Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MFC5890CN des Produzenten Brother
Zur Seite of 247
USER’S GUIDE MFC-58 90CN MFC-58 95CW MFC-64 90CW Ver sion 0 USA/CAN.
If y o u need to call Customer Service Ple ase c omplet e the fo llow ing info rma tion for futu re re fer en ce : Mod el Nu mbe r: MFC -58 90 CN, MF C-58 95 CW an d MF C-64 90CW (Ci rcl e your model nu mber ) Seri al N um ber : 1 Dat e of Pur c ha se : Pl ac e o f P ur ch as e : 1 The seria l numb er is on th e back of th e un it.
i Brother numbers IMPORTANT For technic al help, you must ca ll the country where you bough t t he machine . Calls must be made fro m w ithin that countr y. Re gister yo ur pr oduct By register ing your product wit h B rot her Internationa l Corporat ion, you will be recorde d as the origina l owner o f the produc t.
ii Orde ring ac cessor ies an d supp lies For bes t quali ty results use onl y genuine Brother a ccessories, w hich are avai lable at m ost B rother retailer s. If you cannot find the ac cessory you need and you h ave a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or Americ an E xpres s c redi t card, you can order ac c essor ies directly from Brother.
iv Broth e r ® Two- Ye ar Lim ited W arranty an d Rep lace ment Ser vice (USA On ly) Who is covered: Thi s l i mite d w arr an ty (“ wa rra n ty” ) is giv en only to the orig ina l e nd-us er.
v Brot her ® Two -Year Limited W arran ty and Repl acemen t Servic e (USA Only ) disc retio n. B rothe r reserv es the ri ght to sup ply a r efu rbis hed or rem anu fact ured repl ac emen t Ma ch ine.
vi BROTHER INKJET MULTIFUNCTION CENTER ® LIMITED WARR ANTY (Cana da only ) Pursuan t to the li m ited warr anty of 2 years from the date of purchas e for labour and par ts, Brother In t ernation al Corporation (Canad a) L td.
vii Table of Conte nts Section I General 1 Gene ral Info rmat ion 2 Usi ng th e docu me ntat ion ..... .. ... .... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... 2 Sym b ols a nd con ve ntion s us ed in t he doc um ent ati on .
viii Sleep Mode...... ....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ....... ....... ......... ......... ......... ........ 31 LC D sc ree n .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ...
ix 6 Receiv ing a Fax 49 Recei ve modes . .. ......... ....... ......... ......... ......... ........ ....... ......... ....... ......... ......... ..... 49 Choose the corr ect R eceive Mod e ... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ......
x 7 Teleph one Serv ices and Exter nal devi ces 67 Voice operat ions .... ........ ....... ......... ....... ......... ......... ......... ........ ....... ....... ......... ..... 67 Tone or Pulse (Canada only ) ..... ......... ......... ........ ....
xi 10 Polling 91 Pol lin g ov erv ie w ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... ... 91 Pol lin g re cei ve ..... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .... ... .. ..... .. ..
xii Section IV Walk-up Photo Printing 12 Phot oCap ture C enter ™: Pri nting p hotos from a memo ry car d or USB F lash me mory dri ve 106 Pho toC ap ture Cent er ™ Op era tio ns .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .
xiii Section V Software 14 Softwa re and Network feat ures 1 30 Section VI Appendixes A Safety and Legal 1 32 Ch oosi ng a loca tion . ... .... ... .... ... .. .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .
xiv C Menu a nd F eat ures 1 78 On-screen pr ogramming .. ......... ......... ......... ........ ....... ....... ......... ......... ......... ...... 178 Menu table ....... ........ ....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ........ ....
Section I General I General Infor mation 2 Loa ding paper and d ocume nts 9 General setup 25 Security featu res 33.
2 1 Using the documentati on 1 Thank y ou for buy ing a B rother m a c h ine! Reading the d ocumenta tion wi ll help you make the most of your machine. Sy mbol s an d co nven ti ons use d in the docu menta tion 1 The fol lowing symbols and conv entions are use d througho ut th e documentat ion.
General Info rmation 3 1 c If the language s creen appears, cli c k your langua ge. The CD-ROM main menu will appear . Note If this window does not appear, use Windows ® E xplorer to run the st art.exe program from the root directo r y of the Brot her CD-R OM.
Chapter 1 4 View in g Do cum ent ati on (For Maci ntos h) 1 a Turn on your Macintosh. Ins ert the Brother CD-RO M into your CD-ROM drive. The followin g window will ap pear. (The window bel ow may vary depe nding on the model.) b Double- click t he Documen tation ic on.
General Info rmation 5 1 Acces sing Brother Support (For Windows ® ) 1 You can find all the contac ts you will need, such as Web s upport (Br other Sol utions Center) , Customer Service and Brot her Authori z e d Service Centers in Brother numbers on page i and on the B rother C D- ROM.
Chapter 1 6 MFC-6490CW Control panel ove rvie w 1 The MFC-5890 CN , MFC-58 95CW and MFC-6490CW have the same control pane l keys . Note Most of the i llust rations i n this User’s Guide s how t he MFC-6490CW . 1 Fax an d telepho ne keys: Fax Preview Lets you pr eview incoming and outg oing faxes on the L CD.
General Info rmation 7 1 d or c Pres s to scrol l backwa rd or forward to a m enu selection . Als o, press to choose options . a or b Pres s to s croll thr ough t he men us an d o ptions . Me nu Acces s the main me nu. OK Choos e a setting.
Chapter 1 8 LCD scr een 1 The LCD shows the cur rent machine sta tus when the mac hine is idle. 1 W ireless S tatus (MFC- 5895CW and MFC- 6490CW ) A fou r level indicator shows the c urrent wirele ss signal strength if you are using a wirele ss connecti on.
9 2 2 L oading pape r and other print m edia 2 Note (MFC-6490CW only) • For T ray #2, see Lo ading paper in pape r tray #2 (MFC-649 0CW only) on page 12. • If the tr ay used f or Fax mode is set to Auto Select you should open and clos e the scann er cover to reset the machine afte r ref illing paper tray#1.
Chapter 2 10 c Wit h b ot h han ds, ge ntly pr ess an d s lid e the pa per s ide gu ide s ( 1) a nd th en t he pa per leng th gu ide (2) to fit th e pa per siz e. Make sur e th at the t riangular marks ( 3 ) on the paper side gui des (1) and paper length gui de (2) line up wit h the mark for the pa per size you are usi ng.
Loading pa per and docume nts 11 2 g Close the outpu t paper tray cover. Check tha t t he pape r is fl at in t h e tray and below the maxi m u m paper mark (1). h Slowl y push th e paper t ray com pletely into the machine . Note DO NOT p ush Tray #1 into the mac hine too quic kly.
Chapter 2 12 Lo ad in g pa per i n pape r t ray #2 (MFC -64 90CW onl y) 2 Note You c a n only us e plai n paper s izes Ledger , Letter, Legal, E xecut ive, A3 or A4 in Tray #2. a Pull the pape r tray completely o ut of the machine. b Take of f th e paper t ray cover (1).
Loading pa per and docume nts 13 2 Note If you ar e using L edger, Leg al or A3 si ze paper , press and hol d the universal guide rele ase bu tton (1) as you slide out the front of the paper tray. d Fan the stack of paper well to av oid paper jams and mi s feeds.
Chapter 2 14 i Do one of the following: If you are us ing Ledger, Legal or A3 size pape r, go to step j . If you are us ing Letter size paper, g o to s te p l . j Pull tray #1 out of the machine. Press and hold the univer sal guide release but ton (1) as you slide out the front of the paper tray .
Loading pa per and docume nts 15 2 Load in g enve lope s and post ca r ds 2 Abou t e nvel opes 2 Use envelo pes that weigh fr om 20 to 25 lb (80 to 95 g/m 2 ). Some envelopes need margin setting s to be set in the applicat ion. Make sure you do a test print f irst before printi ng man y envel opes.
Chapter 2 16 b Put env elopes or post cards in the pa per tray with the address s ide down and t he leading edge in fi rst as shown in the illus tration . Wit h both hands, gently press an d sli de the paper s ide guides (1) and paper length guid e (2) to fit the size of the envelope s or post cards.
Loading pa per and docume nts 17 2 Pr in tabl e ar ea 2 The print able ar ea dep ends on t he se ttings in the app licat ion you a re usi ng. The f igures below show the unpri ntable areas on cut she et paper and envelopes. The mac hine can only print in th e shaded areas w hen the Borderless print f eature i s avai lable and turned on.
Chapter 2 18 Accep table pape r and other print medi a 2 The print qu ality can be affected by the type of paper you are using in t he mach ine. To get t he best print qu ality f or the setting s you have c hosen, al ways set t he Pap er Type to match the ty pe of paper you load.
Loading pa per and docume nts 19 2 Ha ndling and using prin t me d ia 2 Stor e paper i n its o rigina l packag ing, an d keep it seal ed. Keep the pa per flat and away fro m moistu re, direct sunlight an d heat. Avoid to uching the shiny (coat ed) si de o f photo paper.
Chapter 2 20 Choosing t he right print med ia 2 Paper t ype an d s ize f or ea ch oper ati on 2 Pa per T ype Paper Size Usage Fax C opy Photo Capt ure Printer Cut S heet Ledger 11 17 in. ( 279.4 43 1.8 mm) Yes Yes Yes Yes A3 11.7 16.5 in. (297 420 mm) Yes Yes Yes Yes Letter 8 1/2 11 in.
Loading pa per and docume nts 21 2 P aper we ig ht, th ickn es s a nd c ap ac ity 2 1 Up t o 150 s he ets of plai n pap er 20 lb (80 g /m 2 ). 2 Up t o 250 s he ets of plai n pap er 20 lb (80 g /m 2 ). 3 BP 71 69 l b (260 g /m 2 ) p ape r is e speci all y de sign ed for B rot her inkjet mac hine s.
Chapter 2 22 Loadin g documents 2 You can send a fax, mak e copies , and scan from the ADF (auto m a tic document feeder) and f rom t he scanner glass . Using the ADF 2 The ADF can hol d up to 50 pages and fee ds eac h sheet indivi dually. Use standar d 20 lb (80 g/m 2 ) paper and alway s fan the pages before put ting them in the ADF.
Loading pa per and docume nts 23 2 d Place your docu m e nt, face up, top edge fir st in the ADF u ntil the LCD display sho ws ADF Ready and y ou feel it t ouch th e feed rolle r . Note (MFC-64 90CW only) Inser t A4/Le tter docu m e nts s h ort-edg e firs t.
Chapter 2 24 Sc anna bl e are a 2 The sc annable area depends on the set tings in the appl ication you are using. The f i gures below s how the unscannable ar ea. Usa ge Documen t Size Top ( 1) Bo ttom (2 ) Le ft (3 ) Ri ght (4 ) Fax Ledg er (M FC - 6490CW only) 0.
25 3 3 On/Off key 3 You can turn the machine on and off by pressing the On/ Off key. Note • If you pres s the On /Of f key while the machine is in use it will finis h the operati on before going into the Off m ode. • If you have conn ected an external teleph one o r TAD, it is alway s availab le.
Chapter 3 26 Mode Time r 3 The mach ine has four temporary mode keys on t he c ontrol pa nel: Fax , Scan , Copy and Photo Captu re . You can chang e the amount of t ime the machine takes after the la s t S can, Copy or P hotoCapture op erati on before it retur ns to Fax mode.
General setup 27 3 Pa per S iz e 3 You can us e sev en si zes o f paper for p rinti ng cop ies: L etter, L egal, L edg er, A4, A 5, A3 an d 4 6i n .
Chapter 3 28 Tray use in Co py m ode (MF C -6 49 0CW o n ly) 3 You can change the default tray the machine will us e for printing copie s. To change the defaul t setting fo llow the ins tructions below: a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose General Setup .
General setup 29 3 Secu re Pa pe r Fe ed mod e fo r Led ger size Short Grain Pa per 3 If your pr inted pag es have smudge probl ems when usi ng Ledger paper , your p aper may be short grain pape r. Choose LGR - Short Grain and s et it to On to avoid this probl em.
Chapter 3 30 Beep er Vo lume 3 When t he beeper is on, the m achine will beep when yo u press a key, make a mistak e or aft er you send or r eceiv e a f ax. You can choos e a rang e of volum e levels , from High to Off . a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose General Setup .
General setup 31 3 Automatic Daylight Saving s Tim e 3 You can set t he machi ne to change automatical ly for dayli ght savi ngs time. It will reset i tself forwar d one hour in the Spri ng and backward one h our in the Fall. Mak e sure you have set the correct dat e and time in the Date&Time setti ng.
Chapter 3 32 LC D scr een 3 LCD Cont ra st 3 You can adj ust the LCD contrast for a sharp er and more viv id display. If you are having diff iculty re ading the LCD, try changin g the contrast setting. a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose General Setup .
33 4 4 Secure Functio n Lock 4 Secure F unction L ock let s you restric t public access to cert ain m a c h ine functions (Fax, Copy, Scan, Print 1 and PCC). This fe ature al so prevent s u s ers from changing the default s ettings of the machine by li m i ting a c cess to t he menu s ettings .
Chapter 4 34 Chang i ng the pass wor d 4 a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose General Setup . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose Function Lock . Pres s OK . d Pres s a or b to choose Set Password . Pres s OK . e Enter the r egistered f our-dig it passwor d.
Security features 35 4 Set ting u p an d c hanging re stri cte d user s 4 S ett ing up rest r ict ed user s 4 You can set up users wi th restriction s and a pa sswor d. You c an s et up to 20 i nd ivid ua l use rs w ith res tri cti on s and a pas swor d.
Chapter 4 36 Re set e xistin g res tr icted user s 4 You can res et restricted user s on e at a time. a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose General Setup . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose Function Lock . Pres s OK . d Pres s a or b to choose Setup U ser .
Security features 37 4 Switchin g users 4 This setting all ows a r estric ted user to log on the machine when Secure Funct ion Lock is tur ne d on . a Hold do wn Shift as you press l . Or, p res s Menu . T he n pr es s a or b to choose Change User and press OK .
Chapter 4 38.
Section II Fax II Send in g a Fa x 40 Receivi ng a Fax 49 Telephone S ervices an d External d evices 67 Dialin g and storin g numbers 79 Pr inting Reports 89 Poll ing 91.
40 5 Entering F ax mode 5 When th e machin e is idl e, the time appears on t he LCD. W hen you want to send a fax, or cha nge fax s e nd or receive s ettings, pr ess the ( Fax ) key to illuminat e it in blue. The LCD shows : Press a or b to sc roll t hrough th e Fax ke y opti ons.
Sen ding a Fax 41 5 Faxing from the scanne r gla ss 5 You can use the scanner glass to fa x page s of a book on e at a t ime. The document c an be up to Ledger s ize for MFC-6490CW, and Letter siz e for MFC- 5890CN and MFC-5895C W. You cannot send color fa xes with multi ple pages.
Chapter 5 42 Se tti ng s cann er gl ass s ize f or fa xing (M F C-6 49 0 CW o n ly) 5 To fax a L egal, L edger, A 3 or A 4 size doc um e nt f rom th e scanner gla ss, you need to change th e Glass ScanSize sett ing . The def ault setting is Lett er. a Pres s ( Fax ).
Sen ding a Fax 43 5 Broad casting (Black & White on ly) 5 Br oadcas ting i s when the same f ax mes sage is automati call y se nt to mor e than one fax numb er . You c an inc lude G roup s, One Touch, Spee d Di al num bers and up to 50 ma nually dial ed num bers in the same b roadcas t.
Chapter 5 44 Additiona l sending operations 5 Sending f axes using m ultiple sett ings 5 When you sen d a fax you can choose any combi nation of thes e setti ngs: resolution, con trast, glass scan size, overseas mode, delay ed fax timer, poll ing transmission and real time transmissi on.
Sen ding a Fax 45 5 Ch ang ing fax resolu tion 5 The quality of a fax can be improved by changing the fax res olution. a Press ( Fax ). b Press a or b to choose Fax Resolution . c Press d or c to choose the resolution you want. Press OK . Note You can choos e four dif ferent resolut ion setti ngs for black & white f axes and two for color.
Chapter 5 46 Over se as M ode 5 If you are having dif ficulty sendin g a fax ove r sea s due to p ossible i nterference on the tele phone line, we rec om mend that you tu r n on the Overs eas mode. After you send a fax usi ng this feature , t he feat ure wi ll turn itself of f.
Sen ding a Fax 47 5 Se tti ng yo u r ch an ge s as t he new default 5 You can save the fax settin gs for Fax Resolution , Contrast , Glass ScanSize and Real Time TX y ou use most ofte n by sett ing t hem as def ault. These setting s will stay unti l you chang e them again.
Chapter 5 48 Out of M em ory m essage 5 If you get an Out of Memory mes s a ge while scanning the first pa ge o f a fax, press Stop/Exit t o cancel th e fax.
49 6 6 Re ceive m odes 6 Choo se th e co rrec t Rece ive Mode 6 The correct Receive m ode is d etermined by the external dev ices and telephone subsc riber service s (Voic e M a il, Distinct ive Ring, etc.) you have (or will be us ing) on the s ame line as the Brother mac hine.
Chapter 6 50 To set the r ecei ve mo de follow th e ins truc tio ns be lo w: 6 a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose Initial Setup . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose Receive Mode . d Pres s d or c to choose Fax Onl y , Fax/Tel , External TAD or Manual .
Receiv ing a F ax 51 6 Using rec eive mod es 6 Some receive modes ans wer au tomaticall y ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ). You may wa nt to change the ring delay be fore using t hese modes. (See Ri ng Delay on page 52.) Fax only 6 Fax only mode will aut omatically answer every call as a fax call.
Chapter 6 52 Recei ve mode setting s 6 Rin g Del a y 6 The Ring De lay set s the number of times the machi ne ring s before it ans wers in Fax Only or Fax/Tel m ode. I f you hav e exter nal or extens ion t elephones o n the same li ne as the machi ne , keep the rin g delay sett ing of 4 ri ngs .
Receiv ing a F ax 53 6 Easy Receiv e 6 If Eas y Rece ive is On : 6 The machine receiv es a fax cal l automatical ly, even if you answer the call . When you see Receiving on the LC D or when you hear “chirp s” through the handse t you are usi ng, jus t replace t he handset .
Chapter 6 54 Se tti ng t he Re ceivi ng P rior it y 6 When a Ledger Color fax is sent to your machine, your mac hine will rece ive eithe r a Ledger blac k & white fax or a Let ter Color fax depending o n the Re ceiving P rio rity s e tting. I f your rec eiving pr io ri ty is B&W(Max.
Receiv ing a F ax 55 6 Re ce ivin g a fa x at th e e nd of a conv ersa tio n 6 At the e nd of a conversati on you can ask the other par ty to fax you infor mation befo re y ou both han g up. a Ask t he other party to p lace the document in their machine and to pr ess the Start or Sen d key.
Chapter 6 56 Memory Rec eiv e (Black & White only) 6 You can only us e one Memory Rec eive oper ation at a time: Fax Forwar ding Paging Fax Storag e PC Fax Receive Off You can change y our selection at any time.
Receiv ing a F ax 57 6 Pagin g 6 When you choose Paging, your mac hine dials the pa ger numbe r you hav e programm ed, and t h en dials your PI N (Persona l Identif ication Number). This activates your pager so you wil l k n ow that you have a fax mes sage in the mem ory.
Chapter 6 58 Fax St orage 6 If you choose Fax Storage, your machine stor es the r eceived fax in the memory. You will be able t o ret rieve fax mess ages fr om anoth er lo c a tion usi ng the remote r etrieval commands . If you have set Fax Storage , a bac k u p copy will aut omatic ally be p rinted at the machine.
Receiv ing a F ax 59 6 Note • PC Fax Receive is not suppor ted in the Mac OS. • Befor e you can set up PC Fax Receiv e you must inst all the MFL-Pro Suit e software on your PC. Make sure your PC is connected a nd turned on. ( For d etails see PC-F AX receiving i n t he Soft war e User’s Guide o n the CD-ROM.
Chapter 6 60 Turning of f Mem ory R ece ive Op erat ions 6 a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose Fax . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose Setup Receive . Pres s OK . d Pres s a or b to choose Memory Receive . Pres s OK . e Pres s a or b to choose Off .
Receiv ing a F ax 61 6 F ax Preview (Black & W hite on ly) 6 Ho w t o p rev iew a re ce ive d f ax 6 You can view received fa xes on the LCD by pressing the Fax P revi ew key. W hen the machine is in Rea dy mode, a popu p m e s sage will app ear on the LCD to alert you of n ew faxe s.
Chapter 6 62 c Pres s Stop/Exit . When a fa x is open the c ontrol panel key s will per form the operation s shown below. How t o de lete a ll fax es in the list 6 a Pre ss Fax P revi ew . b Pre ss a or b to choose Delete All . Pre ss OK . Pre ss 1 to co nf irm .
Receiv ing a F ax 63 6 Ch ang ing the settin gs to turn o ff fa x pr evi ew 6 a Press Fax Preview . b Press a or b to choose Fax Preview i Off . Press OK . The LC D will ask y ou the f ollowing message: Turn Of f Fax Preview and p rint all fut ure i ncomi ng faxes? Yes i Press 1 Cancel i Press 2 c Press 1 t o choose Yes .
Chapter 6 64 U sing your Remot e Access Co de 6 a Dial your fax number from a touch ton e telephone or anot her fax machine. b When your machine ans wers, enter your remote ac c e s s code (3 digit s followed by ) at on ce.
Receiv ing a F ax 65 6 Re mot e F ax com man ds 6 Follow the commands below t o access features when you are away from th e machi ne. W h en y o u call the machi ne and ent er your remote access code ( 3 digi ts foll owed by ), the system w ill give two shor t bee ps and you must enter a remote command.
Chapter 6 66 R etrie ving fax me ssage s 6 You can c all your m achine f rom a ny touch tone telephone and hav e your fax m essages sen t t o a machine. Bef ore you use th is feat ure, you have to tur n on Fax Storage. a Dial your fax number . b When your machine ans wers, enter your remote ac c e s s code (3 digit s followed by ) at on ce.
67 7 7 Vo ice operations 7 Voice calls can be made either with an external telephone , by dia ling manually , or by using Quick Dial numbers . Tone or Pu l s e (C an ad a on ly) 7 If you have a Pulse .
Chapter 7 68 Telephone serv ices 7 Your mac hine supports the Calle r ID and Dis tinctive Ring subscriber telephone servic es that some telep hone companies of fe r.
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 69 7 Dist inct ive Ri ng 7 Distinc tive Rin g is a function of y our B rother machine t hat all ows a pers on with one line to receive f ax and voic e calls through two different phone numbers on that one line.
Chapter 7 70 Be fore yo u choos e the rin g patt ern to regi st er 7 You can only r egister one Distinc tive Ring patt ern with the machi ne. Some ring patte rns can not be reg istered. T he ring pa tterns bel ow are supported by you r Broth er machin e.
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 71 7 Tur nin g of f Dis tin cti ve Ri ng 7 a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Fax . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose Miscellaneous . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose Distinctive . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Off .
Chapter 7 72 Set ting up your a rea c ode (US A only ) 7 When retu rning calls from the caller ID hist ory you r machine wil l automatic ally dial “1” plus the area cod e for all call s. If y our loc al diali ng plan r equires that the “1” not be u sed fo r calls with in your a rea code en ter your area code in this s etting.
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 73 7 Note • If you do not receiv e all your faxes, short en the Ring Delay setting on you r exter nal TAD. • If You Su bscr ib e to y our T ele ph one com.
Chapter 7 74 Rec ord ing o utgoing m ess ag e ( OGM) o n an ex ter nal TAD 7 Timin g is important in reco rding this message. Th e mess age s ets u p the ways to ha ndle b oth ma nual a nd aut omati c fax recept ion. a Record 5 second s of silenc e at t h e beginning of your messag e.
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 75 7 C onve rti ng te leph on e wal l out lets 7 There are thre e ways to convert to an RJ11 jack. The first two way s may requir e help from the te lephone com pany. You can chang e the wall outlet s fr om one RJ14 jack to t wo RJ11 jacks.
Chapter 7 76 Multi-li ne conn ecti ons (PBX) 7 We sugges t you ask the compan y who ins talled your P BX to connect you r machi ne. If you have a mul t i lin e system we suggest you ask t he install er to connect t he unit to the last line on the system .
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 77 7 Usin g ex tern al an d ext en sion te lephone s 7 U sing ex tens ion tele ph ones 7 If you answer a fax call at an extens ion telephone, y o u can make you r machine receive the fa x by pressi ng the F a x Recei ve Code l 51 .
Chapter 7 78 Ch angin g th e rem ote code s 7 The preset Fax Recei ve Code i s l 51 . The pre s e t Telephone Answer Code is #5 1 . I f you want to, you can replac e t hem with your own c ode s . a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose Fax . Pres s OK .
79 8 8 How to Dial 8 Ma nual di ali ng 8 Press all of the digit s o f t he fax or telephon e number. One Touch D ialing 8 Your mac hine has 3 One Touch keys where you can st ore 6 fax or t elephone number s for automatic dial ing . Press the One T ouch k ey that s tores t he number you want to call.
Chapter 8 80 Se arch 8 You can se arch for na mes y ou have s tored i n the One T ouch and S peed Di al memory. a Pres s ( Ph one B oo k ). Or, you can press ( Fax ) a nd then press a or b to choose Phone Book . b Pres s a or b to choose Search . Pres s OK .
Dialing and s toring number s 81 8 Out goi ng Ca ll 8 The last 30 num bers y o u sent a fax t o will be stored in the outgoi ng call hist ory . You can choose one of th ese numbers t o fax to, add to One Touch or S peed Dial, or delete from the hist ory.
Chapter 8 82 Storing numbers 8 You can set up your machin e to do the foll owing types of easy dia ling: One Touch, Spee d Di al and Groups for broad casting faxes . When y ou di al a Q uick Di al number , the LCD shows the name, if yo u stor ed it, or the number .
Dialing and s toring number s 83 8 d Press a or b to choose the 2-digit One Touch Di al number wher e you wan t to store the number. Press OK . Note One T ouch Dial n umbers begin with (for example , l 0 2 ). e Do one of the following : Enter the name using the dial pad (u p to 16 character s).
Chapter 8 84 c Pres s a or b to choose t he 2-digi t Speed Dial lo c ation where you want to store the numb er. Pres s OK . d Do one of the following: Enter the name (up to 16 character s) usi ng the dial pad . Press OK . (To help you enter letter s, see Enter ing Text on page 204.
Dialing and s toring number s 85 8 Stori ng Speed D ial numbe rs from the Calle r ID his tory 8 If you have the Caller ID subs criber ser v i ce from your teleph one company you can also store Speed Dial numbers from incoming calls in the Call er ID His tory.
Chapter 8 86 f If you want to change the first Fax /Tel number, press a or b to ch oos e Fax/Tel: , t hen press c and en ter the new fax or telephone num ber using the dial pad (up to 20 digits). Pres s OK . Note For Sp eed Dial locati ons you can change Fax/Tel1: and Fax/Tel2: .
Dialing and s toring number s 87 8 g To add numbers to t he group, press a or b to choose Alphabetical Order or Numerical Order and press OK . Press a or b to select a number and press OK . Note One Touch Dial locat ions begi n with l . Speed Dial l ocations begin with # .
Chapter 8 88 De let ing a nu mbe r f rom a Gro up 8 a Pres s ( Ph one B oo k ). b Pres s a or b to choose Setup Groups . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose t he Group you want t o change. Pres s OK . d Pres s a or b to choose the number yo u want t o delet e.
89 9 9 F ax repor ts 9 You need to set up the Transmi s si on Verifi c a tion Report and Journal Per iod using the Men u keys. Tran smi ssion Ver if icati on Re port 9 You can use the Transmissi on Veri fication Report as proof that y ou sent a fa x .
Chapter 9 90 Fax J ournal ( activity rep ort) 9 You can set th e machin e to pr int a journal at spe c i fic intervals ( every 50 faxes, 6, 12 or 24 hour s, 2 or 7 days) . I f you set the int erval to Off , you c an stil l print t he report by follo wing the st eps in How to pr int a report on page 90.
91 10 10 Po lling over view 10 Polling lets you s et up your machin e so other people can receiv e faxes from you, but they pay for the call. It als o lets you c all somebody else’s fax mac hine and receive a fax from it, so you pay for the call. The polling feat ure needs to be s et up on both machines fo r this to work.
Chapter 1 0 92 Polled transmit (Black & White only) 10 Pol led transmit let s you set up your mac hine to wait with a docum ent so another fax machine can call and retrieve it. The docum ent will be stored and can be retr ieved by any other fax machine unt il you delete it from t he memo ry.
Section III Cop y III Making copies 94.
94 11 How to copy 11 Enterin g Copy mode 11 When you want t o make a copy, pres s ( Copy ) to ill uminat e it in blue. The LCD shows : 1 No. of Co pie s You can enter the num ber o f copies you w ant by usi ng the dial pad . Press a or b to sc roll t hrough th e Copy key o pti ons.
Making c opies 95 11 Copy se ttings 11 You can change the co py settings t emporaril y for th e ne xt c op y. These setting s are temporary, and the mach in e retu rns to it s defa ult s ett ing s 1 minu te after copying, unless you have set the Mode Timer to 30 seconds or les s .
Chapter 1 1 96 g If y ou do not want to chan ge addit ional settings, pr ess Black Start or Color Start . Note • Page Layout and Skew Adjustment are not avail able with Enlarge/Reduce . • Book Copy , Sort and Watermark Copy ar e not avail able with Fit to Page .
Making c opies 97 11 e (MFC-589 0CN and MFC-5895CW) Press d or c to choose Off(1 in 1) , 2i n1( P ) , 2i n1( L ) , 4i n1( P ) , 4i n1( L ) , Poster(2 x 2) or Poster(3 x 3) . Press OK . (MFC-649 0CW) Press d or c to choose Off(1 in 1) , 2i n1( P ) , 2i n1( L ) , 4i n1( P ) , 4i n1( L ) , 1t o2 , Poster(2 x 2) or Poster(3 x 3) .
Chapter 1 1 98 If y ou are copying f rom the scanner glass, pla ce the document face down in the dir ectio n sh own bel ow : 2 in 1 (P) 2 in 1 (L) 1 to 2 (MFC - 6 490CW) 4 in 1 (P) 4 in 1 (L) Poster (2 x 2) You can make a poster size copy of a photograph .
Making c opies 99 11 Cont rast 11 You can adjust the copy co ntrast to help an image look shar per a nd more vivid. a Press ( C opy ). b Load y our doc ument. c Enter the number of copies y o u want. d Press a or b to choose Contrast . e Press c to increase the contras t or press d to decrease t he con trast.
Chapter 1 1 100 Skew Adjustment (MF C -6 49 0CW o n ly) 11 If your copy is scanned sk ewed, your machi ne can correct the d ata automati cally. This s etting is only availab le when using the scann er glass and Enlarge/Redu ce is set to 100%. a Pres s ( Co py ).
Making c opies 101 11 Water mar k Copy 11 You can place a logo or text into your document as a Watermark. You can se lect one of the template wate rmarks ( CONFIDENTIAL , DRAFT , o r COPY ), data from you r media cards or USB F lash memory drive, or sca nned data.
Chapter 1 1 102 Us ing a sc anne d pape r doc ume nt as yo ur w at erm ar k 11 a Pres s ( Co py ). b Enter the nu m b er of cop ies you want. c Pres s a or b to choose Watermark Copy . Pres s OK . d Pres s d or c to choose On . e Pres s a or b to choose Current Setting .
Making c opies 103 11 ‘ Out of Me mory’ mess age 11 If t he Out of Memory message appears while s canning d ocument, press Sto p/Exit to cancel or Black S tart or Co lor St art to cop y the scanned page s . You wi ll need to clea r some j obs f rom the memory befor e you can conti nue.
Chapter 1 1 104.
Section IV Wa lk -up P hoto Pri nt i ng IV Pho toCap ture Cente r™: Pr inting ph otos from a memo ry card o r US B Fla sh memo ry dri ve 106 Pr inting photos f r om a camer a 12 5.
106 12 PhotoCapture Center™ Operations 12 Pr inti ng fro m a me mory card or USB Flash me mor y drive without a PC 12 Even i f your machi ne is no t connected to y our comput er, you can print photos dir ectly from digit al camer a m ed ia or a USB Flash memory dri ve.
Pho toCapture C enter™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB Flash m emory dri ve 107 12 Memor y car ds o r a U SB Fl ash m emo ry driv e fold er st ruct ure 12 Your mac hine is design ed to.
Chapter 1 2 108 Getting star ted 12 Firm ly put a m emory c ard o r USB Flash memory drive i nto t he proper slot. 1 US B Fl a sh m em ory d riv e 2 Com pactFlash ® 3 SD, SDHC 4 M emo r y Stick™, M.
Pho toCapture C enter™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB Flash m emory dri ve 109 12 Ente ring Phot oCaptu re mode 12 After you insert the me m o r y car d or USB Flash memory drive, pr ess the ( Photo Cap ture ) key to ill uminate it in blue and dis play the PhotoCaptu r e options on the LCD.
Chapter 1 2 110 Print In dex (Thum bna ils) 12 The Photo Capture Center™ ass i gns numb ers for images ( such as No.1, No. 2, No.3, and s o on). The PhotoCaptu re Ce nter™ does not recog nize any other numbers or file nam es that you r dig ital camera or compu ter has use d to identify the pic tures.
Pho toCapture C enter™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB Flash m emory dri ve 111 12 Printin g Photos 12 Before you can pr int an in dividual image, you have to know the image number. a Mak e sure you hav e put a m emor y card or USB Fl ash mem ory dr ive in the pro per slot .
Chapter 1 2 112 En ha nce S ki n-To ne 12 Enha nce Skin-T one is bes t used f or adjusti ng por trait photogr aphs. It detects human ski n col or i n your phot os a nd adjust s t he ima ge. a Make sure you have put a mem o ry card or U S B Flash m emory dri ve in the proper slot.
Pho toCapture C enter™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB Flash m emory dri ve 113 12 Re mov e R ed- Eye 12 The machine detec ts eyes in your photos and will attempt to r emove red-eye from your photo. Note There are some cases when red-ey e may not be removed.
Chapter 1 2 114 Sepi a 12 You can c onvert th e color of y our phot o to sepia. a Make sure you have put a mem o ry card or U S B Flash m emory dri ve in the proper slot. Pres s ( Photo Capture ). b Pres s a or b to choose Enhance Photos . Pres s OK .
Pho toCapture C enter™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB Flash m emory dri ve 115 12 Print All Phot os 12 You can print al l the photo s on your mem ory card or USB Flash memory driv e. a Make sure you h ave put a memory card or USB Flas h memory d rive i n the proper slot .
Chapter 1 2 116 Trimming 12 You can trim your photo an d print a p art of t he ima ge. Note If your photo is ve ry small or a n irreg ular shape you may not be able to trim the photo. The LCD will display Image Too Small. or Image Too Long. a Make sure you have put a mem o ry card or U S B Flash m emory dri ve in the proper slot.
Pho toCapture C enter™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB Flash m emory dri ve 117 12 PhotoCapture Ce nter™ print settings 12 You can change the print set tings temporar ily for the next print ing.
Chapter 1 2 118 Print Quality 12 a Pres s a or b to choose Print Quality . b Pres s d or c to choose Normal or Photo . Pres s OK . c If y ou do not want to chan ge addit ional settings, pr ess Color Start to pri nt. Pa pe r opt ion s 12 Paper Ty pe 12 a Pres s a or b to choose Paper T ype .
Pho toCapture C enter™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB Flash m emory dri ve 119 12 Adjustin g Bright ness, Co ntrast and Colo r 12 B rig htne ss 12 a Press a or b to choose Brightness . b Press d to mak e a d arker prin t or press c to make a light er pri nt.
Chapter 1 2 120 Cropp ing 12 If your phot o is too long or wide to f it t h e ava ilable spac e on your cho sen l ayout, par t of the image wi ll auto m atical ly be cropped . The fact ory setting is On . If you wan t to prin t the whol e imag e, turn this sett ing to Off .
Pho toCapture C enter™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB Flash m emory dri ve 121 12 Se tti ng yo u r ch an ge s as t he new default 12 You can sav e the print set tings you u se most often by setti ng them as the def ault settings. These setting s will stay unti l you chang e them again.
Chapter 1 2 122 H o w to scan to a memor y car d or USB Flash me mor y drive 12 You can s c a n black & whit e an d colo r doc um e nts into a memory card or USB Flash memory drive. Black & white doc uments will be stor ed in P DF (* .PDF) or TIFF (*.
Pho toCapture C enter™: Pr inting photos from a m emor y card or USB Flash m emory dri ve 123 12 j The file name is set aut om a tically howeve r , yo u can set a name of your choice using the di al pad. Press a or b to choose File Name . Enter the new name.
Chapter 1 2 124 Understanding the Er ror Messages 12 Once y ou are f amilia r with the t ypes of er rors that can occur while you ar e using PhotoCap ture Center ™, you can easi ly ident ify and troubles hoot any problems .
125 13 13 Printi ng photos directly from a PictBri dge camera 13 Your Br other machin e supp orts the PictBridge s tandard, allowing y ou to connec t to and print photo s direct ly from any PictBridge c ompatible dig ital camera.
Chapter 1 3 126 Pri nt ing Im ag es 13 Note Remove any memory cards or U SB F lash memory drive fro m the machine before connect ing a digital camer a. a Make sure t hat your camera is tu rned off. Con nect your camera to t he USB direct interfac e (1) on the machine u sing the USB cable.
Printing photo s from a camera 127 13 Printi ng photos directly from a digita l came ra (without PictBridge) 13 If your camera i s using the US B Mass Storage sta ndard, you can connect your camera in s torage mode . This en ables you to print photos from your camer a.
Chapter 1 3 128 Understanding the Er ror Messages 13 Once y ou are f amilia r with the t ypes of er rors that can occur while you ar e printing from a camera, you can eas ily ide ntify a nd troubl eshoot any proble ms. Out of Memory This m essage will ap pear if you are working with i mages that are too l arge for the machi ne's memory.
Section V Software V Software an d Network featu res 130.
130 14 The CD-ROM includes the Software User’s Guide and Network User’s Guide for features available when c onnected to a computer (fo r example, prin ting and scanning). The se guides have easy to use lin ks that, when click ed, w i ll take you directl y to a particular section.
Section VI Appendixes VI Safety and Leg al 132 Trou blesh ooting and Ro utine Mai ntenance 145 M enu and Fe atures 178 Specifi cations 20 5 Glossar y 22 0.
132 A Choosing a lo cation A Put yo ur machin e on a flat, stable s urface that is free of vibr ation and shocks, s uch as a desk. Put the mac hine nea r a telephon e wall jac k and a st andard AC p ower outlet . Choose a location w here the te m pe r a ture remains between 50 F and 95 F (1 0 C and 35 C) .
Sa fety and Le gal 133 A T o use the m ach ine safel y A Please kee p thes e inst r u c tion s for later refere nce and read them before attempting any maintenanc e. Note If ther e are fax es in the machine' s memor y, you need to print them or save them before y ou unplug the mac hine from the AC power outlet for more than 24 hour s.
134 DO NO T put y our hands o n the e dge o f the mac hine under the docum ent cover or t he scann er cover. Doing this may cause injury. DO NOT put your hands in front of the machine under the scanner cover. Doing t his may ca use inj u ry . DO NOT put your hand s on the edge of the paper tray under the paper tray c over.
Sa fety and Le gal 135 A DO NOT touc h the area shaded in the illust ration. Doing this m ay cause inj ury. When moving the machi ne you must l ift it from the base, by plac ing a hand at each side of the unit as shown in the illus tratio n. Do not carry the mach ine by ho lding the scanner cover or the Jam Clear Cover.
136 Unplug th is product from the wal l outlet before cleani ng the ins ide of the machine. DO NO T use liquid or aerosol cleaners. U se a damp c l oth for c leaning. If the machi ne b ecom e s hot, relea ses smoke, or generat es any strong smell s , im m ediat ely unplug the m achine f rom the AC power out let .
Sa fety and Le gal 137 A CAUTION Lightning and powe r surges can damage this produc t! We recommend that you use a quality surge protect ion device on the AC power line and on the telepho ne l ine, or unplug the cords during a lightning storm.
138 Import ant saf ety in struc tions A 1 Read all of these ins tructi ons. 2 Sav e them for lat er ref erence. 3 Fo llow all warnings and i nstruct ions mar k ed on t he produc t. 4 DO NOT use this pr oduct near water. 5 DO NOT pl ace this prod uct on an unstable cart , stand, or tabl e.
Sa fety and Le gal 139 A 13 To protec t your product agains t power surges, we recommend the use of a power pr otection devi c e (Sur ge P rot ector). 14 To redu ce t he risk of fire, elec tric shoc k.
140 If trouble is experienced with th is equ ipment, for repai r or warrant y information, pl ease con tact Brot her Customer Service. (See Brothe r numbers on page i.) If the eq uipment is causi ng harm to the te lephone network, the tel ephone company may request that you disconn ect the equipment unti l the pr oblem is resolv ed.
Sa fety and Le gal 141 A Fe dera l C omm unic at io ns C ommi ssi on ( F CC ) Dec lar ati on o f Co nf ormi ty (US A on ly) A declares, that t he pr oducts Product Name: MFC-58 90CN, MFC - 5 895CW and M FC-6490CW comply wit h Part 15 of the FCC Rul es.
142 I ndust ry Canad a Co m pl ian ce Stat ement (Cana da on ly) A This Clas s B digital appar atus complies with Canadi an ICES-003. Cet apparei l numérique de la clas se B est conf orme à la norme N M B-003 du Canada . LAN co nnec ti on A CAUTION DO NOT connect this pr oduct to a LAN connection tha t is sub ject to over-volt ages.
Sa fety and Le gal 143 A L egal limi tations for copy ing A Color reproduc tions of certa in documents are ille gal and may result in eith er crim inal or civil liabilit y. This memorandum is inte nded to be a guide r ather than a complete lis ting of e v e ry possible proh ibition.
144 Tradem arks A The Bro ther logo is a register ed tradem ark of Brother Indus tries, Ltd. Brot her is a registered trad emark of Brother Indust ries, Ltd.
145 B B T r ou bles hooting B IMPORTANT For technic al help, you must ca ll the country where you bough t t he machine . Calls must be made fro m w ithin that countr y. If you think there is a pro blem w ith your machine, check the chart be low and follow the troubles hooting tips .
146 Po or pr i nt qu al ity Ch eck the p rin t q ual ity . ( See Ch ecki ng th e pri nt qu ali ty o n pa ge 173. ) Mak e s ure that the M edi a T ype sett ing in t he pri nter dri ver o r th e P aper Ty pe set tin g in th e ma chin e’ s me nu m atch es the ty pe o f p ape r yo u are us i ng.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 147 B Sta ins ap pe ar on the rev ers e si de or a t the botto m of the page. Ma ke s ure th e pr int er pl ate n is no t d ir ty wit h i nk. (S ee Cl eani ng t he ma ch ine pri nte r plat en on pa ge 17 1. ) Ma ke s ure you a re us in g Br ot her O rig in al i nk cart rid ges.
148 Pri nting Receiv ed F axes Dif ficulty Sugg es tion s Co nden sed p ri nt an d wh ite st rea ks ac ross t he pa ge or the t op and bot tom of se nten ces ar e cut off. You prob ab ly had a ba d conn ec tion , wit h stati c or in terf ere nce on th e telep ho ne line .
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 149 B Se ndin g Fa xes Diffic ulty Sugg esti ons Ca nnot sen d a fa x. Ch eck all li ne c or d co nnec tio ns. Ma ke s ure the t elep hone li ne cor d is pl ugge d i nto t he t ele ph one wa ll j ack and t he LIN E j ack of t he m ach in e.
150 Copyi ng Di ffi cul tie s Dif ficulty Sugg es tion s Can not make a copy. Make sure that the Copy ke y is il luminate d. (See Ent eri ng C opy m ode on pa ge 9 4.) Po or co py res ul ts whe n usin g the ADF. T ry us in g t he s cann er glas s. (S ee Us in g the s can ner g lass on pa ge 23.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 151 B Phot oCapt ure Cent er ™ Di ffic u ltie s Diffic ulty Sugg esti ons Rem ova ble D isk do es not w ork pr oper ly. 1 Hav e y ou i nst al led t he Wi ndow s ® 20 00 up dat e? I f n ot , do t he fo llo win g: 1) Unpl ug t he USB c abl e.
152 Dial T one B Setti ng the dial tone to Detecti on w ill shorten the dial de tect pau se. a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose Initial Setup . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose Dial To ne . d Pres s d or c to choose Detecti on or No Detection .
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 153 B Error and Ma intenance me ssages B As with any sophis ticated office prod uct, errors may occur. If this ha ppens, your machine identif ies the error an d shows an error message. The mos t common error and m aintenan c e messages ar e shown below.
154 Cannot Detect Y o u installed a new ink cartridge too quickly and th e machi ne did not detect it. Tak e out the new ink cartridge a nd re-i nsta ll it slo wly unt il it clicks. If you are not us ing gen uine Brother Inno bella™ i nk the machine may not detec t the ink cartridge.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 155 B Hub is Unusable. A H ub or US B Flash memory drive with Hub has been conn ected to the USB di rect interfac e. A H ub or USB F lash m emory drive with Hub are not suppor ted. Un plug the device from the USB di rect interfac e.
156 No Paper Fed The machine is out of pape r or paper is not proper ly loade d in the paper tray. Do one of the fo llowing: Refill the paper in the paper tray, an d then press Bla ck Start or Color S tar t . Remov e the paper a nd load it agai n and then press Black Start or Colo r Start .
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 157 B Paper Jam Paper is jammed i n the mac hine. (MFC -6490CW) Remov e the jam med paper by following the st eps in Printer jam or paper jam (MFC -6490CW only) on page 164.
158 Unable to Scan XX The machine has a mechan ical problem. — OR — A foreign o bject such as a c lip or ripped paper is in the ma chine. Ope n the scanner cover and l o ok inside the mac hine for fore ign objects an d paper scra ps.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 159 B Error animation B Error animat ion displays ste p-by-step instruct ions when paper gets jammed. Y o u can read the steps at your own pace by pressing c to see the next step and d to go backward. If you do no t pres s a key after 1 minute the animat ion starts runn ing automatical ly ag ain.
160 Tran sf err in g fax es to your PC B You can transf er the faxes from your machi ne's mem ory to your PC. T he machine can store faxes f or approxi mately 2 4 hours if there is a power fail ure. a Pres s Stop/Exit to inte rrupt t he error t em p or ari l y.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 161 B Document ja m B Documents can jam in the ADF unit if they are not inserted or fed properly, or if they are too long. Foll ow the step s below to c l ear a document jam. Docu ment is ja mmed in the to p of the ADF un it B a Take out any pape r from the ADF that is not j ammed.
162 Printer jam or pa per ja m (MF C -589 0 CN a nd MFC - 5895 C W) B Take out t he jammed paper de pending on wher e it is jamme d in t he mach ine. a Pull the pa per tray ( 1) out of the machine. b Pull out the j ammed paper (1) and pr ess Stop /Exit .
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 163 B f Lift the s can ner cover (1) fr om the front side o f the m achine u ntil it locks securely into the open position.
164 Printer jam or pa per ja m (MF C -6 49 0CW o n ly) B Take out t he jammed paper de pending on wher e it is jamme d in t he mach ine. a Pull the pa per trays (1) out of the machine.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 165 B d Open the Outer Back Cov er (1 ) at the back of the machin e. Pull the jammed paper out of the machine . e Close the Inner B ack Cover (1) if it is open as shown in the ill ustration. f Close t he Outer Back Cover.
166 Note • I f the pape r is jamm ed under the print head, unplug the ma c h ine from the power source, and t hen move the p rint hea d to take out the pape r . • I f the prin t head is a t t he righ t corner a s shown in the illustr ation, you cannot move the print head.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 167 B Routine m ainten ance B Repl acin g th e i nk ca rtri dges B Your mac hine is equi pped with an in k dot counter. The ink dot counter automatical ly monitor s the lev el of ink in each of t h e 4 cartridg es.
168 d Turn t he gr een knob on the protective yello w cap cl ockwise u ntil cli cks to release t he vaccum se al, then remove the cap (1). e Each c olor has it s own correct posit ion. Insert t he ink cartridge in the dir ection of the arrow on the label.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 169 B CAUTION DO NOT tak e out ink c artridges if you do not need to replace them. If you do so, it may reduce the ink quan tity an d the machine will not know the quanti ty of ink l eft in the cartri dge. DO NOT touch the c artridge i nsertio n slots.
170 b Wipe the outsi de of t h e machin e with a soft cl oth t o remove dust. c Remove anythi ng that is stuck ins ide t h e paper tray. d Wipe the paper t rays with a soft cloth to remove d ust. e Put th e paper trays f irmly b ack in the machine. Cl eanin g the sca nne r B a Lift the document co v e r (1).
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 171 B Cl ean in g th e m ach i ne p rin ter p lat en B WARNING Be sure to unp lug the machine f rom the A C power outlet before cleaning the printer platen (1 ).
172 d (MFC-5890 CN and M FC-5895CW) Close the Jam Clear Cov er properly. (MFC-6490 CW) Close the Inner B ack Cover and the Outer B ack C over. Make sure t he Outer Back Cover is closed proper ly. e Put th e paper trays f irmly b ack in the machine. f Re-connect the power cord.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 173 B Ch ecking the pr int quality B If faded or str eaked colors and text appe ar o n your output, som e of t he nozzle s may be clogged. You can check t his by printi ng the Print Qualit y Check She et and looking at the nozzle chec k patte rn.
174 C hecki ng t he p rint ali gnm ent B You may ne ed to adjust the print alignment aft er trans porting the machin e or if y our pri nted text becomes blurr ed or i m a ges bec om e faded. a Pres s In k . b Pres s a or b to choose Test Pr int . Pres s OK .
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 175 B Packi ng an d ship ping the ma chine B When you transpo r t the machine, use the packing materia ls that came wit h you r machine. If you do not pack the machine properly, an y damage t hat may occur in transit will not be covered by y our warra nty.
176 g (MFC-5890 CN and M FC-5895CW) Lift the s canner cover (1) to release the lock. Gentl y push the scanner cover support down (2) and close the s c a nner cover (3) using bot h hands . (MFC-6490 CW) Gently clos e the scanner cover usin g the fing er h olds on both sides of it as you push down on the Scanner Cov er Support (1) .
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 177 B (MFC-649 0CW) j Close the carton and ta pe i t shut..
178 C On-scr een programming C Your mac hine is designed to be easy to oper ate with LCD on-screen pr ogramming usi ng the menu keys. User-fr iendly pro gramming hel ps you take full advantage o f all the menu selec tions your machin e ha s to of fe r.
Menu and F eatures 179 C Me nu t abl e C The menu table will hel p you unde rstand the menu select ions and options that are found in t he machine' s progra m s.
180 General S etup (C ontinu ed ) Tray Setting (M FC- 6490 CW) Tray#1 Paper Type (Options) Plain Paper * Inkjet Pape r Brothe r BP7 1 Other Gloss y Transp arenc y S e ts th e si z e a nd ty pe of pape r i n p aper tr ay # 1.
Menu and F eatures 181 C General Se tup (Co ntinu ed ) Volume Ring Off Low Med * High Ad just s the ri ng v olume . 29 Beeper Of f Low * Med High Ad just s the v olume level of th e beep er. 30 Speaker Of f Low Med * High Ad just s the s peake r vo lum e.
182 General S etup (C ontinu ed ) Function Lock Set Passw ord Lock Off i On Setup Use r R eset Al l Us ers — You can restrict selected machine operati on for up to 20 restrict ed users and for all ot her non - authori zed Publi c users.
Menu and F eatures 183 C Fax (Co ntinu ed ) Report Setting Transmissi on (MF C-5890CN and MF C-58 95C W) On On+Imag e Off * Off+Ima ge In it ia l s et up fo r Tr ansm iss ion V erifica tion Re po rt and F ax Jou rna l Report .
184 N etwor k me nu Leve l1 Level 2 Leve l3 L evel 4 Opt ions De scr ip tion s Network Wired LAN TCP/IP BOOT Method Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Cho oses t he BOOT method that be st su its your need s. IP Address [000-255]. [000-255] . [000-255] . [000-255] Enter th e IP addr ess.
Menu and F eatures 185 C Network (Co ntinu ed ) Wired L AN (Con ti nu ed) TCP/IP (C ontinu ed ) IPv6 On Off * Enab le or Disabl e th e IPv 6 pr ot oc ol. If yo u want to use th e IPv 6 pr ot oc ol, vi sit http:/ /soluti ons. br othe r.c om fo r mo re i nfo rm a tio n.
186 Network (C ontinu ed ) WLAN (MFC-5895CW and MFC- 6490 CW) (C ont inu ed) TCP/IP (Co nti nu ed) DNS Server (Pr imary ) 000. 000.000.000 (Seconda ry) 000. 000.000.000 Spec ifi es the IP addr ess of the pri mary o r secon da ry serv er. APIPA On * Off Automati cally allo cates t he IP addr ess f rom th e link -lo cal ad dres s ra nge.
Menu and F eatures 187 C Network (Co ntinu ed ) E-mail/ IFAX (MF C -64 90C W) (A va il ab le as a dow nloa d for MFC-589 0CN and MF C- 5895 CW ) Mail Addr ess Ma il Address — E nt er the m ail addr ess . (U p to 60 ch ar ac ter s) Setup Ser ver SM TP Server Name (U p to 30 c har ac ter s) IP Addres s [000 -255] .
188 Network (C ontinu ed ) E-mail /IFAX (MFC-6490CW) (Avail able a s a dow nloa d f or MFC-5890CN and MFC- 5895 CW) (C ont inu ed) Setup Ma il R X (Co nti nu ed) Del Error Mail On * Off Delete s error mails au to m a tic a lly . Notificatio n On MDN Off * Rece ives not ification mes sa ges .
Menu and F eatures 189 C Network (Co ntinu ed ) Time Zo ne (MF C -64 90C W) (A va il ab le as a dow nloa d for MFC-589 0CN and MF C- 5895 CW ) — UTC+XX: XX — S et s the tim e zone for your co untr y. Network I/F (MF C -58 95C W and MF C- 6490 CW ) — Wired L AN * WLAN — Y o u can ch oose th e net wor k conn ec ti on ty pe .
190 Menu ( ) (contin ued) Level1 Lev e l2 Lev e l3 O ptio ns Descriptio ns P ag e Print Rep orts Transmiss ion — — Prints th ese lists and reports. 90 Help List —— Quick Dia l — Alphab etical Order N umer ica l Ord er Fax Journal —— User Settings —— Net work Config —— Ca ller ID hi st .
Menu and F eatures 191 C Fax ( ) Leve l 1 Lev el 2 Leve l3 O pt ion s Des crip tio ns Pa ge Fax Re solu tion —— S tanda rd * Fine S.Fine Photo Sets th e resolution f or outgoi ng faxes. 45 Contrast —— A uto * Light Dark Ch ange s t he l ig htn ess or dar kness o f f axes you sen d.
192 Batch TX —— On Off * Com bi nes de laye d faxe s to the sa m e fax number at th e sam e t ime of da y i nto on e tran smi ssio n. 46 Real Time TX —— On Off * Yo u ca n se nd a fax wi thou t usi ng th e me mory . 45 Polled TX —— On Off * Sets up your machin e with an docu men t to be ret ri eve d by anot her fa x mac hi ne.
Menu and F eatures 193 C Sc an ( ) Lev el1 Opt ion1 Opti on2 Opti on3 Descri ptions Pa ge S can to E-ma il PC — — Yo u ca n scan a bla ck & wh ite or a col or docu men t in to yo ur E- ma il ap plic atio n. See Softwar e User' s Guide on the CD-ROM .
194 Scan t o Me di a (when a mem ory card o r USB Flash mem or y drive is inserted) Quality — Color 150 d pi * Color 300 d pi Color 600 d pi B/W 200x100 dpi B/W 2 00 d pi You ca n ch oose the sc an r e sol u ti on, fil e format and enter a file name fo r your docum ent .
Menu and F eatures 195 C Scan to FT P (Prof ile N ame) — — Ent er t he n ame th at yo u wan t to use for th e pr ofi le o f t he FTP server . This name wil l be di spl aye d on t he L CD sc re en.
196 Co py ( ) Leve l1 L evel 2 Level 3 Opt ion s Descr ipt io ns Pa ge Quality —— Fast Normal * Best Choose the Co py resolu tion for you r type of d o cument.
Menu and F eatures 197 C Brightness —— Adj ust s t he br ight nes s of copi es . 98 Contrast —— Adj ust s the co ntr ast of copi es . 99 Stack/Sort —— S tack * Sort Yo u can ch oo se to st ack o r sort mult iple copies.
198 Waterma rk Copy Settings Opt ion 1 Op tio n2 Opti on3 Op tion 4 Des cri ptio ns Pag e Template — Tex t CONFI DENTI AL * DRAFT COPY Uses a te mpla te to place text into your document as a Watermark.
Menu and F eatures 199 C Media (Se lec t imag e fro m medi a) Position A B C D E * F G H I Patter n Places a logo o r text in to your docu men t as a W aterm ar k us ing an ima ge from rem ova ble medi a.
200 Photo Captur e ( ) Leve l1 L evel 2 Level 3 Opt ion s Descr ipt io ns Pa ge View Photo(s) — — Se e the pri nt se tt i ng s in th e fol lowin g t able . Yo u ca n pre view your phot os on the LCD. 109 Print Ind ex — Layout F ormat 6 Images/Line * 5 Images/L ine Yo u ca n pri nt a thu mbn ail page .
Menu and F eatures 201 C Print Setti ngs menu Op tion 1 Opti on2 Opti on3 Op tio n4 Desc ript ion s Pa ge Print Quality (Do es no t appe ar when DPOF Print is c ho se n .) Normal Photo * — — Ch oose th e pri nt qu al ity. 118 Paper Type Pla in Paper Inkjet P aper Brother BP71 Other Gl ossy * — — C ho ose t he pap er type .
202 True2Life (Do es no t ap pea r when Enha nc e Photo s i s ch osen .) On Off * White Balan ce A djus ts the hue of the wh ite ar eas. 119 Sharpn ess Enha nces t he de ta il of t he im age. Color Densi ty Adju sts t he to tal am ount of co lo r in th e im ag e.
Menu and F eatures 203 C Phon e Book ( ) Fax Preview ( ) Leve l 1 Lev el 2 Leve l3 O pt ion s D escr ip tio ns Page Search —— A lphab etical Order Numerical Or der Yo u ca n di al b y pr essi ng onl y a few ke ys (an d Sta rt ).
204 Entering Te xt C When you are setting certain m enu sele ctions, s uch as t he Stat ion ID, y ou may need to ent er text into the m achine. Most d ial pad keys have t hree or f our letters prin ted on keys. The keys for 0 , # and l do not have p r inte d lett ers beca use they are used for s pecial characters .
205 D D Genera l D 1 Me asur ed di agona l ly 2 Me asur ed wh en th e ma chin e is c onne cted to th e US B inte rfa ce. 3 Wh en usi ng AD F, singl e-s ide pr int ing , resol uti on : stand ard / docu men t : ISO /IEC 24712 pri nted pa ttern .
206 Di mens ions (MF C-5890CN and MFC-5 895CW) (MFC-6490CW ) 19.1 in. (485 mm) 18.1 in. 16.1 in. (460 mm) (408 mm) 9.5 in. (242 mm) 22.6 in. 21.3 in. (574 mm) (540 mm) 21.
Sp ecifications 207 D 1 Thi s de pend s on p rin ting co nd ition s. Wei gh t (MFC-5890 CN and MFC-5895 CW) 23.6 lb (10.7 k g ) (MFC-6490 CW) 34.4 lb (15.
208 Print me dia D 1 Use on ly tran spar enci es r eco mmen de d for i nkjet print ing . 2 For gloss y pa per or tra ns pa renc ies, w e re com men d remo ving prin ted pa ge s from the ou tput pa pe r tray i mme di ately aft er the y ex it the mach in e to a void s mud gi ng.
Sp ecifications 209 D Fa x D 1 ‘ Pages ’ ref ers to t he ‘Bro th er Sta ndar d Ch art No. 1’ (a typi cal busi ne ss l et ter , St an dard r esol uti on, MMR c ode ). Sp ecif icat ion s an d pr in ted mat eri als a re su bj ect to ch ange wi tho ut pr ior noti ce.
210 Cop y D Color/ Black Yes/ Yes Co py Widt h (MFC-58 90CN and MFC-5895CW) Max. 8.26 in. (210 m m ) (MFC-64 90CW) Max. 11.46 in. (291 mm) Mul tip le Copi es St ac k s/S or ts up to 99 pa ge s Enlarg .
Sp ecifications 211 D PhotoCapture Ce nter™ D 1 Memory cards, a dapte rs and USB Flash memory drive a re not included. 2 16M B to 2GB 3 4GB to 3 2GB 4 xD -Pi ct ure C ard™ Co nven ti onal Car d fr.
212 PictBridge D Com pa tib il ity Supports the Camera & Imaging P roducts Associ ation PictBridge s tandard CIPA DC-0 01. Visit http: //www.cipa. jp/pict bridge for more inf ormation.
Sp ecifications 213 D Scanne r D 1 For the lat es t drive r up date s for th e Ma c OS X you a re usi ng, visit us at ht tp://s olu tions .b rothe r.c om . 2 Wind ow s ® XP in this Use r’s Guide inc ludes Window s ® XP Home Ed ition , Windows ® XP Pr ofe ssion al , an d Wi nd ows ® XP P rofe ssion al x64 Ed ition .
214 Printer D 1 When you set the Borderl ess feature to On. 2 See Pape r ty pe and siz e for ea ch oper atio n o n pa ge 20 . Resol ution Up to 1200 6000 dp i Printing Wi dth 10.
Sp ecifications 215 D I nterface s D 1 Yo ur mac hi ne ha s a USB 2 .0 Hi- spee d in ter face. T he ma chin e can als o be co nn ecte d to a com put er th at has a USB 1. 1 int erf ace. 2 Thi rd pa rty U SB ports a re no t s up porte d for Mac intosh .
216 Computer requireme nts (MFC-58 90CN and MFC- 6490C W) D SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE FUNCTI ON S Compu ter Platform & Operatin g System V ersion Supp or ted PC S oftw are Fu nct io.
Sp ecifications 217 D Com puter requ ireme nts (MFC-589 5CW) D SUPPORTED OPERATING SYST EMS AND SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS Comput er Platform & Op erating Syste m Version Suppo r ted PC S oftw are Fun ct .
218 Consuma ble items D Ink The m a c h ine uses individ ual Black, Yell ow, Cyan and Magenta ink cart ridges that are separ ate from the p r i nt head assembly. Service Life o f Ink Ca rt ri d g e The f irst ti me you i nstall t he ink c artridges t he machi ne will u se extra ink to fill the ink delivery tub es.
Sp ecifications 219 D Network (LA N) D Note For det ails about the full Network speci fications , see t he Network User ’s Gui de on th e CD-ROM . 1 Se e the Co mpu ter Requi reme nts c har t on p ages 216 and 217.
220 E This is a comprehe nsive list of features and terms that appear in Brother ma nuals. Avai lability o f these features depen ds on t he mode l you purc hased. Gloss ary E ADF (automatic docu ment feeder) The do cument can be pl aced i n the ADF and scanned one page at a time automati cally.
Glos sary 221 E Dual A ccess Your mac hine can s can outg oing faxes or schedul ed jobs into m emory at the s ame time it is se nding a fax from memory or receivi ng o r printing an incom ing f ax. Easy Re ceive Enabl es your machine t o respond t o CNG tones if you int errupt a fax call by answeri ng it.
222 Manual f ax You can lift the handset of the external telephon e or you can pr ess Ho ok to hear the recei v i ng fax m a c h ine answer before you press Black Start or Color St art to begin s ending. Menu m ode Program m i ng m od e for changing y our machine' s settings.
Glos sary 223 E Sc an t o Me dia You can scan a black & whit e or color document into a memory card or USB Flash m emory driv e. Black & whit e images can be in T IFF or PDF file for mat and color image s can be in PDF or JPEG fil e format. S can ning The p rocess of sendi ng an e lectronic image of a paper docum ent into your comput er.
Index 224 F A Acces s code s , storing and di aling . .... ... .. .. 88 Acces sories and supplie s . .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... .. i i ADF ( automat ic docume nt feeder ) .... 2 2 , 40 Answeri ng machi ne (TA D) ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .... 72 conn ecting .
225 F Direct prin ting from a non-Pi c tB ridge cam era . .. ..... .. .. 12 7 from a PictBri dge camera . ..... .. .. ..... .. .. 12 5 Distinc tive Rin g . ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... . 6 9 setting ring pat tern ..... .. ..... .. .
226 G Gray scale .. .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... 2 09 , 213 Groups for Broadcasti ng . .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. 86 H Hel p LCD m essages ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... 1 78 usin g Mode and menu key s .... .. .. .
227 F Pa pe rPo rt™ 1 1SE w it h O CR See Software User' s Guide on the CD-ROM and Help in the PaperPor t™ 11SE appli cation t o access How-to-Gu ides. Personaliz ed Ring .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. .... 69 PhotoCapture Cen ter™ Bor de rle ss .
228 R Rec e iv e M o de Ext ernal TAD .. .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. 49 Fax On ly .... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. 49 Fax/ Te l . ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. 4 9 Manua l .
229 F V Vo ic e M ai l ..... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .... 68 Volume, set ting beeper . .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... . 3 0 ri ng . .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .
EQUIPM ENT AT TACHM ENT LIM ITATIO NS (C anada o nly) NOTICE This product meets the appl icable Indus try Canada technical s pecificat ions. NOTICE The Ring er Equi valence Number i s an ind ication o f the maximum n umber of devic es allowed to be con nected t o a teleph one interface.
Brother Internat ional Corp oration 100 Somerset Co rporate B oulevard P.O. Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-09 11 USA Brother Intern ational C orporation (Canada) Ltd. 1 rue Hôtel de Ville , Dollard-des -Ormeaux, QC, Cana da H9B 3H6 Visi t us on the Worl d Wide Web http ://ww w.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Brother MFC5890CN (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Brother MFC5890CN noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Brother MFC5890CN - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Brother MFC5890CN reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Brother MFC5890CN erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Brother MFC5890CN besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Brother MFC5890CN verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Brother MFC5890CN. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Brother MFC5890CN gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.