Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung LS-2220 des Produzenten Brother
Zur Seite of 67
Black PMS8363 Instruction Manual Manuel d’instructions Manual de instrucciones Инструкция по эксплуатации.
"IMPORT ANT SAFETY IN STR UCTIONS" When us ing the se wi ng machine , ba sic saf ety pre cautions should a lwa ys be f ollo wed, includi ng the f ollo wing: "Read all instructi ons bef ore u sing." DA N G E R – T o reduce the risk of e lectric shoc k: 1.
“IMPOR T ANTES CONSIGNES D E SECURITE” Lors de l ’utilisa tion de l a machine à co udre, i l con vient de toujours sui v re les c onsigne s de sécurit é essentiel l es et de prend re nota mment les p récautions suiva ntes: “Lir e tou tes les ins tr uc tion s avant d’uti lis er l a machi ne.
“IMPOR T A NTES INSTR UCCIONES D E SEGURID A D” Cuand o se usa una máqu ina de co ser , debe seg uirse una s precauc iones bá sicas y que se d etallan a contin uación. “Leer toda s las inst ru ccio nes antes de us ar la” PELIGR O - P ara reduci r el riesgo de una descarga eléc trica.
ИНСТРУКЦИИ ПО ТЕХНИКЕ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ При эк сплуата ции швейн ой машины с ледует все г да собл юд ать пере численные н иже основные мер ы безопасности.
Подключение соеди нителей и выключатель питания/ лампочки подсветки 1. Вставь те трехконтактный разъем сетевого шнура в гнездо на машине.
CONTENTS Page PRINCIPAL PAR TS ...................... ................ ................. ............. 1 PRINCIPAL PAR TS ...................... ................ ................. ............. 2 ACCESSO RIES ................ ................. .......
INDICE Págin a ELEMENTOS PRINCIPALES ........ ........... ........... ........... ........... ..... 1 ELEMENTOS PRINCIPALES ........ ........... ........... ........... ........... ..... 2 ACCESORI OS............. ........... ........... ........... .
1 1 3 4 5 6 2 L O H I J K M N P 7 8 9 0 A B C E F D G 1 3 4 5 6 2 PRINCIPAL PARTS * The illust rations of the sewi ng machine on the foll owing pages may differ slightly from your machine. PIECES PR INCIPALES * Les illustrations représentée s aux pages suivantes peuvent différer légèreme nt de votre machine à coudre.
2 PRINCIPAL PARTS a Pattern selection dial b Buttonhole fine-adj usting screw c Thread take-up lever d Extens ion tab le with access ory stor age e Upper tens ion contro l dial f Reverse sewing lever .
3 1 X59369-251 2 X59370-051 7 XA3442-151 9 130920-051 3 X59375-051 4 129583-001 5 X57521-001 6 X52800-150 8 X55467-051 ACCESSORIES a Buttonhol e foot (1 pc.) b Zipper fo ot (1 pc.) c Button sew ing Foot (1 pc.) d Needle set (re gular sing le needle No.
4 OPERATING YO UR SEWING MACHINE Connecting Pl ugs 1. Insert the fo ot controller plu g , locate d between the foot controlle r and the po wer supply plug on the cord , into the jack on the mac hine. 2. Insert the pow er supply plu g into an electrical o utlet.
5 1 2 1 Main Power and S ewing Lig ht Switches This switch tu rns the ma in power and sew ing light on or off. (See fig. A .) a Turn on (toward the “I” m ark) b Turn off (toward the “O” m ark) Foot Contro ller When the foot contro ller is depressed li ghtly, the mach ine will run at a lo w speed.
6 1 1 Inserting the Nee dle Turn powe r switch to “O” . 1. Remove th e power supply plug from the ele ctrical outl et. 2. Raise the ne edle ba r to its highest po sition. 3. Lower the press er foo t. 4. If a needle is already insta lled, rem ove the needle by loosening the ne edle cla mp with a coin an d pulling the needl e down.
7 Cha nging the Pr esse r Foot It m ay be ne cessary to cha nge the p resser foot ac cording to your sewi ng needs. SNAP-ON TY PE Turn powe r switch to “O” . 1. Raise the n eedle to its h ighest posi tion by turnin g the ba lance wheel tow ard you (coun terclockwise), a nd raise the pre sser foot lev er.
8 1 Converting to Fr ee-Arm Style Free-Arm se wing is convenie nt for sewing tubular and hard-t o- reach areas on garm ents. To chan ge yo ur mach ine to the free- arm style, lif t up on the e xtension table and pull it out. a Lift the bottom of the extension table up toward you.
9 ba c 1 d 2 c a 3 4 5 12 14 13 11 1 678 9 1 0 VARIOUS CONTROLS Patt ern Sel ection Di al To selec t a stitch, simpl y turn the patte rn selection dia l in either directio n.
12 Reverse Sew ing Lever To sew in revers e, pre ss down t he reve rse sewi ng le ver as fa r as possible an d hold it in that positio n while lightly step ping on the foot controlle r. To sew forward, release the reve rse sewing lever. Reverse sew ing is used for locking and reinfo rcing seams.
13 2 3 4 ENHEBRADO DE LA MÁQUINA Bobinado de l a canilla 1. Coloque un carrete de hilo e n el porta c arr etes y p ase el hi lo por el disco de t ensión de bobi nado de l a canil la a Disco de t ensión de bobina do de la canill a b Bobina do de la canilla 2.
14 Lower (bobbin) Threadi ng Turn powe r switch to “O” . 1. Raise the n eedle to its h ighest posi tion by turnin g the ba lance wheel tow ard you (coun terclockwi se) and raise the pre sser foot lifte r.
15 1 2 3 24 2 3 4 1 Uppe r (Needle) Threading Mise en place du fil supérieur (fil de l’a iguille ) Enhebrado superior (de la aguja) Заправка верхней ни ти (в иг лу) AB - 1 B.
16 1. Raise the p resser foo t using the presser foot l ifter and turn the balanc e wheel towa rd you (cou ntercloc kwise) to rai se the thread t ake-up lever to its highest position. 2. Pull up th e spool pin and p lace a sp ool of thre ad on this pin.
17 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 3 1 Drawing Up Lower (bobbin) Thr ead 1. Raise the presser foo t and the n ee dle to their h ighest po sitions. 2. With your le ft hand, hold the e nd of the upp er thread.
18 1 3 2 Twin-Nee dle Se wing Your sew ing mach ine is designed for twin-nee dle sewing w hich allows you to sew using two uppe r threads. You can u se the sa me color o r two diffe rent colors of thread for decor a tive stitche s. Twin-nee dle sewing wo rks well with these stitc hes: the Stra ight Stitch ( 6-10)-and th e Zigzag S titch (2).
19 Costura con aguja dobl e Su máquin a de coser ha sido concebida pa ra poder u tilizar una aguja doble y permitir la co stura con d os hilos superiores. Pue de usar el mismo color de hilo o dos h ilos de color es distintos par a puntadas decorativa s.
20 Thread Tensi on Thread tension will affect the quality of yo ur stitches. It may need to be a djusted when you change fab ric or threa d type. NOTE: It is rec omme nded that a test samp le b e ma de on a f abri c scr ap before sewing on your proje ct.
21 2 1 2 1 NOTE: The bo bbin t hread te nsion has alread y been adjusted at the factory for general use. F or most sewing applicat ions, no adjustme nt is need ed. When se wing with t h in threa d on th in fabrics, the thread tension may n ot be a djusted ad equately w ith the upper ten sion contro l dial.
22 RELATIVE CHART OF SEWING FABRICS, NEED LES AND THREADS COMBINATIONS NOTE: 1.Se lec t the cor rect needle and t hrea d size f rom th e above char t. 2.
23 T ABLA DE RELACIÓN ENTRE TEJIDOS, HILOS Y AGUJAS NO T A: 1.E lija la ag uja y el hil o corr ectos en la tabla a rriba. 2.Utilic e el mismo tamaño de hilo para l os hilos superior (ca rr ete) e inferio r (canilla).
24 Straig ht Stitchi ng The St raight Sti tch (6-10 or 11) is used for top stitching an d sewing lig htweight fabric s. Starting Sewing (fig . A) 1. Set the pa ttern selectio n dial to th e appropriate Straigh t Stitch (6-10 or 1 1) with the de sired length.
25 1 Нача ло шит ья (рис . A) 1. У становите ручку выбора строчки в положение, соответствующее прямой строчке (6*10 или 11) с требу е мой длиной стежка.
26 Zigzag Stitc hing ZIGZAG STITCH Set the pattern select ion dial to th e appropriate Zigzag Stitc h (2, 3 or 4) with th e desired width. It is reco mmended to sew using the Straight Stitch a t the begin ning an d en d of th e Zigz ag St itc hes. ZIGZAG (SATIN) STITCH The Sa tin Stitc h can be used f or ma king d eco rativ e sti tches.
27 ABCD Blind Hem Stitchi ng The St retch Blin d Stitch is used to fin ish the edge of projec ts made with stretch fabrics witho ut the stitc h showing. 1. Set the pa ttern selectio n dial to 12. 2. Both the threads should b e the same color as the fabric.
28 Elastic S titching The Elas tic Stitch can be used in 3 ways: mending , sewing elastic or jo ining fabri c. Each is e xplained be low. Set the pattern sele ction dia l to 14. MENDING 1. Place t he reinforc ement fab ric under t he tear to be mend ed.
29 Shell Tuck Stitchin g The S hell Tuck S titch ca n be used t o sew a picot (lace-like) edge on a lig htweight fabri c . 1. Set the pa ttern selectio n dial to 13.
30 2 1 Making a Buttonho le NOTE: 1. It is recomm ended to prac tice mak ing a buttonhole on a scrap piece o f fabric b efore attem pting it on the actual garment. 2. When making buttonholes on soft fabrics, pla ce stabilizer material on the unde rside of the fa bric.
31 MAKING A BUTTO NHOLE Step Sewn Portion Pattern How to Sew Step a (Front end of buttonhole) 1. Set the pattern selec tion dial to a . 2. Lower the presser foot and se w 5 to 6 stitches. 3. Stop the machine when the need le is at the left sid e of the stitches and raise the nee dle from t he fabr ic.
32 COSIDO DE UN OJAL Pa s o s Zo na de cosido Dis eño Co mo cos er Pa s o a (remate de la part e dela nter a del oj al) 1. P onga el selecto r de diseño en a. 2. Baje el prensatelas y cosa 5 ó 6 pun tadas. 3. P ar e la máqu ina cuando la aguja se encue ntre a la izquierda de las puntadas y levant e la agu ja d el tej ido.
33 SECURI NG TH E STIT CHING A ND CU TTING THE BUTT ONHOL E 1. To secure t he stitching, turn the mat erial 90 degre es counter clockwise, set the patt ern selectio n dial to the Straight Stitch (6 -10) with the d esired length and sew to the edge of the front bar tack.
34 1 2 + – 3 4 + – Buttonhole Fi ne Adjustment If th e stitching on the two sides of th e buttonh ole do n ot appear uniform, the follow ing adjustme nts can b e made. 1. After sewing th e left side of the b uttonhole, st itch the right side and ob serve t he feed ing.
35 Button Sewing 1. Measur e the di stance be tween the button holes and set the pattern se lection dial to the Zigzag Stit ch (2, 3 or 4) with the desired w idth. 2. Attach the b utton sewing foot. 3. Place the darning pla te on the need le plate as shown in fig.
36 Zipper Ins ertion The zip per foot is use d to sew on va rious types of zi ppers and can easily b e positioned t o the right or left side of the needle. When sewing th e right side of t he zippe r, attach th e shan k to the left pin of th e zipper foo t.
37 1 2 3 4 4 Gatherin g 1. Set the patte rn selection dia l to the Strai ght Stitch (6-10 ) with the desi red leng th. 2. Loosen the tension of the upper t hread (to about 2) so that the lower threa d lies on th e underside o f the fabri c. 3. Sew a sing le row or e venly-space d multiple row s of Straigh t Stitches.
38 Darning 1. Place the darning pla te on the need le plate as shown in fig. A . 2. Set the patte rn selection dia l to the Strai ght Stitch (6-10 ) with the desi red leng th. 3. Place th e portion to be darned under the presser foot to gether with a f abric und erlay for reinforc ement.
39 Appliques An appli que is created by cutting a contrasting p iece of fa bric into a sh ape to be used a s a decor ation on a g arment or project. 1. Baste the cut design to the fabric in the desired loc ation where desired. 2. Carefully sew around the edge of the cu tout design with the appr opri ate Z igzag Stit ch (2 , 3, 4 or 5) .
40 Monogramming and Embroid ering PREPARING F OR MONOGRAM MING AND EMB ROIDERING 1. Place t he darning p late on th e needle plate. 2. Set the p attern selec tion dial to the appro priate Zigzag Stitch (2, 3, 4 o r 5). 3. Draw the lettering (for monog ramming ) or design (for embroid ering) on the surface of the fa bric.
41 MONOG RAMMI NG ( fig. A ) 1. Sew mov ing t he ho op slow ly al ong t he le tter ing at a const ant speed. 2. To secure the stitching, set the pattern selection d ial to the Straigh t Stitch (6-1 0) with the desired length and sew a few stitches a t the end of th e last lett er.
42 1 3 2 Changing the B ulb 1. Remove th e power supply plug from the ele ctrical outl et. 2. Loosen the face plate sc rew as shown in fig. A . 3. Remove the face plate from the machine as illust rated in fig. B . 4. Replace th e sewing lig ht bulb. S ee fig.
43 Oilin g 1. Remove th e power supply p lug from t he outlet . 2. Put 2 to 3 drops of oil at each of the points in dicated in fig. A . 3. After oiling, run the machine at a fast speed without thread install ed for a short ti me. 4. Be sure to w ipe any ex cess oil off th e mach ine.
44 1 2 6 1 5 1 3 4 NOTE: When th e needle is lowe red, the sh uttle hook cannot be removed. Clea ning the S huttle Race 1. Remove any accumu lated lint and thread with a brush from the reta ining ring , hook, dri ver and rac e body. 2. A clo th da mpened with mach ine o il sh ould be us ed to wipe the shuttle race clea n of lint.
45 Clea ning th e Feed Dogs 1. Remove th e presser foo t holder a nd the ne edle. 2. Rem ove th e ne edle p late usin g a coin or sc rew drive r to take out the sc rews. 3. Clean the l int from th e upper part of the feed dog s and shuttle race bo dy with a br ush.
46 PERFORMA NCE CHECK LIST UPPER THREAD BREAKS LOWER (BOBBIN) THREAD BREAKS Upper thread is not correctly installed. Lint is clinging to the bottom of the needle plate. Spool of thread is not correctly installed. Upper thread tension is too tight. Lower thread tension is too tight.
47 PERFORMA NCE CHECK LIST Page 6 No Pages 43-45 Page 6 No Page 43 Page 22 No No No No Page 4 No Page 5 No Page 5 No Page 12 No Page 22 No Page 6 No Pages 12-17 No No CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SERVICE CENTER NEEDLE BREAKS FABRIC DOES NOT FEED PROPERLY MACHINE IS NOISY OR SLOW MACHINE DOES NOT START Damaged or worn needle is used.
50 LIST ADO DE POSIBLES INCIDENCIAS ROTURA DEL HILO SUPERIOR BAGAS EN LAS PUNTADAS ARRUGAS EN EL TEJIDO SALTO DE PUNTADAS ROTURA DEL HILO INFERIOR (de la canilla) ROTURA DEL HILO SUPERIOR El hilo superior está enredado La canilla no está bien enhebrada en el garfio Se está usando una aguja dañada o gastada.
51 LIST ADO DE POSIBLES INCIDENCIAS EL TEJIDO NO ARRASTRA BIEN LA MAQUINA NO ARRANCA LA MAQUINA ES RUIDOSA O FUNCIO- NA MUY DESPACIO LAAGUJA SE ROMPE Página 6 No Página 6 No Página 43 Página 23 No No No No Página 4 No Página 5 No Página 5 No Página 12 No La combinaison aiguille/fil/tissu est incorrecte.
54 Repa cking t he Mach ine Keep t he carton and pac king mate rials for futu re use. It may become necess ary to r eship the sew ing mac hine. Impro per packi ng or impr oper pac king ma terial cou ld result in damage during ship ping. Instruct ions for repacking t he machine are illustrate d below.
55 INDEX Page A Accessories ..... ................ ................. ................. ................. ....... 3 Applique .............. ................. ................. ................. ................ .. 9 B Blind H em Stitching .............
56 INDEX Page A Accessoires ..... ................ ................. ................. ................. ....... 3 Aiguille Remplace ment/Inspec tion ............ ................. ................ .. 6 Applique s ............ ................. ......
57 INDICE Págin a A Acces orios ......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .... 3 Aguja Cambio/V e rifica ción ............ ........... ........... ........... ........... ......... 6 Ajuste fin o de los o jales .
58 УКА ЗА ТЕЛЬ Стр. А Аппл икация . ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... .......... ....... .... 9 В Виды стро чек Атла сная стр очка ...... .......... ...... ....... ......
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Brother LS-2220 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Brother LS-2220 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Brother LS-2220 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Brother LS-2220 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Brother LS-2220 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Brother LS-2220 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Brother LS-2220 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Brother LS-2220. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Brother LS-2220 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.