Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung NX-700A/B des Produzenten Furuno
Zur Seite of 89
The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. ・FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662-8580, JAPAN Telephone : +81-(0)798-65-2111 Fax : +81-(0)798-65-4200 A : MAY 2005 Printed in Japan All rights reserved.
i IMPORT A N T NOTIC E • No par t of t his manual may be copied or r eproduced w it hout w rit ten permi ssi on. • If th i s manual is lost or w orn, cont act your deal er about repl ace ment. • T he content s of this manual and equi pment spe cifi cati ons are subjec t to change w it hout noti ce.
ii SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS WARNING Do not disassemble or modify the equipment. Fire, electrical shock or serious injury can result. Immediately turn off the power at the switchboard if the equipment is emitting smoke or fire. Continued use of the equipment can cause fire or electrical shock.
iii Do not open the equipment unless totally familiar with electrical circuits and service manual. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment.
i v FOR WORD Congr atulat ions on y our choi ce of t he FURUNO NX -700A/B NA VT E X Rec eiver . We are c onfi dent that you wi ll enj o y many y ears of operati on wi th this f i ne piece of equi pment. For ov er 50 year s, Furuno E lect ric Comp any has enj oyed an en viable r eputat ion for qual ity and reli ability throughout the w orl d.
v Fea tures NA VT EX (Navi gational T elex) i s a worl d w ide coast al tel ex broadcast ing sy stem. Coast al NA VT E X broadcasti ng st ati ons wi th specifi c I D’s transmi t Navigati onal w arni ngs.
vi T A BLE OF C ONT ENT S EQUIPMENT LISTS ........................................................................................... v iii SYSTEM CONFIGUR A TIONS .............................................................................. x 1. PRINCIPLE OF N A V T EX S YSTEM .
vii MENU TREE.................................................................................................... AP-1 SPECIFICA TIONS ........................................................................................... SP-1 P A CKI NG LISTS ..
viii EQUIPM ENT LISTS St a nda rd S u ppl y Na me T ype Code No. Qty Re marks NX -700A - w /pri nter Dis play Unit NX -700B - 1 w/o pr inte r Recei v er Uni t NX -7001 - 1 Antenn a Unit NX -7H - 1 CP0.
ix Optio nal Sup ply Na me T ype Code No. Qty Rema rks T hermal Paper T P058-30CL 000- 154-047 1 set F or NX -700A OP08- 19 004-515- 260 1 For NX -700A Fl ush M ount Kit OP08- 20 004-515- 270 1 For NX.
x SYSTEM CONFIGU RA T IONS P ower supply 12-24 VDC DISPLA Y UNIT NX-700B Rectifier PR-240 : Standard : Option : User supply DISPLA Y UNIT NX-700A RECEIVER UNIT NX-7001 P ower supply 100-115/ 200-230 V A C. 1 , 50/60 Hz Exter nal Alarm INS (Integrated Na vigation System) or Navigator or ANTENNA UNIT NX-7H Max.
1-1 1. PRINCIP LE OF N A V TEX SYSTEM 1.1 How NA VTEX Works NA VT EX is an ac ronym m eaning Na v i gational T elex, and as it s name show s, it i s a ki nd of narrow band radio t elety pe s y stem f or sendi ng (by freque ncy s hift key ing) t ext mess ages express ed in a 7-uni t co de.
1. PRIN CIPLE OF NA VTEX SYSTEM 1-2 1.3 Mess age Format For aut omati c ident ific ation of messages, each mess age st art s w ith nine cont rol charact ers, cal led “ Header co des”. T he first fi ve characters are alw ays “ ZCZ C_“ and com mon to al l messages .
1. PRIN CIPLE OF NA VTEX SYSTEM 1-4 1. 5 NA VTEX St ation Li st NA V area Co un try St a t i o n La titu de Lon git ude Fr eq. (kHz) Ar ea (nm) S t a t ion ID Br oadc a s t sc hed ule ( UT C) I B e l .
1. PRIN CIPLE OF NA VTEX SYSTEM 1-5 NA V area Co un try St a t i o n La titu de Lon git ude Fr eq. (kHz) Ar ea (nm) S t a t ion ID Br oadc a s t sc hed ule ( UT C) III Bulg a r ia V arna 43 04 N 27 46.
1. PRIN CIPLE OF NA VTEX SYSTEM 1-6 NA V area Co un try Sta t i o n La titu de Lon git ude Fr eq. (kHz) Ar ea (nm) S t a t ion ID Br oadc ast s ch edul e (UT C) IV C a n ada Labr ador 53 42 N 57 01 W .
1. PRIN CIPLE OF NA VTEX SYSTEM 1-7 NA V area Co un try Sta t i o n La titu de Lon git ude Fr eq. (kHz) Ar ea (nm) S t a t ion ID Br oadc a s t sc hed ule ( UT C) IX S a u di Ar abi a Jedd ah 21 23 N .
1. PRIN CIPLE OF NA VTEX SYSTEM 1-8 NA V area Co un try St at i o n La titude Longi tude Freq. (kHz) Ar ea (nm) S t a t ion ID Br oadc ast s ch edul e (UT C) X I V ietna m H o Chi M inh Ci ty 10 4 7 N 1 06 40 E 518 400 X 035 0, 07 50, 1 150 , 1550 , 195 0, 23 50 490 40 0 W 03 40, 154 0 Ha ipho ng 20 44 N 106 44 E 4209.
2-1 2. OPER A T ION 2.1 O perating Control s ENT MENU ESC DIM LIST PRINT T ur ns the pow er on/off. Opens the PRINT options. Opens the LIST options. Opens menu/Returns to the previous displa y . Cursor pad -Shifts the cursor and displa y . -Selects items on menus.
2. OPERA TION 2-2 At t he defaul t sett ing, the equi pment func tions as bel ow; W h en t he result s of the chec k are OK, ALL ME S SA GE di splay f or 518 kHz appear s. Thi s screen show s all mess ages recei v e d in 518 kHz. Y ou can s w it ch 518 kHz (I nternati onal mess age) and 49 0 kHz (l ocal mes sage) to dis play .
2. OPERA TION 2-3 2.4 Confirming the N ew M essag e W h en y ou recei ve a new message, do one of t he foll o w ing depen ding on message received. SA R (Search an d Rescu e) messag e 1. W he n an SAR m essag e is recei ved, t he audibl e al ert sounds an d det ail s for the SA R messa ge appear .
2. OPERA TION 2-4 2.5 Sample Messag es Press ▲ or ▼ o n the cursor pa d to choos e a messag e, and then p ress the EN T key to show the det ail ed infor mati on for that me ssage. T he message li st and det ail ed message di splay s can be sw it ched by pressi ng the EN T key .
2. OPERA TION 2-5 2.6 Choosing t he Receiv e Mode T he NA V T E X menu al lows you t o select w hat st ati on to recei v e, autom atical ly , manu ally . T he Auto mode requi res na v i gati on da ta, and st ations are automat ical ly s elect ed according t o the di st ance betw een own s hip and NA V T EX st ati ons.
2. OPERA TION 2-6 2.7 Choosing t he Local Frequen c y Y ou can choose 49 0 kHz or 4209. 5 kHz as t he local frequency on Auto or M anual mode. 1. Pr ess the ME NU/ESC k e y to sho w th e main me nu. 2. Pr ess ▲ or ▼ to c hoose NA VT EX, and t hen press the ENT key or ► .
2. OPERA TION 2-7 1. Pr ess the ME NU/ESC k e y to sho w th e main me nu. 2. Pr ess ▲ or ▼ to choose NA VTEX (f o r Rcv Mask, INS Output Mask and Pri nter mas k) or Dis play ( f or User Sel ect S t ation & M sg), and then press the ENT key . 3.
2. OPERA TION 2-8 2.9 S w itching th e Frequ enc y to Display W i th sh owi ng the messag e li st, you can sw itch the frequ ency to 518 kHz or 49 0 (or 420 9.5) kHz by pressi ng ◄ or ► key . 518 490 (4209) Press Sw itc h ing t he freq uency to di splay 2.
2. OPERA TION 2-9 2.1 1 Pr ocessing Mess ages Choos ing m essages to disp lay Y ou can choose w hich cat egory of mes sages to displ ay: A l l, Alarm, User Sel ected and Goo d messa ges. 1. W i th the mes sage l ist or det ail ed message sho w n , pres s the LIST key to show the l ist opt ions.
2. OPERA TION 2-1 0 Prot ecting m essa ge from delet ing M essages are a utomati cal ly del eted from the memory under the f oll o w ing condi tions . -66 ho urs pas sed f rom the moment w hen receiv ed. -Ol der than No. 200 T o prevent a m essage f rom being del ete d, do the f oll o w s ; 1.
2. OPERA TION 2-1 1 2.12 Pr inting Mess ages Recei v ed me ssag es can be pr inted aut omat ical ly or m anually , from t he built -in pri nter (NX -700A) or ex tern al pri nter (NX -700B). Prin tin g all messages d ispl ayed Al l messages ch osen on p ara graph 2.
2. OPERA TION 2-1 2 2.13 Editing th e NA VTEX St ation List M aximum 300 NA VT E X st ations can be regi ster ed into t he memory . Note : T o cancel edit ing of a NA V T E X s tati on, press t he MENU/ ESC key . T he messag e “Exi t wi thout savi ng?” appe ars.
2. OPERA TION 2-1 3 NavArea 1 Station Latitude 0 00'N Longitude 0 00'E 518kHz ID1: - ID2: - ID3: - 490kHz ID1: - ID2: - ID3: - 4209.5kHz ID1: - ID2: - ID3: - Range 400nm Sav e data ? Station Name NA V Area Latitude Longitude Station ID Ser tvice Area New addi ti on wi ndow 5.
2. OPERA TION 2-1 4 Editin g NA VT EX statio n Exi sti ng NA V T E X stati on may be edi ted as f ollow s: 1. Pr ess the ME NU/ESC k e y to sho w th e main me nu. 2. Pr ess ▲ or ▼ to c hoose Ser v i ce, an d then pres s the ENT ke y . 3. Pr ess ▲ or ▼ to c hoose Edi t S t ation Li st, and t hen press t he ENT key .
2. OPERA TION 2-1 5 Edit Delete 7. Pr ess ▲ or ▼ to c hoose D elet e, and then pr ess the ENT key . The m essage “D elet e st atio n?” ap pear s. 8. Pr ess ◄ to choos e “Y es”, and then press t he EN T ke y to close the e dit wi ndo w . 9.
2. OPERA TION 2-1 6 2.15 Mess ages List I n additi on to the mess age “Recei ved n ew loc al (int’l ) msg. ” the foll o w ing messag e-rel ated mess ages may appear on the displ a y . Mess age Meani ng Rem edy New me ss a g e received. Oldes t mess age delete d to free up m emor y .
2. OPERA TION 2-1 7 2.16 O ther Functio ns T h i s paragr aph descr ibes t he variou s opti ons whi ch all o w y ou to set up your unit to sui t your needs. N A VT EX menu Item D esc ription Settin g M ask M ode Chooses t he recei ving mo de. (See par agraph 2.
2. OPERA TION 2-1 8 Disp lay menu Item Des cription Set ting Sc ro lling Sel ect s the speed of s croll ing by pressing ▲ or ▼ . Slow: S croll s by one line. Fast : Scrol ls by hal f of screen. Skip s to $$: Scrol ls li ne by li ne in list di splay; Skip s to $$ positi on in det ailed display .
2. OPERA TION 2-1 9 Servic e menu Item Des cription Set ting IN S I nput S peed Sel ect s the dat a transm issi on spee d at w hich t o input dat a from I N S. 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bps IN S Outp ut S peed Sel ect s the dat a transm issi on speed to out put dat a to the I NS.
2. OPERA TION 2-2 0 T h i s page i s intent ional ly lef t blank..
3-1 3. M A INTEN A N CE & TROUBLESHOO TIN G T h i s chapter pr ovides i nformat ion nec essary for k eeping y our unit in good w orking order and reme dyi ng si mple probl ems. WARNING Do not open the equipment. Hazardous voltage which can cause electrical shock exists inside the equipment.
3. MAINTENAN CE & TROUBLESH OOTING 3-2 3.2 Replace ment of Fuse, Batt ery and Thermal Paper Fuse T he fuse i ns i de the recei ver uni t protec ts the equipment from o vercurr ent or revers e pol arity . I f the fus e blows , cont act y our deal er about replacem ent.
3. MAINTENAN CE & TROUBLESH OOTING 3-3 Ther mal p aper (NX- 700A onl y) W h en t he therm al p aper runs o ut compl etely , the messag e “Pri nter err or” (cente r of sc reen) and t he X ic on (at the ri ght-hand t op corner ) appe ar . Repl ace the paper as fol low s.
3. MAINTENAN CE & TROUBLESH OOTING 3-4 3.3 T roubleshootin g T h i s secti on provides s impl e troubl eshoot ing pr ocedures w hich the us er can fol low t o restore norm al operat ion. I f y ou cannot r estore norm al oper ation do n ot att empt to c heck insi de the uni t.
3. MAINTENAN CE & TROUBLESH OOTING 3-5 3.4 Diagnosti cs T he memory t est checks RO M, RAM, dat a port, battery , keyboard and L CD for prop er operat ion and di splay s program versio n numb ers. 1. Pr ess the ME NU/ESC k ey to open t he main m enu.
3. MAINTENAN CE & TROUBLESH OOTING 3-6 8. W h en t he message “ Hit any key” appear s on th e screen, pres s any key (except key) to show the Rx t est sc reen. The alarm for r ecei ving moni tor s ounds while the Rx test is bei ng c onduc ted.
4-1 4. INST A LL A T ION 4.1 D ispla y U nit T he displ a y unit can be i nst alled on a t abletop, on the o v er head, or in a p anel. Refer t o the outl ine draw ings at the back of thi s manu al f or inst all ation ins truct ions. W hen sel ecti ng a mount ing l ocati on, keep i n mind the f oll o w ing point s.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-2 Flush m ounting T he displ a y unit can be i nst alled f lush mount ed in a cons ole or p anel by usi ng the opt ional flush m ount ki t. (Fo r NX-700A ) T ype: OP 08-19 Code No. : 004-515- 260 Name T ype Code No. Qty Remarks M ounting m etal 08-023- 1019 100-326- 960 1 Sel f-t apping s crew 5X20 000-802- 081 6 Hex.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-3 4.2 R eceiver Unit Gene ral m ounting consi der ations • T he mounti ng locat ion shoul d be w e l l venti lated and dry . • T he unit can be mounted on bulkhea d or the de sk. • Secure t he maint enanc e spac e show n in drawi n g at the back of t his m anual for eas e of mai ntenance an d ser v i ce.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-4 4.3 A ntenna Unit M ounting cons idera tions I nstal l the antenna u nit referri ng to t he antenna inst all ation diagr am at the bac k of t his manual . W hen s elect ing a mou nting l ocati on for t he antenna uni t, keep in mi nd the fol lowi ng point s: • Do not shor ten t he ante nna cabl e.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-5 4.4 Printer (NX-700B only ) Prep are the pri nter by loc ally as shown bel o w for t he NX-700B . -Seri al RS -232C -S er ial p rint er -Baud R ate: 960 0 bps -Char acter l ength: 8 bi t -Parity: N o -Fl o w control : X on/X off -32 char acter s/li ne or more 4.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-6 Recei ver uni t Al l cables ar e gathered t o the recei ver uni t. Connect cables at insi de of t he recei ver uni t as show n below . DSUB25P-DSUB25P-3M cable (to Displa y unit) DPYC-2.5 (to ship's batter y) RCV Board 08P3227 TTYCS-1Q (to Navigator or INS ) DPYC-1.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-7 Fabri cate t hese cables as bel ow t o connect to the rec ei v er uni t. DP Y C-1 . 5 (For external alarm) 100 mm 5 mm Scrape the paint off the cab le where the cable contacts the cab le clamp .
4. INST ALLA TION 4-8 Antenna cable Be sure t o leave s ome slack in the c able for f uture ser vice and mai nten ance. Fo r RG-10/U Y , RG -214 cab le W h en usi ng the co axial cabl e, type RG -10/UY o r RG -214, att ach the FM - M P-7 conne ctor (s uppli ed as i nst allation mat erial ) or PL-25 9 (local supply ) as below .
4. INST ALLA TION 4-9 Ext ending ante nna ca ble lengt h W h en con necti ng tw o cables f or extensi on, use opti onal ext ension cabl e kit OP- 04-2. Code No. : 000- 041-174 ( 10 m), 000-041- 175 (2 0 m), 000-04 1-176 ( 30 m), 000- 041-177 (4 0 m), 000-041- 178 (50 m ) Name T ype Code No.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 0 4.6 Setting of Printer Af ter t he connecti on compl etely , t he setting of print er should be do ne for NX -700B as show n below . (For NX -700A, use t he defaul t set ting as i s.) 1. Pr ess the key to turn t he power on. 2.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 1 4.7 D igit al Int erfaci ng T h i s equipment can recei v e n avigat ion dat a in I EC 61 162-1 Ed2/ 2 form at. Priority TIME & DAT E ZDA L/L GNS > GGA > RMC > GLL S.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 2 GLL: Latitude and longitude $--GLL,llll.lll,a,yyyyy.yyy,a,,A,a*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------- 6 | | | | | | +--------- 5 | | | | | +----------- 4 | | | | +---------------- 3 | | +------+----------------------- 2 +---+----------------------------------- 1 1.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 3 NRM : NA VTEX receive r mask This command is used to manipulate the configuration masks that control which messages are stored, printed and sent to the INS por t of te NA VTEX receiver .
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 4 RMC : Re commen d Mini mum S pecifi c GNSS Dat a $--RMC ,,A,llll.lll,a,yyyyy .yyy ,a,x.x,x.x,xxxxxx,x.x,a,a*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 5 ZDA: Tim e and da te $--ZDA,,xx,xx,xxxx,xx,xx*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------- 7 | | | | | +----------- 6 | | | | +-------------- 5 | | | +------------------ 4 | | +---------------------- 3 | +------------------------- 2 +--------------------------------- 1 1.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 6 A C K: A c know ledge $--ACK,xxx*hh<CR><LF> | | | + ------------------------2 +-----------------------------1 1. Local alarm number(identifier) 2. Checksum GNS: $--GNS,hhmmss .ss,llll.lll,a,yyyyy .yyy ,a,c--c,xx,x.x,x.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 7 VHW : W ate r speed and headi ng $--VHW,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,x.x,K*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------- 5 | | | | | | +--+----------- 4 | | | | +--+----------------- 3 | | +---+----------------------- 2 +---+----------------------------- 1 1.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 8 VBW: Dual gr ound/w ater s peed $--VBW,x.x,x.x,A,x.x,x.x,A,x.x,A,x.x,A*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--- 11 | | | | | | | | | +----- 10 | | .
4. INST ALLA TION 4-1 9 Ou tput data descri ptio n NRX : Ne w NA VTEX receiv ed mess age The NRX sentence is used to transf ar the contents of a received NA VTEX message from the NA VTEX receiver to another de vice.
4. INST ALLA TION 4-2 0 AL R: Set alarms $CRALR, ,xxx,A,A,c--c*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------- 6 | | | | +----------------- 5 | | | +-------------------- 4 | | +---------------------- 3 | +------------------------- 2 +--------------------------------- 1 1.
A P-1 M ENU TREE MENU/ESC Key Mask Mode (INS, Manual ) Auto Rcv Mask (Off, On ) Local Channel ( 490kHz , 4209.5kHz) Rcv Mask INS Output Mask Printer Mask NA VTEX W arn Msg Alm ( Off , On) Signal Monit.
FURUNO NX-700A/B SP - 1 E5649S01F- M SPECIF IC A TIONS OF NA V TEX RECE IVER NX -7 00A/ B 1 N AVTEX R ECEI VER 1.1 R eceivi ng f requenc y 518 k Hz an d 490 k Hz ( or 4209. 5 kH z), r eceiv e b oth freq uenci es sim ult aneously 1.2 M ode of r ecept ion F1B 1.
FURUNO NX-700A/B SP - 2 E5649S01F- M 4 A NTE NNA UNIT 4.1 Anten na typ e N X-7H: H-fi eld antenna 4.2 Outp ut im pedanc e 50 ohm s 4.3 Pow er supp ly + 7 V to +9 V ( thru c o-ax cabl e) 5 INT ERF ACE 5.1 I nput dat a IEC6116 2-1, - 2 GGA, GLL, R MC, ZD A, ACK, GNS, VHW , VTG, VBW , N RM, CRQ, PFEC 5.
PACKING LIST 08AW-X-9862 -4 NX-700A/NX-700A-HK/NX-700A-R N A M E O U T L I N E DESCR IP TION/CO D E № Q'TY 1/1 ユニット UNIT 指示部 DISPLAY UNIT NX-7 00-A/-HK /-R.
PACKING LIST 08AW-X-9860 -3 NX-700B/NX-700B-HK/NX-700B-R N A M E O U T L I N E DESCRIPTION/CODE № Q'TY 1/1 ユニット U NIT 指示部 DISPLAY UNIT NX-700B/HK/R 000-1 5.
PACKING LIST 08AW-X-9861 -2 NX-7001-AN*/BN*/-R N A M E O U T L I N E DESCR IP TION/CO D E № Q'TY 1/1 ユニット UNIT 受信部 RECEIVER UNIT NX-7 001-* 000-040-345-00 .
PACKING LIST 08AW-X-9859 -2 NX-7001-AA-*/BA* N A M E O U T L I N E DESCR IP TION/CO D E № Q'TY 1/1 ユニット UNIT 受信部 RECEIVER UNIT NX-7 001-* 000-040-345-00 1 .
PACKING LIST 08AW-X-9852 -0 NX-7H-0-10/-10-HK,NX-7H-0-20/-20-HK N A M E O U T L I N E DESCRIPTION/CODE № Q'TY 1/1 ユニット UNIT アンテナ ANTENNA NX-7H* 000-040-2.
CODE NO. 004-515-280-00 TYPE CP08-01861 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCR IPTIONS 1/1 -1 INST ALLATION MATERIAL S 工事材料表 08AW-X-9401 +トラスタッピンネジ 1種 SELF-TAPPING SCREW 5X20 SUS304 4 000-802-081-00 1 CODE NO.
CODE NO. 004-515-300-00 TYPE CP08-01863 略 図 OUTLI NE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMA RKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCR IPTIONS 1/1 -3 INSTALLATION MATERIALS 工事材料表 08AW-X-9402 +トラスタッピンネジ 1シュ SELF-TAPPING SCREW 5X20 SUS304 4 000-1 62-608- 10 1 CODE NO.
CODE NO. 004-515-430-00 TYPE CP08-01864 略 図 OUTLI NE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMA RKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCR IPTIONS 1/1 -3 INSTALLATION MATERIALS 工事材料表 08AW-X-9403 +トラスタッピンネジ 1シュ SELF-TAPPING SCREW 5X20 SUS304 4 000-1 62-608- 10 1 CODE NO.
CODE NO. TYPE 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCR IPTIONS 1/1 -1 INST ALLATION MATERIAL S 工事材料表 08AW-X-9407 NX-700A/B ケーブル組品 CABLE ASSY. 04S4168 *10M* 1 選択 TO BE SELECT 000-106-821 1 CODE NO.
CODE NO. 004-514-610-00 TYPE CP08-01811 略 図 OUTLI NE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMA RKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCR IPTIONS 1/1 -1 INSTALLATION MATERIALS 工事材料表 08AW-X-9404 絶縁テープ SELF-BONDING TAPE Uテープ 0.
Y. Hatai D-2.
Y. Hatai D-5.
MASS DWG. No. SCALE APPROVED CHECKED DRAWN 6 5 4 3 2 1 D C B A D C B A 名称 NAME TITLE b) パイプのみを使 うとき コンベック ス (現地手 配) コンベッ クス (現地手 配) .
2 4 3 A 1 B C DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED DWG.No. MASS SCALE TITLE NAME 名称 INTERCONNE CTION DIAGRAM 相互結線図 ナブテックス受信機 NAVTEX RECE IVER NX-700A/B 08-001-3157-A *1. SHIPYARD SUPPLY. NOTE *2. OPTION. *1)造船所手配。 *2)オプション。 *3)プリンタ信号出力はメニューにて選 択。 *3.
IN-1 INDEX A Alar m mes sa ge ............................................. 2-9 C Co ntras t ...................................................... 2-18 D Da te............................................................ 2- 21 De f au lt Sett i n gs .
FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 9-52 Ashihara-Cho, Nishinomiya City, 662-8580, Hyogo, Japan Tel: +81 798-65-2111 Fax: +81 798-65-4200 Pub No. DOC-954 Declaration of conformity We FURUNO ELECTRIC CO.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Furuno NX-700A/B (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Furuno NX-700A/B noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Furuno NX-700A/B - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Furuno NX-700A/B reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Furuno NX-700A/B erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Furuno NX-700A/B besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Furuno NX-700A/B verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Furuno NX-700A/B. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Furuno NX-700A/B gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.