Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DNS-323 des Produzenten D-Link
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2 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual T able of Contents Pr oduct Overview ........................................................ 3 P ac kage Contents.................................................... 3 System Requirements .................................
3 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Product Over view D-Link DNS-323 Network Enclosure CD-R OM with Manual and Softw are Quic k Installation Guide P ower Adapter .
4 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview The D-Link DNS-323 2-Ba y Network Storage Enclosure shares your documents , photos, music , and videos across the netw ork and on the Inter net (via FTP ser v er) so f amily members , friends, or emplo yees can access them.
5 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Features The DNS-323 is designed f or easy installation and allows remote access to impor tant data via the LAN or W AN: T wo Hard Driv e Bays f or 3.
6 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Over view Front View P ower Button: Press once to pow er on the DNS-323. Press and hold the b utton until it begins to blink to po wer do wn the DNS-323. Drive LEDs: These LEDs will be solid BLUE when drives are connected but inactiv e.
7 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview P ower Receptac le: The 12V 3A / 5V 3A pow er supply connects here. Ethernet P or t: A Gigabit Ether net por t that connects the DNS-323 to the local network. USB P or t: USB Print Ser ver por t f or connecting a USB pr inter .
8 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Installation 1. Access the dr iv e ba ys b y sliding the faceplate up until it unlatches from the de vice. 2. Once the f aceplate is unlatched, pull it off the de vice, e xposing the dr iv e ba ys.
9 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 2 - Installation 3. I n s e r t a 3 . 5 ” S A T A h a r d d r i v e i n t o e a c h a v ail ab le driv e ba y . Ma ke sur e to ali gn the driv e connectors to the endpoints in the DNS-323. Gently push the drive in until it connects .
10 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 2 - Installation 5. Connect an Ether net cab le into the a vailab le Ether net por t. This cab le should connect the DNS-323 to your local networ k or directly to a computer f or configuration. 6. Fina lly , con nec t the po we r adapte r to the po wer receptacle.
11 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Configuration When first powered on, during the initial boot sequence, the DNS-323 will w ait to be assigned an IP address via DHCP . If it does not receive a DHCP assigned IP address , b y def ault it will ha ve a self-assigned IP address of 192.
12 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration T o r un the Easy Search Utility , inser t the DNS-323 CD into y our CD-ROM driv e: C l i c k E a s y S e a r c h Utility . Hi ghl igh t a n availa ble DN S-3 23 an d cli ck Confi gura ti on to acc es s the web-based utility .
13 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The Login screen will appear : T ype ad mi n f or the use rname and leav e the pass word field blank. Click Config When logging into the DNS-323 f or the first time, y ou will be ask ed to choose a drive configuration and f or mat the dr iv es.
14 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select the type of hard dr iv e configuration, Standard, JBOD , RAID 0 or RAID 1. A warning message appears informing you that your drives will be formatted and all data erased. Click OK to continue .
15 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select the disk f or mat type, EXT2 or EXT3. When f or matting of the dr iv e completes, the DNS-323 will restar t.
16 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration After logging in, y ou will be redirected to the DNS-323 web UI:.
17 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The DNS-323 web UI def aults to the Setup page . The main categor ies f or configuration are located in the men u tabs at the top of the page. These categories include: Setup - Contains the DNS-323 setup wizard, as well as the LAN configuration settings and de vice settings.
18 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wizard The DNS-323 has a setup Wizard that allows y ou to quickly configure some of the basic de vice settings . W h e n r u n n i n g t h e D N S - 3 2 3 s e t u p w i z a r d , t h e welcome screen details the fiv e steps of the wizard.
19 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Set th e a ppr opr iat e Ti me Zo ne an d c lick N ext t o continue . Edit or change the DNS-323 LAN inf or mation, or to keep the current settings , click Ne xt to continue .
20 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a wor kgroup, name, and desc ripti on f or t he DNS-323, or lea ve the default v alues and click Ne xt to continue . Wh en the wiz ard com pl et es , cl ic k Ba c k to go bac k and mak e chang es or clic k Restart to rest ar t the DNS -32 3 and sav e the configuration.
21 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration While the DNS-323 is restar ting, a countdown will appear . When the login prompt appears, login using the new administrator pass word.
22 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration LAN The Local Area Network settings f or the DNS-323 are configured on the LAN page. Link Speed DHCP Client Static IP The LAN Link Speed is set to A uto by default, but can be manually set to 100Mbps or 1000Mbps.
23 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Device Settings The de vice settings page allows y ou to assign a wor kg roup , name and descr iption to the DNS-323. Workgroup Name Description Assigns a w orkgroup name to the DNS-323. Assigns a name to the DNS-323.
24 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Users Create a User User List The DNS-323 suppor ts up to 64 unique users. The users can be specified b y group , or created individually . The users are created to allow access to specific f olders on the DNS-323, via FTP or the local network.
25 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Groups Create A Group Groups List The DNS-323 suppor ts up to 10 unique groups. Users can be assigned to Groups f or ease of management, and to aid in organization when setting up access rules and quotas.
26 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Quotas User Quota Settings Group Quota Settings Quota Status The DNS-323 suppor ts storage quotas f or both groups and individual users . Assigning a quota to a group or user will limit the amount of storage the y are allocated.
27 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Configuring Quotas By def ault, all users and g roups are displa y ed on the Quota Settings page . Users and groups are automatically listed on this page, and cannot be deleted. The def ault quota setting is “Unlimited”.
28 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The user , their amount of storage used, and their storage limit are displa yed..
29 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Network Access Network Access Settings Category Group / User The Network Access settings allow you to assign users and groups to specific folders or volumes . By def ault, all users are allo wed Read/Write access to all volumes .
30 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration FTP Ser ver FTP Server Settings FTP Server Status The DNS-323 is equipped with a b uilt in FTP Ser v er . The ser ver is easy to configure and allows users access to impor tant data whether they are on the local networ k or at a remote location.
31 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration FTP Ser ver Settings Category Max User D e t e r m i n e s w h e t h e r t h e F T P ser v er rule will apply to a g roup or individual user . Group / User Select the group or user the FTP ser v er r ule will apply to .
32 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If you are behind a router , y ou will need to f orw ard the FTP por t from the router to the DNS-323. Additional filtering and firew all settings may need to be modified on y our router to allo w FTP Access to the DNS-323 from the Inter net.
33 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration UPnP A V Ser ver UPnP A V Server Folder Select Enable or Disab le to enable or disable the DNS-323 UPnP A V ser v er . The DNS-323 f eatures a UPnP A V Ser v er . This ser v er provides the ability to stream photos, music and videos to UPnP A V compatib le netw ork media pla yers .
34 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration iT unes Ser ver iT unes Server Folder Password The DNS-323 f eatures an iT unes Ser ver . This ser ver provides the ability to share music and videos to computers on the local netw or k r unning iT unes.
35 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration After enab ling the iT unes ser v er on the DNS-323, launch iT unes. When iT unes detects the DNS-323, select it and y ou will be prompted to enter the iT unes ser v er pass word. S e l e c t t h e D N S - 3 2 3 .
36 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration DHCP Ser ver DHCP Server Starting IP Address Lease Time The DNS-323 can also be used as a DHCP Ser ver .
37 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Admin User Name Password New Password Confirm Password T ools The Admin menu allo ws y ou to set a pass word for the admin account. It is recommended to set an admin account pass word when first configuring the DNS-323.
38 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration T ime NTP Server From My Computer Set Time Manually Daylight Saving Time The DNS-323 Time menu contains se v eral diff erent options f or setting the de vice’ s inter nal clock. It is impor tant that accurate time is set so that scheduled bac kups and downloads will be accurate .
39 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration System Restart Restore Defaults Configuration Settings Idle Time The DNS-323 System menu provid es options f or system restar ts, savi ng and loading configuration settings , and setting idle times.
40 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Firmware Firmware Upgrade Current Firmware Info The DNS-323 Fir mw are menu mak es it simple to check f or ne w fir mw are releases and upload them to the de vice. T h i s s e c t i o n p r o v i d e s a l i n k t o c h e c k fo r n e w f i r m w a r e o n t h e D-Link suppor t website.
41 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration E-Mail Alerts Alert Settings Alert T ypes With the DNS-323 E-Mail Aler ts, y ou can configure e-mails to be sent aler ting you to cer tain operational conditions and drive status conditions . These aler ts can pro ve helpful with the management and saf eguarding of impor tant data.
42 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration E-Mail Alert Settings Login Method User Name S e l e c t e i t h e r A c c o u n t o r A no n ym o us . C ho os i ng An o n y mo us does not require a User Name or P ass word. Enter the appr opria te user name f or your e-mail account.
43 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration E-Mail Alert T ypes Space Status Hard Drive is Full S e l ec t a n i n t e r v al i n h o u r s a n d minutes to hav e a status of space remaining on the drives e-mailed. An aler t will be sent when the hard drive is full.
44 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Disk Utilities Scan Disk Defragment The DNS-323 has Scan Disk and Defgr ament utilities to help the de vice perf or mance . Select the disk you want to scan. Ch e ck A ll d is ks t o s ca n al l t he dis ks.
45 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Power Management Power Management The DNS-3 23 P ow er Manag ement f eature allo ws you to configure the drive s to shut do wn while pow er remains cons tant to the de vice. The dr iv es will power up again when data is accessed.
46 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration RAID RAID Settings The DNS-323 suppor ts four diff erent disk configuration types: Standard , where each dr iv e is a unique v olume, JBOD , which combines both drives in a linear f ashion to create one v olume, as well as RAID 0 and RAID 1 .
47 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration What is RAID? RAID , shor t f or Redundant Arra y of Independent Disks, is a combination of tw o or more disks with the aim of providing f ault toler ance and improving perf or mance.
48 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Status Device Info LAN Info Displa ys the local network settings of the DNS-323. Device Info D i s p l ay s t h e w o r kg r o u p, n a m e , de scri pti on an d cu rr ent tem per at ure of the DNS-323.
49 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Support The DNS-323 Suppor t page provides a menu of Suppor t topics e xplaining the f eatures of the device .
50 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Mapping a Drive Y ou can use the D-Link Easy Search Utility to map dr iv es to your computer . Inser t the DNS-323 CD into your CD-ROM drive . Click Easy Sear ch Utility . The Easy Search Utility will load and detect any DNS-323 de vices that are on the local network.
51 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Once connected, y our mapped drive(s) will appear in My Computer . Highlight an av ailable DNS-323. A vai lable volu mes wi ll be di spl a yed un de r Dr i ve M ap pi ng. H ig hl igh t t he v olume y ou want to map .
52 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Dou b le- clic k the My Compu ter icon on your desktop . D ou ble - cl i ck o n t h e ma p pe d dr ive to ac ces s t he fi les a nd f olders.
53 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Download Scheduling The DNS-323 Download Scheduling f eature allows you to set up scheduled f older or file downloads and backup sessions. Begin b y accessing the configuration of the DNS-323: Click Easy Sear ch Utility .
54 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration T ype admin f or the user name and lea ve the pass word field blank. Click Do wnload Schedule . The DNS-323 login screen will appear : The DNS-323 Download Scheduling configur ation will appear .
55 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Scheduling Settings Co nfig ur e d ownl oa d a nd ba ckup schedules here. Schedule List The Sched ule List will displa y all c o mp l e t e d , a c t i ve, a n d p e n d i ng s c h e d u l e d d o w n l o a d s a n d backups .
56 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Login Method Select the appropr iate login method to acces s the files fo r down load . If the site requires login credentials, select Account and enter a v alid username and pass word. T ype S e l e c t F i l e o r Fo ld e r , d e p e n di n g on w ha t you wa nt t o dow nl oad o r backup .
57 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration USB Print Ser ver The DNS-323 f eatures a built-in USB pr int ser ver , giving users the ability to share a pr inter on their local networ k. Connect a USB printer to the USB por t on the back of the DNS-323.
58 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select “ Add a printer ”. The Windows Add Printer Wizard will launch: Click Ne xt to continue.
59 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration When promp ted to choose a local, or netwo rk pri nt er , sele ct “ A ne tw or k pr inte r , or a pri nt er attached to another computer . ” Click Next to continue . Select “ Bro wse f or a printer ” and click Next to continue .
60 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration D o ub le - c l ic k “ D N S -3 2 3 ” f r o m t h e S h ar e d Printers list to expand the tree .
61 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The f ollowing printer dr iv er messages will appear : Click Ne xt to continue. Click OK to contin ue and select a printer dr iv er . Select the appropriate printer dr iv er from the list and clic k OK to compl ete the wizar d.
62 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Inser t the pr int driver CD or bro wse to the appropriate director y . Select the appropr iate driver file, and clic k Open to continue .
63 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration V er ify the driver is correct, and clic k OK to continue . The wizard will install the pr inter dr iv ers, a nd r et u r n a c om p l et i o n s c r e en .
64 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration T h e p r i n t e r s h o u l d n o w a p p e a r a s a n av ailable printer ..
65 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Appendix A - Contacting T echnical Support Contacting T echnical Support U .S . and Canadian customers can contact D-Link technical suppor t through our web site or by phone . Bef ore you contact technical suppor t, please ha v e the follo wing ready: • Model number of the product (e .
66 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Appendix B - Warranty W arranty Subject to the ter ms and conditions set f or th herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this Limited W arranty: • Only to .
67 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Appendix B - Warranty Limited Software W arranty: D-L ink wa rra nts that the sof twa re por ti on of the pro duct (“Sof twa re”) will su bst anti all y con fo r m to.
68 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Appendix B - Warranty • After an RMA number is issued, the defectiv e product m ust be pac kaged securely in the original or other suitable shipping package to ensure that it will not be damaged in transit, and the RMA n umber m ust be prominently mar k ed on the outside of the pac kage.
70 D-Link DNS-323 User Manual Appendix C - Registration V ersion 1.0 June 14, 2006 Product registr ation is entirely v oluntar y and failure to complete or retur n this f or m will not diminish y our warr anty rights.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts D-Link DNS-323 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie D-Link DNS-323 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für D-Link DNS-323 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von D-Link DNS-323 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über D-Link DNS-323 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon D-Link DNS-323 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von D-Link DNS-323 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit D-Link DNS-323. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei D-Link DNS-323 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.