Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DCP-T500W des Produzenten Brother
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Adva nced User ’s Guide DCP -T 300 D CP- T500W D CP- T700W MF C-T800W Ver sion 0 ASA/ SAF/ GLF.
i User' s Guides an d wher e do I find them? 1 Ne twor k f eatur es a re not sup port e d b y t h e DC P-T3 00 . 2 Vis it us a t s olut ion s.brot her .com /man ua ls . 3 DCP- T 50 0W, DC P-T700 W an d MF C-T8 00W only Which Gu id e? What's in it ? Where is it ? Pr oduct Sa fe ty Gu ide Read th is Guide fi rst.
ii Table of Conte nts 1 General setu p 1 IM PORT AN T NOT E .... .. ..... .... ... .... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ... 1 Mem ory Stora ge .... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .
iii 5 Diallin g and stor ing number s (MFC m odels o nly) 15 Additiona l diall ing operations . ... ..... ....... . . ..... ....... . ... ... ....... . ... ..... ..... . ... ..... ..... ...... . 15 Co mbi ning Speed Dia l numb ers . ..... .. ..... .. .
1 1 1 I MP ORT AN T NO TE 1 Most of the ill us trat ions in this User's Guide show the MFC-T800W . Mem ory St ora ge 1 Even if ther e is a p ower f ailur e, y ou will not lose your menu setting s because t hey are stored permanent ly. Tempor ary set t i ngs (such as Contra st, Oversea s mode, and so on) will be lost .
Chapter 1 2 Automatic Daylight Savin g Time (MFC mo dels only) (For South Africa only ) 1 You can set th e machine to change aut oma tica lly fo r day ligh t sav ing ti me. It will set itself forwar d on e hour in the s p ring and bac kward on e hour in the autumn.
General setup 3 1 LC D 1 Ch angi ng the LCD language (de pending on y our cou ntry) 1 You can change t he L CD languag e. (MFC-T 800W) 1 a Press Menu , 0 , 0 . b Press a or b to choose your la nguage. Press OK . c Press Stop/Ex it . (DCP-T 300, DCP-T500W and DCP- T700W) 1 a Press Menu .
Chapter 1 4 Mode Time r (MFC mo dels only) 1 The mach ine’s cont r ol panel has three temporary m ode keys: FA X , SCA N and CO PY . You can change t he a mount of t ime the mac hine take s after the last SCAN or COPY opera t io n be fore it ret urns to F AX mode .
5 2 2 T X Lock 2 TX Loc k let s you prevent unauthorized access to the machi ne. While TX Lock is On, the f ollowing ope rations are a vailabl e: Receiv ing faxes PC-Fa x Receive 1 (If PC- Fax Receive was already On) 1 Wh ile the TX Lo ck fea ture is turned on , your m achi ne will receiv e faxes and s tore the m in it s memory.
Chapter 2 6 Turning TX Lock on /off 2 Turn ing TX Lo ck on 2 a Pres s Menu , 3 , 0 , 1 . b Pres s a or b to ch oose Set TX Lock . Pres s OK . c Enter the r egi stered four -dig it p asswor d. Pres s OK . The machine goes offline and the LCD shows TX Lock Mode .
7 3 3 Additional sen ding options 3 Send ing faxes us i ng m ultiple set ti ngs 3 When you send a fax, you can choose a combinat ion of settin gs, such as Fax Resolution , Contrast , Glass ScanSize , Overseas Mode , an d Real Time TX . a Load your document .
Chapter 3 8 c Pres s Fa x Res olut i on then a or b to choose the resolut ion. Pres s OK . d En ter the f ax n umber . e Pres s Mono S tart . To change the default fax r esoluti on 3 a Load your docum ent. b Pres s ( FAX ). c Pres s Menu , 3 , 2 , 1 .
Sending a f ax (MFC mod els only) 9 3 Send ing a fa x at the e nd of a conv ersa tio n 3 At the end of a conversation, you can send a fax to the other part y before you both hang up. a A sk the ot her party to wait for fax tones (beeps) and the n to press the Star t or Send key before hangi ng up.
Chapter 3 10 e Pres s Mono S tart . Fax ing f rom t he ADF The mach ine starts scanning the docu ment. Faxing from the scanne r glass Whe n the LCD asks you Next Page? , do one of the following: To sen d a singl e page, pr ess 2 (or press M ono Star t again) .
Sending a f ax (MFC mod els only) 11 3 Sendin g in rea l time f o r the nex t f ax onl y 3 a Press ( FAX ). b Press Menu , 3 , 2 , 3 . c Press a or b to choose Next Fax Only . Press OK . d Press a or b to c h oose Next Fax:Off or Next Fax:On . e Press OK .
12 4 Memory Rec eive 4 Memory Re ceive lets you recei ve faxes while you are away from the machine. You can only us e one Memory Receive oper ation at a time: PC-Fax Receive Off You can change y our selecti on at any time.
Rec eiving a fax (MFC models on ly) 13 4 NOTE • PC-Fax Recei v e is not su pporte d by Mac OS . • Before you can set up PC-Fax Rec eive, you must inst all t he MFL-Pro Suit e software on your PC. Mak e sure your PC is connect ed and turned on. (See Soft ware and Netw ork User’s Guide.
Chapter 4 14 Additiona l receivin g operations 4 Ou t of P aper Re cept ion 4 As s o on as the p aper tray b ecomes empt y dur ing fax recept ion, the LCD s hows No Paper Fed . Put some pa per in t he paper tray. (See Basic User’s Guide: Loading paper a nd o ther pr int m ed ia .
15 5 5 Additional dial ling o peration s 5 Combining Speed Dia l num ber s 5 Sometimes, you may want to choose from several l ong-distance c a r ri ers when you send a fax.
Chapter 5 16 Additiona l ways to store n umbers 5 Setting up Grou ps for Broa dcas ting 5 A Group , which is stored in a Spee d Dial location, allows you to send the same fax message t o many fax numbers by press ing ( FAX ), ( Address Bo ok ), Search , OK , # , the two-digit location number and Mono Start .
Dialling a nd storing n umbers (MFC mod els on l y) 17 5 e A dd or delet e the Speed Dial n umbers in the G roup. To add Speed Dial num bers, press d or c to position the cursor under a blank space. Press ( Address Book ) and e nt er the Speed Dial numbe r you want to add t o the G r oup u s i ng the dia l pad.
18 6 Fax reports (MFC mo dels only) 6 You can use the Men u keys t o set up th e Trans mission V erific ation Report and t he Jo ur na l P e r iod . Tr ansmissi on Ver ificat ion Rep ort 6 You can use the Tran s missio n Verif ication Repor t as proof that you sent a fax.
Printing r eports 19 6 Reports 6 The followi ng reports are av ailab le: XMIT Verify (MFC models only ) Print s a T ran s missio n Verificat ion Report for y our last trans mission. Address Book (MFC models only ) Print s a l i st of names and numbers st ored in the Addr ess B ook memory, in numeric al order.
20 7 Copy options 7 You can change t he copy sett ings tem porarily for the next copy. The mach ine retu rns to its default set t in gs aft er be ing idle for 1 minute. Press Copy Opt ions an d then pres s a or b to cho ose t he co py set t i ngs you want.
Making c opies 21 7 Enlar ging or red uci ng copies 7 You can choos e an enlar gement or reduct ion ratio. I f y ou choose Fit to Page , your machine will adjust to the size you set in Paper Size . (MFC-T 800W) 7 a Load your document . b Press ( COPY ).
Chapter 7 22 Mak ing N in 1 copi es or a poste r (Pag e La yout ) 7 The N in 1 copy feature c an help you save paper by letting you cop y two or four pages onto one print ed page.
Making c opies 23 7 Place the document face do wn in the dir ecti on sh own bel ow : 2in1(P) 2in1(L) 4in1(P) 4in1(L) Poster(3x3) NOTE The poster c opies have over lappi ng portions so that you ca n easily paste t hem toget her.
Chapter 7 24 f Pres s Mono S tart or Colour S ta rt . The machi ne star ts scanning one side of the id ent i f i catio n card. g (MFC-T 800W) After t he machine has scann ed o ne side, pr e ss 1 . T urn over th e identif icat ion card an d press OK to scan the ot her side.
Making c opies 25 7 Adjustin g De n sity 7 You can adjust the copy dens ity to make copies dark er or lighter. a Load your document . b ( MFC models only ) Press ( COPY ). c E nter the number of copies you want. d Press Copy Options and a or b to choose Density .
26 A Cleani ng and checking the machi ne A C lea ning the out side of the mach ine A Clean the LCD screen as follo ws: IMPORTANT DO NOT use any type of liqui d cleaners (includ ing et h anol). a Press and hold down to t urn t he machine of f. The LCD will show Shutting Down for a f ew seconds before the power goes off.
Routine maintenan ce 27 A d Wi pe the insi de and outsi de of the paper tray with a dr y , soft lint-free c l oth t o remove d ust. e Clo s e the output paper tray cover and put the paper tray fi rm l y back in the machine.
28 C lea ning the pape r fe ed rolle r s A If the pa per feed rollers ar e st ained with ink, it may cause paper feed problems. a Unplug the mach ine from the electrical socket. Pul l t he paper tray (1) complet ely o ut of t he machine. NOTE If the paper support flap is open, cl ose it, and then clos e the paper support .
Routine maintenan ce 29 A Cle anin g the pape r pick-up rol lers A a Unpl ug the machine from the electric al socket . b P ull the pa per tray c omplet ely out of t he machine.
30 Packing a nd sh ipping the machi ne A When you transport the m achine, u s e the pac king m aterial s that c ame with y our machi ne. Follow t he ins tructions below to correc tly p ackage you r machine. Damage cau sed t o your mac hine duri ng tr ansit may not be cov ered by your warrant y .
Routine maintenan ce 31 A g Wrap the machi ne in the bag. h P ack the machine and the print ed mater ials in the origi nal carton with the origi nal packing mate r ial as shown in the i llustrati on. Do not pack the used ink bot tles in the carton. i Clo s e the carton and ta pe it shut.
32 B This is a compr ehens ive list of features and t erms that appe ar in Br other ma nuals. Availabil ity of these features depends on the m ode l you purchased . Gloss ary B Add ress Book Your list of Speed Dial and G r oup nam es and numbers that you have stored for easy d ialling.
Gl ossa ry 33 B ECM (Error Correcti o n Mode) Detect s errors during fa x transmi ssion and r esends t he pages of the f ax t hat had an erro r. E xten sio n tele phon e A telephone us ing the same lin e as your fax but plugge d into a separ ate wall socket .
34 Pause Allows you to place a 3.5 (2.5 for So uth Africa) s econd delay in th e dialli ng sequence while you are dia lling using t he dial pa d or whil e you are storing S pe ed Dial num bers. P re ss R ed ial/ Paus e ke y on the cont rol panel as many t imes as needed for longer pauses.
Gl ossa ry 35 B User Settin gs A p rinte d rep ort t ha t s hows the current setti ngs of the machine. WLA N Re por t A p rinte d rep ort t ha t s hows t he r esult of the WLAN Connect ion.
Index 36 C Nu mer i cs 2 in 1 ID Copy ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ..... .. ..... .. 2 3 A Acces s code s , stor ing and diallin g .. ..... .. .. 15 Addre s s Book Broadcas ting (Group dial) ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .... 9 Cance llin g a Broadcas t .
37 C M Macintosh See Sof tware and Network U ser’s G uide. Manual transmiss ion . ..... .. ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... 8 Memory Storage .. .. ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... 1 Mode, entering Time r ... .... ... .... .
www.brothe Visi t us on the Worl d Wide Web http ://ww .com These machines are approved for use in the coun try of purchase only. Loc al Brother com panies or their dealer s will only support mac hines purchased in their own countries .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Brother DCP-T500W (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Brother DCP-T500W noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Brother DCP-T500W - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Brother DCP-T500W reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Brother DCP-T500W erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Brother DCP-T500W besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Brother DCP-T500W verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Brother DCP-T500W. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Brother DCP-T500W gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.