Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung A495RED des Produzenten Canon
Zur Seite of 132
ENGLISH • Make sure y ou read this gu ide before usi ng the camera. • Store this guid e safel y so that you can use it i n the fu ture. Camera User Guide Photo of PowerShot A495 C OP Y.
2 Checking the Package Contents Check if the follow ing ite ms are incl uded in your camera package. If anyt hing is missing, contact t he retailer from which you purcha sed the ca mera. Using the PDF Manuals Also refer to the PDF manuals on the CD-ROM.
3 Read This First Test Shots and Disclaimer Take some in itial test shots and play them ba ck to make s ure the im ages were recorded correctly. Pl ease note that Can on Inc.
4 What Do You Want to Do? Shoot Shoot, leaving it to the camera to make settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Shoot to match special conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 – 52 Focus on faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 What Do You Want to Do? View Look at my pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Automatically play back pictures (sli deshow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Look at my pictures on a TV . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Table of Contents Chapters 1 – 3 e xplain the bas ic operatio ns and frequ ently used func tions of this camera . Chapters 4 onward exp lain the a dvanced fu nctions, le tting you learn more as yo u read each chap ter. Checking the Packag e Contents .
7 Table of Contents Customizing the Se lf-Timer ......... ... 68 Shooting Using a TV Monitor .......... 69 Changing the Compo sition with the Focus Lo ck ............... ............. ... 69 5 Getting More Out of Your Camera ..........................
8 Conventions Used in This Guide • Icons are us ed in the text to represent the ca mera buttons an d switches. • Language t hat display s on the sc reen appe ars inside [ ] (square brackets). • The dire ctional bu ttons and FUNC./SET button a re represen ted by th e follow ing icons.
9 Safety Precautions • Before using the camera, please ensure that you read the safety precaut ions described below. Always ensure that the camera is operated correctly. • The safety precautions noted on the following pages are intended to pre vent injuries to yourself and other persons, or damage to the equipment.
Safety Precautions 10 Batteries Other Warnings • Use only recommended batteries. • Do not place the batteries near or in direct flame. • Do not let the batteries come into contact with water (e.g. sea water) or other liquids. • Do not attempt to disassemble, alter or apply heat to the batteries.
11 Safety Precautions Caution • Do not aim the camera at bright light sources (the sun, etc.). Doing so may cause malfunctions or damage the image sensor. • When using the camera on a beach or at a windy location, be careful not to allow dust or sand to enter the camera.
12 C OP Y.
13 1 Getting Started This chapter explains preparations before shootin g, how to shoot in » mode, and then how to view and erase the images you take. The latter part of this chapter explains how to shoot and view movies and transfer images to a computer.
14 Compatible Memory Cards (Sold Separately) • SD memory ca rds (2 GB an d less)* • SDHC memory cards (More than 2 GB, up to and including 32 GB)* • SDXC memory c ards (Mor e than 32 GB )* • MultiMediaCards • MMCplus memo ry cards • HC MMCplus memory cards * This memory card complies with the SD standards.
15 Inserting the Batteries and Memory Card 4 Insert the memory card. ● Insert the memory card as shown until it locks into place with a click. ● Be sure the memory card is oriented correctly. Inser ting the memory card in the wrong direction could damage the camera.
Inserting the Batteries and Memory Card 16 Compatible Batteries AA alkaline batteries a nd Canon A A NiMH ba tteries (so ld separate ly) (pp. 36, 37). Battery Charge Indicator When battery charge is low, an icon and message will a ppear on t he screen.
17 Setting the Date and Time The Date/Time settings sc reen will appe ar the first t ime the camera is turned on. Since the d ates and times rec orded into you r images are base d on these settings , be sure to set them. 1 Turn on the cam era. ● Press the power b utton.
Setting the Date and Time 18 ● Changing the Date an d Time You can c hange the cu rrent da te and time s ettings. 1 Display the menus. ● Press the n button. 2 Choose [Date/Time] in the 3 tab. ● Press the qr buttons to choose the 3 tab. ● Press the op buttons to choose [Date/ Time], the n press the m button.
19 Setting the Display Language You can c hange the languag e that dis plays on th e screen . 1 Enter Playback mode. ● Press the 1 button. 2 Display the settings screen. ● Press and hold the m button, the n press the n button. 3 Set the display la nguage.
20 Formatting Memory Cards Before yo u use a ne w memory car d or one th at has bee n formatted in other devices, yo u should fo rmat the car d with this ca mera. Formatting ( initializin g) a memory card er ases all data on the memory card. As you cannot re trieve the e rased data, exer cise adequat e caution befor e formatting the memory card.
21 Pressing the Shutter Button X When formatting e nds, [Memory card formatting complete] will appe ar on the screen. ● Press the m button. Pressing the Shutter Button To take imag es that are in focus, be s ure to firs t press the sh utter butto n lightly ( halfway) to f ocus, then press fu lly to shoot.
22 Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) Since the camer a can determin e the subject and shooting con ditions, you can let it automatically select the best settin gs for th e scene an d just shoo t. The camer a can also detect and focus on fa ces, settin g the color and brightness to opt imal leve ls.
23 Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) X When the camera focuses, it will beep twice and AF frames will appear where the camera focuses. Several AF frames will appear when the camera focuses on more than one point. 5 Shoot. ● Press the shutter button fully.
Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) 24 * Appears when the scene is dark and the camera is attached to a tripod. Background Bright Including Blue Skies Dark Subject Backlit Backlit When Using Tripod People * .
25 Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) What if... • What if white and gray frames appear when you point the camera toward a subject? When faces are detected, a white frame appe ars on the face of the main subject, while gray frames appear on othe r detected faces.
26 Viewing Images You can view the images you have t aken on the scre en. 1 Enter Playback mode. ● Press the 1 button. X The last image you took will appear. 2 Choose an image. ● Pressing the q button will cycle through the images in the reverse order they were taken, from the newest image to the oldest.
27 Erasing Images You can choose an d erase images o ne at a time. Pleas e note that er ased images cannot be recovered. Exercise adeq uate cautio n before erasi ng an image. 1 Enter Playback mode. ● Press the 1 button. X The last image you took will appear.
28 Shooting Movies The camera can aut omaticall y select all sett ings so that y ou can shoot movies just by pressing the shu tter button. 1 Enter E mode. ● Press the button, the n press the qr buttons to choose E . ● Press the m button. 2 Compose th e shot.
29 Shooting Movies X Recording will start, and [ Rec] and the elapsed time will appear on the screen. ● Once shooting begins, t ake your finger off the shutter button. ● If you change the composition of your shot during shooting, the focus will stay the same, but the brightness and to ne will automatically adjust.
Shooting Movies 30 Estimated Shooting T imes • Shooting times are based on default settings. • Recording will automatically stop when either the clip file size reaches 4 GB or the recording time reaches approximately 1 hour. • Recording may stop even if the maximum clip length has not been reached on so me memory cards.
31 Viewing Movies You can view the movies you have sh ot on the screen. 1 Enter Playback mode. ● Press the 1 button. X The last image you shot will appea r. X appears on movies. 2 Choose a movie. ● Press the qr buttons to choose a movie, then press the m button.
32 Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing You can us e the inclu ded softwar e to transf er images yo u have shot w ith the camera to a compu ter for viewing. I f you are already using ZoomBrowser EX/ImageBrowse r, install th e software from t he included CD-ROM, overwritin g your curren t installa tion.
33 Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing ● Preparations Windows Vis ta and Mac OS X (v10.5) ar e used for these expla nations. 1 Install the Software. Windows Place the CD in the co mputer’s CD-ROM drive. ● Place the supplied CD-ROM (DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk) (p.
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 34 2 Connect the camera to the computer. ● Turn off the camera. ● Open the cover, and insert the small end of the plug firmly into th e camera terminal in the direction shown. ● Insert the cable’s larger plug int o the computer.
35 Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing ● Transfer and View Images ● Click [Import Ima ges from Camera], and then click [Import Untransferred Images]. X All images not previously transferred will transfer to the computer. Transferr ed images will be sorted by date an d saved in separate folders in the Pictu res folder.
36 Accessories Supplied wi th Camera Wrist Strap WS-800 DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk AA Alkaline Batteries (×2) Interface Ca ble IFC-400PCU* AV Cable AVC-DC3 00* Memory Card Card Reader Windows /Maci.
37 Separately Sold Accessories The followin g camera access ories are sol d separatel y. Some accessor ies are not sold i n some regions, or may no longer be av ailable. Power Supplies AC Adapter Kit ACK800 This set incl udes Compact P ower Adapter CA- PS800 and power cord.
Separately Sold Accessories 38 Flash High-Power Flash HF-DC1 This attach able supplement ary flash ca n illuminat e subjects tha t are too dist ant for the light from th e built-in fla sh to reac h.
39 2 Learning More This chapter explains the parts of the camera and what appears on the screen, as well as the basic operating instructions. C OP Y.
40 Components Guide (Mode) Bu tton Use the button to c hange the Shooting mo de. Microphone (p. 29) Lens Shutter Button (p. 21) Power Button Flash (pp. 53, 61) Lamp (pp. 25, 57, 58 , 105) Speaker Tripod Socket Memory Card / Battery Cover (p. 14) Strap Mount (p.
41 Indicator Indicator The indicator on the back of the camera (p. 41 ) will light o r blink depen ding on the camera’ s status. Screen (LCD Monitor) (pp. 42, 118) Zoom Button Shooting: i (Telephoto) / j (Wide Angle) (p. 22) Playback: k (Magnify) (p.
42 Screen Display ● Switchin g the Display Shooting You can change th e display by pr essing the n button, choo sing the 4 tab, and [S hooting Inf o]. Playback You can cha nge the dis play by pres sing the n butto n, choosi ng the 1 tab, and [In fo Display ].
43 Power Saving Function (Auto Power Down) Histogram d uring Playba ck The graph that appears in [ Detailed ] (p. 42) is called the histogram. The histogram shows the distribution of brightness in an image horizonta lly, and the amount of brightness verti cally.
44 FUNC. Menu – Basic Operations Commonly used shooting functions ca n be set with the FUNC. menu. The menu items a nd options differ depe nding on th e mode (pp. 120 – 121). 1 Choose a shooting mo de. ● Press the button, the n press the opqr buttons to choose the desired Shooting mode.
45 MENU – Basic Operations Various fun ctions ca n be set fro m the menus. T he menu items are organi zed under tabs, s uch as for shoot ing ( 4 ) and play back ( 1 ). The av ailable menu items dif fer dependin g on the mode (pp. 122 – 123). 1 Display the menu.
46 Changing the Sound Settings You can silenc e or adjust th e volume of camera so unds. ● Muting Sounds 1 Display the menu. ● Press the n button. 2 Choose [Mute]. ● Press the qr buttons to choose the 3 tab. ● Press the op buttons to choose [Mute], then press the qr buttons to choose [On].
47 Returning the Camera to Default Settings When you have mist akenly chang ed a setting, yo u can reset the camera to the default settings. 1 Display the menu. ● Press the n button. 2 Choose [Reset All]. ● Press the qr buttons to choose the 3 tab.
48 Low Level Memory Card Formatting Perform low le vel formattin g when you think that the record ing/reading speed of a memory card has droppe d. Performing a l ow-level forma t on a memory card e rases all dat a on the memory card. As y ou cannot retr ieve the erased data, exerci se adequate caution bef ore performing a low-level fo rmat.
49 3 Shooting in Special Conditions and Commonly Used Functions This chapter explains how to shoot in different conditio ns, as well as how to use common functions, such as the self-timer. • When you c hoose a Shoot ing mode th at matches a particular set of conditions, the camera will automati cally sel ect any nece ssary setti ngs.
50 Shooting in Various Conditions The camera will select the n ecessary settin gs for the co nditions in whic h you wish to shoot wh en you choose th e matching mode . 1 Choose the Shooting mode. ● Press the button. ● Press the qr buttons to choose K , then press the op butt ons to choo se the type of scene you want to shoot.
Shooting in Various Conditions 51 ’ Take indoor shots (Indo or) ● Lets you shoot indoor s with natural colors. Take shots in lo w light conditions (Low Light) ● Depending on the scene, the ISO speed will be set higher and the shut ter speed faster than in » mode so that you can shoot in dark places with reduced camera shake and subject blur.
Shooting in Various Conditions 52 U Shoot sunsets (Sunset) ● Lets you take shots of sunsets in vivid colors. t Take shots of fireworks (Fireworks) ● Lets you take shots of f ireworks in vivid colors. ● Adding Effects an d Shooting Shoot images with vivid colors (Super Vivi d) ● Lets you take shots with vivid, intense colors.
Turning the Flash Off 53 Turning the Flash Off You can s hoot with the flash tu rned off. 1 Press the r button. 2 Choose ! . ● Press the qr buttons to choose ! , then press the m button. X Once set, ! will appear on the screen. ● To turn the flash back on, fol low the steps above to return the setting to .
54 Zooming in Closely on Subjects (Digital Zoom) You can use the di gital zoom to zo om up to a maximum equi valent of 13x and capture su bjects that are too far awa y for the opti cal zoom to enla rge. The images may a ppear coarse , however, de pending on t he recording pi xel setting (p.
Zooming in Closely on Subjects (Digital Zoom) 55 ● Digital Tele -Converter The focal len gth of the len s can be increased by an equivale nt of 1.4x or 2.3x. This e nables a fa ster shutte r speed an d less cha nce of came ra shake than the zoom (i ncluding digi tal zoom) used by itself at th e same zoom factor.
56 Inserting the Date and Time You can i nsert the s hooting da te and time in the lower right corne r of an image. Onc e inserted, however, they cannot be deleted. B e sure to c heck beforehand t hat the date and t ime are correc tly set (p. 17) . 1 Choose [Date Stamp].
57 Using the Self-Timer The self-ti mer can be used to shoot a group ph oto that inclu des the photographe r. The camera wi ll activate ap proximately 10 seconds after the shutter but ton is presse d. 1 Press the p button. 2 Choose Ò . ● Press the op buttons to choose Ò , then press the m button.
58 Using the Face Self-Timer To take a photo t hat includes t he photographer , such a group ph oto, compose the shot, and press the shutter button. The camera will shoot two seconds after you enter the shot and it detect s your face (p. 72). 1 Choose " .
59 4 Choosing Settings Yourself In this chapter you will learn ho w to use the various function s in G mode to progressively advanc e your sho oting skills. • This chapte r assumes that G mode has been cho sen by pr essing t he button, then the qr bu ttons.
60 Shooting in Program AE You can choose t he settings for various func tions to suit y our preference s. AE stands for Au to Exposure. 1 Enter G mode (p. 40). ● After pressing the button, press the qr buttons to choose G , then press the m button. 2 Adjust the settings accor ding to your purposes (pp.
61 Turning the Flash On You can ma ke the flas h fire ever y time you sh oot. The fl ash range is approximat ely 30 cm – 3.0 m (1 2 in. – 9.8 ft.) from the end of the lens (w hen the zoom butto n is pressed to ward j and held un til the lens st ops moving, which is th e maximum wide an gle setti ng of the len s), approx imately 30 cm – 2.
62 Shooting Far Away Subjects (Infinity) When it is diff icult to focu s because your sh ot contains subjects that ar e both near and f ar, you c an change t he focus ran ge (the d istance ra nge from y our subject) to focus more rel iably on far aw ay subjects ( approx.
63 Changing the Compression Ratio (Image Quality) You can c hoose from the followin g two levels of compress ion ratio (i mage quality): (Fine), (Normal). 1 Choose the compression ratio setting. ● After pressing the m button, press the op buttons to choose .
Changing the ISO Speed 64 Approximate Values for Paper Size ● Suitable for sending images as e-mail attachment s. ● For printing on wide size paper. Changing the ISO Speed 1 Choose the ISO speed. ● After pressing the m button, press the op buttons to choose .
65 Adjusting the White Balance The white bala nce (WB) funct ion sets the op timal white bal ance for natu ral looking col ors to match th e shooting con ditions. 1 Choose the white balance function. ● After pressing the m button, press the op buttons to choose .
66 Continuous Shooting You can shoot co ntinuously at a maximum speed o f approximatel y 0.9 images/s econd while the shutt er button is pressed f ully and he ld. 1 Choose a Drive mode. ● After pressing the m button, press the op buttons to choose .
67 Changing the Tone of an Image (My Colors) You can change t he tone of an imag e to sepia or blac k and white when shooting. 1 Choose My Colors. ● After pressing the m button, press the op buttons to choose . 2 Choose an option. ● Press the qr buttons to choose a n option, then press the m button.
68 Shooting Using the Two Second Self- Timer The camera will shoot a pproximatel y two secon ds after the s hutter butt on is pressed, avo iding any camer a shake that occu rs when press ing the shutte r button. Choose Î . ● After pr essing the p button, press the op buttons to choose Î , then press the m button.
Shooting Using a TV Monitor 69 Shooting Using a TV Monitor You can use a TV to di splay the camera screen conten t while shooti ng. • Connect the camera to a TV as des cribed in “Viewin g Images on a TV ” (p. 89). • Shooting pr ocedures are the same as when usi ng the camera s creen.
70 C OP Y.
71 5 Getting More Out of Your Camera This chapter serves as the advanced version of Chapter 4 and explains how to take pictur es using vario us functions. • This chapte r assumes that G mode has been cho sen by pr essing t he button, then the qr bu ttons.
72 Changing the AF Frame Mode You can c hange the A F (Auto Fo cus) frame mo de to match the conditio ns you want to s hoot. Choose [AF Frame]. ● Press the n button, choo se the 4 tab, and then choose th e [AF Frame] menu item. Press the qr buttons to choose a n option.
Magnifying the Focal Point 73 Magnifying the Focal Point If you press t he shutter butt on halfway, the AF frame will magni fy and you can check the f ocus. 1 Choose [AF-Point Zoom]. ● Press the n button, choo se the 4 tab, and then choose t he [AF-Point Zoom] menu item.
74 Shooting with the AF Lock The focus can be locked. Afte r locking the fo cus, the foca l distance wi ll not change even w hen you releas e your finger fr om the shutter but ton. 1 Lock the focus. ● Keep the shutter button pressed half way and press the q button .
75 Shooting with the AE Lock You can l ock the ex posure a nd shoot, o r set the focus and exposur e separately to shoot . AE stands for “ Auto Exposure ”. 1 Lock the exposu re. ● Point th e camera t oward th e subject and press the o button while pressing the shutter button halfway.
76 Shooting with Slow Synchro You can make t he main subje ct, such as pe ople, appea r bright by ha ving the camera prov ide the appropr iate illumina tion with the fl ash. At the same time, you can use a slow shutter spee d to brighten the backgroun d that the light from the flash ca nnot reach.
77 Red-Eye Correction You can a utomatically correct re d-eye that occurs in i mages tak en with the flash. 1 Choose [Flash Settings]. ● Press the n button, choose [Fl ash Settings] fr om the 4 tab and press the m button. 2 Adjust the setting. ● Press the op buttons to choose [Red-Eye Corr.
78 Shooting Long Exposures You can s et the shu tter spee d to a rang e betwee n 1 and 15 seconds t o shoot long exposures. However, y ou should attach the camera to a tripod to prevent the c amera from moving an d blurring the i mage. 1 Choose ≈ . ● Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p.
79 6 Using Various Functions for Shooting Movies This chapter provides more advanc ed information than the “Shooting Movies” and “Viewing Movies” sections of Chapter 1. • This chapte r assumes that E mode has bee n chosen by pressi ng the button, then the qr bu ttons.
80 Changing the Image Quality You can choose be tween thre e image qualit y settings . 1 Choose the image quality settin g. ● After pressing the m button, press the op buttons to choose . 2 Choose an option. ● Press the qr buttons to choose a n option, and press the m button.
81 AE Lock/Exposure Shift You can l ock the ex posure o r change it in 1/3 st eps with in a range of ±2 before s hooting. 1 Focus. ● Press the shutter button half way to focus. 2 Lock the exposu re. ● After releasing the shutter button, press the o button to lock the exposure.
82 Playback Functions The follow ing functio ns can be used in the same way as for still i mages. • Erasing Images (p. 27) • Quickly Searching Images (p. 84) • Searching for Images Using the Jump Display (p. 85) • Viewing Slideshows (p. 86) • Changing Image Transitions (p.
83 7 Using Various Playback and Editing Functions This chapter explains various wa ys to play back and edit images. • Press the 1 button to enter Playb ack mode be fore operati ng the camer a.
84 Quickly Searching Images ● Searching Im ages Using Ind ex Display Displaying mult iple images at a time lets you quic kly find the image yo u want. 1 Press the zoom button toward g . X Images will display in an index. ● Press the zoom button toward g to increase the number of images.
85 Searching for Images Using the Jump Display When there ar e many images o n the memory c ard, you can search them by a specifi ed method o r image un it. 1 Choose a jump method. ● In Single Image Playback, press the o button. X The search method and the position of the currently displayed imag e will appear at the bottom of the screen.
86 Viewing Slideshows You can automat ically pla y back images rec orded to a memory card. 1 Choose [Slidesh ow]. ● Press the n button , choose [Slideshow] from t he 1 tab and press the m button. 2 Make the setting. ● Press the op buttons to choose an item, and press the qr buttons t o adjust the setting.
87 Checking the Focus You can magnify the area of a recor ded image that was inside the A F Frame, or the ar ea of a face that was detected, to check the focus . 1 Choose [Focus Check]. ● Press the n button, choose the 1 tab and [Info Display]. ● Press the qr buttons to choose [F ocus Check], then press the n butt on.
88 Magnifying Images Press the zoom button toward k . ● The display wil l zoom in on the image and will appear on the screen. If you continue to hold the zoom button, it will continue to zo om in up to a maximum factor of 10x. ● If you press the opqr buttons, you can move the locat ion of the displayed are a.
89 Viewing Images on a TV Using the supp lied AV Cable (p . 2), you can conne ct the camera t o a TV to view images you have shot. 1 Turn off the camera and TV. 2 Connect the camera to the TV. ● Open the camera’s terminal cover and ful ly insert the cable plug into the camer a’s terminal.
90 Protecting Images You can prot ect import ant images so that they cannot be accidentall y erased with the camer a (pp. 27, 91). 1 Choose [Protect]. ● Press the n button, choose [Protect] in the 1 tab, and then press the m b utton. 2 Choose an image.
91 Erasing All Images You can e rase all ima ges at once . Since er ased images cannot be recovere d, exercise adequate caut ion before er asing. Prot ected images (p. 90) c annot be e rased. 1 Choose [Erase all]. ● Press the n button, choose [Erase all] in the 1 tab, and press the m button.
92 Resizing Images You can r esize image s to a lower p ixel sett ing and save the resize d image as a separate file. 1 Choose [Resize]. ● Press the n button and choose the 1 tab, then choose [Resize] and press t he m button. 2 Choose an image. ● Press the qr buttons to choose the image and press the m button.
93 Correcting the Red-Eye Effect You can a utomatically correct re d eyes in i mages and s ave them a s new files. 1 Choose [Red-Eye Correction]. ● Press the n button, choose the 1 tab and [Red-Eye Corre ction], then p ress the m button. 2 Choose an image.
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95 8 Printing This chapter explains how to c hoose images for printing, and pr int using a PictBridge compliant prin ter (sold separately, p. 38). Please also refer to the Personal Printing Guide .
96 Printing Images You can easily pr int the picture s you take by connec ting the camera to a PictBridg e compliant p rinter usin g the supp lied inter face cable (p .
Printing Images 97 6 Print images. ● Press the op buttons to choose [Prin t] and press the m button. X Printing will start. ● If you want to pr int additional ima ges, repeat Steps 5 and 6 after printing h as completed. ● After printing has co mpleted, turn off the camera and printer, and unpl ug the interface cable.
98 Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) You can choo se up to 99 8 images on a memory card for print ing and speci fy settings su ch as the numbe r of copies s o that they can be printed t ogether or processed a t a photo developer service. These selec tion metho ds comply with the DPOF (Di gital Print Or der Format) stan dards.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 99 ● Choosing the Numbe r of Copies 1 Choose [Select Images & Qty.]. ● Press the n button and ch oose the 2 tab, then choo se [Select Images & Qt y.] and press the m button. 2 Choose an image. ● Press the qr buttons to choose an image, then press the m button.
Printing Images with DPOF Settings 100 ● Clearing All Selections 1 Choose [Clear All Selections]. ● In Step 1 on p. 99, choose [Clear All Selections] and then press the m button. 2 All selections will be cleared. ● Press the qr buttons to choose [ OK], then press the m button.
101 9 Customizing Camera Settings You can customize various settings to suit your shooting preferences. The first part of this chapter explains convenient and commonly used functions. The latter part expl ains how to change shootin g and playback settings to suit your purposes.
102 Changing Camera Settings You can c ustomize co nvenient a nd commonly u sed functi ons from th e 3 tab (p. 45). ● Turning Off the Start-u p Image You can t urn off the start-up imag e that di splays when you turn o n the camera. ● Choose [Start-up Image ], then press the qr buttons to choo se [Off].
Changing Camera Settings 103 ● Creating Folders by Shooting Date Images are save d into folders created each mon th, however, yo u can also create fo lders by shooting date. ● Choose [Create Folder] and press the qr buttons to ch oose [Daily]. X Images will be saved into folders created on each shooting dat e.
Changing Camera Settings 104 ● Setting the Screen Shut-Off Time You can a djust the t ime the scree n takes to shut off au tomatically ( p. 43). This also wor ks when [Auto Power Down] is set to [Off]. ● Choose [Power Saving], the n press the m button.
105 Changing Shooting Function Settings You can s et function s in the 4 tab after pressing the butt on and pressing t he qr buttons to choose G (p. 45). ● Turning off the AF Assist Beam The lamp will auto matically light to assist f ocusing in low lig ht conditio ns when you press t he shutter butt on halfway.
Changing Shooting Function Settings 106 ● Changing the Image Displa y Time Right After Shooting You can change t he length of time the images dis play after shoo ting.
Changing Playback Function Settings 107 ● Displaying the Overlay You can disp lay gridlin es for vertic al and horizont al guidanc e, or a 3:2 guide to confirm th e printable ar ea for postcard s ize prints. ● Choose [Disp. Overlay], then press th e qr buttons t o choose an opt ion.
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109 10 Useful Information This chapter introduces how to c hange the date/time battery, the use of the AC adapter kit (sold s eparately), troubleshooting tips, and contains lists of functions and th ings that appear on the screen. The index also appears at the end.
110 Replacing the Date/Time Battery The life of the date/time b attery (back- up battery) is approximat ely 7 years. If the Date/Time settings sc reen appears ev ery time the camer a is turned on, replace the dat e/time battery wi th a new one (CR1220) .
111 Using Household Power If you use AC A dapter Kit ACK 800 (sold sepa rately), yo u can use the camera without worrying about h ow much charge is left in the ba tteries. 1 Turn off the came ra. 2 Plug the cord in to the camera. ● Open the cover and fully insert the plug into the camera.
112 Handling Precautions • This camera is a high- precision ele ctronic devi ce. Do not dr op it or subj ect it to stro ng impacts. • Never plac e the camera close to ma gnets, motor s or other devices that generate s trong electr omagnetic fi elds.
113 Troubleshooting If you thin k there is a problem wi th the camer a, first c heck the follo wing. If the items bel ow do not solve yo ur problem, co ntact a Canon Cu stomer Support He lp Desk as listed on t he included customer support lis t. Power You pressed the power butt on, but nothing happ ened.
Troubleshooting 114 • Shoot the subject within the focusing distance (p. 126). • Set the [AF-assist Be am] to [On] (p. 105). • Confirm that functions which you do not int end to use (macro, etc.) are not set. • Shoot using the focus lock or AF lock (pp.
Troubleshooting 115 Shooting movies Correct shooting time does not disp lay, or stops. • Format the memory card in the camera, or use a memory card capable of recording at high speeds. Even when the sh ooting time does not display properly, the recorded video will be the length that it was actually shot (pp.
116 List of Messages That Appear on the Screen If error mess ages appear on t he screen, try on e of the followi ng solution s. No memory card • The memory card is not installed in the correct direction. Install the memory card in the correct direction (p.
List of Messages That Appear on the Screen 117 Communication error • Images could not b e transferred to the computer or printed due to the l arge amount of images (approx. 100 0) stored on the memory card. Use a commercially available USB card reader to tra nsfer the images.
118 Information Displayed on the Screen ● Shooting (Information Displ ay) * : Standard, : Held vertically When shooting, the camera detects if it is held vertically or horizontally, and adjusts settings accordingly for the best shot.
Information Displayed on the Screen 119 ● Playback (Detai led Information Display) Shooting Mode ISO Speed (p. 64) Exposure Compensation (p. 60), Exposure Shift Amount (p. 81) White Balance (p. 65) Histogram (p. 43) Image Editing (pp. 92 – 93) Compression (Image Quality) (p.
120 Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode *1 Always [On]. *2 Possible settings: 0 – 30 seconds in [Delay], and 1 – 10 shots in [Shots]. *3 A recording pixel setting of will display, and the image wil l be fixed at 1600 x 1200 pixels. The compression setting (image quali ty) is selectable.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 121 { Selectable, or set automaticall y. — Not selectable K E IF V ’ " *4 *4 *4 wO P U *5 t ≈ { { { {{{{ — { { {{{ —— { { { {{{{ — { { {{{ .
122 Menus ● 4 Shooting Men u *1 F ixed to [O ff]. *2 PowerShot A495 only *3 PowerShot A490 only Shooting modes »G Function AF Frame (p. 72) Face AiAF {{ Center — { AF Frame Size (p. 73) Norma l/Small — { Digital Zoom (p. 54) Standard/Off {{ Digital Tele-converter (1.
Menus 123 { Selectable, or set automaticall y. — Not selectable K E IF V ’ " *2 *2 *2 wO P U *3 t ≈ { { { {{{{ {{ { { { — {{ {{{{ —— {{ { { {{{ { — — — — ———— —— �.
Menus 124 ● 3 Set up Menu ● 1 Playback Menu Item Options/Summary Ref. Page Mute On/Off* p. 46 Volume Set all operation sounds (5 levels). p. 46 Start-up Image On*/Off p. 102 Format Formats memory card, erasing all data pp. 20, 48 File Numbering Continuous*/Auto Reset p.
Menus 125 ● 2 Print Menu Item Options/Summary Ref. Page Print Displays printing scree n. p. 96 Select Images & Qty. Ch ooses individual images for printing. p. 99 Select All Images Chooses all images for printing. p. 99 Clear All Selections Cancels all settings for printing.
126 Specifications Camera Effective Pixels . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approx. 10.0 million Image Sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2.3-inch type CCD (Total numbe r of pixels: Approx. 10.3 million) Lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications 127 Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Still images: Exif 2.2 (JPEG) Movies: AVI (Image d ata: Motion JPEG, Aud io data: WAVE (Mono) ) Number of Recording Pixels (Still images) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
128 Index Numerics 3:2 Guide .......................... .................. ...107 A AC Adapter Kit .......................... ......37, 111 Accessories .......................... ...................3 7 AE Lock ............................ ............
129 Index Formatting (Memory Card) ..............20, 48 FUNC. Menu Basic Operations ........................ .....44 List .................... ................... ............120 G Green Leaves/Autumn Foliage (Scene Mode) ........................... .
130 Index S SCN (Scene Mode) ........................... .....50 Screen Display Language ............................ 19 Information Display ................118, 119 Menu Operations .......................44, 45 Switching the Display .................
131 MEMO C OP Y.
Disclaimer • Reprinting, tra nsmitting , or storing in a r etrieval syst em any part of thi s guide wit hout the pe rmission of C anon is pr ohibited. • Canon reserve s the right to change the cont ents of this guide at any time without p rior notice .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Canon A495RED (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Canon A495RED noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Canon A495RED - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Canon A495RED reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Canon A495RED erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Canon A495RED besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Canon A495RED verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Canon A495RED. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Canon A495RED gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.