e facto ry: T ele v ision code s Rem.
CHAPTER 5: U sing the Univers al Remote Cont rol 58 Carv er 00054 Opton ic a 0009 3 Celebrity 00000 Orio n 002 36, 0046 3, 01 463 Cel e ra 00 7 65 P anasonic 002 50, 0005 1 , 0 0 65 0 , 01 16 8 Changh.
www.gatewa 59 ES A 008 1 2, 00 1 7 1 Samsung 00060, 008 1 2, 00 702 , 00 1 7 8, 000 30, 007 66, 008 14, 0 1 060 Fisher 00 1 54 Sansui 0046 3 Fuj it su 00683, 00809 , 00 853, 0 1 181 San yo 00 15.
CHAPTER 5: U sing the Univers al Remote Cont rol 60 D VD pla yer codes Jensen 00 76 1 , 0081 5, 008 1 7 To s h i b a 00 154, 0 1 25 6, 0 0 156 , 01 265 , 00060, 006 50, 00845, 0 1 1 56, 0 1 1 69, 01 3.
www.gatewa 61 Broksonic 1 0695 Onk yo 10 503 , 10 627, 1 141 7 Cinea 10 831 Orit ro n 10 651 CineV ision 1 0869 P anasonic 104 9 0, 107 03 , 1 1362, 1 1 462 , 1 1 490, 1 1 7 6 2 Craig 10 831 Phi.
CHAPTER 5: U sing the Univers al Remote Cont rol 62 V CR codes Kawas ak i 1079 0 To s h i b a 1 050 3, 10695, 11 0 4 5 , 111 5 4 Ke nw o o d 10490, 105 34 Urban Concepts 10 503 KLH 10717 , 1079 0, 1 1.
www.gatewa 63 DirecTV 10739 Puls ar 10 039 Durabrand 10 039 Quas ar 10 035 , 10162 , 1 1 035 Dyna te c h 1 0000 Ra di oS h ac k 1 0000 Electrohome 10 03 7 Ra di x 10 03 7 Electrophonic 10 03 7 R.
CHAPTER 5: U sing the Univers al Remote Cont rol 64 PVR code s Humax 10739 Ta g ar S ys t em s 11 9 7 2 Hush 11 9 7 2 Te a c 10 0 0 0 iBUYPO WER 11 9 7 2 T ech nics 10 035 , 10162 JVC 10 06 7 , 1 1279.
www.gatewa 65 V ideo acce ss or y code s Dell 11 9 7 2 Philips 1061 8 , 10739 DirecTV 10739 RCA 1 0880 Gatewa y 11 9 7 2 Rep l ayTV 10 6 14 , 1 0616 Hewlett P ackard 11 9 7 2 Samsung 10739 How a.
CHAPTER 5: U sing the Univers al Remote Cont rol 66 A udio amplif ier code s A udio rec ei ve r code s LG 31415 Ta g ar S ys t em s 3127 2 Linksys 3127 2 , 313 65 To s h i b a 3127 2 Macr o Image Te c.
www.gatewa 67 A udio acce ss ory codes BK 4 0702 Pro sc an 4125 4 Bose 412 29, 4193 3 RCA 410 2 3 , 416 0 9, 412 5 4 , 4 0 531, 41 074 , 4139 0 , 41511 Capetronic 405 3 1 Rio 418 6 9 Carv er 41 .
CHAPTER 5: U sing the Univers al Remote Cont rol 68 Cable s et -t op bo x code s Sa t ellit e set -t op box co des ABC 2000 3, 20008 Philips 2 1 305, 20 3 1 7 Americast 20899 Pio neer 2 18 77 , 208 77.
www.gatewa 69 Media C ent er contr oller code s Echostar 2 15 05, 21 005, 20 775, 2 1 77 5 Samsung 2137 7 , 212 76 , 21 10 8 , 2110 9, 2144 2 , 21 60 9 Expressvu 20 775, 2 1 77 5 San yo 21219 GE.
CHAPTER 5: U sing the Univers al Remote Cont rol 70 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page 70 Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
AP P ENDI X A 71 Specifications • Monit or specifications • Speak er bar spe c ifications • R emot e c ontr o l specif ications 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Gde.
APPENDIX A: Specifications 72 Monit or spec ifications Specif ications ar e subject to change wit hout notice or obligation. M an y produc ts f or Gat e wa y an d its sub sidiarie s are cu stom engi neered by our su pplie rs to Gatew a y specificati ons and may v ary from similarl y mark et ed pr oducts.
www.gatewa 73 Connections and inputs ■ A n a l o g (V G A ): 1 5 - p i n m i n i d - s u b V G A ■ Digital (DVI-D) : 2 4- pin D VD - D (supports 480p, 720p, and 1 080i) .
APPENDIX A: Specifications 74 V ideo mode s Y our m onit or su ppor ts se v er al v ideo mode s. If y ou do no t us e the best mode f or the monitor , the display image m a y look sl i g ht ly “ fu zz y .” IR e xt e n de r Adhesi ve side: S traight t o target : >5 fee t ( 1.
www.gatewa 75 192 0 x 12 0 0 60 R B 74 . 0 154.0 1.6 Y Y Y 1 920 x 1 440 60 90.0 2 34.0 1.3 N Y N 2048 x 1 536 60 94 .76 9 209.2 5 1.3 N Y N 25 60 x 16 00 60 RB 98.71 3 268. 5 1.6 N Y N 480i 59.94 15 . 7 3 4 27.0 1. 33 N N Y 480p 59 . 9 4 3 1.469 27 .
APPENDIX A: Specifications 76 Speak er bar spec i f ications Specif ications ar e subject to change wit hout notice or obligation. M an y produc ts f or Gat e wa y an d its sub sidiarie s are cu stom engi neered by our su pplie rs to Gatew a y specificati ons and may v ary from similarl y mark et ed pr oducts.
www.gatewa 77 R emot e contr ol spec ifications Specif ications ar e subject to change wit hout notice or obligation. M an y produc ts f or Gat e wa y an d its sub sidiarie s are cu stom engi neered by our su pplie rs to Gatew a y specificati ons and may v ary from similarl y mark et ed pr oducts.
APPENDIX A: Specifications 78 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page 78 Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
AP P ENDI X B 79 Saf ety , R egulat or y , and L egal Inf ormation • Important saf ety inf ormation • En v ironmental inf ormation • R egulatory compliance statements • Notice s 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Gde.
APPENDIX B: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Information 80 Important s af e ty inf ormation Y our Gatew ay product is desi gned and tested to meet the latest stan dards for safe ty of information technology equipme nt.
www.gatewa 81 • Unplu g t he system from the w all outlet and re f e r servicing to quali fied personne l if: • The power cord or plug is damaged. • Li quid has been spilled int o t he sy st em. • Th e sy stem d oes no t oper at e prop erl y when the op era ting instru ct ions ar e fo l l o we d .
APPENDIX B: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Information 82 R egulat or y compliance stat ements Unit ed Stat es of America Fe der al Comm unicat ions C ommission (FC C) Unint entiona l emit ter per FC C.
www.gatewa 83 Le prése nt app areil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioél ectriques dépassant les lim it es applicab les au x appare ils numé riques d e Cl asse B pres crit es da ns le règl ement sur le br ouillage radioélectrique é dict é par Ind u strie Canada .
APPENDIX B: Safety, Regulatory, and Legal Information 84 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page 84 Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page 85 Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
MAN XHD3000 USR GDE R0 8/0 7 8512322_XHD3000 Usr Page 86 Friday, August 10, 2007 12:33 PM.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Gateway XHD3000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Gateway XHD3000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Gateway XHD3000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Gateway XHD3000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Gateway XHD3000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Gateway XHD3000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Gateway XHD3000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Gateway XHD3000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Gateway XHD3000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.