Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ONS 15600 des Produzenten Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA http://www Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS ( 6387) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco ONS 1 560 0 Reference Manual Pr oduct and Documenta tion Release 7 .
iii Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 CONTENTS About this Manual xxiii Revisi on Hist ory xxiv Document Obje ctives xxiv Audienc e xxi v Relat ed Do cume nta tion xxiv Document Conv entions xxv .
Cont ent s iv Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 1.11.3 OG I Cabl es 1-19 1.11.4 Optical Ca rd Cable Rou ting 1-20 1.11.5 Card R eplacemen t 1-20 CHAPTER 2 Card Refer ence 2-1 2.1 Card O ver view 2-1 2.1. 1 Card Summary 2-1 2.1. 2 Card Comp atibil ity 2-2 2.
Content s v Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 2.7. 2 OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Facepl ate and Bloc k Diagr am 2-18 2.7. 3 OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Card-Le vel I ndicato rs 2-18 2.7. 4 OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Network- Level Indicat ors 2-19 2.
Cont ent s vi Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 4.5. 2 Network Vi ew 4-9 4.5. 2.1 CTC Node Co lors 4-10 4.5. 2.2 Network View Tab s 4-11 4.5. 2.3 Link Cons olidat ion 4-11 4.5. 3 Card View 4-12 4.5. 4 Export an d Print CT C Data 4-14 4.6 CTC Ca rd Res et 4-15 4.
Content s vii Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 7.3 Cross -Conn ect Card Ban dwidth 7-12 7.4 DCC Tunn els 7-12 7.4. 1 Tradit ional DCC Tu nnels 7-12 7.4. 2 IP-Enc apsulat ed Tunne ls 7-13 7.5 Multip le De stinat ions f or Un idirec tional Circu its 7-13 7.
Cont ent s viii Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 8.5. 2 Two-Fib er BLSR to Four -Fiber BLSR 8-14 8.5. 3 Add or Remove a Node from a Topo logy 8-14 CHAPTER 9 Management Networ k Connectivi ty 9-1 9.1 IP Netw orki ng O vervi ew 9-1 9.2 ONS 15600 IP Addre ssing Sce narios 9-2 9.
Content s ix Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 9.7. 9 OSI/IP Ne tworking Scenario s 9-44 9.7. 9.1 OSI/IP Scenari o 1: IP OSS, IP DCN, ONS GNE, IP DCC, and ONS ENE 9-45 9.7. 9.2 OSI/IP Scenari o 2: IP OSS, IP DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Other Vendor ENE 9-45 9.
Cont ent s x Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 11.3.2 Alarm Profi le Buttons 11-10 11.3.3 Alarm Profi le Edit ing 11-11 11.3.4 Alarm Severi ty Optio n 11-11 11.3.5 Row Displ ay Opti ons 11-11 11.3.6 Ala rm Pr ofile A pplic atio ns 11-11 11.4 Alarm Fi lter 11-12 11.
Content s xi Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 13.6 SNMP Manag ement Info rmation Ba ses 13-5 13.6.1 IETF-Sta ndard MIBs for ONS 1560 0 13-5 13.6.2 Propriet ary ONS 15600 MIBs 13-6 13.7 SNM P Trap Co ntent 13-6 13.7.1 Generic and IETF Tr aps 13-7 13.
Cont ent s xii Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 A.1.7 Ext ernal LAN I nter face A-3 A.1.8 TL1 Craf t Interf ace A-3 A.1.9 Modem Interf ace A-3 A.1.10 Ala rm Inte rface A-3 A.1.11 BIT S Interf ace A-3 A.1.12 System Timin g A-3 A.1.13 Database Storag e A-4 A.
Content s xiii Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 C.4 CTC De faul t Sett ings C-39 I NDEX.
Cont ent s xiv Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2.
FIG U R ES xv Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Figu re 1-1 ONS 15600 wit h Dollie s Instal led 1-3 Figu re 1-2 ONS 15600 Fr ont Door 1-4 Figu re 1-3 Bay Label 1-5 Figu re 1-4 Laser War ning Lab.
Figures xvi Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 Figu re 2-15 Bail Clasp XFP ( Unlat ched) 2-28 Figu re 2-16 Bail Clasp XFP ( Latched) 2-28 Figu re 2-17 ONS 1560 0 Filler Card 2-29 Figu re 3-1 ONS.
Figures xvii Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Figu re 8-11 Path -Protec ted Mesh Network 8-12 Figu re 8-12 PPMN Vi rtua l Ring 8-13 Figu re 9-1 Scenari o 1: CTC and ONS 15 600s on Same Subnet 9.
Figures xviii Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 Figu re 9-34 OSI/ IP Scen ario 5: GNE Without an OSI DCC Connec tion 9-51 Figu re 9-35 OSI/ IP Scenar io 6: IP OSS, OSI DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, an.
TABLES xix Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Ta b l e 1-1 Power Requ irements for an I ndividu al Fan 1-17 Ta b l e 1-2 Slot and Card Symbo ls 1-17 Ta b l e 1-3 Card Por ts and Line Rates 1-18 T.
Tables xx Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 Ta b l e 4-5 Node St atus 4-10 Ta b l e 4-6 Networ k View Tabs an d Subta bs 4-11 Ta b l e 4-7 Link I cons 4-11 Ta b l e 4-8 Card Vie w Tabs and Su b.
Tables xxi Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Ta b l e 9-14 OSI Vi rtua l Router Co nstra ints 9-38 Ta b l e 9-15 IP Ove r CLNS Tunnel IOS Commands 9-4 0 Ta b l e 9-16 OSI Acti ons fro m the CTC .
Tables xxi i Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 Ta b l e A-8 OC19 2/S TM64 SR/SH 4 Por t 1310 Card Spec ificat ions A-10 Ta b l e A-9 ASAP Card Spec ificat ions A-1 1 Ta b l e A-10 Fil ler Ca rd.
xxiii Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 About this Manual Note The terms "Unidirectiona l P ath Switche d Ring" and "U PSR" may ap pear in Cisco lit eratu re. Thes e terms do not refer to u sing Cisc o ONS 1 5xxx prod ucts in a unid irectional path switched ring configuration.
xxiv Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 About th is Manual Revision History Document Objectives The Cisco ONS 15 600 Reference Manu al provides technical inform ation for the Cisco ON S 15600. Use th e man ual in conj unct ion with the appropriate publications listed in th e Relate d Documentation section.
xxv Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 About this M anual For an up date on End-of- Life and End-of- Sale no tices, ref er to cal/ps4533/prod_eol_notices_list.html . Document Co nventions This publication uses the fo llowing c on venti ons: Note Means r e ader ta ke no te .
xxvi Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 About th is Manual War nin g IMPORT ANT SAFE TY INSTRUC TIONS This warning symbol means danger . Y ou are in a si tua tion that could cause bodily injury .
xxvii Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 About this M anual Avvertenza IMPOR T ANTI ISTRU ZIONI SUL LA SICUREZ ZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo.
xxvii i Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 About th is Manual.
xxix Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 About this M anual Avi s o INSTR UÇÕES IM PORT ANTES DE SEGU RANÇA Este símbolo de aviso signi fica perigo.
xxx Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 About th is Manual.
xxxi Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 About this M anual Obtaining Optical Ne tworking Information This section contains i nformation that is specif ic to optica l networking pro ducts. For information that pertain s to all o f Cisco, re fer to th e Obtaining Documentation and Sub mitting a Servic e Request sectio n.
xxxii Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 About th is Manual.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 1 Shelf and Backpla ne Hardware This chapte r provides a description of Cisco ONS 15600 shelf and backplan e hardwar e. Card and c able descriptions ar e provided in Chapte r 2, “Card R eferen ce.
1-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.2 B ay Ins tallati on door of the ONS 1 5600 allo ws acces s to the shelf assembly , fan-tray assembly , and cable-man agement area.
1-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.2 Bay Installati on Figur e 1 -1 ONS 15 600 with Dollies Installed The ON S 1560 0 shelf me asures 25 inches high, 19-9 /16 inche s wide, and 23 inches de ep (63.
1-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.3 F ront Door 1.3 Front Door The ON S 15600 featur es a door to the front com partment that you can open b y releas ing the latches on the bottom left and righ t sides of the door .
1-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.4 Rear Covers Figur e 1 -3 Ba y Label The front door also has a Class I laser war ning ( Figure 1-4 ).
1-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.4 Rear Cove rs Figu re 1 - 5 Pla stic Rear Cover Figure 1-6 sh ows t he bus b ar c over s.
1-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.5 Cab le Routi ng Figur e 1 -6 PDU Bus Bar Cove r 1.5 Cable Routing The narrow and wide cable routing modules (CRMs) can be installe d on the sides of the bay to manage and c ontain th e opti cal cabl es as the y are routed a w ay from th e bay .
1-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.6 Customer A ccess Panel Figur e 1 -7 Rear of th e ONS 156 00, Including the CAP The ONS 15600 CAP pro vides the follo wing: • BITS T1 (1 00 ohm) interfaces via wire-w rap pins.
1-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.6 Customer Acce ss Panel • Four audio alarm interfaces via a DB-15 connector that is surge- protected and EMI-f iltered.
1-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.7 Alarm, Tim ing, LAN, and Craf t Pin Connections If the CAP f ails, the node raises an EQPT alarm. Y ou can replace the CAP on an in-servic e system withou t af fectin g traf fi c.
1-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.7.2 Timing Insta llation Figur e 1 -9 Alar m Pin Assignments on the CAP V isual and au dible al arms can be wired to trig ger an alar m light at a centr al alarm coll ection po int when the corr esponding cont acts ar e closed.
1-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.7.3 LAN I nstal lati on Figur e 1 -1 0 BITS Timi ng Connection s on the CAP See Chapter 6, “T iming, ” for more in forma tion.
1-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.8 Power Distrib ution Unit 1.8 Power Distribution Unit The PDU cons ists of a mo unting ch assis, A- and B-side p ow er modul es, an alarm module, an d a rear I/O unit.
1-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.9 Power an d Ground D escription Figur e 1 -1 1 Fr ont and Rear Ba y Gr ound Hole s The main po wer connectio ns are made at the PDU side ter minals at the to p of the bay .
1-15 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.10 Fan- Tray Assembly 1.10 Fan-Tray Assembly The f an-tray assem bly is l ocate d at th e top of the ONS 156 00 shelf front compar tment .
1-16 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.10. 2 Fa n Speed and Fa ilure Figur e 1 -13 Air Filte r and one F an T r a y Pulled Ou t 1.10.2 Fan Speed a nd Failu re If on e or mo re fa ns f ail on the f an-tra y assem bly , rep lace th e fan tray wher e tha t fa n resi des.
1-17 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.11 Ca rds and Slots increases appropriately . At initial turn-up, the def ault fan speed is high until the node initializ es. If both TSC cards f ail, the f ans automati cally sh ift to high sp eed.
1-18 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.11. 2 ASAP C ard Cab les 1.11.2 ASAP Card Cables T o allow enough clear ance betwee n ASAP c ard cable s and the fr ont door on ONS 156 00 shelf a ssembly , you must in stall LC con nectors w ith a co nnector boot a ngled downward a t 45 or 5 0 degrees.
1-19 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.11.3 OGI Cables Molex Inco rporate d 5224 Katrine A ve. Downers Grove, IL 605151-8 00-522-67 52 (630) 51 2-8787 (800) 21 3-4237 This fiber b oot can also be obtained w ith part nu mber fr om the f ollowing vendor: T yco Electron ics (www .
1-20 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.11.4 Optical Card Cable Routin g Figur e 1 -1 7 OGI Pin Br eak out 1.11.4 Optical Card Cable Routing The ONS 15600 ha s a cable-manage ment tray with disc re te f iber ro uting paths for each optical card ’ s cables.
1-21 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf an d Backpla ne Hardwa re 1.11.5 Ca rd Replac ement Note An imp roper remo v al (I MPR OP RMVL) a larm is rais ed whene v er a card pull i s perfo rmed, unles s the card is deleted in CTC first.
1-22 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 1 Shelf and Backpl ane Hard ware 1.11.5 Card Repla cement.
CHAPTER 2-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 2 Card Reference This ch apter de scribe s Cisc o ONS 15600 card feat ures an d functi ons. Chapter topics include: • 2.1 Card Overview , page 2-1 • 2.2 TSC Card , page 2- 3 • 2.3 SSX C Card, page 2-6 • 2.
2-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.1.2 Card C ompat ibilit y 2.1.2 Card Compatibility Ta b l e 2 - 2 lists Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) soft ware rele ase compatibility for ea ch card. In Ta b l e 2 - 2 , “Y es” means the card s are compat ible with the liste d softwa re ve rsions.
2-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.2 TSC Card 2.2 TSC Card Note For har dware spec ifications, see the “ A .2.1 TSC Card Specifications” section on page A- 5 . Caution Do not operate the ONS 15 600 with an unprote cted, single TSC car d or a single SSXC card installed.
2-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.2.2 TSC Facepl ate and Block D iagram 2.2.2 TS C Facepl ate and Block Diagra m Figure 2-1 sho ws th e TSC card f aceplat e and a bloc k diag ram of the card.
2-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.2.3 TSC Card-Leve l Indicat ors 2.2.3 TSC Card-Level Ind icators Ta b l e 2 - 3 desc ribes the fu nction s of th e ca rd-level LEDs on t he TS C card facepl ate.
2-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.2.5 TSC Push-Button Switches 2.2.5 TSC Push-Button Switc hes Ta b l e 2 - 5 describes the fu nctions of the push -button switches on the TSC card faceplate. 2.3 SSXC Card Note For har dware spec ifications, see the “ A .
2-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.3.2 SSXC Sl ots and C onnectors 2.3.2 SSXC Slots an d Connec tors Install an SSXC card in Slot 6 and a seco nd SSXC card in Slot 8 for redun dancy . (Slots 7 and 9 are also occupie d by th e SSXC f aceplat es.
2-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.3.4 SSXC Card-L evel I ndicators 2.3.4 SSXC Card -Level In dicators Ta b l e 2 - 6 desc ribes the fu nction s of th e card -level LEDs on t he SSX C car d facepla te. 2.4 OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 Card Note For card specifica tions, s ee the “ A.
2-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.4.2 OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 Fac eplate a nd Block Diagram 2.4.2 OC48/STM16 LR/LH 1 6 Port 1550 Faceplate and Block Diagram Figure 2-3 shows the OC48/STM1 6 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 fa ce plate an d a block diagra m of the card.
2-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.4.3 OC48 /STM16 LR/LH 16 P ort 1550 Card- Level In dicators 2.4.3 OC48/STM16 LR /LH 16 Port 1550 Card -Level Indic ators Ta b l e 2 - 7 descr ibes the f unctions of the c ard-lev el LE Ds on the OC 48/STM16 LR/LH 1 6 Port 1550 card.
2-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.5 OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 13 10 Card 2.5 OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Por t 1310 Card Note For card specifica tions, s ee the “ A.2 .4 OC4 8/STM16 SR/SH 1 6 Port 1310 Spec if ications” se ction on page A-8 .
2-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.5.2 OC4 8/STM16 S R/SH 16 Port 13 10 Facep late and Blo ck Diagram 2.5.2 OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Po rt 1310 Fa ceplate and Block Dia gram Figure 2-4 shows the OC48/STM 16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 facepla te an d block d iagram.
2-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.5.3 OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 131 0 Card-Level Ind icators 2.5.3 OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Card-L evel Indica tors T a ble 2 -10 describ es the functions of the card-level LEDs on the OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 card .
2-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.6 O C192/ST M64 LR/L H 4 P ort 15 50 Ca rd 2.6 OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Card Note For card specifica tions, s ee the “ A.2 .5 OC1 92/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 155 0 Specifications” se ction on page A-9 .
2-15 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.6.2 OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Faceplate a nd Block Diagram 2.6.2 OC192/STM 64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Fa ceplate an d Block Diagra m Figure 2-5 shows the OC192/STM 64 LR/LH 4 Port 155 0 fa ceplat e and a block diag ram of the card.
2-16 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.6.3 OC19 2/STM64 LR/ LH 4 P ort 1550 Card-Lev el Indicat ors 2.6.3 OC192/STM 64 LR/LH 4 Port 1550 Ca rd-Level In dicators T a ble 2 -13 describes the f unctions of the card-level LEDs on the OC192/STM 64 LR /LH 4 Por t 1550 card .
2-17 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.7 OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 13 10 Card 2.7 OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Card Note For card specifica tions, s ee the “ A.2 .6 OC1 92/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 Sp ecifications” section on page A-1 0 .
2-18 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.7.2 OC192/ STM64 S R/SH 4 Por t 13 10 Face plate and Blo ck Dia gram 2.7.2 OC192/STM 64 SR/SH 4 Po rt 1310 Faceplate and Block Dia gram Figure 2-6 shows the OC192/ST M64 SR/SH 4 Port 131 0 faceplat e and b lock d iagram.
2-19 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.7.4 OC192/STM64 SR/ SH 4 Port 1310 Network- Level Indicat ors 2.7.4 OC192/STM 64 SR/SH 4 Po rt 1310 Network-Level Indicators T a ble 2 -17 describes the functions of the network-level LEDs on the OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Port 1310 card .
2-20 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.8.1 ASA P Connect ors The A SAP ca rd provides up to 1 6 T elcor dia GR-2 53-CORE compliant, SONET O C-3, O C-12, O C-48, or Gigabit Eth ernet ports , or up to 4 T elcordia G R-253-CO RE compliant, SONET O C-192 po rts, in any combination of line rates.
2-21 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.8.2 ASAP Covers an d Plugs 2.8.2 ASAP Covers and Plugs The cov ers an d plugs that are shipped with the ASAP carrier card, 4PIOs, 1PIOs, and SFPs/XFPs must be used in co nfigurations whe re an y of the these slots are unoccu pied.
2-22 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.8.4 4PIO M odule F acepl ate 2.8.4 4P IO Mo dule Face plat e Figure 2-8 sho ws the 4PI O module face plate. Figur e 2-8 4PIO Mod ule F acepl ate 2.8.5 1P IO Mo dule Face plat e Figure 2-9 sho ws the 1PI O module face plate.
2-23 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.8.6 ASAP Card-Leve l Indicat ors 2.8.6 ASAP Card-Lev el In dicat ors T a ble 2 -20 describes the functi ons of the card-le v el LEDs on the ASAP car rier module.
2-24 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.8.8 ASAP Card Po rt Numb erin g (4PI O Insta lled) 2.8.8 ASAP Card Port Numbering (4PIO Installed) Figure 2-10 sho ws the installed 4PIO modules and corre sponding port num bers for each SFP slot.
2-25 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.8.9 ASAP Card P ort Numbering ( 1PIO Installed) 2.8.9 ASAP Card Port Numbering (1PIO Installed) Figure 2-11 sho ws the installed 1PIO modules and co rrespondin g port num bers for e ach XFP slot.
2-26 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.8.10 SFP Modules T a ble 2 -22 lists the SFPs (PPMs) that are compatible with the ASAP card.
2-27 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.8.11 XFP Descript ion Figur e 2-1 3 A ctuat or/But t on SFP Figu re 2-14 Bai l Cl asp SF P 2.
2-28 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.8.12 PPM Provisioning Figur e 2-1 5 Bail Clasp XFP (Unlatc hed) Figu re 2-16 Bai l Cl asp XF P (La tched) XFP dimensio ns are: • Heigh t 0.33 in. (8 .5 mm) • W idth 0.72 in .
2-29 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refer ence 2.9 Filler Card The Filler card is used to f ill unused optical (OC-N) traffic card slots in the ONS 15600 shelf. In Software Release 1.1 and later , the Filler card has a card presence indicator (CPI) that allo ws the shelf to report the presence of the filler card to CTC.
2-30 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 2 Card Refe rence 2.9 F ille r Card.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 3 Card Protection Note The terms "Unidirectiona l P ath Switche d Ring" and "U PSR" may ap pear in Cisco lit eratu re. Thes e terms do not refer to u sing Cisc o ONS 1 5xxx prod ucts in a unid irectional path switched ring configuration.
3-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 3 C ard Pr otectio n 3.1 Optical Port Protection Note Beca use th ere are no el ectri cal c ards i n th e ON S 15600 , 1:1 or 1:N protection is not provided. Figure 3-1 shows an example of the ON S 15600 in a max imum, 1+ 1 protected configuration.
3-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 3 Card Prote ction 3.2 Unprote cted Po rts W ith 1+1 prote ction, any port can be assigned to pr ot ect the traffic of a corresp onding wor king port. A working por t must b e paired with a protect po rt of the same type, for exampl e, an OC-4 8 port must be paired with anothe r OC-48 port.
3-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 3 C ard Pr otectio n 3.3 External Sw itching Comma nds A Manual switch will swi tch traf f ic if the path has an error rate le ss than the signal degrade.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 4 Cisco Transp ort Controller Operation This chapt er descri bes Cisco Transport Cont roller (CT C), the Cisc o ONS 1560 0 software int erface th at is store d on the T imi ng and Shelf Controlle r (TSC) ca rd and do wnlo aded to your worksta tion ea ch time you log into the ON S 15600.
4-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr anspor t Contr oller Ope ration 4.1.2 CTC Softwa re Installed on t he PC or UNIX Wor kstation 4.
4-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr ansport Contro ller Operation 4.3 PC and UNIX Workstat ion Requir ements Note Y ou can also use TL1 c ommand s to comm unicate with the O NS 15600 through V T100 ter minals and VT100 emulation so ftware, o r you can telnet to an O NS 15600 using TL1 port 3083 .
4-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr anspor t Contr oller Ope ration 4.4 CTC Login 4.4 CTC Login After yo u hav e installed C TC, you can log in to a nod e usin g your browser . T o log in, you m ust type the node IP ad dress in the URL win dow .
4-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr ansport Contro ller Operation 4.4.1 Legal Discl aimer network for more recen t versions of the software. (For more infor mation ab out the au tomat ic do wnload of the latest CTC J AR files, see the “4.
4-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr anspor t Contr oller Ope ration 4.4.2 Login No de Group 4.4.2 Login Node Gro up Login node gro ups display nodes tha t hav e only an IP connect ion. After you are logge d into CTC, you can c reate a log in node g roup fro m the Edit > Preferenc es men u.
4-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr ansport Contro ller Operation 4.5.1 Node View 4.5.1 Node View Node v ie w allows you to view and manage o ne ONS 15600 no de ( Figure 4-2 ).
4-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr anspor t Contr oller Ope ration 4.5.1 Node View Figur e 4-3 T ermin al Loopbac k Indic at or Figur e 4-4 F acility Loopbac k Indic ato r 4.
4-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr ansport Contro ller Operation 4.5.2 Net work View 4.5.2 Network View Network view allows you to v iew and manag e ONS 156 00s, ONS 1 5454s, a nd ONS 15 327s that hav e DCC conne ctions to the node that you logged into and any login node groups you have selected ( Figure 4- 5 ).
4-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr anspor t Contr oller Ope ration 4.5.2 Netw ork Vi ew Figu re 4-5 Network Displ ayed in CT C Net wor k View The graph ic area displays a backgrou nd image with colore d node icons.
4-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr ansport Contro ller Operation 4.5.2 Net work View Network View Tabs Ta b l e 4 - 6 lists the tabs and subtabs av ailable in the networ k view .
4-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr anspor t Contr oller Ope ration 4.5.3 Card View Note Link con solidation is only av ailable on n on-detailed maps. N on-detailed maps disp lay nodes in icon form in stead o f detail ed for m, mean ing the no des app ear as rectangles with ports on the sides.
4-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr ansport Contro ller Operation 4.5.3 Card Vie w Figur e 4-6 CTC Car d Vie w Show ing an OC-1 92 Car d Use the card view tabs and subtabs, shown in T able 4-8 , to provision and manage th e ONS 15600.
4-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr anspor t Contr oller Ope ration 4.5.4 Export and Print CTC Data 4.5.4 Export and Print CTC Data CTC data exported in HTML fo rmat ca n be view ed with any web br owser , such a s Netsca pe Communica tor or M icrosof t Internet Explorer .
4-15 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr ansport Contro ller Operation 4.6 CTC Ca rd Re set 4.6 CTC Card Reset Y ou can re set the ONS 15600 cards by using the hard -r eset o r soft -res et com mand s in CTC, or by physically resea ting a card (card pull).
4-16 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 4 Cisco Tr anspor t Contr oller Ope ration 4.8 So ftwar e Load Rever t Note The ON S 15600 doe s not allow you to res tore a da tabase from o ne node to anothe r node.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 5 Security This chapte r provides information abo ut Cisco O NS 1 5600 user sec urity . T o provision security , refer to the Cisco ONS 1560 0 Pr ocedure Guide . Chapter t opics include: • 5.1 U sers IDs a nd Secur ity Lev els, page 5-1 • 5.
5-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 5 Securit y 5.2.1 User Pri vilege s by Secur ity L evel 5.2.1 User Privileges by S ecurity Level Ta b l e 5 - 1 show s the actions that each sec ur ity le ve l allows in node view . An “X” indi cates th at the action is supported on the associat ed secu rity lev els.
5-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 5 Security 5.2.1 User P rivileges by S ecurity Level Security Users: Cr eate/Delete /Clear Security Intrusion —— — X Users: Edi t Same user S.
5-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 5 Securit y 5.2.1 User Pri vilege s by Secur ity L evel Ta b l e 5 - 2 shows the actions that each user privile ge le vel can perform in network vie w .
5-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 5 Security 5.2.2 Security Policies 5.2.2 Security Policies Users with S uperuser security pri vile ges can prov ision security policies on the ONS 156 00. These security policies include idle user t imeouts, pa ss word change s, pass word aging, and u ser lock out parame ters.
5-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 5 Securit y 5.3 Audit Trail Superuser Password and Login Pri vileges A Super user can perform ONS 1 5600 u ser crea tion and managem ent tasks f rom the network or node (default login) view .
5-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 5 Security 5.3.1 Audit Trail Log Entries The audit tr ail is stored i n persistent mem ory an d is not corr upted by proce ssor switches, resets or upgrades. H o wev er , if a user pulls both TSC cards, the audit trail log is lost.
5-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 5 Securit y 5.4.2 Shared Secret s • A client The ser ver runs on a cen tral co mputer t ypically at the custom er's sit e, while the cli ents r eside in the dial-up acces s servers and can be distributed througho ut the network.
5-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 5 Security 5.4.2 Sh ared Secr ets The stronger your shar ed sec ret, th e more secure are th e attributes (for example, those used f or passw ords an d encryp tion k eys ) that are en crypted with it.
5-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 5 Securit y 5.4.2 Shared Secret s.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 6 Timing This c hapter provides information about Cisco ONS 1 5600 tim ing. T o provisio n timing, refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 P r oc edur e Gu ide . Chapter t opics include: • 6.1 T iming Parameters, page 6-1 • 6.
6-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 6 Ti ming 6.2 Network Timing 6.2 Network Timing Figure 6-1 shows an ONS 15600 n etwork timing example . Node 1 is set to externa l timing. T wo timing referenc es are Str atum 1 timing sourc es wired to th e BITS input pins on the Node 1 backpl ane.
6-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 6 Timing 6.3 Synchron ization Status Me ssaging Figur e 6-1 ONS 15 600 Timing Exampl e 6.3 Synchronization Status Mes saging Synchronization Status Messaging (SSM) is a SONET protocol that comm unicates infor mation about the quality of the timing source.
6-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 6 Ti ming 6.3 Synchro nization Status Messaging Ta b l e 6 - 2 lists the Generation 2 m essage set.
C HAPTER 7-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 7 Circuits and Tunnels Note The terms "Unidirectiona l P ath Switche d Ring" and "U PSR" may ap pear in Cisco lit eratu re. Thes e terms do not refer to u sing Cisc o ONS 1 5xxx prod ucts in a unid irectional path switched ring configuration.
7-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.1 O verview Note In this ch apter , “cross-co nnect” an d “circui t” ha ve the follow ing meanings: cross-connect refers to the connec tions that occur within a single ONS 15600 to allow a circuit to enter and exit an ONS 15600.
7-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.2 Circ uit Proper ties • Direction—T he circuit d irection, either two-way or one-way . • Status—The circuit status; for details, see the “7 .2.2 Circu it Status” sec tion on pa ge 7-6 .
7-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.2.1 Concatena ted STS Time Slot Assi gnments Note Y ou cannot set up VT c ircuits to ter minate on an ON S 1560 0 node.
7-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.2.1 Conc atenated S TS Time Slot Assignments 73 Ye s Y e s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s N o N o 76 Y es Y e s Y es No Y es No .
7-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.2.2 Circuit Status 7.2.2 Ci rcu it St atu s The circ uit statuses that appear in the Circuit window Status column are ge nerated by CTC based on an assessm ent of conditions al ong the circuit path.
7-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.2.3 Circuit States Note If an ONS 15600 nod e is running Softwar e R5.0.2, it is in a BLSR with an ONS 15454 nod e running Software R 7.0 or la ter , and the lo gin node is running Softwar e R7.
7-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.2.4 Circuit Protection Types • After circuit creat ion, you can change a circ uit st ate in the Ed it Circ uit wi ndo w or f rom the T ools > Circuits > Set Circuit State me nu.
7-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.2.5 Circuit Information in the Edit Circuit Window 7.2.5 Circuit Information in the Ed it Circuit Windo w Y ou ca n edit a select ed circuit using the Edit button on th e Circuits wi ndow .
7-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.2.5 Circuit Inform ation in the Edi t Circuit Window • Number of alarms on each nod e organized by se verity • Port .
7-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.2.5 Circuit Information in the Edit Circuit Window A notation within or by the squares or sele ctor pentag ons in detaile.
7-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.3 Cross- Connect Card B andwidth 7.3 Cross-Connec t Card Bandwidth The sing le shelf cr oss-con nect card (SSXC) cross- connec t cards perform port-to- port, time-division multiplexing (TDM ).
7-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.4.2 IP-En capsula ted Tunnels 7.4.2 IP-Encaps ulated Tun nels An IP-encap sulated tunnel puts an SDCC in an IP pa cket at a sourc e node and dyna mically routes the packet to a destina tion n ode.
7-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.6 Path Protectio n Circuits From the UPSR Switch Counts subta b, you ca n: • Perform maintenance swi tches on the c ircuit selec tor . • V iew switch counts for the selectors.
7-15 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.7 Protect ion Chann el Access C ircuits Figur e 7 -5 V iewing P ath Prot ection S witch Coun ts If ON S 15600s a re con nected to a third-p arty networ k, you can cr eate a n open-end ed pa th prot ection circuit to route a circuit through it.
7-16 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.8 BLSR STS and VT Squ elch Tables • PCA circuits are rou ted on working channels when you upgrade a BLSR from one optical spe ed to a higher optica l speed.
7-17 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.8.2 BLSR VT Squelch Ta ble 7.8.2 BLSR VT Sque lch T able BLSR VT squelch table s only appear on the node dr o pping VT s from a BLSR and ar e used to per form VT - lev el sque lching when a node is isolated.
7-18 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.10 Automatic Circu it Rout ing SONET J0 section tra ce is not suppor ted on ONS 15600 cards The ONS 156 00 supports both.
7-19 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.1 0.1 Bandwidt h Allocati on and Rout ing 7.10.1 Bandwidth Allocation an d Routing W ithin a given network, CTC ro utes circu its on the s hortest p ossible path betwee n source a nd destination based on the c ircuit attrib utes, such as protecti on and t ype.
7-20 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.11 Manual Circu it Routing Note Automatic routing and its associated subf ields are no t a vail able if both the Automatic Circuit Routing NE default and the Network Circu it A utomatic Routing Ov erridable N E default are set to F ALSE.
7-21 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.12 Constrai nt-Based C ircuit R outing 7.12 Constraint-Based Circuit Routing When you create circuits, yo u can choose Fu lly Protec ted Path to protect the circuit fro m source to dest ina tio n.
7-22 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.13 Bridg e and Roll 7.13 Bri dge and Roll The CT C Bridge a nd Roll wizard reroutes live traff ic with out interrupting service.
7-23 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.13.2 Roll Status – Manua l—Y ou must comp lete a man ual roll after a v alid signal is re cei v ed. One-w ay destin ation rolls are always manual. • Roll Path—The fi xed point of the roll object.
7-24 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.13. 3 Sin gle an d Dual R olls 7.13.3 Si ngle and Dual Roll s Circuits hav e an additional layer of roll types: single and dual. A single roll on a circuit is a roll on one of its cross-connects.
7-25 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.13.3 Single and Dual Rolls Figur e 7 -1 1 Single Roll fr om One Cir cuit to Another Cir cuit (So urce Ch anges ) Note Create a Roll T o Circuit before r olling a ci rcuit with the source on Node 3 and the des tination on Node 4.
7-26 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.13.4 Two Circui t Bridge and Rol l Figu re 7 - 13 Dual Roll to Reroute to a D iff erent Nod e Note If a n e w segmen t i.
7-27 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels 7.15 Reco nfigured C ircuits • Circuits types must be a compatible. • Circuit directions must be compatible. Y ou can me rge a one-way and a two-wa y circuit, but not two one-way circu its in opposing directio ns.
7-28 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 7 Circui ts and Tun nels 7.16 Server Tra ils When cr eating circui ts or VCA Ts, you can choose a server trail link during ma nual circuit r outing. CTC may also route circ uits o ver server trail links during au tomatic routing.
C HAPTER 8-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 8 SONET Topologies and Upg rades Note The terms "Unidirectiona l P ath Switche d Ring" and "U PSR" may ap pear in Cisco lit eratu re. Thes e terms do not refer to u sing Cisc o ONS 1 5xxx prod ucts in a unid irectional path switched ring configuration.
8-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 8 S ONET Top ologies and Upgrade s 8.2 Point-to- Point and Line ar ADM Conf igurations 8.2 Point-to-Point and Li near ADM Configurations Y ou can co.
8-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 8 SONET To pologies and Upgrades 8.3.1 Two-Fibe r BLSRs Figur e 8-2 Fou r -Node, T wo-Fibe r BLSR The SONET K1, K2, an d K3 b ytes carr y the info rmat ion that go verns BLSR protect ion switches.
8-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 8 S ONET Top ologies and Upgrade s 8.3.1 Two -Fiber BLSR s Figur e 8-3 Fou r -Node, T wo- Fiber BLSR T raf fic P att er n Samp le Figure 8-4 shows how traf fic is rerouted following a line bre ak betwee n Node 0 and Node 3.
8-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 8 SONET To pologies and Upgrades 8.3.2 Four-F iber BLSRs Figur e 8-4 Fou r -Node, T wo- Fiber BLSR T raf fic P att er n Follo wi ng Line B reak 8.3.2 Four-Fiber BLSRs Four-f iber BLSRs double the bandwidth of two-fiber B LSRs.
8-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 8 S ONET Top ologies and Upgrade s 8.3.2 Four-Fiber BLSRs Figur e 8-5 Fou r -Node, F our -Fiber BLSR Fou r- fib er BLSRs pro vid e span and ri ng switchi ng: • Span switching ( Figure 8-6 on page 8-7 ) occurs when a wor king sp an f ails.
8-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 8 SONET To pologies and Upgrades 8.3.2 Four-F iber BLSRs Figur e 8-6 Fou r -Fiber BLSR Span S witc h • Ring switching ( Figure 8-7 ) occu rs wh en a span swit ch can not re cover traffic, such as w hen bot h the working and prote ct fibers fail on the sam e span.
8-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 8 S ONET Top ologies and Upgrade s 8.3.3 BLSR Bandwi dth Figur e 8-7 Fou r -Fib er BLSR Ring Swit ch 8.
8-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 8 SONET To pologies and Upgrades 8.3.4 BLSR Fibe r Connecti ons Figure 8-8 sho ws an example of BLSR ba ndwidth reuse.
8-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 8 S ONET Top ologies and Upgrade s 8.3.4 BLSR Fiber Conne ction s Note Always plu g the tran smit (Tx) conne ctor of an OC- N port a t one no de into the rec ei ve (Rx) c onnector of an OC-N p ort at the adj acent node.
8-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 8 SONET To pologies and Upgrades 8.4 Path-Prote cted Mesh Networks Figur e 8-1 0 Connecting Fibe r to a F our -Node, Four -Fiber BLSR 8.
8-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 8 S ONET Top ologies and Upgrade s 8.4 Path-Protec ted Mesh Networks Figur e 8-1 1 Pat h-Pr ot ected Mesh Net wor k If f ull prote ction is s elected, C TC creat es a se co nd unique rou te betwee n Nodes 3 and 9 that pas ses through Nodes 2, 1, and 11.
8-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 8 SONET To pologies and Upgrades 8.5 I n-Ser vice Topo logy U pgrad es Figur e 8-1 2 PPMN V ir tual Ring 8.5 In-Servic e Topology Upgrad es T opology u pgrades can be p erformed in-service to con vert a live network to a d ifferent topology .
8-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 8 S ONET Top ologies and Upgrade s 8.5.1 Point-to -Point or Linea r ADM to Two -Fiber BL SR Note A databas e restore o n all node s in a top ology return s con v erted circuits to their orig inal topology .
C HAPTER 9-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 9 Management Ne twork Connectivity This c hapter p rovides an overview of Cisco ONS 15600 d ata com municatio ns network (DCN) connec ti vity .
9-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.2 ONS 15 600 IP Ad dressin g Scenarios • IP subnetting can crea te ONS 15600 node groups, w hich allow you to provision nodes in a n etwork that are no t connec ted us ing the da ta comm unications c hannel (DC C).
9-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.2.2 Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15600s Conne cted to Rout er Figur e 9-1 Scenar io 1: CTC and ONS 15 600s on Same Subn et 9.2.2 Scenario 2: CT C and ON S 15600s Conn ected to Router In Scena rio 2, the CTC comp uter reside s on a subnet (19 2.
9-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.2.3 Scenario 3 : Using Proxy ARP to Enabl e an ONS 15600 Gatew ay Figur e 9-2 Scenar io 2: CTC and ONS 15 600s Connect ed t o Rout er 9.
9-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.2.4 Sce nario 4: Default Ga teway on CTC Computer Figur e 9-3 Scenar io 3: Using Pr o xy ARP ARP matches h igher-le vel IP addresses to the physical a ddresses of th e destination host.
9-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.2.5 Scenario 5 : Using Static Routes to Connect to LANs Figur e 9-4 Scenar io 4: Def ault Gat ew a y on a CTC Comp ute r 9.
9-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.2.5 Scen ario 5: Using Static R outes to Con nect to LANs Figur e 9-5 Scenar io 5: Static Rout e with O ne CTC.
9-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.2.6 Scenario 6 : Using OSPF Figur e 9-6 Scenar io 5: Static Route w ith Multiple LAN Destinations 9.2.6 Scenario 6: Using O SPF OSPF is a link state Internet r outing protocol.
9-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.2.6 Scenario 6: Using OSPF you do not ne ed to manu ally enter static rou tes for O NS 1 5600 sub networks. Figure 9- 7 shows the same network enabled for OSPF .
9-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.2.6 Scenario 6 : Using OSPF Figur e 9-8 Scenar io 6: OSPF Not E nabled OSPF divides netw orks into smaller regions, called areas. An area is a collection of n etwork ed end systems, routers, and transmission facilities or gani zed by traf f ic patterns.
9-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.2.7 Scenario 7: Pro visioning the ON S 15600 Proxy Ser ver If multiple ONS 15600 nodes and routers are connec.
9-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.2.7 Scenario 7 : Provisionin g the ONS 1560 0 Proxy Server Note If you launch CTC agai nst a nod e thro.
9-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.2.7 Scenario 7: Pro visioning the ON S 15600 Proxy Ser ver Figur e 9-1 0 ONS 15600 Pr o xy Serv er w ith GNE an d ENEs on th e Same Subne t Ta b l e 9 - 2 shows recomm ended settings for ON S 15600 G NEs an d ENEs in the configuration sh own in Figure 9-10 .
9-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.2.7 Scenario 7 : Provisionin g the ONS 1560 0 Proxy Server Figure 9-11 sho ws the same proxy server implementation with O NS 15600 ENEs on different subnets.
9-15 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.2.7 Scenario 7: Pro visioning the ON S 15600 Proxy Ser ver Figure 9-12 sho ws the Figure 9-11 implementation with ONS 156 00 ENEs in multiple rings. The ONS 15600 GN Es and ENEs are provisioned with the settings shown in Ta b l e 9 - 2 .
9-16 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.2.7 Scenario 7 : Provisionin g the ONS 1560 0 Proxy Server The ru les in T able 9-4 are applie d if a pack et is address ed to the ONS 15600. Reject ed pack ets ar e discarded.
9-17 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.2.8 Scena rio 8: Dual GNEs on a Sub net Figur e 9-1 3 Nodes B ehind a F ir ewa ll Figure 9-14 sho ws a CTC com puter and ONS 15600s beh ind fire walls.
9-18 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.2.8 Scenario 8 : Dual GNEs on a Subne t then reconne cts through the remaining GN Es. GNE load ba lancing reduces the de pendency on the launch GNE and DCC ba ndwidth, wh ich enhances CTC performa nce.
9-19 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.3 Provis ionable Patc hcords Figure 9-16 sho ws a network with dual GNEs on different subnets. Figu re 9-16 Sce nario 8: Du al G NEs o n Diff erent Su bnet s 9.
9-20 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.4 Routing Tab le Optical po rts have the follo wing re quirements w hen used in a provisionable patchc ord: • An optical port co nnected to an ONS 15454 tra nsponder or muxponder port req uires an SDCC or LDCC termination.
9-21 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.4 Routi ng Table Figur e 9-1 7 Viewing t he ONS 156 00 Routing T a ble Ta b l e 9 - 6 shows sample routing entries for an ONS 15600. Entry 1 s hows the following: • Destination (0.
9-22 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.5 External F irewalls • Gateway (172.20. 214.92) is the gateway addre ss. Al l outbo und traffic belonging to this n etwork is sent to this gatew ay . • Interface (cpm0) indicates that the ONS 15600 Ethernet interface is used to reach the gate way .
9-23 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.5 Externa l Firewalls The follo wing A CL (acc ess control list) e xample shows a fire wa ll configuration when the SOCKS proxy server gateway setting is not enable d.
9-24 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.6 O pen GNE access-list 100 remark *** Inbound ACL, CTC -> NE *** access-list 100 remark access-list 100 permit tcp host 192.
9-25 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.6 Open GNE Figur e 9-1 8 Pr o xy and Fir ewa ll T unnels f or F or eign T er minations Remote CTC Interface 0/0 10.10.20.
9-26 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7 TCP/IP and OSI Networking Figure 9-19 sho ws a remote node conne cted to an ENE Et hernet port. Pro xy and firewall tunnels are useful in th is example bec ause the GNE would otherwise b lock IP a ccess between the PC a nd foreig n node.
9-27 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.1 Poi nt-to-P oint Pr otocol 9.7.1 Point-to-Point P rotocol PPP is a data link (Layer 2) encapsulation protocol th at transports data grams ov er point-to-point links.
9-28 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.2 Link Ac cess Proto col on the D Chann el 9.7.2 Li nk Acce ss Pr otoc ol on t he D C hanne l LAP-D is a data link protocol us ed in the OSI pro toc ol stack.
9-29 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.3 OSI Connectio nless Netw ork Serv ice CLNP uses network ser vice access po ints (NSAPs) to id entify network devices. T he CLN P source and destination addr esses are NSAPs.
9-30 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.3 OSI Con nectionless N etwork Serv ice Figure 9-20 sho ws the ISO- DCC NSAP addr ess with the default values deliv ered with the ONS 1 5600. The System ID is automatically populated with the nod e MA C address.
9-31 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.4 OSI Routing The ONS 15600 main NSAP ad dress is shown on the node view Provisioning > OSI > Main Setup subtab .
9-32 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.4 OSI R outin g Figu re 9-21 Le vel 1 and Level 2 O SI Ro utin g When you provision a n ONS 156 00 fo.
9-33 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.5 TARP OSI routing b egins when the ESs discover the nearest IS by listening to ISH packe ts. When an ES wants to send a packet to a nother ES, it se nds the packe t to one of the ISs on its directly a ttached network.
9-34 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.5 TARP T a ble 9 -11 sho ws the T A RP PDUs types that govern T A RP interaction and routing. TARP Processing A T ARP data cache (TDC) is created at each NE to faci litate T ARP processing.
9-35 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.5 TARP • T ype— Indica tes whether the T ARP PDU was cre ated through the T ARP propagatio n process (dynamic) or manually cre ated (static). Provi sionable timers, shown in T able 9- 12 , control T ARP proce ssing.
9-36 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.6 TCP/IP and OSI M ediation Manual TARP Adjacencies T ARP adjacenc ies can be manua lly provisioned in networks w here ONS 15600s m ust commu nicate across routers or non-SONET N Es that lack T A RP capability .
9-37 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.7 OSI Virtu al Routers Figur e 9-2 3 T–TD Pr ot ocol Flo w • FT–TD—Performs an FT P con ve rsion between FT AM and FTP .
9-38 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.8 IP-over-CL NS Tunnels • FT -TD • T- T D • LAN s ubnet OSI vi rtual router c onstraints de pend o n the rou ting mode provisioned f or the n ode.
9-39 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.8 IP-o ver-CLNS Tunnels Figu re 9-25 IP -over -CLN S T u nnel Flow Provisioning IP-over-CLNS Tunnels IP-over -CLNS tunnels must be carefu lly planned to pr e vent nodes from losing visibility or conne cti vity .
9-40 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.8 IP-over-CL NS Tunnels If you are provisioning an I P-over -CLNS tunnel on a Cisco router, always follow procedur es provided in the Cisco IOS do cumentation for the router y ou ar e provisioning.
9-41 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.8 IP-o ver-CLNS Tunnels Figur e 9-2 6 IP Ov er CLNS T unnel Scenar i o 1: ONS NE to Othe r V ender GNE IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel Scenario 2: ONS No de to Router Figure 9-27 sh ows an IP - over- CL NS t un ne l f r om a n O NS nod e to a route r .
9-42 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.8 IP-over-CL NS Tunnels CT unnel (IP over CLNS) on Router 1: ip routing clns routing interface ctunnel 102 ip addre ss 10.10. 30.30 255 .255.255 .0 ctunnel de stination 39.
9-43 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.8 IP-o ver-CLNS Tunnels IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel Scenario 3: ONS Node to Router Across an OSI DC N Figure 9-28 shows an IP-over -CLNS tunn el from an ONS node to a route r across an OS I DCN.
9-44 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netwo rking Scenar ios Figu re 9-28 I P - Over -CLN S T u nne l Sce nario 3: ONS Nod e to Rou ter Across an OSI DC N 9.7.9 OSI/IP Networking Scenarios The following eight scena rios show e xamples of ONS 15600s in networks with OSI-based NEs.
9-45 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netw orking Scenarios • All ONS 15 600 NEs participating in an OSI netw ork run OSI ov er PPP between themselve s. This is needed so that other vendor G NEs can route TL 1 comman ds to all ONS 15600 NEs participating in the OSI network.
9-46 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netwo rking Scenar ios Figur e 9-3 0 OSI/IP Scen ar io 2: IP OSS, I P DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Othe r V endor ENE The ONS 15 600 GNE rout es TL1 traf f ic to th e correc t NE by res olving the TL1 TI D to eithe r an IP or NSAP ad dress.
9-47 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netw orking Scenarios OSS-initiated software do wnloads consist of two pa rts: the OSS to de stination NE TL1 do wnload request and the file transfe r .
9-48 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netwo rking Scenar ios Figur e 9-3 1 OSI/IP Scen ar io 3: IP OSS, I P DCN, Other V endor G NE, OSI DCC, an d ONS ENE Figure 9-32 sho ws the same scenario, except the IP-over - CLNS tunnel endpoint is the GNE and not the DCN router .
9-49 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netw orking Scenarios Figur e 9-3 2 OSI/IP S cenar io 3 with OSI/ IP -o v er - CLNS T unnel Endp oint at t he GNE 9.
9-50 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netwo rking Scenar ios Figur e 9-3 3 OSI/IP Scen ar io 4: Mu ltiple ONS DC C Area s 9.
9-51 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netw orking Scenarios Figur e 9-3 4 OSI/IP Scen ar io 5: GN E Without an OSI DCC Con nection 9.
9-52 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netwo rking Scenar ios Figur e 9-3 5 OSI/IP Scen ar io 6: IP OSS, OSI DCN, ONS GNE, O SI DCC, and Oth er V endor ENE 9.
9-53 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netw orking Scenarios Figur e 9-3 6 OSI/IP Scen ar io 7: OSI O SS , OSI DCN, Other V ender GNE, OSI DCC, and ONS N Es In Eu ropean networks: • CTC and CTM are u sed for manageme nt only .
9-54 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netwo rking Scenar ios • TL1 manage ment is not required. • FTP f ile tran sfer is not required. • TL1 and FT AM to FTP mediation is no t required.
9-55 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 9 Manage ment Network Connectivity 9.7.9 OSI/IP Netw orking Scenarios Figure 9-37 OSI/IP Scenar io 8: OSI OSS, OSI DCN, ONS GNE, OSI DCC, and Other V ender NEs 1 The ON S NE s are ma naged by C TC/CTM on ly (TL1/FTP is not used ).
9-56 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 9 M anag emen t Netw ork C onn ectiv ity 9.7.10 OSI Prov isioning in CTC 9.7.10 OSI Provisioning in CTC T a ble 9 -16 sho ws the OSI actions that are performed from the node vie w Provisioning tab .
C HAPTER 10-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 10 Ethernet Operation This chap ter des cribes the operation o f the Cisco ONS 1 5600 ASAP Ethern et card.
10-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 10 E ther net Op erati on 10.2 Transpo rt Functionality Each AS AP 4-p ort I/O (ASA P_4PIO) PIM is hot-p luggable while other ports on o ther PIM s are functioning. Each SFP is a lso hot-pluggable.
10-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 0 Ethernet Op eration 10.2 Transport F unctionality Figur e 1 0-1 ONS 15600 Ether net Fr ame T ranspor t The O NS 1 5600 provides transport functiona lity of all f rames arriving on the Etherne t interfaces.
10-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 10 E ther net Op erati on 10.3 Ethernet Rat es and Mapping A v alid fram e is def ined as on e with the follo wing attrib utes: • V a lid preamble + synchronization • V a lid size • V alid cyclic redunda ncy check (C RC) • V alid interpacket gap 10.
10-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 0 Ethernet Op eration 10.3.4 Oversu bscription Note Mapping depends on the par ticular concat enation b eing supported on the c ard. It a lso depen ds on the concate nation being sup ported on all of the network eleme nts (NEs) that the end-to-end c ircuit is being b uilt through.
10-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 10 E ther net Op erati on 10.4.3 VLAN The bridge sends br idge packets to the PPP half-bri dge, which con verts them to routed packets and forwards them t o other router processes.
10-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 0 Ethernet Op eration 10.6 Autonegotiat ion flo w control, it generates and obeys pause frames.
10-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 10 E ther net Op erati on 10.7 Gigabit E therChannel/IEE E 802.3ad Link A ggregation Figu re 1 0- 4 A utonegoti ation 10.
C HAPTER 11-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 11 Alarm Monitoring an d Management This chap ter ex plains ho w to manag e alarms with Cisco T ranspor t Controller (CTC) , which includes: • 11.1 O vervie w , pa ge 11- 1 • 11.2 Alarms, Conditions, an d History , page 11-1 • 11.
11-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 11 Alarm Mon itori ng and Mana gement 11.2 Alarms, Condi tions, and Hist ory T able 11-1 describes in the information in the Alarms window .
11-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 1 Alarm Monitori ng and Mana gement 11.2 Ala rms, Co nditi ons, a nd History Figure 11-1 shows the CT C node v ie w Ala rms wi ndow .
11-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 11 Alarm Mon itori ng and Mana gement 11.2.1 Alarm Wi ndow Softw are Relea ses 7.0 an d later ha v e TL1 port-b ased al arm number ing that identif ies an al armed synchrono us transport signal (STS) by its STS on a port rather than the STS on the optical card.
11-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 1 Alarm Monitori ng and Mana gement 11.2.3 Co nditions W indow Figure 1 1 -2 Select the Af f ect ed Circuits Option f or an Alar m When the u ser sele cts the Sele ct Af fect ed Circui ts op ti on, the Circuits windo w opens to show the c ircuits that are af fected by the ala rm.
11-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 11 Alarm Mon itori ng and Mana gement 11.2.4 Conditions Wind ow Actions 11.2.4 Conditions Window Ac tions T able 11-5 sh o ws the actions you can per form in the Conditions wi ndow .
11-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 1 Alarm Monitori ng and Mana gement 11.2.5 History Windo w T able 11-6 lists the Conditions windo w column headings and the infor mation r ecorded in each colum n. 11.2.5 History Windo w The Histor y window displays histo rical alarm data.
11-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 11 Alarm Mon itori ng and Mana gement 11.2.5 Hist ory Windo w Figur e 1 1 -4 View ing All Alar ms Report ed for a N ode T able 11-7 describes the inf ormation in the History window .
11-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 1 Alarm Monitori ng and Mana gement 11.2.6 Alarm History Actions 11.2.6 Alarm History Actions Y ou can re trie ve and view the history of alarms a nd conditions, as we ll as T ransient condition s (passing notific ations of processes as they occur) in the CT C History windo w .
11-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 11 Alarm Mon itori ng and Mana gement 11.3.2 Alarm Profile Buttons Figur e 1 1 -5 Node V iew Al ar m Pr ofiles Window Showi ng the Def ault Pr ofiles of L ist ed Alar ms 11.3.2 Alarm Profile Buttons The Alarm Prof iles windo w has six b uttons at the bottom.
11-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 1 Alarm Monitori ng and Mana gement 11.3.3 Alarm Profile Editing 11.3.3 Alarm Profile Editing T able 11-9 desc ribes the fi ve profile-editing options av ailable wh en you right- click an alarm item in the profile column (such as Default).
11-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 11 Alarm Mon itori ng and Mana gement 11.4 Alarm F ilter Alarm pr ofil es form a hier archy . A node- le vel alarm pro file applies to all car ds in the node except ca rds that hav e their o wn profi les.
11-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 1 Alarm Monitori ng and Mana gement 11.5.1 Alarms Supp ressed fo r Maintenan ce 11.5.1 Alarms Suppressed for M aintenanc e When you pl ace a po.
11-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 11 Alarm Mon itori ng and Mana gement 11.6.1 External A larm Input 11.6.1 External Alarm Inp ut Y ou ca n provisio n each alarm i nput se para tely .
11-15 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 1 1 Alarm Monitori ng and Mana gement 11.6.3 Vi rtual Wi res for Exter nal Alarms i n Mixed Netwo rks Figu re 1 1 -7 Virtual Wi res Seen f rom an.
11-16 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapt er 11 Alarm Mon itori ng and Mana gement 11.6.3 Virtual Wires for External Alar ms in Mixed Net works.
C HAPTER 12-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 12 Performance Monitoring Note The terms "Unidirectiona l P ath Switche d Ring" and "U PSR" may ap pear in Cisco lit eratu re. Thes e terms do not refer to u sing Cisc o ONS 1 5xxx prod ucts in a unid irectional path switched ring configuration.
12-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 12 Perfor mance Mon itori ng 12.2 Intermediate-Pa th Performan ce Monitoring the node c ontinues to c ount the er rors during a giv en accumula tion period. If 0 is entere d as the thresho ld value, the perform ance m onitoring parameter is disab led.
12-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 12 Perform ance Monitori ng 12.2 Inte rmediate -Path Per formance Monitor ing Figure 12-2 shows the Pro visioning > SONET STS tabs for an OC-48 card.
12-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 12 Perfor mance Mon itori ng 12.3 Pointer Justifica tion Count 12.3 Pointer Ju stification Count Point ers are us ed to comp ensat e for frequ ency and ph ase v ariations. Pointer justific ation counts indicate timing difference s on SONET network s.
12-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 12 Perform ance Monitori ng 12.4 Per formance -Monito ring Para meter Def initions PPJC is a count of path-detec ted (PPJC-Pdet) or pa th-gener ated (PPJC-Pgen) positive pointer justif ications depending on the specif ic PM name.
12-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 12 Perfor mance Mon itori ng 12.4 Performance -Monitoring Parameter De finitions ES-PFE Far-End STS Pa th Errore d Seconds (ES-PFE) is a count of the seconds when at least one STS path BI P error wa s detected.
12-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 12 Perform ance Monitori ng 12.4 Per formance -Monito ring Para meter Def initions OPR Optical Po wer Rece i ved (OPR ) is repre sented b y the perc entage o f the normal optical rece iv e po wer of the car d port.
12-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 12 Perfor mance Mon itori ng 12.4 Performance -Monitoring Parameter De finitions PSD (1+1) I n a 1+ 1 protectio n scheme, Pr otection Switching Duration (PSD) applies to the length of time, in seconds, that service is carried on another line.
12-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 12 Perform ance Monitori ng 12.5 Optica l Card Per formance Monitor ing 12.5 Optical Ca rd Performance Monit oring The follo wing sec tions def in e perf orman ce mon ito ring pa rame ter s for t he OC-4 8/ST M16 and OC-192/ST M64 optica l cards.
12-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 12 Perfor mance Mon itori ng 12.5.1 OC-48/STM 16 and OC-1 92/STM64 Card Performanc e Monitoring Paramete rs Figur e 12 -4 PM Read P oints on the OC-48/S TM16 an d OC-192/ S TM64 Car ds Note For PM location s relating to pr otection switch counts, see the T elco rdia GR-123 0-CORE document.
12-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 12 Perform ance Monitori ng 12.5.2 Physical Layer Paramet ers 12.5.2 Physica l Layer Par ameters The ONS 15600 re triev es the OPR, OPT , and LBC fro m the line card and s tores these v alues with the PM counts fo r the 15-minute an d 1-day period s.
12-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 12 Perfor mance Mon itori ng 12.6.2 ASAP Card Et hernet Performa nce Mon itoring Parameters 12.6.
12-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 12 Perform ance Monitori ng 12.6.2 ASAP Card E therne t Perfo rmance Mon itor ing Param eters Tx Mult icast Pack ets Number of br oadcast p acke ts tran smitted s ince th e last cou nter reset. Rx Bytes Number of bytes recei ved since the last counter reset.
12-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 12 Perfor mance Mon itori ng 12.6.2 ASAP Card Et hernet Performa nce Mon itoring Parameters etherStatsBro adcastPkts The total num ber of good p ackets receiv ed that w ere directed to the broadcast address.
12-15 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 12 Perform ance Monitori ng 12.6.2 ASAP Card E therne t Perfo rmance Mon itor ing Param eters ASAP Card Ether Por ts Utilization Window The Ethe r Ports U tilization window shows the p ercentage of Tx an d Rx line bandwidth used by the Ethernet ports dur ing consecutive tim e segments.
12-16 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 12 Perfor mance Mon itori ng 12.6.2 ASAP Card Et hernet Performa nce Mon itoring Parameters Note Line u tilizat ion num bers expre ss the a verag e of i ngres s and egre ss traf fic a s a per centage of ca pacity .
12-17 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 12 Perform ance Monitori ng 12.6.2 ASAP Card E therne t Perfo rmance Mon itor ing Param eters ASAP Card POS Ports Ut ilization Window The POS Ports Utilizati on window sho ws the percentage of Tx and Rx line bandwidth used by the POS ports during consecutiv e time segments.
12-18 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapte r 12 Perfor mance Mon itori ng 12.6.2 ASAP Card Et hernet Performa nce Mon itoring Parameters.
C HAPTER 13-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 13 SNMP This c hapter explai ns Simple Netwo rk Manage me nt Proto col (SNMP) as implemented by the Cisco ONS 1560 0. For SNMP setu p infor matio n, refer to th e Cisco ONS 15600 P r oc edur e Gu ide .
13-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 13 SNM P 13.2 Bas ic SNMP Co mponents Note It is recomme nded that the SN MP Manage r timeout value be se t to 60 secon ds. Unde r certain co nditions, if this v alue is lower than the recommended time, th e TCC card can rese t.
13-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 13 SN MP 13.2 Basic SNMP Components Figur e 13 -2 Example o f the P r imary SN MP Component s An agent (such as SNMP) r esiding on each m anaged d.
13-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 13 SNM P 13.3 SNMP External Interface Requirem ent 13.3 SNMP Extern al Interfac e Requirement Since all SNMP requests come f rom a third-party appl.
13-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 13 SN MP 13.6 SNMP Management Infor mation Bases 13.6 SNMP Management In formation Bases This section contains the following information: • 13.6.1 IET F-Standa rd MIBs for ONS 1560 0, page 13-5 lists IETF-standard MIBs that are implemented in the ONS 15600 and shows their comp ilation order .
13-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 13 SNM P 13.6.2 Proprietar y ONS 15600 MIBs 13.6.2 Pro prietary ONS 15600 MIBs Each ON S 1560 0 is shipp ed with a software C D contain ing applica ble propr ietary M IBs. The M IBs in T able 13-3 lists the propr ietary MI Bs for the ONS 1560 0.
13-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 13 SN MP 13.7 .1 Generi c and IETF Traps 13.7.1 Gene ric and I ETF T raps T able 13-4 co ntains informatio n about the generic thres hold and perf ormanc e monitoring MIB s that can be used to mon itor any ne twork ele ment (NE) contained in the networ k.
13-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 13 SNM P 13.7.2 Variable Tra p Bindings B dsx3Lin eStatusChang e (from R FC 2496 , not applicable to ONS 15 600 but applicable to other plat forms ) (1) dsx3LineStatus This variable in dicates the line status of the interface.
13-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 13 SN MP 13.7.2 Varia ble Trap Bindi ngs D failu reDetect edExter nal T oTh eNE (fro m CERENT -600-mib) (1) cerent Gen ericN odeTime T he tim e that an event occu rred. (2) cerentGene ricAlarmState The alarm se ve rity and service- af fecting status.
13-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 13 SNM P 13.7.2 Variable Tra p Bindings E perf orman ceMoni torTh r esholdCrossin gAlert (from CERENT -600-mib) (1) cerent Gener icNo deTime T he ti me th at an event oc curred . (2) cerentGene ricAlarmState The alarm se ve rity and service- af fecting status.
13-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 13 SN MP 13.8 Proxy Over Fir ewalls 13.8 Proxy Over Firewalls SNMP and NMS applications hav e traditionally been una ble to cross firewalls used for isolating security risks inside or ou tside networks.
13-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 13 SNM P 13.8.1 Remote Monitoring For security reasons, the SNMP pr oxy feat ure must be en abled at all r ecei ving a nd trans mitting NEs to functi on. For instruc tions to do thi s, refer to the Cis co ONS 15600 Pr ocedure Guide .
13-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 13 SN MP 13.8.4 Ethernet St atistics RMON Group 13.8.4 Ethernet Statistics RMON Group The Ethe rnet Statistics gr oup conta ins the basic statistics monitored for each subnetwork in a single table called the etherStatsT able.
13-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 13 SNM P 13.8.5 History Control RMON Group The historyControlT able maximum r o w size is determined by multiplying the number of ports on a card by the numb er of sam pling peri ods.
13-15 Cisco ONS 15600 Re ference Manua l, R7.2 Chapter 13 SN MP 13.8.5 History Contr ol RMON Group Alarm Table The N MS uses the alarmT able to determine and p rovision network performanc e alar mable thresh olds. Get Requests and GetNext Requests These PDUs ar e not res tricte d.
13-16 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Chapter 13 SNM P 13.8.5 History Control RMON Group.
A- 1 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 APPEND IX A Hardware Specifications Note The terms "Unidirectiona l P ath Switche d Ring" and "U PSR" may ap pear in Cisco lit eratu re. Thes e terms do not refer to u sing Cisc o ONS 1 5xxx prod ucts in a unid irectional path switched ring configuration.
A- 2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendix A Har dware Speci fications A.1.3 Ca rds • Single Shelf Cross Conn ect (SSXC): Slots 6/7, 8/9 A.1.3 Cards The ONS 15600 ha s the following cards: • TSC • SSXC • ASAP • OC48/STM16 LR1 6 1550 • OC48/STM16 SR16 1310 • OC192/STM 64 LR 4 1550 • OC192/STM 64 SR4 13 10 A.
A-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix A Hardw are Specific ations A.1. 7 Ext ernal LAN Inter fac e A.1.7 External LAN Interface The externa l LAN interface has the follow ing specificati ons: • 10/100Base T Ethernet • Back plane a cces s: RJ-45 co nnec tor A.
A- 4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendix A Har dware Speci fications A.1.13 Da tabase Storag e A.1.13 Data base Stora ge The ONS 15600 ha s the follo wing database storage specifications: • Non v olatile memory: 512 MB, IDE FLASH memory A.
A-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix A Hardw are Specific ations A.2 Card Specif icati ons A.2 Card Speci fications This section provides specif ications for th e TSC, SSXC, OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550, OC48/STM 16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310, OC192/ST M64 LR/L H 4 Port 1550, OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Por t 1310, ASAP , and Filler cards.
A- 6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendix A Har dware Speci fications A.2.2 SSXC Specifications A.2.2 SSXC Specifications Ta b l e A - 4 shows t he SSXC card specific ations. A.2.3 OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 1550 Specification s Ta b l e A - 5 shows the OC48/STM16 LR/L H 16 Port 1550 card specifications.
A-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix A Hardw are Specific ations A.2.3 OC48/STM16 LR/LH 16 Port 15 50 Specificati ons Recei v er Max. recei v er le vel: – 9 dBm Min.
A- 8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendix A Har dware Speci fications A.2.4 OC48/S TM16 SR/S H 16 P ort 1310 S peci ficat ions A.2.4 OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 Specifications Ta b l e A - 6 shows the OC48/STM16 SR/SH 16 Port 1310 card spec ifi cations.
A-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix A Hardw are Specific ations A.2.5 OC192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Port 15 50 Specificati ons A.2.5 OC 192/STM64 LR/LH 4 Po rt 1550 Specifications Ta b l e A - 7 shows the OC192/STM 64 LR/LH 4 Port 1 550 card s pecifications.
A-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendix A Har dware Speci fications A.2.6 OC192/ STM64 SR/SH 4 P ort 131 0 Speci ficat ions A.2.6 OC 192/STM64 SR/S H 4 Port 1310 Specifications Ta b l e A - 8 shows the OC192/STM64 SR/SH 4 Por t 1310 card sp ecifications.
A-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix A Hardw are Specific ations A.2.7 ASAP Specif icati ons A.2.7 ASAP Specifications Ta b l e A - 9 shows t he ASAP card specifi cations.
A-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendix A Har dware Speci fications A.2.8 Filler Card Sp ecifications A.2.8 Filler Card Specification s Ta b l e A - 1 0 show s the Filler card specif ications. A.3 SFP/XFP Specifications Ta b l e A - 1 1 and T able A-12 list the specifi cations for a v ailable SFPs and XFPs for the Cisco ONS 1560 0.
A-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix A Hardw are Specific ations A.3 SFP/ XFP Sp ecifi cations Ta b l e A - 1 3 lists the a v ailable D WDM SFPs. T able A -13 A SAP Car d 4PIO D WDM SFP Specifications SFP Pr oduct ID Inter face Wavel ength 1 1.
A-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendix A Har dware Speci fications A.3 SFP/XFP Specifications Ta b l e A - 1 4 describe s the power and noise limited perfor mances pa rameters for the O C-SC-2 G series SFPs. Ta b l e A - 1 5 provides cabling specificat ions for th e single-mode fiber (SMF) SFPs/XFPs.
B-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 APPEND IX B Administrative and Service States This a ppendix d escribes ad ministrative and serv ice s tates fo r Cisco O NS 15600 cards, ports, a nd cross-c onnects. F or circu it state informatio n, see Chapter 7, “Circuits and T unnels.
B-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e States B.2 A dminist rat ive St ates B.2 Administrative States Admini stra ti ve st ates are used to mana ge serv ice stat es. Admini stra ti ve st ates cons ist of a PST and an SST .
B-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix B Adminis trative and Servi ce States B.3 Servi ce State Transiti ons B.3 Service State Transitions This section describes the transition fro m one se r vice state to the next for car ds, ports, an d cross-connects.
B-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e States B.3.1 Card Servic e State Transi tions OOS-A U,MEA Pull the card. OOS-A U,UEQ Delete the card. OOS-A UMA,U AS if the card is v alid OOS-A UMA,MEA & UAS if the card is in v alid Change the admini strat iv e state to OOS,MT .
B-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix B Adminis trative and Servi ce States B.3.2 Port and Cro ss-Connect Servi ce State Tra nsiti ons B.3.2 Port and Cross-Connect S ervice State T ransitions Ta b l e B - 5 lists the port and cr oss-connect service st ate transitio ns.
B-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e States B.3.2 Port and Cros s-Connect Service State Trans itions OOS-A U,AINS Put the po rt or cr oss-conn ect in the IS ad minis trative state . IS-NR Put th e por t or cr oss-conn ect in the O OS,MT ad minis trative state.
B-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix B Adminis trative and Servi ce States B.3.2 Port and Cro ss-Connect Servi ce State Tra nsiti ons OOS-MA,DSBLD Put the por t or cross-conn ect in the IS ad minis trative state . IS-NR Put the por t or cross-c onnect in the IS,A INS admi nistra ti ve st ate.
B-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x B Administr ative an d Servic e States B.3.2 Port and Cros s-Connect Service State Trans itions.
C-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 APPEND IX C Network Element Defaults Note The terms "Unidirectiona l P ath Switche d Ring" and "U PSR" may ap pear in Cisco lit eratu re. Thes e terms do not refer to u sing Cisc o ONS 1 5xxx prod ucts in a unid irectional path switched ring configuration.
C-2 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2 Card Default Settings settings exce pt those relating to p rotection (1+1 bi directional switching, 1+1 rev ersi.
C-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.2 Thre shold Defa ults C.2.2 Th reshol d Def aults Threshold default settings define the default cumula tiv e val.
C-4 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192_4. conf ig.s ts.IPPMEn abled F ALSE TR UE, F ALSE OC192_ 4.physicalthr esholds.warning.15m in.LBC-H IGH 200 (%) LBC-L O W , LBC-LO W + 1, LBC-LOW + 2 .
C-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card OC192_ 4.pmthres arend.15m in.PSD-S 300 (seconds) 0 - 900 OC192_ 4.pmthres arend.15m in.PSD-W 300 (se conds) 0 - 900 OC192_ 4.
C-6 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC192_ 4.pmthres arend.1 5min.ES 12 (seconds) 0 - 9 00 OC192_ 4.pmthres arend.1 5min.FC 10 (count) 0 - 72 OC192_ 4.pmthres holds.
C-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card OC192_ 4.pmthres arend.1d ay .CV 750 (B 3 count) 0 - 20736 0000 OC192_ 4.pmthres arend.1d ay .ES 600 (second s) 0 - 86400 OC192_ 4.
C-8 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.2 OC48_16 Card Default Settings Ta b l e C - 2 lists the OC48-16 card default settings. OC192_ 4.pmthr esholds.sts3c .nearend .1day .SES 7 (secon ds) 0 - 8 6400 OC192_ 4.
C-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card OC48_1 6.pmthres holds.line.far end.1day . CV 212600 (B2 cou nt) 0 - 21237120 0 OC48_1 6.pmthres holds.line. farend.1day .ES 864 (second s) 0 - 8 6400 OC48_1 6.
C-10 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card OC48_1 6.pmthres arend.1da y .ES 5000 (secon ds) 0 - 86400 OC48_1 6.pmthres holds.section.nea rend.1day .SEFS 5000 (sec onds) 0 - 86400 OC48_1 6.
C-11 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card OC48_1 6.pmthres holds.sts12c+.far end.1day .CV 750 (B3 c ount) 0 - 20736000 0 OC48_1 6.pmthres holds.sts12c+.far end.1day .ES 600 (seconds) 0 - 86400 OC48_1 6.
C-12 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card C.2.3.3 ASAP Card Default Set tings Ta b l e C - 3 lists the ASAP card default settings. OC48_1 6.pmthres holds.sts3c.n earend .15min.NPJ C-PDET 60 (c ount) 0 - 7 200000 OC48_1 6.
C-13 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card ASAP_4.conf ig.o c192.line. State IS,AIN S IS, OOS,DSBLD, OOS,MT , IS,AI NS ASAP_4 .config.oc192 .line.SyncMsg In TR UE F ALSE, TR UE ASAP_4 .config.
C-14 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card ASAP_4 .physica lthreshold s.oc12.warn ing.1day .LBC-HIG H 200 (%) LBC -LO W , LBC-LOW + 1, LBC- LO W + 2 .. 25 5 ASAP _4.physica lthreshold s.
C-15 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card ASAP_4 .physicalth resholds.oc 3.alarm.O PR-HIGH 200 (%) OPR-L O W , OPR-LOW + 1, OPR- LO W + 2 .. 25 5 ASAP_4 .physicalth resholds.oc 3.alarm.
C-16 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card ASAP_4 .physica lthreshold s.oc48.warn ing.15m in.OPT -HIGH 120 (%) OPT -LOW , OPT -LOW + 1, OPT -LOW + 2 .. 255 ASAP _4.physica lthreshold s.oc48 .
C-17 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card ASAP _4.pmthre sholds.o c12.line. nearen d.1day .PSD-W 0 (s econds) 0 - 86400 ASAP _4.pmt hresholds.o c12.line. nearen d.1day .SES 4 (secon ds) 0 - 8 6400 ASAP _4.
C-18 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc1 2.sts1.n earend.1d ay .PPJC-PGE N 5760 (co unt) 0 - 6 91200000 ASAP _4.pmt hresholds.o c12.s ts1.neare nd.1day .SES 7 (sec onds) 0 - 8 6400 ASAP _4.
C-19 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc1 2.sts3c-9c .farend.1da y .CV 250 (B3 count) 0 - 2 07360000 ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc1 2.sts3c-9c .farend.1da y .ES 200 (second s) 0 - 8640 0 ASAP_4 .
C-20 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthresho lds.oc192. line.nearend. 15min.PSC 1 ( count) 0 - 6 00 ASAP_4 .pmthres holds.oc192. line.neare nd.15min.PSC -R 1 (count) 0 - 600 ASAP_4 .
C-21 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc1 92.sts1.farend.1d ay .C V 125 (B3 cou nt) 0 - 2 0736000 0 ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc1 92.sts1.farend.1d ay .ES 100 (seconds) 0 - 8640 0 ASAP_4 .
C-22 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc1 92.sts12c+.nea rend.15min. NPJC-PDET 60 (count) 0 - 7 200000 ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc1 92.sts12c+.nea rend.15min. NPJC-PGEN 60 (coun t) 0 - 72000 00 ASAP_4 .
C-23 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc1 92.sts3c-9c. nearend.1 day .FC 40 (coun t) 0 - 6912 ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc1 92.sts3c-9c. nearend.1 day .NPJC-PD ET 5760 (count) 0 - 69120000 0 ASAP_4 .
C-24 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc3 .section.neare nd.15min.ES 500 (second s) 0 - 900 ASAP_4 .pmthresho lds.oc3.sec tion.nearend .15min.SEFS 500 (second s) 0 - 900 ASAP_4 .
C-25 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc3 .sts3c.farend.15 min.ES 20 (seconds) 0 - 900 ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc3 .sts3c.farend.15 min.FC 10 (c ount) 0 - 7 2 ASAP_4 .
C-26 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.o c48.line.farend. 1day . U AS 10 (se conds) 0 - 86400 ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc4 arend.1 5min.CV 21260 (B2 coun t) 0 - 2 212200 ASAP_4 .
C-27 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.2.3 Defa ults by Card ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.o c48.sts1.far end.15m in.ES 12 (seconds) 0 - 9 00 ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.oc4 8.sts1.far end.15min.FC 10 (c ount) 0 - 7 2 ASAP_4 .
C-28 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.2.3 Defaults by Card ASAP _4.pmthre sholds.o c48.sts1 2c+.farend .1day . U AS 10 (seco nds) 0 - 86400 ASAP_4 .pmthre sholds.o c48.sts1 2c+.neare nd.15min.C V 75 (B3 coun t) 0 - 21600 00 ASAP_4 .
C-29 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Setting s C.3 Node Default Setting s T able C-4 on page C-30 lists the node- le vel default settings for the Cisco ON S 15600.
C-30 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.3 Node Default Se ttings • Security Policy settings—Set the a llo wable failed logi n s before loc kout, idle.
C-31 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Setting s NODE.gener al.NtpSn tpServ er 0.0. 0.0 IP Address NODE.
C-32 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.3 Node Default Se ttings NODE.osi.sub net.ISH 10 (s ec) 10, 20, 30 . . 1000 NODE.osi.sub net.LANI SISCost 20 1, 2, 3 . . 63 NODE.osi.sub net.LDCC ISISCost 40 1, 2, 3 .
C-33 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Setting s NODE.prote ction.b lsr .SpanRe verti ve TR UE TR UE, FA L S E NODE.secur ity .emsAcc ess.AccessState NonSec ure NonSecure, Secure NODE.secur ity .
C-34 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.3 Node Default Se ttings NODE.secur ity .le galDiscla imer .LoginW a rningMessage < html><ce nt er><b> W AR NING< /b></ cente r>This system is restrict ed to auth orized users for b usiness purposes.
C-35 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.3 Node Default Setting s NODE.secur ity .passwo peruser .AgingPeriod 45 (d ays) 20 - 90 NODE.secur ity .passwo rdAging.s uperuser .W arningPeriod 5 (days) 20-Fe b NODE.
C-36 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.3 Node Default Se ttings NODE.timing .bits-2.Codin g B8ZS B8ZS, AMI NODE.timing .bits-2.F raming ESF ESF , D4 NODE.timing .bits-2.State IS IS , OOS, DSB LD, OOS, MT , IS,AI NS NODE.
C-37 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.3.1 Time Zones C.3.1 Time Zone s Ta b l e C - 5 lists the time zones that apply fo r node time zone defau lts.
C-38 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.3.1 Time Zone s GMT -03:00 (G MT - 03:00) Go dthab (Nuuk ) - Greenland GMT -02:00 ( GMT -02:00) Mid-Atlantic GMT .
C-39 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 Append ix C Network El ement Defaul ts C.4 CTC D efault Settings C.4 CTC Default Settings T able C-6 on page C-40 lists the CTC-level default settings for the Cisc o ONS 15 600.
C-40 Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manu al, R7.2 Appendi x C Network El ement Def ault s C.4 CTC Default Settings • Network Circ uit Automatic Routing Overridable—Se t by default whethe r or not a user creating circuits can cha nge (ove rride) the Autom atic Circuit Rout ing setting (also provisionable as a default).
IN-1 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 INDE X Numerics 1+1 optical port pro tection description 3-2 linear ADM configuration 8-2 point-to-point c onfiguration 8-2 revertiv e and nonr evertive 3-.
Index IN-2 Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 description 2-19 Ethernet perf ormance monitoring 12-12 Ether Port s History wi ndow 12-16 Ether Port Statistics window 12-12 Ether Ports Utilizatio.
Index IN-3 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 card color s 4-7 card protection See also 1+ 1 optical port protection unpro tected 3-3 card s optical.
Index IN-4 Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 comp uter r equire ments 4 -3 exporting data 4-14 install 4-2 legal disclaimer 4-5 login 4-4 pr inti ng da ta 4-14 reverting to earlier load 4-16 set up 4-1 specifi cations A-2 views card . See ca rd vie w network.
Index IN-5 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 elec trical codes 1 -2 end networ k element. See ENE ENE GNE load balancing 9-17 in pr oxy serv er conf igur ati ons 9-11 OSI scenar ios with EN Es 9.
Index IN-6 Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 firew alls ext ernal 9-22 not enab led 9-12 tunnels, setting up in CTC 9-24 tunnels for foreign termination 9-25 with port filtering 9-16 FLT secon dary servic e state B-2 four-fi ber BLSR .
Index IN-7 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 OSPF 9 -8 overview 9-2 Proxy AR P and gateway 9-4 static route s connecting to LAN s 9-6 IP-encapsulated tunnel 7-13 IP-over- CLNS tunnels between an.
Index IN-8 Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 ASAP card settings C- 12 car d defa ult ta bles C- 2 CTC defaults C-39 description C-1 node defa ults C- 29 OC-192 ca rd settings C- 3 OC-48 c ard settings C- 8 networks building circuits 7-1 building tunnels 7-1 default conf iguration.
Index IN-9 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 software compatibility 2 -2 specifi cations A-6 OC-48 sh ort-reac h card block diagra m 2-12 card-l evel LE Ds 2-13 conn ector s 2-11 default setting.
Index IN- 10 Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 ASAP card para meter s 12-11 IPPM 12-2 OC-N c ard pa ramete rs 12-9 parameter s 12-1 to 12-17 physical la yer para meters 12-11 thr esh olds 12-1 .
Index IN- 11 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 PSC (BLSR) parameter 1 2-7 PSC parameter 12-7 PSC-R param eter 12-7 PSC-S pa rameter 12-7 PSC-W param eter 12-7 PSD (1 +1) parame ter 12-8 PSD para.
Index IN- 12 Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 SES-LFE parameter 1 2-8 SES-L parameter 12-8 SES-PFE parameter 12-9 SES-P parameter 12-8 SES-S parameter 12-9 set-request, definition 13-4 SFPs/XF.
Index IN- 13 Cisco ONS 15600 Refer ence Manual, R7.2 destination ho st or networ k 9-20 superusers assign login privileges 5-6 chan ge se curit y poli cies 5-5 description 5-1 grant priv ileges to provision ing users 5-5 idle time 5-6 SWDL seconda ry service state B- 2 synchroniza tion status me ssaging.
Index IN- 14 Cisco ONS 156 00 Reference Man ual, R7.2 push-button switche s 2 -6 slots 2-3 soft reset 4-15 software 4-1 software compatibility 2-2 specifi cations A-5 tunnels DCC 7-12 firewall, sett ing up in CTC 9-24 IP enca psula ted 7-13 IP-over- CLNS 9-38 overview 7-1 two-fib er BLSR.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems ONS 15600 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems ONS 15600 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems ONS 15600 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems ONS 15600 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems ONS 15600 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems ONS 15600 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems ONS 15600 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems ONS 15600. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems ONS 15600 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.