Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DCP-J140W des Produzenten Brother
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Basic User’s Guide D CP- J140W Ver sion 0 UK/IRE/GEN.
If y ou ne ed to call Customer Service Ple as e comp let e the fo llow ing in fo rma tio n for fu ture re fe re n ce : Mo de l Num b er : DC P-J 140W Seri al N umb er : 1 Dat e of P ur c ha se : Pl ac e o f P ur ch as e : 1 The se rial n umb er is on th e back of th e un it.
i User’s G uides a nd where do I fi nd them? 1 It ma y dif fer depen di n g on you r c ount ry. 2 Visit u s at h t tp://s olutions .br . 3 PD F pri nti ng is not sup po rted o n Wi nd ows ® Ph one. Which Guid e? What' s in it? Where is it ? Pr oduct Safety Guide Read thi s Guide fir st.
ii Table of Conten ts (Basic User’s Guide) 1 Genera l inf ormat ion 1 Usi n g th e docu me nt a tio n .... ... .. .. ... .. .... ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... . 1 Sy mb ols a nd co nve nti on s u se d i n t h e d ocu me nta tio n .
iii 6 How to sca n to a c om put er 22 Scannin g a docum ent ....... . ..... ..... . .... . ... ..... . .... . ..... ........ . ..... ........ . ..... ..... . .. . ..... ..... 22 Scannin g using t he SCAN k ey... . ..... ..... . .. . ..... ..... . .. .
iv Table of Conten ts (A dva nced User ’s Gu ide) The Advanced U s er’s Guide explai ns the followin g features an d operati ons. You can view the Advanced Us er’s Guid e on the CD-ROM.
1 1 1 Using the d ocumentation 1 Thank you for buying a Bro ther machine! Reading t he docum entation w ill help you make t he most o f your mac hine. Symb ols a nd conv e ntions us ed in the docum ent ation 1 The followi ng s ymbol s and conventions ar e used thr oughout t he documentat ion.
Chapter 1 2 Note If the Broth er screen does not appe ar automati c ally , go t o My C omputer (C ompu ter) , double -click the CD - ROM i con, and then d ouble-click start. exe . b If the m odel name scre en appears, click your mode l name . c If the language s c reen appear s, click your language .
Gener al i nfo rmation 3 1 Acces sing Brother Support (Window s ® ) 1 You can find all the contac ts you will need, such as Web support (Brother Soluti ons Center) on the C D-ROM. Clic k Bro the r Sup por t on the To p Menu . The f ollowing screen will appear: To acc ess our website (htt p :// ww w.
Chapter 1 4 Contro l panel ov ervie w 1 1 Cop y keys: You can t emporaril y change the c opy s ettings when i n copy mode. Enlarge/Re duce Lets you enl arge or reduce copies depending on the rati o you sel ect. Copy Qu ality Use this key to tempor arily cha nge the quality of your copies .
Gener al i nfo rmation 5 1 7 W a r n i n g L E D Blinks in orange wh en the L CD d isplay s an error or a n importa nt status mes sage. 8 L C D (Liq uid Cry stal Disp lay) Displa ys messages on the s creen t o help you set up an d use y our machin e.
6 2 Loadin g paper and other print medi a 2 Load only one size of paper a nd one ty pe of paper in the paper tra y at any one time. a Pull t he paper tray complet ely out of the machine. Note If the paper support fl ap (1) is open, close it, and then cl ose the paper support (2) .
Loading pa per 7 2 Note When using Legal s ize paper, press and hold the uni versal guide rele ase button (1) as you s lide o ut the front of the paper t ray. d Fan the stack of paper well to avoid paper jams and mi sfeeds. Note Always ma k e sure that the paper is not curled or wr inkled .
Chapter 2 8 f Gently adjust the paper side guid es (1) to fit the paper us ing both hands. Make sur e the pa per sid e guides touch the side s of t he paper. g Close the output paper tray c o v er. h Slowly push the paper tray complet ely into t he machine.
Loading pa per 9 2 Load ing enve lope s and post card s 2 Abou t en velop es 2 Use envelopes that we igh betwe en 80 and 95 g/m 2 . Some envelopes need margin setting s to be set in the applicat ion. Make sure you do a test print f irst befor e printing man y envel opes.
Chapter 2 10 b Put env elopes or postcar ds in the paper tray with the address side down and the leading edge ( t op of the envelop es) in first as shown in the illust ration. Using both hands, gent ly press and slide the paper side guid es (1) and paper length guide (2) to f i t the size of the envelopes or postcard s.
Loading pa per 11 2 Un pri nt ab le a rea 2 The print able area depends o n the s ettings in t he app lication you ar e usi ng. Th e figures below show the unprin t able are as on cut sheet paper and envelope s. The mac hine can print in the shaded areas of cut sheet paper when the Border less print featur e is available and tu rned on.
Chapter 2 12 Paper settings 2 Pa pe r Type 2 To get the best print quality, s et the machine for the t y pe of paper you are using . a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to ch oose 2.Copy . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choo s e 1.Paper Type . Pres s OK .
Loading pa per 13 2 Accepta ble p aper and other print m edia 2 The print quali ty c an be affected by the type of paper you use in the machine. To get the best print qualit y for the set tings you ha v e chos en, alway s set the Paper Type to match the type of paper t h at is loaded in the tray.
Chapter 2 14 Hand ling an d us ing prin t medi a 2 Store pape r in its original packagi ng and keep it sealed. Keep the paper f lat and away from mois t ure, dir ect sunlight and heat. Avoid tou c hing the shiny ( coated) side of photo paper. Loa d photo pape r with the shiny si de f acing down.
Loading pa per 15 2 Ch oosing t he r ight p rint m ed ia 2 P ap er ty pe an d si z e fo r ea ch ope ra t io n 2 Pape r Type Paper Size Usage Copy Prin ter Cut Sh eet A4 210 297 mm (8.3 11.7 in.) Yes Ye s Letter 21 5.9 279.4 mm ( 8 1/2 11 in.
Chapter 2 16 Pap er weig ht, t hicknes s an d capac ity 2 1 Up to 10 0 sh eets of 80 g /m 2 pape r. 2 BP7 1 (260 g/ m 2 ) pape r is es pe ci ally des igne d for Bro the r ink jet ma ch ines . Pa per Ty pe Weight Thickne ss No . of sheet s Cut S heet Plain P aper 64 to 120 g/m 2 0 .
17 3 3 How to load do c um ent s 3 You can make cop ies and scan from t he scanner gl ass. Us ing the scann er glas s 3 You can use the scanner glass to copy or scan pages of a book or one page at a time. Docu men t Size s Su ppor ted 3 Ho w to load docu ments 3 a Lift the doc um ent cover .
Chapter 3 18 U n scan nabl e area 3 The sc annable area depends on the set t ings in the appl ication you are using. The figur es below s how t he unscanna ble areas.
19 4 4 How to c opy 4 The followi ng s teps show the basic copy operation. a Load y our document fa ce do wn on the scanner glas s. (See How to load document s uu page 17.) b If you want more than one copy, press Number of Copi es repeatedly un t il the number of copies you want appear s (up to 9 9).
Chapter 4 20 Paper O ptions 4 Paper Ty pe 4 If you are copyi ng on a special type of paper, set t he machine for t he type of pap er you are usi ng t o get the best print quality. a Load your docum ent . b Enter t he nu mber of cop ies you want . c Pres s Co py O pt ion s and a or b to choose Paper Type .
21 5 5 Prin ting a document 5 The machi ne can receiv e and print dat a from your com puter. To print from a comput er, you must instal l t he printer driver. uu Software User’s G ui de : Prin ting (Windows ® ) uu Software User’s G ui de : Prin ting (Ma cintosh) a Instal l the Brothe r print er driver f rom the CD-ROM.
22 6 Scann ing a docum ent 6 There ar e s evera l ways to scan document s . You can use t he SCAN key on the machin e or the sc anner drivers on your computer. a To use the machine as a scanne r, you must inst all a scanner driver. If the machine is on a Network , configur e it with a TCP/IP address.
How to s can to a comp uter 23 6 Scanni ng usi ng a scan ner driv er 6 uu Software User’s G ui de : Scanning a document using the TWAIN driv er (Windows ® ) uu Software User’s G ui de : Scanning .
24 A Replacing the ink cartridge s A Your mac hine is equipped with an ink dot cou nt er. The ink dot count er automat ically moni t ors the level of ink in each of the four cartrid ges. When the machine detects an ink cartridge is runnin g out of ink, t he machine will displ ay a messa ge on the LCD.
Routine maintenan ce 25 A b Press t he loc k release lev er as shown to relea s e t he cartridg e indicat ed on the LCD. Remove the cartridg e from the machine. c Open t he new ink cartridg e bag f or the colou r indicate d on the LCD, and then take ou t the ink cartri dge.
26 f Gently push the ink c artridge in until it clicks, and then close the ink cartridge cover. g The machi ne will automati c ally reset the ink dot counter . Note • If y ou rep laced an ink cartridge, for example Blac k, the LCD may ask you to verif y that it was a brand new one ( Did You Change Blck? ).
Routine maintenan ce 27 A Cleaning and c hecking the ma chine A Clea ning the scan ner glass A a Unplug the mac hine fr o m the electrical socket . b Lift the document cover (1). Clean t he scanner glas s ( 2) and the whit e plastic (3) with a soft lint - free clot h moist ened with a non-flamm able glas s clean er.
28 Ch eck in g th e pr i nt qu al it y A If faded or s treaked colours and text appear on y our print outs, s ome of t he print head noz z les m ay be clogged. You can check t his by pri nting the Prin t Qualit y Chec k Sheet and look ing at the nozz l e check patte r n.
Routine maintenan ce 29 A Note Check ing t he pri nt al ig nment A You may need to adjust the prin t align m ent after tran s por t ing the mac hine, if your printe d text becomes blurr ed or images bec ome faded. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose 1.
30 B Error and Mainte nance me ssa ges B As wit h any sophisticat ed office produ c t, errors m ay occur and consum able items may need to be rep laced. If this happens, your machine iden t ifies the error and shows an error m ess age. Th e most common er ror and main tenance mes sages ar e sho wn below.
Troubleshooti ng 31 B Cannot Print Replace XX Ink One o r more of the ink car tridges have reached th e end o f their li fe. The m achine wi ll stop all print op erations .
32 Ink Box Full The ink absorbe r box or flus hing box i s full. These c omponents are periodi c maintenance i tems tha t may require replacement after a per iod of time to ensure optim um perfor mance fr om your Brother machine. B ecause thes e components ar e peri odic main tenance items, the r eplacem ent is not covered under the w arranty.
Troubleshooti ng 33 B No Paper Fed The ma chine is out of paper or paper is not c orrectl y loaded i n the paper tray. Do one of the fol lowing: Refill the pa per in th e paper tray, and then p ress Mo n o Start or Co lou r Star t . Remov e and reload the paper , th en p r ess Mono Start or Co lou r Star t .
34 Printer jam or pa per ja m B Take out t he jam m ed pap er depending on wher e it is jam m ed i n the machine. a Unplug the mach ine f rom the electrical sock et. b Open t he Jam Clea r Cover (1) at t he back of the machine. P ull the jammed paper out of the machine.
Troubleshooti ng 35 B f Using both hands , grasp t he plastic tabs on both sides of the mac hine and lift the scanner c over (1) until it locks secure ly in the open positi on. Move the print head (if necessar y) to take ou t any p aper remai ning in t h is area.
36 Troubleshooting B If you think t here is a problem with your machine, check the c hart and follow t he t roub leshooting tip s. Most problems can be easily resolved by yourself. If you need additio nal help, the Brother Sol ut ions Center offers the lates t FAQs an d trouble s hooti ng tips.
Troubleshooti ng 37 B No p rintout. (Co nti nued ) The d ocument will not pri n t if the old , unprin ted dat a remains i n the pr in ter driver spool e r.
38 Smu dge or stai n at th e top ce ntr e of th e pri nte d page . Mak e s ure th e pa per is not too t hi ck or curl ed. (See Acce ptab le pape r and othe r p rin t medi a uu page 13 .) Pr inting ap pe ars di rty or ink see ms to ru n. Ma ke su re yo u are usin g t he re com men de d typ es o f pap er.
Troubleshooti ng 39 B Mac hine feed s mul tip le pa ge s. Mak e su re th e pape r is lo ad ed c or rec tly in the pa pe r tray . (S ee Load in g pape r and othe r p r int m ed ia uu pa ge 6 .) Rem ove al l t he pape r from the tra y and f a n th e s tack of pape r wel l, th en pu t i t ba ck in th e tr ay.
40 So ftwar e Diff icult ies Dif fic ulty Su gges tion s Cannot instal l softwa re or prin t. (Win d ows ® onl y) Run the Repa ir MFL-Pr o Suite program o n the CD- ROM . This p rogram wil l r epair and r eins t all t he s oft war e. “De vic e Bus y” Mak e s ure th e ma chin e is not show ing an e rro r mess age on t he L CD.
Troubleshooti ng 41 B Mac hine I nformatio n B Ch ec king the se ria l n umb er B You can see the mac hine’s serial number on the LCD. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose 5.Machine Info . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose 1.Serial No . Press OK .
42 C On-scr een programming C Your mac hine is designed to be easy to oper at e with LCD on-s creen programming usi ng t he menu keys. Use r- friend ly pro gramming helps y ou ta k e ful l advantage of all the menu select ions y o ur machine has to of fe r.
Menu and f eatur es 43 C To access the menu mode: a Press Me nu . b Choose an option. You can scroll more quickly throu gh each menu level by pressi ng a or b for the d irection you want. 1.In k 2.Co py 3.Ne twork 4.Pr int Reports 5.Ma chine I nfo. 0.
44 Menu table C The menu tabl e will help you understand the menu select ions and options that are found in th e machi ne's programs. The defau lt settings are shown in Bold with an aster isk. Menu ( ) C Level1 Level2 Level3 Options Descript ions P age 1.
Menu and f eatur es 45 C Ne twor k me nu C Level1 Level2 Level3 Opti o ns Descript ions Page 3.Net work 1.TCP/I P 1.BOO T Met hod Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Ch oo se s the BO OT met hod that best suit s yo ur ne eds. See . 2.IP Address [000-255] . [000-255] .
46 3.Ne twork (C onti nued ) 3.WPS/AOSS — — You ca n ea sily con fig ure yo ur wire less n etwork sett ing s using th e one - butto n pu sh met hod. Se e . 4. WPS w/PIN Code — — Yo u can ea si ly c onfig ur e yo ur wire less n etwork sett ing s using WP S wi th a PIN co de .
Menu and f eatur es 47 C Me nu ( conti nu ed) C Level1 L evel2 Level3 Op tions D escriptions Page 4. Pr int Report s 1. U ser Setti ngs — — Prints these lists and re po r ts . See . 2. Network Config —— 3.WLAN Report —— 5. Ma chine I nfo. 1.
48 Co p y Q u ality ( ) (Tempo rary settin gs) C Enla rg e/Re du ce ( ) (Tem porary setti ngs) C Level1 Level2 Level3 Options Descript ions P age ——— Best Normal * Fast Choos e the Copy reso lutio n. See . Adv anc ed Us er’ s Gui de The fact ory s ett ings a re sh own i n Bol d w it h an ast e risk .
Menu and f eatur es 49 C Copy O ption s ( ) (T emp or a ry se tti n gs ) C Level1 L evel2 Level3 Op tions D escriptions Page Paper Type —— Plain Pa per * Inkjet P aper Brother BP71 Brother BP61 Other Gl ossy Transpar ency Choo se the pa pe r ty pe .
50 SCA N ( ) C Level1 Level2 Level3 Options Descript ions P age Scan t o E-mai l — — — You c an s can a monochrome or a colour document into your E-mail appl ic ati on. See . Scan to I mage — — — Y ou c an s can a co lour pict ure int o yo ur gr ap hics appl ic ati on.
51 D D Genera l D Note This c hapter provi des a summar y of t he machine ’s specificat ions. For additional s pecificat ions visit http:// om/ for detail s. 1 Me asu red when th e ma ch ine is con ne cted to th e US B int e rface. 2 When r e soluti o n: sta n dard / document: ISO/IE C 24712 print e d patt ern.
52 1 Noi se depe nd s on prin tin g cond iti ons . 2 Office equi p ment w ith L WA d> 6.30 B(A ) i s no t sui tab le for us e in r oom wh er e pe op le do pr im ari ly in tel le ctua l wo rk . S uch equi pment sh oul d b e pla ced in s epara te room s be cause of the n ois e em issi on.
Specific a ti o ns 53 D Prin t media D 1 For gloss y pa pe r or tra nspar e ncie s, remo ve p rin ted pa ge s fr om t he ou tp ut pa pe r tray imm edi ate ly afte r th ey exi t the mac hin e to a void sm udgi ng . 2 Use onl y tran spa ren ci es re com men de d for inkj et pr int ing.
54 Cop y D 1 W hen co pyi ng on A4 siz e pape r . Co lour/ Mon och rome Yes/Yes Co py Widt h 1 204 mm Mul tip le Co pies Stacks up to 99 pages Enlarg e/ Redu ce 25% to 40 0% (in in c re m ents of 1%) .
Specific a ti o ns 55 D Scanne r D 1 Wind ow s ® XP in th is User ’s Guide inclu d es Wind ows ® XP Home Ed ition, Win dows ® X P Pr ofe ssion al , an d Wi nd ows ® XP P rofe ssi on al x64 Edit ion . 2 For the l ates t dr iver up date s for the Ma c O S X yo u a re usin g, visit us at h ttp ://so lut ions .
56 Printer D 1 When pr in ting on A4 siz e pa per. 2 When the B order less feature is s et t o On. 3 See Pa per type a nd siz e for ea ch ope rat ion uu page 15 .
Specific a ti o ns 57 D I nterface s D 1 You r m ac hine ha s a Hi-S pe ed US B 2. 0 in te rfac e. Th e ma ch ine c an also be co nn ec ted t o a c om put e r th at h as a US B 1.
58 Computer requireme nts D SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE FUNCTIO N S Comput er Platform & Operating S ystem Ve rsion Supp or ted PC S of t w ar e F uncti ons PC Inte r face Processo r .
Specific a ti o ns 59 D Consuma ble i tems D Ink The machine uses indi vidual Black, Yellow, Cyan and Magenta ink cart ridges that are separat e from the print head assembly.
Index 60 E A Appl e Macintosh See Softwar e User's Guide. B Brot her Crea t iveC ent er ... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. .. 3 C Cleani ng pri nt head .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. 2 7 scanne r .
61 E P Paper ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... . 13 , 53 cap aci ty . .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... . 1 6 loading ....... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. . 6 , 9 loading enve lopes and postcards .
Visi t us on t h e Wo rld Wide Web http ://www .broth This machi ne is appr oved fo r use in the countr y of pu rchas e only. Loc al Br other compani es or their dealers w ill only supp ort mach ines purc hased in the ir own coun tries .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Brother DCP-J140W (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Brother DCP-J140W noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Brother DCP-J140W - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Brother DCP-J140W reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Brother DCP-J140W erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Brother DCP-J140W besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Brother DCP-J140W verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Brother DCP-J140W. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Brother DCP-J140W gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.