Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 200 des Produzenten Dell
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Information in this document is subject to change without n otice. 1996-1997 De ll Computer C orp oratio n. All r ight s reserved. Reprodu ction in a ny manne r wh at soe v e r wit hout the wri tten permi ssion of Dell Com put er Corporati on is strictly forb idden.
v Safety In structions U se the following safety g uidelines to h e lp protect your comp uter system fr om potenti al damage an d to ensure yo ur own pe rsonal safet y . W hen Working In side the Computer Before t aking t he covers of f of the comput er , perform the following steps in the sequence indicated: 1.
vi microprocesso r . Y ou can do so by to uching an unpaint ed metal surface on the computer chassis. As you co ntinue to work inside the computer , periodi- cally touch an u npainted metal surface to rem ove any static char ge your body m ay have accumulated.
vii Preface A bout This Guide This guide prov ides directions for tr ained service techni- cians who are in stalling system upg rade options in a Dell PowerEdge 6100/20 0 computer system or ar e troubl e- shootin g problems th at have te m porar ily disabl ed a system.
viii O ther Documentation Y o u May Need Y ou m ay need to r eference the foll owing document ation when perfor ming the procedu res in this guide: • The Dell PowerEdge 6 100/200 System User’ s Gu.
ix T ypographical Convent ions The following list defines (where approp riate) and illus- trates typographical co nventions used as visual cues for specific elements of text throughout this documen t: • Keycaps , the labeling that appears on the keys on a keyboard, are enclosed in angle br ackets.
xi Contents Chapter 1 Intr oduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Chapter 2 Checking the Basi cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Backing Up Files .
xii Chapter 5 Running the System Diagnos tics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Features of the Sy stem Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 When to Use the Sys tem Diagnostics .
xiii Video Test Grou p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 Subtests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 Why Run a Video Test? .
xiv Inside the Chas sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 Responding to a Dell HIP Alert Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6 Troubleshooting a Wet Computer .
xv Chapter 9 Install ing Drives in the External Bays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Removing an d Replacing Front- Panel Inserts .
xvi Dell Diagnostics Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3 AutoTech Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3 TechFax Service . .
xvii 640 x 48 0 16-Color Graph ics Mode Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5 320 x 20 0 256-Colo r Graphics Mode Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6 640 x 48 0 256-Colo r Graphics Mode Screen .
xvii i Figure 7-7. Power Supply Fe atures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 Figure 7-8. Removing th e Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10 Figure 7-9. Replacing a Co oling Fan .
xix Tables Table 2-1. Boot Routine In dications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Table 3-1. System Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Table 3-2. System Beep Codes .
xxiii DELL CONFIDENTIAL Preliminary 12/17/96 Tables Table 2-1. Boot Routine In dications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Table 3-1. System Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xxiv DELL CONFIDENTIAL Preliminary 12/17/96.
Checki ng the Bas ics 2-1 Chapter 2 Checking the Basics I f a Dell PowerEdge 6100 com puter system is not work- ing as expect ed, start y our troublesh oo ting with the procedures in this chapter . This chapter guides you through some initial checks and pr ocedures that can solve basic compu ter problems.
2-2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 6. V erify the settings in the sys tem setup program as explained in “ The System Setup Program” later in this chapter . Is the problem res olved? Ye s . The system configuration infor mation was incorrect.
Checki ng the Bas ics 2-3 Figure 2-1. Back Panel Feature s parallel port connector A C power receptacle serial por t 2 connector mouse connector k e yboar d connector serial por t 1 connector video co.
2-4 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Figure 2-2. Front Panel Switches and Controls Complete the fo llowing procedure to check all the con- nections and switches: 1.
Checki ng the Bas ics 2-5 8. Is the keyboard operating properly? Ye s . Contin ue to step 9. No. Go to “T roubleshooting the Keyboard” in Ch ap- ter 6. 9. Is the mouse or printer operating properly? Ye s . Continue wi th “Look and Listen ” next in t his chapter .
2-6 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide If after lookin g and li stening to the computer you hav e not resolved th e pro blem, continue w ith the instructions in “The System Setup Progr am” next in this chapter .
Mess ages and Code s 3-1 Chapter 3 Messages and Codes A pplication progr ams, operat ing systems , and the computer itself are capable of identifyin g problems and alerting you to them. When a problem o ccurs, a message may appear o n the monitor screen or a b eep code may sound.
3-2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 0080 Option ROM has bad checksum 0083 Shadow of PCI ROM Failed 0084 Shadow of EISA ROM Failed 0085 Shadow of ISA ROM Fail.
Mess ages and Code s 3-3 0375 Keyboard and Mouse Swapped 0380 ECC SIMM failure, Board in slot 1 SIMM # 0392 ECC SIMM failure, Board in slot 2 SIMM # 0430 Timer Channel 2 Failure 0440 Gate-A20 Failure .
3-4 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide S ystem Beep Codes When errors occur during a boot routine that can not be reported on the monitor , the computer may emit a series of beeps that identify the problem. Th e beep code is a pa t- tern of beeps.
Mess ages and Code s 3-5 D iagnostics Messages When you run a tes t group or s ubtest i n the syst em diag- nostics, an er r or message may r esult. These particu lar error messages are not covered in this chapter .
3-6 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide.
Finding Software So lutions 4-1 Chapter 4 Finding So ftware Solutions B ecause most comput ers have several application pro - grams installed in addition to th e operating sys tem , isolat ing a soft ware problem can be conf using. So ftware errors can also app ear to be hardware m alfunctions at first.
4-2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Input Errors If a specific key or set of keys is pressed at the wrong time, a progr am may give you unexpect ed results . See the documentation that came with th e application p rogram to make sure that the v alues or characters yo u are entering are valid.
Run ning th e Syst em Dia gnosti cs 5- 1 Chapter 5 Running the System Diagnostics U nlike many diagnost ic programs, Dell’ s system diag- nostic s helps you check the computer’ s har dware without any addi tional equi pment and without d estroying any data.
5-2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide S tarting the System Diagnostics The system diagnostics is run directly from the Dell Serve r Assistant CD. See Chapter 2 , “Us in g the Del l Server Assistant CD” in the system User’ s Guide for mo re infor- mation about the CD.
Run ning th e Syst em Dia gnosti cs 5- 3 H ow to Use the System Diagnostics When you select Run Specific T ests from the Diagnostics Menu, the main screen of the diagnostics appears (see Figure 5-2).
5-4 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide C onfirming the System Configuration Information When you boot the system fro m the Dell Server As sistant CD, the system diagnostics checks the system co nfigura- tion informatio n an d displays it in th e Sys tem Configur ation area on the main screen.
Run ning th e Syst em Dia gnosti cs 5- 5 are displayed: All , One, Cl ear All, Key- Help, and Qui t Menu. T o select all the test groups, press the <Enter> key when All is highlighted in th e Select menu. T o select an indivi dual test group, highlig ht the tes t group and press the <Spacebar> or highlight One a nd press <Enter>.
5-6 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Options T able 5-1 lists all of the possible values for each glo bal parameter of the Options me nu category from the main screen. A brief description of each parameter follows.
Run ning th e Syst em Dia gnosti cs 5- 7 Output Device fo r Status Messag es Ordinarily , all status messages appear only o n the screen. This parameter allows you to direct status messages to either a printer or a file, in addition to the screen. If you choose the File option, status messages are written to a file name d resu lt .
5-8 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Quit Selecting Quit from the ma in screen exits the diagn ostics and re turns you t o your o perating sy stem enviro nment. T ests in the S ystem Diagnostics T o troubleshoot components or devices, run th e appropri- ate test (test group or subtest) in the diag nostics.
Run ning th e Syst em Dia gnosti cs 5- 9 Keyboard Control ler T est Key Sequence T est Interactive T est Stuck Key T est T ests the keyboard by checking t he keyboard control- ler and b y finding keys that st ick or res pond in cor- rectly .
5-10 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide E rror Messages When you run a tes t group or s ubtest i n the diagn ostics, error messages may result.
Run ning th e Syst em Dia gnosti cs 5-1 1 Subtests The subtests that constitute the System Set T est Group and the comp uter functions they co nfirm follow: • CMOS Confidence T est Checks the NVRAM for accessib ility and reliability of data storage by per forming a data pattern check and ver i f ying th e unique n ess of m emory ad dres se s.
5-12 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide • The speaker no long er f unction s. The p rob lem cou ld be a failure of the system timers as well as a failure of the speaker itself. Run the Timers T est , followed by the Speaker T est.
Running the Syste m Diagn ostics 5-1 3 If the followin g symptoms still occur , run the appro priate test(s) as follows : • If the monitor shows a partially formed or distorted image, run a l l of the subtests in the V ideo T es t Grou p.
5-14 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Why Run the Mouse T e st? Mouse or touch pad problems are as likely to orig inate in RAM as they are to be caused by a faulty mouse or touch pad.
Running the Syste m Diagn ostics 5-1 5 port, but it cannot be test ed as a serial or inf rar ed port . If a modem is installed a nd one of the subt ests in the Serial / Infrar ed Ports T est Gr oup fails, r emove the modem and run the di agnos tic tests ag a in.
5-16 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Subtests The subtests in the Parallel Ports T est Group and the port functions they con f irm follo w: • Inter nal T e st Checks s everal in ternal fu nct i ons of the parallel port.
Running the Syste m Diagn ostics 5-1 7 • Read T est Positions the read/write heads at each blo ck of the device for r eading data an d v erifies that all tracks o n the device can be read correctly .
5-18 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide.
Chec king t he Equ ipm en t 6-1 Chapter 6 Checking the Equipment T his chap ter pr ovi des t roubl esh oot ing procedures for equipm ent that conn ects directly to the input/ output (I/O) panel of the computer , such as the monitor , keyboard, mouse, or pr inter .
6-2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 7. Run the Video T est Group in the system dia g nos- tics agai n. Do the tests complete successfully? Ye s . The monitor must be r eplaced. See Chapter 1 1, “Getting Help,” for inst ructions on obtaining tech- nical assistance.
Chec king t he Equ ipm en t 6-3 • A faulty cable between the I/O port and the p eriph- eral device • A faulty p eripheral device • Incorrect settings in the system setup prog ram • Incorrect s.
6-4 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide T roubleshooting a Parallel Printer If the proced ure in the preceding subsection, “T rouble- shooting the Basic I/O Functions,” indicates that the problem is with a p arallel printer, follow these s teps: 1.
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-1 Chapter 7 Checking Inside the Computer T his chapter provides troubleshooting procedu res for components inside the computer .
7-2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide W orking insi de the comput er is safe—if you obser ve the following precautions. In addition , Dell recom m ends that you perio dically review the safety instructions at th e fro nt of this guide.
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-3 Figure 7-2. Removing the Computer Cover s Replacing the Computer Covers Use the following pr ocedu re to replace a computer cover: 1. Check all cable connections, especially those that might have come lo ose during y ou r work.
7-4 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide R emoving the Front Bezel Use the following pro cedure to remove the front bezel: 1. Remove the computer covers. See the previous subsection, “Removing the Com- puter Cove rs.
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-5 Figure 7-4. Inside the Chassis —Front/Left Side V iew external drive bays (4 ) internal drive bays (6) control panel system bo ard microprocessor modules expansion.
7-6 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Figure 7-5. Inside the Chas sis—Back/Right Side View R esponding to a Dell HIP Alert Message The Dell Hardware Ins trum.
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-7 2. Remove the computer covers. See “Removing the Computer Covers” earlier in this chapter . 3. Let the computer dry for at least 2 4 hours. Make sure t hat it i s thorou ghly dry before proceeding. 4. Remove all expansion cards, the micropr ocessor module(s), and the mem ory module installed in the computer .
7-8 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide T roubleshoo ting the RTC Chip If an error message indicates a problem with the real-time clock (R TC) chip or if the system setup pro- gram loses the system configuration information when the computer is turn ed off , the R TC chip may be defective.
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-9 Figure 7-6. Battery Re placement 6. Replace the fro nt bezel, the left and right computer covers, reco nnect the computer and peripherals to their power sources, and turn the m on. Is the problem res olved? Ye s . The battery was defective.
7-10 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Figure 7-8. Removing the Power Supply 5. Check that the locking switch on t he new power supply is set to the “standby” position, the n slide the power supply into the chassis.
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-1 1 Replacing a Cooling Fan Follow these steps to replace a defective co oling fan. 1. Remove the left computer cover . See “Removing the Computer Covers” earlier in this chapter . 2. Identify the defective cooling fan.
7-12 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide T roubleshoo ting Exp an sion Cards If an error message indicates an expansion-card problem or if an expa nsion card see.
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-13 10. Inspect all configuration jumpers on the system board to ensure that they are configured corr ectly for any insta lled expansion cards. For information on the configu ration jumpers and their settings , see Appendix C, “Jumpers , Switch es, and Conn ectors.
7-14 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 3. T urn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect all the AC power cables from their power sour ces. 4. Remove the left computer cover . See “Removing the Computer Covers” earlier in this chapter .
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-15 high- resoluti on video expan sion card installed , which overrides th e video logic of th e computer . The fol lowing procedur e troublesho ots problems with the video m emory and vi deo logic only .
7-16 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 6. Run the System Set T est Group in t he system diagnostics. See Chapter 5, “Run ning the System Diagnostics.” Do the tests complete successfully? Ye s . Contin ue to step 7.
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-17 Checki ng the Disket t e Drive Subsy stem T o verify that t he disket te drive su bsyste m is oper ating properly , follow these steps: 1. Enter the system setup program, and verify that the system is configured corr ectly in the Floppy Opti ons s ub m e n u.
7-18 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 12. Run the Diskette Drives T est Group in the system diagnostics to see whether the diskette drive sub- system now works correctly . Do the tests complete successfully? Ye s .
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-19 4. Restart the system and check for the pr esence of the tape drive during the boot . Is the problem res olved? Ye s . The drive is correctly cabled and is receiving power . Go to step 9. No. Cont inue to s tep 5. 5.
7-20 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide will issue the follow ing signa ls u sing the drive indi cator lights adjacent to each SCSI hard-d isk drive: • If a drive shows sig n s of imminent failure, the drive online indicat or turns off and the drive faul t indicator blinks on briefly each second.
Checki ng Inside the Compu ter 7-21 8. Check the SCSI cable connections to the SCSI backplane boa r d a nd to the SCSI host a dapter . Check the DC power cable connection to the SCSI backplane boa rd. The SCSI cable may be con nected to the SCSI host adapter on the system b oard or to a SCSI host adapter card in an expansion slot.
7-22 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide.
Installi ng System Board Opt ions 8-1 Chapter 8 Installing System Board Options T his chapter des cribes how to ins tall th e following opti ons: • Extended Industry- Standard Architecture (EIS A), .
8-2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Figure 8-1. System Board Features E xpansion Cards This compu ter can hol d up to 10 expans ion cards, six of which can be 32 -bit PCI master cards.
Installi ng System Board Opt ions 8-3 Figure 8-2. Expansion Cards Connect ors E1 throug h E4 suppo rt 32-bit EISA master or slave cards, and 8- and 16-bit ISA cards. C onnectors P1 throug h P6 sup port 32-bi t PCI master cards. V ideo expansion cards sh ould be install ed in connect ors P1 , P2, or P3.
8-4 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide from t heir power sources, and r emove the left computer cover . See “Removing th e Computer Covers” in Chap ter 7.
Installi ng System Board Opt ions 8-5 and delete the expansion card from the configura- tion inform ation. See Chapter 5, “Using the System Config uration Utility ,” in the system User ’ s Guide fo r in stru cti ons.
8-6 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide When installing S IMMs, follow these guidelines: • Install the SIMM with the pin 1 en d aligned with the pin 1 end of the socket (see F igure 8-5 ). • Install a SIMM in socket J1 befor e socket J2, socket J2 before so cket J3, and so on.
Installi ng System Board Opt ions 8-7 Performing a Memory Upgrade Use the following pro cedure to perfor m a memory upgrade: 1. Remove the left computer cover .
8-8 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 9. Replace the left computer cover , reconnect the computer and peripherals to their power sources, and turn them on.
Installi ng System Board Opt ions 8-9 Fig u re 8- 5. Inst alli ng a SI MM 4. Contin ue with st ep 7 of “Performing a Memory Upgrade” earlier in this section.
8-10 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Both microprocessor module sockets must be filled regardles s of how m any microproces sors are ins talled; you must use a b us termination modu le in the second socket if you have o nly one microprocessor installed.
Installi ng System Board Opt ions 8-1 1 NOTE: If you decide to upgrade you r system by instal ling additiona l micropr ocessors (up to four micr opr ocessors tota l) , yo u mu st or der a micr opro cess or u pgr ad e ki t f r om Dell. Not all versi ons of the Pentium Pro micr oprocessor will w ork pr operly as an addit ional micr oproces sor .
8-12 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 4. Remove the a ppropriate modules. Hold the module by the corners where the han dles are and carefu lly pull the module out until the edge connectors are free f rom the system boar d connector .
Installi ng System Board Opt ions 8-13 8. Unpack the new micropro cessor . If any of the pins o n the microprocessor appear bent, see Chapter 1 1, “Getting Help,” for instructions on obtaining technical assistance from Dell.
8-14 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Figure 8-12. Inst alling the Heat S ink 13. Replace the micropr ocessor securing clip. Orient th e clip as show n in Figure 8-12 , and hoo k the unfolded end o f the clip over the tab on the edge of the socket facing the front of the com puter .
Installi ng System Board Opt ions 8-15 the R TC chip in NVRAM is erased each time the co m- puter is turned of f. Therefore, the system co nfiguration information must be reent ered and the options reset each time the system boots until the R TC chip is replaced.
8-16 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 7. Replace the left computer cover , reconnect the computer and peripherals to their power sources, and turn them on. 8. Enter the system setup program to confirm that the R TC chip is operating pr operly .
Installin g Drives i n the External Bays 9-1 Chapter 9 Installing Drives in the External Bays T he external drive bays at the front of the Dell Power- Edge 6100 system hold up to fo ur user-accessible, half-hei ght 5.25- or 3.5- inch devices , typically diskette , tape, CD-R OM, or digital audio tap e (DA T) drives.
9-2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Figu re 9-1. Ex tern al Dri ve Ba y Har dware B efore Y ou Begin This chapter des c ribe s h ow to instal l the fo llowing opti ons: • Drives that us e the computer ’s built-in dis kette drive controller .
Installin g Drives i n the External Bays 9-3 Removing and Replacing Front-Panel Inse rts T o r e mo ve the fr ont-panel in sert for a dr ive bay yo u intend to use, first remove th e fro nt bezel as instructed in “Removing the Fron t Bezel” in Chapter 7.
9-4 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide Most interface connectors are keyed for correct insertion; that is, a notch or a raised tab on one connector matches a tab or notch o n t he oth er connecto r .
Installin g Drives i n the External Bays 9-5 • If two or more SCSI devices are installed, co nnect the devices as follows: — Attach one of the de vices t o the end connecto r on the SCSI cable, and lea ve the terminator enabled on tha t device.
9-6 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide drive, and then slide the driv e slightly toward the front of th e chassis. Refer to “DC Power Cables” earlier in this chapter to determine the corr ect DC power cable connector to use for the drive.
Installin g Drives i n the External Bays 9-7 5. Check all cable connections that may have been loosened during this procedure. Arrange c ables so they will not catch on the computer cover or block th e airflow of the fans or cooling v ents.
9-8 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide 14. Perform a tape backup and verification te st with the drive as instructed in the tape-drive softwar e documentation th at ca me with the drive.
Installin g Drive s in the Intern al Bays 10 -1 Chapter 10 Installing Drives in the Internal Bays T his chap ter des cribes how to i ns tall and c onfigur e small computer system inter face (SCSI) hard-disk drives in the computer’ s six internal drive bays.
10-2 Dell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Syst em Installa tion and T roubl eshooting Guide Figure 10-1. Internal D rive Hardware I nstalling SCSI Hard-Disk Dri v e s in the I nternal Drive Bays SCSI hard-disk drives are supplied by Dell in special drive carriers that fit in the internal drive bays (see Figure 10-2).
Installin g Drive s in the Intern al Bays 10 -3 Removing and Installing a SCSI Hard-Disk Drive The fol lowi ng subs ections desc ribe h ow to re mo ve or install SCSI hard-disk driv e carriers in the computer’ s internal drive b ays. Removing a SC SI Hard-Disk Drive Remove a SCSI hard- disk drive from an internal drive bay a s f ollow s: 1.
10-4 Dell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Syst em Installa tion and T roubl eshooting Guide ensure that the SCSI host ad apter is configured correctly to su pport dr ive removal an d inserti on.
Installin g Drive s in the Intern al Bays 10 -5 reconnect the co mputer and periph erals to their power sources, and turn them on; then go to step 9. NOTE: If SCSI devices ar e connected using the external SCSI co nnection slo ts, Ultr a SCSI mode is not s upporte d.
10-6 Dell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Syst em Installa tion and T roubl eshooting Guide Figure 10-4. Daisy-Chaining External SCSI Devices 7. Replace the left computer cover , and reconnect the computer and peripherals to their power sou rces . 8. Connect the external device( s) to power .
Getting Help 1 1-1 Chapter 1 1 Getting Help T his chapter des cribes the tools Dell p rovides to help you when y ou have a pro blem with y our computer s ys- tem.
1 1-2 Dell PowerEd ge 6100/2 00 System Ins tallatio n and T roublesh ooting G uide System Document ati on The Inst allation and T r oubleshoo ting Gu ide includes information about system featu res, customizing the operation of the com puter , and diagnos ing and tr ouble- shooting compu ter problems.
Getting Help 1 1-3 • Electronic Quote Service • Electronic Infor mation Service Commercial O nline Serv ices Dell can also be accessed electronically via co mmercial o.
1 1-4 Dell PowerEd ge 6100/2 00 System Ins tallatio n and T roublesh ooting G uide For the T echFax telephone number , see “Dell Contact Numbers” later in this chapter . NOTE: T echFax is n ot always availabl e in all location s outside the con tinental U.
Getting Help 1 1-5 R eturning Items for Warranty Repair or Cred it Prepare all items being returned, whether for repair or credit, as follows: 1. Call Del l to obta in an au thorizatio n number , and write it clearly and pr ominently on the outside of the b ox.
1 1-6 Dell PowerEd ge 6100/2 00 System Ins tallatio n and T roublesh ooting G uide T o place a long-distance call within yo ur own country , use area codes instead of international access codes, country codes, and city c odes.
Getting Help 1 1-7 Korea (Seoul) 001 82 2 Luxembour g 00 — — Macau — 853 Not required Malaysia (Penang) 007 60 4 Mexico (Colon ia Granada) 95 52 5 Netherlands (Amsterdam) 00 31 20 New Zealand 00.
1 1-8 Dell PowerEd ge 6100/2 00 System Ins tallatio n and T roublesh ooting G uide T able 1 1-3. Dell Contact Numbers Country Area Local Number or Department Name or Service Code T oll-Free Number Australia (Syd ney) C ustomer T echnical Support . . .
Getting Help 1 1-9 Cana da (North Y ork , Ontario) NOTE: Customers in Canada call th e U.S. for access to T echConn ect BBS. Automated Order-Status System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . toll free: 1-800-433- 9014 AutoT ech (A utomated techn ical s upport) .
1 1-10 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roublesh ooting Guide Denmark * (Horshol m) Customer Care, T echnical Support, and Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . toll free: 800 171 62 Finland * (Helsinki) Customer Support and T echnical Support .
Getting Help 1 1-1 1 Ireland * (Bray) Customer T echnical Suppor t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-850-543-54 3 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 1-12 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roublesh ooting Guide Luxem bour g * NOTE: Customers in Luxem bo ur g call Belgi um for sales, customer assistance , and tech nical assistance, and the y call the Netherland s for the Sale sF ax, T echF ax, and T echConn ect BBS services.
Getting Help 1 1-13 New Zealand T echnical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0800 446 2 55 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 1-14 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roublesh ooting Guide Sweden * (Uppla nds V as by) T echnical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 05 199 Customer Care . .
Getting Help 1 1-15 U.S. (Austin, T e xas) Automated Order-Status System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . toll free: 1-800-433- 9014 AutoT ech (A utomated techn ical s upport) .
1 1-16 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roublesh ooting Guide.
Diag nost ics Chec kli st A-1 Appendix A Diagnostics Checklist B efore Y ou Call... Keep a record o f your diagn ostic and t roubleshoot ing activities by photoco pying the foll owing checklis t and filling it out when ev er you experience a problem with your comp uter system.
A-2 Dell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Syst em Installa tion and T roubl eshooting Guide Name: __ ________ _________ _____ _________ ________ _________ _____ _______Date : _______ ______ _______ Addres s: ____ _________ ________ _________ _____ _________ ________ ______ ___Phone no .
Diagno stic V ideo T ests B-1 Appendix B Diagnostic V ideo T ests T he V ideo T est Group of the s ystem dia gnostic s (see Chapter 5, “Runni ng the Sys tem Diagnosti cs”) cons ists of the followi.
B-2 Dell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Syst em Installa tion and T roubl eshooting Guide The fol lowing subsec tions des cribe the subte s ts of the T ext Mode Character T est in the order in which they appear .
Diagno stic V ideo T ests B-3 T ext Mode Color T est The T ext Mode Color T est contains three subtests that check the video subsystem’ s ability to present color in text mo d es. The followi ng subs ections desc rib e these subtes ts. NOTE: These subtests ar e valid for color monitors only .
B-4 Dell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Syst em Installa tion and T roubl eshooting Guide Color At tributes Subtest (40 x 25 ) The 40-column x 25-line color attributes subtest is the same as the previous subtest except th at the characters are displayed in 40-column by 25- line (doub le-wide) text mode.
Diagno stic V ideo T ests B-5 320 x 20 0 16-Colo r Graph ics Mode Scree n The 320- x 200-pi xel 16-color graphics mode screen d is- plays a series of Xs in 16 dif ferent colors with the name of the color beneath each X. T ype y if all the Xs are the correct colors; other wise, type n .
B-6 Dell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Syst em Installa tion and T roubl eshooting Guide 320 x 20 0 256-Color Graphics Mode Scree n The 320- x 200-pixel 256-colo r graphics mo de screen displa ys a ser ies of squar es in 256 dif ferent color hues and intensities .
Diagno stic V ideo T ests B-7 S olid Col ors T es t The Solid Colors T est checks whether the video sub- system is displaying the correct colors. Th is test also lets you check for miss ing pixel s. When this test is runnin g, four scr eens appear sequentially—a red screen, a green screen, a blue screen, and a white screen.
B-8 Dell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Syst em Installa tion and T roubl eshooting Guide.
Jumpers , Switches , and Con nectors C-1 Appendix C Jumpers, Switches, and Connectors T his append ix pr ovides speci fic infor mation ab out the jumpe rs o n th e system boa r d. It a lso provides so me bas ic information on ju mpers and switche s and describes the connectors and sockets on the various boards in th e computer .
C-2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide on the appr opriate side of the switch. In either case, do not use a pen, pencil, o r other object that might leave a residue on the switch.
Jumpers , Switches , and Con nectors C-3 T able C-1. System-Boar d Jumper and Switch Settings Jumper/Switch Setting De scription CLEAR CMOS (default) Settings in CMOS and the real-time clock (R TC ) are reset to facto ry defaults during reset. Settings in CMOS and the R TC are retained during res et.
C-4 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide FLOPPY 0 (Dell default) Enables 1.44-MB diskette drive size or au todetec- tion. Dis ables 2. 8 8-MB size detectio n. Enables forced 2 .88-MB diskette drive size detect ion.
Jumpers , Switches , and Con nectors C-5 S ystem Board Labels T able C-2 lists the connectors and sockets located on the system board. T able C-2. System Board Connectors and Socke ts Connec tor or So.
C-6 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide M icroprocessor Module Figure C-2. Microprocess or Module Jumpers.
Jumpers , Switches , and Con nectors C-7 See T able C-3 for the micropr ocessor module jumper settings. T able C-3. Mic roprocessor Module Jumper Settings Jumper Setting De scription J101 (default) A processor is not installed in the adjacent slot. This ju mper is us eful onl y when you are using ITP .
C-8 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide S CSI Backplane Board Figure C-3. SCSI Backplane Board T able C-4 lists the connectors on the SCSI backplane boar d.
Jumpers , Switches , and Con nectors C-9 P ower-Supp ly Parall eling B oard Figure C-4. Power-Supply Paralleling Board system board connector (PWR1) peripherals connector (PWR FD) system board connect.
C-10 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide T a bl e C-5 lists the con nectors on the pow er-supply paral- leling board.
Abbr eviat ion s a nd Acr onyms 1 Abbreviations and Acronyms Abbrevia tion or Acronym De scrip tion A ampere(s) AC alternating current ADC an alog-to-digital conver ter ADI Autodesk Device Interface A.
2 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide DRAM dynamic random-access memory DS/DD double-sided double-den sity DS/HD double-sided high -density DSA Dell SCSI Array E.
Abbr eviat ion s a nd Acr onyms 3 LIF low insertion force LN load number LIM Lo tus/I ntel/Micr osoft lpi lines per inch m meter(s) mA milliampere(s) mAh milliampere-hour(s) MB megaby te(s) MBR master.
4 Dell PowerEdge 6100/200 Sy stem Ins tallatio n and T roubl eshooting Guide SVGA super v ideo gr aphi cs ar ray TF T thi n film transisto r tpi tracks per inch TSR terminate-and -stay-resident TV tel.
Inde x 1 Index A AC power recep tacle, 2-3 alert lo g messages , 3-5 alternating current. See AC assistance technical, 11-1 teleph one numbers , 11-5 warranty repair or credit, 11-5 AutoTech service, 11 -3 B back panel featu res, 2-3 backplane bo ard.
2 D ell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Sys tem Instal latio n and T roublesh ooting G uide computer covers, 7-2 interior, illustrated , 7-5, 7 -6 switc hes and contro l s, ill us trat ed, 2-4 system board featu.
Inde x 3 expansion cards about, 8-2 controller, 9-7, 9-8 illustrated, 8-3 installing, 8-3 remo ving , 8-4 troub leshooting, 7-12 external SCSI devices, 10-4 F fai lures technical assistance, 11-1 fixed disk. See har d-dis k drive s fixing problems , 11-1 FLOPPY 0 jumper, C-2, C-4 FLOPPY 1 jumper, C-2, C-4 flop py driv es.
4 D ell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Sys tem Instal latio n and T roublesh ooting G uide I I/O conn ections , 2-3 I/O funct ions, t roublesh ooting, 6 -3 I/O ports, troublesho oting, 6-2 ID num bers, 9-4 indicators contro l panel, 2 -4 patterns , 10-4 input/o utput.
Inde x 5 M main screen, sy stem diagnostics, 5-3 math coprocessor System Set Test Group, 5 -11 test in g, 5-11 memo ry adding , 8-5 configuri ng, 8-6 module, illus trated, 8-5 RAM Test Group, 5- 10 tr.
6 D ell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Sys tem Instal latio n and T roublesh ooting G uide powe r AC power recep tacle, 2-3 input co nnectors, 9-3 power indi cator illustrated, 2-4 power sourc e troub leshootin.
Inde x 7 serial port connectors location, 2-3 Serial/Infrared Ports Test Group system di agnosti cs, 5-14 service, 11 -1 SIMMs installation guidelines, 8-5 installing, 8-7 memory module, illu strated, 8-5 remo ving , 8-9 suppo rted types , 8-5 upgrade o ptions, 8 -5 single in-line memory mo du les.
8 D ell Pow erEdge 610 0/200 Sys tem Instal latio n and T roublesh ooting G uide system diag nostics ( continued) test gro ups, 5-8 tests, 5- 8 using, 5-3 Video Test Group, 5-12, B- 1 when to use, 5-1.
Inde x 9 U upgrade o ptions expansion cards, 8-2 microprocesso rs, additional, 8-9 SIMMs, 8-5 upper S CSI output slot location, 2-3 user’s doc umentatio n, 1 1-2 V video co nnector location, 2-3 vid.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Dell 200 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Dell 200 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Dell 200 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Dell 200 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Dell 200 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Dell 200 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Dell 200 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Dell 200. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Dell 200 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.