Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MFC-8510DN des Produzenten Brother
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Adva nced U ser’s Guid e MFC-8510DN MFC-8710DW MFC-8810DW MFC-8910DW Not all models are avail able in all countries. Version A USA/CAN.
i User's Guides and wh ere d o I find them? Which Guide? Wha t's in it? W her e i s it? Product Safet y Guide Read thi s Gui de firs t. Pleas e read the Safet y Instr uctions bef ore you set up your mac hine. See this Gui de for tr ademarks and l egal limi tations.
ii 1 PDF pr int ing i s no t sup porte d on Wind ows ® Ph one. 2 V isit us a t http ://so lu tions .brot he / . Ai rPr in t G uid e This Guide provi des i nformatio n for using Air Print to print fro m Mac OS X 10.
iii Tab le of Cont ent s 1 Genera l Setu p 1 IMPO RTANT NOTE... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. .. 1 Memory sto rage .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ...
iv 3 Sendi ng a fa x 1 5 Addit ional sendi ng o ptions... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... .. 15 Changing a 2-sided fax layout (MF C-8810DW and MFC-8910DW) ............ .. 15 Sendi ng f axes using multiple settings .
v 5 Dialing a nd storin g numbers 36 Telephon e line services ......................... . .................. . .................. . .................. . .... 36 Tone or Pulse (Canada only) .............................. . ........... . ........... ...
vi BO p t i o n s 7 4 Option s .... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... .... 74 Optional paper tra y (LT -54 00) . ............... . ....................... . .
1 1 1 IMPORTANT NOTE 1 Most of the i l lustrations i n this User’s Guide show the MFC -8910DW. Memor y stor age 1 Your m enu settings are st ored permanently, and in the event of a power failure will no t be lost. T emporary s ettings (for exam ple, Contrast, Overseas Mode) will be l ost .
Chapter 1 2 Be eper volu me 1 When t he beeper is on, t he machi ne will beep when y ou pres s a k ey, m ake a m istake, or after you send or receive a fax. Y ou can choose a range of volume levels, from High to Off . a Pre ss Men u , 1 , 3 , 2 . 13.Volume 2.
Gene ral Setup 3 1 Automatic Da ylight Saving Tim e 1 You can set the machin e to c h ange a uto m at ic al l y for Da yl igh t S av in g T im e . It w il l set i tself forward one ho ur in th e Spring, an d back one hour in the Fall. a Pr e s s Menu , 0 , 2 , 2 .
Chapter 1 4 Sleep T ime 1 The S leep mode S etting can redu ce powe r consum ption. W hen the mac hine is in S leep mode (Power S ave mode) it acts as though it were t urned off. Th e mac hine will wake up and start printing when it recei ves a print j ob.
Gene ral Setup 5 1 LCD Contrast 1 You can change the con trast to m ake the LCD lo ok lighter or darker. a Pr e s s Menu , 1 , 7 . 17.LCD Contrast - nnonn + Select dc &O K b Pr e s s c to make the LCD darker. Or, press d to m ake the LCD li g hter.
Chapter 1 6 Ch an gi ng t he pr efi x num be r 1 a (U SA ) Pr es s Me nu , 0 , 5 . (Canada) Press Me nu , 0 , 6 . b Do one o f the following: To change the prefix number, press 1 . To delete the prefix num ber, press 1 , and then press Clear to delete th e digits.
7 2 2 Secu re Fu nct io n Loc k 2. 0 2 Secure F unction Lock lets you restrict Public access to t h e following machine functions: Fax Tx Fax R x Copy Scan 1 USB Direct Pri nt 2 Page Lim it 3 1 Scan i nclu des sc an job s sent via B rothe r i Pri nt& Sca n.
Chapter 2 8 Set tin g th e passw or d for the admi nistra tor 2 The pa ssword y ou set i n these st eps is for the admin istrator. This pass word is used to set up us ers a nd to turn the Secure F unction Lock on or off. ( S ee Setting u p restricted users uu page 9 and Turning Secure Functi on Loc k on/off uu page 10 .
Securi ty feat ures 9 2 Se tti ng u p the P u blic u se r mode 2 Publ ic user m ode restricts the func tions that are available for Publi c users. Public us ers do not need to enter a password to access the features made a vailable through this se tting.
Chapter 2 10 Turni ng Sec ure Fu ncti on Lo ck on/o ff 2 If you ente r the wrong pass word, the LCD will show Wrong Password . Re-enter the correct password. Turn in g Secure Func t ion Loc k on a Pre ss Men u , 1 , 8 , 1 . 18.Security 1.Function Lock a Lock Off i On b Set Password Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b to choos e Lock Off i On .
Securi ty feat ures 11 2 Cha ngi ng to t he Publ ic m ode After a restricted user has finished using the ma chin e , it will r eturn t o the P ublic sett ing within the sam e time a s the Mode T imer setting ( Menu , 1 , 1 ). (See Mode Tim er uu page 6.
Chapter 2 12 Se tti ng up th e pas sword 2 a Pre ss Men u , 1 , 8 , 2 . 18.Security 2.Setting Lock New Passwd:XXXX Enter & OK Key b Enter a four-dig it number for the password u sing n umbers 0-9. Pre ss OK . c Re-enter your password when the LCD sh o ws Verify: .
Securi ty feat ures 13 2 Tu rn in g Se tt in g L o ck on/ off 2 If you enter the wrong password when following the in structions below, the LCD wi ll show Wrong Password . Re - ent er th e correct pa ssword. Tur ni ng Se tt ing Loc k on a Pr e s s Menu , 1 , 8 , 2 .
Chapter 2 14 One To uch rest ri cti on 2 a Pre ss Men u , 2 , 6 , 2 . 26.Dial Restrict. 2.One Touch Dial a On b Off Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b to choos e On , Off or Enter # twice . Pre ss OK . c Pre ss St o p/ Ex it . Sp eed Di al r estr ic tion 2 a Pre ss Men u , 2 , 6 , 3 .
15 3 3 Additional s ending options 3 Ch ang in g a 2- sided fa x l ayou t ( MFC- 88 10DW and MF C-89 10 DW) 3 You need to c h oose the duplex scannin g format before you send a 2-sided f ax. The form at you c h oose w ill depend o n the layout of your 2-side d doc ument.
Chapter 3 16 Co ntr ast 3 For m ost docum ents t he default setting of Auto will give t he be st res ult s. Auto automatically chooses a suitable contrast for your document. If your document is very l igh t or da r k, chang ing the contrast may improve the quality of the fax.
Sending a fa x 17 3 Additional s ending operations 3 Se nd ing a fax ma nua lly 3 Manual tra ns mission 3 Manu al transm ission let s you hear th e dialing, ringing and fax-receiving to nes while send ing a fax. a Make s ure you are i n FAX mode . b Load your docum ent.
Chapter 3 18 Du al acces s 3 You can d ial a numb er and start scanni ng the fax into me mory—even when the machi ne is sending from m emory, receiving faxes or printing PC data. The LC D wi ll show the new job nu mber. The n umber of pages yo u can scan i nto the mem ory will vary depe nding on t he dat a that is printed on them.
Sending a fa x 19 3 How to broadc a st a fax 3 Note Use ( Ad d ress Book ) to hel p you choose number s easil y. a Make s ure you are i n FAX mode . b Load your docum ent. c Enter a number. Pr e s s OK . You can use either a One Touch, a Sp eed Dial, a Group n umb er, or a number m anually entered u sing the di al pad.
Chapter 3 20 Re al Ti me Tran s mi ssion 3 When y ou are sen ding a fax, the machi ne will scan the docum ents i nto the memory befo re sending it. Then, as soon as the telephone lin e i s f ree , t he mac hi ne w ill sta rt d ia lin g and sending.
Sending a fa x 21 3 Delay ed Fax 3 You can store up to 50 faxes in the memory to be sent within a t wen ty-four hour peri o d. a Make s ure you are i n FAX mode . b Load your docum ent. c Pr e s s Menu , 2 , 2 , 3 . 22.Setup Send 3.Delayed Fax Set Time:12:00 Enter & OK Key d Enter the time you want t h e fax to be sent.
Chapter 3 22 Ch eckin g and can ce ling wait ing jo bs 3 Check which jobs are s till waiting i n the mem ory to b e sent. I f there a re no jobs, the LCD will sho w No Jobs Waiting . You can cancel a fax job that is stored and waiti n g in the memory.
Sending a fa x 23 3 Composing your ow n c o m ments 3 You can set up two comme nts of your own. a Make s ure you are i n FAX mode . b Pr e s s Menu , 2 , 2 , 7 , 2 . 27.Coverpage 2.Message a 5. b 6. Select ab or OK c Pr e s s a or b to choose 5. or 6.
Chapter 3 24 Send a c ov er pa ge for al l faxes 3 You can set the m achine to send a cover page wh enever y ou s end a fax. a Make sure you are i n FAX mode . b Pre ss Men u , 2 , 2 , 7 , 1 . 27.Coverpage 1.Setup a Next Fax:On b Next Fax:Off Select ab or OK c Pre ss a or b to choos e On (or Off ).
Sending a fa x 25 3 Polling ove rview 3 Pol ling lets you set up your machine s o other people can rec eive f axes from you, but they pay for the call . It also lets you call some body else’s f ax machine a nd receive a fax fr om it, so you pay for the call.
26 4 Remote Fa x Option s 4 Remote Fax Optio ns le t you recei ve faxes while you are away from the machine. You can use only one R em o te Fa x O p ti on at a time. Fax F orwa rding 4 The F ax F orwarding feat ure lets you automat ically f orwa rd your received faxes t o another mac hine.
Receivi ng a fax 27 4 Pagi ng 4 W hen Paging is chosen, the machine dials the cell phone or pager number you pro grammed. This activates your cell phone o r pager so you will know that you have a fax mess age in t h e machine’s memory . a Pr e s s Menu , 2 , 5 , 1 .
Chapter 4 28 Ch angi ng Re m ot e Fa x Opt ions 4 If received faxes are left i n your machin e’s mem ory when you change to a nother Remot e Fax O ption, t he LCD w ill ask you one of the following q uestions: 25.Remote Fax Opt Erase All Fax? a 1.Yes b 2.
Receivi ng a fax 29 4 Remo te retri eva l 4 The rem ote retrieval feature lets you ret rieve your stored fax messages when y ou are not at the machine . Y o u can call your machine from any touch tone t elephone o r fax machin e, t he n use the Rem ote Ac ces s Code to retrieve your messages.
Chapter 4 30 Re trie ving fax mess ages 4 a Dial your fax num ber from a t elephone or anothe r fax m achine using t ouch tone. b When your machine answ ers, immediately ente r your Remote Access Code (3 digits followed by l ). If you hear one long beep, you have messages .
Receivi ng a fax 31 4 Remo te fa x command s 4 Follow the com mands below to access featu r e s when you are away from the mac hine. When you call the m achine and e nter you r Remote Access Code (3 digits followed b y l ), th e system w ill g iv e two short beep s and you must e nter a remote comman d.
Chapter 4 32 Additi onal r ecei ving opera tions 4 Pr intin g a r edu ced in co min g fax 4 If you choose On , the machine autom atically reduces each p age of an incom ing fax to fit on one pag e o f Letter, A4 , L egal or F olio size paper.
Receivi ng a fax 33 4 Se tti ng t he Fa x R ece ive Stamp 4 You can set the mac hine to print t he receiv ed date and time i n the top center o f each receive d fax p age. a Make s ure you are i n FAX mode . b Pr e s s Menu , 2 , 1 , 8 . 21.Setup Receive 8.
Chapter 4 34 Pr intin g a fax from the memor y 4 If you are using the Fax Storage feature ( Me nu , 2 , 5 , 1 ), y o u can stil l print a fax fro m the memory when you are at you r mac hine. (See Fax Storage uu p age 27.) a Pre ss Men u , 2 , 5 , 3 . 25.
Receivi ng a fax 35 4 Polling ove rview 4 Pol ling lets you set up your machine s o other people can rec eive f axes from you, but they pay for the call . It also lets you call some body else’s f ax machine a nd receive a fax fr om it, so you pay for the call.
36 5 Tel ephone lin e serv ices 5 To ne or P uls e (C anad a only ) 5 If you have a Pulse dialing service, but need to send Tone signals (for example, for telephone banking), f ollow the instruc ti o ns below. I f you h ave T ouch Tone serv ice, you will not need this feature t o send tone signals.
Dial ing and stor ing n umbers 37 5 Converting t elephone wall out lets 5 There are three ways to convert to an RJ11 jack. The first two ways m ay require assistanc e from the telephone compan y. You can chang e the wall outlets f rom one RJ14 jack to two RJ11 j acks.
Chapter 5 38 Additional diali ng opera tions 5 Dia ling ac ces s cod es and cr edi t card numb ers 5 You can com bine m ore th an one Quick Dial number when you dial. This featu r e may be useful if you need t o d ial an access c ode for a cheaper rate from another long distance carrier.
Dial ing and stor ing n umbers 39 5 b Choose the One Touch key o r Speed Dial location where you wa nt to store the Group. Press a One Touc h key. Press ( Address Book ) and then enter the three-digit Speed Dial location. Press OK . c Use the dial pa d to enter a Group number (01 to 20).
Chapter 5 40 Options for S etting Up Groups 5 The fo llowing chart shows the additional selections f or setting up Group numbers when IFA X and E-ma il options are on the machine. Wh en you store n umb ers, the LCD instructs you to choose from the o ptions shown in t he followin g steps.
Dial ing and stor ing n umbers 41 5 For MFC-8810DW a nd MFC- 89 10DW (or if you downloaded I FAX and E-mail options) 5 If y ou inst alled the IFAX and E -mail o ptions on M FC-8510DN or MFC-87 10DW, u se this pro cedure to set up Groups. a Pr e s s Menu , 2 , 3 , 3 .
Chapter 5 42 h To choose the fax/scan resolution for the Group nu mber, go to the ap propriate next step as shown in the following table i Pre ss a or b to sel ect Std , Fine , S.Fine 1 or Photo . Pre ss OK and go to step n . 1 S.Fine is avai labl e if th e Gro up inc lude s on ly fa x numbe rs.
Dial ing and stor ing n umbers 43 5 Cha nging Group numb er s 5 You can change a Group num ber that has already been stored. The LCD will show the name or number, and if the Grou p has been set to a fax forwarding num ber, it will di splay a m essage.
Chapter 5 44 For MFC-881 0 DW and MFC- 8910DW (or if you dow nloaded IFAX a nd E-mail options) 5 If you installed the IFAX and E-mail option s on the MFC-8510DN or MFC-8710DW, use this procedure to change Grou p numbers. a Pre ss Men u , 2 , 3 , 3 . 23.
Dial ing and stor ing n umbers 45 5 g If you wa nt to change th e fax resolution for the Group, press a or b t o choose the resolution you want. Pr e s s OK . For details, f ollow the directions beginning with step h in Opt ion s f or Setting Up Groups .
46 6 Fax reports 6 Some fax reports (Transmission Verification and F ax Journ al) can be printed au tomatically and m anually. Tr ansmi ssi on V erif ica tio n Report 6 You can use the Transm ission Verification Report as proof that you sen t a f ax. (See B a sic User's Guide: Transmission Verification Report .
Printin g repor ts 47 6 Reports 6 The following repo rts a re available : 1 Transmission Displays t he Trans mission Verification Report for your last outgoi ng 2 00 faxes and p rints the last report. 2 Tel Index List Prints a li st of names and numbe rs stored in the One To uch and Speed Dial me mory in n umerical o r alphabet ical order.
48 7 Copy settings 7 When you wan t to quickly change the copy settings for the next copy, use the temporary COPY keys. You can change multiple settings in any com bination. The m achine ret urns to its def ault s ettings one m inute after co pying, un less you have set the Mo de Timer t o 30 seco nds or less .
Making cop ies 49 7 e Do one of the foll owing: Press a or b to choose the enlargeme nt or r e duction ratio you want. Press OK . Press a or b to choose Custom(25-400%) . Press OK . Use the dial pad to enter an enlargeme nt or r e duction ratio from 25% to 400% .
Chapter 7 50 Using the Opti ons k ey 7 Use the Op ti on s key to quickly set the f ollowing c opy settings t emporarily for the next c opy. 1 T2 an d #2 app ear only i f th e opti onal low er tr ay is in stal led on MF C-87 10 DW, MF C -8 810D W or MF C-891 0DW .
Making cop ies 51 7 So rti ng co pi es 7 You can sort multiple copies. Page s wi ll be stack ed in the order 1 2 3 , 1 2 3, 1 2 3, and s o on. a Make sure you are i n COP Y mode . b Load your docum ent. c Use the dial pad to enter t he numb er of copies (up to 99).
Chapter 7 52 Ad justi ng Brig ht ness an d Co ntr ast 7 Brightness 7 Adjust t he c opy b r i ghtness to mak e c opies darker or lighter. To temporarily change the cop y bri gh tness setting, follow the steps below: a Make sure you are i n COPY mode . b Load your docume nt.
Making cop ies 53 7 Maki ng N in 1 co pies (p age l ayou t) 7 You can reduce the amount of paper used when c opying by using the N in 1 copy feature. This a llows you to copy two or four pages onto one page. If y o u want to copy both sides of an ID card onto one page, see 2 in 1 I D Copy uu page 54.
Chapter 7 54 If you a re copying from the scanner gl ass: 7 Place your docume nt fa ce do w n in the direction shown below: 2 in 1 (P) 2 in 1 (L) 4 in 1 (P) 4 in 1 (L) 2 in 1 ID Copy 7 You can copy both sid es of your identific ati o n card onto one page, k eeping the origina l card size.
Making cop ies 55 7 f Pr e s s Start . After the machine scans the first side of the card, t he LCD will di splay the following instruction. Turn over the ID Then Press Start g Turn over your i d entification card and place it a t the left side of the sc anner glass.
Chapter 7 56 Du p lex ( 2 -si d ed ) cop ying 7 If you want to use t he automat ic duplex copy feature, load your docum ent in the ADF. If you get an Out of Memory messa ge wh ile you are making duplex co pies, try i nst alling extra m emory. (Se e Ins tallin g ext ra m em or y uu page 76.
Making cop ies 57 7 a Make sure you are i n COP Y mode . b Load your docum ent. c Enter t he numb er of cop ies (up t o 99) using the dial pad. d Pr e s s Duplex an d a or b to select 1sided i 2sided , 2sided i 2sided or 2sided i 1sided . Duplex a Off 1sided i 2sided b 2sided i 2sided Select ab or OK Pr e s s OK .
Chapter 7 58 MFC-881 0DW and MFC-8910DW Portrait Advanc ed 2 sided i 1 si ded Advanc ed 1 sided i 2 si ded Lands cape Advanc ed 2 sided i 1 si ded Advanc ed 1 sided i 2 si ded a Make sure you are i n COPY mode . b Load your docume nt. c Enter the number of copi es (up to 99 ) using the dial pad.
59 A A Clean ing and check ing the mach ine A Clean the outside and inside of the machine regularly with a dry, lint-free cl o th. When you replace t he t oner cartridge or the drum unit, make sure t hat you clean the inside of t he machin e. I f printed pages are stained with toner, cle an the inside o f the m achine with a dry, l int-free c loth.
60 Cl eani ng the outs ide o f the mach ine A a Turn off the machin e ’s po w er switch. b Unplug the telephone line cord first, disconnect al l cab les, and then unplug the power cord f rom the AC power outlet. c Wipe the outside of t he machine with a dry, lin t -free cloth to remove du st.
Routine maint enance 61 A Cl eanin g the s ca nner A a Turn off the machi n e’s power switch . b Unplug the telephon e line cord first, disconne ct all c ables, an d then unplug the po wer cord from the A C power outlet. c (MFC-8810DW and M FC-8910DW) Unfold the ADF document support (1) and then open the ADF cover (2).
62 g P lu g th e ma ch ine ’ s po we r cor d bac k in to the AC p ower o utlet first, conne ct all cables, and then plug in the tel e phone line cord.
Routine maint enance 63 A WARNING HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m achine, some internal parts of the m achine will be extremely hot. Wait f or the mac hine to c ool down bef ore you touch the in ternal parts of th e m a ch ine .
64 d Clean the c orona wi re inside the drum unit by gently sliding the green tab from left to right and right to l eft several time s. Note Be sure to return the tab t o the home positio n ( a ) (1). I f you do not, printed pages may h ave a vertical stripe.
Routine maint enance 65 A e Take out the drum u nit and toner cartri d ge a ssembly. WARNING HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m achine, some internal parts of the m achine will be extremely hot. Wait f or the mac hine to c ool down bef ore you touch the in ternal parts of th e m a ch ine .
66 f Push down the green lock lever and take the toner cartridge out of t h e d rum unit. g Turn the drum unit a s shown in t h e illust ra tion. Mak e su re tha t th e dru m uni t gear (1) i s on the left hand side. h Use the numbered markers next to the drum roller t o find the mark.
Routine maint enance 67 A i Turn the drum unit gear toward you by hand while checking the surface of the suspecte d area. j When you have found the mark on t he drum that mat ches the drum dot check sheet, wipe the surface of the drum gently with a cotton swab unt il the mark on the surface c omes off.
68 m Put the drum unit and t oner c artri d ge assembly back into the mach ine. n Cl o se t he f ro nt cov er of t he m ach i ne. o Turn on the m achine’s pow er switc h. Cl eaning th e pape r pick- up rolle rs A Cleaning the pa per pick-up roll er periodically may preven t paper j am s by insuring the proper feeding of paper.
Routine maint enance 69 A d Tightly wring out a lint-free cloth soaked in lukewarm water, and then wipe the separator pad (1) of the paper t ray with it to r emove du st. e Wipe the two pick-up rollers (1) inside of the m achine t o remove dust . f Put t he paper t ray b ack in the mac hine.
70 Ch eckin g the P a ge C oun te rs A You can see the ma chine’s Page Counters for copi es, printed pages, repo rts and lists, faxes or a summary total. a Pre ss Men u , 8 , 2 . 82.Page Counter a Total :XXXXXX b Fax/List :XXXXXX b Pre ss a or b to see Total , Fax/L ist , Copy or Print .
Routine maint enance 71 A Packing a nd shippin g the mach ine A WARNING This machine is heavy and weighs more than 34.8 lb (15.8 k g). To pre vent possible injuries at least t wo p eople shoul d lift the machine (except M FC-8510DN). Be careful not to pinch your fingers when you put the machine down.
72 d Wrap the mac hine in a plastic b ag, then put it on the bottom pa cking mat erial (1). e Put the two p acking material pieces (1) into the carton m atching the right o f the machine to t he “RI GHT” mark on one of the packing material pieces , and the left of the m achine t o the “LEFT” m ark on the other pac king material pi ece.
Routine maint enance 73 A g <If y ou have a Lo wer T ray> Repack the lower tray as shown in the illustration..
74 B Options B T his m ac hin e ha s the foll ow ing opt ion al a cce ss orie s. Y ou c an incr eas e the cap a bilitie s of t he machine with these items.
Options 75 B Optional paper tray (LT-5400) B An optional l ower tray c an be installe d on MFC -8710DW, MFC-8810DW and MFC -8910DW, and it can hold up to 500 shee ts of 20 lb / 80 g/m 2 paper. W hen an optional tray is inst a lled, the machin e can hold up to 800 sheets of plain paper.
76 Inst all ing ext ra m emo ry B a Turn off the machin e ’s po w er switch. Unplug t he telephone line cord. b Disconnect th e interface cabl e from the machine, and t hen unpl ug the power cord from the AC power outlet. Note Be s ur e to tu rn of f th e mac hi ne ’s po w er switch bef ore you instal l or remove the SO-D IMM.
Options 77 B g Plug the machine’s power c ord back into the AC power out let first, a nd then connect t he interface cable . h Plug in the telephon e line cord. Turn on the machine’ s po wer switch. Note To make sure that you have i n stalled the SO -DIMM correctly, you can print the User Sett ing List that shows the current RAM SIZE.
78 C This is a compreh ens ive lis t of featur es and te rms th at appear i n Brother manuals. Av ailab ility of these features depend s on the model you purchased. Glos sary C ADF (au tomatic d ocumen t feeder) The docume nt can be placed in the ADF and s canned one pa ge a t a tim e autom atically.
Gl os s ar y 79 C Easy Receive Ena bles you r machine to respond t o CNG tones if you interrupt a fax call by ans wering it. EC M (E rr or C orr ectio n M ode ) Detects errors durin g fax transmi ssion and res ends the p ages of t he fax th at had an error.
80 Overseas M ode Makes temporary c hanges to the fax tones t o accommo date noise a nd static o n overseas telephone lines. Pag ing This f eature enables your mac hine to call your cell phone or pager when a fax is rec eive d in to it s mem or y. Pau s e Allows you to place a 3.
Gl os s ar y 81 C Tran smission Ve rification Report A report for each t ran smission, that shows its date, time and number. User Settings List A printed report that shows the current sett ings of t h e machine.
82 D A Apple Macintos h See Software User’s Guide. B Broadcas ting .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. 18 canceling ... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ....19 setting up Groups for ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. .
83 D sending ..... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... . 15 at end of conversation .... .. . .... .. . .... . .. .. 17 broadc asting . ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 18 cancel ing from memory .... ... .. .. ... .. . ...
84 R Redial/Pa use key .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. 38 Reducing copies ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ....48 inco ming f axes . .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. 32 Re m ot e r e tr iev al .. ..
Bro th er In te rnat io nal C orp orat ion 100 S omer se t Corp orat e Boul evar d P.O. Box 6911 Br idge wa ter, N J 0 880 7-0 911 US A Brot her In terna tio nal C orp oratio n (C ana da) Lt d. 1 r ue Hôtel de Ville, Dol lar d-des -O rmea ux, QC, C anada H 9B 3H 6 Vi sit us on the W orl d Wid e Web http: //www.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Brother MFC-8510DN (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Brother MFC-8510DN noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Brother MFC-8510DN - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Brother MFC-8510DN reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Brother MFC-8510DN erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Brother MFC-8510DN besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Brother MFC-8510DN verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Brother MFC-8510DN. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Brother MFC-8510DN gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.