Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Legria HF G30 des Produzenten Canon
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PA L PUB. DIE-0439-000 HD Camcorder Instruction Manual C OP Y.
2 Introduc tion Important Usage Instructions REGION S OF USE LEGRIA HF G30 is in compliance (as of April 2013) with the radi o signal regulations of the regions li sted below. For d etails on othe r regions where they can be used, make inquiries with the co ntacts listed on the back si de of this instruction manual.
3 T radema rk Ackn owledgem ents • SD, SDHC and SDXC Log os are trademarks of SD-3C, LLC. • Microsoft and Window s are trademarks or register ed trademarks of Microsoft Cor poration in the United States and/or othe r count ries. • App Store, iPad, iPho ne, iPod, iT unes and Mac OS are tradem arks of Apple Inc.
4 Highlights of the LEG RIA HF G 30 The Canon LEGRIA HF G30 HD Camcorder is a high-performance camcorder whose compact size mak es it id eal in a v arie ty of sit uat ions . The follow ing are just so me of the ma ny fu ncti ons fea ture d in the ca mco rder .
5 Other Featur es Audio sc ene select With the audio scen e s elect function ( A 79), you ca n optimize the audio s ettings of the built -in micr ophone by s e lectin g the audi o scene that match es your surr oundi ngs. Y our audi ence w ill feel e ven more imme rsed in the scene during pla yback.
6 Enjoying yo ur Recordings o n Other Devices Enjoying Y our Reco rdings Using the Camcor der's Wi-Fi Functio ns Connect th e camco rder to an exte rnal monit or ( A 102). Copy your recordings to an extern al video r ecorder ( A 115). Save yo ur recordi ngs ( A 108) .
7 1 Introduction 10 About this Manual 10 Conventi ons Used in this Ma nual 10 Supplied Accessories and CD-ROMs 12 Names of Parts 14 2 Prepar ation s 20 Attaching the Fe rrite Core 20 Charging the Batt.
8 Video Snaps hot 87 Pre-Recor d ing 88 Onscre en Displa ys and Data Code 89 Using the GP-E2 GPS Receiver 90 4 Customizatio n 91 CUSTOM Dial and B utton 91 Assignab le Buttons 9 2 Changing th e Assign.
9 Wi-Fi Connection Using an Acce s s Point 137 Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) 137 Search ing for Access Points 138 Manual Setup 138 Viewing and Changing Wi- Fi Settings 140 10 Additi onal In form ation 142 Appendix: Menu Option s Lists 142 FUNC.
About this Manual 10 Introduction About this Man ual Thank you f or pur chasing the Canon LEGRIA HF G30. Please r ead this m anual car efully be f ore y ou use the camco rder and retain it f o r futur e refer ence. Should your camco rder fail to operate corr ectly , ref er t o T roubleshooting ( A 156).
About this Manua l 11 Focus Adjustment Autofocus When autofocus is activated, the camcorder continuously adjusts the focus on the subject in the center of the screen.
Supplied Accessories and CD-ROMs 12 Supplied Accessori es a nd CD-ROMs The foll owing access ories ar e suppl ied with the ca mcorde r: CA-570 Compact Power Adapter (incl . powe r co rd and f err ite core ) BP-820 Battery Pack WL-D89 Wireless Controller (incl.
Supplied Acces sories and CD-R OMs 13 The f ollowing CD -ROMs and s oftwar e ar e supplied with the camcor d er: • Data I mport Ut ility CD-ROM -U s e Data Import Utility to transfer you r scenes to a computer . Refer to Saving R ecordings to a Comp ut er ( A 108 ).
Names of Parts 14 Names of Parts 1 Lens barrier switch ( A 37 ) 2 Memory ca rd slot 2 ( A 35) 3 Memory ca rd slot 3 ( A 35) 4 u (review reco rding) button ( A 43)/ Assignable button 5 ( A 92) 5L e n s.
Names of Parts 15 1 Built-in speaker ( A 96) 2M I C t e r m i n a l ( A 78 ) 3H D M I O U T t e r m i n a l ( A 102, 103) 4 REMOT E termi nal For connecting commer cially available r emote controller s.
Names of Parts 16 1 Instant AF sensor ( A 52, 171) 2 Remote sensor ( A 26) 3 Illuminatio n sensor ( A 149) 4A F / M F b u t t o n ( A 51)/ Assignable button 1 ( A 92) 5 P R E R EC ( pre - re c ord i n.
Names of Parts 17 1 Built-in stereo micro ph one ( A 77 ) 2 Accessory shoe Cold shoe for att aching accessori es. 3 Mode switch ( A 28 ) 4 Zoom ro ck er ( A 56 ) 5 ACCESS in dicator ( A 37 ) 6 Mini ad.
Names of Parts 18 1 T ripod socket ( A 26) 2 BA TTERY RELEAS E switch ( A 21) 3E y e c u p ( A 23) 4 Identification plate This plate bears the camco rder ID, w hich is written as "ID00XX" with "XX" repr esenting a two-digit number .
Names of Parts 19 WL-D89 Wireless C ontroller 1S T A R T / S T O P b u t t o n ( A 37) 2 G (mode selection) button ( A 95) 3 MENU b utton ( A 31, 143) 4 DISP .
Attaching the Ferrite Core 20 Prep aration s Attach ing the Ferrit e Core Attach the encl osed ferrit e core befor e you connect the comp act power adapter to the camcor der . Attach the ferrite cor e to the cable about 6 cm from t he plug end (the plug to be connected to the camcorder) of the compact power adapter cable.
Charging the Battery Pack 21 5 Chargi n g will start when t h e camcorder is tu rned off. • I f the c amcorder w as on, the gr een POWER/ CHG indi cator will go out when you turn off the camcorder . After a momen t, the PO WE R/CHG ind ica tor w ill tur n o n i n red (batter y pack charging) .
Charging the B attery Pack 22 • Charg ed batter y packs conti nue to discharg e natur ally . There fore, cha rge them on the day of use, or the da y be fore, to en sure a full charg e. • The first t ime yo u us e a batt ery pack , full y char ge it an d the n use t he ca mco rder un til the batte ry pack is complet ely exhaus ted.
Preparing the Camcor der 23 Preparing the Ca mcorder This se ction cover s the basic preparat ions for the camcord er such as attac hing t he lens hood, adjusti ng the gri p belt and a djusting th e viewfind er and O LED screen.
Pr epa rin g th e C am cor der 24 • If you wear glasses, you may f i nd the viewfin d er easier to use if yo u fl ip b ack the ou ter e dge of the eye cu p to ward the camcorder body . NOTES • Make s ur e you keep th e eye cup at tached when using the c amcorder .
Preparing the Camcor der 25 Grip Belt and St raps Fasten the grip belt. • Adjust the grip belt so that you c a n r e ach the z oom rocker with your index finge r , and the Y button with your thumb. Attaching a n optional wrist s trap Attach the wrist strap to the strap mount on the grip belt, adjust the length and fas ten.
Pr epa rin g th e C am cor der 26 T o us e the wireless con troller Point the wireless controller at the camcorder’ s remote sensor when you press the buttons. • Y ou can rotate the OLED panel 180 degrees to use the wir e less controller f rom the front of the camc or der .
Basic O peration of the Camcorder 27 Basic Op erat ion of the Ca mcorder T urning t he Camc order On an d Off Y ou can choose to tur n the camcorder on in CAM ERA ( ) mode for m aking recor di ngs or MEDIA ( ) mode fo r playing back recordings. Select the mode using the power switch.
Basic Operat ion of the Camcor der 28 Setting the Shooting Mod e In mode , you can change t he shooting mode to match y our shooting style. (Aut o) mo de Set the m ode switch to N . With this mo de, th e camcor der tak es care of al l the s ettin gs wh ile y ou co nc entr ate on recordin g ( A 38).
Basic O peration of the Camcorder 29 Drag Swipe your f i nger up and down o r left and righ t acr oss the screen. Used to scrol l menus, to browse through index screen pages or to adjust slider con trols like th e volume. On som e scr eens, you can a chieve the s ame eff ect by touch ing the triangl e contr ol buttons.
Basic Operat ion of the Camcor der 30 Using the Menus Many of the camcord e r’ s functions can be adjusted fr om the FUNC. panel and the setup menus. For detail s about the ava ilabl e menu optio ns and set tings, ref er to the appendix Menu Options Lists ( A 142).
Basic O peration of the Camcorder 31 Setup Menus In this manual, navigating the setu p m enus is expl ai ned usin g the touch pane l contro ls but they c a n also be navigated using the joystick and other buttons. The procedure below explains how to use both method s.
First Time S ettings 32 First Time Settin gs Setting the Date and Time Y ou will need to set the date and time of the camcor der before you can star t using it. The [Date/ T ime] scr een will appear automa tically when t he camcorde r’ s clock is not s et.
First Time Settings 33 2 T ouch the desired language and then touch [OK]. 3T o u c h [ X ] to close the menu. NOTES • Some co ntrol butto ns, such as [ ZOOM], [ FUNC.] and [MENU] , will app ear in Engl ish regar dless of the la nguage select ed. Changing the Time Z one Change t he time zone to ma tch your locat ion.
Using a Memo ry Card 34 Using a Memory Card Memory Ca rds Compatible for Use with the Camcorder Y ou can use the f ollowing types o f commer cially av ailab le Secure Di gital (SD) ca rds with thi s camc or d er . The movi e recor ding func tion has be en test ed using SD/ SDHC/SD XC memory cards m ade by Panasoni c, T oshiba and SanDisk.
Using a Memory Card 35 Inserting an d Removing a Memory Card Make sur e to initiali ze ( A 35) all memory c ards before using them with this camcorder . 1 T urn off the camcorder . • Make s ure the POWER /CHG indicator is off. 2 Open the double memory card s lot cover .
Using a Memo ry Card 36 3 T o uch [Y es]. • If you sele cted the [Complete Initial ization] option , you can touch [Cancel ] to cancel the initia lizatio n whil e it is in prog ress. All recordings wil l be era sed an d the me mory ca rd can be used without any problem.
Recording Movie s and Photos 37 Recording Recording Mo vies an d Photo s Y ou can selec t the memory card that will be used to r ecor d movies and photos ( A 36).
Recording Movi es and Photos 38 Recording in AUTO Mode When you u se mode to shoot v ideo an d take photos, the c amcorder will autom aticall y adjust various settings for you. 1 Set the mode s witch to N . 2 Set the power switch to CAMERA. T o re c o rd v i de o Press Y to begin recor ding.
Recording Movie s and Photos 39 Smart AUTO In mode, the camcor der will automa tically detec t certain char acteristics of the subjec t, backgr ound, light ing conditions , etc.
Recording Movi es and Photos 40 IMPORT ANT • Observe the following precaut ions while the ACCESS indicator is on or f lashing. Fail i ng to do so may r esult in permanent d ata l oss or dama ge to the memory car d. - Do not open the double memory card slot cover .
Recording Movie s and Photos 41 • Pho tos are recorde d as JPG files . Durin g and mode s, th e camc order can take photo s during record pause m ode or ca pture ph otos from a movie during playba ck ( A 97). The photo si ze and num be r of phot os th at can be save d on a 1 G B memo ry card are su mma rized in the follow ing table .
Recording Movi es and Photos 42 Recording in n (Manual) Mode When the mode swit ch is set to n ( Man ual), yo u can enjo y ful l acce ss to t he me nus and ma nuall y adjust the exposure, focus, white balance and ma ny more of the camcorder’ s se ttings to your pr efer ence.
Recording Movie s and Photos 43 • About the p owe r savin g mode: If q > [Au to Power Off] is set to [ i On], t he camcorder will shut off automa tically to save power when it is powered by a battery pack and is left without any opera tion f or 5 m inutes.
Selecting the Recordi ng Mo de (Video Qual ity) 44 Selecting the Recordin g Mode (Video Quality) The camcorder of fers various recor d ing modes, depending on whether the movie format is A V CHD or MP4. When you reco rd a n MP4 movie with a record ing mode of 3 Mbps, you can upload it to an F TP server and begin edi ting rig ht away .
Selecting the Recording Mode (Vid eo Quality) 45 Recording modes by movie format Movie f ormat Recordin g mode Reso lutio n Audio f o rmat AVC HD 28 Mbps LPCM (50.00P) 1920x1080 Lin ear PC M 28 Mbps (50.00P) Dolby Di gital 24 Mbps LPCM Lin ear PC M 24 Mbps Dolby Di gital 17 Mbps 5 Mbps 1440x1080 MP4 35 Mbps (50.
Dual Recording and Relay Reco rding 46 Dual Re cordin g and Relay Recor ding When you r ecord, you c an use dual re cording to r ecord si multaneous ly on both memory c ards so that you can use one of the movies as a backup.
Selecting t he Fr ame Rate 47 Selecting th e Frame Rate Y ou can change the fr ame rat e (the numbe r of f rames re cord ed per second ) of A VCHD movi es to change the look of your movies. When the recording mode is set to 2 8 Mbps LPCM ( 50.00P) or 28 Mbps (50.
Slow & Fast Motion Recording 48 Slow & Fast Motion Recor ding When you r ecord MP4 movi es, the camco rder can re cord with a fra me rate (shooti ng frame rat e) that is diffe rent from t he pla yba ck fr ame ra te.
CINEMA Mode and Cinema-Look F ilters 49 CINEMA Mode and Cinema-Look Filters In mode, you ca n use a variet y of pro fessional ci nema-look filters to cr eate unique m o vies with a distin ctive appea rance. Y ou can also use ci nema-look filters w hen you con vert movies to MP4 ( A 114).
CINEMA Mode and Cinem a-Look Filters 50 Options ( Default value) The ca mcorder o ffers 9 cinema-lo ok filter s. Select t he desir ed filt er wh ile p reviewing the ef fect o n the screen. NOTES • During mode , the following fun ctions are not av a ilable.
Focus Adjustment 51 Focus Adjustment Y ou can adjust the focus manuall y and use the peaking func tion to assist you or you can le t the camcor der focus for you by using autofo cus. With au tofocus, you can set the autofocus s peed. The c amcorder also featur es face detection & t racking.
Focus A djustment 52 4 T ouch [SET] t o set the preset focus positi on. 5 After adjusting the focus, touch [ON] to return to the pre s et focus position. • T ouch [SET] a gain to c ancel the current preset focus posi tion. • [ON] will be grayed out whi le adjusting the focus or zoom.
Focus Adjustment 53 1 and modes only: Pr ess B . 2 Open the [AF Mode] s creen. [FUNC. ] > [MEN U] > p > [A F Mo de ] 3 T ouch the desired option and then touch [ X ].
Focus A djustment 54 Face Det ection & T racking The camc ord e r automatic ally detects peop le’ s faces and uses this info rmation to select the o ptimal focus and exposur e settings. Y ou ca n use tracking to have the c amcorder track and opti mize settings for a dif feren t subjec t.
Focus Adjustment 55 • Face d ete ctio n & trac king cann ot be used in the fo llowi ng ca ses . - When t he shutter s peed used is slower than 1/ 25 . - When the digital zoom is activated at more than 80x zoom. • T ouching somewhe re with a color o r pattern unique to the subje ct will make it ea sier to track.
Zooming 56 Zooming T o zoom in and out, you can use the focus /zoom ring, the zoom r ocker on the camcor der , the zoom buttons on the wire less control ler or the zoom contr o ls on the touch scr een. In addition to the 20x optical zoom, i n mode, you ca n turn on the digital zoom* (400x) with the p > [Digital Zoom] setting.
Zooming 57 1 Open the [Zoom Speed Level] scr een. [FUNC. ] > [MEN U] > p > [Zoom Speed Level] 2T o u c h [ Z Fast], [ [ Normal] or [ ] Slow] and then touch [ K ]. • When [ Zoom Speed Level] is set to [ Z Fast], the so und made by th e camcor der's interna l machi nery will incr ease and may be r ecord ed in the scene.
Zooming 58 1 Open the [ Z oom Speed Lev e l] scr een. [FUNC.] > [MENU] > p > [Zoom Spe ed Level] 2T o u c h [ Z Fast], [ [ Normal] or [ ] Slow ] and then tou ch [ K ]. • When [Zoom Speed Level] is set to [ Z Fast], the sound made by the camcorder's interna l machine ry will incr ease and may be r ecor ded in the scene.
Zooming 59 Soft Zoom Control Soft zoom control allows you to start and/or stop the zoom gradually . 1 Open t he [Sof t Zoom Cont rol ] scr een. [FUNC. ] > [MEN U] > p > [Soft Zoom Control] 2 T ouch the desired option and then touch [ X ].
Advanced Image Stabilization 60 Advanced Image Stabilizati on The imag e stabili zer reduce s camcorde r blur ( blur due to the camcorde r moving) so yo u can get nice, sta ble sho ts. S elec t the im age st abil izati on mo de ac cordin g to th e shoo tin g cond iti ons .
Automati c Gain Contr ol (AGC ) Lim it 61 Automatic Gain Control (A GC) Limit When r ecordin g in dark s urr oundings, t he camcor d er wil l automati cally incr ease the g ain to try to get a brig hter pictu re. Howev e r , using hi gher gain valu es may resul t in more noticea ble video noise.
Auto matic Expos ure R ecording Pro grams 62 Automatic Exposure Recording Pr ogr ams With the auto matic ex posure (A E) r ecor ding pro grams , the camco rder wil l adjus t the shutt er speed and/or a perture va lue to obta in the optima l exposur e.
Automatic Exposure Rec ording Programs 63 • Duri ng exposur e lock, th e apertu re value / shutte r speed cannot be changed. Set the aper ture val ue or shutter sp eed before manually adjusti ng the exposure .
Exposur e Adjustment 64 Exposure Adjustment At times, backlit sub jects may appear too dark (undere xp osed) or subjects under very str ong lights may appear too bright or glaring (overexposed). In such cases, adjusting the exposure w ill correct this.
Exposure Adjustm ent 65 1 From the exposure adjustment screen, touch [ w ] to select the zebra level. 2 T ouch [70%] or [100%] and then touch [ K ]. 3T o u c h [ z ] o r [ { ] and then touch [ X ]. • Th e zebra pattern will a ppear on t he overe xposed ar eas of the picture .
Exposur e Adjustment 66 T o adjust the T ouch AE function for highli ghts (Highlight A E) Certai n subjects, like clou ds or white obj e cts, are easi ly over exposed and can end up appear ing as bright a reas where all detail i s lost.
White Balance 67 White Balance The white bal ance funct i on helps you to accura tely repr oduce colo rs under dif fer ent lighting cond ition s. POINTS TO CHECK • Sele ct a recor ding prog ram other than the Sp ecial Scen e recor ding prog rams. 1 Open the white balance screen.
White Balance 68 NOTES • When you select a cus tom white balance: -S e t p > [Digit al Zoom] to [ j Off] . - Reset the white balan ce when you change locat ions or the lighting or other cond itions change. - Dep end ing o n the lig ht so urce, Å ma y ke ep fl ashi ng.
Special Scen e Recording P rograms 69 Special Scen e Recording Programs Reco rding in a very bright ski resort or ca ptur ing the full colo rs of a su nset or a firework s displa y become s as easy as selecti ng a Speci al Scene r ecor d ing p r ogram.
Special Scene Recordi ng Pr ograms 70 NOTES •[ ú Portrait]/[ û Sports]/[ ý Snow]/[ þ Beac h]: The pictur e may not appear smooth during playback.
Image Effect s 71 Image Ef fects Y ou can adju st the color depth, br ightness, contr ast, and sharpnes s of the imag e. POINTS TO CHECK • Sele ct a recor ding prog ram other than the Sp ecial Scen e recor ding prog rams. 1 Open the image effects scr een.
Setting the Tim e Code 72 Setting the Time Code The camco rder can generate a ti me code sign al and embed it in yo ur recor dings. In additio n, th e time code will appe ar in the recordings outp ut from t he HD MI term inal . Y ou can se lect w heth er the tim e code is output fr om the HDMI terminal ( A 150).
Setting the Time Code 73 NOTES • When you are u sing pr e-reco rding mod e, [Fr ee Run] is automatical ly set and cannot be changed. • As long as the b uilt-in r echargeab le li thium battery is charged and you se lected the [ Fr ee Run] option, the time code continues to run even if yo u d isconnect al l other power sour ces.
Setting the Us er Bit 74 Setting the User B it The user bit display ca n be selecte d from the date or the time of r ecordin g, or an identificat ion code consisti ng of 8 c haracte rs in the hexadecim al system. Ther e are sixteen po ssible characters: the numbers 0 to 9 and the lett ers A to F .
Using the Mini Ad v anced Shoe 75 Usin g the Mini Advan ced Shoe Using the mini advan ced shoe, you can attach to the camco rder a range of optional acc essories to expan d it s f unc tion ality . Fo r d eta ils a bou t op tio nal acces sor ies ava ilable for use w ith y our cam corder , refe r t o Op tional Accesso ries ( A 173).
Using an E xternal Vi deo Light 76 Using an Exter na l Video Ligh t Y ou can use the optional VL- 5 Video Light or VF L-2 Video Flash L ight when you need to r ecord movies in dark locations. Attach the optional video li g ht to the mini advanced shoe.
Record ing Audi o 77 Recording Audio The camco rder feat ures many audi o-related functions you can use when r ecordi ng. Y ou can r ecord audio using the built-in ster eo m icrophone, an optional external micr ophone (mini advanced shoe or MIC ter minal) or a commer cially available microph one (MIC te rminal) .
Record ing Audio 78 NOTES • When using the o ptional SM -V1 Sur round Microphone: - Change the microphone’ s dir ectionality mode with the p > [ Surr ound Mic Dir ectional ity] setting. - Y ou can enjoy the ful l effect of recor dings made with 5.
Record ing Audi o 79 Audio Scenes an d Other Audio Se ttings Y ou can have t h e camcorder optimize the audio settings of the built-in mi crophone by se l ecting the audio s cene that matches your sur roundings. T his will gr eatly enhance the sense of "being there".
Record ing Audio 80 NOTES • Audi o scenes canno t be select ed in the f ollowing cases: - When an ext er nal micr ophone is att ached to the mini adva nced shoe. - Whe n an ex ter nal microph on e is co nne cte d to the MIC t ermin al w ith p > [Audi o Mix] set to [ j Off].
Record ing Audi o 81 NOTES • When the a udio level meter reaches the red point (0 dB), t he sound m ay be di storted. • W e r ecommend usi ng headphone s to check t he sound lev el while a djusting the audio r ecordin g level or when the mi crophone att enuator is activ ated.
Record ing Audio 82 Options ( Default value) Audio Equalizer ( B uilt-in Micr o phone) Y ou can u se the audi o equalizer to adjust s ound levels b y specific ally targeti ng the high - or l ow- frequenc y ra nge and selec ting one of 3 ava ilabl e leve ls.
Record ing Audi o 83 Options ( Default value) Switching the Inpu t (MIC T ermina l) Y ou can switc h the input of the MI C terminal dependi ng on whether you ar e using an exte rnal micr ophone or an external audio sour ce, such as a digita l audio player .
Record ing Audio 84 Audio Mi x Whe n recordi ng, yo u ca n mix au di o from the b uilt- in mic ropho ne wi th ex ter na l audi o from th e MIC termin al and a d just t he mix balance for origin al sound ef fects.
Using Headphones 85 Using Headphon es Use headphones for playback or to check the audio level while recording. The following pr ocedure explai ns how to adjust the vol ume. 1 Open the [Headphone V olume] screen. [FUNC. ] > [MEN U] > q > [H eadphone V olum e] • T ouching [FUNC.
Color Bars/A udio Reference Signa l 86 Color Ba rs/Audio Reference Signal Y ou can ha ve the camc order ou tpu t and record co lor bars an d a 1 kHz au dio reference si gnal and output them fr om the HDMI OUT terminal, A V O UT terminal, and × (headphone) t erminal (audio ref ere nce s ig na l on ly ).
Video S napshot 87 Video Sn apshot Recor d a series of short s c enes. T o re cord a vide o snapshot sc ene, set an assign a ble button to [ ¦ Video Snapshot] in advance. 1 Set an assignable button to [ ¦ Video Snapsh ot ] ( A 92 ). 2 Press t he assignable button to activate v ideo snapshot mode.
Pre-Recording 88 Pr e-Recording The camcorder will start recor d ing 3 seconds before you press Y , ensuring you do not miss import ant shoo ting opport unities. Th is is especiall y useful wh en it is d if ficul t to pre d ict w hen to start reco rdi ng .
Onscreen Di splays and Data Code 89 Onscreen Displays an d Dat a Code Y ou can turn m ost onscreen displays on or off. Repeatedly pr ess D to tur n the onscr een displays on/off in t he following sequ.
Using the GP -E2 GPS Receiver 90 Using the GP-E2 GPS Re ceiver When you attach the optional GP- E 2 GPS Receive r to the camcor der , you can acquir e GPS information and add it to your movies and phot os. For details about how to attach and use the rec e iver , ref er also t o the rece iver's i nstructio n manual .
CUST OM Dial and Butt on 91 Custom ization CUSTOM Dial and Butt on Y ou can assi gn to C and the C USTOM dial on e of several fr equently used functions. Y ou can then adj ust the selected function using C and the CUSTOM dial, wi thout having to access the menu.
Assigna ble Buttons 92 Assignable B uttons The camc order conve niently feat ures 5 butto ns to which you can assign various functions. By assigni ng often used f unctions , you can quickly a ccess them wit h a single p res s of a butt on. Changing the Assign e d Function 1 Open the selection s creen for the desired assignable button.
Assignable Buttons 93 Options * Even if th is function is assig ned to an ass ignable butt on in or mode, the but ton will be disab led if yo u se t the camc order t o mode. Using an Assigna ble Button After you assign a function to one of the button s, p r ess the button to activa te the function.
Saving and Load ing Menu Settings 94 Savi ng and Loa ding Menu Settin gs After you adju st the ci nema-look filters and other s e ttin gs in t he FUNC.
Pla ying Bac k Vid eo 95 Playb ack Playing Back Video This secti on explains how to play back scen es. For details on playin g back scenes using an externa l monitor , refer to Connecting to an External Monitor ( A 102). 1 Set the power s witch to MEDIA.
Playing Back Video 96 Durin g play back: Adjusting the volume 1 During playback, touch t he screen to display the playback cont rols. 2T o u c h [ Ó /] . 3T o u c h [ Ø / Ô ] or [ Ù / Õ ] to adjust the volume and then touch [ K ]. During p layba ck paus e: About folder names MP4 mo vies and pho tos ar e saved a s fi les i n folders.
Pla ying Bac k Vid eo 97 Displaying scen e inform ation 1 In either the A VCHD or MP4 movie index screen, touch [ I ]. 2 T ouch the desired scene. • The s cene in form atio n screen appe ars . • If the optiona l GP-E2 Recei ver was att ached to th e camcor der d uring r ecor ding, GPS inf ormation will also appear .
Deleting Scenes 98 Dele ting S cen es Y ou can d elete those scenes that you ar e not inter ested in keeping. D eleting scen es allows you also to fr ee up space o n the memory car d. Deleting a Single Scene 1 Play back the scene you wis h to delete ( A 95 ).
Deleting Scen es 99 Options IMPORT ANT • Be careful when deletin g recor dings. O nce d eleted, s cenes canno t be r ecover ed. • Save co pies of important scenes befor e deleting them ( A 108). • Observ e the follo wing precautio ns while the ACCESS indica tor is on or flash ing (wh ile sce nes are being dele ted).
Dividing Scenes 100 Dividing Scenes Y ou can di vide A VCHD scenes in ord er to leave out t he best parts and later cut out the r est. 1 Play back the desir ed scene ( A 95) . 2 Pause the playback at the point wher e you want to divide the scene. 3 Open the screen for dividing scenes.
Trimmin g Scen es 101 T rimming Scenes Y ou ca n tr im MP 4 sce nes b y removin g eve ryt hing up to a certa in po int or ev ery thi ng af ter a ce rtai n point. 1 Play back the desired scene ( A 95) . 2 Pause the playback. 3 Open the screen for tri mming scenes.
Connecting to an External Monitor 102 External Connectio ns Connect ing to an Exte rnal Monito r When you connect the camcor der to an exte rnal monitor for r ecording o r playback , use the termi nal on the camcorde r that matches the o ne you wish to use on the monito r .
Connecting to an External Monitor 103 Using the HDMI OUT T ermina l The HDMI TM OUT terminal also of fers a digital connection and ou tputs both a video and audio si gnal. If yo u selected [ k Automatic], th e output sign al will automatically sw itch t o HD or SD dep ending on the capabil ity of the external moni tor .
Audi o O utpu t 104 Audio Outpu t The camcorder can output audio from the HDMI OUT te rm inal, A V OUT terminal or × (headph one) terminal. Synchr onizing the Video with the Audi o b eing Monitor ed .
Viewing Photos 105 Phot os Viewing P hotos 1 Set the power s witch to MEDIA. • Th e A VCHD movi e inde x screen will appear . 2 Open the phot o index screen. [ 6 · ] > T ab of the desired memory card ( 6 or 7 ) > [ } Photos] 3 Look for the photo you want to play back.
Viewing Photos 106 1 T o uch the scr een to display the playback contr ols. 2T o u c h [ h ]. 3 Drag your finger l eft and right along t h e scroll bar and then touch [ K ]. IMPORT ANT • Observe the following precaut ions while the ACCESS indicator is on or f lashing.
Deleting Photos 107 Deleting P hotos Y ou can delete th ose photos that you are not inte rested in ke eping. Deleting a Single P hoto 1 In single photo view , select the photo you want to delete. 2 T ouch the screen to display the play back controls. 3 Open the [Delete] scr een.
Saving R ecordings to a Co mputer 108 Saving/Sharing Recordings Savi ng Recordings to a Compute r Using th e supplied softwa re Data Import Utilit y to save your A VCHD movies, you have the a d dition.
Saving Reco rdings to a Computer 109 Installing the Software See Ins talla tion and System requir ements in the Data Im port Utility Software Guide (PD F file) for ste p- by-ste p inst allat ion ins truc tions and full s ystem requiremen ts. Be low are the mai n system re quirements .
Saving R ecordings to a Co mputer 110 Installing th e So ftware Instal l the softwar e befor e you conne ct the camcor der to the compu ter for the fir st ti me. Make sure to instal l the softwar e even if you have a dif fere nt version of ImageBrowser EX on y our computer .
Saving Reco rdings to a Computer 111 4 Save the recor dings onto the computer . • Refe r to relev a nt sections in the ‘ImageBr ow ser EX Instruct ion M anual' , which can be accesse d thr ough the ? menu on the upper right of the softwar e’ s screen.
Copying Recordings B etween Memory Cards 112 Copying Recordings Be tween Memory Cards Y ou can copy r ecordings from one memory card to the other . Copying Sc enes from the M ovie Index Screen 1 Open the desired movie i ndex screen ( A 95).
Copying Recordings Between Me mory Cards 113 Cop yin g Phot os fr om the Index Scr een 1 Open the desir ed photo index scr een ( A 1 05). 2 Open the screen to copy ph otos. [FUNC. ] > [Copy ( 6'7 )] or [Copy ( 7'6 )] 3 T ouch the desired option and then touch [Y es ].
Converting Movies to MP4 Format 114 Conver ting Mo vies to MP4 Fo rmat Y ou can conver t A VCHD movies into MP4 movi es or even convert MP4 mo vies into small er MP4 movies. This is conv enient, for exa mple, when you want to uplo ad the MP4 movie s to the We b .
Copy ing Re co rdin gs to an E xt ern al Vi de o R ec ord er 115 Copying Recordings to an Exte rna l Vide o Recorder In High Definition Connect the camcor der to Blu- ray Disc reco rders and ot her AVC HD-compatib le digi tal video recorders us ing t he s uppli ed USB c ab le to mak e p erfec t co pie s of your mov ies in h igh defi nit ion.
Copying Re cordings to an External Vide o Recorder 116 Recording 1 Camcorder: Power t he camcorder u sing the compact power adapter . 2 External recor der: Load a blank cassette or disc and set th e recor der to recor d pause mod e. 3 Camcorder: Open the des ired movie index s creen ( A 95).
Introduction to Wi-Fi 117 Wi-Fi Functions Introduction to Wi-Fi When you use the camco r d er’ s W i-Fi f unction to connect to a smart p hone or ta b let, yo u can wirel essly save, play bac k and upload you r recor dings.
Introdu ction to Wi-Fi 118 IMPORT ANT • Using an unp rotected Wi-Fi network can expose your f iles and d ata to monitoring by unaut horized third part ies.
Introduction to Wi-Fi 119 Before usin g Wi-F i functi ons Based o n the fu nct ion, the ca mcorde r will wireles sly c onn ect to a W i-F i-en able d devi ce, s uch as a smart p hone, or dir ectly to a Wi-Fi netw ork via an acce ss point (wir eless rout er)*.
Remote Op eration V ia the W i-Fi Remote Appl ication 120 Remote Operation V ia the Wi-Fi Remote Application Y ou can op erate the camcorde r re motely via W i-Fi Remo te, a Web browser applic ation that c an be accessed using the W eb browser* of devices compatible with Wi-Fi networks**.
Remote Operation Via the Wi-Fi Remote Application 121 4 iOS/Andr oid device: T ouch the access point with the same SSID dis play ed in step 2. • If you have performe d this procedure before and you have n ot changed th e camcorder's passwo rd, the conn ectio n w ill b e est ablis hed automa tic ally .
Remote Op eration V ia the W i-Fi Remote Appl ication 122 Advanced co ntrols 1 Scree n select ion tab: Switch betwe e n advanced co ntrols and ba sic controls .
Remote Operation Via the Wi-Fi Remote Application 123 8 Mem ory c ard st atu s/Rem aini ng recording time : T he cu rrent ly s elec ted mem ory card s lot w ill b e indi cated wi th a Î ma rk abo ve it.
Remote Op eration V ia the W i-Fi Remote Appl ication 124 Selecting the recording program 1 Press the r ecording program button. • The r ecord ing pro grams wil l app ear . 2 Select the desir ed recording program. Adjusting the exposure compensation value 1T o u c h [ y ].
Remote Operation Via the Wi-Fi Remote Application 125 Adjust ing the gain 1 Press t he g ain bu tton. • The ava ilable g ain valu es w ill a ppea r . 2 Select the desir ed gain value. • The s elect ed v alue wil l be d ispl ayed o n th e W i- Fi Re mote screen and will be ap pli ed to the ca mco rder .
Remote Browse: Viewing Re cordings Using a Web Browser on Your iOS or Andr oid Device 126 Remote Browse: Viewing Re cordings Using a Web Br owse r on Y our iOS or Android Device With the Re mote Brow .
Remote Browse: Viewing Recordings Using a Web Bro wser on Your iOS or Android Devic e 127 NOTES • The following t yp es of MP4 scenes will be r ecognized as multiple files on other devices.
Uploading Recordings Using an iOS Dev ice 128 Uploading Reco rdings Using an iOS Device Using t he Movie Upl oader app* for i OS d evice s , you can wir elessly con nect the camcor der to the dev ice t o upl oad yo ur m ovies to Y o uT ube an d yo ur m ovies and photo s to F aceb oo k eve n whe n you are away fro m your home net work.
Uploading Recordings Using an iO S Device 129 NOTES • Depend ing on factors su ch as the wirel ess networ k conditi ons, it can take som e time to upload video f iles. • The pr ocedure above may differ dep ending on the ver sion of iOS you ar e using.
Playback on a Computer 130 Playback on a Co mputer Using the Media Server f unction, yo u can wirel essly vi ew your movi es and photos fr om your comput er or simil ar device. Y ou will nee d an acces s point conne cted to your home ne twork and softwar e instal led on your compu ter that can play back movies and photos on t he media s erver .
Transferring Files to a Computer or FTP Server 131 T ransferring Files to a Co mputer or F TP Server Y ou can wir elessly transf er fil e s (r ecordings) d ir ectly to a computer or an F TP s erver . Y ou will need a corr ectly configur ed F TP serv er .
Tr ans fer rin g F iles t o a Co mp ut er or FT P Serv er 132 IMPORT ANT • Obse rve the f ollowing pr ecaution s w hen t ransferring f iles. Fai ling t o do so ma y interrupt the transfer and in complete files may remain at the tr ansfer dest inat ion.
Sharing Recordings with CA NON iMAGE GAT EWAY 133 Sharing Recordings with CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y After you register for CANON iMAGE G A TEWA Y*, you w ill be able to acce ss various Web services**.
Sharing Recordings with CANO N iMAGE GATEWAY 134 5 Computer: Enter your account information > click Login. • After you log in, the camer a settings scr een wil l appear .
Sharing Recordings with CA NON iMAGE GAT EWAY 135 Available Web services* * T he availa ble Web servi c es may be updated. For details, r efer to the help modul e of CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y . NOTES • If the dat e set in the camcorder is not correct, the ca mcorder can not connect to CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y .
Sharing Recordings with CANO N iMAGE GATEWAY 136 NOTES • Upload limits for movies: The maximum length of movies you can upload i s 10 minutes (15 min utes for Y ouT ube); the maxim um size i s less than 2 GB. • For mo vies, you can upload o ne at a time; for phot os, up to 10 at a time.
Wi-Fi Connection Using an Access Point 137 Wi-Fi Connection Using an Acce ss Point The camco rder can conne ct to a Wi-Fi network using a wir eless ro uter ( access poi nt) and even remember the settings for the four most recentl y used access points.
Wi-Fi Connection Using an Acces s Point 138 [WPS: PIN Code] method From a computer or s imilar device connected to th e access point , use the We b browser to open the rout er’ s WPS setting s screen. Af ter the 8-dig i t PIN code appears on the camcorder ’ s screen, enter it into your r outer’ s WPS settings scr een.
Wi-Fi Connection Using an Access Point 139 5 For the [IP Addr ess] and [Subnet Mask] fields, touch [] and then touch [ Í ]/[ Î ] to change the value and then touch [Next]. • T ouch th e next fie ld to change the value , as neces sary . 6 T ouch [Next].
Vie win g and C h ang ing Wi -Fi Se tti ngs 140 Viewing and Chan ging Wi-Fi Sett ings When the camcord er is conn ected to an access poi nt or to a W i-Fi-enab led device, you can view the Wi-Fi connec tion settings and even c hange them, if necessary .
Viewing and Changing Wi-Fi Settings 141 Glossary This is a glossary of some of the basic terms used frequentl y in this chapter . The documentat i on for your access poi nt may also contain a glos sary you can r efer to.
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 142 Addi tio nal I nforma tion Appendix: Menu Options Lists Menu item s not availab l e appear grayed out. Fo r details a bout how to select an ite m, ref er to Usi ng the Menus ( A 30). For details about each function, see the ref e rence page.
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 143 1 Option avai lable only for r ecordi ng movies. 2 The s ettin g is mai ntained whe n th e camc order i s swi tche d from or mod e to mode. (Except for [ „ Custom Setting] under [ — Audi o Scen e].) FUNC. Panel - Mode (Movies) FUNC.
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 144 * Op tion av ailabl e only whe n the op tiona l SM-V1 Surroun d Microph one is at tache d to th e camc order after having u pdated the camcorde r’ s firmwar e using the memory card sup plied with the SM-V1. [Digital Zoo m]: Determines the operati on of the digita l zoom.
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 145 [ND Filter]: Availabl e in any r e cor ding pro gram other than t he Special Sc ene recor ding pr ograms. When set to [ k Auto matic] , ND filte r settings w ill b e avai lable when the apertu re value i s F4.
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 146 [ ( Camera Da ta]: Displ a ys the apertur e (f-st op ) and shutter spe e d used when r ecordi ng the scen e or photo. [TV T ype]: When you connect the camcorder to a T.
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 147 [File Numbering] : MP4 m ovi es and phot os are sa ved as fi les in folder s. Y ou can selec t the file numbering m ethod for those fil es. File num bers appear on scr eens in playback m ode in a format such as "101-0107".
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 148 [Date/T ime] [Date/ Time]: – [Date Format]: [Y .M.D], [M.D,Y ], [D.M.Y] (Y - year , M- month, D- day) [24H]: T oggle on (24-hour cl o ck) or off ( 12-hour c lock) z .
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 149 * The default settin gs are as fol lows. [Assig n Button 1]: [ AF/MF], [Assi gn Button 2] : [ z PRE REC ], [As sign Butt on 3 ]: [ j Off] , [Assi gn Button 4]: [ j Off], [Assign Button 5]: [ R ec Review]. ** Option av ai lable onl y when t he op tion al GP -E2 GPS R eceiver is attached to the camcord er .
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 150 [VF Brightness]: Sets the view finder scr een to one of two br ightness level s. Y ou can use this to make the scre en brigh ter if it is difficult to se e. [Notification S ounds]: A beep will accompany some of the camcorder' s operations.
Appendix: Menu Options Lists 151 [Certifi c ation Logo Display ]: This displays select certification logos that appl y to this camcorder . • The certifi c ation logos apply to Australia and New Zealand only . [Demo Mode]: The demo nstration mode displays the camcor der’ s mai n featur es.
Append ix: Onsc reen Ic ons an d Disp lays 152 Appendix: Onscreen Ic ons and Dis plays Recording Movies 1 89 1 1 10 12 13 14 2 3 4 6 5 7 15 16 17 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Contr ol b utton [FUNC .
Appendix: O nscreen Icons and Di s plays 153 1 Duri ng sl ow & fast moti on rec ording mode , th e sho otin g fram e ra te a nd pl aybac k fra me ra te wi ll b e displayed . 2 Whe n dual recordin g is acti vate d, inf ormat ion for b oth memo ry ca rds wil l be d isp laye d.
Append ix: Onsc reen Ic ons an d Disp lays 154 NOTES • Y ou can press D to turn off most icons a nd displays. Playing M ovies (du ring playb ack) Viewing P h otos 9 47 49 14 8 48 50 47 Playback cont.
Appendix: O nscreen Icons and Di s plays 155 9 Operation Ü Re cord, Û Re cord p ause, Ð Playback, Ý Playba ck paus e, × Fa st playbac k, Ø Fast reve rse p layb ack , Õ Slow playbac k, Ö Slow rever se playb ack, Ó Fram e adva nce , Ô Fram e reve rse.
Troublesho oting 156 T roubleshooting If you ha ve a pr oblem with your c a mcorder , refer to this section. Someti m es what you think is a malfunction of the camcor der may have the simplest of solutions - please r ead the “CHECK THIS FIRST” box before going on to the more detailed problems and so lutions.
Troubleshooting 157 Recording Pressing Y will no t start recording. - Y ou cannot r ecord while t he camco rder is writi ng previous r ecor dings onto a memory card (while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing). W ait until the camcord er has finished.
Troublesho oting 158 Cannot mark ind ividual scenes/photos i n the in dex screen with a checkmar k ! - Y o u cannot select more than 100 scenes/ p hotos individuall y . Select the [All Scenes] or [All Photos] option instead of [Sele ct]. Indicators and Onscreen Displa ys lig hts up in re d.
Troubleshooting 159 No picture appears on t he viewfinder . - P ull out the viewfinder to activate it. Audio cannot be recorded. - When us ing a microphone connected to the MIC terminal, make sure the microphone is turned on. Also, m ake sure its b attery is not exhausted.
Troublesho oting 160 The computer does not recognize the camcorder ev en though the camcorder is connected correctly . - Disconnect the USB cable and turn off the camcorder . After a short while, turn it on again and re store the connection. - Connect the c amcorde r to a di fferent USB port on the comput er .
Troubleshooting 161 List of Messa ges Refer to List of Messages for Wi-Fi Fun ctions ( A 164) for a list of messages r e lated to Wi-Fi functions and List of Messages for Web Ser vices ( A 166) for messages related to Web services when using Wi -Fi fun cti on s.
Troublesho oting 162 Cannot recor d movies on this memory car d - Movies cannot be recor ded on a 64 MB or s m aller me mory card. Use a reco mmended memory card ( A 34). Cannot trim th e scene - MP4 movies that w ere copied to a memory card with a lar g er clust er size than t he memory ca rd they wer e record ed on cannot be trimmed.
Troubleshooting 163 Memory card co ver is open - A fter ins erting a memo ry car d, close th e double memory car d slot cover . Memory card is full - T he memory card is ful l. Delete so me re cordings ( A 98, 107) to free so me space or re p lace the memo r y car d.
Troublesho oting 164 List of Messages for Wi-Fi Functions Refer also to th e instr uction manua l of your access point an d othe r devices y ou will u se. T ask i n progr ess. Do not disconnect the power so urce. - The camcord er is updating the memory card.
Troubleshooting 165 No access points found - T he access point set in t he camcor der could not b e found. - Co rdles s phones, micr owave ovens, r efrigerators and o ther appliances may int erfer e with the wire less signal. T ry us ing the camcor der in a location farther away fr om such appliances.
Troublesho oting 166 List of Mes sages fo r Web Services Wi-Fi error Inco rrect authentication meth od - Make sure the camco rd er and access point ar e correctly config ured. - Make sure the camcor der and access point ar e us ing the same authent ication/encryption meth od an d en cry pti on ke y .
Handling Precautions 167 Handling Precautions Camcorder Be sure to observe the following precautions to ensure maximum pe rformance. • Save your recordings pe riodically . Make sur e to tra nsfer your recor dings to a n external device such as a com put er or di gital video recorde r ( A 108) and save them on a regular basis.
Handling Precautions 168 • When mounting the ca m corde r on a tripod, make sure that the tripod’ s fastening screw is shorter than 6. 5 m m. Using other tripo ds may d amage the cam corder . • When recording movies, try to get a calm, stable picture.
Handling Precautions 169 Regarding the use of non-Ca non battery packs • For your saf ety , battery p acks that are not genuine Can on battery packs will not be ch arged even if you attach the m to this c amcorder or to the optional CG-800E Battery Charge r .
Handling Precautions 170 Lithium Butto n Battery • Do not pick up the battery using tweez ers or othe r metal to ols, as this wi ll caus e a shor t circuit .
Maintenance/Others 171 Maintena nce/Other s Clea ni ng Camc order Body • Use a s oft, dr y clot h to cl ean th e camc order body . Nev er use ch emi cally treate d clot hs or volat ile solven ts such as p aint thin ner .
Maintenance/Others 172 Using the Camco rder Abr o ad Power Sources Y ou can us e the compa c t power a dapter to op erate the cam corder and to charge b attery packs in a ny country with power supply between 100 and 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Consult a Canon Service Ce nter for inform ation on plug adap ters for overs e as use.
Optional Accessories 173 Optional Ac cesso ries The f ollow ing op tional acces sories ar e compatib le with thi s camco rder . Select accessorie s are desc ribed in more de tail in the follo wing page s.
Optional Accessorie s 174 NOTES • Acces sories that ar e compatibl e wit h the Advanced Accessory Sho e cannot be attac hed to this camcorder . Look for the Min i ADV ANCED SHOE logo to ensure co mpatibility with th e mini advance d shoe. Battery Packs When you n eed extra bat tery packs, select one of the fol lowing models: BP-820 or BP-828.
Optional Accessories 175 Recording A VCHD movies Recording MP4 movies * Approximate times fo r reco rding wit h repe ated operat ions such as start /stop, zooming, and power on/of f. TL-H58 T ele-converter This T ele-con verter l ens incre a ses the foca l length of the ca mcor der lens by a fac tor of 1.
Optional Accessorie s 176 WA-H58 Wide Attachmen t This W ide Att achm ent len s dec reases t he foca l len gth b y a fac tor of 0.75, giving you a w ide perspective for indoor shots or panoramic views. • The Wide At tachment cannot be used together wit h the suppli ed lens hood wi th lens barrie r .
Optional Accessories 177 SC-2000 Soft Carrying Case A handy camcorder bag with pa dded comp artments and p lenty of spac e for ac cessori es. This mark ident ifies genui ne Canon vide o accessor ies. When y ou use Canon vide o equipme nt, we rec ommend Ca non-brand acces sories or pr oducts bear ing the same mark .
Specifications 178 Specifications LEGRIA HF G30 — V alues given are approximate figures. System • Record ing System Movies : A VCHD 1 Video: MPEG-4 A VC/H.264; Audio: Linear PCM, 16 bits, 48 kHz, 2ch 2 Dolby D igital 2ch; D ol by Digital 5. 1ch 3 MP4 Video: MPEG-4 A VC/H.
Specifications 179 •I m a g e S e n s o r 1/2.84-type CMOS, 3,090,000 pix els Effective pixels: 2,910,000 pixels • OLED T ouch Scr een: 8.77 cm (3.5 in.), wide, TF T color , equivalent to 1, 230,000 dots , 100% covera ge, touch operati on • View finder: 0.
Specifications 180 T erminals •H D M I O U T T e r m i n a l HDMI mini connecto r; output only •U S B T e r m i n a l : mi ni-B receptac le, H i-S peed U SB; outpu t only •A V O U T T e r m i n a l ∅ 3.
Specifications 181 BP-820 Bat tery Pack • Battery type Recha rgea ble lith ium ion batter y , compat ible wi th Intel lig ent Syst em • Rated voltage: 7.4 V DC • Operating temperature : 0 – 40 °C • Batt ery capacity: 1780 m Ah (typical); 13 Wh / 1700 mAh (minimum) • Dimensions : 30.
182 A Abr oad, using t he camcor der . . . . . . . . . . . 172 AGC (automatic gain control) limit . . . . . . . . . 61 Apert ure (f number) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 , 64 Aspect ratio of a connecte d TV (TV type) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
183 Mod e swit ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Monitor delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4 Movie format (A VCHD/MP4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Movi e Upl oader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
© CANON INC. 2013 PUB. DIE-0439-000 Canon Inc. 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, T okyo 146-8501, Japan Canon Europa N.V . Bovenkerkerweg 59, 1185 XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands www .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Canon Legria HF G30 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Canon Legria HF G30 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Canon Legria HF G30 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Canon Legria HF G30 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Canon Legria HF G30 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Canon Legria HF G30 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Canon Legria HF G30 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Canon Legria HF G30. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Canon Legria HF G30 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.