Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung FCX624-S des Produzenten Dell
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53-1 002266-0 1 18 M ar ch 2 0 11 Pow e r C o n n e c t B - S e r i e s F C X Configuration Guide.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 20 11 Dell Inc. All rights reser ved. Repr o duction of these materials in any manner wha tsoever withou t the written permission of Dell Inc.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide iii 53-1002266-01 Contents About This Document Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxix Device nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Chapter 2 Configuring Basic Software Features Configuring basic system parame ters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Entering system administration inf orm ation . . . . .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide v 53-1002266-01 Loading and sa ving configuration files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Replacing the startup configu ratio n with the running conf iguration 65 Replacing the running configuration with the startup conf iguration 66 Logging changes t o the star tup-config file .
vi PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Viewing information about sof tware licens es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 Viewing the License ID (LID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 Viewing the license database .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide vii 53-1002266-01 Image mismatches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Advanced f eature privileges (Po werConnect B-Series FCX ) . . 154 Configuration mismatch .
viii PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management f eatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 IPv6 management A CLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 IPv6 debug .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide ix 53-1002266-01 Error disable recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Enabling error disable recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286 Setting the reco ver y interval .
x PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying and modifying syst em pa rameter default settings . . . . 321 Configuration considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 1 Displaying syst em parameter def ault values .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xi 53-1002266-01 Chapter 11 Configuring Uni-Directional Link Detection (UDLD) and Protected Link Groups UDLD ov er view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 UDLD f or tagged por ts .
xii PowerConnect B-Series F CX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 0 IronStack LA CP trunk group configuration e xample . . . . . . . . 4 11 Examples of valid LA CP trunk gr oups .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xiii 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP subnet, IPX netw ork, and prot ocol-based VLANs within por t-based VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Configuring an IPv6 pr otocol VLAN . .
xiv PowerConnect B-Series F CX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying VLAN information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Displaying VLANs in alphanumeric or der . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 Displaying syst em-wide VLAN information .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xv 53-1002266-01 Configuration note s and featur e limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529 Configuration exam ple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 Configuring MA C-based VLANs .
xvi PowerConnect B-Series F CX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Preserving user input for ACL T CP/UDP por t numbers . . . . . . . . . . 566 Managing A CL comment tex t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .567 Adding a comment t o an entr y in a numbered A CL .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xvii 53-1002266-01 QoS f or stackable device s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .595 QoS profile restrictions in an IronStac k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .595 QoS behavior f or trusting La yer 2 (802.
xviii PowerConnect B- Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 A CL statistics and rate limit counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 19 Enabling A CL statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 19 Enabling ACL statistics with rate limiting traf fic policies .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xix 53-1002266-01 Rate limiting in hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .644 How Fix ed rate limiting wor ks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .644 Configuration not es .
xx PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 General operating principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 7 Operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 7 LLDP packe ts .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxi 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .733 Initiating PIM multicasts on a netw ork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .734 Pruning a multicast tree .
xxii PowerConnect B- Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Chapter 26 Configuring IP Basic configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .784 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxiii 53-1002266-01 Chapter 27 Configuring Multicast List ening Discovery (MLD) Snooping on PowerConnect B-Series FCX Switches Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xxiv PowerConnect B- Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP paramet ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 0 Enabling RIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxv 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .930 Configuration rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 1 OSPF paramet ers .
xxvi PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .966 Displaying general OSPF configurat ion information . . . . . . . . 967 Displaying CPU utilization statistics .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxvii 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 004 Changing the K eep Alive Time and Hold T ime . . . . . . . . . . . 1004 Changing the BGP4 ne xt-hop update timer .
xxviii PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring rout e flap dampening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 054 Globally configuring rout e flap dampening . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 055 Using a ro ute map to config ure route flap dam pening f or specific rout es .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxix 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic VRRP paramet ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 3 Configuring the Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 13 Configuring a Back up.
xxx PowerConnect B-Series F CX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Setting up local user accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1154 Enhancements to username and password . . . . . . . . . . . . 1154 Configuring a local user account .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxxi 53-1002266-01 T CP Flags - edge port security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 1 Using TCP Flags in combination with other A CL features . . 1202 Chapter 33 Configuring SSH 2 and SCP SSH v ersion 2 suppor t .
xxxii PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802. 1X por t security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 7 Configuring an authenti cation method list for 802. 1X . . . . 122 7 Setting RADIUS parame ters .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxxiii 53-1002266-01 Configuring the MA C por t security f eature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1264 Enabling the MA C por t security feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1265 Setting the maximum number of secure MA C addresses f or an interface .
xxxiv PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-de vice por t authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 78 Enabling multi-device por t authenti cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 78 Specifying the f ormat of the MAC addresses sent to the RADIUS server .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxxv 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authentication options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1320 Enabling RADIU S accounting for web authentication . . . . . 1320 Changing the login mode (HTTPS or HTT P) .
xxxvi PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 DHCP snooping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349 How DHCP snooping w orks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1350 System reboot and the binding database .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxxvii 53-1002266-01 Displaying SNMP Inf ormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 77 Displaying the Engine ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 77 Displaying SNMP gr oups .
xxxviii PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 sFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 27 sFlow v ersion 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xxxix 53-1002266-01 About This Document Introduction This guide describes the f ollowing prod uct families from Dell: • Po werConnect B-Series FCX Stackable Switches. This guide includes procedures for configuring the sof tware.
xl PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Document conventions This section describes te xt formatting con venti ons and important notice formats u sed in this document.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide xli 53-1002266-01 NOTE A note provides a tip, guidance or advice, em phasizes impor tant information, or provides a ref erence to related inf ormation.
xlii PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 NOTE If you do not ha ve an active Int ernet conn ection, you can find contact information on yo u r purchase in voice, packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog. Dell pro vides several online and telephone-based suppor t and service options.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1 53-1002266-01 Chapter 1 Getting Familiar with Management Applications Ta b l e 3 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect switches and the management application f eatures they support. 16 Using the management port NOTE The management port applies t o Po werConnect B-Series FCX de vices.
2 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using the management port 1 • No packe t received on a management por t is sent t o any in-band port s, and no pack ets received on in-band ports are sent to a management por t. • A management por t is not par t of any VLAN • Pro tocols are not suppo r ted on the management port.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 3 53-1002266-01 Logging on through the CLI 1 22 packets output, 1540 bytres, 0 underruns Transmitted 0 broadcasts, 6 multicasts, 16 unicasts 0 output errors, 0 collisions T o display the management interface information in brief f orm, enter the show int er faces brief management command.
4 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Logging on through the CLI 1 Y ou can initi ate a local T e lnet or SNMP connection by attaching a cable to a port and specifying the assigned management station IP address.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 5 53-1002266-01 Using stack-unit , slot number, an d port number with CLI commands 1 ipx lock-address logging mac --More--, next page: Space, next line: R.
6 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using stack-unit, slot number, an d port number with CLI co mmands 1 • slot number and por t number • stack-unit, slot number , and por t number The follo wi ng sections show which f ormat is suppo r ted on which devices.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 7 53-1002266-01 Using stack-unit , slot number, an d port number with CLI commands 1 Displaying lines that do no t contain a specified string The following command filters the output of the show who command so it dis plays only lines that do not contain the word “closed”.
8 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using stack-unit, slot number, an d port number with CLI co mmands 1 T o display lines containing only a spec ified search string (similar t o the include optio n f or show commands) press the plus sign ke y ( + ) at the -- More-- pr ompt and then enter the sear ch string.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 9 53-1002266-01 Using stack-unit , slot number, an d port number with CLI commands 1 TA B L E 5 Special characters f or regular expressions Character Operation . The period matches on any single charact er , including a blank space.
10 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using stack-unit, slot number, an d port number with CLI co mmands 1 If you want t o filter for a special charact er instea d of using the spec ial character as describe d in the table abov e, enter “” (backslash) in fr ont of the character .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 11 53-1002266-01 Logging o n through the Web Manag ement Interface 1 Configuration notes The follo wing conf iguration notes apply t o this feature: • Y ou cannot include ad ditional paramet ers with th e alias at the command prompt.
12 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Logging on through the Web Management Interface 1 FIGURE 2 Web Management Int er face login dialog The login username and password you ent e r depends on whether your device is configu red with AAA authentication f or SNMP .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 13 53-1002266-01 Logging o n through the Web Manag ement Interface 1 FIGURE 3 First panel for Lay e r 3 Switch features NOTE I f y o u a r e u s i n g I n t e r n e t E x p l o r e r 6 .
14 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Logging on through the Web Management Interface 1 Using the CLI, yo u can modify the appearance of the W eb Management Inter face with the web -m a na ge me nt command. T o cause the Web Management Interface to displa y the List view b y default, enter the f ollowing command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 15 53-1002266-01 Logging o n through the Web Manag ement Interface 1 NOTE The tree view is a vailable when you use the Web Management Int er face with Ne tscape 4.0 or higher or Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher brow sers.
16 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Logging on through Brocad e Network Advisor 1 Logging on through Brocade Network Advisor Refe r to the Brocade® Netw ork Advisor manual f or information about using Br ocade Network Adv is or.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 17 53-1002266-01 Chapter 2 Configuring Basic Software Features Ta b l e 6 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect switches and the ba sic sof tware features the y suppor t.
18 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 Configuring basic system parameters Dell Po werConnect de vices are configured at the fa ctor y with default param eters that allow you to begin using the basic features of the syst em immedi ately .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 19 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 PowerConnect(config)# hostname zappa zappa(config)# snmp-server contact Support Services zappa(conf.
20 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 T o specify an SNMP trap receiv er and change the UDP port that will be used to receiv e traps, enter a command such as the fo llowing. PowerConnect(config)# snmp-server host 2.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 21 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 T o change the holddown time for SNMP traps, ente r a command such as the following at the global CONFIG lev el of the CLI.
22 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 • OSPF • VRRP • VRRPE T o stop link do wn occurrences from being reported, ent er the follo wing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 23 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 Syntax: show logging The first message (the one on the bottom) indicates that user “dg” logged in to the CLI User EXEC lev el on October 1 5 at 5:38 PM and 3 seconds ( O ct 1 5 1 7 :38:03).
24 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 NOTE Dell Po werConnect de vices do not retain time and dat e information across pow er cycles. Unless you want to reconfigure the system time counte r each time the system is reset, Dell Po werConnect recommends that you use the SNT P feature.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 25 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 Syntax: show sntp status The follo wing table describes the information displa yed by the show sntp status command.
26 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 By default, Dell PowerConnect switches and router s do not change the system time for da ylight sa ving time. T o enable daylight sa ving time, enter the f ollowing command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 27 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 Syntax: [ no ] clock timezone us <timezone-type> Enter pacific, east ern, central, or mountain for <timezone-type> . This command must be configured on every device that f ollows the US DST .
28 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 The <num> variable spe cifies the maximum number of packets per second. It can be an y number that is a multiple of 6553 6, up to a maximum value of 2 14 7 4 181 12.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 29 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 Syntax: show rate-lim it unknown-unicast Use the sho w rate-limit br oadcast command to displa y the broadcast limit or br oadcast and multicast limit f or each po r t to which it applies.
30 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 NOTE If you are using a W eb client to vie w the message of the da y , and your banners are v er y wide, with large borders, y ou may need to se t your PC display resolution to a number great er than the wi dth of your banner .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 31 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic system parameters 2 T o enable the requirement t o press the Enter k ey after the MO TD is display ed, enter a command such as the fo llowing.
32 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Configuring a local MAC address for Layer 2 management traffic By default, La yer 2 de vices use the MA C address of the first por t as the MAC addre ss for La yer 2 management traffic.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 33 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Modifying port speed and duplex mode The Gigabit Ethernet copper por ts are designed t o auto-sense and auto-negotiat e the speed and duplex mod e of the connected de vice.
34 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Maximum Por t speed advertisement and Por t speed down-shif t are enhancements t o the auto-negotiati.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 35 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Syntax: [ no ] link-config gig copp er aut oneg-control down-shift ethernet <port> [ ethernet <por t> ] | to <por t>.
36 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 T o disa ble select ive auto-negotiation of 100m-auto on por t s 0/1/21 t o 0/1/25 and 0/1/30, en ter the fo llowing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 37 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 • 10 0 - h a l f • auto (default) Configuring MDI/MDIX Dell Po werConnect de vices suppor t automati c Media Dependent Int er face (MDI) and Media Dependent Int er face Crosso ver (MDIX) det ection on all Gbps Ethernet Copper ports.
38 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Disabling or re-enabling a port A por t can be made inactive (disable) or active (enable) b y selecting t he appropriat e status option. The default value f or a por t is enabled.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 39 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Disabling or re-enabling flow control Y ou can configure the Dell P owerConnect de vice to operat e with or without flow contr ol. Flow contro l is enabled by def ault glob ally and on all full-duplex por t s.
40 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Displaying flow-control status The show inter face <port> command displays configuration, operation, and negotiation status where applicable.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 41 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Symmetric flow control addresses the requirements of a lossless ser vice class in an Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) envir onment. It is suppor ted on FCX standalone units as well as on all FCX units in an IronStack.
42 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 • The following QoS f eatures are not suppor ted together with symmetric flow control: - Dynamic bu.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 43 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Syntax: symmetric-flow-control set 1 | 2 x o f f <%> xon <%> symmetric-flow-contr ol set 1 sets the XOFF and X ON limits for 1G ports. symmetric-flow-contr ol set 2 sets the XOFF and X ON limits for 1 0G por ts.
44 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Configuring PHY FIFO Rx and Tx depth PHY devices on PowerConnect B-Series FCX devi ces contain transmit an d receiv e synchronizing FIFOs t o adjust for frequency differences between clocks.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 45 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Syntax: [ no ] ipg <value> For val ue , ent er a number in the range fr om 48-120 bit times in multiples of 8.
46 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Chassis-based and Stackable devices NOTE The f ollowing procedure applies t o Stackable devices and to Chassis-based 1 00/100 0 Fiber interface modules only .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 47 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 NOTE When Gbps negotiation mode is turned of f (CLI command gig-default neg- of f ), the Dell device may inadvertently take do wn both ends of a link . This is a hardware limitation f or which there is currently no workar ound.
48 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Enabling dynamic configuration of a Voice over IP (VoIP) phone Y ou can create a v oice VLAN ID for a port, or for a gr oup of por ts. T o create a v oice VLAN ID for a po r t, ent er commands such as the follo wing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 49 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 If the port link state toggles from up to down f or a specified number of times within a specified period, the int er face is physically disabled f or th e specified wait perio d.
50 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 PowerConnect(config)# interface ethernet 2/1 PowerConnect(config-if-e10000-2/1)# no link-error-disabl.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 51 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Syntax: show link-err or-disable [all ] Example The line “L ink Error Dampening” d isplays “Enabled” if por t flap dampening is enabled on the por t or “Disabled” if the f eature is disabled on the po r t.
52 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Port loop detection This feature allo ws the Dell Pow erConnect device t o disable a por t that is on the receiving end of a loop by sending test pack ets.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 loops because S TP cannot pre vent loops across diff erent VLANs. In these instances, the por ts are not block ed and loop detection is able t o send out pr obe packets in one VL AN and receive pack ets in another VLAN.
54 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 The abov e command will cause the Dell Pow erConnect device t o automatically re-enable por ts that were disable d because of a loop detection. By def ault, the device will w ait 300 seconds before re-enabling the por ts.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 55 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 If a por t is errdisabled in Strict mode, it shows “ERR -DISABLE b y itself”.
56 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic port parameters 2 Syslog message The follo wing me ssage is logged when a por t is disa bled due to loop de tection.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 57 53-1002266-01 Chapter 3 Operations, Administra tion, and Maintenance Ta b l e 1 2 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect swit ches and the operations, administration, and maintenance f eatures they suppor t.
58 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Determining the software versions installed and running on a device 3 Y ou can updat e the sof tware cont ained on a flas h module using TFTP t o copy the updat e image from a TFTP ser ver ont o the flash module.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 59 53-1002266-01 Determining the software versions in stalled and running on a device 3 Determining the boot image version running on the device T o determine the boot imag e running on a device, enter the show flash command at any le vel of the CLI.
60 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Determining the software versions installed and running on a device 3 CLI commands Use the f ollowing command syntax to verify the flash .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 61 53-1002266-01 Image file types 3 Image file types This section lists t he boot and flash image file types suppor ted and how to install them on the PowerC on nec t fa mi ly of swi tc hes . For inf ormation abo ut a specific version of code, ref er to the release note s.
62 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using SNMP to upgrade software 3 Syntax: copy flash console < filename > For < filename >, ent er the name of a file stored in flash memor y .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 63 53-1002266-01 Changing the block size for TFTP file transfers 3 1. Configure a read-writ e community string on the Dell Pow erConnect device, if one is not already configured. T o configure a read -write community string, enter the f ollowing command fr om the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
64 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Rebooting 3 Rebooting Y ou can use boot commands t o immediately initia t e sof tware boots from a sof tware image stored in primar y or secondary flash on a Dell PowerConne ct device or fr om a BootP or TFTP server .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 65 53-1002266-01 Loading and saving configuration files 3 The results of the show run command f or the configured exam ple above appear as follows.
66 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Loading and saving configuration files 3 T o replace the star tup configuration with the running configuration, enter the f ollowing command at any Enable or CONFIG command pr ompt.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 67 53-1002266-01 Loading and saving configuration files 3 Dynamic configuration loading Y ou can load dynamic configuration commands (com mands that do not require a reload to tak e effect) fr om a file on a TFTP ser ver i nto the running-config on the Dell Pow erConnect device.
68 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Loading and saving configuration files 3 NOTE If you cop y -and-paste a configuration into a management session, the CLI ignores the “ ! “ instead of chang ing the CLI to the global CONF IG level.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 69 53-1002266-01 Loading and saving configuration files with IPv6 3 • Alwa ys use the end command at the en d of the file .
70 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Loading and saving configuration files with IPv6 3 • Copy a file from an IPv6 TFTP server to a specified destination Copying a file to .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 71 53-1002266-01 Loading and saving configuration files with IPv6 3 • Flash memor y • Running configuration • Star tup configura tion Copying a file.
72 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Loading and saving configuration files with IPv6 3 • Copy a primar y or sec ondar y boot image from flash memor y to an IPv6 TFTP s er ver . • Copy the running configuratio n to an IPv6 TFTP server .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 73 53-1002266-01 Loading and saving configuration files with IPv6 3 • Star tup configura tion. Uploading a primary or secondary boo t image from an IPv6.
74 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Scheduling a system reload 3 1. Configure a read-writ e community string on the Dell Pow erConnect device, if one is not already configured. T o configure a read -write community string, enter the f ollowing command fr om the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 75 53-1002266-01 Diagnostic error codes and remedies for TFTP transfers 3 Reloading after a specific amount of time T o schedule a system reload to occur af ter a spec ific amount of time has passed on the syst em clock, use reload af ter command.
76 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Testing network connectivity 3 Testing network connectivity Af ter you install the network cables, you can test netw ork connect ivity to o ther devices by pinging those devices. Y ou also can ob serve the LEDs relat ed to network c onnection and per form trace rou te s.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 77 53-1002266-01 Testing network connectivity 3 The source < ip addr > specifies an IP address to be used as the origin of the ping packe ts. The count < num > paramet er specifies how many ping pack ets the device sends.
78 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Testing network connectivity 3 Tracing an IPv4 route NOTE This section describes the IPv4 tracer oute command. For details about IPv6 tracer oute , ref er to “IPv6 T racerout e” on page 253.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 79 53-1002266-01 Chapter 4 Software-based Licensing Ta b l e 1 4 lists the individual Dell PowerConnect swit ches and the software licensing features the y suppor t. Software license terminology This section defines the k ey terms used in this chapter .
80 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Software-based lic ensing overview 4 Software-based licensing overview With the introduction of softwar e-based licensing , one or more valid software licenses are required to run such licensed features on the device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 81 53-1002266-01 Licensed features and part numbers 4 For a list of features supported with these image s, refer t o the release notes. Licensed features and part numbers Ta b l e 1 6 lists the suppor ted licensed f eatures, asso ciated image filenames, and related par t numbers.
82 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Licensed features and part numbers 4 For e xample, if stack member unit 4 do es not ha ve a license to run BGP whereas the Active contro ller does, unit 4 has an in ferior license and will not be allow ed to join the stack.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 83 53-1002266-01 Configuration tasks 4 Configuration tasks This section describes the configuration tasks for generating and obtaining a sof tware license, then installing it on the Dell PowerConnect de vice.
84 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuration tasks 4 Figure 5 shows the Sof tware Portal Login window . FIGURE 5 Brocade Software Portal Login window.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 85 53-1002266-01 Configuration tasks 4 Figure 6 shows the License Management Welcome window that appears af ter logging in t o the software por tal. F rom this window , mouse ov er the License Management banner , then IP/Ethernet , then click on License Generation with T ransaction k ey .
86 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuration tasks 4 Figure 7 shows the IP/Ethernet License Generation window f or generating a license using a transaction k ey and LID. FIGURE 7 IP Ethernet License Generation window Enter the required inf ormation in each text box shown in Figure 7.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 87 53-1002266-01 Configuration tasks 4 Press the Generate butt on to generate the license. Fi gure 8 sho ws the results window , which displays an or der summar y and the results of the license re quest.
88 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Deleting a li cense 4 Installing a license file Once you obtain a license f ile, place it on a TFTP or SCP ser ver to which the Dell PowerConnect device has access, then use T FTP or SCP to copy the fi le to the license database of the Dell PowerC on nec t d evic e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 89 53-1002266-01 Other licensing options availab le from the Brocade Software Portal 4 Other licensing options available from the Brocade Software Portal This section describes other sof tware licensing ta sks suppor ted from the Brocade software por tal.
90 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Transferring a license 4 Figure 1 0 shows an exam ple of the license query results. FIGURE 1 0 License Quer y results window In this ex ample, the line items f or Leve l 1 display har dware-related information and the line it ems fo r Lev el 2 display software-related inf ormation.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 91 53-1002266-01 Viewing information abo ut software licenses 4 Viewing information about software licenses This section describes the show commands associat ed with sof t ware licensing. These com mands are issued on the Dell P owerConnect de vice, at any lev el of the CLI.
92 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Viewing information about so ftware licenses 4 Viewing the license database T o display general inf ormation about all sof twa re licenses in the li cense database, use the show license command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 93 53-1002266-01 Viewing information abo ut software licenses 4 Viewing software packages installed in the device Use the sho w version command t o view the software packages that are currently installed in the devic e.
94 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Viewing information about so ftware licenses 4.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 95 53-1002266-01 Chapter 5 Stackable Devices Ta b l e 2 1 lists the individual Dell Po we rConnect switches and the Iron stack features the y suppor t. IronStack overview This section gives a brief overview of IronStack technology , including IronStack terminology .
96 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IronStack overview 5 • Active Controller, Standby Contr o lle r, and member units in a stack • Active Contr oller management of entir.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 97 53-1002266-01 IronStack overview 5 show , stack, and a fe w debug commands. When the stack is f ormed, all local consoles are directed t o the Active Controller, which can access the entire CLI.
98 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 • Static Configurat ion - A configuration that remains in the da tabase of the Activ e Cont roller e ven if the unit it refers t o is remov ed from the st ack.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 99 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 FIGURE 1 1 P owerConnect B-Series FCX linear and ring stack topologies FIGURE 12 PowerConnect B-FCX-E ring topolo.
100 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 FIGURE 13 Pow erConnect B-FCX-E linear topology stack using SFP+ module ports FIGURE 1 4 Mixe d linear stack of .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 101 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 1. Use the secure-setup utility to f orm your stack. Secure-setup giv es you contr ol over the design of your stack topology and provides security through pa ssword v erificat ion.
102 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 • Authentication of secure-setup packets pr ovides verification that these pack ets are from genuine Dell stack unit. MD5- based por t verification confirms stacking por ts.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 103 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 5. Ent e r the stack secure-setup co mmand. As s hown In the following example, this com mand triggers a Dell pr oprietar y discovery prot ocol that begins the disco ver y proce s s in both upstream and downstream direct ions.
104 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 1 S FCX648 active 00e0.52ab.cd00 128 local Ready 2 D FCX624 standby 0012.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 105 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 7 . When the Active Contr oller has finished the auth entication pr ocess, you will see output that shows the suggested assigned stack IDs f or each member . Y ou can accept these recommendations, or y ou can manual ly conf igure stack IDs.
106 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 Follow the st e ps given below to c onfigure a three-m ember IronStack in a ring topology using automatic setup process.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 107 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 PowerConnect# show running config Current configuration: ! ver 07.
108 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 Scenario 3 - Configuring a three-member IronStack in a ring topology using the manual configuration process NOTE.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 109 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 For more inf ormation abou t cabling the devices, ref er to the appropriat e hardware installation guides. NOTE This method does not guarant ee sequential stack IDs.
110 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 NOTE If you are adding PowerCo nnect B-Series FCX-E or P owerConnect B-Series FCX-I devices to a stack containin.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 111 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 0 runts, 0 giants 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Transmitted 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 unicasts 0 ou.
112 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 Secure-setup pr obe packets can be receiv ed by a def ault por t whether or not it is acting as a stacking por t. Stacking pack ets can be only receiv ed b y a stacking por t (which is also always a default por t).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 113 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 NOTE Do not connect stacking ports to non-stacking por ts. Stacking por ts have a p roprietar y pack et format that render s them incompat ible with regular ports even when the y are forwarding regular pack ets.
114 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 If you ent er an incorrect stack por t number , yo u will get an error similar to the f o llowing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 115 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 Stack unit 3 Power supply 1 is up Stack unit 3 Power supply 2 is down Config changed due to add/del units.
116 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 Use the no form o f t he c omm an d to rever t to th e 4-by te E th ern et pr eam bl e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 117 53-1002266-01 Building an IronStack 5 P-ENGINE 1: type DB90, rev 01 ========================================================================== UNIT 4:.
118 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Managing your IronStack Y our IronStack can be managed thr ough a single IP address. Y ou can manage the stack using this IP address ev en if you remo ve the Ac tive Controll er or any member from the stack.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 119 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 on the Activ e Controller physical console port during a reload will no t be visible on the console ports of the stack members bec ause the remote c onnect ions are not established until the sof tware loading process is c omplete.
120 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 PowerConnect# rconsole 2 Connecting to unit 2... (Press Ctrl-O X to exit) rconsole-2@PowerConnect#show stack ID Type Role Mac Address Prio State Comment 2 S FCX624P standby 0012.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 121 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 NOTE For hitless stacking failo ver , Dell recommends th at you configure the IronStack MAC address using the stack mac command. Without this configurati on, the MA C address of the stack will change to the new base MA C address of the Active Contr oller .
122 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Fan 1 ok Fan 2 ok --More--, next page: Space, next line: Return key, quit: Control-c NOTE For field descriptions for the sho w chassis command, ref er to “Dis playing chassis inf o rmation” on page 133.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 123 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 IronStack unit priority A un it w it h a h igh er pri ori ty i s m ore likel y to b e el ec ted Ac tive Con trol ler . T he p rio rit y va lue can be 0 to 255 with a priority of 255 being the highest.
124 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 CLI command syntax CLI syntax that ref ers to stack units mu st contain all of the f ollowing parameters: <stack -unit>/<slotnum>/<por tnum> • <stack-unit> - If the device is operating as a standalo ne, the stack-unit wil l be 0 or 1.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 125 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Stacking mode When a unit is stack-enabled or jo ins a stack either actively or passi vely , it reser ves prio.
126 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 NOTE The two le f t por ts on the Four -por t 1 0Gbps SFP+ module do not pass regular Eth ernet traf fic by default.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 127 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Available UPSTREAM units Hop(s) Type Mac Address 1 FCX624 0012.f2d5.2100 2 FCX624 001b.ed5d.9940 Available DOWNSTREAM units Hop(s) Type Mac Address 1 FCX624 001b.
128 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 T o reverse the part itioning, reconnect all of the units into the original stack topology using the stacking por ts. This is the same as merging stacks . If the original Active Contr oller again has the highest priority , it will regain its role.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 129 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 the stack MA C address changes. During this configur ed int er val, if the previo us Active Controller is reinstalled in the stack, the stack continues to use the MA C address of this unit, ev en though it may no longer be the Active Contr oller.
130 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 priority 40 stack enable stack persistent-mac 60 T o display the stack MA C addresses, ent er the show stack command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 131 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 • me - unconfigure this unit only • clean - remov es all star tup configu ration files incl uding v4 and v.
132 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Compressed Pri Code size = 3034232, Version 05.0.00T7e1 (FCX05000.bin) Compressed Sec Code size = 2873523, Version 04.2.00aT7e1 (FCX04200a.bin) Compressed BootROM Code size = 403073, Version 03.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 133 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Dynamic memory: 238026752 bytes total, 182820504 bytes free, 23% used Stack unit 8: Total DRAM: 268435456 byte.
134 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Fan 1 ok Fan 2 ok Exhaust Side Temperature Readings: Current temperature : 31.5 deg-C Warning level.......: 85.0 deg-C Shutdown level......: 90.0 deg-C Intake Side Temperature Readings: Current temperature : 32.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 135 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 S8:M2 FCX-1XG 1-port 16G Module (1-XFP) OK 1 0012.f2eb.d570 S8:M3 FCX-1XG 1-port 16G Module (1-XFP) OK 1 0012.f2eb.d571 PowerConnect(config)# Syntax: s how module Ta b l e 27 describes the fields displa yed in this output example.
136 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 The show stack command displays general info rm ation abou t an IronStack, for all members, f or a specified member , and with addi tional detail if required. The f ollowing output co vers the ent ire stack.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 137 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Ta b l e 3 0 describes the output fr om the show st ack detail command (in addition to the show sta ck command fields shown in the previous table).
138 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Syntax: show stack flash Displaying stack rel-IPC statistics Use the show stack rel-ipc stats command to displa y session statistics for stack units.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 139 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Msgs sent: 0, Msgs received: 0 Atomic batches sent: 0, Atomic batches received: 0 Pkts sent: 1, Pkts received:.
140 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Session state: established (last established 31 minutes 11 seconds ago) Connections established: 1 Remote rese.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 141 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Pkts sent: 8, Pkts received: 13 Msg bytes sent: 123, Msg bytes received: 20V Pkt bytes sent: 232, Pkt bytes re.
142 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Other: 1, ACK: 0, WND: 0, ACK+WND: 0 DAT: 0, DAT+ACK: 0, DAT+WND: 0, DAT+ACK+WND: 0 Data retransmits done: 0, .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 143 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Ta b l e 3 2 describes the output fr om the show st ack neighbors command. Displaying stack port information The show stack stack-por ts command displays inf ormatio n about stack por t status.
144 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 module 3 FCX-xfp-1-port-16g-module priority 128 stack enable ! Syntax: show runni ng-config Ta b l e 3 4 describes the output fr om the show running-config command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 145 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 (3054675 bytes) from Primary FCX05000.bin BootROM: Version 04.
146 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Syntax: show interfaces stack-por ts Ta b l e 3 5 describes the fields displa yed by the sho w i nterfaces stack-por ts comm and.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 147 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 Syntax: show statistics stack-ports Ta b l e 3 6 describes the fields displa yed by the sho w s tatistics stack-por ts command.
148 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 • If the Activ e Controller has configuration information for a ne w unit, and it matches the base module (module 1) of the new unit, no action is necessar y .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 149 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 NOTE Adding, removing or replacing a stack unit which is not at the end of linear topology may cause the other units in the stack to reset if these units lo se their path to the Ac tive Controller during the process.
150 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing your IronStack 5 2 6 FCX624 001b.ed5d.9940 Do you accept the unit ids? (y/n)?: n Enter an unused id for the UPSTREAM FCX623 uni.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 151 53-1002266-01 Troubleshooting an IronStack 5 Syslog, SNMP, and traps Syslog messages from stack units are f or warded t o , and can be vie wed from, the A ctive Contr oller. All stack units suppor t SNMP gets, sets, and traps , which are managed b y the Active Contr oller.
152 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Troubleshooting an IronStac k 5 Troubleshooting an unsuccessful stack build If you are unable t o build a stack, (for e xample, the show stack command does not display any stack units) , per form the follo wing steps.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 153 53-1002266-01 Troubleshooting an IronStack 5 If the send message types: field is empty , it means that stack enable has not been configured.
154 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Stack mismatches 5 Stack mismatches When a stack mismatch occurs, the Active Co ntroller can put any stack member int o a non-operational state, which dis ables all of the po r ts except the stacking ports.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 155 53-1002266-01 Image mismatches 5 Major mismatch A major mismatch indicates an Interprocessor Communications (IPC)-related data structure change, or an election algorithm change, or that a v ersion of the sof tware that does not support stacking is installed on a unit.
156 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Image mismatches 5 Configuration mismatches can happen during manual setups, or when moving a unit fr om one stack to another stack. Secure-setup will try to o verw rite a configuration mismatch even if the configuration is stat ic.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 157 53-1002266-01 Image mismatches 5 PowerConnectt# show running config stack unit 1 module 1 FCX-24-port-management-module module 3 FCX-cx4-2-port-16g-mo.
158 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 More about IronStack technology 5 If secure-setup times out (this may happen due to inactivity), you will not be able t o make any changes in your confi guration or stack topology until you restar t the session by entering the stack secure-setup com mand.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 159 53-1002266-01 More about IronStack technology 5 will recov er their original st a r t up -c o nf i g. tx t files and reboot as standalone device s. If you enter the stack unconfigure all command from the A ctive Contr oller all devices will reco ver their old sta r t up - co nf i g.
160 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 More about IronStack technology 5 • Active Controller • Standby Contr oller • Stack member Active Controller The Active Contr oller contains the saved and running configuration files for each stack member .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 161 53-1002266-01 More about IronStack technology 5 Example My stack unit ID = 1, bootup role = active My stack unit ID = 3, bootup role = standby Active .
162 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Standby Controller election criteria The Standby Co ntroller election is based on the f ollowing criteria. 1. The highest priority 2. Bootup as Active Controller 3.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 163 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Supported events The following ev ents are suppor ted by hitless stac king: • Fai l ove r • Switchov er • Priority change • Rol e ch an ge Non-supported events The f ollowing events are no t suppor ted b y hitless st acking.
164 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 TA B L E 37 Hitless-suppor ted services and prot ocols – Po werConnect B-Series FCX Traffic type Supporte d prot ocols and services Impact Lay er 2 switched traf fic, including unicast and multicas t + System-le vel + Lay er 4 • 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 165 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Configuration notes and feature limitations • For hi tless stacking on t he Po werConnect B-Series FCX, Dell recommends that yo u configure the IronStack MA C address using the stack mac command.
166 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 (for e xample, a personal comput er) pinging th e stack might encount er a long dela y depending on the client MAC aging time.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 167 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 • Hardware Ab straction Layer (HAL) – This includes the prefix-based routing table, next hop information f or outgo ing interfaces, and tunnel information.
168 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Standby Controller role in hitless stacking In sof tware releases that do not suppor t hitl.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 169 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 When the Standby Controller is fully synchro n ized, the syst em will be ready for a switcho ver or fai lover.
170 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Figure 15 illustrates hitless stacking suppor t du ring stack f ormation.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 171 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Figure 16 illustrates hitless stacking suppor t during a stack m erge.
172 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Figure 1 7 illustrates hitless stacking suppor t in a stack split. FIGURE 1 7 Hitless stacking support in a stack split 1 1 The s t a ck s plit s into one oper a ti on a l s t a ck a nd two “orph a n” u nit s .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 173 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Hitless stacking default behavior Hitless stacking is dis abled by default. When disabled, the follo wing li mitations are in ef fect: • If a failo ver occurs, e ver y unit in the stack will reload • Manual switchov er is not al lowed.
174 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Enabling hitless stacking Hitless stacking is disabled by default. T o enable it, enable hitless failover as described in “Enabling hitless failover” on page 1 75.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 175 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Syntax: show stack Hitless stacking failover Hitless stacking failov er pro vides automatic.
176 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Hitless stacking failover example Figure 18 illustrates hitless stacking failover operation when the Activ e Controller fails.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 177 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 For a description this feature’s impact t o major system functions, ref er to Ta b l e 37 on page 1 64. For e xamples of hit less stacking switcho ver operation, ref er to “Hi tless stacking switcho ver exa mp le s” on page 1 78.
178 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Hitless stacking switchover examples This section illustrates hitless stacking failov er and switchov er operation during a CLI-driven switchov er or priority chan ge.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 179 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Figure 20 illustrates a hitless stacking switchov er when the Active Contr oller goes down then comes back up. The stack in this e x ample has user-configured prio rities.
180 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Figure 21 illustrat es a hitless stacki ng switchov er af ter the netw ork administrator increases the priority value of t he Standby Controller.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 181 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Figure 22 illustrates a hitless stacking switchov er af ter the netw ork administrator increases the priority value of one of the stack members.
182 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Figure 23 illustrates a hitless stacking switchov er af ter the netw ork administrator increases the priority value f or two of the stack member s.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 183 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Displaying information about hitless stacking Use the show stack command t o view info rmation per tinent to a hitless stacking switchov er or failo ver .
184 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 T o view the S y st em log or the traps logged on an SNMP trap rec eiver , enter the show log command at any le vel of the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 185 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5 Syntax: debug stacki ng sync_rel_msg < num > PowerConnect# debug stacking sync_rel_msg 4 stk_sync_trunk_mapping:sending trunk mapping...
186 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 187 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5.
188 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PowerConnect B-Series FCX hitless stacking 5.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 189 53-1002266-01 Chapter 6 Monitoring Hardware Components Ta b l e 3 9 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect swit ches and the har dware monit oring features they support. The procedures in this chapt er describe how to configure the software to monit or hardware components .
190 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual cable testing 6 Syntax: phy cable-diag tdr <port> Specify the <por t> v a ri a b l e i n th e fo l l ow in g fo r m .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 191 53-1002266-01 Supported Fiber Optic Transceivers 6 Specify the <por t> v a ri a b l e i n th e fo l l ow in g fo r m a ts : • Po werConnect B-Series FCX stackable switches – <s tack-unit/slotnum/portnum> Ta b l e 41 defines the fields shown in the command output.
192 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Digital optical monitoring 6 Digital optical monitoring Y ou can configure your Br ocade device t o monitor op tical transceiv ers in the system, either globally or by spec ified por ts.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 193 53-1002266-01 Digital optical monitoring 6 Use the no f orm of the command t o disa ble digital optical monitoring. Setting the alarm interval Y ou can optionally change the int er val between which alarms and w arning messages are sent.
194 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Digital optical monitoring 6 Port 24: Type : 1G M-C Port 25: Type : 10G XG-SR(XFP) Vendor: Brocade Communications Inc.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 195 53-1002266-01 Digital optical monitoring 6 Normal Normal Normal Normal Syntax: show optic < port-number > NOTE The show optic function tak es advantage of inf ormation st ored and supplied b y the manufacturer of the XFP or SFP transceiver .
196 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Digital optical monitoring 6 Viewing optical transceiver thre sholds The thresholds that det ermine th e alarm status values for an optical transceiver are set by the manufacturer of the XFP or SFP .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 197 53-1002266-01 Chapter 7 Configuring IPv6 Management on PowerConnect B-Series FCXSwitches Ta b l e 4 5 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect switch es and the IPv6 manage ment features they suppor t. NOTE The following table only shows the IPv6 management f eatu res that are suppor t ed .
198 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management overview 7 This chapter describes the I Pv6 management features, including command syntax and management examples. IPv6 management overview IPv6 was design ed to replace IPv4, the Internet protocol that is most commo nly used currentl y throughout the world.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 199 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management features 7 • The hexadecimal letters in IPv6 addresses are not case-sensitive As shown in Figure 25 , the IPv6 ne twork prefix is c omposed of the left-most bits of the address.
200 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management features 7 IPv6 debug The debug ipv6 commands enable the collection of information about IPv6 configuration s f or troubleshooting.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 201 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management features 7 Restricting Web management access to an IPv6 host Y ou can specify a single device with an IPv6 address to ha ve Web management access t o the host devic e.
202 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management features 7 AAAA DNS records are analogous to the A DNS recor ds used with IPv4. They st ore a complete IPv6 address in each record. AAAA re cords hav e a type value of 28.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 203 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management features 7 • The size <b ytes> paramet er specif ies the size of the ICMP data por tion of the packet. This is the pa yload and does not include the header . Y o u can specify fr om 0 - 1 01 73.
204 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management features 7 Syntax: snmp-s er ver host ipv6 <ipv6-address> The <ipv6-address> you specify must be in hexadecimal format using 1 6-bit values between colons as document ed in RFC 23 73.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 205 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management commands 7 IPv6 traceroute The tracerout e command allows you to trace a path from the Dell P owerConnect de vice to an IPv6 host. The CLI displa ys trace rout e information f or each hop as soon as the information is receiv ed.
206 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IPv6 management commands 7.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 207 53-1002266-01 Chapter 8 Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Related Features Ta b l e 4 6 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect swit ches and the S panning T ree Prot ocol (STP) fe atures they suppor t.
208 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 Configuring standard STP parameters Lay er 2 Switches and La yer 3 Switches suppor t standard S TP as described in the IEEE 802. 1D specification. STP is enabled by default on La yer 2 Switches but disabled by default on Lay er 3 Switches.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 209 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 NOTE If yo u pl a n to ch a n ge ST P br i d ge t im e r s , D e l l r e c o mmends that you stay within the f ollowing ranges, from section 8. 10.2 of th e IEEE S TP specification.
210 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 NOTE The CLI con ver ts the S TP groups int o topology gr oups when you sa ve the configuration. F or backwar d compatibility , you can still use the S TP group co mmands.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 211 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 Changing STP bridge p arameters NOTE If yo u pl a n to ch a n ge ST P br i d ge t im e r s , D e l l r e c o mmends that you stay within the f ollowing ranges, from section 8.
212 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 Changing STP port parameters T o change the path and priority costs f or a por t, enter commands suc h as the following.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 213 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 Enabling STP protection Y ou can enable STP Pr otection on a per -por t basis. T o prevent a n end station from initiating or par ticipating in STP topology changes, ent er the follo wing command at the Inter face le vel of the CLI.
214 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 If you enter the sho w stp-prot ect command f or a por t that does not hav e STP pro tection enabled, the fo llowing message displa ys on the console.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 215 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 Displaying STP informat ion for an en tire device T o display S TP information, enter the f o llowing command at any le vel of the CLI.
216 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 TA B L E 5 0 CLI display of S TP information This field... Displays... Global STP parameters VLAN ID The port-based VLAN that contains this sp anning tree (instance of S TP).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 217 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 Displaying CPU uti lization statistics Y ou can display CPU utilization statistics fo r STP and the IP pro tocols.
218 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 T o display utilization statistics for a specific number of seconds, enter a command such as the following.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 219 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 Syntax: show vlan [ <vlan-id> | ethernet < por t > ] The <vlan-id> parameter specifies a VLAN f or which you want to display the configuration information.
220 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 If a por t is disabled, the only information shown by this command is “DISABLED”. If a port is enabled, this display sho ws the following information.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 221 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 Displaying detailed STP information fo r a single port in a specific VLAN Enter a command s uch as the following to displa y STP info rmation for an individual port in a specific VLAN.
222 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard STP parameters 8 Syntax: show span detail [ vlan <vlan-id> ethernet < port > Specify the <por t> .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 223 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 In the e xample above, o nly one por t, 3/11, is forwarding traffic to ward the r oot bridge.
224 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 • Fast P or t Span eliminates unnecessar y MAC cache aging that can be caused by topol ogy change notifications.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 225 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 T o ex clu de a set of ports fr om Fast Por t Span, enter commands such as the f ollowing.
226 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 NOTE T o avoi d t he pote nt ia l for temp or ar y b rid g ing lo op s, recommends that y ou use the Fast Uplink f eature only for wiring closet switches (switches at the edge of the ne twork cloud).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 227 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 When the original working trunk group comes back (p ar tially or fully), the transition back to the original t opology is accelerat ed if the cond itions listed above are met.
228 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 • Classic or legac y 802. 1D STP prot oc ol requires a newly selected Root por t to go through listening and learning stages before traffic co nvergence can be ac hieved.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 229 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Assignment of port roles At syst em star t-up, all 802.
230 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 26 Simple 802.1W t opology Ports on Switch 1 All por ts on Switch 1, the root bridge, are assigned Designat ed por t roles. Ports on Switch 2 Port2 on Switch 2 directly connects t o the ro ot bridge; the refore, Po r t2 is the R oot por t.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 231 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Edge ports and ed ge port roles The Dell implementation o f 802.1 W allows por ts th at are configured as Edge ports to be present in an 802. 1W topolo gy .
232 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 NOTE Configuring shared media or non-point-to-point link s as point-to-point links co uld lead to Layer 2 loops. The topology in Figure 28 is an e xample of shared media th at should no t be configured as point-to-point links.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 233 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Edge port and non-ed ge port states As soon as a port is configured as an Edg e por t using the CLI, it goes into a f or warding stat e instantly (in less than 1 00 msec).
234 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 In contrast to the 802. 1D standard, the 802. 1W stan dard does not hav e any bridge specif ic timers. All timers in the CLI are applied on a per -por t basi s, ev en though they are config ured under bridge parameters.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 235 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 NOTE Proposed will ne ver be asser ted if the por t is connected on a shared media link.
236 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 30 Sync stage • Synced – Once the Designat ed por t ch anges into a discarding stat e, it asser ts a synced signal. Immediat ely, Alternate p or ts and Back up port s are synced.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 237 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 3 1 Synced stage • Agreed – The Root por t sends back an RST BPDU containing an ag reed flag to its peer Designated po r t and mo ves into the forwarding stat e.
238 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 32 Agre e st age At this point, the handshak e mechanism is comp lete be tween Switch 1 00, the root bridge, and Switch 200.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 239 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 33 Addition of a new root bridge The handshak e that occurs between Switch 60 and Switch 100 f o llows the one described in the previous section ( “Handshak e when no root port is elected” on page 234).
240 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 34 New root bridge sending a proposal f lag • Sync and Reroot – The Roo t por t then asser ts a sync and a rer oot signal on all the por ts on the bridge.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 241 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 35 Sync and reroot • Sync and R erooted – When the por ts on Switch 200 ha ve comple ted the rer oot phase, the y assert their reroo ted signals and continue to asser t their sync sign als as they co ntinue in their discarding stat es.
242 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 36 Sync and rerooted • Synced and Agree – When all the ports on the bridge asser t their s.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 243 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 3 7 Rer ooted, sy nced, and agreed The old Root por t on Switch 2 00 becomes an Al ternat e Por t ( Figure 38 ). Other por ts on that bridge are elect ed to appropriat e roles.
244 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 38 Handshake comple ted after election of new root port Recall that Switch 200 sent the ag reed flag t o Por t4/Switch 60 and no t to Port1/Switch 100 (the por t that connects Switch 1 00 to Switch 20 0).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 245 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 39 Convergence between two bridges At po wer up, all por ts on Switch 2 and Switch 3 a ssume Designat ed por t roles and are at discar ding states bef ore they receive an y RST BPDU .
246 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 40 Simple Layer 2 t opology The point-to-point co nnections between the three bridges are as f.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 247 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Now , Port 3/Switch 3 is currently in a discarding state and is negotiating a port role.
248 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 42 Link failure in the topology Switch 1 sets its Port2 into a discarding state. At the same time, Switch 2 assumes the role of a r oot bridge since it s root port failed and it has no operational Alternat e por t.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 249 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 When Port2/Switch 2 receives the RS T BPDUs, 8 02. 1W algorithm determines that the RS T BPDUs the por t receiv ed are better than those receiv ed on Port3/Switch 3; therefore, P or t2/Switch 2 is given the r ole of a Roo t por t.
250 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Convergence in a complex 802.1W topology The following is an e xampl e of a complex 802. 1W topology . FIGURE 43 Complex 802.1W t opology In Figure 43 , Switch 5 is selected as the root bridge sinc e it is the bridge with the highest priority .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 251 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Next Switc h 2 sends RST BPDUs wi th a proposal fl ag t o Por t3/Switch 4. Po r t3 becomes the Roo t por t for th e bridge; all other por ts are given a Designated por t role with discarding stat es.
252 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 44 Active Layer 2 path in com plex topology Propagation of topology change The T opology Change state machine generates and propagates the t opology change notification messages on each port.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 253 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 45 Beginning of topology change notice Switch 2 then star ts the TCN timer on the Desi gnat ed.
254 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 46 Sending TCN t o bridges connected to Switch 2 Then Switch 1, Switch 5, and Switch 6 send RST BPDUs that contain the TCN to Switch 3 and Switch 4 to complet e the TCN pr opagation ( Figure 4 7 ).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 255 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 4 7 Completing the T CN propagation Compatibility of 80 2.1W with 802.1D 802. 1W-en abled bridges are backward compatible wi th IEEE 802. 1D b ridges.
256 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 48 802.1W bridges with an 802.1D bridge Once Switch 20 is removed fr om the LAN, Swi tch 1 0 and Sw itch 30 receive and transmit BPDUs in the STP f ormat to and fr om each other .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 257 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Enabling or disabling 802 .1W in a port-based VLAN Use the f ollowing procedure t o disable or enable 802. 1W on a device on which y ou hav e configured a por t-based VLAN.
258 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Once 802. 1W is enabled on a por t, it can be disabl ed on individual por ts. 802. 1W that hav e been disabled on individual por ts can then be enabled as required.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 259 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 The priority <value> parameter spec ifies the priority of the bridge. Y ou can enter a v alue from 0 – 65535. A lo wer numerical value means the bridge ha s a higher priority .
260 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Set the admin-p t2pt-mac to enabled or d isabled. If set to enabled, then a port is connected t o another port thr ough a point-to-point link. The point-to -point link increases the speed of conv ergence.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 261 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Bridge IEEE 802. 1W parame ter s Bridge Id entifier The ID of the brid ge. Bridge Max Age The config ured max age for this bridge. The d efault is 20. Bridge Hel lo The conf igured hello time for this bridge.
262 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 T o display detailed inf ormatio n about 802-1W , using the following command. Hello The hello value deriv ed from the Roo t por t. It is the number of seconds between tw o Hello packets.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 263 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Syntax: show 802-1w detail [ vlan <vlan-id> ] The vlan <vlan-id> parameter displa ys 802.1W inf ormatio n for the specified port-based VLAN.
264 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 State The port current 802.1W stat e. A por t can have one of the fol lowing states: • For wa rdin .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 265 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 802.1W Draft 3 As an alternativ e to full 802. 1W , you can configure 802. 1W Draf t 3. 802. 1W Draft 3 pro vides a subset of the RSTP capabilities descr ibed in the 802.
266 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 49 802.1W Draft 3 RSTP ready for failov er If the root port on a Switch becomes unav ailabl e, 802. 1W Draf t 3 immediat ely fails ov er to the alternat e por t, as shown in Figure 50 .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 267 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 FIGURE 50 802.1W Draft 3 RSTP failov er to alt ernate root port In this ex ample, por t 3/3 on Switch 3 has become una vailable.
268 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Once a failov er occurs, the Switch no longer has an alternate r oot por t. If the por t that was an al te r na te p or t bu t be c a me t he ro ot p o r t fa i ls , st a n da rd ST P i s u se d to re c onv er g e w i th t h e n e two r k .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 269 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Enabling 802.1W Draft 3 802. 1W Draft 3 is disabled by default. The proced ure for enabling the f eature dif fers depending on whether single STP is enabled on the de vice.
270 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Alternatively , you can configure a Dell Pow erConnect device to run a single spanning tree acr oss all por ts and VLAN s on the device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 271 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 PowerConnect(config) spanning-tree single priority 2 This command changes the STP priority for all por ts to 2. T o change an STP paramet er for a specific por t, enter commands such as the f ollowing.
272 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 • Single STP – S i n g l e ST P a l l ow s a l l t h e V L A N s to r u n ST P , b u t e a c h V L A N r u n s t he sa m e i n s t a n c e of ST P , r esu lt ing in n um erous bl ocked por ts t ha t do not pas s a ny Layer 2 tra f f ic.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 273 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Here are the CLI commands f o r implementing th e S TP per VLAN group configuration shown in Figure 5 1 . The follo wing commands configure the member VLANs (3, 4, 1 3, and 14) and the master VLANs (2 and 12).
274 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring STP related features 8 Configuration exampl e for STP load sharing Figure 52 shows another e xample of a STP per VLAN group implementation.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 275 53-1002266-01 PVST/PVST+ compatibility 8 PowerConnect(config-vlan-201)#tag ethernet 1/2 ethernet 5/1 to 5/3 PowerConnect(config-vlan-201)#vlan 401 PowerConnect(config-vlan-401)#spanning-tree priority 3 PowerConnect(config-vlan-401)#tag ethernet 1/3 ethernet 5/1 to 5/3 .
276 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PVST/PVST+ compatibility 8 NOTE Dell Po werConnect por ts automatically dete ct PV ST+ BPDUs and enable supp or t for the BPDUs once det ected. Y ou do not need t o per form an y configuration steps t o enable PVST+ support.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 277 53-1002266-01 PVST/PVST+ compatibility 8 FIGURE 53 Interaction of IEEE 802 .1Q, PVST , and PVST+ regions VLAN tags an d dual mode The dual-mode feature enables a port to send and receive both tagged and untagged frames.
278 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PVST/PVST+ compatibility 8 Configuring PVST+ support PVST+ suppor t is automatically enabled when the por t receives a PVST BPDU. Y ou can manually enable the suppor t at any time or disable the suppor t if desired.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 279 53-1002266-01 PVST/PVST+ compatibility 8 Syntax: show span pvst-mode This command displa ys the following information. Configuration examples The following e xamples show configuration examples f or two common configurations: • Untagged IEEE 8 02.
280 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PVST/PVST+ compatibility 8 Commands on the Dell Po werConnect Device PowerConnect(config)#vlan-group 1 vlan 2 to 4 PowerConnect(config-v.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 281 53-1002266-01 PVST/PVST+ compatibility 8 These command s change th e default VLAN ID, conf igure por t 1/1 as a tagged member of VLA Ns 1 and 2, and enable the dual-mode f eature and PVST+ support on por t 1/1.
282 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PVRST compatibility 8 PVRST compatibility PVRST , the "rapid" version of per -VLAN spanning tree (PVS T), is a Cisco proprietary prot ocol. PVRST corresponds to the Dell Po werConne ct full implementation of IEEE 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 283 53-1002266-01 BPDU guard 8 Re-enabling ports disabled by BPDU guard When a BPSU Guard- enabled por t is disabled by BPDU Guar d, the Dell PowerConnect.
284 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Root guard 8 STP configured to ON, priority is level0, flow control enabled mirror disabled, monitor disabled Not member of any active t.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 285 53-1002266-01 Root guard 8 Configure roo t guard on all por ts where the r oot bridge should not appear . This establishes a pro tective network perimeter ar ound the core bridg ed netwo rk, cutting it of f from the user network.
286 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Error disable recovery 8 Error disable recovery In case a BPDU guard violation occu rs, a port is placed into an errdisable state which is functionally equiv alent to a Disable state.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 287 53-1002266-01 Error disable recovery 8 Displaying the error disable recovery state by interface The por t status of errdisabled d isplays in the output of the show int er face and the show inter face brief commands.
288 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 8 Syntax: show errdisable summary Errdisable Syslog messages When the system p laces a por t into an errdis abled stat e for BPDU guard, a log message is generat ed.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 289 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanni ng Tree Protocol 8 FIGURE 56 MSTP configured network The follo wing def initions describe the STP instances that define an MSTP configuration. Common Spanning (CST) – CS T is defined in 802.
290 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 8 Configuration notes When configuring MSTP , note the f ollowing: • With MS TP running, enabli ng st atic trunk on por ts that are me mbers of many VLANs (4000 or more VLANs) will keep the syst em busy for 20 to 25 seconds.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 291 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanni ng Tree Protocol 8 NOTE Once under MS TP mode, CIST alwa ys controls all port s in the system. If you do not w ant a por t to run MSTP , configure the no spanning-tree command under the specifi ed interface configuration.
292 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 8 Deleting a VLAN to MSTI mapping Y ou can optionally remov e a VLAN to MS TI mapping using the no mstp instance command. T o do so, enter a command such as the f ollowing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 293 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanni ng Tree Protocol 8 The instance parameter defines the numbe r for the in stance of MS TP that you are deleting. The vlan parameter identifies one or more VLANs or a range of VLANs to the instance defined in this command.
294 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 8 • “For cing por ts to transmit an MS TP BPDU” • “ Activating MSTP on a switch” Setting the MSTP name Each switch that is running MSTP is configured with a name.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 295 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanni ng Tree Protocol 8 The no option mov es a VLAN or VLAN group from its assigned MS TI back into the CIS T . NOTE The system doe s not allow an MSTI without an y VLANs mapped to it.
296 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 8 The max-hops <value> parameter specifies the maximum hop count. Y ou can specify a v alue from 1 – 40 hops. The d efault value is 20 hops.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 297 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanni ng Tree Protocol 8 • Po werConnect B-Series FCX stackable switches – <s tack-unit/slotnum/portnum> When a por t is disabled for MS TP , it behaves as bloc king f or a ll the VLAN traf fic that is controlled by MSTIs and the CIS T .
298 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 8 FIGURE 5 7 Sample MSTP configuration RTR1 configuration PowerConnect(config-vlan-4093)#tagged e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 299 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanni ng Tree Protocol 8 Core2 configuration PowerConnect(config)#trunk ethernet 3/5 to 3/6 ethernet 3/17 to 3/20 Power.
300 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 8 Syntax: show mstp <instance-number> The <instance-number> variable specifies the MSTP instance that you w ant to display inf ormation fo r .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 301 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanni ng Tree Protocol 8 Displaying MSTP information for a specified instance The follo wing example displays MS TP info rmation specified for an MSTP instance. ExtPath Cost The configured path cost on a link connected t o this por t to an ext ernal MSTP region.
302 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 8 Refe r to Ta b l e 5 6 for details about the display paramet er s. Displaying MSTP informat ion for CIST instance 0 Instance 0 is the Common and Internal Spann ing T ree Instanc e (CIST).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 303 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanni ng Tree Protocol 8 Refe r to Ta b l e 5 6 for ex pla nation about the paramet er s in the output.
304 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 8.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 305 53-1002266-01 Chapter 9 Configuring Basic Layer 2 Features Ta b l e 57 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect sw itches and the basic Lay er 2 featur es they suppor t. The procedures in this chapt er describe ho w to configure basic Lay er 2 paramet ers.
306 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 About port regions 9 • For inf ormation about configuring IP addresses, DNS resolver , DHCP assist, and other IP-related paramet ers, refer to Chapter 26, “Configuring IP” . • For inf ormation about the Syslog buffer and messages, ref er to Chapter 4 1, “Using Syslog” .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 307 53-1002266-01 MAC learning rate control 9 Y ou can also enable and disable spanning tree on a por t-based VLAN and on an individual por t basis, and enable advanced S TP f eatures. Ref er to Chapt er 8, “Configu ring Spanning T ree Protocol (STP) R elated Features” .
308 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring static MAC entries 9 Disabling the automatic learning of MAC addresses By default, when a pack et with an unknown Sour ce MAC address is rece ived on a por t, the Dell Po werConnect device learns this MAC address on the port.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 309 53-1002266-01 Configuring static MAC entries 9 NOTE Dell Pow erConnect devices running La yer 3 code al so suppor t the assignment of st atic IP Rout es, static ARP , and static RARP entries.
310 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring VLAN-based static MAC entries 9 or Syntax: [ no ] static-mac-address <mac-addr> ethernet [ <slo tnum> / ] <por tnum> to ethernet [ <slotnum> ] <por tnum> [ priority <num> ] The <slotnum> paramet er is required on chassis devices.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 311 53-1002266-01 Flow-based MAC address learning 9 For e xample, to remove entries f or the MAC address 000d.cd80.00d0 in all VLANs, ent er the follo wing command at the Privilege EXEC level of the CLI. PowerConnect#clear mac-address 000d.
312 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Flow-based MAC address learning 9 How flow-based learning works When a pack et processor , let call it PP 1 , receives an incoming packet with source MAC address X , it sends a new address message to the CPU.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 313 53-1002266-01 Flow-based MAC address learning 9 • A source MA C address is learned only on the ingress (source) pack et processor . The MA C address is added to ot her packet pr ocessors as needed by their incoming traffic flows.
314 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Enabling port-based VLANs 9 Syntax: system -max mac <max-flow-MACs> The <max-flow-MACs> parameter specifies the maximum number of MAC addresses in the MAC table. For flo w -based MACs, the minimum valu e is 1 6K and the maximum value is 32K.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 315 53-1002266-01 Enabling port-based VLANs 9 Syntax: vlan <num> by po r t Syntax: vlan <num> name <string> The <num> parameter specifies the VLAN ID. The v ali d range fo r VLAN IDs star ts at 1 on all systems but the upper limit of the range differs depending on the device.
316 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Defining MAC address filters 9 Defining MAC address filters MAC la yer filtering enables you t o build access lis ts based on MAC la yer headers in the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 frame. Y ou can filter on the source and destination MA C addresses.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 317 53-1002266-01 Defining MAC address filters 9 PowerConnect(config)# mac filter 3 deny any 0180.c200.0000 ffff.ffff.fff0 PowerConnect(config)# mac filter 4 deny any 0000.1234.5678 ffff.ffff.ffff PowerConnect(config)# mac filter 5 deny any 0000.
318 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Defining MAC address filters 9 When a MA C address filter is appl ied to or remov ed from an int er f ace, a Syslog message such as the fo llowing is generated. SYSLOG: <14>Jan 1 00:00:00 10.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 319 53-1002266-01 Defining MAC address filters 9 PowerConnect(config)#int ethernet 1 PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-1)#mac filter-group log-enable PowerConn.
320 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Locking a port to restrict addresses 9 The <src-mac> <mask> | an y parameter spe cifies the source MAC add ress. Y ou can enter a specific address value and a co mparison ma sk, or the keyw ord any t o filter on al l MAC addresse s.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 321 53-1002266-01 Displaying and modifying syst em parameter default settings 9 Syntax: lock-address ethernet [ <port> [ addr -count <num> ] S.
322 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying and modifying syst em parameter default settings 9 The follo wing shows an exam ple output of the show default values command on a Po werConnect Layer 2 device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 323 53-1002266-01 Displaying and modifying syst em parameter default settings 9 The follo wing shows an exam ple output on a Powe rC onnect IPV4 de vice ru nning Lay er 3 sof tware.
324 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying and modifying syst em parameter default settings 9 The follo wing shows an exam ple output on a Po werConnect B-Series FCX de vices ser ving as a management host in an IPv6 netw ork and running the La yer 3 sof tware image.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 325 53-1002266-01 Displaying and modifying syst em parameter default settings 9 Modifying system parameter default values In fo r m a ti o n fo r t he c o n f i gu r a b l e t a bles appears under the columns th at are sho wn in bold type in the abov e examples.
326 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 TDynamic Buffer Allocation for an IronStack 9 PowerConnect(config)#system-max ip-route 120000 PowerConnect(config)#write memory PowerCon.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 327 53-1002266-01 TDynamic Buffer Allocation for an IronStack 9 Fo r ex a mp l e , fo r an 8 - un i t st a c k o f 4 8 p o r ts , th e p a cke t p ro c e s so r n um b e ri n g s c h e me i s as fo ll o ws : .
328 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 TDynamic Buffer Allocation for an IronStack 9 PowerConnect#qd-buffer 1 2 76 2 Syntax: qd-buffer <DeviceNum> <PortTypeVal> &l.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 329 53-1002266-01 Remote Fault Notification (RF N) on 1G fiber con nections 9 qd-buffer 0 1 4095 0 qd-buffer 1 1 4095 0 qd-buffer 2 1 4095 0 qd-buffer 4 1.
330 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Link Fault Signaling (LFS ) for 10G 9 For fi ber-optic conne ctions, you can optionally c onfigure a transmit por t to no tify the receive por t on the remot e device whenev er the transmit port becomes disabled.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 331 53-1002266-01 Jumbo frame support 9 PowerConnect(config)#interface e 1/1 PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-1/1)#link-fault-signal Syntax: [ no ] link-fault-signal Use the no for m o f t h e c om m a n d to disable LFS.
332 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Jumbo frame support 9.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 333 53-1002266-01 Chapter 10 Configuring Metro Features Ta b l e 5 9 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect sw itches and the metro f eatures they suppor t. T Topology groups A topology gr oup is a named set of VLANs that shar e a Layer 2 topology .
334 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Topology groups 10 Master VLAN and member VLANs Each topology group contains a master VLAN and can contain one or more member VLA Ns and VLAN groups: • Mast er VLAN – The master VLAN contains the configuration information f or the Lay er 2 pro tocol.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 335 53-1002266-01 Topology groups 10 • If you remo ve the master VLAN (b y entering no mast er-vlan < vlan-id >), the software selects the new master VLAN fr om member VLANs.
336 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Topology groups 10 NOTE Once you add a V LAN or VLAN group as a member of a topology gr oup, all the La yer 2 pr otocol configuration information for the VLAN or gr oup is deleted.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 337 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) MRP is a Dell pr oprietar y pro tocol that prev ents Lay er 2 loops and pro vides fast recon vergence in Lay er 2 ring topologies.
338 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 FIGURE 58 Metro ri ng – normal stat e Th e r in g in th i s ex amp l e c on si s ts of fou r M R P n o des (Dell Pow erConnect sw itches). Each node has two interfaces with the ring.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 339 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 Configuration notes • When you configure MRP , Dell recommends that yo u disable one of the ri ng interfaces bef ore beginning the ring configurat ion.
340 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 MRP rings with shared in terfaces (MRP Phase 2) With MRP Phase 2, MRP rings can be configured to share the same int er faces as long as the inte r f ac es bel on g to th e s ame VL AN .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 341 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 For ex a mp l e, i n Fi gure 6 1 , the ID of all interfaces on all nodes on Ring 1 is 1 and all int er faces on all nodes on Ring 2 is 2. Port 1/1 on node S1 and Port 2/2 on S2 hav e the IDs of 1 and 2 since the interfaces are shared by Rings 1 and 2.
342 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 FIGURE 62 Metro ring – initial stat e MRP uses Ring Health Packets (RHPs) t o monitor the health of the ring.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 343 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 • For wa rd i n g ( F ) – The int er face can forwar d data as well as RHPs. An interface changes from Preforwarding t o Forwarding when the por t preforwarding time expires.
344 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 FIGURE 63 Metro ring – from preforwarding to forwarding Each RHP a lso has a s equence num ber . MRP ca n use the sequence number t o determine the round-trip time for RHPs in the ring.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 345 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 RHP processing in MRP Phase 2 Figure 6 4 shows an exam ple of how RHP packets are pr ocessed normally in MRP rings with shared interfaces.
346 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 How ring breaks are detected and healed Figure 65 shows ring interface states f ollowing a li nk break. MRP quickly heals the ring and preserves connectivity among the customer networks.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 347 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 • If the interface receiv es an RHP , the int er f ace changes back t o the Blocking stat e and resets the dead timer .
348 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 Master VLANs and customer VLANs All the ring ports must be in the same VLAN. Placing the ring ports in the same VLAN pr ovides Lay er 2 connectivity for a given customer acr oss the ri ng.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 349 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 A topology gr oup enables you t o control f or war ding in multiple VLANs using a single instance of a Lay e r 2 prot o col such as M RP . A topology group contai ns a master VLAN and me mber VLANs.
350 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 Adding an MRP ring to a VLAN T o add an MRP ring to a VLAN, enter commands such as the f ollowing. NOTE If you plan to use a t opology gr oup t o add VLANs to the ring, mak e sure you configure MRP on the topology gr oup master VLAN.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 351 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 Configures this node as the master node f or the ri ng. Enter this command only on one node in the ring.
352 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 Using MRP diagnostics The MRP diagnostics feature calculat es how long it tak es for RHP pack ets to tra vel thr ough the ring.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 353 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 If the recommended hello time and preforwarding ti me are different from the actual se ttings and you w ant to change them, ref er to “Configuring MRP” on page 349.
354 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 TA B L E 6 2 CLI displa y of MRP ring information This field.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 355 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 MRP CLI example The f ollowing examples sho w the CLI commands required t o implement the MRP configuration shown in Figure 67 on page 348. NOTE For simplicity , the f igure shows the VLANs on only two switches.
356 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Metro Ring Protocol (MRP) 10 The f ollowing commands configure the cust omer VL ANs. The cu stomer VLANs must contain b oth the ring interfaces as well as the customer interfaces.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 357 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 PowerConnect(config)#vlan 30 PowerConnect(config-vlan-30)#tag ethernet 1/1 to 1/2 PowerConn.
358 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 FIGURE 68 VSRP mesh – redundant paths for Layer 2 and Layer 3 traffic In this example, two Dell Pow erCo n nect device s are configured as redundant paths for VRID 1.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 359 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 Layer 2 and Layer 3 redundancy Y ou can configure VSRP to pr ovide redundancy f or Layer 2 only or also for Lay er 3: • La yer 2 only – The La yer 2 links are back ed up but specific IP addresses are not backed up.
360 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 • If the Back up does not receive a Hello message wi th a higher priority than its own by the time the hold-down timer e xpires, the Back up becomes the new Mast er and star ts forwarding L ayer 2 traf fic on all por ts.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 361 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 FIGURE 70 VSRP priority recalculation Y ou can reduce the sensitivity of a VSRP de vice to failov er by increasing its configured VSRP priority .
362 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 When you configure a track port, you assign a priority value to the po r t. If the por t goes down, VSRP subtracts the track por t priority value fr om the co nfigured VSRP priority .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 363 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 FIGURE 73 T rack por t priority subtract ed during priority calculation MAC address failover on VSRP-aware devices VSRP-aw are devices maintain a record of each VR ID and its VLAN.
364 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 Timer scale The VSRP Hello int er val, Dead int er val, Back up He llo interval, and Hold-down int er val timers are individually configurabl e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 365 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 Interface parameters Authentication type The type of authentication th e VSRP devices use to validate VSRP packets.
366 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 Pref erence of timer source When you save a Backup configurat ion, the sof tware can sav e the configured VSRP timer v alues or the VSRP timer v alues received fr om the Master .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 367 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 Configuring basic VSRP parameters T o configure VSRP , per form the f ollowing required tasks: • Configure a port -based VLAN containing the p or ts for which y ou want to provide VSRP ser vice.
368 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 Syntax: enable | disable Configuring optional VSRP parameters The f ollowing sections describe ho w to configure optional VSRP parameters.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 369 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 T o change the timer scale, en ter a command such as the f ollowing at th e g l o b a l C O N F I G le ve l o f t h e CLI. PowerConnect(config)# scale-timer 2 This command changes the scale t o 2.
370 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 Specifying no authentication for VSRP hello packets The following configuration specifies no a uthenti cation as the preferred V SRP-aware security method.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 371 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 VSRP does no t require you t o specify an IP address. If y ou do not specify an address, VSRP pro vides Lay er 2 redundancy . If you do spec ify an address, VSRP pro vides La yer 2 and Lay er 3 redundancy .
372 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 • Hold-down int er val By default, e a ch Back up sa ves the configured timer v a lues to its startup-config file when you sav e the device configuration.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 373 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 NOTE The default Dead int er val is three times the Hello in terval plus one-ha lf second. General ly , if you change the Hello interval, you also should change the Dead int er val on the Back ups.
374 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 Changing the hold-down interval The hold-down interval prevents Lay er 2 lo ops from occurring during f ailov er , by dela ying the new Master from f or warding traff ic long enough to ensure that the failed Master is really unavailable.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 375 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 NOTE The priority <num> option changes the priority of the s pecif ied int er face, overriding the def ault track por t priority . T o change the default track port priority , use the backup track -priority <num> command.
376 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 VSRP-aware interoperablilty The vsrp-aw are tc-vlan-flush command should be used in netwo rk configurations in which the Dell Po werConnect switch operates as the VSRP-Aw are device connecting to a oth er devices as a VSRP Master .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 377 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 This display sho w s the f ollowing information when you use the vrid <num> or vlan <vlan-id > paramet er .
378 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 Displaying the active interfaces for a VRID On a VSRP-aw are device, y ou can display VLAN an d por t inf orma tion fo r the connections to t he VSRP devices (Mast er and Backups).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 379 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 VSRP fast start VSRP fast start allows non-Dell P owerConnect or non-VSRP aware de vices th.
380 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10 The "Restar t por ts:" line lists the por ts that ha ve the VSRP fast start enabled, and the downtime f or each por t. Ref er to Ta b l e 6 4 on page 3 77 t o interpret the remaining information on the display .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 381 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) 10 FIGURE 75 VSRP on MRP rings th at failed over A signaling process f or the interaction between VS RP and MRP ensure s that MRP is informed of the topology change and achie ves conv ergence rapidly .
382 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Virtual Switch Redund ancy Protocol (V SRP) 10.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 383 53-1002266-01 Chapter 11 Configuring Uni-Directional Link Detection (UDLD) and Protected Link Groups Ta b l e 6 6 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect swit ches and the UDLD and prot ected link gr oup f eatures they suppor t.
384 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 UDLD overview 11 Normally , a Dell Po werConnect device load balances traffic across the por ts in a trunk group. In this example, each Dell P owerConnect de vice load balances traf fic across two ports.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 385 53-1002266-01 UDLD overview 11 Enabling UDLD NOTE This section shows how to configure UDLD for un tagged contr ol packets. T o configure UDLD f or tagged control pack ets, refer t o “Enabling UDLD f or tagged por ts” .
386 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 UDLD overview 11 Changing the Keepalive retries By default, a por t waits one second to receive a health-check reply packet fr om the por t at the other end of the link.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 387 53-1002266-01 UDLD overview 11 If a por t is disabl ed by UDLD, the change also is indicated in the output of the show inter faces brief command. An example is giv en below . If the por t was already down be fore you enabled UDLD f or the por t, the por t state is listed as None.
388 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Protected link groups 11 The show int er face ethernet command also displa ys the UDLD st ate f or an individual port. In addition, the line pr otocol stat e li sted in the first line will sa y “down” if UDLD has brought the port down.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 389 53-1002266-01 Protected link groups 11 About active ports When you creat e a prot ected link gr oup, you can optionally specify which port in the prot ected link group is the active port. If you do not explicit ly configure an active port, the Dell Pow erConnect device dynamically assigns on e.
390 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Protected link groups 11 The configuration for the above il lustration is as follows. Switch 1 PowerConnect(config)# protected-link-grou.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 391 53-1002266-01 Protected link groups 11 The <group-ID> paramet er specifies the prot ected link gr oup number . Enter a number from 1 – 32. The activ e-por t ethernet < por t > defines the activ e por t.
392 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Protected link groups 11 In the abov e output, the por t state is pro tected-link -inactive which means por t 3 is an inactive por t in a pro tected link group.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 393 53-1002266-01 Chapter 12 Configuring Trunk Groups and Dynamic Link Aggregation Ta b l e 7 0 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect swit ches and the trunk gr oups and dynamic link aggregation features the y suppor t.
394 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Trunk group overview 12 FIGURE 78 T runk group application within a P owerConnect network NOTE The por ts in a trunk group make a si ngle logical link. Therefore, all the por ts in a trunk group must be connect ed to the same de vice at the other end.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 395 53-1002266-01 Trunk grou p overview 12 FIGURE 79 T runk group between a server and a compact Lay er 2 Switch or Lay er 3 Switch Trunk group rules Ta b l e lists the max imum number of trunk g roups yo u can configure on a Dell PowerConnect de vice and the valid number of ports in a trunk group.
396 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Trunk group overview 12 • statically configured por t speed and duplex • QoS priority T o chang e por t parameters, you must change them on the primar y por t. The sof tware automatically applies the changes t o the other por ts in the trunk group.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 397 53-1002266-01 Trunk grou p overview 12 FIGURE 80 Examples of 2-port and 3-port trunk groups Figure 81 sho ws two IronStacks connected by multi-slot trunk groups.
398 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Trunk group overview 12 FIGURE 8 1 T wo IronStacks connected b y multi-slot trunk groups Support for flexible trunk group membership Po .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 399 53-1002266-01 Trunk grou p overview 12 Load sharing for unknown unicast, multicast, and br oadcast traffic Dell P owerConnec t devices load b alance u.
400 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring a trunk group 12 4. IPv6 T CP/UDP: Source IP , Destination IP , Fl ow Label, Sour ce TCP/UDP Por t, Destination TC P / U D P Po r t , Source MA C, Destination MAC 5.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 401 53-1002266-01 Configuring a trunk group 12 Syntax: trunk deploy Each ethernet paramet er introduces a port group. The <primar y-por t> variable specifies the primar y por t. No tice that each por t group must begin with a primary por t.
402 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring a trunk group 12 NOTE The te xt shown in italics in the CLI example below sho w s messages echo ed to the screen in answer to the CLI co mmands entered.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 403 53-1002266-01 Configuring a trunk group 12 Example 3: Configuring a multi-slot trunk group with one port per module Y ou can select one por t per module in a multi-sl ot trunk gr oup. This f eature is suppor ted on GbE and 1 0-GbE por ts, as well as on static and LACP tr unk ports.
404 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring a trunk group 12 Additional trunking options The follo wing trunking opti ons can be per f ormed on por ts in deploy ed trunks. These options are suppor ted on static trunk ports.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 405 53-1002266-01 Configuring a trunk group 12 • Setting the sFlow sampling rate on an individual por t in a trunk NOTE Depending on the operational sta.
406 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring a trunk group 12 NOTE If you enter no config-trunk-ind , all port conf iguration commands are remov ed from the individual por ts and the configuration of the primar y por t is applied to all the por ts.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 407 53-1002266-01 Configuring a trunk group 12 The to keyw ord indicat es that you are specifying a range. Specify the low er por t number in the range first, then to , then the higher por t number in the range.
408 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying trunk group configuration informat ion 12 • The disable module command can be used t o disable the por ts on a module. How ever , on 10 Gbps modules, the disable module command does not cause the remote c onnection to be dropped.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 409 53-1002266-01 Displaying trunk group configuration inform ation 12 NOTE The show trunk command does not display any f orm of trunk when links are up. Ta b l e 7 3 describes the information displa yed b y the show tru nk command.
410 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 PowerConnect#show mac Total active entries from all ports = 1 MAC-Address Port Type Index 0007.e910.c201 1/1/7*1/1/21 Dynamic 2920 For a trunk gr oup with members 1/1/7 to 1/1/9 , the output from the show mac co mmand resembles the follo wing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 411 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 • With LACP trunk conf igurations, the LA CP system id is the MA C address of the Activ e Controller . If the LA CP system id changes, the entire trunk flaps and an S TP re-convergence occurs.
412 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 FIGURE 82 Examples of valid ag gregate links In this ex ample, assume that link aggregation is enabled on al.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 413 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 FastIron Stacka ble devices The follo wi ng not es an d f e ature limitations appl y to the P owerConnect B-Series FCX de vices. • The dynamic link aggregation ( 802.
414 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 Figure 83 shows an exam ple of 2-por t groups in a rang e of f our por t s on which link aggregation is enabled. Based on the states of the ports, some or all of them will be eligible t o be used in an aggregate link.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 415 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 NOTE Configuration commands for link aggregation differ depending on whe ther you are using the default link aggregation ke y automatically assigned by th e software, or if you are assigning a dif ferent, unique k ey .
416 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 NOTE For more information about k eys , including details about the syntax shown abov e, refer to “K ey” on page 4 1 7.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 417 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 NOTE If you are co nnecting the Dell Pow erConnect de vice t o another vendor de vice and the link aggregati.
418 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 FIGURE 84 Ports with the same k ey in different aggregat e links Notice that the k eys betw een one device and anot he r do not need to match.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 419 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 FIGURE 85 Multi-slot aggregate link By default, the device por ts are divided int o 4- por t groups. The software dynamically assigns a unique k ey to each 4-port group.
420 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic link aggregation 12 Syntax: show link -aggregate [ ethernet <por t> ] Specify the <por t> v a ri a b l e i n th e fo.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 421 53-1002266-01 Displaying and determining th e status of aggregate links 12 PowerConnect(config-mif-1/1-1/4)#interface ethernet 3/5 to 3/8 PowerConnect.
422 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying and determining th e status of aggregate links 12 Events that affect the status of ports in an aggregate link Dell Pow erConn.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 423 53-1002266-01 Displaying and determining th e status of aggregate links 12 NOTE Ports that are configured as par t of an aggregat e link mu st also ha ve the same ke y . For more information about assigning keys, ref er to the section “Link aggregation paramet ers ” on page 4 16.
424 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying and determining th e status of aggregate links 12 Displaying link aggregation and port st atus information for PowerConnect Stackable devices T o display link aggregation information f or devices in an Ir onStack, enter the sho w link-aggregate command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 425 53-1002266-01 Clearing the negotiat ed aggregate lin ks table 12 Clearing the negotiated aggregate links table When a group o f por ts negotiates a trunk gr oup configuration, the software stores the neg otiated configuration in a table.
426 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring single link LACP 12 If si ngleton is configured on the port, the “Ke y” column displays “ singleton”. Ref er to “CLI display of link aggregation info rmation” on page 423 to inter pret the information on the displa yed output.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 427 53-1002266-01 Chapter 13 Configuring Virtual LANs (VLANs) Ta b l e 76 lists the individual Dell Pow erConnect PowerC o nnect switches and the VLAN f eatures they suppor t.
428 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 • La yer 3 prot ocol VLANs – a subset of por ts within a por t -based VLAN that share a common, ex clusive broad ca.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 429 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 NOTE VLAN IDs 408 7, 4090, and 4093 are reserved for Del l internal use only . VLAN 4094 is reser ved f or use by Single S TP . Also, if you are running an earlier release, VLAN IDs 409 1 and 4092 ma y be reserved for De ll internal use only .
430 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 FIGURE 86 De ll Power Co n nec t device conta ining user-defi ned Lay er 2 port-based VLAN Layer 3 protocol-based VLANs.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 431 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 • Other – The devic e sends broadcasts f or all protocol types o ther than those listed above t o all por ts with in the VLAN . Figure 87 sho ws an example of Lay er 3 prot ocol VLANs configured within a La yer 2 port-based VLAN.
432 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 Integrated Switch Routing (ISR) The Dell Integrat ed Switch Routing (ISR) feature enables VLANs c onfig ured on Layer 3 Switc hes to ro ute La yer 3 traffic from one prot ocol VLAN or IP subnet, IPX networ k, or AppleT alk cable VLAN to another .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 433 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 NOTE The Lay er 3 Switch routes packets betw een VLANs of the same protocol. The La yer 3 Switch cannot rout e from one pr otocol t o another . NOTE IP subnet VLANs are not the same th ing as IP protocol VLANs.
434 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 When you configure a port-based VLAN, one of the co nfiguration items you pr ovide is the po r ts that are in the VLAN. When you configure the VLAN , the Dell P owerConnect de vice automatically remov es the por ts that you place i n the VLAN from DEF AUL T -VLAN.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 435 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 FIGURE 89 Packe t containing a Dell 802. 1Q VLAN tag If you configure a VLAN that spans multiple de vi ces, you need t o use tagging only if a por t connecting one of the devices t o the other is a memb er of more than one por t-based VLAN.
436 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 FIGURE 90 VLANs configured across multiple devices Support for 802.1Q-in-Q tagging Dell Po werConnect devices pr ovide finer granularit y for configuring 802. 1Q tagging, enabling you t o configure 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 437 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 T o direct individual por ts or on a range of ports to this tag pr ofile, enter commands similar to the following.
438 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 If you want the device t o be able to send La yer 3 traf fic fr om one prot ocol VLAN t o another , you must configur e a vir tual routing interface on each protocol VLAN, then configure routing parameters on the vir tual r outing inter faces.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 439 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 VLAN and virtual routing interface groups Dell Pow erC onnect devices suppor t the con figuration of VLAN groups. T o simplify confi guration, you can configure VLAN gr oups and vir tual routing inter face gr oups.
440 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 FIGURE 92 VLAN with dynamic port s—all ports are active when you creat e the VLAN SUBNET Ports in a new pro tocol VLAN that do not receiv e traf fic for the VLAN pr otocol age out af ter 1 0 minutes an d become candidate por ts.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 441 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 Static ports Static por ts are permanent members of the prot oc ol VLAN. The por ts remain active members of the VLAN regardless of whe ther the por ts receive tr affi c f o r the VLAN prot ocol .
442 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN overview 13 Summary of VLAN configuration rules A hierarch y of VLANs exists between the La yer 2 and La yer 3 pr otocol-based VLANs: • Port-based VLANs are at the lowest lev el of the hierarch y.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 443 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs 13 Routing between VLANs Lay er 3 Switches can locally r oute IP , IPX, and Appletalk betw een VLANs defined within a single rout er .
444 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs 13 If your backbone consists of vir tual routing interfaces all within the same STP domain, it is a bridged backbone, not a r outed one. This means that the set of backbone interfaces that are blocke d by STP will be block ed for r outed pr otocols as well.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 445 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs 13 NOTE does not change the pr oper ties of the default VLAN. Changing the name allows yo u to use the VLAN ID “1” as a configurable VLAN.
446 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs 13 Assigning trunk group ports When a “lead” trunk gr oup por t is assigned to a VLAN, all other members of the trunk group are automatically added t o that VLAN.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 447 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs 13 FIGURE 94 Port-based VLANs 222 and 333 T o create the tw o por t-based VLANs shown in Figu re 94 , enter the f ollowing com mands.
448 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs 13 FIGURE 95 More complex port-based VLAN T o configure the Port-based VLAN s on the La yer 2 Switches in Figure 95 , use the following method. Configuring device-A En ter the foll owi ng co mm an ds to co nf ig ur e d evi ce- A .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 449 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs 13 Configuring device-B En ter the foll owi ng co mm an ds to co nf ig ur e d evi ce- B.
450 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs 13 Modifying a port-based VLAN Y ou can make the follo wing modifications to a por t-based VLAN: • Add or delet e a VLAN port. • Enable or disable S TP . Removing a port-based VLAN Suppose you w ant to remov e VLAN 5 from the e xample in Figure 95 .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 451 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs 13 4. En ter th e fo ll owi ng co mm an ds to ex it th e V LA N CONFIG mode and sav e the configuration to the syst em-config file on f lash memory.
452 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP subnet, IPX ne twork and protocol-based VLANs 13 T o configure a specific path-cost or priority valu e fo r a given por t, enter tho se values using the ke y wor ds in the brack ets [ ] shown in the syntax summar y below .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 453 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP subnet, IPX network and protocol-b ased VLANs 13 FIGURE 96 Protocol-based (La yer 3) VLANs T o configure the V LANs shown in Figure 96 , use the f ollowing pr ocedure. 1. T o permanently assign por ts 1 – 8 and por t 25 to IP subnet VLAN 1.
454 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP subnet, IPX network, and pr otocol-based VLANs within port-base d VLANs 13 PowerConnect(config-ipx-proto)# atalk-proto na.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 455 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP subnet, IPX network, and pr otocol-b ased VLANs w ithin port-based VLAN s 13 FIGURE 9 7 More prot ocol-based VLANs T o configure t he Lay er 3 VLANs on the Layer 2 Switches in Figure 9 7 , use the follo wing procedure.
456 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP subnet, IPX network, and pr otocol-based VLANs within port-base d VLANs 13 4.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 457 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP subnet, IPX network, and pr otocol-b ased VLANs w ithin port-based VLAN s 13 PowerConnect-B(config-vlan-ipx-proto)# stati.
458 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring an IPv6 protocol VLAN 13 Configuring an IPv6 protocol VLAN Y ou can configure a pro tocol-based VLAN as a broadc ast domai n for IPv6 traffic.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 459 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs using virtual routin g interfaces (Layer 3 Switches only) 13 Example Suppose you want to mo ve routing out to each of three buildings in a network. R emember that the only pro tocols present on VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 are IP and IPX.
460 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs using virtual routing interfaces (Layer 3 Switches only) 13 PowerConnect>en No password has been assigned yet.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 461 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs using virtual routin g interfaces (Layer 3 Switches only) 13 PowerConnect-A(config-vlan-ip-subnet)# ipx-network 1 ethernet_802.
462 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs using virtual routing interfaces (Layer 3 Switches only) 13 This completes the configuration for device-A.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 463 53-1002266-01 Routing between VLANs using virtual routin g interfaces (Layer 3 Switches only) 13 PowerConnect-B(config-vif-4)# ipx network 7 ethernet_802.
464 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring protocol VLANs wi th dynamic ports 13 PowerConnect-C(config-vlan-ip-subnet)# ipx-network 10 ethernet_802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 465 53-1002266-01 Configuring protoco l VLANs with dynamic ports 13 Aging of dynamic ports When you add the port s to the VLAN, the softwa re automatically adds them all to the VLAN. How ever , dynamically added por ts age out.
466 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring protocol VLANs wi th dynamic ports 13 Configuration guidelines • Y ou cannot dynamically add a port to a pro tocol VLAN if the por t has any r outin g configuratio n parameters.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 467 53-1002266-01 Configuring protoco l VLANs with dynamic ports 13 PowerConnect(config)# vlan 10 by port name IP_VLAN PowerConnect(config-vlan-10)# untagged ethernet 1/1 to 1/6 added untagged port ethe 1/1 to 1/6 to port-vlan 10.
468 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring uplink ports within a port-based VLAN 13 Syntax: ipx-network <netw ork-addr> et hernet_ii | ethernet_802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 469 53-1002266-01 Configuring the same IP subnet addr ess on mult iple port-based VLANs 13 Configuring the same IP subnet address on multiple port-based V.
470 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the same IP subnet addr ess on m ultiple port-based VLANs 13 FIGURE 1 00 Multiple port-based VLANs with the same prot ocol address Each VLAN st ill requires a separate vir tual routin g interface.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 471 53-1002266-01 Configuring the same IP subnet addr ess on mult iple port-based VLANs 13 NOTE If the Dell P owerConnect de vice ARP table do es not cont.
472 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring VLAN groups and virtu al routing interface groups 13 NOTE Because vir tual routing inter faces 2 and 3 do not hav e their ow.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 473 53-1002266-01 Configuring VLAN groups and virtual routing interface groups 13 The first command in this example begins configuration for VLAN group 1 , and assigns VLANs 2 through 25 7 to the group. The sec ond command ad ds por ts 1/1 and 1/2 as tagged ports.
474 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring VLAN groups and virtu al routing interface groups 13 Syntax: show vlan-group [ <group-id> ] The <group-id> specifies a VLAN group. If y ou do not use this parameter , the configuration inf ormation for all the configured VL AN groups is displa yed.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 475 53-1002266-01 Configuring VLAN groups and virtual routing interface groups 13 The r outer -inter face-group command enables a VLAN gr oup to us e a virtual routing interface group. Enter this command at the configura tion lev el fo r the VLAN group.
476 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring VLAN groups and virtu al routing interface groups 13 Allocating memory for more VLANs or virtual routing interfaces Lay er 2 and Lay er 3 Switches suppor t up to 4095 VL ANs. In addition, La yer 3 switches support up to 5 12 vir tual routing interfaces.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 477 53-1002266-01 Configuring super aggregated VLAN s 13 The <num> parameter indicat es the maximum number of vir tual routing int er faces. The range of valid v alues depends on the device y ou are configuring.
478 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring super aggregated VLANs 13 FIGURE 1 0 1 Conceptual model of the super aggregat ed VLAN application Each client connect ed to the edge de vice is in its own port-b ased VLAN, which is like an A TM channel.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 479 53-1002266-01 Configuring super aggregated VLAN s 13 FIGURE 1 02 Example of a super aggregat ed VLAN application In this example, a collocation ser vice pro vides pr ivate channels f or multiple clients.
480 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring super aggregated VLANs 13 Configuration notes • Super Aggregated VL ANs and VSRP are not supported toge ther on the same device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 481 53-1002266-01 Configuring super aggregated VLAN s 13 PowerConnect(config-vlan-104)# tagged ethernet 2/1 PowerConnect(config-vlan-104)# untagged ethern.
482 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring super aggregated VLANs 13 NOTE In these exam ples, the configurations of the edg e de vices (A, B, E, and F) are identical. The configuratio ns of the core devices (C and D) also are identical.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 483 53-1002266-01 Configuring super aggregated VLAN s 13 PowerConnectB(config)# vlan 105 by port PowerConnectB(config-vlan-105)# tagged ethernet 2/1 Power.
484 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1Q-in-Q tagging 13 PowerConnectE(config)# vlan 104 by port PowerConnectE(config-vlan-104)# tagged ethernet 2/1 PowerConn.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 485 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1Q-in-Q tagging 13 FIGURE 1 03 802.1Q-in-Q configuration e xample In Figure 1 03 , the untagged por ts (to customer interfaces) accept frames that hav e any 802. 1Q tag other than the configured tag-type 9 1 00.
486 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1Q-in-Q tagging 13 PowerConnect(config)# tag-type 9100 ethernet 11 to 12 PowerConnect(config)# aggregated-vlan Note that because ports 11 and 12 belong t o the por t region 1 – 12, the 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 487 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1Q-in-Q tagging 13 Example configuration Figure 104 sho ws an example 802. 1Q-in-Q configuration. FIGURE 1 04 Example 802.1Q-in-Q conf iguration Client 1 Port1 VLAN 101 Client 3 Port3 VLAN 103 Client 5 Port5 VLAN 105 .
488 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring private V LANs 13 Configuring 802.1Q-in-Q tag profiles The 802. 1Q-in-Q tagging f eature suppor ts a tag-profile command that allo ws you to add a tag profile with a v alue of 0 to 0xff f f in addition t o the default tag-type 0x8 1 00.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 489 53-1002266-01 Configuring private VLANs 13 FIGURE 1 05 PVLAN used t o secure communication between a wor kstation and ser vers This exam ple uses a PVLA N to secure t raff ic between hosts and the rest of the network thr ough a fir ewall.
490 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring private V LANs 13 • Community – Bro adcasts and unkn own unicasts received on community por ts are sent to the primar y por t and also are flooded to th e other por ts in the community VLAN.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 491 53-1002266-01 Configuring private VLANs 13 F I G U R E 107 Example PVLAN netw ork with tagged ports Ta b l e 7 9 lists the dif f erences between PVLANs and standar d VLANs. Configuration notes • PVLANs are supported on untagged ports on all Po werConnect platforms.
492 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring private V LANs 13 Po werConnect de vice will flood unkno wn unicas t, unregistere d multicast, and broadcast pack ets in sof tware.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 493 53-1002266-01 Configuring private VLANs 13 T o map the secondar y VLANs to the primary VLAN and t o configure the tagged switch link por t, enter c ommands such as th e following.
494 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring private V LANs 13 • An isolated VLAN must be associ ated with the primar y VLAN for traffic from the isolated port to be switched. An isolated VLAN is associated wi th only one primar y VLAN and to the same primar y VLAN in the entire switched network.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 495 53-1002266-01 Configuring private VLANs 13 Enabling broadcast or unknown unicast traffic to the PVLAN T o enhance PVLAN security , the primar y PVLAN does not f or war d broadcast or unknown unicast pack et s to its community and isolated VLANs, and other ports in the primar y VLAN.
496 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring private V LANs 13 CLI example for a general PVLAN network T o conf igure the PVLANs shown in Figure 1 05 on page 489, en ter the f ollowing comman ds.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 497 53-1002266-01 Dual-mode VLAN ports 13 PowerConnect(config)# vlan 100 by port PowerConnect(config-vlan-100)# tagged ethernet 1/1/10 to 1/1/11 PowerConn.
498 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dual-mode VLAN ports 13 FIGURE 1 08 Dual-mode VLAN por t example T o enable the dual-mode feature on por t 2/11 in Figure 108 ,ent er the follo wing commands.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 499 53-1002266-01 Dual-mode VLAN ports 13 FIGURE 1 09 Specifying a default VLAN ID for a dual-mode port In Figure 109 , tagged por t 2/11 is a dual-mode port be longing to VLANs 1 0 and 20. The default VLAN assigned to this dual-mode por t is 1 0.
500 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying VLAN informa tion 13 The show vlan command displays a separat e row for dual-mode po r ts on each VLAN. Example Displaying VLAN information Af ter y ou conf igure the VLANs, you can v erify the configuration using the sho w commands described in this sect ion.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 501 53-1002266-01 Displaying VLAN information 13 Displaying system-wide V LAN information Use the sho w vlans command to displa y VLAN information for all the VLANs configured on the devic e.
502 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying VLAN informa tion 13 Syntax: show vlans [ <vlan-id> | ethernet [ <slotnum> / ] <po r tnum> ] The <vlan-id> parameter specifies a VLAN f or which you want to display the configuration information.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 503 53-1002266-01 Displaying VLAN information 13 Syntax: show vlans [ <vlan-id> | ethernet [ <slotnum> / ] <po r tnum> The <vlan-id> parameter specifies a VLAN f or which you want to display the configuration information.
504 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying VLAN informa tion 13 • For untag ged por ts, the PVID is the VLAN ID number . • For dual-mode por ts, the PVID is the dual-mode VLAN ID number . • For tagged po r ts without dual-mode, th e PVID is always No t Applicable (NA).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 505 53-1002266-01 Chapter 14 Configuring GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) Ta b l e 8 1 lists the individu al Dell Pow e rConnect swit ches and the GVRP f eatures they support.
506 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Application examples 14 • IEEE draf t P802. 1t/D1 0, N ov ember 20, 2000 Application examples Figure 11 0 shows an example of a network that uses GVRP . This section describes various ways you can use G VRP in a network such as this one.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 507 53-1002266-01 Application examples 14 In this configuration, the edge devices are statical ly (manu ally) configured with VLAN information. The core device dynamically conf igures itself to be a member of each of the edge device VLANs.
508 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN names 14 Fixed core and dynamic edge G VRP learning is enabled on the edge devices. The VLANs on the c ore device are statically configur ed, and the core device is enabled to ad vertise its VLANs but not to learn VL ANs.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 509 53-1002266-01 Configuration notes 14 • Single STP must be e nabled on the device. Dell im plementation of GVRP requires Single S TP . If you do no t have an y statically configured VLAN s on the device, you can enable Single STP as follows.
510 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring GVRP 14 Configuring GVRP T o configure a device f or GVRP , globally enable su pport for the f eature, then enable the f eature on specific por ts. Optionally, you ca n disable VLAN learning or adver tising on specific inter faces.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 511 53-1002266-01 Configuring GV RP 14 Enabling GVRP T o enable GV RP , enter c ommands such as the following at the global CONFIG lev el of the C LI.
512 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring GVRP 14 Disabling VLAN learning T o disable VLAN learning on a por t enabled for G VRP , enter a command such as the following at the G VRP co nfiguration level.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 513 53-1002266-01 Configuring GV RP 14 • Leav eall – The min imum interval at wh ich GVRP sends Lea veall messages on all G VRP interfaces.
514 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Converting a VLAN created by GVRP into a statical ly-configured VLAN 14 • Lea ve – 600 ms • Leav eall – 1 0000 ms Converting a VLAN created by GVRP into a statically-configured VLAN Y ou cannot configure VLAN parame ters on VLAN s created by G V RP .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 515 53-1002266-01 Displaying GVRP information 14 • CPU utilization statistics • G V RP diagnostic information Displaying GVRP configuration information T o display G VRP conf iguration information, enter a command such as the f ollowing.
516 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying GVRP information 14 T o display detailed G VRP inf ormation for an indivi dual port, enter a command suc h as the following.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 517 53-1002266-01 Displaying GVRP information 14 This display sho w s the f ollowing information. Displaying GVRP VLAN information T o display inf ormation about all the VLANs on the de vice, enter the f ollowing command.
518 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying GVRP information 14 Syntax: show gvrp vlan all | brief | <vlan-id> This display sho w s the f ollowing information. T o display detailed inf orm ation for a specific VLAN, enter a command such as the f ollowing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 519 53-1002266-01 Displaying GVRP information 14 This display sho w s the f ollowing information. T o display detaile d information f or all VLANs, enter the sho w gvrp vlan all com mand. Displaying GVRP statistics T o display G VRP statistics for a port, enter a command such as the f ollowing.
520 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying GVRP information 14 • Po werConnect B-Series FCX stackable switches – <s tack-unit/slotnum/portnum> This display sho ws the following inf orma tion fo r the por t. T o display G VRP statistics for all ports, enter the show gvrp statistics all comman d.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 521 53-1002266-01 Displaying GVRP information 14 If the soft ware has been running less than 15 minutes (the maximum interval for utilization statistics), the command indicat es how long the software has been ru nning.
522 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Clearing GVRP statistics 14 Displaying GVRP dia gnostic information T o display diagnostic inf ormatio n, enter the follo wi ng command. Syntax: debug gvrp packe ts Clearing GVRP statistics T o clear the GV RP statistics counters, enter a command such as the following.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 523 53-1002266-01 CLI examples 14 Dynamic core and fixed edge In this configura tion, the edge devices adv er tis e their statically configured VLANs to the co re devic e. The core device does not have an y static ally configured VLANs but learns the VLANs from the edge de vices.
524 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 CLI examples 14 PowerConnect(config-vlan-40)#exit PowerConnect(config)#gvrp-enable PowerConnect(config-gvrp)#enable ethernet 4/1 PowerCo.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 525 53-1002266-01 CLI examples 14 Fixed core and fixed edge The VLANs are statically configured on the core and edge devices. On each edge device, VL AN advertisin g is enabled but learning is disabled. GVRP is not configured on the core device.
526 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 CLI examples 14.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 527 53-1002266-01 Chapter 15 Configuring MAC-based VLANs Ta b l e 8 7 lists the individual Dell Pow erConnect swit ches and the MA C-based VLAN f eatures the y suppor t.
528 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic MAC-based VLAN 15 • Source MAC Address Auth entication • Policy-Based Classifi cation and F or warding Source MAC addre ss a.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 529 53-1002266-01 Configuration notes and feature limitations 15 When this feature is no t enabled, the physical por t is statically added to the har dware table, regardless of the outcome of the authentication pr ocess.
530 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuration notes a nd feature limitations 15 Configuration example The follo wi ng exam ple shows a MAC-based VLAN configuration.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 531 53-1002266-01 Configuring MAC-base d VLANs 15 mac-authentication auth-fail-vlan-id 666 interface ethernet 0/1/1 mac-authentication mac-vlan max-mac-entries 5 mac-authentication mac-vlan 0030.
532 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MAC-based VLANs 15 When both f eatu res are configured on a port, a device connect ed to the port is authenticated as follows. 1. MAC-based VLAN is per formed on the d evice to authenticat e the device MA C address.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 533 53-1002266-01 Configuring MAC-base d VLANs 15 Aging for MAC-based VLAN The aging pro cess for MA C-based VLAN works as described belo w. For permitted h osts For permitt ed ho sts, as long as the Dell Po werConnect device is receiving traffic aging does not occur .
534 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MAC-based VLANs 15 When the hardw are aging period ends, the sof tware aging period begins. T he sof tware aging period lasts for a configu rable amount of time (the def ault is 120 seconds).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 535 53-1002266-01 Configuring MAC-base d VLANs 15 PowerConnect(config)#interface e 3/1 PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-3/1)#mac-authentication disable-aging .
536 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MAC-based VLANs 15 Configuring MAC-based VLAN for a dynamic host Follow the st eps given below t o confi g ure MA C-based VLAN f or a dynamic host. 1. Enable multi-device por t authenticati on globally using th e f ollowing command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 537 53-1002266-01 Configuring MAC-based VLANs u sing SNMP 15 Configuring MAC-based VLANs using SNMP Sev eral MIB objects hav e been deve loped to a llow the configuration of MAC-based VLANs using SNMP . For more information, ref er to the IronWare MIB R eference Guid e .
538 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying Information about MAC-based VLANs 15 Displaying allowed MAC addresses Enter the f ollowing comm and to displa y info rmation about successfu lly authenticated MAC addresses.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 539 53-1002266-01 Displaying Information about MAC-based VLANs 15 PowerConnect(config)#show table-mac-vlan denied-mac ------------------------------------.
540 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying Information about MAC-based VLANs 15 . PowerConnect#show table-mac-vlan detailed e 0/1/2 Port : 0/1/2 Dynamic-Vlan Assignment.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 541 53-1002266-01 Displaying Information about MAC-based VLANs 15 Displaying MAC-VLAN information for a specific interface Enter the f ollowing command to display MA C-VLAN information for a specific int er face.
542 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying Information about MAC-based VLANs 15 Displaying MAC addresses in a MAC-based VLAN Enter the follo wing comm and to display a list of MA C addresses in a MAC-based VLAN. NOTE In this output, (MB V) indicates MA C-based VLAN is enabled.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 543 53-1002266-01 Clearing MAC-VLAN information 15 Displaying MAC-based VLAN logging Enter the f ollowing command to display MA C-based VLAN lo gging activity . Clearing MAC-VLAN information Enter the f o llowing command t o clear MAC- VLAN information.
544 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Sample application 15 F I G U R E 111 Sample MA C-based VLAN configuration Host A MAC address is statically mapped to VLAN 1 with priority 1 and is not subjected t o RADIUS authenticatio n.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 545 53-1002266-01 Sample application 15 mac-authentication hw-deny-age 30 mac-authentication auth-passwd-format xxxx.xxxx.xxxx interface ethernet 0/1/1 mac-authentication mac-vlan max-mac-entries 5 mac-authentication mac-vlan 0030.
546 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Sample application 15.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 547 53-1002266-01 Chapter 16 Configuring Rule-Based IP Access Control Lists (ACLs) Ta b l e 9 1 lists the individual Dell P owerConnect switches and A CL features the y su ppor t.
548 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 ACL overview 16 NOTE For inf ormation about IPv6 ACLs, ref er to Chapter 1 9, “Configurin g IPv6 Access Contr ol Li sts (ACLs)” .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 549 53-1002266-01 ACL overview 16 NOTE This is different from IP access policies. If yo u use IP access policies, you apply the individual policies to inter faces. • ACL e n t r y – Also called an ACL r ul e , this is a filter command associat ed with an A CL ID.
550 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 How hardware-bas ed ACLs work 16 How hardware-based ACLs work When you bind an A CL to inbound traffic on an in ter face, the de vice programs the La yer 4 CAM with the A CL. Permit and den y rules are programmed.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 551 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard numbered ACLs 16 NOTE Po werConnect B-Series FCX devices do no t supp or t ACLs o n Group VEs, e ven though the CLI contains commands f o r this action. • AC Ls apply to all traf fic, including managem ent traf fic.
552 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard numbered ACLs 16 or Syntax: [ no ] access-list <ACL -nu m> deny | per mit <source-ip> / <mask-bits &.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 553 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard named ACLs 16 The log a r g u m e n t c o n f i g u r es t h e d e v i c e t o g e n e r a te Syslog entries and SNMP traps for packe t s that are denied by the access policy .
554 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard named ACLs 16 Standard named ACL syntax Syntax: [ no ] ip access-list standard <ACL -name> | <ACL -num>.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 555 53-1002266-01 Configuring standard named ACLs 16 significant bits) and changes the no n-significant por tion of the IP address into ones. For exam ple, if you specify 209. 15 7 .22.26/2 4 or 209. 15 7 .
556 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended numbered ACLs 16 The commands in this exam ple configure a standa rd A C L named “Net1”. The entries in this ACL deny pack ets from three source IP addresses fr om being forwarded on por t 1.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 557 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended numbered ACLs 16 The <ACL - num> parameter is the e xtended access list nu mber . Specify a number from 1 00 – 199. The deny | permit paramete r indicates whether pack ets th at match the policy are dr opped or f or warded.
558 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended numbered ACLs 16 • echo-reply • information-req ues t • log • mask-reply • mask-request • parameter -pr.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 559 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended numbered ACLs 16 NOTE If the AC L is for a vir tual routing interface, you al so can specify a subset of ports within the VLAN containing that inter face when assignin g an ACL to t he in te r fa ce .
560 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended numbered ACLs 16 The 802. 1p-prior ity -matchi ng option inspects the 802. 1p bit in the ACL that can be used with adaptive rat e limiting. Enter a value from 0 – 7 .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 561 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended numbered ACLs 16 The fifth entr y denies all OSPF traf fic and generat es Syslog entries for denied traffic. The sixth entr y permits all packets that are no t explicitly denied by the other entries.
562 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended named ACLs 16 Configuring extended named ACLs The commands for configuring named ACL entries ar e different fr om the commands fo r configuring numbered ACL entries. The command to configure a numbered A CL is access-list .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 563 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended named ACLs 16 The <ip-prot ocol> parameter indicat es the type of IP pack et you are filt ering. Y o u can specify a well-known name f or any pr otocol whose number is less than 255.
564 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended named ACLs 16 • mask-reply • mask-request • parameter -problem • redirect • source-q u ench • time-ex c.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 565 53-1002266-01 Configuring extended named ACLs 16 NOTE If the AC L is for a vir tual routing interface, you al so can specify a subset of ports within the VLAN containing that inter face when assignin g an ACL to t he in te r fa ce .
566 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Preserving user input for ACL TCP/UDP port numbers 16 The 802. 1p-prior ity -matchi ng option inspects the 802. 1p bit in the ACL that can be used with adaptive rat e limiting. Enter a value from 0 – 7 .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 567 53-1002266-01 Managing ACL comment text 16 The follo wi ng exam ple shows how this feature w ork s for a T CP por t (this feature works the same wa y for UDP ports). In this example, the user identifies the TCP port by number (80 ) when configuring A CL group 1 40.
568 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Managing ACL comment text 16 The <comment-t ext> can be up t o 128 characters in length. The comment must be ent ered separately fr om the actu al ACL entry; that is , you cannot ent er the ACL entry and the ACL comme nt with the same access-list or ip access-list command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 569 53-1002266-01 Applying an ACL to a virtual interfac e in a protocol- or subnet-based VLAN 16 Syntax: show runni ng-config The follo wing example shows the comment t ext f or an ACL in a show access-list display .
570 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Enabling ACL lo gging 16 PowerConnect(config-vif-10)#int ve 20 PowerConnect(config-vif-20)#ip access-group test1 in PowerConnect(config-vif-20)#ip address 10.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 571 53-1002266-01 Enabling ACL logging 16 • A CL logging is intended for debugging purpo ses. Dell recommends that yo u disable A CL logging af ter the debug session is o ver . Configuration Tasks T o enable ACL logging, complete the f ollowing st eps: 1.
572 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Enabling strict contro l of ACL filtering of fragmented packets 16 Displaying ACL Log Entries The first time an entr y in an ACL permits or denie s a pack et and logging is enabled f or that entr y , the sof tware generates a Syslog m essage and an SNMP trap.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 573 53-1002266-01 Enabling ACL support for switched traffic in the ro uter image 16 The fragments are f or warded e ven if the first fr agment, which contains th e Layer 4 inf ormation, was denied.
574 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Enabling ACL filtering ba sed on VLAN membership or VE port memb ership 16 Y ou can apply an inbound IPv4 ACL to specific VLAN members on a po r t (Lay er 2 devices only) or to specific por ts on a vir tual inter face (VE) (Lay er 3 Devices only).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 575 53-1002266-01 Enabling ACL filtering based on VLAN membership or VE port membership 16 PowerConnect(config)#access-list 10 permit PowerConnect(config).
576 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using ACLs to filter ARP packets 16 Specify the <por t> v a ri a b l e i n th e fo l l ow in g fo r m a ts : • Po werConnect B-Series FCX stackable switches – <s tack-unit/slotnum/portnum> Using ACLs to filter ARP packets Y ou can use ACLs to filter ARP packets.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 577 53-1002266-01 Using ACLs to filt er ARP packets 16 PowerConnect(config-ve-2)# exit PowerConnect(config)# interface ve 3 PowerConnect(config-ve-3)# ip .
578 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering on IP precedence and ToS values 16 Clearing the filter count T o clear the filter c ount for all int er faces on the de vice, enter a command such as the f ollowing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 579 53-1002266-01 QoS options for IP ACLs 16 For de tails about the edge por t security feature, re fer to “Using TCP Flags in combination with other ACL fe a t u re s ” on page 1202.
580 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 QoS options for IP ACLs 16 PowerConnect(config)#access-list 101 permit ip any any internal-priority-marking 6 The f ollowing command is not supported. PowerConnect(config)#access-list 101 permit ip any any dscp-marking 43 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 581 53-1002266-01 QoS options for IP ACLs 16 PowerConnect(config)#acc 105 per tcp any any 802.1p-priority-marking 1 internal-priority-marking 5 Syntax: access-list <num(100-199)> permit tcp an y any 802.
582 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 ACL-based rate limiting 16 Syntax: ...ds cp-matc hing <0 – 63> NOTE For com plete syntax inf ormation, refer to “Extended numbered A CL syntax” on page 556.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 583 53-1002266-01 Displaying ACL informatio n 16 PowerConnect#show access-list 100 Extended IP access list 100 (hw usage : 2) deny ip any any (hw usage : 1 The first command enables hardw are usage stat istics, and the second command displa ys the hardware usage for IP access l ist 1 00 .
584 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Policy-b ased rout ing (PBR) 16 Policy-based routing (PBR) Policy-Based Routing (PBR) allows you t o us e A CLs and r oute maps to selectiv ely modify and rout e IP packets in hardw are. The ACLs classify the tr af fic.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 585 53-1002266-01 Policy-based routing (PBR) 16 Configuring a PBR policy T o configure PBR, you define the policies using IP A CLs and rout e maps, then enable PBR globally or on individual int er faces.
586 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Policy-b ased rout ing (PBR) 16 The <wildcar d> parameter specifies the mask value to co mpare against the host address specified by th e <source-ip> parameter . Th e <wildcard> is in d otted -d ecim al nota ti on ( IP a ddr ess form at) .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 587 53-1002266-01 Policy-based routing (PBR) 16 The commands in this example configure an entry in a rout e map named “test-r oute”. The match statement matches on IP inf ormation in ACL 99. The set st atement changes the next-hop IP address for pack ets that m atch to 192.
588 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Policy-b ased rout ing (PBR) 16 The commands in this exam ple change the CLI to the I n terface lev el for virtual inter face 1, then apply the “test-r oute” ro ute map to the int er face.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 589 53-1002266-01 Policy-based routing (PBR) 16 PowerConnect(config)#access-list 50 permit PowerConnect(config)#access-list 51 permit PowerConnect(config)#access-list 52 permit 209.
590 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Policy-b ased rout ing (PBR) 16 The following command enables PB R by globally applying the r oute map to all interfaces. PowerConnect(config)#ip policy route-map file-13 Alternatively , you can enable PBR on specific in terfaces, as shown in the follo wing example.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 591 53-1002266-01 Chapter 17 Configuring Quality of Service Ta b l e 9 3 lists the individu al Dell PowerConnect swit ches and the Quality of Service (QoS) f eatures they support. 8802.1 Classification Quality of Service (QoS) features are used t o priori tize the use of bandwidth in a switch.
592 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Classification 17 • Static MA C address • Lay er 2 Class of Ser vice (CoS) value – This is the 802. 1p priority value in the Etherne t frame. It can be a value fr om 0 through 7 . The 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 593 53-1002266-01 Classification 17 FIGURE 1 12 De termining a packet trust le vel - Pow erConnect B-Series FCX devices Once a packe t is classified, it is mapped t o an internal f or warding queue. There are eight q ueues designated 0 thr ough 7 .
594 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Classification 17 Mapping between DSCP v alue and forwarding q ueue cannot be changed. Ho wev er , mapping between DSCP values and other properties can be changed as f ollows: TA B L E 9 4 Default QoS mappings, columns 0 to 1 5 D S C P v a l u e 01234567891 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 5 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 595 53-1002266-01 QoS for stackable devices 17 • DSCP t o internal forwarding priority mappi ng – Y ou can change the mapping between the DSCP value and the internal f orwarding priori ty value from the default v alues shown in Ta b l e 9 4 through Ta b l e 97 .
596 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 QoS queues 17 QoS behavior on port priority and VLAN priority in an IronStack Port priority and VLAN priority hav e a higher pr ecedence than the 802. 1p priority examination. If por t priority is set to 7, all incoming tr af fic is mapped to int ernal hardware q ueue 6.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 597 53-1002266-01 Assigning QoS priorities to traffic 17 When you change the priority , you specify a number from 0 thr ough 7 . The priority number specifies the IEEE 802. 1 equivalent t o one of the eight Qo S queues on Dell Pow erConnect devices.
598 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 802.1p priority override 17 Buffer allocation/threshold for QoS queues By default, Dell Ironw are sof tware allocates a cer t ain number of buf f ers to the outbound transpor t queue f or each por t based on QoS priority .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 599 53-1002266-01 Marking 17 Marking Marking is the process o f changing the packet QoS information (the 802.
600 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the QoS mappings 17 PowerConnect stackable devices Po werConnect B-Series FCX devices suppo r t DSCP -base d QoS on a per-port basis. DSCP-based QoS is not automatically honored fo r switched traf fic.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 601 53-1002266-01 Configuring the QoS mappings 17 1 Y o u can change the DSCP to internal forwarding mappi ngs. Y ou als o can change t he internal forwarding priorit y to hardw are forwar ding queue mappings.
602 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the QoS mappings 17 Changing the VLAN prio rity 802.1p to hardware forwarding queue mappings T o map a VLAN priority to a different har dware f or warding qu eue, enter commands such as the following at the g lobal CONF IG level of the CLI .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 603 53-1002266-01 Scheduling 17 The exam ple configuration described below is f or a default, non-jumbo mode.
604 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Scheduling 17 NOTE Queue cycles on t he PowerConnect devices are based on b y tes. T hese devices ser vice a given number of byte s (based on weight) in each qu eue cy cle. FES and BI/FI queue cy cles are based on pack ets.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 605 53-1002266-01 Scheduling 17 Selecting the QoS queuing method By default, Dell P owerConnect de vices use the WRR method of packet prioritization. T o change the method to strict priority , enter the f ollowing command at the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
606 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Scheduling 17 When the queuing me thod is weighted round ro bin, the sof tware int e rnally translates the percentages int o weights.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 607 53-1002266-01 Scheduling 17 The <percentage> variable specifie s a number for the per centage of the de vice outbound bandwidth that is allocated t o the queue. Dell QoS queues req uire a minimum bandwidth percentage of 3 per cent for each priority .
608 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Viewing QoS settings 17 Viewing QoS settings T o display the QoS se ttings for all of the q ueues, enter the sho w q os-profiles command. Syntax: show qos-pr ofiles all | <name> The all parameter displa y s the settings f or all eight queues .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 609 53-1002266-01 Viewing DSCP-based QoS settings 17 The show qos-tos command can also be used to display co nfiguration information f or 8 to 4 queue mapping. The f ollowing e xample displays 8 to 4 queue mapping configuration.
610 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Viewing DSCP-based QoS settings 17 Syntax: show qos-tos The show qos-tos command displa ys the following inf o rmation about 8 to 4 queue mapping. TA B L E 10 5 8 to 4 queue mapping configuration information This field.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 611 53-1002266-01 Chapter 18 Configuring Traffic Policies Ta b l e 1 0 6 lists the individual Dell Pow erConnect swit ches and the traffic policy features the y suppor t. Traffic policies overview This chapter describes ho w traf fic policies are im plemented and configured in the Po werConnect devices.
612 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuration notes a nd feature limitations 18 Configuration notes and feature limitations Note the f ollowing when co nfiguring traf fic policies: • T raf fic policies applies t o IP ACLs only .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 613 53-1002266-01 ACL-based rate limiting using traffic policies 18 • By default, up t o 1 024 active traffic policies are suppor ted o n La yer 2 switches. This value is fixe d on Lay er 2 switches and cannot be modified.
614 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 ACL-based rate limiting using traffic policies 18 Y ou can configure A CL -based rate limiti n g on the f ollowing interface types: • .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 615 53-1002266-01 ACL-based rate limiting using traffic policies 18 PowerConnect(config)#interface ethernet 5 PowerConnect(config-if-e5)#ip access-group 1.
616 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 ACL-based rate limiting using traffic policies 18 If a por t receives more than the configured bit or byt e rate in a one-second int er val, the por t will either drop or forward subsequent data in hardware, depe nding on the action you specify .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 617 53-1002266-01 ACL-based rate limiting using traffic policies 18 Use the no f orm of the command to delet e a traf fic policy def in iti on . Note t ha t yo u ca nnot de lete a traf fic policy definition if it is currently in use on a por t.
618 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 ACL-based rate limiting using traffic policies 18 • Drop pack ets that exceed the limit.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 619 53-1002266-01 ACL statistics and rate limit counting 18 Syntax: [no] traf fic-policy <TPD name> rate-limit adaptive cir <cir value> cbs &l.
620 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 ACL stati stics and rate limit count ing 18 The sof tware allo ws you to add a ref erence to a no n-exist ent TPD in an ACL stat ement and to bind that A CL to an interface. The sof tware does no t issue a warning or error message f or non-existent TPDs.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 621 53-1002266-01 ACL statistics and rate limit counting 18 Syntax: show access-list a ccounting traffic-policy [ <TPD name> ] or Syntax: show stati.
622 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Viewing traffic policies 18 or Syntax: clear statisti cs traffic-policy <TPD name> The <TPD name> is t h e n a m e o f t h e t r a f f i c policy definition f or which you want to cl ear traf fic policy counters.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 623 53-1002266-01 Chapter 19 Configuring Base Layer 3 and Enabling Routing Protocols Ta b l e 1 1 1 lists the indi vidual Dell PowerConnect sw itches and the base Lay er 3 features the y suppor t. NOTE Lay er 2 with base Layer 3 images pr ovide static RIP suppor t.
624 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Adding a static ARP entry 19 or Syntax: [ no ] ip rout e <dest-ip-ad dr> / <mask-bits> <ne xt-hop-ip-addr> [ <metric> ] [ tag <num> ] The <dest-ip- addr> is the rout e des tination.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 625 53-1002266-01 Modifying and displaying layer 3 system parameter limits 19 Modifying and displaying layer 3 system parameter limits This section shows how t o view and configure some of the Lay er 3 system parameter limits.
626 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP 19 The follo wing shows an exampl e output on a IPV6 device. Configuring RIP If you w ant the Dell Pow erConnect device to use RI P , you must enab le the prot ocol globally , then enable RIP on individual ports.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 627 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP 19 • Rout e redistribution – Y ou can enable the sof tware to redistribute static ro utes from the IP rout e table into RIP . Redistri bution is disabled by def ault. • Learning of default r outes – The def ault is disabled.
628 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP 19 When you enable redistribution, all IP static routes are redistributed by def ault. If you want to den y cer tain routes fr om being redistributed into RIP , configure den y filters f or those rout es before y ou enable redistribution.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 629 53-1002266-01 Other layer 3 protocols 19 T o enable RIP redistribution , enter the f ollowing command. PowerConnect(config-rip-router)#redistribution Syntax: [ no ] redistribution Enabling learning of default routes By default, the software does not learn RIP default ro utes.
630 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Enabling or disabl ing layer 2 switching 19 • IGMP • IP • IP multicast (DVMRP , PIM-SM, PIM-DM) • OSPF • RIPV1 and V2 • VRRP • VRRPE • VSRP IP routing is enabled b y default on devices running La yer 3 code.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 631 53-1002266-01 Enabling or disabling layer 2 switching 19 Syntax: no route-onl y T o disable Layer 2 switching only on a specific interface, go to the Interface configu ration lev el f or that int er face, then disable the f eature.
632 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Enabling or disabl ing layer 2 switching 19.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 633 53-1002266-01 Chapter 20 Configuring Port Mirroring and Monitoring Ta b l e 1 1 2 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect swit ches and the mirroring f e atures they support. The procedures in this chapt er describe how to co nfigure por t mirroring on De ll Pow erConnect devic es.
634 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring port mirroring and monitoring 20 Configuration notes Ref er to the f ollowing rules when conf iguring por t mirroring and mo.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 635 53-1002266-01 Configuring port mirroring and monitoring 20 • For ingress A CL mirroring, the previous ingress rule also applies. The analyzer por t setting command acl-mirror-port must be specified for each po r t, e ven though the har dware only suppor ts one por t per device.
636 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring port mirroring and monitoring 20 The both , in , and out parameters specify the traffic direction you w ant to mo nitor on the mirr or port. There is no def ault. T o display the port monitoring configuration, enter the show monit or and show mirr or comman ds.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 637 53-1002266-01 Configuring mirroring on an Ironstack 20 Configuring mirroring on an Ironstack Y ou can configure mirroring on a De ll IronStack. An IronStack consists of up to 8 PowerConnect B-Series FCX de vices.
638 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 ACL-based inbound mirroring 20 ACL-based inbound mirroring This section describes ACL -based inbound mirroring f or Pow erConnect devices.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 639 53-1002266-01 VLAN-based mirroring 20 1. Define a mirror port T o activat e mirroring on a por t, use the mirror command in the global configuration mode.
640 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN-based mirroring 20 PowerConnect(config)#mirror-port ethernet 1/1/21 input PowerConnect(config)#vlan 10 PowerConnect(config-VLAN-10).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 641 53-1002266-01 VLAN-based mirroring 20 Configuration notes The follo wi ng rules apply to VLAN-Based Mirr oring con figurations. • A VLAN must ha ve at least one por t member configured bef ore “monitor” can be configured.
642 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VLAN-based mirroring 20.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 643 53-1002266-01 Chapter 21 Configuring Rate Limiti ng and Rate Shaping on PowerConnect B-Series FCX Switches Ta b l e 1 1 4 lists the individual Dell PowerConnect swit ches and the rate limiting and rat e shaping fe atures they suppor t.
644 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Rate limiting in hardware 21 Rate limiting in hardware Each Dell Pow erConnect device suppor ts line-rat e ra t e limiting in hardware. The device creates entries in Cont ent Addressable Memor y (CAM) f or the rate limiting policies.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 645 53-1002266-01 Rate limiting in hardware 21 Configuration notes • Rate limiting is a vailable only o n inbound por ts. • The rate limit on IPv6 har dware tak es several se conds t o take effect at higher configured rat e limit values.
646 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Rate shaping overview 21 Syntax: show rate-limit fix ed The command lists the po r ts on which fixed rate limiting is configured, and provides the information listed in T a bl e 115 fo r e a ch o f t he p o r ts .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 647 53-1002266-01 Rate shaping overview 21 • When outbound rate shaping is enabled on a po rt on an IPv4 device, the port QoS queuing method ( qos mechanism ) will be strict mode. This applie s to IPv4 devices only .
648 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Rate shaping overview 21 The abov e commands configure an outbou nd ra te shape r on por t 1/1 4 and por t 1/15. • On Po werConnect B-Series FCX devices, the co nf igured outbound rate shaper (65 1 Kbps) on por t 1/15 is the r ounded to 6 16 Kbps.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 649 53-1002266-01 Chapter 22 Configuring IP Multicast Traffic Reduction for PowerConnect B-Series FCX Switches Ta b l e 1 1 6 lists the individual Dell PowerConnect swit ches and the IP multicast traf fic reduction fe atures they suppor t.
650 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IGMP snooping overview 22 An IGMP de vice is responsible for br oadcasting general queries periodically , and sending group queries when.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 651 53-1002266-01 IGMP snooping overview 22 The < num > value can be 4, 8, 1 6, or 32. Any other v alue is truncated t o the closest lower ceiling. For e xample, a value of 15 is changed to 8 . The def ault hash chain length is 4.
652 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IGMP snooping overview 22 The implementat ion allows snoo ping on som e VL ANs or all VLANs.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 653 53-1002266-01 PIM SM traffic snooping overvie w 22 VLAN specific configuration Y ou can configur e IGMP snooping on som e VL ANs or on all VLANs. Each VLAN can be independently enabled or disabled for IGMP sn ooping, and can be configured f or IGMPv2 or IGMPv3.
654 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM SM traffic snooping overview 22 FIGURE 1 1 4 PIM SM traffic reduction in an enterprise network NOTE IP address 239.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 655 53-1002266-01 Configuring IGMP snooping 22 Notice that the por ts connect ed to the source an d the receiv ers are all in the same por t-based VLAN on the device. This is req u ired f or the PIM SM snooping feature .
656 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IGMP snooping 22 Configuring the hardware and software resource limits The syst em suppor ts up to 8K of hardw are-switche d multicast streams. The configurable range is from 2 56 through 8 192 with a default of 5 12.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 657 53-1002266-01 Configuring IGMP snooping 22 Modifying the age interval When the device re ceives a group membership report , it makes an entry for that group in the IGMP group table.
658 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IGMP snooping 22 IGMPv2 membership repor ts of the same group fr om dif f erent clients are considered to be the same and are rat e-limited. Use the f ollowing command to alle viate report st orms from many clients answering the upstream rou ter que r y.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 659 53-1002266-01 Configuring IGMP snooping 22 Syntax: [ no ] ip pimsm-snooping NOTE The devic e must be in passive mode bef ore it can be configured f or PIM snooping. Configuring the IGMP mode for a VLAN Y ou can configure a VLAN to use the active or pa ssive IGMP mode.
660 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IGMP snooping 22 Configuring the IGMP version for the VLAN Y ou can specify the IGMP version f or a VLAN. For exam ple, the following co mmands configure VLAN 20 to use IGMPv3.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 661 53-1002266-01 Configuring IGMP snooping 22 Configuring static router ports FastIr on Stackable de vices forwar d all multicast control and data pack ets to rout er por ts which receive q ueries.
662 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IGMP snooping 22 Every group on a ph ysical por t keeps its own trac king record.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 663 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping info rmation 22 Displaying IGMP snooping information This section describes the show commands for IGMP snooping. Displaying IGMP erro rs T o display inf ormation about possible IGMP errors, ent er the follo wing commands.
664 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping inform ation 22 Syntax: show ip multicast group [ <group-address> [ detail ] [ trackin g ]] If you want a report f or a specif ic multic ast group, ent er that group's address f or <group-address> .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 665 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping info rmation 22 Syntax: show ip multicast mcache The f ollowing table describes the output of the show ip multicast m cache command.
666 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping inform ation 22 Syntax: show ip multicast reso urce The f ollowing table describes the output fr om the show ip mul ticast resource command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 667 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping info rmation 22 Displaying IGMP snoopi ng information by VLAN Y ou can display IGMP snooping information f or all VLA Ns or fo r a specif ic VLAN. For e xample, to display IGMP snooping inf ormation for VLAN 70, ent er the follo wing command.
668 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping inform ation 22 Displaying querier information Y ou can use the show ip multicast vl an command to displa y the querier information for a VLAN.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 669 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping info rmation 22 Passive interface with no other querier present The follo wi ng exam ple shows the output in whic h the VLAN inter face is passive and no other querier is present with the lo west IP address.
670 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping inform ation 22 This interface is Querier default V2 group:, life = 240 group:, life = 240 group:, life = 240 group:, life = 240 2/1/24 has 2 groups, This interface is non-Querier Querier is 5.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 671 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping info rmation 22 This interface is non-Querier (passive) default V2 group:, life = 260 group:, life = 260 group:, life = 260 group: 224.
672 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IGMP snooping inform ation 22 Clear mcache on a specific VLAN T o clear the mcache on a specific VLAN, enter the follo wing command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 673 53-1002266-01 Chapter 23 Enabling the Foundry Discovery Protocol (FDP) and Reading Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) Packets Ta b l e 1 17 lists individual Dell Po werC onnect switches and the disco ver y pro tocols they support.
674 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using FDP 23 PowerConnect(config)# fdp run Syntax: [ no ] fdp run The f eature is disabled by default. Enabling FDP at th e interface level Y ou can enable FDP at the inter face le vel b y entering commands such as the f ollowing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 675 53-1002266-01 Using FDP 23 T o change the FDP hold time, enter a command such as the f ollowing at the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
676 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using FDP 23 T o display detailed inf orm atio n, enter the follo wi ng command. The show fdp neighbor detail command displays the f oll owing inf ormation.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 677 53-1002266-01 Using FDP 23 Syntax: show fdp entry * | <device-id> The * | <devic e-id> parameter specifies the de vice ID. If y ou enter * , the detailed updates f or all neighbor devices are displayed.
678 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Reading CDP packets 23 The same commands clear inf ormation for both FDP and CDP . Clearing FDP and CDP neighbor information T o clear the information receiv ed in FDP and CD P updates fro m neighboring devices, ent er the following command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 679 53-1002266-01 Reading CDP packets 23 Enabling interception of CDP packets on an interface Y ou can disable and enable CDP at the interface lev el.
680 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Reading CDP packets 23 Syntax: show fdp neighbors [ detail | ethernet <port> ] Displaying CDP entries T o display CDP entries for all neighbors, enter the f o llowing command. T o display CDP entries f or a specific device, sp ecify the device ID.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 681 53-1002266-01 Reading CDP packets 23 PowerConnect# show fdp traffic CDP counters: Total packets output: 0, Input: 3 Hdr syntax: 0, Chksum error: 0, En.
682 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Reading CDP packets 23.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 683 53-1002266-01 Chapter 24 Configuring LLDP and LLDP-MED Ta b l e 1 2 0 lists the in dividual Dell PowerConnect swit ches and the Link Lay er Discov er y Prot ocol (LLDP) features they suppor t.
684 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Terms used in this chapter 24 The info rmation generated by LL DP and LLDP-MED can be used t o diagnose and troubleshoo t misconfigurations on both sid es of a link.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 685 53-1002266-01 LLDP overview 24 FIGURE 1 15 LLDP connectivity Benefits of LLDP LLDP pro vides the fo llowing benefits: • Network Management: • Simp.
686 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 LLDP-MED overview 24 • Acc ur ate top olo gi es si mpl if y tro ub le s hooting within enterprise networks • Can disco ver devic es with misconfi gured or unreachable IP addresses LLDP-MED overview LLDP-MED is an extension to LLDP .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 687 53-1002266-01 General operating principles 24 • Aut omatically deploys netw ork policies, such as La yer 2 and La yer 3 QoS polic ies and V oice VLANs.
688 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 General operating princ iples 24 • Receiv e LLDP information only Transmit mode An LLDP agent sends LLDP pack ets to ad jacent LLDP-enabled de vices. The LLDP pack ets contain information about the transm itting device and port.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 689 53-1002266-01 General operating principles 24 TLV support This section lists the LLDP and LLDP-MED TL V suppor t .
690 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 General operating princ iples 24 • Location identification • Extended po wer- via-MDI Mandatory TLVs When an LLDP agent transmits LL.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 691 53-1002266-01 General operating principles 24 Dell Po werConnect devices use por t ID subtype 3, the permanent MA C address associated with the por t. Other thir d par ty devices ma y use a por t ID su btype other than 3.
692 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 MIB support 24 FIGURE 1 19 TTL TL V pac ket format MIB support Dell Po werConnect devic es suppor t the fo llowing standard MIB modules:.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 693 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 Configuration notes and considerations • LLDP is suppor ted on Ethernet inter faces only . • If a por t is 802. 1X-enabled, the transmission and reception of LLDP pack ets will only take place while the por t is authorized.
694 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 Enabling support for tagged LLDP packets By default, D ell PowerConne ct devices do not accept tagged L LDP packets fr om other ve ndors’ devices. T o enable suppor t, apply the command lldp tagged-packets pr ocess at the Global CONFIG lev el of the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 695 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 NOTE When a por t is configured to both receiv e and tr ansmit LLDP packets and the MED capabilities TL V is enabled, LLDP-MED is enabled as well. LLDP-MED is not enabled if the operat ing mode is set to receive onl y or transmit only .
696 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 PowerConnect(config)#no lldp enable receive ports e 2/7 e 2/8 PowerConnect(config)#lldp enable transmit ports e 2/7 e 2/8 The abo ve commands change the LLDP operating mode on por ts 2/7 and 2/8 fr om receive only mode to transmit only mo de.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 697 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 PowerConnect(config)#lldp max-neighbors-per-port 6 Syntax: [ no ] lldp max-neighbors-per-port <value> Use the [no] f orm of the command to remo ve the static configu ration and rev er t to the default val ue o f four .
698 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 Syntax: [ no ] lldp snmp-n otification-int er val <second s> where <seconds> is a v alue between 5 and 3600.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 699 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 Changing the holdtime multiplier for transmit TTL The holdtime multiplier for transmit TTL is used to comp ute the actual time-t o-live (TTL) v alue used in an LLDP frame.
700 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 • System name 802. 1 capabilities: • VLAN name (not aut omatically adver tised) • Untagged VLAN ID 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 701 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 • Other interface For I Pv6 addresses, link-local and an ycast a ddresses will be excluded fr om these searches. If no IP address is configure d on any of the abo ve, the port's current MAC address will be advertised.
702 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 Y ou can list all of the port s individually , use the k eywor d to to specify ran ges of por ts, or a combination of both. T o apply the configuration to all por ts on the device, use the ke yword all instead of listing the por ts individu ally .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 703 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 System description The system description is the network entity , which can include information such as the product name or model number , the version of the system hardw are type, the sof tware operating syst em lev el, and the networking software v ersion.
704 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 Y ou can list all of the port s individually , use the k eywor d to to specify ran ges of por ts, or a combination of both. T o apply the configuration to all por ts on the device, use the ke yword all instead of listing the por ts individu ally .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 705 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 Syntax: [ no ] lldp adver tise por t-vlan- id por ts ethern et <port-list> | all For <por t-list> , spec.
706 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP 24 MAC/PHY configu ration status The MAC/PHY configuration and status TL V includes the follo wing information: • Aut.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 707 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 The maximum frame size advertisement will appear similar to the f ollowing on the remote de vice, and in the CLI displa y output on the Dell Pow erConnect device ( sho w ll dp local-info ).
708 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 NOTE LLDP-MED is not enabled on ports where the LLDP op erating mode is receiv e only or transmit only . LLDP-MED is enabled on por ts that are configured to both receiv e an d tran smit LLD P packets and hav e the LLDP-MED capabilities TL V enabled.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 709 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 NOTE The LLDP-MED fast star t mechanism is only intend ed to run on links betw een Network Co nnectivity devic es and Endpoint devices.
710 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 latitude <degrees> is the angular distance north or south from the earth equator measure d through 90 degrees. P ositive numbers indicate a location nor th of the equat or and negative numbers indicat e a location south of the equat or .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 711 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 • Latitude is 4 1.8 788 4 degrees north (or 4 1.8 7884 degrees). • Longitude is 8 7 .63602 degrees west (or 8 7 .63602 degrees). • The latitude and longitude resolution of 18 de scribes a geo-lo cation area that is latitude 4 1.
712 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 • KR – Korea • US – Unit ed States <CA type> is a v alue from 0 – 255, that describes the civic address elemen t. F or example, a CA type of 2 4 specifies a postal or zip code.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 713 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 6S t r e e t E x a m p l e s : Canada – Street Germany – Street Japan – Block Korea – Stree t United Sta.
714 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 Example civic address lo cation advertisement The Civic address lo cation adver tisemen t will appear similar to the following on the rem ote de vice, and in the CLI displa y output on the Dell Pow erConnect device (sho w lldp local-inf o) .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 715 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 When you configure a media Endpoint location us ing the eme rgency call ser vices location, you specify the Emer.
716 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring LLDP-MED 24 NOTE Endpoints will adv er tise a po licy as “unknown” in the show lldp neighbor detail command output, if it is a policy that is required by the Endpoint and the Endpo int has not yet receiv ed it.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 717 53-1002266-01 LLDP-MED attributes ad vertised by the Dell PowerConnect device 24 • voic e – For use b y dedicated IP t elephony handsets and similar de vices that suppor t interactive v oice ser vices.
718 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 LLDP-MED attributes advertised by the Dell PowerConnect device 24 • The device type (Network Connectivity devi ce or Endpoint (Class 1, 2, or 3)) By default, LLDP-MED information is aut oma tically advertised when LLDP-MED is enabled.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 719 53-1002266-01 LLDP-MED attributes ad vertised by the Dell PowerConnect device 24 Syntax: show lldp The follo wing table describes the information displa yed by the show lldp statistics command .
720 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 LLDP-MED attributes advertised by the Dell PowerConnect device 24 Syntax: show lldp statistics NOTE Y ou can reset LLDP st atisti cs using the CLI command clear LLDP statistics . Ref er to “Resetting LLDP statistics” on page 725.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 721 53-1002266-01 LLDP-MED attributes ad vertised by the Dell PowerConnect device 24 LLDP neighbors The show lldp neighbors command displays a list of the current LLDP neighbors per port. The follo wing shows an exam ple repor t.
722 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 LLDP-MED attributes advertised by the Dell PowerConnect device 24 LLDP neighbors detail The show lldp neighbors detail command displays the LLDP adv er tisements received fr om LLDP neighbors.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 723 53-1002266-01 LLDP-MED attributes ad vertised by the Dell PowerConnect device 24 Syntax: show lldp neighbors detail [ ports ethernet <por t-list> | all ] If you do no t specify any ports or use the ke yword all , by default, the repor t will show the LLDP neighbor details for all por ts.
724 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 LLDP-MED attributes advertised by the Dell PowerConnect device 24 Application Type : Video Conferencing Policy Flags : Known Policy, Tag.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 725 53-1002266-01 Resetting LLDP statistics 24 • Po werConnect B-Series FCX stackable switches – <s tack-unit/slotnum/portnum> Y ou can list all of the port s individually , use the k eywor d to to specify ran ges of por ts, or a combination of both.
726 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Clearing cached LLDP neighbor information 24.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 727 53-1002266-01 Chapter 25 Configuring IP Multicast Protocols Ta b l e 1 2 6 lists the in dividual Dell Po werConnect sw itches and the IP multicast f eatures they suppor t. These f eatures are suppor ted in the full Layer 3 sof tware image only .
728 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview of IP multicasting 25 IPv4 multicast group addresses In IPv4 Multicast, host gr oups are identified by Class D addresses, i.e., those with “1 11 0” as their higher-order f our bits .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 729 53-1002266-01 Changing global IP multicast parameters 25 Suppression of unregistered multicast packets Be default, unregist ered multicast packe ts are al wa ys forwarded in har dware but not copied to the CPU.
730 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Changing global IP multicast parameters 25 NOTE The number of inter face groups you can configure for D VMRP and PIM is unlimited; therefore, the system-max dvmrp-max-int-group and the syst em-max pim-max-int-group commands that define their maximum table size s hav e been remov ed.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 731 53-1002266-01 Changing global IP multicast parameters 25 NOTE Y ou do not need to relo ad the sof tware f or these changes to tak e effect.
732 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Adding an interface to a multicast group 25 NOTE Yo u m u s t e n t e r t h e i p m ulticast-routing command bef ore changing the global IP Multicast paramet ers. Other wise, the changes do no t take eff ect and the sof tware uses the default va lues.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 733 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense 25 When you manually add an int er face to a multicas t gr oup, the Dell Pow erConnect device f or wards multicast packets for the group but does not itself accept pack ets for the group.
734 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense 25 Initiating PIM multicasts on a network Once PIM is enabled on each r outer , a network us er can begin a video confer ence multicast from the server on R1 as shown in Figure 120 .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 735 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense 25 FIGURE 120 T ransmission of multicast packets fr om the source to host group members ... ... ... Gro u p Member Gro u p Member Video Conferencing Server (207.95.5.
736 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense 25 FIGURE 12 1 P runing leaf nodes from a multicast tree Grafts to a multicast Tree A PIM switch resto res pruned branches to a multicast tree b y sending graf t messages tow ards the upstream switch.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 737 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense 25 • PIM DM V2 – sends messages to the multicas t address 22 3 (ALL -PIM-ROUTERS) with pro tocol number 1 03 The CLI commands f or conf iguring and managing PI M DM are the same f or V1 and V2.
738 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense 25 • Entering a no r outer pim command remo ves all configuration f or PIM multicast on a Laye r 3 Switch ( rou te r p im level) only .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 739 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense 25 T o apply a PIM neighbor timeout val ue of 360 seconds to all ports on the router operati ng with PIM, enter the f ollowing. PowerConnect(config)#router pim PowerConnect(config-pim-router)#nbr-timeout 360 Syntax: nbr-timeout < 60-8000> The default is 180 seconds.
740 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense 25 where <time> can be 0 - 3 sec onds. A value of 0 causes the PI M router t o s top traff ic immediately upon receiving a prune message.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 741 53-1002266-01 PIM Dense 25 When the Highest IP RPF f eature is enabled, the sele ction of the shor test path back to the source is based on which Rev erse Path Forwardi ng (RPF) neig hbor in the IP routing table has the highest IP address, if the cost of the r outes are the sa me.
742 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Configuration notes • If the TTL f or an inter face is greater than 1, PIM pack ets received on the int er face are alwa ys forwar ded in sof tware because each pack et TTL must be e xamined.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 743 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 FIGURE 122 Example of a PIM Sparse domain PIM Sparse switch types Switches that are configur ed with PIM Sparse int er f a.
744 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 T o enhance overall netw ork per formance, La yer 3 Switches use the RP t o forward only the first pack et fr om a group source to the gr oup receivers.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 745 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 NOTE Dell recommends that you configure the same Lay er 3 Switch as both the BS R and the RP . Limitations The implementation of PI M Sparse in the current sof tware release has the following limitations: • PIM Borde r Routers (PMBRs) are no t suppor ted.
746 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Configuring PIM interface parameters Af ter y ou enable IP multicast routing and PIM Sparse at the gl obal lev el, you must enable it on the individual interfaces connected t o the PIM Sparse networ k .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 747 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 • Enter ve <num> f or a v irt ua l i nt e rf a ce . • Enter loopback <num> for a loopb ack interface. The <hash-mask-le ngth> parameter specifies the number of bits in a group address that are significant when calculating the group- to-RP ma pping.
748 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Updating PIM-Sparse forwarding en tri es with new RP configuration If you mak e chan ges to y our stat ic RP configuration, the entries in the PIM-Sparse multicast forwar ding table continue to use the old RP config uration until they are aged out.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 749 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 By default, the device switches from the RP to th e SPT af ter receiving the first packet f or a given PIM Sparse group. T he Layer 3 Switch mainta ins a separate counter f or each PIM Sparse source-gr oup pair .
750 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Displaying PIM Sparse co nfiguration information and statistics Y ou can display the f ollowing PIM Sparse information: .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 751 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Displaying a list of multicast groups T o display a list of the IP multicast groups the Layer 3 Switch is forwarding, ent er t he follo wing command at an y CLI level.
752 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Syntax: show ip pim gr oup This display sho w s the f ollowing information. Displaying BSR information T o display BSR inf ormation, enter the f ollowing command at an y CLI level.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 753 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Displaying Pim resources T o display the hardw are resource information such as hardware allocation, a vailability , and limit for soft ware data structure, ent er the follo wing command.
754 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Syntax: show ip pim resource For each software data structure listed in the output, the f ollowing information is shown. TA B L E 1 3 0 Output of show ip pim resource This field.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 755 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 NOTE When the product o f the number of active PIM in t er faces multiplied b y the number of multicast streams ex ceeds the total number of MLL, the CLI displa ys the message, “MLL pool out of memor y”.
756 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 Syntax: show ip pim rp-map This display sho w s the f ollowing information.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 757 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 This display sho w s the f ollowing information. Displaying multicast neighbor information T o display information about the Lay er 3 Switch PI M neighbors, enter the following command at any CLI lev el.
758 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Displaying information about an upstream neighbor device Y ou can view information about the upstream neighb or de vice for a given sour ce IP address for IP Pro tocol Independent Multicast (PIM ).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 759 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Displaying the PIM multicast cache T o display the PI M multicast cache, enter the f ollowing command at any CLI le vel. Syntax: show ip pim mc ache This display sho w s the f ollowing information.
760 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 RPT Indicates w hether th e cache entr y uses the RP pa th or the S PT path . The RPT fl ag can have one of the f ollowing values : • 0 – The SPT path is used inst ead of the RP path.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 761 53-1002266-01 PIM Sparse 25 Displaying PIM traffic statistics T o display PIM traffic statistics , use the follo wing CLI method.
762 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 PIM Passive 25 Syntax: show ip pim error This command displays the number o f warnings an d non-zer o PIM errors on the de vice.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 763 53-1002266-01 Passive multicast route insertion 25 Passive multicast route insertion Passiv e Multicast Route Insertion (PMRI) enables a La yer 3 switch running PIM Sparse to create an entr y f or a multicast rout e (e.
764 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using ACLs to control mult icast features 25 PowerConnect(config)#int e1 PowerConnect(config-if-1)#ip tunnel NOTE The IP tunnel address represents the configured IP tu nnel address of the destination route r .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 765 53-1002266-01 Using ACLs to control m ulticast features 25 PowerConnect(config)#router pim PowerConnect(config-pim-router)#bsr-candidate ve 43 32 100 PowerConnect(config-pim-router)#rp-candidate ve 43 PowerConnect(config-pim-router)#rp-address 99.
766 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using ACLs to control mult icast features 25 The display sho ws the multicast group addresses co vered by the RP c andidate and th e IP address of the RP f or the listed multicast gr oup.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 767 53-1002266-01 Disabling CPU processing fo r select multicast groups 25 PowerConnect(config)#router pim PowerConnect(config-pim-router)#bsr-candidate l.
768 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Disabling CPU processing for select multicast groups 25 CLI command syntax T o disable CPU processing f or selective multicas t gr oups, e nter commands such as t he following.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 769 53-1002266-01 Displaying the multicast co nfiguration for another multicast router 25 Displaying the multicast configuration for another multicast router The Dell implementation of Mrinf o is based on the DVMRP Int e rnet draf t by T .
770 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IGMP V3 25 IGMP V3 The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) allows an IPV4 int er face to communicat e IP Multicast group members hip information to its neighboring r outers.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 771 53-1002266-01 IGMP V3 25 Default IGMP version IGMP V3 is a vailable on Dell Po werConnect devi ces; howe ver , the devices are shipped with IGMP V2 enabled . Y ou must enable IGMP V3 gl obally or per inter face.
772 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IGMP V3 25 T o specify the IGMP version f o r a vir tual routing inter face on a physical por t, enter a command such as the fo llowing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 773 53-1002266-01 IGMP V3 25 For e xample, two clients (Client A and Client B) belong to group1 but each is receiving traf fi c streams from different sources. Client A receives a stream from (sour ce_1, group1) and Client B receives it fr om (source_2, gr oup1).
774 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IGMP V3 25 PowerConnect(config)#ip igmp max-response-time 8 Syntax: [ no ] ip igmp max-response-time <num> The <num> parameter specifies the IGMP maximum respon se time in number of seconds.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 775 53-1002266-01 IGMP V3 25 T o display the status of one IGMP multicast group, enter a command such as the f ollowing. If the tracking and fast lea ve feat ure is enabled , you can display the list of clients that belong to a par ticular group b y entering co mmands such as the f ollowing.
776 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IGMP V3 25 Displaying the IGMP st atus of an interface Y ou can display the status of a multicast enab led por t by ent ering a command such as the following. NOTE This repor t is a vailable on Lay er 3 Switches.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 777 53-1002266-01 IGMP V3 25 Enter ve and its <number> or ethernet and its <number> to display inf ormation for a specific vir tual routing interface or ethernet inter face.
778 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IGMP Proxy 25 Clearing IGMP statistics T o clear statistics for IGMP traf fic, enter the f ollowing command. PowerConnect#clear igmp traffic Syntax: clear igmp traf fic This command clears all the multicast traf fic information on all int er faces on the device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 779 53-1002266-01 IP multicast protocols and IGMP snooping on the same device 25 • IGMP Pro xy is only suppor ted in a PIM Dense en vironment where there are IGMP clients connected to the De ll PowerConnect device.
780 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IP multicast protocols and IGMP snooping on the same device 25 If there are two sources f or a single group, where one sour ce sends tra.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 781 53-1002266-01 IP multicast protocols and IGMP snooping on the same device 25 FIGURE 125 Example 2: IGMP Snooping and PIM F or warding CLI commands The f ollowing are the CLI commands f o r the configuratio n exam ple shown in Figure 12 4 and Figure 125 .
782 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IP multicast protocols and IGMP snooping on the same device 25 PowerConnect(config-vif-20)#exit PowerConnect(config)#interface e 13 PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-13)#ip address PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-13)#ip pim 3.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 783 53-1002266-01 Chapter 26 Configuring IP Ta b l e 1 4 3 lists the individual Dell Pow erConnect sw itches and the IP features the y suppor t.
784 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration 26 NOTE The terms L ayer 3 Switch and route r are used inte r changeably in this chapter and mean the same.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 785 53-1002266-01 Overview 26 IP interfaces NOTE This section describes IPv4 addresses. For in f ormation about IPv6 addresses on all other Po werConnect devices, ref er to “IPv6 addressing” on page 198.
786 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview 26 Figure 126 s how s t he fol low in g p ac ket f low : 1. When the La yer 3 Switch receives an I P packet , the L ayer 3 Switch checks for filt ers on the receiving inter face.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 787 53-1002266-01 Overview 26 4. If the IP f or warding cache do es not hav e an entr y for the pack et, the La yer 3 Switch checks the IP rout e table for a r oute to the pac ket destination.
788 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview 26 The sof tware places an entr y from the static ARP table int o the ARP cache when the entr y interface comes u p. Here is an example of a static ARP entry. Index IP Address MAC Address Port 1 207.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 789 53-1002266-01 Overview 26 Each IP rout e table entr y contains the destination IP address and subnet mask and the IP address of the next-ho p router int er face to the destination .
790 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview 26 NOTE Y ou cannot add static entries to the IP forwar ding cache, although you can increase the number of entries the cache can contain. R efer t o the section “Displa ying and m odifying system parameter default settings” on page 321.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 791 53-1002266-01 Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 3 Switches 26 NOTE Lay er 2 Switches suppor t IGMP and can f or ward IP multicast pack ets. Re fer to Chapter 22, “Configuring IP Multicast T raf fi c Reductio n f or Pow erConnect B-Series FCX Switches” .
792 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 3 Switches 26 • Multicast pro tocols: - Internet Gr oup Membership Prot ocol (IGMP) – ref.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 793 53-1002266-01 Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 3 Switches 26 TA B L E 14 4 IP global parameters – Layer 3 Switche s Parameter Description Default See page... IP state The Internet Protocol, version 4 Enabled NOTE: Yo u c a n n o t disable IP .
794 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 3 Switches 26 Time to Live (TTL) The maximum number of route r s (hops) thr ough which a packet can pass before being discarded. Each router decreases a packe t TTL by 1 before forwar ding the packet.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 795 53-1002266-01 Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 3 Switches 26 Static RARP entries An IP address you place in the RARP tabl e for RARP requests fr om hosts. NO TE: Y o u must enter the RARP entries manually .
796 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 3 Switches 26 IP interface parameters – Layer 3 Switches Ta b l e 1 4 5 lists the inter face-le vel IP parameters f or Layer 3 Switches.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 797 53-1002266-01 Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 2 Switches 26 Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 2 Switches IP is enabled by default. The f ollowing tables list the La yer 2 Switch IP parameters, their default values, and where to find configuration information.
798 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 2 Switches 26 TA B L E 14 6 IP global paramet ers – Laye r 2 Switches Parameter Description Default See page... IP address and ma sk notation Format f or display ing an IP address and its netw ork mask info rmation.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 799 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Interface IP parameters – Layer 2 Switches Ta b l e 1 47 lists the inter face-lev el IP parameters for Lay er 2 Switches. Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches The follo wing sections describe how t o configure IP parameters.
800 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • V i rtu al r o ut i n g i nt e rf a ce ( a ls o c al le d a Vi rtu al Et he rn et or “V E ”) • Loopback i nter fac e By default, y ou can configure up to 2 4 IP addresses on each interface.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 801 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 NOTE The ospf-passive option disables adjacency f ormation bu t does no t disable adver tisement of the interface into OSPF .
802 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Assigning an IP address to a virtual interface A vir tual interface is a logical por t associated wi th a La yer 3 Vir tual LAN (VLAN) configured on a Lay er 3 Switch.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 803 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Configuration l imitations and feature limi tations • When configuring IP Follow , the primar y vir tual r outing inter face should not ha ve A CL or DoS Pro tection configured.
804 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 For e xample, if the domain “ds.compan y .com” is defined on a La yer 2 Switch or La yer 3 Switch and you want t o initiate a ping to “mary”.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 805 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Defining DNS server addresses Y ou can configure the Dell Po werConnect device t o recognize up to four DNS servers. The first entry serves as the primar y default address.
806 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 NOTE In the previouse xample, 209. 15 7 .22. 199 is the IP address of the domain name ser ver (def ault DNS gate wa y address), and 209. 15 7 .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 807 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Changing the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) The Maximum T ransmiss ion Unit (MTU) is the maximum length of IP packet that a La yer 2 pack et can contain.
808 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Y ou can increa se the MTU size to accommodat e j umbo pack et sizes u p to up to 1 0,232 byt es in an IronStack. De vices that are not par t of an Ir onStack suppor t up to 10 ,2 40 bytes.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 809 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Path MTU discovery (RFC 1191) support When the Dell Po werConnect device rece ives an .
810 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 NOTE Y ou can specify an IP address used f or an interface on the La yer 3 Switch, but do not specify an IP address in use by ano ther device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 811 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • If the ARP cache does not contain an entr y for the destination IP address, the La yer 3 Switch br oadcasts an ARP r equest out all its IP inte r fac es.
812 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 NOTE If you w ant to change a previously configure d th e ARP rate limiting policy , you must remove the previ ously configured po licy using the no rate-limit-arp <num> command before ent ering the new policy .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 813 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Pro xy ARP is disabled by default on La yer 3 Swit c hes. This feature is not suppor ted on La yer 2 Switches. Y ou can enable proxy ARP at the Int er face le vel, as well as at the Global CONFIG level, of the CLI.
814 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 PowerConnect(config)# interface ethernet 4 PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-4)# ip local-proxy-arp Syntax: [ no ] ip local-pr oxy-arp Use the no f orm of the command to disable Local Proxy ARP .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 815 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 T o increase the maximum number of static AR P table entries you can configure on a La yer 3 Switch, enter commands such as the f ollowin g at the global CONFIG le vel of the CLI.
816 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 NOTE A less common type, the all-subnets broadcast, goes to all directly -attached subnets. Forwarding f or this broadcast type also is suppor ted, but most ne tw orks use IP multicasting instead of all-subnet broadcasting.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 817 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 PowerConnect(config)# ip source-route Enabling support for zero- based IP subnet broadcasts By default, the Lay er 3 Switch treats IP packets with all ones in the host por tion of the address as IP broadcast pack ets.
818 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Disabling replies to broadcast ping requests By default, Dell PowerConnect de vices are enabl ed t o respond to br oadcast ICMP echo pack ets, which are ping requ ests.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 819 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • The administration parameter disables ICMP Unreachabl e (caused by A dministration action) messages. • The fragmentation-needed paramet er disables ICMP F ragmentation-Needed But Do not-F ragment Bit Set messages.
820 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • RIP – If RIP is enabled, the L ayer 3 Switch ca n learn about rout es from the adv er tisements other RIP rout ers send to the Layer 3 Switch.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 821 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • The administrative distance f or the rout e – The value that the La yer 3 Switch uses to compare this rout e with routes fr om other route sour ces to the same destination before placing a rout e in the IP rout e table.
822 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 PowerConnect(config)# ip route 207.95.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 823 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 If you do no t want to specify a ne xt-hop IP address, you can inst ead specify a por t or interface number on the La yer 3 Switch. The <nu m> parameter is a virtual inter face number .
824 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 The <ip-addr> paramet er specifies the network or host address. The La yer 3 Switch will dr op pack ets that contain this address in the de stination field inst ead of f or warding them.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 825 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 The commands in the pre vious example configure tw o static IP rout es. The rout es go to different next-hop gat ewa ys but ha ve the same metrics.
826 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Figure 129 shows an example of two static r outes conf igured f or the same destination network. In this exam ple, one of the rout es is a standard stat ic route and has a metric of 1 .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 827 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 FIGURE 13 0 Standard and inte r face routes t o the same destination network T o configure a standard static IP r oute and a null r o ute t o the sa me network as shown in Figure 129 on page 826, ent er commands such as the following.
828 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Configuring a default network route The La yer 3 Switch enables yo u to specify a candidat e default r oute without the need t o specify the next hop gat ewa y .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 829 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 T o verify that the route is in the route table, enter the follo wing command at an y level of the CLI . This ex ample shows two r outes.
830 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • Routes learned thr oug h BGP4 Administrati ve distance The administrative distance is a unique value associated with each type (source) of IP r oute.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 831 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 The source of a path cost value de pends on the sour ce of the path: • IP static rout e – The value y ou assign to the metric parameter when you configure the route.
832 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • If the IP f or warding sharing cache c ontains a forwarding entry for the destination, the de vice uses the entry to forwar d the traf fic.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 833 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • If you lea ve the f eature disabled globally but en able it on individual por ts, you also can configure the IRDP parame ters on an individual port basis.
834 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Enabling IRDP on an individual port T o enable IRDP on an individual int er face and change IRDP paramet ers, enter commands such as the fo llowing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 835 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 RARP is enabled by def ault. Howe ver , you must create a RARP entry for each host that will use the Lay er 3 Switch for booting.
836 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Creating static RARP entries Y ou must configure the RARP entries for the RARP table. The La yer 3 Switch can send an IP address in reply to a client RARP request on ly if creat e a RARP entr y for that client.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 837 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • Configure a helper adders on the int er face connected to the clients. Specify the helper address to be the IP add ress of the application ser ver o r the subnet directed br oadcast address for the IP subnet the ser ver is in.
838 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Syntax: [ no ] ip forward-pr otocol udp <udp-port-name> | <udp-por t-num> The <udp-por t-name> paramet er ca n hav e one of the f ollowing values.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 839 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Syntax: ip helper-address <nu m> <ip-addr> The <num> parameter specifies the helper addre ss number and can be from 1 thr ough 16 .
840 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Configuring an IP helper address The procedure f or configuring a helper address f or BootP/DHCP requests is the same as the procedure f or configuring a helper address fo r o ther types of UDP broadcasts.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 841 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 NOTE The BootP/DHCP hop count is not the TTL param eter . T o modify the maximum number of Boo tP/ DHCP hops, enter the f ollowing command.
842 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • For DHCP client hitless suppo r t in an IronStack, the stack mac comm and must be used to configure the Ir onStack MAC address, so that the MA C address does not change in the event of a switchover or failover .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 843 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 FIGURE 13 1 DHCP Server configuration flo w char t Cl ass ify incoming me ssa ge DHCP .
844 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Configuring DHCP Server on a device Perform the f ollowing st eps to configure the DHCP Server f eature on your P owerConnect de vice. 1.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 845 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Default DHCP server settings Ta b l e 1 5 1 shows the default DHCP server settings. DHCP server CLI commands This section describes the CLI commands that are a vailable in the DHCP Server f eature.
846 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 TA B L E 15 3 DHCP Ser ver CLI co mmands Command Description ip dhcp-server arp-pin g-.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 847 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Removing DHCP leases The clear ip dhcp-server binding command can be used to dele te a specific lease, or all le ase entries from the lease binding database.
848 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Setting the wait time for ARP-ping response At startup, the ser ver reconciles the lease-bindin g database by sending an ARP-p ing packet out to ev er y client.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 849 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 • < address > - The IP address of the DHCP server This command assigns an IP address t o the selected DHCP server . Configure the boot image The bootf ile command specifies a boot image name to be used b y the DHCP client.
850 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Specify addresses to excl ude from the address pool The e xcluded-address command specifies either a single address, or a range of addresses that are to be e xcluded fr om the address pool.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 851 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Displaying DHCP server informat ion The follo wi ng DHCP show commands ma y be entered fr om any lev el of the CLI.
852 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 netbios-name-server: network: 192.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 853 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Display summary DHCP server information The show ip dhcp-ser ver summary command displays inf ormation about activ e leases, deployed address-pools, undeploy ed address-pools, and server uptime.
854 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 DHCP Client-Based Auto -Configuration and Flash image update NOTE The DHCP Client-Based Au to-Configuration and Flash image updat e are platform independent and hav e no dif ferences in behavior or configuration across all platf orms.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 855 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 2. If au to-update is enabled, the TFTP flash image is do wnloaded and updated. The de vice compares the filename of the req uested flash image with the image stored in flash.
856 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 The following configuration rule s apply to flash image update: • T o enable flash image update ( ip dhcp-client auto-updat e enable command), also enable auto-configuration ( ip dhcp-client enable command).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 857 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 FIGURE 13 3 The DHCP C lient-Based Aut o-Configurati on steps The IP address validation and lease nego tiation step 1. At boot-up, the device automatically chec ks its configuration for an IP address.
858 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 3. If the de vice has a dynami c address, the de vice asks the DHCP ser ver t o validate that address. If the server does not respo n d, the de vice will continue to use the e xisting address until the lease expir es.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 859 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 The TFTP configuration do wnload and update step NOTE This pro cess only occurs when the client de vice reboots, or when Auto-Configuration has bee n disabled and then re-enabled.
860 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 Configuration notes • When using DHCP on a r outer , if you ha ve a DH CP address f .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 861 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches 26 The follo wing example shows output fr om the show ip address command for a La yer 2 device. The follo win g example shows output fr om the show ip address command f or a base Lay er 3 device.
862 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 2 Switches 26 DHCP Log messages The following DHCP notification m e ssages are sent to the log file.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 863 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 2 Switches 26 Configuring the management IP address and specifying the default gateway T o manage a .
864 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 2 Switches 26 For e xample, if the domain “newyork.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 865 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 2 Switches 26 NOTE In the previous e xample, 209. 15 7 .22. 199 is the IP address of the domain name server (default DNS gate wa y address), and 209. 15 7 .
866 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 2 Switches 26 By allowing multiple subnet DHCP request s to be sent on the same wire, you can reduce.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 867 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 2 Switches 26 How DHCP Assist works Upon initiation of a DHCP session, the client sends out a DHCP discovery packet for an address from the DHCP ser ver as seen in Figure 136 .
868 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring IP parameters – Layer 2 Switches 26 NOTE The DHCP relay function of the conne cting router must be turned on.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 869 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 Up t o eight addresses can be defined for each gatew ay list in support of por ts that are multi-homed.
870 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 • IP interfaces – refer t o “Displaying IP int er face information” on page 8 73. • ARP entries – ref er to “Displaying ARP entries” on page 8 7 4.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 871 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 TA B L E 15 9 CLI display of global IP configuration inf orm ation – Lay er 3 Switch This field... Displays... Global settings ttl The Time- T o-Live (TTL) f or IP pack ets.
872 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 Displaying CPU uti lization statistics Y ou can displa y CP U utilization statistics for IP pro tocols using the show process cpu command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 873 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 T o display utilization statistics for a specific number of seconds, enter a command such as the following.
874 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 T o display detailed IP information for a specific inter face, enter a command such as the following. Displaying ARP entries Y ou can display the ARP cache and the static AR P table.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 875 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 The mac-address <xxxx.xxxx. xxxx> parameter lets you restrict the displa y to entries f or a specific MA C address. The <mask> parameter lets you specify a mask f o r the mac-address <xxx x.
876 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 Displaying the static ARP table T o display the static ARP table instead of the AR P cache, enter the f ollowing co mmand at any CLI lev el .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 877 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 Displaying the forwarding cache T o display the I P forwarding cache, enter the fo llowing command at an y CLI level.
878 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 Displaying the IP route table T o display the IP route table, ent er the following command at any CLI le vel.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 879 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 The bgp option displays the BGP4 routes. The direct option displa ys only the IP rout es that are direct ly attached to the Layer 3 Switch.
880 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 Example Syntax: show ip rout e summar y In this ex ample, the IP rout e table contains 35 en tries. Of these entries, 6 are directly co nnected devic es, 28 are static rout es, and 1 rout e was calculated thr ough OSPF .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 881 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 T o clear rout e 209. 15 7 .22.0/2 4 from the IP r outing table, enter the f ollowing command. PowerConnect# clear ip route 209.
882 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 fragment ed The total number of IP pack ets fragmented b y this device t o accommodate the MTU of this device or of anot her device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 883 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 Displaying IP information – Layer 2 Switches Y ou can display the fo llowi.
884 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 • Global IP settings – refer t o “Displaying global IP configuration information” on page 884. • ARP entries – ref er to “Displaying ARP entries” on page 884.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 885 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 Syntax: show arp This display sho w s the f ollowing information. Displaying IP tr affic statistics T o display IP traf fic statistics on a Lay er 2 Sw itch, en ter the following command at an y CLI level.
886 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying IP configuratio n information and s tatistics 26 The show ip traf fic command displays the f oll owing inf ormation. TA B L E 16 8 CLI displa y of IP traf fic statist ics – Lay er 2 Switch This field.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 887 53-1002266-01 26 no por t The number of UDP packets dropped becaus e the pack et did not contain a valid UDP port number . input errors This informatio n is used by Dell customer s uppor t. TCP statistics The TC P statistics are derived from RFC 793, “T ransmission Control Pr otocol”.
888 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 26.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 889 53-1002266-01 Chapter 27 Configuring Multicast Listening Discovery (MLD) Snooping on PowerConnect B-Series FCX Switches Ta b l e 1 6 9 lists the individual Dell Pow erConnect sw itches and the MLD snooping f eatures they suppor t.
890 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview 27 The interfaces respond to general queries by send ing a membership repor t containing one or more of the f ollowing recor ds.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 891 53-1002266-01 Overview 27 NOTE For this co mmand to tak e ef fect, you must sa ve the configuratio n an d reload the switch.
892 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview 27 When any por t of a VLAN is co nfigured for MLDv2, the VLAN matches both source and group (S G) in hardware s witching. If no por t is conf igur ed f or MLDv2, the VLAN matches gr oup only (* G).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 893 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 NOTE T o av oid version deadlock, when an interface receiv es a r epor t with a low er version than that for which it has been configured, the inter face does not automatically downgrade the running MLD ver s io n.
894 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 The sys tem s upp or ts u p to 3 2K o f gro ups . Th e co nf igu rab le r ang e i s 25 6 to 3 2 7 68 a nd the defa ult is 8 192. The configured number is the upper limit of an expandable database.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 895 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 Syntax: [ no ] ipv6 mld-snooping age-interval <interval> The <interval> parameter specifies the aging time. Y ou can specify a value from 20 – 7200 seconds.
896 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 Modifying the wait time before sto pping traffic when receiving a leave message Y ou can define the wait time before st opping traf fic to a port when the device receiv es a leave message f or that por t.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 897 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 Disabling MLD snooping for the VLAN When MLD snooping is enabled g lobally, y ou can di sable it f or a specific VLAN. F or example, the follo wing commands disable MLD snoo ping for VLAN 20.
898 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 The ipv6-address paramet er is the IPv6 address of the multicast g roup. The count is optional, which allows a contiguous range of groups. Omitting the count <num> is equiv alent to the count being 1.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 899 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 Every group on a ph ysical por t keeps its own tracking record. How ever , it can track group membership only; it cannot track b y (source, group) . For e xample, Client A and Client B belong to group1 but each is receiving traffic from dif ferent sour ces.
900 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 Displaying MLD snooping information Y ou can display the fo l lowing MLD Snooping info rm ation: • MLD Sno.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 901 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 If tracking and fast lea ve are enabled, you can disp lay the list of clients for a par ticular group by entering the following command.
902 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 Syntax: show ipv6 mld-snooping mcache The f ollowing table describes the output fr om the ipv6 mld-snooping mcache co mmand.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 903 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 Displaying status of MLD snooping traffic T o display status inf ormation for MLD snoo ping traff ic, enter the f ollowing command.
904 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 Displaying MLD snooping information by VLAN Y ou can display MLD snooping information f or all VLANs o r f or a specif ic VLAN. For example, to display MLD snoo ping information f or VLAN 70, enter the f ollowing command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 905 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27 Clear MLD counters on VLANs T o clear MLD Snooping erro r and traf fic counters on all VLANs, enter a command si milar to the following.
906 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring MLD snooping 27.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 907 53-1002266-01 Chapter 28 Configuring RIP (IPv4) Ta b l e 17 0 lists the individual Dell P owerConnect sw itches and the RIP features they suppor t.
908 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 RIP parameters and defaults 28 • Ve r s i o n ( V 1 ) • V1 compatible with V2 • V ersion (V2) (the default) ICMP host unreachable .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 909 53-1002266-01 RIP parameters and defaults 28 RIP interface parameters Ta b l e 17 2 lists the inter face-lev el RIP parameters and their default v alues, and indicates where you can find configurat ion information.
910 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP parameters 28 Configuring RIP parameters Use the follo wing procedures to configure RIP parameters on a system -wide and individual interface basis. Enabling RIP RIP is disabled b y default.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 911 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP parameters 28 PowerConnect(config)#interface ethernet 0/6/1 PowerConnect(config-if-0/6/1)#ip metric 5 These commands configure port 6/1 to add 5 to the cost of each r oute learned on the por t.
912 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP parameters 28 NOTE Refe r to “Changing administrative distances” on page 1 01 4 for the default di stances for all ro ute sources. T o change the administrative distance for RIP routes, ent er a command such as the follo wing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 913 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP parameters 28 Syntax: [ no ] permit | deny redistribute <filter - num> all | bgp | ospf | static address <ip-ad.
914 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP parameters 28 This command assigns a RIP metric of 1 0 to each rout e that is redistribut ed into RIP . Syntax: [ no ] default-m etric <1-1 5> Enabling redistribution Af ter y ou configure redistribution pa rameters , you need to enable redistribution.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 915 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP parameters 28 PowerConnect(config-rip-router)#update-time 120 This command con figures the Lay er 3 Sw itch to send RIP updates e very 120 seconds.
916 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RIP parameters 28 These loop pre vention methods are co nfigurable on an individual interfac e basis. One of the methods is alwa ys in ef fec t on an inter face enabled f or RIP .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 917 53-1002266-01 Displaying RIP filters 28 NOTE By default, r outes that do not matc h a route filt er are learned or adve r tised. T o prevent a route fr om being learned or adv er tised, y ou must co nfigu re a filter to deny t he rout e.
918 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying CPU utilizat ion statistics 28 Displaying CPU utilization statistics Y ou can displa y CP U utilization statistics for RIP and other IP pr otocols.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 919 53-1002266-01 Displaying CPU util ization statistics 28 If the soft ware has been running less than 15 minutes (the maximum interval for utilization statistics), the command indicat es how long th e sof tware has been running, as sho wn in the follo win g example.
920 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying CPU utilizat ion statistics 28.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 921 53-1002266-01 Chapter 29 Configuring OSPF Version 2 (IPv4) Ta b l e 17 4 lists the individ ual Dell PowerConnect switches and the OS PF V ersi on 2 features they suppor t.
922 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview of OSPF 29 This chapter describes how to configure OSPF Vers ion 2 on Lay er 3 Switches using the CLI. OSPF V ersion 2 is suppor t ed on devices running IPv4. NOTE The terms La yer 3 Switch and router are used int erchangeably in this chapt er and mean the same thing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 923 53-1002266-01 Overview of OSPF 29 An Aut onomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) is a rout er that is running multiple protocols and serves as a gate wa y to rout ers outside an area an d those operating with dif ferent pr otocols.
924 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview of OSPF 29 I n a n O S P F p o i n t - to - p o i n t n e t wo r k , w h e r e a d i r e c t La ye r 3 c o n n e c t i o n e x .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 925 53-1002266-01 Overview of OSPF 29 NOTE Priority is a configurable opt ion at the interface level. Y ou can use this parameter to help bias one rout er as the DR.
926 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview of OSPF 29 NOTE For de tails on how to configure the syst em to operat e with the RFC 2 1 78, refer t o “Modifying the OSPF standard compliance setting” on page 962.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 927 53-1002266-01 Overview of OSPF 29 FIGURE 1 4 1 AS External LSA reduction Notice that both R outer D and Rout er E hav e a route t o the other routing domain thr ough Rout er F .
928 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview of OSPF 29 that flush the duplicate AS Ext ernal LSAs ha ve more memor y f or other OSPF data. In Figure 1 4 1 , since Rout er D has a higher router ID than Rout er E, Router D floods the AS External LSAs for Rout er F to Rout ers A , B, and C.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 929 53-1002266-01 Overview of OSPF 29 All three networks ha ve the sam e network address , 1 0.0. 0.0. Without suppo r t for RFC 2328 Appendix E, an OSPF r outer uses the same link state ID, 1, f or the LSAs for all three networks.
930 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 OSPF graceful restart 29 Y ou also can change the amount of memor y alloca ted t o various types of LSA entries.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 931 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 4. Define redistribution filters, if desired. 5. Enable redistribution, if you defined redistribution filt ers. 6. Modify default global and po r t parameters as req u ired.
932 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Interface parameters: • Assign interfaces to an area. • Define the authentication key f or the inter face. • Change the authentication-change inter val • Modify the cost f or a link.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 933 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 If you ha ve disabled the pr otocol but ha ve not ye t sav ed the configura tion to the startup-config f ile and rel.
934 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 When an NSSA contains more than one ABR, OSPF elects one of the ABRs to perform the LSA translation f or NSSA.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 935 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 The stub <cost> parameter specifies an additional cost fo r using a rout e to or from this area and can be from 1 through 1 677 721 5. There is no default. Normal areas do not use the cost parameter .
936 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 The ABR translates the T ype-7 LSAs into T ype-5 LS As. If an area range is configured fo r the NSSA , the ABR also summarizes the LSAs into an aggregate LSA before flooding the T y pe-5 LSAs into the backbone.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 937 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 The <ip-mask> parameter specifies the por tions of the IP address that a r oute must contain to be summarized in the summar y rout e. In the example abo ve, all netw orks that b e g i n w i t h 2 0 9 .
938 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 • ip ospf cost <num> • ip ospf dead-int er val <value> • ip ospf hello-inter val <value> •.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 939 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 MD5-authentication activation wait time : The number of seconds the La yer 3 Switch waits until placing a new MD5 k ey into effect. The wait time pr ovides a wa y to gracefully transition fr om one MD5 ke y to another without disturbing the network.
940 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 NOTE If you w ant the sof tware to assume that the v alu e you ent er is the clear-t ext f orm, and to encr ypt display of that form, do not ent er 0 or 1 . Instead, omit the encr yption option and allow the sof tware to use the default behavior .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 941 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Block flooding of outbound LSAs on specific OSPF interfaces By default, the La yer 3 Switch floods all outbound LS As on all the OSPF interfaces within an area. Y ou can configure a filt er to block outbound LSAs on an OSPF int e r face.
942 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 PowerConnect(config)#int ve 20 PowerConnect(config-vif-20)#ip ospf area 0 PowerConnect(config-vif-20)#ip ospf network non-broadcast PowerConnect(config-vif-20)#exit Syntax: [ no ] ip ospf network non-broadcast The follo wing commands specify 1.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 943 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 NOTE By default, the Dell router ID is the IP addre ss configu red on the lowest number ed loopback interface. If the Lay er 3 Switch does not hav e a loop back int er face, the default rout er ID is the lowest numbered IP address configured on the de vice.
944 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 PowerConnectC(config-ospf-router)#area 1 virtual-link PowerConnectC(config-ospf-router)#write memory Syntax.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 945 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 MD5 Authentication Wait Time : This parameter det ermines when a newly configured MD5 authentication key is v alid. This parameter pr ov ides a graceful transition fr om one MD5 k ey to another without disturbi ng the network.
946 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Changing the reference bandwidth for the cost on OSPF interfaces Each int er face on which OSPF is enabled has a cost associat ed with it. The La yer 3 Switch advertises its interfaces and their costs to OSPF neighbors.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 947 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Interface types to which the re ference bandwidth does not apply Some int er face types are not affect ed by the reference bandwidth and alw ays ha ve the same cost regardless of the ref erence bandwidth in use: • The cost of a loopback int er face is alw ays 0.
948 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 In Figure 144 on page 948, an administrator wants to configure the Pow erConnect Layer 3 Switch acting as the ASBR (Autonomous System Boundar y Rout er) between the RIP domain and the OS PF domain to redistribut e route s between the two domains.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 949 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 NOTE Redistribution is permitt ed for all r outes by def ault, so the permit redistribute 1 all command in the example ab ov e is shown for clari ty but is not required.
950 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Preventing specific OSPF routes fr om being installed in the IP route table By default, all OSPF routes in the OSPF route table ar e eligibl e f or ins tallation in the IP route table.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 951 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Syntax: deny | permit <source-ip> <wildcard> The <A CL -name> | <ACL -id> parameter specifies the ACL name or ID. The in command applies the ACL to incoming rout e updates.
952 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 The first th ree commands co nfigure an extended AC L that denies routes t o any 4.x.x.x destination network with a network mask and allo ws all other rout es for eligibility t o be installed in the IP ro ute table.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 953 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Because this ACL is input to an OSPF distributi on list, the <destination- ip> parameter actually specifies the subnet mask of the route. The <wildcard> parameter specifies the por t ion of the subnet mask t o match against.
954 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 The commands in this example configure some st atic IP r outes, then co nfigure a rout e map and use the rout e map for redistributing stati c IP routes into OSPF . The ip route commands configure the static IP rout es.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 955 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 NOTE For an e xternal r oute that is redistributed int o OSPF thr ough a route map, the metric v alue of the rout e remains the same un less the metric is set by a set metric command inside th e rout e ma p.
956 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 • Po werConnect->R4 • Po werConnect->R5 • Po werConnect->R6 Normally , the Dell Po werCo nnect switch will ch oose the path to the R1 with the lower metric.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 957 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 PowerConnect(config-ospf-router)#summary-address The command in this example configures summar y address 1 0.1 .0.0, which includes addresses 1 0.
958 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 If the Lay er 3 Switch is an ASBR, y ou can use the “alwa ys” option when you enable the default r oute originati on. The always opt ion ca uses the ASBR to creat e and advertise a default r oute if it does not already ha ve one configured.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 959 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Y ou can set the dela y and hold time t o lower value s to cause the La yer 3 Switch t o change to alternat e paths more quickly in the ev ent of a rout e failure. Note that lo wer values require more CPU processing time.
960 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 • Inter -area routes • External r outes The default f or all these OSPF ro ute types is 11 0. NOTE This f eature does not influence the choice of routes within OSPF .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 961 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Syntax: [ no ] timers lsa-group-pacing <secs> The <secs> paramet er specif ies the number of second s and can be from 1 0 throug h 1800 (30 minutes). The default is 2 40 seconds (4 minutes).
962 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 Example T o reinstate the trap, enter the following command. PowerConnect(config-ospf-router)#trap neighbor-state-ch.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 963 53-1002266-01 Configuring OSPF 29 NOTE Po werConnect devices dynamically allocat e OSPF memor y as needed. Ref er to “Dynamic OSPF memor y” on page 930. T o modify the exit o ver flow interval to 60 seconds, ent er the following command.
964 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Clearing OSPF information 29 Enabling and disabling OS PF graceful restart OSPF graceful restar t is enabled by def ault on a Pow erConnect La ye r 3 switch. T o disable it, use the fo llowing commands.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 965 53-1002266-01 Clearing OSPF information 29 • OSPF area inf orm ation, including rout es received from OSPF neighbors wi thin an area, as w ell as rout es impor ted int o the area.
966 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF informatio n 29 Syntax: clear ospf redistribution This command clears all rout es in the OSPF r o uting table that are redistributed fr om other pro tocols, including direct connect ed, static, RIP , and BGP .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 967 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF information 29 • T rap state inf ormation – refer t o “Displaying OSPF trap status” on page 9 78. • OSPF graceful restar t - ref er to “Displaying OSPF gracef ul restart information” on page 9 78.
968 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF informatio n 29 Displaying CPU utilization statistics Y ou can display CPU utilization statist ics for OSPF and o ther IP protocols.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 969 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF information 29 The <num> paramet er specifies the number of seconds and can be from 1 thr ough 900. If you use this parameter , the command lists the usage statistics only f or the specified number of seconds.
970 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF informatio n 29 Syntax: show ip ospf neighbor [ r outer -id <ip-addr> ] | [ <num> ] | [ detail ] The ro ute r-i d <ip -addr> parameter displa ys only the neighbor entries for the specified r outer .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 971 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF information 29 Displaying OSPF interface information T o display OSPF interface information, en ter the f ollowing command at any CLI le vel. State The state of t he conversation be tween the Lay er 3 Switch and the neighbor .
972 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF informatio n 29 Syntax: show ip ospf interface [ <ip-addr> ] The <ip-addr> parameter displa ys the OSPF interface information f or the specified IP address.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 973 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF information 29 Displaying OSPF route information T o display OSPF r oute information f or the rout er , enter the f o llowing command at an y CLI leve l. Syntax: show ip ospf r outes [ <ip-addr> ] The <ip-addr> parameter specifies a destination IP address.
974 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF informatio n 29 Displaying the routes that have been redistributed into OSPF Y ou can display the r outes that ha ve been redist ributed into OSPF . T o displa y the redistributed rout es, enter the f ollowing command at an y level of the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 975 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF information 29 Displaying OSPF external link state information T o display ext ernal link state information, enter the f ollowing comm and at any CLI lev el.
976 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF informatio n 29 Displaying OSPF link state information T o display link stat e info rmation, ent er the follo wing command at an y CLI lev el.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 977 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF information 29 Syntax: show ip ospf data base e xternal-lin k-stat e [ adver tise <num> ] | [ link-stat e-id <i.
978 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF informatio n 29 PowerConnect#show ip ospf border-routers Syntax: show ip ospf border -routers [ <ip-addr> ] The <ip-addr> parameter displa ys the ABR and ASBR entries for the specified IP address.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 979 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF information 29 Ta b l e 1 8 0 defines the fields in the show output. TA B L E 1 8 0 CLI displ ay of OSPF database grac e LSA information Field Defini tion Area The OSPF area that the int er face configured f or OSPF graceful restart is in.
980 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying OSPF informatio n 29.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 981 53-1002266-01 Chapter 30 Configuring BGP4 (IPv4) Ta b l e 1 8 1 lists individual Dell P owerCo nnect switches and the BGP4 f eatures they suppor t. BGP4 f eatures are suppor ted on P owerConnect B-Seri es FCX ADV devic es running the full Layer 3 soft ware image.
982 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview of BGP4 30 Overview of BGP4 BGP4 is the standard Ext erior Gatew ay Pr otocol (E GP) used on the Internet to route traffic between Auto no m ou s S y ste ms (A S ) a nd to m a in ta in lo o p- fr e e ro ut in g.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 983 53-1002266-01 Overview of BGP4 30 Although a La yer 3 Switch BGP4 r oute table can ha ve multiple r outes t o the same destination, the BGP4 prot ocol evaluat es the rout es and chooses only one of the rout es to send to the IP rout e table.
984 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview of BGP4 30 3. If the weights are the same, prefer the route with the larg est local preference. 4. If the ro utes hav e the same local pref erence, pref er the route that w as originated locally (by this BGP4 Lay er 3 Switch).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 985 53-1002266-01 Overview of BGP4 30 NOTE Lay er 3 Switches suppor t BGP4 lo ad sharing among multiple equal-cost paths. BGP4 load sharing enables the Lay er 3 Switch to balance th e traf fic across the multiple paths instead of choosing just one path based on r outer ID.
986 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview of BGP4 30 UPDATE message Af ter BGP4 neighbors establish a BGP4 connectio n over T CP and exchange their BGP4 r outing tables, they do no t send periodic r outing updates.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 987 53-1002266-01 BGP4 graceful restart 30 BGP4 graceful restart BGP4 graceful restar t is a high-availability r outing feature that minimizes disruption .
988 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 BGP4 parameters 30 NOTE By default, the r outer ID is the IP address configur ed on the lowest numbered loopback inte r face. If the La yer 3 Switch does not ha ve a loopback int er face, the def ault router ID is the lowest numbered IP interface address configured on the de vice.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 989 53-1002266-01 BGP4 parameters 30 • Req uired – Identify BGP4 neighbors. • Optional – Change the K eep Alive Time and Hold Time. • Optional – Change the update timer for r oute changes. • Optional – Enable fast e xternal fallo ver .
990 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 BGP4 parameters 30 Immediately The follo wing parameter changes take ef fect immediat ely: • Enable or disable BGP . • Set or change the local AS. • Add neighbors. • Change the update time r for r oute changes.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 991 53-1002266-01 Memory considerations 30 After disabling and re-e nabling redistribution The following paramet er ch ange takes effect only af ter you disable and then re-enable redistribution: • Change the default MED (metric).
992 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 Basic configuration tasks The f ollowing sections describe ho w to per fo rm th e configuration tasks that are required to use BGP4 on the Lay er 3 Switch. Y ou can modify man y parameters in addition t o the ones described in this section.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 993 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 Setting the local AS number The local AS number identifies th e AS the Dell BGP4 rout er is in. The AS number can be from 1 through 65535 . There is no default.
994 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 NOTE If the Lay er 3 Switch has multiple neighbors with s imilar attributes, you can simplify configuration by configuring a peer gr oup, then addi ng individual neighbors t o it.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 995 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 NOTE The Lay er 3 Switch applies the adver tisement inte rval only under cer tain conditions. The Lay er 3 Switch does not apply the advertisement inter val when sending initial updates t o a BGP4 n eighbor .
996 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 filter -list in | out <num,num,...> sp ecif i es a n AS -pa th f ilte r lis t o r a li st of AS -p ath ACLs. The in | out ke yword specifies whe ther the list is applied on updat es received from the ne ighbor or sent to the neighbor .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 997 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 NOTE If you w ant the sof tware to assume that the v alu e you ent er is the clear-t ext f orm, and to encr ypt display of that form, do not enter 0 or 1. I n stead, omit the encr yption option and allow the software to use the default behavior .
998 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 indefinitely f or messages from a neighbor withou t concluding that the neig hbor is dead. The defaults f or these parameters are the currently co nfigured glo bal Keep Aliv e Time and Hold Time.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 999 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 Notice that the sof tware has converted the comman ds that specify an auth entication string into the new syntax (described belo w), and has encr yp t ed display of the authentication strings.
1000 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 The enable passw ord-display command enables display of the auth entication string, but only in the output of the show ip bgp neighbors command. Displa y of the string is still encrypted in the star tup-conf ig file and run ning-config.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1001 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 NOTE If you ent er a command to remo ve the remot e AS paramet er from a peer gr oup, the sof tware checks to ensure that the peer gr oup does not contain an y neighbors.
1002 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 • If you add a paramet er to a peer group that alre ady conta ins neighbors, the parameter value is applied to neighbors that do no t already have the paramet er explicitly set.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1003 53-1002266-01 Basic configuration tasks 30 [ send-community ] [ sof t-reconfiguration inbound ] [ shutdown ] [ timers keep-alive <num> hold-tim.
1004 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 NOTE The sof tware also contains an op tion t o end the session with a BGP4 neighbor and thus clear the rout es learned from the neighbor .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1005 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 For e a ch key wo rd , <num> indicates the number of seconds. The K eep Alive Time can be 0 thr ough 65535. The Hold Time c an be 0 or 3 through 6553 5 (1 and 2 are not allow ed).
1006 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 Changing the maximum number of paths for BGP4 load sharing Load sharing enables the La yer 3 Switch to balanc e traffic to a route acr oss mu ltiple equal-cost paths of the same type (EBGP or IBGP) f or the rout e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1007 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 If an IGP path used b y a BGP4 nex t-hop route path installed in the IP rout e table changes, then the BGP4 paths and IP paths are adjusted accor dingly .
1008 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 • multi-as – Load sharing is enabled for pa ths from different autonomous systems. By default, load sharing applies to EBGP and IBGP paths, and does not apply to paths from different neighboring autonomous syst ems.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1009 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 T o configure a route map, and use it t o set or ch ange ro ute attributes for a network y ou def ine for BGP4 to adv er tise, enter commands such as the f ollowing.
1010 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 Using the IP default route as a valid next hop for a BGP4 route By default, the Layer 3 Switch does not use a default route t o resolve a BGP4 ne xt-hop rout e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1011 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 Enabling next-hop recursion For each BGP4 rout e a Layer 3 Switch learns, the Lay er 3 Switch per forms a r oute look up to obtain the IP address of the r oute nex t hop.
1012 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 In this ex ample, the Laye r 3 Switch cannot reach 2 4, because the next-ho p IP address f or the rout e is an IBGP rout e instead of an IGP route, and thus is considered unreachable by th e Lay er 3 Switch.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1013 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 The first look up results in an IBGP r oute, t o network 1 4. Since the ro ute to 1 02.0.0. 1/2 4 is not an IGP ro ute, the Lay er 3 Switch cannot reach the ne xt hop through IP , and thus cannot use the BGP r oute.
1014 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 This Laye r 3 Switch can use this route because the Lay er 3 Switch has an IP r oute to the ne xt-hop gate wa y . Without recursive ne xt-hop look ups, th is route w ould not be in the IP rout e table.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1015 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 Lower administrativ e distances ar e preferred over higher distances. F or example, if the router receives r outes f or the same network from OSPF and fr om RIP , the rout er will prefer the OSPF route by default.
1016 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 PowerConnect(config-bgp-router)#as-path-ignore This command disables comparison of the AS-Pat h lengths of ot her wise equal paths.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1017 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 Y ou can enable the Lay er 3 Switch to alwa ys co mpare the MEDs, regar dless of the AS information in the paths.
1018 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 • A cluster is a gr oup of IGP rout ers organized into r oute reflect ors and route re flector clients. Y ou configure the cluster b y ass igning a cluster ID on the r oute reflector and identifying the IGP neighbors that are members of that cluster .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1019 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 FIGURE 1 4 7 Example of a route reflector configuration Support for RFC 2796 Rout e reflection on Dell Pow erConnect devices is based on RFC 279 6.
1020 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 • A Lay er 3 Switch configured as a rout e reflector sets the ORI GINA T OR_ID attribute to the r outer ID of the r outer that originat ed the rout e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1021 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 If you need t o disable rout e reflection between clients, enter the f ollowing co mmand. When t he fe ature is disabled, rout e reflection does not occu r betw een clients but reflection does still occur between cl ients and non-clients.
1022 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 FIGURE 1 48 Ex ample of a BGP4 confederation In this example, f our switches are configured in to two sub-autonomous systems, each containing two of the switches.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1023 53-1002266-01 Optional configuratio n tasks 30 • Configure the conf ederation ID. The confederation ID is the A S number by which BGP switches outside the confed eration know the confed eration.
1024 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Optional configuration tasks 30 Commands for router C PowerConnectC(config)#router bgp PowerConnectC(config-bgp-router)#local-as 64513 .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1025 53-1002266-01 Configuring BGP4 graceful restart 30 The advert ise-map <map-name> parameter configures the r outer t o adver tise the more specific rout es in the specified r oute map.
1026 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 BGP null0 routing 30 Configuring the BGP4 graceful restart stale ro utes timer Use the f ollowing command t o specify the maximum am ount of time a helper device will wait f or a n end-of-RIB message fr om a peer before delet ing routes from that peer .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1027 53-1002266-01 BGP null0 routing 30 Figure 149 shows a t o pology for a null0 routing application ex ample. FIGURE 1 49 Ex ample of a null0 routing application The follo wing steps configu re a null0 routing applicat ion for st opping denial of ser vice attack s from remote hosts on the int ernet.
1028 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 BGP null0 routing 30 Configuration examples S6 The following configuration defines specific prefixes t o filter . PowerConnect(config)#ip route ethernet 3/7 tag 50 PowerConnect(config)#ip route 115.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1029 53-1002266-01 BGP null0 routing 30 Show commands Af ter configuring the null0 applicat ion, y ou can display the output. S6 The following is the show ip r oute static output for S6. S1 and S2 The following is the show ip r oute static output for S1 and S2.
1030 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Modifying redistribution parameters 30 S1 and S2 The show ip r oute output f or S1 and S2 shows "drop" under the Port column for the network prefixes you configured with null0 ro uting.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1031 53-1002266-01 Modifying redistri bution parameters 30 Re fe r t o t he fo l l ow i n g s e c t i on s fo r d et a i l s o n redistrib uting specific .
1032 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Modifying redistribution parameters 30 Syntax: redistribute ospf [ match in ternal | exte rn al 1 | ex te rn a l2 ] [ metric <num> ] [ ro u te- m ap <map-name> ] The ospf parameter indicat es that you are redi stributing OSPF ro utes into BGP4.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1033 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 T o disable re-advertisement of BGP4 rout es to BG P4 neighbors e xcept for r outes that the software also instal ls in the rout e tabl e, ent er the following command.
1034 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 NOTE Once you define a filter , the default action f or ad dresses that do no t match a filter is “den y”. T o change the default action to “permit”, configure the last filter as “permit an y any”.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1035 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 If you enable the soft ware t o display IP subnet ma sks in CIDR fo rmat, the mask is sav ed in the file in “/ <mask-bits> ” f o rmat.
1036 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 The <as-path> paramet er indicates the AS-path inf ormatio n. Y ou can enter an e x act AS-path stri ng if you w ant to filt er for a specific v alue. Y o u al so can use regu lar expressions in the filt er string.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1037 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 Special characters When you ent er as single-character e xpression or a list of charact ers, you also can use the follo win g special characters. Ta b l e 1 8 2 on page 1 03 7 lists the special characters.
1038 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 If you want t o filter f or a special character instead of u sing the special charact er , enter “” (backslash) in front of the charact er .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1039 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 NOTE The La yer 3 Switch cannot actively support commun it y filters and community list ACLs at the same time.
1040 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 The no-export keyw ord filt ers for r outes with the w ell -known community “NO_EXPORT”. A r oute in this community should no t be adver tised to an y BGP4 neighbors outside the local AS .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1041 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 The <regular-e xpression> parameter specifies a regular e xpr ession fo r matching on community names. For inf ormation about regu lar expression syntax, ref er to “Using regular expressions” on page 1 036.
1042 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 Defining neighbor distribute lists A neighbor di stribute list is a list of BGP4 addre ss filters or A CLs that filter the traf fic to or fr om a neighbor . T o configure a neighbo r distribute list, use either of the follo wing methods.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1043 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 If the r oute map contains set stat ements, rout es that are permitted b y the rout e map match statements are modified acco r ding to the set statements.
1044 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 As shown in this e xample, the command pro mpt changes to the R oute Map lev el. Y ou can enter the match and set stat ements at this level. R efer t o “Specifying the match conditions” on page 1 044 and “Setting parameters in the rout es” on page 1 04 7.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1045 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 NOTE The filters must al ready be configured. The community <num> parameter specifies a community ACL.
1046 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 PowerConnect(config)#ip community-list 1 permit 123:2 PowerConnect(config)#route-map CommMap permit 1 PowerConnect(config-routemap CommMap)#match community 1 Syntax: match community <string> The <str ing> parameter specifies a co mmunity list AC L.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1047 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 The first command configures an IP AC L that ma tches on rout es received fr om 192. 168.6.0/2 4. The remaining commands conf igure a rout e map th at matches on all BGP 4 r outes advertised by the BGP4 neighbors whose addresses match addresses in the IP prefix list.
1048 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 [ dampening [ <half-life> <reuse> <sup press> <max-suppress-time> ]] [[ default ] interface null0 .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1049 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 The metric-type type-1 | type-2 paramet er changes the metric type of a rout e redistributed into OSPF . The metric -type internal paramet er s ets the rout e's ME D to the same value as the IGP metric of the BGP4 nex t-hop rout e.
1050 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 These commands configure a route map that matches on r outes whose destination network is specified in ACL 1, a nd sets the next hop in the rout es to the neighbor address (inbound filt ering) or the local IP address of the BGP4 session (outbound filtering ).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1051 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 T o create a r oute map and identify it as a tabl e map, enter commands such as f ollowing. These commands create a r oute map that uses an address filter . For r outes that match the address filt er , the rout e map changes the tag v alue to 1 00.
1052 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 PowerConnect(config)#ip prefix-list Routesfrom1234 deny PowerConnect(config)#ip prefix-list Routesfrom1234 permit le 32 PowerConnect(config)#router bgp PowerConnect(config-bgp-router)#neighbor 1.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1053 53-1002266-01 Filtering 30 T o per form a soft reset of a neighbor session and send ORFs t o the neighbor , enter a command such as the fo llowing.
1054 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring route flap dampening 30 Configuring route flap dampening A “rout e flap” is the change in a rout e state, fr om up to down or do wn to up. When a r oute state changes, the state change causes changes in the r o ute tables of the ro uters that suppor t the r oute.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1055 53-1002266-01 Configuring route flap dampening 30 Globally configuring route flap dampening T o enable rout e flap dampening using the default values, ent er the follo wing command.
1056 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring route flap dampening 30 The address-filter commands in this e xample configure two BGP4 address filters, f or networks 209. 15 7 .22.0 and 209. 15 7 .23.0. The first r oute- map command creates an entry in a route map called “DAMPENING_MAP”.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1057 53-1002266-01 Configuring route flap dampening 30 PowerConnect(config)#route-map DAMPENING_MAP_ENABLE permit 1 PowerConnect(config-routemap DAMPENING.
1058 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring route flap dampening 30 Here is an example. The aggregate-address command conf igures an aggregate address. The summar y -only p arameter prev ents the Layer 3 Switch fr om adver tising more specific routes contained within the aggregat e ro ute.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1059 53-1002266-01 Configuring route flap dampening 30 Displaying and clearing route flap dampening statistics The sof tware pro vides many options for displa ying an d clearing r oute flap statistics. T o display the statistics, use either of the f ollowing methods.
1060 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Generating traps for BGP 30 Y ou also can display all the dampened rout es by ente ring the sho w ip bgp dampened-paths command. Clearing route flap dampening statistics T o clear rout e flap dampening statis tics, use the following CLI method.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1061 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Syntax: [ no ] snmp-ser ver enable traps bgp Use the no for m o f t h e c om m a n d t o disable BGP traps.
1062 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Ta b l e 1 8 4 lists the field definitions f or the command output. TA B L E 1 8 4 BGP4 summa r y information Field Des cription Rout er ID The Layer 3 Swit ch router ID .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1063 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 State The state of this router neighbo r session with each neighbor. The states are from this r outer perspectiv e of the session, not the neighbor perspecti ve.
1064 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Displaying the active BGP4 configuration T o view the active BGP4 configuration inf ormatio n contained in the running-config without displaying the entire running-confi g, use the f ollowing CLI method.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1065 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 If the soft ware has been running less than 15 minutes (the maximum interval for utilization statistics), the command indicat es how long the software has been running.
1066 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Displaying summary neighbor information T o display summary neighbor information, ent er a command such as the follo w ing at any le vel of the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1067 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Displaying BGP4 neighbor information T o view BGP4 neighbor info rmatio n including the values f or all the configured parameters, enter the f ollowing command.
1068 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 This example sho ws how to displa y information for a specific neighbor , by specifying the neighbor IP address with the command. None of the o ther disp lay options are used; thus, all of the information is display ed for the neighbor .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1069 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 The attribute-entries option shows the attribute-entries associated with r outes received fr om the neighbor . The flap-statistics option sho ws the route flap statistics f or rout es received from or se nt to the neighbor .
1070 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Rout erID The neighbor rout er ID. Description The descripti on you gav e the neighbor when you configured it on the La yer 3 Switch. State The state of the r outer session with the neig hbor .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1071 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Remo vePrivat eAs Wheth er this option is enabled for the neigh bor . Refresh Capability Whether this Lay er 3 Switch has received con f irmation fr om the neighbor that the neighbor suppo r ts the dynamic refresh capabili ty.
1072 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Last Connection R eset Rea so n The reason the pre vious session with this neighbor ended.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1073 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Notification Sent If the rout er receives a NO TIFICA TION message from the neighbor , the messag e contains an e rror code corresp onding to one of the following errors.
1074 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 T CP Connection state The state of the connect ion with the neighbor . The connection can ha ve one of the fol l ow i ng s ta t es : • LISTEN – Waiting for a connection request.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1075 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Displaying route information for a neighbor Y ou can display r outes based on the f ollowing criteria: • A summar y of the r outes fo r a specific neighbor .
1076 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 T A B L E 187 BGP4 route s ummar y information f or a neighbor Field Des cription Rout es Received How m.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1077 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Displaying advertised routes T o display the r outes the Lay er 3 Switch has adver tised to a specific neighbor f or a specific network, enter a command such as the f ollowing at an y level of the CLI.
1078 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Displaying the best routes th at were nonetheless not inst alled in the IP route table T o display the B.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1079 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Syntax: show ip bgp pee r-group [ <peer-gr oup-name> ] Only the parameters that hav e values dif ferent fr om their defaults are listed.
1080 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Displaying the BGP4 route table BGP4 uses filters y ou define as well as the algorithm described in “Ho w BGP4 selects a path for a rou te ” on page 983 to de termine the pref erred ro ute to a destination.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1081 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 The community option lets you displa y routes f or a specific co mmunity . Y ou can specify local-as , no-export , no-adver tise , internet , or a privat e community number .
1082 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 For inf ormation about the f ields in this display , refer t o T a ble 189 on page 1 083. The fields in this display also appear in the sho w ip b gp displa y .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1083 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Displaying information for a specific route T o display BGP4 network inf ormation by specifyi ng an IP address within the network, enter a command such as the follo wing at any lev el of the CLI.
1084 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Displaying route details Here is an e xample of the information displa yed when you use the detail option. In this exam ple, the information f or one route is show n .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1085 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 These displays show the f ollowing information. TA B L E 19 0 BGP4 route inf ormation Field Des cription T otal number of BGP Rout es The number of BGP4 routes.
1086 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Displaying BGP4 route-attribute entries The rout e-attribute entries table lists the se ts of BGP4 attributes st ored in the route r memor y . Each set of attributes is unique an d can be associated with one or more routes.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1087 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Displaying the routes BG P4 has placed in the IP route table The IP route table indicates the rout es it has re ce ived fr om BGP4 by listing “BGP” as the r oute type.
1088 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 information 30 Displaying route flap dampening statistics T o display r oute dampening statistics or all the dampened rout es, enter the f ollowing command at any le vel of the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1089 53-1002266-01 Displaying BGP4 informatio n 30 Y ou also can display all the dampened rout es by ente ring the following command.
1090 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Updating route information and resetting a neighbor session 30 This example sho ws the active configuration f or a rout e map called “setcomm“.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1091 53-1002266-01 Updating route information and reset ting a neighbor session 30 Using soft reconfiguration The sof t reconfiguratio n feature places policy changes into effect wi thout resetting the B GP4 session.
1092 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Updating route information and resetting a neighbor session 30 NOTE If you do not specify “in”, the command appl ies t o both inbound and outbound updates. NOTE The syntax related to soft reco nfiguration is shown.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1093 53-1002266-01 Updating route information and reset ting a neighbor session 30 Syntax: show ip bgp neighbors <ip-addr> receiv ed-routes [ de tail ] The detail paramete r displays detailed inf ormation for the r outes.
1094 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Updating route information and resetting a neighbor session 30 NOTE The option f or dynamically refreshing rout es rece ived fr om a neighbor requires the neighbor to suppor t dynamic ro ute refresh.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1095 53-1002266-01 Updating route information and reset ting a neighbor session 30 T o dynamically rese nd all the Lay er 3 Switch BGP4 rout es to a n ei gh bo r , enter a command such as the fo llowing. PowerConnect(config-bgp-router)#clear ip bgp neighbor 192.
1096 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Updating route information and resetting a neighbor session 30 Closing or resetting a neighbor session Y ou can close a ne ighbor session or rese nd rout e updates t o a neighbor .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1097 53-1002266-01 Clearing traffic counters 30 Switch sends updates to advertise, change, or e ven withdraw r outes on the neighbor as needed. This ensures that the neighbor rece ives on ly the r outes you w ant it to contain.
1098 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Clearing route flap dampening statistics 30 Syntax: clear ip bgp neighbor all | <ip-addr> | <peer-gr oup-name> | <as-num> traf fic The all | <ip-ad dr> | <pee r -group-n ame> | <as-num> option specifies the neighbo r .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1099 53-1002266-01 Clearing diagnostic buffers 30 • The first 400 bytes of the la st packet that contained an error • The last NO TIFICA TION message either sent or receiv ed by the La yer 3 Switch T o display these buffers, use options with the show ip bgp neighbors command.
1100 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Clearing diagnostic buffers 30.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1101 53-1002266-01 Chapter 31 Configuring VRRP and VRRPE Ta b l e 1 9 3 lists the individual Dell Po werConnect swit ches and the VRRP and VRRPE fe atures they suppor t.
1102 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview 31 Overview of VRRP VRRP is a pro tocol that pro vides redundancy to ro uters within a LAN. VRRP allo ws you to pr ovide alternat e router paths f or a host without changing the IP address or MAC ad dress by which the host knows its gate way .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1103 53-1002266-01 Overview 31 FIGURE 1 5 1 Switch 1 and Switch 2 are configured as a VRRP vir tual router for redundant network access for Host1 The dashed box in Figure 1 5 1 represents a VRRP vir tual ro uter .
1104 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview 31 When you configure a VRID, the software automati cally as signs its MAC address. When a V RID becomes active, the Mast er router br oadcasts a gratuitous ARP request containing the vir tual rout er MAC add ress for each IP ad dress associated with the vir tual r outer .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1105 53-1002266-01 Overview 31 Hello messages VRRP routers use Hello messages for negotiation t o determine the Master rout er . VRRP rout ers send Hello messages to IP Multicast address 22 4. 0.0. 18. The frequency wit h which the Master sends Hello messages is the Hello Inter val.
1106 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview 31 In Figure 15 1 on page 11 03, the track priority results in Switch 1 VRRP priority becoming low er than Switch 2 VRRP priority .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1107 53-1002266-01 Overview 31 • VRRPE does not use Owners. All routers are Backups f or a given VRID. The r outer with the highest priority becomes Master . If there is a tie for highest priority , the router with the highest IP address becomes Mast er .
1108 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Overview 31 FIGURE 1 52 Rout er1 and Router2 are configured t o pr ovide dual redundant netw ork access for the host In this ex ample, Switch 1 and Sw itch 2 use VRRPE to load share as well as pr ovide redundancy to the hosts.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1109 53-1002266-01 Comparison of VRRP and VR RPE 31 Configuration note VRRP-E is suppor ted in the ed ge Layer 3 and full La ye r 3 code only . It is not supported in the base Layer 3 code. Comparison of VRRP and VRRPE This section compares r outer redundancy pr otoc ols.
1110 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VRRP and VRRPE parameters 31 Virtual router IP address (the address you are backing up) • VRRP – The virtual router IP address is the same as an IP address or vir tual interface configured on one of the Layer 3 Switches, which is the “Owner” and becomes the def ault Master .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1111 53-1002266-01 VRRP and VRRPE parameters 31 VRID MA C address The source MA C address in VRRP or VRRPE packet s sent from the VRID int er face, and the destination f or packets sent to the VRID: • VRRP – A vir tual MAC addr ess def ined as 00-00-5e-00-0 1- <vrid> .
1112 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 VRRP and VRRPE parameters 31 Dead interval The numbe r of seconds a Backup w aits for a Hello message fr om the Maste r for the VRID bef ore determining that the Mast er is no longer active.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1113 53-1002266-01 Configuring basic VRRP parameters 31 Configuring basic VRRP parameters T o implement a simple V RRP configuration u sing all the default v alues, enter commands such as the fo llowing.
1114 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Note regarding disabling VRRP or VRRPE 31 NOTE Yo u a l s o c a n u s e t h e enable command t o activate the configuration.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1115 53-1002266-01 Configuring additional VRRP and VRRPE parameters 31 • Backup priority • Suppression of RIP adv er t isements on Ba ck up routes f o.
1116 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring additional VRRP and VRRPE parameters 31 The parameter v alues are the same as for VRRP . Router type A VRRP interface is either an Owner or a Backup f or a given VRID. By default, the Owner becomes the Master f ollowing the negotiation.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1117 53-1002266-01 Configuring additional VRRP and VRRPE parameters 31 Syntax: back up [ priority <value> ] [ track-priority <value> ] The priority <value> parameter specifies the VRRP priority f or this inter face and VRID.
1118 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring additional VRRP and VRRPE parameters 31 Dead interval The Dead int er val is the number of seconds a Ba ckup waits f or a Hello message from the Master before determining that the Mast er is dead.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1119 53-1002266-01 Configuring additional VRRP and VRRPE parameters 31 Syntax: track-port ethernet [ <slo tnum>/ ] <por tnum > | ve <num> The syntax is the same f or VRRP and VRRPE.
1120 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring additional VRRP and VRRPE parameters 31 Syntax: non-preempt-mode The syntax is the same f or VRRP and VRRPE.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1121 53-1002266-01 Forcing a Master router to abdicate to a standby router 31 T o set the VRRP-E slow star t timer to 30 seconds, enter the following commands.
1122 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information 31 mode owner priority 99 current priority 99 hello-interval 1 sec ip-address 192.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1123 53-1002266-01 Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information 31 The <por tnum> parameter specifies an Ethernet port. If you use this p arameter , the command displays VRRP or VRRPE inf ormation only for the specified por t.
1124 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information 31 This exam ple is for a VRRP Owner . Here is an exam ple for a VRRP Back up.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1125 53-1002266-01 Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information 31 Syntax: show ip vrrp-ex tended brief | ethernet [ <slotnum> /] <por tnum> | ve <nu m> | stat The brief parameter displa ys summary information.
1126 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information 31 priority The device pref erability f or becoming the Master f or the VRID. During negotiatio n, the router wit h the highest priority becomes the Mast er .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1127 53-1002266-01 Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information 31 Displaying detailed informat ion for an individual VRID Y ou can displa y informati on about the settings co nf igured for a specified VRRP Vir tual Router ID (VRID).
1128 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information 31 Displaying statistics T o display statistics on most Dell devices, ent er a command such as the follo wing at any le vel of the CLI. The same statistics are li st ed for VRRP and VRRPE.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1129 53-1002266-01 Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information 31 Syntax: show ip vrrp-ex tended brief | ethernet [ <slotnum> /] <por tnum> | ve <nu m> | stat The brief parameter displa ys summary information.
1130 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying VRRP and VRRPE information 31 Clearing VRRP or VRRPE statistics Use the f ollowing methods to cl ear VRRP or VR RPE statistics. T o clear VRRP or VRRPE statistics, enter the f ollo wing command at the Priv ileged EXEC lev el or any configuration level of the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1131 53-1002266-01 Configuration examples 31 When you specify ho w many seconds’ worth of statistics you want to displa y , the sof tware selects the sample that most closely matches the number of seconds y ou specified.
1132 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuration examples 31 The ip vrrp owner command specif ies that this router owns the IP address you are associating with the VRID. Because this r outer owns the IP address, this rout er is the default Master router and its VRRP priority is thus 255.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1133 53-1002266-01 Configuration examples 31 Configuring Router1 T o configure VRRP Rout er1 in Fi gure 152 on page 11 08, enter the f ollowing commands. Router1(config)#router vrrp-extended Router1(config)#interface ethernet 1/6 Router1(config-if-1/6)#ip address 192.
1134 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuration examples 31 NOTE When you configure a Backup r outer , the rout er interface on which you are configuring the VRID mus t have a rea l IP ad dre ss t ha t is in t he s ame subnet as the address associat ed with the VRID by the Owner .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1135 53-1002266-01 Chapter 32 Securing Access to Management Functions Ta b l e 1 9 9 lists the individual Dell Po werConne ct switches and the se curity access f eatures they suppor t.. This chapter e xplains how to secure access t o management functions on a Dell Po werConnect devic e.
1136 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Securing access methods 32 TA B L E 2 0 0 Wa ys to secure management access to Dell P owerConnect de vices Access method How the access.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1137 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 Restricting remote access to management functions Y ou can restrict acce ss to management functions fr om remote sources, including T elnet, the Web Management Interface, and SNMP .
1138 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 • Using ACLs t o restrict T elnet, Web Manag ement Inter face, or SNMP access .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1139 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 Example PowerConnect(config)#access-list 10 permit host PowerConnect(config)#access-list 10 permit PowerConnect(config)#access-list 10 permit 209.
1140 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 Using ACLs to res trict SNMP access T o restrict SNMP access to the device usin g ACLs, ent er commands such as the follo wing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1141 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 NOTE In RADIUS, the standard attribute Idle- Timeout is used to defin e the console s ession timeo ut value. The attribute Idle- Timeout value is specified in se conds.
1142 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 Restricting SNMP access to a specific IP address T o allow SNMP access (which includes Br ocade Ne twork Advisor) t o the Dell Pow erConnect device only to the host with IP address 209.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1143 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 T o allow SSH access to the Dell Po werConnect de vice to a host with an y IP address and MA C address 000 7 .e90f.e9a0, ente r the following command.
1144 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 Specifying the maximum nu mber of login attempts for Telnet access If you are co nnecting to the de vice using T eln et, the devic e pro mpts you for a username and password.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1145 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 The command in this example conf igures the de vice to allo w T elnet management access only t o clients connected t o por t s within por t-based VLAN 1 0.
1146 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 Y ou also can configure up to five def ault gatewa ys for the designated VL AN, and associate a metric with each one. The sof tware uses the ga te way with the lowest metric.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1147 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 The zeroize paramet er deletes the currently operative dsa key pair . In addition, you must use AAA authentication to creat e a password t o allow SSHv2 access.
1148 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Restricting remote access to management functions 32 Disabling specific access methods Y ou can specifically disable the follo wing acc.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1149 53-1002266-01 Setting passwords 32 Disabling SNMP access SNMP is requir ed if you want t o manage a Dell PowerConnect device using Brocade Netw ork Adv is or . T o disable SNMP management of the de vice.
1150 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Setting passwords 32 Set the passwor d “letmein” fo r T elnet access t o the CLI using the f ollowing com mand at the global CONFIG lev el.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1151 53-1002266-01 Setting passwords 32 PowerConnect#configure terminal PowerConnect(config)# 3. Enter the following command t o set the Su per User lev el password.
1152 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Setting passwords 32 In this co mmand, configure specifies that the enhanced access is f or a command at the global CONFIG lev el of the CLI. The level 4 paramet er indicates that the enhanced access is for management privilege level 4 (P or t Conf iguration).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1153 53-1002266-01 Setting passwords 32 1. Star t a CLI session over the serial int er face to the device. 2. Reboot th e device. 3. At the initial boot prom pt at system star tup, enter b to ent er the boot monitor mode.
1154 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Setting u p local user acco unts 32 PowerConnect(config)#enable password-min-length 8 Syntax: enable password-min-length <number -of-charact er s> The <number -of-charact er s> can be from 1 – 48.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1155 53-1002266-01 Setting up local user accounts 32 • Users are lock ed out (disabled) if they f ail to lo gin af ter three att empts. This fe ature is automatically enabled. Use the disable-on-login-failure command to change the number of login attem pts (up to 1 0) before users are locked out.
1156 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Setting u p local user acco unts 32 Enabling user password masking By default, when y ou use the CLI t o create a user password, the passw ord displa ys on the console as you type it.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1157 53-1002266-01 Setting up local user accounts 32 • The username password expires When a username set-time configuration is removed, it no longer appears in the sho w running configuratio n output.
1158 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Setting u p local user acco unts 32 Setting passwords to expire Y ou can set a user passw ord to e xpire. Once a pa sswor d expires, the administrator must assign a new passw ord to the user .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1159 53-1002266-01 Setting up local user accounts 32 Local user accounts with unencrypted passwords If you want t o use unencr ypted passwords f or lo cal user acc ounts, enter a command such as the following at the g lobal CONF IG level of the CLI .
1160 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Setting u p local user acco unts 32 Local accounts with encrypted passwords Y ou can create loc al user accounts with MD5 encrypted pas.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1161 53-1002266-01 Configuring SSL security for the Web Management I nterface 32 Changing a local user password T o change a local user passw ord fo r an existing local user account, ent er a command such as the following at the g lobal CONF IG level of the CLI .
1162 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring SSL security for the Web Mana gement Interface 32 PowerConnect(config)#web-management https Syntax: [ no ] web-management http | https Y ou can enable either the HTTP or HTT Ps ser ver s with this command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1163 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACA CS/TACACS+ security 32 If you w ant to allow the Dell PowerCo n nect de vice to create the digital cer tificates, ref er to the ne xt section, “Generating an SSL cer tifica te” .
1164 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ security 32 NOTE Y ou cannot authenticate Brocade Netw ork Advisor (SNMP) access to a De ll Po werConnect device using T ACA CS/T ACA CS+.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1165 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACA CS/TACACS+ security 32 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ fo r devices in a Dell IronStack Because devices opera ting in a Dell IronStack topology present multiple co nsole por ts, you must take additio nal steps to se cure these por ts when configuring T ACACS /T ACA CS+.
1166 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ security 32 6 closed SSH connections: 1 closed 2 closed 3 closed 4 closed 5 closed stack9# stack9#show telne.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1167 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACA CS/TACACS+ security 32 TACACS+ authentication When T ACA CS+ authentication takes place, the follo w ing e vents occur .
1168 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ security 32 TACACS+ accounting T ACA CS+ accounting works as f ollows.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1169 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACA CS/TACACS+ security 32 AAA security for commands past ed into the running-config If AAA security is enabled on the de vice, comman ds pasted int o the running-config are subject to the same AAA operations as if they we re entered manually .
1170 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ security 32 • Y ou can configure the Dell Po werConnect de vice to authenticate using a T A CACS or T ACA CS+ server , not both. TACACS configuration procedure Follo w the procedure giv en below for T ACA CS configuration s.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1171 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACA CS/TACACS+ security 32 Syntax: tacacs-ser ver host <ip-addr> | <ipv6-addr> | <hostname> [ auth-por t <number > ] The <ip-addr> | <ipv6-addr> | <hos tname> paramet er specifies the IP address or host name of the server .
1172 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ security 32 Af ter authentication tak es place, the ser ver that per formed the authenticat ion is used f o r authorization and accounting.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1173 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACA CS/TACACS+ security 32 Setting the retransmission limit The retransmit parameter specifies ho w many times the De ll P owerConnect device will resend an authentication request when the T ACA CS/T A CACS+ server does not respon d.
1174 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ security 32 The command abo ve causes T ACA CS/T AC ACS+ to be the primar y authenticati on method f or securing access to Privileged EXEC le vel and CO NFIG lev els of the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1175 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACA CS/TACACS+ security 32 PowerConnect(config)#aaa authentication login privilege-mode Syntax: aaa authentication login privilege-mode The user privilege level is based on the privilege le vel granted during login.
1176 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ security 32 A user privilege le vel is obtained fr om the T ACA CS+ server in the “foundry-privlvl” A -V pair .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1177 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACA CS/TACACS+ security 32 service = exec { privlvl = 15 } } The attribute name in the A -V pair is not significa n t; the Dell Po werConnect devic e uses the last one that has a numeric value.
1178 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ security 32 • 0 – Authorization is per formed fo r commands a vailable at the Su per User le vel (all co.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1179 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACA CS/TACACS+ security 32 Configuring TACACS+ acco unting for CLI commands Y ou can configure T ACA CS+ accounting f or CLI co mmands by specifying a privilege le vel whose commands require accountin g.
1180 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring TACACS/TACACS+ security 32 Displaying TACACS/TAC ACS+ statistics and configuration information The show aaa command displays inf ormation about all T A CA CS+ and RADIUS ser vers identified on the device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1181 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS security 32 Example Syntax: show w eb connection Use the f ollowing command to clear w eb connections: PowerConnect#.
1182 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS securi ty 32 2. The user is pr ompted f or a username and passwor d. 3. The user enters a usern ame and password. 4. The Dell Po werConnect device sends a RADI US Access-Request packet containing the username and passwor d to the RADIUS server .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1183 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS security 32 1. One of the f ollowing ev ents occur on the Dell P owerConnect de vice: • A user logs into the manag.
1184 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS securi ty 32 AAA security for commands past ed Into the running-config If AAA security is enabled on the de vice, comman ds pasted int o the running-config are subject to the same AAA operations as if they we re entered manually .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1185 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS security 32 • Y ou can map up to eight RADIUS ser vers to ea ch por t on the Dell Po werConnect device. The por t will authenticate users using only the RADIUS se r vers to which it is mapped.
1186 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS securi ty 32 Y ou must add these three Dell vendor -specific attrib utes to y our RADIUS ser ver configuration, and configure the attributes in the in dividual or gr oup profiles of the users that will access the Dell PowerC on nec t d evic e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1187 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS security 32 Enabling SNMP to configure RADIUS T o enable SNMP access to RADIUS MIB objects on the device , enter a command such as the following.
1188 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS securi ty 32 Syntax: [ no ] enable snmp <config-radius | config-tacacs> The <config-radius> parameter specifies the RADIUS config uration mode. RADIUS is disabl ed by default.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1189 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS security 32 Configuring a RADIUS server per port Y ou can optionally configure a RADIUS server per por t , indicating that it will be used only t o authenticate users on po r ts to which it is mapped.
1190 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS securi ty 32 Mapping a RADIUS server to individual ports Y ou can map up to eight RAD IUS ser vers t o each por t on the Dell Po werConnect device. The por t will authenticate users using only the RADIUS server s to which the por t is mapped.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1191 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS security 32 PowerConnect(config)#radius-server key mirabeau Syntax: radius-ser ver k ey [ 0 | 1 ] <string> When you displa y the configuration of the Dell P owe rConnect d evice, the RADIUS k ey is encr ypted.
1192 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS securi ty 32 Configuring authentication-method lists for RADIUS Y ou can use RADIUS to authenticate T elnet/SSH ac cess and access t o Privileged EXEC lev el and CONFIG lev els of the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1193 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS security 32 NOTE For e xamples of how t o define authen tication-method lists for types of authentication other than RADIUS, refer t o “Configuring authentication-method lists” on page 1 198.
1194 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS securi ty 32 Configuring RADIUS authorization Dell Po werConnect de vices suppor t RADIUS author ization f or controlling access t o managem ent functions in the CLI.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1195 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS security 32 • 5 – A uthorization is performed f or commands a v ailable at the R ead Only lev el (read-only commands) NOTE RADIUS command authorization can be per formed only f or commands ent ered from T elnet or SSH sessions, or from the consol e.
1196 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS securi ty 32 Configuring RADIUS accounting for CLI commands Y ou can configure RADIUS accounting f or CLI commands by specifying a privilege lev el whose commands require accountin g.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1197 53-1002266-01 Configuring RADIUS security 32 Example The f ollowing table describes the RADIUS inf ormation display ed by the show aaa command. The sh ow web co nn ec t io n command displays the privilege lev el of Web Management Int er face users.
1198 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring authentication-m ethod lists 32 PowerConnect#clear web-connection Syntax: clear web connection Af ter issuing the clear w e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1199 53-1002266-01 Configuring authentication-m ethod lists 32 NOTE If an authentication method is working properly and the password (and user name, if applic able) is not known t o that method, this is not an err or .
1200 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring authentication-m ethod lists 32 This command con figures th e device to use the loca l user accounts to authenticate access to the devic e through the W eb Management Inter face.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1201 53-1002266-01 TCP Flags - edge port security 32 NOTE T ACA CS/T ACA CS+ and RADIUS are suppor ted only with the enable and login parameters. The <method1> paramet er specifies the primar y authenti cation method.
1202 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 TCP Flags - edge port security 32 • Match-all - Indicates that incoming TCP traffic must be matched against all of the T CP flags configured as part of the match-all ACL rule. In CAM hardware, ther e will be only one ACL rule for all conf igured flags.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1203 53-1002266-01 Chapter 33 Configuring SSH2 and SCP Ta b l e 2 0 8 lists individual Dell PowerCo n nect switches and the SSH2 and Secure Copy features they support.
1204 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 SSH version 2 support 33 • SSH Fingerprint F ormat • SSH Pr otocol Assigned Numbers • SSH T ranspor t Layer Encryption Modes • SCP/SFTP/SSH URI F ormat Tested SSH2 clients The follo wing SSH clients ha ve been test ed with SSH2: • SSH Secure Shell 3.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1205 53-1002266-01 AES encryption for SSH2 33 AES encryption for SSH2 Encr yption is pro vided wit h 3des-cbc , aes128-cbc , aes192-cbc or aes256-cbc . AES encr yption has been adopted b y the U.S. Go vernment as an encryption standard.
1206 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring SSH2 33 • Passwor d authentication , where users attempting t o gain access to the device using an SSH client are authenticated with passwords stored on the device or o n a T ACA CS/T ACA CS+ or RADIUS server Both kinds of user authentication are enabled by default.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1207 53-1002266-01 Configuring SSH2 33 When a host ke y pair is generated, it is sav ed t o the flash memor y of all management modules. T o disable SSH2 on a Dell Po werConnect device , enter the fo llowing command.
1208 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring SSH2 33 1. The client sends its public key t o the Dell PowerConnect de vice.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1209 53-1002266-01 Setting optional parameters 33 The <filename> variable is the name of the dsa public key file that you want to impor t into the Dell PowerC on nec t d evic e. The remov e parameter delet es the key fr om the system.
1210 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Setting opti onal parameters 33 • A specific interface t o be used as the source f or all SSH traf fic from the d evice • The maxim.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1211 53-1002266-01 Setting optional parameters 33 T o enable empty passwor d logins, enter the f ollowing co mmand. PowerConnect(config)#ip ssh permit-empty-passwd yes Syntax: ip ssh permit-empty-passwd no | ye s Setting the SSH port number By default, SSH traffic occurs on TC P por t 22.
1212 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Filtering SSH access using ACLs 33 Filtering SSH access using ACLs Y ou can permit or deny SSH access t o the Dell Po we rC on ne ct dev ic e u si ng A C Ls. T o use ACLs, fir st create the ACLs y ou want to use.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1213 53-1002266-01 Using Secure copy with SSH2 33 Example Syntax: show who [ begin <expression> | e xclude <expression> | include <expres s.
1214 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using Secure copy with SSH2 33 Configuration notes • When using SCP , enter the scp commands on the SCP-enabled client, rather than the console on the Dell PowerConnect device. • Cer tain SCP client options, including -p and -r , are ignored by the SCP server on the Dell de vice.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1215 53-1002266-01 Using Secure copy with SSH2 33 Copying a software imag e file to flash memory PowerConnect B-Series FCX Devices T o copy a software image file fr om an SCP-enabled client t o the primar y flash on an Pow erConnect B-Series FCX de vice, enter one of the f ollowing commands.
1216 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using Secure copy with SSH2 33.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1217 53-1002266-01 Chapter 34 Configuring 802.1X Port Security T a b l e 210 lists individual Dell Pow erConnect switches and the 802.1X port security features the y suppor t. IETF RFC support Dell Po werConnect de vices suppor t the IEEE 802.
1218 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 How 802.1X port security works 34 How 802.1X port security works This section explains the basic concepts behind 80 2. 1X por t security , incl uding device r oles, how the devices c ommunicate, and the pr oced ure used for authenticating clients.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1219 53-1002266-01 How 802.1X port security works 34 Client/Supplicant – The device that seeks t o gain access to the network. Clients must be running software that supports the 802. 1X standar d (for e xample, the Windo ws XP operating system).
1220 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 How 802.1X port security works 34 FIGURE 1 55 Controlled and uncontrolled ports before and af ter client authentication Before a Client is authenticated, only the uncont rolled port on the Auth enticator is open.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1221 53-1002266-01 How 802.1X port security works 34 FIGURE 1 56 Message exchange between client/supplic ant, authenticat or , and authentication server In this example, the A u thenticator (the P owerConnect switch) initiates commun ication with an 802.
1222 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 How 802.1X port security works 34 activities. Since EAP-TLS req uires PKI digi ta l cer tificates on both the clients and the authentication ser vers, the roll out, maintenance, and scalability of this authen tication method is much more complex than o ther methods.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1223 53-1002266-01 How 802.1X port security works 34 EAP pass-through support EAP pass-through is supported on PowerCo nnect devices that ha ve 802.
1224 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 How 802.1X port security works 34 FIGURE 1 57 Multiple hosts connect ed to a single 802.1X-enabled por t If there are multiple hosts connect ed to a sing le 802. 1X-enabled por t, the Dell P owerConnect devic e authenticates each of them individually .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1225 53-1002266-01 How 802.1X port security works 34 5. If authentica tion f or the C lient is unsuccessful the fir st time, multiple attem pt s to authenticat e the client will be made as det ermined by the attem pts vari ab le i n th e auth-fail-max-attempts command.
1226 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 How 802.1X port security works 34 • Dynamic multipl e VLAN assignment f or 802. 1X por ts.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1227 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 1. A RADIUS ser ver successfully authenticates an 802 .1X client. 2. If 802. 1X accounting is enabled, the Dell P o werConnect de vice sends an 802. 1X Accounting Star t packet to the RADIUS server , in dicating the star t of a new session.
1228 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 Example PowerConnect(config)#aaa authentication dot1x default radius Syntax: [ no ] aaa authenticat.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1229 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 • Session-Timeout (2 7) – RFC 286 5 • T ermination- Action (29) – RFC 2865 • Calling-Stat.
1230 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 The <seconds> paramet er specifies the number of second s the devic e will wait to re-authenticat e a user af ter a timeout. The minimum value is 1 0 seconds.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1231 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 NOTE When a show run command is issued during a session, th e dynamically -assigned VLAN is not display ed. Enable 802. 1X VLAN ID suppor t by adding the foll owing attribut es to a user pr ofile on the RADIUS ser ver .
1232 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 T o specify an untagged VLAN, use the f ollowing. "U:1 0" or "U:marketing" When.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1233 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 Syntax: sav e-dynamicvlan-to-config By default, the dynamic VLAN assignme nts are not sa ved to the running-config file.
1234 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 Example PowerConnect(config)#int e 3/2 PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-3/2)#port security PowerConnect.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1235 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 • A dynamic IP A CL will take prec edence over an IP ACL that is bound to a port (por t ACL). When a client authenticates with a dynamic IP A C L, th e port ACL will not be applied.
1236 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 PowerConnect(config)#interface e 1 PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-1)#dot1x disable-filter-strict-security T o re-enable strict security mode for a n in ter fa c e, en te r t he fol l owi ng c om m an d.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1237 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 • Dynamic A CL filters are supported only for the inbound direction. Dynamic outbou nd A CL filters are not suppor ted. • MA C address filters are suppor ted only f or the inbound direction.
1238 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 Syntax: [ no ] dot1x-enable At the do t1x configuration lev el, you can enable 802. 1X por t security on all int er faces at once, on individual interfaces, or on a range of int er faces.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1239 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 When an interface control type is set to auto , the cont rolled port i s initially set to unauthorized, bu t is changed to authorized w hen the conne cting Client is success fully authenticated by an Authentication Ser ver .
1240 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 For e xample, to re-authenticate Clients connect ed to interface 3/1, enter the f ollowing command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1241 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 Setting the maximum number of EAP frame retransmissions The Dell Po werConnect device re transmits the EAP-request/identity frame a maximu m of two times.
1242 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 Setting the maximum number of EAP frame retransmissions Y ou can optionally specify the number of times the Dell P owerConnect de vice will retransmit the EAP-request frame.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1243 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 Configuring 802.1X multip le-host authentication When multiple hosts are connect ed to the same 802. 1X-enabled por t, the func tionality described in “How 802.
1244 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 • Permitted do t1x-mac-sessions, which are the dot1x-ma c-sessions for authenticated Clients, as .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1245 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X port security 34 Clearing a dot1x-mac-se ssion for a MAC address Y ou can clear the dot1x-mac-session for a specified MAC address, so that the Client with that MA C address can be re-authenticat ed by the RADIUS server .
1246 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring 802.1X accounting 34 Configuring 802.1X accounting 802. 1X accounting enables the recording of information about 802. 1X clients who were successfully authenticated and allo wed access to the network.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1247 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X inform ation 34 Enabling 802.1X accounting T o enable 802. 1X accounting, enter the f ollowing command.
1248 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X information 34 T o display inf ormation about the 802. 1X configurat ion on an individual por t, enter a command such as the fo llowing. TA B L E 21 2 Output fr om the show dot1x command This field.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1249 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X inform ation 34 Syntax: show dot1x config ethernet <por t> Specify the <por t> v a ri a b l e i n th e fo.
1250 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X information 34 Displaying 802.1X statistics T o display 80 2.1X statistic s fo r an individual port, enter a command .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1251 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X inform ation 34 Clearing 802.1X statistics Y ou can clear the 802. 1X statistics counters on all inter faces at once, on in dividual int er faces, or on a range of inter faces.
1252 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X information 34 In this examp le, the 802.1X -enabled por t has been moved from VLAN 1 to VLAN 2. When the client disconnects, the port will be moved back t o VLAN 1. The sho w run command also indicates the VLAN to which the por t has been dynamically assigned.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1253 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X inform ation 34 PowerConnect#show dot1x mac-address filter Port 1/3 (User defined MAC Address Filter) : mac filter 1 permit any any Syntax: show dot1x mac-address-filter T o display the user -defined IP A CLs active on the d evice, enter the f ollowing co mmand.
1254 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X information 34 The all ke yword displays all dynamically appl ied IP ACLs activ e on the device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1255 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X inform ation 34 • Po werConnect B-Series FCX stackable switches – <s tack-unit/slotnum/portnum> Displaying 802.1X multiple-hos t authentication information Y ou can display the fo l lowing inf ormatio n about 802.
1256 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X information 34 The output of the show dot1x config command for an interface displa ys the configured por t control f or the inter face. This command also displa ys information relat ed to 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1257 53-1002266-01 Displaying 802.1X inform ation 34 Example Syntax: show dot1x mac-session Ta b l e 2 17 lists the new fields in the displa y . Displaying information about the ports in an 802.1X mu ltiple-host configuration T o display inf ormatio n about the por ts in an 802.
1258 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Sample 802.1X configurations 34 1/1/7 0 0 no no no 1/1/8 0 0 no no no 1/1/9 0 0 no no no 1/1/10 0 0 no no no 1/1/11 0 0 no no no 1/1/12.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1259 53-1002266-01 Sample 802.1X configurations 34 Point-to-point configuration Figure 158 illustrates a samp le 802. 1X configuration with Clients connected t o three por ts on the Dell Po werConnect device.
1260 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Sample 802.1X configurations 34 Hub configuration Figure 159 illustrates a configuration where three 802. 1X-enabled Clients are connect ed to a hub, which is connect ed to a por t on the Dell P owerCo nne ct device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1261 53-1002266-01 Sample 802.1X configurations 34 802.1X Authentication with dynamic VLAN assignment Figure 160 illustrates 802. 1X authen tication with dynamic VLAN assignment . In this configuration, two user PCs are co nnected to a hub, which is connected t o por t e2.
1262 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using multi-device port au thentication and 802.1X security on the same port 34 ! interface ethernet 2 dot1x port-control auto dual-mode If User 1 is successfully authenticat ed before User 2, the PVID for por t e2 would be changed fr om the default VLAN to VLAN 3.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1263 53-1002266-01 Chapter 35 Using the MAC Port Security Feature Ta b l e 2 1 9 lists the individual Del l Po werConnect switches and the MAC port security features they suppor t.
1264 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the MAC port security feature 35 Local and global resources The MAC por t security feature us es a concep t of local and global “resou rces” to deter mine how many MAC addresses can b e secured on each interfac e.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1265 53-1002266-01 Configuring the MAC port security feature 35 Enabling the MAC port security feature By default, the MA C por t security feature is disabl ed on all int er faces. Y ou can enable or disable the fe a ture on all int er faces at once , or on individual int er faces.
1266 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the MAC port security feature 35 PowerConnect(config)#interface ethernet 7/11 PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-7/11)#port secur.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1267 53-1002266-01 Configuring the MAC port security feature 35 Syntax: [ no ] autosa ve <minut es> The <minutes> variable can be from 15 thr oug h 1 4 40 minutes. By default, sec ure MAC addresses are not autosa ved to the startu p-config file.
1268 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Clearing port se curity statistics 35 Disabling the port f or a specified amount of time Y ou can configure the de vice to disable the port f or a specified amount of time when a security violation occurs.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1269 53-1002266-01 Displaying port se curity information 35 • The por t security settings f o r an individual por t or f or all the por ts on a specifie.
1270 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying port security information 35 Displaying port security statistics Y ou can display port security st atisti cs f or an interface or for a module. For e xample, to displa y por t security statistics fo r i nte r fa c e 7 /11 , e n te r t he fo ll ow i ng co m m an d .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1271 53-1002266-01 Displaying port se curity information 35 Displaying restricted MAC addresses on a port T o displa y a list of restrict ed MAC addresses on a port, enter a command such as the f ollowing.
1272 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying port security information 35.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1273 53-1002266-01 Chapter 36 Configuring Multi-Device Port Authentication Ta b l e 2 2 4 lists individu al Dell Po werConnect switches and the Multi-device port authentication fe atures they suppor t.
1274 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 How multi-device port authentication works 36 How multi-device port authentication works Multi-device port authentication is a way t o configure a Dell Po werConnect device t o forward or block traf fic from a MA C address based on information receiv ed from a RADIUS server .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1275 53-1002266-01 How multi-device port authentication works 36 Supported RADIUS attributes Dell Po werConnect devic es suppor t the fo llowin g RADIUS a.
1276 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using multi-device port au thentication and 802.1X security on the same port 36 Support for source guard protection The Dell proprietar y Source Guard Prot ection feature, a f orm of IP Source Guard , can be used in conjunction with multi-device por t au thentication.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1277 53-1002266-01 Using multi-device port authentication an d 802.1X security on the same port 36 Configuring Dell-specific attributes on the RADIUS serv.
1278 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 Configuring multi-device port authentication Configuring mult i-device port au thentica.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1279 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 Y ou can also configure mult i-device port authen tication commands on a range of inter faces.
1280 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 PowerConnect(config)#interface e 3/1 PowerConnect(config-if-e1000-3/1)#mac-authenticati.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1281 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 If one of the attributes in the Ac cess- Accept mess age specifies one or more VLAN identifiers, and the VLAN is av ailable on the Dell Pow erConnect de vice, the por t is moved fr om its default VLAN to the specified VLAN.
1282 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 • If an untagged port had previously been assigned to a VLAN thr ough dy namic VLAN a.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1283 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 Y ou can optionally specify an alt ernate VLAN to which to mov e the por t when the MAC session for the address is delet ed. For example, to place the po r t in the restricted VLAN, ent er commands such as the fo llowing.
1284 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 The dynamic IP A CL is active as long as the clie nt is connected t o the network. When the c lient disconnects from the network, the IP A CL is no lo nger applied to the por t.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1285 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 • The dynamic ACL must be an e xtended A C L. Standar d ACLs are no t suppor ted. • Multi-device po r t authentication and 802. 1x can be used t ogether on the same por t.
1286 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 Enabling source guard protection Source Guar d Protec tion is a form of IP Source Guar d used in conju nction with multi-device por t authentication.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1287 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 In the abo ve output, f or por t 6/12, Source Guar d Prot ection is enabled and the Source Guard A CL is applied to the MA C sess ion, as indicated by SG in t he AC L colu mn.
1288 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 Disabling aging for authenticated MAC addresses MA C addresses that have be en authenti.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1289 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 Aging of the Lay er 2 hardware entry for a block ed MAC address occurs in tw o phases, known as hardware aging and sof tware aging.
1290 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring multi-device port authentication 36 Y ou can better contr ol por t behavior when a RADIUS tim eout occurs by configuri ng a por t on the Dell Po werConnect de vice to automatically pass or fail user a uthentication .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1291 53-1002266-01 Displaying multi-device port authentication information 36 Multi-device port authentication password override The multi-device por t authentica tion feature commun icates with the RADIUS ser ver t o authenticate a newly f ound MA C address.
1292 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying multi-device port aut hentication informatio n 36 Displaying authenticated MAC address information T o display inf ormation about authenticated MA C addresses on the por ts where the multi-device por t authentication feature is en abled, ent er the following command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1293 53-1002266-01 Displaying multi-device port authentication information 36 Displaying multi-device port authentication information for a specific MAC address or port T o display authentication inf ormation for a specif ic MAC address or port, enter a command such as the fo llowing.
1294 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying multi-device port aut hentication informatio n 36 Displaying the authenticated MAC addresses T o display the MA C addresses that ha ve been successfully authenticat ed, enter the show auth-mac-addresses authorized-mac command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1295 53-1002266-01 Displaying multi-device port authentication information 36 Displaying multi-device port authentication information for a port T o displ.
1296 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying multi-device port aut hentication informatio n 36 Omitting the eth ernet <por t> parameter displays inf ormation for all int er faces where the multi-device por t authenti cation fe ature is enabled.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1297 53-1002266-01 Displaying multi-device port authentication information 36 Port Default Vlan The VLAN to which the p or t is assigned, and whether the por t had been dynamically assigne d to the VLAN by a RADIUS server .
1298 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying multi-device port aut hentication informatio n 36 Displaying the MAC authentication table for PowerConnect B-Series FCX devi.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1299 53-1002266-01 Example configurations 36 PowerConnect#show table allowed-mac ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAC Address PortVlanAuthenticatedTimeAgedot1x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0000.
1300 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Example configurations 36 Multi-device port authentication with dynamic VLAN assignment Figure 162 illustrates multi-de vice por t auth entication with dynamic VLAN assignment on a Dell Pow erConne ct device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1301 53-1002266-01 Example configurations 36 The mac-authentication disa ble-ingress-filtering command enab les tagged packets on the por t, eve n i f t h e p o r t i s n o t a m e m b e r o f th e V L A N .
1302 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Example configurations 36 The par t of the running-config related to multi-de vic e por t auth entication wou ld be a s follo w s.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1303 53-1002266-01 Example configurations 36 FIGURE 1 63 Us ing multi-device port authentication an d 802.1X authentication on the same port When the devices att empt to connect t o the networ k, they are first subject to multi-device por t authentication.
1304 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Example configurations 36 When the PC is authenticat ed using multi-device po rt authentication, the por t PVID is cha nged to “Login-VLAN”, which is VLAN 1 02 4 in this example. When User 1 is authenticat ed using 802.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1305 53-1002266-01 Example configurations 36 Since there is no pr ofile for the PC MA C addr ess on the RADIUS ser ver , multi-device port authentication for this MA C address fails.
1306 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Example configurations 36.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1307 53-1002266-01 Chapter 37 Configuring Web Authentication Ta b l e 2 31 lists individual Dell Pow erConnect switches and the Web A uthentication features they suppor t.
1308 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuration considerations 37 While a MAC add ress is in the authenticated st at e, the host can forward data thr ough the Po werConnect switch.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1309 53-1002266-01 Configuration tasks 37 • Each Web A uthentication VLAN must have a virtual inter face (VE). • The VE must ha ve at least one assigned IPv4 address. Web A uthentication is enabled on a VLAN.
1310 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuration tasks 37 • On a Lay er 3 Pow erConnect switch, assign an IP address to a vir tual inter face (VE) for each VLAN on which W eb Auth entic ation will be enabled.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1311 53-1002266-01 Enabling and disablin g web authentication 37 Once enabled, the CLI changes t o the "webauth " c onfiguration level. In the example abo ve, VLAN 10 will require hosts to be authenticated using Web Authentication bef ore they can forward traffic.
1312 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the web a uthentication mo de 37 Using local user databases Web A uthentication suppor ts the use of local user databases consisti ng of usernames and passwords, t o authenticate devices.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1313 53-1002266-01 Configuring the web authentication mode 37 The first command changes the configuration le v el to the local user database level f or user db1 . If the database does not already exist, it is crea ted.
1314 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the web a uthentication mo de 37 For <password1> , <passwor d2> , etc., enter up to 29 ASCII charact ers. Be sure to Insert a cursor return ( <cr> ) after each user record.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1315 53-1002266-01 Configuring the web authentication mode 37 PowerConnect(config-vlan-10-webauth)#auth-mode username-password auth-methods local Syntax: auth-mode username-p asswor d auth-methods local T o rev er t back to using the RADIUS server , enter the follo wing command.
1316 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the web a uthentication mo de 37 Configuration steps Follo w the steps giv en below to config ure the de vice t o use the passcode authentication mode. 1. Optionally create up to four static passcodes 2.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1317 53-1002266-01 Configuring the web authentication mode 37 The next dynamically-created passcode will be 1 0 digits in length, for e xample, 0 123456789. Syntax: auth-mode passcode length <value> For <value> , enter a number fro m 4 to 1 6.
1318 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the web a uthentication mo de 37 T o c on f ig ur e t h e s wi t ch to r ef r es h p as sc o de s a t a c er ta in t im e o f day, en ter c om ma n ds su ch a s t he following.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1319 53-1002266-01 Configuring the web authentication mode 37 Syntax: auth-mode passcode flush-ex pired Disabling and re-enab ling passcode logging The sof tware generat es a Syslog message and SN MP trap message every time a new passcode is generat ed and passcode authentication is attempted ,.
1320 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authentication option s 37 Using automatic authentication By default, if W eb Authentication is enabled, hosts need t o login and enter authentication credentials in order to gain access t o the network.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1321 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authenticati on options 37 Syntax: [ no ] accounting Enter the no accounting command to disable RADIUS acc ounting for W eb Authentication.
1322 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authentication option s 37 Instead of just entering a duration f or how long the MA C address remains authenticated, you can specify the MA C address to be added by th e specified por t that is a member of the VLAN.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1323 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authenticati on options 37 Enter a number from 0 to 64, whe re 0 means there is no limit to the number of W eb Authentication attempts.
1324 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authentication option s 37 Enter 0 – 128000 for <seconds> . The default is the current v alue of block duration comman d. Entering a va lue of "0" means the MAC address is block ed permanently .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1325 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authenticati on options 37 PowerConnect(config-vlan-10-webauth)#port-down-auth-mac-cleanup Syntax: [ no ] por t-down-auth-mac-cleanup While this command is enabled, the de vice checks the link stat e of all por ts that are members of the We b Authentication VLAN.
1326 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authentication option s 37 For <string> , enter up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1327 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authenticati on options 37 FIGURE 1 67 Ex ample of a login page when automatic authenti cation is disabled and local user database is enabled The user enters a user name and password, which are then sent for authentication.
1328 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authentication option s 37 FIGURE 1 69 Ex ample of a tr y again page If the limit f or the number of authenticated user s on the network is e xceeded, the Maximum Host Limit page is displa yed ( Figure 1 70 ).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1329 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authenticati on options 37 FIGURE 1 72 Example of a web authentication success page Once a host is authenticat ed, that host can ma nually de-authenticate by clicking the ’Logout’ button in the Login Success pa ge .
1330 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authentication option s 37 Syntax: show webauth vlan <vlan-id> webpag e Customizing web authentication pages Y ou.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1331 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authenticati on options 37 FIGURE 1 73 Objects in the web authentication pages that can be cust omized Customizing t he title bar Y ou can customize the title bar that appear s on all Web A u thentication pages (refer t o Figure 1 73 ).
1332 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring web authentication option s 37 NOTE This command downloads the image file and stores it in the de vice flash memor y . Theref ore, it is not necessar y to f ollow this command with a write memo r y .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1333 53-1002266-01 Displaying web authen tication information 37 The <filename> parameter is the name of the text file on the TFTP ser ver . T o rev er t back to the default t ext box (none), enter the command no webpage terms .
1334 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying web authentication information 37 authentication mode: username and password (Default) authentication methods: radius Local .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1335 53-1002266-01 Displaying web authen tication information 37 Syntax: show webauth [ vlan <vlan-id> ] The show webauth command b y its elf displays inf ormation for all VLANs on which Web Authentication is enabled.
1336 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying web authentication information 37 Displaying a list of hosts attempting to authenticate Enter the following command t o display a list of hosts that are tr ying to authenticate.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1337 53-1002266-01 Displaying web authen tication information 37 Syntax: show webauth blocked-list Displaying a list of local user databases The following command displays a list of a ll loca l user databases configur ed on the P owerConnect switch and the number of users in each datab ase.
1338 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying web authentication information 37 Syntax: show local-userdb <db-name> Displaying passcodes If the passcode Web authentication mode is enab led, you can use the follo wing command to display current passcodes.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1339 53-1002266-01 Chapter 38 Protecting Against Denial of Service Attacks Ta b l e 2 3 2 lists individual Dell PowerCo n nect switch es and the DoS pr otection f eatures they suppor t. This chapter explains ho w to prot ect your Dell Pow erConnect devices fr om Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
1340 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Protecting against Smurf a ttacks 38 For each ICMP echo request packet sent by the attacker , a number of ICMP replies eq ual to the number of hosts on the intermediary network are se nt to the victim.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1341 53-1002266-01 Protecting against TCP SYN attacks 38 The burst-max <value> paramter can be fr om 1 through 1 00,000 packe ts per second. The lockup < v alue> parameter can be fr om 1 through 1 0,000 seconds.
1342 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Protecting against TCP SYN attacks 38 For La yer 3 r outer code, if the int er face is part of a VLAN that has a rout er VE, you must conf igure T CP/SYN attack pr otection at the VE lev el.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1343 53-1002266-01 Protecting against TCP SYN attacks 38 • Blind TCP reset attack using the synchronization (S YN) bit • Blind TCP pack et injection attack The T C P security enhanceme nt is automatically enabled.
1344 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Protecting against TCP SYN attacks 38 Syntax: show statistics dos-attack T o clear statistics about ICMP and TCP S YN packets dro pped beca use burst thresholds were ex ceeded, enter the f ollowing command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1345 53-1002266-01 Chapter 39 Inspecting and Tracking DHCP Packets Ta b l e 2 3 3 lists individual Dell PowerCo n nect switch es and the DHCP pack et inspection and tracking features th ey suppor t.
1346 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic ARP inspection 39 How DAI works DAI allo ws only valid ARP requests and responses to be f o rwarded.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1347 53-1002266-01 Dynamic ARP inspection 39 • DHCP-Snooping ARP – inf ormation collected fr om snooping DHCP packets when DHCP snooping is enabled on VLANs. The status of an ARP entry is either pending or valid: • Va l i d – the mapping is valid, and the port is resolv ed.
1348 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Dynamic ARP inspection 39 Configuring an inspection ARP entry Static ARP and static inspection ARP entries need to be configured for hosts on untrusted ports.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1349 53-1002266-01 DHCP snooping 39 Displaying ARP inspection status and ports T o display the ARP inspection status f or a VLAN and the trusted/untrust ed por t, enter the f ollowing command.
1350 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 DHCP snooping 39 How DHCP snooping works When enabled on a VLAN, DHCP snooping stands between untrusted por ts (those connect ed to host por ts) and trusted por ts (those connected to DHCP servers).
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1351 53-1002266-01 DHCP snooping 39 About client IP-to-MAC address mappings Client IP addresses need not be on directly-connect ed networ ks, as long as the client MA C address is learned on the client port and the client por t is in the same VLAN as the DHCP server por t.
1352 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 DHCP snooping 39 1. Enable DHCP snooping on a VLAN.Ref er to “E nabling DHCP snooping on a VLAN” on page 1352. 2. For ports that are connected t o a DHCP ser ver , change their trust setting to trusted.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1353 53-1002266-01 DHCP snooping 39 T o remove all entries fr om the DHCP bind ing database, enter the f ollowing command. PowerConnect#clear dhcp T o clear entries for a specific IP addres s, enter a command such as the f ollowing.
1354 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 DHCP relay agent information (DHCP Option 82) 39 PowerConnect(config)#vlan 2 PowerConnect(config-vlan-2)#untagged ethe 1/3 to 1/4 Power.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1355 53-1002266-01 DHCP relay agent information (DHCP Option 82) 39 As illustrated in Figure 1 78 , the DHC P relay agent (the PowerConne ct switch), inserts DH CP option 82 attributes when relaying a DHCP req uest pack et to a DHCP ser ver .
1356 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 DHCP relay agent information (DHCP Option 82) 39 Sub-option 1 – circuit id The Circuit ID (CID) identifies the circuit or port from which a DHCP client req uest was sent.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1357 53-1002266-01 DHCP relay agent information (DHCP Option 82) 39 Configuring DHCP option 82 When DHCP snooping is enabled on a VLAN, b y defaul t, DHCP option 82 also is enabled . Y ou do not need t o per form any e xtra configuration steps t o enable this feature.
1358 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 DHCP relay agent information (DHCP Option 82) 39 Changing the forwarding policy When the Dell Pow erConnect device receives a DHCP message that contains rela y agent information, by default, the de vice replaces the info rmation with its own relay a gent inf ormation.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1359 53-1002266-01 DHCP relay agent information (DHCP Option 82) 39 Viewing information about DHCP option 82 processing Use the commands in this section to view inf ormation about DH CP option 82 processing.
1360 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IP source g uard 39 Viewing the status of DHCP op tion 82 and the subscriber id Use the show interface s ethernet co mm and to o bta in infor ma tio n a b out the status of DHCP option 82 and the configured subscriber ID, if applicable.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1361 53-1002266-01 IP source guard 39 When a new IP source entry binding on the por t is creat ed or deleted, the ACL will be recalculat ed an d r e ap p li e d i n h a rd wa r e to re f l ec t t h e c h a ng e i n I P s ou rc e b in d i ng .
1362 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IP source g uard 39 • The number of configured A C L rules affect the rat e at which hardwa re resources are used when IP Sourc e Guard is enabled.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1363 53-1002266-01 IP source guard 39 The [vlan <vlannum> ] parameter is optional. If y ou enter a VLAN number , the binding applies to that VLAN only . If you do no t ent er a VLAN number , the static binding applies to all VLANs associated with the por t .
1364 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 IP source g uard 39.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1365 53-1002266-01 Chapter 40 Securing SNMP Access Ta b l e 2 3 6 lists individual Dell PowerConnect swit ches and the SNMP access me thods they suppor t. These f eatures are suppor ted in th e Layer 2, base Lay er 3, edge Lay er 3, and full Lay er 3 soft ware images, e xcept where explicitly no ted.
1366 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Establishing SNMP community strings 40 Restricting SNMP access using A CL, VLAN, or a speci fic IP address constitute the first leve l of defense when the packet arrives at a Dell PowerConnect device.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1367 53-1002266-01 Establishing SNMP community strings 40 T o add an en cr ypted community string, enter commands such as the f ollowing.
1368 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Establishing SNMP community strings 40 The view <viewname> paramet er is optional. It allows y o u to associat e a view t o the members of this community string. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric charact ers.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1369 53-1002266-01 Using the user-based security model 40 NOTE If display o f the strings is encr ypted, the strings ar e not display ed.
1370 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using the user-based security model 40 Defining the engine id A default engine ID is generat ed during system star t up.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1371 53-1002266-01 Using the user-based security model 40 NOTE This command is not used for SNMP version 1 and SNMP version 2. In these version s, gr o ups and group views are created int ernal ly using community strings.
1372 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Using the user-based security model 40 PowerConnect(config)#snmp-s user bob admin v3 access 2 auth md5 bobmd5 priv des bobdes The CLI for creating SNMP v ersion 3 users has been updat ed as follows.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1373 53-1002266-01 Defining SNMP views 40 • If AES is the priv acy prot ocol to be used, ente r aes follo wed by the AES password k ey . F or a small pa sswor d ke y , enter 12 charact ers. For a big passwor d key , enter 1 6 characters.
1374 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 SNMP version 3 traps 40 Y ou can exclude por tions of the MIB within an inclusion scope. For example, if y ou want to e xclude the snAgentSys objects, which begin with 1.3.6. 1.4.1 .1 99 1.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1375 53-1002266-01 SNMP version 3 traps 40 Defining the UDP port for SNMP v3 traps The SNMP host command enhancemen ts allow configuration of notif ications in SMIv2 format, with or without encr yption, in addition to the previously suppor ted SMIv1 trap f orma t.
1376 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 SNMP version 3 traps 40 Backward compatibility with SMIv1 trap format T h e D e l l P owe r C o n n e c t d ev i c e w i ll c o n t i n u e to s u p p o r t c r e a t i o n o f tr a p s i n S M I v 1 for m a t , a s b e fo r e .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1377 53-1002266-01 Displaying SNMP Information 40 Displaying SNMP Information This section lists the commands for viewing SNMP-related information. Displaying the Engine ID T o display the engine ID of a managem ent mo dule, enter a comm and such as the follo wing.
1378 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displaying SNMP Information 40 PowerConnect#show snmp group groupname = exceptifgrp security model = v3 security level = authNoPriv ACL id = 2 readview = exceptif writeview = <none> Syntax: show snmp gr oup The value f or security lev el can be one of the f ollowing.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1379 53-1002266-01 SNMP v3 Configuration examples 40 SNMP v3 Configuration examples The follo wing sections present examples of ho w to configure SNMP v3.
1380 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 SNMP v3 Configuration examples 40.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1381 53-1002266-01 Chapter 41 Using Syslog Ta b l e 2 37 li sts individual Dell PowerConnect switches and the Syslog f e atures they support.
1382 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Displayi ng Syslog messages 41 • Errors • War n i ng s • Notifications • Informational • Debugging The device writ es the messages to a loc al buf fer . Y ou also can specify the IP address or host name of up to six Syslog servers.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1383 53-1002266-01 Configuring the Syslog service 41 Enabling real-time display of Syslog messages By d e fa ul t , to vi ew S ys l o g m e s sa g e s g e.
1384 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the Syslog s ervice 41 • Specify a Syslog server . Y ou ca n configure the Dell P owerConnect de vice to use up t o six Syslog servers. (Use of a Syslog server is op tional.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1385 53-1002266-01 Configuring the Syslog service 41 Static and dynamic buffers T he s oft w ar e pr o vi d es tw o b uff er s : • Static – logs pow e.
1386 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the Syslog s ervice 41 When you clear log entries, you can selectively clea r the static or dynamic buffer , or you can clear both. Fo r example, t o clear only the dynamic buf f er , enter the f ollowing command at the Privileged EXEC lev el.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1387 53-1002266-01 Configuring the Syslog service 41 Example of Syslog messages on a device wih the onboard clock not set The example sho ws the format of messages on a devi ce where th e onboard syst em clock is not set.
1388 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the Syslog s ervice 41 This command enables local Syslog logging with the f ollowing def aults: • Messages of all sev erity levels (E mergencies – Debugging) are logged. • Up t o 50 messages are retained in the local Syslog buffer .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1389 53-1002266-01 Configuring the Syslog service 41 Changing the number of entr ies the local buffer can hold Y ou also can use the logging buf f ered command to change the number of entries the local Syslog buffer can stor e.
1390 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring the Syslog s ervice 41 • sys1 0 – reser ved f or system use • sys1 1 – reser ved f or system use • sys12 – re s.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1391 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 T o display T CP or UDP por t numbers instead of their names, enter the f ollowing command.
1392 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 TA B L E 2 3 9 Syslog messages Message level Message Explanation Aler t <num-modules> modules and 1 po wer supply , need more power sup ply!! Indicat es that the chassis needs more power supplies to run the modules in the chassis.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1393 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Alert Management module at slot <slot-num> state changed fr om <modu le-state> to <module-s tate> . Indicat es a stat e change in a m anagement module.
1394 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Aler t System: Mod ule in slot <slot-num> encountered unreco verable PCI config read failure. M odule will be deleted. The module encount ered an unrecov erable hardware conf igurat ion read failure.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1395 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Inf ormational IPv6: IPv6 prot ocol enabled on the device from <se ssion-id> IPv6 pro tocol was enabled on the de vice during the speci fied session.
1396 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Informational Bridge root changed, vlan <vlan-id> , new root ID <string> , root interface <por tnum> A Spanni ng T ree Protocol (STP) topology change has occurred.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1397 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Informational DOT1X : por t <por tnum> - mac <mac address> is unauthorized because syst em resource is not enough or the invalid infor mation to set the dynamic assigne d IP ACLs or MA C address filters 802.
1398 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Informational ER R_DISABLE : Inter face ethernet 16, err-di sable recovery timeout If the w ait time (port is down an d is waiting to come up) expires and t he por t is br ought up the fo llowing message is di splaye d.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1399 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Inf ormational Security: t elnet | SSH logout by <username> from sr c IP <ip-address> , src MA C <mac-a ddress> to USE R | PRIVILEGE EXEC mode The specified user logged out of th e device.
1400 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Informational Sy slog ser ver <IP-address> deleted | added | modified from console | t elnet | ssh | web | snm.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1401 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Inf ormational telnet | SSH | w eb access [by <username> ] from sr c IP <source ip address>, sr c MAC &l.
1402 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Inf ormational vlan <vlan-id> Bridge is R ootBridge <mac-a ddress> (MgmtPriChg) 802. 1W changed the curr ent bridge to be the root bridge o f the given topol ogy due to administrative change in bridge pr iority.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1403 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification Authentication Disabled on <por tnum> The multi-de vice por t authentication feature was disabled on the on the specified <portnum> .
1404 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification Local ICMP ex ceeds <burst-max> burst packets , stopping f or <lockup> seconds!! The number of ICMP pack ets exceeds the <burst-max> threshold se t by the ip icmp burst command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1405 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification OSPF inter face stat e changed, rid <rout er-id> , intf addr <ip-addr> , state <ospf-state> Indicat es that the state of an OSPF interface has changed.
1406 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification OSPF intf config error , rid <router -id> , intf addr <ip-addr> , pkt src addr <src-ip-addr> , error type <error-type> , pkt type <pkt-type> Indicat es that an OSPF inter face configuration error has occurred.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1407 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification OSPF intf rcvd bad pkt: Bad Chec ksum, rid <ip-addr> , intf add r <ip-addr> , pkt size <.
1408 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification OSPF intf retransmit, r id <router -id> , intf addr <ip-addr> , nbr rid <nbr -router -id.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1409 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification OSPF nbr state changed, rid <rout er-id> , nbr addr <ip-addr> , nbr rid <nbr-r outer -Id>, state <ospf- stat e> Indicat es that the state of an OSPF neighbor h as changed.
1410 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification OSPF vir tual intf authen fai lure, rid <rout er-id> , intf addr <ip-addr> , pkt src addr &.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1411 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification OSPF vir tual intf config erro r , rid <rout er-id> , intf addr <ip-addr> , pkt src addr &l.
1412 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification OSPF vir tual intf retransmit, rid <r outer-id> , intf addr <ip-addr> , nbr rid <nbr -ro.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1413 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification OSPF vir tua l nbr state changed, rid <rout er-id> , nbr addr <ip-a d dr> , nbr rid <nbr-r outer -id>, state <ospf-s tate> Indicat es that the state of an OSPF virtual neighbor h as changed.
1414 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Notification V RRP intf stat e changed, intf <portnum> , vrid <vir tual-router-id>, state <vrrp-state> A state change has occurred in a Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) interface.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1415 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 War n in g li s t <ACL -num> denied <ip-proto> <src-ip-addr> (<src-tcp/ud p-por t>) (Etherne.
1416 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Syslog messages 41 Warning N o global IP! cannot se nd IGMP msg. The device is config ured for ip multicast active but th er e i s n o c o nf ig ur ed IP ad dr es s and the device can not send out IGMP queries.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1417 53-1002266-01 Appendix A Network Monitoring Ta b l e 24 0 lists the individual Dell Pow erConnect swit ches and the netw ork monitoring features they support. Basic management The following sections contain procedur es f or basic sys tem management tasks.
1418 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic manageme nt A The follo wing hardware details are list ed in the output of the show version co mmand: • Chassis type • PROM t.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1419 53-1002266-01 Basic manageme nt A T o determine the available show c ommands for the syste m or a specific level of the CLI, enter the following command. PowerConnect#show ? Syntax: show <option> Y ou also can enter “show” at the c ommand prompt, then press the T AB ke y .
1420 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic manageme nt A Link T he link state. State T he S TP state. Dupl The mode (full-duplex or half-duplex). Speed The por t speed (1 0M, 100M, or 1 000M). T runk The trun k group number , if the por t is a member of a trunk group.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1421 53-1002266-01 Basic manageme nt A Viewing STP statistics Y ou can view a summar y of STP statistics f or Laye r 2 Switches and La yer 3 Switches. S TP statistics are by def ault polled ev er y 10 seconds.
1422 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Basic manageme nt A Viewing egress queue counters on Po werConnect B-Series FCX devices The show int er face command displays the number of packets on a port that were queued f or each QoS priority (traff ic class) an d dropped bec ause of congestion.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1423 53-1002266-01 RMON su pport A Clearing the egress queue counters Y ou can clear egress queue statistics (reset them to zero), using the clear statistics and clear statistics ethernet < por t > command.
1424 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 RMON support A Statistics (RMON group 1) Count inf ormation on multicas t and br oa dcast packets, to tal packets sent, under sized and.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1425 53-1002266-01 RMON su pport A Multicast pkts The total number of good pack ets received that wer e directed to a multicast address. This number does not include pack ets directed t o the broadcas t address.
1426 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 RMON support A History (RMON group 2) All active por ts by default will generat e two hist ory control data entries per activ e Lay er 2 Switch por t or Lay er 3 Switch inter face. An active port is defined as one with a link up.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1427 53-1002266-01 sFlow A PowerConnect(config)#rmon event 1 description ‘testing a longer string’ log-and-trap public owner nyc02 Syntax: rmon ev ent.
1428 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 sFlow A The configuration procedures for sFlow v ersio n 5 ar e the same as f or sFlow v ersion 2, ex cept where explicitly not ed. Conf iguration procedures for sFlo w are in the sectio n “Configuring and enabling sFlow” on page 1 430.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1429 53-1002266-01 sFlow A Configuration considerations This section lists the sFlow configu ration considerations on Dell PowerConnect de vices. Po werConnect B-Series FC X devices, y ou can use QoS queue 1 for priority traffic, ev en when sFlow is enabled on the port.
1430 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 sFlow A NOTE If an IP address is not already configured when y ou enable sFlow , the feature uses the source address T o display the agent_address, enable sFlow , then enter the sho w sflow command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1431 53-1002266-01 sFlow A Specifying the collector sFlow e xpor ts traf fic statistics to an ex ternal collect or . Y ou can specify up to four collect ors. Y ou can specify more than one collector with the same IP address if the UDP port numbers are unique.
1432 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 sFlow A The default polling interval is 20 seco nds. Y ou ca n change the int er val to a value fr om 1 to any higher value. The interval value applies to all inte r faces on which sFlo w is enabled.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1433 53-1002266-01 sFlow A While different por ts on a module may be config ured to ha ve different sampling rat es, the hardware f or the module will be programmed t o take samples at a single rate (the module sampling rate).
1434 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 sFlow A • 209 7 152 • 8388608 • 33554432 • 13421 7728 • 5368 709 12 • 2 14 7 483648 For e xample, if the configured sampling rate is 1 000, then the actual rate is 2048 and 1 in 2048 packets are sampled by the hardw are.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1435 53-1002266-01 sFlow A Enabling sFlow forwarding sFlow ex por t s data only for the int er faces on wh ich you enable sFlow f or warding.
1436 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 sFlow A NOTE When you enable sFlow f or war ding on a trunk por t, only the primar y por t of the trunk group f orwards sFlow samples. T o enable sFlow f or war ding on a trunk po r t, e nter commands s uch as the following.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1437 53-1002266-01 sFlow A Specifying the sFlo w agent IP address The sampled sFlow data sent to the collectors includ es an agent_address field. This field identifies the device (the sFlo w agent) that sent the data.
1438 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 sFlow A Exporting CPU and memo ry usage information to the sFlow collector With sFlow verion 5, you can optionally c onfigure the sFlow agent on the Dell Pow erConnect device to e xpor t inf o rmation about CPU and me mor y usage to the sFlow collector .
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1439 53-1002266-01 sFlow A Syntax: [ no ] sflow export cpu-traf fic <rate> The default sam pling rate depends on the Dell P owerConnect de vice being configured. Re fer t o “Changing the sampling rate” on page 1 432 for the def ault sampling rate f or each kind of Dell Pow erCon nect device.
1440 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 sFlow A PowerConnect#show sflow sFlow version:5 sFlow services are enabled. sFlow agent IP address: 4 collector destinations configured: Collector IP, UDP 6343 Collector IP 192.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1441 53-1002266-01 sFlow A Syntax: show sflow This command shows the following inf ormation. TA B L E 24 4 sFlow information This field.
1442 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring a utilization list for an uplink port A Clearing sFlow statistics T o clear the UDP packet and sF low sample counters in th e show sflow displa y, ent er the following command.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1443 53-1002266-01 Configuring a utilization list for an uplink port A • One or more uplink por ts • One or more downlink por ts Each list displays the uplink port and the percenta ge of that por t bandwidth that was utilized by the downlink ports over the most recent 30-second int er val.
1444 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Configuring a utilization list for an uplink port A NOTE The example abov e represe nts a pure configura tion in which traf fic is exchanged only by ports 1/2 and 1/1, and b y por ts 1/3 and 1/1.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1445 53-1002266-01 Appendix B Software Specifications IEEE compliance Dell Po werConnect devices suppo r t the f ollowing standards. RFC support The f ollowing table lists the RFCs supported by Dell P owerConnect de vices.
1446 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 RFC support B NOTE Some device s suppor t only a subset of the RFCs . For e xample, Lay er 2 Switches do not suppor t rout er- specific RFCs.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1447 53-1002266-01 RFC support B 12 12 Concise MIB Definitions Y es 12 13 MI B II Definition s Y es 12 15 SNMP generic traps Y es 1256 ICMP Router Discove.
1448 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 RFC support B 1850 OSPF T raps Y es 1850 OSPF version 2 MIB Y es 1905 Protocol Operations f or version 2 of the Simple Netw ork Managem.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1449 53-1002266-01 RFC support B 2336 IGMP version 2 Y es 2338 Vir tual Router R edundancy Protocol (VRRP) Ye s 2362 IP Multicast PIM Spar se Y es 23 70 T.
1450 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 RFC support B 2866 RADIUS Accounting Y es 2869 RADIUS Extensions Y es 2889 Benchmarking Methodology for LAN Switching Devices Ye s 2918.
PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1451 53-1002266-01 RFC support B 4252 The Secure Shell (SSH) Authentication Prot ocol Ye s 4253 The Secure Shell (SSH) T ranspor t Prot ocol Y es 4254 The.
1452 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 53-1002266-01 Internet drafts B Internet drafts In addit ion to the RFCs listed in “RFC suppor t” on page 1 4 45, Dell PowerC onnect devices support the fo llowing Internet drafts: • ietf-idmr -dvmrp version 3.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Dell FCX624-S (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Dell FCX624-S noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Dell FCX624-S - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Dell FCX624-S reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Dell FCX624-S erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Dell FCX624-S besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Dell FCX624-S verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Dell FCX624-S. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Dell FCX624-S gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.