Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung TX120 des Produzenten Fujitsu
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PRIMERGY TX120 Server Operati ng Man ual Edition July 2007.
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TX120 Operating Manual Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.1 Documentatio n overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.
Operating Manual TX120 Contents 5 Start ing up and operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5.1 Opening the drive cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5.2 Controls and displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.2.
TX120 Operating Manual Contents 8 Hot-plug h ard disk drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 8.1 Handling hard disk drives and HDD modules . . . . . . . . 62 8.2 Removing/Installing the dummy module . . . . . . . . . . . 63 8.3 Installing/Removing the HDD module .
TX120 Operating Manual 7 1 Intr oduction The PRIMERGY TX120 server is an Intel-based server f or small and medium- sized netw or ks and can be used in the horizontal position or as a desktop model. The PRIMERGY TX120 ser v er f eatures exceptionally low energ y consumption, v er y quiet running and a compact size .
8 Operating Manual TX120 Documentation overview Introduction Concept and target groups for this manual This operating manual describes how to ins tall, set up and operate y our ser ver . This manual i s intended f or those people responsib le for installi ng the hardware and ensuring that the system runs smoothly .
TX120 Operating Manual 9 Introduction Documentation overview – “Integrated RAID f or SAS User’ s Guide” (PDF file av ailable on the Serve rB ook s D VD s upplied) – “Ser v er Vie w RAID Us.
10 Operating Manual TX120 Features Introduction 1.2 Features System board The f eatures of the system board are descr ibed in the technical man ual for the system board D2550 for the hardware and in the “BIOS Setup” for the firmware (see “Literature” on page 77 ).
TX120 Operating Manual 11 Introduction Features HDD expansion bo x and accessible drives T wo mounting locations ar e av ailable: – a 3.5-inch ba y for an HDD e xpansion box or a bac kup drive. – a 5.25 inch ba y with a slimline CD/D VD dr iv e. The accessib le dr iv es cannot be replaced during operation.
12 Operating Manual TX120 Features Introduction iRMC with integrated ser vice LAN port I The features of the iRMC Advanced Video Redirection and Remote Storage are a vailab le as an option.
TX120 Operating Manual 13 Introduction Features Server Managem ent Server Management is implemented using the Se rverV iew software suppli ed combined with PD A (Prefai lure Detec tion and Analyzing) technolog y from Fujitsu Siemens Computers .
14 Operating Manual TX120 Features Introduction Service and suppo rt PRIMERGY servers are service-fr iendly and modular , thus enabli ng quick and simple main tenance. The handles and l ocks (touch point) on the different hot pluggable components are colored green to ensure simple and i mmediate recognition.
TX120 Operating Manual 15 Introduction Notational con ventions 1.3 Notational con ventions The fol lowing notational conv entions are used in this manual: T ext in ita lics indicates commands, m enu items or software programs . “Quotation marks” indicate names of chapters and terms that are being emphasiz ed.
16 Operating Manual TX120 T echnical dat a Introduction 1.4 T echnical data Electrical data Compliance with regulations an d standards Rated v oltage range 100 V - 127 V or 200 V - 240 V F requency 50 Hz - 60 Hz Rated current with basic configuration 100 V - 240 V / 1.
TX120 Operating Manual 17 Introduction Technical data Mechanical v alues W e ight Appro x. 10 kg (depending on configuration). V entilation clearance At least 200 mm on the front and rear .
TX120 Operating Manual 19 2 Install ation steps, o vervie w This chapter contains an ov er view of the steps necessary to install your server . Links guide y ou to sections where you can find more det.
20 Operating Manual TX120 Installation steps, overview Ê Configure the server and install the desired oper ating system and applica- tions. The f ollowing opti ons are avail able: – Remote configur.
TX120 Operating Manual 21 3 Impor tant inf ormation In this chapter you wi ll find essential info r mation regarding safety when w or king on your server . 3.1 Saf ety I The fo llowing saf ety instructions are also pr ovided in the man ual “ Saf ety notes and other impor tant inf ormation”.
22 Operating Manual TX120 Safety Important information Bef o re startin g up V CA UTION! ● During installation and bef ore operating the dev ice, observe the instructions on environmental conditi ons for y our device (see section “T echnical data” on page 16 ).
TX120 Operating Manual 23 Important information Safe ty V CA UTION! ● Ensure that the pow er socket s on the de vice and the grounded shoc k - proof sock ets are freely accessible . ● The On/Off button or the main po wer switch (if present) does not isolate the de vice from the mains power supply .
24 Operating Manual TX120 Safety Important information V CA UTION! ● Proper operation of the system (in accordance with IEC 60950-1/ EN 60950-1) is only ensured if the casing is completely assembled and the rear cov ers for the install ation slots have been fitted (electric shoc k, cooling, fire protection, interf erence suppression).
TX120 Operating Manual 25 Important information Safe ty Batteries V CA UTION! ● Incorrect replacement of batter ies may lead to a risk of explosion. The batteries may only be replaced wi th identical batteries or with a type recommended by the man ufacturer (see the technical manual f or the system board under “Literature” on page 77 ).
26 Operating Manual TX120 Safety Important information W orking with CDs/DV Ds an d CD/D VD drives When working with de vices with CD/D VD drives , these instr uctions m ust be f ollow ed.
TX120 Operating Manual 27 Important information Safe ty Modules with Electrostatic-Sensitive Devices Modules with electrostatic -sensitiv e de vices are identified b y the f ollowing st i cker : Figur.
28 Operating Manual TX120 CE conformity Important information Other impor tant information: ● During cleaning, observe the instructions in section “ Cleaning the ser ver” on page 52 . ● K eep this operating manual and the other doc umentation (such as the technical man ual, CD) close to the de vice.
TX120 Operating Manual 29 Important information Transporting the server ● Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ● Increase the separation betw een equipment and the receiver . ● Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diff erent from that to which the receiver is c onnected.
30 Operating Manual TX120 En vironmental protection Important information 3.5 En vironmental pr otection En vironmentally-friendly product design and development This product has been designed in accordance with the Fujitsu Siemens Computers standard f or “environmentally friendly product design and de vel- opment”.
TX120 Operating Manual 31 Important information Environmental protectio n Labels on plastic casing par ts Please a void stick ing your o wn labels on plastic par ts wherev er possibl e, since this makes i t difficult to recycle them.
TX120 Operating Manual 33 4 Har dware installation V CA UTION! ● F ollow the saf ety instructions in the chapter “Impor tant inf or mation” on page 21 . ● Do not ex pos e the server to e x treme environmental conditions ( see “Ambient conditions” on page 17 ).
34 Operating Manual TX120 Unpacking the server Hardware installation 4.1 Unpacki ng the ser ver V CA UTION! F ollow the saf ety instr uctions in the “Impor tant inf or mation” on page 21 chapter . The ser ver m us t alwa ys be lifted or carr ied by at leas t two people.
TX120 Operating Manual 35 Hardware installation Setting up th e server 4.2 Setting up the server Ê Install the ser v er. I Note that the server may be operated i n the ver tical (see section “P ositioning the server v er tically” on page 36 ) or horizontal positi on (see section “P ositioning the server horizontall y” on page 39 ).
36 Operating Manual TX120 Setting up the server Hardware installation 4.2.1 P ositioning the server ver tically V CA UTION! If the server is positioned v er tically , the stabilizers m ust be attached! The stabilizers mus t be attached in the correct direction (see figure 4 on page 38 ).
TX120 Operating Manual 37 Hardware installation Setting up th e server Adjusting the w idth of the stabiliz ers Figure 3: Adjusting the width of a stabilizer Y ou ma y hav e to adjust the width of the stabiliz er s. Ê Slide y our thumb or forefinge r (1) under the loc king springs (a).
38 Operating Manual TX120 Setting up the server Hardware installation Placing the server on the stabiliz ers Figure 4: Placing the s er v er on stabilizers Ê Place the server on the stabiliz ers (1). P osition the stabilizers between the rub ber f eet (a).
TX120 Operating Manual 39 Hardware installation Setting up th e server 4.2.2 P ositioning the ser ver horizontally V CA UTION! If the server is positioned horizontall y , the rubber f eet must be attached! The stabilizers must be attached i n the correct direction (see figure 5 ).
40 Operating Manual TX120 Connecting devices to the ser ver Hardware installation 4.3 Connecting devi ces to the server The por ts f or e x ternal devices are on the front and rear of the ser v er . T he additional por ts a vailable on y our ser ver depend on the PCI boards installed.
TX120 Operating Manual 41 Hardware installation Connecting th e server to the mains 4.4 Connecting the server to the mains The ser ver is fitted with a built-in power supply . V CA UTION! The ser ver is au tomatically set to a mains v oltage in the range 100 V - 127 V or 200 V - 240 V.
42 Operating Manual TX120 Notes on connecting/disco nnecting cables Hardware installation 4.5 Notes on connecting/disconn ecting cables V CA UTION! Alwa ys read the documentation supplied with the de vice you wis h to connect. Nev er connect, or disconnect cables during a thunderstorm.
TX120 Operating Manual 43 5 Star ting up and operation V CA UTION! F ollow the saf ety instructions in chapter “Impor tant information” on page 21 . 5.1 Opening the drive cove r Figure 8: Opening the drive cov er Ê T ur n the ke y counterclockwise (1).
44 Operating Manual TX120 Controls and displays Starting up and operation 5.2 Contr o ls and displays 5.2.1 Front of server Figure 9: Front of server 1 HDD F A UL T indicator 7 Global error indicator .
TX120 Operating Manual 45 Starting up and operation Controls and displays Controls On/Off button When the system is s witched off , it can be switched on again b y pressing the On/Off button. When the system is operating, pressing the On/Off button wil l s wi tch off the system.
46 Operating Manual TX120 Controls and displays Starting up and operation Indicators on the control panel P ower-on indicator (dual color) Lights orange when the server is s witched off but mains v oltage is present. Lights up green when the server is s witched on and ready .
TX120 Operating Manual 47 Starting up and operation Controls and displays CD/D VD indicat or Lights up green when the stor age medium is being accessed.
48 Operating Manual TX120 Controls and displays Starting up and operation 5.2.2 Rea r of server Figure 10: LAN indicators 1 LAN link/Activ e indicator (standard LAN) Lights up green if a LA N c onnection e xists. Does not light up if no LAN connection e xists.
TX120 Operating Manual 49 Starting up and operation Switching the server on and off 5.3 Switching the server on and off V CA UTION! If nothing appears on the screen but fli ckering stripes after s witching on the server , s witc h the server off immediately ( see section “Flic kering stripes on monitor screen” on page 57 ).
50 Operating Manual TX120 Switching the server on and off Starting up and operation Switching the server OFF P owe r -on indicator (item 5 in figure 9 on page 44 ) lights green. Ê Shut down the operati ng s ystem properly . The server is automatically s witched off .
TX120 Operating Manual 51 Starting up and operation Configuring th e server 5.4 C onfig uring t he serve r This section contains inf or mation about configuring the ser ver and installing the operating sys tem. 5.4.1 Configuring onboard SAS contr oller The server has an onboard SAS controller with “Integrated Mirroring Enhanced” functionality .
52 Operating Manual TX120 Cleaning the server Starting up and operation T o find out how to oper ate ServerStar t and for fur ther information, refer to the corresponding manual (see “Liter atur e” on page 77 ).
TX120 Operating Manual 53 6 Pr oper ty and d ata pr otection 6.1 Mechanical acce ss p r otection The lock and drive cov er can be used to restr ict access to the On/Off button and the driv es. T o prev ent it being remov ed from its location, the ser ver can be secured to a fix ed object with a steel cab le r unning through a clip on the bac k.
TX120 Operating Manual 55 7 T r o ub leshooting and tips V CA UTION! F ollow the saf ety instructions in the “Saf ety notes and other impor tant inf or mation” manual and in chapter “Hardware installation” on page 33 .
56 Operating Manual TX120 Server switches itself off Troubleshooting and tips 7.2 Server s witches i tself off Server Management has detected an erro r Ê Check the error list or the ErrorLog file in the ServerV iew program, and attempt to eliminate the error .
TX120 Operating Manual 57 Troubleshooting and tips Flickering stripes on mon itor screen 7.4 Flic kering stripes on monitor screen V CA UTION! Switch off the server immediately . Risk of damaging the server . Monitor does not suppo rt t he set horizontal frequency Ê Find out which horizontal frequency y our monitor screen suppor ts.
58 Operating Manual TX120 No mouse pointer disp lay ed on screen Troubleshooting and tips 7.6 No mouse po inter displa yed on screen Mouse driver not loaded Ê Check whether the mouse dr iver i s pr operly install ed and is activ ated when the application progr am is star ted.
TX120 Operating Manual 59 Troubleshooting and tips Drives reported as “dead” when starting system 7.8 Drives r ep orted as “dead” when starting system This error message can occur when the onboard SAS controller has RAID functionality or the server is equipped with a PCI RAID c ontroller .
TX120 Operating Manual 61 8 Hot-plug har d disk drives I Upgrades , updates and replacement of non-hot-pluggable components are described in the “Options Guide” or in the ser vice supplement and may only be performed by authoriz ed specialist personnel.
62 Operating Manual TX120 Handling hard disk drives and HDD modules Hot-plug hard disk drives 8.1 Handlin g hard disk drives and HDD modules Hard disk driv es incor porated in the HDD modules are highly sensitiv e electro- magnetic de vices and must be handled with great care .
TX120 Operating Manual 63 Hot-plug hard disk drives Removing/Installin g the dummy mod ule 8.2 R emoving/In stal ling th e dum m y module F ree slots are provided with d ummy modules. Remo ve the d ummy module bef ore installing an additional HDD module.
64 Operating Manual TX120 Installing/Removing the HDD mod ule Hot-plug hard disk drives 8.3 Installin g/Rem oving the H DD mod ule Unlocking the HDD module Figure 12: Unloc king the HDD module Ê Release the loc k ing mechanism by pressing the loc k together (1).
TX120 Operating Manual 65 Hot-plug hard disk drives Installing/Removin g the HDD module Installing the HDD mo dule Figure 13: Install ing the HDD module Ê Unlock the HDD module as described in section “Unloc king the HDD module” on page 64 . Ê Carefully push the HDD module into the empty mounting location ( 1) until it stops.
66 Operating Manual TX120 Installing/Removing the HDD mod ule Hot-plug hard disk drives Removing the HDD module V CA UTION! ● Only remov e a HDD module dur ing operation if the drive i s not currently being accessed. Observe the control LEDs f or the corre- sponding HDD modules (see “Indicators on the HDD module” on page 47 ).
TX120 Operating Manual 67 Hot-plug hard disk drives Installing/Removin g the HDD module Ê Install the new HDD module , as descri bed in “Unlocking the HDD module” on page 64 and “Installing the HDD module” on page 65 .
TX120 Operating Manual 69 Abbreviations AC Alternating Current AC P I Advanced Configuration and P ower Interf ace ANSI American National Standards Institute ASR&R A utomatic Ser ver Reconfigur at.
70 Operating Manual TX120 Abbr evia tions DC Direct Current DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module DIP Dual Inline P ackag e DMA Direct Memory Access DMI Desktop Management Interf ace DV D Digital V ersatile .
TX120 Operating Manual 71 Abbreviations ESD ElectroStatic Dis charge (elektrostatische Entladung) FAT File All ocation T able FPC F ront P anel Controller FRU Field Replaceab le Unit FSB F ront Side B.
72 Operating Manual TX120 Abbr evia tions IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IME Integr ated Mirr oring Enhanced IPMI Intelligent Platf or m Management Interf ace iRMC integrated Remote Man.
TX120 Operating Manual 73 Abbreviations NMI Non Maskab le Interrupt NTFS New T echnolog y File System NVRAM Non V olatile Random Access Memory OS Operating Syst em PCI P eripheral Component Interconne.
74 Operating Manual TX120 Abbr evia tions RTD S Remote T est- und Diagnose-System SAF -TE SCSI Accessed F ault-T oler anc e Enclosures SAS Serial Attached SCSI SA T A Serial Adv anced T echnolog y Att.
TX120 Operating Manual 75 Abbreviations SV GA Super Video Graphics Adapter USB Univ ersal Serial Bus VG A Video Graphic s Adapter WOL Wak eup on LAN ZCR Zero Channel RAID.
TX120 Operating Manual 77 Literature PRIMERGY server manuals are also a vailabl e as PDF files on the ServerBooks D VD . The Server Books D VD is par t of the PRI MERGY ServerV iew Suite , w hich is supplied with e very ser ver . The current v er sions of the r equired manuals ma y be downloaded for free from the Internet as PDF files.
78 Operating Manual TX120 Literature [12] PRI MERG Y Se r ver View Su ite ServerVie w S2 Server Management User manual [13] PRI MERG Y Se r ver View Su ite ServerVie w Server Management User manual [1.
TX120 Operating Manual 79 Inde x A accessib le drives CD-RW 11 DV D - RW 11 magnetic tape driv e 11 acclimatizatio n time 33 , 62 Adv anc ed Video Redirection 12 ambient conditions 17 ASR&R 11 a v.
80 Operating Manual TX120 Index envi ronmental protection 30 error drifting displa y on monitor 57 driv e “dead” 59 driv e def ectiv e 59 incor rect date 58 incor rect time 58 no displa y on monit.
TX120 Operating Manual 81 Index LAN por t 12 ser v ice 40 standard 40 LAN transf er rate indicator 48 laser i nfor matio n 26 light emitting diode (LED) 26 lithium battery 25 Low V oltage Directiv e 1.
82 Operating Manual TX120 Index saving energ y 30 screen error message 59 fl i cker i n g 57 remains blank 56 shows fl ick ering str ipes 57 security function 7 serial por t 40 ser ver ambient conditi.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Fujitsu TX120 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Fujitsu TX120 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Fujitsu TX120 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Fujitsu TX120 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Fujitsu TX120 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Fujitsu TX120 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Fujitsu TX120 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Fujitsu TX120. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Fujitsu TX120 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.