Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II des Produzenten Bose
Zur Seite of 68
Owner ’ s Guide.
2 Safety Information WA R N I N G : T o reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do n ot expose the system to r ain or moisture. WA R N I N G : This app aratus shall not be expos ed to dripping or splashin g, and obje cts fill ed with liqui ds, such as vases, s hall not be pl aced on the app aratus.
3 Content s Introducti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Contents Changing So urce Setting s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Using the settings menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Introduct ion Befor e you begin Thank you for purc h asing th e Bose ® 3•2•1 Serie s II or 3•2•1 GS Serie s II DVD h ome entertai nment syst em, which of fers superb sou nd, elegance , and simpl i city in an advanced home audi o setu p.
6 Introd uction Glossary of terms Aspect Rati o – The shape of the r ectangular pi ctur e in a TV set. It is the width of the pic ture r elativ e to the height . Our standar d TV pict ure , in ter minology used by that indust ry , is 4 un its wide by 3 un its high, or 4:3 (r ead as 4 by 3) in aspect ratio.
7 Introduct ion PCM – An uncompr essed, digi tally c oded r eprese ntation of an an alog sign al. Thi s is the fo rm of the digi tal audio signal used for both CD and la serdisc. It is a serial data str eam that is code d for tran smission or re cording.
8 System Setu p Unpacking Car efully unpack you r system. Save all pa cking materi als, which pr ovide the safe st way to trans port yo ur syste m. Check to be su re your sy stem incl udes the p arts shown in Figur e 1. If any pa rt of the system ap pears da maged, do not atte mpt to us e it.
9 System Setu p Selecting lo cations for your 3•2•1 Series II system component s Use the fo llowing guid elines and Figure 2 to choose locations an d positions for the compo- nent s of your 3•2• 1 home ent ertain ment system.
10 System Setu p Placing the speakers Choosing a good locatio n for the speak ers will all ow you to experie n ce the audio surr ound effects tha t your 3• 2•1 home en tertai nment sy stem is de signed to deli ver .
11 System Setu p Placing the Acoustimass ® module • Place t he Acou stimass ® modu le within r each of the cable fr om the music center and an AC (mai ns) p ower o utle t. • Place th e module at the same end of the r oom as the TV and th e speakers (Fi gure 4 ).
12 System Setu p Making system connection s CAUTIO N: Do not plug the Aco ustimass ® module i nto an AC powe r (main s) outle t until all th e componen ts are connec ted. Note: If additio nal audi o cable s or lon ger ca bles are needed to mak e these connectio ns, c ontact Bose Cus tomer Ser v ice.
13 System Setu p 2. At the ot her end of the speak er cable, s eparate the left and righ t speaker c or ds as much as neces sary to r each each speaker (Fi gure 8). Figure 8 Separating left and right speaker cords 3. Plug the LEF T speaker cable into t he r ear jack of th e left speaker (Fig ure 9).
14 System Setu p Connecting the suppli ed antennas The r ear panel of the media cen ter pro vides jacks for the AM and FM antennas include d with your system (Figur e 10).
15 System Setu p Connectin g your TV t o the medi a center Note: If you wil l be using the 3•2•1 sy stem with both a TV and a VCR, sk ip this se ction and go to “Connec ting yo ur TV and VCR to the media cen ter” on pag e 16.
16 System Setu p Connectin g your TV an d VCR to the med ia center Note: There ar e two opt ions for con necting y our TV and VCR to th e media ce nter . B efore you proceed, y ou must determine if your T V has audi o output ja cks. Cons ult your T V owner’ s guide if you need assistance .
17 System Setu p If your TV does not have audio output jacks If your TV d oes not have audio outpu t jacks, yo u will need to feed audio t o the 3•2•1 h ome entertai nment syst em thro ugh a secondary sour ce, such as a VCR. T o do this, you will need one a ddition al v ideo cabl e, whi ch ca n be pu rchased at yo ur lo cal elect ronics s tore.
18 System Setu p VCR considerations • Some co mbinat ion TV/V CR units ma y not work with 3• 2•1 Series II home entert ainment systems . Please r efer to your TV/VCR owner’ s manual for informa tion. • A ster eo VCR is requir ed for optimal sound performan ce.
19 System Setu p Making component video connections (highest quality video) Note: Component video c onnecti ons are re quired in order t o use the progr essive sc an feature of your 3•2• 1 system. Y our TV m ust also support this f eature. T o turn on th e progressi ve scan f ea- ture, see “Video o ptions” on page 47.
20 System Setu p Connecting digital audio devices Some audio devic es may feature a digit al audio outp ut for optimum sound per formance. Use an optic al digital cab le or a coa x ial di gita l cable, as appr opriate, t o connect t his out put to t he digit al inpu t on the med ia center .
21 System Setu p Figure 17 Advanced setup: TV , VCR and cable/satellite box Note: For mor e inform ation on adv anced co nnections, re fer to t he DVD setup disc that cam e with yo ur 3•2• 1 Series II ho me enter tainment system.
22 System Setu p Connecting a game console Connec t th e au dio ou tpu t of a g ame con sole to the AUX Left and Right input ja cks. Con- nect the video output of the game con sole to the C (comp osi te) Video IN ja ck.
23 System Setu p Installi ng the remote control batterie s 1. On the back of the r emote, sli de open th e battery co mpartment (F igure 19). 2. Insert t he two supplie d AA (IEC-R6) 1.
24 System Setu p Connect ing the power cord CAUTIO N: For d ual volta ge models only , b e sure to set the dua l voltag e switch on the back of the Acoustim ass ® modu le to the ap propria te vol tage for your area (1 15V or 230V) before co n- necting t o power .
25 System Setu p Checking your sy stem setup 1. Check the following before you continue: • All ca bles ar e connected f or the setup yo u chose. • The ba tteries were inst alled in the remote con trol. • The po wer cord wa s in stalle d and pl ugged i nto a li ve AC receptacl e.
26 Syste m Control s and Indicato rs Remote control * Requires special r emote settings. See “Setting up yo ur remote to control o ther audio/video devices” on p age 35 . T urns the system on or of f. Status LED : • Remains of f (unlit) duri n g normal opera t ion.
27 System Con trols and Indicato rs Remote control – cont. * Requires special r emote settings. See “Setting up your r emote to control other audio/v ideo devices” on page 35. Puts the Sett ings menu for t he curr ent sour ce on your TV scr een or media center display .
28 Syste m Control s and Indicato rs Remote control – cont. • Raise s or lowers the vol ume of the curr ent sour ce. •P r e s s i n g + rest ores mu ted sound fr om the curr ent sour ce. •P r e s s i n g – lowers the volume of th e cu rrent source, bu t does not rest ore muted sound.
29 System Con trols and Indicato rs The media center The medi a cent er has a contr ol panel on the top, a display ar ea to show th e curr ent status of the syst em, and a dis c tray that o pens on the fr ont of the console . Control panel The medi a center has s ix buttons loc ated on the top co ntrol pan el.
30 Operation T urnin g your syst em on and off T o t urn power on or off: • Point the 3•2•1 remote at the medi a cent er and press On /O ff . OR •P r e s s On-Of f on top of the med ia center . T o turn the sy stem on to a sourc e: •P r e s s CD-DVD , FM-AM , TV , CBL-SA T , or AUX on the 3•2•1 remote.
31 Oper ation While a DVD video is p laying, elapsed pl ay time and chapt er number ar e displayed on the media cen ter fr ont pa nel. Figure 23 Sample display for a DVD video Basic DVD operations •P r e s s Pause to pause a mov ie. •P r e s s Pause again, or pr ess Play to re sume playi ng a paus ed CD.
32 Operation Playing audio CDs 1. On th e 3• 2•1 r emote , pr ess CD/DVD to tur n the 3•2•1 sy stem on to the CD/DV D source. 2. On the m edia cent er co ntrol panel , press Eject to o pen the d isc tray . 3. Place th e DVD disc i n the disc tray .
33 Oper ation Listen ing to FM/AM radio On the 3• 2•1 remote, press FM-AM. If the s ystem is off, the r adio will tu r n on to the most recent ly sel ect ed s tat ion. T uning to a station Y ou can tu ne to a radio sta tion in any of the fol lowing ways: •P r e s s FM-AM to switch b etween the FM and AM bands.
34 Operation Erasing a preset 1. T une to t he preset station. 2. Pr ess and hol d the 0 button on the remote un til th e med ia cente r disp lay te lls yo u that the pr eset is eras ed.
35 Cont roll ing Ot her Audio Devic es Setting up your remote to control ot her audio /video dev ices Y our remo te can be set up to contr ol other au dio devi ces such as a TV , VCR, PVR or cable/s atellite box by enteri ng a device code whi le in the se tup mode.
36 Controlling Ot her Audio Devices T o set up the remote to c ontrol your VCR or PVR (such as Tivo or Replay TV) 1. T ur n on both th e 3•2•1 system a nd your VCR or PVR. 2. Pr ess and hol d the AUX button until t he remote LED is lit (a bout fi ve se conds) .
37 Cont roll ing Ot her Audio Devic es T o set up the remo te to cont rol y our c able/s atell ite bo x 1. T urn on both the 3•2• 1 system and you r cable/sa tellite bo x. 2. Pr ess and hol d CBL-SA T until the remote LED is lit (about five se conds ).
38 Controlling Ot her Audio Devices V erifyi ng an entered device code In cas e you n eed to check to see what code t he r emote is usi ng for a partic ular au dio dev ice, do the foll owing: 1. Pr ess and ho ld a sour ce key ( TV , CB L-SA T , or AU X ) until the rem ote L ED ligh ts ( about five seconds) 2.
39 Changin g Source Settin gs Using the set tings menus While watch ing a video or l istening to music on your system, you can make q uick adjust - ments th at will incr ease your enjoymen t of the progr am. For that purpose, ea ch source you use wit h this syste m has its own Settin gs menu with fe atures ap propriate to that s ource.
40 Changing Sou rce Se ttings T o make c hanges in the settings menus Whethe r you use yo ur TV scr een or the media center di splay to chan ge setti ngs, the sa me instru ctio ns appl y . Y ou can use t he actions ab ove to change back t o the origi nal (default ) setti ngs, too .
41 Changin g Source Settin gs FM/AM settin gs menu T o see the FM/AM Set tings men u, pr ess FM-AM on t he r emote. Then pr ess Set tings. Press Exit to r emove the menu fr om the scr een. CD settings menu T o see the CD Sett ings menu , pr ess CD-DVD on the r emote while playi ng an audio CD.
42 Changing Sou rce Se ttings DVD sett ings men u T o see the DVD Setti ngs menu, pr ess CD-DVD on the r emote whi l e playi n g a DVD vide o disc. Then pr ess Setti ngs. Press Exit to remo ve the menu fr om the scree n. *Av ailable only when Audio Proc essing is set to User Adju stable.
43 Changin g Source Settin gs TV , CBL-SA T , and AUX setting s menu The setti ngs below af fect prog rams on the TV , even when the sou rce of the pro gram is VCR, CBL/SA T or AUX.
44 Changing Syst em Options Using the System men u Changes to s ystem option s are typically made only on ce. If your sy stem operates as you want it t o, ther e may be no need for an y changes. In some case s, however , changes are req uired to make the system fu lly compat ible with the install ation options y ou have chose n.
45 Changing Syste m Options T o change system options Changing sy stem option s in this menu is simila r to changin g the settin gs for a sour ce. 1. T urn on your TV and select the corr ect TV in put to view yo ur 3•2•1 syst em. 2. Pres s the Syst em butto n on yo ur 3•2•1 remote control.
46 Changing Syst em Options Audi o optio ns The audio o ptions af fect the way the syste m sounds in your home . Note: Listening to an au dio sou rce while y ou change a udio opt ions can be helpf ul. Some changes wi ll be im media tely noti ceable an d theref ore usefu l in fine tuning y our selec tions.
47 Changing Syste m Options V ideo op tions The video op tions af fect the way the pic ture lo oks on your TV . Figure 29 Video system options * A re ad-only item that indicat es the conn ection detected aut omatical ly by the sys tem. ** Appea rs onl y when Video Connec tor is Component.
48 Changing Syst em Options Media center option s The media cen ter option s aff ect the general operat ion of the s ystem. Figure 30 Media Center system opt ions ** Appears only when a Bose ® link source is co nnec ted.
49 Changing Syste m Options Remote control op tions The Remot e Control opti ons he lp you set u p your remote to control othe r audi o devi ces th at ar e connec ted to yo ur system.
50 Changing Syst em Options DVD Lock options The DVD L ock option s allow you to r estrict vi ewing of DVD vi deos with cer t ain rat ings. T o activa te this featu re, you n eed to set a level of r estriction and esta blish a pa ssword in th e DVD Loc k sect ion of the System menu.
51 Changing Syste m Options 5. Enter your four -digi t passwor d. 6. Using the d own ( ) butto n, scro ll down to Lock Disc s Rated Abov e. 7. Pres s the right arr ow ( ) button to see th e availab le settin gs. 8. Press the up ( ) or down ( ) arrow button to f ind the ra ting you want.
52 Maintain ing Your System Clea ning Cleaning the media center • Use only a s oft, dry cloth to cl ean the outside sur faces of the med ia cente r . • Do not u se any spr ays near t h e system. Do not use any solv ents, chemica ls, or cle aning solut ions contai ning alcohol , ammonia, or abrasives.
53 Mainta in ing You r Syst em Replacing the remote con trol batteries CAUTIO N: Ple ase dispose o f used b atterie s properly , following a ny local regulat ions.
54 Troubleshoot ing T roubleshootin g table Problem What to do Syst em does n’t do anything • Make sur e the unit is t urned on. T ry pres sing th e remot e On-Off button and th e media center On- Off bu tton.
55 Troubleshoot ing Customer service For addi tional hel p in solvin g pro b lems, cont act Bose ® Custome r Service. Refer t o the addr ess list inc luded in the car ton. Soun d, but no pi ctur e • Ma ke sure the TV is on . • When p laying a DVD or other video s ource , make sur e the TV is se t to the corr ect video input.
56 Technical Inf ormati on Power ra ting USA/Canada: 120V 50/60Hz 300 W Inter nati onal: 220- 240V 50/60Hz 300W Dual vo ltage: 115 /230V 50/60Hz 3 00W Audio inputs AUX – Lef t, Right (a nalog); D (d.
A-1 Device Codes Device C odes Cabl e box devi ce codes ABC .............. ............... 0003, 0008, 0014, 0007, 0013, 0047, 0011, 0017, 0001 ADB ...................... ....... 1063 Ajinvision ........ ............. 1271 Alcate ......... ...... ....
A-2 Device Codes Device Codes Satellit e box device codes T exscan ........ .......... . .... 0001 Thomson .. ................... 1110 Timeless ............. ......... 0040, 0418, 0274 T ocom .......................... 0012, 0013 T ongKo ok ..........
A-3 Device Codes Device Codes GE ....... ................... ..... 0566 General Instrument ...... 0869 GOI ........................... ... 2003, 0775 Gold Box ..................... 0853 GoldStar ........... ........ ... 0335 Gooding...................
A-4 Device Codes Device Codes TV device codes RCA .............. .............. 2001, 0392, 0566, 0855, 0143 Realistic ................ ....... 0052 RF T ..................... ......... 0288, 0220 Saba ............................ 0690, 0520, 0885, 0336, 0710 Sabre .
A-5 Device Codes Device Codes Anam ...................... ..... 0250, 0009, 0700, 0003, 0628 Anam National .......... ... 0250, 0650, 00 55 Anitech ..... .......... ......... 0009 AOC .......... ................... 0451, 0093, 0178, 0179, 0009, 0052, 0003, 0019, 0108, 0185, 0018 Apex Digital .
A-6 Device Codes Device Codes Frontech ........... ........... 0264, 0448, 0247, 0414, 0163, 0363 Fujitsu ..................... ..... 0206, 0186, 01 79, 0683, 0072 Funai. .............. ............. 0171, 0179, 0303, 0294, 0264, 1904 GBC ............
A-7 Device Codes Device Codes Mark ............................ 0037 Matsui.......................... 0211, 0272, 0355, 0011, 0443, 0037, 0544, 0208, 0235, 0354, 0009, 0371, 0036, 0516, 0177, 0217, 0294, 0363, 0035, 0487, 0072, 0579 Matsushita . .....
A-8 Device Codes Device Codes RCA .............. ............... 0000, 0178, 00 18, 0135, 1917, 1948, 0038, 1907, 1922, 0019, 1919 Realistic . ....... .......... ..... 0178, 0019, 0056, 0039, 0032, 0165 Rediffusion .................. 0201, 0361, 03 51 Reoc .
A-9 Device Codes Device Codes VCR device codes Thomson ...... ............... 0343, 0560, 01 09, 0205, 0399, 0198, 0349, 0625, 0196 Thorn ........................... 0499, 0535, 0037, 0084, 0192, 0361, 0512, 0035, 0074, 0190, 0343, 0505, 0072, 0104, 0193 Thorn-F erguson.
A-10 Device Codes Device Codes Ferguson ..................... 0041, 0493, 03 21, 0320 Fidelity ................ ......... 0000 Finlandia ............... ....... 0081, 0104 Finlux ........................ ... 0081, 0000, 0042, 0104 Firstline ..........
A-11 Device Codes Device Codes Pilot ...................... ....... 0037 Pioneer ......... ............... 0081, 0042, 0067, 0206 Polk Audio ................... 0081 Portland ................ ....... 0020 Profitr onic .................... 0240 Proline .
©2004 Bos e Corporation, Th e Mountain, Framingham, MA 01701-9168 USA 274558 AM Rev .00 CCM-000364.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Bose 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Bose 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Bose 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Bose 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Bose 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Bose 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Bose 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Bose 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Bose 3.2.1 Series II, 3.2.1 GS Series II gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.