Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung FPD2475W des Produzenten Gateway
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® FPD2 4 75W 2 4-inc h W ide sc reen L CD Monit or USER GUIDE Page a Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:32 PM. Page b Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:32 PM.
Cont ents i Chapter 1: Using Your Gat eway Flat-Panel Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Connecting the monit or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Attaching the stand .
Contents ii Page ii Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:32 PM.
CHAP TER 1 1 Using Y our Gat ew a y F lat -P anel Monit o r • C onnecting t he mo nit or • Adju sting t he sta nd • Sett i n g u p the o pt i on al s pe a ker b a r • Starting t he monitor •.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 2 C onnec ting the monit or T o s e t u p t he m o n i t o r , f i r s t a t t a c h t h e b a s e , t h en m a k e y o u r c a b l e c o nn e c t i o n s . At tachi ng the stand T o attach the stand: 1 Sl id e th e s ta nd’s ne ck o nto the base. 3 4 Slide t he neck’ s brac k et slots ont o the br ack et’ s m ounting tabs. 5 Pres s the brack et lev er to the r igh t and hold it, t hen lower t he neck in to plac e a nd rele as e the l e ver .
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 4 C onnec ting video inputs T o connect v ideo sources t o your monit or: 1 P osition y our computer and the monitor so y ou can reach t he b ac k of each. 2 Connec t the blue VGA v ideo cabl e t o the blue VG A video connect or un der the back of the di spl ay . 5 4 Connec t other video sour ces (such as a D VD play er , video camera, or recei ver) t o the appropri ate v ideo jacks on t he back of t he monitor . • For basic video qu ality , connect y our video dev ice’ s comp osite vide o in jack t o the corre sponding jack on the back of y ou r monit or .
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 6 C onnec ting USB cables Y our monitor h as a built -in, f our -port USB 2 .0 hub that lets y ou conv enientl y connect USB de v ices. Becaus e your computer cas e may be unde r your des k or inside a cabin et, the se monitor -mounted USB por ts can be much ea sier to acces s. 7 C onnec ting pow er T o connect po wer: 1 P osition y our monit or so y ou can reach t he bac k, then connect t he po wer cord t o the po w er connect or under the back of the monitor . 2 P lug t he po wer c ord int o a c orr ec tl y gro unde d po we r outl et.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 8 Adju sting t he stand R otating the s cr een Y ou can r otate the sc reen cloc kwise 90° to change be tween landscape and p ortr ait vie ws. 9 2 Insert a Phillips s c re wdri v er thr ough the acces s hole in the ba se and ont o t h e height t ension sc r ew (on t he bac k of the s tand, in t he slo t abo v e th e USB In por t) . 3 Adjust the he ight tension scr e w so the monit or stay s in place when you let go.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 10 Ergonomic guidelin es The r ec ommended scr een po sitioning is b a sed upon the f ollowing guildelines. Thes e g uidelines are ba sed on av ailable scientific liter ature and published sta ndards. 11 Set ting up t he optional speak er bar An optional speak er bar is av ailable f or mounting underneath y our monitor . T he speaker bar has touc h controls and ex cellent sound. Y ou can order a speak er bar from www .gate w ay .com .
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 12 T o install the spe ak er bar: 1 Tilt t h e sc reen back, then matc h the tabs on each side of the sp eak e r bar with the slots underneath the monit or . 2 Sl id e th e s pe aker ba r o nto the bo ttom of th e mo ni tor un til i t s na ps i nto pl ac e. 13 T o remov e the speaker bar: 1 Disconnec t all audio and pow er cables f rom the speak e r ba r . 2 Pres s the two re lease butt ons on the back of your monit or , then pull the spea k er ba r down.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 14 5 T o mute the v olume of the sounds acc ompan ying butt on press es, pres s the ( Menu ) butt on on the fr ont of your monit or , pres s ( Ma in . 15 U sing t he short cu t menu T o use t he shor t cut menu: 1 Pres s the ( Menu ) b u tton o n th e fr o nt of yo u r m o n ito r . The re st o f t he b u tto n i c on s l ig h t up and the shor tc ut menu opens. 2 T o us e an EzT ouc h menu butt on, lig htly t ouc h its icon.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 16 U sing the main menu T o use the main menu: 1 Pres s the ( Menu ) b u tton o n th e fr o nt of yo u r m o n ito r . The re st o f t he b u tto n i c on s l ig h t up and the shor tc ut menu opens. 2 T o us e a butt on, lightl y t ouch its icon . 17 OSD Me nu Desc riptio n Main me nu Auto —A uto maticall y adjus ts your m onitor to its o ptimum s et tings. (V GA in put only ) Pic tur e —Opens the P ictu re menu , whe re y ou can adju st brightne ss, c ontra st, and gamma.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 18 Vid eo Ad ju s t me n u Unle ss other wise in dica ted, these set ti ngs a pply only to SD ( st anda rd defi nit ion) video at 480 i an d bel ow . Where “P C input” is indicat ed, the re solutions t hat apply are f ro m 800 × 600 t o 1 920 × 1 200. 19 U sing Pi ctur e -in -P ic ture (P IP) Pi ctur e -in-Pic ture ( PIP) is a conv enient w a y to vie w v ideo fr om multiple v ideo sou rce s at the same time. Ref er to the f ollowing ch art t o determi ne which combinations of video s ources c an be used as a PIP di spl a y.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 20 ■ Ad j ust th e vid eo s ca li ng m o de to W id e on th e m o ni to r . ■ Change t he resolution of t he Window s desktop t o matc h the monit or ’ s full res olution of 1 920 × 1 200. For more inf ormation see “Changing colo r depth and screen re solution” on pa ge 2 0 . 21 For mor e infor mation, see the pr ogram’ s CD or the installed progr am’ s online help. Us ing land scape and por tr ait mo des EzT une aut omaticall y swit ches t he di spla y to the appr opriate mode (landscape or portrait) when you ro t ate th e scr ee n.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 22 V ideo mode s Y our monitor supports se veral v ideo m odes. If y ou do not use the best mode f or the monitor , t he dis pla y i mage may lo ok slig htly “fuz zy . 23 U sing t he speak er bar T o turn o n the s peak er b ar: • Pres s the power but ton on t he spea k er bar . The speaker bar tur n s on, and the butt on LEDs turn on. T o use h ead phon es: • Plug headphones int o either of the speake r bar ’ s headphone jacks.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 24 P ow er management Energ y declar ation When connect ed t o a computer t hat supports the VE SA Displa y P ower Management Sig naling (DPM S) Protocol, t he mon it or can conserve significant energy b y reducing power consumption during periods of non-use . 25 If yo u have problems wit h the monitor , t he infor mation in this troubles hooting section ma y help y ou s olv e them. No pow er Make sur e that the power cord is connect ed c orr ectl y to both the back of the monitor and the wa ll outle t.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 26 C olor is not unif or m • Pres s ( Menu ), th en ( Auto ) to auto ma ti ca ll y a dj ust the di sp lay i ma ge to th e ideal settings. • Mak e sure that the monit or warms up f or at l east 30 minu t es befor e maki ng a final judgment about color unif ormity or bri ghtness. 27 I plugged m y microphone int o the speak er bar ’s microph one jack, but my comput er cannot record any sound. • Ma k e su re th at the sp e ake r ba r ’s mi croph on e p lug ( pi nk) i s c on ne cte d to th e mi cro ph on e jack on y our comp uter .
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 28 When I connect th e monito r ’ s USB hub t o my compu ter , I see an err or messa ge sa ying that m y USB hub may not be r unning at full speed. This can happen if you connect ed the monitor’ s high-spee d U SB 2. 29 Vi d e o / D is p l ay Wh en I displa y vi deo f rom S-V id eo, com posit e , or compo nent, wh y does the v ideo lo ok o ve rl y compre ssed? See your v ideo d e vice us er manual to adjust t he video or TV for mat output to 1 6:9 .
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 30 Spec ifications Spec if ications ar e subjec t t o chan ge w ithout notice or oblig ation . Ma n y pr od uc ts f or Gat ew a y an d its subsidiaries are cu stom engineered by our suppli e rs to Gate wa y specifications and ma y vary fr om similarl y mark et ed produc ts. 31 Tem p e r at ur e Operating: 4 1~95°F (5~35°C) Stor age: - 4~1 4 0°F (- 20 ~6 0°C) Humidit y Operating: 20~ 80% (non-condensin g) Sto rage: 5~90% (n on-condensing) Al titu de O p e r a t i n g : 1 2 ,0 0 0 f e e t ( 3 , 6 5 8 m ) Stor age: 40 , 0 00 f eet ( 1 2, 1 92 m) Security K ensingt on lock slot 8512325.
CHAPTER 1: Usin g Your Gateway Flat-Pan el Monitor 32 Page 32 Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:32 PM.
AP P ENDI X A 33 Saf ety , R egulat or y , and Legal Inf orm ation • Important s af ety inf ormation • En vir onmental inf ormation • R egu lat or y compl iance st at eme nts • Not ice s 8512325.
APPENDIX A: Safety, Regulat ory, and Legal Inf ormati on 34 Important s af ety inf ormation Y our Gate wa y product is designed and test ed to meet the latest st a nd a r d s fo r s a fe t y o f i n fo r m a t i o n te c h n o l o g y e q u i p m e n t . 35 En v ir onmental inf ormation R ecy cling The product y ou have purchas ed cont ains extract ed natural resources t hat have been used in the man ufac turing process. T his pro duc t may contain substa nces known to be hazardous t o the envir onment or to human he alth.
APPENDIX A: Safety, Regulat ory, and Legal Inf ormati on 36 FC C declar ation of conf ormity R esponsib le party: Gate way , Inc . 7565 I r vi n e Ce nt er D ri ve Irvine, CA 92 6 1 8 US A This de vice complies w ith Par t 1 5 of the FC C Rule s. Page 37 Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:32 PM.
MAN F PD2 47 5W USR GD E R0 4 /0 7 Page 38 Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:32 PM.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Gateway FPD2475W (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Gateway FPD2475W noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Gateway FPD2475W - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Gateway FPD2475W reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Gateway FPD2475W erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Gateway FPD2475W besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Gateway FPD2475W verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Gateway FPD2475W. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Gateway FPD2475W gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.