Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 48TCA04---A12 des Produzenten Carrier
Zur Seite of 107
48TCA04 - - - A12 Nomina l 3 to 10 T ons Wi t h Pu ro n ® (R - - - 410A) Refrigerant Se rvice and Mainte nance Ins truct ions T ABLE OF CONTENTS SAFET Y CONSIDE RA TIONS 1 .................... UNIT ARRANGE ME NT AND ACCESS 2 ........... SUPPL Y F AN (BLOW ER ) SE CT ION 4 .
2 FIRE, EXPL OSIO N HAZ ARD Failure t o follow thi s warning could re sult in personal inj ury , dea th and/or prope rty dam age. Refer to the User ’ s Informa tion Manual provi ded with this un it for more details. Do not s tore or use gasoline or ot her flam mable vapor s and liqu ids in the vicinity o f this or any o ther applian ce.
3 Quarterl y Inspection (and 30 days after i nitial star t) S Return air f ilter replacement S Outdoor hood inlet filters cleaned S Belt tens ion checked S Belt cond ition checked S Pu lley alignment .
4 C07156 Fig. 4 - - Screens Installed on Outdoor - - Air Hood (Sizes 7 - - 1/ 2 to 12- - 1/2 T ons Sh own) T o remov e the screen, loos en the screws in the top retainer and slip th e retainer up un til the filter can be removed . Re- - install by placin g the frame in its track, rotating the retainer back d own an d tighten all screw s.
5 T o chan ge fan speed : 1. Shut off unit power supply . 2. Loosen bel t by loosening fa n motor mounting nuts. (See Fig. 5.) 3. Loosen movable pul ley fla nge setscrew . (See Fig. 6.) 4. Screw movable flange toward fixe d flange to incr ease sp eed and aw ay from fixed f lange to d ecrease speed .
6 life of th e coil and ex tend the life of the unit. The following ma inte nance and clea ning procedure s are recommend ed as part of the rou tine maintenance activities to extend the life of the coil. Remove Surface Loaded Fib ers Surface loa ded fibe rs or dirt should be re moved with a vacuu m cleaner .
7 6. Use a water hose or other suitable equipm ent to flush down between the 2 c oil sec tions to rem ove dirt and debris . Clean the o uter s urfaces with a stif f brush in the normal m anner . 7. Secure inne r and oute r coil rows toget her with a field- - s upplied fas tener .
8 (S ee Fig. 1 1.) This check valve is permanently as sembled into thi s core body and c annot be serviced separate ly; replace the entire core body if necessary . Service tools a re available fr om RCD that allo w the replacement of the chec k valve c ore without having t o recover the entire system refrigera nt charge.
9 SIZE DESIG NATION NOM INA L TO NS REFEREN CE A04 3 A05 4 A06 5 A07 6 A08 7.5 A09 8.5 A12 10 EXA MP LE: Model 48TC*A04 Outdoor T emper ature 85 _ F( 2 9 _ C) .................. Suction Pressure 140 psig (965 kPa) ................. Suction T em perat ure should be 60 _ F( 1 6 _ C) .
10 COOLIN G CHARGING CHAR TS (cont.) C08204 C08228 Fig. 12 (cont.) - - Cooling Charging Charts 48TC.
11 COOLIN G CHARGING CHAR TS (cont.) C08229 C08437 Fig. 12 (cont.) - - Cooling Charging Charts 48TC.
12 COOLIN G CHARGING CHAR TS (cont.) C08438 C08439 Fig. 12 (cont.) - - Cooling Charging Charts 48TC.
13 T able 1 – Coo ling Serv ice Analy sis PROBLEM CAUSE REMED Y Compressor a nd Conden ser Fa n W i ll Not S ta r t . Pow er f a i lu re . Cal l power c ompany . F use blo wn or c irc uit breaker t ri pped. Replace fuse or reset circui t breaker . Defectiv e the rmostat, con tactor , tran sfor mer , or control r elay .
14 Compr essor Lu bricatio n The c ompressor is charged with the c orrect a mount of oil at the factor y . UNIT DAMAG E HAZ ARD Failur e to follow th is caution may res ult in d amage to compone nts. The compre ssor is in a Puron R refrige rant system and uses a pol yolester (POE) oil.
15 breake r requirem ents and disconnect switch size and loca tion. Route 125- - v power s upply c onductors into the bottom of the u tility box containing th e duplex r eceptacle.
16 Duct smoke sensor control ler Fast ener (2X) Cont roll er cov er Conduit nuts (sup pli ed by in stall er) Cond uit supp ort pl ate Cover ga sket (ordering option) Cond uit coup lin gs (sup pli ed by in stall er) T erminal bl ock cover Contr oll er hous ing and ele ctronics Alarm Power Te s t / r e s e t switch Tro u bl e C08208 Fig.
17 Return Air without Econom ize r — The sam pling tube is locat ed ac ross the return air ope ning on the unit ba sepan. See Fig. 19. The hole s in the sampling tube face dow nwar d, into the retu rn air s tream.
18 A E F C D B C08246 Fig. 23 - - T ypical S mok e Detect or Sys tem W iring Highlight C: 24 - - v pow er signal via ORN le ad i s removed at Smoke Dete ctor input on L CTB; all unit operat ions cease immedi ately . PremierL ink and R TU - - M P Controls: Unit operat ing functions (fan, cool ing and hea ting) are te rmina ted as described above .
19 OP ERA TIO NAL TEST H AZARD Failure to fol low t his caut ion may result i n personnel and aut hority conc ern. This test places the duct detector into the alarm state. Dis connect all au xiliary equ ipment fr om the contro ller before performi ng the test.
20 SD- - T RK4 Re mo te Al ar m T e st Proc e dur e 1. Tur n the key switch to the RESET/TES T pos ition for seven seconds. 2. V erify th at the tes t/reset statio n’ s Alar m LED tur ns on. 3. Reset the sensor by turning the ke y switch to t he RESET/TES T position for two seconds .
21 LED on both the sensor and t he cont rolle r are on a nd a ll other L EDs are of f. Alarm State The smoke dete ctor ent ers the ala rm s tat e when t he amount of smoke parti cula te in the sensor ’ s sensing chamber exceeds the alarm thr eshold value.
22 Con troller’ s Power LED is Off 1. Make sure the circ uit supplying power to t he control - ler is opera tiona l. If not , ma ke sure JP2 and JP3 are set correc tly on t he cont roller before appl ying power . 2. V erify tha t power is appl ied t o the c ontrolle r ’s supply input te rmina ls.
23 Limit Switch and Shield C08284 Fig. 28 - - Limi t Switch Location Fue l T ype s and Pr essur es Natural Gas — The 48TC unit is fac tory - - e quipped for us e with Natural Gas fuel at e levat ion under 2000 ft (610 m).
24 This switch al so prevents opera tion whe n the propa ne ta nk level is low w hich can result in gas w ith a high concentr ation of impurities , add itives, and resid ues that have settled to the bottom of t he tank. Operation under these co ndition s can caus e harm to the heat exchang er sys tem.
25 Bu rn ers an d I gn iters EQUIP M ENT DAM AGE H AZARD Failur e to follow th is caution may resu lt in equip ment damage. When working on ga s tra in, do not hit or plug orifice spuds. CAUTION ! Main Bu rners T o access bu rners , remove bur ner acces s panel and slid e out bu rner partitio n.
26 1. Remove m anifol d pressure tap pl ug from ma nifold and connec t pressure gauge or manomet er . (See Fig. 33.) 2. Turn on elect rical supply . 3.
27 125,000/90,000 BTUH INPUT 180,000/120,000 BTUH INPUT 240,000/180,000 BTUH INPUT 250,000/200,000 BTUH INPUT C08447 Fig. 36 - - Spark Adjus tment (08 - - 12) T abl e 8 – LED Error Co de Desc r ipti.
28 Single Stage 2 Stage C08210 Fig. 37 - - Gas V alve s Red LED-Status C08452 Fig. 38 - - Integrated G as Contr ol (IGC) Boar d 48TC.
29 T abl e 9 – IG C Connec ti ons TERMIN AL LABEL POINT D ESC RIP TION SENSOR LOCATION TYPE OF I/O CON NE CTI ON PIN N UMB ER INPU TS RT , C In pu t pow er f rom T R AN 1 control box 24 VAC — SS S.
30 T abl e 11 – Altit ude Compe nsat io n* (A04 - - A0 7) ELEV ATION ft (m) 72,000 BTUH Nomina l 115,000 BTUH Nomina l 150,000 BTUH Nomina l NG Orifice Size LP Orifice Size NG Orifice Size LP Orific.
31 T able 12 – Altitude Compensation* (A 04 - - A06) - - Low NO x Unit s ELEV ATION ft (m) 60,000, 90,000 BTUH Nominal 120,000 BTUH Nominal NG Orifice Size LP Orifice Size N G Orifice Siz e LP Orifi.
32 T abl e 1 3 – He ati ng Se rv ic e Anal ysi s PRO BLE M CA USE REMEDY Burne rs W ill N ot I gni te. Misalig ned spa rk electrodes. Check flam e ignition and sen sor ele ctro de posit ioning. Adj ust as needed . No gas at main burners. Check gas line for air , purge as necessary .
33 T able 14 – IGC Board LED Alar m Codes LED FLASH CODE DESCR IPTI ON AC TION TAKEN BY CON TR OL RESET M ETHO D PRO BA BLE CA USE On Normal Op eration — — — Off Hardw are Failure No gas he ati ng.
34 C08199 Fig. 40 - - Premie rLink Controller PR EMIERLINK T CONTROL The Premier Link contr oller (see F ig. 40 ) is co mpatible with Car rier Comf ort Netw ork r (C CN) devices .
35 C08248 Fig. 42 - - PremierLin k W iring Sch ematic 48TC.
36 T able 15 – Thermis tor Resis tance vs T emp eratur e V al ues for Spa ce T empe r ature Se nsor , Supply Air T emperatu re S ens or , and Out door A ir T emperat ur e Senso r TEMP (C) TEMP (F) R.
38 T able 18 – Thermostat Mode TB1 TERMINA L F IELD C ONNEC TION INPU T S IGNAL 1 RAT S EN An alog (10k th erm istor) 2 G Discrete, 24VAC 3 RAT S EN An alog (10k th erm istor) 4 Y1 Discrete, 24VAC 5.
39 Premier Link Con figuratio n s creen for Operatin g Mode. Defau lt setting is S enso r Mod e (value 1 ). Change the value t o 0 to reconfigure t he controlle r for Thermostat Mode.
40 requirem ents and t ermi nal loc ati ons. See Fig. 50 for typica l CO 2 sensor wiring schemat ic. 8 7 6 5 4 32 1 2 1 HG 24 V AC OR 24 VDC NC ALARM RELA Y CONT ACTS COM NO } 0-10VDC SIG COM (J4-6) 4-20mA (J4-5) + + - + - C07134 Fig.
41 unit shutdown through it s NC conta ct set connec ted to t he unit’ s LCTB input. The FSD func tion is initiated via the smoke detec tor ’ s Alarm NO contact set. T he Premie rLink communi cat es the smoke detec tor ’ s trippe d status to the CCN building cont rol.
42 At any baud (9600, 19200, 38400 baud), the number of contro llers is limited to 239 devices maximu m. Bus length may not exceed 4000 ft, with no more than 60 total devic es on any 1000 - - ft sect ion. Opti cal ly i solated RS - - 485 repea ters are re quired e very 1000 ft.
43 C07129 Fig. 59 - - R TU- - MP Multi - - Protocol Con trol Board 48TC.
44 44 C08458 Fig. 60 - - RTU- - MP System Contr ol Wiring Diagram 48TC.
45 T abl e 2 1 – R TU - - MP Co ntrol le r Input s and Output s POI NT N AME BACn et OB JE CT NAME TYPE OF I/O CON NE CTI ON PI N NUMB ERS INPU TS Space T emperatu re Sensor sptsens A I (10K Th ermi.
46 connec ts to the R TU - - M P must be routed through the raceway b uilt into the corner po st as show n in Fig. 34. The raceway p rovid es th e UL r equired clearan ce betw een high - - and low - - vol tage wiri ng.
47 return air s ensor is w ired to the enthalpy contr oller (HH57AC077). S ee Fig. 49. T o wire the re turn ai r entha lpy sensor , perform the follow ing: 1. Use a 2 - - conductor , 18 or 20 A W G, twisted pair cable to conne ct the return a ir enthalpy sensor to the enthal- py controll er .
48 Alarm stat e is reset when the smoke det ect or alarm conditio n is cleared and r eset at the smoke detecto r in the unit. Conne cting Disc re te Input s Filter Status The filter status acces sor y is a field - - in stalled access ory . This access ory det ects plugge d filters.
49 BACnet MS/TP BA Cnet Mas ter Slave/T oken Pas sing (MS /TP) is us ed for communi cat ing BACnet ove r a sub- - network of BACnet - - onl y cont rollers. This i s the de fault Carri er communi cat ions protoc ol. Ea ch R TU - - MP modul e a cts a s an MS /TP Mas ter .
50 T able 22 – LEDs The LEDs on th e R TU- - M P s how th e status of certain function s If this L ED is on ... Statu s is... Power The R TU MP has p ower Rx The RTU MP is receiving data from the ne.
51 T abl e 2 3 – T rouble shoot ing Al ar ms POINT NAME BAC ne t OBJECT NAM E ACTION T AKEN B Y CON TROL RESET METHOD PROBA BLE CAUSE Saf ety C hain A larm safe ty_ cha in Alarm Generated Immed iate Shut down Automa tic Over load Indoor Fan or El ectric Heater o verheat.
52 Alarms Alarms can be checked t hrough t he net work a nd/or the local acces s. All th e alarms are lis ted in T able 23 with name , object na me, a ction taken by control , reset method, and pr obable cause.
53 S Max Mas ters : D efines the high est M S/TP M aster MAC address on t his MS/TP net work. For e xampl e, if there a re 3 master nodes on an MS/TP network, and thei r M AC addresses a re 1, 8, a nd 16, then Max Masters would be set to 16 (since this is the highes t MS/TP MA C addres s on the networ k).
54 T abl e 24 – M anuf ac ture Dat e When t roubleshooting, you ma y need t o know a control modul e’ s manufac ture dat e Obta i n the m an u f ac tur e da te f r om a... Note s Mo dule st atus re port (m odst at) T o obtain a modstat with BAC view 6 : 1.
55 7. V erify proper wiri ng betwee n the BAS and the con- troller . 8. V erify that the BAS is readin g or writin g to the prop er Modbus register num bers on t he c ontrolle r . Download the latest po ints list fo r the controller to v erify . 9. V erify tha t the BAS is sending his requests to t he proper slave a ddress of our controll er .
56 FOR OCCUP ANCY CONTROL REPLACE JUMPER WITH FIELD-SUPPLIED TIME CLOCK LEGEND DCV— Demand Controlled V entilation IAQ — Indoor Ai r Quality LA — Low Ambie nt Lockout Device OA T — Outdoor-A ir T emperature POT — Potentiometer RA T — Retur n-Air T emperature P otenti ometer D efaults Settings: P ower Exhaust Middle Minimum P os.
57 T abl e 2 7 – Eco noM i$ er IV Input/ O utput Lo gic INPU TS OU TP UTS Demand Contro l V entilation (DCV) Ent hal py* Y1 Y2 Compressor NT e r m i n a l † Ou tdoor Retu rn Sta ge 1 Stage 2 Occu .
58 Supply Air T em per ature ( SA T) Sensor The supply a ir tem perat ure sensor is a 3 K the rmistor locat ed at the i nlet of the indoor fan. (See Fig. 75.) This sensor is fact ory installe d. The operat ing range of temperatur e measurement is 0 ° to 158 _ F( - - 1 8 _ to 70 _ C).
59 provided in t he Ec onoMi$er IV wiring harne ss. (See F ig. 70.) ECONOMI$ERIV ECONOMI$ERIV CONTROLLER GROMMET RETURN AIR SENSOR RETURN DUCT (FIELD-PROVIDED) C07085 Fig.
60 TR1 24 V ac COM TR 24 Va c HOT 12 3 4 5 EF EF1 + _ P1 T1 P T N EXH 2V 10V EXH Set Set 2V 10V 2V 10V DCV DCV Free Cool B C A D SO+ SR+ SR SO AQ1 AQ DCV Min Pos Open Max N1 C06038 Fig.
61 T o determin e the minimum positio n setting , perform the following proce dure: 1. Calcul ate t he appropria te mixed air tempera ture using the foll owing formula : (T Ox OA ) +( T R x RA )= T M .
62 graph with the left side of the chart to determin e that the range confi guration for the CO 2 sensor should be 1800 ppm. The E conoMi$er IV controll er will out put t he 6.7 volts from the CO 2 sensor to the act uator when t he CO 2 conce ntrati on in the spac e is at 1 100 ppm.
63 Sing le Enthalpy T o chec k single ent halpy: 1. Make sure EconoMi$er IV preparati on procedure has been pe rformed. 2. Set th e enthalp y potentiometer to A (fully C CW). Th e Free Cool LED should be lit. 3. Set the enthalp y potentiometer to D (fully C W).
64 C08308 Fig. 83 - - 48TC T ypical Unit W iring Diagram - - Power (A06, 208/230 - - 3- - 60) 48TC.
65 C08317 Fig. 84 - - 48TC Unit Wiring Diagram - - Contr ol (A06) 48TC.
66 PRE- - ST AR T - - UP PERSO NAL INJ URY HAZARD Failure t o follow thi s warning c ould result i n personal injury or dea th. 1. Follow rec ognize d safe ty prac tice s a nd wear pro- tect ive goggl es when chec king or servi cing re fri- gerant system.
67 direct ion. T o de term ine whet her or not com pressor is rotati ng in the proper dire ction: 1. Connect service ga uges to sucti on and discha rge pres- sur e fittings . 2. Energize the c ompressor . 3. The sucti on pressure should drop and the discharge pressure should rise, a s is normal on a ny start - - up.
68 ST AR T - - UP , P REMIERLINK CONTROLS ELECTRIC AL OPERA TION HAZARD Failure t o follow thi s warning c ould result i n personal injury or dea th. The unit must be electri cally grounde d in accordance wit h lo ca l c ode s an d NEC ANSI /NFP A 70 (Am e ri ca n Nation al Standards I nstitu te/National Fire Protectio n Association.
69 normall y to ma inta in proper unit opera tion. All norma l cooling alarms an d alerts are functional. NOTE : C ircuit A is alw ays operated with Circuit B due to outdoor fan c ontrol on Circ uit A. Always test Circ uit A firs t, and leave it on to test other C ircuits.
70 Inputs NOTE : For instal lati on of inputs and fi eld install ed access ories , refer to th e approp riate sectio ns. Input 3 This input i s a discret e input a nd can be c onfigured t o be one of five different inputs: No Function, Compre ssor Safety , Fan Statu s, Filter Status , or Remote Occu pancy .
71 Economize r Economize r Exists This poin t tells the controller if there is an economizer installed o n the unit. Facto ry Defau lt = NO if no econ omizer YES if there is an econ omizer ins talled Economize r Minimum Positi on This defin es the lowes t economizer po sition when the indoor fan is running a nd the bui lding i s occupie d.
72 During free cool ing operat ion, a supply a ir tem perat ure (SA T ) above 50 _ F wil l ca use t he da mpers to modula te between Minimum Position setpoint and 100% open. With SA T from 50 _ Ft o4 5 _ F , the dampers will main tain at the Minimu m Pos ition setting .
73 When Y2 is e nergized, the ec onomize r will be m odulat ed to control t o a lower supply air setpoint SASP= SA TLO2 +3 _ F If t he SA T > SASP + 5 _ F it will close the economizer to min imum p.
74 S If the Premi erLi nk control ler is in t he occ upied m ode and ASHR AE 90.1 Supply Fan is c onfigured for Y e s when Linkage i s active a nd the Linka ge Coordinat or device is sending an oc cup.
75 When i n the occ upied m ode and the indoor relat ive humidity is greater then the Occup ied High Humid ity setpoint, then the H3_EX_R V output point will be energized.
76 S SPT reading is ava ila ble a nd < (OHSP + ST O). S If it is unocc upied a nd the SPT < (UHSP - - Unocc upied Heating Dea dband). T he indoor fan wil l be t urn on by the stagin g algorith m.
77 S Next Occu pied Time is valid S Time is within 2 hours of next Occupi ed peri od S Time is within Pur ge Duration (us er- - d efined 5 to 60 minutes in th e CON FIG co nfigur ation table) S OA T R.
78 sou rce for a 3V con trol system, th e PremierLink contro ller is not re quired to be on the sam e CCN bus but it is recommend ed. Linkage w ill be active when it is initiated from the Linkage thermostat or the 3V L inkage Coordinator t hrough CCN communi cat ions and requi res no configura tion.
79 control t o the occupi ed hea ting or cooling set points. Scheduling func tions are loc ate d under occupancy determinatio n and the schedul e menu acces sed by the Menu softkey (see Appendix - - for menu struc ture). Y our local time and date s hould be set for these functions to operate prope rly .
80 the T56 slid er of fset) . S Sp ace T emperatur e reading is available. S If i t is unocc upied and t he SPT > (unoccupi ed cool setpoint plus the T56 slider of fset).
81 If the calculated IA Q minimum positio n is greater than the IAQ maximum damper p osition co nfigur ation then it will be c lam ped to t he confi gured value .
82 APP ENDIX I. MODEL NUMBER SIGNIFICANCE Mo del Num ber N ome ncla tur e 123456789 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 4 8 T C D A 0 4 A 1 A 5 -- 0 A 0 A 0 ____ ____ ____ Unit Heat T ype 48 = Gas hea.
83 APP ENDIX II. PHYSICAL DA T A Physical Data (Cooling) 3 - - 6 TONS 48TC*A04 48TC*A05 48TC*A06 48TC*A07 Refr igera tion System #C i r c u i t s/# C o m p ./T y p e 1/1/S c r o l l 1/ 1/S c r o l l 1/1/S c r o l l 1/ 1/S c r o l l Puron (R - - - 410a) cha rge A/B (lbs) 5.
84 APP ENDIX II . P HYSICAL DA T A (cont .) Physical Data (Cooling) 7.5 - - 10 TONS 48TC*A08 48TC*A09 48TC*A12 Refr igera tion System #C i r c u i t s/# C o m p ./T y p e 1/1/S c r o l l 1/ 1/S c r o l l 1/1/S c r o l l Puron (R - - - 410a ) charge A/B (lbs) 13.
85 APP ENDIX II . P HYSICAL DA T A (cont .) Phys ical Data (H eatin g) 3 - - 6 TONS 48TC**04 48TC**05 48TC**06 48TC**07 Gas Connect ion #o f G a sV a l v e s 1 1 1 1 Con ne ction size 1/2” NPT 1/2” NPT 1/2” NPT 1/2” NPT Nat. ga s supply line p ress (in.
86 APP ENDIX II . P HYSICAL DA T A (cont .) Phys ical Da ta (Heati ng ) 7.5 - - 1 0 TONS 48TC**04 48TC**05 48TC**06 48TC**07 Gas Connect ion #o f G a sV a l v e s 1 1 1 1 Nat. ga s supply line p ress (in. w .g .)/(PSIG) 4 --- 1 3 / 0 . 1 8 --- 0 . 4 7 4 --- 1 3 / 0 .
87 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE Gen eral Fan Perfo rman ce Notes : 1. Interpola tion i s permissible . Do not ext rapola te. 2. External stat ic pressure is the static pre ssure dif fere nce betwee n t he return duc t and t he supply duc t plus the sta tic pres sur e caused by an y FIO Ps or acces sories .
88 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont . ) 48TC**04 1 P hase 3 T on Horiz ontal Supply CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1. 0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P F i e l d --- S u p p l i e d D r i v e 1 Standar d Static Option Medium St atic Op tio n 900 553 0.
89 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont . ) 48TC**04 3 P hase 3 T on Horiz ontal Supply CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. 8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P F i e l d --- S u p p l i e d D r i v e 1 Standar d Static Option Medium Stat ic Opt ion 900 553 0.
90 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont . ) 48TC**05 1 P hase 4 T on Horiz ontal Supply CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. 8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P Standard Static Option Medium St a tic O pti on 1200 643 0.
91 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont . ) 48TC**05 3 P hase 4 T on Horiz ontal Supply CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. 8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P Standard Static Option Medium St a tic O pti on 1200 643 0.
92 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont . ) 48TC**06 1 P hase 5 T on Horiz ontal Supply CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. 8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P Standard Static Option Medium St atic Op tio n 1500 800 0.
93 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont . ) 48TC**06 3 P hase 5 T on Horiz ontal Supply CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. 8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P Standard Static Option Medium St atic Op tio n 1500 800 0.
94 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont . ) 48TC**07 3 P hase 6 T on Horiz ontal Supply CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. 8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P F i e l d --- S u p p l i e d D r i v e 1 Standar d Static Option Medium St atic Op tio n 1800 913 0.
95 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont . ) 48TC**08 3 PHASE 7. 5 TON HORIZONT AL SUPPL Y CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1. 0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P Standard Static Option Medium St a tic O pti on 2250 505 0.
96 F AN PERFORMANCE (con t.) 48TC**09 3 PHASE 8.5 TON HORIZONT AL SUPPL Y CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P F i e l d --- S u p p l i e d D r i v e 1 Standar d Static Option Med ium Stati c Opt ion 2550 497 0.
97 F AN PERFORMANCE (con t.) 48TC**12 3 PHASE 10 TON HORIZONT AL SUPPL Y CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P F i e l d --- S u p p l i e d D r i v e 1 Standar d Static Option Med ium Stati c Opt ion 3000 579 0.
98 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont . ) Pulle y Adjus tme nt UNI T MOTOR/DRIVE COMB O MOTOR PULLEY TUR NS OPEN 0.0 0.5 1.0 1. 5 2.0 2. 5 3. 0 3.
99 APP ENDIX IV . ELECTRICAL DA T A 48TC**04 3 TONS V --- P h --- H z VOL TAGE CO MP (ea) OFM (ea) IFM RANGE RL A LRA WAT T S FLA TYPE Max WAT TS Max AMP Draw EFF at F ull Load FLA MIN MAX 2 0 8 --- 1 --- 6 0 187 253 16.6 79 325 1.5 Std Static 1000 5.
100 APP ENDIX IV . ELECTRICAL DA T A (con t. ) 48TC**06 5 TONS V --- P h --- H z VOL TAGE CO MP (ea) OFM (ea) IFM RANGE RL A LRA WAT T S FLA TYPE Max WAT TS Max AMP Draw EFF at F ull Load FLA MIN MAX 2 0 8 --- 1 --- 6 0 187 253 26.2 134 325 1.5 Std Static 1000 5.
101 APP ENDIX IV . ELECTRICAL DA T A (con t. ) 48TC**08 7. 5 TONS V --- P h --- H z VOL TAGE RANGE COMP ( ea) OF M (ea) IFM RLA LRA WAT TS FLA TYPE Max WAT TS Max AMP Draw EFF at Ful l Load FLA MIN MAX 2 0 8 --- 3 --- 6 0 187 253 25.0 164 325 1.5 Std Static 1448 5.
104 APP ENDIX V . W IRING DIAGRAM LIST Wir ing Diagrams 48TC_A SIZ E VOL T AGE CONT RO L POWER A04 208/230 - - - 1 - - - 60 48TM 500213.04 48TM500749.07 208/230 - - - 3 - - - 60 48TM 500213.04 48TM500748.06 460 - - - 3 - - - 60 48TM 500213.04 48TM500748.
105 APP ENDIX VI. MOT ORMASTER S ENSOR LOCA TIONS C08259 Fig. 85 - - 48TC*A04 Outdoor Circuiting C08260 Fig. 86 - - 48TC*A05/06 Outdoor Circuiting C08261 Fig.
106 APP ENDIX VI. (cont. ) MOTORMASTER SENSOR LOCA TIONS C08263 Fig. 89 - - 48TC*A09/12 Outdoor Circuiting Copyright 2008 Carrier Corp. S 7310 W . Morris St. S I ndianapolis, IN 46231 Printed in U .S.A. Edition Date: 08/ 08 Manufacturer reser ves the right to change , at any time, specifications and d esigns without notice and without oblig ations.
107 UNIT ST AR T -UP CHECKLIST I. PRE LI MINAR Y INFORMA T ION: MODEL NO.: DA TE: ______________ SERIAL NO: _____________________________________ TECHNI CIAN: ___________________________________ BUILDI NG LO CA TIO N:____________________________ II.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Carrier 48TCA04---A12 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Carrier 48TCA04---A12 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Carrier 48TCA04---A12 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Carrier 48TCA04---A12 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Carrier 48TCA04---A12 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Carrier 48TCA04---A12 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Carrier 48TCA04---A12 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Carrier 48TCA04---A12. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Carrier 48TCA04---A12 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.