Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A des Produzenten ADIC
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Administrative T asks FileS erv V ersion 4 .3 February , 2001 600716 Rev A.
Trad emark Not ice AMASS, DataMgr, EMASS, F ileServ, and VolServ are e ither trademarks or registered trademarks of ADIC, Advanced Digital Information Corporation. DAS is a trademark of Grau, an ADIC subsidiary. All other product names and identifica tions are trademarks or registered t rademarks of their r espective ma nufacturers.
ADIC includes this Form in an effort to provide the best possible documentation to our customers. Please take a few moments to mail or FAX your response to: ADIC Software D ocumentatio n 10949 East Peakview Ave. Englewood, CO 80111 FAX: 303-792-2465 E-mail: swpubs@adic.
600716 R ev A Contents 5 Contents Preface P u r p o s eo fT h i sB o o k ................................................ P - 3 W h oS h o u l dR e a dT h i sB o o k ......................................... P - 3 H o wT h i s B o o ki sO r g a n i z e d .
Admi nist rativ e T as ks 6C o n t e n t s 600 716 Rev A S t o r ea n dT r u n c a t eF i l e s .......................................... 1 - 1 0 D a t a b a s eM a i n t e n a n c e ........................................... 1 - 1 0 c h k _ p o i n t .
Adminis trative T asks 600716 R ev A Contents 7 Edit Devices with fsconfig Command ........................... 1 - 4 8 A d daL i b r a r y ................................................ 1 - 4 9 Edit Device ...........................................
Admi nist rativ e T as ks 8C o n t e n t s 600 716 Rev A P o l i c i e s ......................................................... 2 - 3 1 S t o r a g eP o l i c y ................................................ 2 - 3 2 C l e a n u pP o l i c y .....
Adminis trative T asks 600716 R ev A Contents 9 M e d i aS t a t e s .................................................... 2 - 6 3 S t o r a g eL i m i t.................................................... 2 - 6 5 G e n e r a t eM e d i aR e p o r t s .
Admi nist rativ e T as ks 10 Contents 600716 R ev A D u m pD a t a ...................................................... 4 - 9 R e s t o r eD a t a .................................................... 4 - 1 1 A u d i tD a t a b a s e ................
Preface P Preface P u r p o s eo f T h i sB o o k ....................... P - 3 W h oS h o u l dR e a dT h i s B o o k ................. P - 3 H o wT h i s B o o ki sO r g a n i z e d ................ P - 3 C o n v e n t i o n s ......................
Administrative T asks P-2 Preface 600716 Re v A NOTES.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Prefac e P-3 Preface Purpose of This Book This book describes the management tasks, util ities, and troubleshooting tools used in operating FileServ . Who Sho uld Read This Book This book is writte n for the system administrator who is operating and troubleshooting FileServ .
Administrative T asks P-4 Preface 600716 Re v A Conventions The c onventions used throughout the FileServ technical books are listed below: Convention Example Screen t ext, fil e names, prog ram names, and comm and s are in Courier font. FS0000 03 204773 fsme dinfo completed: Command Successful.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Prefac e P-5 Preface Books The books desc ribed below are part of t he technical documentation set, and are shipped on CD: Online Bo oks The documentation CD contai ns FileServ book files and Adobe ® Acrobat ® Reade r .
Administrative T asks P-6 Preface 600716 Re v A Related Publications The publications described in the table below are crea ted and distributed on an as-needed basis. Cont act Publications Dep artmen t T o make corrections or to comment on FileServ publications, please contact Software T echnical Publications at our email address: swpubs@adic.
System T asks 1 System T asks G e n e r a l P a r a m e t e r s .................. 1 - 2 8 S y s t e mA d m i n i s t r a t i o nP a r a m e t e r s.... 1 - 2 8 D e f a u l tP a r a m e t e r s .................. 1 - 3 6 F i l eR e t e n t i o nP a r a m e t e r s .
Administrative T asks 1-2 System T asks 600716 Re v A Roadma p To p i c Refer T o Chapter Initi alize Fi leServ , configu re inte rface wi th V olSer v , per form start up and sh ut down, mo dify system c onfigura tion, and t une system for b etter performanc e.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Syst em Tasks 1-3 System T asks Initialize FileServ Running FileServ for the first time involves the following tasks listed in the ta ble below: Access the Host Serv.
Administrative T asks 1-4 System T asks 600716 Re v A Interface to Vo l S e r v After both FileSe rv and V olServ have been installed and initially configured, drive pool and association of a MediaClass group with a library must be established within V olServ for FileSe rv communica tions.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Syst em Tasks 1-5 System T asks Associate MediaClass with Libra ry On SGI systems, there are fifty four MediaClass names. Each MediaClass has the following form: FileServID_mediatype_mediaclasstype There are ten possible values for FileServ ID: F0 through F9.
Administrative T asks 1-6 System T asks 600716 Re v A • F0_D2S_MIGRATE • F0_D2S_REMOVE Register the Configuration Before FileSer v can operate properly , the physical configuration of the system must be defined within FileServ . This procedure is accomplished during or after FileServ instal lation.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Syst em Tasks 1-7 System T asks • T runcation policies for files and media types associated with the DataClass group.
Administrative T asks 1-8 System T asks 600716 Re v A Media Under FileSer v Management Befor e data can b e copied f rom disk t o tape, the t ape medi a must be in place. The media should be properly label ed and entered into a storage subsystem b y a V olServ operator be fore entering media into the FileServ database.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Syst em Tasks 1-9 System T asks Create Migration Policies Migration polici es initiate movement of fi le data from disk to tape. The following types of policy can be run: • Store data to tape (base d on DataClass param eters).
Administrative T asks 1-10 System T a sks 600716 Rev A Routine Processing Part of the FileServ system routine processing includes: Sto re a n d T runcate Files Policies for storage and for data truncation are run a s part of routine system processing.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-11 System T asks FileServ database maintenance is part of routine system processing. FileServ uses a RAIMA database to store and track information about the files under FileServ . The RAIMA database is embedded within FileServ and automatically starts when File Serv starts .
Administrative T asks 1-12 System T a sks 600716 Rev A When the checkpoint script runs, it tars the entire contents of the Fil eServ dat abase to a separate f ile system . After t his process is completed, it zeros out the journal file. If the journaling file system becomes full, processing stops.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-13 System T asks The table below shows the suggested database maintenance intervals for each da tabase utility . Although FileSe rv must be terminated, the Lock Ma nager process must be active, to run the checkDBALL script.
Administrative T asks 1-14 System T a sks 600716 Rev A keyBuildAll The $FS_HOME/uti l/keyBuildAll script rebuilds all the key files for the RAIMA database. Rebuilding the file keys is a two step process that also rebalanc es the B-tree structure of the database.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-15 System T asks The utilities that operate on spe cific file systems are: blockpos, dirdb, fileattr, filecmnt, filecomp and filexpir . All of the utilities, with t he exception of keytest ,h a v et w o modes: • Command Line Mode.
Administrative T asks 1-16 System T a sks 600716 Rev A First, you check the devdb table for the entry containing /test2 . Notice there i s a field c alled “ device key ” associat ed with /test2 . This is the value you will use for device specific table utilit ies that are associ ated with th e /test2 file system.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-17 System T asks Intera ctive Mode T o start a utility in Inte ractive Mode, incl ude the -i option on the command line. If the -i option is used, F ileServ ignores the -k key option. In Interactive Mode, a menu displays with options valid for the specified utility .
Administrative T asks 1-18 System T a sks 600716 Rev A In addition, there is always an option to query on one or more unique keys. When entering an option, you may enter as many options on the command line as you like. However , only the very first characte r is accepted a s the command.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-19 System T asks • Heavy storage, retrieval, modification, crea tion, or deletion of files in migra tion directories . The advantage to taking extra checkpoints is that recovery from database corruption is much faster and more reliable.
Administrative T asks 1-20 System T ask s 600716 Re v A Run this command only if the archived f ile systems are newer than t he restored databa se and the journal files have been pr eserved. The command will not replace the old journal, so no other preparatory work should be needed if the journal file has been preserved.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-21 System T asks Run a fsmedinfo -l report to verify all file s deleted from media. If files still exist, rerun the fsclean c ommand. The fsundelete command allows recovery of removed or modified copies of files as long as an entry exists in the trashcan.
Administrative T asks 1-22 System T ask s 600716 Re v A Sta r t u p a n d Shut down The following startup modes exist for FileServ: • Normal . A normal termination allows a request to continue to a known processing state. When a normal termination is unsuccessful, contact technical support personnel to assist with the correction.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-23 System T asks The following messages display at the command line whe re the FileServ command is run to indicate a succe ssful initiation : Recovery Processing During Fi leServ processing, software activity is continually recorded in recove ry processing files.
Administrative T asks 1-24 System T ask s 600716 Re v A The recovery files cannot be used af ter a contingency start is issued. If the user needs to s ave the recover y files for review at a later time, move these files to another directory .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-25 System T asks Normal Shut down T o ensure an orderly shutdown of FileServ , any processing must be terminat ed gracefully . All components must be shut down in th e sequence as follows: St e p 1 . Shut down FileServ .
Administrative T asks 1-26 System T ask s 600716 Re v A Any media introduction or removal operations in progress are interrupte d. The requests resume and are completed when a subsequent normal startup is performed. The configuration states for the storage library components are not changed during termination.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-27 System T asks Managing System Configuration For the proper execution of FileServ commands and operations, the physical storage library configuration must be maintained in the FileServ sys tem and parameter f iles.
Administrative T asks 1-28 System T ask s 600716 Re v A Genera l Parame ters The fs_sysparm file contains parameters that control general FileServ activities.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-29 System T asks FILE_LBL_FMT_TAPE adic00000 001 Defines t he way data labels a re w r i t t e nt ot a p ed e v i c e s . adic000 00001 is A NSI standar d and writes data with tape marks between the header labe ls and da ta, and between data and traile r labels.
Administrative T asks 1-30 System T ask s 600716 Re v A DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE DL T Defaul t media ty pe used w ith command s with optional m edia types. DEF_MED_SPC_3480 220000000 Default tape le ngth of a 3480 c a r t r i d g ei nb y t e s . DEF_MED_SPC_3490 400000000 Default tape le ngth of a 3490 c a r t r i d g ei nb y t e s .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-31 System T asks FS_MAX_ACTIVE_ FORMATS 1 M aximu m number of driv es allow ed to perform tape forma tting at one time. FS_MAX_ACTIVE_ MEDCHECKS 1 M aximu m number of driv es allow ed to perfor m media check ing at an y one time.
Administrative T asks 1-32 System T ask s 600716 Re v A (contin ued) The FS_CALLOUT_S LEEP_INT and MAX_DMON_SUSP_ERRORS p a r a m e t e r sc a nb et u n e d ,i f recurri ng failures of multi ple copies of files ar e noted in the s ystem logs .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-33 System T asks MAX_WRITES 100 N umber o f retrie s on IP C send fail ure. Th e MAX_RE ADS and MAX_WRI TES param eters are set to the same num ber . This i s set by the factory an d is cha nged only by technic al support pers onnel.
Administrative T asks 1-34 System T ask s 600716 Re v A STARVATION_PERCENT 50 Percen t of MAX_T AP E_TO_T AP E_ALLOC _TI ME var iabl e in wh ich r esourc es wi ll be obtained an d not rel eased unti l all resources ha ve been secured or the tim e limit h as bee n exceed ed.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-35 System T asks FS_DRIVE_ERR _THRESHOLD 20 Thr eshold value when equ alled or exceede d resul ts in drives bei ng tak en offline. FS_MAX_FILES_PR_3480 2000 Maximum numbe r of files al lowed on a singl e 3480 car tridge tape.
Administrative T asks 1-36 System T ask s 600716 Re v A Defaul t Par amet ers The FileServ de fault parameters are used with F ileServ commands that a llow defaults ( fsaddclass and fsmodclass ). T o c hange a default, modify this file, cycle FileServ , then retry the command.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-37 System T asks If the system administrator does not log on as root , change the CLASS_USERID to default to the user ID of the user w ho is available for mail notification of actions that ar e required by FileSe rv .
Administrative T asks 1-38 System T ask s 600716 Re v A CLASS_DEF_MEDIA_TYPE DL T D efault m edia type (D 2S, D2M, D2L , DL T , 3480 , 3490, 3490 E, 3590,85 90). Dependin g on the platform us ed or a manual s ystem, modify the defaul t to media used .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-39 System T asks File Retention Parame ters The following list shows parameters that are used by the file comment keyword search and file expiration processes. T o change a value, modify this file, cycle the user interface, then retry the command.
Administrative T asks 1-40 System T ask s 600716 Re v A A file will be retained on the disk based upon the DEF_FILE_RETION_PERIOD or t he FILE_RETENTION_PERIOD value. The lowest value will determine a file’ s true retention period. V o lServ-specific Parame ters The following parameters are specific to the V olServ system.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-41 System T asks Inst allation Parame ters The following list shows the system parameters that are to be established at the time of system instal lation. Use the FileServ installation script for this purpose.
Administrative T asks 1-42 System T ask s 600716 Re v A FS_DATABASE fsdb FileSer v database name (1-20 c hars). The database mainten ance scripts use fsdb as the Fi leServ database n ame. If this paramete r is modifi ed, these scr ipts must also be mod ified.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-43 System T asks Software Mainte nance Parame ters The following list shows parameters that can be modified as required for software maintenance. FileServ must be cycled to affect the changes. These paramete rs are used to enable and disable dif ferent types of message logging.
Administrative T asks 1-44 System T ask s 600716 Re v A Me d ia Stats Parame ters The following list shows parameters that can be modified as required, to coll ect media statisti c information for each site . FileServ must be cycled to pick up c hanges to these parame ters.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-45 System T asks FS_FACILITY 1 Logging fac ility used for priorit y 0-7 message s direct ed to the s yslog.
Administrative T asks 1-46 System T ask s 600716 Re v A Edit Syst em Parame ters Configurable system parameters are modified by editing the FileSe rv system parameters $ FS_HOME / fs_sysp arm file. St e p 1 . Edit the fs_sysparm file using a text editor and replace the existing value with a valid new value.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-47 System T asks An example for the CLASS_MTIME parameter is shown below : St e p 2 . Recycle FileServ by running the command below: Upon restart, a servi ce utility is calle d by various processes and routines to establish system parameter values within th e FileServ environme nt.
Administrative T asks 1-48 System T ask s 600716 Re v A The UNIX device drivers provide th e means to reconfigure devices for the standa rd peripherals (disks and system console). T o reconfigure these components, refer to the applicable platform manual.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-49 System T asks When adding or deleting a drive to the system, the system parameter FS_VS_QUEUE_XX X_THRESHOLD value located under $FS_HOME / sysparms directory must be updated for each media type the dr ive supports.
Administrative T asks 1-50 System T ask s 600716 Re v A Edit Device St e p 1 . Run the fsconfig com mand with the - a option to add a new component to the ADIC system. St e p 2 . Use the appropriate options, as needed. For option information, refer to the Command Refer ence book.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-51 System T asks Genera te Repor t St e p 1 . Run the fsconfig comman d. Use the -h option to show the configuration of all component. Or, use the -i option to show the configuration of a specific component.
Administrative T asks 1-52 System T ask s 600716 Re v A Drive Co mpatibili ty The fsconfig command can configure various drives. The following list shows the FileServ default drive values and the various drives each default value supports along with the media type.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-53 System T asks Change Component St a te Component state changes a llow for timely maintenance and diagnostics of a library component. When a library component is taken from the online ( ON ) state to the offline state ( OFF ), it is not available for usual FileServ operations.
Administrative T asks 1-54 System T ask s 600716 Re v A • UNA V AIL • MAINT •O N •O F F • UNKNOWN Because FileServ and V olServ components work interactively , changes in the drive components or stora ge subsystem are reflect ed in V olServ .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-55 System T asks St e p 2 . Use the -s option to indicate the required new state of the component. V alid state entries are : UNAVAIL , MAINT , ON , OFF ,a n d UNKNOWN .
Administrative T asks 1-56 System T ask s 600716 Re v A St e p 4 . Change directory to $FS_HOME (directory where FileSe rv is located). St e p 5 . Source FileServ cshrc by entering source .cshrc . St e p 6 . Execute the fsvsinstall script by entering run /util/install/fsvsinstall and respond to questions.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-57 System T asks Fine-t une Parameters The following para meters ca n be fine-tuned for bette r system performance: Reallocate Drives Drive alloca tion is af fected by the fol lowing sets parameters : • Drive deallocati on .
Administrative T asks 1-58 System T ask s 600716 Re v A St e p 2 . Modify any of the drive parameters identified in the table below: St e p 3 . Save and close the edited f ile. Modify Tape Usage The way data is writte n to tape is modifi ed by editing the appropriate system parameters that control: • Estimated tape length calculations.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-59 System T asks St e p 3 . Save and close the edited f ile. Red irect P oli cy Applications St e p 1 . Open the crontab file. St e p 2 . Modifying the list of DataClass groups where the policies is applied.
Administrative T asks 1-60 System T ask s 600716 Re v A NOTES.
Opera ting T asks 2 Oper ating T asks D a t a C l a s sM a n a g e m e n t ..................... 2 - 3 D a t a C l a s sG r o u p s ....................... 2 - 4 M a n i p u l a t eR e l a t i o n s................... 2 - 1 0 F i l eM a n a g e m e n t .
AdministrativeT asks 2-2 Operating T asks 600716 Re v A Roadma p T opic Refer T o Chapter Initia liz e File Serv , c onfig ur e inter face w ith V olServ , perform star t up and shut down, modify system confi guratio n, and tune system for be tter per forman ce.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-3 Opera itng T asks Dat aClass Manage ment File s controlled by FileServ are s egregated i nto DataC lass groups. A DataClass group contains a unique set of parameters that govern the migration beha vior of the directories that ar e associated with the class.
AdministrativeT asks 2-4 Operating T asks 600716 Re v A Migration policy parameters are configurable on a D ataClass group basis, which provides the FileServ administrator with control over the behavior of the FileServ system.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-5 Opera itng T asks T o create a DataClass group, follow the steps be low . St e p 1 . T o verify t he param eter settings before attempting any modification, use the fsclassinfo com mand to view th e DataC lass gro up par ameter s.
AdministrativeT asks 2-6 Operating T asks 600716 Re v A St e p 1 . Run the fsmodclass command and specify a DataClass group name. St e p 2 . Use fsclassinfo to compare eac h DataClass group parameter .
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-7 Opera itng T asks Remove Group with fsrmcl ass Command The fsrmclass operation removes a DataClass group and its parameters from File Serv . This proced ure also delet es the direct ory-to-DataClass associations that involve the specified DataClass group.
AdministrativeT asks 2-8 Operating T asks 600716 Re v A If no class is specified, a short report on all DataClass groups is generated. The generat ed report is s ent to stdout but can be r edirec ted to a file or piped to a printer .
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-9 Opera itng T asks Noti fy ID E-m ail add ress w here no tifica tion is s ent when the soft lim it or hard limit is reached. Secu rity C ode Four-ch aract er D ataC lass g roup s ecur ity code. Account Number Five-cha racter Data Class group accoun t number .
AdministrativeT asks 2-10 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Manipulate Relations Migration directories are define d by associating directories w ith a DataClass group. A DataClass group is associated with one or more directory p aths. This association i s defined as a rela tion between the DataClass group and the directory .
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-1 1 Opera itng T asks This procedure allows you to associate a DataClass group definition with a dire ctory . All files and directories beneath t he association point are included in and governed by the D ataClass group parameters.
AdministrativeT asks 2-12 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Associ ate New Dire ctories wit h Files Files can be present in a directory when t he fsaddrelation is performed. Creating a directory under a directory that is an association point automat ically associa tes the newly create d directory with the DataClass group of it s parent direc tory .
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-1 3 Opera itng T asks Major and minor device numbers are not necessary . Instead, use the device name of the file system as listed by the UNIX df command.
AdministrativeT asks 2-14 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Below is an example of the df command. In the example, the numbers given by fuser are pr ocesses accessing files in /tst1 . T o get more information on the process, use ps -elf and grep for the process number .
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-1 5 Opera itng T asks St e p 3 . V erify that the DataClass group is define d by using the fsclassinfo command. St e p 4 . If the DataClass group is not defined, see “All GUI class operations are run from ADMIN-> Define Class ->Create Groups or w ith the fsaddclass command.
AdministrativeT asks 2-16 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Remove Rel ations wi th fsrm rela tion C omm and A directory-to-DataClass relationship is removed and the directory is made a nonmigration directory by using the fsrmrelation operation. Removing a DataClass relationship from a directory causes it to be a nonmigration directory by FileServ .
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-1 7 Opera itng T asks Change Rel ation Points Association points are moved up or down in the file system hierarchy tree from their original definition with the fsrollup and fsrolldown commands, or Define Class/Directory Relations menu.
AdministrativeT asks 2-18 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A In the figure below , the fsrollup command fails to roll up to dir1 from dir2 because dir6 is not a migration direc tory . The fsrollup function is performed on only one hierarchical directory l evel at a time.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-1 9 Opera itng T asks St e p 3 . Specify the nam e of the directory to be rolled up to (the new association point). Roll Down D ataClass Group s The DataCla ss association point dire ctory level is cha nged using the fsrolldown comma nd.
AdministrativeT asks 2-20 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A FileServ does not permit you to roll down to a directory that is two or mor e levels be low an as sociati on point o f the Dat aClass group. St e p 1 . Ensure that no regular files are in the specified directory .
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-2 1 Opera itng T asks Generate Da taClass Report While DataClass relation points are listed in the long format of the Class Information Report, in.
AdministrativeT asks 2-22 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A File Manage ment File ma nagement tracks file information, requests fi le copies, and controls disk space of files under FileServ control.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-2 3 Opera itng T asks When hard-linked files are stored and re trieved, the common file data is stored or retrieved for all of the links, no matter which file nam e is submitted with the f sstore command.
AdministrativeT asks 2-24 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A File spanning is enabled or disabled for each DataClass group by the fsaddclass command. The fsmodclass allows modification of DataClass group processing parameters while the fsfileinfo command reports all the locations of the spanned file.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-2 5 Opera itng T asks The c luster.config file, located under the FS_HOME / sysparms directory , controls file cl ustering parameters. Each DataClass group is added to this file and the applicable file siz e values are entered (file sizes are expresse d in millions of bytes).
AdministrativeT asks 2-26 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Modify File Attributes Files that reside in dir ectories associ ated with a Da taClass group have two types of attributes: • Attributes that specify the number of copies of the file to store. • Attributes that design ate how policy is applied.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-2 7 Opera itng T asks Files can then sha re DataClass group paramet ers with other files in the DataClass group. These files deviate in how poli cy is applied and in the number of copies of that file that are allowed on media.
AdministrativeT asks 2-28 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Gen era te Report T o view information about file location and attributes, follow the steps below: St e p 1 . Run the fsfileinfo command, specifying the names of the files you want reports on. St e p 2 .
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-2 9 Opera itng T asks Class T run c Iden tifies whe ther t he fil e is a candidat e for cleanup po licy applica tion. File size Size in byte s. Loca tion Ide ntif ies w hethe r file r esid es on disk, ta pe, or both.
AdministrativeT asks 2-30 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Dat a Migration A migra tion directory is contro lled by FileS erv (for exam ple, a directory that has a DataClass association.) Files stored under this directory , as well as any s ubsequent subdirectories, are migrated from disk to media as specified by the DataClass parameters.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-3 1 Opera itng T asks Minimum T ime Paramete rs The mintime is the minimum amount of time after the file is written or read before any policy action is take n. The mintime determines eligibili ty for file storage and for file remova l from disk.
AdministrativeT asks 2-32 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Migration and disk c leanup policies are impleme nted in the following policies : S torag e Poli cy St orage policy is used to mi grate eligible file dat a to media. When the policy is initiated, a list is generated to identify the files that must be stored to media.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-3 3 Opera itng T asks The filesize.config file as shown in the example below , is read each ti me a list of files i s received for storage. This f ile is dynamic and enables the system administrator to make changes without recycl ing FileServ .
AdministrativeT asks 2-34 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Cleanup Po licy Cleanup policy is used to remove file data from disk. The number of files removed is based on the available disk space requested for a file system. When the cleanup policy is run, each file that is a disk data truncation candidate is assigned a weight.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-3 5 Opera itng T asks Overflow Policy The HIBLK_THRESHOLD and L OBLK_THRESHOLD syst em variables are located in t he fs_sysparm file. These variables are system-wide parameter s. FileSe rv reads the new values at startup t ime.
AdministrativeT asks 2-36 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A • Normal. The normal store reque st is placed in the queue for processing along with all other resource requests. •E m e r g e n c y . The fspolicy command maintains a n internal store and truncate candidate list of files.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-3 7 Opera itng T asks Eac h line in a . crontab file must consist of six positional fields, separat ed by spaces or tabs, and format ted as follows: Any of the first five fields can be a li st of values separat ed by commas.
AdministrativeT asks 2-38 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A The specification of days is made by two f ields (day of the month and day of the week). If both are specified as a list of elements, the policy adheres to both. If one of the fields is an asteri sk, the other field determ ines the day of the month o r week.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-3 9 Opera itng T asks • The two cases where storage policy is run on groupaclass and groupbclass run at 15 minutes past 4 and at 40 minute s past 4, respectiv ely , eve ry day of the year . • The storage policy application for tempclass is run at midnight on weekdays.
AdministrativeT asks 2-40 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A St o r i n g an d Retrieving Dat a The set of DataClass group parameters govern how FileServ processes the movement of data from disk to media.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-4 1 Opera itng T asks In addition to provi ding an immediate store functiona lity , the fsstore command allows the user to override, on a file basi s, the default val ues for the DataClass para meters that a f fect storage pr ocessing.
AdministrativeT asks 2-42 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Clean Up Dat a from Disk C leanup is the removal of data from disk after the application of the storage policy . Cleanup is spe cified with one of the commands below: • fsstore. • fspolicy -t.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-4 3 Opera itng T asks Cleanup by DataClass A Dat aClas s group p aramet er speci fies th e defau lt clea nup action. A Cleanup policy can be: • Completely disabled. - Files can be excluded from clean-up.
AdministrativeT asks 2-44 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A A secondary file copy is written at the time the file is stored with the fsstore command by specifying the number of copies (including the primary file) up to the maximum number of copies set for the DataClass group.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-4 5 Opera itng T asks After a file is eligible for storage, the file data for the primary copy is written to media .
AdministrativeT asks 2-46 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Retriev e Files File s that resi de only on med ia are re trieved to d isk when accessed by the user during usual oper ations. Files can also be r e t r i e v e dt od i s kb yi s s u i n ga fsretrieve command.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-4 7 Opera itng T asks The fsretrieve command usually retrieves the primary copy of the file requested . If the primary copy is inaccessible or corrupted, the command defaults to the secondary copy .
AdministrativeT asks 2-48 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Retrieve Files from T rashcan FileSe rv recovers a particul ar version of a migrated file that was modified or removed from an archival directory on disk. As migrated files are modified or removed, a n entry is placed in the trashcan with in formation to recover the file.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-4 9 Opera itng T asks The fsundelete -u recovers a pre vious version of a migrated file or deleted migration directo ries. The comma nd is spec ified wit h the ful l path nam e and rest ores the Fi leServ pointer to the area of the media where the data is stored.
AdministrativeT asks 2-50 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Clean up T rashca n Another command that must be routinely run is fsclean .T h e fsclean command pur ges the FileServ trashcan information. Precautions must be taken when using the fsclean command.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-5 1 Opera itng T asks Retrieve Partia l Files The fsretrieve command supp orts partial file c opy to disk from media. A new file name is required, as well as a start and ending byte for the file dat a.
AdministrativeT asks 2-52 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Retrieve Secon dary Files If a file is stored to media as both a primary and secondary copy , the secondary copy of the file can be retrieved to disk as a new file by using the fsretrieve -c comman d.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-5 3 Opera itng T asks Media delayed in a drive can be dismounted with the fsdismount command. The fschstate or fsstate commands can b e used to determi ne if a drive is i n a delayed-dismount status.
AdministrativeT asks 2-54 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Media Manage ment This section describes operations required by both the V olServ operator and the Fil eServ system admini strator for each media management function.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-5 5 Opera itng T asks MediaCla ss Grou p Defi nitions There are 54 Media Class names with the following form: FileServID_mediatype_mediaclasstype There are ten possible values for FileServ ID: F0 through F9.
AdministrativeT asks 2-56 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Load and Unload Media Loading and removing media in the storage subsyst ems is a two-step process. Media are physically entered and removed from the system through the V olServ softwa re. FileServ logically en ters and removes media .
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-5 7 Opera itng T asks Remove Media St e p 1 . Run the fsmedout command with the media identifiers an d the -r option for the media to be checked out. The -t labeltext option is not supported at this time.
AdministrativeT asks 2-58 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Each type of media supported by FileServ has a defau lt media length specifi ed in the system p arameter s; -DEF_MED_SPC_mediatype . If two media of the same type have a different length, the -l option of the fsmedin command override s the default value.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-5 9 Opera itng T asks Remove Blank Media The f smedout command allows the remova l of blank media. T wo ways exist to remove blank media from the FileServ domain: • Checkout blank media. • Remove blank media.
AdministrativeT asks 2-60 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Checked-out blank media can be re-entered into the FileServ system using the f smedin -r command. If the re-entry of the Checked-out media is no longer required, the fsrminfo command is used to remove a ll knowledge of the media from the F ileSer v syste m.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-6 1 Opera itng T asks Format M edia All blank media introduced into the storage subsystem can be submitted for imme diate formatting or withheld from formatting.
AdministrativeT asks 2-62 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Both types of duplications are described below . Copy Media The fsmedcopy -r c o m m a n di su s e dt or e p l a c em e d i ab y moving data onto newer , better media or rec laiming the wasted space because of f ragmentation.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-6 3 Opera itng T asks Copy Files The fsfilecopy -r command functions like the fsmedcopy command, except i t replaces spec ified files, instea d of the ent ire media . A single file from media or several files fr om several media can be replaced.
AdministrativeT asks 2-64 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A The valid states for media in th e FileServ system include the following: S t ate Description Protect Reserved for re ad-only operati ons. Unprotect A vailabl e for read an d write operations. A va ilab le Erro r fre e and r eside nt in the sto rage subsyst em.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-6 5 Opera itng T asks Storage L imit Every FileSe rv installation has a storage limit ca pacity . If the storage limit capacit y is exceed ed, E-mail is s ent to the system administrator and a message is logged in the system log file.
AdministrativeT asks 2-66 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A After the amount of used storage is under the storage limit, FileServ must be cycled to re-enable Imports and Store requests. The STORE_LIMIT_NOTICE system parame ter located in $FS_HOME /sysparm directory , defines the range , in GB that remain b efore the s torag e capac ity is exc eed ed.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-6 7 Opera itng T asks St e p 1 . Run the fsmedinfo command and specify one or more media identifiers to report. St e p 2 . Use the -l option to obtain a long report. An example of the output is shown below: St e p 3 .
AdministrativeT asks 2-68 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A Media List The fsmedlist command or Media List scree n produces a list of all the media, or the media in a particula r DataClass group. If the class is not specified, the report lists information for media in all DataClass groups and media in the general blank pool.
AdministrativeT asks 600716 Rev A Oper ating Ta sks 2-6 9 Opera itng T asks St e p 3 . The -l option generates a longer report shown below that includes the identifiers of the media for each of the categorie s previously described. If no options are specified, all of the media identifiers in each category are listed, as shown below .
AdministrativeT asks 2-70 Operat ing T asks 600716 Rev A NOTES.
Utilities 3 Utilities Utilities ................................... 3 - 3 f s p i c ................................... 3 - 3 a u t o s t a r ts c r i p t s ......................... 3 - 3 d b c h e c k ................................ 3 - 4 k e y b u i l d .
Administrative T asks 3-2 Uti lities 600716 Re v A Roadma p T opic Refer T o Chapter Initia liz e File Serv , c onfig ur e inter face w ith V olServ , perform star t up and shut down, modify system confi guratio n, and tune system for be tter per forman ce.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Util itie s 3-3 Utilities Utilities The $FS_HOME/util directory contains softwar e tools used to simplify various operations. An explanation of each software tool is explained in the . README files. fspic The fspic utility displays a st atus of t he FileServ system including: • Hardware components.
Administrative T asks 3-4 Uti lities 600716 Re v A FileServ an d Amass Autost art If FileServ and AMASS are on t he same platform, the FileServ processes must be started before the AMA SS processes. If the autostart scripts are enabled for both F ileServ and AMASS, the FileServ autostart script must be executed before the AMASS autostart scr ipt.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Util itie s 3-5 Utilities If you experience unusual behavior when running a FileServ command, look under $FS_HOME/internal/fsdb for any data or key files that are unusually large. These files will have a a .d01 or .k0x extension, where “x” is a number be tween 1 and 5.
Administrative T asks 3-6 Uti lities 600716 Re v A keybuild The keybuild uti lity will rebuild all key files for a databas e. It rebuilds the key files by first reinitializing the file, and then sequentially reading a ll records from each data file and recreating each key field from the contents of the record.
TT roubleshooting To o l s 4 T rouble- shooting T ools D a t aR e t r i e v a lF a i l s ......................... 4 - 3 C o m m a n d st h a tI D P r o b l e m s ................ 4 - 4 D i s a s t e rR e c o v e r y ....................... 4 - 4 M e s s a g e s .
Administrative T asks 4-2 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A Roadma p T opic Refer T o Chapter Initia liz e File Serv , co nfigu re int erfa ce wi th V olServ , perform star t up and shut down, modify system confi guratio n, and tune system for be tter per forman ce.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-3 T roubleshooting T ools Dat a Retrieval Fails If a data retri eval operatio n fails, the retur ned status me ssage usually provides information to determine t he cause of the failure. Reissuing the request usually corrects t he problem.
Administrative T asks 4-4 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A Commands that ID Problems The commands in the ta ble below will hel p you to further troubleshoot problems.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-5 T roubleshooting T ools Messages Messages are displayed in response to a command or when certain events occur . Messages are divided into two categor ies: • St atus messages. • Syslog messages.
Administrative T asks 4-6 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A Syslog Messages Syslog messages are sent to a logging facili ty to inform a system administrator of important system conditions, to r ecord additional information about t hese conditions, or to reco rd the occurrence of an event.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-7 T roubleshooting T ools The log_monitor script is a alternative to newfslog for log maintenance. This script can be run as ne eded to refresh log files, or call ed from cron to monitor the logs and prevent them from filling up the $FS_HOME file system.
Administrative T asks 4-8 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A St e p 5 . Issue the UNIX tail command of the file logfile . As host messages are generated, they are displayed in this window. St e p 6 . Determine the log file where you can extract information, for example, $FS_HOME/syslogs/logfile .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-9 T roubleshooting T ools Recover Dat a T o support data recovery due to a disk crash, the following tasks are required: Dump Dat a The fsdump command is used to pe rform a dump of eac h file system .
Administrative T asks 4-10 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A The fsdump command also supports recovery for bac kup of nonmigration file systems. A log message advises the system administrator that the file syste m is not archival. The dump continues, but the fs_dump .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-11 T roubleshooting T ools If problems are disco vered, correc t them before continui ng. St e p 6 . Mount a tape on a drive. St e p 7 . Run the fsdump command with the argume nts appropriate to the platform as specified in the man page.
Administrative T asks 4-12 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A Restoration of the entire file system is not re quired if a dump tape is lost or bad. However , restoration is recommende d. St e p 1 . V erify the new system is large enough to contain all t h ed a t ar e s t o r e df r o mt a p eb yu s i n gt h eU N I X df command.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-13 T roubleshooting T ools Use the UNIX mkdir comma nd to create the par ent and rerun the fsaudit -r -f command. If the proce dure fails, call technical s upport. St e p 5 . Run the keyBuildAll utility to update the key files in the database.
Administrative T asks 4-14 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A Restore Data in Interact ive Mode St e p 1 . V erify that the disk file system is large enough to contain all the data restored from t ape by using the UNIX df command. St e p 2 . Run the xfsrestore -i co mmand .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-15 T roubleshooting T ools All relation points in the dumped file system are specified on the extraction list. All relation point parents must exist. If a failure occurs, add the missing relation points to the extraction list and continue.
Administrative T asks 4-16 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A If the fsaudit command fails with a message tha t indicates a relation parent unknown, the relation point parents are not on the dump tape. This situation occurs if: • All files are not recovered from the dump tape (bad dump tape).
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-17 T roubleshooting T ools S tep 12. T o rebuild the candidate lists, run the foll owing: Audit Dat abase The fsaudit command serves two purposes: • Recovery of file systems. • Database m aintenance c ompares UN IX file system information and FileS erv database information.
Administrative T asks 4-18 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A Dat abase Mainte nance The FileServ database contai ns UNIX file system information to track the following: • Mig rat ion f ile s yste ms. • Med ia where fi les are stor ed. • Association points in the UNIX file system.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-19 T roubleshooting T ools When using the fsaudit -r com mand, all pa rent directories of relation points must be present in the fs_dump.file . If a parent direc tory does not exist for a relation point in the fs_dump.
Administrative T asks 4-20 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A Troubleshoo t System Performance If the Dat aClass mintime parameter for the DataClass groups and cron setting that govern the frequency of the migration policy application for a DataClass group are set to too short a time, FileServ may be invoked too frequently .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-21 T roubleshooting T ools Report s The table below lists the reports generated by Fi leServ: Dat aClass Report T o view the parameter setti ngs for each DataC lass identifier , follow the steps below: St e p 1 .
Administrative T asks 4-22 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A Media Fragmentat ion Report T o view a list of med ia suspected as fra gmented, fo llow the steps below: St e p 1 . Run the fsmedcopy com mand . The le vel o f fragmentation is defined by options submitted with the command Use other appropriate options as ne eded.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-23 T roubleshooting T ools In the example for media 000005, the amount of wasted space is 92.
Administrative T asks 4-24 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A Resource Queue Report T o view a snapshot of FileServ reque sts waiting for resources, follow the steps below: St e p 1 .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-25 T roubleshooting T ools St e p 2 . Use other appropriate options as ne eded. For command information, refer to the Command Refer ence book. History Report T o view a history of media and components, follow the steps below: St e p 1 .
Administrative T asks 4-26 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A St e p 2 . Or , r un the fshistrpt command with the -h option for a component history report. An example of the output is shown below: Component St atistics Report T o view a snapshot of current device states in the stora ge systems, follow the steps bel ow: St e p 1 .
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-27 T roubleshooting T ools An example of the output is shown below: Hardware Configuration Report T o view a report of current drives and subsystems configured into the storage systems, follow the steps below: St e p 1 .
Administrative T asks 4-28 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A An example of the output is shown below: % fsconfig -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware C.
Administrative T asks 600716 Rev A Trouble- shoo ting Tools 4-29 T roubleshooting T ools Cont a ct T echnic al Support Before contacting technical support, follow the steps below: St e p 1 . Obtain the following i nformation: • FileServ Serial Number: _________________ • Host ID: ____________________ St e p 2 .
Administrative T asks 4-30 T roub le- shoot ing T ools 6007 16 Rev A NOTES.
600716 R ev A Inde x INX- 1 Index A add relation d u m pf i l e .................. 2 - 1 5 adobe acrobat rea der ............. P - 5 AML archive a d dd r i v e s .............. 1 - 2 7 ,1 - 5 5 d e l e t ed r i v e s ................ 1 - 5 5 A T A C .
Admi nist rativ e T as ks INX-2 Ind ex 600716 R ev A D data m i g r a t i o n .................. 2 - 3 0 physical security ............. 2 - 4 r e s t o r e ..................... 4 - 1 1 r e t r i e v e .................... 2 - 4 0 database m a i n t e n a n c e .
Adminis trative T asks 600716 R ev A Inde x INX- 3 f s _ s y s p a r m ................. 2 - 6 6 log file m a i n t e n a n c e ................. 4 - 6 n e w f s l o g .................... 4 - 6 M management d a t a c l a s s .................... 2 - 2 dataclass groups .
Admi nist rativ e T as ks INX-4 Ind ex 600716 R ev A R reader adobe acrobat ................ P - 5 recovery processing s t a r t u pa n ds h u t d o w n ......... 1 - 2 3 relation a d d ....................... 2 - 1 0 c h a n g ep o i n t s...........
Adminis trative T asks 600716 R ev A Inde x INX- 5 C O N N E C T _ R E T R I E S ....... 1 - 3 2 C O N N E C T _ S L E E P _ T I M E .... 1 - 3 2 DEF_FILE_RETENTION_PERIOD . 1-40 DEF_MED_SPC_3480 ....... 1 - 3 0 D E F _ M E D _ S P C _ C T I I I .....
Admi nist rativ e T as ks INX-6 Ind ex 600716 R ev A PERCENT_FULL_TO_MIGRATE . 1-35 STARVATION_PERCENT . . . 1-34 S T O R E _ L I M I T _ N O T I C E ..... 1 - 3 1 T S C _ L O G _ M A S K .......... 1 - 4 4 U S E R _ I D .................. 1 - 3 7 V S _ D E F _ Q U A N T I T Y .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts ADIC FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie ADIC FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für ADIC FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von ADIC FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über ADIC FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon ADIC FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von ADIC FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit ADIC FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei ADIC FileServ Version 4.0 600716 Rev A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.