Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 551a des Produzenten Bryant
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Cancels : II 551A-1 55-2 II 551 A-155-3 3/1/ 01 CONTENTS Page SAFETY CONSIDERA TIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INST ALLA TION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17 I. Step 1 — Pr o vide Unit Support .
— 2 — Fig. 1 — Roof Curb Details PKG. NO. REF . CURB HEIGHT DESCRIPTION CRRFCURB010A00 1 ′ -2 ″ (305) Standa rd Cur b 14 ″ High CRRFCURB011A00 2 ′ -0 ″ (610) Standa rd Cur b f or Units.
— 3 — NO TE: F or preassembled horizontal adapter roof curb par t no. CRRFCURB013A00, the access ory kit includes a factory-designed, high-static, regain transition duct. F or hor izont al curb par t no. CRRFCURB012A00, a field-supplied transition duct is required.
— 4 — UNIT 551A STD U NIT WEIGHT ECONOMI$ ER WEIGHT CORNER A CORNER B CORN ER C CORNER D DIM A DIM B DIM C Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg ft-in. mm ft-i n. mm ft-in. mm 155 1575 714 80 36.3 407 185 375 170 383 174 410 186 3-5 1039 3-5 1054 1-10 559 180 1650 748 80 36.
— 5 — UNIT 551A STD UNIT WEIGHT ECONOMI$ ER WEIG HT CORNER A CORNER B CORNER C CORNER D DIM A DIM B DIM C Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg ft-in. mm ft-in. mm ft-in. mm 240 1750 794 80 36.3 420 191 395 179 448 203 486 221 3- 3 988 3-5 1054 1 -8 508 Fig.
— 6 — T able 1 — P hysic al Data LEGEN D *Evaporator co il fin mate rial/c ondenser coil fin ma terial . †Weight of 14-in . roof curb . **Circui t 1 uses the l ow er po r tion of con denser coil and lower por tion o f ev a pora- tor coils, an d Circuit 2 uses the u pper por ti on of bo th coils.
— 7 — III. STEP 3 — F IELD F ABRICA TE DUCTW ORK Secur e all duct s to b uildi ng stru cture. Use fl exible duct c on- nector s between unit and ducts as required. Insulate and weatherp roof all e xternal ductw ork, join ts, and roof openings with co unte r flash ing and m asti c i n acc ord an ce wi t h appl ica- ble c odes.
— 8 — VI. STEP 6 — MAKE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS A. Field P ow er Suppl y Unit is factory wi red for voltage s hown on name plate. When i nstalli ng un its , provide a disconn e ct, pe r NEC (Nation al Elec trical Code) req uireme nts , of ad equate si ze (T ab le 2).
— 9 — T able 2 — Electrical Data (See Legend on page 10.) UNIT 551A NOMINAL VO LT AG E (3 Ph, 60 Hz) V O LTA G E RANGE COMPRESSOR OFM IFM PO WER EXHA UST ELECTRIC HEA T* PO WER SUPPL Y No. 1 No . 2 Min M ax RLA LRA RL A LRA Qty Hp FL A (ea) Hp FLA FLA LRA kW FLA MCA MOCP† 155 (Stand ard IFM) 208/2 30 187 2 53 20 .
— 10 — LEGE ND *Heater capacity (kW) is based on h eater volt age of 208 v , 240 v , and 480 v . Heaters are rated at 240 v , or 480 v . If pow er distribution v olt- age to unit v ar ies from rated heater voltage , heater kW will v ar y accordingly .
— 11 — C. Optiona l Non-Fused Disc onnect On units with the opti onal non-fus ed disconnect, incom ing power wil l be wired into the di sconnect swit ch. Refer to Fi g. 13 for wiring for 100 and 2 00 amp disc onnect sw itches . Units with an MOCP (maximum ov ercurrent p rotection ) under 10 0 will u se the 1 00 amp disc onnect switc h.
— 12 — T able 4 — Heat A nticipator Sett ings *Heater kW is based on heater v oltage of 208 v , 240 v , or 480 v . VIII. STEP 8 — INST ALL OUTDOOR-AIR HOOD The same type of fact ory-i n stal led hood is used on un its with 25% ai r vent ilation a nd units with an EconoM i$er .
— 13 — C. Commissi oning The E conoMi$ er sav es ener gy when it uses outdoor air to provi de fr ee cool ing instea d of m echan ical a ir co nditioni ng . The Econo Mi$er swit chover stra tegy deter mines if the out- door air is sui t ab le for f ree co olin g .
— 14 — F . Me chanica l Cooling Loc kout Dete rmine t he out door -air tem peratur e at whic h you w ant the me chani cal co oling ( compr essors ) to b e disab led. Lo cate the mechanical cooling lockout (MECH CLG LOCKOUT) potentiometer . T o disable this feature, turn the potentiome- ter counterclockwise (CCW) to the OFF posit i on.
— 15 — H. V entilation Air ( Minim um P osition Set Up) If ven til a tio n a i r is n ot r e qui re d , ski p th is s ect io n. I f ven ti la - tion ai r is requi red, per form the f ollowin g: 1. The indoor fan must be on to set the v entilat ion air .
— 16 — Install Motormast er® I Contro ls Only on e Motorma ster I contr ol is req uired per unit. The Motormaster I control must be used in conjunction wi th the Accessory 0° F Lo w Ambient Ki t (purchased separate ly). The Motormas ter I device cont rols outdoo r fan no.
— 17 — MOTORMASTER SENSOR LOCA TION HAIRPIN END Fig. 26 — Motormaster® I and Motormast er III Sensor Locatio ns Fig. 28 — T ypical P erfect Hum idity Dehumidi fication P ackage C ont rol Box Fig.
— 18 — ST ART -UP Use th e fol lowi ng info rmat ion and S tart- Up Chec klist on page CL-1 to check out unit PRIOR to start-up. I. UNIT PREP ARA TION Check that uni t has been installed in ac cordan ce with th ese instal lation ins tructi ons and all applicable codes .
— 19 — If ou tdoo r air al one c annot satis fy the co oling r equir emen ts of the co ndition ed space, an d the OAT is a bove the MECH CLG LO CKOU T set p oint, the Ec onoM i$er in tegrat es fre e cooling wi th m echanic al coo lin g. This is acco mpl ishe d b y the strat egies bel ow .
— 20 — T able 9 — F an Perf ormance — 551A155 (With Standar d Indoor F an Motor) LEG END *Standard low-medium static drive r ange is 834 to 1064 r pm. Alter nate high-static drive range is 1161 to 1426. Other rpms req uire a field- supplied drive.
— 21 — Table 10 — Fan Pe rformance — 551A15 5 (Wi th Optional Indoor Fan Motor) LEG END *Standard low-medium static drive range is 834 to 1064 rpm. Alter nate high-static drive range is 1161 to 1426. Other rpms req uire a field- supplied drive.
— 22 — Table 11 — Fan Perfor m ance — 551A180 LEG END *Standard low-medium static drive r ange is 873 to 1021 r pm. Alter nate high-static drive range is 1025 to 1200. Other rpms req uire a field- supplied drive. NO TES: 1. Maximum continuous bhp for the standard motor is 6.
— 23 — Table 12 — Fan Perform ance — 551A240 LEG END *Standard low-medium static dr iv e range is 1002 to 1151 r pm. Alternat e high-static drive range is 1193 to 1369. Other rpms req uire a field- supplied drive. NO TES: 1. Maximum continuous bhp for the standard motor is 9.
— 24 — T able 13 — Ac cessory/FIOP Sta tic Pressu re (in. wg) LEG END NO TES: 1. Heaters are rated at 240 v , and 480 v . 2. The factor y assembled horizontal adapter substantially improves f an perf orm ance. 3. The static press ure must be added to e xter nal static pressure.
— 25 — T able 14 — P erfec t Hu midi ty™ D ehum idif icat ion P ackage Stat ic Pressure Dro p (in. wg) T able 15 — F an RPM at Motor Pulley Se ttings* *Approx imate f an rpm shown. † Indicates standard drive pac kage. **Indicates alternate dr iv e package .
— 26 — SER VICE I. CLEANING Inspect unit interi or at begi nning of ea ch heating and cooli ng season and as operat ing condit ions requi re . Remove un it top panel and/or s ide panels for access to unit interior . A. Evapo rator Coil Clean as requ ired wi th a co mmercial coil c leaner .
— 27 — 3. Loosen nuts on th e two carr iage bolts i n the mo tor mounting base . 4. Using jac king bo lt under m otor ba se , raise motor to top of slide and remove be lt. Secu re motor in this position by tighteni ng the nuts on the ca rriage bolts.
— 28 — VI. CONDENSER-F AN ADJUSTMENT A. 551 A155 and 180 Units (Fig . 33) 1. Shut off unit power supply . 2. Remove acces s panel(s) closest to the fan to be adj usted . 3. Loosen fan hub set s cr e ws . 4. Adjust fan height on sh aft usin g a straighted ge plac ed acro ss the fan or ifice .
— 29 — If the CONFIG button is pressed and held for more than 30 se cond s and rel e ased , the Econo Mi$er cont roller wil l enable the enthalpy compari son strategy (with outdoor air enthalpy and return a ir ent halpy sensor s install ed). VIII.
— 30 — E. Freeze Pro tection Thermo stat (FPT) An FPT is located on the top and bottom of the evaporator coil. It detects frost build-up and turns off the compressor , allowing the coil to clear . Once the frost has melted, the com - pre sso r ca n be r eene rgi zed.
— 31 — Fig. 36 — T ypical Wiri ng Sch ematic (551 A180, 46 0v Sho wn).
— 32 — Fig. 36 — T ypical Wiring Sc hematic (55 1A180, 460 v Show n) (cont) Fig. 37 — T y pica l Com pone nt Ar rang eme nt (5 51A1 80 Sh own).
— 33 — TR OUBLESHOO TING Refer t o T ables 18-20 for troub leshooti ng deta ils . T able 18 — Coo ling Service Anal ysis LEG END TXV — T hermo static Expansion V alve PROBLE M CA U SE REME D Y Compressor and condenser fan will n ot sta rt. P ower f ailure.
Copyright 20 01 Br yant Heati ng & Coo ling System s CA T ALOG NO. 5355-10 5 T able 19 — EconoMi$e r T roubl eshootin g LEG END T able 20 — P erfect Humid ity ™ Dehumidifi cation Sub cooler .
Copyright 20 01 Br yant Heati ng & Coo ling System s CL-1 CA T ALOG NO . 5355-105 CUT ALONG DOT TED LINE CUT ALONG DO TTED LINE ST AR T - UP CHECKLIST I.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Bryant 551a (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Bryant 551a noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Bryant 551a - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Bryant 551a reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Bryant 551a erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Bryant 551a besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Bryant 551a verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Bryant 551a. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Bryant 551a gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.